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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1907)
14 TLTFj OaTAITA DAILY REE: RATTTRDAY, JULY 20, 1007. Want - ads tmw twm wirt md win he taken ratll II an. far ee a-realnaT a-tfttlom nj mat 11 a aw an. ear the iMoiw m4 taster rlttra. Cash iwiMMiy all f4m far ado end tmtlwBl will he (ctrftrt far 1m than 10 etala tor Kaeea arwr to rttkcr The Dally e u ajy Bee. Always Nisi six wn sa tm a Mnex. CaaMulleM ef Initial or ! ifu t a a one iml. CiUI SLATES POB WAfTT-AD. RE43ULAR CLASSinCATIOSI One tasnitn, per tine. 1 oast. Tw mere rmn at lye Insertion, r line, cents. Bafk laatrtiaa odd days, 10 -ewts ne-r llee. f l.on ner Una aer month. CASH RATEI VOR 1TOTICES. Dentk and Fnneenl Natter, Cards of Thank and Lee are Notices, T eeate per Una far onr edition, moralig a ermine I .1 cent llae for each ad ditional edition. Seadey, 10 ' lib. No ad takes far lens taaa 80 rents. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS If advertisement la Inserted aader any eaa of tka classifications arteen below, It will be ekara;ed at tke following) ratesi One Insertion, 4 eents per line tkrea to alx eemeeentlee Insertions, 8 eeats f)er llao aah lnaertioal seven or mora ceaeecatlTe Insertion, 3 eeats per Una each lnaertioal SO eenta per line per moatk. BARTK.R AND BXCHASOB. BUSIK KHS CHAIfCEI. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WASTED SULK. Except Agent, Solloltora ana Salesmen. OFFKHED FOR SALBl Cowa, Bird a, Dogi and Pete. Horaea and Veklolee. Poultry nnd ( Fnraltare. Typewriters and Snriaf Machines, Pianos, Organs and Maelcal Instrns menta. OFFERED FOR RENT. Farnlabed Rooms. Unfarnlaked Rooms. HouaekeeplasT Rooms. Hoard Ins" and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Waat-ada for Tka Boa may bo left at ear of the following; dra atoraa one Is "roar corner ema-arlst" hy are all branch oAeea of The Bee and yoar ad will bo Inserted aat as promptly end aa the same rates as at tke mala omoe la Tke Bee Bail In-, Seventeenth aad Faraam sweet I Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck, 8. A., 1401 a 10th at. Decht, 1'liannacr. 720 B. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 13d and Cumins Blske's Pharmacy, 2616 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K., 6th and Pleroa Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 1214 Military Ave. Conta, J. B., 31 set Are. and Farnam. Crlaiiey rharmacy, Mth and Lake. Cermak. Emit. 164-6 B. Uth St. Eastman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton. Ehler. F. H., 2803 IeaTenworth. Foater ArnoldU 211 N. 25th Bt. Drey tag-, John J., 1914 N. Mth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and lake. Green's Fharmary, corner Park Are. aad Pacific. Oreenotigh. O. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt. Greenoiigh, Q. A., 1624 South 10th St. HayOen, Wm. C, 2820 Farnam Bt. Hanscom Park Pnar. 1501 B. 2Mb Ave, Hoist, John. 624. North 16th Bt. Huff, A. L., 29?4 Leavenworth Bt. King, H. 8., 1238 Farnam Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. Mlfc. Patrick Drug Co.. 1614 N. 24th Bt. I.athrop. Chas. B.. 1124 N. Mth 8t. Peyton, L R, Mth and Leavenworth. Paratnx lrg Co.. Mth and Amea Ave. Brhaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th aad Chicago. Scliarr, August. 1KS1 N. lfith SL frVhmldt, J. H., Mth and Cuming Bta. Btorm Pharmaoy, 18th anil Martha Bta Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta Wlrth O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FTJNERAL NOTICES LIDDEI.Lr-Mamie, aged 14 ycara. Funeral 8nturdny morning, July 20, At a. m., rrom the resiaence or ner par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Llddell, 1S31 No lid St., to St. John's church. Interment Holy Sepulchre eemetery. PORTERFTELD Entered Into rest. July 19, 1H07, Mrs. Mary E. Porterfleld, mother of Newton S Herbert 1. and Carl E Porterfleld. ana sister of Miss V. Coffin. Funeral services at the residence of H, L. Porterfleld, Monday, at 2 p. m. Inter ment at Council II luffs. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births A. B. Anderson, 1918 Capitol avenue, boy; E. M. Hill, i&l Pierce street, boy; B. Landolt, Benson, boy; Charles Peterson, 2116 North Twenty-seventh street, girl; John Thlrtle, 6418 Florence boulevard, girl; William Watson, 1618 Mudlson avenuo, girl; Charles Pierce, 27a North Twenty- eighth avenue, boy; Richard Have. 1915 Slartlia street, boy; John T. Dunn, 8033 ak ward alreet, boy. Deaths- Infant Zwovttnsky, 1S35 North Seventeenth street, aged IS daya; Alfred Bauer. County hospital, aged 68 years; Guy W. Barnea, Methodist Kptacopal hospital, aged 41 years; Jessie L. Cronkhlte, 240S South Tenth street, aged 29 years; Baby Anderson, 191s Capitol avenue: Cornelius Coffey, 2517 Marcy street, aged 74 years: Patrick Flaherty, Tenth and Castellar, aged to years. a MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses bare been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Harry G. Weiss. Sioux City, Ia 88 Anna Frank McLeran. Sioux City, Ia 19 Mike Paakovlti, South Omaha H Katie Tervaskavage, South Omaha 10 LODGE NOTICE. All members of Ruth Rebecca Ixdga No. L I. O. O. V.. are kindly requested to at tend the funeral of our belovod sister. Rose lonea. from her lute residence. 24a Amos aveuua, Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m. FLORENCE WAGNER, Acting Nobla Grand. R06E GOLDEN, Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS MlE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 13S1. O)-104 SIGN PAINTING 8. H Cola. 1303 Douglas ll il PARTIES wanting concessions for big Dahlman Democracy picnic at Pries' lake Sunday, July 21. communicate at ooca with John D. Wear, friy Brown block. tl)-M57 21 AUTOMOBILES tOH BALE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Ulole Land and In vestment Co.. 1&.2 Farnam St. (2) 107 pEND for our list of second-hand automo bllea. DEKIQHT. 1818 Farnam. (J lua )806 BUICK. two-cylinder, 21 H. P. tour ing car, overhauled and painted $0.ut CADILLAC. 19 H. P. touring car. fine ehaue $626.v6 V RAMBLER. 18 H. P., almost new. several extras Included $9uu.j0 16 KNOX touring car, air cooled ... i a uo OIJJS. with top. 20 H. P 7000 14 HEO, 1 H. P., uaed very little. .$:M.0 I FRANKLIN, with lop, four-cylinder, detachable lonneau $7a 00 9kf FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton neau. 14 H. P $400.00 9u 8TKVEN3-DURYEA. two-cylinder, and looks Ilka new, with top luOOt RAMBLER K.. detachable tonneau. juat rvpainted and overhauled I0W00 Write for full deacprltlon. U. E. FREDRICKSON. 15th and Cap. Are. BARTER AND EXCHANGE BUCHANUIJ-If yen have cltjr property cacka of goetla, farm land or property of any kind te escharnca. writ for our com plata UaC W have propertlea and lands In all parts ef the country to exchange. Our Uat la frt. Send far It at ence. Land aud Livaauneat Csv. 1.3 Far nam St.. Cnxaba. Nab. (10 GOOD, atock of gnurral merchandlfa tn an Iowa town ef a.arA Will trade for clear, cheap lamV Glebe Laad and Inventmant Co- OBI raruam. (1) 7E CB ACBC8 I tnOes from Schell City, Ver non county. Mo.; W acrea under cultiva tion; good bulidlnga. Price, M per acre; Incumbrance, $2.0U. Will exchange for general merchandlae. Globe Land and Investment Co.. U22 Farnam Ft-, Oinntia. (3r- T"S FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE- Imported stock and grain farm of 120 acrea In north ern IlHnola; price 15 per acre; Incumb rance H2.H; a bargain at the price. Ad dress Illnahaw brua., FaLrbury, 111. Oj 24 EXCTTANOFJ Automob'l, mnahout 'or (.maha rfal estate. N. P. Dodge at Cok, 1714 Farnam St. t:ii-M..7.i FOR BALK or exchange for merchandise, , 820 acrea unimproved land In Chase Co., Neb.; price llu per acre; Incumbrance, 110. Harrington & Co., Crab Orchard, Neb. (3 M741 26 BUSINESS CHANCES LIST your property with us, we have buy era; have property for exchange also. JACOBSON St CO., M6 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4 M441 Alii BV8INH88 FOR BALE Well equipped with machinery for dry cleaning clothes and carpets; doing a good business; town ef 11,000, will, sell cheap if taken at once. J. A. Adams. HO North 4th St., Moberly, Uo. 4 M227 20X DO XOU want to get Into the stock busl neaa T 1,800 acres. 4K0 of It deeded, XiH) school lease, balanoe filed on. Good ranch Improvements. Ten miles fence, trams barn 40x40; frame cattle shed 2ox60; t-room house, fine grove, 16 acres, splen did hog pasture. All or rancn gnon pasture and hay lend. 100 head ot good cattle; 9 head of good horses and colts. All machinery, harness and eto- Ranch fully equipped. Everything 19,000 cash If taken at once. One of the best stock ranches In Garfield county. For full par ticulars write, C. D. Long-, Blake, Neb., Garfield county. (4 M226 22x ROOMING houses for sale, all aires. (4) M35S Gangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif ference wnetner you want iiw omnium lot or a 1600.000 tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trade before seeing a copy or the Heal wiaie woria. It contains a large Hat of property and merchandise storks for sale and exchange. and reaches aeveral thousand readers each laaue. and Is the best advertising medium to reach the real eatate buyers, homeaeek era and traders that you can advertlae In. Write ypur name and address on a postal card, man It today, and we will send you the journal lor two niontns on trial iree. Address the Real Estate World, Suit (4) Good Block. Dea Moines, la. (0-431 FOR SALE The best paying business In northeastern Nebraska, biock oi gro ceries, queensware and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address 1 ill. Bee. (4)-MS73 WANTED A party to buy out a first- class stock or rurniture in tne Dest town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wie ner, Neb. (4)-760 TO BUT or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write m. u. uangesiaa, 408 Bee Bldg. (4 78 FOR SALTS Fl ret class stock of millinery and notions In one of the best towns in the state, having 2,000 populntlon. on the main line of the Union Pacific R. R. Only exclusive millinery In town; stock Is new and In good condition; no old truck; will Invoice close to $1,200. Will sell cheap if sold at once. Buyers address inquiries to A. C. Mayer, Grand Island, Neb. (4) M883 23 COME to Hildreth & Lowman. with or for, business chances. Farma or city prop erty. 10 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) M504 k. SNAP In a print shop, half enough bus iness on hand to pay for plant. Mercan tile Incorporating Co., 42ti N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (4) M60S 21 HALF Interest and help manage townslte and waterworks proposition; over 0 lots and fine artesian well; new town on R. R., 700 population; write for par ticulars. John R. Hodges, Artesla, N. M. (4) M480 auglSx FOR BALE At a bargain; a nice, clean coal business, sheds on I. C. & G. N. railway; near Sioux City; storAge 20 cars. Address L, E. W., Sioux City, la. (4 M479 22x TO GET TN OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAGUH BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE STS. (4-76S TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE Lands, city property, farms, merchandiao or chattels. Write Townsend Realty Co., Modala, la. (4) M50 Aug&x WANTED A buyer for an established hardware business; must sell at once; good reason for selling; best references given. Lock Box 927, Tulsa, I. T. (4)-M639 24x FOR BALE Store and goods. For particu lars address Box 97, VUas, Kan. (41-M638 Mx MAKE big money handling new specialty; whole or part lime, call beiure 10, or 5 to 8. Gulick, Dellone hotel. (4) MG58 20x LIST your property with us. Graham At Wright. Kl M. x. L. Tel. Rea an. (4)-M6 FOR BALE NEW atock of merchandise, invoice with fixtures about $4,000; a fine business and good location; beat reasons for aelllng. Address T 2u6, Omaha Bee. (4) M664 21 ONLY harness atock In good town thirty five mllea front Omaha. Box 279, Blair, Neb. I (4J MStia Ai FOR BALK 143 shares of stock In Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Lim ited), price, $14.8iiU; pay 6 per cent divi dends, payable quarterly; par value, $100 per share. D. W. GUI, Cheyenne, Wyo. (41-O.lTO 22 FOR BALE In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; one 4 11. P. gasoline engine; only four shops tn county seat town about l.&no. Address C. R. Btenberg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb. (4 M734 27x SOMEONE to share car shipping household goods to Denver. I. K. Dungan. Atlantic, la., 1209 Chestnut St. (4) M743 26x THE new town of Rosalie neds a drug store and physician, harness shop, rurni ture and Jewelry stores. New brick store room for rent. Address r . L. cook, kuhi lie. Neb. (4) M744 26 FOR BALE at a bargain, a complete post office outfit In good repair; 618 boxes. money order and general delivery windows, safe, etc.; come and see or write. L. G. Ccmstock, Central City, Neb. (4) MS62 21 x FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant, opposite depot, Goff, Kan.; three trains stop for dinner. Address C. fc. Roberts, tiorr, Kan. (4) M627 Xx FOR BALE Restaurant and nine furnished rooms, all In good shape, each room with bed room suite; dining room and kitchen well furnished, and will be sold at a bargain If sold aoon; reason for selling, poor health. Call on or address G. C Elliott, Belle Fourche, 8. D. (4) M(S31 A6x M1LLIKHRY stock for sale: a bargain If taken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings, West Point. Neb, (4) M&s Aug. Ill FOR BALK A small steam laundry, mod ern, equipped. In a mountain town of 1.7-0 population. American Ldry Co., Idaho Springs, Celo. (4 Mt4 26 X FOR BALE- The drug atock. sundries and fixtures of Geo. Hclnen eatate. Address Wm. Slckkotter. Adm., Box 22. Gretna, (4) M690 tlx Neb. LIST your property and bualness; qulck-l sales. 11. Maoweuer, nz iooge Bt. (4 Mtbo Aug 11 FOR BALE First -claas blacksmith and wagen work business, with tools; $4 to $6 rec'Mved isr shoeing and 14 to $8 for sel ling urea Addreaa T L3, Bea (4-UI ee Want WILL IN A BUSINESS CHANCES ICon tinned. Do You "Wish to Make a Change IK you have a farm, home, buslneaa or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBK LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. 4 MST.l Aug. 17 CANDY fsctory, completely equipped, steam factory, mlddlewestern city; well stocked and In oprratlon; good profit on Investment; liberal administrative sal aries; about $10,000 will handle; good reu son for aelllng. Address Y 1-4. can- lire. (4; M(iK2 26 FOR SALE Barber shop and poolroom cheap, have other business. 1:'3 No. 34th St. (4)-M6W 21x BARBER shop wanted for cash, must be reasonable. Address 2720 So. 12th St., Omaha. (4) MiiS5 2ox FOR BALE Hotel and fixtures, doing good business; only hotel In town; will sell cheap. Address M. O'Brien, Carroll, Neb. (4 M642 24X FOR BALE Telephone exchange In South eastern Kansas; tnis nas au oeen omit In the past IS months; price and terms reasonable; might consider trade for land at cash value; good reasons. Box 101, Strawn, Kan. (4)-Mti44 84x NEWSPAPER and Job office, doing good business, for sale In northwest Iowa. Price HOO cash. This is a snap. Ouy D. Savage, Alvord. Ia. (4) M4u Six CASH for bad accounts, bills, notes or any other claims. For particulars address E "80, Bee. (4) M440 2x RESTAURANT concession to let at Belle vue summer assembly, August 2-11. In quire of Dr. W. H. Beta, Manager, Belle vue. Neb. (4-Mr,64 20x WE can sell your farm, home or business properties, no matter where located; send price and description and learn how we do it, Iowa Land Company, Sioux r.sp Ids, Iowa. 4i MiV5 23 x INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT ANli SOLD. ROBERT C. DLKSEDOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Llfo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) TO BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, a very nice clean drug store and fixtures, the only drug store In the village; fine location; good trade and reasonable rent; Inven tories under $20,000; a snap for anyone who wishes to get into business. W. E. WebBter, Hudson. Wis. (4) M482 22x FOR SALE Newly equipped bottling plant, best territory In Texas. 6 railroads; no competition; poor health necessitates a change. Address W. M. Dyson, Wichita Falls, Tex. (41 M481 22x FOR SALE A patent on a steering and propelling device for balloon or airship. A. Mallory, 436 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. (4) M327 2ox A STOCK of millinery for sale In a good, frosperous town and surrounding coun ry: going out of business on account of 111 health; must be sold by 10th of July. Address 2124 Miami St. 'Phone Webster 26oO. 4 M333 20x FOR SALE My abstract, real estate and Insurance business In Armour, S. D.; complete set of abstract books; doing a good business; good reason for selling. For further particulars write P. Hospers, Armour, S. D. (4) M158 20x COME to Hildreth & Lowman with or for business chances, farms or city prop erty. (4)-M331 DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) 771 NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. Buys, sells or exchanges everything, land, city property, merchandise and automobiles. 63 Douglas block. (4) 407 Aug. 14. DEWITT HOTEL for sale. Will sell building and furniture, or sell furniture and rent building. This is one of the best paying hotels In tho state; I can prove It by what 1 have made. J. H. Puckett, DeWltt. Neb. (4) M614 24x HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or traded quickly. Pardee & Braum, the hustlers. 830 Neville Blk. (4) G29 Auglo LIMITED amount of stock for sale In Al mining proposition; mill up and mine proven. For particulars write or call be tween 9 and 11 a. m. 620 N. Y. L. Bldg. J. O. 8. (4) 695 22x BERKA & CO., 938 N. Y. Life Bldg., sell real estate quick and satisfactory. (4) 430 Augia $10.00 A MONTH Invested in Car-Sign com mon stock will make you Independent for life; non-assessable; no risk; tiS,00 already sold to Omaha people. For further par ticulars call on or address Omnha Mo bile Car-Sign Co.. 36 U. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg.. 12th and Farnam. N. B. Take a good look at the working model now on exhibition In the show window of Myers-Dllllon drug store. (4) M710 21 FOR SALE cheap, stock of men's furnish ings and shoes, In a good location. Ad dress P 790, care Bee. (4) 528 22x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Anotloneers. SALES made on Mdse., Jewelry, household goods, live stock, farm Implements, etc. Roth & Tyrrell, 1213 Douglua, Omaha. (a M581 Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. U at . Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R- 2. 13. Farnam St. Doug. 6497. lb Mia Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor. l03 N. Zlat St., Boutn Omaha. l fi Civil Engineers. McEATHRON de JAMESON, 308 N. Y. L. (5) 775 Dreameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (61776 DreaamaklnaT. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tal. Harney 1368. . ' (5)-77 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. n:23 Far nam St. (6) Miii LADIES learning sewing can have pat terns fit. 619 & 24th ave. Red 6074. (5) 713 Aug. IS Deatlsts. BAILEA 6t MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. T. loss. (5)-77S Florists! HESS 8WOEODA, 1415 Farnam. (5)-7 U HENDERSON. 1E19 Far. Tel. D. 125S. (oj JSlv UeteU. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney (5-13J Jeveelera aad Watch ma Were. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 1-1 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 467. Law a M aw era Sharpened. LAWN mowers sharpened. I .aw re nee, J703 Leavenworth SL (5) M3 Aug. 17 Photographers. C. B. TKL'SuKLL. 115 South 16th BL (5-Ts Ads MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO DEGIN SMALL WAY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY tConuuuf t.) Oateepathy. JOHNBON INS ill N T L Tel r t4. JUfcLWJiM !. 8 t. l TBI. a TH. j Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6770. (5J-M401 Jj:l Printing. BEFOP.E placing your 190 calendar order, don't fsll to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, piintera, It! Sk Cap. Ave. , (5)-787 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job rrtn'InK'. no Job too larpe or small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1VJ2 Far nam St. Tel. Doug. 6it2. (5) Mtifi Auglo JK.N.NINGS Printing Co. 'id. DouHlas oXSO. (6 i&S Safes, Shatters. Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maktV" a spe cialty of Ore escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. AndrccQ, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. (6)-792 Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 6542. (5) Mffi2 Aug. 17 OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. (B) 720 Aug. 19 Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE RFPAIR CO.. first - class work. lffl.SH Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 'j4. (61-244 Sevrlna; Machines. NICE drop-head sewing machine, $10. 41S N. 23d SL (16j-M7uO 21 Tailoring;. MORRIS-Chlcago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gents' new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 709 S. 27th St. Tel. Red 6918. (5-79l Typewriters. THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 118 S. 15th St., will rent you an Oliver typewriter, with oak stand, and keep you In ribbons for 3 per month; will earn more than $3 per month in tlmo saved. Get the habit. (6) 822 aug7 Violin Mailing, VIOLIN repairing. Ramge Blk. L. Heskett, 647 fF) M15 Augl2 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. (6)-7W MADAME BROWN reads both card and hand. Doug. 6o!5. 1624 Cuming. (6) 63S ?0x HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Ofnee. YOUNG lady bookkeeper in wholesale house; must be quick and accurate; state experience; good salary. S 703, Bee ofticn. (7J-M84I STENOGRAPHER WANTED Apply by letter, statlnir experience and salary. Ad dress H 712, Bee. (7) 6i3 Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Bhlrt Co., 5024 Farnam Bt. (7 tvi WANTED Macblne girls. Laundry, 211 S 11th St. City Steam (T) 798 WANTED HAND IRONERS AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, Hill JACKSON ST. (7)-799 PHOTOGRAPHER, lady retoucher, all around photographer preferred. Address Lock Box 91, Presho, 3. D. (7 Mti40 20x WANTED A first class cutter, fitter and tallurlst to take charge of dressmaking parlors, with best of references to re liability. Address 1049 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3796. (7 M6i LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach hair dressing, manicuring, racial massage, etc., In a few weeks, n ailed free. Molur College, Chicago, 111. (7)-M7f 2T.x Housekeeping aad Domestic. WANTED In July, gooa cook; two In lamuy; permanent place ana goou wanes. 102 S. 84th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7) 800 WANTED Good ladv cook. $40. Phoenix Hotel. Sanborn. Iowa. (7) M9S4 FAMILY cook and maid. $40 and $30. Can adian Office, 15th and Dodge. CI) M706 COMPETENT girl for general housework; four in family. 4e0l Davenport. Tel. Har ney 2113. (7) MHO WANTED Experienced second girl. Mrs. Fred Metx. 560 So. 2Kth St. (7) M691 21 WANTED Girl for general housework; references required. 36U Harney St. Tel. Harney 2390. (7)-M964 WANTED A first class cook to do cook ing fiaid short order work. Widow with girl of 16 or 18 to act as waitress preferred. Will pay $.'! per month to start without lodging. Call or write at once. Illllyard & Mohr, Plalnvlew. Neb. (7) M71M 20 WANTED Experienced waitresses at the Union station restaurant. (7) 187 19x WANTED Good cook, $40. Phoenix Hotel. Sunburn, la. (7 M302 2ux WANTED at once table waiter, per month. Board and room. Phone answer. Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant. Box 163, Red Cloud. Neb. (1) MM 26x WANTE:D A girl to do housework In a family of two; -good wages. 1142 So. 81st St. (7)-l45 21x WANTED Housekeeper on farm; middle aged preferred; good home to right party; small family. Address Mrs. D. Burnett, Struble. Ia. (7 M4a3 22x GIRL for general housework; German or Bohemian prefered. 2010 N. 2oth 8t. (7 618 22X WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 414 S. Stith St. Tel. Harney 8436. 17) 69H 23x WANTED Competent cook; good wages and steady position to rl;ht party. Ad dress D 779, care Bee. (7) 13 GOOD cook wanted by private family; splendid position; good wages. Apply JT-S4 Farnam. (7j 4)14 WANTK1 Girl for general housework to go to Uke Okoboji; small family; a week and expenses paid up and back. Byron R. Hastings, 1A-4 Farnain St. (7)-613 19 GOOD girl for general housework on ranch 111 Western Kansas; good home; place. Mrs. Charles 11. Jackson, box 88, Jet mure. ha. (7 MGtiS 24x Miaeellaneoaa. HTPVU'.IUPIIFH law work $75. Stenographer. Insurance, $j0. Apply at once. WESTERN REF 721-1 N. Y. BOND ASSN. Life Bldg. (7)-M766 30 WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man love hair grower; liberal salary to right party. Dr. Minerva James, 2o24 Daven port. TcIa Douglas (1)-Mb3.' WANTED Graduate trained nurse of experience to act aa trained nurse in a small general hovpltal of JO beds; 12 to 15 patients; 4 student nurses; salary, $36 to $40 pur month, room and board. Fend photo ana references. Address Box HI, Jauiesiowu, N. 1'. . 17; M4S7 19x BUILD UP sitt HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlecellaneoaa Contlnnrd. ANT student desiring employment or any. om OPBir)nr to enter bus,nw,g honorably aim proiiLauiy may reg-sier tree or cnarge at MoCarenty Institute. 1W2 Farnam St. 17-M.I WANTED Young women to enter the Mel bourn hospital training school for nurses, lxs Angeles. Csl. For further Informa tion apply to Mis A. E. DuSold. 9f-0 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. CD-M711 Alx IADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home days or evenings, SI .on to $.' per dnr.en, quickly learned. Room V! T'axion Block. l7)- M50S TJx GIRL willing to do a little work around the house tor her board and room, will nnd detlrable pluce by addressing J full, care Bee. G ) 624 tlx GENTLEMAN desires clean and good washwoman to take washing to her home. Address D K18, care Pee. T M731 22x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Experienced salesmen for gents furnlsnlng store, with best refer ence; city experience preferred. Address N 806, Bee. (9)-693 I9x WANTED Experienced shoe salesmen. Apply at once. J. L. Ilrundels & Sons. id) W7 19 WANTED Ten good specialty men to han dle a nrst class article, $lu to $l a day. 410 W. li way, Council Bluffs, Ia. Cull Saturday from 3 to 6 o'clock. (9)-M7 20x AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever o -fered; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, U'3 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9 S34 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money., Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg (9)-338 WANTED At once In every town an agent to sell high classed goods, which every housewife buys; salary $ii0 per month and commission. For particulars address with references, Mrs. Chelow, 2.12 N. Proctor, Tacoma, Wash. (9) M362 20x WANTED Man tc ntre and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience In selling to farmers; permanent position; good Income. Address O 347, Bee office. (9) 310 WANTED A good general man for routes to canvass; salary. Grand Union Tea Co., 113 S. 16th St. (9)-7120 WANTED Agents, male or female, line proposition; can make $10 a day; call at Paris Studio, 210 S. 14th St. (9 1 M737 21 x WANTED Traveling men with established trade In Nebraska and Black Hills to carry as side line to established trade a line of men's neckwear nnd vests; only men with established trade and territory need reply. S. & W. Mfg. Co., St. Joseph, Mo. (9) M745 22x Clerical and Office. WANTED Clerks, both men and boys; also man stenographer for railroad office. Ad dress F. B. Southard, A. I'. A., f. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9) M692 2,"x WANTED Experienced grocery clerks, with good references. Apply Ilaydcn Bros., Grocery Dept. (9) 717 21 WANTED Young man who understands something about keeping books to learn tho grain business. Must write good hand and be accurate at figures. Address W 03 Bee. (9) M762 21 Boys. LARGE establishment wants several mes sanger boys, must be 16 years of ago; good chance for advancement. Address O 789, care of Bee. (9) 617 22 BOYS with wheels wanted; good wag.'S. Postal Telegraph Cable Co. (9) RI648 30x WANTED Strong boy. Apply at candy department. J. L Bramlels & Sons. (9)-727 19 Factory ana Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. P. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (B)-803 WANTED At once a good butcher, wages $15 per week; noi booxer nor ciank. E. A. Crockett. Plalnvlew. Neb. (9)-M444 22x 8TRIKE Stryker. Men s Shoes. 312 South lfith. Board of Trade Bldg.. (9)--t6 WANTED Gas fitters. Power Co. Beatrice Gas & (91-M6S1 30 WANTED At once a good all around blacksmith. Address lock box 726, Vllllsca, Ia. 9-8T4 WANTED Man with some experience In traveling capable of earning hlr;h salary; bond required. Address, with stamp and teferencea, S 517, care Bee. () 806 FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten hours. Luxon Cafe, Blilings, Mont. (9 M446 A2x WANTED A first class blacksmith and . horseshoer; steady Job; no booxer need apply. John F. Plnne, Rockwell City. Ia. (91-M4S4 2U WANTED Ten bricklayers at Fort Rus sell, Cheyenne, Wyo.; 75 centa per hour. Atkinson Bros., Contractors, Cheyenne, Wyo. (9) M507 lix WANTED. One first class all-around painter and paperhanger. No clgurette or booze fighter need apply. Steady Job; good wbki s. J. E. Daln. Casper. Wyo. () M170 22x TEN good men wanted at Deshler brick yard, Deshler, Neb.; board Hnd room, $3.50. I9j-M6t5 24 WANTED A good shoemaker for repair work; good position for practical man; write. A. K. Mechler, Ouray. Colo. (9-M.;37 24x ONE linotype operator, good man, can make from $27 to $ju w.tek; 8 hours; non union, btate Capital company, GuthrU, Okl. (9)Mii43 24x ONE all-around tailor wanted at once. Carl P. Llndecrantz, Holdrege, Neb. (91-M669 80x WANTED Men to learn barber trade at once; wonderful demand for barbers; top waKes now; few weeks completes; tools given: can earn some money from start. Send for particulars. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnain St. 19) M74U20X GOOD cornice man and tinners, at once. . Llnwoln Cornice and Metal Works. Lin coln, Neb. (9 M770 Miaeellaneoaa. WANTED Teams, C. B. Havens & Co., yards. 14th and Webster st ; teams now m.bin. f r. . r. t 1 1 . f k ... k , . t , Q i - ' I W AKTl.ll Ynnnir mun am i,rrl.r at ITnlnn Station restaurant (9l M5H7 23 WASTKD-Al once, capable soda dls- penser. See manager, Marble Fountain, north balcony. The Bennett Company. 9) e 10 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing National Distributing Bureau, Chicago. 111. (9 M630 Lit WANTED COAL Sf IOVELEH8. Inquire foreman Rock Island chutes. Council Bluffs. (9 M7U7 21x WANTED At once registered pharmacist ; German preferred. References. Address Y 2o6. care Lee. t9 M7o4 21 x WANTEIv-Man and team. New York Life Bldg. Apply at Fy til M 7o2 21 MAN wanted to work around place Ad dress Ml Leaven worth. HjTM U HELP WANTED MALE Mtaeellnaeaei "aliened. YOUNG man to act aa stenographer and eventually take charge of department; salary to start. IfO. Young man, cashier's dept.. as stenographer and clers; good chance for promotion, 960 to ISO 2 first class stenographers; good wholesale bouse, s.d to start. Good bookkeeper, til, It. F'rst class dry goods clerK. iiij, Wyoming. Office man and city salesman. 1100, First class traffic manager, $!0. We cater to men of ability and supply them with good positions. If you are In the market for a better position you should register with us at once. Ws also have a number of miscellaneous clerical posi tions for young men st different salariea Call or write for complete list of vacan cies. WLS TERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., 721,-2 N. Y. L. Bldg. (9) MTC5 20 WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod; make $2.60 to $.? in a day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckerson, Neb. (9) lit WaNTKD--Sound young men, aged 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen on leading railroads; experience unecrssary. Fire men earn $H per month, become engi neers, cam, $JD; brakemen earn $75. be come conductors. arn $U"'0. Call or wtlte at once for particulars. Nat oral Railway Training Assn., .'0 X. Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. (9i tn Au9 ANY Htudetit desiring employment or any one desiring to consult as to best method of entering business honorably and profitably may register free of charge at McCarenty Institute, 1802 Farnam St. (9) M3C LABORERS for handling frleght at Union Pacific, Council Bluffs transfer; wages 17H cents per hour. Board arranged If nnressary. Apply Thoa. Scanlnn, fore man. W-674 24 WANTED--A good hustling man for packer and shipping clerk. Grand Union Tea Co.. 113 8. 16th St. (9)-670 20 WANTED-Intelligent, capable cotiplo: man for general ranch work, wife as house. Keeper: small family: wages good, ac cording to ability and experience. Ad dress with particulars E. T. Tayton, Ara poolsh, Lip Horn county, Wyo. (lfl)-M50f 2Tx HUSTT.EiRH wanted everywhere: $2T to T30 made weekly distributing cltculars, over seeing outdoor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Adver tising Co., Chicago. 9 M746 Zlx WANTED Men to work In yard; steady work; good pay. Sunderland Hr Co., 20th and Hickory Sts. (9) M762 21 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicles. WE are not selling out at cost, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklna Co., 714 S. 10th St.. Omaha (U)-ell RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. 6tone. 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (10) MiOJ GOOD wagons for sale cheap at 1314 N. 24th St. (11)- MlUAugU HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish & Co., 1210 Farnam SL OU-110 FOR pony buggies, runabout?, wagons, traps, carts and harness, see Johnson Danfortli Co.. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (11) 809 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. 1111775 GOOD family mare, 9 years old, very gen tle, not afraid of anything; new set of surrey harness and two-seated buggy, $190. C. 11. Eckery, 2229 Locust St. (ID M309 20x ONE bay pacing team, 5 and 6 years old, single or double drivers; one brown trot ting team, 4 and 5 years old; one brown horse, single or double trotter; one span matched cream colored drivers, 6 and 7 years old; several single wagon horses, and a few work horses. Omann Horse & Supply Co. (ID 78 20 SALT, $7 a bbl. Wagner, 801 No. 16th. (11 1-812 FOR SALE Fine bic coach bred harness horse; young and sound. Inquire. 620 So. 19th St. (1D-639 22x One 3-SPRINO WAGON, new and one de livery buggy, rubber-tired. Oscar Harte, 29th and Farnam Sts. (ID 718 roultry and Kaars. GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (U)-M3X6 Augl NEWLY hatched chicks cheap. Dustln's white Wyandotte's, pure bred, laying pul lets. Forest Iawn Wyandotte yard, Florence, Neb., Tel. Florence 1082. (1D-181 19 SPRING chickens, fresh to order. Tel. Florence WK2, Forest Lawn Wyandotte yards, Florence, Neb. (11) M767 26 Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. GOOD cow for sale. 232 1 Hickory St. . (1D-M319 20x FOR SALE Very pretty fox terrier pup, 3 months old. 2022' Charles. (11) MS8S 20X LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and furniture repairer, 1512 N. 24th. 'Phone Webster 3296. (12) M683 22 LOST Ladles' hand bag, containing purse, papers, etc., between Union Station and Harney St. Reward. Mr. B. C. Short, 4102 Lafayette Ave. (12J-594 19 $20 REWARD. A bay gelding pony stolen; weight 700 or SfO pounds; fawn white feet, white star in forehead; branded on shoulder with lazy eight (a figure 8 In horizontal position); black mane and tall; age 9 years; foretop and .fetlock have Just been trimmed; heavy double girth saddle; rus set leather; weight about 35 lbs.: also russet leather riding bridle with curb bit. Will give $ao reward for return of above property. 'Phone at my expense. Bell 872, or 127 Council Bluffs, Ia. R. D. M. Turner. (12 M70s 20x LOST Gold watch charm; monogram "I R. 8." on cover. Reward for return to L. R. Smith, 109 S. 13th 8t.. Omaha. (12) M7U2 20x IXST Gold O. S. C. watch charm; mono gram and emblem front and back. Re ward Wm. Kennedy, Adv. Mgr. The Bennett Company or Douglas Printing Co.. 814 South 19th St. (12) 726 21 TAKEN UP Bald-face small pony. In quire 3124 Leavenworth St. (12) M764 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food i-illx." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Ouiuha. ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the malron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M10I DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 30 years practice In confinements. Olhce. 614 N. 16th, residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. til) 814 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, Mth a;.d Dav enport bis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college profrssoia. 'Pbone Touglas-ll7. Calls answered day or night. (ID 129 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten tion from business. yt.'ICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. Mth and Douglas, Omaha. G3i- 926 Au9 MONEY TO LOAN SALAtti ASU (1IAI1KLI. DR. PRIBHENOW'S MONET, loaned en furniture, salary, pianoe, horses, etc., in any amount; le than half rales. Ierfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted, payment suspended when nick or out 01 work. 214 Karbach Blk., 20V B. 16th Bt. Q4)-6 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked tut at email cost. Open svsulogs UU 1. (14J U MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels -Ceo tleoed. A RUN FOUTOUR MONEYS We will glrs you a run of one month or twelve on your contract If yoo borrow" money of us sml you pay for only the time you are uslDg our money. We make no charges In advance, yon get the full amount In cssi. Ws will Was) you any amount you may want. iHin t forget that we have been hire fifteen vears. Come to the "Old Reliable." Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. U4-44 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time is her a. If you need mousy to aee you through that good time you have promlaed out self this susonter, coma to ue. Out special low rates for vacation niouf. rn mm in euect; you can gel int money quickly, privately and confidentially oOy your salary, household goods, pianos, sto. Low rates, easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 206 Paxton Mock. 'Phone Doug 141L tl)-l THE UNION LOAN CO. have Increased th. ir taplial, and during tha month oi July will make a apaclal rats o collateral 'oans. personal property, noit gugea and individual notes without secur It y : tetms to suit. 'Ihone Douglss 2904 or call 01 310 Bee Bldg. (14 -VI4J6 Augl MONEY LOANED FA I. A !U tplcO PUl Slid others, without se, nitty; easy pay menta. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714. New York Life Bldg. (14)-a CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co, 1604 Vamara St. (14) 817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating;, all business confidential. 3H Douglas. uj g21 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. DuCt Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-8 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO TUB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. CM Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglsr 74f.. 04) K23 OFFERED FOR RENT Uoardlna; aud Rooms. MOST convenient and pleasant location; de sirable rooms. Call belore locating. The Pratt, 202-212 to. 26th St. Private ex change Douglas 3128. tl5 K.S VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe (lo)-l'4 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16)-4L6 ELEGANT room for summer; has outside entrance, south front. In one of the best locations In city; large, beautiful lawn; private family. 627 Park Ave. (1)-M73 i ROOMS, with board, private bath. 2416 Farnam St. (151 M665 23 Famished Rooms. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all conveniences. 1919 Burt Br. ' 3)-70 Jyttx ELEGANTLT furnished rooms. 1915 Capi tol Ave. (15) 988 Jy37 FOR RENT Large east front room, nicely furnished, good location, near two car lines Call at once. Tel. II. 4SS. 606 a 29th St. (16) 92a ELEGANTLY furnlclied rooms In new, modern house; on every fl"or; all conveniences; walking distance. 1474 Har ney St. Tel. Douglaa 4294. (16 M977 LARGE front room; modern; reasonable. 645 So. 24th Ave. (lR)-Mf.TS 11 405 8. 14TH AVE.; af. new. up-to-date; gentlemen only; references. (IB) MI30 AueJx THREE rooms, 1120 N. 17th St. (15)-408 FURNI8HED or unfurnished rooms. 842 S. 19th. (16) M59 Augiix GOOD ROOMS, suitable for young men, $li per week. 1920 Capitol Ave. (15 M698 25x' PLEASANT south room, new bouse, pri vate family. Tel. Doug. t633. 15193 19 NICELT furnished room, south expisurs; references. 117 So. 26th Ave. (16) M613 EL BO A NT furnished rooms; strictly mod ern. 2669 Dodge St. (15) M670 23X BEATTIFUI. large front room; other rooms; south; modern. 614 N. 23d St. 'Phone Red 4864. (15I-M733 26 A NICE front parlor for two. 611 N. Mth; good table board. Red 5204. (15)-M741 26x IjOWER FIXIOR of home, consisting of 4 large, handsomely furnished rooms, corn pinto for housekeeping, to refined couple; responsible parties only need apply, tii N. 19th. (16r M756 Six PARLOR suite, also large front parlor, fine location; modern; also three light housekeeping rooms. 2-38 Farnanv C5)-tg4 19 FOR RENT-Nlcely furnished room; rea sonable; quiet street; modern: 'phone; 64T B 24th Ave. (lt)-M4ol 20 LARGE, cool front room, modern through out; central location; preferable for a gentleman. 'Phone Doug. 4061. (15) 414 10x LARGE- south-front room, with alcove; also other rooms, 2702 Farnam St. 05) 422 Six TWO nicely furnished front rooms, single or en suite, for gentlemen. 2221 Douglas. (16 M496 22x NICE cool furnished rooms, nicely located. Very reasonable. 2611 N. 19th Ave. (15 M660 ZlX STRICTLY modern rooms; newly fur nlshed. 417 No. mth BL (15)-M560 23x NICE front room, with all modern con veniences. Douglas 8S37. 217 8. 26th St. (16) I5 ROOM, strictly modern. 410 8. Mth BL (If ) M367 20 REASONABLE furnished rooms, third floor. 1505 Farnam. (15) 625 AU LARGE cool room. 2815 Dewey Ave. CM) M686 24x FURNISHED room for gentleman. 816 No. 18th St. (16) MOU 25x FOR RENT Three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms. 1416 Ersklne St. (15) M628 14 X TWO nice rooms, single or ensulte, for gentlemen In prlvste family; close In, Phone Douglaa 4378. (It) M647 14x ELEGANT front room, all modern. 616 N. 23d. Douglas 738. (16)-610 Six ONE block west or High school; large comfortable room; modern house; lie shady yard. 2304 Davenport. Of) 724 lax CIOSE In. Large cool room, first fiooi t suitable for gentleman, with library. Ad dress W 8;6, care Bee. (15) 723 tlx tin furnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms; bath, water; Pleasant, shady surroundings; $S month. 977 No. 27th ave. 15)-M4A9 U TWO elegant unfurnished rooms, modern. 533 Park Ave. (16)-te7 23x Housekeeping H'jome. BUITE of unfurnished houaekeeplng rooms, strictly modern home; heat and light fur. nlshed; best boarding house in city across the street. 24u8 Cass SL (15-SX9 FOUR eletant rooma. modern. No. tfilT Noi til lilli St., first bouse south of Corby. (16)-M.1g3 30 TWO or four connecting rooms, modern. 2666 Bt. Mary's Ave. 'Phone Dotiglns 4432. (15t M69) Zlx ROOM for light houaekeeplng. 1707 Cali fornia St. (15) MK1 &x TWO light housekeeping rooms, fur nished. 1406 Jones St. (16)-M43 23 X TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep. Ing; gas. 10 Farnam. (15i K9 19 FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms. 113 B. lh BL (15)-MS96 Mx FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping, corner 24U and Cumins, over drug store, tli Hi 8fc