Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 13
ll r TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, JITTA' 20. 1007. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Flood of Selling Come Northwest. from . 1 hard. SlOoV,; No. 1 northern. 9'tc; No. 1 ! nortnern, Wtr; No. 8 northern. Ugir. I HI.R-Hnt patents. $5.iiin.l; aecnnd i patents, kinudi'. first clear. H.rwg.i 66, m.-. lid clears, t2.7fclT2.tiS the B HAN In bulk. Hi iilS.75. I WKATIIKR I THE GRAIN BELT NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I Pair aterdny and lls;htly Cooler la the Forecast. j OMAHA. July 19. 191. Rnlns occurred within the laet twenty- four houm in the nnrthwpil, the Missouri. Mississippi and Ohio valleys and eastern states and continue In the upper Mlssia Ippl villey and upper lake region this mornlntf. High winds prevailed throughout eHStern Nebrtiska during the night. Veloci ties of forty-eight milea per hour were re corded at North f'latte and Sioux City and forty-two mllei at Omaha. The weather is The marks', met with a flood of selling i fair west of the Mississippi river and will from the northwest and all outside tnsrkuts , probably be fair in this vicinity tonight and CEOP NEWS 13 STILL BULLISH Wheat la Weak oa Ike Opralng, hat rialaa fttrauaatk Later aad noma Bnylns; Take Placa. OMAHA, July 1. W7. re lower Continved wet weather delays harvesting sr.d crop newi from northweet la iilll bull ish F.nwllsh market! are firm and the weather Hi'in. Wheat wis rather weak at the opening, rut later In the morning It firmed up and had a better tone, with some buying. The bulk of early offerings was absorbed quickly and there waa not much wheat for sale. September wheat opened at 86"c and closed at V- Corn opened a shade lower and did not liave the strength It hai been showing. Commission bouses were havy sellers of all options. September corn opened at 47Vc and closed at 4Gc. t oats are holding firm on damaged crop reports and light return. The crowd sold oats, but all offerings were well token. September oats opened at 36e and closed at .c. Prima ty wheat receipts were 574,000 bush els and shipments 2S.00 bushels, against receipts last year of l.llto.OOO bushels and lilpments of 272.UO0 bushels. Corn receipts, were 4)4,0Oft bushels and shipments W4.000 bueheln, against receipts last year of Sfo.OO bushels anil shipment! of 437.000 buahels. Clearances were .0u0 bushels of corn And 3,0Uu bushels of oats, and wheat and Dour equal to HO.IXiO bushels. Liverpool closed Hd lower to fed higher on wheat and VI lower on corn. Beaboard reported 144,0i0 bushel! of wheat and 64.0JO bushels of corn for export. Argentina wheat shipments this week were 172,rtm bushels, last weeK 1.012, OA bush els and this week last year 1,158.000 bushels. Corn shipments this week were 3,lfj2,MXi bushels, last week 1,302,001) bushels and this week last year 2,762.t0 bushels. Local range of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Clote. Yea y. Saturday, with slightly Cooler tonight. omai a record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 197. IS. 191. 1WH. Minimum temperature A3 6372 6 Precipitation T T .00 .04 Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 8 9 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 19 8, 2.49 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, 8 72 inches. L. A, WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time. Friday, July 19, 1907: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Ratn Hf at Ions. Max. Mln. fall. Ashland. Neb 85 65 .'O Active Campaign for Rite in Prices it Continued. IT MEETS PARTIAL SUCCESS Bis Sarplas Lines Had It Had Earnings of Hnrrlaaaa Been Discounted and Little Effect on V nines. reserve, shows'. Available cash balance, $2s,40,A; gold coin and bullion, WI.WMxl: gold certificates. $S7.1W.5). REPORT OP TllK CLEARING HOUR ' Transactions of the Associated Banks for the Week. NEW YORK. July 19 Brsdstreet'l bank rlearlngs report for the week ending July M shows n aggregate of t2.87K.OM.iO is against ll.fS4.il2.noo Inst Week, and $2.74. 114. 0u In the corresponding week Inst year. Canadian clearing for the week total as sgilnV S97.M&."0 last week, and $T6.3m.fm0 in the same week last yar. The following la a list of the titles: CITIES. Wheat-! I I I July... 8171 .TSf, 83H Sept... 8t,l so' Doc... 90H K' Corn i July... 40H 4S 41 46. Bept... 47V 47Sh 4 oi Deo... 44(4 44V4 43:, 43T Onta July... 414 41. 41 4 Bept... S 3V 364 36, Dec... 87-i 87 37 87 Oinabn Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. 83fj5c; No. I haTd, fKjjs.c; No. 4 hard, 744(.c; No. 3 spring. foRN No. 2, 44i-tlc: No. I, 47(34, Mk-: No. 4. 4.-A)iuliV: No. 8 yellow, 47V(847o; No. 3 while, 4RV, fit'"" e. OATS-No. I mixed, 40Hfi'41V4o; No. 3 white. 4-JV2c; No. 4 white. 42(&'4iHc; stand ard, 42e. KYK-No. 2. 73o; No. $. 702c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Chicago Knsni Pity Mmnexpolla omaha Dublin, ... St. lxuis 37 1.1 163 3() 91 75 Corn. Oats. 229 115 27 14 Sky. Cl-ar Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear twelve-hour Temp.- . Rain. Max. Min. Inches. H6 fi .12 W 64 T S 64 .44 90 66 .16 92 70 .01 93 70 .84 so m fin 6! .34 92 6S .42 4 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading; nnd Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 19 Wheat prices on the local exchange declined today more than Sc because of selling, duo chlolly to favorable weather for the new crop. At the close the September delivery was olf lV&dc. , Corn waa down ttc. Oati showed a loss or wsje. rrurmiuin were 7 He higher. The bean were in complete coninu mi the wheat market and a heavy tone pre vailed all day. Trading, however, was not in large volume, chlctly because oi tie slack demand. The chief weakening Influence was the weather in the L'nlie.i States and Canada. Another depressing factor was the estimate that the total acreage sown to wheat In Argentine was 20 per cent above that of lant year. Croi. damage reports continued to come In freely, but failed to rouie any bullish enthusiasm. The market Closed, with prices almost at the lowest point. September opened tHc to &u lower, at SH&93le, declined to niu 92Tc and closed at 921c. .Clearances cf wheat and flour were equal to 108,300 bushels. tOxports for the week as shown by Brodstreet's were 2,250.000 bushel.-.. Primary receipts were 74.000 bushels, against 1.190.0UO busihela for the same dsy last year. 'Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 11 cars, against 835 cars last week and 703 cats one year ago. The corn pit was flooded with dispatches telling of the rapid growth of the now crop, and as a result prices were weak all day. Commission houses and locnl longs Wen the chief sellers, while cuon houses took most of the offerings. Thy market closed weak. Beptember opened lU'Wc to hie lower, at 68 3 53 tie sold off to 52 and closed at 6262.!. Ixwal receipts were 229 cars, with 22 cats of contract grade. Trading In oats was quiet and the mar ket was weak. The chief depressing in fluences wen the slump In wheat and the weather condition. Beptember opono.) unchanged to a ahade higher, at 38 1840. sold off to 84c and closed at EJii fl33'fcr. Local receipts war 115 can. FYovlglons were Arm because of smnllir receipts of live hogs. Trading was quiet. At the close September pork waa up 714J, at IH 50. Lard and rlba were also up 7 He, at 19.024 and H.65, reapectlvely. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 50 cars; corn, 240 cars; oau, 105. cam; hoars, 14.000 head. Tha leading futurea rsnged as follows: Articles.! Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yea y. Auburn, Neb K3 06 .00 Columbus, Neb... M 59 .H Fairbury, Neb.... t 68 .00 Fairmont, Neb... 87 2 .22 r. Island. Neb.. S8 66 . 00 Hartlngton, ' Neb. 58 .52 Hastings, Neb.... 90 63 .36 Oakdale, Neb S6 61 .15 omaha, Neb 86 63 T Tekamah, Neb... M 64 .S6 Alta, la 8 00 .48 Carroll, la 87 80 .80 Clnrlnda, la 90 64 .00 aiblev, la 82 m .7(1 Sioux City. Ia... M 62 1 88 Minimum temperature tor period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES, No. of Central. Stations Chicago. Ill 26 Columbus. 0 18 Des Moines, la.... 13 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 19 Louisville, Ky 17 Minneapolis, Minn. 26 Omaha. Neb 16 St. I ami is, Mo 13 Temperatures are higher In all portions of the corn and wheat region except Minne sota and the Dakotas. where no particular change has occurred. Showers again oc ctirrred In all portions of tha corn, and wheat belt. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK GENRRAI. MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, July 19 FLOUR-Recelpts. 14,i;i6 bhls. ; exports. 12,454 bbls.; more active for springs, otherwise quiet; Minnesota patents, fc.OfX96.il6; winter straights, 84.36'$ 4.4i; Mitlnesota bakers, 83.7tNij4.20; winter extras, 33.KKg3.70; winter patents, J4.4ft84.90; winter low grades, 83.0093.(0. Rye flour dull; fair to good, J4.7rwti6.0; choice to fancy. J5.105.40. Cornmeal steady; fine whlta and yellow, $1. 251.30; coarse, $1.16 1.18; kiln dried, J3 203.30. RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 88c, f. o. b., New York. WHEAT Receipts. 87.000 bu.; exports, 19.997 bu. 8pot, easier; No. 2 red. 97c, ele vator, and Wc, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.104, f. o. b., arloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.0014, f. .-. b., afloat. Influenced by good weather In the north west, further liquidation, email weekly clearances and easier cables, wheat lost a cent today. Little heed was paid to rumors of a large export business, and the market closed heavy at sk'n lc net loss July. 9SMiiKr. closed at SXc; September. 99VW Jl.iot4, closed at 90c; December, Jl.ovfr l.tiac. closed at $1.0i7; May, JUHiVfrl.Trrr closed at fl.06Mi. CORN-Receipts. 149.425 bu. ; exports, 121. 140 bu. 8pot. easy; No. 2, 60140, elevator, and 60c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. white, 60'4c; No. 2 yellow, 604c, f. o. b.. atloat. The option market was quiet and easier, cloning Vrco net lower. Julv closed at 6uV,c, Peptember at 6iyc, December at tSOc and May at 69Hc. OATS Receipts, 30,000 bu.; exports. 1.635 bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs.. 4:t4je; natural white. 30 to 33 lbs., 5iiiHT2o; clipped white. 36 to 40 lbs., SUfifiHte. HAY Steady; shipping, 70tr?75e;" good to Choice. $1.15421 HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, lfl. lfiMOc; 1!i05, 4tt3Sc; Taclflc coast. 1906, Mi 11c: 105, ffc, HIDES Dull; Central America, 22Vic; Bogota, 22yc. I.FATHHUi Quiet: acid, 25$37ttc. PROVISIONS Reef, stead v; familvJISfifl ffH.OO; mess, $9.50"fl10.r,0: beef hams, $24.onfJ 26.t; packet. $1l.mrll.50: cltv extra India mess, $31. 50iSi22.O0. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, $11.2613.60: pickled hams. $12.VW 12.50. Lard, steadier: western prime, $8,705.' 8; refined, steadv; continent, $9.?: South America. $9.90: compound. $8.87V4'ff9.12Vi,. I Pork, steady; family rS-TIS-OO; mess, I $18.O0fl8.5O. TALl.tiW Steady; city. $2 per pnekane, 6'ic; country, packages free, 614ffniftc. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, t'tc; Japan, nominal. NEW YORK. July 1 The' operations for a rise in prices of stocks which havs been peralsted In at Intervale during the week, In aplte of occasional interruptions were continued today. The movement en countered less active resistance than fir several onya in ilie form of positive weaa ness In any prominent stocke. There were apparent difficulties In overcoming the inertia of the general list and this drag on the advance offered a passive resist ance, which had a discouraging tffect on the efforts of the bulls at times. 1 he principal ammunition of the bulls consisted of vague Intimations of some forthcoming favorable development re garding the Hill railroad stocks. An in- lease in the rate of distribution of profltj was the substance of these rumors. In the movement l.reat Northern preferred took the precedence of Northern Paollle, which was the favorite In yesterday's dealings. The "cutting of a melon" for Northern Pacific following the disposal cf its equity in Burlington to Great North ern was still rumored, but was not such a speculative favorite as yesterday. The rise In the Harrlmans was more modn ate. although I'nlon Pacific touched tho highest price on the present movement. Publication of Imposing results of tho's operations of Vnlon Pacific and Southern Pacific had a favorable effect, the surplus1 after dtvldends of the twi systems mounting to a total of upwards of 000,000. These figures had been foreseen and supplied no Incentive 10 fui ther active advances In stocks. Substantial help for the rise In prices was foun '-s; for copper metal, both her and abroad. Large sales at the price ..j ...e principal pro duceri were reported. Foreign markets had a report of an agreement of lh Amalgamated and the Rio Tlnto Inter ests on the price to be demanded. The rrlce of copper In Iondon advanced. Tho continued ease of call loans and tbe pros pects for a favorable bank statement to morrow were strengthening element. The activity fell to small proportions lato and advances were only partly retained. A break In the local traction stocks, due to the proposed Investigation by the Pub lic I'tllltles commission, disturbed tne lat ter market. Bonds were dull and steadv. Total sales, par value. $992,000. - United Plates registered 2s advanced U ner cent on call. Tho following was the range of price! on the New York Stock exchange: ales. High. Clearings. Inc. Dec. Wheat I July Sept. Corn July Sept. Dc. May Oats July Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Lard Bept. Il. Slba S. pt. uct. 0'4 7 Va m 1111 f J ia-l 1V 90s, 1 524! 533 o;v 43 V 1 03 62 53 6oi, 63 43 SOS! tl i7 ,1KB 94 i 1 01 1 oiv . ... 1 D.1 97 1 021 52V E2W 4'fo.4)60U..iH 61-H &l?W Waai)2 43 4.-V l,. 41T'6S 14 50 1 H 50 8 95 I uo I 8 CO 9 06 o;W 8 U6 8 u.''4 39 40" 1$ 50 8 95 U0 8 67V,! 5 w 39 4CV.&41 16 60 I02V I 65 8 624i 16 7H ( 95 8 WVi 8 67S 8 66 St. Lonln General Market. ST. LOUIS, July .-WHBAT-Futurei, lower; cash, firm; track: No. 2 red. cash, &!H904c; No. 2 hard, SUKgyiVxc; September, 9"Wc: liecember, 94'g44c. CORN Lower; trac'. : No. 2 cash. 53 V, ESc; No. 2 white, 54c; September, 61V:; De cember, 47,c. OATS Steady; track: No. 2 cash. 45c; No. 3 white, 4(a4St; September, 8rtJ; Decemrjvr, 36V4C. FLOUR Dull; red winter ratents, $4 2i 04.40; extra fancy and atralghti, $3,700 4.15; clear, $2.HOiQ8.80. SiiED Timothy, steady: $.26(34.25. CORNMEAL Weak, $2.70. RR N Quiet; sacked, east track, $1.00 1.05. iiai Dull; timothy, $14. 004i 19.60. prairie, $10. uu 13.60. IRON COTTON T1E8-$1.0H. RAUGINO-IP40. H KM P TWINhJ-llc. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; Jobbing. $16.60. Lard, higher; prime steam, JS.3i',t. lry suit meats, steady; boxed, extra sherts, $9.26; clear rlba, $9 26; short clean, $9.37 V. Bacon, steady; boxod, extra shorts, flO.ltVi; clear ribs, $10.UV; short clears, $10.25. POI'LTRV Weak: chickens. 10Hc; springs. 15c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. 80; geese, fc. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2oVu2&V4c. x-ijvio Bteaay, i.c. Receipts. 6.000 76.000 33.000 63.000 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu..'. Oats, bu... Shipments. 7,000 19.0O0 Adams EiprM Amil. Cnppr Amer. Car and Foundry.... dn pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd .... Amer. Kxpreea Amer. Hide tk Leather Amer. Ira Amur, Llnaead Oil do pfd Amer. fjOcomotlr do pfd Amer. Smrltlnn A Ret do pfd Amer. Sugar Rtflntnc Amer.' Toliareo ptd r.tfa.... Anaconda Mining Co do pfd Atlantic Coast f,fn Baltlmnra aV Ohio do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... Canadian Paclflo Central of New Jenaer Chra4)eake A Ohio Chicago Oreat Weatarn Chtcago A Nnrthweatern... C. M. A St. Paul Chlcaro Term. A Trana.... do pfd C, C. C. A Bt 'Loula....! Colorado Fuel and Iron.... Colorado A Southern tdo let pfd oo ;i pro Conaolldated Oaa Corn Product! do pfd Del. A Hudaon Del., Lack. A Weatern.... Denver A Rio Oninde do pfd ntatlllcra' Securities En do let pfd do M ptd General Electric llllnola Central International Paper do pfd International Pump do pfd, ez-dlv Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Lnulavllle A Naahrllle. . . . Mnlcan Central Minn. A 8t. Loute M . St. P. & Sault Ste.,M. do pfd Mteaourl Pacific M:eaourl. Kaneaa A Texas.. do pfd National Lead I :s. n. h. or Mexico pra.... I N. T. Central , N. Y., Ontario A Weatern.. Norfolk A Weatern do pfd North American Paclne Mall Pennaylvanta Peopia'a Gaa Pitta., C, C. A St. Louie.. Preeerd Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading da la pfd do Id pfd Republic Steel do pfd , Rock leland Ce do pfd do pfd Ruhnar Oooda pfd St. L. A San Fran. Id ptd St. Loula Seuthweatern .... do pfd , 8outhera Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tenaeseee Ccel and Iron... Teiaa A Paelfle Tol., St. L. A Weatern.... do pfd Union Paclfto .. do pfd V . Gipreea .. V. S. Realty.... U. S. Rubber .. do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Virginia-Carolina do pfd Wabaah do pfd 1 Weila-Fargo Emreea .. Weetlnghoue: Electrto . Weetern Vnloo Wheeling A Lake JtrM. Wisconsin Central do pfd Northern Paclflo ti.inn 140 It. 4a '4 Lew. Cloaa. Ilk) 1 4SH l.ooi) i: tin l"0 w!ioo son 400 400 8. too m TOO 0 :no 1. too l.'ino oo I. ion 17.400 II H U 1li4 im Hi it '4 H 4 7 171 ii 11 H IS: "4 130 100 "0 lie) 100 41 100 'mo 'no 'too 4-tO 600 100 100 0 u m" lt 111 144 Jl li h iiiii 112 2 V, VT is'4 in MH 1H4 14H 134 CS4 it 1714 17." s 41H IIS 144 16 la 4H ion t'4 in 110 1 10 WVi M Ki lit 10H 1211. IUV t1 M4 M M M 1TT'4 in 4't New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia 81. lx)ula Pittsburg Pan Francisco Baltimore Kansas City Cincinnati New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Detroit Louisville I,oe Angeles Omaha , Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Providence Buffalo .; IndiananolII Denver! 1 Fort Worth ........ Richmond Albany Washington Salt Ike CWy Portland. Ore Columbus, O. St. Joseph Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spokane, Wash. ,. Toledo, O Taeoma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria Des Moines Norfolk New Haven Grand Rapids Dayton Portland. Me Sioux City Springfield. Mass., Kvansvllle Birmingham Syracuse Augusta, Oa Mobile , Worcester Knoxvllle Wilmington. Del. Charleston, S. C. Chattanooga Jacksonville, Wichita .... Wllkeebarra . Davenport . . . Little Rock , Wheeling. W. Fall River Kalamasoo, Mich. Topeka Springfield, 111. ... Helena Fort Wavne. New Bedford Lexington ... Youngstown Firte, Pa Macon Akron Rockford. III. Cedar Ranlds Chester, Pa. Rlnghamton . Fargo. N. D.. Lowell Canton. O. ... Rloomlngton. Ill 1.;. 10 7 2 5 tl.TM.W.nnol Z4.43.U 170.lrt7.tVO 146.7"9.ix.. M.40.iioo 64.Unl.KMI 43.2T7.0Oi 2S.7S2.nno SI.SK.niin 29.S19.0iio 151. 577.00O 2J. S6,0i o 20.143.onn 18,29,000 13.3-W.or:) 12,14.000 OOOI 11.787.00)11 10.842.Oin 9.433.""if 8.314.K10! 8,49n.00o j.3O4.0i4 ,704.O0il .797.0fOI e.ogi.otol .22.0) i .J.OOO1 8.ASS.00O 8.21S.00OI 1039.0001 1465.0fiO 4.46. 0O0 19M.000I. 4. i0.4s-f .41s.oool 4.19 0iMl 5. 2.0in( 8.9i9.000 3.377.0001 3.975.0001 Z.DM.I'K'1 . J.rTO.ono t.6! J.93lt.O(l) 2.5t57.O0O 2.221.00O Fla. Va.... Ind. Ia.. HH j South Bend, Ind IMS 1341fe t n H4 I44 I f4 ; 4i 117 7 171 44 484 ' . . !1 i Montreal . , ) I IH UIl IIS . 1 , VI.I Oulncy. III. BrtHngfleld. O. . Slnux Falls. S. Mansfield. O Decatur, 111 Fremont. Neh. . Jacksonville, III. Lincoln. N"h. ... Oakland. Cal Houston I Qalveston 15 1 7.R 7.9I lH 9 10 0 3.1 36.4 10.5 23.0 11 6 9.9 fil, 15.1 11 4 .: 2.1 11.1 74 3 32 1 14 3! 21 0 Id It 60.4 47.9 24 9 24.0) 'ii'i Ml 3i.7 21.1 4 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET light Receipts of Cattle, Trade Active and Prices Steady. HOGS ACTIVE AND FIVE HIQHES Sheep and Lambs lanaaelly Slow ! Dall. with Prices Showlac De cline oa Paper of Fully Ten Cents. SOCTH OMAHA. Neb.. July 19. 1907. Receipt! were: Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Official Monday 8.094 4.S Official Tuesdav 8.0if7 13,2aS 2.921 Official Wednesday 3.41 U.s Oflicinl Thursday t377 1044 4.01 Ofnolal Friday 1,100 H.7O0 lu0 Five days this week . . . lTiVt 66.301 I8.S18 Same days Isst week.... 12,97a 67,7a 14.MJ K,. d.l. 1 b,uIi 1 (W7 43 9K4 12.9Ki Same days 3 weeks ago.. 15.777 62.245 12.BK) Same days 4 weeks 4!t.iv4 ll.WO Same days last year....l3.WJ 46.089 25,t2 The following table shows tbe receipts of csttle. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 'SOT. 190! Inc- Deo. Cattle 697,.)t5 509.416 M.IU1 ; Hogs l,4ti7.H19 1.6MS.750 96.131 Sheep (W2.IB2 18,46 44.197 The following tahle shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several daya, with comparisons: .. M... at .. ... 41... ao... t ... T4... T4 .. H... 4... M .. ... 71... 41... ... II .. 41... 44... M .. 7J . . 71 .. 44... I .. 7t... ... M .. 74... 7a... 72. t4 . t4 ,.rt ..H8 ,.1M Hi 14 ,.t4 ,.rt ,.n tt XI ..ia ..! 1 a ,.IM ,144 ,.4T . fJi t8 ..! . tl ..teu . IK4 . IU . .Kl .141 I w I T I 7 T 7 I T 74 I 7J-, I 714 I 74 rt4 I 74 I TtH I 714 I 724 I 7i 72 I 1l4 724 I 13 t 714 It t 7t 71 -I 71 Tl I 77 I 77 i 77 14.. M . 44 . M . to : a.. m . n . an., tt . 41 . 77.. V.. II . 71 . IV. TV. J . T4 . TV. tl.. .. 74. ...Ha ...l ... 4 ,...7 ...114 ... 44 ... til ... til ... l'l ... I t ....ft ... I't ... r4 ... let ,.... ...t07 ... Il . ... lot ... IM ... HT ...JlT ... r ... T ... 4 ...111 ....ft ....It ... 1 ?14 $ 7 I H 4 74 I 7 I 74 I 74 TTV, I a $ to I I I a I i I at I so I to 1 1 M M I t 1 r mh i I M 4 IS I M M I 7 4 0 4 tt nal: good ordinary. 10p. nominal; low mid.lttng. llSc: middling. 1213 Isc: good niiddllnaj, 13 li-lfie, nominal: middling fair, 14 lt-1e. nomlrwl: fair, US-lsc.- nutulnal; receipt!, SIS bales; stock. 4.lf bales. OMAHA WII01.K 4.LB MARKETS. July July July July July July July July ' Julv ! July "' 'July 7 4 ! July 6 8 July 2.4 Date. I 1907. jlS0 11906.11904. 1iiQ3. 1102. 1901. 22 1 .... A 42 5 251 7.... 48 5 2l 8....8 73-S S ... 5 e 6" 10... 5 f4V. 6f 8 13 II. .. 5 8 5j t S3 12... 6 7414 84 5 831 13. . . 5 73 6 69 6 31 14... ti B7 5 47 1 15... S71t4 54 III. .. 5 75 50 17... 8 72 fil 6 50 18. ..1 6 6 6 62 8 56 19... I I 6 51 6 63 SHEEP There was a fair run of sheep and lambs this morning, but contrary t the Aiaual rule at this point the market was slow and dull and packers did not appear to be very anxloua (or supplies. It di;veloped that buyers were feeling that they had been paying tost too much for their supplies at this point. Prices her have been very firm, while eastern markst! have eased off more or less until buyer claimed that this market was out of lln with others. Hence, as noted above, they were slow buyers and the market dull throughout. A string of MshO wethers, thi same that brought $. yesterday, sold at $3 56 today, which would he, luc lower on paper, but they weighed a pound and a half more today. Quotations on range iheep ind lambs. Oooit to choice l.imba. 17 2fc7.75: fair l good lambs, $ti.50a7.25; cull'lar 6 60; good tl c 16: fair tn a 1.75; good to choice wet', $6.25(37; tair to good wethets. $4.7f)lia.2S; goud to choice wes, $4.83(85.46; fatr to good ewes, 4.75; Culls and bucks. $2.bO$'4.00. Representative sales No. 12 Idaho ewes, culls... 3 Idaho ewes, culls.. 330 Idaho wethers tonaltlon of Trnlai an 4) notation oa Staple and Fancy rroalnoo. ROOS-Per doiL. 144i tc. RCTTKR Packing stock. lc; choice, to fanc dairy. 1y.'2c, creamery, 26c. UVF. POI'LTRV- Spring chickens. 11 ISo; hens. 10c; roosters, dc; turkeys, lie; ducks. 10c; geese, tic. FRI ITS AND MELONS). PLACKBERRIF.S-Cass. 24 qta.. $3.?J $S 50. RASPPRRRIF-S-ReJ. 24 tl.. ; black. 24 qts O1V11 tl PKHF.RRIF.S Csse. 24 qts.. 13. $ti.5037.25; cull iambs, $4$" choice yearling wethers. SVTfyj good yearling wethers, $1.25 if $4.1J l.StJS.onol 17.0 .. 9.4 .. 9.7 .. 15.51.. 17.7!.. .. 21. R!.. 14.11.. 5S.2 .. 62.3!.. 40.81.. 4 .. 2.15S.0O 2.278.000! 3.551 000 1 2 2.6K3.000! 1 273 oooj 1.421,0001 1.9R.floO 1.377.0001 1.4K7.0KH 1.848.0001 l,42f.,oool 1.693.0001 1.12S.0O0I 1.181.0001 807.0001 l.Sfi4,000 8.5' 1,073. nool 997. oon) l.l.onn nso.ooni 751 0001.. .... 24.1 21. W 12. ! Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. ...... $1 0erfr.90 2 50ffl.ft0 1.5HW7.35 1.5k37.25 3.5Ki7.10 Hon $5.82V4ff 595 tl'J.r-.' Ig6. 10 1.0B 5.8214 6.50 6 26 t.r.5 13.9 8.5 25.0 17.5 2.51. 34.01. 25.41. 8.81. Omaha Kansas City St. Louis .. Chicago Sioux Cltv . The otliclal number of cars of stock broiurht In today bv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U ses. C, M. A St. P Wabash ' Mn Pro I'nlon Pacific C. A N. W. (Fasti... C. & N. W. (West)... C, St. P., M. ft O.... 7!6 ' C.', It. & Q. (Westi.. C, R. I. & P. (Fast). I 2 8 9.1 1,549.0001 fit 8 788. 0O0I 8.11 791.000! I 10.3 ftiO.OOO! 6.11 1.024.0001 82.51 7W 000I 9 61 SM.OiVII 29 21 53H.0OO! 26 61 WO OOrtl (5.51 699,0001 8.51 BS'' nool .03! 655.0001 6.11 44OHO 4 41 757.0001 46.0 591.0001 18.41 375.000! 4.11 6OO0 26.21 374.0001 9. HI 418.0001 5. 01 613.000' 50 01 3M.00OI 20.1 1 4000001 .0I 218.0001 1 4.S 290,0001 1.4 985 0001 9.8 2,876.0001 22 247.0HOI 81.0 10.126,0001 7.4 C, R. I. & P. (West). Illinois Central Chi. Great West Total receipts . The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. ber of head Indicated 2 3 .. .. 2 88 14 1 21 10 86 2 11 5 9 22 3 9 .. .. 2 10 2 30 176 14 1 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Company Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C. Armour V Co., K. C Carey A Benton Ixibman Co W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Irf-wls Huston A Co T. B. McOonnauiihey Other buyers v Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 72 240 2.103 118 4.327 231 2.438 268 8,627 42 112 . 29 50 60 ' .... 6 12 3 106 987 1,676 13.4S2 110 Idaho 110 Ha, 10 110 Idaho 101 Idaho 109 Idaho wethers. , wethers wethers wethers wethen 1 Idaho cull 41 Idaho Wether! ... 110 Idaho wethers ... 145 Idaho wethen ... 3 Idaho culls 1 Idaho cull $ Idaho culls 8)1 Idaho wethers RS Idaho wethers ... e)l western lambs ... 66 western ewes .... 1 western lamb.... 26 western lambs... 117 western lambs ... 6S Idaho lambs 150 Idaho Cull lambs. Av. Tt. (W I 80 1ft) 4 50 104 6 55 VV, I 55 1.3 t 56 101 8 I 104 . fo 101 6 55 80 4 511 102 t 56 15 I 65 1, 4 ( 55 100 4 50 80 4 50 115 4 50 103 (56 103 5 56 3 7 50 101 4 55 60 4 50 44 4 60 62 60 7 7 25 s as CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cattle Steady Bat slow Hoga Strons to Higher. CHICAGO. July 19 CATTLE-1-Receipts, t.500 head. Market steady, but slow; com non to prime steers, $476ti7.86; cows, $t.l.l 5.75; heifers, $3,0045.90; bulls. 3.15((i ;6; ralves, 43.00(97.76; etockers and feeders, $S.W tjtYOO. IKiGS Receipts. 17,000 head. Market was stron't to 6c higher; good to prime heavy, $j.9Vu.00; medium to good heavy, $6.7fyi 90; butcher weights, $5.9f.Kijri.05; good to prime mixed, $5r6.9o; light mixed. $5 6.(i6; packing. $5.CMi5.75: selected. Sn.itvati.lO; ptgs, 934 V6.5u4j6.00; bulk of sales, $j.70t86.ou. i)ts tt..j morning CANADA. itvi 41 137 144 144 71 13 70 Winnipeg Ottawa .. Vancouver, Hallfa Quebec I Hamilton St. John, N. B Iindon, Ont. B. C i 1.400 iiio 1.400 'i tOO 'ion It. ton 4O0 "00 too 17 SI 117 41 101 H M 44 414 11344 00 77 100 4.100 H.10 44 1H 114 tt 27 674 116 ' ii4 101 tn 444 MH lit 74H 68 tt 1ZJ " ! Victoria, B. C. t7H 7 117 31 V, 41 167 1M Calgary Edmonton 33,l31.tVOI 16.11 24 865.0001 14.31 11.577.0001 22.0 3.249.0001 .6 4.182.0001 64.41 2.094 0001 14 0) 2.131.0001 H, of 1.7:R.0f0 4.21 1.412.0001 14.41 1,452.000 20.61 1.131 .0001 25.51 1.S57.O0OI 31.01 l,09R.O0O j Boston Stocks nnd Bonds, BOSTON, July 19 Call loans, 56 cent ; time loans, 6WSJ ii4 per cent. .(..Inn nrlMI nn unra am Ui I AtPhlaoa adl. 4a 94 Atlantic' do 4a Hlngham Max. Central 4a H Cal. A Hecla. tav til 4k 1 tn ill 14U Atchieoa Art Dfd Dnatoa Albany... JU noetoa Maine. Boetoa Blerated per Official follows: K 16 mi 444 FUrhburt; ' .T-i-."'fc.;a ofd H. ft H 77.(00 106 101 400 i. too $.tn I.3U0 'ino u 100 t .141.1 to tM) 70 414 4 I?" H4 K 11144 1044 0 ns 21 IT to i ii 11144 30 to 744 444 144 MX) 111 111 H 110 tt.400 Chemical. 700 17 1W M M t4 100 as iti't 14 t 141 104 M It M 84 11 47 M l $14 VS. Ill to t 141 10 h'4 tt 144 M 106 61 4 M tn loo W 101 41.000 I Central Leather 46,000 No t Cash quotations were as follows: FLOl'R Steady ; winter patents. St.HK I. If; straights. e3.70Ut.20; spring patenta. 14 7iv?4.; straights. 14104. oO, bakers. $3;0 B3.50. WHEAT No. $ iprlng. 9ca$1.01; No. 3, Mtiiv; No. 3 red, 904t(91c. CORN No. 3. 6i9i3c; No. t yellow. 63c OATS No. 3 while, 434i4tic. RYK-No. 1 86c. HA R LEY Good feeding, 60(fj55c; fair to choice malting. imi63c. SEiS-Flax, No. 1 Prime timothy, $4.i. trades. $'6 50. PROVISIONS - Short ribs, northwestern, $1.22. Clover, contract Kansas City Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 1.-WHEAT-Sep- t)nilMr ' k'.IW rWcamh.. K!i7. Miiv Q'11... Cash: No. 2 hard, RY.ftoSc; No. 8, 844)S7c; N'o. I red, MUiUMir; No. 3. 83'. CORN September. 48c; December, 47t-c; May. 44No. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 49Vu60c; No. 3. 49VoiOc; No. 2 white, 60i4i6tH4c; No. 3. toe. OAT8-N0. I white. 46g47c; No. 2 mixed, 1Hc. RYE Steadv, 7Vfi7Rc. HAY-Steady: choice timothy, ri0(VfJ12.y); Chcice nriilrte. $ 00rt9 50. BT'TTER Creamery. 24c: packing, 18c. EGGS Higher; extras, 17c; firsts, lirttc; seconds, 15c.. do pfd f hea-Sheffleld Great Northern afd. Interborougti Metropolitan.. do Did Total aalea tor Ue da, 641,500 akaraa. 100 $6 34 it .... t 100 145 146 14S .... 7 .... I" 17 4LtOO 13744 1M lt4 100 14 14 tt ll tOO 64 57 17 UM 13144 tM 141 1 HO It It 16 LOW 46 ' 41 44 Am. Arse. Chemical do afd Aaa. Pneti. Tuba.. Am. Rusar do pti Am. Tel. A Tel Am. Woolen do fti Edition Elee. III., liaea. Electrto ... do pfd Maaa. Oea felted rralt Sides (loosei. bbl., $i.3vku Short clear Whisky, basis of IR3V38.62H. Meas pork, per 40. 1 ard. per 10t lbs , $8 .82. lides (hoxedl. S.T5'i(.oO. 1UI1 wines. $1.31. FullowuiH v.e.o th) reoclpts and ahlp- monta of flour ind groin: l' I Wheat, bu.. iCorn, bu.... Oata. bu r!our. bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu rata. bu Rye. bu Barley, bu n the Produce exchange today the t"'t ter mark-t waa firm; creameries, 21fci lnlrl'., UHfiJ.'SO- Fggs fl-m; at mark, Caaaa included. 1jj14Sc; firsts. lSc; prims firata. lc. Cheese, Heady, UVaUo. Receipts. Shipments 136 000 32,000 lii.Otin 24.t") 4,04) 25,0uO Kansas City cash prices as furnished by Logan A Bryan. 112 Board of Trade building: lecelpts. Shipments . l.aJ inn . 26.0U0 $7,1.10 .275.4.10 421 60 ; . 1.000 19,800 Articles. I Open. I High.) Low. Close. Peorta Grata Market. PEORIA. Julv 11. OORV-Lower: No. S yellow and No. 3. 61 Vc; No. 4. 60Ve; no 4314c; September. sS'ieeso. trade. OAT 44u4tc i-July. Doloth Grain Market. r-CLCTH. July 1. -WHEAT No. 1 north irn. $1AS: No. S northern, 874c; July. $1.04fc: September. $l(ar44; Ueceniber, ntc. OATS To arrive, tn.c; July, 42o. HlssaasalU fevala Market. MINNF4PMJ8. Julv 19 -WH KAT-Pep-iaiuber, Wcember, SovVaCi No. Wheat September.. December... Ieceniber... R6H 8S 4R4 4s 86V,t7H 4RH 4i 85H 884 44?V R5S 884, -mB 474 44S6 B bid. Mllwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. July 19-WHEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern, JMtl'fiflM; No. $ northern. cr$1.02; September. 2Tc bid. ' RYE-Hlgher; No 1. gTHjHTSc. BARLEY Dull; Mo. S, 70c; sample, j'7c. CORN-Easier; No. S cash. 624tr63Vrc; September, 6240 bid. Liverpool Grata aad Provlsloas. LIVERPOOL. July 1. WHEAT Fpot, quiet; No. $ red western winter, 7s Id. Fu tures, easy; July. 7st.d; September, 7a3Hd; December, 7a H,d. CORN-Spot. .julet; Heas dried. 6s; oil northern. fa 2lj,1. Futures, eaay; July, nom inal; Bv-plamUr. is lod. New York Mont llarKet. NEW YORK. July 19.-PRIMB MERCAN TILE PA P UK 5V" H per cent. STERLING EXCHANGB Firm, with actual bualneaa in bankers' bills at $4 Stt 4.8695 for demand and at $4.83iH 8370 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.84 and" $4,871,: commercial bills. $4R3H. SILVER Bar, 6lVac; Mexican dollars, SSc BONDS Government, firm; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bond! today were aa follotva: V. S. ret. la. re ... 106 Japan 4a, etfa toi do coupon l!w do Id eertee 1744 V. 8. te. rae l"t do 4e II do coupon 4l L AN. unt. 4s...... M v. s. aew ea. res ijiaMannat. a. snid 4a do coupon 1.' ale. Central 4a Am Tob. 4a 70 it i tn0 do 4a lntMtan. A 11. L. 41 At hiaon sea. 4t at . K A T. 4a do 4a at do Ida Atlantic C. U 4a...- t4 N R ot tt. t. 4a B A O. 4a ..., It N. T. C. saa. Ia.. da la to do la Bra a. T. ce. 4a.... 74 Northern faclfte 4 Central ot Oa. 4i ...HH da as do Id laa 44 Norfolk A W. C. 4a da 14 Ina 64 Ore. t L. rTa- 4a.. Chee. A O. 4a 10H4 Pen. la Chicago A A. Ia.. ', Reading tea. 4a 11 11 17 a. la c , b. A J a. 4a.. tiS'Ki U A I. at. C. R I. A P. 4a.... ! St U A t r. I do col. la M !t. U i W. eon. 'CC. A St. U I 4a M Seaboar4 A U Colo. Ind U. aer. A.. 14 aa. Paclte 4a..., Colo. Mid. 4a n do let 4 etfa.,., Colo. So. a n tmilnarn R ia..., D. A . O. 4a.... Tes. A P. lite . II T.. 84. L. A W. tl I', r. 4a II I'. 8. Ileal M 4a . 101 W abaah lata Weetern Md. 4a.. MW. a U f 4a.. wis. laotrai a D at. 8a i rta artsr ltaa 4a. do ten. 4a Hoax. Valley 4a. Japan 4a to Id aertea Bid. OBtred . II . t .171 .11X1 . la . 19 . M . 14 it 77 4S. TI 4a. TO 7 .... tl tot ...111 4a.. tt .... II .... M 101 Tt St 4 Treaaary tatVnaenl. WASHINGTON. July 19 -Today's itste mect of Uie treasury l!anc.e m the aen- jaral fund, excluttive ut tho ljO,0U0,)AA gold 12 Centennial 83 Copper Kante 80 naly West U lit franklin 14 LSI Iele Rorele JO 111 Maea Mlnlnt ( 1l MlrMtan 14 144 Mohawk 82 It Mont. Coal A C t .. 91 om uommion 4a . . 8 Oareola, ax-dltr 129 ..1J? Parrot II ..Its Qulncy in ..107 Shannon 17 .. tt Tamarack 107 .. n4 Trinity It I'nlted Copper 44 .. II V. I. Mining 4 .. 67 V. . Oil 1114, .. 87 t'tah 47 ..10t Victoria T I n 1 led Shoe Mach.... 6" Winona 7 do pfd U44 WeWrrlne 113 I'. S. steel.'. 18 4 North Butta ..... u do pfd 100 Butt Coalition i." Adeaatura ..n I Nevada 144 Allouel 41 Cal. A Artiona 15 '4 Amalfamated 1144 Aria. Commercial l.'.V Bid. "A Iked. London Cloalnsr Stocka. LONDON. July 19 Closlnc quotations on stocka wert aa followa: ...14 1-14 M . K. A Teiaa tt ...14 1-11 N. T. Central 114 11 '4 Norfolk m W.... 15 do pfd Ont. A Weatarn. lm Pennsylvania .., ....182 Rand Mlnea U44 Readlnt 11 southern Rr .... 1J4 do pfd lit Southern Paclne tt Union Had no ... 74 do ptd 14 I'. 8. Steel 41 do ptd Total very llRht and of the number reported In thirteen cars were quarantine cattle direct to packers, not offered for sale. In other words, there wero only about thirty-four cars of cattle on sale when the market opened. The new beef steers In sight sold quite readily at good steady prices In spile of the fact that there were, nil told, hardly enough to make a killing for one houso. Good fat steors sold up to $6.90. Thre were not far from eighteen cars .of cows and heifers tn the yards and aa the demand on the part of local packers was Rood th offerings changed hands very readily at steady prices. Practically every thing In sight changed hands In good sea son in the morning. Stackers and feeders, as lias been the case all the week, were In very moderate supply, and the market without any noteworthy change. Rouresentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. 706 I SHEBP AND LAMHS-ltecelpts, 600 .... I head. Market for best M?15c higher, others .... I slow and dull; sheep, $3.15Ei.iiO; yearlings, $a.50(M.30; lambs, $5.0087.50, Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, July 19. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,5u0 head. Including 3.50 southerns; steady to 10c lower, cows lu15c lower, CHtves 26a lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $n.25(fi'7.00; fair to good, $i.0i 8.26; western fed steers, $4.5tRti5.50; stockers and feeders. $3.5006.25; southern steers. $3.00 i8.75; southern cows, $2 76r4.60; native cows, $'.'.76fTM.50; native heifers, $3.2'ai.OO; bulls. $3.uniH.5ll: calves. $3lofl3.2r. HOOS Receipts, 9.5m head; strong to Re higher; top, $f.97H: bulk of sales, C.7S5T) 6..1U; heavy. $5.7015.75: packers, $5.85u.7V4; pigs and lights. 5.7Tflf..i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000 head; market steady; lambs, $.75B7.; ewes and yearlings, $6.156.15: Texas clipped yearlings, $6. Si KB. 00; Texas clipped sheep, $4.755.35; stockers and feeders. $3.60fc6.0o, 3,140 were Oonaola, money do account .... Anaconda ....... Atchleon de pfd Baltimore A O.. Canadian Fadfle Che. A Ohio.... Chicago Ot. W C . M A It. r. DaReera U. A It. O da pfd trie da let pfd do 11 pfd...... Ora&d Trunk ... llllnola Central L. A KaehTllle. ::S5 17 M 6a 83 1 at 83 14 St - 101 No. Ar. Pr. N. At. Pt. 1 1! 4 JS 11 103 6 40 19 tl 4 40 tl 1O40 ( 88 11 sen 4 m JO 1148 I 40 11 inM 6 80 4 1516 I i 1078 I 80 87 1171 4 80 COWS. I t 3 W I l7n I o 1 170 I 00 1 1020 I 4 1 850 J it t 1TOS I 71 1 t'O t 30 1 884 t 76 1 1040 1 78 8 1040 8 78 1 1180 t 78 19 879 I 80 1 1'ilQ I 10 9 1048 4 01) 7 MS I 00 1 :.. 130 4 00 1 HMO 3 00 1 1000 4 08 1 775 J 10 10 1020 4 10 4 115 I t5 14 l"t 4 ) t 101 I n 80 Ml 4 JO 1 1100 I if 6 894 I 28 1 taO IP 1097 4 M (0 1070 I 15 1 1U1 I ti 1 If 50 I 80 11 1040 4 44 2 800 I SO 1 17.11 6 00 1 1000 1 50 4 1778 I J5 HEIFERS. t 80S 1 fi 1 810 4 18 1 270 I 80 t 40 4 88 23...., 418 I 4S 10 878 4 50 1 776 4 00 1 8F.0 4 80 1 8M 4 00 I HI IU) 1 145 4 SO 1 ISO 6 25 BULLS. 1 480 I 7( 1 1010 1 60 1 l' t 10 1 1410 I 60 1 U'O 1 11 1 1440 t 84 1 1140 I 40 1 1400 I 66 1 1601) I 40 t 1176 I 14 1 1800 t 4 1 1U4 8 70 1 1170 I 40 1 1M0 4 00 1 170 8 80 1 14W 4 60 1 150 I 8 CALVES. t 4S0 4 34 1 111 I 0 170 4 71 1 tlO I 00 6 8!4 4 76 Mv W 4 1 216 6 M t 186 4 00 1 101 I 00 4 186 4 18 4 141 5 00 I ita t 40 1 140 4 00 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 810 I RO It 462 'I 80 1 114 I II 144 4 40 WE8TERN9. 43 Wabaan 14 IK oo pm fl 144 Ipanlab 4a II 120 SILVER Bar, steady; 31 7-16d per ounci. iwiE.i-j per cent. . Tbe rata of discount on the open market for ihort bllli Ii 8tWH per cent; for three month!' bllli, 3Vii3( per cent. New York Mialasj (ttocka. NEW YORK. July 19. -Closing -quotation! on mining stocki v.n: Adams Cos. Alice Breeee Brunawck Con Cninato'k Tunnel . Con. Cal. and Va. Horn HHver Iron Stiver Leedvtlte Con olerrd. I ..tte .. n .. it .. is .. 44 .110 ..lit .. Utile Chief ... Ontario Ophlr l oioal Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard . . 4 .10 . 14 . 41 . 34 . .114 Forelaa Financial. LONnON, Julj ',9 Money was easy and plentiful In the market today and discounts were quiet. Trading on the Stock ex change wis Very nieaaer. owinir tn the fact that many operators are commencing to go away on their vacation and that the public ll holding off. British securities, however, were inclined to harden fnc tlonally. Foreigner! benefited by Paris eupport. Japanese cloalng firmer after early weakneai. Japanese Imperial Sa of UCH cloaed at lOSV Americana were Arm, but quiet In the forenoon. The better Wall at rest clou of last night Induced moderate covering and theae operations placed quota. Hons above parity. Later the New York opening cheered the market considerably and prices hirdened under goad buying, principally tor Wall itreet account. The market cloaed firm. Missouri Pacific and Mlaaourl, Kaneaa A Teiaa were features). Itlo Tintoa were active and itrong. PARI. July IS. Trading on the Boune today was dull, but prlcea were firmer on New Vork advlcea. Copper ehare; atringthened. Ruaalaa imperial 4i were uu q noted. Ruaaian bondi of 1WH closed It 60I. BERLIN, July IS Trading on tha Bourse today waa Irregular. Japanese securities were 4 of a point lower upon London ad vice. Latir, however, they Improved. Slaak 1'ioarlaaT. OMAHA. Jialy lS-Bank clearings for to day were $1.6Srt.fH7.2S and for the corre a ponding oil Ut year $l,4Su,073 07. William Reynolda, Wyoming. 17 feeders.. 4 4 70 32 oows 45 4 10 1 stae 1220 3 40 1 steer 13u0 5 M HOOS Hogs sold on an average tdst bout 6c higher than yesterday ahd when the trade was under way tt was active so that the receipts, although large, were disposed of at an early hour In the morn ing. While the general market was 5c Higher, aa noted atiovti, there wai mora or less unevenness In the trade so that it was posslblo tp find salesmen, who thought they did not get fully that much advance on their heavy hogs, hut on the other hand there were thoae who figured their soles as being a big 6c higher. The bulk of the hogs sold at $C.70fff, . with a top at $5 95. Yexterday the hogs sold largely at $5 tt'if 6 75. with the big bulk at $5.6546 70 and tha top at S3 .90. Today's advance makes up most of the decline of yesterday and the day before, leaving the market almost high an 11 was Tuesday anH fully aa high as at the close of lsst week. Representative sales: New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 19. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,827 head; market Arm lo lfc higher for everything; steers sold at $5. US IS 6.60; cows, $2.25 4.60; one cow i.t $4.s: dressed beef sternly. Exports, 200 held cattle and 6.850 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 495 head; market full steady for both veojs and buttermilks, veala, $ rl . 0 0 f j 8 . 7 5 ; buttermilks. $4 62 St, city dressod veali steady, 8' ( 12 '.jc; country dressed veals, 7 He; dressed but termilks, 6 mi 7c. HOOS Receipts, 1,821 head; market feeling steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt!, 3,000 head; market for sheep steady; medium to choice lambs, 262) 35c higher; common lnmhs dull and unchanged: sheep sold t $3.60fj6.60; lambs, $5.76 5j $.85. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 19 CATTLE Receipti, 3.00U head, including 2.010 Texam; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $6. "nXiil.X; dressed beef and butcher steers, So.ltKBwIej; steers under 1,0(0 Ins.. $l.00ao.00: stockers and feeders, $3.1714. 6; cows ind heifers, $3.75fn.00; eanners, $1.76(32.40; bulls, $2.704.o0; calves. $4 Ovfjll.OO; . fcxaa and Indian steers, $3.8Tyg.uu; cows and heifers, $l.rVS4.00. HUGS Receipts, 8.0JJ head; strong; nigs and lights, $5.oi.10; packers, 5 65 4iJ0; butchers and best heavy. $5 ixfiV0. SHEEP AND IAMWrJ-ReceiptS, 1,800 head; market steady; native muttons. $3.40 fe&.so; lambs, $4.00,7 25: culls and buoki, $o.0034.00; stockers, $4.0i,Q6.9. lone City Llre Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., July 19.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mar ket steady: beeves-. $6.Owfj7.10; calves and heifers, t4.6otfr6.50-, grass cows, $2.5ikS4.2o: stockers and feeders, $3.20fiH.76; calvei and yeirllngi. $3,0014.28. HOGS Receipts. 6 200 head; market steadv. selling at $5.556.62H; bulk ot aalea, $5.65fftj.75. SHElSP AND LAMBS Receipt!, 140 head; market Heady. St. Joseph I.Itc Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July W.-CATTLE-Rtv. celpts, 1.22 head; ninrkct steady; natives, t4.60tf7 00; cows and heifers, $.i6u6.a0; stock ers and feeders, $3.5t-j4.80. HOOS Rtx-elpti, 6.541 head: market 60 higher; top, $5 95; bulk of sales, $5.77VifJr.M. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Pecelpts. 780 hesd; market steady; lambs, $8.6037.50; yearlings, $6.3541.65. Stock In Slgrh't. Receipt! of live stock at thi tlx principal weitern market! yesterday were as follows: Csttle. Hoes. Sheen. noutn timana 1,1110 Sioux Cltv tn Kansas City tMb St. Joseph 1.SN2 St. Iuls Chicago . Totali. 8.010 3.600 11.7O0 54, 9.500 6.611 6.000 17.0C0 $.50) 1:0 1.M0 6.0O9 So. at. tn. Pr. No. At. tk. r 41 171 ... 6 It 43 14U 1 6 77 40 ttt 10 I It t 844 120 I TT 70 11 ... Ill 74 tit 44 8 77 61 314 ... I 4t 78 til 10 177 4t Ill 460 I 4i 14 110 ... I Vi 84 308 ... 6 46 70 lit 40 4 77 40 310 ... I 48 71 Hi 40 I T7 64 304 ... 8 88 Tt 37 0 I 71 I 2M ... 6 48 44) t.8 10 $77 l! ... 6 46 II 384 ... 6 T6 87 3:4 ... 4 46 71 44 ... 171 64 2k3 10 117 II 341 M I 71 86 270 40 I 17 11 141 40 I 75 ii 3 ... 17 144 ... ( II 84 177 40 I 47 81 $41 40 I Tl 61 tt tOO 6 17 71 S4 80 Tl 11 314 ... I 47 17 $14 to I Tl 1 114 40 in II I4t ISO 6 71 44 314 4 I 47 73 184 ... 4 78 46 14 80 I 17 It ft! I II 48 tt 40 I 17 tl tit 14 I Tl 81 !) 80 I 17 44 $44 . . I 73 0 .141 40 6 TO 44 84 10 I 76 68 14T ... I TO Tl t4 80 I 78 41 3)) 80 I 70 It tit 44 I 11 44 ttt ... I TO 44 341 IN $ Tl 14 le ... I 74) Tt $;,7 Itt I Tl 73 2t 40 TO 4t $14 40 I Ti 13 4U I TO 78 141 St T( 47 171 40 6 74 it ttl 180 171 48 264 40 TO 14 l'l ... Tt 46 274 40 I TO 41 89 140 $ 75 il 77 ... I 70 61 170 to I 76 i t?4 ... I 70 10 . 134 40 I Tl 48 I I 100 I 70 63 Ill 1 T8 11 171 to I Tt ee 844 ... I Tt 49 !41 130 I 14 It IM ... I Tl 3 li 8 6 TO Tl 1I 40 I 71 64 t0 i W 11 0 10 ( 7 14 3-i 40 I TO T :S 2' I 76 44 27 lo IT 41 fM 10 6 Tt 1 17 M 147 ... IT! 40 m law 4 71 17 Ill ... $ U 14.983 66.SU 16.320 Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 9 METALS There wai a moderate Improvement in the London tin market, with snot cloalng nt 183 15s and futures at 1S1. Locally the market was firm, with spot ouoted at $41 .OfiOif 41 . lrt. Copper was higher In the London market. wnn snot advancing toi to .4 los and fs- turel 1 15s to r$ Its. Locally tha mar ket was lull and nominal, with Lake quoted atl$21.0Ot02?.fO; electrnlvMc at $20,604 31.00. and caatlng at $20nrV32n26. I -end wai tinrmarigen at $a l;,i?js.26 In the local market ind at $0 In Indon. Spelter wai 2a 3d lower at 23 17i d in London. Locally the market waa weak, hut unchanged at $ti Iron wis unchanged In the En glish market. with Standard Foundry quoted at 5ili 3d and Cleveland warrant! at 6fia fid. lxjcally the market waa unchanged. with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at $13 704124 23; No. 2 foundry northern it $28 30 4 23.76; No. 1 foundry southern at $36.00 and No 2 foundry at $24 60. ST. LOI'IS, July 9 METALS Lead, weak at $6.10; spelter, weak at $6.90. CHERRIES-Home grown. 24 qts , SJ. RED CURRANTS see, .4 qts . f is. CL,IFORNIA PEACHES 11 Ot yellow freestones, $1.76. PEACH liS Texas Elhertas, 4 basket crsle. $1: $ basket crate. $? 00. CALIFORNIA PLUMS-Per crate, $100. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES -Pr bo oi botit $ lbs , black or whll. 82.00. TEXAS WATERMELONS Kich, $60. 45c and "V, crated for ihtpment, Sc per lb. CAN TELOUPK-Callfornla. 46 to cret. itlndard, $5 50; 64 to create, pony, $3.60; Texaa, 30 Use, $2. TROPICAL FRUtTS. T.EMONS Llmonlera, Son ill. $8.00; $94 ilae, $8.00: other brands. 6"i lesa HAN ANAS Per medl-jm-slsed bunoh. IS.WTl-I.W; Jtimbos. $160053.60. ORANGES Mediterranean PweetA fancy, 160 slie, $4.26; 179, SOP, 316 and Zm Hies. It.ou; . 126 and 3M ilas, $4.00; extra fancy, 2Dc mora per box; St. Michael!, 178. 200. $16 and 280 sltmi. $4.76; 126 and 169 sites. $4 60; Valencia. SO, At and 11$ sises. 14,50434.7$; 136, 160, LA $)) and 81 !'. $4. 7u-4i.uu $1.00, extra fancy. 21c more per box; BL lowls, Sc; new. stuffed walnut dates, S-lav. boxi i 1 ' ,' DATK8 Kadaway, o; layers, 5o; balr lowls, 6c; new stuffed walnut datea, S-10a, box, $1.00. trcOETABLES. i- NAVY BEANS Per bu. No. 1 II.MV MO; No 3. tl U0WJ.00. POTATOF.R Per bu., new. $1.00. NEW PCVPERS-Ter 8-besket Crat. 2; per H bushel boa, 78o. ASPARAQl'S 75o per dot. bunches. BEANS New wax aad string, pel bu bo or basket, 76o. . BEETS. TUn NIPS and CARROTS F dor. bunches. 3"rtfc3bo, PIEPLANT Pur do. bunchea. 30a CI t'L MHKHS-Per dol . O04j75o. TOMATOES Tennessee, fancy, lO-Ib. crste, $1.36. . ONIONS Qreen onions, per dot., 3to. CABBAGE-Home grown, 24C per lb. LEAF LKTlUCU-aiov-nouiT. per do hi'ads. 20c RADISHES Per do, bunches, bomi gtin 2iv CELERY Kalamaioo, 8fv36c per dog. I4EKF CUTS. No. 1 rib, 14c; No. 1 rlu, lie; No. 8 rib, 10c: No. 1 loin, 171c: No. 3 loin. 184j,c; No. 8 loin, 12Hc; No. 1 chuck, 7c; No. 8 chuck, SHc; No. 3 chuck. 8l4c; No. V round. 8Soj No. $ round, 8'4c; No. 3 round, 8c; No. 1 plate, S4c; No. 1! plate, 8c; NO. 3 plite, $0. M I St.' ELLA N EOl" 8. COFFEFJ-Rpaated, No. 35, 3fic per lb. I JO, HHc per lb.: No. 'J. 16c per lb.; No. 80, 144c per lb.; No. tt, l!'v per lb. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunei Ire eomewhat unaettlcd by freer offering! from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tatlons range from fie to re for California fruit and from 6VrW8 for uregon. peacnes are slightly easier, with fancy yellowi quoted nt lSc. Raisins are firm; three crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c four-crown. 10c; seeded raisins, O'illlci. F1SH Pickerel, dressed. 10c; plk. dressed, 15c; white fish, dressed, whiter caught. 1315c; fresh, ISc; trout, 121115C1 halibut, 11c; salmon, 10c; catfish, 17c; her ring,, dressed, fc; crapplei, round. rVH'Sc; rrapplea, large, fancy, l;c; black bass, 25c; smelts, sweet end line, 13c; eel, 18c; blue dsn, K-c; red snapper, L'c; roe shad, per pair, 401(600; frog leiis. SOtOc; lobsters, green, per lb., 27c; lobster boiled, per lb., 80c; mackerel, Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native, lSi&3tc per lb.; fresh green turtle meat. 25c per lb.; dressed buffalo, 8c; bull brails. 12c: white perch, 7c; white baas. 16c. CANNED COODS Corn, ta i.'ar.1 west ern, fific. Tomatoea. fancy. 8-pound cans, $1.45; . standard, 8-pound cin!. $1.25. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound, $2 flff2.30; illced, $1 i Uu 2.35. Gallon ipplesV $3.16. California apricots. $!.0O. Pears. $T.754i2 60. Peaches, $1 76ti J. 40; L. C. peaches. '$2.rtS2.60. Alaska snlmoTt. red. $1.20; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.10; fancy Hockey, flat, $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil. $3.25; three-quarters mustard. $3.10. Sweet potatoes. $1. 25471.35, Bauer kraut, 90c, Pumpkins, 8uc4i$l.O0. Uma beans, 3-lb.. 760 Gil. 25. Soaked peas, 3-lb.. 60c.; fancy, $1.26 i.45. NUTS California walnuts, No. 1 soft shell. l2o; Braills. 1648 18c; pecans. 19332c; filbert!. 14ci peanut!, raw,- TAfii roaited, rV: Caliromla almonds. l.Vio; cocoanuta, $5.00 per 10U. Wool Market. ROSTON, July 19. WOOL Tha Com mercial Bulletin of Boston, basing Iti re port npon statistics telegraphed for tb government, will say tomorrow of the wool market: The volume of business is smaller. Roth buyer! end n-llers ire disposed ta wjilt before entering Into further large cen tracts. Thero Is a demand for all fine staple wools, tho market for which Is very firm. Fine washed Ohio delalno hi! sold at S8V4a and Is held at 40c. Considerable stapla Idaho sold at 24'i5c. to cost 72itT3e scoured. Dealer say thev could have sold consid erable lines of Montana and other staple at a price, but they are disposed to wait supplies, taking chances on better prices then. All prominent Influences wore strengthening. Imdon Is higher than a year1 ago for fine wool. The new American clip I practically out of grades and with highest prices of the sen ton paid In Mon tana on the latest deals. The shipments of wool from Boston to July 18. inclusive, according lo the same suthorlty, are 148.641, KM lbs., against l?0.i;0.841 lbs. th same time lest vear. Tbe receipts to July IS. In- i elusive, were 149,9Ur'.6 lbs., against 14,6S6,- 964 Ina the same time mat yar. LONDON, Julv 19. WOOL-At the wool auction sales today 14,629 hales were offered. Fine merinos were In keen demand, espe cially grenales, which were taken try the home trade and America. Fine crossbred! In large supply were readily bought by tit fanrif purchisers. France was also an ae Ive buyer today. The withdrawals show decrease: New South Walea. 1.500 bales; looured. lOVtftllAtd: greasy. smiftUd. Quesn land. 500 bales: scoured, lldils 10Hd: greasy, ,(!!, Is IVid. South Australia. 1 100 halei: greasy, latftli tid. New Zealand, S.aOO halei; scoured, 10dA2s. Punta Arenn, $30 bales; grtiity, tV4djpii i. Rvajw rated Aanlca aad Dried Frntta. NEW TOFK. July IS. EVAPORATF.D APPLES Market ll firm. Fanoy are; (i noted at S44jo; prima, 74 to; poor to fair. 6I&7UC CALIFORNIA DR7KD FRUITS Pruho are Arm In tone, with ouetatlona ranging: from 4Ht?12Hc for California fruit aid from $113 90 for Oregons up to 30s anl 40a. Apricots are oulet. buslneia. except for immediate needs, being restricted by the high prices. Choice are ouoted at 21c; extra choice. 22c; fancy, 222$c. Peacrnej are unchanged, with choice quoted at 11 -A arlje; extra choice. 124lSc; fancy. l$'f 11 He; extra fancy, 14Q14HC. Raliins are In alack demand on spot, owing to hot weather. Loose MuerAteli are quoted nt 8 H T10c: seeded raisins, 7 14 13c; London layers, $l.6t1.85. Coffee Market. KHW YORK , July 19,-COFFT:F-Th rrgrk4!t for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices. Trading was Very Quiet, but tho market Improved on some position! during the (lav owing to steady European t rke i nntini $ light primary receipt! and the abaence of Important offering!,! there wai a continued demand from mm of the trade Int create. The eloie waa steady, net unchanged to 10 point! higher. Snlei were reported of 9,750 bag!. Includ ing December it 5.7Vt, March at 6.80c. April at 6.85c, May at 5 90c. June at 6 86 i1 IXic. Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 640; San toa No t, IVfcc; mild coffee, quiet; Cor dova, 0612A cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 19 -COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands. lt.95c; mid dling gulf 13 20c; aaU.a. 6. (mi bales GALVESTON, July U.-COTTON-Bteady. 13j. , ST. ijons. July i Cotton sru!et; middling. 13V: ao sales; no receipts; ship ments, 700 bales; stock, lO.oiO bales. LIVERPOOL, July 18. CtlTTON-Snot, dull, prices easv; American middling fair, 6. Lid, good middling, 7.6M; middling. 7d; low middling. 8nd; good, ordinary. &.S4d; ordinary. 6 S4d The aules of the day were 4.U00 balea, of which 3u were for apecula tiun and export, and Included $.100 Ameri can. Rerf-alpte were ltura) balea. Including 11.144) Amertcan. NEW ORLEANS. July 19 -COTTON-. Spot, ateady; lalea, 17S balei; low oerllaarv, Ili-leo, nominal; ordinary, lU-lto, nomt- latsar and Mhla NEW YORK. Julv 19.-SUOA R-Riw. quiet; fair refining. 3.33nrc; oentrlf ug-4l. 91 test. 8.83HC, molaaaea sugar. 8 0H; refln-'d. steady; No. . 4 8tic; No. 7. 4 65c; No. . 4 too; No. S. 4 4tc: No. 10, 4 35e: No. 11, 4.80c; No. 11. 4 25c; No. IS. 4 20o: No. 14. 4 15c; con fectioners. 4 80c; mould A. 6 S5o; cut loaf, 8 70; rruahed. 6 70c; powdered, I.10o; gran, ulated, lic: ciities. k.25a. MOIJtfiSFS Steady ; New Orleans open kettle good t"4 choice. 374144c. KKW ORLE4.NS. La.. Julv 19 3UOA! Open kettle centrifugsl. 8V,3'4": centri fugal yellow, 8 '4c: seconds, 2'tjSHc. MOLA 88 KS Quiet ; new syrup, 304334c, Palladelpkla Prodac Market. PIIILADFLPHIA. July IS BUTTER Prm. He higher; extra western creamery, official price. 2Uc; street price, 27c, extra nearby prints, 2Sc. FTKlB-Flrm. good demand; western fir 1X4 frea caiei, Isc at mark. CMELBE -Qulet; fair to good, 110. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEK), O. July 19. -SrED Clover, eaah. 33 26; December and March, tt $.V4 Prime alaika. $$00; prime timothy, $2.30. When yoa tin anything to buy or salt advarUM 11 Ui TU tie Want Ad 4H)lttiii4Bn