THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1907. 4 1 aed. I-ROOM cottage. ll modern, burn. N. 2?lh Bt. -""' FOR RENT- 130 P ave., 8 roomi; all modern, ISO. lno.uiru on premises (1)-M569 18 NEW iii-rorm, mndrn house, walking distance; rent Including water. J. Byrne, Tim Chatham. Oil M541 20 FOR RENT 1 SI 7 H. 21th, s-room, mod ern. tift'n Hanscom park and 24th Bt. car; furnace, barn, paved street, fib. I. C Parsons, I50H Hamilton; phone Harney 243. 115) M542 19 FOR RENT A f tor August 1, thoroughly modern l-roum house, east front.. West Farnam district. Inquire Mrs. J. A. Hopp, Arcade hotel. Phone Domrlns 7;. (1S 2") Iloesrs and t ottaaee 4. ontl Vv ROOMS for rent. upstairs, modern In quire 21 Sherman Ave. (15) fill 1 NEW 7-room house, all modern, one block from enr line, 23d and Hrown. 'I'hone Webster 2W. (16 C22 19 10 ROOM detached house, Went Farnam; furniture for Hale at a sacrifice; low rent and good tenant, 'Phone Harney 5'i3. (15) i23 19 8-ROOM brick flat, all modern, 3143.Harr.Hy, 137 &u. (J Keefe Real Katate Co., l'Jtl New York Life. Tel. Douglas 2112 (16) Milt 20 XINE-tlOOM modern dwelling-. 810 Worth Ington St., opposite Rrowncll Hall; will lease one or two years; house In first class order and unexcelled neighborhood V. L. 8elby, Room 440 Board of Trade Hid. (16)-26 19 FOR REN T 4-room cottage and large barn, walking distance, smnll family, 112. New -room modern dwelling, will be ready for occupancy August 1. 130. 9-room mod ern dwelling, large barn, 18th and Iake, 32. W. O. PHR1VER. 1023 New York Life Bldg. (16) M'lfiJl 18 W40 Harnev, 7-r. all mod. close In, barn, !" K' Bhernian Ave., 6-r. flat all mod.. !' 314 Grand Ave., 8-r., bath, furnace, $20. 173 Mason St., 6-r., water, sewer. lJ. FINK NEW 8-r. all mod. home, dee us about It. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 2162. (15)-M497 IS AN EIoTlT ROOM house, modern; $3(1 a month and water rent. 2:t0 Iewey ave. Apply to Allen Koch, 2fiXl Harney st. (IS)-M77 20 MODERN BRICK FLAT At MO So: 24th St.. 8 rooms; nearly new. In excellent repair, and walking distance; $49. QARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St. (VM Mr.71 ONE 7-room house, one 6-room houae. mod ern except furnace, t?5 and $-"; one G rom house, city water In kitchen. Chrli Boyer, 2123 Cuming St. (15) ".63 H FER MO.. 4-room house, N. E. cor. Slst and Cuming Sis. $40 per mo., 2!l Faclflc St., 9 rooms. trlotly modern; owner pnys water rent. $6n per mo. for 21 Park Ave., 9-room, all modern detached house. C.F.ORGE & CO.. liHil Farnam St (15) f9 19 CHOICE. 9-r., all modern, 2416 Sherman Ave.. .. Ct l Kmnklln. 8-r.. llfil N lKth. 12-r., S2."8 I nlk. ft., !. mod., good repair. $23. partly modern, $W. V, ! S. 11th. 4-r., city water, $11. HFSELL A- M'KITRICK CO. 432-3;-;i4 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney. (lul-AWl 18 Dnlldtnga. THE entire building formerly occupied by '.he Dally News, 41x30 fet. i! stories and hneinent. McCague Investment Co., Y Dodge St. (1n)-S36 13!? IfARNEY BT.--8 floors and basement, 'jtxl?! feet; sullahle for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1506 Pcdge St. (15J-S3Y t r 1 Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and baaement brick build ing at U16 Farnam St. Apply! F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas St. (U-M3S0 (tfllCM. DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnam. (16)-!3 ID FI-OOR. well lighted; elegant for office use. 1212 Farnam. (!) v FOR RENT Peak room In Bee office, city hall building. 41i N. 2Mb. St., South Omaha, Apply to manager. (15)-134 toraa. FOR RENT I-arge store room, with good baaement, 2460 Bo. 16th St., $15. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. (16) M71 STORE ROOM. 110J N. t8th 8t.. $20. BEM18. PAXTON BLK. 'Phone Douglas 56. (15) 414 DESK room, with 'phono service; nom inal rent. J. li. Johnson, 843 N. V. l.ifo. (161-637 20x li? Howard St., 3-story brick, electric ele vator, $120. 11120 N. 24lu St.. brick, $25. )M N. 24th St., 3u. tlst St. and Ames Ave., $H. lulT Burt St., $2iS0. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. (li) 536 18 PART of store In one of the best business locations In Omaha, 211 8. 14th St. . (15) 621 19x $40 PER MO. for desirable store room and basement, 30x(k) ft., near t2d and Farnam Sta. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. (16) 6H0 19 OFFERED FOR SALE Fcarlag. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing bo per foot. 204 N. 17th bu Tel. Red U4. (16 M2 Farattar. ID-HAND furniture bought and aold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co.. 103 S. 14th. D. fcMa (1O-M970 Jv:'7 FOR BALE--Furnlture of a four-room cot tage; ail goes for $46. Inquire 1412 Chi cago St. (16) M549 x Plaaoa, Orcaaa, Maalcal laatrasaaata, PIANO BARGAINS For clos buyers. Your choice of twentj different makes Id ouy bargain room this week. Kimball upright I 7b Oem upright, rednlshad Uka new 13: Ludlman upright, larga alaa 154) Hallatt A Uavta. Flemlah oak 10 Hallett A Parkx. walnut cue UM SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 1 PLVNO COMPANY 'Pbooa Doug. 1U6. 1XU-UU Farnam St. (1)-M3? V'PRIGHT Kimball piano. In fine condl lion. $U5 0il Owner leaving cly Wy Liavatipurt fit. (16) M.41 2) KIMBALL upright piano, fine d.n.iiiion. $iJo; alsj n unc cabin-t: ownrr ic.i.lui iiiv; dealars don i atpiy IS ! ! 1 aveit- SwrC US MiTi (.Ji LIVE STOCK FOR SALE (Continued ) Trtenrltrn n4 sewing; HaealaM. TYPEWRITER SALB All machine taken i In exchange will b closed out at unheard prices. Typewriter Exchange, Ml Paxton Block. , (! M971 , ON K No. 7 Remington typewriter and dek. nearly new; 1 No. ( Remington typewriter; I.o. k mimeograph; Hall s safe, medium slxo. J. L. Barber, lit Harney. (It) 152 Wx FOR 8AI.E High grade secondhand type wr'ter; good condition: a bargain at i'O. Call room G 3. Bee Bldg. (16) T1 ONE Remington typ writer. No. 6, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at H Olflce. (16) 24i Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR 8ALE -New and aecondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead thn world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Rruns-wick-Balke-Collendar. 407 S. 10th St. (li)-4o Miscellaneous. DRIG8 at cist prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. (1D-M4H OAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION F1XTIRKS. fipe lal low prices during thn summer to reduce stock, jorder now; goods delivered BURGESS & GRAN DEN CO., Telephone Uougtaa 6S1. 313 8. lMh St, U6)-846 6ENP us ' your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dllloti Drug Co., Omat a. (16)-850 BHl-RWVN WILLIAMS CO, best, mljed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (lii)-19J HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Bhernian & McConnell Prug Co. (16)-M417 HALLS safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (161-847 Baiikruit Sale of Books. Now on sale In the room formerly occu pied by the Wabash ticket ofllce. lth find Farnam Sts., comprtHlng Ridpath'a History of the World. New International Encyclopedia, New Americanized En cyclopedia Brltnrinlca, Historians' His tory of the World. Appleton'a 1'ilveiHal Eni'yclopeclla. Small monthly payments, while they last. H. H. R t-'-t (16) M501 22 FOR PALE-First-class store fixtures, showcases, etc. Oloho Land and I "est ment Co.. 12 I-'arnum S... Omaha. iieo. (16) SoO SAFE FOR SALE Large double .lours, 7."o tM.unds; Mg bargain for quick dis posal. Hnrtman Furniture and Carpet Co., 1410-12-14-16 Douglas St. Omaha eh. (IV, (449 17 NEW Harrison oil stoves, different sizes; turns coal oil Into gas. 2640 Capitol ave (16) M47x 2 i FOR SALE One hot water housr heating holler; capacity, 6fifl ft. radiation. One Victor oust Iron steam holler; capacity, !f0 ft. radiation. Both complete and In good working order. Price on each, $20 00. J. C. Hixby Hon, 202 Main St.. Council Bluffs, U. (Hi Mali 16X C.ltiiCF.R'S Ice box North 12th St. for sale cheap. 10" (16) Mail 23 FOR SALE Bohn slrhon refrigerator: ruh-ber-tlred reclining go-cart. Tel. Wchster 2449. (16)-M5-3 23 PATENTS LARSON Sc CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) Wo D. O. BAFtNELL, petfnt attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117. (17) SSOAukIO PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 211 &. lUh St. Tel. Doug. ioi. (IS) 4i OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Bldg. (18J-867 8EWINO machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. 'Phone Doug. 1663. tt)-85S M inVPTrf l""1""' anJ bath. Mme. jllAUUllVjmui Ug N- 15tn 2,1 door. (Uj (Ki0 FEW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountain, monthly payments. Derlght, ISIS Farnam. (16) .S4l) ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton salve, is. J. scannell, agt., WJU ware tun. (1!)--M91S SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut trices. Send for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18)-Ko9 PI P A T I N O Button a, IRucMng, 1 U Li r 1 III VJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink lng only 6c per yard. Send for prica list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. , 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. (15) Nil THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting, to thn worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18J 511 PRIVATIS CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Lir. King. 1SJ0 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 3559. (18) S63 MAONETIO Osteology and massage. lUaUitUitU Vanor nrl tuh hatha. Room t WW Farnam St., 2d floor. (i) msss jy-t YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms. 1516 Farnam street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (IS) 913 TIFF! FT 1TF, Expert lady operator XlliJ Liuixij lv(., massage. baths and sal gelldus rub. Room 2u0 Barker Plk., 16th and Farnam. (IS) 613 20x HEALTHY, wholeaome, satin skin he- stowed by satin skin crtam and Satin powder. 26o. (18) GIRL willing to act aa companion to lady for her board inn room; excellent place for girl going to aohnol and wanting a home; references exchanged. For Inter view address K 802. care Bee. (IS) 515 22x REAL ESTATE REAL EISTATB DEALERS'. RUSSELL & M K1TRICK CO., 432 Rainga (19) IHw W. H. TURRELL, 16 Patteroon Blk. Doug 1120. (19) M PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. I78L L. Doug. (19) 6 L. W. BUNNELL Douglas 5149. CO., 822 N. Y. Life. (19) -aW R. C. PETERS CO.. Bee Bldg. (1 hi7 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. tC9 First Natl Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 72$. (1OT-8S OEORQE ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 75& (19) o.9 CITt PROPERTY run a A LB. VACANT LOTS West Farnam 130x136. The best bargain In the district. Chance to double your money. Let ua show them to you. 0 'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. luul N. Y. Life Bldg. (Uv-l43tt 20 FOR SALE -rwim house, all modern; oak finish on first floor; cement . cellar; first class repair throughout ; $."i.5i'4). Inqu'ro 111 a. Ave. (19)-M568 lNx REAL ESTATE TITLIJ-VRI'ST CHAa. WILLlAUs. fiM. CO (U) -4193 f Do You Want Good Help? REAL ESTATR mm CITY PHOl'KRTY FOR SAI.B. (Contlnud- WEST FARNAM HOME FOR SALE I7.6O0 will buy 137 N. SM Ave. Tills property ha only been built a few years, and la well constructed throughout. It la located In one of the beat neighborhoods In the West Farnam district, on lot 50x136 feet; lot Is on grade, and street Is paved with asphalt. Per manent sidewalk In front and around the house. The houae Is a frame structure, being full 2 stories and large attic. There are 5 bedrooms on 2d floor, large reception hall, first floor, parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen, hot water heating plant. new style plumbing, stationary wash tubs In basement; house has heen painted outside, has been papered throughout, and put In first class condition, entire first floor with the exception of kitchen finished In quarter sawed oak. Property Is now vacant, and we can give Im mediate possession. We have a key at our office, and will be glad to show you this prop erty at any time. Don't hesi tate to ask us about It, for we think this will suit you. GEORGE & CO., Exclusive Agents. (19)-M633 18 HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN 1306 South 2tth Street (Georgia Ave.) Beautiful, large, thoroughly modern, eight-room house, In good repair, cemented basement, east front, small barn, lot 50xl60 ft. Nonresident owner will sacrifice to make quick sale. See me at once, this Is a snap. 3177 DAVENPORT STREET This elegant 10-room house on the southeast coiner of 32d and Daven port street is now on the market; house Is modern throughout, in per fect repair; ground U6xl"5 ft. This Is a fine opportunity for anyone wishing a good home In Omaha's best residence district. Possession can be given August 1st. CONRAD YOl NO. Tel. Douglas 1671 1518 Podge Street (lS)-009 17 FOR SALE WALNUT I!III. HOME :,joo for a 7-room house, one-half block from cur line. Sewer, water, gas. bath, cemented cellar. Trees and fruit In yard. A BARGAIN. Owner leaving town or It would not be for sale. Call us for location. D. V. SHOLE8 CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Teh Poug. 49 (19) 618 18g CLOSE IN HOME Garage reserved, price reduced to $1,000. This Is the 8-room and reception hill. modern, house, 1H blocks from Farnam car line advertised lawt Sunday at $4,2' 0. This home Is only 10 blocks from court house, close to Catholic church and school and a bargain. Full partlculara on re quest. J. II. DUMONT & SON, -S N. T. Life Bldg. . (19)-603 17 SOME GOOD HOUSES 620 N. 40th St., modern house, 9 rooms, ei uvi , Fine house, 8 rooms, near 3oth and Pacific St. th 100. 1U'5 South 2th St., rooms, modern, $4 000. 3515 Howard St., 7 rooms, modern. $2,400. ! 2223 Miami St.. 7 rooms, full lot, $2,1"j0. 1619 Locust St., 6 rooms, bath, gas, etc., 12. 2TA 2810 Miami, 5 rooms, water and gas, $1,100. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. (ISO 623 13 IF YOU are thinking or building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 22 and 23 Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) UO CHEAPEST CORNER IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT We have sold part of the southeast cor ner of 36th and Dewey ave. and are au thorised to offer the balance, 64x132 feet (corner) for a few days at much less than Its value. This Is a beautiful piece of i ground In the choicest residence district of Omaha. Full particulars on request. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 905-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 602 17 16 PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 32 rooms on a leading business street; rented for $215 a month. Price $16,uo0; half cash, balance four years at 6 ner cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. U9 893 FOR SALE 6-room cottage, owner leaving city, whl sell at a sacilflce. 10(1 North 4t'Oi, South Omaha. Tel. 2TL 1S)-M14S If looking for a 5. 6 or 7-room cottage on your own terms, 'phone Web. 1866. (19) '90 Splendid Lot, Georgia Ave. 68xl4o Fine trees, near Mason St. Fine for residence, I3.J50 W. T. GKAHAM. Bee Pldg. (1:k-Ml IS CORNER LOT BARGAIN Northeast corner ISth and Franklin Sts., 60x127 room for three houses. Paving, walks, sewer, gts and water In street, l&u. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. (ly)-630 lg BEVtS FAKK. Two beautifully situated Jots, 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, tao blocks to car, on grade; corner, lau); Inside, 17a). Must be sold by owner at once. .1404 La- fayette Ave. (18) -M CHANCE TO TRADE Oood business corner on North 24th St., near ftrac bt., has thre-j houses on lot. Want to trade for good house or building lots. . W. T. GRAHAM. Iie Bldg. UU)-&U II THE ONE EFFECTIVE TO PUT A WANT AD IN REAL ESTATE CITY PKOPRRTT roB SALB. (Continued.) NEW SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE 1 Just Finshod Open Today On a pretty little street Just off the Florence Boulevard, near Rome Miller's elegant home. A pleasant ride of 19 or 20 min utes from Ffcrnam street on the Sherman ave. car line to Florence Boulevard, (20th St.), walk north on the boulevard to Grand Ave., and this is the first house west on south side of Orand Ave. The three blocks along the boulevard to this house are as pretty as a walk through a park. Take It and See for yourself. House has reception hall, with little cloak room beside the vesti bule, living room, dining room with platerall, pantry with glass door cupboard and drawers built In and kitchen with room for refrigerator In entryway, all on first floor, t'pstalrs are 4 bedrooms, bath room and outside entry way. Lighted by gas and elec tricity. You will see this Is a very complete and well built home. The lot Is 50x130 feet, 6 feet above the street, cement wAlks In front and around the house. Offered for the first time, price $3,500; reasonable terms. Will be kept open for Inspec tion. The houae number Is 2107 Grand Ave. Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Poug. 314. (19) ,06 BUY A LOT IN SULPHUR SPRINGS ADDITION JUST EAST OF SHERMAN AVENUE Where so many new homes are now being built. You will be surprised to see how desirable a location this Is. -We have lust put down cement walks. In front of each lot. Your choice for any lot left on Lothrop est. ior v. on Emmet St., jtso. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (19)-M660 18 111 Cheap Lots WEST $200 to $600 . Each 1-3 Cash A sample of the list that that goes on sale Friday and Saturday, this week: 60x12)0 ft., south side of Farnam, 300 feet west of 14th St.. Just right for grade, sewer, city water, gas; curbing all In; only $00; half cash. Qet a plat and list of prices at our office and you can locate them very easily for yourself. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Pouglas 314. (19) 605 IS $200 DOWN An opportunity Is offered to buy a cottage on easy term, n. w. corner 22d and Pierce Streets; 5 'rooms, water, gas, sewer; walking distance fro.n town; hot water heat; reduced for quick sale to $16.75. R. II. LANDERYOU, Board of Trado. Telephone Doug. 2151. (19) M574 18 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT We are now offering for sale a 3-story brick store and flat building on 8 -6th street, near Jones, close to best retail dis trict. This building is excep tionally well constructud and Is In excellent repair. Is all rented to excellent tenants and Is now bringing In 10 per cent gross. With this property Is also Included small cottage on 17th strett, making a double frontage lot extending through from 16th to 17th St., having 66 feet frontage on 16th and 36 feet frontage on 17th St. The entire property we are now offering at $40,OfO on very reasonable terms. For further particulars call at our office. OEOP.GE CO. lffl Farnam St. (191-691 17 EVEKY WOMAN WANTS A HOME. SO DOES HER HUSBAND. BO Do THE CHILDREN. Which sliill it be' A HOME FOR YOL TO SUPPORT or I HOME THAT WILL Bt'PPORT YOUT BUY A HOME OF 6 TO 10 ACRES IN. KEYSTONE PARK and In a few years It will support you. - Call and see us about It Take you out In an auUjDioblls any day. Plat and fohlt-rs mailed you, If you drop us a card. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. V. Life Bldg., or D V. SHOLES COMPANY. 1st Floor Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-tt)S 17 BFMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern, MOW. O' Keefe Ral Estate Co., loot N. Y. Lira Bid Qi)-UW1 1 R WAY TO GET IT IS THE BEE :: :: REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPRHTY FOR IALB. (Continued.) $200 TO $600 LOTS 111 LOTS WEST We were very fortunate to make a good deal for 111 lots In Brlggs' Place, as you may have read In the news Items last week. Cheap lots handy to the Farnam carllno are scarce and we venture the statement that no such bunch of lots within 12 minutes' ride of the heart of Omaha on the Farnam carllne can ever again be bought at the price we are going to put these on the market at. These lots are scattered, hut there are some bunches suitable for people who want two or three lots together. They face on Harney, Farnam, Douglas, Podge, Capitol Ave. and Pnv enport St. and extend from 42d to 4Sth St., near Pundee. Some are on grade, some high, some low; all kinds. A great many have city water, sewer, gas and permanent walks and yet we are going to sell them at an average price of $300. Our plats, giving location of the 111 lots, with prices and 'also every house In the addi tion, will be ready Friday. If you will leave your name and address we will mail you one as soon as they are ready. Harrison & Morton. 912 New York Life Bldg. P. S. We will have a salesman on thn ? round F"riday and Saturday evenings rom 6 to 8. (19)-i01 20 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Two blocks from Kountze Place, on southeast front cor ner lot, 7 rooms, all modern, recepilon hall, open stairway, parlor, dining room, den and kiiclien, with large pantry and rear stairway on first floor, and 3 large bed rooms, large closets and bath room on second floor; full size ce ment lloor basement, best of furnace. All woodwork and floors weather oak stained, combination brush brass elec trto light and gas fixtures, every room papeied with best of paper. This Is a complete houae throughout and ready for occupancy and a bargain at $3,7iO. Would consider va cant lot or cottage in exchange a first pajment. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. (19) 692 18 BUILDING LOTS Flva beautiful south front lots on Douglas St., between 42.1 and 44th, all graded to a nice terrace. This la a splen did location for building a moderate priced home, sewer, watet and gas in the. street. We are offering these lots at $6(0 each, one-half cash and the balance In monthly pay ments at 6 per cent Interest. Don't fall to look them up. PAYNE, BOSTWICIv & CO., 6th Floor, N. Y. Life. (19)-04 19 $23 INVESTMENT Have you seen those beauti ful Halcyon Heights I its yet? If not, better take a car ride out to Benson this evening, get off at Lynn Ave., walk two blocks south and you're on the, tract. Inspect east, west, north and siuth fronts In the two blocks either side of our large sign, then compare the view, relative location, sur roundings, and other advan tages with any other lols of fered at these prices and terms, $:'50 to i50, $25 cash, $i per month. These lots are con stantly Increasing In value. No city taxes to pay. a choice suburban home with city ad vantages. Select a lot today and begin paying on your fu ture home. You can't make a safe, better or more profitable investment. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. (13 M6V) 19 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB 8TBACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a 110,100 vind agalnat loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas MS7. (19) A BUNC1I OFOOOF BUILD ING LOTS 90x122 ft., east front on the boulevard, Just north of Woolworth Ave. An elegant site; 3,u0. 52x142 ft., S. W. corner Georgia Ave. and Pacific, choice corner for bricks; all spe cials paid.; 13,250. 50 ft., south front on Dewey Ave and 14th. Thta is going to be a fine street as soon as It is puved. Get In while lots are cheap, 11,500. 8. E. corner 3'-th and' Dodpe Bts., 106x121 ft., room for ! or i houses; 13.500. THE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone Doug. 297. fll S. 14th Bt. (19)-sil II LIST your property Home Builders, rim. Bank Bldg with the Western 22-21 Nebraska Natl. (19-714 II FEET. I blocks from high school. 1975 0ft. If you want this SNAP, "act quick." WM. E. ROMANO. Douglas 1161. 439 Board of Trade. (19) M502 1 HOUSE for sale cheap if dlately. He Mason St. taken Imme Tel. Harney (19) MbbO a FOR BALI" Modern 8-room house In West Karnam dlstrlt. Address N care of lle. (li-61i 17x FIRST mortgage of lnuo secured on 160 acr- farm worth !'.', ('.; runs full i years, k pet cent saml-annaal Interest. Address A, 9. Bee (19)-MMI REAL ESTATE CITY PHOl'KRTY KUH Mill (Continued FOR BALE Flva acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car. aiiUaidi- for flanting or for Improvement; an oj nor unity for someone. Address il 4 t, H -x. llUl S34 HOUSE FOR LA NO Good modern house, $ monis. eVry con Ivenlence; good barn: flrst-clnss locality. will exchange f,,r htnd. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. ll:.i-M4 LIST your property with Chris Hi yer. (191- JCt 22d and Cuming Sts REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HAM II LAM) FOR 9 LK Iowa. TWO small Polk county fruit and chicken rarms for sale near town, price reason able. Address Bui key A Urncber. Shel dahl. la. C0)-M6ll :4x Kansas, WANTED-Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Writ for par ticulars. Globe Land and iDvcsiment Co., Omaha, Neb. v20)-89I Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska rarms and ranches for homes or Investment. Uenils. Omaha. ())- MstiS (tooth Dakota. ARB YOU Interested In Smith Dakota? If so write to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, 8. I., concerning the Jo.ncO acres of farm lands they own in Hughes and Sully counties. They will answer you gladly. (20) M379 Al Wyoming. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. ms tnst tilaced on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF GRAZING LAND In Western Wyoming. 20,000 to 6ii0.'0 acres of tine sheep ' graxlng lands at $1.00 to $1.50 PER ACRE. TERMS-One-teiuh down payment and ten years' time on the balance. If you Intend to invest in cheap lands, BUY NOW. The opportunity will not last. For further Information apply, to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A," 318 So. 15th St. (20) 460 20 SPECIAL land hargain balance of this month. National Invpstmpnt Co., Pouglaa Blk. (201 MfiM 31 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. li. Thomas, 505 First National Bank Bhlg. (2JI JL'6 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. K. Co., 1U01 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22)-!6 $7,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (3)-0l WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam 6mllh & Co., 1320 Farnam St. i22)-904 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-901 PRIVATE MONEY F. t. Wead. 16J0 Poug. (22)-902 $500 TO $50,00 TO 1)AN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS, 1004 FARNAM. (22) 90i" LOWEST RATES Bemls, Faxton Block. I (22) 9U6 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. (22)-90S REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room house to move to North Omaha. State cash price. Address. B 7o6. Bee. 423) 134 17 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, ofllco furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of vour house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices raid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (iS)-! Jy26 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., cli b. 14lh. pnune Douglas mi. (26) 910 CARD CABINET of 16 to 25 drawers for card 3 by 5 Inches; stale price; must be cheap. Address L 6x2, Bee. (25) M9 I WANT a few loads rich black soil; also few loads of cinders, delivered at 1.HI9 Georgia Ave., at once. (20) 640 lSx WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN desires well fjrnlshed room In small private family. Must be excep tionally clean and neat. Good bath. Modern conveniences. Walking distance. Reasonable; state price or not considered. Address Y139, Bee. (26) 454 17x WANTED To find a desirable property for rent, within easy reach of carlme and with modern facilities. Am wlllln to pay any reasonable monthly rent for ..m Address K.. 7W Bee. (!)-47 22x WANTED SITUATION WANTED Position In store by young lady; unexperienced; would work cheap. Ad dress Y 14S. Bee. (27) M1S0 24x WANTED Work hy the day by experi enced dressmaker. Ca'l on or address 4W6 Capitol Ave. "Phone Harney-hWI. (27)-l17 A9 WANTED By eastern gentleman position where honesty and strict attention to business counts. Road and floor exper ience A No. 1 references. C7X, Bee. (27) 424 20x WANTED Small bundles of laundry to take home. Send postal to Mrs. Kelley, 2607 No. 26th St. (27)--447 17 EXPERIENCED male stenographer wants extra work mornings and eveiilncs D. E. V.. 3711 N. 22d St. (27)-MMl 21 YOl'NG man. four years' commercial and railroad olflce experience, desires change posltloa. Address S K.U. Bee. 127) M"s6 19x YOUNG MAN as sbalstant bartender; wages no object; experienced. Address S-Ttl, Bee. (27) M547 l!ix MAN, S4, rapid, accurate and experienced accountant, desires position of any kind; law student the past year; best of ref erences. Address O 806, car Bee 27)-Mii46 :0x WANTED Poaltlon, twelv years' experl encedn general merchendlse, by nil round clerk; reasonable wages; best references. W, Box 111. Oekla'nd, Neb. (27) MH2J 2im LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR LAYING WATER MAINS Sealed propoeuls ill be receive J by the city clerk of the city of Randolph Nebraska, st his ottlce until tho 21M day of July. 1907, at b o'clock p. m., for the fur nishing and laying of i.MXJ feet of 4-lnch ast water mains and 1,5-0 uf 6-lnch cast water mains with six 4-Inch double noisls fire hydrarls for 21-lneh hr hose together with all necessary fittings for all mains and hydrants. Bids to Include the dig ging of all ditches at leant live feet below the established grada of said city, and not less than five feet below the surface of the Street at any place. Bids to Include all connections ami extra,) as shown by the Plans and spectricutlni.s on hie at the of fice of the said city clerk. One-half of the contract price for the laying and furnish ing said n ains as above to be paid In cajh and the balance to bo paid In warrants drawn on the general fund of said city. All bids niuit be accompanied by a certi fied chet k equal to 1ft per cent of the amount bid. as a guarantee that If the bid I accepted the bidder will enter Into con tract to perform and carry out the bid. The city reer"e toe right to reject aty or all bids. O. B. MAILLIAKD, City Clerk j:lU4t GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CoNSTUl VTIX I 'jl ARTf- F.- M Fell M;ir. o ... July 17 1'T svi,., pr,.p,,,.is. in uiii Mli'. w'll he received here ti tit I 1" a ni . luinmialM Itlinei. Auu'iMt 6. IH'T. for construction of iclneiit wall.. Me. mid loud iross'nv ;t this post. I'l.itis lunl !. -cl'i 'al i. ins -nnv lie seen lit oflices of i l.'cf iU'U'icncati'r, Wnwu. tMi'Hl.n. Ch:cr,,o an. I SI. ( '.til I. and at this office, at I Ich la ter place nil In formation ivuv lie ..liiiin.-,l !'. S i-n-rvri rig! I .t accept or n .i. any or nil pro posals or an part tloieof Proposals to be end. is. d In si a led envelope marked "Proposals for Walks." addressed M CAPT. U M. P. DAVIS, li M 1 S A. Jyl l!-2-V-Aug2- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. P. Andrews In 1). S. Remington, lot 1, block 3. Philnvlcw $ l.ftV) J. V.. Christy to F.ltinhcth Paces, lota 7 and s. block (I, South final. a 2,0i Elizabeth lapel and husband to Combs-Waro Transfer Ac Storage Co., lot 11. Mock 90. South oniaha 5,000 James W. Akin and wife to James II Van Imseti, lot 14, block 2, Reeds tilth a. id 1 Ilcniy W. Pennock and wife to Helen L. Van Pusen, sltl ft.. nJ5 ft. lot 1, block 1, Mu ne s add 600 Omaha National linnk to Isaac Levy, lot 12, bl ick 77. South omnha 1 (Mio Hlemssen and wife to Malella Kelly, lot 3, Courtlamlt place 4.6O0 I Giant Leilwicli et al to Fawn E., lot 9. block 1. Rose Hill $75 Charlotte Gordon and husband to W 11 1 min A. Gordon, lot 9, block 1, Poppleton park S,0 John I lonrlck.nin and w ife to Andrew G. Scastedt, w7 ft. lot 15. block 2, Hillside add. No. 1 760 George Stranglen et al to Pick Woos- ley, lot 8, block 1.10, South Omaha.. 7.4) Gus Kkstrom and wife to H. P. Stilling and wile, lot 10, block 12, Peer park 150 George T. Mills et al to Gust Ek. Strom, same 126 Janu s Hnrrltt to Nevada Hooker, lots t and K, block 2.13, Florence Si'O Harry A. Tukey to Leonard New strum, lot 12. block 26. Halcyon Heights 10 Joseph o. Corby and wifo to William C. Ross, part lot 16. Millard and Caldwell's add 1 William C. Ross and wife to Laur etta Corby, same 1 George. Forgan et al to Edward Glsln, s4 ft. lot 2 and lot 3, block 3, Boulevard Terrace The S. p. Mercer Co. to J. Laurie Wallace, lot 17, block 17, Walnut Hill 600 Jennie P. Brown to Charles L. Hop per, W47 ft.. sl25 ft. lot 36, Millard and Caldwell's add 8" C. E. Yost and wife to James Conlev, lot 1I, block 6, first add to South Omaha, 160 Elko Cohn to M.-trv Flda, ot 4, block fa. South Omaha 800 Frank Thompson, executor, to David 8. Condlt. lots 13 and 14, block 15, Omaha View 1ft) O. N. Hypse to W. L. Sellers and wife, lot 2, Kelpln place 85.) Ruth E. Tutzel and husband to Ben jamin Fleishman, nMj lot 6, block '('," Horbach'a sub 4,000 Edward P. Stoltenberg to Charles R. McMlchael, lot 9, block 39, Ben son 2.-4) M. I. Bertrand and husband to Ellen Slaven, n4l ft., wild ft. lot 9, Kountze second add 826 David E. Gillespie and wife to Clin ton A. Peach, lot 19, block 4, or chard Hill 1 Total $28,830 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAP&H.CHIK, PHILIPPINES, HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA by the liojal Mull Steamer of the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tbe fnn'pflt tonmem to the Orient. Hwtrtl pRfm by t!iH "Kuipreffs of Cliltm," 10 dnv, A boun iM'-'a VnnonfiYiT n.l Vnkohnn)ri. Th 'Trtr.-' "Athon Iaii" Mitt "Mntiti'RgltV' i nivi'le an npttonft!lr rhenp trip, fnrrvlim nr.c cIbm of obln iawnigr only mt ib lutt rr.uli4to rntiv SnMlng-ft from Vftnmnvrr to Vokohnmn, Koh, A ;r'.HM, Mhaiiclini, lions? Kimk and IHuullii. tartar July 25 Kmprw of India, fpt. I Kti-pi-'OH of China, Auk .Mniitf-aKlft 8pt. It Athenian Aug 22 Enipreim of Japan Spt 30 From Vancouver to Honolulu and Sydnoy, Australia. M Invert Atis. IS Maona Oct. 11 AoranKl Sept. 13 Miowcra xNv. I tor ratca, Information nt litcrnttin appiy to A. C. SHAW, Gn'l Aftt., 3fl Clark It ClUo&ftO. ALBERTS OR J. J. SULLIVAN Either Man Could Have a n pre ma Court Judgeship Nomination, ajs Unai. Assistant City Attorney Dunn has re turned from Lincoln, where he attended the conference of the democratic slate com :nlttee called for the purpose of discussing proposed action under the primary election law. Mr. Dunn says the conference was not productive of results from a practical standpoint, but that It gave a number of people an opportunity to discuss some men. "Judge Alberts of Columbus ,may be the democratic candidate for Judge of the su preme rourt," snld Mr. Dunn. "Judge Sul livan could have It If ho wants It, hut there la an Impression he would not accept the place and for this reason the democrats of the strongest democratic county In the Mat are In favor .of the man who has re cently left the supreme court commission. "There was some talk of other persons, but it looked as though tho l'latte county man had the Inside track. The Impression prevailed that the democrats have some grounds for hope of success through tho , . ' , ,, contest for nomination In the republican part jr. It w as asserted that the rvpuDllcan flg?it will leave soves which will not be healed by election day and the opposition might be In a position to land Its man. "But tho principal talk was over the pri mary law and the committee appointed will secure an opinion from the attorney gen eral, give the law consideration on Its own part and then advise the state committee as to (he proper plan to pursue." DIETZES BACK FROM ABROAD Iietnrn to Omaha After Sevan Month on the Mediter ranean Sea. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Diet returned Wednesday from a seven months' trip abroad, vis'ting the countries on the Med iterranean and hpendlng three months in Italy md Sicily and three months in Pads. Mr. and rrs. Gould Diets were with them considerable of the time, s, 'ending their honeymoon In the same countries. "I am always glad to get back to Omaha after one of my trips because of tho peo ple here." suld Mr. Diets, who Is one of the greatest globe trotters In the west. "But the tiling which strllies me most against Omaha Is the condition of the streets, (me cannot get from the depot to Ms home without being Jolted ovor the holes In the pavements." While abioad Mr. THetx met many people from Omaha. In Paris he met Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock. PRATT MOTIONS ARE HELD Preliminaries In Divorce Case Taken I nilrr Advisement by , Jidit Kennedy. Judge Kennedy has taken tinder advise ment the preliminary motions In the Pratt divorce case,, after a hearing occupying several days. The attorneys for both sides have been given leave to file addi tional afrldavltj on points left uncovered, and the decision la not expected for sev eral days. The motions involved are the reijuest of Mrs. 1 ratt for 5oo a month alimony pending the trial of the suit, to gether with attorney fjea, and the demur rer of the defendant to th petition assert ing It should be thrown out of court be cause It Joins the divorce case with thn suit Involving the protx-rty. TI e hearing of the divorce case will not be had uaL next fall V