TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, .TULY 18, 1907. i. i X GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET f 5 Firmer, with Lighter Offering and Better General Tone. LUTLE TRADING 13 BEING DONE Wheat and Cora Open Sknde Firmer ad Baytnaj la Seexttered, Causk lloaaea Being the) Beat Sellers. OMAHA, July 17, 1907. The market wu flrmar with offerings tighter, cahlea were comparatively ateady ind generally better tone waa ihown. Ltt ii. tra.iin, un dim and the, movement of tha new crop Is unusually small at thla lima. Wheat opened a shade firmer on compar atively steady cables and unfavorable re ports from northwest together with tha email movement of the new crop. Buying was scattered and cash houses were best so.'trB. but only moderate,. Sep tetnber wheat opened at 85o and closed at Corn opened a shade lower on continued favoralilo weather conditions and light de mand. Receipts were light and little trad ing done. Few selling ordera held by com mission houses at opening. September corn opened at 47o and closed at 47V'.. Oata opens' soft on selling by the crowd, but rallied some later on light crop returns and buying by local shorts. September oats opened at 36e and closed a 36e. primary wheat receipts were 518,000 bu. and shipments 4.onj bu., against receipts lust year of 1,257.000 bu. and shipments tf 33,000 bu. Corn receipts were 306,OuO bu. and shipments 843.000 bu., against receipts last year of 410,000 bu. and shipments of 738.000 bu. Clearances were 186,000 bu. of corn, 225.000 bu. of oata, and wheat and flour equal to 11 o.OOO bu. . Liverpool closed Hfid lower on wheat, and d lower on corn. Seaboard reportei (2H.otp0 bu. of wheat and $"1000 bu. of corn for export. Local range ot options: Articles. I Opn. lllgh. Low. Close. Yesy. Wheat I I I July 82 R3 Sept. 85 8 Dec. e 0 Corn I 1 July 46", 47 Bpt. 47 47 lec 46 4, Osts July 41 41 Sept. 8 8H Dec. 87 37 82 88 47 47 46 41 r 27 Omaha Cash Frleee. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 83J7c; No. hard, 8fii3c; No. 4 hard, 743uc; No. 1 spring, M4i7o. CUltS-No. 2. 4849c; No. S. 47r3HKc; No. 4, 4r(i47o; no grade, XaAbc No. I yel low, 4K&4tc; No. 3 white. 4o1W9c. OATS No. 3 mixed, 404MIC; No. 3 white, 43c; No. 4 white, 4-c; standard, 430. RYE No. 2, 74c; No. 3, 724'73o. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chlcngo KmiHKS City ' Minneupolls Omaha Iniluth bL Louis 30 192 78 . 75 .172 . i . 84 . M 1 10 tHICAGO (iRAI.N ASU rilOVISIONS Frnlnres of the Trading and Closlnn Prlcea on Board of Trade CillCAOO, July 17. Wheat prices in the local market advanced over 10 iuaay, i . f.unu.. tit niitneioua reDorts of damage to the snrlna- sown croD. At the close thu showed a net rain of Ic Corn whs a shade lower. Oats were '9'o lower. Provisions were 7f10o to Ua BMiitlment In the wheat pit was bullish all ,iv n northwest oroD damage reports The most of the reports referred to the t the croD In North Dakota, although Injury to the growing grain In -4iie Canadian northwest was reported. The hMiark.t was also strengthened by the "amallriess of primary receipts and by light acceptances from the country. Demand was active but offerings were not large until late In the session at which time lonas sold quite freely. The market closed trontj. September opened a .shade lower to 6 higher at 2 to S2, advanced to 4c and closed at &3ia3c. Clearanons of wheat and flour were equal to 115,000 bushels. Primary receipts were equal to 6IH,0oi bushels, oompared with 1,257,000 bush els a year ago. Minnesota, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 266 cars, attulnst 292 cars last week and &S6 cars one year ago. Trailing In corn was quiet and sentiment In tho pit waa Inclined to be weak. The chief bearish factor was the Ideal weather for the growing grain, but this was parti ally offset by the strength of wheat. Com mission houses and longs were the prin cipal sellers and the buying was mostly by cash houses. The market closed about eleady. September opened c to Vic lower at 63c to Mc. advanced to 64c, and closnd at fS'o4e. Local receipts were 1DJ cars, with 28 of contract Sde. ....... v,. ...... hioh hrniivht mil Kv ... . . i. .w .t.. . Th. m.innu of fruAinm waa small, fiantem v - v. . -,i , an.9Kin aot.l un to .AffMUo. and then declined to 8SiaaSo, where it closed. Local receipts were 73 cars. Provisions were weak because of liberal receipts of live hogs. Trading was very quiet. At the close September pork was oft 102'l2o at $18.82. Lard was down 7c at S.k2. Ribs were 74jAOo lower at H.W,ifHi57H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: Wheat, 1 car; corn, 236 cars; oata, 96 ears; hogs, 2B, 000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open.) Hlgh.l Low. CVs. Yes y. Wheat July 8pL 1 ec. May BepL 1.H5. May Bupt. Io. May Pork Bept, Lain rtpt. Oct, Ribs Bopt. Oct. 7Ws ISaHflli 84 W'l? ST'i? 83 S2 10o4 62 M M ;62 90 J 7tt-W S UV-lul 103 ics ioo 62 63 4 53 iM3i 61 62S 63 H 6: bl ,Ky1a 43 43 4? 43 SR!iM89w3 .TSylTH 4 3 Q 3 IJ.1 3S 41 41041 41 16.331 1 45 82l 83l (6 M w4 : 47 47 46 46 I 41) 41 -. 36 37 $7 16.36 ) IS. 40 14.30 8S7 8.97! 82 S.U 8.00 S.80 S.OO 8.t 8.66 8.61 8.67 8.6.' i.2l 8.86 I l'62 s.ot s.ou 8 86 8.8) No 1 t ush quotations were as follows: FLOUK Steady ; winter patente, 14 1& 4.40; stralghta, 83.TOtJ-4.20; spring patenta. I4.70i4i4.8o; straights, i4.10ni-4.COi bakers, 2t0 t,i:l ta WHEAT No. t spring, SSotl.Ol; No. I, AKh'.; No. 3 red, 6uto. CORN No. I 63c; No. 3 yellow, 633 64C. OATS No. 2. : No. S white. 483 4Hc; No. S white, 44G47. RYK-No. t 86c. BARLEY lood feeding. 6066c; fair to choice malting, &fi3o. bUEXB Flax, No. 1 northwestern, 81.33; prime timothy, 84.66; clover, contract gradea. 116 60. PKOVlblONft-Short rlbe. sides (loosei, 8.S&u4Vf6; mesa pork per bid., l.12itfl 36; lard per 100 lbs , 18.73; short clear sides (boxed), 08.7ktiS.UO. Following were the receipts and shlp menta of floor and grain: Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls 38,100 2S.8nO Wheat, bu 42.0X) l.sno Corn, bu 2tf7iO K-10M Oats, bu SO4 80O 130.21 Rye. bu S.009 L100 Uarley. bu 11.000 SoO tm the Produce exchange today tho 1 ut ter market waa firm; creamerlea, 21ra6c; dalrlna. Uif2!c. KCtJS Firm; at mark, cases Included, 11 ttl4c; firsts, 14o; prime firsts, ISo. t liEEaE steady; U4lc St. l.aals Ueaeral Bfarhat. ST. IOCIS. July IT. WiraAIWIItrher; track. No. 2 red. casn. cwies'o; do. 1 dim, S'Wc'lV. September, loVec; Deoetnber, s.,-e. OATS Futures, lower: ci rsjrtL hlirher; pte ruber, 17 c; track; No. t cash. 4fe: rVetei THmlir. SSUc: Ko. 3 vtilte. ast. r-lX)UrWbtedy ; red winter patents. $4 83 f'4 66; extra fancy and straights, $3 8u44.&; clear 83.s0v.'SA0. HKJSIV-rlm-jltiy. steady: riS64Jt2B. t .tN-UL'Al-Stedy; (11D. liRAN-rtrin; sawrked. east traok, $l-0Oti Lt. HAr-rxill; timothy. $14 ta 84); prairie, 110 IS So IHoN rOTTON TIs.eV-.()S4 lt.ViiiilN'Jllo. HEMP TWINk-Ho I KVIrtlON - Pork. lower: J ibbing. $10 $0 lend, luwer; lme sisaiii t .ifc. 1'rv r tw sag, nut sour is. 52; deer ribs. IS. 26: short clear, $9.27. luron. steady: boxed, extra short, $r0.12; short clear a, $i0. i lUfhJHY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs. l.V'; turkeys, IV; duck, sc; , goes, 5c. PI Tl ER Firm: creamery. MMW' WUOB Steady; lie. Receipts Flour, bbls. , .' Wheal, bu - 68o Com, bu 18.f1 Oat a. bu, 14,000 Shipments. i om svoxj 74,)0 86,0c0 KEIV YORK GENERAL MARKET ttaetatlono of tha Day aa Vartaaa Com mad I ties. NEW YORK, July 17. FLOUR-Re-oelpts, 14(Kj6 barrels; exports, 18.817 barrels; market steady with llgiit trade. Minnesota patent a, $b.i)t'6.35; winter stralghta, U.il-it 4.4a; Minnesota bakera, I3.7(X(H.20; winter extras, $3.13.70; winter patents, $4.4(d-l.S0; winter low grades, H.uiuS.iio. Rye flour dull; fair to good, M iWi6.00; choice to rancy, IK.lorue.4a Cornmeal firm; fine white and yellow, $1.2fgl.30, coarse, $1. 164,1.1a; aim dried, $3,204)3.30. RlB-Nominai; iso. 1 western, c, i.o.d. New York. WHEAT Receipts 22.400 bu. spot, nrm; LNo. 2 red, STo elevator and 96c f. o. b., atloat; Mo. l northern uuiutn, t.i, i. o. p., afloat; No. 3 hard winter, 1 1.0OS. f. o. b.. lloat. Borne unfavorable crop news irom the northwest advanced wheat over a cent today. The crowd was short and bought freely on the damage news, coupled with higher continental cables and rains in winter wheat states. Near the close realising caused a setback, final price showing lo to IV net advance, July closed at 98c; September, toMl.00, closed at 11.00; December, 11 02' j 1.04, closed at $1.03; May Closed at 11.07. CORN Receipts. 196,650 bu.; exports, 17.930 bu. fpot market steady: No. 1. 81c levator, and 61c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, 61V, and No. 2 yellow. 61o. fob., anoat. option market was without trans actions, closing (&c net lower. July clossd at 61n; September, 62c; December, ic; May, soo. OATH Receipts, 83.S00 bu. Bpot market steady; mixed oats, 38 to 32 pounds, 49c; natural white, 30 to 33 pounds, 61r62c; clip ped white, S to 40 pounds, fil(Mo. HAY h'tpady; shipping. 70&;5c; good to chvf'e, ILlMN.Je HtiP8 Oulet : state common to choice. IK. 14 M tic; lfiflft, 4g6c; Pacific coast, 1908, fa-llc; T06, fttio. HIDES Ouiut: Central America. 2240: Bogota, 22o. J .KATH rlH Quiet; acid, 2P7T27HC PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family I13M l&14.0; mess, 9 5Ckj'10.OO; beef hams, ti4.n(V(J 36.00; packt, IU.(ffll 60; city extra India mess, 21.Sn4'J2 (). Cut mests, quiet; plokled bellies, tll.2:Van3.G0; pickled hams. ULnrKfti 12.W. Lard barely steady; western prime, 8.70ra so, refined, quiet; continent, 19.30; S. A.. 10.20; compound. R.87(r9.12. Pork, steady; family, 18.&oii'l!.0n; short clear, 17.00rfj18.fi0; mess, 118.00160. TALLOW Firm; city, U per package, Vc; country, packnges free, '3;c. RICESteady; domestlo, fair to extra, IVic: Japan, nominal. UUTTRR Firm; stret prices, extra creamery, i'326c; official prlcea, cream ery, common to extra. 2ftg,Hic; western factory, common to extra, 17fl21o; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 22c. CHER8E Firm; state, full creams, col ored and white, small, best, 12c; state, large, colored, 12e; state, white, 12e; state, fair to good, 111Jc, state, inferior, FXKJS Firm; state, Pennsytranla and nearby fancy selected white, 28&24c; brown and mixed extra, 21(?23c; firsts to extra firsts, ltj-'0c; western selected finest, 18c: firsts, 17yl7c; official prices, firsts, 17(tf 17c; seconds, lb'iio; thirds, 14glc. POULTRY Alive, steady; spring chick ens. 20c; fowls, lfio; turkeys, 11c. Dressed, steady; western chickens, 20(a26c; turkeys, Willie; fowls, 14314o. WKATHER IS THE GRAIN BELT Fair Thursday, with No Important Teroperatore Changes. OMAHA, July 17. 1IW7 The weather has cleared In the Missouri valley and la generally clear throughout the west. Ralna were general since the last report in the Mlaslssippl and Ohio valleys, the eastern and southern states and are scattered over the latter portion this morning. Excessive rains occurred at points In the middle Mlaslssippl and Ohio valleys. The weather la slightly cooler in the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and slightly warmer in other sections. Fair weather will continue In this vlololty to night and Thursday, with no important change in temperature. . Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correspond ing day of the last three years: 1907. 1608. 1906. 104 Minimum temperature. . . . 63 67 76 76 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees. Deflolency In precipitation since March 1, 4.72 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in lv6, .S3 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1306, 6.43 inchss. L. A WELSH. Local Porecasler. Corn and Wheat Region Bnlletln, For tha twenty-tour hours ending at 8 a. m., 7tth meridian time, Wednesday, July 17, 1S07: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rein stations. Max. Mln. fall. Bky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Ashland, Neb 81 60 .00 .08 Auburn. Neb 86 68 80 64 86 67 78 61 - I Columbua, Neb... .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .08 .00 1 Fa'rburv. Neh slrmont. Neb, . Or. Island. Neb.. SO 68 Hartlngton, Neb. Tl 64 Hastings, Neb.... 78 69 Oakdale, Neb 76 51 Omaha, Neb...... 81 Tekamah, Neb... 82 67 66 64 87 Alt a. la.. 80 Carroll, la Clarlnda. Ia Plbley, la. 8lou City, la.. (i3 84 75 61 66 .03 .00 for 76 Minimum temperature period enuing at s a, m. DISTRICT AVERAGER. No. of Tama Rain. Lentrai. stations Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, ni , Columbus, O , Des Moines, Ia Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Minneapolis, Minn, Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo.... 26 84 ft .8ti 17 88 TO .68 14 84 62 .62 13 88 70 .36 1 88 .18 29 76 63 .04 18 80 M .01 13 90 Tl .22 Rains were general throughout the corn and wheat region within the last twenty four hours, and very excessive at points In the middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys. The weather Is slightly cooler In the cen tral and western portions ot the corn and wheat belt. U A. WT5LBH. Local Forecaster. Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 17. WH EAT Sep tember, bc; December, ; May. S4c; cash: No. 3 hard, x&Wo: No. 8, l4tc; No. I red. 6496c; No. K 83j64c CORN September. 48o; December, 4(c; May, 45c; cash: No. 3 mixed. 60c; No. I, 60c, No. i white, 64c; No. 3, 60o. OATS No. I white. 46jST4c; No. I mixed, 43 44 Ho. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 111.0012.60; cnoice praine, ss"naw. RYE-Bteady; IIoVTSc BUTTER Creamery. !4c; pecking. 18c E008 steady. Etras, 16c; firsts. 16c'; soconas, ito. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu TS.tioO Jl.OtiO Corn, bu. W.ono ai.oo Oata. bu 4,000 3,000 Kansas City cash prices' as furnished by Logan at Bryan, 113 Board of Trade build ing: Articles. I Open. I Htgh.j Low. Close. Wheat p.-pt ember December Corn September December Tfi 8j 4 I 48' 8A 83 48 46A 88, 41 4S! !4647l A asked. B bid. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. FHII-ADElPtnA. July 17. BUTTHR Steady, firm demand; creamery, steady; ef tlclal price, 27c; extra nearby prints, 28c EGC.S Firm; western flrsta, free cases. Uc at mark. CHEtiilv-nrm, fair demand; New York full CTeams, 13atlSo. Foortax Qrmta Mark ant lBORIA. July 17. CORN Dull u. e . 1 . v. tlc; no yellow, (3o; No. 3, 63o; Ne. 4. grade. 44 Wo. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 4tV345i No. 4 white, 4Jc. RYE Nominal, No. 2. 8tMc, WlIIli)K.Y $1 1. TsMs Seed Mavrkot. TOLKIXJ. O., July 17. bKk'D Clever, cash $8 60; October. St. 30; I -ember and March. $S 76 prime alsfke. $S.W. Prime tlmochy. tt Jt Deloth tsralsi M Dl'MrrU, Mlna.. July 17 -WHKAT-Wo. 1 northern. $1 00; No. ; northern. Mc; July, $r.ou': bet trr bet. 1. oiu.g; rx,l. lake. UATsWle arrive, e,o, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Value! Move Alternately Up and Down and Market Becomes Feverish. HATUtTMANS AND HILLS UP Rlae la I'slon Paclflo Snopoaved Be Daa to lasport Intended to Sell Convertible Bonds. NEW YORK. July 17. Prices of stocks were alternately up and down all dsy and the movement became feverish late In the day, with the Quick transition from rising to falling tendency. Dealings were not on an important scale outside a few issues. It was the conflicting movement of the most Conspicuous of these that kept the list un settled. Union Pacific was the most prominent In fluence on the part of the advance, and United Blates Bleel on the side of the de cline, the weakness of the latter over whelming the late market The demand for Union Pacific w as pisistsnt and dulernutU'd and that slock was generally retarded as the center of organized operations to sup- Sort tha market or to advance prlcea. The eslre to make an attractive market for the convertible bonds, of which ITl.OoO.O 0 out of the r7o,000,uu0 has fallen to the under writing syndicate, was a credited motive for the support of Union Paclllc. The strength of the stock waa helped by reports of large net earnings for the fiscal year, which will be disclosed by the accounting. The Harrl mans continue to feel the benefit of the Wall street Interpretation placed on the Ilarrlman report of the Intestate Com merce commission. The Inferences ifrtwn from this report were given credit also for the sympathetic strensrth In the Hill stocks Concerning this group there were reports of a plan for readjusting control of the llur- llngton, which perslstod desntte denluls of them by the head of the system. . The fact that Atchison also has convertible bonds In tne market gave a reason for Its support similar to that for Union Pacific. United Btates Steel, on the other hand, was con sistently heavy, traceable to tho report thHt orders were falling off and would show. for July, a decrease from the showing for July of last year. The copper e'ocks were weak in company with Unltod Slates Bteel today. In spite of a violent rebound in the price of copper warrants In London. There waa very little change In the money mar ket, although foreign exchange rose agnln. Monday's payment of 14,nw0,000 on account of Union Pacific convertible bonds end Wednesday's of $10,GCiu,fl00 for American Tel ephone stock are requirements to be met In the early future. The acute weakness In Unltd Btates Bteel made the closing weak and disorderly at sharp lossoe. Ponds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $890,000. United Btates bonds were unchanged on pall. The following was the range of prlcea on the New York Stock exchange: galea. High. Low. Close. 145 M 41 W'A II 84 810 1 1 10 83 it l'l 111 lOf. Adarna llvpreas Amalgamated Copper Ash. Car and Foundry. ... do pfd Amor. Cotton Oil tm pfd Amar. Bipren Amar. Hlds A Leather ptd Aster. Ice Amar. Ltnaaad Oil do pfd Amor. Locomotive 4,S0O 4no 100 100 sn 44 4 100 4 41 T4j II 100 100 62 10 47 10 MV4 lit" in 122 Mm 67 81V, COO w do sfd Amor. Smelting A Raflnlng 16,fX 1J04 l(i4 do pfd Amar. Sugar Rcnntnr-. -. Amar. Tobacco pfd ctft. . Anaconda Mining Ce Atrhlann do ptd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio do ptd DrookJrn Rapid Tranalt., Canadian Paclflo Central of New Jenejr.., Chesapeake A Ohio Chlosfo Oroat Weelem . . Chicago A Northwaatarn C, II. A St. Paul Chicago Term. A Trans 122 14 87 1 K 18 7 86 t7 176 176 U 131 8 16 ta 11 14 6 45 111 170 4110 J7 70 510 in 13 I, 500 1I.4U0 'jro 3U0 i 1.200 '70S 100 1.400 II, 300 18 178 isvi HVi 16ft "4 1341a 7Vt s r.7vi 174 M llVi 14VW 4a ptd O., C, C. A St. Louis Colorado Puel and Iron.., Colorado A Southern do lat ptd do id pfd Consolidated Gaa Corn Products do ptd Delaware A Hudeon Del., Lack. A Western.... Denver A Rio Graade do ptd rtlatlllan' Securities Krla do lat pfd do U pfd Oaneral Rlectrlo Illinois Central Inter.. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do ptd - Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A Kaahrllle. ... Mexican Central Minn. A St Lou I a 100 1,100 1.300 lno too tliVs 36 130 tiiv. i 28 V. lit 100 173 170 600 100 0 3,100 ioo 700 104 i4, 70t MV " lMVfc 144 0 M 35 4ivi V.t 144 Sf in 6j 41 141 1 Tl l 10 II 18 5K 116 31 42 107 1.16 75 14 6 II 60 112 84 75 42 14 2Vt litvi 41 'ioo M.. St. P. A Sault Bte. M. do pfd Mlaaourt Paotflc 100 3.100 II., Kanaas A Texas trvi 84 do pfd National Lead '.. N. R. R. ot Mexico pfd.... New York Central N. T . Ontario A Western.. Norfolk A Western 00 2 43 119 S 14 111 It 14 IOO too do pfd North American TO 48 Pacific Mali 4,100 11,700 10 1U II 111 v: Pennarlvsnls People's Oaa Puts.. C , C. A St. Louie. Pressed Steal Car do pfd Pullman Palsoe Car Reading do lit pfd do Id pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Ialand Co do pfd St. L. A Ban Pres. Id pfd St. Louie Southwestern.... do pfd Southern Pacffle do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tennessee Coal and Iron.... Texaa A Paclflo Tol., St. L. A Western.... 11 11 48 66 m 140 102 80 Tl 11 81, 31 47 II 10 61 1 111 18 4 148 30 14 48 142 68 104 66 12 18 16 ' tt 101 11 2i 180 144 71 10 IT 40 117 13 1 81 134 14 46 SOO 78,100 11 104 141 103 800 38 37 1.000 100 so too 100 H 47 17 31 eiw 11 111 10 4 141 17 44 M5 11 47 18 31 63 74 111 10 II 141 ti 41 141 18,400 100 oo 100 too 'iiio luO 171,400 do pfd Union Paclflo da pfd tT. B. Express C. B. Realtr D. S. Rabber do pfd C. S. Steel 4o pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical do pfd Wahuh do pfd Welle-Pargo Express Westtnghouae Electric ... Western Vnlon Wheeling A Laka Erie... Wisconsin Central do pfd Northers Paclte Central Leather do pfd 8!oee-8neffleld Oreat Northern pfd Interberongh Metropolitan. do ptd Tout saJes tar the dar. 1.IOS 400 41.100 1,100 100 36 89 17 100 31 31 it 100 14 145 100 149 87.100 100 184 14 111 14.400 100 1K 11 1SS 16 408,300 shares. Boston Stocks and Bonds BOSTON, July 17. Call loans. 64j per cent; time loans, 6S6 per cent, closing prices on ootids were as Official follows; II 12s Ateblaoa adj. 4s 41 Btnfhsm do 4a .. 44 Cel. A Keels. .. 81 Oentennlal ... .. 11 Copper Range .. !Dalr West ... . .814 Franklin ..140 lata Rurale . .116 Mass. Mining. ..1st Mi re I imo .. 11 Mohawk Hex. Oeotral 4s ... Atehtsoa do mli Boston A Albany eBoeton A Maine Boatos Elevated . ritchburx old ... Mex. rentral N Y . H. H. A H Union PalBo .... Aia. Poeu Take.. Am. Sviar 4s pfd . Am. Te,. A Tel.. Am. Woolea do pfd dison glee. 111.. Mass. BlecUIS .... 4e pfd SUae. Oaa 10 .. 7U .. 16 .. 14 .. 14 .. 5 .. 14 .. 11 .. . 44 ..117 .. II ..114 .. 17 ..Vi .. 11 .. 44 .. 41 .. lv .. 46 .. T .. I ..148 :: ft .. 14 ..14 ..144 Mont. Coal A o.. ..141 Old Domlutoa .. .. I Oecaola ..121 Parroi ..Ill Qulncr ..lot nhsnnon .. I Tamarack .. 10 Trinitr . .104 foiled Copper .. 14 1' 8. Mining... .. IT U. 8. Oil , .. 64 Utah , ..lees, Victoria .. 44 Wiaoa .. S4WolTertne ...... .. 64 North Butte . ..14 Butte Coelltloa .. SNnvde .. 44 Cal. A Art was I'nrte4 rnttt totted Shee de sfd ... V. S. Steel. do pfd ... Adrentars Alleuea Asalsasate4 Allan 110 Bid. Asked .. 14 Alls, Commercial.. 24 Row Yerk Minlatr Storks. NEW YORK, July IT. Closing quotations en mining stocks weie: Admass Ces.. Uttle Chief .. I : .400 ..17 .. II .. 44 .. 16 .. 40 ..164 Aim B)ree Brwasarloh Cos.... renat--k Tassel .. Coo. CeJ sad Vs.. He, lllesi M Iroa tlleer Usd-rlll Cos OttereA 404 Ontario .... 3 m hlr ....... tS rotael 14 saves Steers Mes Small Me Sianasrw .14 .ta ,. 8 Bank Cersaaar Statement. BFRIJN, July 17. The weekly etatemwnt of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the fwUowtug oliauges: Cask tp baud, ia- creased S6.40.000 marks; treasury notes, In creased M",o marks; other securities de creasvd S2.OW,0w msrks. Notes In circula tion decreased ilS40,00 marks. Neve fork Moner Maraet. NEW YORK, July 17.-10NRY-On call, easy, 2'ii3 per cent; ruling rate. I psr cent; closing hid, S per cent; olfered at 3 per cent. Time loans, dull and steady: sixty days, 4&6 per cent; ninety dajs, P"r cent; sl months, S per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKRr-64 per cent 8TERUNO EXCH A NOD Firmer, with actual huslness In hankers bills at M.RmVkJ 4.SMU for demand and at I4.83fc"4.83ti for sixty-day bills; posted rates, l4.S4id4.ffiS commercial hills, 14.63. SILVER Bar, 6c; 1274c. liONI'S Oovemment. Mexican dollars, steady; railroad. irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were at follows: C S ref. is, Japan 4vt, ctfi V do 34 MrtM 101 io M lnl u A N. unl. 4s ... ri....irr tiMa. e. sola ta.., Iif4aix. Ctntral 4s 70 Ao 1st lnc 1M MlBti. t It L M. 4l m H , K. A T. 4 An Ida so a) 21 n S3 MH ltJ Ml W4 so eoupoa . V. 8. 8a. reg. do coupon , V. s. ntw 4a do ooupoa.. Am. Too. 4a. da (a , Atrhlann tn. do a.l). W At Untie C. U 4s. HN. R. ot M. e. 4a... SN Y. C. sen. I4(. e J. C. . 6.... 74Nr Psclflo 4s M io tm W 'Norfolk A W. e. 4s B A O. 4a ' do IV4s Prk. R T. rr. . "Cantrsl ef Os. la do M lnc do 4 Inn rhoa. A O. 4a lrao A A. JVta. C , B. A q. n. u.. c, r. i. r. .. do ool. r,a CCC. A St. U f. .. U Ore. s. L. r'f. 4a.... U ..100 rnn. c. ma H .. ti; V Rfaillnt (n. 4a MS .. lSPt. U A 1 M o. 6.Ui ..70 !l. L. J F. fx. 4i. TTSi .. n St. U S. W. e. 4.... 7S 4a MIUftX.btn1 A. U 4s ... TO rolo. Ind tm, aer. A.. 'lo. 1414. 4l rolo. A 8o. D. A R. U. 4a TMat. 8-a. Sa Erie prior Han 4s. . .. do tan. 4 Hock. Valley aa.... Japan (a do 2d sertet Uid. Offered 4 So. raelfla 4a 17 C7 do lrt 4. rtfa HH w aouihm Kr i l"H HtH'Trt. A Pai-lflc lata. .111 StStT.. St. L. A W. 4a.. Ti K Vnlon Pacific 4 W 7144 t' B. Eteal Id 5a.... 111 Wahah lata 107 K Vt ntarn M4. 4a 74 HWla. rentral 4 43 London Closing Btooka. LONDON, July 17. CTosIng quotations on Stocks were as follows: Conaola, money 14 ( KM., K. A T M do account N. T. Central 117 Anaconda, ex-dlT. Atchison 13 Norfolk A W.. II .... H do pfd .... 4 tint. A Western.. ....101 Pennerlranla .... .... 1024 Rand Mines do pfd ... 17 ... tt ... 6 ... 63 ... ' ... Id . .. 8 ...14D ... ... 18 . . . MS ... 14 ... t ... n. a Ohio Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio Il HeaOIng Chicago O. W llBouthefn Rr t., m. a bu r iwv do prd liebeers 2?a Southern Paclflo D. A R. a.. 39 Union Paolflo . 14 do pfd trt I). B. Steal i do pfd 4?W.bsih W do pfd 147 Bpanlah 4s 120 do pfd Erie do 1st rfd do Id pfd Grand Trunk ... Illinois Central . Louisville A It". HII.VEK-Rar, steady; 81d per ounce. MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of discount on the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 8 per cent. Foreign Financial. IiONDON. July 17. Money was In large supply and easy on the market today and discounts were Arm. On the stock ex ehangc, while speculative issues were quiet In the absence of support. Investment stocks were firm and fairly active. Home rails rocelved more attention on dividend announcements. Foreign securities con tinued steady, especially Japanese. Japan ese Imperial Us of 1904 closed at 31.02V.. American securities benefited aa a result of easier money In New York and bull support. The Pacific stocks led In the ad vance and prlcea over parity were estab lished In the forenoon. Quotations dropped later, but New York became a good buyer In the afternoon, especially of Canadian Pacific and Union l'uclflc, and prices Im proved and closed firm. Grand Trunk was firm on unexpectedly tod traffic reports. Copper shares harde In sympathy with the metal. BBHL.IN, July 17. Trading on the Bourse today In domestic shares waa listless, but Americans were firmer. PARIS, July 17. Trading on the Bourse today was firm, but dull. The market closed steady. Ruasian Imperial 4s closed at 73.10 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 491. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, July 17. Today's state ment of the treasury balnnces In th gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, 246,C21,7G4; gold coin and bullion, 867,790, 662; gold certificates, $89,647,730. Dank Cieartnas. OMAHA, July 17. Rank clearing for to day were $1,639,117.61 and for the corre sponding date last year 31, 430.783. 94. Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass., July 17. WOOLMarket Is active and firm and the tendency la more in favor of sellers than for a long time. Advances on last week have been obtained on transactions In certain grades of fleeces. There Is a brisk demand for fine delaine on the part Of the few mills using It, while half-blood and three-eighths un washed fleeces are also In demand. The higher prices quoted are not general, but the market Is firm, and the feeling through out the trade Is cheerful. The competition between eastern merchants has beun keen for the beat clips In the various sections of the west. Further large transactions are reported In Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces in the nature of contracts for wool to ar rive. The demand for the finer grades of territory wool la stood and the volume of ! business Is large. Staple wools are still In j tli fctronKcsi pcsttion, meeting witn an ex cellert Inquiry from worsted manufactur ers. Ti e hailing quotations are: Domestic wools, Missouri Three-eighths blood. 31 3?c; quarter-blood, 3&31c; secured values, Texaa fine, J2 months, 71B73c; fine, six to eight months, 6168c; fine fall, 671J58C. Cali forniaNorthern, ofl-jJc; middle county, 8f4Jc; southern, 2tuS3o: fall free, 678c. Eastern No. 1 staple, 7141773c; eastsrn No. 1 clothing. 71ST2c; eastern average, 6M70c; valley No. 1, fiotfrosc. Territory Sound tests, fine staple, 72iS7ic;'flne medium stap'e, 6fi)"oc; fine clothing, 6fW0c; flue medium clothing, 6i8oc. Pulled, extra, r3C2c; flue A, 6b62c; A supers, 631168c; B supers, 44fi17o: C supers, 304i36c. ST. IiOUIS, Mo., July 16 WOOIj Steady. Medium grades combing and clothing. 2f)if Sik'; light line. 22S23c; heavy line, lTtgnnc; tub washed. I'le IjONDON, July IT. WOOIy There waa spirited competition at the wool auction sales today, and the highest prices of the series were realized. Merinos were In active demand from sll sections, while lower grades snd greasles were firmer. Cape of Good Hope and Natal stock ruled steady. American buyers purchased merinos and light oross-breds, while the bulk of the other offerings were taken by the home trade and French buyers. The offerings todav numbered 13.&S6 bales snd the total withdrawals for the series aggregated S,5t0 1 bulea. The sale Is scheduled to close July j 27. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales, 13110 bales; scoured. Is Stltf Is lld; greasy, 6l&ls 3d. Queensland. l.tHO bales; greasy, 8d1?10d. Victoria, l.'MX) bales; scoured. Is 4d; greasy, 7d0'ls 4d. South Australia, 100 bales; greasy, Sds 3,1. Western Australia, 100 bales; greasy, Hd(&!l1 Tasmania, l.iou bales; greasy, My lid. New Zealand. 7.200 bales; scoured, lsSs; greasy, 8 dins 2d. Metal -Market. NEW YORK, July 17 METALS There wss a further decline In the London tin market, with spot closing at 1H3 and fu tures at 179 16a. Locally the market was weak, with spot quoted at $4o.06ij'W 36. Copper had quite a sharp advance In the London market, with spot cloning A'3 higher at U(M and futures 2 10a higher at 88 10s. Locally the market continued weak and nominal, with lake quoted at $21.C'33S.O0, electrolytic at $20.5V321.00 and castlnr, at l).i,-i(Cv SO. l,oa d was los lower at 2o In London. Locally the market was unchanged with spot quoted at $5.16475.36. Spelter was five points lower at $6.066 10 in the local market, but was unchanged at 34 In Ism don. Iron was lower In the English market, with atandard foundry quoted at 66s and Cleveland warrants al 66i 3d. Locally the market was easier, with buyers demanding concessions. No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at l-S.THij'at.S, No. 2 northern foundry at $23 20tijfi3 li. No. 1 southern soft at $25 00 and No. 2 southern at 174 60. ST. LOIIS. July 17 - MET A I -S Lead, steady, $5.15. Spelter, steady, $6.05. Mllvtrnnkee Grain Market. MILWAl'KEE. July 17 - WHEAT j Firmer; No. 1 northern. $1.tvm.04; No. 2 northern, IIOOICC; September, 93(33 asked. R Y F firmer; No. 1. 86iS7c. HARLEY-ruII; No. 2. 70; sample, 52'ii7t'C. CORN eUeady; No. S rash, 63j; Sep tember, 58c bid. Liverpool Ural a and Previsions. LIVERPOOL. July IT. WHEAT Bpot, quiet; No. 2 red weetern winter. Sa ld. Futures, steady; July, Tsld; September, 7s$d; December, 7s 4d. CORN Spot. Hsss dried, quiet. Sa; old. northern, steady, 6s 3d. Futures, steady; July, nominal; September. 4s 10d. Minneapolis) Oralsj Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jury 17 -WHEAT-tten-tember, 'c; Tleeember Jee; No. 1 hard. iX: No 1 northern 8.ic; No. 2 nortbera, MsjaJwo; Ne. t oertber Ssvj. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Highest Price Paid for Cattle in Fire Tears. HOGS OF ALL GRADES AfiE LOWER Fair Han of llange Sheep, wllh Good Uetnead Bad Trade Fairly Attire at Abowt Steady rrlces. 80UTII OMAHA, July 17. 1907. Receipts were: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3,0m .S Official Tuesday S.0O7 Vi Offlclal Wednesday 3,000 11,700 t.m Three days this week .7"1 V.n J.JM Pfttne days last week.... 8.8. 85313 13-" Same day 3 weeks ago.. 7.418 88.966 10.JM Same days 3 weeks ago.. 1S.M) 2.4fiO 8 3 Same days 4 weeks ago..U'.4ti3 27.3 7,JJ Same days last year 3,361 23,694 Thill The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at Houth Omaha for the year to date, compared witu tasi yosi 1W7 1S. Inc. Cattle 692,183 6o3.V 88,880 Hogs 1.442. Ml d.Ml.ai Sheep 8t. The fnllnwlnar tahla 808.704 46.801 shows tne average price of hogs at Pooth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1807. 130.lia06.11O4.'18O3.ilSO3.l01. July 6.... S 73! 411 t 36 (37 July 7.... I I 48 t 36 I 18 July 3 ... 6 73 I 29 6 17 July 8.... 6 68, 6 6? 6 15 July 10... 6 4 6 Ml 8 33 July 11... 6 68 661 6 ti I 11 July 12... 8 74 S 64) t 33 4 8 July 18... 6 73 6 69 6 88 6 08 July 14... 6 67 6 47 6 13 July 16... 5 71 6 64 6 1 July 16 6 60 6 19 July 16... 5 76 8 60 6 19 July 17... I 61 6 66 I 61 8 78 (I Iw 40 i 4i T 76 It It SO 1W IK I 83 4 14 ... 1 46i 7 a t 40 8 81 7 811 M ' iM . 38 7 78 I S3 ' T 77 I 96 77,'",". .234 tlO 5 4!'.!!'.!!.3 40 6 17 7 17 6 77 h ,3, ... 6 33 7 73 6 65 ,7 ;4 H I 23 T 72 6 66 I 71 14 10 I 20 T 71 6 66 41 m let) .. u r so Sunday. RANGE OP PRICES. Cattle. Omaha 1.6"ii 6 Hogs. 86.66tiu.2H 6.2r.iJ.06 6.70,.2 6.46 4.00 6.o6'i.80 j Chicago 1.4Kii7.it Kansas City t ftiUVM I St. lxuls l.&Ot&l.lS 8loux City 8.0ut&'i.C0 Ths offlclal number ot oars ef toolc hrouaht. In todav bv each road Cattle. Hogs. Sheep H'ses C, M. & St. P 6 Wabash Mo. P. Ry V. P. system 21 C. & N. W. (east) .... 3 C. & N. W. (west).. 25 C, BL P., M. 4 O... C, H. V q. (east) .. 2 C, B. & g. (west).. 30 C, H. I. & P. (east).. 8 C, R. I. & P. (west). 15 Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western .. 6 8 8 8.. 37 12 4 66 S T 1 64 8 U 3 4 8 .. - 192 15 13 Total receipts ....120 The disposition of the day s receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle, nogs. Btienp. Omaha Packing Co. .. 498 2,1.16 501 Swift and Company .... 829 Cudahy Packing Oo. .... 661 Armour A Co 621 W. I. Stephen 2 Hill & Son 117 F. P. Lewis 11 3.719 4,'tTl 8.960 1,1.18 630 6M Hamilton A T. R. Inghra Rothschild. 84 m s Sullivan Bros. 18 Other buyers 172 Totals 2.496 14,165 2,923 CATTLEJ There was a very decent run of cuttle this morning and the receipts consisted principally of beef steers, with a small sprinkling of cows and feeders. In spite of the fact that early advances from Cihcago were discouraging, the mar ket at this point opened early and active, with desirable kinds of cattle selling very readily at steady to strong prices. Prac tically everything in sight was disposed of before 11 o'clock in the morning. Choice heavy beeves sold as high as $7.10, which Is 10c higher than paid any time since 1902. Cows and heifers were also free sellers at good, steadv prices and the compara tively few loads In sight changed hands In very good season In the morning. Btockers and feeders were In very light supply and good demand at steady prices. BEEF STEERS. Its. 1 I 1 I I It 1 1 1 ll 4 33 11 3 16 1 14 4 1 11 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 1 1 8 6 1 I 11 1 1 1 85 1 21 10 3 1 I $ 1 At. No. Ar. Ft. 14 1017 8 00 17 1148 4 00 4 1121 I 10 10 1310 4 10 II 1261 4 80 II 1331 6 30 44 116 4 II 14 1111 6 a 11 1!M I 44 1 1217 4 64 41 11M I 60 16 1141 6 60 18 1 M 4 40 It 1313 4 40 11 1143 I 10 8 ISO! 4 70 II 1316 4 16 14 1284 4 16 1 1484 4 80 1 1804 I 68 12 1434 I 86 II 1340 8 86 OWS. 1 1141 8 11 i 891 3 80 11 171 4 00 4. Hit 4 00 4 Ml 4 40 14 484 4 00 1 1140 4 00 1 1037 4 16 1 1010 4 16 4 110 4 15 1 1100 4 M 10 1014 4 16 I 1160 4 1 1"40 4 86 8 1022 4 86 II 1140 4 40 1 1210 4 40 1 1060 4 40 I 181 4 40 1 10C0 4 tO 4 1163 4 60 8 1106 4 66 8 1144 4 49 4 1040 4 46 81 1011 4 71 1 1340 4 76 I 1210 4 16 II 114il 4 75 1 1840 4 80 II lo7 I 00 1 !)0 I 00 1 1060 64 HFER8. 4 775 4 t5 1 440 4 6 1 146 4 40 te toi 4 it 1 610 I 00 1 870 00 8 IM 8 36 1 1170 I 40 8 110t 8 60 I.'LLS. 1 1810 8 8S 1 710 I 60 1 ltsO I 60 1 4 ) I 40 1 1440 I 60 I 640 4 00 1 140 4 00 I 1330 4 OS 1 164i 4 25 1 18) 4 10 1 1420 6 60 1 1640 4 60 1 1180 8 00 1 1770 6 00 1 1410 6 10 U.VE8. 1 340 I T8 31 186 t 73 1 140 4 04 1 140 4 04 3 166 8 00 1 110 4 16 1 180 4 28 1 110 4 It II 11 III 1 166 6 66 3 SM 4 li 1 110 I 0i) 1 860 4 00 1 160 4 00 1 140 8 IS 1 110 4 60 3 116 4 60 1 1U0 4 64 AND KKEDERS. 1 1160 I 66 t t4 4 10 10 Ill 4 40 It bl 4 41 24 taw 1 11 I 00 I 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 86 4 26 4 60 4 6 4 86 6 00 8 00 6 00 8 10 6 2.', I 24 6 40 6 40 I 40 ( 40 8 60 8 10 c 1 10 I 40 3 40 3 40 1 40 t 60 1 60 I TO 1 16 I 76 3 16 I 00 8 00 I 00 I 00 I 10 I 16 I 36 I 14 I 16 I U I 40 I 40 I 41 I 60 I 60 1 60 8 60 I 60 1 70 I 76 I 71 HE I 76 I 10 I 10 8 16 I 40 I 64 3 60 I 80 1 15 661 ltlKO 140 lol 633 , 1170 1040 170 , 731 1033 , 57 , 1100 , M 126 1061 1136 1004 80 11SI 1064 , 1011 440 690 1071 161 1010 1080 170 1290 640 1100 140 170 IM& ....... 680 1160 1044 8M lie 1024 1167 117 10U 1110 Ill 10M 811 880 1010 .1000 S54 MA 1160 . 440 4X1 400 , 411 , C20 in., 15 , 7M . 400 4 40 E 00 I 10 8 20 I 26 I .6 1 'it, I 30 I 16 I 16 I 16 1 40 3 40 I 40 I 40 1 40 8 60 1... 1... 4... 1... 1... I... 1... 1 .. 1... 1... 1... I... 1... I... 1... 1... I... 1... 1... I ... 1 ... 1... I... 3... I. .. II. .. I... J... 1... I... 1... I... 1... 1... I... 1 ... 1... 16... 1... 14... 6 .. 1M9 , 8H0 1166 , 1600 121 136J 1010 1040 8 1110 1070 13U0 1240 1210 VM 120 356 Ill ISO IIS 4-U llo Sll too MB 104 10 40 120 414 K 8: 100 160 143 I 00 I 40 4 14 4 04 4 86 4 16 4 16 I 16 4 16 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 60 I to 3 00 I 00 6 14 6 60 6 Tl STOCKERS 40 I 4' 6 434 144 470 818 I 00 I 40 I 60 I 10 8 16 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA 1 cow... 1 cow... 340 2 CO 2 :o tti cows. 978 410 2 70 2 70 2 26 4 60 .l'i40 1 cow. G. Larson, Nebraska. $ cows. 44 927 4 00 1 cows 762 6 4 cows. 2 76 2 20 2 cows. T heifers.. fW HOGS The market opened this morning with some of the good light hogs sell, nil very close to steady. One extta lam V load sold up to $5 90, which waa 6c higher than anything brought yesterday. Ths scl eral market. lucug.h. was 2c lower, with heavy nogs shout oc loner. Instead of Im proving the market eased eft and closed slow and dull and as iruch as 6c lowsr sll round. In spite of the easier prices pre vailing, the trade waa fairly active at current fleuree end the most of (he hogs had rhangsd hands soon after 10 o'clock. A larg proportion of ell the bogs sold at 86 7rriif 75. while the bfilk yesterday went at 66.7Stfi.77. Representative sales! Ms. ... 54..., M .. et ... SO .. 64... II..., 40... 14... Ae. ...rt .. 4 .. 14 ..lit ...ISt ...IT ...K'O ...n .. 376 ..10 ...IM .. 7 .. " ...rrt ...14 ...170 ...160 I ..II ...141 ...141 ...ro ...174 ...HO ...3. ...If4 ...n ...tt ...v ...m ...n ...ti ...1 ...174 .. f ...Ki Sh. so It. I 51 I m 1 so I to 6 40 I 41 4 2 t 46 I 46 I 43 I 46 I M I 3 I 46 I 46 I 47 6 47 6 47 6 47 6 17 I 47 I 67 I 47 I 47 I 47 I 47 I 41 I 47 6 47 I 47 I 70 I 74 I 70 t TO I TO I 10 I TO 8 1 0 70 1 TO I T I 10 $ 74 70 t 74 ( TO 6 70 t n 8 14 I TO 6 T t T4 8 TO 6 71 I 10 I 70 I 70 t 70 I "1 I 11 6 72 6 1? 8 Tl Ko. an ... 14.... St.... 71 II .'.... 71 ... 4... M ... It.... r... .... .... s ... 10 ... 74 ... 14... 44... H ... 71 ... 14 ... TO ... . IS... Tl... 14.... 50.... 14 ... e ... 70.... M ... 71 ... 7.... Tt.... 40.... 81 ... S7 ... 4... 41 ... . 14.... Tl.... T7.... 40.... 41 ... 17..., Tl.... 10.... 71.... II..., 84... . 82 ... 49..., Tl... 7t.. ., n... 84 . . 86... 11.7.. 76... 44... 7... 1... 8.V... II... 87... 76... Sh. rr I Tt I 11 I T? I 71 I 71 8 71 4 71 I 71 6 77 I 71 I 1) I 7: 6 1? I 71 I 75 Tt I 15 I 71 I 78 I 71 I 74 8 T 8 78 6 T6 8 14 I 71 6 16 I 71 8 71 I 75 I Tl 6 Tt 8 T6 6 Tl 4 Tl 8 Tl 6 T6 8 Tl 3 II sn 1 11 6 T7 8 77 I 17 6 TT I T7 6 T7 I T7 8 77 8 77 8 T7 6 77 6 77 I 6 10 6 I 10 8 84 6 40 6 80 I 6.1 I 17 6 Pfl 3 42 .. ri . . . 4l ...170 .. H4 .. 84 ...!."' ...8J4 .. .:i ...I4 .. 7 .. ri .. I'l .. tv ...S34 ...847 ...14 ...111 ..241 ,...1:4 .. 146 ...I'O ,.. ..131 ...181 ,...114 . . M4 ,...187 .142 ,..181 , ... 86! ...Ml ,.. 741 ...241 ...tM ...840 ... m ...HI ,...114 ,...8ST ,...! ....! ,... ...tot ...ta ... M ...210 ....m ....in ....is ...188 ....!' ....180 ... 14 ...224 ....:3i ...227 ...lfl . ...!"4 ... US ... .181 ....14 188 ....2'J ....164 64... 61... K::: Tl..., 41... ro ... 56... SI.,, 44.., 44.., 14... 64... II ... 64 . 61.. 41.. 41 . 64.. M.. n.. 64.. 56.. II.. II . II . 130 6 73 I T! 8 11 811EEP The receipts Quite liberal, although this morning were about hail Qt tne number reported did not arrive until late. The market did not show very much day. The demand was sufficiently brisk to effect an early clearance, i'alr western ewes sold at 14. bi, with six cars of Idaho wethers at $6.66. It was, In fact, a steady market and prices paid were satisfactory lo all concerned. The South Omaha sheep market has been In a good healthy condition for a long time back and the moderate receipts have met ready sale each day. yuotslluns on range sheep and lambs: Ootid to choice lambs. $7.2.vjf7.75; flf ,n good lambs, $6.6037.26; cull lambs. $4 603 6 60; good to choice yearling wethers, t:i.75t 6.15; fair to good yearling wethers, $3.2b'n 6.75; good to choice wethers, 86.2hi3s5.7S; fair to good wetheis, $4.7(16.36; good to choice ewes, $4.&&4j6.46; fair to good ewes, $4.2647 4.75; culls and bucks. $2.bO(s)4.00. Representative sales: Ar. Pr. G64 western owes 101 4 88 1617 Idaho wethers 103 6 66 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle ateady to Ten Cents Lower llotps Five Outs Lower. CHICAGO, July 17.-CATTLERecelpts, about 20,000 head; market steady to loo luwer; common to prime steers, $4.7'(y7.35; cows, 34. 3041 5, 26 neirers, so.mro.sv; uuim, $3.15u5.2o; calves, $3.00u i.TTj; stockers and feeders, $3.00i) 5.00. HOGS ReceltitR, about 28,000 head; market 68 Idwer; good to prime heavy, $6. Soy. 86; dlum to good heavy, $5.706.78; butcher weights, $5.8.8o; good to prime mixed, $S.75y5.80; light mixed. SS.SO-fif 80; packing. $5.00tt6.70; pigs, $T.506.00; selected, $6.0t 8.12; bulk of sales, $r.i:tV(i&.Ni. SHEEP AND IAiMHS Recelpta, about 16.000 head: market lofi2fjc lower: sheep, $.1.756.(10; yearlings, $5.6.26; lambs, 10. .5 i7.&0. Newt York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Julv 17.-BKEVKS-Re-celpts, 1,70a head; steers slow and 10c lower; bulls and cows firm and fully 10c higher, all sold; steers, $8.40Cu'j.7U; bulls, $3.4txj'4.0; cows, $l.0t)'4.60. Dressed beef, steady, !& 10Vc. Exports today were &23 cattle and 6,iX quarters of bsef. Tomorrow 4,300 quarters of beef. i 'AIjV Ka Keoeipis, neaa; active ana veale 25KWc higher than Monday's close; buttermilks strong, all sold; veals, $0 5"tt 8 60; tops, $8.76; throw outs, $4.6O0jt.0O; but termilks, $4.0t&'4.50; dressed calves firmer; city dressed veals, 8313c; country dressed, 7'(Jllc. HOGtt Receipts. 7.6SS head; market a trine higher at $.60ft.no: pits. $70u75 HHBKH AND LAM HI8 Receipts, 7.2D4 head; sheep In light supply and steady; lambs slow but steady for good stock; about eight cars unsold: sheep, t2.6O0f.6t; culls. $3.00428.26; lambs. $5.636.60; culls, $5.50 64.00. Kansas City I. Ire tock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 17.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 10. MX) head, Including 2.000 southerns. Market steady to strong. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 8rt.4CHft7.10; fair to good, $4.7&o,il.3o; western fed steers, $4. 50(d) 6.(4); stockers and feeders. $.1.50tft-4.90; south ern steers, $3.Uu4.76; southern cows, $2 ovfT 1.10; native cows, 32.zni7s.n11; native heifers. $3.2o3o.N0; bulla, $2.7536.00; calves, $3.76 4.76. HOGS Receipts. 16.000 heed; market. Mf Ida lower. Top, $6.90; bulk, $5.76.85; heavy, $5.C6&5. i&; packers, $6.io&6.r0; pigs and lights, 6. 7-6.87. SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 7.600 head; market strong; lambs. $7.267.75; ewes and yearlings, $5.25'9i.0O; Texaa clipped sheep, $5.0(e6.60; Btockers and feed ers, $3,2540.00. St. Louis Live Mtock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6c0 head. Including 60 Texas; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, 35.017.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.10ti6 86; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4 Ot'at.btt; Btockers and feeders, $:.60f 4.661 cows and heifers. $3.uutr6.60; canners. 11.50 &'2.26; bulls, $3.0UU4.6O; calves, $4.0uj 10.00; Texas and Indian steers, IS-SK ll-00; cows and heifers, 31.5t-u4.CiO. HOGH Receipts, 8.600 head; market 60 lower; pigs and lights, $6.4fV.00; packers. lower; pigs SHU ligiitw, eii.eiiu.w, iimscih, butcher, and bet heavy. $5.Mx(, BiiEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. SvO; mar- ket strong; native muttons. $8 5(6 lo; lambe. K.Ol'uT. 65; '-itlli and bucks, $3.Ou4.00; stockers, $4.006.50. Sloex City Live Stock Market. STOUX CITY, la., July IT. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE-Receipts. 600 bead; mar ket steady; beeves. $o.0ot77.00; fat cows and steady; beeves. $6.00tf)7.60; fat cows and heifers, $4. 256.60; grass oows, $2.5043X1.35: Btockers and feeders. $3.254.76; calves and yearlings, 13. OHM 25. HCHrS Receipts, S.O00 heort; market steady, selling at $S.6C&6 80; bulk of sales, fe.awukTO, St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo., July IT. CATTLE Receipts, 3.6tK head; market weak to 10c lower; natives, $4.bVfj7.0f; cows and heifers, $2.2f,4i6); stockers and feeders, $3.5Ou50. HtGS Rm-elpts, Hi.tyvt head; market 60 lower: top, $V87; bulk. r.70i6.8;. SHEEP AND LA M HS Receipts none; lamb, $6.7t'a7.oO; yettrlltigs, $5.6:6.26. Stock In Slirkt. Receipts of live stock st the six prlnclp.il western markets yesterday: t uttle. noxs. Pheen. 3.(80 7'.7)6 6.5 15.C00 South Omaha... Sioux City Kansas City.... St. Joseph St. lAli3 Chicago Total .. S.0M) 18,7(10 61 ..10,8-0 .. $ tvo 5n0 .."0.0(0 6.10) 16 If 004 9) 2,'0O .88,400 83.261 21.10J Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 17 - COFFEE-Tho market for coffee futures opened st'-ndy at unchanged prlcea to an advance, on en couraging European markets, being pre vented, apparently, by some Wall street selling end liquidation of July, owing to light notices Later, however, the market Improved slightly on supr.oet frorn lea'llnt trade Interests snd a aestterlng demand, attracted by the llerht Bretiltan receipts. The close was rteady, net ttnehanved tT 5 points higher. Rules. 15 " bsge. Includ'ng July Bt 6 flo4 j6V; September. 8 oifj ', CT,c : De cember. $6; Marti 5 75c: M (tie. S;it coffee steady: No. T Rio. se: No. 4 "antes, 7c; mild coffee, quiet; Cordova. Sft'c. iwanornled Apples and Dried Frnlta. NK.W YOPK. Jalv 17 .-EVAPORATED APPLES-Market for fn'tire delivery advancing and the spot market feels the Influence of the higher quotations. Fancy are quoted 8, choice, $; poor to fair, 6 2r7c. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are In better demand on spot, owing possibly to bullish cosst advices. Quotations rsnrfi from 4 to 12c for California fruit and from M.c to 8c for Oregnns up to SOsHs Aprlrots are unchanged, with ciujlce u,uoiod at 21c; extra so so X.WU. I (I M 40 It 1. 1 80 1V4.8HO (1 110 130 41 l SO rr ti 64 IT I 1M 64 1i ... 41 170 ... 71 Ski 40 4 I4 130 10 IOS ... 44 34 ... W Inn ... 1 JtK) 40 1 hi, Ice, ire; fancy, 2".'iiic. peaches ere quiet, with choice qimicl at Uifi'.c, extra choice, KSuli'c; f:inc. 13.il.'c: extra fancy. 14ml4c. Halnlns nre without freslt feature; loose mum uti l nre quoted at 8icf 10c, s i deil nilKlns ut itil3c; lAndon layers at $1.60n'il OMAHA W1IOI.KS 1.K M AltKt&TS. Condition of Trnde nnd Quotations net Staple nnd laser Produce. FOGS -Per dox , 14c. ItrTTER Parking stock, 17317c; choice to fnncy dairy 1'U'JtV; creamery, Lfl-230 LIVE It'l l.Tltl- Spring chickens. lttfTOo; hens. 8'4lOc; rooeters. 6c; turkeys, Ucl ducks. ItHN scse. So. FIU IIP AND MELONS. CALIFORNIA PEACHES bo $1 pi'; yellow freestones. $1.66. CALIFORNIA PLl MS -Per crate, $126. CAI.I1 1 'KNIA CHK.RRIES-Per bom of Shout 8 lbs . black or white, $1.00. TEXAS WATERMELONS Each, 860, e and Sec CANTEIXrPE-Callfornla. 46 to prate, standard, J5 ; 64 to crste. pony, $3 60. TUOl'ICAl, HtUIl'S. LF.MONS-Llmontera. 200 else $7.66; 800 site, $7.;5; other brands. 50o less. BANANAS Per medltim-slasd burrOb. $JO,i&f25: .Itimboos. $3.64f3.oP. ORANGES Mediterranean "weetn. fancy, 150 alse, $4.00; 176. 200, 21S and 260 slxe. $4.uu; 86. 126 and 2S8 sixes, $3 75; extra fancy, 2tc more per box; St. Michaels, 176, 200. 116 and 250 slsee, $4 76: 1 28 snd 160 sites. 14 60; Valencies, 80. 86 and 112 sizes $4 25; 12S. 160, US. i and 216 sites, $4. 766. 00. DATES Ksoawav 6c; sayers, $0; hal towls, 6c; new stuffed walnut datea, 6-lb. box, Il.tAl. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES -Per bu . fOG. NAVY BKANfl-Per. bu. No. i. $1.04 210; No. 2. Jl.S04il.00. POTATOES T'cr bu., $1.85, NEW PEl'PERS-Per a-bssket rratet t to $.160; er bushel box, $1.00. APPAKAGVS 8o per -"ox. bunshea BEANS New wax and string, per H bu. box or basket, 76c. BEETS. TI'HNIPS and CARROTS Pw dor. btinchee, oivAf36c. PIEPLANT Per dox. bunches, 200. CriVMDF.RS -Per dos . 6tlf76o. TOMATOES Texas, fancy, SO-lb. crate. $1.16. ONIONS Green onions, per dos., 26o. CA UHAGE t'allfornla, 2c LEAF LETTUCE Hot-house, per don, heitds. 20c RADISHES Per dos. bunches, bom grown, 20c. PKEF CUTS. No 1 rib. 14c; Mo. nh, 11cj-No. 2 rib, 10c; No. 1 loir., lc: So. 2 loin, 13et No, 2, loin, 12c; ;o. 1 chuck. 7c; No. I chuck, c; No. 2 chuck. 6'ic; No. 1 round, 8oj No. 2 round. Sc; No. 3 round, 8c: No. I plate, 3c; No. 3 olate. So: No. S plate, So, MIat.a,LiLAKEOUS COFFEE 'tosstcd. nrt 8Y 26o per Ib. No. 30. 21c per lb.; No. 26. ISo per lb.; No. 20. 14c per lb.; No. 21. 12o per lb. 14c; Young Amen ds, 15c. CALIF ollNiA DRIED FRT.'tTS Prunes 8re somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tattoos range from 6 to 9c for California fruit and froni 6a'8c for Oregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 18Vc. Raisins are firm; three crown loose Muscatels are quoted at So; four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins, Siyilo. No. t 8c; No. 2, 7c; bull hides, 6c; green hides. No. 1. 7c; No. ?, fic; horse, ll.VJ 850; sheep pelts, iVtitl. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; No. 2. .110. Wool. 16K2c FISH Pickerel treed. 10c; pike, dressed, 16c; white ben, dressed.. AMnter caught, 134?15c; fresh, 16c; trout. 12C15u; halibut, 11c; salmon. I6c; catfish, 17c; her ring, dressed, 8c; crapples, round. 64JScj Crapples, large, fancy, 15c; black tui, 26oi smelts, sweet and flue, 13c: eel, 11a; true fish, 15c; red snapper. 12c; roe snad, per pair, 4tKj)f)0c; frog legs, SojMOc; lobsters, green, per lb., 27c; lobster, boiled. Tier lb. SOo; mackerel, Spanish, per lb.. 16c; mackerel. Dative, lju5&o per lb.: fresh green turtle nteat. 26c per lb.; dressed buffalo, ac; bull beads, 12c; white perch, 7c; white bass, loo, CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern, 6iic. Tomatoes, fancy, 2-pound cans. $1.45; standard, 8-pound cands. $1 25. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound. $2 v2 30; sliced, $1.75(02.35. Gallon apples, $3.25. California apricots, $100. Pears, $1.7bfr3 50. Peaches, $1.7rf2.40: L. C. peaches, $2 .004J2.W. Alaska salmon, red, $1.20; fancy Chinook, Hat, $3.10; fancy sockeye. Hat, $1.86. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.26: three-quarters mustard, $3.10. Sweet potatoes, $1.3ifr1.3r. Pauer kraut, SOo. Pumpkins, SOc'l 00. Lima beans, 2-lb., 76o foll.i.. Socked peas, 2-lb., 60c; fancy, $1,269 1.4. NUTS California walnuts. No. 2, soft shell. 12c: Rratlls, 16'tj18c; pecana. tmio', filberts, 124c; peanuts, raw. 7c; roasted, 8c; California almonds. 17o; oocoanuta, $5.00 per 10 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 1T.-COTTON Spot, closed steady; middling uplands, lO.klo; middling gulf. 18.20c; sales. 81 bales. New York cotton quotations, nirnisnea dj Logun At Bryan, 112 Hoard of Trade build ing: Open. High. Low. Close. September 1145 1112 1141 112 October 1174 1192 lira lliri December UbO 12ul 1176 120 NEW ORLEANS. La.. July 17 COTTON Spot closed steudy; soles, 177 bales. Low ordinary. 8c, nominal; ordinary, 9, nominal; giHid ordlnnry, 10 6-16e, nominal; low mid dling. 11 9-lfr; mliltlling, 13c; good middling, IS'4,0, nominal; middling fair, 1470, nomlnali fair, lfic, nominal. Receipts, 663 bales) stock, 50.92 bales. LIVERPOOL. July 17. tXVTTON Spot moderate busliiesa. prices unchangod to t points higher. American middling, fair, S.16d; good middling, 71d; middling, 7.0i)d( low middling, 6.73d; good ordinary, 6.99d; ordinary. 5.3Dd. The sales of the day were 7.K'0 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export, and Included 6,300 bales American. 'Heceipis, 1,100 bales, all American. Ha gar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. July 17. SUGAR Raw. quiet; fair refining, 3.33c; centrifugal, St test, 3.83o; molasses sugar, 8t; refined, steady; No. 6. 4. bee; No. 7, 4 56c; No. 8, 4.6O0; 'No. , 4.45c; No. 10, 4.36c; No. 11, 4.80O; No. I it 4.26c: No. 13. 4.20c": No. 14. 4.15c: con fectioners, 4.80c; mould A, 6.36c; cut leaf, 8.70; crushed, 8. 70c; powdered, 6.10c; gran ulated. 6 ti0c; cubes, 5.26c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 87SJ4KC. NEW ORLEANS. IA., July 17. 4SUtiAl Sleadv: open kettle centrifugal, 34lo: inds, 3 centrifugal yellow, 3fj-4c; seconds, 3c. MOLASSES Julet; new syrup. 305j34c Oils nnd lloslu. SAVANNAH, Oa., July 17. OIL Turpen tine, steady; jc. RtrhlN r irm; sates, .ow; recnipis, s.vuoi i ' . . j, . . : , . .. . a u J"7; Ul Mti j O. A' L06W M, $0.46; N. lu.70tiC.8B. W. O., $t.764l.05. W. W.. HI 20. OIL CITY, Pa., July 17.-OILCredlt Iwlances, $:',7; runs, 113.752: average, 125, it.1 bids.: shipments. 10o,o30 bbls.; aver age, la.lW bbls. WARDROBE OF WOMAN FOUND Collection of Good ClofhlnsT Consid ered In Connection with Finding of Baby. Almost a complete wardrobe of a woman was found Mondny by an Ice man In tha long park-like stretch on Twenty-elghtls street between Mason and Paclflo streets. The wurdrol'O consisted of a fine quality of fancy wear hnd evidently belonged to some person of more than ordinary means. The matter was reported to the police and a diligent Inquiry was made by the police authorities all through that neighborhood to locste the owner, or to ascertain If any robbery bad been com mitted. The clothing was In a cleanly con dition. The presumption prevulls thst it may have belonged t 1 the mother of the Infant that was left on the porch of W. H. Stiple's resilience. 1113 South Twenty-eighth street Saturday night and which Is now In the county ho-ipltal; that the mother of the Infant may b thud or has been spirited away and that the clothing was left to) destroy every .oeMljll!ty of Identity. A woman living in the vicinity of Twenty eighth ami pacific streets saya she waa sit tltig on her porch about 11 o'clock Satur day nlald and noticed two men walking along with the apparent intention of keep ing In biding by the sh-nlr of the trees aa much as poiMr. They were carrying a basket which answers the general descrip tion of the one in which the baby waa left at the Sclpb- home. The police thus far have been wholly unsMe to find the slightest clue to the owners of the wardrobe, snd are disposed to look on the case as an uncanny mystery. I.onavvorlhe Henrk 8rtlnnd. PORTLAND, Ore., July 17. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas LffiKWorll. arrived here frorn Vl loustone park last nlKht and left later for Ban Franrimo. wlieie they will uamur bibvrla for Honolulu,