Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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I ffitr A " " "" " 'II tH'll"VI 1 1 UaVA TWi"'Hmlff IMHIlM'lliLI 7i
Want - ads
A4rr1lwmH tor tae want-ad
columns mill he taken antll 13 m. for
the rtroln edition and until O p. n.
for the morilig aad Sunday edition.
Cash mast accompany ' orders for
want-ad nad no advertisement will
he accepted for leaa than lO cents for
the flrat Inaertloa.
!( apply to either The Dally or
Bandar Bee.
Alwaye tout six word a to a lino.
t'nmhlnatloaa of Initials or Bombers
ronnt as one word.
Insertion, per llao, 10 esats. Two or
more consecutive Insertions, per line,
8 rents. Each Inaertloa made on odd
dara, 10 eeata per line. fl.OO per llao
per month.
Death and Fnneral Wotleee, Cards of
Thanks and Lodae Notices, T rents
per line for one edition, morning or
evening I ' cents a line for each ad
ditional edition. Sander, 10 eeats a
line. No ad takea for less than 80
advertisement Is Inserted under anr
one of the classifications alvea below,
It will lie charged at the following
rateat On Insertion, 4 cents per llnei
three to six oonsrcutlve Insertions, 3
cents per line each Inaertloa) aeven
or more ronseentlve Insertions, 3
cents per line each insertion I 50
rents per line per month.
Except Agents, Solicitors mid
Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets.
Horses and Vehicles.
Poultry aad Eggs.
Typewriters ond Sewing Machines.
Pianos, Organs nad Maslcal lastrao
Furnished Rooms.
Unfurnished Rooms.
Honsckeeplng Rooms.
Boarding nnd Rooms.
Want-ads for Tlie Bee mnr l left
at anr of the following drng stores
one Is "roar corner drnuilnt" tUejr
re all branch oillces of The Ree ami
)oor nd will be inserts! ju-t as
promptly nnd on the same rates as at
the main offl-e In The Bee Balldiug,,
Veventcenth end Faruam avreetst
Albach, W. C, 40h nnd Farnam.
Beranck. 8. A., 1402 fc. 10th St.
Refht, Pharmacy. i2v S. Will St.
Densun Pharpiacy, Benson, Nb.
Bemls Pari' Pharmacy, 33d Slid Cuming,
Blake's Pharmacy, 2S.6 Sherman Avu.
Caughlln, C. K., Uh And Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pha;-ma.-y. 2.13 Millluiy Ave.
Conte, J. H., SUet Ave. and Fariiam.
Crlsscy Pharmacy, 24tli ani Lake.
Cermak, Emll. 114-8 P. i3t!i St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton.
Klilpr, F. H.. SMid Leaven woith.
Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St.
Dreytag. Joiir. J., 1814 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, ?0th and I-ake.
Green's Pliarmar:,1 corner Parlt Ave. tad
Oreenough. G. A., 105 8. Kth St.
Oreenough, O. A., imh and Hickory.
Hayden, Win. C, 1920 Farnam Bt.
Hanscom Park I'har. 1601 8. 29th Ave.
Hoist. John, fi?4 North 11th St.
Huff, A. I... 2"24 f.cnvenworth 81.
King, H. 8., 223.S Karnam Bt.
Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3301 N. 24fr.
ratrlrk Drug Co., l'!24 N. 2llh St.
athrop, Chas. K., 1S21 N. 21th Bt.
Peyton, I.. E., ?4th and lavenworth.
Sarstoga Dm Co., 241h and Ames Ave.
Sohaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Schaefer. Aliquot. "fjl N. ISth Bt.
Schmidt. 3. H.. 24th and Oumlng St.
Btorm Phrrmaev, ISth an.1 Martha Bts
Walnut 1TH Pharmsrv. 49th and Cuming.
Walton Pt'nrm.n'V, ?f'h and Orace Bts.
Wlrth O T?.. 40th and Hamilton Sts,
BBCKM AN Henry George, July IB. 1907.
ege six months, beloved son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Beckman. 1414 Plnkney street.
Rervlees from residence, Wednesday
morning, 9 n. m. Intemient Forest Lawn
cemetery. Friends Invited.
in.nsneiii a .mm iw i n I mnsq
Births Dan J. Hegarty. 4222 Patrick
avenue, boy and girl; Ruben Perkins, 14 5
Ohio stroet, boy; T. H. P arson, ti0
Harney street, boy; Joseph Vrana, 1610
Jjorcas street, boy; Carl Turnqulst, 909
South Twenty-third stroet, girl.
IJe-aths Mrs, !. K. Anderson, 2212
Feward street, aged 48 years; Rarah A.
Hitchcock. Forty-seventh and ' Charles
streets, aged 7 months; Mrs. Sarah Hyett,
14'1 North Twentieth street, aged 78 years;
Hahy Mlchselk, IX'2 South Twenty-ninth
street, aged 1 month; Dorothy Dawson.
F"tit-ii and Poppleton avenue, aged 8
The following marriage licenses hare
been issued:
Name and Residence. Ags.
John C Oauble, Omaha S4
Mry M. Larsen, Omaha 29
C xirge. K. Robinson, Omaha......... 19
Cinderella Gray, Omaha XI
William M. Rhyn, Omaha fa
Thyra C. Bressman, Omaha St
Beecher L. Kingston. Central City, Neb. 88
Clemence R. Foster, Central City, Neb. 10
Hugh Smith, Omaha - , , , JB
Johannna Carrell, Omaha m.m. 23
Forest Hall, Bouth Omaha ,-, .,t 22
Andela Zalondek, South Omaha .. 88
THE CITT GARBAGE! CO.. offloa 4th and
Leavenworth bts. Tel. Douglas ltfl
SIGN PAINTINO-S. H. Cole, 1308
PARTira wanting concessions for blf
Dahlman iMmocracy picnic at Pries
lake Sunday, July 21. communicate at
one with John l. Wear, 6( Brown block,
(1) MB7 21
FOR 8ALK A Cameron Runabout ant,
mobile; a bargain. Ulobe Land ana Ia
vsstmenl Co.. 1&2 Farnam St. () 107
SEND for our list of second-band automo
biles. DbUllGHT, Ull Farnam. CO-luf
Bl'ICK, two-oyllnder, 28 H. t Wsie-
Ing oar, overhauled and painted ttetOt
li5 CADILLAC, 19 H. P. touring oar, tnt
siiap J fiat ot
1904 RAMBLER. 18 H. P., alnraai iaw,
overal extras Included mJ
lw& KNOX touring car, air ceeledw.&
Jin OLIjS, with top. i H. P 1.NJ
) KKO. 1H H. P.. used very lltUm..78,M
lb FRANKLIN, with top, four-oyllneer,
detachable tonneau ..414.e9
IM FORD, two-cylinder, dstaohaala en-
neau, 14 H. P 8400 48
19ui STBVENS-DURTRVA. twa-syllnder,
and looks like new, with top ttuOOt
BAMHLKK K., detachable tonneau, uit
reialnted and overhauled tu60 US
Write for full descprltlon.
U. . FRLDRICKSON, 16th aad Cap. Are.
V Ql'ARTER of good land for sals or
trade (or Omaha property. 2414 Coming
S- (3 Mmb8 li
SXCHANGES If you bare elty property
uUi of goods, farm land r sroperty of
any kind to exchange, write fer our coin
Uete list. We have preeertles and lands
In all parts of lb country to exchange.
Our Hal la fie. Send for It at once.
Globe Land and Investment C., 18?3 Fhp
baut cl OutaiMk, 1Hsb tfy Utt
: D
GOOD stork of general merchandise In
fbwa town of 2,9(K). Will trade for clear,
cheap land. Ulobe Land and Investment
Co., 1822 Karnam. i8 769
130 ACRES 6 miles from Bohsl! City, Ver
non county, Mo.; SO acres under cultiva
tion; good buildings. Price, 100 per acre;
Incumbrance, 1,(h0. Will exchange for
peneral merchandise. Globe Land and
Investment Co., 1122 Farnam St., Omaha,
(3) 7o
EXCHANGE One almost new upright
piano, with player attachment for any
thing I can us; will pay difference. Ad
dress GS96, Use. UO M107 Ul
FOR BALE Drug stock and fixtures;
growing WeHt Bide suburb; good prescrip
tion business; bent reasons for selling.
Address Lock Box 1, Melrose Park, 111.
(41 M991 18x
LIST your property with us. we have buy
ers: have property for exchange also,
JACOUSON ft CO., 936 N. T. Life Bids.
(4 M443 AlS
FOK BALE First class meat market;
reason for selling, bad health. For par
ticulars address F. Johnson. Jefferson. Ia.
(4) M1721x
FOR SALE The best bargain In the West
In a smul hotol can be had of me If takea
at once. Box 66 Longmont, Colo.
(4) M127 lsx
BISINES8 FOR SAL-Well equipped
with machinery for dry cleaning clothes
and carpets; doing a good buxlneii.t; town
of 12). will sell cheap If taken at once.
J. A. Adams, lilo North 4th SL. Moberly,
Mo. (4) Ml7 2ox
LO YOU want to get Into the stock busi
ness? 1,8(0 acres. 4S0 of It deeded. SJ0
school lease, balance filed on. Good
ranch improvements. 'ln miles fence,
frame barn 40x40; frame cattle shed 2nx$0;
f-room house, fine grove, 15 acres, splen
did hog pasture. All of ranch good
pasture and hay land. 100 head ot good
cattle; 9 head' of good horses and colts.
All machinery, harness and etc Ranch
fully equipped. Everything $9,000 cash if
taken at once One of the best stock
ranches In Garfield county. For full par
ticulars wrlto, C. D. Iong, Blake, Neb.,
Garfield county. (4) M6 2L'x
Furnished roomliig house for sale, 10 rooms,
full of roomers, within 4 blocks of Kith
and Farnam 1400 cash. Address K 679,
( are Bee. (4J (771
ROOMING houses for sale, all sizB.
Ciangestad, 403 Bee Blrlg. (4) M358
Arc You Looking for a Farm,
Home, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere;? It makes no dif
ference whether you want lltO building
lot oi a V'k.(i tract of coal or timber
land, ou should not buy or trade before
6 chir n ccpy of th'.i Heal Estate World,
li ,'nntuiiiH a"lai'i,e list of property and
nicichornlisc stocks fur sale and exchange,
ami reaches several thousand readers each
ia."Up. and Is the h st ailverlislng medium
to reach the real estate buyers,
ers and traders that you can advertise in.
Write yr.ui nttmo and address on a postal
cnrrl. niu.i it and we will send you
the Jc.urnnl for two months uji trial free.
Aihlriss the Kcai Instate World, Suit 5.0
Good Block, L'es Moines. 1.1. (4)-431
FOR SALE The hert r'l"?r business In
northenstern Nebraskn, Rt'ick of gro
ceries, qiicenswara and notions; will l:
Hrld cheap. Answer quick. Address Y
ill. Bee. (() Ms7J
WANTED A party to buy out a flrst
clnss stock of fiunlture in the best town
, on the Klkhorn valley; bent of reasons
for telling. Wirner Furniture Co., Wis-
' ncr. Neb. (4) "Xi
TO Ilt'y or rell anv bus'ness or res: es
tate, call on or write K. G. Gongestad,
4.'3 Boc L'ldg. (4) ;!
FOR BALK First class stock of millinery
and notions In one of the best towns In
the state, having 2,000 population, on tlio
main line of the Union Paclflo R. R.
Only exclusive millinery In town; stock Is
new and In good condition; no old truck:
will Invoice close to $1,200. Will sell
cheap If sold at once. Buyers sddress
Inquiries to A. C. Mayer, Grand Island,
Neb. (O MS-i-3 23
COMB to Hlldreth & Lowman, with or for,
business chances. Karros or city prop
erty. 610 Bee Bids., Omeha. (4) M14
A SNAP In a print shop, half enough bus
iness on hand to pay for plant. Mercan
tile Incorporating Co., 426 N. T. Life
Bid., Omaha. (4) MS08 21
TT A I .F IntereMt find holn mnnfiA tnwnqtU
and waterworks proposition; over 2n0
lots and fine artesian well; new town on
R. R., 7U) population; write for par
ticulars. John R. Hodges. ArtHa. N. M.
(0 M4H0 auglnx
FOR SAI.B At a bargain; a nice, clean
coal business, sheds on I. C. & G. N.
railway; near Floux City; storage 20 cars.
Address L. K. W., Sioux City, Ia.
(4) M479 22x
FOR BALE General merchandise stock In
new town; reuion for selling, poor health;
investigation Invited. Address Rav Ksty,
Leshaia, Neb. 4)-Mu94 lx
city pioperty, farms, merchandise or
chattels. Write Townse.nd Realty Co.,
Modale, Ia. (4) MG60 Ate&x
MKAT market In best location In Omaha
for sale or rent. Address L 786, care Bee.
(4)-M40 18
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; $4 to It
received for shoeing and J4 to tt for set
ting tires. Address Y 19. Bee.
DRUG STORE for sale, the best drj.f
proposition in Iowa; only store In good
northwestern Iowa town of 6u0 people,
tine f irming country surrounding: 1,500
will swing It; only thoe with cash con
sidered. Address Y 13u, care Omaha Bee.
(4) 921 1
FOR SALE Bowling alley. Write P. O,
Box 87, Sibley, la. (4) M9C0 17x
FURNISHED hotel of 14 rooms for rent to
party who can take ponsesalon at once;
country town of 8u0. Address Y (3, care
Bee. (4)-848 17 x
NEWSPAPER and Job office, doing good
business, for sale in northwest Iowa.
Prioe tioO cash. Tills Is a snap. Guy D.
Savage, Alvord, la. (4) M945 Six
In an Omaha business; will pay 6 per cent
quarterly. For particulars address D 7i8,
care Beo. (4) M1U9 19x
FOR BALK First class pool hall In Yank
ton, 8. D., at a bargain for cash; all new
tables: doing a good business. J. C.
Keeker, Yankton, S. D. (4-M9S9 17x
FOR SALE Good, ctean stoc merchan
dise of about I15,(U In splendid country
town of 900; large territory to draw from;
doing a good Part cash, part
time If desired. Address Y 237, care He.
4) MtBJ
HESTAURANT concession to let at Belle
vue summer assembly, August 2-11. In
quire of Dr. W. II. -Bets. Manager. Belle
vue. Neb. OMM 2ux
FOR SALE Program privilege, Orptieum
theater. Apply to Manager.
(4) MM7 19
WANTED Splendid opening In a Bouth
Dakota town for all around tailor. Ad
dress Y U3, care Omaha Bee.
4) M561 18
WE can sell your farm, home or business
properties, no matter where located; send
price and description and learn how we
do It, Iowa Land Company, Sioux Rap
Ids, Iowa. (4 Mbo 23x
Sut New York Ufa Bldg.,
Omaha. Neb.
BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, a very nice
clean drug store and fixtures, the only
drug store In the village: fine location;
rood trade and reasonable rent; inven
uries under 130. 0(0; a snap for anyone
who wishes to get Into business. W. K.
Webster, Hudson, Wis. (4 M482 22x
FOR SALE Newly equipped bottling plant,
best territory In Texas, i railroads; no
competition; poor health necessitates a
Change. Address W. M. Dyson. Wichita
I' alls. Tea. " 44 A4.i j tJ
Bee Want
FOK BALE A patent on a steering and
propelling device for balloon or airship.
A. Mallory, 436 N. 10th St., Lincoln. Neb.
(4)-M327 20x
A STOCK of millinery for sale In a good,
prosperous town snd surrounding coun
try; going out of business on socount of
111 health; must be sold by loth of July.
Address 2124 Miami St, 'Phone Webster
2S.A (4) M.183 20x
FOR BALE One-man paper plant; my
price, $278; must sell. Write I Westeott,
Rutledge, Mo. (4) M171 lfx
FOR SALE My abstract, real estate and
Insurance business In Armour, H. D. ;
complete set of abstract books: doing a
pood business; good reason for selling.
For further particulars write P. Hoepers,
Armour, 8. D. (4) M158 DUX
COME to Hlldreth & Lowman with or for
business chances, farms or c'!v ' mp
erty. (4)-M331
ton tmUK Uiignt-room rooming notice,
five blocks from poBtofllce. Address A
723, care Bee. (4) 4H0 16x
cheap, If taken soon; town 80. G-o. 1
Mowers, Colon. Neb. (4) M145 19x
FOR SALE tS.OOO stock of clothing, fur
nishings and shoes; tfood fixtures; good
reasons for selling; in an eastern Colo,
rado town of 3,000. Drawer P. Fort Mor
gan, Colo. (4) M123 18x
26-ROOM HOTEL, close to good business;
M.OuO will take: part cash, or consider a
trade. O. A. Firth, Broken Bow, Neb.
(4) M992 18x
CASH for bad accounts, bills, notes or
any other claims. For particulars address
E 780, Bee. (41 M440 !rx
WANTED Partner for best paying laundry
business in Omaha. Address H, Bee.
(4) 40 17
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4 771
sells or exchanges everything, land, cliy
property, merchandise and Automobiles.
U Douglas block. 14) 457 Aug. 14.
DEWITT HOTEL for sale. Will sell
building and, or sell furniture
and rent building. This Is one of the best
paying hotels In the state; I can t rove
It hv what I have made. J. H. Puckett.
DeWllt. Neb. (4) Moll 24x
FOR SALE cheap, stock of men's furnish
ings and shoes. In a good location. Ad
dress P 790, caro Bee. (4) c2S 22x
HOMES, lands, etc.. bought, sold or traded
quickly. Pardee & Bruum, the hustlers.
330 Neville Blk. (4) 529 Anglo
T. E. BRADY, Probate Att y, &09 Eee Bldg.
(6,1-1.3 Jyl7
SALES made on Milne., Jewelry, household
good.j, live stock, farm Implements, etc.
Both & Tyrrell, 1212 Douglas. Omaha.
(5) M581
Carpet Cleaning.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1619 Farnam.
(a 772
DR. ROY. R. 2, 1505 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
(6) M77a
AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor,
1003 N. 21st St.. South Omaha. (Sj 774
Civil Engineers.
(5) 775
to Beatrice Creameiy Co., Omana.
til 779
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
13W. ' (o)-777
M DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far.
(5)-MS Jyl7
BAILED Sl MACH, 3d fir. Po ton. D. 10S5.
KOTERA & CO.. 1505 Jackson. Doug. 20"7.
HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
(B 780
L. HENDERSON, 1618 Far. Tel. D. 1253.
THE SCHLITZ, European. lSth and Harney
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLINO Wiirch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4387.
(5 7
JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. U Tel. D. 1M4.
(5) 78
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. CS70.
(6)-M401 Jyai
a B. TRUSS ELL, 115 Bouth lth St.
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad eV Jorve, printers, 16 tt Cap. Ave.
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and Job printing: no job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., IhZi Far
nam St. Tel. Doug, botii. (5) M9tt6 AugtO
Jc.NNl.NGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6.130.
(5 7
ACORN Press, quaUty Ftg.. 1218 Harney St.
(u W2 Jyli
800 BUSINESS cards, 81; 10.000 printed en
velopes, good stock, for 8 10, other work
at same rates. Get estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 42,
V. 8. Nat 1 Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug
las 4508. (6-Lwi Jylii
chaol (applies.
OMAHA School Supply Co., len Howard.
(5) M9MSJyl7
Safes, khattera. Kte.
OMAHA Bare and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
aafea, G. Andreen, Prop., lug S. loth SL
hoe Repairing;.
RAPID SHOE RFPAIR CO.. first - olass
work. 14U8H Capitol Ave. "Phone Red .4.
MORRIS-Chlago Practical Tailor for
ladlus' and gents' new work; repairing,
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
livered. 7u 8. 27lh Bt. Tel. Red 1
THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 118 8. lBth fct.,
will rent you an Oliver typewriter, with
oak stand, and keep you In ribbons for 13
per month; will earn more than 13 per
month in tloui ssv4. Get the haMt.
(Attt au1
Violin Msklag,
. 1
VIOLTN repairing. C. L. Heskett, B47
Ramge Blk. (6) M16A Augl2
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 112 S. 16th St.. Opp. Boston Store.
MADAME BROWN reads both card and
hand. Dous;. 6t8. 1G84 Cuming.
(6) 638 20x
Clerical and Office.
YOUNG lady bookkeeper in wholesale
house; must be quick and accurate; at its
. experience: good salary. 8 7o3, Bee office.
GIRL for office work. Apply G782, Fee.
(7) 448 17x
WANTED Office girl. Garrett laundry,
1154 North 18th St.
CD 459 18
letter, stating experience and salary. Ad
dress II 712, Bee. (7) 512
LADY for office work. Address M4M, R' .
(7) M55 !8
Factory and Trades.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024
Farnam Bt. (7)-797
WANTED Machine girls.
Laundry, 211 S. Uth SL
City Bteam
WANTED Experienced hairdresser. Ap
ply J. L. Beandels h. Sons. (7)-M476 18
ST. (7)-99
Ilonsekeeplnsr and Domestlo.
WANTED In July, good cook; two In
family; permanent place and good wai;es.
102 S. 84tli. Tel. Harney 1138. (7) 800
WANTED Good lady cook. 840. Phoenix
Hotel. Sanborn, Iowa. (7) M984
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
four in family. 4S01 Davenport. Tel. Har
ney 2113. (7)-MU0
AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor;
family cook, $9 week. Canadian OfTlce,
15th and Dodge. (7) i49
WANTED Girl for general housework;
references required. 3511 Harney St. Tel.
Harnty Z'M. (7) M964
WANTED A first class cook to do cook
Injf and short order work. Widow with
girl of Hi or 18 to act as waitress preferred.
Will pay $; per month to star without
lortghig. Call or write at once. HUlyard
& Mohr, Plalnview, Nob. (J) A1718 20
STS. (7)-461 16
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework. 2010 N. 20th St. (7) 916 ltix
GIRL for general housework; laundress In
one day. 1012 N. 3th St. (7)-!Wl 17
GIRL wanted for general housework. Ap
ply 8200 Harney. ; (7) M176 19
V'ANTEIJ-Experienced waitresses at tha
Union station restaurant.
(7) 187 1!X
WANTED-Good cook, 14a Phoenix Hotel,
Sanborn, la. C7 M302 20x
WANTED at once table waiter, $26 per
month. Board and room. 'Phone answer.
Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant. Box 163,
Red Cloud. Neb. (7 M286 26 x
WANTED Girl for g-eneral housework.
Three In family, 1C23 Jackson St. Phone
Douglas 47M. 171452 17x
WANTED Good gtrl for general house
work, good wages for competent help.
4i42 Dodge St. (7) 461 17
WANTED First clai
323 So. 37th St.
second girl. Apply
(7 44ti 17
WANTED A girl to do housework In a
family of two; good wages. 1142 So.
Slst St. (7)-445 21 x
WANTED Housekeeper on farm; middle
uged preferred; good home to right party;
small family. Address Mrs. D. Burnett,
Btruble. Ia. (7) M43 22x
GIRL for general housework; German or
Bohemian prefered. 2010 N. 20th St.
(7) 618 22x
M tscella sees,
WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man
love hair grower; liberal salary to right
party. Dr. Minerva James, 2024 Daven
port. Tel. Douglas 85K6 (1) MKU
ANY student desiring employment or any.
one desiring to enter business honorably
and profitably may register free of charge
at McCarenty Institute, 1802 Farnam St.
WANTED Graduate trained nurse of
experience to act as trained nurse in
a small general hospital of 20 beds; 12
to Id patients; 4 student nurses; salary,
$35 to $40 per month, room and board.
8end photo and references. Address
Box 113, Jamestown, N. D.
(7) M487 29x
TWENTY girls to fold papers; easy
work; 75c a day. Wednesday morning, 8
o'clock. Farm Magazine, 1412 Farnam
street. (7) M499 17
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
home days or evenings, $1.50 to $2 per
dozen, quickly learned. Room 608 Paxton
Block. (7) M509 J2x
GIRL willing to do a little work around the
house for her board and room, will find
desirable place by addressing J 80I, care
Bee. 0)24 2Lx
A seat a, Solicitors aad salesmen.
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best selling proposition ever of
fered; big value fur your customer, big
firotit for you. Write today tor paulcu
ars and territory. E. R. McClellan. but
Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (9j S34
WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew
of solicitors; prefer one who lias had ex
perience in selling to farmer; permanent
Position; good income. Address O !47,
Bee olhce. (U 310
60LICITOR3 wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 0u8, Bee Bldg
(9) 838
AGENTS Palette pnoto holder and per
petual calendar. Address Interstate
Mercantile Co., Mollne, 111.
( MS33 17
WANTED At once In every town an agent
to sell high classed goods, which every
housewife buys; ealary IbO per month
and commission. For particulars sddress
with references. Mrs. Cbelow, N.
Proctor, Tucotna. Wash. (9) MS 30x
X BRIGHT, active, experienced man,
with references, wanted In this territory
to secure orders for sdvertlslng and sub
scriptions for New York's oldest financial
dally paper: liberal commission. Address
Manager, 60 New St., New York City.
Room 83. (9 M471 18
$3 PER WEEK and traveling expenses
Said salesmen to sell goods to grocery
ealers; experience unnecessary. Purity
Co., Chicago. () M567 17x
1SVTS To distribute samples, tack lUm;
$ weekly; stesdv; no canvassing.
Oliver, Aluuroe BIU4,., Chkaso.
iktUUi 17a
Aarenta and Salesmen Continued.
WANTED Ambitious hustlers of neat ap
pearance for road position. To accepted
applicants this Is an opportunity to make
from $.15 to $N) per week. We demon
strate this to you before starting. Call
from 4 to 6 and 6:30 to S p. m. Ask for
manager. 1914 Farnam St. (91 M49o 17x
BOYB and young men wanted at once.
BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO. (9) 456 16
WANTED Experienced office boy; perma
nent position. Apply 10th and Farnam,
Beebe &. Runyon Furniture Co.
(9 M474 17
LARGE establishment wants several mes
senger boys, must be 16 years of ago;
good chance for advancement. Address
O 789, care of Bee. (91617 22
BOYS with wheels wanted; good wages.
Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
(9) M548 SOX
Factory and Trad.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L., Omaha.
WANTED All-round butcher; single; Ger
man preferred; at once. George Weller,
Seward, Nob. (9-M124 18x
WANTED At once a good butcher, wages
$16 per week; no boozer nor eiank. K. A.
Crockett, Plalnview, Neb. (91-M414 22x
WANTED First-class barber; $15 per week,
half over $26; steady Job. Lvater 4 Car
ruthers, P. O. Box 193, Grafton, N. D.
(9-M919 17x
STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. 812 South
16th. Board of Trade Bldg. (9)--tkfi
WANTED At once a rood alt around
hlacksmith. Address lock box 725, Villisca,
I a. (9)-874
WANTED Man with some experience In
traveling capable of earning hltrh salary;
bond required. Address, with stamp and
teferences, 8 617, care Bee. (9) 806
FTRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten
hours. Luzon Caf', Billings, Mont.
() M445 A2x
WANTED A first class blacksmith and
liorseshoer; stead v Job; no boozer need
apply. John F. Pinne, Rockwell City, Ia.
(9-M4S4 22x
WANTED Twelve carpenters for railroad
work. Apply 14th and Harney sts.
(D1-M492 18
WANTED Baker, with three or four
years' experience; married man preferred;
pay $12 per week. Address, with full par
ticulars, G. 11 ltoby, box 41, TUden, Neb.
(9) MS63 17x
WANTED Ten bricklayers at Fort Rus
sell, Cheyenne, Wyo. ; 76 cents per hour.
Atkinson Bros., Contractors, Cheyenne,
Wyo; (9) M507 E2x
WANTED A good sausage maker, and ono
that understands running an engine;
German preferred. Address Y 204. eara
Bee. (9) M560 18
One first class all-around painter and
paperhanger. No cigarette or booze fighter
need apply. Steady Job; good wages. J.
K. Daln, Casper, Wyo. (9) M170 22x
BARBER Must be first class; $12 per week;
no boozer, student or cigarette florid. Write
K. K. Shorett, Woodbine, la., at once for
Bteady Job. (9) M173 17x
WANTED Watchmaker, state nge, ex
perience and salary wanted, give refer
ences. Address J, 784, Bee.
(-465 17X
WANTED An experienced pants presser;
also overall cutter. Apply at once to
Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co., factory 9th
and Howard Sis. (9) 462 It
WANTED Two good carpenters. ISth and
Lake Sts. (9)-521 16
Five stenographers, $10, $85, $75. .
Four office clerks, $40.
Assistant bookkeeper, $50.
Dry goods clerk, t66.
Grocery clerk, $75, and numerous others.
Call or write.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
19 M572 17
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod;
make $2.50 to $ a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink. Nickerson, Neb. (9) 628
WANTED Sound young men, aged 18 to
35. for firemen ond brakemen on leading
railroads; experience unecessary. Fire
men earn $100 per month, become engi
neers, earn, $200; brakemen earn $75, be
come conductors, earn $15o. Call or write
at once for particulars. National Railway
Training Ann., U20 X, Paxton ' Block,
Omaha, Neb. (9) 928 Aug9
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack siuns, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bu
reau, Chicago, 111. (9) M94S 17x
ANY student desiring employment or any
one desiring to consult as to best method
of entering business honorably and
profitably may register free of charge
at McCarenty Institute, 1S02 Farnam St.
(9 1 M361
WANTED Girls for collar machine,
Model Steam Laundry. (7) 619 18x
YOUNG man stenographer wanted. An
swer, giving; experience, L 803, cure Bee.
(9)-26 17
WANTED Marker and sorter. Garrett
laundry, 1)54 North 16th St.
(9) 468 1SX
WANTED Intelligent, capable couple; man
for general ranch work, wife as house,
keeper; small family; wages good, ac
cording to ability and experience. Ad
dress with particulars E. T. Payton, Ara
poolah, Big Horn county, Wyo.
(10) M508 22x
EXPERIENCED driver for furniture
wagon; permanent position. Apply 10th
and Farnam, Beebe & Runyon Furniture
Co. (9-M478 17
WANTED A reliable middle-aged man for
Janitor In Boe Building; must come well
recommended. Apnlv to R. W. Baker,
Supt., 418 Bee Building. (9) M475 ti
WANTED Teams, C. B. Havens dc Co.,
yards, 14th and Webster st ; teams now
making from $S to $8.60 per day. (91 M510
WANTED Young man as porter at Union
Station restaurant. (9) M587 23
WANTED Railway mall clerks. $18 weekly:
examination soon: extensive educa
tion unnecessary: preparation free until
appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester,
N- (91-M556 17x
WANTED A msn to tske charge of hog
killing and cutting department of large
packing house. Address Y 121, care Dee.
(9) M554 19
M, WANTED for yard work. Bunder
land Bros. Co., Joth and Hickory Sts.
(9)-M54'i 18
Harsea aad1 Vehicles.
WE are not selling out at coat, but we ars
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrtes
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Hohnes-Adklns
Co., 714 8. 10th fit.. Gnifeaa. (U U
RUBBER-TIRED read wagon. W. A
Stone. 3ul Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs.
HARNESS, 6addles, Trunks, Traveling
Bugs, some good bargains. Alfred Cor
nish ft Co.. 1210 Farnam bt. (11) 810
GOOD wagons for sale Cheap at 1814 N.
24th 8t. (U M114Au-ll
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons,
traps, carts and harneea, see Johnson
I 'an forth Ccv. n. W. Cor. 101 U and Jones
Ilorsra and VehiclesCon tinned.
FOR BALK Rubber tired phaeton at Jones'
barn, 26th and I bouth Omaha.
(Hi 132 IdX
WE ore selling delivery waitons. teaming
gears. tiiiKules, carrnscs and h.irio ss
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. cor. loth and
Jones Sts. (Ill -7,6
1 1,1.700 team and harness.
1 8-sprlng wagon, pew.
1 delivery bugtfy, rubber tires.
1 Concord buggy, rubber tires.
1 small roller top disk.
OSCAR HARTE, 2!th and Farnam.
11 -Id
WORK team for sale. Peter K1etvr7, ?7il
N. 2AI St. (Hi MS 16
GOOD family mare, 9 years old, very gen
tle, not afraid of anything; new set of
surrey harness and two-sealed buggy,
$190. C. H. Eckery, 2229 locust St.
(ID M3o x
FOR SALE Fine black coach bred harness
horse; young and sound. Inquire. 20 80.
19th St. (in-SS9 22x
BAX.T, 87 a bbl. Wagner, 01 No. 16th
(ID 812
fonltrr anal Kcks.
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab
Co., Omuha. (11) LJ Augl
NEWLY hatched chicks cheap. Dustln'S
white Wyandotte's, pure bred, laying pul
lets. Forest Lawn Wvandotte yard,
Florence, Neb., Tel. Florence 1082.
(11)-181 19
Cows, Birds, Dobs and Pets.
GOOD cow for sale. 232 lHlckory Bt.
(1D-M.H9 20x
FOR SALE Verv crettv fox terrier nun.
L 3 months old. 2022 Charles.
(11) M38G 20x
2Vyear-old English bull terrier; leaving
city; must sell this week; value $lm.
Right party can buy for $15. Call 2719
Dewey Ave. (ID 60 17x
FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and
furniture repairer, 1612 N. 24th 'Phone
Webster 3296. (12) M583 22
LOST Gentleman's open-face void watch,
with leather fob, In toilet room, 5th floor
of Bee Bldg. RcwaVd for return to 510
Bee Bldg. (12 M5h5 17
A CHASED clasp bracelet while driving
betwen Wirt and Cuming Fts. Sunday.
Return to 1?C Wirt St. and receive re
ward. Tel. Webster 606. (12) M5fc2 19
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
(18) 13
ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th
St., Omaha. Neb. (12) M10I
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
30 years practice in continements. Olhce,
614 N. Uth; residence, 2411 Charles,
Omaha. (13) 814
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phone
Douglas-1167. Calls answered day or
night. (1$) 129
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas, Omaha. (13 02t Auk9
We will give you a run of one month or
twelve on your contract if you borrow
money of us and you pay for only the time
you are using our money.
We make no charges In advance, you
get the full amount In cash. Ws will loan
you any amount you may want.
Don't forget that we have been here
fifteen years.
Come to the "Old Reliable."
Oruahd Mortgage Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
(14) 454
Vacation time is here. If you need money
to see you through lliat good time you have
1 promised yourself this summer, come to us.
Our special low rates tor vacation money
are still In effect; you can gut the money
quickly, privately and onthientlally on
your salary, household goods, pianos, etc.
Low rates; easy terms.
208 Paxtuu Block. 'Phone Doug 1411.
have Inoreueed their capital, and during the
month of July will make a special rate on
collateral loans, personal property, mort
gages and individual notes without secur
ity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 29u4 or
call at 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M426 Aug2
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., in any amount; less than hslf rates,
perfect privacy; immediate attention; any
lenns wanted; payment suspended whi n
sick rr out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 209
B. St. (14 U4
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to got; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for ut small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 816
and others, without security; easy pay
ments. O dices in 68 principal cities. Tul
man, room 714, New York Life Bldg.
(14) 821
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St.
(14) 17
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business conlldcntlal. 131
Douglas. 14j 822
FURNITURE, llv stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Plmne
Douglar 746 . 0
Boardlnar and Rooms.
MOST convenient and pleasant location; de
sirable rooms. Call belore locating. The
Pratt 902-212 So. 25th SL Private ex
change Douglas 8138. (16)-s2
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe,
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
(15) -826
ELEGANT room for summer; liss outside
entrance, south fprmt, in one of the
locations in city; large, beautiful lawn;
private family. 627 Park Ave.
LARGE, cool front parlor for rent to right
tarty, desirlne board in good location,
urge closet with hot and cold water.
Address SC87 Bee. (16) M936 17x
BUMMER resort In a private boarding
house, shady lawn, large, cool ver
anda; good home table, everything mod
ern; strictly private: every room a front
one. One. floor devoted to bachelors;
good location. Address E727 Bee.
(16)-M985 17x
2 ROOMS, with board, private bath. 2418
Farnain St. (16)-M566 n
Varnished Boons.
LARGE, light newly furnished room In all
modem house. Su6 Capitol Ave. (lo 6S0
Fl'RNlSHED room for aentlemen. 816 No.
lM.h BL (16)-M973 17
ELEGANTLY furnlshsd rooms In new,
modern house; bath on every floor; all
conveniences; walking- distance. 2474 Har
ney St. Tel. Douglas 42-94. (15) M77
FOR RENT Large east front room, nicely
furnished, good location, near two car
lines Call at once. Tel. H. 485. M 3.
S9th St. (15)-92J
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all
conveniences. MM Burt St.
(15)-67D Jyfcx
Famished lleesn C
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Canl
ti l Ave. (15)-S3 .T27
C S. S4T1I AVE.: new. up-to-date;
Kenilemeii onlv; references.
(15)-M1.T0 Auc2x
THREE rooms, 1130 N. 17th St. (15) 408
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 811 S.
19th. (15)-M9 Auirtx
ONE sn.all front room, modern. 2MS Dav
enport. U5-919 16x
HANDSOMELY furnished suite of rooms;
also Inr,.,. Hi,,Ke room. 3 N. 22.1 Ht.
Reasonable. (15)-13l 18 k
CLEAN rooms In modern house, roomy
porches; large, shadv lawn; attractive
surroundings. 128 8. '26th Bt.
(15)-M150 19x
BEAUTIFUL, large front room; other '
rooms; south: modern; 614 N. d St;
phono Red 4. (16) M144 19
PLEASANT south room, new house, pri
vate family. Tel. Doug. R632. 15198 II
ROOM, strictly modern. 410 8. 4th 8t
(16) M357 20
FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room; res.
sonable; quiet street; modern; 'phone; 547
8 24th Ave. (15)-M406 20
FOR RENT Two rooms In strlctlv mod
ern new house; ten minutes' walk from
postofllce. Address W 72 2. care Bee.
(15) 431 16x
LARGE, cool front room, modern through
out; central location; preferable for a
gentleman. 'Iliono Doug. 4'hil
(16) (34 20x
LARGH south-front room, with alcove; also
other rooms, 272 Farnam St.
06)-422 x
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, single
or en suite, for gentlemen. 2221 Douglas
(16 M496 22x
NICELY furnished room, south exposure;
references. 117 So. 25th Ave. (15) M513
KLKkIaNT furnished rooms; strictly mod
ern. 2559 Dodge St. () M(70 23x
NICE" cool f ii rnlshed rooms, nioelv located.
Very reasonable. SSl'l N. 19th Ave
(16) M5(W 23x
STRICTLY modern rooms; newly fur
nished. 417 No. ISth St. (16) M560 23x
NEWLY furnished rooms for rent. 12M'
Farnam; upstairs. (15) M578 19
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO or four rooms, entire floor, cheap,
modern. 2582 Harney. (15) 923 16x
FOR RENT New, nicely furnished rooms;
best location In the city; cool and pleas
ant. Near car line. 109 S. 24th.
(16)-911 18
TWO unfurnished rooms; hath, wator;
Pleasant, shady surroundings; $S month.
977 No. 27th avo. (15) M4R9 22
Housekeeping! Rooms.
SUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
strictly modern home; heat and light fur
nished; best boarding house In city
across the street. 2408 Cass St.
TWO upstairs' front rooms for light house
keeplne, modern. 2019 St. Mary's Ave
(15J-074 17x
FOUR elegant rooms, modern. No. 261T
North 18th St., first house south of
Corby. (15) M3S3 20x
ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Call
fnrnla St. (16) M562 23 x
TWO light housekeeping rooms, fur
nished. 1406 Jones St. (15) M543 23 X
Ap.irttnents and Flats.
2912 HARNEY ST., B-r., sll modern, oak
finish, hard wood floor, $42.50.
3322 Harney St., 9-r., all modern, oak finish,
hard wood floor, $55.
2S07 N. 24th St., 6-r., new. all modern, 83a,
3302 Sherman Ave., 6-r., modern, $30. V
1704 Farnam St.
(15)-M568 It
FOR RENT In West Farnam district, new
5-room apartment and bath In St. Louis
brick flat, modern, hardwood finish, built
only one year, being papered now; 1st
floor, south front, $42.50; second floor,
$1.ii0. 29th Ave. and Harney. Tel. Maple
6148. U5)-M&62
Furnished Houses.
FOR RENT S-room flat, all mod era
Martls Blk., ICth and Webster.
05) M329 20X
TWO 7-room modern flats. 1724 Charles and
104 No. 17th. $30.00 each. Apply E. J.
BulUvan, 1207 Harney St. (16) 677
Houses and Cottages.
OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse 1190-84 N.
19th. Office 16(9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1568.
FLAT, full modern, 6 rooms, beside bath
and private hall; newly done up; gas
range, etc.; entire building being put In
perfect order; best flats In north part of
city; walking distance; reference required.
Call, Investigate this; $26.
BKMIb, Paxton Block.
(16) M5d4
116 N. 37TH ST., Ave rooms. Just remodeled.
123 N. 87th St., six rooms. Just remodeled,
127 N. 87th St., five rooms, Just remodeled.
HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St.
(16)-M671 17
8-ROOM house, modern In every respect
2727 Cuming St. (16) M728
HOUSES. Insurance. Rltigwalt, Barker Blk.
(lb) Wi
6-ROOM cottage, all modern, barn. 980 tf.
27th St (161 M716
CHOICE, 8-r., all modern, 2418 Sherman
Ave , 8sn.
'10 Franklin, B-r., mod., good repair, $28.
U51 N. lxth, 12-r., partly modern, $30.
1K24 Maple, 6-r., modern, $22.
821(6 Lalk, 6-r., $9.
1314 8. 11th, 4-r., city water, $11.
4.12-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney.
(16)-627 IT
FOR RENT An 8-room house, all modern,
up-to-date; full lot, 60xlu6; nice shade
trees; one-half block from street car. 21$
S. 35th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 45tl. 8,
Bugurman. (151524
229 Seward, modern except furnace, $22.60.
13J0 N. 2-1 Ui St., flat, $18.
F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas Ht.
06) as it
HOUSEHOLD goods pscked, forwarded,
cheap freight rates. Moving and sloiastV
Exuressmoii's Delivery Co. Tel. Dongv
las 394. (16) 838
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas li25. Schmoller
Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam.
(16) 831
In all parts of the olty. R.
C. Peters at Co. Bee Bldg.
1511 N 83D ST.
8-room strictly modern, ornna new ,838.
O Keefe Real Estate Co., I'M N. Y. Life
Bldg (16) Mi
2srt) RUGGLES ST., 6 rooms, brand new, oil
modern, 2 blocks from the Dodge car, only
M.o0. J. W. Rasp Co., 435 Paxton block
Douglas 1663. (16) Hi
IiriTTQITy In all parts of the clty. Tha
llUUDJ'jiJ . Uavls Co., Bee Bids.
FOR RENT Lars store room, Uth and
Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmann, 427 Pax too
block. (16) Sett
WE MOVE PIANOS-Maggard Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 1414. Orhoe, 1712
Webster bi. (16) e84
T-ROOM cottage; shade; every convenience;
$.5. 6U1 8. iMh st. Phone Harney 8419.
(15) MJ08 22
FOR RENT 130 8. 36th ave., 8 rooms; all
modern, 860. Inquire on premises.
(16)-M669 18x
NEW six-room, modern house, walking
distance; rent $28, including water, J.
Byrne, The Chatham. (16) M641 to
FOR RENT 161T 8. 28th, S-room. mod
ern, betwen Hsrtsrorn park and 84th
St. car; furnace, barn, paved street,
$30. I C. Parsons, ttoi Hamilton!
'ftlOM 114 O.Y, mi. il AU4J1I