Telephone Douglas 18 Beaches All Departments Hosiery u Economy Basement Vacation time Is hard on stockings. Buy a supply of these. They are fine value. Our lac hose for children Is the best medium priced hose made. They are fine ribbed, doable knees, heels and toes; 2 pair for 23c. Women's black cotton hose, seamless, double soles, 14c per pair. The Great Clearing Sale of Summer Dresses Will Com mence Wednesday Morning at 9 O'clock.' Painty lingerie dresr-s. lovrly lawn dresses, beautiful twin dressps. to one grand Hearing sale Wednes day, July 17th. Walt and wati-h. ce ldth street window. Dainty Parasols, Selling Fast. This has bern an exceptionally (rood psrnsol season. The selling he Kan early In the spring and nan on ttmied briskly unrtll we have Just twelve pnrasola In-stork. These will be opened up and displayed Ttiesdny on main floor, left of Main entrance. Thry consist of new and beautiful effrrta In plaids, pon-ees. floral de signs and embroidered llnena, priced from tl.r.O to $.50 each. A good durable rain umbrella for 1.00. Children's Parasols. In plain whlta. pink and red, also polka dots, In pretty silks and cam bric effects, at 60c, 7 Sr. $1.00 each. Bargain Square in Basement Tuesday. Remnants of American prints, choice atyjes In gray,, at, 41 C per yard American Prints go up another half-cent at the mill July Sd. Buy them now before tha advance. m Howard, Cor 16th t. Uee 7- 15-07. Opss Saturday Evening-. DAMAGE BY SUNDAY STORM Bain Descends in Torrentt and Light ning Doe$ a Busy Turn. RAILROAD TRAFFIC DELAYED Barllnaton, Moek Island and Sorth vreatern Lines to l.lacoln Washed and I ulna rapine Inder Water. Oat A severe thunderstorm accompanied by heavy winds began at 1:30 o'clock Sumiay morning and lasted with unahaied fury un til S a. m. Threatening clouds were In evi dence most of Sunday and at 6:30 the heavens again began to weep copiously with a goodly supply of lightning and thunder thrown In, lasting until 9;. No harm ,V the WlTlO in eiWlT rnni" but the rain and lightning w Monday morning and was able to send the local trains out over Its own rails. The regular trains were put through dur ljt the day about on time. A large number of Omaha people had a bad night on the Partington Sunday night. Leaving Lincoln at 4:kl Sunday afternoon, the train was put through as far as Gretna, where It was stopped by the. rain and washouts. " It was then backed to Ashland, and finally landed In Omaha Monday morn ing at S o'clock via riatlsmouth. LINCOLN, Neb., July 1-Heevy rain storms In eastern Nebraska this even- I Ing mit the railroads out of business anl ' Interrupted telegraphic communication. ; The Burlington reports Its Una near Papplo i burled under driftwood from a sudden j flood. It reports serious washouts at Aah i land. Cullom, Leeluwa and Gretna. Rock i Island railroad tracks are under water I near Alvo and South Pend. The North western Lincoln line Is washed out near Cereseo. The Burlington's Lincoln-Bt. Joseph line Is Interrupted near Table Hock and Palls rnni-ht some I t'lty and passenger trains are being sent via Omaha tonight.- The yards of this ro:n- i ,k. A.-nl r Street cur tratnc leas on all lines , u"u-i inn i . was demoralised more or by rain, mud and lightning. The arma tures of many of the cars wera put out of business by lightning, delaying traffic until other cars could be sent out from the barns to replace the disabled ones. Borne thous ands of pleasure seekers were caught nut a the varlnus resorts and parks. About half washout Is reported on the southern main line near Oulde Rock. Neb. Dea Moines Rlrer an It em pa are. I DES MOINES, la.. July 14-As the re suit of the recent rains the pes Moines ! river Is rising ranldly and the storm to- of the S.000 people who attended the bill , night iaa driven many people from their homes south of thS city. No great damage ELKS BREAK ALL RECORDS Largest Crowd in History of Order at Grand Lodge. TENER LEADS FOR HEAD OFFICE Elaborate Arrangements for' Enter tainment Are llelnc Carried Oat Da Una Wonla Neat Meeting;. PHILADELPHIA, July 15 Opening day of the Elks' convention week was greeted with clear, fairly warm weather. From 4:1$ a. m. when the first delegation ar rived from Mobil", Ala., hfg hosts of Ellis came every hour. Orand Secretary Fred C. Robinson of Dubuque. la., said today that the registration of delfR trv. to the grand lodge meeting Is the largest In the history of the order. Philadelphia Is dec orated as never before and every day until Saturday will practically be a holiday. The streets In the central rurt of the city ara Jammed with enthusiastic crowds and the familiar, "Hello Hill," Is heard every where. The convention of the grand lodge will be formfilly opened at the Orand opera house tonight. The principal address of welcome on be half of the local lurige will be for-alt fist fight, and three of them paid for It at the rate of $5 and costs each In court Monday morning. Ashburn, who claimed to be an Innocent bystander, was discharged. Hill Harrlgan, at Sixth and Pierce streets, was full of fighting booze and threatened to whip the entire police force, but he was captured by Officer Waters and he too paid S5 and cosia. George Morrlsey, at Twenty-fourth and Cuinjntf streets, was pummellng a man supposed ,to be one Wilson, when Officer Walker Interfered. Wilson got away, but Morrlsey spent a night In Jail. Ha was penitent Monday morning and was re leased. At Thirteenth and Chicago streets, John Fumniers and Will Jennings became Involved, as did Fred Prefka and H. Mo Gee at Twelfth and Douglas. Each of the first two belligerents paid the price for a Sunday drunk, 15 and costs. Prefka and McOee got 11 and costs each. With five tights for fun going on In town and a fight for money being pulled oft on Beltser's Island, Omaha was plunged In civil war for one day at leant. game left when the storm begun to threaten nd look aerlous. whllo the otner nan or the rooters, like the boy on the burning 'deck, refused to budge, and as a result b? !came somewhat dampened, not In enthusi asm, but In clothes. Nor rain nor wind sufficed to stop the splendid concert at Hunscom park by George Green and his band Sunday after noon. The park was crowded to hrar the concert and when the rain came along and the people could not get home the scene of operation was transfered to the partition where the concert was continued to the great delight of those caught out In the July shower. The Teddy Bears and Dalhy Patrol had to be repeated In response to repeated' calls. A popular ragtime concert, will be played at Hanscom park next Hat. urday by George Green and his band. Mod Blocks Roadway The street commissioner early Mondav morning stsrted a force of men at work on Twentieth street under the fnlon Pa cific bridge, where mud accumulated so that traffic by wagon was praetlcally Impossible. The old stone wall around tho ORCHARD AGAIN IN REBUTTAL (Continued from First Page.) Into flame even then the wrapper would I hove to be unusually light and dry. j Harry Orchard was called to the stand. I As in the early stages of the trial he was I preceded and followed hv a derjutv. Todav made by i however, there were no "gun men" or has been djne as yet. but at 11 o clocK there was no abatement from the steady downpour that started In early In the even lng and the river continues to climb, From above come reports of heavy rains and the fear Is "that before morning the stream will be out of its banks, causing damage to property both In the city and lowlands to the south. REACTIONARIES DENOUNCE JEW Register a Vow to Esclode Them from Membership In Third Duma. ST. PETERSBURG!. July IB. The arrival of the famous Ikon of the resurrection, brought from Palestine by the patriarch of Jerusalem for presentation to the emperor, was made the occasion today for a remark able antl-revolutlonary demonstration. The Ikon was borne along Nevsky Prospect In procession by a dozen bishops. A long train of ecclesiastics followed and there were several thousand people In the cortege. Tue government corral at that point fell dur- j Ikon was guardd by squadrons of Cossacks D . . 1 a ..A I n Ya'dVaiaiaa si at nA 1 tit t-ongressman Monro or tnis my. .mayor t,,t,.IVes In the guarding party. Reyburn and Governor Stuart are expected i - Wire you exer known or called "Shorty" to stand tha hand of welcome. Tha re. 1 Ht any stage of your career?" asked Prose- sponsa wfll be by Grand Exalted Ruler ' cutor Hawley. lnry A. Melvln of California. "No, sir." 't'lie first official entertainment of tho I Pat Moran, the Cheyenne saloonkeeper, "Pibers of the grand lodge took place at ! testifled that the Nevilles came to his saloon with a man called "Shorty" whom he supposed to be Orchard. I Orchard denied that he ever Introduced Plnlterton Operative Gratlss to Max Ma : Itch or Joe Meliellet, or that Plnkerton i at a park on the New Jersey aide of Delaware river. The members and their lies were conveyed there In chartered 'earners, which before landing made a t-Hir of the river, passing the Lensue falnnd navy yard and the big ship building plants. The festivities at the. park began with a clam bake and sea food dinner. Every candidate for grand lodge office Is either here or Is represented by energetic agents, who buttonhole every delegate that preseitTa himself for registration. John K. urer, a candidate for grand exalted ruler, i FINK AS A COLLECTION AGENT i,tre!V was. Vn i , agu uuue. 1 ii Ontatde Conutlea Send Dlatraaa War- Operative Rlddell introduced him to Joe Harnes. The examination by the defense was devoted to an Inquiry Into the family history of tha famous criminal. It not being claimed that evidence has been dis covered to show a strong strain of Insan- took fire Ity on the maternal side. - ' -was put lng the night and stones ooverea me street. A party of fishermen among whom was James K. O'Neill of :010 North Eighteenth street, had an eaeape which put their hair on end. They were fishing on it platform which extends Into Cut-off lake and when the storm broke they sought shelter on the Istid. They hd .lust stepped from the platform when light ning struck It, knocking the timbers Into the water. The road from atreets to Gibson was bad condition that wagons could not pass over It and the city was asked to send Immediate relief. In a washout at Thirty-fourth and Hamilton streets, Contractor VanCourt who Is working on curbing, lost thirty barrels of cement. Lightning Is Busy. For a time while the electrical display was at its worst caa on all lines were stopped, as the current was turned off. Lightning struck the top of ths First Pres byterian steeple at Seventeenth and Dodge streets, ripping the shingles off for about twenty feet. Fortunately the bolt did not tgnlte th woodwork. A houae at 201 North Ninth street was struck by ljghtnlng and No out and was deposited In Kazan cathedral, tha metropolitan of St. Petersburg officiating. There were no disorders, but the moving shrine was besieged In Its passage thrcurh the crowd of devotees, who fought for a I chance to kiss the Ikon. Many persons fattjted. Subsequently', a great mass meeting was ; held and was addressed by reactionary lead ! ers, Including Dr. Dubeovln, president of the I League oi" R isslan People, ami Prince Vol- konsky. who In violent language denounced Eight and Bancroft j 'nB second Duma and called upon his hear- reported In such r "' register a vow rnai not a iinnw jew ne allowed to enter ine ponais oi uie ining. Duma. The vow was taken amid the great est enthusiasm. KIEV, Russia, July 14. Tha court-raartlal of 100 soldiers who participated In a revolu tionary meeting on Juna 17. after the dis solution of the Duma, haa been concluded, Six of the men were sentenced to death and the others to long terms of Imprison ment or to disciplinary ait est - one was hurt end tne before the department firs &r MURDERER OF BOY TO BE TRIED n res It ..ilia 1 rived. seems to lead for that high honor and his election Is freely predicted. Dallas, Tex., appears to have the field to Itself at present as the place for the next convention. STORM MAKES MEN PEEVISH Many ntiseua Indulge lu Flstlci and lift Locked Vp us a He salt Thereof. If a Omaha was a very combative town Sun day night. ' At the Douglas street river landing John Smith. Itugh Ashburn, Will iam Wilson and George Lauer held a free- Let no ftpod impair the powers of the stomach. Eat 1 m PUCE WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm ' vhich is the most perfect food for the brain workers, clergy men, lawyers, merchants, grow ing children, and the muscle working classes. w 10 cents a package. For als by all Grocers ranta Here for Him to Serve. The city treasurer of Douglas county is doing a rather active business In distress warrants these days In cases wherein the city of Omaha has no Interest. Treaaurers of counties In the state forward to him such warrants with Instructions to levy upon the personal property of former resi dents of those counties who have removed to Omaha, and under the law ha Is com pelled to make such levies. One recent Incident la recalled whera a former resident of one of the Interior coun ties removed to Omaha owing taxes cf about $100. He had forgotten It and so had former treasurers, but a new man discov ered the charge against him, together with the fact that about $100 had been added to the original amount In the form of penal ties. The new resident of Omaha was per fectly able to pay the debt, but It required a speeiul act of the county commissioners to relieve him of the penalty. MITCHELL IN WYOMING FIELD Oat tel Attend Conference of Miners nd Operator an Wage Qneatlnn, DENVER, July 15.-John Mitchell, pres ident of the I'nited Mine Workers of America, arrived here today and will at tend tho conference between representatives of the miners and op-rators of Wyoming, which lakes placa tomorrow. The men are demanding a 16 per cent Increase. Mr. Mitchell ' said he was confident that Haywood. Moyer and Pettlbone, now on trial In Idaho for the murder of former Governor Bteunenberg, wers Innocent and would be acquitted of tha charge. Sensational Auction Sale All the Unsold Store Fixtures of O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile Co. INCLUDING TEN NATIONAL CASH REGIS TERS, OFFICE DESKS AND CHAIRS, COUNTERS, SHELVING, TABLES, SAFES, CHAIRS, METAL DISPLAY FIXTURES, GLASS SHOW CASES AND GLASS AND CHINA DISPLAY COUNTERS AND CASES, WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION; WEDNESDAY, JULY 17TH, AT 9 A. M., IN THE STORE RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY THAT FIRM. W. J. CO AD, Trustee. 1 A house at Eighteenth and Charles ruck, but no serious dam- ago done. A large tree in mverview para was riddled by lightning while the psrk was full of people, but fortunately no one was near enough at the time to receive Injury. A barn at 3012 Oak street was struck by lightning and destroyed. Many telephones were put out of service by tho lightning. The men in the police station were a busy and excited lot fur a while during the storm. After each display of lightning and crash of thunder the tele phones, fire alarms and burglar alarms would go simultaneously, and twice the confusion was added to by the lightning striking so close that sparks of electricity would rnap around the room. The lower part of the Union Pacltlo yards were flooded so as to stop switching and other traffic for a while. The rain produced a I bad cave-In of the sewer st ' Sixth and Jones streets and another on Ninth street between Farnam and Harney, the latter being about twelve feet deep. Record of Kalnfall. Tha total amount of rainfall In the vicin ity of Omaha during the forty-eight hours ending at 7 o'clock Monday was 1.74 Inches. The heaviest rains reported to the weather bureau for the state were at Falrbury, whera a precipitation of G.6S Inches fell since Saturday, 8.77 Inches during Sunday and Sunday night. The rain was heaviest In southeastern Nebraska, southern Iowa and northern Mis souri. At Lexington, Mo., the rainfall was 5.78 Inches; ut Kansas City, 4 !, and at Ashland 2.10, with but 0.76 of an Inch at Valentino. Mors or less rain fell all through the state and throughout the central Mis souri valley, varying from one-fourth of an Inch to tha maximum ol i 7 Inches ct Lexington, Mo. Indications are for continued showers Monday night and Tuesday, with cooler In the extreme eastern portion Monday night. No noticeable rise In the Missouri river la reported northward from Omaha, as the heavier rains prevailed southward from Omaha. Tha main line of the Union Paclflo was out of commission for two and one-half hours last night, the water washtng over ths track at Papllllon and carrying away about J00 yards of embankment. A force of men was put to work as soon as the water subsided and ths track waa opened In couple of hours. Tha Missouri Pacific line between Omaha and Hiawatha. Kan., was put completely out of business by Sunday's storm, and all trains wars tied up on that line as a re sult. All tha ' wires are down between Omaha and Falls City and tha exact con dition of affairs is Impossible to learn. Thar la one wire between Omaha and Verdon, and a message from tha Mlssuurt Paclflo section foreman Sunday night to District Superintendent Bevlngtun of tha Missouri Pacific road, said there had been a cloudburst of great proportions between Auburn and Falls City and that much of tha track between those places was either washed out or waa under water. The re port said that the Burlington tracks were under eight feet of water from Vsrdon east, that the lightning was very heavy and the wires were all down on that line Ths Missouri Pacific roadbed suffered heavy damage at Oreopolls. Superintend ent Bevlngton of that road said last night that be would leave on a special train aarly MJondny mdrnlng to Inspect the damage. From the best information ob tainable early Monday morning by Missouri Pacific officials ths cloudburst covered a broad are, and was of great volume, and tt Is believed great damage was done to crops and property. Tha Rock Island had Its tracks between j limana ana jncoin open at 10 o riocg Authorities Hope ' to OrcaBlratlon of Criminal.. ... HAHNVILLB. La.. Jaly 15. Tha small village of Halinvtlle. consisting of a jail, a courthouse,; ope store, a, r1ver landing and a few farm houses, wilt tomorrow become the scene of Louisiana's- most Important criminal trial In a decada. Although the indictments, which charge the Italiana with murder, call only for for retlng out tha ' man who kidnaped and strangled Walter L,amana. an eight-year. old New Orleans boy a month ago, tha real aim Is the suppression of Italian violence l:i this state. It is hoped, not only to make a severe example, but to learn how exten sive an organization wnn behind the plot, which induced ten perrons, two of them women, to participate In an attempt, to get $i,000 ransom. Owing to the state of pub lic feeling, Oovemor Blanchard has secured a special session or tha court and put the state militia at the disposal of the sheriff of this parish, although it now appears un likely that any milltin will be needed. Four Italians, Including one of the wo men, will go on trial for their lives to morrow, two more will stsnd trial a week hence. Ten are still at large. The leader of those to be tried tomorrow Is Ignacio Complsciano. A posse of officers took him from his home near here at night and In sound of the voice of his crying child, with a noose tight around his neck, and the rope over a tree limb, they forced Camplsclano to break his word to his countrymen and tell what had been done with the boy, The fact that lie led this posse two miles through a swamp In the dark to the boy's body, has fastened susplciun on him, al though he claims that the four men who have not yet been captured, committed the crime. RAILROAD PROBLEM IN MEXICO Minister of Finance DlaeusM-e Pisa Adopted to Control tha t'ompanlra. CITY OF MEXICO, July J5.-Mlnlstr of Finance Josa Yves l.lmsntour, In an Inter view with tha correspondent of tha Assocl ated Press, discussed today the report recently reached thia capital to the effect that President Roosevelt had under consld eration a proposal that tha railroad ques tion In the United States bs solved by ths adoption of tha "Mexican plan." That the president has had such a sug gestlon under consideration for some time wss mide evident during tha course of tho Interview, when Minister L'.ma'.t-iui- de clared that some months sgo. while he wss In Washington, both President Roosevelt and Secretary Root questioned him n to the method by which the republic of Mex ico had gained control of Us great trunk lines without In any way causing the rail roud companies or onVlala to surrender any of their rights. 'The cardinal principle., of the 'Mexican plan,' as you term It," said the minister, "Is the absolute divorcing of railway con trol from politics. "The federal power merely exerts a con trolling lnliuenre over tha great trunk lines of the country by the purchsse of a majority of the stock of the principal lines of ths BULLETIN NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANV -July 1 5 Deadly Parallel No. 4. GROWTH vs. PROMOTION -: I Oinalia and the Nebraska Telephone Company have grown op together, the community helping the company to grow and the company helping the community to grow. Since January 1 of this present year l,fl)0 telephones have been added to the Omaha exchange. Thia means that your telephone is more useful to you than it was five months ago. There are more people you can reach and more people who can reach you. There are now over 15.000 tele phones actually in operation in Omaha. The demands made upon the company for new equipment and increased facilities have been steadily met, and Omaha has for years set the pace for good service. The Nebraska Telephone Company em ploys the highest type of central energy switchboard which is operated under what is called the manual system. Operators are employed to make the connections because they have been found mote reliable and sat isfactory than any mechanical device, yet discovered. Everything except the actual making and breaking of the connections is done automatically, thus reducing the labor of the operator and the subscriber to a minimum. The automatic switchboard, which does away with operators,' has been known for ten or a- dozen years, and has made prac tically no headway in public favor. The type of Bell switchboard in the Omaha exchange is accepted as the stand ard the world over. Japan and other coun tries which have come to the United States for the best and latest telephone equipment have ordered switchboards identical to those used in Omaha. It is and always has been the policy of the Nebraska Telephone Company to reduce rates just as fat as the business would permit. The records show what has been done in this regard. The cost of' the measured minute mile of telephone talk has been steadily reduced and rates have been reduced in proportion. With in creased use of the telephone and with the wonderful growth of bxisiness concerns there has resulted a wide difference in the telephone requirements of different people, and the company is constantly adapting its rates to meet these varying needs. The Nebraska Telephone Company gives its subscribers full value for their money, and this is because the company has no watered stock or exorbitant profits. Telephone promoters have worked out a verv clever scheme of bond speculation. They 'issue what they name as "first mort gage gold bonds" on a property not yet built. These bonds are made to appear at a safe and conservative investment an4 therefore only five per cent interest Ifi promised. Then they print enough certifi cates of stock so that they can give them away to the purchasers of the bonds. If four per cent can be paid on this stock it. means that the bond purchaser may get nine per cent on his "conservative invest ment." Tint often it is impossible to get pur chasers toiay $100 for such bonds with an equal amount of stock thrown in, and so the price of the bonds drops to 00 or 80 or 70 cents on the dollar. This makes the specu lation subject to even greater risks, al though it promises more extravagant re turns. Supposing a purchaser buys such bonds at 70 cents on the dollar and gets an equal amount of stock as a premium. It means that the company only gets $70 i& money to build a plant which is mortgaged in advance for $100 and loaded with at least an equal amount of stock which is nil water. It then lies between the prospective subscribers of the new company and the bond investors either the subscribers must pay enough to make up all these de ficiencies or the bond investors must ultfr mately take their losses. How great thes losses may be the exposure of the United States Independent Telephone Company is showing. The promoters 0f this $.")0,000, 000 company really had some actual prop erty to start with, and yet within two years the control of the company was offered at $33 for the bonds, $5 for the common and $1 for the deferred common stock. The deal fell through owing to the interference of the courts, and now a strenuous effort is being made to sell the company ami obtain $10 for first mortgage gold bonds whicJi have a face value of $100. republic . Details ara left to the director ate and the executive officers. "Mexico does not want to operate the railroads within its domain. The scopo of the plan of the control only entertains tha proposition that the government exercise a dominant Influence and be In a pneltlon to act when an attempt to bring about unjust conditions as to the rates makes itself ap parent "We believe that this sort of control will be a success." YAMAMOTO EXTENDS THANKS Expresses Ilia Appreciation of Maay Kindnesses Dhona Hint. the NE WTOftK. July 15.-l'pon the eve of his departure for New England, Admiral Baron Tamamoto, the distinguished Japa nese who has for several days been a guest In the city, gave out a formal state ment expressing his appreciation of the courtesies received and rejoicing that he had been Instrumental In eliciting senti ments of International amity. Through his aide, Captain Kate, Admiral Tanamoto tonight said: "I wish to thank my many friends In New York City, both American and Japa nese, for U19 multitude of kindnesses shown me. Wherever I turn I find friends and expressions of frlt-ndshlp. "My de-p sense of appreciation for my welcome again to America (for you know I have been here several times) forbids my going away without saying to my friends: 'I am proud of your welcome.' Especially has the press been very kind to me. "I am glad If In any way I was instru mental in eliciting from your great presi dent tils statement that the feeling between Japan and the United States Is understood by both governments and both peoples to be very friendly." The admiral and his staff will leave at I o'clock tomorrow morning for Boston. Dur ing their stay In New England ths party will visit the yards of the Fore River Ship building company st Qulncy, Mass. Tie admiral dined at the Holland house tonight with eighteen representative Jap- , ar.ese merchants and manufacturers. At ! ltmclu'on today he was the guest of General ; Grant at Governor's Island. confiscated and the officers and crew taken to f etropaulovsk in Irons. DENIAL CpMES FROM JAPAN o Military Spies In I'nited States o or at Any Other Time. TOKIO, July la. Q.ineral Terailrhl, the niinister of war, In un Interview today contradicting the reported arrest of a Jap anese spy at Sun Diego, Cal., said: "There arc no Japanese military officers in America except military attaches. Tha War office," he emphatically declared, "has never Instructed any officer or amateur spy to examine American forts." HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something to be en-' Joyed. It removes all stains and toughness, prevent prickly beat and chafing, ana leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no common soap can equal, imparting ths rigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish MUh. IL GROCERS .'.NO DrtT.GISTS WE DON'T KNOW .)'-st how much our new and beautiful 'Uwl Irug Store" at the corner of 16th and Harney la damaged but we believe the insurbnee men uie going to burn nil red tspe in thin limtance and give us a Prompt adjustment -so that the store will bo open for biiHlnces in day or two maybe tomorrow ( Tue.x.l v ). In tha meantime all custom-s will be cared for as usual at the o.d stand 16th and Dodge Streets. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Cor. Sixteenth and Dodge. paVrnie tor My Free ttcok iqpv 'RTlnc tftken onr wrnir1erfnl 'OMrarMi" tot tbre month. nd batrt ntiroly cttrrO of iituacb barm nu i ) prpaHa, j tiling wura OC prftllB i to"i'Mortt,rfur thoir wonderful com position. I uk without ftvaul Rod I flii't tut rut'Mifti rH)vi mar im Ur ihu all 0 oibr 1 litvv would in jr " JtuuM Mciiua. IH lUror ft-, Jer.oj City. H. J. Look to your food Tha perfect Bummer Food Is Grxpe-Nuts "THERE'S A REASON.- TRADES UNI0NF0R WOMEN Deleiiiite to the National I'nloa l.eagao Discuss Their aaelta. CHICAGO. July IS. Delegates from Mil waukee, St. IOUis, Cincinnati, Detroit, St Paul a&d Peoria were present today at a meeting of the Women's National Trade I'nion league, which was called In the In terest of women workers. The discussion waa opened by an ad dress by Miss Mary K. McDowell on "How May Women's I'nlons Bo lirst Strength ened?" Beversl of tha delegates responded and the general sentiment seemed to bs that the women of this country wers not as united as they should bs. Resolutions were adopted culling upon all women workers to bam together for the benefit of all and It was predicted by tho speakers that If a determined effort waa made along these lines that it would be but a short time until women would be recognised In many vocations from which she Is now practically barred. Haaslaaa Hoard a gala. BAN FRANCISCO. July 15 -The barken tine S. N. t'stle, Caplain Pedersen, arrived here yea'erday from the eod fishing grounds off the coast of Sibela and rationed that tha veeaal had barn boarded by the Russian gunboat Mandlur, lis ships papers taken and warned to stay thirty miles from tha shore under threat of being Y(R bt for JJ The Bowels yt Entitled Grain Speculation flot a Fine Art - Ibl my bonk and mlly Iron foryrmrflfih Mloral, Miutbla oi dealing in wheat, eorn.ot and frovialona. It will toll anyone bow to operate conaervatlveljr and aafalr ou tha Chioago Hoard of Trada. tnu roJay for thla Authorltt on 8uetttful Trading. bent prwptlr VRgB-I pay the pnataae to Too oa at; book, it will interest roo. n S3 E. W. WAGNEK, H Uu4 f Trad lid... CUeate LAWN CHI'1ESI inn. AWCHOB rCl COMPAlrT 807 Vortb. 17tb St., Omaha PUaaaot. Palatable. Pot ant Taata (Wiod, Tf Aoo4, Kaarbiokau, Woain or Grlpa. Uk 3.c, Kk. (jo'ar old in bulk. Tha yenmno tal'lft ttatnpad 0 0 0. fiuarantead to curs ir yuur nouoj kauk. 8tsrling Remedy Co., Chicago ar N.Y. Mi ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM is and has bean for 61 ysara tha moat prompt and rsliablt curt for Diarrhoaa, Dytantary and Cholera Infantum. A thasa diseases oftsn com in tha night, vtry horns should be pr a pared to check them without daisy by having- Wakefield Blsckberry Balaam on hand. It rsvsr fails All druK&nsts sail it- Full aire bottle B5c , ....... v it ri - JSv C.I J'-aT 4 -W 1 .v 'nFa&rENTS that PROTECT i 3 brki iar .' taw. aiK4 aw receipt tuts. la Let " Vaa.B.l1Cc 'sei9.0.uIs;b;m; AMUSRMIS'VTS. BASE LL f VINTON ST. PARK JULY Un. WIubIcw CoctMag Srnip m Baa lxe used for cm BUTT-FIVE YFAPrt MU.(uNH of MorUKkH for lint CHI! f'KE. SX )TH Eg Hip CHILD (l'TKNn,e.tMi,AlXAYS ail PaJN ; I' W1M (XM U'.aud Is tU U,l KBi for PIAKliHiI t. gol,l bjr Pruirai-'"l I"" vf lb fxrld. Bw asra and ak for "Mra Wtna. ..' H.." 8ruii," uJ Uka do nb-r au4 Twnnty-Sva eaata a bottla Quit-aotd UL,W lbs f d audDmya Act. 1 u ut JUb. loa fc-rla' f nm kS Joe. AN Oil) ASU WELL XKlKb hxMUiT OMAHAvsl ;$ PUEBLO MONDAY, Jill 15 LADIES' DAT Came Callod 3:45 P. IM, DELICIOUS DISHES SERVED AT ALL TIMES (She CALUMET