in)iilh)(sdGT7i)inidl pi p Jnj O3 Olfi 0 P-JI n and .RfllLLDIKl HMHM AT AUUT S7 Eta n rri 01 JaLfu U felf 8 H iOTTTT H TTT From O'Donahoc SHOES ir-'i.-' - ei - f Afr '( :;f't , !-v :vIt- ... -V i 8 Redmond-Normile 8 Every pair of shoes in this great stock was new and right up to date. We offer you tremendous bargains for Monday in shoes for men, women and children. Thousands of pairs will be sacrificed at this sale. ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE Your choice of the entire stock of women's fine $3 Oxfords, made of patent colt, patent kid, gun ICO mpfnls nnd tans at. a rair Choice of O'Donahoe-Red-mond-Normile's entire stock of women's $3.50 Oxford Ties, also fine high shoes, worth up to $3.50, QO at, pair I, JO Choice of our entire purchase of women's $4 high and low shoes, newest "J A.$l stvles. at 6itO Cholco of O'Donahoe-Redmoud-Nornille's $6, $6 patent top and fancy kid high shoos and elegant combination Oxfords, at, (jO Maf V i I I I I pair. MEN' SHOES '4 t.i y fees. P.ferV Pair.. From the O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile stock Choice of entire stock of Men's Ox- ye fords, worth $3.00, at, I pair Choice of the entire stock of men's high J) 9 and low shoes, worth $4 pair, at, J Choice of the entire stock of Men's high and low Bhoes from the big purchase, worth $5 and $6 pair Harlow X9 & Plngree make at, "m pair 1 s o 55 i ; H I Tuesday will be Children's Bargain Day and thousands of pairs of Cliildren's Shoes from the O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile 6tock will be sold at grand bargains. "Watch for this big sale. PJ30NDAY That Wonderful Sale of Hand Made French Renaissance and LUJKIY LACE PIECES Bought from the UNITED STATES CUSTOMS HOUSE AT A FRACTION OF THEIR VALUE This the most elaborate and varied collection of these genuine hand made lace pieces ever shown outside of Paris. Rich, heavy cluny, those rare and beautiful Persians and Brussels pieces, exquisite Florentine effects and charming patterns of French Renaissance. Table covers, scarfs, doilies, etc., bought at such tremendous sacrifices that we can offer thous ands of these real hand made pieces at ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICES In this great assortment of cluny lace pieces are: 45-in. table covers, worth $20, at 20x54-in. scarfs, worth $15.00, at 72 and 90-in. table covers, worth $100, at 54-in. table covers, worth $25.00, at . 851 475J 12!? 20x54 in. scarfs, worth $25, at Centerpieces, both round and square, worth up to $15 6.984.98 Plate doilies, worth 98c, at Tumbler doilies, worth 50o, at J2L 2!f 49c t9c Among tho Renaissance Lace Pieces Are: 8 GREATEST OF ALL CLEARING $ Centerpieces, both round and square, worth if:?.98:'. 25c-39c 6 and 9-in. doilies, worth up to 15c, at 5c-7c Scurfs, worth $2.00, Table covers, centerpieces and scarfs, worth up to $4.00, at, a 39 -f 98 each I - " I 1 These Exquisite Lace Pieces on Sale Monday in Brandeis' Basement 11,1 11 11 l W iMMfl .j. jL;, ... I Mill ll s EMBROIDERIES Tliousands of yards of beautiful batiste embroideries, in the gj richest and most elaborate patterns ever imported to U America the sheerest ot materials ana a great variety oi , all new designs all widths and actually worth as high s $1.50 yard on big bargain squares for this clearing sale at 15c-25c-49c-6Sc Beautiful Datiste Allover Embroideries All in full pieces elegant patterns and worth regularly to $5.00 yard in this clearing sale, at, CQ yard ZfO 27-Inch Skirtings These beautiful wide skirtings of sheer fabrics and trimmed with finest of val. laces and would bo worth regularly up to $2.50 a yard, at, a yard S3 I From O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile RIBBONS Plain and fancy colors all silk ribbons in a variety of the most desirable widths and patterns, regular 50o f f quality, yard HOSIERY Men's and women's plain lisle and silk finished mer cerized hose some allover lace and boot patterns, worth up to J?5c pair. , 15c UNDERWEAR. Ladies' fine cotton and lisle vests light weights, taped 1 i necic ana arms, worm as high as 25c each, each . 6ic45c 1.25 9 VAL. LACES i ! 5 At Big Clearing Sale Reductions All widths of val. laces, insertings and bands wash and trimming laces that are worth regularly up to lOo yard on bargain squares clearing sale prices, yard yard tKJ : i Women's Long Silk Gloves New shipments of fine long silk gloves, in black and col ors, will go in this clearing sale at far less than regular price many are Kayser's famous gloves very fine quality at, a pair E54i94L8 I I OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE OF Muslin Underwear Dainty and beautiful muBlln undergarments priced vety cheaply. We want to clear them away right now. That's why we offer these bargains Monday. Corset covers, Drawers, gowns, skirts and chemises, many are ribbon trim med, worth actually up to P $1.00, at t DC Finest of cambric, nainsook and long cloth undermusllns, hemstitching and tucks, lace trimming, etc., worth up to $1.50, at 68c French hand nmde chemises and Q p drawers, worth up to $2, at.. ODC Exqulsltively made undermusllns, worth up to $2.50 skirts with cambric tops and lace; and embroidered flounce chemises and drawers trimmed with ruffles, luce and embroidery, etc., at 98c MIAWKKH Embroidery and lace trimmed, with hemstitch ing and tucking, well made, good quality and worth regularly up to DOc each, at. 18c COllSKT COVKKS New lots of extremely pretty corset covers, made with neatest and dainti est trimming; have been Belling up to 75c each, at 25c K ' .' ' n o irk '3 1 women-s summer auiisjuresses .Women's Shirt Waist Suits, in newest models, Z9S all new styles Clearing sale of stunning Lingerie Dresses, 1 AO 1907 models, at. . . itZJO Wash Eton Jackets of Lloea and rep. lace trimmed qa ffQg medallion. m at J One lot of Lingerie Dresses, 14.85 One lot of Lingerie Dresses, worth up to O O Q $20, at yJO Fine linen and rep. Jacket Suitg, worth Q QA up to $20, at O 8 Clearing Sale of SILKS Various patterns in fancy taffetas and Louis ines, 6pot proof foulards, Lyon's printed Radium silks, black and colored taffetas, etc., our $1.25 and $1.00 silks, on bargain squares, yard, 59 cents, 49c and lie 55c-871c-lL Black Taffetas at One-Third Off Treses Freres & Cie excellent black dress taffetas, made in Lyons, France, 20-inch, 27-inch and 36-lnch, positively worth one-third more, at, yard White Japanese Silks, our own direct Importation. 27 Inch, heavy quality, worth 85c yard, r A at, yard DUC 36-in., every yard guaranteed to wear, will launder per fectly, extra heavy quality, worth $1.10 yard, at, yard ' CLEARING SALE DRESS GOODS 40 to 54-inch wide, representing an as semblage of the favored colors, many i i n uuve oeeu sum y m .nnij; as high as $1.50 ft yard for Mon day in Main Dress Goods Department WHITE WOOL MATERIALS Our G5o cream and white silk fin ished mohair, yard Our $1 cream and white Turkish mohairs, yard Our $1.25 Serge Suitings, cream and white, yard BLACK DRESS GOODS Illtirk putiurr.aH, t lack Turk inn uinimii'd. ulaik t.unls. black vuib . black metgv, blnck umiiwr v.-llinK. blurk wool ti.ff.-tuji. cctuully ri ducfd about onr-t!.liv tlie fm im-r I'l icc. r I M J 3c 39c 69c 89c B1A i noun o Milliisry From 0'Donahoe-1 Redmond-Normile Stunning and up-to-date summer hats from this great stock all these hats are new and this season's choicest models we sell them at positively unheard of bargains. ........ y8 PRICE 1 3 l7AWl IU'V& ?3 I ' TRIMMED HATS H All O 'Donahoe-Redmond- Normile's choicest hats k many of them imported, 1 elaborately trimmed with a ostrich feathers, ribbons, g etc. this includes tho large Gib- son sanor, f your choice regardless V 1 Ul wot, U at 4 8 ! 4 P fj i our cnoice or all O Uonanoe-ltedmond- Cf SiTiSIl Normile's $5 and $10 trimmed hats, A. suienuiu sivies ana irimmincs at - w " j - All O'Donahoo - Redmond -Normile's Ostrich Plumes, in blacks, whites and all colors, have been selling all season at $3.98, 50 choice A All O'Donahoo - Redmond -Normile's Lingerie Hats, prettily trimmed with rib bons and priced as high as $5 each special 1 25 1 K 3 at. y 9 i All the Trimmed Leghorn Hats from the big purchase very stylish for misses and ohildren and priced tO h as high as $1 each special sale at, each UNTRIMMED HATS One lot untrimed hats from the big purchase, including leghorn garden hats, that have sold up to 50c each, all colors and all stylos on sale in basement millinery department at : All the Finest Untrimmed Leghorn Hats from the O 'Donahoe-Redmond-Nor-niile stock, Milan braids, new rough braids, white, black and all colors, worth $1.50 to $2.50, at, each 5r ; 25c! QUICK CLEARANCE OF OUR Summer Fine percales, light styles, black and white checkB, polka dots, neat figures, rlneat 36- m Inch percale made, iC Wash Goods factory lengths, yard We will clear 100 bolts fancy white goods for children's wear waists, etc., 15c quality, for, yard Fine tisHues, silk dotted batistes, printed dress lawns, large run go of desirable styles for summer waists, dresses, kimonos, m etc., values up to 19o Tf 3c Simpson's black and white dress calicoes, regular price C Vic long factory length, , at 2c I '4 t : Q i i 7c Nurse striped, checked, plain and pliiln colors, Recrsucker ginghams washes and wears better than imported ginghams, yard Imported wash dress fabrics, dot ted silk mulls, Imported batistes, dottod white Swisses and summer dress and waist A materials, IllC 1 yard m v 6 15c ard, at, yard Entire stock Arnold's mercerized sergo suitings, 35c has been the price all season Ask to see them ii Afrmrlnv at vnrrl . y Every child loves a TEDDY BEAR. We sell tho $ genuine imported kind, in white and brown. You will find i? clothing of every description for either Teddy B or Teddy d y O. A sweater or a cap free with each 7 P up H CA $ h Bear Monday prices I to n ( t if ) Buy ft. Choice of an Entire Bankrupt Stock, 1,000 Dozen SUMMER SHIRTS Worth to $2.50. at 50c. Madras, Pongee, Mohair, Etc. Big Shirt Bargains at 50c REMEMBER. THE CITY ORDINANCE GARBAGE or ASH CAN These garbage cans are made of extra heavy galvanized M jron reinforced bottom, angular steel staves and close fitting cover 1.98 2.39 ine i;j-gaiion mtv, Qwf lawn swings, settees, camp chairs and stools, croquet sets, garden hose, lawn mowers and sprinklers, every piece marked in plain figures. ;-LH Ane -lu-ganon size, " ' i 1 H.L... " j j mm Aft 11 v. 9 rne u-gaiion size, t 'iEfiTi Tlie 25-gallon size, at i) i 1 nniMnE m i v 3) 55 : ' 3 1 8 )