Monday the Second lay oi the (Graitelt largii Week ot the Yeanr Sale of O'Donalioe-Redmond-Normile Company's Entire Stock of Men's Furnishings and Ilals continues The sale of the Pittsfield Bankrupt Shoe Stock, Paxton & Gallagher Granite Ware, sample lines and manufacturers' stock, bought specially for this oc 1 casion, aad last but not least a general July Clearance of our entire stock of summer merchandise at wonderful price reductions lends added greatness fail n Attend Mnndav's sale IQ nC Pdrgdlll OllCnilgS dUU BUil, rwUVCt ai mc Ulyin unu wov muuaayt a, y vji v- an in-nnwv aut muj wis s.s, w " j High Grade Wash Goods Sale Cleaning out all High Grade Wash Goods at less than half regular price, 50c and 59c Wash Good3, 25c All Arnold's fine silk warp organdies, all .ilk warp French ginghams, all silk waip English ginghams, and other goods worth up to 59c yard all will go on sale at, a yard 25c 39c Wash Goods at t9c Yard Another line of Arnold' printed Bilk warp wash goods, Including printed ellk tissue, Marqules ellk and other goods, worth up to ' 39c yard, all at 19 25c ami 3.V Wash (Joodn, l.V Silk warp checks, warp ruulls. dotted silks, fin French Organdies and other goods, worth up to 3 Be yard, at 15 IPe and 25c Goods at 12 He Panama Lln ene, plain Silk Mulls, Silk Striped Dim ities, French Organdies, Carreant and other goods, worth up to 25c 12 M 15c and 19c (Joods, 10c Yard 36-inch Man chester cambrics, 32-ln. French Batiste, 15c Printed Swiss, fine Dimities, and other goods worth up to 19c, yard 10 Clearance Sale of Lace Curtains and Portieres There never was a time before when high grade Draperies and Curtains could be purchased at prices so low. Thousands of dollars' worth of Lace Cur tains and Portieres must be closed in the next few days and we have priced them for quick clearance. Rope Portieres for double doors nt, each, $4.50, $3,123 and $2 IKS Rope Portieres for single doors, all the new shades. Odd pairs Portieres, all colors f.nd quality, at prices far below the cost of the manufacture. Couch Covers, 60 in. wide, 3 yards 1 ...ig with heavy fringe at, each $2.98 Irish Point Lace Curtains, 50 inches wide, 3' yards long, bought to sell for $7.50 pair, in odd pairs at, per pair $2.98 Corded Arabian Curtains, worth $3.50 a pair, at, pair 1.98 Striped Madras Curtains, in all colors, at, pair, $1.98 and $1.49 Xovelty Lace Curtains, in white, at, a pair, $2.98, $1.98 and $1.49 i i,i m I I Inn k -SUVA T JL THE RELIABLE STORE. Bankrupt Stock Sale of Silks $16,793.00 secured in the great New York Silk Auction at a fraction of their value all this season's goods will be placed on sale Monday at lowest prices ever known for silks of equal quality. 39c yard for 27-inch colored taffetas, 27-inch colored Louis enes, Messalines and pongees, black taffetas, peau de soie, twill Messalines, novelties, etc. checks, stripes, dainty jac quard patterns, etc. regular values to 85c yard. 49c yd. for fancies, colored taffetas, printed h a b u t a i, crepe de chines, chiffon voiles, check silks in all sizes, hair-line stripes, white and fancy evening silks, reg ular $1 yard values. 29c yard for colored chiffon poplins, faille, colored taf fetas, fancy checks, plaids, pongees, black twill-Messalines all regular 65c yard values the greatest bargain ever shown. FOl'It GREAT BLACK SILK SPECIALS $1.00 Black Dress Taffetas, 27-ln. wide, at, yard 69 $1.89 Black Dress Taffetas, all 36- ln. wide, on sale at 80 $1.50 Black Dress Taffetas. 36-in. wide, sale price $1.05 $1.09 Black Dress Taffetas. 36-in. wide, 6ale price 81.19 20 to 80-inch White Jap Wash Silks to 59c values, 17 He, 29c and 39 High Grade White Goods We will close out all India Llnons, Long Cloths, 40-ln. Lawns, high grade Swlsc, and all Fancies, etc., at prices away ticlow their actual cowl. 1M)IA LLNONS 12 He India Llnons GH 15c India Llnons H l 19c India Llnons Dlt 25c India Llnons 10 l'KKSUN LAWNS 15c Persian Lawns '-7-$ 19c Persian Lawns 10 25c Persian Lawns 12 LONG CLOTHS 12'2c Long Cloths 7 15c Long Cloths 10 19c Long Cloths 12 DOTTED SWISSES 19c Dotted Swiss 10 25c Dotted Swiss 12 H 35c Dotted Swiss , 15 WHITE FANCIES 25c White Fancies 10 35c White Fancies 15 4 0c White Fancies If) 50c White Fancies 25 ST. GALL SWISSES Hand Embroidered 89c St. Gall Swiss 20 35c St. Osll Swiss 1H 25c St. Gall Swiss 15 19c St. Gall Swiss 12 H HIillUXK Ml'SLIN Auto Cloth 15 Ulster Cloth 15 Touring Cloth -lO Scotch Cloth 8H Callaway Cloth 7H All Dreas Linens at exactly . .HALF riUCE Midsummer Linen Sale High Grade dept. The following are special prices in orde 72-inch bleached double satin finish Irish table linen, worth $1.50 yard; Monday only, at, yard 98c 68-inch unbleached and silver bleached German and Irish table linen, extra heavy, worth $1.25 yard at, yd . 75c Pattern cloths, bleached, hemstitched, 2 yards wide and 3 yards long as long as they last, piece $2.49 Napkins, in bleached and silver blea ched, 18x18 to 24x24; at, dozen, $2.50, $2.25, $1.75, $1.50 and 1.25 r to reduce our stock to its normal size: 81x90 bleached seamless sheets, extra heavy, sells regularly at 85c; only 6 to a customer at, piece G5C 42x36-inch pillow cases, extra fine quality of muslin, regular 16c quality at, piece 12 ljC Bedspreads, full size, fringed or plain, honey comb and Marseilles patterns, at, piece, $2.50, $2.00 and. . . .1.50 Bedspreads, feather weight, 12-4 size,' satin finish, worth $2.50 piece in this sale at, piece 1.75 O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile Company's Entire Stock of Men's High Grade Furnishing Goods on Sale Monday AT ABOUT HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE All of this stock i3 bright and new and of the very highest order of excellence. Nearly every dollar's worth of it purchased for this spring and summer selling, and in plac ing it on sale at these ridiculously low prices Monday we offer to Omaha buyers the grand est Furnishing Good3 Bargain Opportunity ever known. Men's Shirts "Worth to $1.00, all new, clean, high grade stock, almost unlimited assortment of color and pattern, with soft or laundered collars or collar bands, all will go Monday in two great lots i a on - J r cuoiee a i ovv aim " njr n eo cv.; ac j en. -ri , lot of shirts includes such well kn"va brands as Monarch, Griffon and several othersa greater variety of high class shirts were never offered in Omaha and the values have certainly never been matched at these prices, (59c and . . . -19c Men's Arrow Brand Collars One of the best known brands on the market, sold everywhere at 15c each. All new, clean btock and best styles. On sale Monday at, four for 2C 1 m MMKi a r ,' a v "i - mum tvx. -v',f -n. I" . n j j1 n Men's Silk Ties Worth to $1, in four-in-hand, fe. ks, bows and strings go in three lots Saturday at 49o, 29c and 19 Men's Wash Ties Worth 29c and 39c, all go in Mon day's sale at one price -choice KK'? Men's Work Shirts Worth to 75c, made of heavy blue eh am brays and other good materials, with double front and back, sale price. .39c Men's and Ladies' Umbrel las O'Donahoe-Redmond prices up to $10, at $4.9 and 2.98 Boys' Shirts and Slvrt Waists Worth to $1 in two lots Monday, 39c, 29c Men's and Ladies' Umbrel las Natural wood and fancy handles, that sold up to $3 at $1.50, 98c, 75c and 49c Men's and Boys' Night Shirts Entire stock will be sold at 50 per cent re duction from regular prices Men's Suspenders Worth to $1, fine lisle or silk web, calfskin straps; sale prices, 39c, 25c and ,12!jO 25c Boston and Brighton Garters In this sale at, pair 15c Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, worth regularly to 50c, sale prices, 25c, 15c, 12V2C, 10c Men's Cambric Handker chiefs that sold up to 25c, on sale at 10c, 7Vc and 5c Men's Turkey Red and In digo Blue Handkerchiefs, for 25c Men's Silk and Lisle Ho3e, in tans, greens and all col ors, values up to $1, in two lots, at 50c and 39c Men's Fancy Hose, worth to 50c, in 3 lots Mondav, 25c, 122n and '.10c Men's Hose, regular 15.5 val ues, on sale at 5c Many Other Grand Bargains Offered in This Saie. Come Early and Secure First Choke Grocery Prices that are Interesting for the People. Hayden's the Leaders of Low Prices. 15 har best family Ijmndry Soap. 35o 10 Ih. sacks white or yellow Corn meal 10o 1-lh. j'kff. M.uaronl tc 1-th. jkg. Cornstarch 4o FlK-l) See ur Corn Flukes, 011 or MusMiml arilinea, r.,T ohm. 3e 1-lh. an fancy Alaska r.eil balm m for 12 4-' Kam-y tunil or iilum Olives, bot 5j 1-lh. Jar 1 rfbh. l'lesei v ea ( 'c IVanut Uiillti, per Jar to Clam Houllion. rr bottle la Tfinaio Catsup, per bottle 14c Worcester Sauce, per bottle ... It4c Large bottlea faucy Picklea, aartet Winds (Sc 1-lh. cana UakeJ H, .aia 4c J ib. can UaWeJ Hem. a 4; Bruiiiuufet in. Ji-llyion or Jelio.' r package 74c l-lb. can assorted Sou). ?4e 1-lh. pkg. Culdwater Starch 4c Fancy Samoa Coffee, r-r lb l&o Fancy Tea Sifting, per lh 12 40 Fancy H. V. or Sun I'rled Japan Tea, r pound Zio BUTTE, CKEI8B 1ID EGOS Strictly No. 1 fresh Esfrs, dnxrn..l6o Choice Creamery Butter, per'lh., 18c Fancy Dairy Flitter, per lb 19o Clii.lce Creamery Hutter, per lb., ;.1c Fancy Preameiy Hutter, per lh., tb". Fancy full creaoa Obeese, per lb.. 10a Fancy full Uric k or Uiinburger I htfMP, per pound 16c Sap Sago Cheese each "4o Neufchatel Cheeae, cb So rreak Vegetables and Tmlta Large, Juicy Ltunona, worth lao dm., tliia aale S l.ra fresh l.eaf Leltuoe .......6a ( bunclu-a fresh Onions be 4 buuctie Carrots 90 A hunihel fresh Be.ta so 2 quarta fresh Feaa (.. .ISO Wax or String Ueans. per lb lo large Cucunihers. each bo Large Cauliflowers, each 6o Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb so arh Jo 1-arge ll.aria Cabbage, e Fresh I'eanuts, per quart ........ So New Garlic, per pounl 1240 Popular Priced Wash Goods 7e new Batiste 2C 10c Lawns 4C 12c Batiste 7y2c 15c Swisses 8V2C 25c Cluster Dimities 12H !Silk Mulls, dotted 10c 19c white Dotted Swiss. . .7VjC 10 7 51.34 19c 40-iu. Lawns . 16c India LLuon . . i:4c India Llnou . "4c Apron Check AtuoBkeag Check . A. T. C. Glnghanii 12 Vie Toll du Nord Gingham 12.50 Napkins at, dozen $1.98 Napkins at. dozen .... $1.50 Napkins at, dozen $1.00 bleached Table Linen, 70 inches le 59 85c Table Linen 49? 75c Table Linen U9 In the Great Bank rupt Sale Monday 1 We Will Offer Laces, Embroideries, Rib bons, and Notions at Less Than Half Act ual Cost. Laces All kinds of fine Val. and Torchon Laces, worth 3c yard, on sale Mon day at 1 All fancy Torchon and fine Val. Iace, worth 5c and 7c yard, on sale Mon day at 2fct All 10c Laces at 3Mt All 15c and 20c Laces at 5 Fancy Allover Laces, an exceptional fine line, worth $2 to $3 per yard, all go at S9 Embroideries All soiled Embroideries and Insert ing, worth 5c to 10c yard, Mon day at ' It All 15c Embroideries at ....JHc All 25c Embroideries at 10 All 30c Embroideries at ....12H All 35c Embroideries at 15- An Immense line of Corset Cover Embroideries at, yard .15 Notions In Domestic Room at one-half to one fifth regular prices Monday. Gold Eye Needles, full count, package Jk 25o Needle Books at 34 Black Darning Cotton at 1 60-in. Tape Measures, each ..... Aluminum Thimbles J Shoe Laces, per pair 15c Dressing Combs at 4's Hundreds of other staple Notions In Monday's sale. Sole Agents in Omaha for Zion City Laces. Big Sale of Art Squares Monday we will offer to our cus tomers an Immense purchase of Art Squares at nearly 60 per cent reduc tion from regular value. Huy Mon day; pay later If you wish. Our per fect credit system Is for the conveni ence of our customers. Take advan tage of it. $7.00 C. C. Art Squares, extra heavy quality, aize 9x12. at 554.98 $C50 C. C. Art Squares, txtra heavy qoality, size 9x10 6, at ...$4.73 $0.00 C. C. Art Squares, extra heavy quality, 6ize 9x9. at ....54.25 $5.00 C. C. Art Squares, extra heavy quality, size 6x9. at 32.98 $5.00 Granite Art Squares, site 9x12, Monday S3.9S $4.50 Granite Art Squares, size 9x10- 0, Monday 3.25 $4.00 Granite Art Squares, size 9x9, Monday $2.98 $3.60 Granite Art Squares, ui:.e 7-i;x 9, Monday 32.49 $3.00 Granite Art Squares, size 0x3, Mondiy 31.98 Many other splendid Rug and Carpet Bargyilns Monday. ESSIE? aassuauMmaanwiwi Grand Clearance of Women's Garments Over $100,000 worth of W'ometi's Outer Garments, every part of it Is clean, upto-tlate Mock, at one. half to otie-fourtli actual value. You owe it to yourself to see this niainiificcnt display of unmatched values liefore you spend a dollar elsewhere. Your money will be cheerfully refunded If you are not perfectly satisfied with your purchase Monday. $3 Indian Head Wash Skirts, just 200 garments in this lot, on sale at, choice S1.50 $6 Silk Underskirts 33.95 $3 Lingerie Waista, great assort ment of pretty new designs, nt. choice $1.50 $4 Jap and Net Waists, a great line of charming designs, $1.95 Big Sale of Children's and Infanta' Wear Monday. Women's Satin and Taffeta Rub ber Coats, $15 and $1S values, Monday $9.90 $1 Wash Underskirts 4) $1.50 Wrappers at 79 $5 and $6 Walking Skirts, $2.98 From 8 Till 9 A. M. Children' Wash Dresses at 10J From 9 Till II A. M. Women's Lawn Kimonos at 15 From 10 A. M. Till 12 M. Wo men's $1.50 Long Kimonos, fJ9 $20 Wash Suits and Dresses, in Jacket or Princess styles, made of fine lingeries, mulls and opera batistes, most beautiful designs, In Monday's sale at . . . .$9.90 $10 and $12 Wash Suits In finest Inghams, madras and other 0i w Mjm Yt lift MM ILL Ak JWm wj mm 1 wash' materials, over 300 hand somely designed garments to se lect from, choice $4.95 100 Handsome Tnilor Suits, regu lar $15 and $1S values. In Mon day's bale at $8.7i antmip Sho Safe The entire stock of a Fittsfield dealer at 40 cents on the dollar, consisring of Misses' and Women's Shoes and Oxfords, on sale Monday in two lots. Men's velour calf, patent calf and vici kid Bluchers, worth and sold in all the rtores $2.50 and $.100, at , $1.98 Lot 1 Women's $3.00 and $3.50 patent kid and vici oxfords button, Blucher and lace, in welts and turns $1.98 Lot 2 Women's oxfords, tnn or black; women's lace shofs and misses' Blucher lace shoes, worth up to $2.00 98c Men's $3.50 Regent shoes, oak soles, Good year welts, in velour calf, each and every pair warranted Monday $2.50 Children's slippers, in patent and vici kid three lots, $1.00, 75c and 49c Women's white canvas Gibson ties, made from best qualities of the Sea Island duck three lots, $1.98, $1.48 and 98c Do your trading in the morning if possible. FPZ? Wash Goods BEDSPREADS $2.50 quality $1.59 $2.25 quality $1.50 $1.90 quality $1.19 $1.50 quality 95c The heaviest unbleached Sheets at 55c Extra fine bleached Sheets, 59c 25c Turkic Towels I2V2C 20c Towels , 934C 15c Towels GC 12c Towels 5C American ami Indigo Blue Fab rics 0V2C Several Other Specials T Y HAYDEN'S FIRST Paxton & Gallagher Stock On Sale HAY DEN The Ptock in the Paxton & Gallagher six - story ware house, that collapsed here lately, consisting of granite ware, hardware, tinware, enameled ware, etc., etc., 1ms all been assorted over. We bought only the perfect goods, leaving the badly damaged, broken or undesir able goods unbought. Our stock consists of blue, mot tled, white lined, agate, etc., all colors and shades, gran ite ware, hardware, etc. BROS. The Pick of The Stock Tea kettles, all sizes, worth $!) to $1K per dozen; 10, 12, 14 and 17-quart dish pans, worth up to $24 per dozen; preserving kettles, 4, 6, 8 and 10-quait sauce pans, covered kettles, rinsing pans, stew kettles, dippers, soap dishes, basting spoons, drinking cups, frying pans, colanders, milk pans, water pails, etc., etc. all go for 15c, 12V2c, 10c, 712C and 5c