Tips jr- . . llu . IHh . for all th Nw THE OMAHA DEC Best .IT. West EDITORIAL SECTION. Psg:s 9 to It 1 HE UMAHA JUAIJLY IDEE VOL. XXXVII NO. 22. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1907. SINGLE COPY TWO CKXTS. B B B:B,B-a B una a b B I I FIRST SATURDAY OF OUR. GREAT JULY CLEARANCE SALE . B:B.B.:B B : B HsHr 111.: B: B:.BrB'BvB B B W: B B. H B B B B B I ;.B B : BTJ B B I B B B O B B B B B B' H S E B H B B B B MEN'S BELTS la black, tan and gray $1.00, 75c. 50c and 25c This sale, so far, has been a greater success than we had hoped. The response has been Instant and liberal. Everybody Is Impressed, not only with the tremendous quantities, but with the exceptionally fine qualities of the merchandise, and then, the prices are the imst trivial oi considerations. The "backward" season makes this clearance sale a positive guarantee of extraordinary money-saving for the consumer. We must be free from every dollar's worth ot merchandise, because new fall goods are actually on the way. Every day will find us ready with special bargains as varied as they are low priced. You can buy now at prices on an average just one-half what you would have had to pay had you bought prior to this great annual July Clear ance Sale. This is a genuine summer goods close-out sale at bargaln-plnnglng prices and there isn't a dime's worth of bogus-bankruptcy goods In it, nor even a nickel's worth that ever had a place where an unfortunate bankruptcy occurred. 1 Men's Pajamas Very neat pat terns and effecti $2.50. $2.00. $1.50. $1.00 Men's Straw Hats We place on SPECIAL sale Saturday four different assortments of fine straw hats. They come in the "Yacht" shape and all the latest soft roll brims. We are determined to close out all of our men's straw hats, and it will be a great saving' to those who take advantage of this annual clearing sale. Values up to $3.00 $1.98 Value up to $2.00 ..1.10 Values up to $1.25 .79c Values up to 75c .. 49c 1 ,a. v. b 1 b . b-b':b' mzu a, m:m I'KftV'KUKXBCftffK :mim fl.aAa:rri .a a-a-a .a .a::a.a". ara-aa b-b" bvb jrawim .ara :m:a mmm m a a:a a bob aira iiio;b a a a :: a: Stioes n' Everybody SATURDAY WE OFFER EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN FINE FOOTWEAR We guarantee the sound qualities of the shoes. The styles and the low prices are evident at a glance. 1 lot of Women's v x A 203 Pairs of Women's Oxfords Pair, worih up Thre Dollars t Men's $2.50 tan oxfords. . "White Canvas Oxfords worth $2.00 and $1.50 at.... ..9Sc About 50 pairs boys' black and tan shoes worth up to $2.00 tut 08c $1.59 Men's Neckties Choice selection of fancy Four-ln-Hands, made from the best silk, bought this spring, all fresh and durable, values up to 75c. on sale Men's and Boys Shield Bows, val ues up to 25c, on t( sale 1UC 39c Men's Underwear Meu'a bairn ibgun unuerwear, siurla u.nd ui aw cits, lio quality, on bjuv Men's balbriggau underwear, shirts and Uraweti, In blue and rem, nicely finished, regular 7c val- f( uca; on eale kJj Men's light weight wool shirts and drawer. rfWa 76c value; on sale Men's union suits, In balbrlgxari, while lisle and f f( mercerized. 82.60, (2.00, $1.60 and X.W Celebrated "Atrmh" underwear, shirts and 4T( drawers; per garment , ... Nainsook underwear, coat shirt and knee length ff)f drawers; at, per garment, 76o and irvfv Men's Hosiery Special lot of men's fancy hosiery. Values up to 75c, on sale. . .49c Values up to 50c, on sale. . .39c Values up to 25c, on sale. . .19c All nice, neat patterns and effects A Raging Clearance Mens Higli-Grade Shirts Saturday we will add another special lot of 250 dozen. Greatest values ever shown. We are determined to elonn up our stock of men's shirts, and this sale will continue from day to day until all of these specials are sold. Values up to 75c, on sale 49c Values up to $1.50, on sale 89c Values up to $2.50, on sale. .. .$1.10 Values up to $1.75, on sale (manufac turer's seconds) G9c sr Great Sale of Ladies' Fancy Neckwear-Satsirday We purchased the entire stock or a prominent New York manufacturer and importer. He was willing to take a big loss. We, therefore, put on sale a gigantic assortment of LINGERIE. JADOTS, STOCKS, EMBROIDERED MULLE TIES. LACE TIES, CHEMISETTES, ETC. A magnificent assortment in the daintiest colors and most delicate combinations, values up to 80c, Saturday 17c Women's Fine Hosiery Ladles' allover lace, lace boot and fancy Hose, all colors, worth to 60c Ladles' Imported hand embroidered ( i and lace boot Hose, 39c value JmjG Ladles' Imported hand embroidered Tr Hose, 50c value JJC Ladles' silk plaited Hose, black only, $1.00 value, pair DJ Children's Imported fast black Hose, 1 1 sizes 5 to 8 V4, 25c values, pair 2C DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. P HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' hemstitched Swiss handkerchiefs. fe 6c value Ladies' pure linen handkerchiefs, to At Ci, -v Ladies' pure finen Initial handkerchiefs I7 value Ladles' pure linen very sheer hand- "i 0 1 f kerchiefs, 25c value 3.t Men's pure linen handkerchiefs, 12Hc CI, ( value 08Vy Men's pure linen handkerchiefs. 20c value. 180 Double Green Trading- Stamps. mi mm r GREAT PICTURE SALE 80 Par Cnt Discounts on Picture rramlng; and rraiaed riot ores. Oval Florentine gold and black and gold frames, sizes 8x10, glass and back, one In a box, an extra ordinary frame value, regularly worth 11.50 Saturday only 89c 5 CROCKER Yand CHINA Intaglio Berry and Fruit Bowls, rich red and gold 11.50 and $1.75 values; choice 98c? B Big sale In a season able article. Half Gallon Jug-, six tumbler, finest en graved glass, regu lar $1.25 value, on sale Saturday, per set 7 So 10 only. Dinner Sets to close out. Full 100 pieces, three different colors and decorations, $10 & 11 values, Satur day, a set ,...S.M Fine Japanese China Sugar and Creams, several different patterns; $1.00 values, on sale at, pair 50 And twenty green trading stamps. All day Saturday 20 off all Cut Glass on our outer booth. Hundreds of sample pieces at 20 off Saturday. Children's S Dresses GLOVES Ladies' t'.bovo length lisle qlove, $1 r r value, Ur, 'pair w LadiW elbow length lilk gloves, . double tipped flnyers, O a small quantity, LJ ( f S3 value, pair W 1 CIGARS Is'BCAJsJCiMOa KNIT UNDERWEAR A CUsacs to Bay TJndsrwsa (or Htxt Season. Ladies' low iieca sleeveless vests, U'nv It value tKj Ladies' low neck sleeveless vests. 16c Cf values Ladles' low neck sleeveless vests, 26o - f?t value Ladles' wide knee lace trimmed pants, K( I5c vr.lue lv Ladles' sleeveless or long sleeve union rTQf suits, fl.00 value JkJj Double Green Trading Stamps. 1 GOOD CLOTeS-MEBNovAsND After taking inventory we find a few broken lots of two-piece out- ins: suits. I nev are y . . . strictly new goods dowu-to-tlie-minute styles and fabrics. To clean thpra up we bunch them' in onev great lot. Saturday we offer them at one-half their real value Outing Trousers, worth $4.00 Saturday. .' 2.75 BOYS' WASH SUITS 50c values, at 75c values, at 29c 49c $1.50 to $2.00 QQ values, at....iOC $2.50 to $4.50 QO values, at. . . ,VO r Children's Dresses, mads of whits India llnon. trim med with lace and embroidery, low neck and short sleeves, also high neck, extra full skirt, ages 6 to 14, sold up to $! 98c Children's Whits Dresses, made of fine lawn, some trimmed with large berthas, edged with val. lace and some yokes made lace Insertion, all sizes, sold up to 1 3, at 1.48 Others at About Hall Price 5.00 DKXSSXa TO 6.60 DKEB8E for 10.00 S&EBSEB TOB CHIX.SXE1T OXirOXAM DKIBSII, AXVI WOSTB 76o, TO . . 3 0 . . 5.8 BIZEB, .... 39o Princess rasses. Lingerie d Dainty lawns and batiste, elaborately trimmed In lace and medallions, regularly sold at 19.oi) and $22.(0, one of Saturday's bargains, at la.SS Be Sixteenth Street Window $2.00 White Linen Walking Skirts for -TSe $4.00 Purs Irish Linen Skirts for WAISTS 1 000 Lingerie Waists, sold everywhere at $2.50 and 3.00 Saturday only, at 5c Corset Covers, dainty lace trimmed and em broidery, for .5 ni.. u'a.h tvitlrnata. made of aood gingham, wiae flounces for . .890 Tom Keene, 8 for 25c; Box of 50, $1.50 TOBACCOS Patterson Seal, 1 lb. can 40c Arrow, 1 lb. can 40c Arrow, 8 oz. can 22c Arrow, 2 oz., 8 for. . . .35c Tuxedo, 2 oz., 4 cans. .30c Tuxedo, 1 oz., 8 pkgs., 30c Catlin's Mixture, 5 3V3 oz. for 20c Horseshoe, 1 lb 43c Star, 1 lb 43c Big Four, 1 lb 35c PERFUMERY Permanent Location, Harney Aisle, Near Elevator. Bargains for Saturday. Large sack best sea salt. Make your own sea bath with it 13c Mediterranean sea salt, 5 lb. package 20c Great Jewelry Sale "We have purchased for this great sale a line of jewelry, belts and bags, at from 25c to 50c on the dollar. It is not a job lot, but a fine assortment of high class goods. Sterling silver thimbles, your choice. .10c Fine mounted comb9, values to $7.50, choice $2.98 High grade mounted combs, values to $3.50, choice $1.69 Silver chatelaln watches, choice $2.30 Solid gold pens, pearl handles, $1.48 valua at .. 89 Ebony novelties, nail files, tooth brushes, etc., choice 5 Stag novelties, nail files, paper cutters, etc. choice 10 Opera glasses, $3.98 val ues .-$1.75 Gold and silver mesh bags, values to $20 choice $8.43 A beauUful line of high grade belt buckles, val ues to $1.50, choice at 25 French Imported kid belts, values to $10.00, choice $1.88 $1.00 fine Leather Belts or 39 Large line of fine gold clocks, values from $13.50 to $25, special, at $8.98 to $15 High grade finest gold filled lockets, values to $7.56, this la one of the greatest bargains ever offered at choice only $1.98 8-plece waist sets, val ues to $1, choice, 25 Brooches, values to $1.50, choice . . .25 Stick pins, values to $1, choice 25 Gold filled bracelets, values from $5 to $7.60. choice $2.98 Imported goat akin bags, choice . .$1.00 Black goat seal bags, choice $1.00 75c Japanese Leather Belt for 25 Bennett's Bifl Grocery Sa,,S!1,'s Bennett's Capitol Flour, $1.40 And 76 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, S ln. for $1.00 And 100 Oreen Tarding Stamps. B. V., Japan, Oolong, Gun powder, Kngllsh Hreakfa.t Tea, pound 6Bo And 60 Green Trading Stamps. B. C. Baking Powder, pound can 84o And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle JSo And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, quart bottle SOo And 60 Green Trading Stamps. ram rmis Ire cold buttermilk to all who visit butter depart ment. Help Yourself. Egg-O-See, 4 packages ...S5a JelTo Ice Cream Powder, two packages SOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps New York Full Cream Cheese, pound SOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps Neufchatel Cheese 40 Hand Cheese sL,o Boneless Herring, 2 Jars, SOo And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Bayle's Cider Vinegar. pint bottle loo And 5 Green Trading Stamps. Three Btar Corn, three cans aso And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Granulated Sugar. 21 pounds for ....$1.03 Pickles, assorted, thre bottles 8 So And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Life Bouy Soap, I cakes.. $5o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Vneeda Biscuit. 4 pkg..lSo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Pearl Barley, special, lb...4o Helm Malt Cider Vinegar. quart bottle 8So And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Snlder's Baked Beans, can for 16o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Chili Sauce, bot tle 8So And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. Red Snapper Sauce, bottle 8SO And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Alvnrd's Corn Kellsh, bottle for 86o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. CANDIES Grocery SecUoa French Burnt Peanuts, per pound 18o Chocolate Bon Bons, pound box 6o And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. s MEATS 8PIUXQ CUICKEST, 25 Leaf Lard 9 He Mutton Legs, yearlings, per pound 12 He Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs., 2Ro Pot Roast 7c Boiling Beef, 8 lbs. for 25c Morton, Gregson & Co. Otoe Brand Reg ular Hams, every one guaranteed aweet sugar cured, nice and lean, average 6 to 10 pounds, per lb., at 16c And 30 Oreen Trading Stamps Otoe Brand Bacon, by the atrip ISHc And SO Green Trading Stamps ardware and Housefurnishings ?; Dover Egg Beaters 10 f-ZZT Ana to ureen Trading btamps. itJ " Math Rnrivi. untwist. Saturday onlv (!0 (B-Cvi ' - . - - - . . . j .......... s v il I! rasa nickel elated bath tub dishes. SDec'l. Sat'v f'C Nickel plated toilet paper holders, special, Sat'y. 15 Scrub Brushes 10 1 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. . Lrmua tiquftici. I r7 il And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. w fin M ra Trasiaf ! wit asy SprinkllBg Ca v: : : : ' 'i' i' ' V Zl fcrcra Traimf stamp winurri i"!" 6rccs TrMinf Subs with Carpel tcaur 1M Mall Boxes, nicely Japanned, has lock with two keys. special for Saturday only $1.00 Screen Door, painted green, special, Saturday 85 Clean-up sale on Screen Wire Cloth, Saturday only, sq. ft 1H GAS RANGE SALE FOR SATURDAY Regular $30.50 Gas Range, special $18 HAMMOCKS 98c to . : ... .$0 50 Extra Green Trading Stamps Croquet Sets 6 tic to $3 30 Extra Green Tradlnn Stamp Sporting Gobds Basement IT8 Furniture Clearance Sale IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING. 3RD FLOOR IRON BEDS AT WHOLESALE PRICES See 16th Street Window r- MARBLE FOUNTAIN -Fivo Thousand Carnations, Assorted Colors. Saturday. Doz.... 15c NORTH BALCONY Special in Toys Fine, strong, easy running handrar (the Bunset Flyer), on sale for one day only at $3.8 Thirty different kinds of Automobiles, Handcars, etc., prices up from S1JI0 Steel Express Wagons 87c and S1J10 Velocipedes, $1.48 and ....91.68 np Coaster Wagons, see our special S3.M PRESERVING FAMOUS TREES How th Work la Do br " Kprl nc Forester la Coa Mllcat Valley. BhaJing ths fine streets of several old towns In the Connecticut valley are stately trees, some of them mors than two centu ries old. which ows their present existent io the Interest and skill of a man who has reduced th art of tree preservation to a science. That man Is Christopher Clarke, city forester of Northampton, and some of the tree whose life has been thus pro. longed bear close association with men and vents that played a prominent part In the early history of the nation. Among them are the Jonathan tdards elm. In Korthampton; the Indian house tree, la Old Peerneld. and the General William Sliepard elm, in Wrslfleld. Although still one of the moat active men ta the Connecticut valley. Mr. Clarke la now an octogenarian, bis eightieth birthday anniversary hiving been celebrated at a banquet given by cltlsens of 'Northampton a few months ago. Mr. Clarke unites a love of nature with a fondness for an tiquities. For more than half a century he has had the care of the shade trees in th streets of Northampton, and he has great regard for a noble tree, so that the preservation of hlstorto trees is for him a work of love. In a historic town like Northampton It la a source of much satisfaction to th resi dents to be able to point out a tree which waa planted by th eminent theologian, Jonathan Edwarda. although the body of th former Northampton pastor and the house which he lived In In course of his ministry In th town have long since been reduced to dust. Modern conditions of urban life make th growing of bealhy trees In streets a mor difficult under taking every year, and It Is therefore deemed worth while to spend time and money In adding to the years of one of thuse stattly, graceful trees planted by the ancestors of those who now pass under their protecting shade. Visitors who admire some large and healthy trees are surprised when Informed that their trunks contain tons of cement where there was formerly healthy wood. Not Infrequently decay starts In a tree and eats through a larg portion of the Inside of the trunk and Into some of th larger limbs. Unless heroic measure are adopted the tree will then wither and die. Sometimes a large limb Is torn from a tree In a storm, leaving th Inner wood exposed, and decay follows. Wbin a tree doctor treats a decayed tree he begins by cutting an sperture In the tres! large enough to allow him to get at the' Inside and remove all the decayed wood. I This Is essential to the aurcees of the) operation. When this work has been done the cavity Is ready to be filled. The com. position used In case of large fillings eon tains five parts of sand to one part of Portland cement, except for the outer pan. where these Ingredients are used half ar. li half, this outer coating being several inches' thick. To hold the cement in place wh!'e; It is hardening a S!out tin or sine is em ployed, this being secured to the trunk or limb In s wsy to preserve the natur.-.l: shape. The tin is rut on In strips, being' fastened with round steel nails having broad heads and a small shank. Tt s strips sre wide enough to lap over up" the sound wood and the nails sre placed from half an ln h to an Inch apart, ac i cording to the strain Imposed. The first strip ot tin Is put on at the lower part ot the aperture, and the cement put In until it reaches nearly to the top of the tin. Then a second stri? is put or, lapping over the other two or three Inches and the two nailed together. Then more cement la used, and so on until the cavity la filled, the last strip of tin being bent down while the final application of cement la being puddled Into place and th cavity entirely filled, and then It ts straightened up and nailed In place. In case of extra large cavities large sheets of tin or sheet Iron ar nailed on th outside to prevent the tin from bulging out, until the cement has hardened, when they can be removed. Th smaller the cavity the larger are the strips of tin employed, as th strain Is proportionstely leas In twenty-four hours' time the cement will hav hardened com pletely and the tin may all be removed. This remedy Is spplled successfully to fruit trees as well as shade trees. Mr. Clarke has in his own dooryard an apple tree 75 years old, to which a large quantity of cement has been applied. This was don at a cost of II. SO and the tree Is now bear ing four different varieties of apples. The largest fillings Mr. Clark ever put In a tree were In th Jonathan Edwards elm. In Northampton, In which three tons of sand and cement were used. This tree was planted more than ITS years ago by Mr. Edwards in the early part of his min istry In Northampton. The trunk Is now about twenty-five feet in circumference and formerly th tree had Immense spread Ing branches and was on of the hand tomet-t trees In the state. Much work waa Involved In treating this tree, and the expense amounted to about llii. The treo Is preserved chiefly for its historic In terest, Its beauty having been sadly Im paired. New Tork Tribune. GREAT ABYSSES OF OCEAN AniaslaT Extent of the Dee Waters aad Their Treioendoea freeaere. More than half the surface of the globo Is hidden under water two miles deep; T.cro.OcO square miles 11 at a depth of IS, COO feet or more. Many places have been found five miles and more In depth. The greatest depth yet sounded Is tl.tO feet, near the Island of Guam. If Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, were picked from Its seat and dropped into this spot the waves would still roll 1000 feet above Its crest. Into this terrific abyss the waters press down with a force mor than 10,000 pounds to the square Inch. The stanrhest ship ever built would be crumbled under this swful pressure like an eggshell under a steam roller. . A pine beam fifteen feet long, which held open the mouth of a trawl used In making a cast at a depth of more than 18.0H0 feet, was crushed fat as If It had been pased be tween rollers. The body of the man who should attempt to venture to such depths would be com pressed until the flesh was forced Into th Interstices of the bone and his trunk was no larger than a rolling pin. HHil the bod would r ach the bottom, for snythlng that will sink in a tub of water will sink tu the uttermost depths of the ocean. If you have anything to trads Sdvertle tt In th For Exchang columns of TbS) Bee Want Ad pages