OFFERED FOR RENT til DESK room on first floor mt 2D FLOOR, well lighted; use. L'12 f'trnam. 1212 Farnam. 0&) K elegant for office (15) MO FOFl RTNT-riMk room In Pee office, city hall building. 417 N. Z-tli St. South Omaha Apply to manager. (15T--124 OFFICE for rent; office furniture for sale cheap. 921 N. Y. Life Bldg Hi CH0IC1 OFFICES It la very seldom that Rood outside space In a well appointed office building In avail' abVe. At the present time we have a beautiful suite of two ronmx on the filth floor, with east and south light, a Urge vault, which nin'itts tin a most desirable apace during either summer or winter. Room No. 54 la now vacant and la 14x19. with a good-sized vault; has east light. A new hard-wood fluor waa recently put In thla room. Everybody In Omaha knows the location of the Bee building; H la rentral. close to the City bull and county court house. There are several hundred people who spend more time here than In their homes and any one of Hen will teatlfy as to the caro they receive. Here. for further particulars call THE BEE BUILDING CO. PATENTS LA11SON A CO. Book free. Pee B'dg. (17j-. D. O. BARNELL. pil'n attorney and ma chine designer, I'axton Blk. Tel Red. 7U7. (17 9S0Au-li) PERSONAL CITY STEAM I .A I N iJ U f Shirts pressed, nut Ironed. 211 8. iuh St. Tel. Dojg. toi. UM Bee Want Ads DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE I NEBRASKA FRM day to day WILL MAKE IT EASY FOH YOU TO DEGIN IN A SMALL WAY AND BUILD UP t StamnHTrrs' Institute. OMAHA Bid. 6EWINO machlnea lath and Harney. Bauige (18.1- S; tented. 'Phone Neb. Cycle Co., Doug. ln. (1M 868 M A 1 1 WT! 1 1 treatment and hath. Mma. lUiVUiMAlVygn,,, us N. 2 noor. tl( FEW haipains In 2d-hnnd soda fountains, monthly payments. Delight, IMS Farnam. Iltjj-M9 I " ' Jl Little Signi of Usual Mid-Summer I Dullness in General Business. Quaint anil I urlnns Keatnrea of l.lfo In a Rapidly (.rowing-state. I The ! out In average county newspaper cornea a new dress shout as seldom as the REAL ESTATF CITY PMOI'KHTV FOR SAI.K. (Continued ) El'ZKMA absolutely cured by W. A. I'axton salve, B. J. Scanncll. agt.. 509 Ware Hlk. (1S)-M918 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut Prices. Send for free catalogue jvi.veia- Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. PLEATING (18-H.' ALL KINDS. Buttons, Ruclilng, Embroidery Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ingonly Be per yard. Send for price list and samples. tiuLDMAN I'LEATlNO CO., 10 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglas l!fl4 Uoi il TKF. HAIA'ATKIN AIIMV solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not used We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4133 and wagon will call. 18-6U AINFl'L burns, any sore or skin 'luickly healed by Satin skin cream. hurt 25c. 17TH AND FAHNAM. IK, -4..1 I'ltlVATE CONFINEMENT HOMH-.Mr. Dr. King, 13.0 N. 24th St. Tel. loiig. Hnt9. (18)-8(3 Stares. FOR, RENT Large store room, with good basement, iMfil) So. lGlh St., 115. C. M. BACHM ANN. 436 I'axton Blk. (15)-.171 MAGNETIC STORE ROOM. 1108 N. 1th St., $20. BEMIS. PAXTON BI.K. "Phone Douglas Kso. (15) 414 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing ANCHOR and Iron c per loot. 206 N. icncing; 17th St. wire fenclna Tel. Red M4. (14; 842 Knrnltnre, ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., Iu3 8. 14th. D. 6885. (ll M970 Jv27 ACCTION. Entire contents of in-room house; nice new bunny and harness, 2210 Harney St., Hat., U. Auctioneer. . V FIRN1TLRK cheap. Cull at 10 a. in. II. A. Roth, (lii)-973 13x sale for 4-room cottage for H12 Chicago. (Ill) M750 13x FOR PALE Cheap, furniture and stoves. 811 S. 2sth St. Call evenli gs. (1 S36 lox Pianos, Orsana, Mailrsl Instruments. SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS Cottage upright, used only 1 year $ 62 Kimball, upright, large alee SO Singer, upright, walnut case 103 Chlckcrtng, upright, parlor size 126 Void A Bona, fine tone 158 Easy payments of (3 to $5 per month. SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER, 1311-1313 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 1625. (1) M30S ELEGANT I'prlghl piano, nearly new, very cheap, 415 N. ?3d St. (16)-M707 13 KIMBALL upright piano, 8105. Owner leaving city. fine condition, 1819 Davenport. . (IBj-817 14x Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALBNaw and secondhand billiard nd pool tablea. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Kruns Wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. - (lG-845 Typewriters and lewlsg Machines. TYPEWRITER SALE All machines taken In exchange will be closed nut at unheard prices. Typewriter Exchange, 041 Pnxton Block. (1(!)-M'.i71 Osteology and massage. Varor and tub baths. Room 2. 12M Farnatn St., 2d floor. (IS)-M926 JyS TIIV VT .TV Newlv established mnn .11 Hi lJlilliJ .,,, IU1,, ,mth riarira; expert lacH' operator iiivrs t-al. del 1111.4 rut).' Room ', Barker Block, Ifi' h anj Farna.m. (1SI-MI53 13x YOl'Xn WOMEN coming to Omaha as mrangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, lfilS Farnatn street, where they will ! directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (IKi-HlJ OX NEW L'4T1I ST. CAR LINE A SPECIAL BARGAIN. If sold at once, can offer at a price that will make you money, two cottages on B. 22d St., close to the new 24th Bt. car line, or within walking distance nf town; water, sewer and gas connections. Make ui an offer on the two, or we will ell them separately. The rent Will pay for them. Will sell on terms to suit you. Let us show the property. It must b old and you can buy It right. 1 R. II. LANDEKYOU, Doug. 215L Board of Trade. (l)-7 li FARM REAL ESTATE RANCH 1.AXID9 FOR 9I,R (Continued.) Kansas- BEST OPPORTUNITY. Seven-room cottage and barn, carriage house- fruit trees, IVs blocks from Leav tnwi.rth car; would make terms or big reduction for cash If aqld Immediately. Inquire 1411V, Farnam. (19) M13515 A ORKAT bargain for sale; the Cun ningham block at the northwest corner of 13th and Jackson; this building is Oix GC. three stories and basement; stores on first floor and rooms on two upper floors: was built at a cost of over $75,000, ami can be made witli small cost into a jobbing house, hotel or factory; the prop erty belongs to the National Bank of Commerce and must be sold within the next thirty days: make me an offer. George E. Barker, Barker Block. Omaha. REAL ESTATE UK A I. ESTATE UEALEItl, RUSSELL & M K1TR1CK CO., 412 Ramjse. (ISO 8Uu W. H 1129. TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. (19) SC PAYNE INV. CO. 1781. 1st floor N. Y. L. Doug. (19)-Hti L. W. BUNNELL Douglas ullS). & CO., 822 N. Y. Life. (19)-90 R. C. PETERS & CO., Bee Bhlg. (191-837 ALFRED C. Bank Uldg. KENNEDY. 209 'Phono Douglaa First Nat'l f23. (19)-Sa8 CEO RGB & COMPANY, 16ul Farnam. Tel. Douglas 758. (19) 8h CITY PROPEfflT 1" FOR 4ALE, BEMIS PARK DISTRICT. ' The owner has decided not to rent for a few days; would rather sell; but If they cannot be sold soon they will be leased for a year at $35 per month. We have had several desirable applications. You ought to see this property. Has four large bed rooms on the second floor; attic all fin ished; four rooms on the flrat floor; cemented cellar; full foundations under the entire house; tine furnaces; combina tion gas and electric light fix tures; good plumbing through out; double floors; well built; lot 42 ft. In width; on car line; high and sightly, where It Is cool; cement walks; nice shade trees. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. (19) 98J 13 FOR SALE High grade secondhand type Writer; good condition; a bargain at JO Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (18) 6,1 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Be Office. (18) 628k ONE No. 7 Remington typewriter and desk, nearly new; 1 No. 6 Remington typewriter; No. 6 mimeograph; HalN safe, medium Blse. J. L. Barber, 1108 Harney. (1) 152 18x Itlaeellaaeoas. GAB. ELECTRIC AND . COM HI NATION FIXTURES. Special low prices during the summer to reduce stock. ;ordur now; goods delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO, Telephone Douglaa 681. 813 S. 1Mb St. UO-848 FOR BALE Peninsular range with water back; also base burner heater, good as new. 2444 Manderson 81. Tel. Webster 8-V7. . (16)-130 14 FLAT-TOP desk; also desk 634 Paxton Blk. room to rent. (16)-Mlll 14 FOR BALE Cheap, twenty-two Winchester repeating rifle; good as new. w. F. Brown. 114 8. 9th St. (16) M113 14x $1,100 ON PAYMENTS New 4-room oottage, 8th and Saratoga, lot 47x130; can take $100 dnwn, balance payments. A nice little home and cheap. FINE HOME On West Dodge st, 8 rooms, all modern. If you want a nice home and well located see us about this, la very cheap at Jj.ieO. Peterson Bros., 523 Bee Bldp;. (191-142 11 Hanscom Place Lot East front on Georgia Ave., full lot 50x 150 feet, 3 feet above the street. A great bargain at $1,4"0; paving, permanent walks paid for In full. This Is really a $2,000 lot ana we ao not Know or as good a lot on Georgia Ave. that can be bought for $3,000. Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. TEL. DOUG. $14 (19)-136 15 EEN'D ua your mall freight paid on $10 Drug Co., Omaha. orders for drugs: lots. Myers-Dillon (18) -860 6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO, best mlged paint. Sherman & McConnelk Drug Co. (1S)-191 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and Mail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M41T HOME- MADE GRAPE WINE 10 YEARS OLD. $1.00 PER GALLON. CACKLEY lihui., OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. (16)-441 It $12,500 HOME On the most fashionable street In the West Farnam district; nearly new B-room oak finished house; tiled bath room and 6S foot lot. Thla house was built by the owner for a home, and the Interior finish. plumbing, lighting, fixtures and hardware are me very iieai. For particulars ask. John AV. Robbins, Sole Agent JIAIJ.S aafea, new, Sd-hand. 181$ Farnam. (16)-847 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN A M CONNELL DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. (lS)-Mm FOR SALE Fine Peninsular Range with water hack; almost good aa new. 2444 Manderson St. Tel. Webster 8207. (W) M'.2 13 FOR SALE First-class store fixtures, showeasca, etc. Globe Ind and Invest ment Co., IhZt Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (16) 860 COUNTER platform scale, weighs fc; counter coffee mill, tearly new, cheap. S0 N. 16th. (16)-81 14 ENGINE. 16 horse boiler. 20 horse fhsrp lesa cream separator, like new, for less than half price. Heede. Meckllng. S. D. OS) M8o2 Ux FOR 43ALEAA Emmet St. xlj wall tent. Andy (It) M161 Z4 13 UNIVERSAL Encyclopedia. 13 int-a, cost t46. Waving city; ST Roberta, Soil Mlama. (16)- new TOl-s-lve me MTo 13 1802 FARNAM ST.. Tel. Doug. 529. (19) M11S 15 ONE BLOCK FROM HARNEY AND WALNUT HILL ear line, on 30th St.. a strictly modern rooms and reception hall, first floor finished In oak; price it.jno. it s a gem. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE) CO., loul N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) M713 IS t Rooms, all modern, paved street, furnace, porcelain hath. 19th and 1-eavenworth. $3,260. STRINGER. I'axton Blk. (19) MT$ EVERY WOTHAN WA?fTS A HOME. SO DOES HER HUBRAND. SO DO THE CHILDREN. Which shall it be! A HOME FOR YOU TO SUPPORT or . HOME THAT WILL SUPPORT TOUT BUY A HOME OF 8 TO 10 ACRES IN KEYSTONE PARK and in a few years It will support you. Call and see us about It. Take you out In an automobile any day. plat and folders mailed you. If you drop us a card. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., or D. V. SHOI.KS COMPANY. 1st Floor Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-P85 17 WANTED Agents to represent ua In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars, (ilobe Land and Investment o., Omaha, Neb. Otoj 897 orh Dakota.. HETTINGER COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA LAND Two solid sections (cornering on each other) Of the very best land In Hettinger county; finest of soil and water; an excellent steam plow proposition. Land will have to be seen In order to te appreciated. In a country where land is rapidly chang ing hands and .Increasing in price. Owners need the money and the land Is offered for Immediate sale at the very low price of $11 per acre. No trades. If you want thla bargain write or wire at once. The H. M. Kleron Land Company 311-313 Nioollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. (20)-Ml 14 Sooth Dakota. ARE YOU Interested In South Pakntat If so write to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, S. D., concerning the 26,000 acres of farm lands they own In Hughes and Bully counties. They will answer you gladly. (20-M379 Al ATTENTION! FARMERS! LAND INVESTORS! Buy of us good farm land in Hand county, eastern South Dakota, gently un dulating surface, black loam soil, with clay subsoil. Oood water, plenty of rain, large crops of wheat, oats, spelta, corn; nice elmprovements. Ruy before another crop Is harvested. Prices advancing and have doubled In last six years. ltW acres, level, all tillable, 7 miles of Miller; price $-1 per acre. 120 acres good land, somewhat rolling, $15 per acre. 640 acres, all tillnblc, good six-room house, barn, room for 2(0 head. artesian well waters 2,'KiO head of stock every day; price I i por acre, we have many others. Join our excursion July 16 to Miller. Bee L. W. Tulleys & Sun. Council Bluffs. la. 102 Main St., Upstairs. (20) M177 14x LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR LAYING WATER MAINS healed proposals will be receive! bv the eitv clerk ol the city of Randolph Nebraska, at his ofllce until the 22rt day of July, 1W7. at s o'clock p. in., for the fur nishing and laying of o.fsm leet of 4-Inch cast water mains and AM of 6-Inch cast water mains with six 4-Inch double noisle fire hydrarts for 24-Inch fire hose together with all necessary fittings for all mains nd hydrants. Bids to incluilo the dig ging of all ditches at least five feet below the established grade of said city, and not less than five feet below 'lie surface of the street at any place. Bids to Include all connections and extras a shown by the plans and specifications on 'file at the of fice of the said city clerk. One-half of the contract price for the laying and furnish Ing said mains as above to be raid In cash and the balance to bo raid In warrant drawn on the general fund of said city. All bids must be accompanied by a .'ertl fled check equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid, as a guarantee that If the bid Is accepted the bidder will enter Into con tract to perform and carry out the bid. The cltv reserves the right to refect anv or all Mds. E. 8. MAILLIARD, City Clerk. 121d24t NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS FOR SALE -$1G,OCO of 20-yr. school bonds, Issued by school district No. 13 of Madison Co., Neb., 6 per cent Int.. option of pay't after 6 yrs. Denomination $5oo. Sealed bids to be opened July :'2; accompanied by certified check of 2oo.-C. A. MILLER, Secy., Newman Crove, Neb. Jy5dl41 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BEST new d-room house, modern with or without furnace, fur (2, 1;4; forced to sell quickly. Tel. after 7 p. m. Webster 158. (19)-M9S2 2756 CALIFORNIA Just west of Crelghton college, walk ing distance, 8 rooms, strictly modern, 4 rooms on first floor, hot water heiit; good barn. O Keefe Heal Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas 2102. (IS) 25 is $1,2003208 Seward St., 6 rms. (inn 2510 Rees Ht.. 8 rms. $.'.2n0 4'.t9 Cumins St., 7 rms; make offer. $2.XiiO 716 8. Sth St., 7 rms. $4.500 24th Ave and St. Mary's Ave., 7 rms. $6,000 3fitli Ave. and Popploton Ave., 8 rms. PAYNE INVb.BI.MEM COMI'AJNX. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17X1. "If It's a bargain, they have It." (19) 9l3 13 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB- STRAITS OF TITLE are the sarest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. Tou don't buy a lawsuit whan you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. () Most Desirable Property House built for a home. Owner going west. Newly papered and painted; beauti ful yard; fine view; cistern, basement, laundry, hardwood fluor. Easy terms It de sired. Come and see it. MRS. GARDNER, 401 S Cuming St. (19) M41 BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully situ&ted lots. 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, two blocks to car, on grade; corner, isuu; inside, Jiuo. Must be sold by owner at once. 8404 La fayette Ave. (19) MM LIST your property Home Builders, rms. Bank Bldg. with the Western 22-23 Nebraska Natl. (19)-714 FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 2528 Jones St. Telephone owner for keys. Webster isw. (i) wi 15 PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 32 rooms on a leading business street; rented for $2i5 a month. Price $16,ouo; half cash, balance rour years ai ner cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Lite Bldg. (19) S93 IF YOU are thinking or building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, roomsv 22 and 23 Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. - (19) 210 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern, $4,000. O Keefe" Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-M977 FOR BALE House, rooms, modern ex. cept furnace, iMff Cuming St. Price 2,3oO. Easv terms. JOHN F. FLACK, City Savings Lank, 161 h and Douglas. OU)-oiM REAL ESTATE TITLfi-TRUST C11AS. E. WILLIAMS. Pres. CO os)-m FOR SALE -room cottage, owner leaving city, will sell at a sacrifice. 106 North 40th. South Omaha. Tel. 371. (19)-M148 Washington. SEVERAL attractive timber propositions In Washington. Oregon and British Col umbia. Address W. M. Ovler & Co., Tucoma, Wash. (" i) M128 lilx Miscellaneous BEFORE BUYING Colorado, Iowa or South Dakota farms write Chas. H. Wll aon, Mondamin, la. (20r MUSS 15x REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN- Payne Investment Co. (22) 901 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. (22-2 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no flelay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (12) IKU W. WANTED City loans and warrants. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. (221904 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keefe R. K Co., 1001 N. Y. Lite Bldg. (22)-f LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. I nomas, oOd first National ISuiiK Jlhltf. (22)-2J6 $500 TO J50.000 TO IX3AN at lowest rates; no delay. UARVIN BROS, 1004 FARNAM.. (32) 90 LOWEST KATES Bemls, Tuxton Block. (22) 908 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. (22) 90S WANTED-TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture. cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa S971. (25)-td Jy26 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 313 S. 14lh. Phone Douglas 1321. (25)910 Emma C. Johnston and husband to W. WoJiuKzack, lot 6, block 2, Patter aon't 1st add $ Joseph Feller et al. to Terezie Feilcr, lot M, Drexel & Maul n add James U. Allen to Lewis S. Reed, ntO ft. lot IS and lots ID, 2ti, 21 and slo It. lot 22, block 2, Alamo Pi.i&i John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Lenora H. Sears, lot 4. block 5, Drake's add. Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Klla Jackman, lot 3, block 2o, Boyd'a add Murtlia Al. to Joseph Korvalis, s'j lot 21, block 11, Brown Park add.... Fred F. l.ofevre to Axel W. Jorgensen et al., hits 1 and 2, block 2, W'lae & i'arniele s add Fannie T. Close and husband to Mary V. Pennell. w30 ft. 860 ft. lot 3, block 14. Shlnn'a add 1,600 Lillian J. Swltt to Josepha Plcka, lot 9, block 12, 1st add. to South Omaha. D. V. Slioles company to William H. Courtney, lots it and 10, Sholes' sub. and wUj block 7. S. B. Roger's add.. William C. Hayes and wife to Nathan O. Talbot, v'i lot 3, A. II. Sander's add John B. Ruth to Clara M. Goodman, lot 8, block l'8. Dundee Place Warren H. Slahaugh and wife to Fan nie M. Slahaugh, lots 8, 9 and 10, block 2, Maxwell's 2d add George Warren Smith to Paul N. W'lemer, lot 3, Smith's sub Lewis Reed and wife to Nathaniel Melster. n40 ft. lots 18 and 19, block 2, Alamo Plaza v... Rose Sehonberger to Charles W. Mar tin, lot 6 and nlO ft. lot 7, block 3, Alamo Plaza 2.000 Lewis S. Reed and wife to Elizabeth Tubman, lots 20 and 21, block 2, Alamo Plaza 4 OoO 135 6b'0 8,000 3,70 360 900 500 l.MO 1,900 1 1 400 4,000 COLLECTIONS ARE MORE TROMPT """' " wife -Benedict S. Herald. Jobbers and Wholesalers re Hecelv. Ins Liberal Orders for Kail and Winter Merchandise. NEW YORK, July 12-R. O. Dunn & Co. a weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: There Is not the customary complaint of inld-eumnier dullness In general trade channels, while the deni.ind for seasonable fabrics Is rapidly depleting stocks that threatened to be carried over. Brisk re tall trade Is accompanied by more prompt collections and many cities that were slow to rescind to the better feeling now sends satis! actory reports. Jobbers nnd whole salers are receiving liberal orders for fall and winter merchandise and interior buyers are active In the primary markets. Manu facturing returns tell of large orders on hand and very heavy production during the first half of the year. Lower prices for pig Iron were due to the larger output and more prompt deliver ies thai reduced the premiums paid for early shipments. Consumption has not ap rreemhly diminished, although a ie the steel mills are closed for repairs. Inr i lie Trouble-The sports of "autolng" are not altnp-elher dellplit'nl. when you get out In the country, have the "tarnel" thing buck, and then have to walk to a distant neigh bors, telephone for help to haul you In. Editor Hale had this experience. Red Clouud Commercial-Advertiser. Took a Layoff The editor has been awsjr from town for severs! days, visiting rela lives In different places In central Ne braska, and Just returned home Monday night, so if the paper is not tip to our usual standard this week, please excuse us and we will stay at home In the future. Weeping Water Republican. Prosperity-Air. and Mrs. L. Henftlng. who went to Omaha the forepart of last week, returned to Bell wood Saturday, ateer Ing a $4, On) tourist car. It s large enough to carry five passengers and Is a model of neatness throughout. There are only two more such cars In the state. Mon- of I day Mr. Henfling took a spin In his new From Shelby he ran machine to Shelby. nit. r.n..... .1 ...... I i . II . same reason, the total number In blast;" rce with the Union Pacific passenger Increased six during June. train to it Quiet conditions prevail In te primary mar ets for cotton goods, but the mills are fully occupied and there is no prospect of easier terms, owing to the lnrge amount of business under contract, unless exten sive cancellations are received. The strength of the market Is due to the statistical po sition, buyers being compelled to wait longer for delleverles than ever before in the history of the industry. It Is noted that requests are urgent for earlier for warding than the date under contract, showing the light stocks In other than first hands and there Is no prospect of I relief during the bobifice of thlB year at least. I Woolens are not active, new lines of ; men's wear being opened dally without at tracting much attention and little develop ment is anticipated before the end of the ; month. A little Increase Is noie.l In t lie i demand for hides nnd fun her Improvement i Is anticipated. It is now the season of le- i all-able short haired hides, upon which full quotations are demanded. The chief draw- back Is the larger supply of winter hides I still held by packers and dealers in this country und the principal foreign market : are also overstocked. Antwerp and Havre holds SiiO.OOO hides nnd the River Platte : slaughter during the tltst six months of , CHIIle man Ulnl Jem train to Itlslng and went under the wire at Rising five minutes ahead of the train. No files on Iwle. Bell wood Galette. Challenge Well, by dad. the Crofton Colts are pretty busy these days cleaning up all. the teams between here ant) Sioux l City, but If this breeze from the west gets much stronger we will be tempted to ; get In our prairie schooner and follow (Ireeley a advice. Talk Is the cheapest thing on earth and we would rather eea some of the Crelghton and Bloomfleld play ! Ing than to hear so much wind. Our dates are pretty well filled, but by the , hooks. If we can get a date with you ; fellows, you can set the time and place ! and we will prove to you that real base ball timber grows In Crofton. Crofton I Journal. I A Busy Devil-Editor Burgett. having been unable to attend to his duties since breaking his arm last Friday afternoon, the 'devil," which is us. has had everything; his own way In this ofllce. We can't writ we want to and the popu- Total .$29.3X7 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lOth AND MARCY. Union Pad He. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:55 am a 1:40 pro The China and Japan Fast Mail a S-.50 pm a 8:00 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 8:50 pm a :&0 am California & Ore. Ex... a 4:00 pm a B:5P pm Los Angeles Limited. .. .al2:55 pm 1 1:16 pm Colorado Special all:56 pm :50 am North Platte Local a 7-42 am a :1B pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am D :1 pm Chicago, CARD CABINET of 16 to 25 drawers for card 3 by 5 Inches; state price; must be cheap. Address L 682. Bee. (25) 819 YOUNG lady desires single room, with or without board, somewhere in the neigh borhood of 2ulh and California preferred. Address C, 691 Bee. (26 M970 13x WANTED Three unfurnished rooms, mod ern;, for ligiu housekeeping; by couple without children; within walking dis tance of Crowell elevator, 14th and Ohio Bts. Tel. Taylor 4114. (L6)-SS8 Hx WANTED Furnished house for summer. Two In family. Excellent care. Address D 721, care of Bee. (26) 976 13 Rock lelaad 4t Pacific. EAST. Chicago Limited 3:46 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am X)es Moines pass a 4: pm Iowa Local all. 40 am Chicago (Eastern Ex.). a 4:50 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmd..all-40 pra Colo. A Cal. Express... a 1:35 pm Okl. & Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm Lincoln & Falrburv Pass. a 8:46 amal0:15 am Chlcaiifo Great Weatera. St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:30 am Chicago Limited 6:06 pm Chicago Express 7:30 am Chicago Express 3:30 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am Minn. A St. Paul Exp...h 7:20 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn. A St. Paul Lmtd.a 1:30 pm Cntuago A Norta western. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am St l'aul-M spoils Exp.. a 7:50 am Chicago Lccal all :20 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 7:50 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicago Special a 6:06 pm Et. Paul-M'polls Lmtd..a 6:21 pm Los Anat'c L'.mllea....a -w pm Overland Limited a!0:00 pm Fast .Mail all '30 pm a 4:30 pm al3:30 pm b 9:56 pin a l:2n pm a 8:36 arr. a !:" an a 4:40 pm a 2:46 pm 7:80 am 11:35 pm 6:27 am 11:36 pm 8:30 pm a 3:45 pm a 8:66 pm a 8:30 am a 1:30 am WANTED-To buy 6 or move to North Omaha. Address, B 706, Bee. 6-room house to State casli price. (23) 134 17 WANTED SITUATION FOR student help see McCartney Institute, 1802 Farnam St. (27 M6.1) FOR student help see McCartney Institute, 1H12 Farnam St. (27) Mo3o EXPERIENCED wholesale hardwareman with road and office experience, deairea a position. Addrts P6S6 care of Bee. (27) M!M 16x LOOK AT THIS All modern, 6-room cottage, 3412 Lafayette Ave., Bemls Park. 'Phone Harney 3465. (19) 8i6 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 9 ALB Colorado. FOR BALE Five sections of nice smooth land In the Greeley district, which will aoon come under irrigation. This Is the best buy In the whole state. Will double In 13 months. G. E. Smith, Longmont. Colo. (20) M126 V.x Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farrna and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemls, Omaha. ()-M.7d FOR SALE or rent, 6-room house and three lots: barn; well; cistern; fruit Paved, one block south from end of car line, Benson. A good home; easy terms Tel. Webster 1970. A. T. Seybolt. 3&.-.1 Grand Ave. (19) M147 14a FIR8T mortgage of $900 secured on 100 acre farm worth $!0.0m; runs full S years: 6 pet cent semi-annual interest. Ail ire sa A. 6c. Bee. ((19) M937 LIST your property 22d and Cuming its with Chris Hoyer. (19) 364 FOR SALE Fiva-acre trait of Und In Ben aon. three blocks from car. satiable for planting or tor Improvement; an oppor tunity for someone. Address Q I J. It--. (191 S3 lx TWENTY acrea two miles weat of Flor ence; on good road; part In grove; some fruit; a bargain for some one: easy t-rma. A. T. Seybolt, 322 Grand Ave. Tel. Web Bier, 1870. (20)-Ml48 14x Wyoming-. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has Just placed on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF GRAZING LAND In Wyoming, from Green river, weat; 20.000 to 600.000 acrea of fins sheep grating lands at fl.OO TO $1 60 PER ACRE. TERMS One-tenth down payment and ten years' time on the balance. Tf yo-i Intend to Invest In cheap lands, BUY NOW. The opportunity will not last. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." 311 So. 15th St. (2-i)-M506 1$ EXPERIENCED burse girl, age 14 years, wanta position with good family. Address E 693, Omaha Bee. (27) 986 12 WANTED Work by the duy by experi enced dressmaker. Cell on or address 4936 Capitol Ave. Thane liarney-iutil. (27J 17 A9 AN elderly lady, with first class references and highest character, desires light em ployment In spare time, such as cleaning offices and rooms. Mrs. McCoy. 15-4 South 37 th Bt. (27) M9a 13 SITUATION wanted In telepgraph office to complete learning trade; will accept low wages If given chance for advancement. Address B 690, care Bee.. (27) M842 17x WHEN you write to adve.rfsera remember It takes but in extra atroke or two ot the pen to mention the fact that you aatr he ad In The Be CHANGE desired by thorough office man. Ten years' experience. Now on salary of $100 per month and oommlsslon. A-l refer ences. Address D 692, Bee. (27) 975 16 WANTED Position by all-round clerk; 10 years' experience In general stores; rea sonable wages:, best references. W., Box 111. Oakland, Neb. (27) MSW 14x WANTED Employment In a printing of fice for an experienced young lady stu dent, outside of school hours. Address F4. Bee. (27I-M108 Hx WANTED Position In store by young ladv; unexperienced: would work cheep. Ad dress Y 143, Bee. (27) M1S0 34x GOVERNMENT NOTICES 1 I I0 n I' . II T I- , I 1 i 1 'T . I . ' . -. an r- w 1-... AnitnniAoi nrc m urr n r., Omaha. Nebraska. July 8. 1907. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual I conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. central standard time, August 8, 1907, for constructing a balloon house, a nyorogen gas bouse and a wireless tele graph station at Fort Omaha, Nebraska. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and apec flcatiuns may be aen. Envelopea containing pro- fosala to be marked "Proposals for Balloon iouea. Etc.." and addressed to Ms lor Thomas Cruse. Quartermaster, Army Build-, al1:54 pm alOtoo pm a 3:28 pm a 8:28 pm a 9:30 am a 9.30 am a 7:40 am al2:35 pm a 8:28 am a 8:29 am :20 am a 8:3f pm a 7:05 am a 9:31 am sl0:3S am al0:36 am a 6.06 pm a 6:06 pre b 8:06 pm blJ:oo pm a!2.3R pm Sioux City Local a 3:50 pm a Fast Mail Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm Overlanl Limited .a 8:38 pm Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am Llncoln-Chadron t 7:40 am Deadwood-Llncoln a 8:00 pm Casper-Shoshonl a 8:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm Fremont-Albion i b 6:02 pm Los Angeles Limited... a 9.50 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express ..a i JD pm a 1:30 arn St. Louis Locsl (from Council Bluffs) a 1:30 am all: 16 pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 5:00 pmbl0:15 am Missouri Paclflo. K. C. St. L. Exp a 00 am a :6S an K. C. A St. L'. Exp all:15 pm a 5:35 pm Nebraska Local a i:0v pm all. 40 am Chicago. Mllwaokee at. Paal. Chi. A Colo. Special.., Calif. Oregon Exp... Overland Limited iruY? -...i cm n, li i ...ova This statistical position tends to limit tan- j thn(r8 thp VBy ners put l-llliorn I.I lin iini""- ........ ...... . .0 ,, .,.,! Leather trade broadens as contracts are " ,.... - received by shoe factories and the cur- ; rast enougn to suit us, either, and wa ara tailment of production has held prices well . jllHt hout up In the air trying to keep above the decline that has occurred In .,,. .in,,- the war It should hides Dry hides, hemlock sole leather Is !p " nioMng along the way It anoum. now within a cent nnd a frnctlon of the But the patrons will have to put up with highest point mat wuiter, while the fall our efforts until Mr. Burgntt Is able to in the raw material lias been 4 rents. Buyers are arriving at the Most on maraei for footwear, operating liberally In fall goods and there la no prospect of lower prices. REPORT OK T1IH (I.KARIXU IIOUBH Transactions nf the Associated Ranks for the Week.. NEW YORK, July 12. Hrudsti ect s bank clearings report for the week ended J.uiy 11 shows an aggregate oi i,w.-Ni.o-o.'".y. against $2,768, 4ill,ii0t last week and $2.S4n,- Sill.OUl in the cfirrespoiidlng week lasi year. Canadian clearings tor inn wee unm :il,04o,a.o, as against 2,3oSKO last week and $6,9if.Oili In the same, week last year. The following is a list of the cities: CITIES. Clearings, inc. Dec. 7:02 am U 46 pm 6.50 pm i.36 pm :m pm k:37 am BLHL1NUTON tTA. 10TH A MASON Barllnslan. Leave. Denver A California... .a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express a (.30 pm Nebraska points a 00 a:a Nebraska Express a :U6 am Lincoln Fast Alaii U 1:41 pin Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Louisville A Plaitsm'th.b 3:10 pm Bellovne-Plattsmoulh , ..a 8: pm Plattstnouth-Iuwa b W;10 am Bellevue-Plattsraoutn Denver Limited all. 55 pm Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago Express a 4.30 pm Chicago Flyer a t:30 pm Iowa Local a 1:15 am Bt. Loula Express. a 4:46 pm Kansas City A St. Joe..ai0:45 pm Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 1:16 am Kansas City A 6L Joe.. a 4:11 pm Arrive, a 4:10 pta a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pr a :46 am a 6:10 p:o a 610 pia a!2:i'l p:l a 8:05 am a 6:00 pig 1)10.20 a; 4 a 7:44 am b 1:36 pm a 6:46 am all:45 pm a 3 66 pm a 8:90 am all. 80 am all: JO am a 6:3u air. a 6:10 pm New York Chicago Huston Philadelphia St. Louts Pittsburg i Son Francisco Baltimore Kansas City Cincinnati New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Detroit Louisville Los Angeles OMASA . Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Providence , Buffalo , Indianapolis Denver Fort Worth Richmond Albany Washington Salt Uiko City.... Portland, Ore Columbus, O Ft. Aoacph Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spokane, Wash... Toledo, O Taenma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria Dos Moines Norfolk New Haven Grand Rapids Dayton Portland, Me Sioux City Springfield, Mass.. Kvansvllle Birmingham Syracuse Augusta, Oa Mobile Worcester Knoxville Wilmington, Del.. Charleston. S. C Chattanooga .laeksonvllle, Wichita Wilkesbarre Davenport .. Little Rock.. Wheeling-, W, Fall River.... Kalamazoo' .. Topeka Snrlngfield, 111 Helenn Fort Wayne.. New Bedford. Islington Youngstown . Erie, Pa Macon Akron Rockford. 111.. Cedar Raplda, ( Hester. f$i Blnghamtun Fargo, N. D Lowell Canton, O Bloomlngton, III South Bend, Ind Uulnoy. Ill Bprlngfleld. O Sioux Falls, S. D... Mansfield. O Decjiiiir, III Fremont. Neb .Iscksonvllle, 111 Lincoln, Neb Oakland. Cal tHnuston tOalveston 7.9i L'-'l 21. 6 10 9 ill 21. 3i 10.31 4.3 ?1.3l...... 15.61 7.6;...... 13.1 6.7 1S.1. 58:. 10 5 11.9 23.91 LSI... Ki. 12.51... 62.3;... 39. 4i... 25.4... 2K.6... 22... 22. 5i... 6.3'... 50.4 36.4 15. S! 4.9! .4 64.2 Fla WEBSTER ITA, Chicago, Omaha. t. Paal, IBTU A WEBSTER Minneapolis A Va. Ia... $1,77-',031.W0 268,414,0m); 26. 8.. 171.8K,0u0 149,261.1 0" 6!.8i7."00 M.Si'.i.o; o 43,('7,(KK'i 32 1,7.000 29.853.iO 3I,5-I5,(ki; lM44,ui(l iSS,022,Oi'O 21.2-('lo 15.3T6,0KI 1.0HI n.mi.oi" 11,034,000 i 17. 1. ll,0Ki,il 4 0 . 12,OS2.0dil 2D.3;. 9,175,0i 8.W7,oe( H,2K2,iioj 9.215.UUH; H, 7(7.tK) 6.127.IXOI, 7.5l'i.(O0i .6i:7.oii 642,iij 6.10,100! 8.4:W.(K); 6.fl'.4'lt 6.'15.ii,i 5.172,1m), 3.251,'4i S.n.ti.oiOl e.tvis.ocoi 4.261.01 ) 5."M.!IU'I 4,377.(i 4.(H2,oOO 4.97K.IW 2,iW),0W) 3.27.0"Oj 2,ti5,0oo! 8.35'vODOI 2.571 ,erl 2.4-1.(i0 2,51!i,00il 2.503.100 2.r,S5.0ool 2 HS.oHil 2,7(fl,0i 2,7.17. totV I. t.'fi.oeri 1.825,101' l.K7i).O0ni 2.52s.(ll 1.5.-7.0H l,233.0no... 1.6-O.OUJI 19.4 1.9-il.Oeol l.tlC.OeOI I.ScS.opOI 1.I44.0O0. 1.2I4.IMM l.OH.fiKl, l.OM.oool l.lfri.rool l.OM.Onl fi'.ouoi, ftr,5.o..o Ic'D.Ooa 7f.').(ino 7ix.(i0 997.0 o 750.0. o! tr7S.'Kol 776,oi 862.0 D tM.iMi' 626.01 ill firH.inoj F.(.(00l 668.0uO 5'3,)l 531.(i 733.(iO 46,' 5"-ki' 613 i' 428.0 0' 4 27, full 3a,ori l 274.00i).... 1 iO.IVl 2.7M,oi I. ?2.f.'- 0 0' 36.61. 11.1W.UM1! 6.1'. assume control again. Arcadia Champion. Cured John Riddle, one of those who was mislead by Dowle's deviltry while posing as a divine healer, the only malign squealer, writes us from Zion City that he Is contemplating returning to Auburn In hopes of getting more work. He Is atlll speechless and hears not a sound, though for many months he was led to believe that his hearing would come to him If he waa faithful and forgot not the financial part In the deal. Auburn Granger. 6.3 .3 15.21.... 7.3.... no,---- 25. 0.... 3D.2!.... 6.7 .... .5;.... 43.0 .... 33 1 .... 9.0. 'u.i. S3.SJ. 12.9!. 7.7 6.7 81.21. 7.11. 4.81. ....I 3.81. 'ak'.'tl. 29.2' 81.0 . iis1. . ... 30.61 13.4' 13.11.. '.'.. 11.3 .. 27:1':: l.ul.. 6.3'.. 1'.. 39 7'.. 42. '.. in r. .. 32.91.. 61.7 8.9' 16.3 2K. 8 6.3 M '2 's!6 'S.9 ii'.i BOOSTING A ONE-LEG RAILROAD Projected Kiperlmrst with Moss Hall gyslem on Jersey Side of Hudson. It is announced that Mr. John H. Btarln and other men who have been oonnected with local transportation Interests are lend ing financial support to a project for a novel kind of railway to be constructed between Newark and New York. Their plan calls for the use of only a single rail, and to keep the cars which ride on It irom supping siae ways the main wheels are to ba grooved like pulloys. Provision asyilnst tilting ona way or the other la to be made by an over head structure, against which small wheels, suitably attached to each., car, will bear. These wheels will also admit electricity for motive purposes. Within the last twenty-five or thirty years a number of Inventora have proposed to operate a road with only one rail, the chief recommendation of the plan. In their Judg ment, being reduced cost of construction, although other advantages have alao been claimed for It. Only a few weeka ago an Englishman named Brennan, who had pre viously effected certain Improvements In submarine torpedoes, made the startling declaration that tilting could be prevented by the Introduction of flywheels revolving Inside the car at enormous speed an appli cation of the gyroscope. Still another plan originated with a German, Behr, and up to the present time It seems to have been the only one which has stood the test of years. At least two roads built In accord ance with the Behr system have been In operation In. Europe and are running to day, and so far as we are aware they hava never been discredited by any serious acci dent. Behr mounts his single rail on the crest of a narrow framework several feet high and looking like a colossal letter A when seen endwise. His cars fit down orer this like a pair of aaddlebaga. As the center of gravity Is thus brought below the point of support, tilting Is an Impossibility. The plan In which Mr. Btarln has become Interested end which was devised by a Bal timore Inventor, Mr. Howard H. Tunis, dif fers from both of these Just mentioned, but bears some resemblance to one tried on Coney Island about a quarter of a century ago. though In details, no doubt, there are signal differences between Tunis' monorail system and the Boynton "bicycle railway." The latter relied In steam for motive power, fur instance, and the cars were almost ludlrrousljrnarrow. Tunis, however, pre vents the cars from falling over on either side by substantially the same means M those of Boynton, whereas Behr Is able to dispense with any device for that purpose. It Is asserted, probably with reason, that a monorail road constructed after the Tunis design would cost Icks than one built In accordance with Behr's plan, but economy la not the only consideration. The public will want to know, and perhaps aoon will be convinced, that the latest design affords a guarantee of security equal or superior to that of the old two-rail system. New York Tribune. 10 1 14 I CANADA. Twin City Passenger. Sioux (l'y Passenger. Emerson Ixcal Emerson Local ........ Missouri Paclne. Local via Weeping Water Fails City Local a Daily.' b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday c Sunday only, e Dally txcept Morday. Leave. ..b -;0 am ..a 2:00 pm . b 6:45 pm ..o 1:46 am .a 3 06 am a I t pm Arrive, b t 10 pm all..'0 am b 9:10 am e 1:50 pm a I 11 pm all .a) am Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Vancouver, B. C Halifax Quebec Hamilton St. John. N. B.... Indnn, Ont Victoria. B. C Cslsarv Edmonton .1$ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ORIENT CI.APK'g TENTH ANNUA! CHt'lSB, r-6. , 'OS. 10 daya br p-rtaily ebarturad t. a 16 (HO torn IHKtB To (Hi Rol'NO Arbl' IKE WCiLHU rAMX O. CL1BI, Times Bldg. Iiw York 35 ?98.0ii0' 27,8.OnOi 18.744. i 'I 3.43-.iiV 4.3M.OOOI 2 3' 001 2.SM orfil 2 o?4 0"0I l RT-j (,V 1.M4.0POI l.trn 1 g? . O'-O l.on.'ioo:. 5. V.. 10 5'.. 2. P.. 20 8 .. 67 8 .. 16 6'.. IS 1'.. 20 r.. 14 91.. 6.71.. , I 65.1'.. 4 3 Not Included In totals because compari sons are Incomplete. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS S CAN D IN A VUN-A 11 ERIC AN UM !,) Too Twin-Screw PMMcf t Ititrnvi H sn i ssi ltrsjfjt to Norway, Swedes sad Denmark ttlmg rruM Nw York at soon. I1ltr4 8l' Jul? UO.c.r 11 Aug I C. i. T'us Ju.y illo I oitv Aug II galcse 7i and up anar Jttlf U, las ans us; Sawn Can.n M altar July li. lui. A- k Johnson, at Co., I Broadway, M. Y Ut gaat Klaus a., t'klcast CODY MEN LOSE THEIR ROLL Make Bet with Rtranger and fttaka-a bolder, Also Stranger, Walks OS with Cash. James Cahlll and James M. Cann, who are stopping at the I'axton hotel, enroute to Dublin, Ireland, from their home at Cody, Wyo., were buncoed out of $503 In Guy Walsh's pool room at lit North Fif teenth street Thursday afternoon, so they told the police. The men assert that they went Into the nnol room and picked up the acquaintance of three men whom they met In there, and one of the men offered to bet Cahlll he couldn't make a certain shot on the pool table. Cahlll and Cann put up $.'3 In one of the stranger's hands and Cahlll made the shot. He told the police that the stakeholder walked away with the money, telling him to call and he would settle In the morning. Ouy Walah, the pro prietor of the pool room, and James Gil bert were locked up upon the supposition that they may know some tiling about the afTa!. If you have anything to trade advertise It In the For Exchange ooliuaas ol Tue Bee Want Ad pages