10 Want - ads Airrrdfrnrita fr the wat-a4 eolanaae will be taks-a aatll 13 aa. Io for the moralae; tii Bandar edllona. Cash meat avacoaapaar all ersees tor vrant-ada 1 ndve4learat will he accepted for lee thaa lO eeata for the Srat laeertlea. RIM apply to cltkor Taw Dally or Sunday Bee. Always eoant elx weirds to a He. ( orahlnattene of Initiate or aaaahera (out a word. CASH HAITI ron WAWT-ADS. REOtLtR CLASSIFICATION Oas Insertion, per line, 19 ooata. Two or more eoneecatlve Insertions, per line, 0 rrnti. Eark laeertloa oa odd dura, lO rents per lis, 1.04 per ltae per month. CAMI IIATF.S FOR JfOTICKS. Death aad Faaeral Notleea, Card of Thanki aad Led Notice, T eeata per line for oaa edition, snarnlatt or ermine 1 8 rent a Itu for aark ad' cllrloaal odltloa. Bandar, 10 eeata line. No ad takoa for leaa tkaa 80 (rata. SPF.CTAl. CLASSIFICATIONS If yor advertisement Js Inaerted nnder any one of the classifications alren below, It will be charged at tko follovrlatr rateai On Inaertloa, 4 eeata per llnei three to six eonaeeatlre Insertions, S eenta per llao oaek Insertion eeven r more consecutive laaertlnaa, 3 rents per lino rack Inaertloa I BO vents per line per month. RAHTKIt AND KXCHANOK. RIIKKEM CHANCHS. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Areata, Solicitors ' and Salesmen. OFFEIIRn FOn lAI.Bl Cowa, Birds, Doars aad Pet a. Horace aad Vehlelen. Pooltry aad Bsc. Faraltare. Typewriter aad Sawing Machine. Pianos, Organs and Maaleal Iaotrava mea ta. OFFERED FOR KENT. Fnrnlahed Ilooaia Untarnished Rooms. Hoaaekeeplaar Rooma. Bonrdlnsr aad Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Waat-ada for The Boo mar bo left at aay of ,tke following dm- stores, oae la "roar corner drnMlst" they are all bra ark floes of The Bee aad -oar ad will bo laeerted Jaet aa promptlr and oa tko name ratea aa at tke mala office la Tko Bee Baildias, Seventeenth aad Faraam atreetai Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th Bt. Bocht, Pharmacy, 720 8. lth Bt. Henaon Pharmacy, Benaon, Neb. Bemia Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blaku'a Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Are. Caughlln, O. R., th and Fierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmauy. 2213 Military Are. Conte, J. B., meet Ave. and Farnam. Crissay Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emll. 1284-4 8. Uth St. Eastman Pharmacy, 404 Hamilton. Khler, F. H.. Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 313 N. 25th Bt. 7irevtag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmary, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. . Greenough. Ci. A., 10B B. 10th fit. Oreenoufh, G. A., loth and Hickory. Hayderi, Wm. C. 2920 Famam Bt. Hanscom Park Pnar. 1501 B. 29th Art. Holat, John, S34 North lftth St. Huff, A. L., 2?4 Leavenworth St. King. H. S., 2238 Farnam Ft. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 1R04 N. 24th. Patrick Dni Oo., 1124 N. 84th St. I.athrop, Chat. R., 1824 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. E., 34th and Leavenworth. Raratoga Drug Co.. 24th and A mea Ave. 8chaefer,a Cut Price Dnif Store, 16th and Chicago. Sohaefer, August, 2CS1 N. 10th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cumin St. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 30th and Or a re Bta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AND FUNKrlAL NOTICES KFBI.E Mrs. Karew, aired 76 years, I months, mother of Bophut F., Hans P. and John L. Neble, at her residence, 7b9 South Ninth street, July , 1807. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the . residence of Sophus F. Neble, South Twentieth and Boulevard streets. In terment In Sptingwelt cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births William Van Burgh, SC14 Boyd street, girl; Edward Bnell 8U6 South Elgh-tet-nth street, girl; John Panuska, 1626 Canton street, . boy; George Pallnt, 1601 Couth Eleventh street, girl: C. R. Wlnscot. Ill Sahler street, boy; Harvey Daniels, At CRsa street girl; Franklin Boulter. ll'J North Fortieth street, twin boys; John Webb, 8724 North Twenty-eighth street, girl; Rob Benausan, 403 Bancroft street. girl; Henry Beckle. '2U1 Capitol avenue. ooy. - Deaths Mary Weiss, 115 toutH Thirtieth street,, tged 73 yeara; Mary S. Bklner, SI 7 North Eighteenth street, ajred 8K veara: Joseph Dahlr, Bt. Joseph's hospital, aged rj years; uiva i. Mynok, IBIT Park avenue. aged 62; Rose O. Jelimck, 267S South Thlrty tlrat street, agrd months; Herman M. McDonald, 912 South Forty-eighth street, aged 27 years; Charles G rover, (433 South Ftftenth street, aged 39 "ears; G. P. H. Lundirren, Eli Marcy street, aged $ years; Mrs. Jamee Carl In. St. Jooeohs' hospital. aged 64 yeara. Blanch Hartv. 1932 South Seventeenth street, aged months; Mar garet Murray, county boepttal, aged year. " MARRIAGta LICENSES. The following marriage licensee have been isauae: Name and Reatdance. Are. Thomas L. Bhlptey, Flora noe 20 6aran B. Turplu, Florence ...19 Cherlea Bpeedie, Bruning, Neb. ............ 29 Bieiia M..Jartow, Hrunlng, Net.. ..... u ANNOUNCEMENTS TH23 CITT CAABAjOU CO.. offloe 4th and Leaveaworu bhs. 'lei. Uougiee VbSl. CU-rl04 BIUN PAJJJUNU 8. It.. Cole, Uut Douglas. U ue AUTOMOBILES FOR SAX A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain, uud laad and in veslauent Co., DUt Farnam BL (2 101 BfclND (or our list of tecond-band automo- biles. .DJUUUUT, uus ruraata. a 1, . 1 , , . 1 . I, lug car, overhaulauf aoa painted tofc0.o9 ,U. I '1 1111 A,t ft Li i , ... i . . i.au - iaJa-ut lu KAMaLEJrt, U H. aluott new, several extras Inoludad tlMo.ot ! KNOX touring oar, air ooled....i00.v 1a uL0.)S. with top, 3w H. P $!00t 1 hiSO, M H. p.. used very UtUe ftO.M IHuo fKAfih-UW, viu top, rour-eylUHler, dvlBcltable lonneau toib.vb 19ue t WUJ, two-oyaader, tfetacnable ton' neau. 14 H. P (4U0.09 lue ru,ViD-LUKiKA, two-cylinder, and looka like new, with top (ab0.v0 ItAMLLtH K., detachable tooneau. Juat repainted and overhauled 9bo.09 VN rue for lull description. H. K. tKbUKlCkoUN, Utn and Cap. Ave. . t-aw BARTER AND EXCHANGE 130 ACKJlb ( mllet from Schell City, Var- nou ouuniy, mo., ae acres under cuitlva lion; Kuoa uuuami, cries, ou per acre! Incumbrance, (l.Ouo. W 111 exchange for feneral merchandlae. Globe Land and uveeiinetu Co., Uu Famam Bu, Omaha. GOOD stork of general merchandise In aa jowa iowa 01 ,tu win craae lor clear. cneep lana. uwbe L4a4 aad laveatmrnt Vib. uu araam U ?M BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANGES If you have city property atneka of aooda, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our enm jjlete lint. We have nropertJee and landa In all parts of the country to exchange. Our Hat la free. Send for It at once. Globe I .and and Investment Co., 13 Far nam St., Omaha. Neb. (S 110 FOR EXCHANGE 3 acres rolling land In Bully county South Dakota, on creek. Price. 16,000. Clear. Might conalder good hotel or atore If clear and well rented. De scribe fully. Box 322, Avon, B. D. (S1-M466 10X BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, bualneea or property that you wlah to aell or ex change, write us. aUOBS LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. . U4-MM3 JyU FOR SALE -Leaae and furniture In a f! ret rial, modern? 3-atory brick hoteL Erlo 1L Bwenaon, Clay Center, Kan. (4-M7W 14x THE AGRA SENTINEL. 13 FOR BALE. Circulation 3S4; town 400 population; only paper In town; good buaineae; mutt be told on account of poor health of wife. Price, $660. Deal with owner, no agent. P. F. Root, Agra, Kan. (4 M6S4 13x SNAP. Furnlahed rooming houae for tale, 10 room, full of roomera, within 4 blocks ot lbth and Farnam (400 cash. Addreas K 678, care Bee (4)-671 FOn SALE At a bargain, up-to-date mil linery ttock; beat bualneaa In town; terms to ault purchaser. Mens Tank, Schuyler, Neb. (4-M79 JylOx Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif ference whether you want $100 building lot or a tboo.ooo tract of coal or timber land, you ahould not buy or trade befora teeing a copy of the Real Eatate World. It contains a large Hat of property and merohandlae etockt for tale and exchange, and reachus several thousand readers eaoh Issue, and la the best advertising medium to reach the real estate buyers, homeaeek ars and traders that you can advertise In. Write your name and address on a postal card, mall It today, and we will send you the Journal for two months on trial tree. Addreas the Real Estate World. Suit (20 Good Block, Des Moines, la. (4 4S1 WHITE Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee, la.' Have farma and wild landa, etc, for clear town property and merchandlae. U) MS20 JylSx FOR SALE The best paying business In northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro ceries, queensware and notions; will ba sold cheap. Answer quick. Addreas T ai, Bee. (4-M7 WANTED A party to bar out a first- class stock of furniture In the beat town on the Bllkhom valley; best of reaaons for gelling. WItner Furniture Co., Wie ner, Neb. (4)-"0O FOR SALE. The best millinery and fancy goods busi ness In a northwest Iowa county seat town of 2.500 population; stock amounts to $1,600; very little competition; liberal discount for canh. Address X el, tfee. V4 anaoi ir PARTNER wanted to take V, Interest or all of establlahed merchandlae dub Inoaa; will Invoice atock about $8,000; particulars. J.. T. Rafferty, Erie-. Kan. ill IP TO BUT or tell any buslnets or real es tate, call 0.-1 or write hi. u. uangeataa, 403 Bee Bldg. (4) 766 FOR SALE First class stock of millinery and notions, In one of the beat towns in the state, having 2,000 population, on the main line of the Union Pacific R. R. Only exclusive millinery in town; stock is new and In good condition; no old truok; will invoice close to $1,200. Will sell cheap If sold at once. Buyers address Inquiries to A. C. Mayer, Grand Island, Neb. (4) M88J 23 PUBLIC BALE July 12. 1907, at 1:30 p. m., Reading Pa. 88 tares containing two ae veloped slate quarries and machinery near Blatlngton. Inquire of A. J. Brum. bach, Reading, Pa. (4) M884 10X -1 FOR BALE A drug stock and fixtures In one of the best towns in Iowa. HJasy pay ments. Address Y1M Bee. (1) M897 18 ENGINE company rated 'K-A" by Brad- streets seeks reliable agent in umana who will Invent (6,000 en suitable assurance. Address Y S3, care of Bee. (4) M894 10 INDUSTRIAL AND MI'V- STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD. ROBERT C. DUR8EDOW eV CO, STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (4) no BAIOON for sale, 718 N. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. (4) T4s JySx 14-ROOM hotel, well furnished, good busi ness, close to depot, lot 22xu, good out buildings, a bargain. Robert MoMullen, 412 N. Glenn BU, Grand Island, Neb. (4) M470 10s FOR SALE Long established shorthand and typewriting business in Denver; best location; terms, practically $1,000 caah. Address "Work," care John P. Glbons, 743 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Col. (4) M491 13z FOR SAlta-Blacksmlth shop. 309 N. 24th St., South utnana. () M4ta-iox FOR BALE Small stock of goods, about (900 worth of shoes, $150 worth of under wear, $226 worth ot fixtures; fixtures In clude a Halwood cash rug 1a tar; must sell; big discount, Adaress D. A. MUUken, Pocahontas, la. (4) M464 lux DRUG atorea for tale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 is. z. Lire. Oman a. (4) 771 NEWSPAPER FOR BALE. Old established. 24 years old, city of 1,50.); good job ana aa patronage. Addreas 11 Herald. Golden City, Mo. (4)-M417 9x 17-ROOM hotel, newly fitted out. rent $20, cloae o lour aepoia, gooa trade; muat be told, only $400. Mre. W. H. Uttell, HasUngs, Neb. (4) M416 Sx TO GET TS OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CAL4 UN W1UU1AMD, til M CAGUE BUILDING, UTH AND DODOS STB. (4) 768 FOR BALE Fine stock general merchan dlae; oounty aeat town; aoutheajtern Nebraska; Invoice about 416,000; can be had at a bargain for spot cash. Ad dreet Y 8(4. care Omaha Bee. (4) M644 9x AN ELEGANT cafe In Exoelalor Springs, mo.; owner leaving city; Bargain ir aold at once. Address Box 136, Excelsior Bprtnga, Mo. (4 M647 lix TO BUY, BELL OR EXCHANGE Lands, olty property, farms, msrchandlse or chattels. Write Townsend Realty Co.. Models, la. (4) M((0 A6x FOR BAUE Flrst-claas blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $4 reoelved for shoeing and (4 to (8 for set ting tires. Address Y 19. Bee. 4)-Ul BOMB capital wanted for the moving picture business, big returns. Addreat PftU care of Bee. (4) M668 lxx I AM offering my bakery and confection ery bualneaa for tale it taken now: will Invoice about $400. If Interested write to day. J. F Parker, Knoxvllle, la. (4)-Mst 13x FOR SALE Restaurant and fixtures; do ing good business; In good town of too Inhabitants. Addrsss J. F. Pesrcy, Pomona. Kan. (4) M6K3 13x X7-ROOM hotel, fine basement 41 by (4, lot 49 by 160, close to depot; city water; fine trade; (1,600. Mrs. Carl Korth. Litch field. Neb. (4)-777 14 W E deelre the services ot a promoter of wide experiance. large, personal ac quaintance, and with good financial back ing, capable of handling large propo tttlona. Addreas 07 Bee (4) M7&4 Its MOVING picture shows pey enormous prof its. Omaha would support five mors hoax For ir formation oa this subject write Q. Klnkead, general delivery, OnWio. at onoe. (t) M (68 11 LAUNDRY for tale or rent. Jas. Halre, Albion. Neb. (4 M717 14 FOR BALE Newspaper and printing ofnoe In western Iowa. Jacobson at Co, 916 N. Y. Ue BlAg. (4) M749 llx THE OMAIIA Do You Want Good Help? TO BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) TWO pool tables and fixtures for sale cheap; a business of JL to $100 per month; going to leave. Addreas Box 100, Evana, Colo. 4 767 14 $660 BUYS bakery and restaurant; only one In town; reason for selling, slck-nr-ss. Address W. B. Hasaett. AxtelL Neb. (41 M659 12x EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, $1,000 will purchase a half interest In a lucrative business if taken at once. Address N-elt, oare Bee. 14) 463 9x GROCERY store and meat market for tale at invoice. Smith, 2227 West Broadway, Council BlufTa, la. (4) M7M 14xx FOR SALE Good, clean ttock merchan dlae of about $16,000 In splendid country town of 900; large territory to draw from; doing a good buslnesa. Part caah, part time If deaired. Addreas Y 237, cars Boa. 4) M89i FOR SALE One of the very best hotel propositions in the state of Couth Dakota; a money maker. Will bear the cloaeat investigation. Shows large profits. Boat of reasons for selling. Addreas Ixick Box 17, Parker, B. D. 4J M966 Jyllx HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or trsded quickly. Pardee it Braum, the hustlers, 330 Neville block. (4)-M644 Jyl2 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attoraeys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 609 Bee Bldg. (5) 123 Jyl7 Arckltecte. C. L. 8TAUB, 04H S. Eighteenth St. Carpet Cleaalng. BAN IT ART Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (5)-771 Cblroaodlat. DR. ROY. R. I, 1606 Farnam Bt. Doug. 497. 16) M773 Coatractora. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, IMS N. 21st St., South Omaha. (6) 7J4 Civil Eagrlmeers. McEATHRON ft JAMESON, BOS N. Y. L. (6) 775 C'reamerlea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., suoceaaor - to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (6) 77 Dressmaking-. IN FAMILIES-Mlas Sturdy. Tel." Harney 13ig. (6)-777 M DOWELL Dressmaking School, M2J Far. (6) M9S7Jyl7 Dentists. BAILE& 4 MACH, 3d fir. Pax ton. D. 1085. (6) 778 EacraTlac. KOTERA Jt CO., 1606 Jackson. Doug. 2007. (6) 779 Hotels. THE BCHLITZ, European, ltth and Harney W ia Florists. HESS A BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6W80 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Far. Tel. D. 1263. (6)-7Sl Jewelers aad Watchmakers. If. P. 8TILLING Watah, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367. (6)-786 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. I Tel. D. K-84. (6) 7S6 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M401 Jy21 Office Banplles. FILING cabinets, films and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 65L M6U Jyl4 PlsmblDg and Heating:. T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric fixtures, 1007 Howard. Tel. Dottslaa 743. (5)-M706 JylO Photographers. . B. TRU88ELL, 115 South 19th St. (6) 789 French artlstlo photographs. 210 8. 14th St. (5 790 Printing-. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order. oon 1 ran to see our eiogant imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Vap. Ave, (6) 787 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6330. (6) 788 ACORN Press, quality Ptg., 1211 Harney St (6) 42 jyi 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, gooa stocx, ior 110; other work at same rates, uet estimates and see our samples or work. Call at room 22. U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug las un. (b) jyls School Supplies. I OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. (Br M938jyl7 Safes, Shatters. Etc. OMAHA Bate and Iron Works makes a ids. oiaity 01 nre escapes, snutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, - Prop., 102 B. 10th St. (6) 792 Shoe Repalrias;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO , first class work. leikVs capitoi Ave. 'Phone Red 94. (61-244 Tallerlagr. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladies and gents new work; repairing, cleaning ana aying. i. a ilea ror ami do llverod. 709 8. 27th Bt. Tel. Red S1 (C-79S Typewriters. THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 118 8. 16th fct., will rent you an Oliver typewriter, with oak stand, and keep you In ribbons for (3 per month; will earn more than (3 per month In time saved. Get the habit. (5) 823 aug7 Violin Maklagr. ARTISTIC vloltn making, repairing and .supplies, by C. L. Heskett. r. 647 Ramge Blk. (5)-674 jyll CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of psst and future described. Parlors 111 8. Uth St., Opp. Boston Store. (,-79 MRS. CNEIL. colored, palmist, life reader; advlaea on all affairs. 101 Plnkney. 'Phone Webster 644. (4) M74T lftx MRS. FAUST Conscientious life reader, has been In Omaha two yeara Satis faction guaranteed, lost Cuming Tat. Do ug las 4m (-Maa lix DAILY BEEi WEDNESDAY, TUE ONE EFFECTIVE PUT A WANT AD IN HELP WANTED FEMALE Aa-eate aad Salealadlee. DURING the vacation months we want ladlea or young men to solicit orders; will psy salary or commission. Call at art store, 1734 No. 4Ui, or 2410 Seward. (9) 780 9 Clerical aad Ofllee. WANTED Three girls who can write plain, to mark goods: none employed un der 14 years. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) M 840 YOUNG lady bookkeeper In wholesale house; must be quick and accurate; state experience; good salary. S 70S, Bee office. (7)-M(49 Faetery aa Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024 Farnam Bt. (7) 797 WANTED HA ND IRONERS AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY,. 1611 JACKSON ST. (7)-799 WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. Uth BU City Steam (7) 79 Heasekeeplagt aad Desaeetle. WANTED In July, good cook; two In family; permanent place and good wagpa. 102 S. (4th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7)-e00 WANTED Good lady cook, (40. Phoenix notei, can Dor n, iowa. io-uwt WANTED A girl for general housework. Friedman, 2010 North Twenthieth. (7) M6S7 11 AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor; iamuy cook, jb week. Canadian umce, Uth and Dodge. (7) 143 WANTED Girl for general houaework, tlao nurse girl, 2808 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6042. (7 341 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1 hree In family. 1623 Jackson street. 'Phone Douglas 4781. (7)M482 lOx WANTED Good girl for general house- wora; iamuy 01 three. K a. setn bt. (7)-"574 WANTED A girl for general housework; gooa wages. 34 Myrtle Ave. j (7) M726 13x WANTEI-A first class cook to do cook ing and short order work. Widow with girl of 16 or 18 to set as waitress preferred. Will pay $36 per month to atart without lodging. Call or write at once. Hlllyard A Mohr, Plalnvlew, Neb. (7) M718 20 WAITRESSES wanted for Union Pacific eating houses; $20.00 per month, room and board; no office fees and free transporta tion from Omaha. Call or write 715 South 9th St., Omaha. (7) M697 18x WANTED Experienced girl to do general housework; small family; no washing. Apply 2102 Douglas. (7) 784 18 WANTED Young girl to assist with house work small family. 1122 South 2fith St. (7) 811 14 WANTED Cook, 3510 Farnam St. (7) 816 14 GIRL wanted fof housework; two In fam ily. 1142 b. 81 Bt St. (7) 804 14 WANTED Mess cook at Genoa, Neb., In- aian sc 11001 ciuo; no per month; room furnlahed; board rated aame as members of club of 25; must be able to bake bread. Apply T. D. Eager, Genoa, Neb. (7) M834 11 WANTED Competent girl to work In small iHiiiuy, uv. watte,, can pnone narney 16D2. (7) 8U2 lux WANTED At onajit, girl wallers at the rnwnn restaurant, mi tiroaaway, coun cil Bluffs, la.. Call and tee. T. J. Myers, MlngT. ; (T)-M881 16x Mlaoellaneoaa. STUDENTS, any school, .desiring employ ment, register oicv.sn.ney institute, lao Farnam. (7) M828 LADIES and girls to ttamp tranafera at home aayt or evenings; (l.oo to $3.00 per dozen; quickly learned. Room 608 Paxton block. - (7) M845 16 WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man- love hair grower; liberal salary to right party. Dr. Minerva Jamea, 2024 Daven port. Tel. Douglat 8tt (1) MS33 WANTED Girl familiar with ttarchtng. 7)-66 9 Nonpareil Laundry Co, FIVE aeamstresses for repairing; good wages; steady work. 2907 Leavenworth Bt. (7)- U GENERAL ofllee- girl wanted at once (ex perlence unnecessary) ; (30. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 404-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7)-876 9 LARGE wholesale house desires thoroughly competent bookkeeper; call as early as posaiDie Wednesday; xw to 170. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 404-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) 876 9 HELP WANTED MALE Areata, Solicitors aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to- drive through the country; best telling proposition ever of fered; big value (or your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. () 834 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perlence in selling to farmers; permanent position; good Income. Address O 317, Bee omce. (.) 3iu SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleassnt work snd big money. .aii at nooin suu, nee oiag (9)-(38 AN OLD-LINE eastern life Insurance com pany of the highest standing desires a manager for Nebraska. Applicants who are good personal writers and have been successful In. agenclea and handling sub agents will please address, with refer ences, N 86, care Omaha Bee, Omaha, JNeo. () 616 9x FREE catalogue aelf-threadlnr needles: can't bend 'em tins and agents' latest specialties. Address Chas. E. Marshall. Lockport, N. Y. (9) M882 16x CIGAR Salesman wanted: In your lo cality to repreaent ut. Experience un necessary. Write for particulars. (tiO per nion 111 ana expentet. MONROE CIGAR CO., Toledo, Ohio. (9) M648 Ux AGENTS Palette photo holder and per petual calendar. - Addreat Interatate Mercantile Co., Molina, 111. (9 M833 17x SALESMAN We are offering to a few live, energetic men an unusual opportunity to make money Introducing an entirely new article never before on the market. No experience or capital neceaaary. Rand, Mi-Nally & Co., Chicago, 111. (9)-M891 10 $26 PER WEEK and traveling expenaea paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co.. Chi cago. (9) M890 l(rx WANTED A good salesman, to sell har ness and collars in the state of Nebraska; muat have experience on road aa a sales man selling harneaa and collars. Os kaloosa Saddlery Co., Oskalooaa. la. . (9 M880 10 Boya. WANTED Boy about 18. accustomed to coma, to help with milking machine. Apply Alamito Dairy Co , 1M1 Farnam. (&1-M841 U BOY wanted at Banttn'a bakery. 1308 No. 24th St. (9)-b n Clerical aad OSOee. WANTED Clerka, both men and boya, for railroad office. Addreas F. B. Southard. A. P. A. U. P. R. Omaha, Neb. 00471 l&g JULY 10, 1907. aalPavsssaaaaav a WAY TO GET IT IS THE DEE HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Otnee Coatlaaed. PHYSICIAN registered In Iowa, wanted by advertising concern. Call at Millard hotol. Dr. Dickenson. (9) M903 12x Fecterr aad Trade'. MOLBR Barber college, 1118 Farnam St., teachea the trade by free ollnlo and care ful Inatructlons In few weeks, positions waiting for all who will learn. Write for particulars. (9 M644 lis POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. C9)ioa WANTED Two good painters and paper hangers, at once; bring tools; ready for work. B. EL Weldon, Tarklo, Mo. (9) M60 Ux WANTED Four Rlvlt Reatert Immedi ately. Btacy Mfg. Co., 10th and Center. (9)31 WANTED Reliable ehoemaker. Mutt bt sober and good at all klndt of repair work. Sheldon Shot Co., Sheldon. la. () M47 10x TINNER experienced In furnace and gen eral enop work; steady Job; good waget. Hurtman ft Pullook, York Neb (9)-M76l 13 WANTED School teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work pleasant and profitable. Addreat H 207, Bee office. 9) M649 STRIKE Stryker. Men't Shoet. 811 South lain. Board of Trade Bldg. () WANTED Man with tome experience In traveling capable of earning hlf.h salary bond required. Address, with stamp and references, S 617, care Bee. (9) 0( WANTED At once, five cement finishers, capaDie or handling a crew. Address or call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, 8. D. (9) 397 FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten nours. luion (Jafe, Billings, Mont. (10-M446 Alx WANTED Baker, with three or four years experience; married man preferred; pay $12 per week. Address, with full par ticulars, G. E. Roby, box 41, Tllden, Neb. (I))-M853 17x WANTED Ten-bricklayers at once at Fort itusaeii, Cheyenne, wyo., T6o per hour. Atkinson Brothers, Contractors. (9)-863 lfix WANTED At once a good all around blacksmith. Address lock box 726, Vllllaca, la- (9)-874 MIscellaneoas. Bookkeeper, (50. Stenographer, wholesalo, $75. Stenographer, Norfolk, Neb., (60. General office assistant, 176. Office clerk, $00. If you are In need of a position, see ut at once. We can place you to advantage on tnort notice. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N (INC.), m-i in. x. iire Bldg. (S)-M906 10 STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney institute. 1802 Farnam. (9) M672 WANTED An experienced, competent man to net up furniture. Apply Peoples Btore, 16th and t'arnnm. (9 &X4 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to vmA .ibiib, uinuiumn uuuuiniB, samples, etc. No canvassing. National llst. Bureau, Chicago, 111. (9) M490 lOx . W ANT HD Experienced tile ditchers to work by the rod; $2.60 to $3.60 per day; good digging. Address J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckerson. Neb. (9) fill llx WANTED Tile dltchert to work by rod; make $2.60 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W, Ten Brink, Nlckerson, Neb. (9) 628 WANTED Soda fountain dspenser. Sara toga urug co., 24tn ana Ames Ave. (91673 WANTED Check clerks, callers and truckers at Webster street freight station. Monday morning. H. S. Jaynes, Agent. (9)i-724 Ix MAN wanted for general work and around narn ana premises. Apply on week days ONLY after p. m. at 602 8. 40th St. (J) 769 9 BOTTLER ai.d all around man; must be temperate. 724 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. ' (9)-810 10X WANTED Two lumber men to unload and tauy lumper; steady work; good wages to good men; married preferred. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. (9) 81 10 BERRY pickers, take wagon. 49th and Dodge, 7:30 a. m.. for orchard. A. Hospe. Tel. Harney 3014. (9) M828 12 WANTED At once, first-class barber. Grand hotel barber shop. Council Bluffs. (9)-M854 llx WANTED Wringer man at Model Steam laundry. (9) 860-llx WANTF.D Railway mall clerks. 118.00 weekly. Examination soon. Extensive education unnecessary. Preparation free until appointed. Franklin Institute. Ro chester. N. Y. (9) M892 lOx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. A GENTLE family horse, buggy and har ness; horse perfectly sound, a woman can ride or drive. Inquire at Jackson's barn, on 28th St., between Farnam and Harney BU. (11) M712 13 1 HORSES. HORSES. HOR8EB. Are you looking for driven, work horses, laundry horses, grocery horses, in fact, any kind of horse? Ws nave one bay tiam geldings 8 years old, city broke, single or double, fancy drivers; one brown team mares 4 and 6 years old. very handsome. broke double, must be teen to be tppre-' elated; one a-year-oia orown gelding pacer, very speedy; one extra, fine single driver; one bay pacer, good single driver or saddler; one very large team good work horses, and several good laundry and grocery horses from (50 up. We give a written guarantee that all horses must be as we represent. Cash or time. OMAHA HORSE AND SUPPLY CO.. Rear 414 N. 16th St. (U)-M794 U RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at ? really reduced prices. Johnson aV Dan orth Co., 8. V. Cor. 10th anu Jones Hts. (11) -807 HAVING bought au automobile will sell my new stanhope, horse and harness at a great sacrifice. Dr. Morsman, 614 N. Y. Life Bldg. (11) M541 12x WH are not telling out at coat, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles and atanhopes cheaper than any other firm weat of Chicago. Holmes-Adktnt Co., 714 B. 10th U.. Omaha. (11) 811 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone. 3ol Lincoln Ave., Council BlufTa. (10)-M10I HARNESS, Saddlea. Trunka, Traveling Hugs, some good bargalna. Alfred Cor nish A. Co.. 1210 Farnam, St. (ID 814 FOR SALE Good team, wagon and har neaa. Tel. Douglas 4398. (11) 784 llx FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons, traps, carts and harness, see Johneon Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sta (11) su9 FOR BALE Nice gentle driving mare. 17u9 N. 2lh Ave. (ID M304 FOR BALE Two good work horaes, weight 1,100 aod 1,20 pounds; two driving horaea, inquire N. E. Corner, Twentieth and Lake But. Coal offloe. Tel. Webater 1661. (1D-M682 11 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harneaa cheaper than any other Ann In Omaha. Johnson Danforta Co., 8. W. cor. loth and Jonas Bta, 1 CU-r :: p UVE STOCK FOR SALE (Continued.) realtry aad Fa as. WHEAT, fl.6 hundred. Wagner, 901 N. l"th. (Ill J12 GOVFenNMENT book free. Mo1el Squab Co., Omaha. (11) M:tHS Auijl Cowa, Blrde, Ios aad rets. FOR BALE Fox terrier puppies. I! Web ster 8L U'l-rll?- LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hanson, the upholaterer and furniture repairer, 1612 N. 2tth Thone Webater SLW. (12-Mt3 22 LOST-Lady't gold wttch, with black silk rob, Sunday afternoon at Holy wcpuicner cemetery. Return to J. Horalek, 1918 Cap itol Ave. Reward. (12V-314 9 LOST Package of letters and traveling card In electrical workers in name 01 j. j. Sullivan. Return to 2G06 South 13th and receive reward. (12) ,. LOST between Lake Manawa and Omaha diamond and pearl crescent brooch. Re turn and get reward. Addreas Y 84, Bee. (12)-M SM 11 LOST-Lady't gold watch with Initial B. 8. one front cover, between King oranam Manufacturing Co., and Bennett's store Saturday forenoon. Reward, 77T7 8. 13th. 02)-(S6 10X MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray'e Nerve Food l'lUs." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman cV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 813 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 1824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Nab. (11 M10I DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. SO years practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. Uth; residence, 24T1 Charles, Omaha. (ID 814 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta. ; tpecial attention paid to confinement cases; all treatmont super vised by college professors. 'Phone Douglat-1147. Calla answered day or night. . (11) 129 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHAfTBLS. $10.00 TO $200.00 FOR THE ASKING to meet the wantt of those who have no real estate and are entitled to the same consideration when It comes to borrowing money. WE LOAN money on securities, no bank or real estate company would accept your household goods, piano, horses, wagons, etc. It Is a quick way to get money, no red tape, no delay, no publicity. YOU KEEP both the money and security as long as you Ilka and pay us for the actual time you are using It whether It Is one month, six months or a year. Remember you pay for the time you have the money not a day longer. WR STAND ON OUR BWORD OF FIF- PTEEN YEARS OF SQUARE DEALING. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board of Trade Building. (14) 407 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-820 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY, loaned on furniture, aalary, planoa, horses, etc., In any amount; less than half rates. Perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when alck or out ot work. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 B. 16th St. (14)-81( Bowen, '703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked tor at small cost. Open evenings, till 7. (14) 816 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loam. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14) 417 THE UNION LOAN CO. have Increased their capital, and during the month of July will, make a special rate on collateral loans, personal property, mort gages and Individual notes without secur ity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904 or call at 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M42 Aug2 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all buslnesa confidential. ij,)l Douglas. (14-U2 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time la here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have Dromlst.d yourself this summer, come to us. Our special low rates for vacation monev are still in effect; you can get the mono quickly, privately ana coniwenuauy on your salary, household gooua, pianos, etc Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 208 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411. (14) 819 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life. Bldg. (14)-821 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. tor chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. . 'Phone Douglas 746. (14) 821 'OFFERED FOR RENT Board Inst aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (U)-24 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-&J6 MOST convenient and pleaeant location; de sirable rooma. Call before locating. The Pratt, 202-212 Bo. 26th Bt, Private ex change Douglat 8138. (16) 8J6 1209 FARNAM, roomt and board. (16)-67S Jyll ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern, walking dlstanoa. 118 N. 26th. Gentlemen preferred. (16) H20 11 ELEGANT room for summer; has outside entrance, south front. In one of the best locations In city; large, beautiful lawn; private family. 627 Park Ave. (15)-M739 LARGE front rooms, with bosrd; desirable location; large lawn. 123 8. 25th Ave. (16) M8S4 13x FOR RENT Furnished room with hoard. In a ierf'.ct summer residence, 718 So. 29th St. (16)-867 16x DESIRABLE room; first-class board; fine location. 218 8. 25th St. (16) M883 16x Famished Rooms. LARGE, light newly furnished room In all modern house. 2405 Capitol Ave. (161630 128 SOUTH 25th Bt. north front rooms. Modern eaat and (1C) M649 12x EEAUTIFUL, large front room; other rooms; south; modern; 614 No. 2SJ St.; phone Red 4354. (16) M666 11 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new, modern house; bath on every floor; all conveniences; walking distance. 2474 Har ney 6t. Tel. Douglas Ot (16) M977 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1916 Capi tol Ave. (16)-9a 127 VERY pleasant well furnished east front rooma. enaulte or alngle; modern, pri vate family, cloae In reasonable. 308 N. 22d Bt., near Davenport. (16) M183 lOx ELEGANTLY furnished rooma with all conveniences. 1919 Burt Bt. (15)-870 Jy26x 406 8. 14TH AVE. ; al'. new, up-to-date; gentlemen only; references. (16) M430 Aug2x NEWLY Uth St., furnished front rooms. 607 8. near Howard Bt. (16)-MI77 lx FOR RENT One large ool room; all modern; private family. 2C24 N. 19: h 81. (16) 684 llx FOR RENT Front parlor room, cool and airy; airlctly modern; alto other rooma 2312 Douglas St. (16) 633 llx FR gentleman, a cool south front room. Tel. ited 4797. tU Douglas Bt. jtlJ-MJJ4 UX OFFERED FOR RENT Paralshed RaxHae Caatlnaed. LARGE aoiilh-front room, with elooves also other room.. 1701 Farnam FINE front room, reasonable, 1106 Jf" en worth Bt (la) 809 14 FIVE large rooms, light housekeeping. 1S2 8. 32d 8t. All modern. (16) 771 9x FURNISHED or unfurnlahed rooms. (41 8. 19th. (161-M689 Augflg FURNISHED sleeping rooms at 111 S. 17th St. (16) M67S13X EXCELLENT cool modern outside roomt for gentlemen. Dining room board by day or week; meals lac. The Boston, VI South 17lh. (15) 778 9 NEWLY furnished rooms with board If de- sired. 1414 Sherwood Ave., H block south of Lake. Sherman ave. car. Tel. Web. at.-r 12. (15 M689 lSx 4 ELEGANT rooms, modern exoept heat. 2I7 North 18th Bt., first houao south of Corby. (16) M736 13 COOL furnished front rooma 1701 Cass. (15)-T71 14 FURNISHED ROOMS 23011 Capitol Ave, large room, quiet, shady street; walk ing distance. (16) M803 16X Iafarnlahed Hooaas. THREEarooma, 1120 N. 17th St. (15) 409 FOUR large rooma, with alcove and cloaets; clean and cool; free tele- . phone; close to cur; modern house; rent 810 per momn. leiepnone Harney t. (16) A1539 12x FLAT of 4 unfurnished rooms, modern con veniences, good location, walking dlstancs, rent reasonable. 2o5 8L Mary's Ave. 'Phone Douglas 44.12. (16) 68 11 TWO unfurnished roomt; good location. 2578 names m. (io) tm 12 FOUR unfurnlahed roomt for light houae keeplng. 8161 Farnam. (16) 774 9 SIX rooma with rlty water; suitable for light housekeeping. 2612 Cass St. (16) 781 9x LARGE tinfurnlslied, front room with al cove., Modern, references, 620 80. 24th Ave. (16) M898 16 X Houaekrcplna Roomt, FOR RENT-Three-room modern flat, 1911 Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1821 Farnam Bt. (16) 28 ELEGANTLY furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, lift. 218 N. 23d St. (16) M391 10 FOR RENT Basement; private entrance! convenient for housekeeping. 1167 Far nam. (15) 612 llx SUITE of unfurnlahed housekeeping rooms, strictly modern home; heat and light fur nished; tx st boarding house in city across the street. 2408 Cass Bt. (151-629 FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished. 715 S. 17th SL Call after p. m. (16) 823 lOx Famished Honaea and Flats. IN DUNDEE. 10 rooms, all modern and completely fur nished, 1 block from car, tor 2 or 1 months, $40 per month. BEMIS, Phone Douglas 685. Paxton Block. (15)-M741 LOWER 4-room flat In private house for rent; new furniture for sale at bargain; leaving city. 821 80. 20th St. (15)-M505 tlx FOR RENT for two months, 8-room, strictly modern, nicely furnished cottage In Stan ford circle. 2818 B. 13th. Tel. Red 6780. (lt)-M796 10X DESIRABLE rooms; fine location; walking distance, 218 80. 26th Bt. (15) 861 15 X NEAT, cool housekeeping, also sleeping rooms, 710 o. I4tn bu (10) oS llx riate. TWO 7-room modern flats, 1724 Charles and no no. I7tn, aai.ou eacn. Apply 10. i. Sullivan, 1207 Harney St. (16)-77 Uoaaea aad Cattaareo. OMAHA Van Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1110-14 N. 19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (16)-829 T-TnTTR'rTlS ,n "J1 parts of the city. Tht tlJ U 0ik3 a p pjjvi, Co., Bee Bldg. - WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Famam. . (16)-a TTnTTQ'E'Q ln " Prta of the city. R, v v k-u r peters A Co.. Bee C. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. (lt $35.00 1.-.16 N. 83U Bt., brand new,' t-lctly modern, key at our office. Telephone D. 2162, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-M47S 10 116 N. 87th St., five rooms, just remodeled, $20. 123 N. 37th St., six rooms, just remodeled, $20. 127 N. 87th St., five rooms, just remodeled, $20. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. 05) MOOS 10 FLAT, full modern, 8 rooms, beside bath and private hall; newly done up; gat range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; beat flata ln north part ot city; walking distance; reference required. Call, investigate this; tS. BEM18. Paxton Block. I (14) M664 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug las 394. (16) eat 1619 N. (3D BT. (-room strictly modern, brand new ,$3S. O Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. UO-M9.4 2800 RUGGLE8 ST., 6 rooms, brand new, all modern, 2 blocks from the Dodge car. only $20.00. J. W. Rasp Co., 435 Paxton block. Douglas lftjS. (14) 873 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15) 43 8-ROOM hoise. modern In every respect 2727 Cuming St. (16 M738 6-ROOM cottage, all modern, barn. 9S0 !4. A-...- n. . . r , ..VIA Sltn Dt. iiaj mat FOR RENT 4 rooms In apartment flat city water, gas. 1623 N. 18th Bt) $10. a M. Bachmann, 434 Paxton Block. (is) Min FOR RENT Large store room, 14th aa Vinton Bta C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. Ob) 460 WE MOVE PIANOS-Maggerd Van an4 Storage Co. Tel. Douglat 1494. Oflloe, 1713 Webater St. (U) 8(4 LARGE ( room house, 4016 No. 18th, $1(09 per month. Apply E. J. Sullivan. 1207 Har ney Bt. (lt)-7 ONE 7-rooin house, one 4-room house, mod ern except furnace, (26 and $32; one 4 room house, rlty water In kitchen. Chris ' Boyer. 2123 Cuming Bl. (16143 NINE-room house, modern, barn If de sired, 1021 Park Ave. Harney 44T. - (16)-M01 llx Batldlaa-a. lilt HARNET ST. ( floors and basement, 33x120 feet; sultsble for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1508 Dodge Bt. 16)-837 Wholesale District .BUILDING For Rent Apl al Business efllce af The Baa.