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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BET : TUTCSPAY, JULY 9, 1007. TWO BALtOOS ASCENSIONS efore They Come",Uown Sioux City Has Enong-h Rani to Win. OMAHA STARTS OFF TO THE GOOD Rama la First avad Iwwii, Vat loa Ifor Tku Kve-a I'p la the lxtle Md Seveath . Iaalac. BlOtrx Cinr. July . Bloux City won Jan uphill game from Omahk thl afternoon (by batting McNeeley and Hall hard In th jlast half. The ac.oro was 6 to 8. After (bralnMorm In tho firirt Inning, In which ha passed Ave men. Furchner, Piincan' new collcgo twlrlor, pitched splendid ball. Score: i iot:x un i ! xa n. H. PO. A. 0 0 0 Campbell. If Bheehan, 0 8b. ... 6 Nobltt, cf Weed, 2b ;Hart, lb , Oranvllln, . ' Hupp, rf tj. Hheohan. c Furchner, p.. 4 Total 31 OMAHA. AR n. 11. PO. A. 0 3 0 1 0 6 S 0 t 1 1 Belden. rf ( franck, sa Autrey, If j Welch, cf loln, lb ' Oraham, 2b 1 Austin, 3b...... Oondlng, C I Brand, a .McNeeley, p... Hall, p 8 0 11 0 0 0 , Totala 33 5 I 24 W '""."ha011' 5 1 0 S 0 o 0 0 1 runner Welch. Dolan. Sacrifice hits: Weed Franck. frrst base on balls: Oft Furchner. 8: off McNeeley, 2; off Hall. 8. .1 Hit illh Pitched ball: Welch Campbell. . , Struck out: By Furchrer. 4: by McNee ey. . i puMd nans: onoHiiun Brennan. Attendance. Champa flay 1.200. Poor Ball. DE8 MOINES, la.. July 8 .-Vt 'heelers : Teddy Beara made It thfee Out of four by huttlng the champions out today and in cidentally running In tep scores. Lp to toe sixth It waa a good gan,,. with no I scores and few hits. Then Denver fell ' upon Miller and tha Champa began to play ' like a lot of rank scml-professlonats. i ' Added to thla Dee Molnea had luck I them. Every ball hit weht Into a fielder a I hand. Adama pitched a beaiftlful game. i' Tk hi. fellow had almoat perfect con ! nf anerri and all that goes to i make a pitcher hard to find for aafe ones. Bcore! ' i DEB ui,i1t. AD. II. 11. 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0, PO. 2 2 8 2 4 1 2 0 McLear, 2b. . Macl.aughlln, Hogrlever, rf. Dexter, lb. Hchlpke, 3b. Yeager, c. .. Corkhlll, If. . Umhnaur, aa. Miller, p N. Totala 0 cf. 0 0 :.o 0 r 0 1 o 0 4 .... 2 ' .... 8 ... ....! 0 DEN V EH. 3 27 17 AB. R. it. 2 A. o 0 0 0 ' 3 ... 2 1 2 Murphy, rf. Caasidy, If. ... Wheeler, 3b. ... White, ib , Iuterbaum, 2b, Vandorgrlft, cf. Klnnely, as. . . McDonough, c. Adama, p 6 5 6 4 4 4 6 4 8 4 3 2 2 3 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 Totals .... Danver Molnea 38 10 14 27 8 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 2-10 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-i 'Earned runs: Denver, B. Two-base hits .Caasidy. fc First base on balls: Off Miller 8; oft Adams, 1. IWt on bases: - Do Moines, Denver,' 6: Btrtlok out: Hy . jauier, ; ny Adams, 4. . Stolen Das Hogrlever, White. C. Murpl y (2), : Mc- Donough, Klnnely. 6acrlllc,t nita: Vande grift Corkhlll.' Time; 1:45. Umpire liaakell. Attendance, 800. ' Maaete on liaila Dluitrooi. IJNCOLJs. July I. Lincoln won from Pu eblo today, 4 to 2, through a combination of bases on talln. errors and one or two timely hits. The visitors outhlt Lincoln, hut they played dumb ball at times and threw away any chance to win. Hoth Hatch and Clcott pitched gllt-edn ball, but Hatch's gifts, with one exception, were converted Into Ttrn. A steal home by Fox was one of the feature. An effort' waa made to play a double-header, but time was called at tha end of the fourth Inning to allow Pu eblo to catch a train. The score then wai Pueblo, 1; Lincoln, 0. Score: LINCOLN. AB. R. II." PO. A. E Ketchem, Cf. ...4,1 1 1 0 Fox, 2b Holmes, 3b , Uagnler, ss Davidson, rf Thomas, lb . Fenlon, rf Mulllvan, o..,.. 6 1 1 1 o 0 ... 4 ... 4 1 3 Clootie, p, "'J "? ? 'V.V Totals. S 27 14 PVBBLO, AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Ryan, If Mcutlvray, cf. feawort, iib , Melcholr, rf..., llelden, lb ltauler, lb,.. Corhan, as Smith, e Hatch, p 0 110 0 0 1110 1 1 1 4 1 0 110 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 12 1 0 0 4 0 0 11 6 8 1 0 10 2 0 2 24 12 4 1 0 .1 0 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 0 0-3 Totals.. .,,,..80 Lincoln .,....'...1 1 Pueblo 0 0 Latmod runs: Llmvoln, 1; Pueblo, 1. Double Play: Ougnirr to Fox. Sacrifice hlta: Fox, lloliiu's, Bulden, Hutch. Stolen buses: Fux (S), Uagnler t2), Ryan. Smith. Btruck out: By Clcotte, 6; by Hatch, 4. Bases on balls: OIT Cliotie. i: off Hatch, 4. Time: 1:40. Um pire: Conatian. Attendance: l.ltai. Stand la of tho Taaaaa. Played. Wen. Lost. Pst. IV s Molnea 68 40 28 .Ml . .48 ..TS ..71 ..68 ..71 ..70 Omaha TS - 4S 8-4 M Lincoln 71 ' l 32 .64 Denver 68 86 . 31 .S8A KloUX City 71 19 43 .401 lMeblo 70 28 44 .371 Uames today: Omaha at Lincoln, Den ver at Sioux City, Pueblo at tloax City. flasholl Defeats Blao Sarrtag.. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 8--pec1aLV- ine riasseu jno'ans ana in Hlu springs ball teams played a close and exciting ; Mm at Ulna feprlnga Saturday, tha fennnr - . OUSt 0d e I'J-" . nr4 'air Anere s T-4' to be dertred from the Judldous daily use of a beverage possessed of tbe nourishing1 and tonic properties of WML m v; rolILVAUKEC Try any of these brands whether on oraugkc or in Domes wnereTcr you PttlVATG OTOCK. VICNCR, EXPORT. M UENCHENER OtaalU Irahrli Sea-lS DamgUa Bt-, Cw. 8th tmm rMUa lost. . .. , , Ml ""Ye. I bacl COQCS EXTRA. DRV CHAMPAGNE It J rvpt oty tK3. Ke"t wlnvericewiN. cK2vnpzvgre..but tie be1- cKzsonpevtvje winning by the score of 4 to , There waa a large crowa in aitcnuaoce. ucore: K.H.K. Haskell Indiana , 4 5 8 Blue Springs ..3 7 t Matterles: Indians, uispane ana laren; Blue Springs. Snyder and Felix. Lmplret Orlffln. GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATIONS Kansas City Wins Fast Contest from St. Paul. KANSAS CITY, July 8. Kansas City de feated St. Paul today In a fast and Inter esting srame, 4 to 3. Cromley and Farns were both effective, bcore: KANSAS CITY. BT. PAVli. AB.H.O.A.g. AB.H.O.A .. HuoUmiti. til I 1 I 0nlrr. n 4 1 I 0 Mcfarthr, If. Hill, cl KKkltr, lb... Kraacer, lb.. Burka. lb.... I 1 4 1 w I a i l o i 0 CWHllama. lb. I OPrlpk. If 4 IDtinlaaTr. rl. 4 tfrlaa, lb 4 1 Koahter, cf... 4 OTMimaytr, 9b. 4 ORuadcn, e.... 4 I Pan-la, p I 4 0 I 1 11 0 McBrld. aa.. Laahr, 0 Cromlar, p .. Total. II mil I Totala 14 7 14 U ( Kansas City..'. 20000020 4 Bt. Pal 00040020 1 8 Struck out: By Cromley,' 8: by Farrle, 2. First base on balls: Off Farrls, 1. Passed ball: tiugden. Sacrifice hits: 'Williams, Hill. Hit with pitched ball: Hill. Two base hits: Crlss, Koehler, Tlemeyer. Hill. Double play: McUrlile to Krueger to Beckley. Left on bases: Kansas City, t; St. Paul, 6. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Kerln and Werden. . llrrwera uereat fli liters. MINNEAPOLIS, July 8. Minneapolis waa unable to hit Wilson, while the visitors managed to bunch their hlla with the mts pleys of the locals. .Minneapolis played listless ball. Score: . MlLWAt'KEB. ' MINNEAPOLIS. AB H O A K. AO. H O. A. E. Ralloaon, sa. 6 OO'Nflll. cf...4 Oraan, r( 4 0 Ptindon, Ib. . 4 sjnPreaman, rf I OOremlncor. Ib I 0 JyPraaman, lb 4 (onnora, lb.t Hoth. o Mol'orm'k. ib I McX'baanay, II a OQylar, . aa.. . lAndraaa, If 9 Shannon, o. Clark, Ib I McCann, cf.. ft WllaoD. p.... 4 ITowna, e.... Tora. s totals 14 111 I Martat ... Oraham, p. . Q. Praamsa, Total.. ..II I 17 11 8 Batted for Ford In the eighth. Minneapolis 1 0 0 "0 9 0 0 0 01 Milwaukee 3 .L 1 0 0 1 0 89 Two-base hits: John Freeman, McChes ney. Hits: Off Ford, 6 In eight Innings; 6ft Oraham, 1 In two-thirds on an tnnlnt; off Freeman, 0 In ono-third of an lnniig. Stolen bases: McChesney. McCann, Left on bases: ' Minneapolis, 4; Milwaukee, 8. Bases on balls: Off Ford, 8: off Graham, 4. Hit by pitched ball: John Freeman. Struck out: By Ford, 6; by Oraham, 1; by Wilson, 1. Wild pitch:' Ford. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Hayes. Standlaar of tho Teams,. , Played. Won. Lost. Pet. '.618 .814 .498 .4R1 A5 .408 Columbus 74 48 ' C9 Minaeapolt 72 44 -28 Kansas ClUy 75 . . . S7 : U Milwaukee 77 ,' 87 40 Louisville ..... 74 84 ' 40 St. Paul 76 i 81 45 Indlunanolla v. 80 83 48 4 0 uames today: Columbua at Kansas City, Toledo at St. Paul, Indianapolis at Mil waukee, Louisville at Minneapolis. . UAMES I If TUB IOWA LEAGUE Jacksonville Gets a Little Closer to th leaders. MARSHAIXTOWN, Ia July 8. (Special Telegram.) Following are the results In the Iowa league: At Qulncy Qulncy 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mnrshalltown ..0 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries: Keyea, Farrell Kent and Forney. At Jacksonville - R.H.B. 8 1 - 8 4 0 0 0-0 8 2 and Walsh; R.H.B. 5 1 o j Jacksonville ....0 0 J i Waterloo .......0 0 0 9 0 0:1' 0 0 0-3 6 3 Batteries: McCarty and Belt: Hollenbeck and Llsett. . At Ottumwa ' " R H E, Ottumwa 0100D0001 1-8 6 8 Burlington ...0 1 0 00 1 0 0 6 02 6 4 Batteries: Fleming and Welgart: McMil lan and Bruggerman. : - At Oskaloosa v R.H.B. Oakaloosa 0 0 0 ' O 8 K Keokuk . M M M 1 9-1 I I Batteriea: Bcoot and Moodlna: Cuminluaa and Ryan. Staadtagf of th Team. Played. Won. Lost, Waterloo D5 rl Jacksonville 68 81 23 23 26 89 81 84 40 Oskaloosa 64. 81 Burlington 67 82 Marshalltown 64 - 18 Ottumwa 53 27 .619 ' .406 ; .414 Qulncy 9af 68 ' 24 Keokuk W , .17 Kosetehy Ualosgs o St. Loots. CINCINNATI. July 8. Th claim of the St. Paul American association cub to First Baseman Kenetchy of the St. Louis Na tionals waa negatived by th National baseball commission todav. Konetohy waa with th La Crosse, Wis., club, whloh agreed on a prloe to be paid by Bt Haul, but th latter failed to aooept within a reasonable time and th player waa sold to St. Louis. Krcka Team Win. Th Kecka defeated the Katskae Belden team of South Omaha Sunday afternoon by a acore of 6 to 6. The feature of th game was the pitching of Oofer, who struck out nine men and only allowed four hlta. and the Infield work of th Kecks. Score , M.H.E. Kecks 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 8 1 2 K. B t 10 0 1 1 0 06 4 1 Batteries: Kecks, Cofer and Pexdlrtt: K. and B., Plk and Willy. rlATTOrr". 9KVSttAa&W Bmt - I a Ptdlgst4 f a4 i Usual MroasV WVW m m a wona oi uooa f C:EE1X3 C3. 1 . TTIS. J PIRATES DEFEAT OUARERSf?"'"' ,VT" Visitors Bunch Their Hits in the Sixth Inning. PITTSBURG IN SEC0HD PLACE Olaatg I.osa to Cvrlaala aad Drop lato Third Place Scores of Other Gataoa. PHIL.ADFLPHIA. July 8. Pittsburg de feated Philadelphia today by bunching hit In the alxth and moved Into second place, New York losing to Ft. Ixmla. Scorei PITTSBt'RO. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A B. AB.H.O A.B. Andenon. rf. 4 1 1 1 I rriomis, cf... 4 I 0 0 Leach, cf . . .. 4 Clark, II.... I IV 9 nb .... 11 i a itin. rt, 4 I 114 1 Ut, If 1119 0 Oil Udrant. lb.,.. 4 1 4 0 lit H'oiirtner, lb. 4 I I I 1 1 I lUoolln. u. . .. 4 Oil 1 11 1 0 Jx-klltsrh, a, 3 T 1 41 Ocorrmon, .. I 1 WMpnT, aa. . 4 A h atch lo, lb I Ntalnn, lb... 4 ttirka, lb. ... 4 Otbaon. e I Lcecr, p I Totala Si I 27 19 1 Totala II I 17 14 1 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0-8 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Leach, Courtney. Three base hit: Leach. Sacrifice hit: Leever. Stolen bases: Neelon. Doolln. Irfft on boaus: Pittsburg. 6; Philadelphia, 8. Btruck out: By Ieever, 7; by Corrldon, 7. Time. tM. Umpire; O'Day. Km Break in Boaton. BOSTON, July 8. After being shut out, 8 to 0, by the homo team In the first of two gamea here today, Cincinnati white washed Boston in the second contest, 4 to 0. Llndaman waa very effective in the lirst game and the fielding behind him, by Bridwell especially, was clean. Hugglns played brilliantly until put out of the game for disputing the umpire's decision. In the second game Hltt held the locals safe and their errora alono were enough to defeat them. Score, first game: DOSTON. CINCINNATI AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.U.A.H Drldwtll. 1 0 t OHuaalna. Ib.. I 1 V TnnajrA lb... Brain, lb.... Beaumont, cf. llalea. rt...... Burka, it RIt.hajr, tb.. Brown, t Lindamaa, p. Totals 11 0 0 Kana. Ib 1 1 0 119 VLobart, aa ... 4 10 0 19 0 Mitchell, rl.. I 9 1 19 1 OSchlal, e I 0 I 9 19 Oani.l, lb.... I 9 II 9 14 OKrviaar, cf ... 19 1 1119 Mowrar, lb.. 119 9 0 1 OOdwall, If.... I 9 I - Ontklcr, p... 8 9 1 7 17 U 9McLaa .... 19 9 Totals.. Batted for Coakley In ninth, .It 4 14 14 1 Boston 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Home run: Brain. Sacrifice hit: Burke, Stolen bases: Lobert, Kane. Double play: Brown to Brain. Left on bases: Boston, 5; Cincinnati. 8. Struck out: By. iJndaman, 7 bv Coakley. 2. Passed ball: Brown. Time: 1:81 Umpire: Rlgler. Score, second game: CINCINNATI. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Huitins. lb. 4 I Lotxrt, sa. ... 4 Mitchell, rt.. I 4 McLean, s... 4 1 Oaruel, lb.... 4 1 Kruger, cf... 4 4 Mowrejr. lb.. 40 Odwell. If.... 4 1 Hltt, p 4 1 0 Bridwell. SI.. 4 9 4 9 Tannaj, lb... 4 4 Brain, lb.... 4 9 Beaumont, ct 4 CHatea. rf 4 4 Burka. If I 4 Bltcher, lb.. I I Needham. a.. 4 4 Toung, P I 1 11 1 1 11 19 17 I I Total....:. IS 7 37 IT 4 Cincinnati 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 BoHton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-baae hits: Beaumont. Hugglns. Three- base hit: Brain. Sacrifice hits: Lobert, Mitchell. Stolen base: Lobert. Left on bases: Cincinnati. 7: Boston. 4. Bases on balls: Off Young, 1; off Hltt. 1. Btruck out By Young, 2; by mil, 8. Time: .:. um pire: Rlgley. St. Loots Shots Oat New York. NEW YORK, July 8. Manager McOraw tried his new Ditcher. Lynch, rrom fltiS' burs:, aaainst .Karrer of 6L Louis today but the vleltora won out by a acore of a to 0. Karanr had the better of his op ponent in the pitching line and had the ad ditional satisfaction of riming mm tor a home run In the fifth inning. Score. BT. LOUIS. NSW YORK. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A BrnM, lb.... 4 1 Barry, rf 4 1 Kanottmr. lb I 0 Bur net I, cf... I I Holly, as..,,, 4, .9 Murray, II... 4 I Hoatettar, 4b. 1,1. Marahall, e... 4 0 9 OShannoa. If.. 4 1 1 9 7 1 4 4 11 4 I. OBrowna, rf... 8 9 03tranf ...... 1 9 0llln, 4b..., 4 I 0 Seymour, cf.. I 1 CHannlfln. lb.. 8 9 IDiMn, am... I 0 OKhar, lb..,.. I 9 I 1 Karfar, p.;.. 4 1 19 4 Bowarmaa, o'. 4 9 Lyaco. p 19 ToUla., n into . " Totala 10 4 II 11 1 Batted for Brown In ninth. ' St.. Louis ,,, 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 02 New York . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit: Barry. Home run: Karger. Stolen bases: Murray (2). Double playa: Lynch to Dahlon; Bowerman to Dahlen. Ieft on baaea: St. Louis, 6; New York, 3. First base on balls: Off Lynch. 8. Btruck out: By Lynch, 8; by Karger, 4. TlmeN 1:46. Umpires: Klem and Johnstone. Jllot at Hrooklm usut... BROOKLYN, July 8. Chicago won easily from th Brooklyn team today. Ill-feeling on the part of some of the spectators came ftear bringing about a riot during the clos ing moments of the game. The home team had two men out In th latter half of the ninth innlnir. when some empty mineral- water bottles were thrown 1n tha dh-ectlon of Frank Chance at first base, from the bleechers and open stands behind left field and first baae. Chance was not hit by any of the missiles, but as they were being thrown Indiscriminately, he picked up two of the bottles and - returned them in the direction from which they had come. One of them hit a boy on the- leg and Immedi ately there waa an uproar, followed by a fusllade of bottles from the open stands. President Ebbetts immediately called upon Police Captain Maude, who with thirty men In uniform and plain clothes rushed to the bleachers and quickly quelled I the disturbance. Chance was eacorten to 1 the club's dressing room by a detective. 7 ' When th officers had cleared the field 'JfJj 1 sufficiently so that the game could be con '171! eluded, Lewis of Brooklyn landed a fly to 'ro : Hoffman, who had taken Chanca'a place " ' . A , . . . - . V. A A ...... ut at nrei uaae. Jtiiarr wiw uiuwu n.u iru 1 1 10 around several menacing groups of the rougher element gathered on the outsldo of th park, put arter an nour a aeiay. President Ebbetts of th Brooklyn club managed to evade these and got Chance away safely, across th Brooklyn bridge, with the aid of an automobile In which th Brooklyn men accompanied th Cbl- cagoan. Score: CHICAGO. BROOKLTT. AB.H.O.A.B. . AB.H.O.A.!. Blade, t. ... I lift ftAlperman. tb 4 1 8 8 stiackera, If. 4 I I 4raaer. tb I 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 It 0 4 4 4 4 9 J ! 9 4 9 9 St'hulte, rf... I 1 Chance, lb... 4 1 11 Hormaa, lb.. 0 4 1 telnfetdt. lb I 3 9 Tinker, aa. ... I "I 1 Oera, lb I I I Kllng. 4 14 Brows. B 4 10 4 Hummel, rf.. I 9 Batch, If.;... 4 0 Jordan, lb. .. I 9Malooay, ct.. I 9 Lawk, SB.. 4 OHIlter, S I 9Bereo. s.... 1 4 OPaatorlua, p. 1 -nurra . Totala M 14 31 U laiclntyra, Totals id 4 rr II 1 Batted for Pastorlus In seventh. Chicago 0 0001400 0-4 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Three-base hit: Brown, lilts: Off Pas torlus, 11 In six Innings. Sacrifice hits: Maloney, Jordan. Stolen baaea: Slagle, Ever. Left on baaea: Chicago, 11; Brook lyn, 9. Hit by pitched ball: By Mclntyre. 1; by Brown, 1. Struck out: By Brown, f. Passed ball: Kllng. Time: 3:00. Umpires: Email and Carpenter. 8 lav d In- oi th Teaata. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago 71 64 17 .761 Pittsburg 87 41 28 .813 New York 8 40 28 .tj Philadelphia 67 87 . 80 .f,2 Boston 87 20 38 . Cincinnati 71 SO 41 .4 1 Brooklyn Tt 29 42 . St. Loula T4 17 87 .230 Games today Pittsburg at Philadel phia, Cincinnati at Boaton, Chicago at Brooklyn, St. Loula at New York. aMtofllc Tana Wlaa. Th Postoffic team beat th Florence Athletic team In a seven Inning gam at Florence Sunday. Th features of the game were the many errors, th wild and wooxy work of the Floreno umpire and the pitching of Johnny Hall. Nugent also caught aa extra An gam. Boor: R.H B. Poatofflo 1 8 3 0 3 38 10 T Floreno 1 0 1 0 0 84 I T Base on balls: Off Hall, 1; off Baker, (. Struck out: By Hall. 1!; by Baker, 4. BaU terlea: Poatofflce, Hall and Nugent; Flor ence, Baker and Curly. . Haoaei Wlaa a Pair. HOOPER, Neb., July l-Spoolal.-4'b Hooper ball team added two gamea to lta Hat of w Innlnga yasterday. Bcor. first fan: , . . R.H.U. loopar IMIHIMti Fontanel 1 0 8 0 '.it 4 Latteries: Bulger and Jenaan; Cook aud Melen. Umpire: Roy Cook. , Score, aacond gam: ' JLIt Hoop' .,..........,4 I I 1 M I Mspl Creek 1 01 i 0-1 1 Batterteai: Heckar, fcllen-nd Cook; Met and Melen. Luiyirt: Waterman, 5 I.H AHr R ! Athletics IH-feat World Champion. Fir la Two. CHKTAOO. Jnlv 8-Phllniielrhla knocked Owpn out of the box today and defeated Chicago, 6 to 8. Score: rHlLADKl.rmv CH1CAOO. rf 1119 1 AB.H.O.A.B Nlebolt, m... 4 Hahn, 0 Jonea, 0 lat.ell. ( olllnt, b. . .. t rf. I 4 Byboifl. rf.. I H I.tU. lb. I Ih, 0 !tinharty, lltnhe. lb. 0 fHjnfthua. If 4 ...4 lb. I aa. 4 !... I Murphr. tb.. 4 Oldrtti, cf... 4 9 II Hartarl, II... I Pnw.fl, c I 01. Karla, 9uHlraft, c I MrParland. Btndar. a I . 1 .. 1 . I wen, p. Totala 13 II 17 I ' 1 WeMar Smith, p. Totala ..II 4 17 19 9 Batted tor Smith In the ninth. Chicago 200000000 J Philadelphia 110080100-6 Two-base hit: H. Iaavls. Hits; orr Owen, 9 in four innings; off Smith, 4 In five Innings. Sacrifice hits: Jones, Bender, I'owers. Stolen bases: rowers, tuarins. Seybold. Double play:. Isbell to O. lmvls to Donohne. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Philadelphia. 8. First bnse on balls: uii Owen, 2; off Smith, 1; off Bender, 2. Struck out: By Smith, 1: by Bender, 4. Time: 1:38 Umpire: Sheridan. Slew York Defeat Cleveland. CLEVELAND. July 8. New York won from Cleveland, Doyle being steady with men on bases. New York made three rims In the third on errors by Stovall and Clark. Cleveland rallied In the ninth, but could not quite reach, three men being leti on bases. A great atop by Chase beat Cleve land. Score; NEW VOBK. CLEVELAND. AH U Cl A K. AB.H.U.A.a, Hoffmso, Of.rl 114 9 Flick, rf a 1 I Conror, If... I thaaa, lb t 4 Bradley, lb.. 9 9 Turner, aa. . .. 4 9La)ole. 2b.... 4 OStovall, lb.... 4 9Htnchman. Ill 1 Brmngb'm, cl I Orlark, 4 ftt.teuhardt, p. 4 1 9 Eiherraia, aa 4 Wllllama, Ib. 4 Laporta, rf... 4 Mnrtartty, Sb. 4 Thomas, c. . . . 4 lorl. p.-. I 1 15 O' Brian .... 1 Totals M 117 IS 1 " I Totala II IS " 4 Batted for Uebhardt In the ninth. Cleveland OOOllOOO- New York 103010000-6 Two-base hits: Lajoie, Llcbhnrflt 'lurner, Chase. U'nree-base nits. Hoffman, cnase. Double plays: Elberfeld to wuiiains i Chase, iibei feld to cuase. irsi ubm i balls: urt Lleonarai, a, on uoyic i. with pitched ball: By Doyle, 1. Lasft on bases: Cleveland, ii Now York. 5. Wild pitch: Liebhardt. Time: 2:i.U Umpires: n,vans and O'Luughlln. Browua k,it4t Senators. BT. LOUIS. July 8. St. Loula defeated Washington today In the ninth Inning wttU but one out, 3 to 2. Score; ST. LOUS. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.K. an. ii. Mil ih 4 X 1 ft OClTmer. If... 4 a a Hemphill, cf 4 clone. It ft Pickering, rl I Yaaaer, aa... 1 9 (ianley, oi..., a 9 Uriehauly, Ib 4 9 9Anderon, lb. I I 9 Hickman, rl. 4 I .9 Mil, Ib-rf... 4 1 ftAltlier, as... 4 9 9 Hayden, o..., I 9 0 Smith, p.,... 1 9 9 Graham, p... I Harwell, lb.. 4 Jonea, lb ... 4 O'Connor. .. 4 pelty, p 4 Wallace .... 1 parrioa. 2b.. 9 Total., II 19 17 U 9 - .J T3 14 4 Wallace batted for Hartsell In the ninth One out when winning run ecoreu. St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1-3 Washington 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Two-base hits: Delehanty, Jones, Hemp hill. Three-baso hit; Olymer. Hlta: Off Smith, 6 In three and two-third Innings; oil Oraham, 6 In five and one-third Innings. Sacrifice hits: G&nley, Hemphill. Stolen bases: Clymer, Pickering (2), Yeager. Double plays: Nlles, Yeager and Jonea, 2. Left on bases: St. Louis. 12; Washington. 6. First baae on balls: Off Pelty, 2; oft Bmlth, 1; off Graham, 4. Struck out: By Pelty, I; by Smith, 2; by Graham, 3. Time; 2:00. Umpire: Connolly. . Tlaera Win In Fourteenth.. DETROIT, July 8.le- took fourteen Innings- to reach a decision, a trlpl by Bchmldt and a single b Slever giving th gam to Detroit by a soor of 6 to 6. Three bases on balls, a triple and double, all with two out, retired MUUin In th sev enth. Four hits In a .row by Detroit tied the score and disposed, of Prultt, In the eighth. Then It was a fine pitchers' battle h.iin Klever and" Winter, with sensa tional fielding behind them, A wonderful catch by O'Leary ort Barrett In the four teenth robbed Boston of two run and probable victory. Bcore: DETROIT.' i.r-ar..i BOSTON. . ab.h.o.a.;,. ., Au.n.u.A. Downa, If.... f Courhlln. lb. ft 4 t 9 Oirtllvan, of.. 7 I 'lrarant. - as., 9 I 4 9 4 I 4 9 I-It 9 1 0 6 1 t 9 0 1 9 1 4 0 1 1 n Crawford, !. s Cobb, rf ft Roaaman. lb. I fjchaafar, tb. I O'Leary, aa... I Archer, c 4 Bchmldt, 0... I ktullln, p.... I Slerer, p I 1 .vCensaltoD, rr 7 0 'Ot'nslaub,' lb.. I OBamtt. If.u. i i IKnlfht, Ib...t OPerrla, lb.... I OShaw, o. 9 OTanneblU. p. I Ol rultt. p , I iWlntar, p.... I Totala 60 14 41 M I Totala 64 ll'SI 18 I Winning run scored with none out. petrolt 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 01-4 Boston 1.0100030000000-6 Two-base hits: Crawford (2), Hchaefer, Unglaub, Ferris. Three-bas hit: Bchmldt. in.., nrr Mniiin lo in-suven Innings: off Tanriehill, 4 In four. Innlnga; off Slever. 8 In saven Innings: oft Prultt, 6 In fur In nings; off Winter, 4 in six Innings. Sac rifice hlta: Kossman, Sohaefer, Parent Stolen bases: Cobb, Unglaub. Left on bases: Detroit. 9; Boston, 1. Bases pn balls: Off Mullln, 4; off Winter, 1. Hit by ..l.,.K.r- Tannehlll. Struck out: By Mul tin. fk bv Tannehlll. 1: by Winter. 3. . Um pires: Hurst and Stafford. Btandlna- of the Teama, Playec rh1cao-n 68 Won. Lost. Pet. 44 24 .64? 44 27 . . 88 28 .678 88 81 .ttfl 81 84 .4 .29 43 .40S IS, 43 .868 22 42 ' .844 Cleveland 71 44 27 . letrolt Philadelphia .. 9 New TorK w St. Loula 72 Boaton 8 Wa -hlnirtnn Al Games today: lJnnaaeipnia at v-iucavso. New York at Cleveland. Washington at St, Loula, Boston at Detroit. CLARK ' IMPERIALS WIX ONE Good Shewlag Made Against Itrons; Team In Iowa. Th Clark Imperials acored a good gam against the quick team at McClelland. Ia., Sunday. In aplte of th fact th (Julck team was supported by. the old Imperial team' battery, Ed Lynch and Joe Brown. The game was won by the 'Clark' In the ninth Inning with a two-base hit by SUch, bringing O'Brien In. The opening of the gam lokfd favorable for the Quicks, but In the latter part the Clarks started getting In their usual ateady work, and th gam took a sudden turn which surprised the crowd, to the pleaaur of th epiayers. The featur of the game waa the oppor e,In hittlna- of Stech and the pitching of Chrlstman, striking out miriven, iuiuii men bases on balls. one and giving two INSERT SCORE CLARK IMPERIALS. juinc. AB H O A . At) n o a. a. Itack. ct..... I i. 0(4ea. S. . I Huaulosar If I Lehr, lb 4 Bearnard, lb. I Hamlltua, lb. 1 O'Brien, aa. .. I Q. Often, rf.. I Chrlatmaa, p. I I I 1 II IHartwall. lb.. 4 9 Parrr. tb I I 14 4 1 9 J. Brown, c. 4 Jonea. Ib I 1C. Tbomaa. af I Quirk, aa 4 1 E. Lynch, p. 4 Ort. Tbomaa, rt I 1 Larson, If.... I i i Totals It I IT I I Totala 49 I 17 II 8 Summary: Batteries: Clarks, Ogden and Chrlstman; Quicks, Brown and Lynch. Bases on balls:- Off Chrlstman, 3; off Lynch, 4. Julclc will plajr Atlantlo next Sunday. IDEAL IIUSTLKIIS WIN A PAIR ' Faat Coancll Dion's Teavm Dowa Two f It HI vala. Th Ideal Hustlers added . two more game to their long list of victories by defeating the Nonpareils In a doubl header, the scores being 4 to 1 and 8 to t. The work of Gordy and Rose, the new acquisition of the Hustlers, wer th fea ra nf tha, flrat ararue. while th Oon- siHteiil hitting and sharp fielding of th Hustlers wer the feature of tb second Rime. Brora, nrai gam: nan. onparell 0 0000001 01 4 8 Hustlers 1 00 0 00 3 0 4 t Batteries: Nonpareils, Gordy and Rose; TTuatlera. Hachten -and Williams. Two-baa hit: Gordy. Struck out: By Hachten, 1; by Uordy, 7. Baasa on ball: Off Uordy, i; off Hachten, 3. Umplr Hoag. Hnnra aecond arame: Hu.tlers 2 0 0 3 0J1 1 8 Nonpareil 0 0 0 0 ITS 0 1 8 Two-baa hits: Clark, Sparks, Oon. Struck out: By Crow a, 3; bySuyder, 1, Baaea on Lalls: Off Crowe, 1; oft Snyder, 1. Stolen baaea: Ooff (1), Klsaane, Hach ten, Woman Left on baaoa: Hustler. 10; Nonpareil, . Tim: 1:28. Umpire: Boa. Beatrice Readr for Ravee. BEATRICE, Neb.. July 1 8pecll-Th race meeting to b held here July 9-11 prom ises to b th blygest and moat succaaaful vent of th kind ever held In Beatrice, About 100 head of horse, soma of whloh are tne faninat in the country, are quar tered at th driving pant, and In order to accommodate all or tliein It Das oeoa louna neoeaaary to build a new aLable. Tb clnxsoo are th l-yenr-old pace. 2:3-1 pace, I:;1 pare, L' lfl pace, 2:12 pace. 2: pace I'll I trot. 2:1? trot. 2:!2 trot. 3:27 trot, 1 3j trot 8-year-old ttot. mark Knight Win Pair. CROFT'iN. Neb., July 8. -(Special. y Black's Knights, a fast aggregation of ba.ebll rV, avers from Sioux Cly, plnved 1 scoring them It is not known how tne a double header here with the Croftnn ' Omaha nun stands, and may not be known team yesterday. On account of two play- I for several weeka. era refusing to play ball on Sunday the ' The Hoc tora defeated Bellevue at HuTy home team wns handicapped In the first j Park Sunday In a loosely played game, game, tho players not being able to work by a ninth Inning rally. Score: Hoc tors, to advantage In their changed position. 10; Bellevue, 8. Hits: lloctora. 8; Brlle Howtevier. hey ehowed the visitors a I vue. 11; Errors: Hoctors, S; Bellevue, 3. couple of warm games and would have won i Batteries: Hwtors. Hlnkle, Csvanaugh. the second game but for a sensational long run and catch In the last half of the ninth Inning by the Kloux City left fielder. Following la the gamea by Innings: f irst game: Crofton .0 000000000 .1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0-8 Sioux City Second game: Crofton Sioux City 0- 8 1- 4 Sterlings Meat Defeat. ATLANTIC, la.. July 8. (Special.) Th Atlantic Grays won a very one-sided game yesterday from th Sterling ball players by th score of 16 to 1. There was nothing to th game from the start, the Grays hit ting tbe ball whert they wanted to. The vis itors got their only score on error by the Grays. The Sterlings tried two pitchers, Letherby and Fltsgerald, but neither pus sled the Grays to any extent, while the vis itors could not solv th delivery of Bar grant, Scrlhner Win On. SCRTBNER. Neb., July 8 (flpedal.) The Scrlbner ball team went to Pllger Sunday and played with the Pilgar team. Following Is the score: R.H.H. Pcribner 0 00003002461 Pllger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 Batteries: O'Brln and Dryer; Atkinson and Tift. Dwlaht Win at Garrison. DWIGHT. Neb.. July S.-(Speclal.-Dwtght and Garrison played ball at Garri son yesterday. Dwlght winning by the score of 14 to 4. The pitching of C. Maixner and Smith was excellent. Batteries: Dwlght. C. Maixner, Smith and Y. Maixner; Garrison, Schaumberg and Fox. , Conntrr t'lob Women Golfer. Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey proved herself the best golfer of the day In the women's tournament at the- Omaha Country club and won three up. Tha acores were: Mrs. Llndsey 8 up Mrs. Wheeler , 2 down Mrs. E. H. SDraaue .i 8 down Miss Kimball 4 down W liber F.asr for Ashland. WILBER. Neb.. Julv 8. (Knecial 1 Ash. land and Wllber played yesterday. Score B. H F. ARniana .,..0 2 2 2 2 ..2 3 1 114 14 2 Wllber 0 2 1 ...0 1 0 0 0 0-4 9 6 Batteries: Ashland. Smith n,l Cnnnl., Wllber, Stout and Storkan. Umpires: WttlKln of Crete and Leach of Fremont. Evrln Was Oatelassed. O'NEILL. Neb.. Julv 8. fSoeclal Tel. gram.lO'Nelll won from Kwlng on the lo cal diamond her yesterday afternoon be- tore a crowa of boo. The game was too one sided to be Interesting. Score: tj w m O'Nein 0 I 1 0 1 I I ! x 19 14 4 Ewing 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 6 8 Struck out: Coyne. 13; Farsland. 9. Bat teries: O'Neill, Coyne and Wilson; Ewing, Farsland and Carver. Hambarg 0, Nebraska! City S. HAMBURG, la.. July 8. (Special Tele gram.) Hamburg defeated the fast Ne braska City ball team yesterday by the score of 9 to 8. In a ten Inning game for a side bet of $100. National Leaarne Game Today. Chicago at Brooklyn. St. Loula at New Tork, I'lttsburg at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Boston. , Colombo Defeat Llnwood. LINWOOD. July 8. (Special.) Llnwood played Columbus yesterday. Score to 1 in favor of Columbus. Sportlo Brertte. Autrey fattened his average Sunday by making five hits In nine time up. Th Presher Juniors defeated the Ju venile City' by tha score of IB to 12. Stone ha raised his standard to th .271 mark and Is still climbing, Lajol la hit ting , but, .284. . t Th Royals 'also claim a game from th Ideals by default. 9 to 0, that team falling to appear a agreed. Que Thompson refused to sail upward, al though, being hit harder than waa Smith, the new pitcher of the Boo. Burns now wants to fight "Gunner" Moir of England, saying he prefers a match with the Briton to one with Schreck. For a bunch of Jawbreaklng names, sim ply glance over the lineup of tha Denver and Les Moines team Sunday. Owen has been out of the game alnce April 28 and his return in auch prim con dition was a great boon to the White Sox fans. All the baaea which wer stolen In th two gomes at Sioux City were stolen by Omaha player. Uonding caught both games. Oofch la to meet ran McLeod at Ottumwa July 12. It la a handicap affair and Ootcli undertake to throw McLeod three times In an hour. Toledo won two games Sunday and Co lumhua won one game, all of which gives the Mud Hens tho lead la the American association. Th data for th opening of th new Happy Hollow club Is still fixed for Satur day, July 20. The carpet for tho club house have been sent out. Five horn runs In one day at Sioux City helped to amuse, the 3,bU0 people, as Omaha took two gamea. The home runa were made by Belden, Oraham, J. Sheehan, Campbell and Dolan. Three of the Brown's beat pitchers could not stoD th Senators from making eighteen hits Sunday. Clymer is doing some good work with the stick since Joining th Wash' lngton team. Fred Tenney played ball on Sunday lately for the first time in twenty year. Th number of bits recorded for him showed his conscience did not keep him from bit ting the balL Th Magio City defeated th Riversides at Durry i'ara, 4 to u. ecnuiier a pitcinng waa th feature. Batteries: Maglo City, Bchuler and Mellett; Riversides, Kaufman and Qoelda. Th fans who were pulling for soma team to come along and win a game or two from the Cubs had their wlshea gratified lat week when th Plttsburger took them In low for four straight. A the time for tha Transmtsslsstppl Oolf association tournament at Rock Island ap preaches more and more Omaha players are getting in rever ana indication now are for a large attendance rrom ID leia and Country clubs. Th Spauldlng Junior defeated th Morning Stars at Seventeenth and Ban croft Monday afternoon by the score of 18 to 14. Butteries; Spauldlng Juniors, Rupert Kaltsey and Albert Hurst; Morn ing stars, jo Kaitsey ana Tom Cavan augh. Alex Reed and Mile Greenleaf have returned from a ten days' fishing trip at Blasam and Half Moon lake. They not only brought back an abundance of fish stories but plenty of fish besides, reported splendid fishing at Half They Moon Few tobacco! suit all tastes. The one that can, mort justly, by claim to that distinction being an exquUite blend of choice flavors, it the famous LUCKY STRIKE Siloed Plug Plpa Tcbacco Cured by 1 secret process it do not bit th tongu. Hums well, gives a long, cool, sweet smoke, without watte. Packet alia, tin boa, 10c T'!?J ' ""n y VM " lake, catching sixty-seven bass and thrc pickerel In Ave hours' fishing. Word received from Frank J. Rlha. nw at I Til sue ultii the Uohi'inlan Turners who are taking part In the International athletic contest. Is to th effect that he will start home about July 2fs Beraus of the lnrg number Cf contestant, and the m-thod of Cavnnatigh: Bellevue, Stewart. Graves and Maddox. The Hoctors are without a game for next Sunday. Write or phone G. 8, Kennedy, manager, South Omaha. BLOODY RIOT iN NEW YORK Fight Between Italians and Jlearoea .Keep Police Ileaervea Rosy for Two Honrs. NEW YORK. July 7. A pall of water thrown from an upper window and upon the heads of a group of Italian boys, who had disturbed the Sunday quiet of a colored woman, Incited a riot on "San Juan Hill" tonight that landed Ave men, one dying In tha hospital, made several men prisoners and terrified the peaceably Inclined among the 10,000 persons of all nationalities who reside In West Sixty-first and West Sixty second streets between West End Amster dam avenues. A good share of the Italians of the sec tion on one side and of their colored neigh bors on the other were promptly Involved while the hoodlums of all races seized the opportunity to attack each other. While the battle raged in the street, less adventuresome rioters lined the tenement roofs and showered bricks, chunks of cop ing and flower pots upon the heads of those below. It took police reserves of four pre cincts two hour to beat th combatants Into submission. William B. Fleming, a .fireman on the New York Central railroad, was hit In the breast by a stray bullet as his train passed the scene of the riot. He was critically Injured. Copa Disway, an Italian, received a bullet In the thigh. Another bullet hit Frank Antonoslo. 13 yean old. In tho nose. James Somerset, colored, got a brick In the mouth, while another brick probably fractured the skull of Frank Warren, a white laborer. The police are searching tonight for the body of tho man reported to have been shot to death. According to police inform ants, a negro dressed In the uniform of the United State navy was seen to Are twelve shots from a pair of heavy revolvers into tha body of a whits man. BUILDINGS WRECKED AT SIDNEY Storm of Saturday Klgrht Cover Wide Extent In loirs, SIDNEY, la., July 8. (Special.) On Sat urday night thla section was visited by the worst wlnstorm witnessed for several years Corn and other crops were flattened to the earth, numerous large trees were broken down and several buildings were wrecked, The smokestack at the city water works pumping station waa blown down and the Sidney elevator moved nearly a foot from Ha foundation. At nearby points tha dam ages Inflicted by the storm were even worse than here. At Anderson the barns of Wil liam Otte and A. V. Woodard were de stroyed, also the Woodard Implement house. The Methodist church waa blown from Its foundation, Trevet's blacksmith shop waa unroofed and nearly' all th windmill tow ers were toppled over. The storm was ao companled by a heavy downpour of rain. Iowa University's Bla Year. IOWA CITY, la.. July 8. (Special. )-AIl records at .th University of Iowa wer broken by th attendance for the year Just closed. Registrar Dorcas' figures, made pub today, sr )W a grand total of 2,073, tho largest .attendance In the history of tha In stitution. Tha development, of ' th , uni versity, and the vast percentage of Increase in attendance the last seven years are ac credited largely by Iowans to the exeoutjv ability of President Oeorge E. MacLean, formerly of Nebraska. In th list of state contributing to th university Minnesota I fourth. Only Iowa, Illinois and South Da kota lead, In th order named. Ticket Seller Have Woe. BURLINGTON, la., July 8. (Special.) Tha fact that the 2-cent rate to Illinois points Is only obtainable from Burlington Is causing a mlxup hero whloh Is perplexing to local depot officials. Every train from the west empties a mob of passengers here, who spend th five minutes' stop In fighting for places at; the ticket window. They are also compelled to have their baggage re checked here, which adds to tha confusion. FIFTY Don't take our word for it, but pin your faith on what Uncle Sam savs. 100 oroof all whiskev nothing else ; thaf s what the U. S. Government erecn stamp means on every bottle of Guck enheimer Rye. It has never changed in purity or flavor "Since 1857" A. Cnckenbelmer & Bros., i!uiiera, Every day we are helping weak, nervous, broken-down young and middle-aged men back to ruddy health, ordinarily without lnerfeiing with their usual business pur suits. Many are discouraged, depressed, nervous, tired, languid, etc. Some are on tha brink of nervous exhaustion, oaused by worry, overwork, overatudy, neglect, dis sipation, etc. W wish you oould see them change after commencing treatment with ua. Tou can aee the depression vanish and a new alertness In their face and bearing aa th new red blood of health courses through their veins, and they are Infiltrated with new hope, new vitality and new en ergy. They go away feeling all new strung both physically and mentally. W treat man only and cur promptly, safely and Iboronghlr, and at tb lowest cost, BaOBTCHmS, CATAJaKU, XEkTOOl SrUILITY. BLOOD JCL BO at, BKIST T1BBABS, XISJICT aud BLALDA OIBBABSB, aad all Bprolal ala aad Wsaaaasas and thai omplioatloa. Consult Free ripeclallata of tha STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOCTORS FOR MEM Call and Do Examlnod Frc or Writo Office Hour A. M. to 8 P. M. bandays 10 to 1 Only 1303 Farnam St., Bttween 13th and 14th Bti.; Omaha, Neb. Permanently Established In Omaha, Nebraska. CHILD LABOR LAW IX FORCE Probation Officer Bernstein Sayi He Will Start at Once. MESSENGER COMPANIES FTEST Inqolry Beala Thla Moralagf had Will Be IToaecated Wlthoat Let I p by the Officer of Jarralle 1'oart. Tuesday morning the enforcement of th child labor law will begin In earnest by th probation officer of th Juvenil court, th first case to be Investigated will b those wher messenger companies ar ald to hav employed children under th M of 14 year, and ethers at hour longer than those permitted by th law. Th alec-talon to start the work wa reached after th opinion of th attorney general of th stat was made public to the effect that the law meant Just what It aald, regarding the employment of children and no excep tion was made In their employment bo cause schools are now In vacation. "The law doe not specifically mak th probation officer responsible for its enforce ment," said Probation Officer Bernstein Sunday, "but becautw we are responsible for the boy of the county we must sos that laws which affect them are enforced. The start will be made ou th messenger companlea for the reason that they have been warned time and again to obrv the terms of the law, but other place will coma In turn, and w will hav th law observed a strictly as posslbl." What the Attorney gay. Speaking of the opinion of th attorney general, Assistant Couhty Attorney Magney said: "The opinion waa published bfora w received It and I have read It in th newspapers. Under It we will prosecute all cases called to our attention In th proper manner. Tlfe members of the county attorney' staff have had no time to consult on the subject, so I cannot aay exactly what will be done except that tha law will be enforced." C. K. Herring, whose opinion to th Board of Education was the first legal opinion published on the subject) said: "The opinion of tho attorney general aeema to be exactly as lucid as the law. It In no way conflict with th opinion given by me to the Board of Education, for my opinion related entirely to the aftltud of th superintendent of schools under th law, during vacation, and I have no reason to change' that opinion. A far aa th record are concerned which th law re quires, the superintendent can continue to Issue them as a matter of convenience to the children seeking employment, since none could be legally employed without such statement from the superintendent and the aohool records are public property. It Is better for the public that he Issue the statement than that on boy fall to get work when he need It and the law permits." ST. LOUIS U IS LIFTED Excls Officials Permit Herring ' of Brer at German Wedding; Festival. BT. LOUIS, Mo., July T. Despite th "lid" which ha been battened down on St. Louis for many month, beer flowed freely at on plac today, with th con sent of Excise Commissioner Mulvlhill, th wedding of Peter Reb and Catherine Federspie! at Neumeyerf hall, being th on oasis which marked th usual "dry" Sunday. , The bride and groom have , been -In Amerloa but a short time and they wanted their wedding to ba much aa possible like it would have been had It taken plac In Germany. They visited th excls com missioner and told him of th old German custom and that bear la almoat a neces sary a a minister. Mr. Mulvlhill con sented after tha couple had visited him several time and notified th pollc to leave tha merrymaker In peace. Three hundred guest wer Invited and all attended. A friend of the groom, 'Who Is In th saloon business,, gave away all the beer that could be disposed of. Detail About Low Fare Knot ' and through passenger service from Chi cago over Pennsylvania Short Line fur nished fro on request. Writ or call on Rowland, 26 U. S. Bank Bldg., Omaha. YEARS of PURITY CThtnd ctld rittsbargh. Pa. 1 'S.. . 1 -. . w NESS'-1..'- Na. : V&iMU H ir.'--.wT-y '..V',.i R ,7- im t t 1 -.' ..3 L.J-