Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
THE OMAHA PAILY'BEE; TUESDAY, JVIjY l, W. Stic of fTS-jTT'Ti-"!?'..'''.." Next J? llond'y t Sale of Clany Pieces 8 ninslio Satar day v ... l Big Special Sale of Women's KIMONOS SHORT DRESSING SACQUES and COMBING JACKETS A great purchase of these pretty Kimonos made of fine lawns, dim ities and the Jap kimono cloths; light and dark colors and Geisha patterns, with short, full sleeves," some looBe back and others with shirred girdles all sizes- Worth up to $1.00 each, at . . 29c GRAND CLEARING SALE of SUMMER WASH GOODS IN THE BASEMENT FINEST WASH GOODS at 10c Yd. The beauty of these fabrics should be of exceptional interest to you silk mous seline white grounds, with small and coin dots, beautiful plaid batiste and embroidered tissues. You will 1 Jfk find in this assortment the wanted styles for a D a nice summer dress, at, yard 500 pieces fancy figured lawns in hundreds of styles m and colors splendid for wrappers, dresses and children's wear, worth lOo and 12c, at, yard 36 & 40-in. white lawns, early in the season l0Vsc was the mills price the late season enables us to offer f? i these at, yard. Fine quality woven dress glng hama all the wanted plain shades, checks and plaids; also novelty ginghams every yard warranted fast color g splendid values at, IIJC yard vw Thousands of yards 40-inch wide white lingerie lawns, sheer and silky, for fine summer waists and dresses, . A at, yard .....UC Blue, brown and green apron checked ginghams, almost as good as Amoskeag, long factory lengths, at, tZ per yard ...... 2 C Hundreds of other big special clearing sale bargains in the basement Tuesday. w EMBROIDERIES at 5cl0cl5c Bargain squares piled high with fine embroideries, in' newest patterns in all widths, including corset cover embroideries, tip to 17-in. ft tl 0 C tl d C wide-per yard, jy JjJ VAL LACES at 2ic-3icSc .White and cream laces, insertings and bands; very dainty as well as elaborate patterns, 1( T 1 q g vaneiy or wiaiu 2 JP2 M 50c MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK at 19c Yd. All the balance of the fine mercerized Table Damask, mill rem nants, nice long lengths in the lot and actually fl ft I worti0o yd., on bargain square Tuesday at, yd, C A Rain Worth A Million We had that vesterday per haps you enjoy the benefit of it. Nearly all Nebraska did and Neb raska crops promise big on account of it. Let us add that right now It Is harvest time In those cool com fortable sandals. We are particu larly well supplied this season In sandals; they seem to hit popular fancy. We can supply yourself or any member of the family. CHILD'S 8IZKS 6 to 8 -Sl.lO to 11 ...$1.35 MISSES' SIZES n to l $1.50 WOMEN'S SIZES 3 to 8 $2.00 MEN'S SIZES to 11 $2.25 . Call singly or altogether. OMAHA WEATHER- FORECAST Tuesday Showers and cooler. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. fc .nW , . J : Away for the summer don't carry' a roll of bills with which to pay your expenses It Isn't SAFE. Arrange with us for travel ers checks, drafts on Kountie Bros.' foreign circular letters of credllt, payable to you on ly If lost, no one else can get cash upon them, and they're good In any quarter of the globe. For this and all other safe banking this bank, national ized in 1863, Is at your service.. OUK RESOURCES $13,088,714.39. First National Bank OMAHA, NEB. . . OR AD OUR Y, Dontlct, 1SJ PAMKAM T OUAMA. PtMM Dt(1m 178 We make a specialty PSts, .fl Cm sra $3L69 ttf riittsv.-...3-00 no mt asstal axul roadtxm plates. Falrils swt tm all ussssflosii. Wfc gmarsntwed 10 ywura. , LINCOLN AND OMAHA RATES E&Uroadl'Seply to Complaint of the : Capital City. DOT E ISCE.ME7 ATI ON EXISTS Oaaaka la a CatltlT Pot at mm A ,' Vn4 turn a Bull tmr Rate, ul Limoula la Hat. floene tlia ago tha linooln CommercUa slab fllad a pnMaat with tha Intentata Dommarea eommlaaton asalnat th rates Into Lincoln as compared with tbaae of pmaha. A faw commodities were picked put which ahowad that tha rate from the oath was higher to Lincoln than to Omaha, although In soma caaea the goods had t ba hauled through Lincoln to Omaha and although Lincoln Is closer to Janaaa points than Omaha. Tha railroads hara maintained that IJn ata has no oaaae to complain because atea raiea on merchandise are htaher Into Lincoln a oorreapondlngly lower rata fm mad ta points to the west where three rood are raahlppad. Tha railroad always maintain that Omaha la neceeeaiily a tiaatnc point heeauae of Its location on the laaourt rtvar and that to make tha aame yatas ta inland point would upeet the en Ire tahrio of rata. Thm sallrawls bare filed ana were wtth tha Xntarataia) Oxinnaara commisalon to Cha eocnatame reeaatly mad by tha Lin axita CtoininarcUl club whlah alleged dta atmtnatlona a traight - rata from the aouth ta bwr Of Ocuaha. Tha afleaourt, tjaarn A Tnama saad) gaMral dental of 4ha ahargan. whUa tha Uttlaa raclOjo and eounsel have asserted In the answars that Omaha Is a competitive point and Is en titled to the present rate while Lincoln Is not. The railroads asserted that the grant ing of Missouri river rates to Llnooln, as Its Commercial club asked, would destroy the commercial parity now existing In Nebraska and Kansaa. The hearing be fore the Interstate Commerce commission will not take pace here until after the sum mer vacation. Find a Customer Ewary thin yo ) ts sn Is wmatsel ft? poinaboay If price am4 cjveatr are rlcM. A Bae Want A4 WO fiftdtft E ej HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS CHICAGO BEAGU HOTEL Amerloan and European Plan Finest Hotel en the Great Lakes On the edgs of town, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant,, modern, overlooks i-ae MicDifran eeaca HEAD OF THE. ELKS GOES EAST Jdg Mel-ria aad Hie Seerotary Iaatva Omaha After Very Pleaaaat Visit. After a two days' enyraent of the hos pitality of the Elkp of Omaha. Judge Henry A. Melvtn, grand exalted ruler of the Clks has left with his secretary, Moses P. O'Brien, for the east. Their destina tion ta Philadelphia where Judge Melvln will have the honor of presiding over 1.500 delegates at the Elks national convention next week. A big reception, was held for Judge Mel vln Sunday at tha local club rooms, where practically all the local brothers greeted him. In the evening they went again to KUrug park as the guests of Manager W. W. Cole. They bad been entertained there by him at dinner Friday evening, but ha bad Invited them again for Sunday to show them the passion play. At the reception Sunday afternoon speeches were made by EL C. Page, Rev. T. J. Mackay, W. T. Canada and Judge Melvln. - ' Judge Melvtn win stop a short time at Waterloo, X to visit Paat Grand Exalted Ruler Plokett. Fnn art ealk Sat)) lM Pali ah say It's the beax aad saost 1 eating polish Saey ha Ye eer used. It give a polish a the 1 aether aad It aroa't rub off on U eVethiag. A watf. a 004 st Is tha on two sides, while shaded parks complete the beautiful surroundings. The city Is but 10 minutes ride from the nearby station. Many families make this their permanent home. Tbere is alwsys a cool breeze in warmest weather. 430 large outside rooms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet of bread veranda. The table Is always tha beat. Tonrlataendtraaslentfaeete flndil a delightful place to stop ea route aod real Addrrae (or handsomely Illustrated Booklet, giving mil particu lars. Maaager, Chicago Beach H tsl. Mat Blvd. aad Lake chore, Chicago. ft trsnrxB tov oar xan arrcruaAJ umS.& MANITOU for paseenger aerrlce exclualvelt makes three trips weekly to Charlevoix. Karsot Springs, Bay View, fetoskey and ataea laa Xalaaa, connection with all sUftamsbij Lines for Lake Superior, Eastern and Caaa llan polnta. Inquire about our week-end trips specially arranged for Business and Professional Mn. LEAVES OKXOAOO AS TOttOWSi Hsa. 11:30 a. aa. We. S . m PtL S iSO a. as, BtAaTTTOV ITBArlBXl OOatFAJrV iritl 4 aSCKm. Sash aad H. Walcr Sta, fSlrsgs Tsvke Your Fevmlly to "Beautiful Bellcvue 9 FOR THE SVMMEft Only 40 Minutes from Omaha After business hours leave the hot slty. Pleasant rooms good board. The most delightful summer resort in Neb. $5 1. $7 per week. June 20 to Sept.7 Address Manager, Bellevue College. "Phone 17121 n. Omaha. Believue, Neb. Are Yon Going to St. Louis? The Hotel Hamilton Is a delightful place In the Beat Resident Section and away from tha nvtae and emokei yet wuam easy acceea. Transient tale: li st tc it. par day. ILtro pean Plea. Special Kates by the weak. Watte far Booklet. Address W. V. WIT fclAMfeON. Manaaer. atAJetstf OAT KOTBA, St. BOVin. Our July A rousing chance for saving money! These July Clear Clearance Sales """"'r'1,".1"" pre; tend to be a determined effort' to close out all smnier merchandie, Ignoring cost and losa. It' a half yearly after-Inventory event that finds us with $300,000 over-surplus of high grade seasonable merchandise that mut be llsposed of before its Beasonableness expires. Gen eral market condition make this affair memorable for you and for us. IlereV hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Hue summer goods at tragio bar gain prices. The goods must go, we have no room for out of1 season goods. New fall goods must be made room for. ; Read these daily announcements they lead the town such bargains are not possible else where. Wh will beat all competitors because we back our ads with the goods. nr T"rrT7T n tt V) L, M l U RYU IV I . W SMloKTDESDffl: A SENSATION IN SKIRT SELLING 95 ISO Skirts made of lancy English chev iotall new styles- worth and S selling regu larly at $3 Tuesday $J.OO Linine Skirts an other sen sation ..... Duck 79c 9t kTjUttsd&y Only Second Floor. Men's f raw Hats r Values up to $1.00. Values op to $1,150 . . Values up to- $1.00 . MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Tuesday will be the second day of our annual clearance sale oa men's fine Negligee Shirts. The greatest values ever shown. Values up to 60c, on sale 39 Values up to 76c, on sale.... 41)? Values up- to $1.76, on sale 89 Values-up to $2.50, on sale $1.10 MANUFACTURER'S SECONDS Values up to .$2.00, on sale : G9 Bennett's Big Grocery Tuesday's List of Grocery Specials Teas B. ' F. Japan, Oolon, Gunpow der,' Con sou. lb 38e And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts, red rose, banana, celery, cinnamon, ginger. strawberry, peppermint, peach, bot tle .lso And SO Green Trading Stamps. ITeeeda Blaoults, 4 pkra., lto And 10- Green Trading Stamps. Olnger Snaps, lb So Blood of grape Juice, pint bottle ISo And (0 Green Trading Stampa. Blood of, grape Juice, quart bottle Mo And 60 Green Trading Stampa mi Tuesday's Bargain Bulletin BUY YOUR BOYS' CLOTHING NOW IN OUR JULY SALE fiifiEi ThC RELIAOLB STORE Special . Values Without Equals Else where in the V.est GRAND INVENTORY SALE Monday was embroidery day TUESDAY WIU, HK LACK DAY w kinds of lntcs and liiBertings offered In flvo gnat lots at one-half to .on actual retail value. LOT 1 Narrow val. and Torchon Laces, slightly soiled or mussed lares, worth ui to Oc yard, all go Tuosd iy, at lc LOT a Laces and Insertings, worth to "c yard, all go, at, yd 24? LOT S Laces worth regularly yard, at one price LOT 4 Lhcos worth regularly ynrd fc close LOT 5 I.acos worth regularly yd., on salo nt , A Snap in Undermuslins Corset covers, drawers and gowns all rjj now, first-class goods a lucky bargain 'purchase from o n e of America's best makers goods vrprth and selling to 60cll Tuesday we place on SPECIAL SALE a large assortment of men's fine straw Hats. Every hat mark ed at a full third less than you can buy elsewhere. We have divided them la three lots. The styles rep resent every popular straw hat show this season, 51.49 $1.19 69 Two thouaand cans Bennett's Break fast Coffee, can 480 And 60Green Trading Stamp. Three Star Salmon, can 80 o . And 20 Green Trading Stampa Bgg-O-See Corn flake, 4 pkga....8So Worceeter Table Salt, I aacke. . . .lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Peanut Butter, medium Jar, 20c And 20 Green Trading Stampa Three Star Corn, t can.. 8 So And 10 Green Trading Stapms. Diamond 8 Chill Sauce, bottle 88o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Old Dutch Cleanser, S pkgs, ISO And 10 Green Trading Htampa. The Finest Fishing Vi.1 and oottages for sal on trie flneat lake la Wiaoooatn. AddrM J'OJLaT :Mi JKBiMJL i Saul tiaiaa naT, U Special Rates jamestown All Summer Resorts, Rates, Booklets, all information, call at Wabash City Office, . 1601 Farnam. HAILBY E. 1I00RE8, 0. A. P. D. CM ATI A. V1 i i' Special Sale of Indies' Hontlkrrclilcfs Greatest bargain ever offered you Radical Price Reductions In Our Ladies' Underwear Deparlment lth all e-flfth to lOo to u4 50 to 2 5c 10i 3Hc Indies' 75 Lisle I'nitm Suits loose knee, lace trimmed or tight knee, silk taped sale price, Tuesday... Ladles' Jersey Knit rants, lace trimmed, large sizes, snap Tuesday, at 25 Ladies' Union Suits, In pure lisle with fancy lace yokes, umbrella knee, lace trimmed, worth to 2, special 9S Ladles' Lisle and Cotton Vests, all sites, worth to 30c garment, special bargains Tuesday at 5c, 10c. 12 He, and 15 Ladles' Pure Liele Vests, regular BOo values with fancy yokes, at. . . .25ir Ladles', Men's and Children' Hone, In all sizes, plain and fancy colors special bargains Tuesday, at...lO) Extra Specials for Tuesday From 9 to 10 A. M. One case of full standard prints, fastc olors, 6V4c grade, 10 yards to a customer, at, a yard 2H From 10:30 to 11:80 One case-8V6c unbleached muslin 10 yards limit to a customer, at, a yard .4?sc From 2 to 8 p. m. 25 dozen towels, extra large and heavy, 15c grade only four to a customer, at, ea. GH From 4:80 to 0:80 One case of Bleached Muslin, regular 10c quality, 10 yards limit, at, a yard 5 For all day Apron Checks 2'0 Dotted Swiss 7H American Prints 4 Simpson's Prints 4 15c Batiste 7H 12ttc. Batiste 5 12 Vic Batiste j 50 7VaC Lawns 3H Shirting Prints 30 A Remarkable Sale of Skirts A gret stock of high irrnde wool and wash skirts, In all the season's new est styles ON SALE AT LESS THAN HALF. SKIRTS AT 05c An immense lot of pretty wash skirts and about 150 wool skirts all new styles, secured at a remarkable bargain, any garment In the lot fully worth two or three times Tuesday's price, to bo closed, choice 050 110 French Voiles, taffetas and pan- $6 Skirts, In neat serges, panama, checks, stripes and plaid materials wonderful values, at $2.00 SKIIITS, made to sell at $8, In melrose cloths, chiffon panama, voiles, silks, etc, checks, stripes, plain colors and fancy mixtures, choice In this sale, at $3.00 ama skirts, all sizes, 22 to 38 waists, 38 to 46 length, greatest bargains ever shown, at .'. . . . ..... $4.00 F1XK SKIRTS, worth to $15, In silks, French panamas, Aultman voiles, etc. handsomely trimmed at... $6.00 Great sale of kimonas and Dressing Sacques regular values to 75c choice, at 193 IM HAYDENS' MB Take One With You On of our Ftountaln Pena. You'll need I, every day while you are on your vacation. We have them at all prlcea. A good guaranteed, pen, $1.26. Waterman Pen $160. Spend a few minutes In our tore. LOOK FOB TUB NAME. 3. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler Kit Dougla Btreet. n n nn SlAm EXP OS mow The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY, On account of the Jamestown Exposition afford one of the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered the traveling public in many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits to Niagara Falls Lake Chamnlaln The St. Lawrence Hudson River Trip Adirondack The Cat skills Berkshire Hills Chautauqua Atlantic City f!tw York City Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by the Chicago & North-Western Ry. with trains of all lines east For rates, tickets and full Information apply to TICKET OFFICES 1401-1409 Farnam Strsat OMAHA, NEB. MEN' Do you know that your failure to instruct your wives, daughters, sisters and mothers in the correct way to step off a car exposes them to danger? "Take hold of hand-hold with left hand and faco direction the car is moving." Assist us in preventing accidents. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.