14 THE OMATIA PATLY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY G. 1007. 11 i 1; ' : i.f i ! Want - ads Advertlseaseata far taa rolimit will s taken nnttl 13 m. for the (Tmlti edition aad until . us. fer the morning, aad t4ay HUUu. ChIi mmmt timaiur all ardera for veeat-ada u4 advertisement will he neeepted for lean than. 1ft oaata far he drat UnrtlM. RatM apply ta either Taa Daily l4if Baa. Alwara Nt als wnrdn ta llaa. ramataatloaa af laltlala ar ( aa aaa wswd, CABH RATKI FOn WAlfT-ADl. RrOELAR CLABSirlOATIOV Oaa ? laeertle. p-rr llaa, 10 rents. Twn ar t Mara eonseoutlve faaertlana, av llac, ', cants. Each tneertla-a me aa a 4 ,; dura, 10 coats nor llaa. $XA par llaa , ' per sneuth. CASH RATKI FOR WOTICK8. ! ' Death aad Faaaral If otleen. Tarda af Thaake aad Indira Notices, T ecala per llaa far oaa edition, morula or (TralHl S a llaa for each ed- 5 dltloaal edition. Sunday, 10 eoata a '! Una. If a ad taken for laaa tana BO S cfnti. SPECIAl, CLASSIFICATlOHa If yoar advertisement la Inserted under uf i 1 oaa of the elnawtneattema grtven aolow, I It wtU aa duma at taa faUowta J rataei Om laeertleaa, eata aar Mae J tsireo ta ntn s ansa native tmmrrtinmi 8 , oaaats ar Its asMm I a Minn I ae-vaa y aeart an Its erne laaartl I BO i , esata us Umm W nennrtla. BARTH& AJTD HXCHAjrCUB. UCSIXKSf CRAJVCEa. ItKI.r WAJTTKD dTEKAUB. HELP WAJTTKD JKAXJB. Baevut Ageenrta, Uattara OrPERRD rOB BAXJBl Cm, avtraa, Daws aad lvta. lloraaa and Vehtetea. Paraltry uatd lot, Fwrarrum. Typewriters aai Oaa la a; : OFFERED FOR BJEJXT. Furnished : ETafaralakod ! IIomaekapta num nmr4tM aad lUna. wasted to Birr. WAJTTED TO RBTT. flTCATIOJra WASTED. Wsuat-auaa for Taa Baa mmr aa left at ur af taa fotlsrartnua- trac ata aaa la yeur eanaa draKKtat1 . W ara all bsmmeh alReea of Tma yoar ad wlU he laacvtad xaat aa aroatatlr aad aa tka na rta aa Jtka aula a ale la Taa B BaUdtm, Albach. W. X, toth and Famam. IHaranck. 8. A-, A 8. 10th BC Krebt, Pharmaoy, 2t 8. Uta Bt. tlanaon Pharmacqr, Banaon. Mab. Urmia Park Pharmacy. VA and Ctunl&s. FLaia'i Pbannacjr, U 3 harm an At. Cauhlto, C. it, tth isd Plrrca Bta. Clifton 11II1 Pharmacy, tZU Military Ara. l Conta, i. (Uat Ava. asa araun. iTimaay I'nartnary, in ana uuw. Crmalc EniU, 12M-I 8. Uth St. Kutmin Pharmacy, 4M Hamilton. . Khlar, F. H., 2M8 I!Tenworth. Pnatr A Arnoldl, Fll K. iith 8C l)r-ytr. John J., 114 K. MUl Bt. floranca Irur CoM Florarica, Nab. llnMm.n hirmuv. 30th and Laaa. UrMo'i Pbarmary, co mar Park A.ra. and racino. OrarnouiTh. O. 1 8. 1WD Bt. Orwnooeh, O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, 228 Farnam Bt. Ifanacom Park Phar. lfiOl 8, 2tb Ara. Hoist, John, KM North Uth St. Huff. A. L... J3? Iravanworth St. Klnr, H. 8., 223S Kurnam 8t. Kountsa Plana Pharmacy, WN N. Mth. Patrick Dm Co.. 14 N. Uth 8t. I-athrop, Chan. E., 1124 N. 24th BL rrnn, I B.. !4th and Lravenworth. SrtiMi tViif Ph.. 14th and Amra Ara. Bcharfer'a Cut Prlca Drue Btora. 16th and thicaro. Brhaafr, Aunt. B31 N. lMh Bt. 8-hm!dt, X H., Jh and Cumlnr Bta. ptnrm PTiarmacr. 16th ant Martha Bfa. TVnlnot Hlfl Pharmacy, 4rtfh aod Cnratrnr. Walton Pharmacy, !ftth and Orara Bta. wtrrn. o T . inn Ham'iroti DEATHS A!f D Fl.lKRAL HOTICE8 MARTIS Lara E-, are s7 years, t month. ' Funeral from fnmlhr reatdence. Hit Bristol street, Saturday, 1 p. m. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. Fiienda Invited. i 1 1 BRTCKBON Claua J.. July i, 1197. aJ M reara II monfha I aaya. , Funeral Sunday. July 1th. 1 D. m . from tha family renldence, 1S30 8oth Twentieth treat. Interment, Laurel Hill cemetery, Frlenda Incited. . . I..JIIJJ' '' ajMIIUIJiagJM MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Tha foUowtnc marrtaca llcensea hava been iaauea: Naina and addreaa. Aaa. John F. Cllne. Dea Motnea, la 41 Mra. Minnie M. BenedlcA, Diagonal, la.. M William Herckt, Omaha 2a Oella Loalaa, Omaha 30 Clava Olnrerlch, Marcus, la ft Lucy K. Hoxeie, Marcus, la It BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha-J. H. Curran. t206 Cumins atreet. Ilrl; James F. Kaatl. 2311 Bouth Fourteenth street, girl; frame Hctiirk, iiif Lake street, hoy; J. B. Btarr, vtl Cuming streot, grl B. D. Burnell, JiiJ Rmmet strnet, girl Movalne Blaine, M Uanoroft street, boy l-aul 1. Hoacland, 131 South Thlrt y-neoond street, boy; Michael Kobtaco, 17v Nicholas iireei, gin. l)eaths Benjamin W. James, Dough CUiunly hospital, aged 7S years; William Jfne, IHiuglaa County hoaottal, aged 61 years; Ilahy Curron, Z?05 Cumins street Florence D. Brown, 114 Bouth Thirtieth )! reel, aged 15 years; William L. Said, 41 ouin lwniKlctu atreet, aged - Ga years Agnea KuhU 1107 Nrth Twenlv-flrHt street. airxd t mouths; Joseph btetert, South liT?cliL1,r,l street, aged 78 ra. ANNOUNCEMENTS ! l Leavenworlu Bis. Tel. Douglas lwi. ( u-: UJ-104 SIGN PA1NT1NU-B. H. Cole, 13W Douglas. 11-1U6 AUTOMOBILES VOH SALK-A Cameron Runabout aulo i iiielnlf. a bargain, tiloba Land and In I vsl'ent Co., lCi t arnam ML loi iitiND or our Ut of Sf cond-hand automo- i biles, LKK1UHT, iVrnara. a-4w &jOi BLTCK. two-cylinder, 22 H. P. tour J tug car, overhauling and painted tuUl.ut ''itw CADI LAC. It H. P. touring car. Hue f sliape IM UAMil.t.K. la 11. P., almost new. I several extras Included fwog f tK KNOX toiurlni: car, air cooled....tojiU J . OUjb. e-Hti l p. Jiu M. P 1ouvO lit.u, lb ii. i, usea very liiiiw iia.m 9"6 FRANK I4N, llb top. four-cylinder. fielat'hable torn iu Mio.uO iS FOKD, twf-cyiiiiJer, detachable tou- ix'au. 14 H. I- '....1400.01) STRVKNd Dl'RYKA. two-cyllndor, and look Uku i.-w. with top BuoO.uO UAMBi.KK k, detachable lonneau, just tealiitrd and overhauled ttwO.Oi) Villi tor full description. I. E. FREDHICKSON. 15lh and Cap. Avo. tJ iS3 BARTER AND EXCHANGE 20 ACRES 6 miles from 8ohe)i City, Ver non coui.ty. Mo.; W acres under cultiva tion; good bulidlng. price, 160 per acre; Inounibiance, fc: Ouo Will excuangu for ronsral merchandlae. Globe Land and nvcslnieni Co., lat Farnaru St., Omaha, (3) Vis X CHANGES If you have city property Stoika of goods, f-rm Itml or property of any kind to exchange, wr'te for our com- firte Hal. We i.u.e luoperiles at.d lands n all psiis of the country to exchange. Our Hal la free. 8ml for It at once. CioLe Ijnid and ln -ai m.mt Co., In 3 Far nam bt.. Oiuaba. Neu. U lit JOOD stock of general merchaodlss in aa i Iowa town of 1 boU. Will trade for clwr, ! cheap la.id. Cll-its Laud and Inveetinnl Co., U2J r arnaiu. CI 74) BARTER AND EXCHANGE tContlnaed.) FOR EXCHANGE-S!0 seres rolling land In Fully county outn Dakota, on creek. Prloe, l&.o. Cluir. Might consider good haiel or siora 1 clear and well rented. De sert be fully. Boa 2. Avon. Gl H. (3. ) lix No. 1 M0 acres eaatern Nebraska farm. for general merchandise., clothing, grn cerlaa or faxra Implemanta. Dqulty ll.l.-'. No. I IS acrea cboloa eastern Nebraska farm, for general menr.landlao. grocerlei or lmslamanla. ISqulty njoa No. I a) acre farm 4 mUee from conntf nt, eaetarn Nebraska, for city real, dance, general mercbandlae ar (Tocerlea. Equity HJM. 1 All ohoke, le-el land, good boU. Address Box KS, Axtell. Nab. (1)-M 497 7x HATK farma to exohange for general map. obnndlae, bardwaso or Implement. JACOBSON A CO.. N. T. U. 9-JdAM BUSINESS CHANCES SNAP. Furnished rooming house for sale. 10 rooms, full of roomers, wiuiin t diocks oi ikq and Farnam 1400 caah. Address K t7, car Boa. 4-71 FOR BALE At a barraln, up-to-date mil linery stock; beet business in town; terms to suit purchaser. Mena Tank, Schuyler, Nab. (4)-M97 JylOx BUSINESS CHANCE) For sale, business and business property in small town oiose to Colorado Springs, Colo. The property consists of store building, 1 stories, 1 rooms on second floor; grain house, creajnery building, barn, i stalls, feed room; ice house, new; good cellar and good water. This property stands on 7 lota. Tha only general merchandise store In the town Is conducted In tha store building. Postoffloe. local and long-dls-tanoe telephone exchange Is In the stors and adds materially to the Inoome of the store. A 11.000 stock of merohandlse goes with the property, Including a good set of store fixtures. Dwelling house, one block distant, connected with the store by telephone, contains 1 large rooms, high celling, double floors; house -In fine con dition, Just painted; enclosed sleeping poroh; t chicken houses, with scralohlng sheds; barn, cellar, carriage houae. oow barn, work shop; most of these buildings new; hydrant In house, garden and barn, elegant water. Property located en two rftilroAila i(t malls a dev. For qulok salo all the above property will be sold ror K.OW. me improvements aiunc could not be built for the money asked for the entire property. Owner must sell, as he hss to take his wife to a lower alti tude. Address Box 53, Falcon, Colo. (4)-M382 x Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property Of any kind anywhere T It makes no dif ference whether you want 100 building lot or a 1600.0U0 tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trade before seeing a copy of the Keal Estate World. It contains a large list of property and merchandise stocks for sale and exchange, and reaohea ssveral thousand readers each Issue, and Is the best advertising medium to reach the real estate buyers, homeseek ers and traders that you can advertise In. Write your name and addresa offa postal card, mall It today, and we will send you the journal for two months on trial free. Address the Real Estate World, Suit IM Good Block, Des Moines, Is, () 431 WHITE Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee, la.' Have farms and wild lands, etc., lor clear town property and merchandise. (3)-M83) JylBx FOR BALE Lease, furniture and fixtures of only 12.00 hotel in good xxeoraxa county seat own of 8,0X). Good reason for selling. Aaoress x mo dw. (4)-M320 Jyx Do You Wish to Make a Phange If you have a farm, home,' business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, jmcd. (14)-M64S Jyll TO BUT or sell any business or real es tate, call o.i or write Hi. U. uangestau, 401 Bee Bldg. (4-7 FINE location for good grocery and meat market business. Market lor sale; double room. The right place for the right man. M. J. KENNARD A CO., S0O-10 BROWN BLOCK. 4)-M2?5 LUMBER TARD for sale. Inquire of N. Duncan, Pawnee City, Neb. . . v (4)-M223 Jytx INDUSTRIAL AND MI STOCKS JiOUGHT AND BOLD. ROBERT C; DUR8EDOW A CO STOCK BROKERS, 80t New York Ufe Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - (4) 770 FOR BALE CHEAP Only restaurant In college town or ,ow; casn or trade, nox 5, Baldwin, Kan. (4 MloO JyBx SALOON for sale, 718 N. 16th' St., Omaha, Neb. t4 74S jyx 14-ROOM hotel, well furnished, gobd busi ness, close to depot, lot Z2xm, good out buildings, a bargain. Robert McMullon, 411 N. Glenn Bt., Grand Island, Neb. (4) M470 lOx FOR SALE Long established shorthand and typewriting, business in Denver; Deal location terms, practically 11,000 cash. Aodress "Work," care John P. Glbons, 748 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Col. (4) M431 13x ' FOR SALE Blacksmith shop. N. 21th Bt., South Omaha. t) MVij-i'x FOR SALE Small stock of goods, about 1800 worth of shoes, iiau worm or under wear, 1.25 worth of fixtures; fixtures in clude a Halwood cash register; must sell; big discount. Address D. A. Milllken, Pocahontas, la. (4) M4ti6 llx FtR SALE Only harness shop In good town 2,000; southeastern Kansas; line crop; good trade; stock will invoice about tl.boo. Address E. Corderman, ( Chetopa, Kan. j (4-848 7x BARGAIN HUNTER OPPORTUNITY Meat market, 8 Vulldlngs, centrally lo cated; 2u0 tons ! ; only meat market In a radius of 26 miles; annual profits, tl.500; owner too old to tare for the business; prire, 12,600. Addresa W. T. Hanna, Milan, Kan. . (4-34 7x DRUG stores for, sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 7if7 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4) 771 FOR SALE Confectionery. Opposite Lake school. Act quick. Party leaving e'ty. Call 1914 Lake St. , (4)-M4S3 NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. Old established, k years old; city of 1.'dM; good Job and ad patronage. Address Herald. Golden City, Mo. (4 M417 Six 17-ROOM hotel, newly fitted out, rent 120, close to four Upot. good 'trade: nmat be sold, .only Um. Mrs. W. H Llttll, Hastings, Neb. (4) M415 3x IF YOU want to get in business, see us without fall. Investment Dept., Wfstorn Ref. & Bond Ass n. 721-722 N Y. Life Bldg. 4)-4?7 BUSINESS chancer: "Miners Scrap Book," free to you six months. If you wrlle us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., Spokane, Wash. (4 M911 Jy8X TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUfMNKHF, CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M'CAGL'K BUILDIXO, 15TH AND DODGE STS. (4) 76 BARBER SHOP In best town of 1.1"0 In 8. W. Iowa: 1 hydraulic chairs; all fixtures new; sood trade, good location, cheap rent: will sell right If taken si once. O. W. Dixon. Oakland. la, (4) M2 7x FOR SAIi: Fine stock general merohandlse-, county seat town; southeastern Nebraska; Invoice about 115.000; can be had at a bargain for spot cash. Ad dresa Y 214. care Omaha Bee. (4) M544 tx ' AN ELEGANT cafe in Excelsior Springs. Mo.; owner leaving city; Lsrgaln If sold at unci. Address Box 135. Excelatur Springs, Mo. (4 M047 lix TO BUY, 8 ELL OR EXCHANGE Iands, city property, farma, merthandlss or c'i.,.tela. Write TuwnsenJ Realty Co., Module. Ia. (4) MOSO At5x Full 8Al.E-Pirsl-clsss blackamlth and wagon work business, with toola; 14 to M reiolved for shoeing and II to la for set ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. (4)-lU FOR BAUD A store; well established busi ness; sul.sh!e for a lady. Addrttra P. O. box 14, u:ky Foid, Cole. i)-AUH ta Have you Th has BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BOMB oegltal wanted for tit; moving Future business, big returns. Address 63S care of Bee. 4 M66S 12x fSBO BUYS bakery and restaurant; only one In town; reason for selling, sick nee. V Address W. B. Hassett, Axtell. Neb. - (4) MBit 12x FOR BALE The only furniture store In town; no trades. J. B. EUera, Doon. la. 4-MJ7 - RESTAURANT and confectionery for sale In good live northern Nebraska town; In voice about $10; feeds 5 to 10 commercial men dally; 10 rooms; 17 beds In connec tion; will sell both. O. D. Tebbetts, Lock Box ZU Crofton, Neb. (4-M?96 7x x FOR BALE One of the best placer mining propositions In Idaho. Partially de veloped; proven value. A. B. Lucas, Meadows, Idaho. (4) M2S3 Sx FOR BALRv-The best paying business In northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro ceries, queenswsre and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y SL Bee. (4) IdTit WANTED A party to buy out a first class stock of furniture in the best town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wie ner, Neb. (4) 7t Omaha Hotel'For Sale The proprietor of one of the best money making hotels In . Omaha, having made a for tune, wishes to retire from business, and will give some one a bargain. Bee us for par ticulars. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co 836 N. T. Life Building. Tel. Douglas 5108. T. F. Osborn, Mgr., City Dept.- (4)-63BT FOR BALE Good, clean stock merchan dise of about tln.OuO In splendid country town of 900; large territory to draw from; doing a good business. Part cash, part time If desired. Address T 237, care Bee. 4) M69i FOR BALE One of the very best hotel propositions In the state of f-outh Dakota; a money maker. Will bear the closest Investigation. Shows large profits. . Best i . . . . 4 . T -. -1- T I . VI IWnwilB BClllUg.. AUUirfl, JlUCR X3UA 17, Parker, 8. X. (4) M965 Jyllx HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or traded quickly. Psrdee A Braum, the hustlers. 830 Neville block. (4)-M544 Jyl2 EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, 11,000 "will purchase a half Interest In a lucrative business If taken at once. Address N-616, care Bep. 14) 45J x FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms (80; leaving city. 1833 Ontario St. (4)-81l 7x ; FOR SALE Part .of furniture of 16-room boarding house; 1400 cash. Address N-650, Bee. , . . (4) 608 7X WANTHD Large or email' manufacturing plants to locate in one or the largest t and most prosperous cities of the new state of Oklahoma. Unsurpassed ship-' plng facilities. Free facto-y site, guar anteed unlimited t cent, er 1,000 feet, natural gas for manufacturing and cash bonus. City has grown in three years from 16,000 to 17,000 and in five years will be 50,000. Get in on the ground floor and ' grow rich. Addreaa all Inquiries to BMA'RT, BURHAM & EVANS INVEST MENT CO., R..A. Long Bldg., Kansas City. Mo.. , . , (4)-52 8x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y, 09 Bee Bldg. 6 La JylJ t Architect. C L. STAUB, 604tt 8. Eighteenth St. ;) M4U6 Jylt : Carpet Cleaalao;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 11 Farnam. t 15) 771 Chiropodist. - DR. ROY, R. 2. 1506 Farnam St, Doug. 4S7. -. io) M77o . Coatraotora. AUGUST KROFFTj building contractor. iwi N. 21st bt., Bouth Omaua. (5) 774 ' Civil Eaarlneera. .t McEATHRON A JAMESON, 30t N. Y. L. t6-775 . Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. , - .16) 77 Dress ma kiasT. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 13,18. ' . (5-777 M DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1621 F'sr. (6-M7 Jyl7 Dentists. BAILEA MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1M5. (6J-77. KsgTavlug, KOTERA dt CO., 1505 Jackson. Doug. 2007. . (5 778 Hotels. THE SCHLOTZ, European, 16th and Harney (oj 133 Florists. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5)-780 L. HENDERSON, 151 Far. Tel. D. 1258. (u) 71.1 Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. Y. Life. (5) Vbl Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILIJNO Watch, repairing. 2-8 paxton Ulk. clock, . Jewelry Tel. D. 4367. (6)-7S5 GUAN CAMBIANO. Instructor In Spanish and Italian languages, lei. Douglas ill:'. (5)-M4 Jy7x Ostnonathy. ; JOHNSON INS., 418 N.' Y. iJ Tel. D. 3'(. . (5) 7W Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 670. (5) Mail Jytl Odlee Seopliea. FILING cabinets, films and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures snJ stip pl'es of sll kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 1&2 Farnaiu bt. Ttl. Douglas o.VvJ. cj M6il Jyl4 FlaaMsg nnd ItratlB-. T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas snd electric fixtures, lou7 HowiJ. Tel. Douglas 743. ' (5) MIw Jylo Pkologravatrs. a B. TRUSSELL. 115 South lfth St (6 7e Fieuch A artisUo pUolorapUs. 110 i. 14th 81. I , ,'-7W something to DEE'S 'Tor Salo Miscellaneous Column, brought dollars to thousands of people H BUSINESS DIRECTORY r Prlatlnc. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad A Jorve, printers. It A Can. Ave. (5)-787 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas BaaO. (5 7a ACORN Press, quality Ptg., 1218 Harney St. (5)-9tUJyW BOO BUSINESS tarda, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for 110; other work at same istes. Oet estimates and eej our samples of work. Call at room 32. IT. B. Nat'l Bank Bldg. or 'phono l'oug las 450S. , 5)-Sl Jylt area. Shutters. Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spej clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (5) 782 Bkoe Repalrlag. RAPID BHOB REPAIR CO;, first - clsss work. lSlMt Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red VH. (fi-444 School Sapplles. OMAHA 8chool Supply Co., 1B3 Tfoward. (t-M9S8J17 Tailoring. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gents' new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 709 S. 27th St. Tel. Red 6918. B 791 Violin Maklag. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and supplies, by C. L. Heskett, r. 647 Range Bik. 6)r7 Jyif. CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of punt and future described. Parlors US S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. (P-7?1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Oftce. WANTED A young lady to keep books In grocery store; must be able to answer telephone. & H. Buffet & Son, 315 S. 14th Bt. . (7)-Ml WANTED An office girl, dry, 1L4 North liith Bt, Garrett Lann-(7)-M543 8 factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2034 Farnam St. (7) 737 WANTED HAND IRONERS AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY. 1511 JACKSON BT. (7)-7J WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. City Steam (7) 7i LADIES and girls wanted for decorating sofa pillows at home, whole or spare time; experience unnecessary; big pay to Kood workers; work permanent. Call Forenoons. 2311 B. 13th Bt, (7) M32 X WANTED Experienced waitress at the Union Station Restaurant. (7) M448 X Hossrkeeslng and Domestic ' WXNTED In July, good cook; two In family; permanent place and good wages. 102 8. 84th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7)-809 WANTED Good lady cook, 140. Phoenix Hotel. Sanborn. Iowa. 17 Mirai WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 In ramuy. Telephone Harney 2U3. vwi Davenport. " (7) M30 WANTED Wash woman. 1301 S. 28th St, (7 M365 a WANTED A girl for general housework. Friedman, 2010 North Twenthteth. (7) M557 18 AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor; family cook, 89 week. Canadian omce, Uth and Dodge (7-149 WANTED A good girl for general house work, 2022 Wirt St. Tel. wetstor iww-, C7-M542 I WANTED Good girl for general house work, no washing. i&36 Harney St. , . T)- WANTED Girl for general housework, also nurse girL 2608 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6042. (7) 361 GIRL to help rlth housework. 8120 B. 18th (7) 352 7x ot, . . WANTED Competent girl for general , housework, 3 in family, wage's 15.00 per : week. 1123 8. 32d tit. Tel. Harney 3J76. 7)-452 6 WANTED Girl for general housework. Three In family. 1523 Jackson street. 'Phone Douglas 4781. l7)M4S2 lOx WANTB.D A washwoman. Mrs. C. C. Howe, 2614 E St.. South Omaha. (7)-614T Miscellaneous. STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute, l&3 Farnam. (7) M628 WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man Jove hair grower; librrul salary to right party. Dr. Minerva James, 20i Da' en port. Tol. Douglas ift&il. (1) Mj32 WANTED Girl for general housework, good home. aU Pierce bt. Phone D. 610 . (7 M490 7x Fifteen stenographers, 140-60. Apply at onie. 4 EdTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 721-1 N. V. Life Bldg. 7) M551 WANTED Five young ladies to ' travel. Call prlvato car. Northwestern derot. Council Bluffs. (7)-M41 fix Office clerk, must operate typewriter, 140. Stenographer, !6. Stenographer. 840. Bookkeeper and stenographer, 140. stenographer, 19.00 per week. Bookkeeper and assistant office manner. 176-100. Collector, r. Call at once or write, WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7)-23 6 LADIES and girls to work steady or part ,t,ii.n at home stsmplng tranarers, 11.60 to 42.(10 doxen. Room 5u6, Paxton Blk. ' (7)-19 7x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors nnd salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through th country; best selling proposition ever Ot tered; bin value H.r your cuaionier, big profit for you. Write today tor particu lars and teriiiory. E. R. McClellsn. 601 Bee iJldg , Omaha. Neb. () 834 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; preftr one who has had ex perience In selling to farmers; permanent position ; good Income. Address O 347, Bee omce. (9 810 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience Belling vlewa. por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Rouru suS, Bee Bldg (9- AN OLD-LINE eastern life insurance com pany of the hid heat standing dealres a manager for Nebraaka. Applicants who are goo.l personal writers and l ave been suRcusaful In agencies snd handling atib- gents will pleaaa address, with refer ences, N 6s, care Omaha Bee. Omaha, Neb. ()-6l x WANTED A solicitor and collector; salary will be paid to comr-rfenl man after Ihs ftrat iiiontii. Union Loan and Investment Cvw U0 Bee bldg. 9-U7 JU sell lawsmun HELP WANTED MALE A.e.ts aad Salrsmea-Coatlaaed. CIGAR Salesman wanted: In your lo cality to reprusent us. Experience un necessary. Write for particulars. ttjO per month and expenses. MONROE CltJAtrt CO., Toledo, Ohio. (9)-M648 12X WANTED By an old. established cigar manufacturer, a competent traveling man to cover Nebraska, paying a good salary and insuring permanent position for- a satisfactory man. Address, H 'ill, Omaha Bee. t 31 Sx Clerical aad Office. WANTED Young man about It or 17 years for office work; permanent. Address L 614, Bee. 49 M434 Factory and Trade. GET OUT OF THE WET! Jobs won't be so essy to get next year. We can use 6"0 machinists. Highest wages; steady employment guar anteed. Transportation advanced to machinists hav ing first class references. We positively make no charge In any way, manner, shape or form for securing Jobs for machinists. Addrews, with references. The National Metal Trades Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. ( M916 tx MOLER Barber college, 111S Farnam St., teaches the trade y free clinic and care ful Instructions In few weeks, positions waiting for all who will luarn. Write for particulars. , (9) M546 lix TINNER, experienced In furnace and gen eral shop work: steady Job; good wages. Hartman A Pullock, York, Neb. (9)-M210 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. P V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L.. Oman. (9)-8(.l WANTED Four Rivlt Heaters Immedi ately. Stacy Mfg. Co., 20tli ana Center. (t) 32 WANTED Reliable shoemaker. Must be sober and- good at all kinds of repair work. Sheldon Shoe Co., Sheldon, la. () M4S7 10X MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; pays 15 to 18 day; position secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School, St. Louts, Mo. Free catalogue. t8j-d W ANTED Two good painters and paper hangers, at once; bring tools; ready for work. B. E. Weldon, Tarklo, Mo. , (9)-M502 lix WANTED Four moulders, 2 core makers; union wages; open shop; will sln ion tract for one year. Em A Orr, 173:i Blake BL, Denver, Colo. ()-304 atlscellaaeoae WANTED School teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work pleasant and profitable. Address H 207, Bee office. (9) M6I STRIKE Stryker. Men't Shoes. 312 South 10th. Board of Trade Bldg. 9 6 WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN aged 18 to 35. for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn ItfO.OO per month, become engineers, earn 1200.00; brakemen earn 175.00, become . conductors, earn 1150 00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n.. 620 X, Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. (9 898 Jyt - ANYONE out of work can make big money selling our household specialties. C. F. Adam Co., 1619 Howard. (9) M751 Jytx WANTED Man with some experience In traveling capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address, with stamp and references, S 617, care Bee, (9) 808 WANTED At once, five cement finishers, capable of handling a crew. Address or call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9Ui 8t., Sioux Fdlla, 8. D. (9 397 STUDENTS, any school, desiring1 employ ment, register McCartney Institute. 1W2 Farnam. (9) M672 WANTED An experienced. competent man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples Store, 16th and Farnam. (9)&84 WANTED Man and wife to work on farm. J. E. Smith, Seneca. Kan. () M2S0 6x WANTED Man for real estate business; good wages; experience unnecessary, Apply 815 Ramge Bldg. (9) 369 FIRST-CLASS waiters, 1-1 per week; ten hoursf Luzon Cafe, Billings, Mont. U)-M445 A2x WANTED Helper In elevator and coal business, permanent Job, married man preferred. 11. 8. Westbrook, Dunbar. Neb. (9) M464 x GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National DIM. Bureau, Chicago, 111. (9) MI00 lOx Manager loan department. 875-100. Oflice clerk, experience In lumber, $00-76. Office clerk, married man preferred, $70. Timekeeper, 8ti5. Many other, call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) M560 t WANTMD Experienced tile ditchers to work by the rod; I2.u0 to 13.50 per day; good digging. Address J. W. Ten Brink. j Nlckerson, Neb. (9) 616 lix Traveling salesman, paints, Neb., 11,210. Balesrnun, dry goods. 11.500. Manager, general merchandise store. 1,5"0. Hulesman, real estate, city, 11,500. Young man with knowledge of mining engineering, 900. . Stenographer, 1720. Office clerks, bookkeepers and numerous others. Calls or write for complete list of vacancies, WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 7il-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. ()-621 I WANTED A competent driver. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., Iel2 Farnam. t)-612 7 WANTED Tile d'tchera to work by rod; make 12.50 to 13.50 a day. Apply, J. W. Ten Brink,- Nlckerson, Neb. (9) 628 SHIPPING CLERK Wholesale Jewelry store, fine position for the right young man, age about 20. Address o 684, care Be. (9)637 7 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses nnd Vehicles. ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very speedy, weighing 1,100 lbs.; one good black pacing. mare, weighing l.iiui lbs.; one span good bay 8-year-old driving mares; one span brown paueia, i yeurs old; one -year-old Iron gray single driver, very gentle and toppy; one good l.K5-lb. chest nut sorrel surrey horse. Theso horses are all good, sound, well broke horaes, ranging In prices from (isO to HU) each. Alao have several good low -priced drivers ranging from 140 to ITj. Written guar antee with every horse. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and bupply Co., rear 414 North 16th St, (11) Mti3 RUNABOUTS, carriages snd harness at greatly reduced prloaa. Johnaon A Dan forih Co., H. W. Cor. loth and Jones hts. (11) -807 HAVING bought au automobile will sell my new stanhope, horse and harness at a great sucrltloe. Dr. Moritnuu. 616 N. Y. Lire Bldg. (11 M541 12x WE are not selling out at coat, but we are selling driving wagons, buagl -a, sun lea and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm weal of Chicago. Holinea-AdKhia Co., 714 14. l'Hh St.. Omaha. (ll)-s:i TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin. Ele and douhle harnesa, runabouts, top buggies and gurries for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street y labia. llj 9U FOR BALK Nice X., N. lk,lli Ave. Senile driving mare. J, 1 1 Al .a LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles Coat leoeil. RUBBER-TIRED road waeon. W. A. Stone, 38 Uucoln Ave., Council Bluffs. tic) MI'S HARNESS. Raddles, Trunks, Traveling ItnKs, sonic good bargains. Alfr.-d Cor nlli Co., 1.10 Farnam St. tin MO FOR SMJ1 Yearling Jack and Fph'nx mare, bred to Gregory the Ur-at. I'ox 13.7, 1-e Mars, la. (ID M2?4 Jy6x FINE family horse, perfectly gentlo; slso good buggy and harness. Call at J'U-a-on s )arn, 2Sth and II Jinny. (11) -AUM FOR pony buggies, runabouts, trspp, rs.'ta end harness see Johnon-Dnforth Co, 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bis. (11) (tot Poultry aad Basra. WHEAT, 11.66 hundred. Wagner, 801 N. lMh. (in si! GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co.. Omaha. (11) M3St Auirl 'Coma, Blrda, Dobs and Pets. GOOD young cow for sale. 82d and Fort Omaha Ave. (ID M134 fix FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies; perfect beauties. )81t Dodge St. (1D-440 7x PFDIOREE fox, terrier pups, cheap. S7I N. 26th St. (11J-M41S LOST AND FOUND L08T Beetle pin, green enamel, between depot and Hanscom park. Reward. II. Copley. 115 8. lfith (12)-607 7x IX)ST Ladles' umbrella. July 4, on Court lund Beach car, 8 p. in.; name on handle, "Ethel to Katie Gray." Suitable reward. Address K. O., Dally Bee Office. (12)06x STRAYED from 41U2 Izard street, angora goat with collar and rhnln on, finder re turn and receive reward. (12)-M564 8x FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and furniture repairer, 1512 N. 24th 'Phono Webster J2W. (12)-MiS3 22 LOST Out of buggy, black shopping bag, between Farnam and Blnney Sts. on boulevard and North Uth; contained m'mey, bank and chock book on First National. Reward for return to 7:5 8. 37th St. MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray'i Nerve Food Pills," 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman tt McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. (ID til MRS. GARDELS, private confinement home; babies cared for. 8724 N. 26th Sl ot, Tel. Webster-1450. (13) M922 tx ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or I . ,A ,1., . . i U..l.,.,lnn Army Home for Women at 1824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (13) M100 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 39 years practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence, 24T1 Charles, Omaha. (It) 814 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone ' Douglaa-1167. Calls answered day or night, . (13) 121 MONEY TO LOAN ALAUV AND CllAi iELS. $in.00 TO $200.00 FOB THE ASKING to meet the wants of those who have no real estate and are entitled to the same consldei atlon when It comae to borrowing money. . WE LOAN money on securities, no bank or real estate company would accept your household goods, piano, horses, wagons, etc It Is a quick way to get money, no red tape, no delay, no publicity. YOU KEEP both the money and security aa long as you like and pay us for the actual time you are using It whether It Is one month, six months or a year. Remember you pay for the time you have the money not a day longer. W E STAND ON OUR RECORD OF FIF TEEN YEARS OF SQUARE DEALINO. OMAHA MORTGAGE . LOAN COMPANY 111 Board of Trade Building. (14)-407 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. , (14) 816 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St, fit) 817 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONET, loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when slek or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., tot 8. 16th SS (14)-81 THE UNION LOAN CO. have Increased their capital, and during the month of July will make a special rate on collateral loans, personal property, mort gages and Individual notes without secur ity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2804 or call at 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M 426 Aug EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. Mil Douglas. (14) m A -VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation lime Is here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised yourself this summer, come to us. Our special low rates for vacation money are still In effect; you can get the money quickly, privately and conlldentlally on your salary, household goods, pianos, etc. Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 208 Paxton Block. . 'Phone Doug. 1411. U4-i9 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room a. Barker Blk. (14)-820 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14 821 FOR A SQUARE PEA L GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 63 Paxton Blk, 'Phone Douglas 745. , (t2 OFFERED FOR RENT BaaralsK nnd Hiioni,, VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. 't5)-4 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, (15) 2 MOST convenient and pleasant location; de sirable rooms. Call before locating. The Pratt. 202-212 So. . 25th St., Private ex change Douglas 3138. (15) tii 2209 FARNAM, rooms and board. (15)-47J Jyll RUU.Md with breakfast privileges, modern, walking distance. 116 N. 26th, Gentlemen preferred. U6 630 13 BOARD and room In private family for two gentlemen rooming togoihvr; modern. 24J4 be ward bt. Phone Webster aw. a. 115) M3M 8x DESIRABLE room; first-class board: fine location. 218 8. 2-lh Bt. (15 Ml Furnished Rooms. I ELEGANT furnished rooms to good parties; til modern. ZM N. 23d. (15)-52 FURNISHED rooms; gents preferred. 1911 Chicago. (15) M1W 8x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, essy walking distance from down town, large veramta. .pleasant location. 'Phone Doug las 42Si. (15)-Ml50tx LARGE south front room wtih alcove; also other rooms. 27U2 Purism gt. (15 Mjo3 Sx FOR RENT Larte front room with al cove, water In room, large closets. 434 8. 2xih, Hanacom Park district Tel. Har ney 424. (lf)-M370 t LARGE, light newly furnished room In all tuodcra Uouee. Hub Ohfilul Are. (U5 Me OFFERED FOR RENT . -Continued. Furnished Rooms 1 FOUTH 2T.th Bt. north front rooms. Modern east anil (15)-M"t9 1M FOR RENT -Room near corner 20th Ave. "d. Iewy, new hoosr ttectrlc light, ban, strictly modern. Call 'rhon )oog las SMrt. (l.M-M'22 fix IN PRIVATE family, furnished room for one or two, with or without board. ToU Harney 3fs9. 2S.T0 Capitol Ave. (15)-41 7x A EEAt'TlFl'Is largo front room; oUier room; south; modern; 814 No. 28d ft.; phono Red 4S54. (15) M658 12 ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor to married couple or two g.-ntlemen; bath, gss, hot and cold wutur, 609 So. 17th St. (15) FINE large, cool room, modern; prlvato family; reasor ihle. Reference reuulrod. Tel. louglas 461. (15) 3v9 7x NICE cool room; rvervthlng i.ioilern. 120 N. 26th Bt. 'Phone Hartley I53. (15)-M30J 2H DOUGLAS 8t., modern rooms: gentle men. (15) MWJyll ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Capi tol Ave. (15) 9S3 Jyi? VERY pleasant well furnished east front rooms, rnmlte or single; modern, pri vate family, close In reasonahlo. ;w N. 22d St., near Davenport. (15 M4S3 lOx ELF'GA NTLY furnished rooms In new. modern house; bsth on every floor; all conveniences; walking distance. ss Frank Squire, care Hayden Bros, (15) M9T7 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms at 2412 Parker 8t., a few atepa from car line. (15) M640 8 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all conveniences. Itl9 Burt Bt. (15) 870 Jy2Bx FURNISHED room In strictly modern ' house, walking distance, private family. 621 8. 24th Ave. (151116 6x SOUTH front room with alcove; modern and 'phone. 2576 Harney 61. Tel. Red 430. (16)-8u5 7 DESIRARLK rooms; fine location; walking; distance. 218 8. toth Bt. (16) M376 Sx THREE nicely furnished rooms, modern. In private family. 610 N. 23d St. (15) 403 8x LARGE front room, modern, 2033 Harney Bt. (110401 Sx LARGE, cool rooms. The Hillside, . 18th and Dodge Bts.; also day board. (16)-M447 9x 406 8. 24TH AVE. : all new, up-to-date! gentlemen only; references. (15)-M480 Aug2x NEWLY furnished front rooms. 607 B. 13th St.. near Howard Bt. (15) M427 16x FOR RENT One large cool room; all modern; private family. 2624 N. 19th Bt. (16) 584 lix FOR RENT Front parlor room, cool and airy; strictly modern; also other rooms, 2312 Douglas St. (16) 633 Ux Unfurnished Rooma. THREE rooms, 1130 N. 17th St 05) 406 THREE nicely finished south front rooms; , good surroundings; walking distance; nearly new building; to good parties only, M. 049, Bee. , (16) M499 7 FIVE large rooms, all modern, 211 8. 11th, (16)-398 8x BUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooms, strictly modern home; heat and light fur nished; best boarding house In city across the street. 2408 Cass St, (15)-623 FOUR large rooms, Vlth alcove and closets; clean and cool; free tele- rhone; close to car; modern house; rent 16 per month. ' Telephone Harney 464. (16) M539 12x Housekeeping Rooma. FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, 2911 Douglus, ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1U23 Farnam St. . (15) S2t LARGE, modern rooms, single or together, 1 gaa stoves 2208 N. Uth Bt, (16)-U7 tx TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing; gas stove and city water. 9U9 H. 17th BL (15)-356 7 ELEGANTLY furnished or unfurnished rooms for" light housekeeping, 16, 218 N. 23d Bt, (15)-M392 10 FOR RENT Basement; private entrance; convenient for housekeeping. 3167 Far nam. (16) 512 lix Famished Bonsea aad Plata. IN DUNDEE. 10 rooms, all modern and completely fur nished, 1 block from car, fur 2 or 8 months, 40 per month. BEM1S, Phone Douglas 6S5. Paxton Block. (16J-M74 LOWER 4-room flat In private house for rent; new furniture for sale at bargain; leaving city. 821 Bo. 20th St. (16)-MG06 lix 7-ROOM, nicely furnished house, modern; walking distance; will rent to reliable party only. Address J 612, care Bee. (16)-M4J9 I FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, nicely furnished; references. John L. Normile, 2554 Harney Bt. (16) 610 (x Houses aad Cot t aces. OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse lilo-24 N, 19th. Office lout) Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155. (15) Tli'lTTSTT'S tn all parts of the city. The liUUOiliO 0, F UvU Co., Bee Bldg. (15) W0 FOR RENT Seven-room modern houae; 118 So. it iti St., near Dodge. Hamilton, Ug Bee. Phone D 1133. (15) M498 7 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16A. Schmolibr dj Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1418 Famam. U)-g31 UUUDIiO c peters aV Co., Bee Bldg. (i6e- A FINELY furnished, strictly modem -room cottage for rent. biZ 8. 27th bt, TeL Webster 704. (15 MiU HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rales. Movuig and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Ttl. Doug las 394. U5)-fc33 lMt N. 83D ST. -room strictly mortem, brand new ,136, O Keefe Real Estate Co., luol N. Y. I. Its Bldg (16)-Mt71 FOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton Bis. C. M. Bochniann, 437 Pax. on block: (15)-3 WE MOVE PIANOS-Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 1496. Omce, 1711 Webster 8t. U6)-34 FLAT, full modern, rooms, beside bath and private tall; newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put in peitect order; beat flats In north part of city; walking dlslancu; reference required. Call, Investigate this; 16. ' BEM1S, Paxton Block. (ii) M FOR RENT 6 rooms, modern except heat; water paM laott N. 2-d bt.; tit Phone Harney 2766. (15) M912 29 x 2c4u RI OOLK-: SF., 6 rooms, brand new, all modern. 1 blocks from the Dodge car, only IS.OO. J. W. Rasp Co., t'6 Paxton block. Douglas 16o3. (16) ,4 ONE 7-room house, ons (-room houae, mod- ern except furnace, 1JS and tli; una 6-' room houe, city water In kitchen. Chris Boyer, 2143 Cuming bt. (16) 3J3 HOUSt-8. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker plk, Ui)-Hj FOR RENT 1517 8. 2.th; l-rooin modern between Hanacom Park and 24th St. rari furnace, baiu, paved street; U0. F. (J. persona. sAS Hamilton. Harney 24.,. 06 MZ t-ROOM house, models, la every reapvcV tVW Cumin ar .4