Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Country Club the 6cene of Many Very
Pleasant Parties
Wednesday e vexing is filled
Lad Ira Nlajkt PraaUtt o fje One of
Most Koteblo or Rraaoa of
Mif Diner and Other
Wednesday, ladlef day, at the Country
llub, and Saturday evening- the weekly dln
ier and dance, have In other seasons been
the popular days for entertaining, with
practically no dinners or luncheons given
luring- the Interval. It la different thla
ieason, as about ,eyry day a luncheon or
(Inner la given at the club. Tueaday even
ing Mr. Frank Hamilton will give a dinner
In honor of Mra. Kuykondall, gueat of Mr.
and Mra. Charlie Btewart or Council .Bluffs.
Wednesday Miss. Flora Webstar will en
tertain forty gueata fei honor of Mlaa Cran
nr of Denver t Mrs. Charlea Sweet, eight
ruests; Miss Martin, eighteen guests; Mra.
Palmer, four; Mra. J. B. Rahm, aeven;
Kra. B. T. White, twelve; Mrs. A. J. Love,
eight; Mra. D. M. Vtnaonhaler, four, and
Minn Balcombe, alx.
Wednesday evening sixteen of the old
friends of Mr. and Mra. E. M. Fairfield
rill dine together In honor of Mra. E. M.
Fairfield, who haa recently returned from
a few months' stay In Europe. Thursday,
being the Fourth of July and a holiday, a
long list of reservations have already been
mads. Mlsa Mildred Lomax wll lentertaln
twenty-four guesta, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Connell alx, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe alx.
Mr. and Mra. C. II. Gulou five. Mr. and
Mra. P. II. Oalnea five, Mr. and Mra.
Charlea Sweet alx, Dr. and Mra. Hull four
teen. Miss Louise Terk twenty, Mr. T. C.
3rne six, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler six,
Jr. Stockton Heth eight, Mr. Martin eight,
Mr. Thomas A. Fry eleht. Mr. and Mra.
T. P. Klrksndall six, Mr. Joseph Baldrlge
Wlx, Mr. Warren four, Mr. C. C. George
four, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Vinsonhaler four,
Charlea F. Davis four, Mr. and Mrs. L.
toup five, and Mr. and Mra. F. F. Miller
,. Monday Night Dinners.
Mr. and Mra. Harley Moorehead were
tionor guesta at a dinner given by Miss
XXhel Tukey Monday, evening at the Coun
try club. Garden flowers, adorned the table
nd those present .were Mr. and Mrs.
(Moorehead. Mlsa Julia Higglnson, Miss
Gertrude Moorehead, Miss Sadie Allen of
Kansas City, Mr. Lawrence Brlnker, Mr.
Arthur Cooley and Mr. Harry Tukey.
Mrs. C. W. Hamilton, who leaves the mid
dle of thla month for a, year'a absence In
Europe, was honor guest at a pretty lunch
eon, Tueaday given at the Country club by
Mra. Arthur C. Smith. The table was
brightened with garden flowers. Thoae
preaent were: Mra. Hamilton, Mra. F. N.
Conner, Mra. Ben Gallaeher, Mra. J. N. H.
Patrick, Mra. Yost. Mra. Nott, Mra. W. B.
Millard, Mra. Deuel. Mra. George 1 Mil
ler. Mra. Hull, Mlsa Ruth Faylea of Oak'
Park. 111., and Mlaa Lupin..
t VMra. Raymond Welch entertained at
luncheon Tueaday at the Country dub In
honor '.of the Misses '.: Bell , of '.'Nashville.
Tenn. The table Imd an attractive center
pleoe of ahaata daisies. Covers were laid
for the Misses Bell. Mrs. Charlea Clapp,
Ura. George Peck, Mlaa Marie Crounse and
Mrs. -Weloh. . ' .,"
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gulou and Mr. and
Mrs. Francla Brogan gave one of the moat
delightful Informal partlea of the aeaaon
Monday evening at the Country club In
fconor of Mlaa de Clatue of Granada, Spain.
fcTho evening waa apent In music and dan.
kinf. About forty guests were present
At' the Field Club.
Mrs. Paul Burleigh will give a small
luncheon at the Field club Wednesday In
honor of the Misses Wlndemeyer of Boul
der, Colo., guest of Miss Henrietta Itee.
"Mr. Arthur Jaynea will give a dinner at
the Field club Wednesday evening In honor
of Mra. W. H. Leavltt. guest of Mr. and
Mra. G. B. Comatock.
Mr, Fred Hamilton wUI give a dinner at
the Field club Wednesday evening In honor
f Miss Cranmer, guest of Miss Margaret
Plenle for Sapper.
Mlsg de Cistue of Granada, Spain, guest
of Mia Mae Hamilton, Miss Cranmer of
Denver, guest of Mlsa Margaret Wood, and
Visa Parka -of Providence. R. I., are still
ruahed, to keep all of the many aocial af
falra j!annsd In their honor. Tueaday Mr.
Lee McShane will give a picnic compliment
ry to them all. The crowd will be taken
ut In automobiles and will atart about 5
'clock to find aome attractive grove to'
hare Supper. There will be twenty-elx In
the party. , , -
Miss Henrietta gave a delightful tea Mon
day afternoon from t to ft. In honor of her
guests, the Misses Waltemeyer of Boulder,
Colo., The rooms were trimmed with garl
den rosea and arparagus ferns. About thirty-five
guests were present during the af
ternoon to meet these charming young wo
Snen. Mr. Clarence L.' Rose entertained In
formally Monday" afternoon at two tablea
Ot bridge. The prise of the afternoon waa
von by Mrs. C. A. Pratt. Those present
Wore Mrs. Herbert McCoy, Mrs. W. K.
$xte, Mrs.' Eari R. Stilea. Mra.. C A.
Pratt. Mra. Cook. Mra. R. W. Moody and
Mr Leo Grotte.
ttoelat Chit That.
Mr W. H. Leavltt, nee Mlsa Ruth Bryan,
Is the guest of Mr. and Mr Q. B. Corn
Stock, at XtO Harney street.
' Mr Birtha Cone haa returned from a
Visit in Kansaa City.
Mrs. Morrison and Miss Edith Allan of
Kansas City will arrive Wednesday to be
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tukey.
Miss Sadie Allen, who haa been visiting
Miss Ethel Tukey and other Omaha friends,
will leave Saturday for her home In Kansas
The Misses Bell of Nashville, Tenn., who
have been visiting Mr. and Mra. Charlea
Clapp, are making a very short visit, aa
they leave Friday for their home, but they
have succeeded In crowding In a large num
G "' """" "
ber of aocial functions, mostly given In
their honor, during their week's stay.
Mlsa Helen Waltemeyer of Boulder, Colo.,
la the guest of Mra. Howard Graham and
Mlsa Edith Fisher.
Miss Ruth Fsyles of Oak Park, 111., Is
the guest of Mrs. C. E. Tost.
Mra. John L. Kennedy will entertain very
Informally at. bridge Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. and Mra. B. II. Bell have gone to
Wall Lake, la.
Mlsa Faith Hoel, Miss Mary Morgan, Miss
Mary Bedwell. Mlsa Zola Dellecker and
Mlsa Ella Wirt of Council Bluffs left Mon
day evening for Chicago to attend the na
tional convention of the Kappa Alpha Theta
Mra. Francla C. Grable and Mlsa Katherine
Grable are boarding at 2324 Harney street.
Illustration ef the anrpllre
Showing V Front and
Simplest and most numerous of all the
gulmpe frocks are thoee of surplicelike
tinea, leaving a deep V front and back to
be filled In with net or lace or chiffon or
what one will. Innumerable changea are
rung npon this Idea and the astonishing
number of Inexpensive frocks In taffeta,
pongee, voile, linen and cotton materials
are made up along auch lines. Often the
effe t la quite attractive, though one
wearies of the general Idea, and this same
surplice effect la to be found In aome of
he smartest of the French frocka aa well
s In the cheap, ready made Jumper
Tske for example a frock of the Pekln
stripe black and white silk voile which
has attained such pronounced popularity.
Here again we hark back to the restaurant
dinner, for the frock waa worn there by
one of a party who had bvldently motored
In from out of town.
The woman who wore It had a charmlnr
figure and the gown waa beautifully cut
and hung and draped, but the draped Bur-
pllce bodice and the full skirt, plaited In
tiny plaits at the waistband and pressed,
not stitched, were of the simplest. A nar
row fold of black Liberty satin bordered
the surplice edges, and a fold slightly wider
was "set at the bottom 'of the skirt.
There were little bows of black satin set
on the front and back of the girdle, which
was of the folded voile. 80 much for the
body of the frock, but the gulmpe and the
underaleeves of net and lace were worka of
art, ao fine and dainty and original were
they, and the points of the V, back and
front, waa filled in up to the buat line with
oriental embroidery and vivid barbarto
greens and yellows and bluea and reds
done on white allk tnousselloe.
Sobs Tempting; Warm Weather
Dlahea and How to Mak
Cherries au Nsturel.
Cracked Wheat with Cream and Sugar.
Spanish Omelet. Buttered Toast.
French Fried Potatoes.
Broiled Lamb Chops. Hlce Muffins.
Cherries au Natural Select the finest
bunchea of cherries and wash In cold water;
place two or three of the bunchea on small
Individual fruit plates on which a few
cherry leaves hsve been arranged. If the
cherries are very sour a small plate con
taining powdered sugar may be served be
side each plate.
Cracked Wheat with Cream and Sugar
Into four cups of boiling water stir ons cup
of cracked wheat and a small teaspoonful
of aalt. Boll for two houra in a double
boiler; serve with cream and augar. If
desired the wheat may be cooked the day
before and placed in a cool place until the
next morning. If thla ia done serve cold
with cresm and augar.
Spanish Omelet Chop finely aa much
boiled ham, using fat and lean, aa will fill
a teacup, and add to thla a tablespoonful of
minced onion and one-half bf a green chill
pepper chopped fine. Cook the ham, onion
and pepper in a cup of tomatoes for ten
minutes. Beat six eggs slightly, add sslt
to taste; fry In a buttered pan until deli
cately, brown ; place on an omelet dish gar
nished with parsley; fold In the mixture of
hsm, onions, pepper and tomatoes; serve
while hot
Butered Toast Toast slices of bread cut
an Inch thick until a golden brown; put
small pieces of butter on each slice and
place In hot oven a few minutes for the
butter to soften; then spread evenly over
the tosst, taking care to not press too
heavily or the toast will be heavy. Toast
should alwaya be served Immediately after
being prepared.
French Fried Potatoes Wash and pare
as many potatoes aa required; cut In length,
wlee pieces; aoak In cold water one hour;
remove from water and dry on a towel1;
fry until a light brown; drain on paper
and sprinkle with aalt; aerve at once.
Broiled Lamb Chops Place the chops In
a double brollar and broil for ten minutes
over the fire; turn two or three times while
cooking; plaoe on a hot ohop dish; aprlnkl
with aalt and pour over each chop a Uttla
M.rMMM I"1 11 "
melted butter; a small amount of lemon
Juice Improves the flavor.
Rice Muffins One-half a pint of rice
boiled, mashed Into a smooth paste; add
slowly to thla one cupful of milk, three
beaten eggs, salt; mix In flour enough to
make the consistency of stiff cake batter.
Coffee Buy a good grade of coffee. Most
large grocery atores have fresh roasted '
coffee, but It la best when' roasted and
ground at horn The water used should
, be boiled fifteen minutes before It la poured
on the coffee. Any good granite pot will
do In which to make coffee If It la kept
clean and well aired. To one enp of
ground coffee add a beaten egg and the
ahell, which haa been washed and crushed.
Place In coffee pot and pour in a cud of
cold water; mix the coffee and water' well, I
X-l-SSrUS i
boiled the required length of time piur a
small amount Into a cup and pour back
Into the- pot to cause the grounds to settle
at the bottom. Never allow coffee to get
cooled before serving. Cream and sugar
may be added when served. What to Eat
Hand Application of . This Moat
Adaptable Braid a Fashion .
Soutache embroidery la. Indeed, the most
virulent fashion epidemic of the season,
and by prodigal use of It modish frocks are
made not only elegant but distressingly ex
pensive. Machine embroidery will not do
for the elegante. Her eoutachlng must be
done by hand and the designers achieve
beautiful effects of Intricate figure and line
far removed from the ordinary soutache
braiding done In commonplace designs and
by machine.
The finest of braid Is used and aa a rule
It la applied on the edge, faually the braid
ing matchea In color the material to which
it la applied, and that material may be any
thing from the filmiest chiffon or mull to
substantial linen or satin or cloth.
Soutache embroidery upon the very sheet
materials and especially upon the finest
lingerie materials la considered excessively
chic, and the braid embroidery la
quently combined with embroidery In silks,
closely crowded knota filling In certain de
tails of the design.
Even In Parte hand embroidery whether
In soutache or In other materials, is no
longer chesp. The French work girls of
today set sstde the traditions of their class
and Instead of plying the needle as their
mothers and grandmothers did before them
they prefer to go Into shops and factories.
So the Parisian dresemakera rnust pay
more for embrolderlea than they once did
and their customera must pay more for
their frocka In proportion; yet even now
auch hand work la much cheaper In France
than It is here.
First class soutache work la difficult to
obtain here even when one la willing to
pay the price; and for the woman who
' longs to follow the dlctatea of the mode.
yet cannot afford to have her frock em
broidered by hand, the aoutache embrold-
I erlea on chiffon, which are among the high
j clasa trimmings, will prove a boon. Theae
are made by machine, but the manufac
turers hsve been hsppy in their designs
and the work Is carefully done. Banda of
various kinds and separable motifs In great
variety are offered In this trimming, and
by clever use of thla embroidery on self
tone chiffon on net an effect cloaely re-
sembllng that of embroidery on the frock
material may be obtained.
Clerks Making; Ont Reports and Clos
ing; I'p Records for Fis
cal Year.
Matters are at an unusually quiet stage
In the federal courts at Omaha at the
present time, being the cloae of the fiscal
year. The entire clerical force of the
United States marshal's office Is at Work
upon closing up the various reports for
the fiscal year and getting ready for the
new fiscal year beginning July 1.
The next term of court will begin the
fourth Monday In September, at which time
a federal grand Jury will be called to In
vestigate all offenses against the federal
Iswa transpiring in the Omaha district
since February, the date the new Judicial
division bill went Into effect.
Several land cases are scheduled for trial
at the September term of court and for
which indictments are now pcdlng, the in
dicted parties being out on bond. The
most Important of theae Is the Chicago
Ranch company case In which a number
of Chicago parties figure aa promoters ot
a big ranch scheme In Sheridan county
Involving some 20,000 acres of lands,
wherein attempts were made to secure
title by fraudulent means and fictitious
entrlea. 'The bulk of the remainder of the
land caaea Involve amall tracts of lgnd
running from 5.000 to 16,000 acres of lands
In Sheridan, Cherry, Box Butte, Thomas
and Hooker counties. In which the general
allegation is conspiracy to defraud the
government out of title to public lands,
and embrace some thirty or forty de
Woman Tells Wooldrldge Not to
Search, for She Will
Come Down.
Sanitary Officer Wooldridge had a novel
experience Tuesday morning when called to
K& North Twenty-eighth avenue, where a
caae which waa' thought to be smallpox
existed. The suspect was Mrs. Nellie Olm
atead, the mother of a young family. She
waa not seriously IU, but did not desire
to " -tt officer. When he called one
of t"i il.liu.,3 Hid lta mother waa down
tuwn and the o'neet left. He had gone a
frw stepa v.hf a a neighbor Informed him
that ti.e wwiii had not left the building
and h returned. The child endeavored
to keep him out of the houae, but he In
sistud on m'sking a . thorough Inspection,
lie said that', he was partlculaily anxious
to visit the upetsrrs rooma and started
In that direction, when a voice from the
cellar aajd:
"Don't go up there; I'm down here. And
the housewife emerged from the lower part
of the house, where she had been In
hiding. tr. Jensen baa the caae.
FOR BREAKFAST? If not, why not?
corn or oats and is more easily digested,
shredded and baked. Heat the Biscuit
cream or fresh fruits.
if""" -
mss9- for
We Bought
Hundreds of
You Can Buy One Today
At Just About i the Regular Price
All the Men's Two-Piece Outing Suits
And three-piece
suits, from the
are worth up to
AH the Men's Fine Outing Suits And three-
piece summer suits, from the
wholesale manufacturer's
slock that are worth
to $20.00, at
Finest Hand Tailored Suits for Men
The height of fashion, at ... $15.00 up to
In our Boys' Clothing Section, on second floor, old store, we show the best
and most complete stock of summer weight, wool suita and smart wash suits
for boys and children, to be found west of Chicago.
Dress the boy neatly for the 4th of July.
Men's Slravv Hals
The kind that well dressed men are
choosing. A saving of 60c to $1.00 on
every hat Is certain. Buy that new one
before the Fourth prices are
The genuine Panama hats at
In Basement of. New Store
suit cases at 9 c up to
Trunks at $3.25 up to.
City and County Clerki Are Making
Preliminary Flans.
Roosa for Only Fort? Candidates mm
Forty-Three Will Be on th
Ticket to Be Voted
The first atep looking to the fall cam
paign will take place Wednesday, when
the county clerk and city clerk will begin
to make contracts for places wherein to
hold the primaries and registration of
voters for the fall election.
There la some doubt as to the practical
enforcement of the primary law this year.
as that taw provides that the day of the
primary shall be the first day for the
registration - of voters and does not In
terms repeal the old registration law, which
fixes three other days for that purpose.
Under a somewhat similar condition a
year ago It was decided that registration
on primary day was not sufficient and those
who registered th&t day were compelled to
perform the duty a second time. An opinion
has been asked from the attorney general
and ha has replied that he must give the
question greater consideration than now
possible before rendering a decision.
The second year for the use of the voting I
mafhltiA 'Mnil. Ih.( A nl .
...... ... . u v in., iiiBuciuai. tur
the purpose. At the coming election In
Oms,ha there will be forty-three candidate
to be voted for. Including members of the
school board. The machine Is only equipped
lor lorty candidates and the election of
ficers are In a quandary as to method of
procedure. It has been suggested that
candidates for the school board be voted
for by ballot, but the objection Is made
that this would require the construction
of a number of booths and available space
In buildings In some of the voting pre
cincts will make such an arrangement diffi
Under the new law the county clerk Is
compelled to Issue his notice of primary
election July 15 and before that time must
have contracts for all voting places In hand.
Fure TooA Ltl Are Good Burnett's
Vanilla Is pure. Insist upon Burnett's.
mcx m .w. .
Or Any Other Summer Day There is Nothing That Gives a Man Such Real
Comfort and Satisfaction As One of These Dressy
the Entire Stock of ot Chicago Mfgr.
Up - to - Date Hand Tailored Outing Suits
light weight
stock, that
$15.00, at . . .
up j j
Comfort combined with style
making these the best shoes
for men ever f wrk
sold at $4 IU j
. 929.00
gain the
timely Inn,"
say Shtkeapoan, aaJ we Ibiak the
Hotel Belmont
deserves this title
"Timely it is at the Yery
doors of the Grand Central
Station with surface and
elevated lines right at hand
and a private passage to sub
way station for both express
and local trains.
Axd "timely" it is in
that it furnishes the wealth
of conveniences the com
pleteness of service the satis
fying environment which mod
em hotelcraft aim to attain.
fad of Betel Boimoat, l,eei
tor rear ta kululiHe.
Illskeat troa of Hi-ib'I omu
Tweatr-aea Mortea.
rsoaaoH et kei oa Mild reck.
Til latest iddliloi to tie great Hotels of tbi world. OpiQii Uij t 1305,
RdoaM wkheol keth, $2.50 and npwanl
Roobm wah bath. $3.50 sod apwanf
Psitor, bedroom aasl balk, $10 and upward
We would wokoeae yam bora aad try to nuke
ywa look apoa this hotel at your New York home
The Hotel Belmont
42nd Street and Park Avenue, New York City.
B. L M. BATES, Managing Director.
Bee Want Ads
It contains more nutriment than
The whole wheat, steam-cooked,
in oven and serve with milk or
Your crrocer sells iL
1 l oj muyMT6lb i
4th of JULY MB&Li
f, m X
mtj'. (M , iff
For tbe 4Ih cl July
Men's up-to-date Negligee
Shirts of pongee, mohair
and Solsette, worth up to
i,"?. 98c-1.50
Men's $1.00 Negligee SLlrts
In neat effects, J- fl .
at DWC
Men's $1.2 5. Mercerized Lisle
- Underwear, rA.
at JUC
60c quality Porousknlt Un
derwear, pink, ecru ft C
and white, at JDC
lilt l ife
Si! ! ill
wMriy sea twml tana of steal wm
BiUa of nuilitltt bf flltarad alt.
Omm, AuUMBetta oent raaulaien.
hlw eivreton.
All aeJeaad wttta wrtwmtt
' Uaw eutaaoe uioeeoaee.
Produce Result?
Her' th
Bast Place
to Duy
Dresses Up for
the "Fourth"
Old Clothes
Don't Co
Look Your Best!
Need an extra pair?
Newest patterns in
Gunnels, worth up
to $7.60, at
Highest class sum
mer Trous- C QO
ers, up to, Dts3
"fy&tVWSS Banc
are strong and par.
Stratford Hotel
KuroBean Plant
Chicago, Ills.
Offers roe refined, quiet and elegant ao
coinmodatloDi. Located cornel ot cltr'B
I entire basinets center and eloee to beat
""""" ' snoppin cuatnc. la
rooms. 1J0 private bathaMusurluna writ
lag and reception rooma; woodwork
Bmhoa-anr throughout! bnue Lode
and ail tnodera comforts t tetapnone la
ever room; beautiful dining rooms
tbe best of everything at moderate price.
m unman ana aciuoa Bivaa, (JElcagO
k rv
tbt t nw
Hotel Kuppcr
lltn aad BXcOso.
tn tbe aiutpplaa; BUtrica.
Xaar ali tbe Tlieati'a,
BOO banUfDi Kvmbs,
100 prlTate batba, '
Hot and cold water tm ail Boosoa.
Ctiacioct l'tobf, parlors.
TelsDboae la every room.
SeanbftU Cafe, Verfeet OtUstae.
SI to 32.50 Per Day
Soaopeaa Flaa,
ft. A. BXSOH, MTT.
ft 'aSV-'fi
trmsEK Torma oa x.axm vionaa
for paakanurr service exclusively, make
tl'ree tri.a weekly to Charlevoix, Earbus
prlare, Bay View, retoeaer and Mok
luao lalAnd, connection with all tttenisft
Lines fur Lake Superlur. Ea'tern and C'kne
tian points. Inquire about our wek-aud
W.i apeciallv arransed for business and
Mod. 11 tao a. at. Wad. a . aa rt. tao o. as,
MAW1TOO ITtailtkl VOUrAltX
arvtra a a"va . 4 -