Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JTJLfl. .3.. 3 907...-
Italian Motorist at Dieppe.'
emtTii,.x:::ii3fl..iiii:iitiUiitijaak J
i ix i- n
On Saturday, July fllh, during the hour of O a. in., 10 a. hi.. It a. in., 2 . in. and
8 p. hi., wr will Rive away ais aquar grsnI piano of .the following make:
Vose & Hons, Hallrt A Pavl, . McCamnion, J. P. II ale,- Dunham and Llghtti & Co.
Renwnibor, there are no condition whateTer attached to this offer. If you are the
head of a family and do not own a piano, you may have one of these Instruments
absolutely free of tost. ,
' Your attention li also called to our big July Clearing Bale of returned from
rent pianos. Among the many standard makes on sale are: Knabe, A. B. Chase,
Checkering, Vose & Sone, Emerson. Kimball, Hallet & Davis, Steger & Sons and
leventy others. Look over these prices aid come In and select one;
Columbus, upright, almost new.
Kimball, upright, large size...
Singer, upright, walnut case..
962 00
.$90 00
9108 00
Checkering, upright, parlor size
Vose ft Sons, upright, walnut case. . .
Haliet A Davis, upright, nice as new.
9125 00
$165 00
These are positively the biggest values ever show a In Omaha. No better opportunity has ever been of
fered the piano buying public to obtain honest, reliable pianos at such low figures.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-1313 FARNAM STREfeT
to the bone. I grabbed up my 3-year-old
boy, who wm aaleep, and ran out of the
room with lilm. When we went back the
room was filled with amoke from the
carpet, which was smouldering."
Mallch declared he waa never able to
find out who attempted the outrage. Ho
aaw Orchard in the month following. This
time Orchard told him the smelter com
pany's store were taalng all hla trade
away from him. He offered to "do up"
William Mr.Donald. th proprietor of the
atore, for $1A0. Mallch said he told Orchard
that he had ell the trade he wanted and
he would not have ariynoy killed on his
account. The next time he saw Orchard
waa when the man waa writing hall in
surance. He lent Orchard 130, which waa
sent back to him from Rocky Ford. ;
Orchard's Financial Condition. ' i
Asked aa to Orchard's financial condition
the winter he lived with Steve Adama,
Malloh aald he had to let Orchard hnvo
money five or alx times, being paid back
when the latter "made a ralae" at gamb
ling. Orchard and Adama bought the
cheapest foodstuff In the atore.
Mallch next related a conversation he
had with Orchard in a Turkish bath estab-
Highest Type
Man Who Knows
Beginning Wednesday
morning and , until stock is
. cleared we offer your unlimited
choice of . suits (all
S-plece), that sold
up to $45 for . . . ,
In this sale are included
all of our popular grays and
. browns In the light, medium
and dark shades All sizes
from 34 to 44. (Blacks and
'blues are excepted).
'Some rare bargains here, and
all at the
price .'........
Men's Fashion Shop.
W. T. Bourke
316 South 16th St.
Just OS Harney.
llshment. "I waa taking bathe for rheu
matism," aald the Witness. "Tom met me
one day when I waa going to take a bath
and aald he wouldn't mind having a clean
wash himself, so I took him along. He
again told me It was easy to let the Globe
Mercantile company continue to do busi
ness when I might have the trade In my
grocery department. He aald all I would
have to do was to leave Billy McDonald
to htm. I told him again I dldnt.want
anything like that.- He then got o talking
to me about Governor Bteunenberg and
called him vile names and aald It It had
not been for him he would have 'been a
millionaire. He said he had to aell hla
Interest in the. Hercules mine for $600 and
get out of the country. I told him it did
not make any difference how much money
he had, he would lose It all at faro.- any
way." Mallch aald his store and saloon at Globe -vllle
waa burned down June 21. 1906. He
was on his ranch In Montrose county, 434
mllea from Denver at thia time. Asked If
he had ever talked to Orchard with regard
to or assisted him In making bombs for
Judges Qoddard and Gabbard, or anyone
else, Mallch caused a ripple of laughter
by replying:
"I never aaw a 'bomb' In my life."
The witness was cross-examined by
Senator Borah. He was required to trace
Ills, movements from the time of his ar
rival In this country In the early 80s down
to the present time. lie first met George
A. Pettlbone when Pettlbone waa selling
clothes Wringers and rugs. He denied
ever having given Pettlbone his proxy to
the 1903 convention of the Western Federa
tion of Miners. "How long waa It that you
went out to your ranch before your saloon
and the business place burned down?"
aaked Senator Borah. . ' J.'
"Three days."
"Did you have a talk with Orchard Just
before leavlngT"
"No, sir." ' r.
"How much Insurance did you hava pn
the placer -' " l- " '" F
"About 5.800."
I 'Had you- taken out ao'ma 1fiur!Sqe' re-
"No.'.' v ". .
, "'Hadn't some, goods "lfceen taken;! from
your place Just before the firs and taken
to Fettlbons's-stors?"
"No. air."
"You never heard of thaiT" 1
"No, air.- 4 '
"There waa a fire in. your place the day
after the aaloon and business part
! burned?" . ,
"Yes. air. they fold me ao."
Mallch next was questioned as to the ao!d
"Didn't you go to Pettlbone's store with
your burned hand bandaged up and didn't
I he laugh at you and didn't you reply: 'It's
not so d d funny.'," , :
I "I don't remember any conversation with
I Pettlbone about my hand." . v
J "Didn't Pettlbone say to you, 'You don't
want to monkey with my dopa't"
"No. sir." ' - i
41 ne Ion ed Aboat Don; '
"When Steve Adams and his wife moved
away from Globevllle, didn't they bring
' soma bottles over to your place and leave
, them in your bedroom and wasn't K one of
theae bottles you got hold of and thought
it had corns through the window?"
"Say, do you honestly. Milpk I would leave
anything like that In my room after the
doctor told tr.e what it was r aaked Mallch
In reply and In an Injured ton.
'No, not after you one got hold' of It."
said 8enator Borah. . -
"Then go ahead," remarked Mallch amid
; laughter. ... . .
He declared that Adams had never left
anything at his place so far as he knew,
"Did youx believe Orchard waa In earnest
' when he proposed blowing up that hotel?"
"Yea. until he told me he waa Joking."
i "Up to that time you thougHt he was a
Pretty bad mahT" ' -., A
"Yes, I did." - '-. ' .
"When Orchard proponed killing- William
McDonald did you believe he would , really
kill him If you gave him IX?"
j "Yea, I thought he would either do it or
In time of prosperity place a part of . beat me out of the noo and not do it."
iir Income, with tha Omaha Loan and i "And after this didn't you agree to back
Orchard In tha saloon business T"
"I aald I would stand good for htm for
taoo or WO, but I would not go over that."
"Didn't Orchard com to you the night
; !
chard as to any attempt on Governor Pea
body or anybody else.
Grttlna Kid of ""calm."
On cross-examination Mehllet said he
had once traveled with Steve Adams for
several weeks. He had but one talk with
Orchard regarding the blowing up of the
hotel. Orchard aald It waa the only way
to get rid of the "scabs." Mehllet aald
he believed Orchard waa in earnest and
he told Max Mallch about It. Mallch told
him not to get mixed up in anything like
that, for ho could live without killing
anybody. Witness said he was not at
Globevllle at the time of the Mallch Are.
Mehllet first met Orchard through. Detec
tive Gratlas. He knew nothing of the cir
cumstances of .the "falling out" of Orchard
and Steve Adams, but understood It was
over ' business affaire. The next wltneas
for the defense aroused unusual Interest.
He was Edward I. McPartland, a brother
of Plnkcrton Detective McPartland. who
has been In charge of securing evidence
for the state. The witness said he waa not
a member of the Western Federation of
Miners,' but a' ahoemaker by trade. He
was at work In his shoe shop 1n Victor the
day of the riot there following the Inde
pendence depot explosion. After the shoot
ing started McPartland said five men came
to his shop and said they wanted him.
He was marched between lines of soldlera
to the train and taken to Colorado Springs,
where he and several hundred miners were
transferred to the Santa Fe road and taken
to within a short distance of the Kansas
line. The engineer of the train refused to
take the men across the state line.
A Parting; Volley.
"After we left the train three volleys
were fired over our. heads and we were told
to never come back," said McPartland.
'We went into the flelda for some time.
when along 'came a train, which slowed
down. The engineer asked us If we were
the deported men. He then told us to get
aboard snd .he took us 'into; Holly, Colo.,
where we remained for some time."
fDId you er go back to VlrtoYT""'
"No, sir! . ,. '..
On Cross-examination McPartland, satd hp
could not identify anyone who did any
shooting In the Victor riots.
' At this point luncheon recess until 1:20
p. m. was taken.
(location Courts Mar Be Ailu
Determine for Benefit of
Running from Fifteenth to Sixteenth
atreet, on the line of Poppleton avenuo,
there la a tract of land twenty-five feet
wide, which Is causing the councilman
from the Tenth ward considerable trouble.
According to a statoment from the, office of
the city engineer, for ten years or more tho
city has used the tract as an alley, has
paved intersections and graded the roadwuy
and has never levied taxes upon the place.
According to the Investigation of the legal
department, the tract is the property of a
private Individual, aecured about eighteen
years ago by order of court to which the
oity waa a party.
A few days ago the ostensible owner
began to grade the tract. Residents of Iho
neighborhood saw what they had recotf
nlsed as a public highway taken for private
use and Immediately made complaint. Mr.
Elsasser took the matter up with the city
engineer's office and legal department, but
ao far has been unable to either stop the
work or determine the right of the city to
the land. He saya that, other means fail
trig:, he will bring suit to establish the right
of the 'city to the land through possession
for the length of time contemplated by the
statute of limitations.
your Income with the Omaha Loan and
Building Association In weekly or
monthly payments. Some day this
fund may carry you over a rough and
rr.eUv rrmH Kfr nor cent tier annum
I. r,M nn B.vln arnunta and rison. Lyte Gregory was killed and ssy to you,
ASK A, 11 A Al 1 lur fUU
to remember I was about your place play
ing cards' T" ..
"No, sir; LyU Gregory was killed In
1904 and I never saw Orchard until 1906."
On r -direct examination. Attorney Rich
ardson said to the witness : "You told
Senator Borah you first met Pettlbona In
IK7. You meant 117. didnl you?"
'Yea, air," replied MaUcb. "I meant
Boone Woman Bnrned.
BOONE, la., July I. (Special Telegram.)
wThe large country realdence of Mrs. 'Ann
Mayfleld Templeton waa destroyed by flro
last night. Mrs. Templeton, a well-known
resident, attempted to enter to' get some
papera and was badly burned. Her condi
tion is serious.
able rates are made on monthly pay-
meat homettead loans. See us for
further Information at Sixteenth and
Dodge strets. ,
Omafia Loan &
RnilrlinirARRnninlinn -
hhiimiii a sww ww ihiiuii j ynen the laughter had finally subsided
, . ' . ' ' I the date was fixed at 1837 and Mallch left
U. V, LOOMlS, , Q. M.yNattinger, the stand.
.'resident. Secretary. J Th rext occupant of the wltneas chair
J. H. Kopietx, Agt., Bo. Uinalia m, Jo, Mehllet. who also la a aatlvs
South Omaha Office Opp. Poet Office.'0' Au"trl 0 former smellerman. Meh-
... , . ih'L IB now uiiiirr ina n mpmuar ui ma
Ten llrraltn f Conrae nt Peventy
l Kilometer Wlanln Time
Was Six llenra and Forty
. Six Mlnatee. .
DIEPPE, July k-Naixaro, the Italian
champion, today won Uie automobile grand
prlx, covering about. 4ZJ miles In I hours,
46 minutes, 83 seconds.
The race was run oyer a heavy track In
the presence of a vast concourse, with thirty-eight
participants, chiefly French. Chris
tie, the only American participant, driving
an American machine, had trouble early In
the race and did not figure among the lead
ers. Szlss was second In 6 hours, 61 min
utes, 10 seconds; Lancia third. The race
was marked by no serious accidents, al
though a minor collision occurrred between
I two of the cars.
Only nine., of the contestants finished.
I Shephard doggedly persevered' to the end,
finishing last in 7 hours, 39 mlnutea, 35 sec
(onds. The Englfsh, .Belgian and German
1 racers made almost as poor a showing as
Christie. Contrary to expectations. Presi
dent Fallleres was not present. Thecabluet
W represented , by Minister of Public
Works Barthon.
The signal to start was given by six
small saluting cannoDS mounted opposite
the tribune. . With the sound of the first
reports Lancia, in a Flat car, shot by the
stand, the first man. He was sent oft with
a roar of applause. The other competitors
followed at minute Intervals. Duray, In a
Lorraine de Diatrlch, was fourth; Szlsz,
driving for the Renaults, was ninth; W. C.
Christie In hla American ' machine, was
twelfth; Naxiaro, in another Flat, was
eighteenth; Heath, another American, driv
ing a Panhard, was .twenty-fifth; Elliot F.
Richard, also an' American, waa the thirty
second man to get away.
Urewt Crowd to Bee.
The lodgea at the tribune were crowded
with notables, Including Count Forcez,
commanding the Third army corps, the
troops of which kept the roadway clear;
Prince and Princess Orloff Dalroff, Baron
Rothschild, . and scores' of prominent auto
moblllsts from both sides of the Atlantic.
Lancia set a very high pace In the first
round, but ' Duray nevertheless soon over
hauled him. Wagner, however, passed both
before the first round was completed. He
eventually completed., the first round of
about 47.7 mllea In 39 minutes and 53 sec
onds and steadily maintained his place In
the front, leading Duray by I minute and
20 seconds at the end of the first round.
By this time accidents had already begun.
Eight' contestants were soon reported as
having been crippled and having droppeo,
out of the race. Christie. wag having more
trouble and was considered aa being igno
mlnously beaten, but 'he was bravely trying
to patch his machine , for another start.
Duray, ' one of the favorites in the rac,
also had his measure of bad luck. While
reprovlslontng he 'dvertlpped his receptacla
and lost quite a quantity of the. precious
Wegner was hV difficulties In the fourth
round and was compelled to surrender his
lead, which waa tken by Duray and Lan
cia in second place. -JEne race at this stags
secerned, barring accidents, to have nar
rowed down toV Duray and Lancia.
At the end of the fifth round Duray was
f golira-atMSr killrtlafepHbe' and 'as ire passed
the'trlbane" htsela-psed time was three
hours 24 minutes' and 65 seconds, two min
utes 14 seconds ahead of Lancia. In the
sixth round Duray . Increased his lead over
Lancia by JJ seconds and Nazzaro closed
up a strong' third, 38 seconds behind Lan
cia. Sz'.sz was fourth and the' rest Were
strung out. most hopelessly beaten. Bab
lot's car collided 'with the car driven by
Riches while descending the Aneourt slopo:
Both were ditched but neither of" them
wss seriously injured.
Elliott F. Shepard, in spite of three ac
cidents, was well up -towards the leaders.
Nazzaro, driving- furiously, covered the
seventh round In 38 minutes 40, seconds,
taking second place from Lancia. Duray's
machine broke a ' bearing . In the eighth
round, leaving Nazzaro In the lead by four
minutes, with Bzlsz second four minutes
ahead of Lancia. -The crowds groaned In
sympathy as they aaw Duray trudging
back on foot, but they gave him a cheer
aa he passed, and the hopes of France
were then transferred to Sxiaz, who was a
good second. 1
On entering the last lap, Nazzaro looked
to be an easy winner, barring the ex-
minutes behind Naazaro, with Lancia third,
ten minutes behind Bzlsz.
The course was . triangular, the ' angles
being at Dieppe, Eu and Londleres. The
course measured seventy-six . kilometers,
v.'g meters and the competitors had to
traverse the circuit, ten times to make
the distance, a little over 763 kilometers
approximately 477 miles. The course fol
lowed in a general way the boundaries of
the department of the Seine Inferieure.
. Felice Nazzaro, the Winner of the race,
is an Italian. He finished third In the
international automobile cup race in
France July 6. 1905, and competed In the
Vanderbilt cup race of October 14, 1P05. and
October 6, 1906, falling to finish on both
occasions. He won the Florid cup at Pal
ermo April 14 of the present year, and
June 14 last ha won the German emperor's
cup over the Taunus circuit.
Francois Szlsz, who took second place,
was born In France. He drove a Renault
car and did not finish in the Vanderbilt
cup contest of October 14, 1906. On June
S7, 1906. he won the grand prlx 'for which
he was congratulated by Minister of Pub
lic Works Barthon.'
1 - 1 1 1
Sn-nULtjannan 2gJ
"""" .
The largest and most complete stock In the west. Our Quality
Is the best and we can prove it by giving you Junt what we ad
vertise. We lead In prices and quality. Others may try to follow.
Here are a lew or me specials xor weanesaay
Torpedoes, 10 In a box, 6c kind, our price 1 (
Repeating Canes 15c kind our price 10s
25c kind our price 1U
4-ball, dozen 5
2-ball, dozen 4
6-ball, 2 for 1
8-ball, lc; dozen 10?
10-ball, 2c; dozen 20
1 2-ball, 3c, dozen 35
1 6-ball, 4c; dozen 40
20-ball, 6c; dozen 45
25-ball, 9c; dozen IM)
China Fire Crackers, 64 In package Sc kind, our price It
China Fire Crackers, real Manderlne, 24 In pkg., So kind, our
price 2l
Baby Fire Crackers, 700 In pkg., at, pkg g
China Fire Crackers, real Manderlne, no better made, our price 5
China Fire Crackers S-ln. Peerless our own Idea 15
Ammunition for Canes, No. 1, box
Ammunition for Canes, No. 2, box 2
Paper Balloons, 6c, 8c, lOo and 15
Penny Novelties, 200 styles, at. doz., 9c; 3 doc 25
6c Novelties, 160 styles, 6 for 25c; dozen 43f
10c Novelties, 100 styles, 3 for 25c; dozen 90
Please bear in mind we are quoting you prices on the best
makes of fireworks no cheap grade. We wUh to call the atten
tion to the public that our fire crackers are all new stock and
are imported direct from China. Let us show you what we can do
for you for a little money. Goods are now on display In our
show windows, with prices. Remember we retail fireworks Less
than Wholesale Prices.' Fire Crackers direct from China. Special
attention to mall orders. Our motto, "Best Goods at Lowest
Cut Prices.
Agent for
North America
Jos. F. Oilz
Omaha, Neb.
Saxony Zephyr
Spanish and tier
man Knitting
This coupon good for Be
In trade with each 50c
purchase of fireworks at
822 S. 16th St.. Omaha.
Cut this coupon and
bring It with you. Bee
322 South 16th St., Omaha
July Issue
Now on Sale
Shewing nnw Un sohduis
an all Wastnrai ras 5c av
rUa m gM nllslna, auka.
I vt esiern r caarauun oi Minara. ne aaiu
h first met Harry Orchard at Qlubevllle
In January, 19U6, but denied that he had
ever assisted Orchard or Adama to steal
powder from the Union Veclna powder
house or anywhere else, v
"Did you ever . have any conversation
with Orchard about blowing up a hotel?"
"Yea. air. Orchard came to me on
day and asked me If I could tell hint how
the hotel waa situated. I had worked
there two years and told htm what 1
knew. He then asked mr if I didn't want
to come atona and alp him blow It up.
1 (old htm no; ttat. I wouldn't stick my
finger In It. as . I never intended to kill
Meblll aald he never talked with Or-
JeaJoaa Man Msrdcrrr.
KENNET. Mo., July 2. News waa re
ceived here today of a shooting affray Sun
day night at the farm house of Robert A.
Felt, aeven miles south of here. In which
William Ford probably fatally woundnd
Harrison Balls anil thv-n committed aulclin
with his revolver. Ford was desperately In
love with Mrs. Nettle Prince, a widow, who
Is the sister of Balls. Balls opposed Ford's
attentions. Sunday night Ford shut Balls
twice as the latter was sitting at a window
of the Pelty home, smokln. Ford then
killed himself and was hurled yesterday.
Balls la not expected to 11vet
Mew PoBtmaaters.
OYSTER BAY. July 2 -President Roose- i and an Informal program will be given by
velt today appointed the following; pot- ' ..,. a, thB 4,lv.nn. oi.v Anth. -w-
mastera: Harry K. Courtnev, Lakevllle . cl,1,'n" or tlle Juvenile city, Another even.
Village. Ark.; Pavid F. Btraln. Palisades, ln w'" he devoted to the entertainment
Colo.; Frank Srommon, Northwood. In . I of the grown people and Mayor Dahlman
and Margaret narvey. Georgetown, vt asn. wln be Invited to address them.
Banks Take CHr Bona. I Mlsa Florence True of Chicago was chosen
ntATTANOOC.A. Tenn.. Julv 1 -Five 1 superintendent for girls at a meeting- Tues
Chattanooga banks yesterday took the en- day afternoon of the board of directors
tire Issue of $1.0W.0f) city Improvement ( of the Omaha Playground association. Miss
to succeed Charles F. Humphreys, who will
Former State Senator Frank Currle of
Gordon is in Omaha registered at the Mer
chants. Mrs. P. L. Edllng and daughter, Mamie,
have gone to Pine, Colo., where they ex
pect to remain for the season.
L. C. Strong of Lincoln, A. J. Kingman
of Sclbv. 8. D.. and Victor Gladstone ot .
.Douglas, Wyo., are at the.Henshaw.
C. B. Rodgers, superintendent or tpe He
publics n valley division of the Burlington
Railroad company. Is a Buest at the Paxton.
Mrs. Franc B. Wllkie, mother of John B.
W'llkle of the I'nlted States secret service,
is the guest of Mrs. Charles R. Sherman.
Colonel John Keith of Sutherland, one
of tho veteran and leading stockmen of
western Nebraska is a guest at the Mer
chants. W. 8. Basinger. the newly appointed
assistant general passenger .agent of the
I'nlon Pacific, has arrived lit Omaha and
taken up his new work.
B. W. Castor, a former Nebraskan, but
now heavily interested In Colorado mining
enterprises at Denver, Is an Omaha visitor
registered at the Henshaw.
H. Q. Cook ot Buffalo, Wyo., J. A.
Powell of Seattle, C. L. Lund of Columbus,
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Campbell of Gibbon,
W. F. Miller of Wakefield, Clinton Chase
of Stanton timl Z. P. Martin of Bajisett are
at the Merchants.
M. T. Garlow of Grand Island, L. C.
fcrwin of Hastings, G. B. Fulton of Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herd and J. P.
Maple of Schuyler, George D. Reed, O. K.
Bhuler and Harry W. Brown of Death Val
ley. Cnl., are at the Murray.
Captatn C. E. Adams, past department
commander of the Nebraska Grand Army
of the Republic, and candidate for nAtlonal
commander-ln-chh'f. Is In Omaha on busi
ness connected with tha big soldier celebra
tion to be Held at Superior July 10.
"The people of Billing are good hosts
and they cared for the Immense crowds
remarKao'v ve.i . lem Deaver,
head of the land seekers Information bu
reau of the Burlington, who has Just
returned from the opening of the Huntley
C. L. Babcock, secretary of the tTpdlke
Grain company, has been very 111 for the
last few days. Reporta Tuesday morning
were that he would he out in about a week.
C. K. Zook of Coiad, Neb., was the g,uest
of K. K. Huntley or ine umana urain ex
change Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. S. T. Battles of Genoa,
Zella' K. Forstall of Lincoln, J. C. Murray
of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell
and son of Elgin. Mrs. Henry Nelson of .
Fremont, H. J. Harris or ban r ranclaco, I
O. W. Grlfllths of Lob Angeles, Dr. and ,
Mrs. C. N. Eddy of Boulder and Mr. and '
Mrs, 1 J. Connor of Valentine are at the I
Paxton. '
Assistant District Attorney A. W. Lane. '
of Lincoln, was in Omaha Tuesday morn
ing closing up matters relating to hla per
sonal work In thia division of the United
States courts. Mr. Lane haa been trans- I
f erred to Lincoln and haa special charge '
of I'nlted States legal matters for the
South Platta district with headquartera V
at Lincoln In Judjra T. C. Munver'a court. I 4!
Miss Margaret Bchwarlck haa gone to 1
Rnvrii.r N.h. for a wmU'i with I
ben in C
Read The Bee
For Sale at the following News Stands:
8lt at Nineteenth and It.- Mary's to
Be Formally Dedicate
K children's open big will be held Friday
evening at the public play grounds at
Nineteenth street and St. Mary'a avenue
and paying cash therefor.
Want to
feel good
In Hot Wenther
" "There'g a. .Reaioyy
True haa spent aeveral yeara in Juvenile
work in Chi -ago. the haa anlved la Omaha
and will begin her work today.
A thousand buttona will be aecured for
the cltlsens of tha oity to wear aa badges
of their cltisenship,
Cwlnrrtson Girl Killed.
Cl'LBERTSON. Neb., July t (Special
Telegram.) Sarah, the 11-year-old daugl
ter of Mr. David Gels, living aeven mllea
northeaat of Cujberteon. waa thrown from
a horse. Bhe had a halter strap tied to
her arm and waa dragged half a mile. Bhe
lived two hours. Bhe will be burled to
Siof I omaha Bwement f
UNCxcKiito ron fit ah
wkitc and exclusive rawer
sa roe thi cluitt smit ana
kooa roa m( clwstt LaatL.
4 leek I re OsarterisMter Ueseral.
OYSTER BAY. Julv S.-Preeldent Roose
velt today appointed General jimx B. Ale
shire to be iiuartermasler general of tha
army with the rank of brigadier general,
Keep cool on the Fourth of July for little money. We
place on sale 500 best quality twisted cord Hammocks
see the Douglas Street Window. ,
A reaulir 1.2S Hammock SI
value A v2J H
- u tJ I
UL -
216 feoutii Fourteenth Street.
Chinese, Mexican, Italian Dishes a Specialty.
Chop Siiey Chili Con Carne Spaghetti
Chinese Noodles Chili Mac Macaroni
Prompt and Polita Service Open All Night
Orders Sent Out Given Special Attention.
Ladies Parlors Upstairs. Phone Doufflas 6152