-1 t 1 0 Tim UJMA11A i'A I Li 1 lWjfjj Y XjUntj&UAl, OKiHX o, jvvi , " ' '" J 1 i i " ' ' ' ' ' i .. . a i- f m-i-i-r r r mo DTH.lT Want - ads AlTtrflKiaraM for th waat-ad Mluu will talira until 13 nj, (or th trealac edition aad til p. . for th irI( ul Saaday edition. Cash Must aoronspaay all 1 watli aad advertisement will jfca accepted for leee taaa lO cent far ' tka flrat Insertion. ! Ratea apply ta either Tka Dally i liiitf Bee). Always eoaal six wtria ta a Ha. ContblBatloa af laltlala ar nn saber : roant aa aaa word. CASH RATED FOR WA"NT-ADS. ' REGI'UR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per Urn. lO cent. Twa a ai or rtnumtlT Insertion, per line, cents. Eark Insertion mad aa aaa ' day, lO cent per line.' f 1.60 per llaa per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. .. Death aad raacral Notice, Card af Tkaaka aaa Lodge Notice, T ceata per llaa far aaa edltloa, maralaf ar rrnli(f a seat a llaa for ack nd ' dltloaal edltloa.' Saaday, lO cent m (llaa. JVa ad taken for leaa tkaa SO eeata. STECIAL CXABSlTiicATIONS--If yow advertisement la Inserted aalf aar aa of tka claaalflratlona lTfa law( It will be charted at tka following 'rates i Oaa tasertlea, 4 eeata per llnei tkrea ta alx roaaeeatlv Insertion, a Wata per llaa aack laaertloai seven ar more consecatlv Imeertloaa, X eeata per Una each Insertion! SO ceata per llaa per maatk. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BL'MNESS CHANCES. HELP WASTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED HALE. Except A areata. Solicitor and Salesman. OFFERED FOR SALE! Cawi, Dlrda, Decs aad Peta. ' florae aad Vehicle. . 1 Pool try aad Egca. Farnltare. Pianos, Orgaai aad Maaleal laatra. neat. Trpewrltera aad Sewing Machine. OFFERED FOR RENT. , Faralaked Ream. Uafarnlahed Raaaaa. , Haaaekeeplaa; Raoma. noardlaa- and Rttnl. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. ' Want-ads for Tka Baa air ka left t aar af tka follow! a aj drasj atore ana la y corner draaatat" key are all Branch ofllcea of Tka Boa aad roar ad will ko laaerted Jast aa tka mala ante la Tha Bea Balldlnc, Seventeenth aad Farnans etreetaj Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck, B. A., 1402 a 10th Bt. Decht, Pharmacy, (30 B. Hith Bt. Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Jtlake a Pharmacy, mis Sherman Ave. Cauahlln. C. R.. 6th And Plerc Bt. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 81 set Ave. and farnam. Crlasey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emll. 1264- B. 12th St. Kaatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Killer, F. H., 2)2 Ieavenworth. Foster tc Amoldl, 213 N. 25th Bt. Dreytag, John J., U14 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmary. corner Park Ave. and . Pacific Ureenough, O. A-, 108 8. 10th Bt. Greenough, G. A., loth and Hickory. llayden, ffm. C, 2920 Farnam Bt. Ilanscom Park Phar. 1601 S. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 24 North ISth Bt. ' Huff, A. L., 2?4 Leavenworth Bt. King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. , Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8304 N 14th. . Patrick Drug Co., 124 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Chaa. E., 1334 N. 24th St. . Peyton, It. .E., Mth and Leavenworth. Baratora Iu( Oo.. 24th and Ames Ave. Br.haefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. ... Br-haefer, August. 2631 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts Storm Pharmscy. lth and Martha St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES , j t.a ..a. ipj n.p j m WIL J.iimeT tADD Anna Olive, daughter of H. 8. Ladd, 812 North Twenty-aecond atreet, Sunday . morning at 7:30. Interment at Rising City, Neb., Wednes aay. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births William Gabonowttx. 161 North Twenty-aeventh street, boy; August Pal nieaa.ro, 1209 William street, boy; John Christ ensen, Benson, girl; Fred Kuhn, 1 North Twenty-sixth street, boy; John Tonczykowskl. 2721 Walnut street, girl Franchinol Calgero, 1117 South Nineteenth street, girl; David Johnson, 813 South Twenty-ninth street, girl; Daniel B. Tai lor. 2706 Jackson atreet, girl; Arthur Os borne. 43 Bancroft street, boy: P. J. Traber, 2117 South Forty-first street, boy. , Deaths Mrs. Hattl Wlnshlp, Fourteenth nd Locust streets: William Murphy, at. Joseph's hospital, aged 84 years; William F. Coady. 6016 North Thirtieth atreet, aged 29 years; Anna Olive Ladd, 811 North Twenty-second street, aged l years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marrlag license have been Issued: ' - Nam and Address. ' Axe. Waller K. Gugler, Omaha 28 Maud Ivey, Omaha , 21 Enoch Garnler, South Omaha.... 8) Loulae A. Carow, BouUi Onidiia 8j Henry Petersen, South Omaha 24 Elisabeth Maria (Jail. South Omaha. 22 Joseph Kortnek, South Omaha 28 ITiaocea Dolesal, South Omaha 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS TlIE CITY CAR BAG E CO., offlca 4th and Laavaawonn twa. leu uougtaa is. - (D-104 BION PAINTING B. H. Cola, 1808 Douglas. U 106 AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile ; a bargain. Uiob Land and In vestment Co., Ui Farnam St. (2 107 8KND for our lUt of second-hand automo biles. 181 e-rnaju. U iu lug car, overhauling and painted hiiO.OS iq. niiuf xr a 1 1 x . , i . , ... hap 1626.00 KAMBLER. 18 H. P., almost near aeverai xuaa Included 89OV.00 16 KNOX louring car, air cooled.... tooO. 00 i6 oLid, witn lop, a H. P iKio.oa -i R KO, 16 H. P., used very little 7a0.0i FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder. detachable tonueau Jo. 4 00 19. rUXUJ. two-cylinder, detachable ton ueau, 14 H. P 8400.09 la 3TEVEN8-ULRIEA, two-cyllndar. and looks lik now, with top tuaO.M RAMBl.fc.K K., .detachabl tonneau. lust repainted and overhauled. ... 8t&0.i) Ant lor lull oearription. It E. FREDKICKSOM. 16th and Cap. Avo. ' BARTER AND EXCHANGE 120 ACRES I mllea from Bohell City, Ver non cuuuty, Uo.;.U acroa under cultiva tion: a-ood building. Prlu. I.) ner acre: Incumbrance, Will xchang fur funeral merchandise. Glob Land and uvealiuanl Co.. iJUi Farnam St., Omaha. (3 76s tXCHANGES If you hava city property stocks of goods, fWm land or property of any kind to axohanga, writ for our com plete lifct. We bav propertle and laud la all porta of th country to axchange. Our Hat 1 free. Send for It at once. ' Uiob lAnd and Iaveatment Co., IS 21 Far nam ot-, uiuana. nao. (l u FOR EXCHANG10 A aosond real aetata couoKi.'i atlon 8l.a, payabis at Ci auwutitly. Aadreea K. W. 13. t Hurt KU (J-fcI Jyix I w -a a a a -, a. ap-aF ar TtY-wv- tTTTVM tff 1 "T TTTT ! OnT BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued. GOOD atotik of xoneral merobanrtlae 1 an Iowa town of ifrO. Will trad for clear, cheap land. Glob Land and Invtmnt Co., 1823 Faroam. () 76 HAVE farm to exchanc for caneral mer chandise, hardware or Implement. . JACOBBON dt CO.. 835 N. T. I (i)-yui x FOR BALE OR KXCHANGE-Larra lm ported flpanlah Jack and J9 brood mare and aoma mule colts for half aectlon la kota land, tieaortb fully In flrat letter. 8, p. C3) Mioi jyax BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCE For ale, buslneas and bualnea property In email town clou to Colorado Spring, Colo. Th property constat of atore building, IV toriea, I room on econd floor; grain houae, creamery building, barn, 6 alalia, feed room; Ice houae, new; good cellar and good water. i nia properly imriuo lota. The only general merchanuiae aiore In the town I conducted In the tor building. Potofflce. local and long-dl-tance telephone exchange i In the atore nd add materially to in income oi un tor. A ll.ono stock of mercnanaiae goe with the property, including a gooo ant of tore fixture. Dwelling houae, on block diatant, connected with the ore by telephone, contain 1 large rooms, high celling, double floor; houae In fine con dition, Juat painted; encloaed leeplng porcn; I cnicxen nouaea, wnu Kitraimi aheda; barn, cellar, carriage house, cow barn, work shop; most of these buildings new: nyflrant in nouae, garden ana uru. elegant water.. Property located on two railroads; six mans a aay. For quick sale all the abova property will be sold ror 3,uw. i n improvement nvm could not be built for th money asked for the entire property. Owner mt sell, as ha haa to take hi wife to a lower alti tude. Addreaa Box 63, Falcon, Colo. (4 MiHM X 'Who Laughs Last, Laughs Best." . Only a short time ago the man who pur chased lota at Atlantia tjny wa laugneu at. Today every one know that the peo ple who ull NUT niKiMAOt. are Ing themaelves for their lack of foresight. LONG- BEACH, the newer, better and bigger Atlantic city ixiwt ti n,AUi"i, oniy 14 mllea from New York City la now under way. It has all the natural ad vantage tha older city has and In sev eral strong points can go It "one better." If von have 1160 to Invest, and can pay 130 or 140 monthly, we can put you In the way of a fortune. Pome people will laugh at you, perhaps, but some time within tne next two or three years you'll be doing the laughing and the other fellow will be wanting to kick himself. If you are Interested, write for full par ticulars at once. Hiverytnmg open ana above board. Easily Investigated. ESTATES OF LONG BEACH William H. Reynolds, President, 126 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. 8. W. Gumpertx. City Manager. R. Turnbull, Out-of-Town Manager. (4) M421 Sx Are You Lookillfr for a Farm. Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif ference whether you wont 3100 building lot or a Iii00,0u0 tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trad before seeing a copy of the Real Estate World. It contains a large list at property and merchandise stocks for sale and exchange. and reaches several thousand readers each Issue, and Is the best advertising medium to reach the real estate buyers, homeseek- ers and traders that you can advertise In. Write your name and addresa on a postal card, mall It today, and we win send you the lournal for two months on trial free. Address the Real Estate World, Bult t'.O Good Block, Dos Moinea, la. (4)-481 WHITE Acme Real Estate Co.. Cherokee. Ia. Hav farms and wild lands, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. (; mbzu jyiox FOR BALE Lease, furniture and fixtures of only 12.00 hotel In good Nabraka Icounty seat own of 3,000. Good reaaon for selling, jiaarcas x aw job. - (4j u jyox FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures. In voice 86,000, located in most prominent corner In best and largest town in south em Kansas; average daily sales Terma can be arranged. Good reasons for selling. Address Salesman. 908 Broad way, K. C, Mo. (4) M228 Sx Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home,' business oi property that you wist) ta sell or x rtinrnrn. write us. GLOBhJ LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., umins, neu 04)-M43 Jyll TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write u. uangeatad 4U3 Bee Bldg. ) 766 PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing good contract and retail trade; invoice about il.oou; a snap; good town oi s,uuu. Address Box 043, Sanaa, uoio. (4 M744 jysx FINE location for good grocery and meat market business. Market lor aale; double room. Th right place for tha right man. . M. J. KKKNAHl) ft tTJ., 809-10 BROWN BLOCK. (4) M27S LUMBER YARD for aale. Inquire of N, Duncan, Pawnee City, web. , (4) MZ23 Jy6X 8NAP. Furnished rooming house for sale. 10 rooms, full of roomers, within 4 blocks or lttn and Farnam 8400 caah. Address K 679, car Bee. (4) 7l FOR SALE Newspaper and printing of Jacobeon Ac Co. flee In western Iowa. 935 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (4) 699 Jylx INDUSTRIAL AND MIV""' STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD. . ROBERT C. DUKHiaxiW A .CO., STOCK BROKERS, 09 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (4)-T70 FOR BALE CHEAP Only restaurant In college town of 2,w; cash or trade. Box 6, Baldwin, Kan. (4J M100 Jybx FOR SALE At a bargain, up-to-date mil llnery stock; best business In town; terma to suit purchaser. Mena Tank, Schuyler, Neb. (4) Mi jyiox SALOON for aale, 713 N. 16th St., Omaha, rueo. (4j its jysix FOR SAI-JO Only harneea shop In good town 2.0U0; southeastern Kansaa; fine crop; good trade; atock will Invoice abou tl.du). Addrea K. Corderman. Chetopa, Kan. (41 US 7X BARGAIN HUNTER OPPORTUNITY Meat market. 8 buildings, centrally lo cated; SA tons Ice; only meat market In a radius of 26 mile; annual profits, 11.600 owner too old to are for th business price, 12,6o0. Address W. T. Hanna, Milan, Kan. (4 94 7x WANTED-.A pary with 8750 or 31.600 to Join me in a legitimate business that will net you from liOO to ItuO per month nrst year. Absolutely no risk. For Inter- view address J 646, Be. (4) 868 4x DRUO stores for sal everywhere. F. V, Knleat, 702 N. T. Lit. Omaha. (4 771 FOR 8ALEConfertlonery. Opposite Lak achool. Act quick. Party ' leaving city tu ii4 jaae su (4 HUH NEWSPAPER FOR BALE. Old established, 2 years old. city of 1.600 good Job and ad . patronage. Addreaa Herald, Golden City, Ma. - (4 M417 9x 17-ROOM hotel, newly fitted out, rent ti-o. ctoe to tour aepoia, good trad: muel be sold, only UwX Mrs. W. H. Liltell, Hasting. Nb. (4 M416 x ENGINk) company rated "K-A" by Brad atreet eek reliable agent in 0naha who will Inveat Ift.ouO on suitable aasur- anca. Addreaa Y 88, uara of B. t4-M418 I IF luu want to get In bualnea, aoa ua without tall. Investment Dept., Western Kef. ttoud AM D, ili-iU N. . Life Bldg (4-4-1 BrSINESS cbancai "Miner B- rap Book, free t you ix month. If you write ua that you Ilk Bquar Deal Mining. Th C. JS. ailtcoell to.. Spukanev Waaiu - - . (4-Jaia Jyfix FOR BAt-ETVo chair barber hop: t 1 .00. guo4 location. Addrea X !f.-J. car Bea 4IH Jyix ft 11 ' ' - ".I" . I it--. hm CoallM. Havo you The has BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) TO GET IN OR OUT OP BUSINESS, rAI.l, ON 411 MfAULK BUIUDINO, 16TH AND DOUQB PT8. (4) M FOR BALE A atore; well established busl fess; aultHble for a lady. Addrea P. O. box 244. rtocKy ifora, coio. jm DENTIST WANTEXV Must be graduat- om road work. Blxty dollars per monin end exponaes to start. Addrea Lock Box 16, Hickman, Neb. () M x FOR SALK On of tha best placer mining proposition In ldano. t-artiauy ae veloped; proven valua. A. B. Iicaa, Meadowa, Idaho. (4) M3S4 8x RESTAURANT and confectionery for ale In good llv northern jsebrasxa town; in voice about 1600; feeds t to 10 commercial mrn dally; 10 rooma; 17 bed In connec tion; will ell both. O, D. Tebbetta. Look Box 21. Crofton. Neb. (4) M2K 7x BARBER SHOP In best town of 1.100 In W. Iowa 1 hydraulic chalra; all flxtui re new; good trade, good location, cneap rent; will sell right If taken at once. O. W. Dixon, Oakland, la. (4) M296 7x FOR SAJjE Th only ftirnlture store In town; no trades, j. a. filers, unon, la. (i atari ax FOR quick sal result list your property with C. J. canan, tvi r. x. jl.it lung., Omaha. (4)-MS38 J4 HOMES, lands, etc.. bought, sold or traded quickly. Pardee As Braum, trie nustinrs, 830 Neville block. (4) M544 JylJ WANTED A Prty to buy out a flrst- olass stock or rurnnure in tne Desi town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsnar Furniture Co., Wls- ner. Neb. w,w FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; H to K received for shoeing and M to 18 for set ting tires. Address T 129, Bee. (4) 111 FOR BALB Good, clean tock merchan dise of about 115.000 In BDlendld country town of 900; large territory to draw from) doing a good business. Part cash, part time If desired. Address X Z37, care Hee. (4) MHOS M-ROOM boarding house; a snap; good mining camp; 11,100 cash takea It; come quick. Address Edward Menkel, George town, Colo., Gen. Del. (4 M914 Jy8x NEWSPAPER FOR BALE "Delta Inde pendent. Write for particulars. DeltH, Colo. (4) M928 Jy8x FOR BALB The best paying business In northeastern Nebraska, stock or gro ceries, queensware and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y 211, Bee. (4) MS7S FOR BALFV-One of the very best hotel propositions In the state of Eouth Dakota; a money maker. Will bear the closest Investigation. Bhows large profits. Boat of reasons for selling. Address Lock Box 87. Parker, 8. D. (4)-M9&6 Jyllx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney. B. BRADY, Probata Atfy, 609 Bee Bldg. &) U3 Jyl7 Architects. C L. BTAUB. 604H S. Eighteenth St (o) M9M Jylt c Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co.; 1919 Farnam. lt) n Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. 2, 1506 Farnam Bt, Doug. 6497. (6 Mill Contrnctora. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor. lous n. ziat tn... Boutn umana. w H4 Civil Engineers. McEATHRON ft JAMESON, S06 N. T. L. V (6) 7T6 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., uceeaaor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (6) 778 Dressmaking:. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Til Harney 13,. (o 7(1 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far. (b M987 Jyl7 Dentist. BArLE&AMACH. 8d fir. Paxton. D. lORS. (5)-778 EagraTlag. KOTERA eV CO.. 1606 Jackson. Doug. 20nr. (6) 778 Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney , (6) 133 Florists. HESS 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (8) 780 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Far. Tel. D. 1263. (5)-TSl J. H. BATH.162J Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. (6) 7S2 Incorporators. MER, Incorporating Co., 428 N. Y. Ijfe 16) -784 Jeweler and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-J paxton uik. lei. jj. 4367. (5) 785 OUAK CAMBIANO, Instructor In Spanish and Italian languages. Tel. Douglas 1112. (S)-M964 Jy7x Osteopathy JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. If64 (b) 786 Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. (B7Q. (6) M4U1 Jy21 OHe Sappllea. FIIJNG cablneta, filma and ledger, loose leaf device and oftice flxtttrea and aim- nllea of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., lxa f arnam ot. lei. uougia btxiz. - t6-M671 Jyll Flaaablas; aad Heatlag. T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electric fixtures. 16u7 floward. Tel. Douglaa 743. (5)-M706 JylO Photographers. B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 18th St. (5) 789 French A artistic photographs. 210 8. 14th 6t. (5)-790 Prlattagr. " BEFORE placing your '1908 calendar order, don't full to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad A Jorva, printers. 14 A Cap. Ave. (6) 787 JfclNNINOo Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 6330. (& 7b8 ACORN Fraas, quality Ptg., 1218 Harney "st, (6-M2 Jyl6 600 BUSINESS cafda. $1; 10.000 printed en velopes, good stock, for $10; other work at iu ratea. Get estimate and see eur samples of work. Call at room 31, ' V. 8 Kai l Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug las 46ot. (t4U Jyl something to BEE'S "For Sale Miscellaneous' Column brought dollars te thousands of people. BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Safe. Skattvra. Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of tire eacapes, shuttera, doora ana safes. O. Andreen, Prop., ltfz B. nin bu (6)-79J Shoa Repairing. RAPID BHOB REPAIR CO., first - class work. 161Si4 Capitol Ave. 'Phona km v (5)-244 School Sappllea. OMAHA School Supply Co 1621 Howard. Tailoring:. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladies' and gents' new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 7U9 S. 27th Bt. Tel. Red 6916- (6)-793 Violin Maklag. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and surp les, by C. L. Heskett, r. 647 itamge Blk. 6)-674 Jylf CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, Th Iadlna- Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future,, described. parlora lis B. I6tn ot., upp. eosion oiore. (6) 796 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trade. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024 Farnam Bt. to-w WANTED HAND IRONER8 AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, 16U JAt-K-StilN ST. (7)-799 WANTED Machine glrla. City Steam (7) 79i Laundry, 811 S. 11th St. LADIES and girls wanted for decorating aofa pillows at home, wnoie or imr time; experience unnecessary; big pay to good workers; work permanent. Call Forenoons. 23U B. 18th Bt. (7) M329 Sx WANTED Experienced waitress at the Union btatlon Restaurant. (T)-M448 tx Hoasekeeolnar and Domestic. WANTB7D In July, good cook; two In family; permanent place ana gooa wages. 102 B. 84th. Tel. Harney 1188. v (7)- WANTED Good lady cook, 840. Phoenix Hotel, Sanborn, Iowa, (7 m4 WANTED Experienced girl to do general housework; small lamiiy; no wasning. Apply 2102 Douglas St. Telephone Doug, laa 893. (7)-992 Jy4 WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 In family. Telephone Harney zua. mi Davenport. (7) M30g WANTED Wash woman. 1301 S. 28th Bt, (7) M265 6 AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor; family cook, 89 week. Canadian umce, 16th ar.d Dodge. (7)-149 WANTED Competent, handy ' cook for private family, good wages, steaay posi tion, inquire 3M B arnaul. (101 iat zx WANTED Gooa ' girl for general house work, no wasning. S3.U Harney et. (7- WANTED-OIrl 'for general housework, also nurse girl,- 2608 Dewey Ave. Tel Douglas 6042. 7 361 ... , GIRL to held wUH housework. 8120 S. 18th BL J . (7-3&2 7x WANTED Girl u for general housework. No small children. No laundry. Apply 8074 Mason Bt. (7) M377 4X Mlscellaneona. Bookkeeper, 875. . t bookkeepers, 8100. Offloe clerk and stenographer, $40, 4 stenographers, $40 to 150. Apply at once. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N., INC. 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7-M437 t BTIIDBNT8. anv school, desiring emDloy- ment. register McCartney institute, inu Farnam. ' (7) M628 LADIES and girls to work steady or part time at home stamping tranaiers, 11. 00 to $2.00 dozen. Room 60S, Paxton HIK. (7) M389 4x GIRL for vaudeville sketch.' good proposi tion for the right party. Address K Ml, care Bee. (7)-70 2x WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man love hair grower; liberal salary to ngnt party. Dr. Minerva Jamea, 2024 Daven port. Tel. Douglas 66R6. (D Mssa WE have the following positions to be filled WEDNESDAY MORNING 2 stenograph ers, $40; 1 stenographer. $60; 1 bookkeeper, $00; t stenographers, $65: 1 stenographer, $C0, and 1 bookkeeper, $40. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 404-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. CD 0S 2 WANTED Five young ladles to travel. Call private car, Northwestern depot. Council Bluffs. (7) M416 6x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and dalesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition avar Of fered; big value for your cuioint-r, oig profit for you. Write today for particu lar and territory. E. R. McClellaif, 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. () 834 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience In elllng to farmers; permanent position; good income. Address O 347, Be offlca" : , (9)-810 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer thoae who hav had experience selling- views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room MA), Boa Bldg. (- WANTED A aollcitor and collector; aalary will be paid to competent man after the first mouth, Union Loan and Investment Co., 810 Bee Bldg. (9) 267 Jy2l WANTED By an old. established cigar manufacturer, a competent traveling man to cover Nebraska, paying a good salary and Insuring a permanent position (or a aatisfactory man. Address, H 611, Omaha Bee. () 896 fcx WANTED A first-class Jobwork solicitor on a aalary ta go to work August 1. v will open up a high-class Job printing office In Council Bluffs, la., on August 1, fully equipped to do th very finest high grade work. We prefer a man acquainted with the local trade and must have on who can work intelligently and produce the business. Will pay all such a man Is worth. Writ us. giving experience, references and state salary expected. Thla Is a good Job for a hustler. Martin A Martin, Kalis City, Neb. (9 M414 ix. $26 PER WEEK and. traveling expenses paid salesmen, to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Company. Chicago. (9) M124 8x WANTED-ollcltora for city work. Bpe clul proposition. Inquire Mgr. Cloak Dept., 110 S. ltith. M443 4 Clerical aad OOtc. DRUG CLERK with about 1 years ex perience; must be nest and active. V A. Piel. I8th and Farnam. (9-M425 I WANTED Young man between 18 and If year to substitute for about two wevks' offlc work. Address l. ... eare Bea. (t) M484 WHEN you writ to advertisers, remember it take but a few scratches of th pea ta sua tital sou saw Uta ad. la Tua Boa, soli II HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Boy. WANTED Boy, about It year of age. Omaha Broom Factory, 16th and Pacific Sts. (9)-671 8x Factory aad Trada. GET OUT OF THE WET! Job won't be so easy to get next year. We can use 6"0 machinists. Highest wagea; steady employment guar anteed. Transportation advanced to machinists hav ing flrat class references. Wa positively make no charge In any way, manner, shape or form for securing Jobs for machinists. Address, with references. The National Metal Trade Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. (9 M916 8x TINNER, experienced In furnaoe and gen eral shop work; steady Job; good wages. Hart man Pullock, York, Neb, (9 M210 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. X. U, Omaha. (9)-$0S MEN and boy wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; pays $6 to day; position secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School, St. Louis, Mo. Free catalogue. (B)-oS WANTED Fancy Rlvlt Heaters Immedi ately. - titacy Mfg. Co., 20th and Center. (-362 WANTED Barber Immediately; must be a No. 1 workman; no booser and a man that will stick. Pay, $13 and one-half over 1.I1. 'Plion at one. Fred T. Phillips, LeMars, la, () M918 Jy3x WANTED Cor carpenter. Rip track men. Truckmen. No trouble. .New aliop just starting operations. Apply by letter to the Crawford Locomotive Car Works, Streator, 111. (9) M998 Jy6 WANTED Four moulders. 2 core makers; union wages; open shop; will sign con tract for one year. Hnx ds'Orr, 1739 Blake St., Denver, Colo. (9) 804 Mlaoollaaaaa Bookkeeper, $75. 2 bookkeepers, $60, General office clerk, $50. Stenographer, $60. Night clerk. $56. and manv others. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N., I NO. 721-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. () M43S I 26 MEN for warehouse work at Webster Street Freight Depot. II. S. Jaynes. AgU ' ,(9) M974 Jy4X WANTED School teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work pleasant and profitable. Address H 207. Bee office. (9)M649 WANTED Energetic young rran with -lit tle money to manage branch omen in .enntern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying business. Address 604 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines, la. (9) MS61 Jy6x STRIKE Strykor. Men's Shoes. 312 South 16th. Board of Trade Bldir. & WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN. aged 18 to m. ror nremen ana brakemen on lead ing railroads: exnerience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineers, earn aau.uu; oraxemen earn $76.00, become conductors, earn $150.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 620 X, Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9) 898 Jy5 ANYONE out of work can make big money selling our household specialties. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. (9) M751 Jy6x WANTED Man with some experience. In ' traveling capable of earning high salary; . bond required. Address, wlt)i stamp and ' references, S 617. care Bee. (9) 808 WANTED At once, five cement finishers, ' capable of handling a crew. Address or call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, 8. D. , (9) 397 STUDENTS, any school, desiring- employ , tiient, register McCartney Institute. 1P02 Farnam. () MS72 WANTED An experienced, competent man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples Store, 16th and Farnam. (9)884 WANTED Man and wife to work on farm. J. E. Bmlth, Seneca, Kan. (9) M230 6x WANTED Man for real estate business; good wagee; experience unnecessary. Apply 315 Ramge Bldg. (9 869 BRICK YARD hands wanted. Apply to Llveeey Brick Co., Gibson, Omaha, Neb, (9)-847 4x WANTED Railway mall clerks; $18.00 weekly; examination soon; extensive edu cation unnecessary; preparation free until appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M420 8x FIRST-CLASS waiters, 121 per week; ten hours. Luzon Cafe, Billings, Mont. () M445 A2x WANTED Demonstrator; experienced Earty preferred. See Mgr. Cloak Ilept., 0 8. 16th. (9) M444 4 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hone and Vehicle. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A DELIV ERY WAGON CHEAP The Millbum Wagon Co. of Toledo offers for sale eleven wagon that were shipped to thla locality for samples, and rather than go to the expense of shipping bark to Toledo, WILL BKLL THEM AT COST. These wagons are In nrst-class condition. are brand new and ar guaranteed to be first-class In every particular. We will sell for caBh only, as we want" to make Quick sales and have made the PRICE to move them quickly. They can be seen at A. J. Simpson A Son Co.'s Repository, 1407 Dodg et., umana. Come early, as they will go quick at th price tnai nas oeen put on tnem. All prices marked In plain figure. THE MUjBURN WAGON CO, Toledo, Ohio. W. P. RIDEOUT, Representative. Ol-40 una fancy par anver, paoer and Very speedy, weighing 1.100 lbs.; one good black pacing mare, weighing 1.050 lbs.; one spaa good bay 4-year-old driving mares; on span brown pacers. 6 years old; on 6-year-old Iron gray single driver, very gentle and toppy; one good 1.176-lb. cheat nut sorrel surrey horse. These horses are all good, sound, well broke horses, ranging in prlcea from $M0 to 1160 each. Also have several good low-priced drivers ranging iroin i-to to sro. written guar antee with every horse. Cash or time Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 North lain Ml. (11) M668 IIOR8ES bought and sold; livery and boarding a specialty. Myers Douglas Bt, BtabJes. Fred Myers.p roprletor. 1114 Doug las Bt. Tel. D. 1032. (11) 730 Jy2 RUNABOUTS, carriages snd harness at greatly reduced prices. Johnson A Dan- forth Co., b. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea Hi. (11-W WE are not aelllng out at coat, but we ar eelllng driving wagona, buggies, surrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm weil of Chicago. Holmrs-Adkln Co., 714 a. loin ett., umana. (11) 811 TWO good, toppy driving horses; slso aln. gle and double harness, runabouts, top Dugkies ana surries ror one or two iioraos, good as new. Harney Street (liable. (U-uS FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carta and harness e joiinaoo-uaniurin ca. H. W. Cor. 10th aad Joaea sua. I 1 1 rmr ana - i 1 . l w m . - - i nTTBBER-TIRKn road warn. W. A. , etona. Ml Uncoln Ave., Oouncll PlnfTa I O0)-M109 HARNE88, Saddle. Tninxa. travejlnf bn, mm rood barttaln. Alfred Cornlah Vo., . me Farnam BU (ID WO FOR BAtJO-Yearllng Jack and Sphinx mare, bred to Gregory the Grrat. Box 1377, La Mara, Iowa. (U)-M224 Jy6x HAVING bought an automobile, will sell mv new physician driving outnt at a sacrifice. lr. Morsman, 616 N. Y. Life. (ID 99 Jy4x FINE family hors. perfectly gentle; also good buggy and harness, tall at jarx aon'a barn, 28th and Harney. (Ill M 151 6 FOR BALE Nice Rentle driving mare. 1708 N. 2th Art. (1U-M305 Poaltry aaa Cli. WHEAT. tl. hundred. Wagner. n 1- Wh. OOVERNJfENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha, (11-M3W Augi Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Peta. WHITE pit bull terrier. 9 months old; good pedigree. Hamilton. Plattamouth, Neb. (11) M964Jy 4x GOOD young cow for sal. Omaha Ave. 82d and Fort (1D-M134 x FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies; perfect beautlea. 1816 Dodge Bt. (1D-340 7x FOR BALE Young thorough bred Scotch Collie, male, sable and white. Cheap. No. 2444 Manderaon Bt. TeU. Webster 3207. OI) S! i PEDIGREED fox terrier pups cheap. 972 N. 20th St. (11)-M413 9 LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hknson, th upholsterer and furnltur repairer. 1618 N. 24th. 'Phon Webster SJW. (12)-M68S Jy22 LOST Hand embroidery hat, not made up. Lost between Kllnatrlck and lfith and Douglas Bts. Return and receive reward. 4032 Ixard Bt, Telephone Har ney 1048. (12) M442J1 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Qray'a Nerv Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 108 MRS. GARDEL8, private confinement horn; bablea cared for. 8724 N. 28th BL Tal. Wab. 1460. (13)-M922 Jy6x ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Horn for Women at 8824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. (12)-M108 DR. PRIES, specialist, dlseaaes of women. 80 years' practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. (13-157 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment nupervlsed by college professors. 'Phon Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night U3 U MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. $10.00 TO $200.00 FOR THE ASKING to meet the wsnts of those who have no real estate and are entitled to the sam consideration when It cornea to borrowing money. WE LOAN money on securities, no bank or real estate company would accept your household goods, piano, horses, wagons, etc. It Is a quick way to get money, no reo tape, no delay, no publicity. YOU KEEP both the money and security as long aa you like and pay - us for the actual time you are using It whether It Is one month, six months or a year. Remember you pay for the time you have the money not a day winriTAKn ON OUR RECORD OF FIF TEEN YEARS OF SQUARE DEALING. OMAHA MORTGAGE , LOAN COMPANY ' 119 Board of Trade Building. (14-407 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal. ary; easy to get; no rea tape. i ou v money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 160. CHATTEL, salary and storage reclpt loans. Foley Loan Co., iwt narnam ot. (141-163 ML PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbacb Blk.. 209 8. 15th St, (14) It) THE UNION LOAN CO. have Increased their capital, and during the month of July will make a special rate on collateral loans, personal prop erty, mortgages and Individual note without security; terms to suit. 'Phon Douglaa 2904 or call at 810 Bee Bldg. (14) M428 Aug! A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time la her. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised yourself this aummar, come to ua Our special low ratea for va cation money ar still In efTect; you can get the money quickly, privately and con fidentially on Your salary, household goods, pianos, etc. ww rates; easy terma RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. 'Phon Doug. 141L (14)-MI0 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana Duff Qreen Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-l MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 68 principal cities. Tol tnan, room 714, New York Li fa Bldg. (14)-lil EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 13H Douglas. . 01) HI FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO TUB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phon DouyW 743 14 164 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlac aad Haass. VIENNA hotel; private dining room: car a (16)-1$7 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, (16)-148 MOST convenient and pleaaant location; da. irabl rooma Call before locating. Tli Pratt, 202-212 Bo. 26tb BL Private -x-Chang Douglas 8138. (16) M688 2209 FARNAM. rooms and board. (l-73 jyll NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board; nice location, jazs wirt St. x - (16)-M96 Jy4x ROOMS AND BOARD First class accom modatlons; under new management. 718 B. 291U 8U (16) M912 Jy ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern, walking distant. 114 N. ilh. Gentlemen preferred. (16) 60 JyU BOARD and room In private family for two gentlemen rooming together, mod ern. 2424 Seward BL. 'Phone Webster 8978. (li) M394 Ox DESIRABLE room; first-class board fine location. 218 S. 26th Bt, 051-M418 Jx ItO BIS, I FOR RENT On large southeast room, electric light and all convenience. Ill b. 26th Bt. Tal- Douglaa 37. 15)- I ELEGANT furnlahed rooms to good parties; all modern. 220 N. 23d. (15) 66! FURNISHED rooms; gents preferred. 191$ Chicago. . (16)-M138 6a FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, easy walking distance from down town, large veranda, pleasant location, 'Phone Doug US 4838. (16; M160 Ix LARGE south front room with alcove; fuse 4thr rooma. 87ul Farnam St. (16 MJM8 IX FOR RENT Iarg front room with al. cove, water In room, large cloaeta. ai P. 38th. Hansoom Park dl",r1rr,.7ru Harney 824. QM-MZTO t FOR RKNT Room near corner Hth Ava, and liewcy; new house, eleclrlo light, bath, strictly modern. Call phone lKug laa 898. (16)-M321 x LARGE front room, with' private family; three h. 'rove, modern, from court . Red 47S8. (16) 828 IX IN PRIVATE family, furnished rooma for one or two, with or without board. Tel. Harney 86W. 2SJ0 Capitol av. (1) 841 7x FINE large, cool room, modern; private family; reasonable. References required. Tel. Douglas 40S1. .(16) 839 7x NICE cool room; everything modern. IB I. 26lh Bt. 'Phone liarnev 1451. (IG)-MSOi 8301 DOUGLAS St. modern rooms: gentl - V men. (16)-M800 jyi PLEASANT south room, private family, new houae, walking distance; reference. Address F 691. csre Bee. (16) 993 Jy4x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. Itol Av. (16)- 1915 Cap -988 Jylf ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. In new. modern houae; bath on every floor; all conveniences; walking dlntanc. Bea Frank Squire, car Hayden Bros. (1) M977 NICELY furnished rooms. 624 South 20th (15)-9U Jylx Bt, ELEGANTLY conveniences. furnished rooms with all 1919 Burt Bt. (15)-870 Jy2Rx BEAUTIFULLY furnished southeast room. private family; nan bracx rrom Hana com park; very dealrabl neighborhood. 'Phon Harney 1348. . (16) MU5 Jy FURNISHED room In attictly modern houae, walking distance, private family. 621 B. 24th Ave. (16) 116 tx SOUTH front room with alcove: modern and 'phone. 2676 Harney St. Tel. Red 4286. (15)-365 f DESIRABLE rooms; fine location; walking distance. 218 8. 26th St. (15 M376 8x THREE nicely furnished rooms, modern. In private family. 610 No. 23d st. (15) 4 8x LARGE front room, modern, t. 2038 Harney (15) 1 8x 405 8. 24TH AVE. ; all new, up-to-date; gentlemen only; references. (16) M410 AugJx NEWLY furnished front rooma. 807 8. 12th St., near Howard St. (15) M427 16x I NICELY furnished rooms, 410 8. 24th St. (15)-M4S8 6 LARGE, cool rooms. The Hillside, 18th and Dodge Sts.; also day board. . . (15) M447 9x Untarnished Room. BUITE of unfurnished rooms for rent, first floor, modern. 8408 Case. . Call af-r Bun. day. , (16) 832 THREE rooms, 1120 No. 17th St. (15)-406 FIVE large rooms, all modern. 211 Bo. 11th. (15) 398 8x Apartments and Flat. FOR IRBNT Modern 4-room, ' outslda flat In Clowry building, 1610 Chicago St. (16) 865 2x Hoaarfceeplag XX boms, FOR RENT Three-room, modern flat, 29H . Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam 8b (16) 17S LAR'iE, modern rooms, single or together, gas stoves. 2208 N. 18th St. (15) 117 5x THREE rooma, flrat floor. 1712 Jsckaon. ' (16)-M312 SX ,ty TWO furnished rooma for light housekeep. ' Ins; gaa atov and city water. 9)9 Bo. 27th fit. ; . . (15-3&6 T ELEGANTLY furnished of uh furnished moms for light housekeeping, $16. 218 N. 23d St, (16) M392 10 Furnished Hoases and Plata, IN DUNDEE. 10 rooma. all modern and completely fur. ntshed, 1 block from car, for t or I months, $40 per month. BEMIS, Phone, Douglaa 586. Paxton block. (16) M41 6 ROOMS, good location, no children, $20. Address D 641, care of Bee. (16) 87 JyZX 7-ROOM, nicely furnlahed house, modern; walking distance; will rent to reliable party only. Address J (12, care Bee. (i5) M42 t Hoases aad I otra area. . OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, mora, tor H. H. good; storehoua 1120-24 N. 19th. Offlc 1609 Farnam. Tl. Doug. 1569. (15)-m TrrvTTQTT'Q In all parte of th city. Th UUUOM0. F. Davl Co.. T't. an-Hi WE DO expert piano moving at lowsst rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Bchmoller A ueller Piano Co., 1811-1313 Farnam. (16r 174 nnTTRTT.R In all parts of th city. R LlUUOJiiO C. Peter A Co Bee Bid (Ue-ITi HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rate. Moving and atorag. Expressmen' Delivery Co., Tel Doug. Ua 394. 16)-M661 1519 N. 8SD 8T. 4-room strictly modern, brand new. $31 O'Keef Real Est at Co.. 1001 N. Y. Lift Bldg. (16)-MS76 FOR RENT Large store room, 18th and Vinton fits. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. 05) 160 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. DoUglaa 1496. Offlc. 1711 Webater St. (15 177 A FINELY furnished, arrlctly modern 8 room cottage for rent. 663 8, 27th St. Tel. Webster 704. . (16) M482 FLAT, full modern, six rooms besld bath and prlvat hall: newly don up; ga . range, etc.; antir building being put In perfeot order; beat flat In north part of cltv; walking distance; rafrnc required. Call, Investigate thla; lit. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (1 M664 FOR RENT A good ten-room, all modern house; choice location, close in, $40 per month. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th, Phon. Douglas 297. (1)-M72v Jy 6 FOR RENT rooms, modern, except heat; water paid. 1808 No. 21 Bt. : $18.00. phon Harney 2766. (16) M921 29X )ikj ax 1 cottage, ax- I 710 Decatur, . (16) M830 . FOR RENT 4-room modern cot cept furnace, $20.00. Inquire 2710 or 'phon Webater 2711. FOR RENT 4-room cottage, - WW Hamil ton street. $20. Tel. Douglas 1, 06) 494 IX 2660 RUGOLES ST., I room, brand nw, all modern, 2 blocks from Dodge car, only $22. J. W. Hasp Co., 436 faxton block. Douglaa ltiO. (154871 ONE 7-ROOM house, one 8-room houae. modern except furnace, $26 and $22; on 4-room hous. city waer in kitchen, Chris Boyr, 2128 Cuming Bt. ' (16 868 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 06-l.3 T-ROOM suit In house. John C. Bldg. th Uintah apartment Barnard, 411 N. Y. Lira (15) 14 FOi: RENT 1617 B. 26th; 8-room modern between Hanacom Park and 94th Bt. car; furnace, barn, paved street; loO. F. C Parsons. 8&o6 Hamilton. Harney 8436. (16-M2S9 FOR RENT T-room house, modern except furnace, in complete repair, new plumb ing, cemented cellar and laundry; rent reduced to $J2 50. Apply at 6o7 N. 19th St., or 903 N. Y. Ylf Bldg. (16)-M3o4 SIX -ROOM houae, modern la every respect. 2727 Cuming Bt. (11) M.8 FOR RENT hviur room In apartment flat; city water, gas. 16 N. 1Mb bU; $i. C. M. fcachmaun, Paxton ink. . (i hl3i4 0 ...