Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Office, 15 Scott
Davis, drum.
Btockert sells carpets.
Fumpe, J. Eollrr Mor. Co.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust ber.
Fine engravings at L (Terrs.
Be Schmidt's elegant new photos.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking; company. Tel. 539.
Storage, house goods. Inquire 333 B'way.
Cigar band dishes. 'Alexander's, 833
Fishing tackle fit for fishing. Big selec
tion. Petersen 'ft Rohoenlng.
Hammocks from T5c to 110.00. Great va
riety. Petersen ft Schoenlng.
diamond8 as an investment.
Talk to lefkert about it.
Call 71 and have the Council Bluffs Coal .
rid Ice eompanys wagon leave you soma
Former Congressman Thomas Bowman
lias gone to Portland, Me., to spen4 the
Wats Senator C. Q. Saunders will deliver
tba Independence day oration at the cele
awatton at Fontanelle, la.
OLA88ES are a positive help and a per-
Canent pleasure If fitted by Dr. W. W.
agarell, optometrist, 10 Pearl atreet.
Three "John Does." one of them a negro.
Were lodged In the county Jail last evening,
charged with disorderly conduct at Lake
Ivanhoe commandry. Knights Templar,
Will meet tonight for work In the prder of
Ihe tempi
1:80 p. m.
junchoon will bo served at
Wallace Beniamln and William C. Droge
left last evening for a sixty davs' trip to
astern points, Including a visit to the
Jamestown exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Grimes of Beatrice,
Neb., parents of Mrs. Frank Fans of this
city, will remove to Council Bluffs this
Week to moke their home here.
Jacob Zenti and Mlea Bessie Dundy, both
of this city, were married yesterday f tor
noon at the home of the brlilu, 424 Stutsman
Btreet, Rev. Henry DeLong officiating.
John F. Jackson, father of E. R. Jack
son, county superintendent of schools, and
a pioneer resident of Pottawattamie county,
la crltlcnlly 111 with pneumonia at his home
In Avoca.
- Gladys and Malcolm Humphrevs, chil
dren of Sherman E. Humphreys. Janitor of
the county court house, lett last evening
for Laramlo, Wyo., where they will apend
the aummer with helr grandparents.
Mrs. F. t Roland, formerly of this city.
How of Huir Ouk, Is the guest (it Mrs. Htif
laker, 710 First avenue, l.u.lng been called
here by the serious illness of her sister,
who is In St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha.
tiyae AruucKie or iois lenin avenue, lire-
man on the Kock Island, who recently lost
his left 'arm and part of his right hand by
Clyde Arbuckle of 1D18 Tenth avenue, flre-
falling under -his engine at Walnut, la., ta
able to be out, having recovered from hla
severe Injuries.
Andrew Peterson and Roy Shea, young
fellows about IS years of age, spent Satur
day and Sunday In the county jail fur as
sault and battery on John L. Price, In llu
ot paying a .line of 5 and costs each Im-
losed or. them by Justice Greene.
Mrs. D. Macrae and daughter. Marian,
loft last evening for Chicago. The nn-
nouncement that Mayor Macrae would ac-
company them, made In a local paper, was
Incorrect. The mayor will b on hand for
, .'., .,n
' the meeting of the city council tonight,
I Miss Grace Smith, 1-9 Vine street. Is suf
fering from a broken arm, the remilt of a
peculiar accident. Miss Smith entered the
woodsued at her home and the opening
of the door caused a window weight whln
had been placed on ' a shelf to tall. The
weight struck Mies Bmitn len arm. orcuK.
Ing It at the wrist. ,
,i, lf jfx neauquur-
Guards' armory. The cl'.
fliBins of stairs to tliel- ,'bJnp "t.fllJ.
Si'th Nma-h,- 0?cl,fr tn. vel2rana
With Increasing aiV . ,,.,.
toMslJartKujii''''u"d''chle' of the Plu,' Plans
The members of Abe Lincoln Psty,T ,
Army of the Republic, are uy(JfV
orooosltion to change their Df . .
ters from the Everett t
. -w vno UIU11K.1LIBI i w-rv iid buii.
! mi i rrTf aier tnat the pi laonera In ihe city jail
N--"1"1 J. .. . . ... i ..k..i.
Ciuacles on and thereby earn the three
meals a duy with which Uiu city provides
them. The rock pile is also recognised aa
good Inat'.tutlon to keep tramps from
Infesting the city,
Joe Uenneft was brought In from Ham-
SrtolZkXZ aVnshm" b'y m'm!
Parkinson, deputy cnueo cuates internal
revenue collector of this' city. Commia-
aioner N. A. Crawford bound Bennett over
to the federal grand Jury, fixing his Ijjm.I
at IMUU. . My dwpi. suing H0 cash Uennt tt
was released to enable him to secure the
bond In the needed amount.
George W. Kline, ID South Main street.
'Phones: Ind., 710 Black) Bell, S48.
tty beautiful home. No. 109 Parlt avenue,
la for aale. Inquire on premises Tuesday
and Thursday. W. Runyan.
Acceptance, of Water Franchise.
It is likely that the Council Blurts City
TVater Work company will file 'Its accept
no of tha ordinance granting It a new
franchise today. In which event Mayor
Macrae is expected to Issue the official
proclamation for a special election, at
..which tha ordinance may be submitted to
Ve voters for thetr rejection or accept
ance. This election can be called by tho
maiyor on Instructions from the city coun
j en. which undoubtedly will be forthcom
Ltng. Should the council decline to authorize
'the calling of the election, the mayor can
' act upon the filing of a petition of twenty
I Ave property owners in each ward In the
y -
IIR-Our Nation's
about I Hi per
Is brewed and aged on honor.
Full of character and beer body.
A hop tonic, malt nourishment
and delicious beverage, all in one.
Try ny of these brands
whether on draught or la
bottles whererer you can
Private Otock, Wiener,
r.iuencnener, Export
r . tx' t'W' i
802-10 DoafUe 6L, Oor. ftth,
TtiOM D)gla lO&i.
St. Tel. 43.
Her. Dr. Kepford of Des Moineg Telli
of Disease and Remedy.
Points Out Its Dangers and Methods
Which Shonltt Be Adopted to
Stamp It Oat, Which Can
It Dons.
Speaking under the auspices of the Iowa
Association lor the Study and Prevention
of Tuberculosis, which Is carrying on a
propaganda. Rev. Aretas Kepford of Des
I Moines delivered his one hundred and first
lecture on this dreaded disease last evening
... ,.. w. , r,
H the First Presbyterian church. Mr.
Kepford has been speaking on this sub
ject under the auspices of the Iowa so
ciety for just one year and during thla time,
previous to coming to Council Bluffs, had
delivered 100 lectures. He treats his sub
ject In the light of a great soclaf'evil and
In treating It discussed the social aspects,
the pathology of the disease, the Import
ance of an early diagnosis to check Its
action, the means by which the dreaded
disease is transmitted and the open-air
treatment which la said to be the only euro.
Mr. Kepford showed that he has made a
deep study of the subject and Is appar
ently versed In every detail of It. He de
livers his lecture in a manner that ap
peals to and Is easily comprehended by
the ordinary person. He makes it every
thing but the dry and obtuse medical lec
ture which the subject would indicate It
to be.
As an Introductory the speaker described
the pathology of the disease. ' He made the
statement that consumption Is not heredi
tary, although children born of tuberculous
parents Inherit a tendency because of Weak
ened constitutions. Neither Is consumption
contagious as smallpox, acarlet fever or
diptherla. The speaker said he referred to
this because of the tendency of people to
be afraid to associate with or go into the
room where a tuberculor person might be.
Tuberculosis is an Infectious disease and
the Infecting agent la the tubercale bacil
lus discovered by Prof. Robert Koch of
Germany in 1SS1
Progress of the Disease.
The common way by which this germ Is
taken Into tho lungs la by Inhalation, the
condition being susceptible the germ fast
ens Itself in the Integument of the lung,
. --- -
where It. Immediately matures, and builds
i a tuberculo around the serm, shutting It
In. So long as the lump or tuberculo re
mains hard It doea not multiply, but there
are soon other germs which Infest the
mouth which are known aa - pus germaJ
T 1. . w . i ..... v. . . , .
it down into pus. Released irom Its jrl0u9
j bed the bacillus multiplies Itself lpfl ,,.
,ona and the unlo between theX ',, nd
Pacini ama
, the Pu terms causes a toylp'J0lK,n,n( of
the nerve centers of the bjy Producing a
ri,e in temneratura wlili, .. .
ne in temperature wijlf K tfl. langour
and tlredneaa on allf;t Merllon. The dis
tribution of nutrlt affected In such a
w,y that Appetite is either lost all
together QfbeCorn(;i very erratic with. a
conseu ,0 of welght- Loss of weight
- - npn . condltlon of temperature exists Is
, ,, . ,,
one oi ine earliest symptoms usually oisg
no&ed for tuberculosis by physicians. The
tllffht cnua-h Is due to the .effort nf th
" "'' """""
aggerated paroxism of coughing sooner or
will expectorat. the broken down
tuherrule and in the snuturn wil ba found
! millions of the bacilli. These are tha ln-
reeling agents.
The sneaker then called attention to tha
Importance of the early diagnosis, for con
gumption Is, he contended, a curable dl-
1 ........ J . ,
Beae " takn ' "me, but no hope of
I Cure can be promised the advanced case.
j In the aecend place the Importance of tha
! f he said, would be seen In
u,Ui.iuur,Lu,uoin ,a ,n iuicvuuub uibcw
and the sputum expectorated by the con
sumptive must be destroyed either by
burning or some antiseptic solution which
wlH act aa a germicide.
Preventlaar Its Spread.
Dealing with the prevention of the di
sease the speaker aald no incipient tubercu
lar patient should occupy the same living
apartments, to say nothing of the aame
Bleeping apartments with the non-tuberculous,
and diagnosing the disease early
will prevent the spread among the other
members of tho household.
Comlna- to tho social asDecta of the ouea-
tlon the speaker said tuberculosis Is a
social disease and that it la one of the re
wards of tho community life. The habit
of expectoration or spitting is believed to
be responsible to a very great extent in
spreading- thla dreadful scourge. Ant!
spitting ordinances should be enforced.
The hand-shake, the speaker said. Is
another means' by which the disease is
transmitted. No person should shake
hands with an advanced consumptive: This
danger, however, does not exist In an in
cipient case.
The kiss, the speaker stated, is another
dangerous source of transmission In fact
more responsible for the spreading of this
disease than anything else. In this con
nection, Rv. Mr. Kepford stated, the case
of a young woman who contracted the
disease from a kiss, waa married, her
baby dying at the age of months from
tuberculosis of the bowels, while she her
self followed It to the grove shortly after.
The young woman's father kissed her on
V.tV4vi Jtv-OS-v7?
Beverage contains but
seat of Alcohol.
f tzimt co. I
her death-bed, snd today Is a consumptive
In an advanced stage.
The common drinking cup, the common
communion cup, the speaker said, are both
agents In the transmission of the disease.
The disease Is also spread from tuberculous
.neat and milk, and In t'.ns connection ,th
speaker advocated that every city should
have a rigid Inspection of dairy cowa by
the tuberculin test.
Speaking on the open-air treatment Rev.
Mr. Kepford said, the open-air treatment
for tuberculosis Is the only means by
which this disease can be cured. This
treatment can be carried out In one of
three ways. In the shack, the tent, or the
screen porch. He said that It Is criminal
to send these consumptives to communi
ties In the west, who do not have suffi
cient means of support.
Regarding the disease In the state of
Iowa the speaker snld there are 2.CO
draths annually from tuberculosis and
that every one dying Infects three others,
and that 90 per cent of those affected die
between the ages of 15 and to, which, he
claimed. Is an enormous economic loss to
the state. This loss, he said, exceeds
$4,350,000 per annum
Before getting your upholstering, mat
tress making, repairing and reflnlshlng
done, get the prices of the Morgan Uphol
stering company, 821 Broadway, next to
Alexander's art store. Telephone for
quick orders. Bell, 893; Independent, 270
8. M. Williamson, bicycles, sewing ma
chines, Edison phonographs, records. Re
pairing machines and bicycles a specialty.
17 South Main street. Council Bluffs, la.
Buy the Jewel gas or gasoline stoves.
They ara the safest. Petersen ft Schoenlng.
Petersen & Schoenlng sell matting.
Ohio Man Tells of Benefits of Snch
Rev. C. N. Bond, D. D., of Oberlln, O.,
member of the Ohio committee for the ex
tension 'of organised charities, who Is the
guest of his cousin, Mrs. P. J. Montgomery,
spoke Sunday morning at the First Pres
byterian church, taking as his subject, "The
Principles of Modern Organized Charity as
Illustrated ana Enforced In the Bible." In-
,. . I
cldentally. Dr. Bond told of his work among j
. ' . . , ., , ... , .
tha colored people in Alabnrra. He la north
era secretary of the Alabama Industrial
Missionary association and editor of the
Plantation Missionary, the official organ of
the association. The purpose of the or
ganization, he explained, is to teach the
... sanitary Frotleixit-,L,ast season we raueu
negro to live In lawful wedlock, to ablifJto et bcock to uke
them tn nurehssA firms nnnn . n- iiaotocR cv.
them to purchase farms upon,r-y terms
and ,ln every way to becm, lawabld
Ing citizens and to live hopgt an(j respon
slbles lives. The assoct,on own, 6i000
acres of land In JabCm and employs a
umber of tffan an1 other officers . It
ta national' interdenominational In Ua
cope, hayfg. representatives and support
ers IjV'arlous parta of the country and In
yious religious bodies.
Dr. Bond's address was mainly a plea for
organized charity through the formation of
societies of Associated Charities tn eaoh
city. Such organizations, he contended, did
not try to supplant existing organizations,
but rather to join them together for mutual
benefit and to prevent fraud. It prevents
professional beggars from securing aid from
different organizations and In this the Asso
ciated Charities performs a real service.
It has tha records of tha different charit
able societies and If some person is secur
ing relief from mora than one society, the
fact It noted 'and an investigation results.
Dr. Bond also spoke of tha good done for
' tha children ' by the Associated Charities.
Tha object, he aald, waa to relieve suffer
ing wherever possible, but also to prevent
tha demoralization of character that too
frequently results from promiscuous char
ity. Office Space for Rent.
Bight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on
ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone
building, IS Scott atreet; central location;
only one-halt block from Broadway. Ev
erything new, electrie light; for S8 a month.
Omaha Bee, IS Scott street.
flee our Flreless Caloric Cook Stove A
boon in hot weather cooking without arti
ficial heat. Great saving. Recommended
and used by the beat people in town. Pet
ersen ft Schoenlng.
Ice cream flavored with pure vanilla,
aomethlng that will please you. Purity
Candy Kitchen, 646 Broadway.
It only costs a 2-cent stamp to get Hat
er's prices, Council Bluffs, la.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2C0. Night. L 693.
Malls t Be Welshed.
Commencing today and lasting for six
ciencai lorce ai me posionice,
1 . . 1 . . . ...
by reason of a recent order from the de
partment, will have considerable extra
work vto perform. Every day during the
next six months all mail leaving the office,
of which there are four classes, will have
to be weighed. Not only will all mall have
to be weighed, but In the case ot second-
class matter, prepaid mall at pound rates,
free matter and sample copies, etc., will
have te be weighed separately. For one
week, beginning today, a record will have
to be kept of the amount of postage on all
mall matter leaving the office.
Owing to thla extra work an extra clerk
has been allowed and Harry Ball today
will be promoted from the substitute to
the regulsr force.
The new order relative to placing ordi
nary postage atampa to a letter for spe
cial delivery goes Into effect today. While
8 cents is required, aa before, In addition
to the regular postage for a apeclal de
livery letter, ordinary atamps to the
amount ' can be used by merely writing
across the face of the envelope "Special
The carrlera on the two star routes out
of this city change today. J. R. Macrae
has had both contracts for the last four
years, but Is now succeeded by Chester
H. Larrlson, postmaster at Armour, on
what Is known as the Quick route and by
John W. Williams on what Is known as the
Treynor route. .On Larrison's route tho
placea supplied are Quick, Taylor and Ar
moir and , on Williams' route. Treynor
and Living Springs are the placea supplied.
A tans. .
A $50 Bowen brand new refrigerator for
$36 cash. Just the thing for restaurant or
grocery. Porcelain lined; has eight shelves;
will hold 300 lbs. Ice. V. W. Keller. 103 Bo.
Cast Iron vaaea for lawn.
Special prlcea thla week.
Big variety.
Bee office removed to 15 Pearl street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone building.
Steven. Aarala Arrested.
Roy Btev.ns. the alleged assailant of
tittle Christine Chrlstensen, who secured
bis release from the county jail Saturday
on a bend of $900, enjoyed but a short re
spite from behind the bars. When County
Attorney 11. sa learned of Stevens' release
he went before Judge Wheeler and se
cured aa order Increasing the bail bond
te $3,001. Btevens upon his telease had
wt ta$k te wort, la to pomfioslftg room
of the New Nonpareil company, where he
was employed as a llnottpe machinist, and
he was arrested there shortly before mid
night by Detective Weir. Stevens was
taken to the city Jail, but at his request
was srr.t back to the county best lie.
Full line of refrigerators. 15 per cent dis
count for cash. D. W. Keller, 13 So. Main.
Tenth Ills;
fml-Asnsal Dlaronat
In accordance with our established cus
tom of giving our customers extraordinary
opportunities for buying fine Jewelry at a
price very near the actual cost, we are of
fering discounts on everything In our stock
except d'amonds and such sterllnj silver
patterns that prhws are governed by the
2fi on fine solid gold Jewelry.
if on gold filled Jewelry.
25' on Sterling silver toilet ware,
26 on Sterling plated table silverware.
26 on fine cut glass.
25 on mantel and parlor clocks
S3',S on leather goods.
234 on fine umbrellas.
834 on electric lamps.
3H on hand-painted china.
G0 on fancy combs.
60 on belt buckles.
Remember every - article la marked
plain figures.
LEFFERT'8. 409 Broadway.
Full line of refrigerators. Petersen
Flannel trousers and blue serge coat are
the thing now. See E. SH Hicks.
Cioalnt and Curious Features of Life
In at Bapidly Growing;
The old-time glfls of Loup county can now
rest easy, and not run into the cellar and
hide. L. Q. Balls was married In Aurora
a couple of weeks ago. Taylor Clarion.
Hurried the Folks-Train No. 4 actually
arrived on time Wednesday morning and
ui uur uiiircnB annum lew utn
, . L . . , .
selves In reaching the depot. Messrs. Eddy,
Monahon, Howard, George Springer, Jr.;
J. A. Sullivan and the Romlne family were
passengers to the county seat. Valley En
terprise. hnM-flnual bath, but thla'yY."' hP t0
be able to get him down and ti't we maT
succeed, we ask the aid of all wtioVpave his
interests and oura at heart. We luccee-d?",
however. In getting several to go dewsV
and we are aura we have their everlasting
gratitude. North Loup Loyalist.
More About Sanitation The writer hereof
kept bachelor's hall a few days last week,
his better three-fourths being away attend
ing a home missionary convention. She re
turned the first of this week and Is fully
convinced that there is need of home mis
sionary work. About the first thing she did
was to give a hurry-up order for a broom
and scrubbing brush, and she spiced tho
order with the pungent sarcasm that she
waa not aware that there had been a water
famine In Oakdale. Oakdale Sentinel.
CongTatulatlon-Oeorge Zimmerman, who
has been a resident of Liberty precinct out
In the extreme barest part of the county for
twenty years past, came to town Wednes
day and solicited the judicial offices of L,
A. Berry to-change the name of Mrs. Cells
LAvery to Zimmerman. This Is George's
fourth matrimonial venture, but death or
divorce has freed the others. The bride
halls from Denver, Is a widow and several
years hla junior. Here's hoping they both
find happiness. Alliance Times.
Burying the Hatchet The editor of the
Bancroft 'Blade doesn't approve of the
"2-cent wit" with which the editor of tho
Walthlll Tlmee la "noted." Neither Is the
editor of the Walthlll Times enthusiastically
In favor of that old, conventional, stale,
kiss-me-a-fond-farewell-and-let-me-dle style
of literature the editor of the Bancroft
Blade perpetrates. In either case, however,
what's the difference? We make our stuff
win for us, and the Blade man undoubtedly
does as well with his, and, if both species
of the literature de bum win for their man
ufacturers they are good, no matter how
rotten they are.
Western Federation of Miners Takes
Initiative In Its Fonnda
DENVER, Colo.. July 1 The Western
Federation of Mlnera convention held its
first Sunday aesslon today. If a resolution
which, was Introduced Is adopted It will
Initiate the organization by the Western
Federation of Minera of a new national
labor union. The matter came up upon the
report of the special committee to which
was referred all pending motions relative
to that portion of acting President C. E.
Mahoney'a message regarding the factional
fight in the Industrial Workera of the
World. The report of the committee sug
gests that all the contending factions of
the Industrial Workers, the Brewers' union
and such other organizations as deem
themselves enough devoted to the serious
I ami Important cause of national labor co
operation shall meet In Joint convention
with delegates from the Western Federa
tion of Miners In Chicago on October 1 of
thla year for the purpose of bringing all
labor aympathlzers together In harmoni
ous, assembly.
The discussion of this recommendation
will contlne tomorrow:
John M. O'Neill, editor of the Mlnera'
Magazine, defended himself today against
the charges which have been made against
Drops Fbrtr Feet Into Irfike and
Two of Its Oocnponts Are
ORTONVILLE. Minn.. July 1. While go
ing at a high rate of speed this afternoon
an automobile containing three persons
suddenly swerved and went over a sheer
embankment of forty feet Into Big Stone
lake. One of the passengers probably fa
tally injured.
Those In . the automobile were Charles
and Walter Icholz. prominent merchants
of - Aopletodt and the 3-year-old son of
The heavy car did not turn over as It
fell, but landed In twenty feet of water.
Charlea waa struck by the steering wheel
and received Internal Injuries, which may
prove fatal. Walter was badly rut and
bruised and Is In a serious condition. The
boy escaped unhurt.
A gasoline launch waa near the acne
of the accident and those aboard hastened
to rescue the automobillsta, who otherwise
might have been drowned.
Te Norfolk Wlihsat (ks.slsg Care
leave Chicago 106 a. m.. reach Jamestown
Exposition next evening over Pennsylvania
Short Line via Columbus and N. W. Ry.
Dally through service after July 11 Writs
or call on Rowland, U, 0. Bank Bid..
JOibAha, Net
Reports to Auditor at Dei Moines
Show Odd Conditions.
Polk tounty la Ahead In Amount
of .Merchandise Mepnrted -Scott'
County Has Money and
(From a Staff Correspondent).
DES MOINES, la.. July 1. (Special.)
Reports to the state auditor from the
county auditors as to the value of per
sonal property of various kinds in the vn-
rlous counties of the state disclose some f
Interesting situations. For Instance, the i
moneys and credits reported by Scott
county In 1906 were $0,927,050 and in 1007
were I7.C43.IM, while in Polk county In llrnO
tho moneys and credits reported were
$4,931,870 and in 19t7 only $.1.9'.W2. Fur
thermore the corporutlon stock turned Into
the assessor In Scott county In 19CG was
$8,854,200 and in 1907 $9.430,4fA while In
Polk county the stock turned In in li5 wns
$2,9:2.686 and In 1907 $1.2.10,fi91. Dea Moines
seems to have enjoyed as much prosperity
as Davenport and It might ordinarily soera
that Its moneys and credits ought to In
crease rather than diminish.
The figures seem to show there are more
rich people in Davenport than any other
county of the state. The reports thus far
to the atatjB auditor cover every county but
seven. The county auditors of Appanoose,
Black Hawk, Calhoun, Dubuque, Guthrie,
Lucas and Pocahontas have not reported.
On theae reports the executive council acts
as an equalizing board to equalize the
assessment, but the council does prac
tically nothing with the personal prop
erly In the line of moneys and credits and
corporation stock.
For personal property other than live
stock Davenport leads the race In Iowa
on the total footings. Its personal prop
erty other than live stock is valued at
$19,770,262 and Polk cornea next with $14,
453,270. The wealthiest counties of the state
given in their order are:
Scott $19.770,2f'J
Polk 14.453.276
Linn 8.4O4.2S0
Woodbury 8,397,084
Dea Moines 8.940.459
Clinton 6.743.2N0
Pottawattamie 6,496.142
Benton, Johnson and Lee have over four
and a half millions and Cedar, Clayton,
Jasper, Mahaska, Page and Wappello have
over four millions and leas than four and
a half millions.
Polk leads tn the amount of merchandise
reported, showing $4,990,427, but; Woodbury
Is a close second, with $4,768,208. Scott re
ports S2.4tJ7.196 and Linn $2,256,099. All others
thus far reported show less than two mil
lions. i Moneys and credits and corporation stock
are dXUflH. taken as showing the wealth
of a community.' ' It,, must therefore be
taken tnat Bcott county is-CHSiiy tpe ncn
est county In the state that has thus far
reported to the atate auditor or else there
are notorious tax dodgers in Polk county.
Here are the figures In order for the coun
ties that lead the state on those two lines
of wealth so far as the reports show up
to this time:
Moneys and Credits.
Scott $7,043,230 $6,927,050
Linn 4.274.901 4.13R.282
Polk , $.902,532 4,931.870
Cedar $.8n,674 8.158,920
Benton 8.132,461 2.430,086
Washington 8072.928 2.821,166
Clayton 3.023,564 2,993,646
Corporation Stock. ; r.
1907. 1906. '
Scott 1. $9,430,400 $8,434,200
Polk , 8,2:!0,)V 2,9M,fisS
Clinton 1.260.440 1.267.307
Dea Moines 1,122.642 1,012,561
Linn 1,008,436 720.886
Of the seven counties not yet reported
Dubuque and Black Hawk with the cltica
of Dubuque and Waterloo when they report
should make a conspicuous showing,
both In moneys and credits and In corpora
tion stock. The final figures will be in
teresting for several reasons. But for the
benefit of the members of the legislature
who were Interested in the attempt of
Sioux City residents to get a commission
to study the tax question there la in the
reports to the state auditor abundant of
argument for the commission. The Polk
county report Is one argument and the
Woodbury county report Is another. Wood
bury county is In a long list of counties
that report over one million and less than
two million dollars of moneys and credits
notwithstanding the fact that Sioux City
Is the third largest city in the state and
one of the wealthiest. In corporation
stock Woodbury Is nearly as connplcuous
for being low in the Hat.
Watching New Rellclon.
Whether the "power of tongues" religion
that has attracted considerable attention
In this city is worthy the attention Is a
debatable queation with many who have
followed the newspaper accounts of the
mission's work. The religion Is not new.
It is reported to have come tp Iowa from
Ohio, though there la no authentic Informa
tion on that score. It came to Des Moines
with Mrs. Scott M. Ladd, wife of Judge
Ladd of the Iowa supreme court, who
moved here about four years ago. Mrs.
Ladd Is reported to have conducted a sim
ilar mission at their former home In Shel
don, O'Brien county.
The mission In this city was started In
the southern part of the city on the
bottoms in the section inhabited by the
poor of the city. Whether It is really the
"power of God" that moves the converts
aa Is claimed or merely the slupifying at
mosphere of the unventlluted room in
which the sect meets is for people to Judge
for themselves. The public has been led
to believe that the courts will settle the
question. This Is perhaps not likely.Resl
dents in the neighborhood of tho mlxnlon
have sworn out a warrant for Mrs. Ladd
charging her with .disturbing the peace
of the community. When she returns to
the city this will probably be served and
the court will decide whether or not she
disturbed the peace.
When the converts of this doctrine meet
they gather about an organ which is placed
In Ihe middle of the room. There is little
or no preaching. A song or two is sung
There is an evaporation from the body going on continually, day and
sight, through the pores and glands of the skin. This is nature's way of
maintaining the proper temperature of .our bodies and of preserving the
softness and flexibility of the skin, and so long as the blood is free from im
purities no trouble will result. When however, the blood, from any cause,
becomes infected with humors and impurities these, too, must be expelled,
and coming in contact with the delicate tissues and fibres with which the
skin is so abundantly supplied they produce irritation and inflammation, and
the effect is shown by Eczema, Acne, Tetter, pimples, rashes and skin
troubles of various kinds. To effect a cure the blood must be cleansed and
purified. : This cannot be done with external applications, but requires con
stitutional treatment. S. S. S. is tbe best treatment for all skin diseases.
It goes down into the circulation, neutralizes and removes the humors and
acids and thoroughly cures ekin affections of every kind. S. S. S. supplies
the blood with the proper nutritive qualities so that the 6kin instead of being
irritated and diseased by unhealthy humors, is fed and sustained by cooling,
healthy blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent
fre to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAJJTA, CJL
desert, for It can't
corn atarch often but
Pure, delldona, possessing every food excellence the standard of
quality for over half acentury. Nourishing, for everybody old.
yuung, wm, strung,
inexpensive ana appetizing aisnes mroupn our book of
au alii
Be Sun
To Get
and someone speaks warning the unsaved
to repent and seek salvation and telling of
the punishment to come if they do not
heed. , There is more singing. They kneel
and pray. It Is during this prayer that
the alleged "manifestations of the spirit"
come. The petitioners at the throne of
grace are loud and emotional. Some can
not contain their feelings and they shout
and shriek. They become nervous and
tremble. The excitement works on all.
Then aomeone falls to the floor unconscious
and his or her limbs twitch and Jerk. He
ia sold to be "under tho power" and It Is
while in thla state that they have the
"power of tongues." They Jabber and no
one la able to understand what they say.
They are not able to understand them
selves. They have been known to He In thla
state for forty-eight hours. They always
come out ot It Intensely weak and must
be assisted from tbe place. People who
have gone to the mission aa curiosity seek
ers have noticed that the rooms are never
ventilated even in warm weather.
None of the followers of Mrs. Ladd and
the strange religion ever claim any other
power than this "power of tongues." There
is no claim te healing and no one has
ever claimed to have been healed. There
are no miracles. They simply get "under
the spell." Those who hav been under
the "spell" once seem anxious to go again
and always return to the mission.
The critics of the religion would not be
so severe if the religion did not seem to
have auch bad effects on the physical con
dition' of the persons who get this "power
of tongues." They say too, that it is
wrong to take children to the mission and
allow them to Imitate thetr elders in get
ting excited over the prayers and then, in
a poorly ventilated room alnk In a faint
and remain, there for hours without med
ical treatment. "' ' .,
Then again, they frankly confea ' that
they would ba much more reedy to' believe
that God was liavhig some Influence In the
matter of their unconaclous or semi-conscious
condition If this condition would
come over them In a well ventilated room,
and If the converts did not faint Juat fol
lowing a somewhat prolonged state of
high excitement of shouting and dancing
and shrieking and moaning In connection
with their prayers. In other words. It Is
too easy to explain the unconscious condi
tion of the converts by tha uhventllated
rooma and the excitement; too easy to ex
plain it by natural every day matters to
Justify attributing it to the Almighty.
The further criticism against the re
ligion la that at these meetings girls and
women are allowed to fall In the fatnts
and lay about on the floor in the aisles
and on the platform while the public meet
ing Is in progress, and that, too, at a
public meeting attended by many men of
not overly strict morale or refinement and
who are not above passing comments that
cannot be repeated here.
The ministers of Des Moines, however,
and the church people generally, will have
nothing to do with the matter. Thay are
following the advice of a certain wls Jew
In Christ's time, that If the religion ba
from God it cannot be hindered and If
not from God it will come to naught
Let Little Fellows Free..
A. M. Bteldley has appealed from the
Lee county district oourt to the supreme
court the case In which he was convicted
of stealing a bowl and crock of butter and
three cans of fruit from the cellar of
Christina Nelson of Melrose. The ques
tion put to the supreme court in the appeal
is whether or not Steldley's attorneys did
right In arguing to the Jury that because
big offenders frequently escape the law
Steidley, a little offender, ought to be ac
quitted. The district court sustained the
objection to that Una of argument by his
attorneys. The attorneys presisted In the
argument and the court ordered It stricken
out of the record. Steidley appealed.
Honor for aecurlng the Joint freight rates
and the schedule decided upon by the
railroad commission ia being claimed by
the Iowa State Manufacturers' association.
In thousands of petitions presented to the
railroad commission the members of the
association asked for practically Juat what
the commission ordered, viz., 80 per cent
of the sum of the locals, through billing,
a minimum shipment for 26 cents and the
railroads to absorb the transfer charges.
Evldenoe la .not lacking that the associa
tion waa chiefly Instrumental In getting
the bill passed by the legislature last win
ter. Just after the bill was passed the
officers of the association got together
and as the result of Investigations, decided
tn for the 80 per cent schedule. The
railroads sent a committee to the associa
tion and It was agreed that tin railroads
would consent to that schedule, but they
later backed out. The association, however,
held steadily to that till the end.
Teach the boy to swim by using patent
water wings; will hold a person 2u0 pounds
in weight; absolutely safe; only 90c? Peter
sen & Schoenlng.
for Everybody
Oswego Corn Starch amniea einerts
because of Ihe amount of eneriry it produces at so
slight a tax anon the diiresti ve sr.teui. Meal fur ev.ninir
distress the most delicate person. Lai
always eat the genuine
ioth how vu mate 11 into Countless
Original Reclpom mttd Cooking Hkm
In it two great cooks also jrlve valuable information
cn the eenuine Kingsrord's Usweeo Corn Starch aa
in eooktng and bakiug. Get it and keep it.
iwr over nay years at vswego.
AllgrvMrs. pound paehagts, toe.
T. UNGSFOBD i SON, Oswrgo, N. Y.
national mini comfaky.
is and has been for 61 years the most
Brompt and reliable cure for Diarrhoea,
lysenterjr and Cholera Infantum. At
these diseases often come in the night,
every home should be prepared to check
them without delay by having Wakefield's
Blackberry Balsam on hand. It never fails.
All druggists sell it. Full size bottle 55c
No Filthy Sansatlons
Best tlT. West
fpa Write tcr My FrcsfcocXia
Hot a Fine Art
Bead my book and emUt Iran fbrnourtiihn
aatiml, Mnilbl wv. of baling in wheat,
eorn.oata and prnvlalona. It will toll anyone
how to operata wnarvdt.iv.r and anfcly on,
the Chloasn Biuird of Trado. h'tltt t1au -for
thla Authority nn rMrf..
Sent prcmntljr Fltb.KI pay tha rnaLass to
Ton on my book. It will interval ou.
B. W. WAGNER, M Board of Tridt Bid ., Caicare
MLLLLLil AJJL'JW ill . J J'. Jti a-fpTrTitTrTj
All Orocera and Drvmfs's
lira. Wlnslowb Soothing Syrcp
Fas bean nued for over 61XTT-FIVI! YFauR i
JIIWIUNJ n f MOTH K K3 fT.f tf'ir cl i LI, Jutf
v iiii.K TKE'rniKo.with pit.fect sriws f
1 Crurs WIND t'OUUsiid ia tl'o lx,t
remedy for DIARRITOJA. Sold by ererr
. aff.?."rllLa ,n "'.T0 ?a '"'"Mr. Will..
th'", fl5 .n. and, no other kind.
fVvid and Druira Act, June jtotli. i. u-rlnl Nnnitu e
307 Morth I7tn St., Omaha
Amerloan and European Plan
Finest Hotel cn tho Great Lakes
On tbe edge of town, this ideal Hotel,
spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks
iajte oiicuigaa oeaca
on two sides, while
shaded parks complete
tbe beautiful surroundings. The
city is but 10 minutes ride irom the
nearby station. Many families
make this their permanent home.
There is always a cool breese ia
warmest weatber. 450largeoutsido
rooms, 230 private baths, 1000 feet
o( broad veranda. The tablets always
the beat. Tourists and tranalentgueits
And It a delightful place tostop en route
snd reat. ; Address for handsomely
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lar, Manager, Chicago beach Hitsl,
tin Blvd. and Lake Shore, Chicago.
ticmeb Toxrms on un wichioan
for paaaenger service exclusively, makes
three trips weekly to Charlevoix, Xarboi
Springs, Bay Vlsw, Fetosksy and Mack,
tuae Island, connection with all
Lines for Lake Superior, tera and Canu
Jtan points, inquire about our week-end
trips specially arranged for Business and
Profesi'"nfl Mn.
If on. 11 :30 a. n. Wed. fl r- Tri. 6:30 p. lu,
HUE a BOCKS. Bask aas N. Water Bts. Cklcasa
Are You Going to St. Louis?
Tka Hotel Hamilton Is a delightful A
place In the Mast Kestdent 6 -eaton r
ana 111 . , u ,., nv... .,u .uiu..,
yet wlthht easy access. Transient 1
Hate: ti e ti- 12.06 per day. Euro- Tt
n.a ft ...... I A 1 1..I.U K . . V -
week. Wiate far Booklet. Address W.
T. WII.M AMHON, Manager.
Take Your Family to
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Only 40 Minute from Omaha
Afier bualaeas hours leave the hot
city. Pleasant rcoras goeii board. Tt
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'phone S. (Jimha. lieiisvue. Neb.
The"rineatriBMng 0'DLo
s'n1 cottages for sale on the finest lake tp
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t L&J .Sinn