Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Numerom Suppers at Country Club
Sunday Night.
Score ( Dlaaere and Plcale lippm
rreredra 0n Air Prog act I oa
of Akiknpnn'i Play "As
Voi Like It."
Conspicuous above everything rise of the
day u the open-air production of "Aa
Tou Like It," given last evening at
Hanaoora park by the Clarkaon Memorial
Hospital association. In addition to the
immediate cast a score or more of the
younger society women had parts and be
Ide these a bevy of young women as
sisted. The patronesses lnoluded a long list
ftf the women who make things popular,
while the Omaha Guards petroled the
ropes that Inclosed the ground granted
at the southwest corner of the park. A
score of plcnlo and dinner parties pre
ceded the performance, which began at 7
o'clock. Among the largest parties was
one given by Mrs. Charles Johannes In com
pliment to Miss Beulah Meumaugh of New
At the Coaatry ClaH.
The largest crowd of ine season attended
the suppers given at the Country club Sun
flay evening and many of them were given
complimentary to the visitors. Miss Bal
ootnbe entertained In honor of Miss de CIs.
tue. At her table were Mins de Clstue. Miss
Mae Hamilton, Miss Flora Webster, Miss
talsy .Doane, Mr. Frank Hamilton, Mr.
Earl Gannett, XI. A, B. Warren, Mr. H. B.
O'Nell and Dr. Roy Crummer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clapp entertained
In honor of the Misses Bell of Nashville,
Tenn. Covers were laid for Miss Drll,
Miss Marian Bell, Mr. J. E. George, Mr.
Joe Baldrlge and Mr. and Mrs. Clapp.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mtz entertained In
honor of Dr. and Mis. E. F. Hauck and
Miss Eugenie Hauck of 8t. Louis. In their
party wore Dr. and Mrs Huuck, Miss
Hauck, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metx. Miss Ger
trude Metz, Miss Harriet Met. Mr. Charles
H. Meti and Mr. Philip Mots.
Miss Margaret Wood had four guosts In
honor of M!ss C'ranmer of Denver.
With Mr. an.l Mrs. W. O. Gilbert were
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Peters, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry .Wilan and Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Huntley had as
their guests Mr. ..and Mrs. Arthu- Kngllsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoyd arm Mr. and
Mrs. ,J. H.i (Jonrad.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ficoble, Mr. and Mia.
John A. McFhane and Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Klrkendall had supper together.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wllklns entertained
twelve guests.
Small dinners of four covers were given
by Mr. H. T. Lemfst, Mr. Raymond Welch.
Mr. Gerrge E. Prl'.chetr, Mr. George Rob
'erta, Mr. Arthur" Remington, Mr. C F
Davis. Mr. David ,Bt;-.n, . Mr. Thomas
Bwobo. Mr. Powetl an(j Mv; w g PopUe.
' ' kent-Kn,ior.. ' v "".
A pretty home Woilfiln.; was 'solemnized
Saturday evening at 8 lock, when Mlsa
Clara Engler and Mr. Sli'my Stewart Kent
-were married at ths of the bride's
mother. The house had b.eri prettily dt-c-orated
with quantities of a;iaiaifiis ferns
and cut flowers. In the purVur.. where the
ceremony waa performed, a ca.iopy hud
been formed of asparagus fi rna ntudded
with white carnations. Promptly ut the ap
pointed hour the first chords rf the Ijhen
grln wedding march were struck bv Miss
Kent, and from a side entrance the min
ister,. Rev. Hummon, and the groom and
Ms liest man. Mr. George r. Ennler, en
tered the room. The next to enter were
two bridesmaids. Miss Sndlo Kent and Miss
Lrfiulse Jones. They were both becomingly
gowned In white over green and carried
semi-shower bouquets of pink tarnations.
With wreaths of the samo flower In their
hair. Miss Mable Engler, sister of tho
bride, served as maid of honor and wore
a dainty creation of white swim over pink
silk and also carried a aenrl-shnwer bou
quet of pink Tarnations, with u wrentli of
the same flowers In her hnlr. The bride
came last with her brother, Mr. Frank En
gler, and wore an exquisite gown of hand
woven French batiste, inset with Irish and
Valenciennes lace. She carried a ahower
bouquet of marguerites. An informal re
ception followed the ceremony, no addi
tional guests being invited and only the
Immediate friends and relatives were pres
ent. In the dining room, where refresh
ments were served, red was the color
scheme used and the table had for a cen
terpiece a low' bowl of red , roses. Punch
was served In the library, where pink waa
the prevailing color used. Her sister, Miss
Ruin readies out for the stomach
which is subjected to dosing with
nauseous drugs RIIEUMAT1SM
cannot le cured that way.
7r p,ir of "ELECTRICURA " 7Vy mrt A&W,
own itmpU rewudy. If your deaUr can't tuppty yom,
ind ms fS u'll prepay ckargtt. Civ
til, width, Uatktrt tuanted.
Sele Msaare Daeee LeMasa fataM
Waeiiiiuttwi sua loth bU, St. Low, U. S. A.' . -
Mse Engler, presided. Mr. and Mrs. Kent
have gone eaat on a wedding trip and will
reside at W South Twentieth street on
their return.
Listkns Parties.
Mrs. ' B. P. Reynolds entertained at
luncheon Monday In honor of Mrs. C. D.
Coolcy of Paris. The table had a center
piece of variegated sweet peas. Following
luncheon an Informal musical program was
given. Mrs. Harold Reynolds was the so
loist and Dr. Myrta Wecls delighted those
present by whistling several numbers.
Those present were: Mrs. Cooler, ' Mrs.
Frsnk Turner, Mrs. F. Love Kelly of Sioux
City, Mrs. John Battln. Mrs. W. J. Brad
bury, Mrs. W. B. Palmatler, Mrs. H. L.
Porterfield. Dr. Myrta Wells, Mrs. A. B.
Hunt, Mrs. Harold Reynolds. Mrs. T. D.
Crane and Mrs. B. F. Reynolds.
Mrs. J. E. Summers was hostess Monday
at a beautiful luncheon at the Country club
In honor of Mrs. W. J. C. Keyon, who will
leave soon for Chicago to reside.
Miss Russell McKelvey entertained at sup
per Sunday evening at her home In honor
of Mr. Clarence Keelme, who has been at
tending school at Washington university.
The table had a centerpiece of meteor rosea
and the plate cards were foot ball pictures
suggestive of the college season. Covers
were laid for seven.
Prospective Pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clapp are entertain
ing Mlsa Bell and Miss Marlon Bell of
Nashville, Tenn. They are very charming
young women and already a round of en
tertainments has been planned in their
honor. Tuesday, Mrs Raymond Welsh will
give a luncheon at the Omaha club for
them. The same evening Mr. J. E. George
will give a dinner at the Country club;
Wednesday, Mr. William Pease, a dinner
at the Flrld club and Thursday Mr. Bal
drtire will give a dinner at the Omaha club.
Miss Ethel Tukey will give a dinner
Monday evening at the Country club In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harley G. Moore
head. Miss Ola Belle Harvey will entertain
Informally Monday afternoon at cards In
honor of Miss Elolse Sheppard of Car
bondale, III., Miss Rculah Mlndoll of St.
Joseph and Miss June Stevens of Pawnee
Come and Go Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of Bemls
park have gone on a few weeks' visit, to
Little Rock, Ark., where they will be the
I quests of their son and daughter,
t y.'fn Carlta C'urUs returned Saturday
j f-nm an extended visit with Mrs. T. B.
' Scott In Norfolk, Va. Mra. Scott will be
I rerrembered as the attractive guest who
nulled Miss Curtis Inst winter.
Mrs. Fva Wallace and children will leave
Wednesday for Lake Okobojl, where they
will spend tJie summer.
Mts Gertrude Moorehead experts to leave
Wednesday for Cleveland, O., from where
she will make an auto tour through the
east, vtlth friends. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cherrlngton hax'e
returned from a trip to California and
T ill take their old home at No. 620 North
! Twenty-third.
Mr. David Kennard who has been visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.
. Kennard returned home Monday morning.
; Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Shotwell have re
j turned from their wedding trip and are at
, hi"e at 2i.11. I ismey street. - -J
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis expect to leave
!the latter part of next week for an ex
tensive lake trip.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles left Punday
I evening for Springfield, Mass., where thoy
i will meet their new. automobile and start
for a. six weeks' trip through the east.
Miss Alice French returned Saturday
I from the Pratt Institute, where she has
j Just completed a two yeara' course.
Mrs. Tobias, whd has been visiting Mrs.
. Lucille Matthews at 614 North Twonty-thlrd,
has returned to her home In South Dakota.
Mrs. Matthews expects to leave in an
other week to be her guest.
Mrs. Thomas liruae has returned from
an extended eastern trip.
Lieutenant Fred T. Cruse of the field
artillery and a recent graduate of West
Point, will be the guest of his parents
during the months of July and Auguat.
Miss Sadie Allen of Kansas City, formerly
of Omaha, who has been the guest of
severul friends since her arrival is now
with Miss Ethel Tukey.
Mending Silk Petticoats. .
611k petticoats wilt last longer If, as soon
as a crack la Indicated, it is stayed with
mending 'tissue. This can be purchased at
a notion counter for 10 cents. Place a strip
I of tissue along the crack on the wrong
side of the skirt, cover with a strip of silk
and press with a warm Iron. This makes
the mending adhere to both patch and
When you trim your new table cloth
aave the piece you cut off. Tou then will
have new long threads to darn your old
table linen.
Have Root print St.
School for Nonet Offers Scholarship
to Young- Women.
Brookllne School Solves Problem of
I'atldr Streets Jofca Graham
Brooks Says Chleaa-a lal
erslty Made Mistake.
The Pierce school of Brookllne. Mass.,
according to the Boston Transcript, has
solved the problem of littered streets In
sofar as the school children sre concerned.
At first an attempt was made at ab
stract teaching, but It was without effect.
Then something practical was devised.
Each room held aa election and selected
four representatives for the Good Cltliens'
club, making about fifty in all.
These met and selected officers, divided I
up the streets of the neighborhood snd as
signed a portion to each grade, making It
absolutely responsible for conditions In Its
territory. Waste receptacles wore needod
and the children Interviewed the assistant
superintendent of streeta and got them.
To keep up Interest the teachers are con
ducted by the various squads over what
they call their "beats." Healthy emula
tion has produced most desirable results.
Cleanliness and freedom from possible
contagion made it neccessary that the chil
dren should not handle dirty papers, skins
of fruit and other refuse with their fin
gers, so the manual training teacher got
some volunteers from the club, and collect
ing sticks, were prepared for the workers.
The results of the experiment are mani
fest, and many favorable commenta have
come In from cltlsens and from the of
ficials of the street department. School
papers, which may easily be detected, are
rarely found on the streets. It is observed,
however, that refuse from other sources
continues about the same, and it is thought
It will probably remain ao until adults learn
from the children until the younger gener
ation takes the place of the present care
less one.
The principal of the school says that
one thing Is certain; the inemebers of the
Good Cltljens' club of that Pierce school
who have bent their backs 2,000 times in
the course of a single week to pick up
papers enn never In the whole course yf.
their lives look upon scattered papers In
our streets with Indifference. -'
The plan of interesting the children In
keeping the streets cleon has been tried with
much success by various schools and so
cieties in Omaha and has proven most
successful, not only for the Immediate re
sults, but aa an education to the children
and all who have watched them work.
Their enthusiasm Is contagious and their
appeals Irresistible. '
Opportunity for Nurses.
The Philadelphia school for nurses Is
preparing to take a large class of young
, women for nurses. Training and the
scholarships ' are available for young
women In every state. Preference how
ever,' will be given to young women from
the smaller ; towns and rural districts,
where there la an absence of hospital
facilities. The school In all departments
is a pure'charlty, conducted with no ob
ject of profit. The following explanatory
circular has been Issued by the manage
ment: The dema,nd for skilled nurses Increasea
with the years. Tbousands of young
women hv nsiural graces of the
,.ied nurse, but have never had a chance
to cultlvute i.iu.a, iiu no nave been pre
vented irom improving Ji ir own condi
tion and blessing the race. But a new
day has dawned. Largo hearted philan
thropists have opened wide the door of
opportunity at the Philadelphia school
for nurses, 2210 Chestnut street. Philadel
phia, Pa. A two years' free course has
been established at this institution, wherein
the student Is provided with room,
board, laundry, nurse uniforms, and all
the refinements of a good home, with
suitable training, instruction and actual
nursing In the home of the poor and
among people of moderate Income, and
at the end of the courae the student's
fare home Is paid.
The term can be shortened to eighteen
months by a course of six months read
ing and study at homea course which
Is very valuable In ilueif. Hundreds of
young women, scattered all over the
country, are started In the work, becom
ing not only self-supporting, but a boon
to their respective neighborhoods.
A short course Is also provided for the
woman who wishes to quickly prepare
for self-support and a substantial la
come. Enrollment is now in progress for
a class of four hundred students in the
resident courses next year. Toung women
from the smaller towns and country dis
tricts are favored in the distribution of
scholarships, with a view of conveying
hospital knowledge to all rural communi
ties. Segregation m Mistake.
Professor John Graham, Brooks at the
meeting of the Brookllne, Mass., Equal
Suffrage association recently said:
On the train last week I met a friend
connected with the University of Chicago,
who had been active In bringing about
the segregation of the women students In
the freshman and sopohomore years. He
said to me: 'We made a stupid mistake,
and we have found it out. The students,
separated, are doing less efficient work.
The young men, especially, are not roused
by the emulation to keep up with the
young women In their studies. We be
came frightened In Chicago by the great
number of women applying. We feared
the university would beoome too much a
woman's Institution, and so we derided to
segregate them during the first two years.
But It was an absurd mistake.'
Soma of tho Things that Caatribato
to tho Saeceaafal Mix
tara. Prejudice should not exist whan a salad
Is st stake. There be weak souls that fear
the onion, proud spirits that condemn the
cabbage. Each cf Uiese must yield. "Salad
without onion Is like blank verse." says
one; "no one can make It save Inspired by
genius." Perhaps the best answer to the
housewife's question, the most sensible
rule of choosing would be to use any veget
able that grows In garden; or field, and
combined with any scraps left over fro 51
yesterday's dinner, be that fish, flesh or
fowl. Perhaps this list will aerve to make
the salad an easy thing. Use scraps of
chicken, or lobster, bam,, lamb, beef,
tongue, oyster, shrimps, lettuce, tomato,
string beans, potato, onion, green peas,
beet root, cabbage, cucumber, orange, ap
P'e, trapes, nuts, game, cherries, all sorts
of nab, water cress, salsify, radish, and If
you caa think of anything else, add It to
the list. .
Most delightful of all salads, to the eye
st least, la the tomato. Its bright, glowing
reds, combined with the shaded greens and
whites of celery or lettuce, make a picture
of stlU life unsurpassed by paintings of
rare old Dutch masters. The golden, glit
tering mayonnaise crowns the whole, like
a pro-Raphaellte halo, and completes a
color scheme that would make an artist
groan with envy.
Probably Uie ohfcken salad Is easily queen
xuoiut the common yeovle. This Usa Is
best when made with celery, and the ama
teur should never attempt It without the
assistance of their fair maid among vege
tables. The Skilled saladtst can use celery,
salt and Well-bleached lettuce and make a
fairly savory dish, and One by no means
to be despised. Let no one, however, be
deluded Into using cabbage In a meat salad,
for It wilts In a most humble manner, and
the results are therefore deplorable and not
to be endured. A chicken salad does not
of necessity Imply or demand the presence
of that favorite fowl, for mnuy a dish of
left-over veal or cold roast pork has mas
queraded under the royal title, and nobody
was the wiser. Blta of cold roast or
boiled, either of beef or lamb, may reap
pear In finer form (or" taste) aa chicken
salad and do honor to the name.
Every good cook book has a recipe for
this queen of salads; every domestlo science
club boasts the "only good snd perfect
rule"; every women's magaalne offers an
"Infallible plan" for Its ( creation. Thus
Ume and space forbid a recipe, but Just
ons friendly bint Is due the paUent reader.
Do not chop the btta of meat, but out In
dloe-shaped pieces, Using a aharp knife for
the work. Omit the old-fashioned, hsrd
bolled eggs; mix In a few stuffed olives
and gherkins snd garnish with a plentiful
supply of capers. ,
Old-faahloned sslad makers profess a
scorn for the golden mayonnaise. They
call It woman's dressing and lay .down the
law after this fashion: "Ths elements of
tho perfect salad must be remembered
oil and acid, pepper and salt; us four and
no more. Until these be familiar spirits
let no man call hts work perfect." Let the
oil be from France or California, the pep
per from Nepaul, the vinegar two years re
moved from a good apple orchard. None
of these are vital, but the proportion ah,
there's the rub the priceless secret, and
for that tach man must answer to his own
By a fortunate knack, a happy anecdote,
a pleasant smile, a witty retort, the master
of the salad bowl may so enchant his circle,
so charm the waiting table that they gladly
wait the fruits of his necromancy.
Votee of Experience.
A young girl recently- went to her aunt on
a momentous occasion. Sho explained that
a gentleman was coming to see her.
"I am sure he likes me," she sobbed, "and
and I think he means to. propose. I don't
like to ask mother how I should act under
the circumstances, but "
"Do you like him?" Interrupted aunty,
"Very much," observed her niece.
"Enough to marry him?"
The girl blushed and replied In the af
firmative. "Then," said aunty, with an air of autho
lty, "don't let there be any ahllly-shallylng.
When he pops, don't turn red and look down
at the carpet. Just throw your arms around
his neck, look him full In the face, and
begin talking about the furniture."
Hot Appllcatloa.
A hot application which does away with
wringing and with scalding the hands can
be made as follows:. Take two clean sheets
and fold one until It is about two feet by
one. Roll this tightly and pour boiling
water into each en-jUntll the lhalde Is
saturated well. Have, the other aheet
folded about two feet by four; lay It length
wise on the affected part the lunga, for
Instance which leaves it reaching down to
the knees. Quickly, unroll the hot pack,
place It, wet aide down, on the part cover
ing the ehest, and bring up the part of the
second sheet extending below, to cover the
hot pack. Cover with flannels or a hot
water bag, and you will have an appli
cation which will keep hot for several
To Prevent Shoes from Cracking
use Quick Shine Shoe Polish. It oils,
polishes and gives a patent leather finish
and la water-proof. Ask your dealer for It.
Friendly Action Will Be Brought to
Determine Status of the
( Building.
A friendly suit will be brought to de
termine whether the new tuberculosis ward
at the County hospital Is a new building
or only, an addition to the present hospital
building. The question Is an Important one,
as Deputy County Attorney Magney has
given the board an opinion that If It Is a
new building It cannot be constructed with
out a vote of the people. If It is an addi
tion the board can authorise its construc
tion. At the meeting of the board Monday
a resolution was passed directing the
county clerk to advertise for bids for the
erection of the building. It is the purpose
of the board to have someone Institute In
junction proceedings In order to get a
court ruling on the right of the board to
A Lazy Lira?
ST t only tired river, or a starred
liver. It would be a stupid at well as
savagts thing to boat a wry or starved
man because he lagged In his work:. So
In treating tho lugging, torpid liver It is
a great mistake to lash It with strong
drastic drugs. A torpid liver Is but an
Indication of an Ill-nourished, enfeebled
bod whose organs are weary with over
work. Start with the stomach and slllod
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put
them In working order and see bow
quickly your liver will become active.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
his made many marvelous cures of liver
trouble' by Its srouaerful control of the
organs of digestion and nutrition. It re
stores the normal activity of the stomach,
Increases the secretions of the blood-making
glands, cleanses the system front poi
sonous accumulations, and so relieves the
liver of the burdens Imposed upon It by
the defection of other organs.
If you bare bitter or bad lasts In tbs morn
lag. poor or fSartable sppetlte. 00a ted ton cue
foul breath, eoastlpated or Irregular bowels,
feel weak, ssslll Ured, artpondent, frequent
headaches. palnr dlKreeSsji 'small of back,
gnawing or dlefreued keNo In stomach,
perhaps Banee,MvaVoVr "rtslngW In
throat after eating, and klnBr! symptoms
Of weak stomach aa4 torpid llrti nn peM
Cine will relieve row more promptly cr n-rf
yq L.r.? f W.reVElir til Avtiir f ler.ff
GdU-ii Medical. I'isooTsrr, Perusve only
S part of lie aEo'S u iupluai,wUl be ptwseut
at one time and rat point to torpid liver or
Ultousnsss and weak stomach. Avoid alt
but bread aad biscuits, grtddie cakes and
other IndltMetlble food and take tho 'Golden
Medical Discovery " regularly and stick to Its
nse snUl yon are vtexirous sod strong.
The 'Discovery' 1 aoa-aecret. noarejos
boltc, Is a gljoerlc osuract of native suexUct
nal roots with a full list of lis IngredlaoH
printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested
mnder oath. Its tngredleot era endorsed
sad extolled by the moat eminent medical
writers of the age and are racuoimeDded a
care the stesaiaa la wfckat It h alitasrt
Dant accept s aa nail to to of unkt
ma position fur this nojk-i
vr r r-
' I I 1 k n i ' n ft ' rv,nk
1 VJl ifmlii
This is unquestionably the most successful medicine in use for
bowel complaints. It can always be depended upon, even in the
most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for chil
dren, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each
year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to
take. Price, 25 Cents; Large Size, 50 Cents.
Y. M. C A. Building Debt ii Gradually
Being: Wiped Oat
From I neat Bntftacaa Men Lead Their
Voice and Means to - tho Pro
motion of tho Cam
Official total Saturday CM1
Citizens' committee .........' 1.W5
Toung men's committee W6
Boys' committee tt
Grand total
The following amounts Indicate
porta submitted by the captains
young men's and boys' committees
standing ot the teams:
Young men's committee, L. D.
general chairman:
A D. M Newman , f 228
B-J. H. Franklin ..: 2
C A. W. Miller 134
r K. Kleser
E O. Vi. Berry
F Grant Cleveland i
G Martin Bugarmaft ..."
H B. Ring i '.- ,
I Harry Byrne ....i.
J Harry A. Stone
Boys' committee.
Brown Chester Arnold ".
Yellow William Talbot..
Black-Elbert Wade
RedFred McConnell ....
Green Slgard Larman .,
Blue Herbert Arnsteln ,
Lavender .Tames Noble .
White Donald Campbell
Pink George Bugarman
Purple L,yle Roberts ....
T'lals "..S400 .!
The following subscriptions for 1260 and
over have been received:
Charles Mets , . .ti.W
0. W. Wattles I........:........ 1.000
1. W. Carpenter .1.000
Charles Harding l."0
Crane company....,...- 00
Cash 600
Independent Telephone company Coo
Frank Colpetter 900
Richardson Drug company 0
J. C. Wharton . 150
H. H. Baldrlge .' SM
Nebraska Clothing company X0
Nebraska National bank..... !M
Orchard 4 WUhelm 0
!,ntnger Implement company.. 20
Fairbanks-Morse company 0
J. F. Carpenter 600
Nearly Twenty Tfcoasand.
The clock was puahed along to ' nearly
20.000 after the Monday noon lunch of the
teams and committees of. the Toung Men's
Christian association which tbs striving to
clear the building of debt. Monday, being
the first of .the month, some of the
teea were a trine alow In visiting business
men and but $8,000 additional money was
reported, but there wss plenty of enthus
iasm. . .
Dr. iilesenrtng of San Diego, who visited
Omaha twe years age, when the Toung
Men's Christian association members were
celebrating the raising of the money to
construct the building, told of his experi
ence In his new home. He started a cam
paign as soon as he saw the success of
the Omaha campaign two years ago snd
raised' $70,000. Dr. Llesenrlng told of the
Omaha association thirty-five years ago,
when he and Robert Welndensall revived It
and when the quarters consisted of two
sxlO rooms, and tables and chairs were
Other speakers were Rev. Lucius O.
Baird, E. A. Benson and L W. Carpenter.
Real Widow's Mite.
A real widow's mite wss received yes
terday. ' A widow sent one dollar to the
association, with the following note en
closed: K
Give bearer receipt, please. Ninety
thousand people in Omaha doing the same
thing would accomplish your purpose. '
tit ate Secretary J. P. Bailey waa handed
a subscription by an ootogenerlan yester
day afternoon as he was on the bunt ofr
contributions. Ths old man Is of limited
means, but he Insisted on giving 150.
Arthur Jorgeneen, formerly an assis
tant secretary of the Omaha association.
Is ons of the workers who Is producing
great results. He was through thecan
vass two years ago and Is now a vereran
campaigner. Bines the present canvass
started he has been soliciting mainly In
company with Harry A. Btone, both be
lieving that canvassing Is much more
effective in pairs than alone. The twe
never go out without returning with at
least I1S0. ' They average about $1(0
every two hours that tbey work. Jorgen
een Is on team J. wrdch Is in the lead of
the teams on the young men's committee.
In all of ths campaigns 1 conducted,
the largest amount raised by the boys
was 11,900 at Camden. Boys secretary
E. F. Dennleon and the members of the
boys' committee are anxious to eclipse this
record and establish a new ens for cam
paigns to follow.
near noee Oae of . two Largos
Crawaa la the History of
tho neaerf.
Manawa's Sunday patronage proved one
of the largest la lu history, the Meal
weather driving thousands to ths resort.
The Great Western railway ran an excur
sion from Port Dodgs and - Intermediate
points to CoaacH Bluffs and ever 0O visit
ore spent tho day at Manawa..
Bathing was the moot popular featnre
and despite the feet that ft now hathmsr
iultn mgra a4dJ tg h gtpek lut wjHa, IU
the re
of the
and the
, Totals.
I 4T.2
' 1.U6
65 U7
40 . CJ
HO ' 4"t
0 til
60 m
1H 1,&S
...... t 'MS IS.IW
arl Nagl, general
HO. 58
b 14
100 162
7 S
40 m
tlttlltl W
11 187
run at the Kuraaal waa so great that all
could not be accommodated. This feature
Is becoming more popular with the women,
an unusual number of them being notice
able among Sunday's bathers.
Nordln's band rendered two musical pro
grams thst greatly pleased the large audi
ence and many of the popular selections
Were spplauded for h repetition. The big
roller coaster and miniature railroad did u
rapacity business afternoon and evening.
The Isunches and row boats were In con
stant use tlu entire day. Prof. Andrew
made his balloon ascension and Miss Paul
ine Courtney scored a decided hit In her
original "moon song," which was intro
duced with a moonlight f ffect.
The Manawa management Is making
elaborate preparations for the Fourth of
July celebration. The fireworks, manufac
tured expressly for Manawa by the Pain
company, Chicago, will arrive Tuesday,
accompanied by experts In pyrotechny, who
will have charge of the display.
Contributions on timely topics invited.
Write legibly on one side ot the paper
only, with name and address appended.
On request names will not be printed.
Unused contributions will not be re
turned. Letters exceeding 800 words
will be subject to being cut down at
the discretion of the editor. Publica
tion of views of correspondents does
not commit 'x'he Bee to their endorse
ment. Taken Exceptions to Milk Ordinance.
OMAIIA. June . To the 'Editor of The
Bee: Fending before the city council, and
recommended for passage by the judiciary
commute ,1s sn ordinance soms of the
provisions of which are so arbitrary, exact
ing, unconfaw'utlonal and unreasonable that
It would aeem that fimong twelve men who
are expected to guard t! welfare of the
people that at least a few "rrTtgHf. he found
who were not so blind snd insensible by
reason of prejudice and seal, as to st lea.t.
register - their vote against this ordinance
until-it Is so amended aa to not rob the
poorer class of cltlsens of an element of
food essential to their welfare. One of the
special sections referred to reads as fol
lows: Rule Any person, firm or corporation
having milk In his or Its possession the
tempersture of which Is higher than 66
degreea Fahrenheit, the milk inapector or
other officer of the health department of
the city of Omaha who shall be author
ized by the health commissioner to Inspect
the same, may seise and destroy such milk
or sdd aniline to It to change Its color, so
as to make It unfit for sale.
This section, as a law, whether It was
Intended to be applied only to the milkman,
or, as It says, "any person, firm or cor
poration having milk In his or Its posses
sion," Is tndlcstlvs of Insanity, prejudice
and ' animosity, as well as Ignorance and
Whether It emanated from Health Com
missioner Connell, or someone financially
Interested, It la Indicative of the mind of
the man who wrote It. It has none of the
"milk of human kindness" In it. The rule
does not name "cow's milk,' but all milk
"human" as well ss "goat's" milk, snd
I doubt not the author would rob the new
born babe of Its nourishment In order to
gratify his dealre to "destroy milk" not
stamped with the approval of the "Ice
dealer" or one of the big creameries. But
suppose ' it waa "only Intended" to apply
to "mltk venders." It means hen that
milk taken from cows cannot be sold or
delivered for from eight to twenty-four
hours theresfter.
It ' means thst those who cannot afford
to keep Ice at an extravagant price must
do without milk or chsnce having sour
Death End All ?
This it
and butter ntirwi Qk..IJ
-ii .k- , u ueaw or a man end
all the comfort of a f.milv , th education of hit children t
the existence of hi. home? If guch he not the case iti.
because the average plain man hat given this matter thought.
feneedaeXIenW Feent eniymcnt. k provided foV
The Mutual
Life Insurance
fumUhei the hast. h-nnn fK. f .
and moat omnnmml
- ..... m pcrpei
Mtme the home and protecting its inmate To meet these
common and inevitable needs it was organiaed tixty-foxa
Tga- It ii owned by it. policy holden. Their
confidence and aupport have made and kept it the targe
andsuupxhest of it. kind. If jroti have rwrxmsibiSr"
ana nssutn K mi tlie very
and yours.
Tho Time to Act Is NOW.
For the now form of policies ceneuU er
nearest agent, or write direct to
The MatsnJ IMn losssnaw
f New
milk, for milk cannot be reduced from bloo
heat to U degreea Hahrenholt between th
time It Is tsken from the cows and th
time It Is delivered bi ths morning, and I
per cent of the milk need in Omaha Is d
llvered to the housewife In the forenooi
and even If reduced to a temperature of I
degrees before leaving the dairy, the oft
opening of the Icebox, chest or contalne
on the streets on hot days would raise th
temperature to above 66 degreea. It Is
well known fsct that ths creameries whte
deliver milk cold In the morning take
from supplies thst were shipped Int
Omaha the day before, when It Is place
In the cooler and la reduced to about I
degrees, but Is from twenty-four hours t
two days old when delivered. This ord
nance means that the housewife, lnvalh
infant or consumer of ml lk cannot hav
fresh . morning's milk on the sums day '
comes from the cow-and suppose it Is st I
degrees Fahrenheit when delivered, and sh
cannot afford to have Ice, when the teat
perature noceaaarlly liaes fermentation aet
In and the milk sours, and If It does s
the milk Inspector ought to be called "t
destroy It," and all because a health com,
mlssloner and the city council are great
and more Important than the framers c
our national and state constitutions, wh
crystallserl experience with .tyranny ' Int
constitutions! lsw when they enacted th
provision thst ''No person shall be deprive
of life, liberty or property without due pre
cess of law.'?
But perhaps milk Isn't property. It cet
talnly Is not considered such by a perso
who would destroy It because warm, free'
and pure as nature made It. Such a persor
somehow must havs passed through th
stage of Infancy without oven having taster
one drop of milk, a state not even equate
by savages.
Such an ordinaries does not protect th-
people It Is a detriment to them and a mis
taken conception of their Wants and need
and la an artful scheme to drive the milk
men out of business and help ths big cream
orlja. who cannot get fresh milk Into Omah
In tirft to deliver It when fresh, as th
milkmen ..
Again, another sample of this or
dlnance: v
Rule S-It Is hereby. declared unlawful fo
anv Derson to nour AuVt or cream 1ntendo
for sMe from one can, boftt-ii-. .teceptacl'j
Into another can. bottle or recsv
of the streets, or in sny wagon or atry" ex"
posed place in the city of Omaha, except
creamery mlllt depot, or on the enclosed
premises of. a customer or the dealer iti
Any Derson. firm or eornorstlon founif
guilty of violating Rule I shall be fined noil
lees man VJi nor more than 60.
In other words. If a milk vender ta pass
Ing my house snd I send my servant on
to get a quart of milk, and ths dealer
pours It from his csn Into a glaaa res
held by the servant, while In a pubik
street or "exposed place," a fine of notl
less than 2S nor more than G0 will be Ira
posed If "we are caught."
I do not believe ths cltlsens of Omahaj
want any such legislation and certainly nri
principle of decency In connection with the!
health or morals of the people is benefited)
u i .uvii an uiuiiiMov. oucn legislation
ought to be relegated to the heathen. Re-,
Miss Myrtle E. Hitchcock, daughter or
John Hitchcock, and Elery I Morlti. were
married Sunday afternoon at t o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents. 601 North
Sixteenth street. Rev. Charles W. Savidgn
performed the ceremony, Ebon P. Carlos)
waa best man and Miss Myrtle XL Hep
brldermald. y
moeri prraa
j l
nu4uJ -J .
best protection for rW