Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' " " . - , ' . "- . - """" ,
i m n -r ' ' ' -r- . as ... , .i ... i . 1 . - "ii mmm MflMM "m--' .. --( g,
S 4
iii AirlTTi TvltTtr mi ri mi it inr a vr TTTT "fT O
1907. . .
Eourke ArtvBeiten by Lincoln in
'K . Great Uame. !
v f V t ' . -
Ketohena ' Rohe (.ocals of the
I Vletoa-y by.' ttarveloas One
Handed Catch la Dees
i-.Ceiter rieid.
' 'incoln, 8; Omaha; f Sixteen Inning,
latl hit Davidson with a pitched ball,
schema alngled, sending Davidson to third,
whence ha cored Ok) Fenlon's f)jr to Autrey
th deciding ran'tt a lf-lnnln;. gam 'at
VVitoa sUel. park-Monday -afternoon be
for th stands Blied with tnen. women
and children, for it -wag ladlea' day. .'-;
Hatl and Cloott wr'o4 peeing, pitchers
and for "Bftteen long Inning a, or for two
Aura and thirty-fire minutes, th ten
mob, waa kept at ' th tareaklng point
During th battljfctiC4eama had at least
halt a dosene-ffportunltJe' win. but both
railed to acoept their opportunities until
, that eventful atrteeatau' '-
i i Lincoln did not make a hit off nail until
l j the fifth tuning and then four Jilt, two
3 or I th soretcn ' order, scored two runs.
J j rslon opened th fun by driving safe to
j rtgtit and Sullivan hit a high ofie which
j Welch should hare nailed, but he Al
: I phonaed and Qaatoned to Captain Franck
j untn th bag waa on th ground. Cicotte
j Crova Fanlon la. witk a bit be wu not
j i looking for to "right and 'Ket'ehem drov'
etuDrtran home with a hit to left field. The
i natt two up flew out to Weloh and Belden.
, Qmnhn Ties It, tm Intatk
Omah--yned th score In the seventh
Inning, . whea. Autrey opened by beating
j'int a bunt. Welch flew out to Ketohem
nd Dolan struck ou't when Graham lined
. i bard bn hloh went between Thomas
" I leg. ' TlOmas" should by all means hve
i made an out of ft, but ha, waa asleep.
ha n V. .. " M . ,,
iivih inu ur Alio uail
to third by beautiful stjd whtoh cauaed
Ducky to1 rtrnp the thrtw. Austin bunted
on to Web-fool Holmes who oould neither
'catch the fleet-footed Graham at horn nor
Austin at first and this tied th score,
Oondlng fouled out. "
Then th real" battle started with the
result always in doubt until the last man
Was out Omaha made two single in the
thirteenth Inning,1' but Dolan could only
hit th ball to Cloott and Graham atruok
out Tn th fourteenth Inning, after Gra
ham' had struck out Austin drew a pass
and Oondthg singled, and Austin made
third by a, wonderful sprint. Oondlng got
to second on the play.. 'The fans longed
for A good hitter Whom.' CaDtaln 7rannk
could calf upon, but It was no use, for
LeBrand had a bad ' finger and fcsgan
worked th day before and did not have
Ma uniform on. McNeeloy might have done
better than Zlall for successful squeeze
play and a hit to the outfield would have
done the business with., but one out No
, change, was made, however, and Hall
struck out Bolden fouled and Holmes
pulled It off the bleachers' fence. , .
Maioolm Miami Ooef Chance.
. X4noln lost a-.beautiful ohanca to amir
In th eleventh Inning. With but one out
Dayldaoa. tilt a triple,, but It waa no use,
for Thomaa laid on tn front of the plate
which Oondlng nailed .aand hold th run
ner on third until he .wa-ble to throw
Thomaa out at first. ,Pen.lon grounded to
. Qrahm and th ohancato score waa gone.
Hall wJkd. th first up In th thlr-
tentn inning and again It looked bad for
Omaha, , Holmes fell . down on hit at
.trapt to. saorlno vo-.-GanUer hit' t
Graham, but thavaraad!. Island boy . was
too anxious to make a, double and booted
th bail. Oondlng caught Qagnler napping
at'flrot add Davidson, jlew . out to Wejeh.
Unooln singled, in. both the fourteenth and
fifteenth Innings, but nothing ofifn- of th.
1UU, ad thsnoa cam ,th sUuenth, with
Th m, team tbln aftarnoon. .
AD. R. H. PO.
"Ketchem, ot..,
i-ox. 2b...
Ilolmee). lb....
7 w ' I
.....- 0 1
. - 0 , O
' Oagnler. as...
Lavldson, I
jrhon.a. ib...ttj,.,;.;.f
l a
0 1
. a
, 9
! anion, rt
.... z
I !
9 2
Bulllvan, .....
Clootie, p............... i
Totals S2 .
t 1.2 47. 19
r., OMAHA.
. AB. R.
4 0
taa.aaaM . 0
II. PO.'
1 2
1 !
i iS
l a
Bulden, rf....
iriuick, ss...
Autrey, If....
Welcl, ef....
Iolan, lb
Graham. 2b..
Austin. 2b..,.
Uotldlllg. 0..MM 7 9
K Totals .'..;i.rj'..V..".M
I 11 4S 27
'Austin out) attempted third bunt
Run- -
iJnooln ...,..9 09920099999999 1 a
Omaha ....,,,.000000 100000000 o a
Lincoln .....' 9 0 4 t 9 9 I 1 9 0 1 1 1 12
Omaha 119999al912l0l9 I It
hit: . Dolan. Thr baa. hit.:
vUlson. .- Bases, on balls: Oft
Tinii it nr i M....t t i nit k ni..k. K.n.1
My Cleotte. 1; by flail. 1. Btruck out: By
Hall. 4) by Ckott. t. Left on bases: Lln -
coin. 11: Omaha. I. Stolen bases: n.vl.l-
son. Fenloti
nloti. Sacrifice hit: Holm.. Double
Sullivan to Gagnlert Austin to
i Austin, Graham to Dolan. Timet
. 2;3tk Umpire: . haskell,
i Aotoa of the Game.
fi ta bard to las a gam like that
Fx was caught napping at first, as was
-t!ao Oagnler. , .
Tbe Omaha boys were not able to steal
a base on Sullivan. ,
If Ducky's teeth had been filed he might
have bitten Jack Haskell.
Tb whole difficulty was In hitting that
man In the sixteenth Inning.
Dolan had twenty-three putouts and an
aaatxt and one encuaeble error.
Ilall and. Clootta each had' twelve hlta
mtade off hlta. Hall passed two and Cicotte
Uiree and each hit a man.
livery Oinahan got a hit. Oondlng Austin
and Autrey tw each and every Mtokeylte
cent Holmes and Oagnler ' connected
- - .. . w m a,Kaa
v. u "- V" - "
" ...-.-". w. -
V. - .n 1 waa . trnnni ur. a.nrrrtiM wa. when
b waa coverlug first arid Dolan made his
VV ft Irony th
imr after he Yad caught th fealL. SI
t.jui hed Fox and th ball u knocked out
of hi hind.
Ketcrrem nd .the nar pjay, of th
game when he robbed Balden ot a tw or
(hrpMioktr bv inirtni t.irough the air
and catching the tll lth hln gloved band.
Austin took fifteen chance without a sum
of a wabble, and wne of tnem ware moat
difficult. lt caught liners and picked up
several grounders which looked beyond hta
reach, catching the man at -first .each time,
A faat double ended the tenth inning whvn
things were lookisg bad .e,r, Omaha.
Cicotte epem-d the inning-wlji single
na 'RMcriom wu aare jvvnen. - urnm
mufTed a thrown bell at flref: trtd to
bunt and Oondlng nailed C'lcolV t Ird:
liulmea hit a hard liner to Austin; 'who"
soon nailed Kelciiem off seceod. .
- Paebla and Dna MolneS Tie.
' pi'BBliO, Colo.y uly 1. De'Mo1s and
lucbio tied again today, the game being
called at 4 o'clock In orflef t aUra the
Visitors to catch a train. It was a pitchers'
battle between Miller "kn . McOrenr and
honors were About even. PuebJo icorod
first In the fourth when- Blwert wee given
a life on Andreas' botible, .' was sacrificed
by .Melcholr and Barter brought him In
with a two-bnager to -center field, t.'p to
th ninth Innlni only three of tha .cham
rletia reached ficst base . and- th visiter
ad not scored 111 'three days! Qehrtnc
waa sent In to bat for Miller and scoured
a horn run to left field, the orlf taking
a bad bound ovr Ayao'a ha4 Bcore: ,
. ttSM MOINES.'' ,i
- AB. :.IL H.PO. A. C
Hchlrke. 8b I
l 1
Hogrlevef, rt J
Dexter, Yb 4
Oorkhlll, If 4
Andreas. 2b I
McLaughlin, f I
Oochnauer, ss I
Yeager, o .1
Miller, p t
Clark, p
Oehrlng I
i o
..w.........2 1
'I 87 17
A3. R. H. PO.
Ryan. If
MoOllvray, cf
tvwert. Sb ...
Melohelr, rt ,
Belden, lb ...
Bader, 2b ....
Cor 1 1 an. as .
Smith, o
McGregor, p .,
1 v
0 l 0
o a
Totals .....27 J a 27 . 13
Batted for Miller In ninth.
Des Moines ...
0O00OO0Q 1-1
Three-base hits: Miller. McGregor. Home
run: Oehrlng. Double play: McGregor to
Balden. Sacrinoe hits: Bader, Melcholr.
Struck out: y McGregor. 2; by filler, I.
Flrat base on balla: Off McGregor, 2; oft
Miller, a. Time: 1:30. Umpire: " Con aha u.
Attendance, 1.6U).
Corhtt Too Mark for Denver.
DENVER. Joly L Corbett aldeateppcd
ana (eintea ana Uien landed one uireoi
on Llie aolar plexus. . Denver went down
helpless, and. though making a few good
stands on the defensive la the remaining
innings, lost another decision. "luck"
Adams, . left-hander, tried his skill dur
ing (our innings, but found his support
of the yellow order. Denver's errors -all
counted, while the Sioux City errors were
harmless as doves. Vandergrtft, the col
lege player, set the pace at hitting for
the home team.
AB. R. H. PO.
Murnhv. rr S O 1 1
Cassadv. If 5
Wheeler, Kb i
White. 115 2
Laulerborn, 2b i. 4
McDonougli, C a
P. Boliannon.., cf..... 4
Vandergrtft, ss...
... 4
H. Adams, p
Rodenbaugu, p..
To Lais
.... 1
.... a
7 U
'Alio xaois
ab. r. ii. pa
Campbell, rf. (919
D. bheehan, go. 4 119
Nobllt, cf 4 1 1 (
Weed, 2b 8 9 9 4
Hart, lb.... 4 9 9 U
Granville, ss........... 4 ' I 2
Hupp, If. 4 1 9 2
J. dneelian, o...M..... 4 9 9.4
Corbett, p ..'a 11 0
.9. 1
Totals 36 . 1 -27 IS. ,
Penvar .,n.......9.9 9 9 t Vl t. M
Soux City... ...j 9 9 3 0 9 0 9 1-4
Two-baaeiuii' Vandergrlft TBree-base
hits: D Bheehan, Corbett- Home, 'rum
Vandatgrlft tttolen baaea. VbnOergrUt
Wiwoler., Hit by pitcher; Corbett , Bases
n balls: 'Off Adams, 2; off Corbett ' 2.
Struck out: By Adams, 1; by Rodenbaugh,
I; by Corbett 4. Left on 1 bases; Denver,
li; Bloux City, i. Double plays: Vandor.
grift to While; Corbett to Wood to Hart
Time; 1:40. Umpire; Brennaa.
Standtna of the Teams.
Played. Won. Loat.
Des Moines ' 60 14 24
Omaha ..97 3a 8
Lincoln 66 24 1
Denvsr i bi ' 2 "l
ioux City ....... $1 '27 -24
1 1 Pueblo 4& i '40
9 Game today: Lincoln at Omaha.'
Indianapolis Wins from ' Louisville
Slxteea to One.
-j INDIANAPOLIS, July X Indianapolis
1 fell onto Puttmann In the eighth Inning of
today's game and batted out ten runs ba-
E ' fore the side was retired. The. visitors
0 were at no time dangerous. Cook, an out
o fielder obtained from the Pueblo Western
0 league tears, made his first appearanoe wita
0 inuianapous ana aia well., eoore:
2 AB.H.O.AJt.
a ! William, aa. I 1 4 tStmlt. rt.... I 1 1 0
2:Ooullr. If... 4 It tSiaalajr, of... I 144
t H tinea, rt.... I 1 4 40001.7,. lb... 4 1 t 4 4
"iKrui. tb 2 4 11 SuIIImo. lb., I i 1 '4 1
. II. ........ . v J 1 1 I' .K. . . k. l . . .
vooa, of i v rmu, e a vv a.v
Uvlnsatan, all t 0 4 . .Wnlui. aa.. 4 4 11 4
llork., lb... 4 2 11 WoixlruH. 11,4 1 4
K.llum. p... 4 114 1 Pullman, p.. I 1 4 4 1
Croiul.r. Ik.. I 12 4 ailusbaa, rf... 1 4 4 1
,1111.17 11 1 Totala.... ..44 724 12,1
1 LX"' -"-l I 0 0 0 SI' 1
i I"v". 1 ?, ' ijjrr9!1
Two-base hits
I Thr-baaa hlUs Himes, Cook. Home
;EU: Colter. Sacrifice ihlt: Cooley. Stolen
oaaea: i.uu ia., wu on oaaea: iuaian
1 fo U; Loulsvlllo, 8. Bases on balls
! Jf ll"nll 2 J"""1.""' k.r 8tc1'
B Kelium. 1 Tune: 2.-OX Umptret. I
Branan Defeat "Millar.
MILWAUKEE, July 1. After having the
fani apparently won, KUroy ef Minneap
olis blew up In the seventh Inning today,
five singles and a two-bagger scoring sis
runs and winning the gam. Curtis was
relieved by Dougherty at the end of the
first Inning. Bcore j..
Roblnaan. aa. I I 4 I 10' Nail, If.... I 4 I t
Orooa. rf..... I 111 IDundoa, Ik... 4 fill
Conaara, lb.. 4 1 14 Mortaa. ef....l 111
BotIIIo. a. . . I III ll.rmus rt 4 I t I
MK'ena'k. tb I 1 I I t Onmtaaar, as I 1 I
M'Chaaaor, llll I I B. rraoioaa, Ik I lull
Clark, lb..... 111 Oriar. aa 44.1
' Dousbart;. of I 14 11 thannoa. a.. I I I 1 4
otc,a- . 4 II JJiiw- J J
. arils, t t s larakaa ....I
Tata la u il it U "i ' Totala M I M III
Hattil for Kllrav In atlnth.
I - 4 i"! AJUVf A BUUViAt
- iiwii .,ik a n o a i a a
. vti,,ii. a A ik a i a a A
. .,, vvw..vov
uita: un - uimi in' one inning, ; ore
Dougherty In eight Innings, . 8. Two-base
hlta: Martes, Roth, Roblnaon. Stolen baae:
; Dundon. First baae on balls: Off Dough
erty, 4; oft Kllroy, 8. wild pitch: Dough
erty. Btruck. out: By Curtis. 1; by Dough
erty. 4: by Kllroy. L Sacrifice hlta: Me,
Cormick, Connors. Left on bases: Mil
waukee. 8; Minneapolis, B. Tluie: 2.00,
Umpire: Kerln. tt
Btaaatac ef the Temsa,
: Played, Won. Loat-
, .7
Columbus ' 66
Toledo 67
Minneapolis 87
Karrsas City 44
LoulavUle 64
St. Paul 67
1 Indianapolis ...v,.,, 7J
Game today: Columbus at Loulnvllla,
Toledo at Indianapolis, Kasnas Cuy at
Mllwauiaa, ,8u Paul at Mumoepolle. '
Ttaer Meat bia'aa'euaa.
Tb 'Tiger outplayed tb rta&ond Sun
day by a score of 8 t 1 . irtMBBind for th
Ttgur made four hits ou( ( (our times to
bat. .Soore by lattlng "
. r ' m JVH .B.
Tlgar ........ f T1 0 I t il I
Diamond .... 6 i jfr ' 0 18844
Battarleat Ttgara, Burklavnd ana Craaach;
diamonds, Saunders aad Stic. , Uinptrei
.... Wlsnar Oetaheota Hataae.
nBKMF.It. Nob.. July 1-aoaolal.V Tha
k. kuikar Ouailb iwnreaenaed by tan men.
c'n aoan to neenier neateroay ana e-
a team oi ta mea crura bare by
ti.lrt-three lr(r,t. inty-five targets to
racn sr.ootar - . laner will Hold
aliutitlng cgaU-h on th Kook
CMcag-g ITatloniili Win After toaing
, Pour yStraighl
- i i
Thre flits Give Them Tw)' Baas
;v 1st Mrs! InsilnaT. h Aft
that Ther Pall
'CHICAGO, July L.' 'rlttsburB' today
bnnched two single and a double tn th
third Inning1, but failed to score, and Chi
cago won,' a to 2, after losing games
straight . Fraser's pitching band was In
Jured In the second. Pfelster relieved him,
but; was wild,, and was taken out In th
third after having- hit two men. Bcore:
-chicaoo. ' ' fnrsBraa.
AH.O.A. AS.H.O.A.g.
siMla, ef.... I 9 2 1 Aaanea, rt. I 1 1 4
fiher.kara. It 2 1 4 I Laaeh, ot 4 1 1
.-nulla, rt...4 11 ( lark, It ... I 10
Chanca, lb.... I 1 11 4 IWifin, at... 4 111
fv.lnt.ldt. lb 4 1 I' Ab'.lchlo, ft 4 t I 1
Tinker, a.... I Oft Nuloa. lb... 4 I 11 I
E.n, lb.... I 14 I Stark, lb... 4 114
Kilns, a I 111 lOIUnsn. .... I ' It
rraMt, ..... I LatSel4, ....! 2 I
Pfalater, ... ! -
Btvwa, 142 Tatala II T 14 14 2
totala....,.i"t 27 I"
Chicago 0 I 1 t 1 0 0 I M
Pittsburgh ............ 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 02
Two-base hlta: Evera. Chance. Waxrner,
Slieckard. Three-base hit: Storke. Hits:
Off Fraanr In one and one-third Innins-e,
4; of- Pfelster In one Inning. 0; off Brown
In six and two-thirds innings, S. Sacrifice
hits:- Bheekard (2). Double play:, Blagle
to Tinker. Left on baaea: Chicago, 4:
nttsburg, 4. First baas on balla: Off
Lelfield; 4. Hit by pitcher: By Pfelster,
Andereon and Clarke. Struck out: By
Pfelster, 1; by Rrown, 2: by Lineld, 2.
Time: 16. Umpire:, O'Day. .
Even Spilt la Philadelphia.
PH ItA DK1.PH I A, July L New York and
Philadelphia spUf even In two well played
e-amea tnaay. The "home team won the
first game by bunching hits In the seventh
Inning and ISiew York won the second game
In the third Inning with two doubles and
a base on balls. Bcore, Orst game: .
AB.H.O.A.K.. AB.H.O.A.B.
Tbomaa. cf... 4 14 0 0 shannon. If.. I I 4
Knaba, tb.... I 02 t brown a, rt... I 119
Tllua. rf 4 1 1 1 lKtrana. lb.... 4 14 0 1
Oiharn. if... 4 It i.Tmor, ef..l t 1 0
Oraot, lb.... 4 1 1 I liHannlfln, lb. I t I 1
Court off. lb. I 0 10 1 lDahlen, aa...l 14 10
Doolln, aa.... I 0 I t tCorcuran. tb. I 0 0 I 2
Douln, a I I t 0 4 Bowrmau a. 4 I
Sparka p.... I 01 MeOlnnltr, p. I 4110
8br i 1
TaUla 1 4 17 11 I
' Totali .,... lit I I
Batted for McQInnlty In ninth.
New Tork 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11
Philadelphia 99009929 t
Two-base hits: Dahlen, Osborne. Sacri
fice hits: Browne, Corcoran, Courtney.
Double play: McGlnnlty to Hannlfan. Left
on bases: New York, 2; Philadelphia, 6.
Klrst base on balls: Off McGlnnlty, 1; off
Pparks. 4. Hit by pitcher: By McGlnnlty.
1; by Sparks, 1. btruck out: iy McGln
nlty, 6; by Sparks. 6. Time: 1:35. Um
pires; Rlgler and Email. , .
Score, second game:
AB.H.O.A.B. , AB.H.O.A.B.
Shannon, if.. 4 110 Thomaa, at... I 0 10
U row no, rt.,.4 4 2 )KmH lb.... II 14ft lb... 4 02 iTltua. rt.,... 41 00
Bf-rmour, of.. I II lOaborne. If.. 4 1 0 t
HannltlB, lb. 11 0 Oraot, lb,,.. .4 1 1 0 1
rhlen. aa...l 4 I OCourtnej, lb. 4 t 11 t 1
oreoran, lb. I 4 I I Iroolln, aa.... 4 l,r('
Bowannaa, a. 4 0 4 1 Jaoklltarir, e. I I 4
Wlltaa. p..... 4 1 1 0 Brown, p-kVi 4 4 1
' ; Plttlnsrp., 1 4 114
Totala II Itlll 1 '
ToA....,.. 4 IT It I
New Tork 9 0 . 9 9 0 0 0 01
Philadelphia' 'ip XT 0 9 9 9 0 0 90
Two-base hits: . Shannon, - Hannlfan.
Three-base hit: KrAbe. Hits: Off Brown
in five and one-tbirj Jnnlngs. 2; off Pit
tlnger, In three ind two-thirds' Innlnrs. 1:
Stolen bases: seymour. Doolln. Left on
bases: New York, 10: Philadelphia, 8. First
on on balls: Off Wlltse, 7 off Brown, 2;
off Plttlnger, L Struck out: By WllLse, a;
by Plttlnger, 2. Ttma: . 16. '. IJmplrcs:
Kmslra and Rlgler.,- , . .. )-.- .
ss BvoolUs-a iTafce a -ralir '.
BROOKLYN. July L-'Donovah's men WOB)
both games of today's double-header Jrom
boaton. Bcore, first game:
1 BROOKLYN. " ' B06TON. " :
Aa.H.O.A . AB-H.O-A.B.
Alpanaan, lb 4 I 7 Bri4wall, aa.rl.l II
Caaor, lb 11 a Too nor, lb... 2 t 1
Lnmlar. rt... 4 lit 1 Brain, lb.. ... 4 lilt
Batoh, U 4 2 1 4 Boaaaumt, ef 4 1 1
Jordan, lb.... I 17 4 batea, rt..... 4 14 0 4
ataloaar. ef., till Burka,-!(....'. 4
Ltvia, as.... 4 4 14 Rltohar, lb., 1 I
Rlltor, a..... 2 It tNexibam. a.. 4 1 1 I (
Buckar, p.... I I lUnaamaaii, V i t
Totals wlfttTll l' Totala...., Jt 24 U H
Boston 9 0 2 9 9 9 9 9 12
Brooklyn 0 9 0 0 9 (.9 1
' Two-bevs hits: Bates; Needhanv Alper
man (2), Jordan, Rltter, ' Sacrifice hits:
Tenney, Jordan (2), Maloney. . Stolen bases:
Needham, Lumley, . Doubla playa: Lumley
to Alperman to Lewis, Baton to Rucker to
Alperman, Maloney to Casey, Beaumont to
uriowan. jjen on Bases: boston, ft; Brook
lyn, 4. First base on balls: Off Rucker,
I; off Llndaman, 4. Hit by pitcher: By
Rucker, L Btruck out: By Rucker, 4; by
Llndaman, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire; Klem.
Score, second gam':
AB.H.O.A.B.. 'AB.H.O.A.B.
AlMrman. lb 4 4 1 2 1 Rwaanar. aa. 4 1 1 t 1
Car. lb.... 4114 Teanay. lb... I I II I
Lumior, rf.
Batch, lf.
Jordan, lb.
Malonar, ef
4 1I0O Br. la, lb..... 4110
4 141 Boaumont, ef 4 I I -
1711 Bataa. rt 4 4 4 4
4 9 - 1 Burke, U 4 1 I 4 4
4 2 6 4 kiuher. lb.. I I I 1
I 11 I Naadham. a.. I 1 f 1
Maria, aa. .
Blttar, a...
Boll, s
10 4 0 Young, p..... 4 4 2 4
,.. 1 4 4 4
Totala II M It 8
Totala I. 4 to It .4
One out when winning run waa made.
Boston ., 0 01 01 0000 02
Brooklyn 00000402 11
Two-base hit: ' Tenney (2), Beaumont
Lumley. litre: Off Bell In nine Innings, 2.
Sacrifice hits: Bates. Batch. Rltter. Biolen
bases: Sweeney. Brain, Casey, Lewis. Dou
ble plays:- Lewis to Jordan (2), Jordan to
Rltter, Rlchey to Tenney. Left on basea:
Boston, 1i Brooklyn, A First base on balls:
Oft Bell, 8; off Teung, 2. Hit by fltcher:
By Bell, L Struck out: By Bell. I; by
young, 1 Wild pitch: Young, lime: 1:56.
Umpire:. 'Klem. .
tauaeUasi ef - the Teams.
Played. Won. Lest Pet.
Chicago M 48 14 .750
New York 6 87 22 .827
Pittsburg 60 M 24 .67
Philadelphia j 61 . 84 27 . .tV.7
Cincinnati 44 2 96 .4fi3
Beaton 4X , 4 24 .4.13
Brooklyn . , 43 28 88 .6V7
St. Louis. 47 18 II .238
Game today t Boaton at Philadelphia,
New Tork at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at Chi
cago St Louis at Pittsburg.
" Beth Lie wood Team . Wla.
UtNWOOD, Neb.. July L (Special.
Lin wood s first nine played at Bralnard
yeaterdsy. Bcore, 10 to 4 In favor of Lin
wood. Mors .Bluffs' second Bin played
Taaa I'V, sVl Mass
WI at T
TN pile el die aanv traltataoas, '
' solid seal ei pvb&e approval, tmi
k the laiaaat sallist braad oi sliced
cot tobacco k tb watkL
CCcSw.PIus PSpi Tcbacco
Naeer aits kt qtaaljy, srAoLaa
,.. ewaalr." cool lo the n4, with ae -waste.
ao4 B fcsfraac aetaawada
fc t aU. FaaVaaral n4 Uatwg.
a haa, ltVa.
II Saasfaa.Bj
tii ft A ' rm i
n C0 tJ in, iinnC lir
I a. sciit, nur3'''lAlI 'f
k la a 'J -h- .3a-. W y J t W
For 12 tops ol Red Metal oap)
from Large Malt-Nutrme Bottle
' ..V with GoU Trase-aurk or 6
'XlVf; .Spnt Bottles with Black Treaeetaxfc
i it VA-I ' I 1 L. 1 . mm will mnA
I1U AAA K " "
orra el our Vienna Art Plats
any daras ia tb United State.
Llnwoon's second team here yesterday,
Lin wood winning by a score of 10 to 1.
Cleveland Wins from St. Loots Fir
to Tito.
ST. LOV19, July 1. Cleveland won today'
rattie from t. Louis, i to 2. Home runs by
Flick aud Clark were lt-i only features.
(AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B.
Fllrk, rt J..6 II Nllea. tb I Oil
Bradloy. ,jTb.. 4 04 Jonaa. lb 4 4 V, 1 I
O'Brloiv'aa.. 4 14 1 1 Stone-. It 4 1 0 O,4
L!le. lb....4 I OPli'ktrtng. rt. 4 I I 1 4
"(orall, lb... 4 111 9 OWallars, aa.. 1114 4
Htnobman, If I 1 1 OHomphlH, cf. .1 0 I a a
Bnnnifb'm, ef 4 1 t Harttll, lb. I 4 1 I 1
Otarka, O....I I I t Sponsor, a... I 12 4
ThKlmao, p. 4 0 0 0 ooinwn. p.... i a 1
foUla M 10 n 14 1 ToUla M I tT It 4
St. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 00 11
Cleveland 1 00000011-4
Two-base hits: Clarke, Btovall, Pickering
(2.) l'hree-base hits: Btovall, O'Brien,
Etone. Home runs: Flick, Clarke, Sacri
fice hits: HlnchmarT, Nlles, Wallace. Double
plays:. Lajole to Btovall; O'Brien, Lajol to
Btovall. Left on buses: SU Louis. 2
Cleveland, fi. First base on balls: Off
Thlelman. 1: off Dlneen. 1. Hit by pitched
Ball:- ay xnieiraan, epencer. struca ouii
By ptneen, 1; by Thlelman, 2. Passed ball:
Bpencer. Wild, pitch;' Thlelman. Tim:
1:48. Umpires: Kvari and Connolly.
" Clitcaao' "tVlrt : front -Detroit. '
"trHinAOO. Julv l.J-Chlcao" won from De
troit today, 4 to 2, Erors, bases on. balls
and Dougherty's bitting figured largely In
the result.. Davis was knocked unconscious
when he and Dougherty collided In th
fifth, but resumed play. Score:
Rabn. rt I 1 D. Jonoa. If.. 4 1 1 J
r. Jane
oa. ef. I a 1 0 rou(hiin. b. w a
I.b.11. lb 4 1 I I I Crawford, of. 4 1 1
liouahertjr. It I I I I OCobb. rf.
i i a A i
Roha, lb..... I 0 I bKotimio, lb. 4 w 1
Uononua. lb. a o i vsonatior,
r. lb. 4 4 I 4 1
UaTta. aa 4 2 11 O'Lrarr, aa... 1110
tit o Schmidt, a... I llll
114 iKUlian. 4 1110
Smith, p..
Detroit .
.5 "lit 3 "l ToUla......ll 4 14 1 I
1 0 I t 0 0 0 I
0 0100010 -
Two-base hit: D. Jones. Sacrifice hits: played on the bom grounds yesterday be
Bchmldt, Hahn, Rohe, Smith. Stolen baaea: ore a orowd of 4u0 enthusiastic tans.
Dougherty, Killtan. Double plays: Schmidt, Friend's runs cam In the seventh on an
rvinMtn tn Rchaefer. Left on bases: Cbl
case. 2: Detroit. I. Basea on balls: Oft
Smith, 4; off Kllllan, 1 Hit by pitched ball:
By Kllllan, t Struck out: By Smith. 8; Dy
Gillian, a. w nil pitcn , diihi.u. xmtv.
Umpire: O'Loughlln.
llookivonua Defeat Athlete.
BOSTON, July 1. Philadelphia was un
able to score on Young's pitching today -cept
In the final Inning, and the home clu
won, 6 to 1. Dygert was hit sharply at
times and was relieved by Bender In th
eighth. Scor:
Sullivan. cf..l 4 4 4Hartael, If... 4 1
Paront. aa.... I 111 l.Nlcholla. tb.. 4 llll
Consalloo, rt 1 1 r'.ybol. rt... 4 1 I
Orlmahaw, lb 4 111 1 Data, lb..... 4 I j J J
Barrott. If... I I J. Colllna, lb 4 1 8 4 1
KnUht. lb... 1 4 1 8 401drlnf. at... 4 4 1
h l a 1 1 asohrack. a.... I 4 T I I
Crtar, a I 1 1 4 OCroaa. aa I 4 I 4
Shaw, a 1 I E. Colllna aa 0 1 J
g, p.... I III vurtm, f I I t Z
araair, , w v .
Totala M 6 17 16 l'MurpbT .... 1
Totala at M 10 8
Batted for Cross In eighth.
Boston 0 0 18 1
I, A A n A O
A A 1
AA li
i - il .'. ' n.Jri. ctmihaa. Ttandar.
a ww-ww i . j " . . , . . ,
Three-baao hit: Davla Home run: Young,
i iff T iv..H
Struck out: y toung, I. or . r
Bender, 2. Wild pitch: Dygert Ttmel
1:40. Umpire: Sheridan.
New York Wins Both Gaaaea.
NEW TORK. July's, New xerg won
both games of today's double-header from
... .1 . Qnr.wA. AmI ff-omA!
hxw tkk. waSHlNOTOit.
A8 H O A AB.B.OA.8I.
Hotrmaa, ef.. 4 4 1 4 4riraor. It... 4 4 1
Kooiar. K....4 I I Jfiuioy. rt... 4 I
aw. - - - .-, . -. - - -
k arrfall, aa. 4 1 6 4 8 1-alobanty. lb 4 111
rbaaa, lb.... 4 14 fHiokmu. lb. 4 2 11
Laporta, lb.. 1 4 1 Joo J
Morlarltr. lb 4 P.iTtna. tb... t 14 4
Wlinama, tb. 4 I I I 4AUIaor. aa... I 114
Cooror. U.. 6 all Hraoa, a.... j a a j
KUInow. a... 1 I falkaab.n.
fcickor, a.... 4 I 1 I tlaitb. I
Ortb. p.
I 11 1 1
Kofo. p ..
Kliaoa, p.
.. 1 1
Totala 44 lfM 14 6
Totala 44 It H II 8
Two out when winning run waa mad.
Batted for Keefe In seventh.
Washington , I M 1 M 1 1-1
Nsw York 0 0 0 0 0 4-U
Two-base httsf Chase, Orth, relhuniy,
Hickman, Jones. Hume run: Ganley. Hits:
Off Orth, la In five and two-thirds Innings;
off Keefe, 4 lo two and one-third Innlnga;
off Kltaon, non la one Inning; off iaikan
C -j .v,i,s inir,..- i
yT.v J"14!". ' ".
Smith. 11 In tour Innings.- Sacrifice hit:
Hoffman. ' Stolen pttaes: Clyrper, Delehanty,
Alllaar, Conroy. - Double playa: Conroy to
Che; Delehanty. to Hickman. Left on
bases: Washington, it; New lork, 6. Bases
on balls: Off 'vh. f; elt Keefe, 1; off Falk
enberg, 1; off Btnlth, 1. Hit with pitched
ball: By Kitson. J; by Falkenberg, 1. Struck
out: By Orth. 2; by Kltaon, 1; by Falken
berg. 1; by Smith. ! Passed balls: Hey
don, 8. Time: J0.40, . Umpires: Hurst and
Score, second game:
AB H.OiA.B. '" AB.H.O A .
Hoffman, at.. I I 4 -1 I ' IraW. tf.i- I 111
Kralar. It.... $ Carlo. rt..-.4 II'
g.borlald. aa 4 I I 4 Otlebaatr. tb 4 1 6 0 I
Chaao. lb.... 4 II 1 Hltamao. lb. I t 1
If ... 4 14 14 jonoa. ef I 1 I I
tb. I I I I'trarnaa, lb... I III
1 1 1 a a aiiioot. aa... I llll
KlaUioaY I 1 I Wanor, a.u. 4 1 4 a
Hotl. ..'..... 4 10 4 4 Hsaboa, a.... 11
T - ' Orvhant, 4 I 4 I I
Totals.. ... U St II' B '
t,i.. 1 1 rr i iwrt in ikvmi mninai on
t,.rV a i V .;'n ir, Stolen bases: Old- i ?! yr. "
, ... v,..ea. ' in September, wwttemor no pes
Bon'phlladlTpwrV "-Vault th. fastest sauadP of
t . Hit bv oltcner: ouuiven.
,..... fras...i..w ivf "
..... .,.0 o o,i 0 I jM
..-'. 14 I'M M M
hiu Oi-aHAUh UniL run .
tivw Yok ..
1 aaoiaaaarOaaasaBi iBBjawasa nr av
After severe illness, when vitality
is at low ebb, health and strength
are speedily restored by
Malt-Nutrine supplies the food
elements of Barley-Malt and the.
tonic properties of Hops. The most
delicate stomach will accept and
retain it.
Sold by all Druggists and Grocers
la cases of 1 Doz. Large or 2 Doz. Split Bottles
Anheuser-Busch St. Louis, Mo.
Brewers of the
Famous Budweiser Beer
Hits: Off Hughe. 4 In one Inning;
ham. 1 In seven lnnlnits. Stolen
oft Graham,
bases: KlberfeM (I). Chase. WilllemR. J -"os.
Double play. Hoffman to EJberfeld to Wll
llama; Jones to lilckmun. Lf(t on banes:
Washington, 11; New York, 6. Bases on
balls: Off Hogg, ; oft Graham, I. Hit
with pitched ball: By Graham, 2. Struck
out: By Hogg, 1; by Graham, 8. Time:
1:60. Umpires: Stafford and Hurst.
Staadinsr of th. Taaviaia.
Played. Won. Loat Pet
Chicago ,
Cleveland .....
Philadelphia ,
.. 62 41 21 .661
.. 64 40 24 .025
,.. 43 86 27 .516
.. 6 22 ' 27 .(12
,.. 62 29 80 .41)2
.. 65 27 88 .415
... 63 23 89 .271
... 67 18 2 .816
jiow i.uia .........
St. fjUJliS
Boston -w....
W aab In gtotr ......
Games today: Cntca
. st Cleveland, St.
Louis at Detroit, WashlngTUk ft Boston.
Philadelphia at New York,
Jaeksoavlll. Acala Step late First
MAJtSHALLTOWN. I a., July L (Special
Telegram.) Following are th results In
the Iowa league:
At Qulncy R.H.B.
Qulncy .......0 00001110 1 4 10 1
Burlington ..0 01010100 08 14 I
Batteries: Keyes and Walsh; Bchroeder
and Bruggeman.
. At Jacksonville 4 . K.H.E
Jacksonville ,,,..0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2
Keokuk 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 7 8
Batteries: Patrick and Pratt; Prater and
No games at Waterloo or Ottumwa on ac
count of double-header yesterday.
taadlagt of the Teams.
Played. Won. Loat.
Waterloo ...
i omiinauiu .
fxL -1...-
Wllbera First Defeat.
W1LBEH, Neb., July 1. (Special.)
Friend won the fastest same of the season
error and three successive singles, scor
ing again in tne nintn on an error ana
two singles. Wllber's runs came In the
first on errors by Whltcomb. Vi liber had
a chance to win the game In the eighth,
when with secand and third covered, and
only one gone, the next two men struck
out This Is Wllber's first defeat this year
out ot nine games playod. Score:
R H 3
Friend 0 0000080 1-4 8 4
W liber t 00000000-266
Earned runs: Friend, 2. Double plays:
Friend, 1; Wtlber, L Struck out: By
Ling, 4; by Robertson T Batteries: Friend
Ling and Neff. Wllber Robertson and
Storkan. Umpire: Walklln of Crete.
Dakota Valversltr Athlete.
VFRMILION, S. D., July 1. (Special. )
Ed Parry, an athlet ot Chicago university
who has had charg of th university track
team this season, haa gone to hi home at
Oekaloosa, Ia. It has cot been decided
as yet whether or net Parry will return
to the Unlverelty ef South Dakota next
spring. He has been offered a fine posi
tion with a Montana high school for the
foot ball season and will probably aoceDt.
Director A. H. Whlttemor. who has per.
formed Wonder at th university In an
! athletlo way
ainieuo way, win again nave cnarge or
the foot ball team next fall and with the
baa ball team In the spring. With many
hand early
to organ
th past
Fwarth a the Waters.
Th Omaha Rod and Gun club la prepar
ing for (arc "e1nga" at th club house
and on the lake th afternoon and evening
of July 1 Special sailing races are ar-
ranged and in th evening ther will b
4Mln AnA Anna. eM,MAM
I th "Omaha," th largest sailing craft on
th lake, was successfully launched by the
ewnara. Dr. Deapecher, Juatln Refregler
ana Fank Lundstrum. It Is a 84-foot craft
- avuia vaua
and Is said
1 , f& , ut
J , J "J- i
I ; ort Of
to ta faater tnan any boat here-
launched at either Cut-Off or Man-
owners are ready to accent any
challeng and would like to ar
range b match for the afternoon ot July 4.
Ceaatry Clab Golf.
MY. TS. H. Spragu made the low gross
scor at th Omaha Country club Mon
day afternoon, with Mrs. Wheeler making
th low net score. Th scores were:
Oross. Hndop. Net.
Mr. Wheel? 110 4s 02
Mrs. Burns ,, e .1 1 24 7
Miss Kimball ..w ..12S 80 88
Mr a. Spragu. WOW
Miss Dewey 127 28
Mats Team Wants Game.
Th Met team la without a gam for
next Sunday and would Ilk. to get games
iron tn touowina iams: r lorinot jam.
i letlc. Sterling, Townaend. South Omah
Hammers or liootor. Prefer tne Non
pareils or ths Union Paclflo Car Shops and
any other teams wishing to arrange aamea
with the Mats team address T. Masael, h8
South Twenty-fourth street, city, or phone
ixmgia ujo.
Heveleck Defeat Gseoawood.
HAVELOCK. Neb.. July 1. (Special )
Haveleek defeated Ureenwoed here cat'
vreav oy a score et s to s. ocora:
Havelock 0 t n r,
Greenwood . ..11200440 18 6
aatterlee: Havslock Wrl rht and Ling
Greenwood f-Hand and Foster, Struck
out: By Hand. 7; by Wright. 6. I'm
plret . s-d Ballanee.
Beesaee Loses hy Errera,
BBTTMER, Neb., July 1. (8pecial.)-The
Feemer baae ball team was defeated Sun
day afternoon 1st a picked Bins from Wis-
nan? ty a eor of l to 8. a fin gam.
vel4ag , Want a Oasa. :
Th Spauldlngs would la to schedule a
t""t iih axjr faat Uax 'o Uiaiiy tut
It kl r. S jtr- -
the Fourth of July. They would also like
to arrange Sunday games, such teams as
the People's Stores, Nonpareils and Ramb
lers preferred. Call lied 4001 after p. m.
and ask for Jack Gable.
Prince Will Start Motor Conteet.
BERLIN, July 1. Prince Henry of Prus
sia intends to establish an annual auto
mobile touring contest replacing the Herki
mer competition which will be held In
England lor the next three years. It Is
assumed that the race under the auspices
of Prince Henry will occur In north Ger
many. Cook Goes to InellaaaaoUs.
James Cook, captain of the Pueblo team,
has been sold by Pueblo to Indianapolis
and left Sunday to Join the Hoosler team.
The sale price was given as $760. Ryan will
take Cook's place Tn left field and Bader
will play second. Bsder closed last season
with a hitting record of .806 and a fielding
record of .424. Cook 1 hitting ,289.
Mia a Meyer Easily Defeat.
LONDON. July L la ui all-En gland
tennis championship games at Wimbledon
today Mas Sutton of California won an
easy victory over Miss Meyer In the
women's open championship singles by 2-0.
Th scores were 8-0, 8-8.
Feeder Win from Indians. .
PENDER, . Neb., July 1. (Speclal.V
Pender won a good game of ball from the
Omaha Indians by a ecor1 of to- 2. Llp
pold was tried out to pitch and made good.
Batteries: Pender, Llppold and Kelso;
Indian. Leslie and Btabler.
Game la Three-1 Laagaa.
At Bloomlngton Bloomlngrton, 7;
buque, 2.
At Hecatur Decatur, 4: Rock Island. 8.
At Springfield Springfield, ! Clinton, a
At Peoria Peoria, 8; Umr Rapids, 0.
Sporting; Geaatp,
In the Iowa league on gam went to
seventeen Innings Sunday and another to
In a swatfest In which Toledo beat Co
lumbus Perring and the pitcher each mad
three hits.
The Excelsiors want gam for Sunday
and on for th forenoon of July 4. Call
the manager at Webster 8864.
Bob Simpson la a persistent Whit. Sox
rooter. He saw them play on his trip to
Chicago and la firmer than ever In his be
lief they will land on top.
When th high wind cam up Sunday
afternoon both Cut-Off and Manawa lakes
were covered with sailing craft Three of
the sailing vessels were capsixed at Man
awa but all occupants managed to escape.
Bob Simpson returned from Hinsdale
loaded with money and solid gold medal.
The first prtxe was 2160 cash and tbe gold
medal emblematic- ot the w astern cham
pionship and 860 extra won tor making
the lowest score at eighteen holea.
Kid Jenson goes to Ulan wood July 4 to
box Cddle Davis of K ansae City. Jenson Is
in M n . ia h.uln Ir.l nwl Hard tar a
match with Eddie Kenny ot Chicago, who
sidestepped on a match scheduled tor last
Sunday. The men ar to weigh 124 pound
at the ringside.
Mullln, one of Detroit's craea pltcners,
Is working hard for that prls money of
fered him by th management For win
ning twenty games he was promised $600
additional to hi regular pay and for
thirty games 1,000. He has lost only
about two games thus far.
Bill Schlpko haa made an awful mess
of bis chance to get to Washington or
any other big league team. He Is batting
down at ,n. ir ever mere waa "r
polntment In baaeball It 1 this earn lit
tle BUI. Pity he couldn't have staid with
Pa at least another aeason and got onto
some ot th fin point of th gam which
he ha missed.
Th Hill McCray PlumWng company
team beat Oraharn Whit Sox Of Flor-
anna Sunriav at IIlA Ranaon Esatl park by
the ecore of l in t Th featur of th
gam waa th fast work on Bases by
I 'hi.rl.a nff tha i llll at xacvrmr
team. HiUterten-r Hill 4V MoCray, Vera
Hlrch and Qoodrtok; Graham Walt Sox.
Crabtree and Moor.
Th Omaha club base ball team wot a
gam Sunday from th Jetter Whit Sox
by a acore of 18 to 8. It gav the Sox a
sound drubbing and Is -now looking for new
i .1 . a n KM., wianinar tor m aama lur
ths afternoon of July 4. Telephone L
Travis, Douglaa 401 or Douglaa 8170. Bat
teries? Omaha oluh. Whitney and Davis;
Jotter. Dorcas and Vangard.
For the benefit of those croxer wno par
i.t in auikinnr that allly Question, "Wonder
It for.
50 Years
' i
f i II!, Ill
Li cm
H .;
tf Rourke wouldn't like to have Jack
Thomas back nowT" let It be stated that
Jack Thomas Is batting .215. while Jo
Dolan I batting .2X0. and Dolan Is field
ing a game that Thomaa doesn't under
stand. But Dolan's mere batting averaga
doesn't tell the tale; he Is the most timely
hitter In the league. Whenever any one
can plug In a run It's Old Joe. Rourko
let Thomas go for the simple reason ho
was Inferior and ha wouldn't have him
hack for th same reason. If Lincoln had
another man In his place th team would
do much better.
Old Inn Retired tn Favor of On
Based on New Valnatloa
of Bolldlatt. f
In accordance with th petition and proxy
executed by stockholders of th Omaha
Board of Trade, th article of Incorpora
tion wer duly amended. Tb board of
director haa authorised th Issuano of
th new stock and th holder of each share
of old stock Is receiving In lieu thereof
81.000 (ten shares par 2100 aoh) of preferred
per cent stock and 8600 (five shares par
2100 each) of common stock. This will max
total laauanc of 8198.00$ of preferred
stock and 808,000 of common stock, and -to
represent th same and th mortgage of
$40,000 against th property, th board of
director value th building and lot 'at
2234,000. Th board of director also de
cided at th last meeting to divide among
th shareholder all cash on hand Jun SO,
so aa to begin new fiscal year July L
under th reorganisation. A a result a
dividend of 140 per shar waa declared and
member ar filing with th secretary th
old certificate of stock and In lieu thereof
ar receiving ten share of preferred stock,
five shares of common stock and 240.
Gtrl of Seventeen After One Yen
Wants to Leave Her
Married at 16 years and an applicant for
a divorce at 17 is in maniai record oi
Mr. May Sherwood, who filed a petition
for legal separation from John W. Sher
wood Monday afternoon. Sh says Imme
diately after their marriage In Council
Bluffs, November 26, 190, he left her with
out any means of support and haa not
supported her since. She also accuses htm
of calling her vile name and assaulting
her. She ask for th restoration of her
maiden name. May Herron.
Mallnda C. Ooodelt and Henry. C. Goodoll
were married thirty-three year ago at
Vlntora, ia, Monday she asked th district
court to grant her a divorce on th ground
he abandoned her In 1696.
EJUa Haller has petitioned for a divorce
from Daniel Haller and th custody of
their 6-year-old son, George. Nonsupport
Is th charge.
lfnshvlll Saloon a Qnlt Bnalness.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., July 1. Ths recent
legislature passed an act allowing Naah-
vllle to connn. in saioons to tn up
town district. This saloon segratlon act
want Into effect . today. It put about 160
saloons out of business.
Prttchett End Preeldeaer.
BOSTON. July L Henry a Prltchett to
day ended his seven years' presidency oi
the Maeaachusetis Institute of Technology,
which oftloe he resigned six month ago,
Arthur Ames Noyes, a professor of theo
retical history at th Institute. 1 to act
as president until th vacancy Is filled.
Shoot Girl aad Belt. .
NEW RICHMOND, Wl., July L Mas.
nus Thompson ot Blackbrook, shot and fa
tally wounded Minnie Phatum today and
blew off th top of his own head. The
girl had refused; to marry him. ,
In all that time it has been the
same good old whiskey. Its
purity and distinct flavor have
never varied
"Since J8S7n
It hat been pure whiskey every
drop whiskey,
A. COaXXEZBrt WW, WC3sr, ITtkarv. f. k