THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 1907. V Tel. Douglas 61S Rschss all Dp&r?m3iiis Great Special Value Regular $2.00 All Silk Voiles, 43-in. choice colors, per yd. C9c In other words we propose to mrtke this special sale of handsome silk voiles of such great interest that everybody in Omaha will visit this department during this sale. We promise you you will not be disappointed. tteautifuj line of colors, also cream color. Women's Underwear for Warm Pays During the warm daya you will neei plenty of changes of light weight un flrwn r. Womeni game lisle or niercerUivl vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain tape top or hand crocheted, 60c, 85c and 11.00 each. Women's rau lisle Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella or tight knee, all sizes, tl .00 each. Misses' gauze cotton union suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee length, made with drop rest, all sizes, $100 each. Boys' fine balbrlggan shirts, high neck, short sleeves, drawers to match, knee length, all sizes 60c each. Main Floor. Dainty Parasols Rich In daintiness and summer charm. There was a time when a parasol was considered a luxury on Howard, Cor. 16th St. Bee 7-l-'07 men were asking If he thought the strike would be settled soon. "I told them," he wrote, "that I heard nothing of a settlement or anything that would Indicate a settlement; that the strike would last a long time yet and also that I believed the union would have to give up by next fall If we did not win by that time. "Now that the convention Is over I will iigaln take personal charge of the relief Work and will carry out the instructions I received from Mr. Carey (Plnkerton man ager) about a week ago In regard to cut 'ilng down the relief as much as possible so as to cause dissatisfaction and get the men against the union. I will put the blame for not giving the men more relief nl much as 1 can on W. D. Haywood by saying that I carried out bis Instructions." The ri?xt two reports read from operative No. 5 were detailed accounts of the pro ceedings at the . Western Federation of Miners' convention, which he attended as delegate. . There was nothing out of the rdlnary In the procpedlngs and nothing f an Inflammatory character. ' Report from Victor. Mr. Darrow next read reports from t'htlader H. Bailey, known as "Operative No. ." They were dkted from Victor, Colo., during the Cripple Creek strike. One of these letters was purely formal, detailing the proceeding of a union meet ing. . The letters developed nothing against the law and order as had been mentioned by the speakers or Ir.tervlfws with mem ber of the union. Following Bailey's re port came . the report of an operative named Rainier in Cripple Creek. Ralmer declared, under date of September 19. 1903, that the miners claimed to" .have all the bet of It.-Rut, unless (here 'was a break In the Mine Owners' association the oper ative thought their claims were doubtful. Ralbier reported that he' heard no radical J-3l! or threaia from the miners and that Hi miner acted as a committee of one Vtop oil disputes and disturbances. , The Vrs expressed sympathy for the strik- ,v that tho Plnkertons Invaded the fe fields of Colorado where the Ine Workers of America ton miners, reports were read from No. -Robert M. Smith. Tha n Bmlth attended was open to He, but he reported at length the proceedings. Told to kill Union Men. r Mr. Darrow next read two lengtny re sort from Plnkerton operative J. N. Lon doner, now assistant .superintendent In the fenver office. The repores were from Victor, rrtlo., at the time . of the Independence -pot explosion, June 6, 1904. Londoner Id graphically of the Intense excitement tevaillng In the Cripple Creek district at la time and threats made against the tflilon. "I was made deputy as soon as I showed my fnce," Londoner wrote, "and was told to kill any union man or sympathizer who spoke to me." The operative added that at the tinio of his writing there was strong talk of taking the leaders of the union from the bull p.-n and banging them. The citizens demanded the resignation of Sheriff Robertson. He declined. They got a rope and put a noose adout Iris neck. He was given Ave minutes to dVctdo. Robertson looked at the mob. IT. . K m. t . . 1. 1 lon 1 "Boys," he said, "I know you have got llie drop on me and I know ?ou ll hang me V 1 don't resign." .1 .Londoner's reports next told of the speech made by C. I. Hamlin, secretary of the Mine Owners' association. Hamlin had spoken less than Ave minutes when the tire began. Attempt to Kill Hamlin. "There Is no doubt thai an attempt was mad to kill Hamlin," he added, "as one f tha bullets grazed his head." "To soldiers were called out and several rra stationed on house tops. Without a demand to surrender they began to Are Into t'nlon hall and continued until a white flag was displayed. "In Union hall several hundred rifles, three barrels of ammunition and a big sup ply of provisions were found. Altogether eighteen men were killed at Victor. Under data of June , 19m, Londoner Let the diet .consist of foods that are nutritious. . pandas WHEAT FLAKE CELERY is made by a physician and chem ist and leader of the world in pure food products. Its daily . helps to regulate the bowels. " cents a package. i ! by mU Groter v u account of the lilphness ofprlce, but time has changed this, and now when tluy are a necessity these warm days, we have priced them within the reach of all. Ask to see our white parasols at, each. J0c. Main Floor. Bargain Square in Base ment Remnants of 8 In. wide Percales, In light and medium dark colorings, also Remnants of Olnghams and Mad ras, on sale at, per yard 5c Imported Zephyr Gingham3 The kind that are desirable and very scarce right now, but we have tnem. New Plaids, and neat checks at 26c, 80c, Kc, 40c, 4oC a yard. Mercerized Zephyrs in black and white shepherd checks, at 20c, 25c, 30c, J5c yard. v Voile Tissues, washes same as Ging hams, very choice, black and white, fancy plaids and checks, at 25c yard. Open Saturday Evenings. reported from Victor that In a search of the union hall he had found the photo graphs of two nonunion men. Upon the back of each picture was a cross. "This," said Londoner, "I am told la tha plan of marking men for death." Just before the luncheon recess was taken Mr. Darrow began to read from the re ports of Operator A. H. Crane, who was secretary of the Smelter Men's union at Colorado City, and who Is charged by the defense with having done much toward starting the strike which led to all the Cripple Creek disturbances. Crane's re ports were simply detailed statements of his daily movements and his advice to tho min ers to hold out and win the strike. Recess was ordered until 1:30 p. m. Portland Was Union Mine. After the recess Mr. Darrow continued to read from the reports of the Plnkerton operatives sent from the mining districts. In regard to the report of J. N. Londoner it was shown that this operative was not employed by the Mine Owners' associa tion, but was supposedly working against military and with the proprietors 'of the Portland mine, which was continuing to employ union men and was not disturbed during the strike. After the Independence depot affair, Londoner was afraid the Portland mine might be attacked as a re sult of the high feeling against the tinlon. "1 was satisfied serious trouble would de velop In a few hours," writes Londoner, "and, too, I believed the Portland mine would be attacked and the property de stroyed.' I therefore boarded the 7:60 a. m. Short Line for Colorado Springs to ac quaint the client of the condition of af fair!? ' , 1 '- ' .: . '" '' The defense claims the railroad officials knew that the Independence depot was to be blown up just prior to the arrival of the 2:0 train, the Idea being not to kill any one but to carry oul the affair as n attempted outrage on the part' of the West ern Federation of Miners. In this connec tion Mr. Darrow laid especial emphasis on that part of Operative Londoner's report which rend: .' ' "The killed miners were blown Into un recognizable masses of flesh ' and bone and when the crowd beheld thU eight It moved them to tears and then drove them Into a frenzy of Indignation. I talked with a young miner named Miller, employed at tho Shuthoff mine. He said lie was within a short distance of the depot when the explosion occurred. He claims the Colo rado & Florence train was running slower than usual and that the train actually stopped before the explosion and within a few yards of the depot. . . , Mr. Darrow concluded his reading by the Introduction of two letters written by Mc Purtlaml and one .. written to him. The first McPartland letter was addressed to George O. Pangs, general superintendent of the agency at New'Tfork. and had to do with Operative Crane. Friedman was then cross-examined by Benator Rorah. DEATH RECORD. Count Constantino tsrra. ROME, July 1. Co'unt Constantlne Nigra, dean of the Italian diplomats. Is dead. He was born In IKS, served as a volunteer In the war against Austria In 18(8 and was sec retary of Count Cavour at the congress of Paris In VfA. Subsequently he wss ap pointed minister of Bardania and later of Italy at Paris, and September I. 1170. ht was one of ehe small number of friends of the court who gathered at the Tullerles for the protection of Empress Eugenie, whom he did not leave until aha was safe out of Paris. In 1871 Count Nigra was appointed ambassador at St. Petersburg; in 1K82 he represented Italy at the court of St. James and In 1887 he was appointed ambassador to Austria, which post he held until 1W3. Recently the count had been suffering from pneumonia and the ex-empress of France, recalling the count's devotion to her In 1870, sent blm a message of aym pathy. .' John -E. Cotton. UNION. 8. C. July I. John E. Colton. one of the best known traveling men In the south and father of William E. Colton of Jacksonville. Fla.. the grand councillor of tho United Commercial Travelers' asso ciation, died her last night. Mrs. Carrlo L. Lamas. MONTGOMERY,. Ala.A July l.-Mrs. Car rie V Loins x, one of the most noted women in Alabama, died last night She was the widow of Colonel Tennent Lomax, who was killed at the battle of Seven Plnea. Mrs. Mary Fosjarty. Mrs. Mary Fogarty, 77 years of age, died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Thaelan of 2626 Charles street. Saturday evening. The body was taken to Oreeley Center, Neb., Monday. William Marpny. The body of William Murphy, who died In St. Joseph's hospital Sunday, wa taken from Taggart's undertaking parlors Mon day morning to Atkinson, Neb., the former home of the deceased. . Mr, g. . furry. Mrs. 8 E. Furry 9 years 'of age, of Franklin, Neb., died at the Wise Memorial hospital Sunday. The body will be taken to her home. . Ann A lie Land. Anna Alice Ladd. daughter of H. a. Ladd of 111 North Twenty-second street, died Sunday morning at the age of 1 year. The body will be taken for burial to Rising City, Neb. ' All good sold at Hubernan'a Jewelry store guaranteed as Xa price. nl. quality WHAT TO DO ON THE FOURTH Some . "Don'ts" and Remedies for Those Who Do. TETANUS DERM THRIVES ON FILTH Ho Doc torn Warn Alt Mammas to Bee that Johnny's Wound Is Promptly and ThoronRhlr 1 leaned Oat. The season for the small boy's sacrifice is at hand the Glorious Fourth. 'Tie a grand day. Nevertheless It Is a day which the I average small boy celebrates not wisely but too well. Result Lockjaw and Johnny with the angels. Now is tho time for careful fathers and mothers to prepare for the carnage. In times of peace prepare for war. Proclama tions and decrees and ultimatums and ukases have been Issued as they have been Issued every year. But little Johnny cares not for anything of this kind and he will be there with the fireworks all through the Fourth. There will be burns and ac cidents and then the counting of fatalities will come as In former years. Now, If Johnny will be careful there need be no accidents. But If, by chance, he should burn himself or shoot his hand full of powder, let blm make haste to the House and have It attended to. If he does so, he may live In the land many years. If he does not he may be numbered with the slain. For lockjaw Is a most Insidious dis ease. Johnny will feel all right after the has shot himself full of powder. And then a few dayr or weeks later the deadly ti tanus germs will get In Its awful work and produce Its swful result. Tetanus Thrives on Filth. The tetanus germ thrives on filth. If tht wound Is cleaned out after Johnny has shot himself and If It Is kept clean until a physician can give It attention no bad results need follow. "If people would only obsorve a few little eommon sense rules there would be practically no fatal results from the Fourth of July celebration," said -ft leading Omaha physician. Then he gave the following as the best and simplest lotion to apply to burns. Linseed oil one part Lime water one part This mixture Is of a bright yellow color find Is known as carron oil. It can be secured at any drug store, but before the poultice Is applied the wound or burn should be thoroughly washed in warm water to which carbolic acid has been added In the proportion of one teaspoon ful of the acid to the quart of water. A soon as the physician arrives he will attend to the wound If It needs further attention, though often the application of the carron oil Is sufficient to effect the cure. "Keep the dirt out of the wound; that Is the main thing to do," concluded the physician. Here are a few "don'ts" for the Fourth. While some of them have a somewhat frivolous tone, all contain truths: Don't set off blank cartridges with canes behind timid young women, for their es corts may be prize fighters. Don't attempt to drop a firecracker down a man's back. He may be a special police man In disguise. Oon't refuse cannon crackers to the baby. He may have the makings of a Dewey or a Hobson In him. Don't forget the sick man next door. Bet oft plenty of firecrackers below his window thst he may know the American people have not forgotten the days of 1776. Don't attempt to hold firecrackers In the hand. It I better to light them with a 9lece .of punk while they are lying on the ground. Re careful not to stand over a skyrocket while lighting It In using a revolver with blank cartridges hold the weapon well out from the. arm while firing It. Never point the revolver at anyone, even though It be loaded with blanks. In shooting Roman candles be sure to send the balls up Into the air. . . If the fuse goes out on a firecracker It Is better to wait a few minutes than to take a chance on picking it up and having It explode (n the hand. In all cases use common sense. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qnaiht and C'nrlons Features of Life In a Rapidly Grooving State,- It Is Impossible for a merchant to do a great primer business with a nonpareil ad. Oakdale Sentinel. ( Reward Enough After ' many a weary tramp to the river' banks, Ed Perrenoud has been rewarded. One fine morning this week he landed a fine ten-pound catfish, which feat has made him happy and good natured ever slnce.--8Uver Creek Sand. Tamed Robert Kabe has a wild gander which his boys captured on April t, after slightly wounding his wing. After keeping the bird In a coop for a few weeks It was turned out with the flock of tame geese and Is now as g. Title and tame as any of llii ni. He has regained the use of his wing and soars about the premises, but shows no disposition to leave his adopted home and civilized life among his domestic com panions. Wlsner Chronicle. Now Tending to Ruslness Only The ed itor wants It understood that he Is going to quit separating fellows who get Into flfhts. The last time he acted as peacemaker he got his shirt all bloody and was kept busy for some time explaining that he hadn't got into any trouble of his own, but simply rubbed against another fellow that was having a pugilistic encounter. So the ed itor has concluded he has troubles enough of his own without Interfering with other people. Nemaha Advertiser. Paya Taxes on Dogs Lincoln county Has one man whose sole and only property Is three dogs, and, according to the assess ment schedule, he values the canines at S1E0. This man Is Hubert Carrol, and his place of residence Is Jeffrey precinct. The animals are hounds and It Is said they mske their owner a fair living by catching coyotes and wolve, which are very plen tiful In that section. They are probably the most valuable dogs tn the county, valuable because they are money-earners, and tha owner la satisfied to pay taxea on them. North Platte Tribune. The Money On the Minister The preacher editor of the Pender Republic seems to hold hi own with the old war horses and w are of the opinion he always will. A man has to be a pretty hard case to he a presrher In the first place and then when he advances far enough to take up news paper work the common editor Just simply has no business trying to get the best of an argument with him, for he has associ ated with the worried of his parish so blamed long he can talk a book agent to death. Better heave to, fellers, and keep your craft tn smooth waters. Belden Prog ress. Tough Tenderfoot Sargent has a number of "hlrhtoned bloods" who think what they do aot know In the way of sport and devilment Is not worth knowing. About a week ago. a Stranger, from Boston, dropped In to that town and those . "smartles" ird him' tip as fk "tendetfoot," so, laid ihrlr plans accordingly. They told hint stories about prairie chickens and how 'much fun It was to catch them at night fwith a' sack and lantern the old "snipe" gam. The tenderfoot wes eager to see tlow it worked. Consequently about dark Six or eight, among whom were the cash iers of the Sargent and Comstock state ranks, procured teams and drove out four Ipr five miles when they prepared their rap. by giving him Instructions ft yard lonir. After they had got well out of sight and hearing, the greeny (?) took the two teams and drove back to town, put the teams In the bsrn, wrote a sign "this bank closed, cashier gone snipe hunting," posted It on the front door of th bank, and aald nothing to anyone, then went to. bed. : About 12 or 1 o'clock the fallows came tramping home, and, think In, of course, the greeny had "given them away," they wok up half the town with their racket. But fliat was not all. When tlie fun-loving people of the town "caught on" and had crowded Into the bank to Its utmost capacity and made life a burden tn the smartles, some one called for the cigars, which soon, arrived. When they were all enjoying their An Havanas, ud- j d"nly one cigar went whizzing across the r"om, men anotner. until nearly ail naa g'ne glimmer before they "tumbled" to (lie fact that they had got another "lemon," ! hlle the tenderfoot stood near smoking one 'ft his own private, cigars. Taylor Clarion. COMPLAINTS OF JAPANESE San Francisco Officials Say Licenses Are Hot Granted to Any Bat Citizens. BAN FRANCISCO, July 1. In response to on Inquiry the Japanese consul today In formed the Associated Press that no de cision has yet been reached aa to whether suit shall be brought In the court to re cover In behalf of the Japanese resident of Ban Francisco who suffered loss In wrecking on May 23 of a Japanese res taurant and bath house In Folsom street by a mob. The matter was described a being at the present time In statu qub. It was said by a representative of the consul general that the consulate Is not now awaiting Instructions from Toklo. but la simply delaying action for further con sideration of the incidents of the attack. It was further Id that the consulate was Investigating the complaint of local Japanese that their race Is being discrim inated against by the Board of Police Commissioners In' refusing to grant them liquor licenses, Junk licenses, Intelligence office licenses and licenses for similar mu nicipal privileges. Tlie reply of the board is that it Is acting under an ordinance which forbids the Issuance of llq'lor licenses to any save citizens of this country and persons who have declared thefr Intention of becoming citizens and In accordance with the rule for the board , that other licenses named shall not be granted to for eigners until American residents haVe more fully recovered . from the business shock of last year's earthquake arid Are. The consulate looks with sueplcloa on this de fense, hut wishes to be undrstood as de sirous of Investigating furthif before mak ing any definite recommendation to the Toklo government. - j WASHINGTON, -July l.-The fact that there Is no apparent discrimination as a race against the Japanese, who made ap plication In San Francisco to establish In telligence office and who were refused this privilege, ha been received with evident satisfaction by officials of the embassy here, and they ' say tli'H being the case there 1 nothing for .thifn to do nor have they any comment to make. ; , . TOKIO, July l.-rThe impression la grow ing here that the. ahti-Japanese feeling and demonstrations hv San Franclscoimre the outcome of a deeply l.ld plan' based upon racial hatred v and the. recent development apparently support this Impression. The newspapers here which had special corre spondents or Amerlbn nationality In San Francisco have oested to receive news from them- No explanation was offered for the discontinuance cf news dispatches, but the Impression ;hrej Is that pressure wa brought to bear upol the correspondents in San Francisco not o serve the Japanose pnper. The fear Is Expressed that the dan- ger point will soon be reached. Although war Is hot dreamed pf, the mutual feelings of good' will and rlendshlp will be se prpmpt measures are rlotisly alienated' If not taken to allay here against, the the general Indignation test discrimination In San Francisco, wh th, according to Japa- nese contention, la treaty rights. Apparently certa Hon are seriously flagrant violation of measures of retalia ting contemplated by Influential men In l illtlcal and business cir cles. Just what a It ion will be taken has not yet developed American goods, but a boycott against Is believed, will cer steps taken. talnly be one of tM To Norfolk W hoot ChanBlnar Cars leave Chicago 10:05 fa. m., reach Jamestown Exposition next eWnlng over Pennsylvania Short Line via ColJmbus and N. & W. Ry. Daily through senlce after July 14, Write Bldg.. or call on Rowlaid, U. 9. Bank Omaha, Neb. Assembly HfcU for Academy. 8TURGIS, 8. D July 1. (Special ) Ar- rangements have leen made for the erec tion of an assembly hall at St. Martin's academy on their k rounds In Sturgls. The new building wil be SOxlOO feet with a basement to be utfi for a gymnasium and recreatllon rooms The estimated cost 1 5,000 and work I be begun In August. Carpenter If a ; Himself. PIERRE. 8. D July I. (Special Tele- gram.) W. A. C itre. a carpenter work ing at Philip, sevhty-flve miles west, com- mitted suicide by hanging last night. The authorities of 8ti iley county are Investl- gating, but the yet been learned. use at the act has not GETTIXa READY reeding Abakd of Hot Weather. "Not quite so nuch meat In springtime; use the cereals, as they heat the blood less." Seasonal e advice from an old I practitioner. I If one uses im care aa to food, the hot weather w 1 be passed as comfort ably as any Mason. In fact, a person possesed of a serfuctly balanced set of nerve can he happy and comfortable under most an) - conditions. The truest fid for building up the nervous system to a perfect condition Is Grape-Nuts. Tie makers are skilled In their art, and knowing that nature fills the brain and nerve centers with a soft gray matter which Is used up more or less each day and must be replaced, (or nervous prostration sets In), and also knowing that this gray matter Is msde by the combination' of albumen and phos phate of potaMi, they select the parts of the fleM ' grain that contain the needed material, manufacture them Into a dell clous 'food, rady cooked, predlgested, and of a fascinating flavor. The use of ilrspe-Nuts quickly proves that It really does rebuild and strengthen the nervous system In a most certain manner. Sold by all first-class grocers and tn dally ust tn hundreds of thousands of the best families all over the world. "There' a Reason." Read, "Th Road to Wellville," in. pkg BULLETIN NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY The Nebraska Telephone Company now operates 47,000 telephones of which num ber 15,l!00 are located in Omaha, showing a growth during the last year of 30 per cent. It has also made traffic arrangements with so-called independent companies which give it connections with 40,000 addi tional telephone stations. The company has earned and paid in dividends at the rate of 6 per cent per annum without a break for the past ten years, and by careful manage ment has accumulated a surplus of $500, 000 to provide for storm damages and other emergencies. For every dollar of capital the company can show actual plant value, which makes the stock a most conservative investment. Although the equipment is modern in every respect, the capitalization per telephone is extremely low, being less than $100 per station (that is per telephone) including real estate, toll lines and property of all kinds. This means that the fixed charges to be earned by each telephone are so low that ample provisions can be made or maintainance and reconstruction, this keep ing the underlying property value at par. Tlie exact figures at the beginning of the year show that the total capital and debt was $4,324,289.69, the total number of tele phones was 44,517, so that by dividing the total capital and debt by the total number of telephone stations, the result showed a capitalization per telephone of $97.14. This figure in itself is proof positive to any telephone man that there is not a dol lar of water in the Nebraska Telephone Company. Because it has no watered stock nor inflatation of its capital, the Nebraska Telephone Company can give its subscrib ers the greatest possible value for their money in the way of service. It is in a posi tion to be a good public servant. The stock of the Nebraska Telephone Company is pot speculative, but an investment; the busi ness of the Nebraska Telephone Company is not a guess, but a science. SHAFT OVER EMPTY CRAVE Woodmen of the World Unveil Falk enburg Monument at Denver OMAHA HEAD OFFICERS ATTEND Daaghter of Dead Man Still Befaaea Permission for Removal Body of Father Salt In Conrt. DENVER, July 1. Over a tenantlefcs grave In Falrmount cemetery tne wooa- men of the World yesterday afternoon un veiled ' a magnificent monument to the memory of the late head consul. F. A. Falkenberg, with full ritual and imposing pomp, whllethe daughter of the dead, Mrs. Falkenberg-Ferrls, still had an application pending in the district court asking for a permanent Injunction restraining the Wood men from using the name of her father on their monument. There was a good representation of the leading officials of the order st the cere mony. There were Sovereign Commander Joseph Colin Root of Omaha, who deliv ered the memorial address; George f. Wooley of Omaha, manager of the organ isation department of the Woodmen of the World; J. F. Fitzgerald of Kansas City, sovereign manager; Dr. C. D. Cloyd of Omaha, sovereign physician; Colonel J. W. Kaiser of Topeka, Kan., on the ataff of the sovereign commander. All of the local officers, Head Consul I. I. Boak and J. C. Lathaw of the head ramp were there. Uni formed companies from Omaha, Kansas City, Cheyenne, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Pueblo and Denver gave a aeml mllltary appearance to the function. That the beautiful stone will ever fulfill its .mission Is doubtful. Mrs. Fsllls Is de termined her father' body shall never be moved, and If she wins the suit for an Injunction the stone of the order will serve only as a tribute and memorial and will not mark the grave of Falkenberg. REGISTER AN EARTHQUAKE Evidence of Shock Greater Than That at Kingston at Maryland -Observatory. WASHINGTON, July 1. The coast and geoln-Ual survey service reports that an earthquake was recorded at the Chelten ham, Md., observatory this morning, be glnlng at 8 o'clock, 14 minutes and 63 sec onds, and lasting one hour. The principal disturbance was from 8:22 to 8:26 o'clock, the largest motion being In a north-south direction. The shock was comparatively greater than at Kingston, but not so great a the San Francisco earthquake. A special bulletin Issued by the weather bureau says that the seismographs at the weather bureau today recorded an earth quake of moderate Intensity, which resem- ! bled in many respects the record of the Kingston earthquake made on January 14,' 1j7. The first preliminary tremors began earlier In the north and couth component record at I o'clock, 14 minutes and 48 sec onds, a. m., with a distinct second begin ning of tremors after an Interval of 'four minutes and forty-three seconds. A few minute later several waves of noticeably long period were recorded from t:& to s:2 a. m. The motion of the grounnd In the east west direction begsn at 6:H:&9 and consisted of unusually minute and short period tre mors. The beginning of ths second pre liminary tremor In the east-west was very gradual, at about 8:18:32: the maximum wave motion being recorded In tlie east west component at about 8:25 to 8:17 a. m. Prom the general details of th record the July Deadly Parallel No. 2. weather bureau official are led to con clude that the disturbance way have bean south of .Washington and a distance of from 1,600 to 1000 miles. HAVANA, July l.-The observatory at Belen college reports a severe earthquake at 7:U tMs morning about 931 milea to the south. The oscillations lasted upwards of an hour. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer In Nebraska and Sooth Dakota Today Warmer In Western Iowa Today. WASHINGTON, July 1. Forecast of tha weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wedneaday, fair. For Iowa Fair Tuesday, warmer In west portion; Wednesday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, July 1. Official record of tem- erature and precipitation, compared wltn he corresponding day of the last three years: 1D07. 19M. IMS. 1K4. Maximum temperature.... 82 M 78 7 Minimum temperature.... 66 66 62 M Mean temperature 74 76 70 6 Precipitation 00 .30 .01 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal st Omaha since March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 71 Deficiency for the day 1 Total deficiency since March 1 2tt Normal precfplt'a'Uon 15 Inch Deficiency for the day II Inch Total ralnfalf since March 1 7.87 laohes Deficiency since March 1 6.94 Inches Deficiency for" cor. period, 1SH 1.63 Inches Deficiency for Cor. period, 19D6 6.61 Inches Reports from Mattons af T P. M. Tern. Msz. Rain of Weather. 7 p. m. Tern, tail Bismarck, clear 76 78 .(0 Cheyenne, pt. cloudy M 76 .08 Chicago, clear 71 84 .00 Davenport, cloudy 70 84 .00 Denver, cloudy 72 82 T Havre, clear 76 7 .00 Hplc-na, elear 78 78 . Huron, clear 72 76 .10 Kansas City, clear 85 K .(0 North Platte, clear 76 82 .00 Omaha, pt. cloudy 76 84 . 00 Rapid City, clear 74 7 .00 8t. I-ouls. clear 80 82 .00 Pt. Paul. pt. cloudy 68 72 .00 Salt Lake City, clear 8) 8 .00 Valentine, clear 7ti 78 .00 Wllllston, pt. cloudy 72 71 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. ' L A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Toofli PoivdDr Cleanses and beuutlnek th teeth and purines the breath Used by people of refinement 'ox over a quarter of a oenturj. Convenient for tourlts. PftEPAMD BV troth's 214 Sooth Fourteenth Street. Chinese, Mexican, Italian Dishes a Specialty. ChopSuey . Chili Con Came Spaghetti Chinese Noodles ' Chili Mac Micaroni Prompt and Polite Service Cpen All Night Orders Sent Out Given Special Attention; Ladies' Parlors Upstairs BUSINESS VS. ' SPECULATION Bonds on a projected telephone plant have been offered at par and sweetened with from 50 to 100 per cent of common stock aa a bonus. On its face this proposition seems to admit that every dollar's worth of plant at least a dollar and a half in securities will be issued. But this is not all, for, in addition to the 6tock issued as water to stimulate the sale of bonds, a greater amount of stock must be issued to carry the control of the com pany. This means that more than two dol lars' worth of securities must be issued upon each dollar's worth of plant. Having gone so far it is easy to go farther and cre ate securities up to three or our times thf cost of the plant. . The recent disasters which have come to Bo-called independent telephone companies, and notably the downfall of the United States Independent. Telephone Company which was capitalized for $50,000,000 and and agreed to sell out the control for $5, 000,000, or ten cents on the dollar, have been caused by the inflation of the capi talization in order to offer large bonuses of watered stock to prospective, investors. In the case of the United States Telephone Company, the end was hastened by unfavor able money market and by 26 cent copper and a corresponding advance in the costs of construction. The underwriting rights for several new independent companies whjch are beipg( hawked about the country, cannot prove anything but disastrous in the end if a plant built at the present high prices "of material is loaded with a capitalization of two or three times its cost. It is annuonced that the proposed new telephone plant in Omaha, will be bonded for $1,500,000 and will issue $1,500,000 of preferred stock", and it is fur ther announced that 6,000 telephones in Omaha will pay interest on this $3,000,000 of capitalization, provide a sinking fund , and carry a net profit to surplus.' This means that each telephone will pay 4he fixed charges on $500 of capitalization, and that an investor who puts $100 into ilie scheme will have a fifth interest in the earnings of one telephone. , ' . ! FULL SUIT AND EXTRA TROUSERS - ' For the price of suit' alone rE HAVE the choicest fabrics th " best skilled tailors most compet ent cutters and tempting prices to make good our boast .-that Nlcoll leads for best tailoring at nominal cost. Suit and Extra Trousers $25 to 545 SERGE SPECIAL! Handsome line of Blue, Black Or1 GraJ Serge fabrics, full suit and OCS extra Trousers this month '. Sr WIUJAM JCRRCMO GQHC 200-11 So. 15th Street. : AMUSEMENT. Omaha vs. Lincoln VINTON ST, PARK June 29 and 30, July; 1-2 Monday, July I, Ladles' day. Games Called 3:45 pirn. WHERE TO EAT V Pure, Wholesome Ceding AT . G6e CALUMET 13 as OAR AND CHI LI .V Phone Douglas 4119 A