HIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1007. 10 Want - ads ArrrtlnraM for tne wn.n-ed eolnmno will ke 1tka nntll It an. tor evening edition and aatll 9 s. e. for the morning and Bandar editions. Cask nail oeoaspamr all order lor wntHidl aa advertisement will be wrrp( for leas than lO eente for the flrat Insertion. Rates applr to either Taa Dally ar Bandar Pee. Always ronnt six worda fa m llaa. ' Combinations of Initials or aambera roant a a oat word. CASH nATRS FOR WATTT-AD. IIKCI'LAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, per Ilae, JO rente. Twa or taore conaeenflve laaertloaa, per llae, e rents. Kara Insertloa aaada oa odd days, 10 eeata per llaa. fl.80 per llaa par month. CASH RATF.S FOR NOTICES. Death and Faneral Notices, Cards of Thanh! aad U Ifotlcaa, T eenta per llaa for ona edition, morning or even In ar 8 eeata a llaa for each ad . dltlonal edition. Bandar, 10 eeata a ' line. Mo ad taken for leaa than 80 seats. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS If roar : aJnrtlMncat la Inserted Binder any ;W( of the classifications given below, It wlU be charged at the following tUesi On Insertion, 4 eenta per line ' Vbree to alz eoasecatlve Insertions, 8 sente per line each Insertion seven 'rr more conaeentlve Insertions, S Vents nr Una each Insertion BO Vrjenta per line per month. , BARTER AND ElfHANOE. i BUSINF.SS CHANCE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. . HELP WANTED MALE. ! Bxceot A cents, Solicitors and Salesmen. ' OFFERED FOR SALE I Cows, Birds, Don and Fets. i Horses aad Vehlelee. Poultry and Ein Farnltvre. rianoa, Organs and Mas teal Instrn- menta. Typewrltera and Rfwlag Maohlaes. OFFERED FOR RENT. Famished Rooma. Unfurnished Rooma. Housekeeping Rooms. Boarding and Rooma. ' WANTED TO BUT. WANTED TO BENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Waat-avda for Th Baa mar be left 4kt aar of the following drag atoi tone la "roar ooraer drnggist" tney atro all Branch o Bices of The Bee and yonr ad will ha Inserted Jaet as , - fc promptly and the aame '"' the aula offloe la The Bee Balldlng, eventeenth and Farnam streets! Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. lieranck, 8. A., 1408 S. 10th St. liecht. Pharmacy, 720 8. loth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 3d and Cumins. Blaka'a Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlin, C. R., 4th and Pierce Bts. r-TXr iiiirpir,,a.v a Mmtarv'Ava. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 Military Ave. Cnnte, J. B., 81aet Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Fharmaey, 24th and Lake.' Cermak, Emll. 1284-6 8. 13th St Fastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. . Khler, F. H., 2S08 Ieavenworth. Foster &, Arnoldl, 811 N. 25th St. Preytag-, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Rnldmin Tharmacv. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmary, corner Park Ave. and Faclflo. Greenough, G. A., 106 S. 10th St. Green ough, G. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C., 2920 Farnam St. Wansoom Park Phar. 1501 8. 29th Art. frolst, John, 624 North 16th St. Huff, A. L-, 2S24 Leavenworth St King. H. S., 223S Famam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, S304 N. 24th. Patrtck Drug Co.. 1634 N. 24th St. , . . Lathrop, Chas. E.. 324 N. 24th St. , , Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth. firtn Dm Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store. 16th Jtnd Ctiicago. Sohaefer, August. 2031 N. 18th Schmidt. J. H.. 84th and Cumins- Bts Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4fth and Cuming. Walton Pharmaev SOttv id nmca Bta wfrth O H Oth 'tr Hamilton StV Wlrth, O. H.. 40tn jr Hamilton Bts. ' DEATPV AND FUNERAL NOTICES COADT William V., June $0, aged 29 years. 11 months, son of Mrs. Michael toady. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1 'clock from his sister's residence, Mrs. J. J. Ne- Vottl, 2719 Brown street. Interment Pros. pect Hill. Friends invited. E33BE9 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. v.'lir.-V'rS.a ixi a . -ii : V--, .l;. fl, MrrvV avenT.-. M Vr-1.-V2 53?. Charles street, boy: Vain Kublnson, 6010 SSd'n 4orVoValH ' J?i. A?.. CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 MCAQUE inde'r l BNm?lrtflrtV-.uhfr5: BUILDING, J6TH AND DODGE Sja boy; A. L. Rhodes. 1426 Bancroft street ' ' toy- Joseph wHlde? i-foi Noltji'rw.'ntlr: FOR 8ALE-A store; well established bull &hSi kit North Twenty- neM. gmtaoi, (or a iady. Addresa P. O. fourth street, boy. Deaths Baby Tomclkaky. 2711 Walnut street: frank waioaex. su iiomer street Aaad "il'ary aria Qulnn, 1564 North Nineteenth atreet, aved 18 days: Mrs. Carrie it Furry, 222a Hberman avenue, aged 90. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been las ii ad: . Name and Address. Age. Wayinan Sanders, Omaha 84 lula Johnson, Omaha 28 Abner Travis, St. Louis, Mo 2$ Myrtle 'Morria, Omaha 19 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY CAR-BAG E CO., office 4th and j-caveowortu bis. 'tel. uougiaa llk7. UJ-104 SIGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole. 1301 Douglas. UJ 106 AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE A Cameron Runabout auto- niuuilo; a bargain, uiobe Land and In vestment Co.. li f arnam bt at 1W SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DfcJUUUT, Ibis Farnaiu. (,i 1W 1906 BU1CK, two-cylinder, 22 H. P. tour- WANTED A party to buy out a flrst ing car. overhauling and painted $tiU).uO class stock of furniture in the best town 1906 CAD1LAC. 19 H. P. touring car, tine on the Elk horn valley; beat of reasons for shape SiS.0o 19ub KAMlfcUi.H, 18 H. P., almost new. aeverat extras Included t'Juo.uu Jto KNOX touring car, air cooled. ...$u00.0J le H 1.1 id, witn top, Si H. P $100 00 pu xitaj. to ii. ., useu very in tie tiM.Oii 1 KAivivuiis, with top, four-cylinder, oeiacraDis tonneau $0,6.60 lo FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton- neau, 14 H. P $400.00 uvo siBUJiS-uittilEA, two-cylinder, ana iooks like r.ew, witn top $oou.00 EAMBLhK K.. detashable tonnaau. lumt repaiuieu aita overnauiea .....ibu.uu W rite for full description. it E. FREDRICKSON. 15th and Can. Ave. BARTER AND EXCHANGE ...... . FOR EXCHANGE A second real estate inortKUke for a stock of mtruliiiull,' consuieration $3.0n0, payable, at $M monthly. Addresa K. F. Ul Burt fct W Hi jytx FOR 8ALB OR EXCHANGED-Large im- ported Mpanlsh jack and 90 brood marM ana some anuis coita tor half section Da kota land. Deaortbe fully In first ivtter. Box $A Aven. B. D. ($-Ml01 Jybx JCXCHANQES-If you have elty property stocks of goods, farnt land or property of any ina 10 exenange, write rur our coin- plete list. We have properties and lands in all parts ot the country to exchange. . f mr liat la f re. Bund fnr It t ...u. Olobe Ind and Invest ment Cev, 1J Far nam Bt, Ofbaba, Nab. y li BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued. INCOME PROPERTY, Inside of walking dint anew, to trade for land or merchan dise; aqultr $lLrA Improved ranch In North Dakota; IW acres to trade for good Incoma city property. $35,000. .. . . . Section of land In Lincoln county for merchandise. Many other anapt for sale and exchange. Bea ua for a quick deal. KANDALL REALTY CO. 'Phone Douglas 161. 609 Bea Bids;. (S)-M318 2x 120 ACRES t mllea from Bchell City. Ver non county, Mo. j 80 acrea under cultiva tion: rood building. ITIce, If per acre; Incumbrance 2,(x. 'Will exchange for general merchandlae. Olobe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Farnam 8t., Omaha. (1) 109 FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex B layer. What bava youT Addresa H-375, ea. (D-408 GOOD stock of gen. mdse. In and Iowa town OI 2.600. will trane tor Clear cnaap land. Globe Land and Invest. Co., 1821 Farnam. (3) M483 HAVE farms to exchange for general mer chandlae, hardware or implements. . JACOBSON & CO., 935 N. Y. L. (3) M136 fix BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, business and business property In small town close to Colorado Springs, Colo. The prop erty consists of atore building one and one-lialf atory, three rooma on second tloor; grain house, creamery Duuamg, barn (Ave stalls), feed room. Ice house inowl. flood cellar and good water. This property stands on seven lota. The only general merchandise atore In the town Is conducted In the atore building. Post office, local and long distance telephone exchange la In the store and adds mater ially to the Income of the store. A $1,000 stork of merchandise goes with the prop erty. Including a good set of store fixtures. Dwelling house one block distant con nected with the store Dy teiepnone, con tains three lanre rooms, high celling, double floors, house In fine condition. Just painted. Enclosed sleeping porcn. xnree chicken houeea with scratching ahods, barn, cellar, carriage house, cow barn, work shop; most of these buildings new. Hvdrantln house, garden and at barn. Elegant water. Property located on two railroads; six mails a day. For a quick sale, all the etxjve property will be sold for 13,000. The Improvements alone could not be built for the money sLkw1 for the entire property. Owner must sell as ha has to take his wife to a lower altitude. Address Box 63, Falcon. Colo. , (4) Are You Looking for a Farm, Ilome, Itanch, Business or Property i-1-.a - , Tf m.k.a nn rilf. terenca wlietlier you want a 1100 building lot or a ISOO.OOO tract of coal or timoer land, you should not buy or trade nciore seeing a copy of the Real Estate World. It contains a large list of property and merchandise stocks for sale and ex- change, and reachea several thousand readers each Issue, and la the beat adver Using medium to reach the real estate buyers, homeseekers and tradera that you can advertise in. Write your name and addresa on n postal card, -mall It today, and we will send you the Journal for two months on trial free. Addresa the Real Estate World n. Mninea. Ta. (V wi WRITE Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee, la. Have farms and wild lands, etc., tor clear town property and merchandise. 18) ms4u iyit FOR SALE Lease furniture and flxturea of only $2.00 hotel In good Nebraska county seat town of 3.000. s Good reason for selling. Addreus uee. (4) mo jyox FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures, In voice $8,000, located in most prominent corner In best and largest town In south. ern Kansas; average dally sales $50. Terms can be arranged-. uood reasons tor sell ing. Address 8alesman,9ys lir Midway. K. C, Mo,.- (4)-M2ii SJC WANTED-Brlght young man ' to take aatlve interest in department atore, auing large business In good eastern Nebraska town. Must have not less than $3,000 to Invest Address T 46, care of Omaha Bee. M MalU. JI r . . . . ... IF TOU want to get in business, see us without fall. Investment Dept.. Western & Bond j. N. y. V,ifa Bldg. ' (4) 427 BUSINESS chance; "Miners' Scrap Book," free to you six months, it you write us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., Hpokane, Wash. (4) MSH3 jyMt jroK SALE Two-chair barber shop; town 1.700; good location. Address Y 233, care Bee. !) jy4x FOR SALE One of the very best hotel croDosltlons in the state ot Boutn jjakota; a money maker. Will bear the closest Investigation. Shows large profits. Best of reasons for selling. Address lock box 87, Parker, B. . L. (4) MK5 Jyux partner wanted In live, pay- n business. Address to. C (4)-M'J6 JyZX box 44, Rocky Ford, Colo. (4)-M384 8x TIST WANTEMu., graduate- and expenses to start. Address Lock box 15, Hickman, Neb, . (4)-M3SS Sx FOR 8ALE One of the pest placer mining . propositions in taano. famany developed; proven value. A. H. Lucas, Meailows, Idaho. (1) MSS3 8x RESTAURANT and confectionery for sale In ftood live northern xxebraska town: in voice about $tio0; feeds 6 to 10 commercial men daily; lo rooms: 17 beds In connrc tlon; will aell both. O. D. Tebbetta, Lock Box 21. Crofton, Neb. (4 M296 7x BARBER SHOP in best town of 1.100 In S. W. Iowa; 2 hydraulic chairs; all fixtures new; good trade, good location, cheap rent; win sell rignt it taken at once, u W. Dixon, Oakland, la. j(4 Mi TX FOR SALE The only furniture store In town; no trades. J. B. Bilers. Doon, la. (4) MS7 bx TO BUT or sell any business or real estate quick write or see lllldretu Lowman, olO Uee Bldg. t sumo FOR quick aale results list your property witn c. J. canan, iui xm. i. L.ire via Omaha. (4 Mi28 Jy4 HOMES, landa, etc., bought, sold or traded quickly. 1'ardee & Braum, the hustlers. 330 Neville Blk. (4 M544 JjU aelltng. Wlaner Furniture Co., Wlsner Neb. 4 111 HILDRETH LOWMAN can sell your buainesa quick. We have buyers wsltlng lor you witn money. iv tire lung Omaha. , (4) M& FOR BALE First -clsaa blacksmith and wagon work buainess. with tools; $4 to $6 received for snoetng and ti lo )a tor st uc( Urea Address X-12. Bee. ( 112 FOtt dalu, noonimg nouse. nee riuorem A Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. (t Miil ZR BALE Good, olaan stock merchan i a aa ui about ni.uw in soienaia country town of 8uu; large territory to draw from; doing a good buainesa. Part cash, part time II Oeairea. Aa areas i-tii, care ties. 14) Man -t - n.Rnnu hnarrilnir house: a anan: maeui mining camp; $1,K0 cash takea it; lome quick. Address Edward Menkel. Ueorge- i town, Colo.. Uen. Del. (t &ii Jylx I NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. Buys, sells er exchanges everything, land, cltr property, merchandise ana automobiles. M iwuxiu diock- itj Ja. i m J jm NEWSPAPER FOR BALE "Delta Inde- pendwit V rite for atrtlculars. Delta, Colo. Uf-alMH Jyax FOR 8AU The beat paying buainesa 111 northeaelrrn NsUraska, stock of gro ceries, quewisware and Bullous: will dm sold cheap. Answer quick. Address T 1U. Bee. HrUsil A TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS. Have you something to The has BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. Do You Wish to Make a Change? If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to aell or ex change, writs ua GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., umana, xseD. 04) M543 Jyl3 TO nUT or aell any business or real ee- tate, call on or writs hi. u. uangestad, Ma Bea Bids. () 117 PAINT and wall paper store for aale; doing good contract and retail traae: invoice about tl.frlO; a anap; good town of 1,000. Address Box (41, Ballda, Colo. 4 M744 JySx FINE location for good grocery and meat market business. Market for sale, douhle room. The right place for the right man. M. J. ivr-piwAiui at y.'j., aA-10 BKOWN BLOCK. (4) Mm MAN wishes to Invest few hundred dol lars and services In some good business. Address K. 630. Bee. (4) M310 2x HAVE $600 or 1800 to Invest In drug busi ness. Address J. 629, Bee. (4) M309 2x FOR SALE Good 14-room rooming house, close to business and about all occupied. Address H 646, Bee. (4) M334 Ix HAVE five or six hundred dollars to Invest In buslneas. Give particulars. Address L 631. Bee. (4)-M311 2x LUMBER TARD for sale. Inquire of N. Duncan, Pawnee City, Neb. (41-M223 Jyx SNAP. Furnished rooming house for sale, 10 rooms, full of roomers, within 4 blocks of 16th and Farnam 100 cash. Address K 679, care Bee. C4 671 FOR SALJ9 Newspaper and printing of fice In western Iowa. Jacobson & Co., 936 N. T. Life Bldg. (4)-899 Jylx INDUSTRIAL AND MIN1NO STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBERT C. DURSEDOW A Ca, STOCK BROKEKS, 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ) 36 FOR SALE CHEAP Only restaurant In college town of 2,600; caan or trade. Box 6, Baldwin, Kan (4) M100 Jy6x FOR SALE At a bargain, up-to-date mil linery stock; best business In town) terms to suit purchaser. Mena Tank, Schuyler, Neb. . (4J-M979 JylOX SALOON for sale, 713 N. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. (4)-748 Jyx FOR SALE Cheap for cash, a good paying general merchandise stock in one ot tn best towns In Central xseDrasKa. invoiue about $5,000.00. Address Box 727, Colum bus, Neb. () auu zx FOR SALI5-Only harness shop In good town 2.OU0; southeastern Kansas; nne crop; good trade; stock will Invoice about $1,800. Address E. Corderman, Chetopa, Kan. w s ' BARGAIN HUNTER OPPORTUNITY Meat market, 3 buildings, centrally lo cated; 200 tons Ice; only meat market In a radiua of 25 miles; annual profits, $1,600; owner ton old to care for the business; price, $2,600. Address W. T. Hanna, Milan, Kan. (4)-849 7x WANTED A party with $750. or $1,600 to join me in a legitimate- ousinesa ihw. will net you from one fo three hundred dollar, per month first year. Absolutely no risk. For Interview address J046 Bee. (4) 3S8 4x DRUG stores for aale everywhere. F. V. Knlest 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha, w no BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E BRADT, Probate Atfy, 609 Bee Bldg, Architects. C. L. STAUB, 604 B. Eighteenth St. 10 .flu Carpet Cleanln. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam, (6) U4 Chiropodist. DR. ROT. R. 2, 1006 Farnam St Doug. 6497. Contractors. AITOUST KROFFT, building contractor, 100$ N. Zlst Bt, Boutn umana. w vtu Civil Engineers. MEATHRON JAMESON. $06 N. T. U yo lev Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice creamery wo., umaiia. (b) 123 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Mlas Sturdy. Tel. Harney ISM. vtin M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1628 Far. Dentists. BAILEY ft MACH. $d fir. Paxton. D. 10R6. to j id Engraving. KOTERA 4k CO., 1606 Jackson. Doug. 2007, Hotels. THE BCHUTZ, European, 16th dc Harney. Florists. HESS A BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (SV-430 L. HENDERSON, li-19 Far. Tel. D. 125$. to 11 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000 Incorporators. MER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. Y. Life. uu u Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, t-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4a i. (5)-13S xtula and La name gee. GUAN CAMBIANO, Inatructor In Bpanlah and Italian languages. Tel Douglas Uli. (6) MH64 Jy7x Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 41$ N. Y. I Tel. D. 1664. (5) 134 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 4370. (6-M40l JyU Offlco appllee. FILING cabinets, fhms and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup- f !les ot alt kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., ttx Farnain Bt Tel. Douglas 5o62. (6) Ml JyU riamblag and Heating. T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and eleotrU fixtures. 1407 Ho war. TeL Doug. 748. f6)-M706 Julie fbotegmpavera. C B. TRUSS ELI 114 Bewth 19th Bt 6-lSf French A arturtlo photographs. 2i0 S. 14th Bt DEE'S "For Sal Miscellaneous Column brought dollars to thousands of people. . . . BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Printing. BEFORE placing your 108 calendar order, don t fall to aee our eicgani imported nn Lyngstad A Jorve, printers, 16 A Cap. Ave. ! (51139 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas WW. (6) 138 ACORN Pres. quallt Ptg.. 1318 Harney Ft (5) 961 Jyl 600 BUSINESS cards, fl; 10,000 printed en velopes, sod stock, for $10; other work at same rates. Get estimates' and aee our samples of work. Call at room 31 U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. or "phone Doug las 4603. (E 961 Jyl6 Safes, Shatters, Ute. OMAHA Snfe and Iron Works make spe cialty of fire eacapes. shutters, doors and safes. G. Andresn. Prop.. 10$ 8. 10th BL (&)-14 Shoe Repairing-. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-olaas work. 1618, Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994 (6W44 School Supplies. OMAHA School Supply Co., 121 Howard. (&)-M98Uyl7 Tailoring. MORRIS-Chlcago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gent's new work; repairing, cleaning and dvlng. Called for and de livered. 709 S. 27th St Tel. Red 6916. (6-M4 Vloltat Maklnc. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and supplies, by C. L. Heskett, r. 647 Ramus Blk. (S)-674 Jyl$ CLAIRVOYANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Iadlna Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. JO8 uoiBog ddo 'JS MWl -8 Ctt sjoij 110) ti HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Com pany, 1024 Farnam Bt (7) 147 WANTED HAND IRONERS. AT ONCE. KIHBAU. LAUMlMil, 1U1 JACKSON BT. 7)-M874 WANTED Machine girls. City Steam Lundry, in s. nth at. t7) -148 LADIES and girls wanted for decorating sofa pillows at home, whole or sparo time; experience unnecessary; big pay to good workers, work permanent, can forenoons. 2311 8. 13th St (7) M33 6x Honsekeplng and Donaestto. WANTED In July, v-ooo cook; two In family; permanent place and good wages. 102 & 34th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7) M384 CHAMBERMAID and pantry woman wanteu for Wyoming; free transportation, Call at 716 So. 9th St (7) MG92 jylx WANTED Competent girl for general nousewqrjr, tnree in family, $t.uo. kmm Dewey Ave. Tol. Harney 2663. (7)-700 Jyl WANTED Good lady cook, $40.00. Phoenix Hotel, Banborn. lowa. (7) uss WANTED Experienced girl to do general nouse worn; small lamuy: no wasnins. Apply 2102 Douglas Bt Telephone Doug laa 893. - , (7)-2 Jy4 . WANTED A good cook; large salary; no other work. Apply Mrs. A. D. Brandols, 600 8. 88th St, corner Dewey Ave. (7)-184 1 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing; pood wages. Mrs. K. W. Breckenrldge, 1310 S. 30th Ave. (7) 118 1 WANTED Good lady cook In private fam ily or nve; steady position; good wages; no washing. Address N 697, care Bee. (7) 123 1 WANTED Competent scrubwoman. Good wages. Permanent position. Apply at The Omaha General hospital. (7) M26S 2 WANTD Girl for general housework; four In family. Telephone Harney 2113. 4801 Davenport (70 M306 WANTED Wash woman. 1301 8. 2th St. (7) M265 6 AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor; tamny cook, 89 week. Canadian innce, 16th and Dodge. (7) 149 GIRL wanted to do general housework. Apply 218 b. 8lst Ave. (7) m:?oi zx WANTED Competent handy cook for private ramlly, good wages, steady posi tion. Inquire 324 Farnam. 06) 8S7 2x WANTED Good girl for general house work, no washing, 8326 Harney Bt 7-360 WANTED G4rl for general housework. also nurse girl, 2008 Dewey Ave. Tel. Douglas 6042. (7 3til GIRL to help with housework. 8120 S. 18th Bt u vx WANTED Girl for general housework. No small children. No laundry. Apply 3074 Mason St (7) M377 4X Mleoellnneone. STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment register McCartney Institute, 1801 Farnam. tf) tfiazs WANTED A cateress. 'Phone Harney 776. (7) lift 1 WANTED M angle girla and hand tronera. City Bleam Laundry, zu Boutn iitn. (7)-120 1 WANTED Girls to fold capers, good pay. See Mr. Laing, 3d floor World-Herald Bldg. (7) Z04 i WANTED Two good looking neatly dressed girls of age, ticket Svllers. Travel to coast. Address, particulars, Barnum's Amusement Co., Windsor hotel, Omaha, Neb. (7) M289 2x WANTED Two good looking, neatly dressed girls of age, ticket sellers. Travel to coast. Address, particulars, ttarnum Amusement Co., Windsor hotel, Omahi Neb. (7)-M2s 2x LADIES and girla to work steady or part time at home stamping transfers, $1.90 to $2.00 docen. Room b"i, Paxton F.Ik. (7) M3S8 4x GIRL for vaudeville sketch; good proposi tion for the right party. Address K. 647, care Bee. (7) 870 tx WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man- love hair grower; liberal salary to ngm party. Dr. Minerva Jamas, A24 Daven port Tel. Douglas vuso. (is ataai HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor nnd laleesaea. AGENTS wanted o drive through the country: beat aalllnc uroDOSlllon ever of fered; big value for your customer, big proQt for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. K. McClellan. ful Bee Bldg., Omaha. NeU. i 44 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has bad ex perience in selling to farmers; permanent position; good lucome. Address O 147, Bee office. (S)-U SOLICITORS wanted; prefer Jhose who nave uaa experience selling v;wa. por traits or books; plensant work and big Bioney. call at Hoom sue, ctee ruc. 8St WANTED A solicitor and collector: salary will be paid to competent man after the first month. Union Loan and Investment Co.. liO awe blag, t-47 July U WIT'i'i iS'i .ILUtfgm sell HELP WANTED MALE Aarente and Salesmen Continued. WANTED General agents to handle new 7 seated 4B-H. P. automobiles; exclusive territory; lou profit; sph-ndld opportunity l,,llr,,.n M V. Pa bit VI. hoi- Rider . Chi. cago. () A1.W0 ZX Boys. WANTED Boy about. 15 years of age. Omaha Broom Factory, lath and facitio Bts. (91-871 3x Clerical and Office. WANTED A young man of pleasing ad dress, who la a competent and experi enced bookkeeper, for a position where It 'Is necessary to meet people In office and make himself aKreeable. Please ad dress In own hnndwriting, giving 'phone number, age and bookkeeping experi ence, also references. Address V 626. care Bee. (9) M273 1 WANTED A young man for filing clerk in a fire Insurance office. Apply In own handwriting, glvlno; age, experience and salary expected. Address C 613. care Bee. (J M130 2x Factory and Trade. I GET OUT OF THE WET! Jobs won't be so easy to get next year. We can use 600 machinists. Highest wages; steady employment guaran teed. Transportation advanced to machinists hav ing nrst-cicss rererences. We positively make no charge in any way, manner, share or form for securing Jobs for machinists. Address with references, The National Metal Trades Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. (9) M916 Jy8x POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. (9 15S MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; pays $6 to $8 day; position secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School. St. Louis, Mo. Free catalogue. (9) M378 WANTED Four Rivet Heaters Immedi ately. Stacy Mfg. Co., 20th and Center. (9)-302 FIRST-CLASS barbor wanted, $12 a week; 60 per cent over $20. T. J. Satterlee, Boone, la. (9)-M726 Jy 2x WANTED Barber, Immediately; must be a No. 1 workman; no booxer and a man that will stick. Pay, $13 and one-half over J-l. 'Phone at once. Fred T. Phillips, LeMars, la. (9-M918 Jy3x WANTED Car carpenter. Rip track men. Truckmen. No trouble. New shop Just ' starting operations. Apply by letter to the Crawford Locomotive and Car Works, Btreator, 111. () M998 Jy6 TINNER experienced In furnace and gen eral shop work; steady Job; good wages, liartman & Pullock, York, Neb. (9) M310 6 WANTED I moulders, t core makers: tract for one 'year. Ens A Orr, 1739 Bisks Bt, uenver, Colo. () M9lf xdlacellaneona RAILROAD billing clerk. $50 to $90. oung man for oince work, must be familiar with city. 165. Salesman, dry goods, $150. Manager general merchandise store, $160. Stenographer, $60. Call or write for complete list of vacancies, WESTERN REF. & BOND A88N. (Inc.), Ttl-i M. X. Life Bid. (9) M393 2 26 MEN for warehouse work at Webster Street Freight Depot. Ii. B. Jaynes, Agt (9) M974 Jy4x WANTED School tearTiers ana students to travel during vacation months; work p easant and profitable. Address rl mi. uee omen. - () jut4 WANTED Energetlo young man with lit tle money to manage branch omce in east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying business. Address 604 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines, la. (9)-MMil Jy6x STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. 812 South 16th. Board of Trade Bldg. (9) M9M WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, aged 18 to 8a, lor firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary, Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineers, earn, $2u0.00; brakeman earn $76.00, become conductors, earn $160.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Aas'n., 620 X. Faxton Biock, umana. Men. w-xtcj -iyt ANYONE out of work can make big money selling our household specialties, c F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. (9) M751 Jy6 WANTED Man wltl some experience In traveling capable of earning high salary; Dona requirta. Aaaress, wun stamp ana references, 8 617 care Bee. (9)-47 WANTED At once, live cement ftntaheri, capable of handling a crew. Addresa or call on P. F. Connelly, 137 W. 9th Bt, Bloux Fans, B. L. (9) 2f STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ. ment. register McCartney institute, noi farnam. ()-ue2i WANTED An experienced, competent man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples store, iin and farnam. ( WANTED Team drivers. $12.00 per week men to work In yard. 2uc per hour, Bunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory, (8) 263 1 WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, J. K. Smith, Seneca, Kan. () M230 6x WANTED For night' shift, 20 men for aawera. nailers and handling lumber, eto. una engineer. OALAH-A BOX. CO., Kfest Omaha. (9) Ml 40 t WANTED A young man who understand operating stereoptlcon and moving picture -machine, to aaslst lecturer In Chautauqua work this summer. Good wages. Address at once, A. B. C, Slock Yards Station, South Omaha. (9) M238 2 WANT Four experienced fast young base ball players, team en route to coast Salary and expensea, state particulars. References. Barnum's Clown Base Ball Club, Windsor hotel, Omaha, Neb. ' . . (9)-M290 2x WANTED Man for real estate business; good wagra; experience unneceasary. Apply 835 Ramge Bld (9j 39 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace and Vesicles. RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at freatly reduced prices. Johnson A Dan orth Co., B. W. cor. 10th and Jones Bts. UD-161 WE are not selling out at cost but we are selling driving wagons, bugglea, surriss and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmea-Adkln Co., T14 B. Ulh Bt, Omaha. (Ilk 4i TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin gle and doubU harness, runabouts, toi buggies and surrtea, for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stable. (U 154 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts and harness sea Johnson-Danforth Co.. 8. W. corner 10th and Jones Sts. uu-aoi ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very apeedy, weighing l.l'O Iba. ; one good black pacing mar, weighing 1,060 lbs.; one span good bay 6-year-old driving mares; one span brown pacers, 6 years old; one 6 y ear-old iron gray single driver, very gentle and toppy; one good 1.176-lb. chest nut sorrel surrey noise. These horses are all good. Bound, well broke horaes ranging In prices from $80 to $160 each. Also have several good low-priced drivers ranging from $M to $76. Written guar antee with every- horse. Cash or time. Omaha Horae and Supply Co., rear 414 No. Uth Et. llD-MiK J RUBBER tired road wagon. W. A, Stone, M Liu cola Ave. Ceauull Bluff s. tlO-M10J t LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace and Vehicles Contlaaed. NOW IS THE TIME TO 'BUY A DELIV ERY WAGON CHEAP The Mlllhurn W a iron Co of Toledo offara for sale eleven wmrnns that wore shipped to thla locality for samples, and rather than go to the expense of shipping bsck to Toledo, WILL BELL, THEM AT COST. These wagons are In first-class condition. are brand new nnd are guaranteed to be flrst-clnss In every particular. We will soli for cash only, as we want to make quick sales and have made the PRICE to move them quickly. They can be seen at A. J. Simpson A Son Co.'s Repository, 1407 Dodge St., Omaha. Come early, aa they will go quick at tne price that has been put on them. All prices mantra in pinin ngures. THE MILBURN WAGON CO., Toledo, Ohio. W. P. RIDEOUT, Representative. (1D-M108 HORSES bought and sold; livery anil boarding a specialty. Myers Douglas St. Ptables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114 Douglas Bt. Tel. D. Iu3i. (ID 730 Jyl HARNESS. Saddles, Trunks, traveling bags; some good bargains. Alfred Cor Utah it Co., 1210 Farnam Bt (1D-M&17 FOR SALE Yearling Jack and Sphinx mare, prea to uregory tne ureal, jiox 1377, Le Mars, Iowa. (11) M2i4 Jy6x HAVING bought an automobile, will sell my new pnysician s driving outfit at a sacrifice. Dr. Morsman. 616 N. Y. Life. (11) 9S9 Jy4x FINE family horse, perfectly gentle; also gooa Duggy ana Harness, can at jack son's barn, 28th and Harney. (11) M151 6 FOR BALE Nice gentle driving mare. Z709 IS. th Ave. (U-M306 Ponitry ana Cgge. I PURE blood Rhode Island Red rocks. 82.00 each. If taken at once. Martin, $802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1b03. (11) M991 WHEAT, $1.48 Hundred. Wagner. 801 N. lth. (11) M88 GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab co., Oman a. (u Maw Augi Cows, Birds, Dogs And Pete. WHITE pit bull terrier, months old; gooa peoigree. tiamuton, nauamouui, Neb. (11) M964Jy 4x GOOD young cow for sale. 82d and Fort umana Ave. (ii) mim sx FOR SALE Orange Angora kittens. Healthy. Splendid pedlgreo. Thoroughly house broken. Mrs. Wm. Murray, Co lumbus. Neb. (1D-M181 2x FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies; perfect beauties. 1816 Dodge Bt. (U) 3o yx FOR SALEt Young thorough bred Scotch Collie, male, sable and white. Cheap, no. 2444 Manderson St. Tel. Webster 3207. (11) 8'. 1 LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 16U N. 24th. 'fhone Webster 8Hi. (12)-M68S Jy22 LOST Small brown pooketbook. Reward. Fhone uoug. sizi. (i) oi i MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills, 81 box. posipaia. enerman fii McConneli Drug Co., Omaha, (13) 164 MRS. GARDELS, private confinement home; babies cared for. $724 N. 28th Bt Tel. Web. 1460. (13) M 922 Jyflx ANY poor girl In need of 'a friend call or write to tne matron ui ine saivanon Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th St. Omaha. Nab. (12)-M109 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 80 years practice in connnemems. umc, (14 N. 16th; residence, 1421 Charles, Omaha. (13-157 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, inn ana dav enport Bts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night USJ U MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. JUNE IS THE MONTH OF ROSES. nt la not rosv with all of US. If you .r. ifrrina- with the heat In your last winter's clothing and haven't got the price to buy the "coolest In town," don't let that worry you. Call on us and we will buy them for you. NO Ol HlStt WAX IS as sun in. or iiioap as our way. You get the money the same day you apply. You get It confidentially. You get your payments spread out thin over a whole year if you want It You get a large rebate If you pay up before that time. . V h. A Km IUUK nanasuio, WE ARE RELIABLE. WE ARB HERE FIFTEEN YEARS. WB HAVE- NO 8TAIRB TO CLIMB WB ARB ON THE FIRST FLOOR. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 BOARD OF TIRADE BLDG. 04) 171 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; eaay to get; no red tape. You get money aame day aakod for at small cost Open evenings till 1. (14)-10 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam 8t. (14j 162 DR. PRIBBENOW'B MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates, ferfect privacy; immediate attention; any arms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out ot work. 214 Karbach Blk.. 'MA B. 16th Bt (14 la A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time Is here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised youraelf thla summer, come to us. Our special low rates for va cation m,in.v ere still in meet you ran get the money quickly, privately and con fidentially on your salary, nuunuuiu guvus, pianos, etc. Low rates: easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411 (14) M880 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker Blk. (14) 166 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others, wiinoui security; easy pay menta. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol- man, room 714, Mew torn i-ue tuag. (lD-lO EAGLE LOAN OFFICE) Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential 1301 Douglas. (14)-it4 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THH PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loana 421 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Dougl as 746. C14 164 OFFERED FOR RENT eurdlag and tteonte. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe , ti in DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam. (16) lid M08T convenient and pleaaant location; da. slrable rooms. Call before locating. Tlis Pratt 214-211 Bo. 86th Bt Private -X-Changs Douglas $184. (15-M58 1209 FARNAM, rooma and board. Ui-T3 JyU NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board: nice location. Wirt St. (15)-M950 Jy4x DESIRABLE room: first class board; pri vate family. X18 8. iUu Bl. , (1) M780 Jytx ROM8 AND BOARD First claaa accom n&Oatlona; under new management. 71$ S. 2ktb St (Uj-MU Jy$ ELEGANT room for summer; has outalde entrance, south front, la one of the beat locations in city; large, beautiful lawn; private XauutlX, H0 Park Are. OFFERED FOR RENT id Rooms Contlnned. WANTED Young man to board and room In nice private family, where there are no children. 637 8. 16th Ave. (16) MISS Ix ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern, walking distance. 11 N. 86th. Gentlemen preferred. (ID) 630 JyU BOARD and room In private family for two gr-ntlemen rooming together, mod ern. 2424 Seward Bt 'Phone Wehstes 8978. (16) M394 8X Fnrnlshedl Ileonae. FOR RENT One rarge southeast room, electric Unlit and all conveniences. Ill B. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 8887. O5)-04 NICE ROOMS Good place for young met or man ana wue; also other rooma xita v N. 19th. (l6)-a Jylx l I ELEGANT furnished rooms to goo parties; all modern. 220 N. 3d. (1K 651 v NICF.LY furnished room. In private family, wnere mere are no children. 687 w. tn Ave. (16)-M137 2x FURNISHED rooms; genu preferred. 1911 cmcago. (16) Ml.W fx FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, eaay walking aistance irom down town, largt veranda, pleasant location. 'Phone Doug las 4338. (16) Ml 60 x FOR RENT Large front room with al cove, water in room, large closets. 6M 8. 28th, Hanscom Park district. Tel. Harney 624. (15) M270 FOR RUNT Room near corner 2i;th Are. and Dewey, new house, electric light, bath, strictly modern. Call phone Doug. las 3946. (16) M321 6x LARGE front room, with alcove, modem. private family: three blocks from court house. 7i S. 18th St Tel. Red 4738. (15)-828 Ix LARGE south front room with alcove also other rooms. 2703 Farnam St. (16) M303 x TWO nice cool rooms, first floor, good flare for gentleman or man and wife. 18 N. 19th. (16)-M3.-S Ix IN PRIVATE family, furnished rooms for one or two, with or without board. Tel. Harney 3ti89. 2830 Capitol eve. (IB) 841 Tx FINE large, cool room, modern; private family; reasonable. References required. Tel. Douglas 40t,l. (16) 339 7x NICE cool room; everything modern, 120 N. 26th Bt. 'Phone Harney 146$. (1G) M30J 6 2301 DOUGLAS Bt, modern rooms; gentle men. (16) M300 Jyli PLEASANT south room, private family, new house, walking distance; referenci-s. Address F 691, care Bee. (16) 993 Jy4x ELEGANTLY furnished rooma 116 Cap itol Ave. (16) 988 Jy27 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. In new, modern house; bath on every floor; all conveniences; walking distance. Bee Frank Squire, care liayden Bros. (16)-M97T NICELY furnished rooms. 624 South 20th Bt (15)-81 Jylx VERY pleasant rooms, modern detached house, private family, close In, very rea sonable. 2019 Cass. TeL Red 6367. (16) M734 JyJ ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all conveniences. 1919 Burt St. (l6)-$70 Jyttx BEAUTIFULLY furnished southeast room, private family; half block from Hans com park; very desirable neighborhood. 'Phone Harney 1348. (JB) M116 Jy FURNISHED room In strictly modem house, walking distance, . private family. 621 S. 24th. Ave. . (16) 116 6x SOUTH front room with alcove; modern ana pnone. aa Harney Bt, Tel. Red 43S6. (16) 865 7 DESIRABLE rooms; fine location; walkl, distance, ua ts. 26th St (16) M376 L'ainrnlsked Roonaa. SUITE of unfurnished rooms for rent, first noor, moaern. iub cass. can after sun day. (16) 832 FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern, close in; vm. uougias 4364. (15) ill lx Apartments and Flats. FOR WENT Modern 4-room, outside fiat In Clowry building, 1610 Chicago St (16) 80S tx Ilonsekeeplng nooses. ROOMS, 1120 North 17th St .. (U 448 FOR RENT Three-room, modern flat 2811 Douglas, ground noor; rant reasonable. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam St (14 179 l IV , B together, I ill 6x s)f LARAB, modern rooms, single or gaa atoves. 8306 N. Uth St I ROOMS with alcove for light house- Keeping; strictly moaera. zora Harney Bt (16) 131 lx THREE rooms, first floor. 1718 Jackson. (16)-M811 IX TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, gas stove and city water, 609 So. 27th St. (16)-64 T ELEGANTLY furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, $16. Ill N. 23d St (16) M3v2 10 Furnished Hestei and Flata. IN DUNDEE. ' 10 rooms, all modern and completely for nlahed. 1 block from car. for t or I months. $40 per month. Phone, Douglas 665. Paxton block. 16 M741 5 ROOMS, good location, no children, $30. Address D 641, care of Bee. (16) 67$ Jy2x Honses and Cottages. OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1130-14 N. 19th. Office 16v9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 166. (lti-171 6 ROOM8, modern except furnace. 8)0 B. 21st Tel. Harney 8706, (16) M411 UUUOMr, F. Davis Co.. Bei Bldg. GAW74 WB DO expert piano moving at lowest rlcea. Tel. Douglas 1425. Schmoller lueller Piano Co.. U11-UL1 Farnam. (161174 Souses j? Vitupr.rti,Co!.b'B..trBida: (li) 171 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight ratee. Moving and storage Expressmen's Delivery Co, Tel Doug Us 394. - ' U)-Mol 1819 N. 83D BT. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Lire 1 If Bldg. (U)-M974 t FOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton Bts. C. M. Bachmann, 427 Paxton block. iU)-3C0 WE MOVE PIANOS Msggard Van end Storage Co. TeL Douglas Ha. Office, 171$ Webater Bt. (li 177 A 'FINELY furnished, strictly modern Mr room cottage tor rem. mi d. xrtn ot tv Webater 704. Ui Uisl FLAT, full lern, six rooms beside bath and private hall: newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; best flats in north part of city; walking aistance; r.rereuoe requirea. Cell, Investigate this: IJ6. BEMIS. Paxton Block. (16 UM.I - FOR RENT Neat 6-room oottags at $4th and Dewey Ave. -416 per menth. bee Garvin Bros., 14th and Farnam Sts. (15)-980 Jyl FOR RENT A good ten-room, all modern house; choice location, close In. $40 per i .use; choice location, close In. $40 per unth. The Byron Reed Co., CI Bo. i1 i lone, Douglae 287. (16)-M7'A) jy 6 mon Phon FOR RENT rooms, modern, except heat; water paid, lbua) No. 22d St: $:I0-). Phone Harnay 8746. Qlt-Um t FOR RENT 4-room modern eettage. ex cept furnace, fctfl.ba. luqaUre 8.14 Dwetuiv or 'pi. sue Webeler IXU jlfp 6lr-V .1