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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1907)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, Jlf.Y 1, 1907. .( if j I u n f I t t f i t i i . OFFERED FOR RENT 1 - i BaUdlnge Coatlaaed. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent Thj foiir-nforv nA Kutnani t.viw v.tiii. - .1 'vii iv. ss sas ixa Wig st fit Psrnam 8t. , Apply at fcualnoss olTloi of The Urn. Offices. ton RKNT-Dmk room Ir. office, ettv hell building. 417 N. 25th St.. South Umaha. Apply to manager. vl5J 1J4 tE8K room on first floor aTlaj Farnam. ' . tl6)-C81 CHOICE .OFFICES f ft la rery seldom that food outside apace In a well appointed office building I available. At the present tlmo we Iists a beautiful unite of two rooms on the fifth floor, with east and aouth light, a la rue vault, which makes this a moat desirable spacs during either summer or wlnl-r. Boom No. B48 la now vacant and la 14x16, with a good-slxed vault; has east light. A new bard-wood floor was recently put .In this room. Bverylmdy In Omaha knows the location of 'ha Bi building; It la central, close to the city hall and county court house. There are several hundred people who spend more time here than In their homes ' end any one of them will testify aa to the care they receive here. I"or further particulars call 1THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17TH AND FARNAM. (16) 424 B FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office ure. m Farnam. (15)-tl Itnrti, FOR RENT The best located comer atora , In Omaha, Farnam and 16th Sts., Board of Trade Bldg. Sea P. H. Phllbln, SchllU Hotel. (tf) 181 FOR RENT, 110.00. Large store room with good basement, Hr,9 Po. Ifith St.. $16.00. C. M. BACHMANN, 438 Paxton Blk. ' (16)-M718 .STORE ROOM. 1103 N. 18th St., $30. BEM1S. 'Phono Douglaa CS6. Paxton Blk. (151 444 i OFFERED FOR SALE fcaelac. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wlra fencing fc) par toot. M N. 17U fit. Tel. Rod 811 18)-H2 - Varmttare. ID-HAND furniture bought and Bold; busl , ness on the square, 'losenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co.. 108 8. Nth. D. 6S8S. (16) M870 Jy27 FOR SALE The furniture of a 7-room modern cottage, cloae In. Three rooms rented at present for 120.00 per mo. Rea sonable It taken at onoe. Address D-6H2, Ban. (lo)-MS6 Jy4 Pool aad Bill lard Tables. i ..-j-.. - --..., FOR BALENew and secondhand billiard and pool tablea. Wa lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy par menta. Bruns- ' wlck-Balke-CoJIendar, 407, 3. 10th St. 06)-lM Plaaos, Orgaai, Mastcat lnstrameats. SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS Cottage upright, used only 1 year f 63 Kimball, upright, largo alia 90 Blnger, upright, walnut case. 108 Checkering, upright, parlor alao US Voae A Eona, fine tone 168 Eaay payments of IS to $8 per month. , SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER, 13I1-131J Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 1625. (16) MJ06 FOR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben nett's since the fire have been removed to 401 8. ltth St., where everyone will be sold regardless of price. Come and get one at your own price. (II) M878 UPIUGHT Kimball piano. In fine condi tion, 8)16.00. Owner leaving city. Wia Davenport St. (16) M323 61 Trperwrltara sat Bewlaa IIhUim, TTPEWRfTER BALK All machines taken In exchange will be closed out at unheard r-ires. Typewriter Exchange, 641 Pax ton block. (16) M871 FOR SALE High-grade Zd-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at loO. Call room t Bea bldg. (14) 871 OKE Remington typewriter, No. 6, In good saue eneap. can at Bee ciiiliuun, tor Otnce. (l6-aix OFFERED FOR SALE Ml TOR BALE A Trl-Chrome Smth Premier typewriter. Almost new. Will sell at a bargain. L. D. Oager, Avoca, la, (16)-MT Jyl tl'O FINS Smith-Premier typewriter, with lis, cuver and board. (Ml Ml Paston Blk. . (14) M 131 8 M laeeltaaeo .it. WE CARRT a complete line of all the leading periodicals nabllBhed. Foreign puhiu a'.lons a specialty. Birthday, wed j:ni and souvenir pout cards. Subscrtp- Jiiiua resolved (or all periodicals pub siliwd. Ma.ll orders will receive prompt euaritloH. SCHtTLZB BLATTKRT. Newsdealers and Stationer. 1U S. 15th St fiw Mai Jy4 BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK I5 Trlbunea for 238. V Liayton for 64'. f-O Fmr,lms for f3S. - 25 Colonial for IjO. Second -fiend ones tor 84 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCIIER, 162 Capitol Ave. (1)-M6 Jyl DRUGS at cut price ; freight paid on 818 orders; catalogue free SHERMAN M CONNELL DRUG) CO., Omaha, Neb. (16)-M418 tarn NATIONAL cash register for sale for IK'S cHHh; total adder and prints every aale, good as new: will not sell for less. Address K-562, Bee. (16) M541 Jylx FOR RALE First-class etore fixtures, showcases, etc. Globe Land and Inveost ment Co., 18.3 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. (16) 189 FEW bargain In Sd-nand soda fovntalna. monthly payment. Derlght, 1S18 Farnam. (! lto FOR SALE Kodak, 4x5 film, Enstraan. Telephone Douglas 8481 after 7 p. m. ' (16) 347 IX PATENTS LARSON CO. Book tree. Bee Bldg. (17) 18i D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton Bilk Tel. Hd 7117. .'171-618 Jyll PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shlrta pressed, not ironed. 211 S. Utn St. Tel. Doug. (1S-194 OMAHA Stammerers' Bldg. Institute. Ramge (13) 1M SEWING machines, rented, any make, Tta per week or 82 per month. Second-hand machines for salt), 85 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., tfth aud Uarney. (18) 2 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers 'lllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 187 f AfWFnf! treatment and bath. Mme. JUAUilliU Bmlth. U8 N. 16th, 2d floor. (18)-1S BENNETT'S piano department lias been removed to 408 S. 16th St., where ail fire pianos are being sold for a f ruction of their real value. (18) M878 PLEATING BuuoWng. a awwiisiai v Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing only 6o per yard Send for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglaa 181 - tli-ls THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caat-ofl clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We ccilect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41. and wagon will call. (Ik) 611 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 3o (181364 WANTED A lady teacher to give private typewriting lessons. Address BfJSJ, care Bee. (18)-868 Jy2x MAGNETIC Osteology and ge. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (1)-M926 ir 89 IF'ND us your mair orders for drugs; fiir,ht paid on HO lots. Myete-Dillon Jrui Co.. un-aiia. (ie-Ji'l .IHKRWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed buiiit. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. (lli)-lSi HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and Shariuaa 4k MoConiieU Drug Co. (i-M41f ' OAS, ELECTRIC COMBINATION - FIXTURES " fcrec'sl low prices during June to led ace ii,xk: ordrr now; good delivered when i! una ess & granden co, Tcllhone Douglaa (8L CJ 8. 15th St. (li)-U7 WANTED At once, companion, not over 35 years, by widower 40 years of age. In blacksmith trade; good home; must be of best character; no objection to widow wun cnnu. Address c. w. Beckwlth, Bedlson. Mo. (18) M917 Jy3x PAINFUL bums any sore or akin hurt quicKty neaied by Batln skin cream. 26a. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RU8BELL) M'KITRICK CO. 432 Ramge (1) 203 W. H. TURRELL, 18 Patterson Blk. Doug. ua. - (i) a4 6EARS. 621 N. T. Life. Tel. Red 887. (19-ao5 PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st fir. N. Y. L. Doug. 1781. (19)-2W R. C. PETERS eV CO.. Bee Bldg. 03)Xt ALFRED C. KENNEDY. !0 First Natl bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 723. (19) 2u7 GEORGE ft COMPANY. 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 758. (19) 208 U W. BUNNELL As CO.. 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas 614. (19)-M9 CITV PROPERTY FOR 4 A LB. LIST your property with the Western Homo Builders, rma. 22-28 Nebraska NatL Bank Bldg. (18-714 LOOK AT THESE Cheap lot, 8. E- corner 27th and Corby 8ta., 8400. Another, S. W. corner 26th and Corby Sts., 242S. 67x120. 24th and Hlmebaugh Ave., choice, $"25. 69x140. 8. W. corner 29th and Dewey Ave., J3.100. Terms tusult on any of the above. R. II. Landeryou ' Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 21L (19) M279 1 COTNER T'NIVERSITY At Bethany, Neb., whole block, e-room cottage, cement walks, one block to Interurban, three diocks to campus, aw ueanng trees, plenty small fruit, good home, good Investment. owner leaving cl'.y. These 12 lota easily worm i-'oo eacn. Demurs Improvements, and will soon double In value; 84.0U0, with terma. If sold soon Will subdivide. O. M. fluino Co.. Lincoln. Neb. (19)-M12 2X REAL ESTATE CITY PROPEHTT FOR BALE s (Continued.) $9000.00 WILL BUY two good modern 8-room houses, good ham; shade trees and shrub; In Hsnecom Plsi'e: ground l(Xx 140. MUST BE HOLD QUICK. M. 3. KENNARD A CO., 8-10 Brown Blk. (19)-M274 1 15 PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 81 rooms on a leading bulnes street; rented for $216 a morth. Price 81tf.0oo; half cash, balance four year at 6 per cent. . THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bids'. U9- NEAT cottage and M acre, barn, chicken house, on West Leavenworth, all for 21,Ono. Beautiful acre tracts and lots In the West Leavenworth and Dundee district at rea sonable prlcea and terms. 8. ARION LEWI8, Acre Specialist, 93V New York Life Bldg. Phone Harney 8319. (19) M264 BEST new 8-room house, modern with or . without furnace for 62,450; forced to eell quickly. Tel. after 1 p. m. Webster 18.. (19) M98J FOR SALE B-room cottage, owner leaving city, will aell at a sacrifice. 108 North 40th South Omaha. Tel. 371. (19)-M 148 FOR 8ALE New 7-room, modern house 86th and Hamilton Sts. Part cash. h.i. ance monthly payments. Chas. Unltt, 606 urown ma. lis) M281 IX ty ient oorl will SACRIFICE JtnA s,.mI, l .. water and fewer, pavd street, perman barn. Rental mortsag-e paat duo i owner must sell.- Any reasonable offer h ntstrtatlnH PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 1781. "If ifg a bargain, they have It." '' 09)-MU8 I 1 MMMK-af DK GRAPE WINE. M YEARS lnvji.. OPPUoITE P. O. i 08J-841 Jyl AWNINGS They're Bet expensive. Call lkiut -i ana our reyrvaen.Kiive wui r L Cail! leat and Awning Co. Otl) 194 Li ALLS S aafea, M, Ad-band. 1818 r-rnia. $5,000 Modern, 8-room home, brand new. on 86th Ave. and Poppleton. east front; lot 46x l Permanent walks In and paving or dared. A very attractive property. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1781 "If It's a bargain, they have It " 09)-MlB7 $4,500 New and strictly modern. 7-room house on 24th Ave., near St. Mary's Ave. Paved street Terms. $1,800 cash, 8300 annually at per cent. We will be glad to show thia property to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. ' First Floor N. Y. L. TeL Doug. 1782. "If It's a bargain, they have it." tI9)- M157 I FOR 6A LB Five-acre tract of land In Ben. son, three blocks from car, suitable for nlnntlna or for Improvement: an nnoor. tunlty for aome one. Address, O 421, It. (19) 834x LOOK AT THIS All modern. 8-room cottage. 3412 Lafavette Ave. Bemla Park. 'Phone Harney 8fi. 09) e A SNAP 8-ROOM MODERN HOME Plastered Attic. I blocks from 24th St. car. South front. Lot 50x168, paved street. 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26u6 Poppleton Ava. (19) M 994 1 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST fri CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. 08) 818 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern,' 84.000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-M977 FOR RENT lo-room modem house, 2528 Jones til. telephone owner lor keys. Webster 1858. 0-67 BEMIS PARK. eacn, west ironi on Douievsra, two DJOCKS to car. on grade; corner, 8W; Inside, 8700. Must oe soia oy owner at once. S404 I. a fayetta Ava. (U)-MSOI AKstrnrta of title; quick service. 'Phone AUSUULia fo. Drlce. Guarantee Ab stract Co.. fatierson bik. 'f hone Red 2947. G9)-798 Jy8 FOR SALE House, 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, vn cuming Bt. price. 82.8UU. jutsy terms. JOHN F. FLACK, City Savlnga Bank, 16th and Douglaa (19)-2U GOOD 8-room house, all modern except furnace, fine snade and rrutt trees; will sell for less than cost If sold at once. Inquire at the place, 1746 B. 26th St. (19)-M936 IF TOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 22 and 23, Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and term. (19) HO REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR IALH Canada. - -- . SOUTHERN Manitoba, near Morris, three Ituanci v. - j i prairie land; deep black loam; can all be cultivated; good locality. N orris Is lo cated In one of the richest farming dis tricts In Manitoba, the land being well not being a farmer, needs the money for business, nence a great mrisin. r ui particulars address George C. Popham, V. .in i DOX W, rfillllija. aitfcu. 120) 991 Jyx Ka WANTED Assents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands, write tor par ticulara. Globe Land and Investment Co. Omaha, Neb. () 214 WTO hivr lands, lmnroved and unlm f roved. In central and eastern Kansas hat we can sell you from 220 to 2oC per acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good city property or merchandise. Write ua for full Information, with de scription of what you have to oner. J. W. 8TINE CO., 1024 O BL. Linooln. Neb. (20) -828 Jylx Nebraska. IMPROVED farma Is eastern Nebraska, Sarpy and Douglas oounues. . j. over ton, Gretna. Neb. (20)-21A A GOOD farm, well Improved, 20 mllea weat of Omaha, for aale on eaay terma. 6 per cent Intgreat, If taken In next 80 daya Aaaresa i -sm, v'J FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemls, Omaha. iiuipnnvF.n and unlmDroved farma In Dundy county, Nebraska, and Cheyenne county, Kansas, from 880O up; good land; three to ten mllea to county aeat; main line Burlington; write me what you want, I'll tell you what I've got. WILL C. ISRAEL, Benkelman, Neb. (20)-M102 Jy5x North Dakota. 10,200 ACRE8 of land In Mercer county, North Dakota, aa a whole or In email lota, for sale on easy terms. H. E. Skinner, 1014 Guaranty Loaa Bldg., Minneapolis. (JJ) muttf x Soath. Dakota. MAKE MONEY Another big Crop la dully raising' valua A roilune is yours 11 you uuj now Write for map. D. E. McMONIEb Huron. S. D. t20)-M158 Jyl FOR BALE OR TRADE 480 acrea of a good land as there Is tn lirown county under a hlxh slate of cultivation: tin provements good. Not over 2ty miles from market, can sen reasonaoie ana taxe in IS (oo or IlO.OCiO worth of up-to-date hard ware. For particulars addreaa J. J McCaughey, Aberdeen. 8. D. (20)-M174 1 FOR SALE 3?0 acres; well Improved; only four mllea from Brentford. In Spink county. South Dakota. For price and terma write L C. Vhlg, Aberdeen, B. D (20) M178 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment C t22)-3I7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 15?0 Dou, (2i)-2U 2l.ono.0U0 TO 1X3 AN on business and res dence property in imn; lowest ranj no delay. Thomas Brennan. Room 1. N. i Life. (221-811 1 WANTED Cttv loans and warrant'. V) Farnam Smith Co., f arnam St. (22)--8 LOANS on 'mproved Omaha prot'ert O Keera R. K. CO.. lua in. x. ire nnt. (.2)-22l LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Plock 8500 TO 8rO.P00 TO IOAN at lowest rates no delay. UAKVlw imus., mi r n k. (2)-i2J RAILWAY TIME CARD-CONT,Bf,D Bl RLnGTOI TA. 20TII MASO.f WANTED City loana R. C. Peters A Co' LOANS on Improved ctty property. W II rr-i . t - . I I 1. 1. cm. 1 noma, OVO rim l,.l,,,.l .mnn ir.ip. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Cottage, southeast Omaha. na- 10th St. car line. Address B Wl. care nee (25)-MvM t WANTED 7-room house, between Cumin? and Clark, 83.000 to 24,000. Address P n, care Bee. (L'SI-MI WANTED Two cottages or small houie. between ISth and otl sts.. near leaven worth. Addreaa W 60S, care Bee. (25) M035 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy; second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes snl si. .1, pianos, feathers, bed pillows. quilt ami all kinds of tools; or will buy thi furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. Tin highest prices raid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa 3971. (25) l Jy& CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 813 B. mn. f none uougias is J. (a)-857 BUYERS FURNISHED IN 48 HOURS Investment Dept. western Ker. & Bond Ass n Inc., Hum Ul-TH N. Y. Life Bldg (24) 114 Barllagtoa. Leave. Denver Csllfornla....a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 410 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express a 8:80 pm Nebraska points a 3:0? am Nebraska Express a 1:05 am Lincoln Fast Mai; b 1:45 pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Louisville ft Plattam'th.b 8:10 pm Iellevue-ria,Touth ..a 8:! pm FlBttemoHt h-Inwa b 8:10 am pellevue-Plattemoum Denver Limited all pm Chicago Special a 7:"0 am Chicago Express a 4:30 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm Iowa I .oral a 916 am St. Louis Express a 4:48 pm Kansas 'lty A St. Joe..al0-46 pm Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 9:18 am Kansas City A St, Joe.. a 4:48 pm Arrive, a 4:io pm a 4:10 pm 4 10 pm a 6:48 am 4:10 pm a 6 10 pm ai2 (i pm a 6:08 am a 8:00 pm bio 20 am a 7:48 am b 1 :35 pm a 6:43 am an pm a I M pra a 8:30 am all. .10 am all 30 am a 6:30 am 6:10 pm W it HB TKR STA 1BT 41 WEBSTER rico, Omaha. Twin City Passeneer, Ploux City Passenger. Emerson Ical Emerson Local ....... Mlasoarl Paclfln. vv eeping t. reel, Minneapolis A OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Unchanged Today, bat De cidedly Lower for the Week. HOGS CLOSE WEEK SOME HIGHER Sheep ss4 Lamb Trade Slow aad Doll All the Week, with Prlcea OraeTally Twenty-Five Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. June 2. 1907. Receipts were: OtTlcial Monday .... Official Tursilay ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday... Official Friday OlUcial Saturday .. Cattle. Jlogs. Sheep. ... 4.IM 4.1U0 W- ... 1,037 8.147 8.0.7 ... 4.019 14 m. l. ... 2.-'2 13.21 ... iA l.4h l, ... 8.0 i0 week, quite a number of rattle being fed here from other market points, result of that and also of the br beef cattle, prices on even good nave necnnej i.htkj ror me weea, i common to medium grades 21110 More then that the demand has be poor thst receivers met with great f Acuity In tinlosdlng their cattle and ma, a Leave. ..b 6:.",0 am . a 2 00 pm ..b 6:48 pm ..a 8:46 am Arrive, b 8:10 pm all:!0 am b 6:14 am o 8:80 pra Loral vli water Falls City Local. a Dally, b Dallv except Saturday except Morday. ..a 8:06 am a 6:30 pm ..a 8:60 pm all: 20 am except Sunday, d Sunday only. d Dally a Dally 8I days this week 16.178 .:46 13.808 Same days last week....2i.6tt) to.447 11.6.(0 Mnme rlv 1 weeks xn' tl t..1 6.6iW 15.p-8 I Same days 4 weeks atto..m.4. 4D.743 12.H16 i name days last year ls.zu The following table Shows the n-ceipta oi cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omana for ine year to aaie, comparea wun iv ' ii7 !!. Inc. Uec. Cattle 671.674 474.4.S8 87.122 j Hobs l.9.7 843,ua Sheep u 88,496 760,760 62,738 The following table shows the average prloe of hogs at South Omaha (or the lat several daya, with comparisons: OCEAN STEAMSHIPS WANTED To buy a good horse to use on a grocery wagon. T. W. Shrader, 28th and niondo. (26)-M6.3 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Nice front room In modern home with board, by elderly lady; family of two preferred; references exchanged; will puy liberal price for right place. Ad dress E-6S0. Bee. Uti)-l75 Jy4x WANTED SITUATION FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute, 1S02 Farnam. (87) nt: WANTED By teacher, office work for the summer. Address H-68, care Bee. (27)-M22 6x FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute, 1808 Farnam. (27) M630 LEGAL, NOTICE SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Beard of Publlo Londs and Huild- Ings on or before July 6, 1!X7, for the fur nishing and erecting of two 160 H. P. water tube boilers at the Hospital for the Insane at Norfolk, Nebraska, aa per specifications now on file in the office of the Secretary of State at Lincoln. Nebraska. QEOROE C. JUNK1N, Secretary of State. J27d7t PROPOSALS FOR LAYING WATER MAINS Sealed proposals will be receive! by the city cU-rk of the city of Randolph, Nebraska, at his office until the 22d day of July, 11)07, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the fur nishing and laying of 6,000 feet of 4-lnch cast water mains and 1,620 of 6-Inch cast water mains, with six 4-lnch double nozale fire hydrants for 2-lnch Are hose together with all necessary fittings for all mains and n yo. rants, man to include the dig ging of all ditches at least five feet below the established grade of said city, nnd not less than Ave feet rnslow the surface of the street at any place. Bids to Include all connections and extras as shown by the Plana ana specifications on nie at the or flee of the said ctty clerk. One-half of the contract price for the laying and furnish ing said mains as above to be paid In cash and the balance to bo paid In warrants drawn on the general fund of said city. All bids must be accompanied by a certi fied check eiual to 10 per cent of the amount bid, as a guarantee that if the bid la accepted th. bldd-r will enter Into con tract to perform and carry out the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all blda. E. 8. MAILLIARD, City Clerk. 121d24t GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., June 29, 18u7. Bealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, July 29, 1907, for furnishing wood, coal and charcoal, durlna- the fiscal vesx enrilne June 30, 1. at Omaha quartermaster depot. roris crooK, umaha and Robinson, Ne braska; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Tort Mackenzie, . Wyoming-, and Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Proposals for delivery at other places will be entertained. United States reserves right to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on ap plication here, or to quartermasters at the stations named. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for fuel," and addressed to Major Thomas Cruse, chief quartermaster. J29Jyl-2-8-26-27 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION-10th AND MAnCY. Overland Limited The China and Japan fast Mall Colo. St Calif. Ex California & Ore. Ex. Los Angeles Limited.. Colorado Special North Platte Local.... Beatrice Local FOR SALE OR TRADE 4R0 acrea. 2H miles from Westport, Brown county. South Dakota. Under a high state of cultiva tion. Fine buildings, good no wing well and everything first class. For particulars ad dreea J. J. McCaughey, Aberdeen. 8. D. (M)-M170 1 Texas. Wa own and offer for sale 2S.O0O acres of flrst-class farming land situated in the Texas Panhandle. Surface smooth and gently rolling; soil a dark chocolate loam with clay sub-soli every Inch a steam plow proposition. Sheet water at from 20 to 60 feet. Since January 16th wa have re tailed nearly 1(4.000 acres; average retail price. 812 00 per a or a. We have our Own hotel fully equipped, together with auto mobllea. If takon within the neat fifteen days we will Include tha entire equip ment with the land at a bargain figure. TEXAS AND SOUTHWEST COLONIZA TION CO. Third Street and Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis, Minnesota. ' CMh-M242 Jr4 WHEN you write to advtrfsera remember It takes but in extra stroke or two of the pen to men r-on tha fact that you saw ttie a la The Uea, Vnloa PadAe. a 8:66 am .a 8:50 pm - k.r. L. m i"J ,iii .a 4:00 pra .al2:&6 pm .all &5 pm .a 7:42 am .b 7:42 am Chicago Northwesters. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am EL l aulrM spoils Exp. a 7:60 am Chicago Lccal ,ail:30 am Sioux City Passenger.., a 7:60 am Chicago Passenger ... .a 4:30 pm list.... a ; .. I . ' v im av opcLmi .ta v .w pm a V frl. raui-M-polls Lmtd. a 8:28 pm a 7 Los Angeles Limited.. ..a 6:30 ptn al2 uvoriBiiu Ajuilieu .... Fast Mail Sioux City Loral Fast Mall Twin City Limited...; Overlanj Limited .... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Llncoln-Chadron Dead wood-Lincoln ... Casper-Shoshonl Haattngs-bupertor Fremont-Albion Los Angeles Limited Hlmsarl Pacific. K. C. aV St. L: Exp.. K. C. A St. L Exp.. Nebraska Local Chiraao, Chi 4c Colo. Special.. .iir. urecon tin... Arrive, a 8:40 pra a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am a n:ov pm a 8:16 pm a 6:50 am a 6:16 pm b 6:16 pra ..alO:00 pm i 8:50 pm a 8:?8 pm a 8:38 pm a 7:40 am b 7:40 am a 3 00 pm 3:00 pm b 3:00 pm b i.Oi pm 8:60 pm all alO a 3 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 3 a 7 a 6 alO alO a K a 6 b 6 bl2 al2 64 pm 00 pm :28 pm :28 pm 30 am 80 am :4 am 36 pm :2.1 am am 10 am :3T pm :05 am 31 am :35 am to am :0a Dm :06 pm 06 pm :ou pm .w pm 6 a 6: all: a 2:00 am 11:15 pm w . . , St. Fast ! ':02 am U l.iH pm i 65 am Si pm 40 am rench Line Campagni Cinirait Tranxatlanliqut Gigantic, Elegant, Fast Ltviathans JVetv 3?orri?-Vari.i 6 "Days LA PROVENCE, n.w twin screw fiver, pa mea ger elevator, gymnssium. roof csfc. This and the other Twin Screw fcteamers have daily newspap era, orcheatrt, wirelpM avatem and many other inn'itiioni,ou ooara. Doin lorsatety sndcomtoru Z.a Tonralne July 4 Ia Provenoo July 11 La Bretagno July la X.a Savole July 88 I,a fonratne Ang. 1 La Lorraine Ang. S Natal offlrerV man-of-war AtanlDlina. Co- pnyi vatlbula4 tralna. HaTre-ralra, l4 noun, whsra convantrnt eonneotlona are made for all points on tha continent. For plans, rearrratlona an4 full Information eall i. telephone er write to Harrr K Moorea, 1601 Pamam St.; I. B. Key nnlita, l.""3 Farnam Bt. : lyiula Neeaa, ears Flrat Na tional Bank; W. O. Davldaos. lbll Faraam 8U CANADIAN PACIFJC ,rfMPBE8" Line of the Atiae.'- QUEBEC TO LXTEBFOOat, XaXtSfl TKA18 rvua sua a,t majL. Empresses sail July 12. 26: Aug. 6. 28: Sept. 6, 20. First Cabin 880 up; Second Cabin 246 up; Third Class 228.76. Writs for particulars. O. E. Benjamin, OonL Agent, Tel. Harrison ins. m so. ciara Bt., unicago. CHICAGO LIVE STOCJC MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars strong; to Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO. June 29. CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; market steady; beeves, f4.80'7.l0; cows ii.Yom-4.iB; neirers, xz.eur&.eu; calves, r'."' i,, lj , nuuu i j i,i nun ..en , o.iwn.w, poor to medium, J4.6(U.6t; stockers and feeders, 22 9t&6.25. HOOS Receipts lO.flon head; market strong to 6c higher; light, 8T.90ij.15; mixed, 85. 6.16; good to choice heavy, 85.90g.024; bulk of sales, 85.90fi6.OS. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head;, market weak; natives, KoofrtUu; western, 24.00Rfi.00; yearlings. $6.00(36.76; lambs aad western fS.SOCo.OO. of those purchased by speculators remain. in the yarus all ine weca awaiting a buyer. COWS. Ne. ... Pt Ne. . F. . 1 1"!0 I 9n 1 143 4 18 1 1 8 M CALVES. , 1 tw t m 4 IA 6 S8 HO IS Hogs sold 61M(V higher this morn. Ing and the tra.lo was very active at tha advance. o that everythlt.g In alght was disposed of before lo o'clock In the morn ing. The bulk of all hogs sold st 65! 6t. with a top at 8(100, Yesterday the hogs sold very largely at f.fcVu1. S7V4, with) a top at IR.M. The trade, as a whole, was vety satisfactory to sellers and the mar ket at this point In exceedingly good con dltlon as compared with other markets. Tlin receipts of hogs this week hv been very fair, the total being about th . snme as a week ago and a year ago. Th ( hog market this week has fluctuated hark and forth, and still the extrome changes have not been very wide apar The 4ow point of the week was on Tuesday, when hogs averaged 11c lower than at the close, of the previous week. Since that day the movement has been upward, so that at the close of the week the market Is V,t9 higher man at ine close ot last we. Data. 107. 18O8.ll)06.l04.l03.1902.;1901. June is.. June 18.. June 20., June 21.. June 22.. June 23., June 24., June 26.. June 88., June 27., June 78. June 28., 7S 6 t f Ma. 6 8 6 80 6 82 i 884,1 6 S6W 6 8M) 6 8w, 6 12 86 6 36 6 281 6 43 44 4 t 161 6 IS 6 lo 6 13 6 lb 6,20, 8 2Al 6 8ii 6 301 1 22 6 00 6 07 6 07 6 Ob 6 12 6 li 6 14 6 11 6 0u Ml I 88 6 84 6 78 6 6! 6 67 6 70 6 66 6 7 7 24 6 W 7 441 6 83 6 18 t 43 6 W 6 !t 6 88 7 4K1 7 bill S P2 7 66 6 00 7 51 1 6 83 7 64 7 65 7 b2 6 1 6 87 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C M. A Bt. P. Ry 8 Wabash 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 80 ... .. 1 Union Pac. Svstem.. .. 20 1 C. at N. W. (Kast).. .. 8 C. & N. W. (West).. .. 86 C, St. P., M. k 0 6 C, M. & Q. (East)... 8 8 C, li. Sk Q. (West) 2 .. 1 C, R. 1. & p. (Eaat) Illinois Central 1 .. Chicago Great West. .. 6 120 ,1 New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. June .-J3EEVE8 Re ceipts, 847 head, all consigned direct; noth ing doing in live cattle; nominally steady: dressed beef slow: cltv dressed native sides, 8avv4c per lb.; choice and fancy native sides, nliloc. Exports were 831 cattle and 052 quarters of beef. CALVFA-Nn rncelnts: nothlnar dnlnsr: feeling steady; dressed calves quiet but firm; city dressed veals. 8Stfrl2Hc; extra, 13c; country dressed, 6fal0yc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.082 head; steady to firm, closing quiet; sheep, 83.5tK36.00; lambs, 87.263'7.; two cars choice, $7.66. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 28. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 233 head; market steady; natives, 14.5iKy7.Oo; cows and helfera, $2.20.80; stockers and feeders, 83.50S4.60. HOGS Receipts. 6.329 head: market ao- tlve. 6(u74c higher; top, 86.00; bulk of sales, 85.9066.il6. BlibtP AND LAMBS No receipts. Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOI'X CITY, Ia June .-(Specla!. CATTLE Receipts, 2O0 head; market steady i beeves, S.OOiio.GO; rows, bulls and mixed, 83.tK)ti6.00; stockers and feeders, 83.50 tl-.40; calves .and yearlings, 83.26ig4.26. Total receipts 32 The disposition of the day's receipts wss aa follows, each buyer purchasing tna num ber of head Indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,378 Swift and Company 8 2.810 Cudahy Packing Co 2.116 Armour & Company 1,836 Ki3 Swift and Co., St. Joe.. 66 Carey A Benton 1 Hill A Son , 1 Other buyers 1 Total 66 8.634 894 CATTLE Receipts of cattle today were light, as usual, on the last day of the week, there being not enough of any one "Kind on sale to make a test of values. The re ceipts this week have been about on an average, tha number being about the same as tor last week and for the corresponding week of a year ago. The arrivals have consisted verj largely of oorn-fed beeves, there being only a light spr'ok-og of she stock and a few atockers and feeders. The market on beef steers has not been very satisfactory this week viewed from a seller's standpoint The extremely hot weather prevailing in the great consuming centers of the eaat, combined with news paper agitation 'against prevailing high Parses for beef, brought about a great le duution In consumption. Retail dealers suddenly found themselves loaded up with a great quantity of high-priced beef and paokers coolers were In the same condi tion with th demand falling off. With conditions like this In the east It Is not Surprising that the western cattle marketa have broken badly during the week. All kinds of cattle have been on the down grade, the common to pretty decent oattle selling right around 2oo lower for the week. The very best oattle have not suf fered quite that muoh decline, but they are at least 15c lower. It is safe to say that everything aside from the choicest beeves Is (0c lower than the high time at the be ginning of last week. Unquestionably, the market la greatly In need of light reoelpta tor some days to oome until the beef mar ket in the eaat is cleaned up and has taken on a more healthy condition. The situation In the cow and heifer mar ket has continued unchanged throughout th week. The deadlock between packera and sellers has been In full force all the time, with the result that the demand has been limited snd the market slow snd un even every day. Fortunately, the country haa held back supplies so that reoelpta have been very light. , . , Last week receipts on stockers snf feed ere were very light st this point, bub ome what more liberal at other markets, with the result that the msrkot here was very strong, while other markets suffered de clines of more or less severity. The com paratively good prices prevailing at this point brought in much larger receipts this No. 41... 65... 44... W... 0 .. s. . . II... M... it... ".... ... 6... tl... M... M... to... M... bt... 4... TS... 61... M .. M... 4... 4... tl.., 64... an. .. 68.., ... .., 61... t... 4.., M... 67.. 7.. AT. ...r.i ...K ...141 ,.. rt ,...t ,... . . tr.s ,...!! ,...BM .... ,....' ....I'll ....ns ....178 ...141 ,...1 !M ....IM ....IM ....I7 ....MS ...JS ... U-5 ....! ...171 ....t.t4 ....IW .....434 ....171 ....3t ....JP4 . ... Ill ...341 ....851 67 258 ,l:i4 ..i7 ..131 ..41 ..814 ,.2M ..Ml ,.3T ..176 ioo 120 tn in SO 40 lto 120 120 1W no m to 10 ( M 6 M I 86 M I 7V4j 6 74 I 17V, 6 17V, I '7 I H7H 6 rrst I nw, ( n 6 M t n t 0 I t 6 0 6 Ml 6 10 I " t 40 6 I M I K I I fK 6 0 t to t 0 I w t m 6 no I so t 6 ist I !4 I 24 I 42V, I tsv, I 24 I ttv ( s:4 6 tvi 4 12V, I HIV. 6 ttv, 6 -"4 I ttv. No. J.... T.... 67.... 74... tl.... 70.... .... 4.... St.... 74... .... n ... 7..., 74... 7.... r.... 47.... 2.... .... 74.... ... 7.... 7.... tl.... 4.... 61 ... 74.... II.... 46.... 4.,.. T7.... OS... 7.... 43 ... . n.... 71.... 44.... 71... TO.... M.... T.... 74... At. ,...244 ...141 ,...274 ...211 ...IM ....m ....Nl ...141 .. V-l ,...t:.4 ... n ...IM ,...t7 ...,K4 ....US ,...t'l . . .tit ...1.44 .. .sen ...M ,...1.11 ...245 .. Ill ...111 ...JA2 ,..JM ... ...til ,...ti ...l?4 ...140 ....Jb") ....264 ....140 ...,IV ... us ...104 14 Sh. 10 M SO lro 40 SO 84 !! 0 10 40 SO '40 120 I t!V 4 6 ( I tt 6 tl4 I Svi I 12 6 : 6 tin 6 6 SR I M 6 6 I M 4 S6 6 46 W . 6 L 6 S8 I 14 8 48 I l 6 St 6 S6 I 46 6 St 6 N I St 4 S6 6 St i m 6 S8 6 Si I M 6 St 6 66 ', I 66 , I S6 6 Sit 4 t7V( I Si 14 4 17 v 6 !7v, 6 S7V6 4 SO 6 00 4 00 71 ?0 S 177 40 T4 171 S ltO 4 I "4 44 ll 1TO TO 2J 140 BlttrtTP-There WAS r.nlv una fresh ea on rsle this morning, snd It wss a car oi Oregon yearlings which sold ut 2600. The receipts this week while light, have been slightly larger than last week or than a year ago, so that It might be considered as a fair run for this season of the year. It has been a typical between-aenson market, that Is, the trade has been devoid of life and snap and there huve been no Interesting features to talk about. As usual at this season of tha year, the de mand has been of a decidedly Irregular character. Th hot weather and other un favorable conditions prevailing at eastern consuming points have combined to render the mutton market very - unsatisfactory, at the same time reducing the consump tion. On this account the demand for live sheep and lambs' at this point has been very much reduced, so thst the market has been unusually dull and weak for lack of buying support. Prices have been Banging downward and on most kinds of sheep and lambs are about 860 lower for the week. Moderate receipts at all market points for a few days would be very acceptable as giving time for the recovery of the eastern mutton market. Until the demand for the product Is larger, the market on live aheep and lambs ran hardly be ex pected to take on any great amount of activity, nor can prices be expected ts show much strength. No. 800 Oregon yearlings 4 western ewes .... 8 spring lambs .... 1 spring lamb Ay. 88 107 . 90 70 Pr. 6 00 4 60 60 60 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 29 CATTLE Re ceipts, SuO head, Including 200 head south erns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, 85.8O6.60; fair to good, 84. 26(cj6'. 90; western fed steers, 84. 006. 85 1 stockers and feeders, 88.2643e.00; southern steers. 23.604i'4.90; southern cows, 22.264J3.60j natlVe cows, $2. 7,4)4.75; native heifers, )3.7t 66.20; bulla, I2.764jo.00; calves. $4.003.00. Re ceipts for the week, 88.800 head. HOOS Receipts. 6,000 head; market 5o lower; top 16.00; bulk of sales, J.i 9oJ 6.85; heavy, 85.866.90; packers, t3.90ff4.97H; lights, 85.86iff4).00; pigs. 6.60tflk76. Receipts for the week, 67,400 hesd. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head; market nominally steady; lambs, $1.28 C7.60; ewes and yearlings, 86.OniQ.O0; Texas clipped yearlings, 86.76iia3.00; Texss clipped sheep, 84.7t.66.36; stockers and feedera, 83.28 tl-4.60. Receipts for the week. 26.300 head. When you have anything to buy or sell advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns. $3,500,00 FIRST MORTGAGE SERIAL GOLD BONDS or THB J. 1. Case Threshing Machine Company Of RACINE, WISCONSIN Dated Mar 1, 1907. Ro4eembls on May 1, 1008, or on any Intsrsst Data thereAftef, at 102J4 aad Interest. Coupon Bonds of $1,000 and $500 each, with Privilege of Registration as to Principal. Principal and Interest (May 1 and Hot. 1) payable at the first Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, Trustee, or at the Firit National Bank, New York City. . MATURITIES AMOtTHT MATUKITT PRIC1 AKOUWT ataTUTUTT PMCB $300,000 November 1, 1908 99 . $300,000 November 1, 1914 97 3Qp,000 November 1, 1909 985g 300,000 November 1, 1915 96 300,000 November 1, 1910 9S ' 300,000 November 1, 1916 96 300,000 November 1, 1911 98 300,000 November 1, 1917 96 300,000 November 1, 1912 97 33,000 November 1, 1918 95 300,000 November 1, 1913 97' 200,000 November 1, 1919 95 Accrued Interest to be added to above prlcea. Nstting about 6 per cent. Overland Limited it:fji nm Chicago, Rock Ialaad A Paclfle. east; Chicago Limited 4 2:48 am all Iowa Local I 1x4 itr. a 4 Des Moines Pass 4 t oo pm all lows Local tn 40 am bf Chlrat a fraiirn p V a i ui ..... - i Chicago Flyer ...t oo pm a 8 WB-arT Rocky Mnunta'n Lmtd. al! ? pm Colo. 4k Cal. Express... 1:36 Dm Okl. St Texas Express.. 4 40 Dm '46 pm 6 pm 37 am 80 pra .30 pin :30 pm .68 pm :26 Dm .46 am Lincoln at W a bask. St. Louis St. Louis Council Stanberry Council Chicago :!S sm :40 pm Fatrbury pasta 3:48 amalO:U am a a 4: a 2: Express....... 6:38 pm a 8 ixirai trrom a 8:38 an) all (from b IKW pmblO: Weatrra. J 30 pm 7.2u am 6 (A .in 7 30 am &iun) luteal blurts) Great St. Paul A Minneapolis St. Paul : Minneapolis Chicago Exprtsa Chicago Express 1. vw UMboIs CeatraL Chicago Expresa a 7:28 am Minn. 4k St. Paul Exp ..b Uara Chicago Limited a 4 to pm Mlou. fcL fal Liuid Id yul 8 8 a 8 a 1 80 am :16 pro :16 am 30 am 31 pm 7 am :36 ptn 1UW pm 46 pm 66 pia so am .40 a.a SECURITY The J. X. Casa Threshing Machine Company, upon whose property these boads are a closed First Mortpa?e has total 0tt 7"1 4bwmi re?e,7ble' t0 wa-talf times the amount of the total bonded debt. The vxUot l. TH?JtVht, ?Mt4v.fiV yT,if.T b,'n xln y Mm, Wat.rhouJe & Company, Chartered AxeonntantT who msnt ol ni P CtU1 "k OT" $5'00()-000- Tt7 aJw certify to the foUowtog atate. men o earnings. EARNINGS The arersgo annual net arning8 for the fire fiscal years ending December 81. i 1806, hare been. . . $887,900.12 i ms is more tnan ore limes ue maximum annual interest charge of X76 000 00 For the annual payment on account of principal . . . . '. '. '. '. J. $712,900.12 800,000.00 and Serert""' over tlr0 quarter times the sr.r.g. annual requirement e for both principal The tuslnese i was established la 1842 and Incorporated la 1880. The Company has nerer had aa nnnrefitabl. ,-r. ..J of $7,750,000, besidea adding oer $4,000,000 to Its capital and rarplaa. V.. . . a . a . . . ' hi paid In dlrideodt iinc 1880 in vrr9ttA immint - " " t . -v,vvw, veeiuf wililU( VTfl t71,VWVW B 1X9 CelplUU $JUl SUtVlUM Jltirln tT thai TValflT ttinT4 tain it a sialaaai li a waa U.. 8 . a . a a a. . . ' """ to wer $i,l567d00 in ie6rS. ana its nst earnings aare grown from $238,000 la 1897, The Bonds will be dsUrsred at any hank desired, express prepaid. Telegraphic order may be sent t our azpenao. Orer $2,000,000 of these bonds haying been sold, we offer the balance, subject to prior aale, at abore price. Circular containing full particulars will be seat promptly upon request. Peabody, Houghtellngr & Co. 181 La Salle 8trcet The Merchants Loan & Trust 135 Adams Street CHICAGO . .d V' m In ch l strlklnik said soi V f S V L vbbi 4