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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1907)
L Din; NDAY, JULY 1, 1007. M THE OMAHA Y DEE j MOND. y 4 !' 1 1 E Ant - ads 1.4 aement for tn wnni-aa ,nmm will be taken watll IS at. for ye rrnliic edition ana nntll a. sa fer the mem In and Snnday dltlen. Caaa snest iKtBinr all ardors (or want-ad and aa ndvertteeasent will $ aeeeatesl far lee than lO cents for tko trmt Insertion. Itatea apply- ta either Tba Dallr or aadar lira. . Always eeant six words ta a Una. . Ceaablaatloa of Initial or aamhera on at aa oaa word. CASH RATES FOR WAJtT-ADJ. RBOl'LAR CLASSIFICATION Ona Insertion, per line, 10 cent. Two or snare eenseeetlve Insertion, per line, pants. Each Insertion made on odd Sara, 10 eeats per line. S1.B0 per llae per snentfc. CASH HATFS FOR NOTICK9. Death aad Faneral Notices, Card of Thank and l.odae Notices, T cents per lino for one edition, morning; or rrrilaci 8 cents a line for each ad ditional edition. Snadar, lO cents a line. No ad taken for lrsa than 30 rents. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS yonr advertisement Is Inserted nnder aar M af the classifications given below, It will bo charged at the following rmtes I Ona Insertion, 4 eeats per lln threw (a si eonseontlve Insertions, 8 eats per line aaeh Insertion seven ' ar aaere eoneeowtlve Insertions, S eata per line aaeh Insertion BO ents per llae per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except . A vents, Solicitors and Salesmen. ' OFFERED FOR SALE I Cows, Birds, Doars and Pets. Horses aad Vehicles. Pealtrr aad Ess. Furniture. Pianos, Orrani aad Maslcal Instrn ments. - Trpe writers and Sewlaa; Machines. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. Vafarnlshed Room. Housekeeping; Rooms. Boardlna; and Roama. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want-ad for The Bea mar be left at any of the following drag stores oaa I "raar corner drnsclst" they are all branch offices of The Bee and yoar ad will be Inserted Jnst a promptly and on the same rates a at the main office la The Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets I Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranck, B. A., 1402 a 10th St. Bccht, Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Mentis Park Pharmacy, (3d and Cuming. ' Blake's Pharmacy, 281ft Sherman Ave. Caukhlln, C. H., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 228 Military Are. Conte, J. B., 81 get Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. . . Cermak, Bmll, 126 4- 8. 13th Bt. - Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. - Ehler, F. H., 2NC Ieavenworth. . Foster A Arnoldl, 813 N. 25th Bt. Dreytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florenco Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. ' Green's Pharmary, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. GTeenough, O. A., 108 8. 10th 8t. Oreenough, O. A., joth and Hickory. Hayden. Wm. C, 2S20 Farnam 8t. Hanscom Park Phar. 1601 8. 29th Are. Hoist, John. 624 North Mth Bt. Huff, -A. L., 29?1 Leavenworth St Klnic. H. S., 233 Farnam St. Kountze Place Phaimacy, 1004 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1-524 N. 24th St. , Lathrop, Chaa. E., 1324 N. Mth St. I'cyton, L. E., I4th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 4th and Ames Ar. Bchanfer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, Ausrurt, K31 N. 16th St. Rchmldt. J. H., Hth and Cuming Bts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Vnlnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, ?0th and Grace Sts. Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bts. ANNOUNCEMENTS iTIIH CITY CAHBAGE CO., office 4th and . Leavenworth Bts. Tel. Douglas 137. (D-104 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. (D 106 AUTOMOBILES FOR 8AJLE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Laud and In vestment Co., itii Farnam SU (2) 107 SEND for our Hat of second-hand automo biles. DEJUGHT, Ibis JTarnam. (2 ICtf 1906 BUICK. two-cylinder. 22 H. P. tour lug car, overhauling and painted 8u60.00 im, CAD1LAC. 19 II. P. touring car. line share 2&&.00 RAMULEIl. 18 H. P.. almost new aeveral extras Included fcxiO.OO 3tVi6 KNOX touring car. air cooled... .iV00.W i6 OLDS, with top, 20 II. P tTW.uO l'sxi KEO, 1 11. P., used very little 75O.O0 lWft FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder, detachable tonneau $i?6.00 llm6 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 H. P 8400.00 Xu6 STBVEN8-DURYI2A, two-cylinder, and lool.a like new, with top 8660.00 RAMBLKR K., detachable tonneau. just repainted and overhauleil fc&XOO Writ for full description. H. E. FREDKlCKaON, 16th and Cap. Avo. BARTER AND EXCHANGE ' FOR tiX H AN GE Piano and simplex player. What have you? Addreas H-n'ii, Bee. . U 108 FOTt SALE OR EXCHANGE Large Im ported Spanish )ack and 20 brood mares and om mule colls for half section Da kota land. Describe fully in first letter.. Box 82$. Avon. 8. D. (8) M101 Jy6x EXCHANGES If you have city property stocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com plete lint. We have properties and lands In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list is free. Send for it at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam St., Omaha. Neb. l$ 110 110 ACRES 6 miles from Bchell City. Ver non county, Mn.; bO acres under cultiva tion: koU building. Price, $60 per acre; incumbrance U.C0. Will exchange (or ucnural .merchandise. Olobe Land and Invektment Co., W2i Farnam St., Omaha. ( li GOOD stock of gen. mdse. in and Iowa town of $.500. Will trade for clear cheap land. Olobe Land and Invest. Co.. UU fr'arnam. (3) Misj FOR EXCHANGE A second real estate morticage for a stock of merchandise; consideration 83.0U0, payable at $60 monthly. Address E. F. 1919 Burt Bt, (3) 982 Jy4x HAVE farms to exchange for general mer chandise, hardware or Implements. JACOBBON CO.. ii N. T. L. (J) Ml 36 lx FOR SALE OR TRADE! 4X1 acres first class, well Improved land IH miles from market Will trade for a first class stock general merchandise of $0u0 or $10. u.v or an up-to-date hardware sl.xk of $10,000, Address, Luck' Box Aberdeen a. D. U M172 Xyl INX)ME PROPEJITT. Inside of wslklng distance, to trad for land or merchan dise ; equity ULuuO. Improved ranch In North Dakota - t,tm acres to trade for good Income city property, $36,U.iO. Esction of land In Lincoln county for merchandise. Many other snap tor sale and exchange. Sme us for a quick jdeal. KANDALL REALTY CU. 'Phone Douglas 1611 o Bee Bldg. (Sj-MJU tx MtITt,4cnn Real Bstat Co., Cherokee, i' l farms and Ud lands, eto.. for u prviieriy ana pwrnuain. BUSINESS CHANCES Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif ference whether you want a tioo building lot or a IWiO.oflO tract of coal or timber land, you shouM not buv or trade before seeing a copy of the Heal Estate World. It contains a Urge Hit of property and merchandise stocks for sale and es chars, and reaches several thousand readers each Issue, and ta the beat adver tising medium to reach the real estate buyer, homeseekcrs and traders that you can advertise In. Write your name and address on postal card, mail it today, and w will send you the Journal for two months oo trial free. Address the Real Estate World. Bult 620 Good Block, Dea Moinea, la. (4)-431 FOR SALE Lease furniture and fixture of only 12.00 hotel In good Nebraska county seat, town of 8.000. Good reason for selling. Addreas Y-22S, Bee. (4) M320 Jy6x FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures, In voice $6,000, located In most prominent corner In best and largest town In south, trn Kansas; average dally sales l."A Terns can be arranged. Good reasons for sell ing. Address Salesman, 908 Broadway, K. C. Mo. (4) Zx WANTEI-Bright young man to take active Interest In department atore, doing large business In good eastern Nebraska town. Must have not leas than 13,000 to Invest. Addreas T 46, care of Omaha Bee. (4)-MMl Jl IF YOU want to get In business, see tis without fall. Investment Iept., Western Ref. & Bond Ass n, 721-722 N. T. Life BMg. (4) 427 BUBINEflS chariest "Miners' Bcrap Book," free to you six months, if you writs us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., Spokane, Wash. (4) M913 Jyx FOR BA1jE Two-chair barber shop; town 1.700; good location. Address T 233, care Bee. 4)-48 Jy4x FOR SALB One of the very best hotel propositions In the state of South Dakota; a money maker. Will bear the closest Investigation. Shows large profits. Best of reasona for selling. Address lock box 87, Parker, 8. D. (4; M9S5 JyUx WANT a second hand automobile- have some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee. (41-118 ENERGETIC partner wanted in live, pay ing real estate business. Address Y 52, care Bee. (4) MS6 Jy2x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS. CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 MCAGUH BUILDING. 1STH AND DODGE STS. 14)-6S1 RESTAURANT and confectionery for aale in good live northern Nebraska town; in voice about $000; feeds 6 to 10 commercial men daily; 10 rooms; 17 beds In connec tion; will sell both. O. D. Tebbetts. Lock Box tl, Crofton, Neb. (4) M295 7x BARBER SHOP In beet town of 1,100 In 8. W. Iowa; I hydraulic chairs; all fixtures new; good trade, good location, cheap rent: will sell right If taken at once. O. W. Dixon, Oakland, la. (4-M296 7x FOR SALE! The only furniture store In town; no trades. J. t. Eaiers, ioon. is, (4) M297 6x TO BUY or sell any business or real estate quick write or see Hlklreth & Lowman, olO Bee Bldg. (4 M&80 FOR quick sale results list your property witn (J. J. uanan, vui ix. i. uia uia., Omaha. (4)-M828 Jy4 HOMES, lands, eta, bought, sold or traded quickly. Pardee & Braum, the hustlers, Neville Blk. (4)-M544 Jyll WANTED A party to buy out a first class stocK oi furniture in me oest town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wlsner, Nob. (4) 119 WANTED To trade for stock of goods have a good farm. Address Y-24a, Bee. (4)-117 HILDRETH A LOWMAN can sell your We have buyers waiting business quick, for you with Omaha. money, bio nee nuig.. (4) Mt;s FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; 14 to 86 fecelved lor shoeing and H w lor set ing tires. Address Y-129. Bee. (4) 113 FOR SALE Rooming house, ec Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. See Hlldreth (4 MiSl FOR SALE Oood, clean stock merchan dise of about fla.OOO In splendid country town of 'X); large territory to draw from; doing a srood business. Part cash, part time if desired. Address x-isl, care l'ee (4) M693 MU8T SELL Too much other business; new stock novelty goods; a money maker; good town; low rent; Invoice about $800. V.'llliam Has, Dexter, la. (4I-M676 Jylx 2X-ROOM boerdtng house; a snap; good mining camp; $1,1M cash takes it; come quirk. Address Edward Menkel. George' town, Colo., Gen. Del. (4) M914 Jy3x NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. Buy a '.Is or exchanges everything, land, city property, merenanaise ana auiomomies. (3 Douglas block. (4) M766 JyS Do You "Wish to Make a Change ! If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex. change,, write us. GlyOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., umuna, neo. 04)-M543 JylJ NEWSPAPER FOR SALE "Delta Inde pendent. Writ for parttculnrs, Delta, coio. tt) aiwss jyK FOR 8ALr-The beet paying business In northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro cerles, queensware and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick.. Address Y 211. Bee. (J M873 TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write E. G. Gangestad, K tsee tiiag. it) ill PAINT and wall parer store for sale; doing good contract and retail trade: Involco about $1,600; a snap; good town of 6,000. Address Box fru, balMa, Colo. (4) M744 JySx FINE location for good grocery and meat marxe pusiness. Maraet ror sale double room. The right place for the right man. M. J. KENNARD at CO., 809-10 BKOWN BLOCK. (4)-M275 MAN wishes to Invest few hundred dol lars and services In some good business, Address K. 630, Bee. (4) M310 2x HAVE $600 or $800 to Invest In drug bust ness. Address J. (29. Bee. (4) M209 2x FOR SALE Oood 14-room rooming house close to huslnecs and about all occupied, Aaaress n Mis oee. ()-MJ34 Zx HAVE five or six hundred dollars to Invest In business. Give particulars. Address 21. Bee. (4)-M311 2x A SNAP IN AN ABERDEEN LODGINO HOUSE No restaurant; 1-story frame building; z rooms and a beds: city ware and sewer, gas, bath rooma and steam heated; only two blocks from principal ut-piys eiu une uiuva irom main DUsineS' street; lurnisned all new last fall; bus! poss established; first-class translen trade; books will show a net profit of over $400 per month above expenses. For terms ana price write The McCaughey lAna (o., ADeraeen. a. u. (4)-M171Jyl LUMBER YARD for sale. Inquire of N, uuncan, niwiiM city, neb. 4-M?I3 Jyx FOR SALE At a bargain, up-to-date mil llnery atock; best business In town; term tn suit purchaser. Men a Tank, Schuyler, Nen. ( M9.9 jylox FOR SALE-Newspsper and printing of, flee In western Iowa. Jacobson tt Co. 9H6 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4-9 Jylx ROBERT C. DRUSKPOW CO.. STOCK BROKERS, ft New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4 111 SNAP. Furnished rooming house for sale, 10 rooms, full of roomers, within 4 blocks of let and Farnam $4u0 cash. Address K 679, care Bee. ().! FOR DAUB CHEAP Only restaurant In college town of $,bo0; cash or trade. Bos s, Baaawia, jua. (4) M100 Jyt DRI'O stores for sale everywhere. F. V. smlest. M ?U I. LUa, Omana, (t Us Have you The has BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. SALOON for sale, 711 N. 16th Bt., Omaha, KT.W "JO Tub FOR SALE Cheap for cash, a good paying; general merchandise stock In one or the best towns In Central Nebraska. Invoice about $5,000.00. Address Box 727, Colum bus, Neb. (4) Mlt4 lx PL' HN ITU R E $0 rooms, all occupied: dining room, 40 boarders; best location; paying bualnesa. Apply 107 South 17th 8t. (4) MM6 lx FOR SALB Only harness shop In good town ,0"0; southeastern Kansas; nne crop; good trade; stock will invoice about $l.f. Address E. Corderman, Chetopa. Kan. (4)-848 7x. BARGAIN HUNTER OFPORTUNITT- Meat market, 8 buildings, centrally lo cated; 2u0 tons Ice; only meat market In a radius ef 28 miles; annual profits, 1,600; owner too old to care for the business; price, $2,600. Address W. X. Hanna, Milan, Kan. W;z?497 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney. T. E BRADT, Probate Att'y, B09 Bee Bldg. U I JUll Architect. Lw STAUB, 6HH B. Eighteenth St. (6) MWe Jyl4x Carpet Cleaning;. 8 ANITA RT Cleaning Co., 191 Farnam. Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. L 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor, 1008 N. st St., South Omaha. w i Civil Engineers. M'EATHRON V JAMESON, 806 N. Y. I (5)-12Q Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery CO., omana. (5) 122 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 15) 128 1358. M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1628 Far. (0 oitfsi jyii Deatlsta. BAILEY MACH, 84 fir. Paxton. D. 1098. 10,11 . Engraving-. KOTERA it CO., 1605 Jackson. Doug. 5007. ta; us Motels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th & Harney. w 1 Florist. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6) 130 U HENDERSON. 1019 Far, Tel. D. (5)- 12&3. 131 J. H. BATH. 162$ Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. Incorporators, HER. Incorporating Co., 426 N. Y. Life. 10.1 M Jeweler aad 'Watchmaker. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 8-8 Paxton tills. Tel. u. mi. Mnsle and Lanarnaaes. G U AN CAMBIANO. Instructor In Spanish and Italian languages. Tel Douglas uu, (5) M9C4 Jy7x Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1M4. (5) 1ZH Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. C370. (5S-.M4IU Jy2t Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, Tims and ledgers, loose leaf devices and olllce fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 122 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas CM2. t5) Mtfil Jyl4 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order. don l tan to sue our eipgani imported una. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave. (5)-1.19 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tol. Douglas 63i0. (5 ia ACORN Press, quality Ptg., 1218 Harney St SOO BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for ilu; other worx at sams rates. Get est line. tes and see our samples of work. Call at room 31 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. tr 'phone Doug las 4608. (5) 961 Jyl6 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and ob printing; no ob too iHrgu or small. Anchor Publishing Co., is.'? Far nam St Tel. Douglas 6562. (5) MI24 Jyl Plumbing and Heating. T. r. BALFE. olumbinr. eas and electric fixtures. 1607 Howartf. Tel. Dour;. 743. 5) M706 JullO Photearraphere. C. B. TRUSSELL. 114 South 16th St. (5)-U7 French eV artletio photographs. 210 B. 14th St (B M1K9 Safes, Shatter, kite. OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sates. O. Aadreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (6-140 Saee Hepalrlag. RAPID SHOE REPAIR work. 164a Capitol Ave. CO., first-class 'Phone Red 994 (644 Scheel applies. OMAHA School Supply Co.. 1621 Howard. (6)-M9WJyl7 Tallertng. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gent's new work; repairing, cleaning and dvlng. Called foi and de livered. 709 S. I7th St Tel. Red 6!!d. (5)-44 V loll a Maklaa-. ARTISTIC Tlolla making, repairing and supplies, by C. L. Heskett r. 64T Rama BlK. (5)-674Jyl2 WaU Paper Cleaning WORK guarantned. Call Douglas 65J. 6) 142 DON'T fall to call on m at Douglas 171 (6114$ CUIRVOYANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Leading Palniitt of Omaha Revelations of paat and future described. eao BO)soa 10 '18 UI "8 ClI Joiaj tldj-ui WHEN yos write to advsrtlserm, remember It taliee tvt a few scratch of the pea ta slate that jru saw tn ad. la The Bee. something to j 13 EE'S "For Salo Miscellaneous" Column, brought dollars to thousands of people i HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Offle. ANTEI Thoroughly competent and ex perienced lady stenographer and general office work for real estate and Insurance wcrk. Permanent position for girl of god education and oompetenoy. Please adlress in own handwriting, giving ad dress and 'phone number. Address G 627, care Bee. 7 MJ71 1 Factory aad Trades. GIllLS WANTED Burgess Jany, 2024 Farnam St. Shirt Com 4.T) 147 WANTED HAND 1RONERS, AT ONCB. KIMBALL LAUNDRY. 16U JACKSON ST. (7)-M874 WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. City Stem l7) 14 LADIES and girls wanted for decorating S"fa pillows at home, whele or spare time; experience unnecessary; big pay to food workers, work permanent. Call orenoons. 2311 g. 13th St. (7) M829 &X Honsekeplngr aad Doaaestle. WANTED In July, Tooe cook; two la family: permanent place and good wags. lo2 8. 4Uh. Tel. Harney 1138. (7 M384 CHAMBERMAID and pantry woman wanteti for Wyoming; free transportation. Call at 715 So. 9th St. fj M692 jylx WANTED Competent girl for general housework, three In family, $0.00. $901 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harnsy 2668. CD-700 Jyl WANTED Oood lady cook, $40.00. Phoenix Hotel, Sanborn. Iowa. (7-M984 WANTED Experienced girl to do general housework; small family; no washing. Apply 2102 Douglas St, Telephone Doug las 893. 7)-l2 Jyt WANTED A good cook; large salary; no other work. Apply Mrs. A. D. Brandels, two a. asm St., corner Dewey Ave. (7)-l4 1 WANTED Oood girl for general house work; no washing: good wages. Mrs. R. W. Breckenrldge, 1810 a 30th Ave. 7)-118 1 WANTED Good lady cook In private fam ily oi nve; steady position; gooa wages; no washing. Addreas N 597, care Bee. (7) 123 1 WANTED Competent scrubwoman. Good wages, permanent position. Apply at The Omaha General hospital. 7 M2&8 1 WANTD Girl for general housework: four in family. Telephone Harney 2113. 4M)1 Davenport (TD- M306 WANTED Wash woman. 1301 8. (T)- 2Rth St. M265 t AN elderly lady housekeeper for bachelor; family cook, $9 week. Canadian OHlce, 15th and Dodge. (7) 149 GIRL wanted to do general housework. Apply 218 o. net Ave. c?) Maoi zx Mlaeellaaeea. STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute, 180$ Farnam. (7) M62 WANTEDw Lady to demonstrate the Man love hair grower; liberal salary to right party. Dr. Minerva James, 2024 Daven port. Tel. Douglas 6686. (7-M93J WANTED A cateress. 'Phone Harney 776. (7)-125l WANTED Mangle girls and hand lroners. City Steam Laundry, 211 South 11th. (71-120 1 WANTED Girl to fold papers, good pay. Soo Mr. Laing, 3d floor World-Herald Bldg. (7)-254 1 WANTED Two goo4 looking neatly dressed girl of age. ticket sellers. Travel to coast. Address, particulars, Barnum's Amusement Co., Windsor hotel. Omaha, Neb. (7 M289 zx HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted o drive through the country, best selllrg proposition ever of fered; big value f ir your customer, big oroflt far you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 601 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. IS) HH WANTED Man to Lire and manage a crew of solicitors: Drefar one wio has had ex perience In senilis to farmers; permanent posiTton; gooa income. Aaaress yi ok, Bee offlfe. (9) 310 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience Belling views, por traits pr books; jleasant work and big money, call at Boom eos, nee xtiag. (9)-338 WANTED A solicitor and collector: aalary will be paid to competent man after the first month. Union Loan and Investment Co., 310 Bee Bldg C9)-267 July in Bora. WANTED At once several smart. Intelll gent boys, not under 15, to run cash. See Mr. Culver, Mnlii Floor, The' Bennett Company. i (9) M113 Jyl Clerical and Office. WANTED A yourg man of pleasing ad dress, wno is a competent, and experi enced bookkeeper, for a position whero it Is necessary to meet people In oftlce and make hlinae f agreeable. Please ad dress in own haTslwriting, giving 'phone number, age bookkeeping experi ence, also refer-nces. Address K 626, care Boe. I (9) M272 2 WANTED A youig man for firing clerk In a lire Insuraire office. Apply In own handwriting, glvifig ugo, experience and salary expected. Address C care Bee. r ui zx Factory cmO Trad. J GET OUT OF THE WET! Jobs won't be so fy to got next year. We can use 500 irlWilnlsts. Highest wages; st tidy employment guaran teed. Transportation adtanced to machinists hav ing lirst-clnss referencea. We positively mae no charge In any way, manner, shape or form for securing Jobs for machinists. Address with references, The National Matal Trades Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. (9)-M916 Jy8x POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (91 16 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; pays $6 to $8 duy; position secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School. St Louis, Ma l.-ee catalogue. (9) M37 WANTED 4 moulders, I core makers; union wagea; open shop; wll sign con tract for one yrar. Ens 4 Orr, 179 Blak4 St., Denver, Colo. (9) sill 7 FIR3T-CLA8S barber wanted, $12 a week; 6o pi-r cent over $MX T. J. Satterlee. Boons, la. (9)-M73 Jy 2x WANTED Barber, Immediately; must be a No. 1 workman, no boozer and a man that will atlck. l av, IIS and one-lmlf over $J1. 'Phone at once. Fred T. Phillips. LeMars, la. t8) M918 Jy3x WANTED Car carpenter. Rip track men. Truckmen. N'o trouble. New shop Just starting operations. Apply by letter to the Crawford locomotive and Csr Works, Btreator. 111. tM) M906 Jy TINNER experienced In furnace and gen eral (hop work; steady Job; good wages, llartman 4k Pullock, York. Neb. (91-M210 PRINTINO FO It EM EN WANTED Press room and composing room foremen; good Job at fair wages; foremen leaving our employ to ent.r business for themselves; have been wttti u for years. Stat sal ary wanted and experience first letter. Morton Prlatlna Co., Nebraska City, Neb. (9J-M22 lx sell HELP WANTEDMALE (ConttnuedJ atleeellaneaaa 25 MEN for warehouse work at Webeter Streot Freight Depot. IL 8. Jarnea, Agt. (9) M974 Jytx WANTED School teacher and student te travel during vacation months; work p easant and profitable. Address H 20, Bee office. ID-MMI WANTED Energetlo young man with lit tle money to manage brancn omce in east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying business. Address 604 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines, la. (9)-MUJy6x STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. 812 South 16th. Board of Trade Hldg. W-mw WANTED Two lunch counter men for Call 716 Wyoming; free transportation, Bo. ftn Bt (9) M691jylx WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, aged" 1$ to 86, for firemen and brakernen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn 8100 00 per month, become engineer, earn, 8200.00; brakeman earn 875.00, become conduct ore, earn $160.(0. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 620 X, Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. (9)-896 Jyt WANTED At once, bright young man. high school graduate preferred, to learn fine arts business, picture framing, etc.; must furnish reference. See Mr. Harry Chalm, 2d floor. The Bennett Company. ANYONE out of work can make big money selling our household specialties. (J. IT, Adams Co., 161 Howard. (9) M761 Jy6x WANTED Man wltl some experience tn traveling capable of earning high aalary; bond required. Address, with stamp and references, 8 617 care Bee. (9) 4W7 , 4 WANTED At once, five cement flnlehsr. capable of handling a craw. Address or call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th Bt. Bloux Falls, B. D. (9) 397 WANTED Three reliable men for work by x real estate company. Incorporated In Iowa and Nebraska; experience unneces sary, but references and small cash de posit required; exceptional opportunity for light kind of men. Apply early, lis Rarogs Blk., Omaha. (9) 928 8TUDENT8, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute, 1801 Farnam. (9)-M27 WANTED An experienced, competent man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples store, 18th and Farnam. (9) 884 WANTED Experienced collector. Call at Palace Clothing Co., Mth and Douglas. (9)-S7 WANTED A good, steady, strong, sober, single, middle-aged man of good habits and discipline, to attend to an Invalid, drive single horse and do light porter work about nouse during spare hours. A good home to right party. Inquire from 10:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. tn. at No. 818 South 20th street (9)-M106 lx WANTED Team drivers, $12.00 per week; men to work In yard, 20a per hour. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory. (9) 262 1 WANTED Man and wife to work on farm. J. E. Smith, Seneoa, Kan. (9) M230 tx WANTED For night shift, 20 men for sawers, nailers and handling lumber, eta one engineer. OMAHA BOX CO., East Omaha. (9 j Ml 40 I WANTED A young man who understands operating stereoptlcon and moving picture machine, to assist lecturer In Chautauqua work this summer. Good wages. Address at once, A. B. C, Stock Yards Station, boutn umana. .. , (9) Mats l WANT Four experienced fast young base Dan players, team en route to coast Salary and expenses, state particulars. References. Barnum's Clown Base Ball Club, Windsor hotel, Omaha, Neb. . (9)-M290 2x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicle. RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at greatly reduced prices. Johnson & Pan- forth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (11) 151 RUBBER tired road wagon, W. A. Stone, 803 Lincoln Ave. Council Bluffs. (10) M10S TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin gle and double harness, runabouts, top buggies and surrles, for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stable. (11) 164 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, cart and harness see jonnson-uanrorin V.O., S. W. corner 10th and Jones Sts. (11) 301 HARNESS, Baddies, Trunks, traveling baga; some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish & Co.. 1210 Farnam St. (1D-M537 ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very speedy, weighing 1.100 lbs.; one good black pacing mare, weighing 1.060 lbs.; one span good bay 6-year-old driving n.ares; one snan brown pacers. 6 years old: one 6- year-old Iron gray single driver, very gentle and toppy; one good 1,175-lb. chest nut sorrel surrey hoise. These horses are all good, sound, well broke horses ranging In prices from $so to $lti0 each. Also have several good low-priced drivers ranging from $40 to $75. Written guar antee with every horse. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and Supply Co.. rear 414 No. 16th St. (11) MHOS NOW IS TILE TIME TO BUY A DELIV ERY WAGON CHEAP The Mlllburn Wsgon Co. of Toledo offers for sale eleven wagona that were shipped to thla locality for sampler and rather than go to the expense of shipping bark to Toledo, WILL SELL THEM AT COST. These wagons are tn first -clans condition, are brand new and are guaranteed to be flrat-cluss In every particular. We will hi II for cash only, aa we want to make ouli k sales and have made the PRICE to move them quickly. They can be suen at A. J. Simpson & Son Co. 'a Repository, 1407 Dodge bt.. omana. Come early, as they will go aulck at the price that has been put on them. All prices marked in plain figures. THE MILBURN WAGON CO., Toledo, Ohio. W. P. R1DEOUT, Representative. (1D-M108 HORSES bought and sold; livery snl boarding s specially. Myers' Douglas St. Stables. Fre.l Myers, proprietor, 1UJ Douglas St. TsU D. 10& (11) JJOJyJ WE are Hot selling out at cost, but we ar selling driving wagona, buggies, surrles and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Uolmes-Adkln Co., 714 8. lOlh St., Omaha. (Ml 673 FOR SALE-Yearllng Jack and Sphinx mare, bred to Gregory the Great. Box 1877, Le Mara, Iowa. (11) M:'24 Jy6x HAVING bought an automobile, will sell my new physician's driving outfit at a sacrlnce. Dr Morsman, 616 N. Y. Life (ll)-9i9 Jy4x FINE family home, perfectly gentle; also good buggy and hameas. Call at Jack son's barn, 28th and Harney. (ID FOR, SALE Nice gentle driving mare. 2709 N. 2Mb. Ave. (ll-Maj6 Poaitry ana Cint. BIG mongrel hens unprofitable In city; get white lra-horns, heaviest Kiyt-rs; hens at a bargain. Lundstrom, 26th and Caldwell (11) M684 Jy lx t PURE blood Rhode Island Red cooks, II 00 each. If taken at once. Martin, $443 Indiana Ave. TeL Harney 108. xu) Mm LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Pealtrr aad Kas Contlnned. WHEAT, fXM hundred. Wagner, tt N. lh, CD M76t GOVT book free. Omaha, Model Squab CVv, 0UM407 Jyl Covrs, Birds, Dears aad Feta, WHmfl pit hull terrier, I months eld; ouu peuigreew xieouiiou. rmismotiin, Neb. (lr MK4Jy 4x GOOD young cow for sale. d and Fort Omaha Ave. (11) M1M tx FOR 8AXJ9 Orange Angora kittens. Healthy. Splendid pedigree. Thoroughly house broken. Mrs. Wm. Murray, Co lumbus, Neb. Ul M1K1 Sx FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies; perfeot pcautien, mis Dodge Bt (U) mo tx LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hanson, th upholsterer and rurmture repairer, ion n. utn, jrnone Webster $296. OX) M6BI Jy28 LOST-A ladles' gold watch, with leather lob, Urlle engraved on case; 110.00 re ward If returned to Mr. Gordon, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 894. 0$) IH J?t LOST At or near Hanscom park, Thurs day, lany diamond nroocn. uoeraa re ward If returned to 614 North 23d 8t 'Phone Douglas 6362, CU M1U lx LO8T A watch and chain; watch la Waltham make. No, T113146; a liberal re ward will be paid if returned to Mrs. Si R. Marsh, No, 407 Boath 86th Bt qi) M380 1 1 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "aray Nervs Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Oo., Omaha. (13 16 MBS. GARDHLS. private confinement home; babies cared for. 8734 N. $Sth St Tel. Web. 1460. (13)-Mt Jytx RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK. CURE RUP TURE CO.. ovsr S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (U)-M428 Jyl ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Heme for Women at 8824 N. 24tb St., Omaha. Nab. (U)-M10 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 80 years' practice In confinements. Office, (14 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. 1 OS-137 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport 6ts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night (13) 12S MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL!. JUNE IS THE MONTH OF ROSES. But is not rosy with all of us. If you are suffering with the heat in your last winter s clothing and haven't ot the price to buy the "coolest In town," don't let that worry you. Call en us and w will buy them for you. NO OTHER WAY Is as simple or oheap as our way. You get the money the same day you apply. You get It confidentially. You get your payments spread out thin over a whole year if you want It You get a large rebate if you pay up before that time. WE ARE YOUR BANKERS. WK ARE RELIABLE. , WE ARE HERE FIFTEEN YEARS. WE HAVE NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. WE ARE ON THE FIRST FLOOR, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 14)-17 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. 04 160 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (10-163 DR. PRIBBBNOW'S MONEY s loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount: lea than halt rat. perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted: cirment uoended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 80$ B. 16th St (14)-lt4 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time Is here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised yourseit tnts summer, come to us. Our special low rates for va cation money are still In effect; you can get the money quicxiy, privately ana con fidentially on your aalary, household goods, pjanos, etc. Low rates: easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411. (14) MiWO .FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana Duff tJreen Loan Co., room 8. Barker Blk. (14) 166 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH and others, without security; easy. pay. ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-151 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modatlng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) let FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for aattel or salary loana, 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. G4 166 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 167 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16)-li MOST convenient and pleasant location; de sirable rooms. Call before locating. The Pratt, 202-2LI So. 25U Bt Private ix- Change Douglas 3138. (15) M6S3 2209 FARNAM, rooms and board. (ttj-673 JyU NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board; nice location, wzi w irt Bt. (15) M900 Jy4x LARGE south front room with board: mod' ein house; beautiful lawn; most conven ient location; references. 123 So. 26th ave. (15)-M9 Jy lx DESIRABLE room: first class board; pri vate family. 218 B. i.'lh St. (16)-M730 Jy2x ROOMS AND BOARD First class accom modations; under new management, ili 8. 29th St. U5)-M91X Jyl EXCELLENT, cool furnished rooms with all modem conveniences; tabls board If required. Meals, lac. "The Boston," 107 South 17th. (16) M99S lx WANTED Young man to board and room In nice private family, where there are no children, hi a. um Ave. (1S)-M18S fx ELEGANT room for summer; has outside entrance, south front, in one of the best locutions In city; large, beautiful lawn; private ramiiy. vci rant Ave. (16)-i77 U ROOMS bieakfast privileges, modern. walking distance. 116 N. i6th. Gentlemen preferred. (UMWjyu Faralaaeel Irani), NICE newly furnished room; waiving die. tance. W N. 244 01. (1Z S14 FOR RENT One large southeast room, electric light and all convenient. 21 S. ith St. Tel. Douglas 3M7. O6)-609 NICE ROOMS Good place for young mea or man end wlfs; also other rooms. 211 N. 19th. (16) 9a Jylx 8 ELEGANT furnished rooms to nurtiea: all modern. 220 N. 23d. good (16) 661 NICELY furnished room, In private family, where there are no children. 6.17 8. 2tli Ave. (16)-M137 lx FURNISHED rooms; gents preferred. 1915 Chicago. (1)-M139 6x Kl'HMSHKD or unfurnished rooms, easy walking distance from down town, large veranda, pleasant location. 'Phone Doug las 433N. . (15)-M150 6x FOR RENT-Iarge front room with al cove, water In room, large closets. 64 S. 28th, Hanscom Park district. TeL Harney 624. tli)-MX OFFERED FOR RENT Fnralhe4 R see Coatlnneel. FOR R.WNT Jtoern near corner $Rth Ave. end Dewey, nw house, aloe trio light, bath, strictly modern. Call phone I Mug Is 8946. (16 M.122 tx LARGE front room, with elcov, modem. private family; three blocks from court bouse. TU a lata Bt Tel. Red 47tt. OS) sts tx LARGE south front room with aloovs; also other rooms. ZAS Farnam Ht. (!) M18 fx TWO nice eool rooms, first floor, gnod f'isce for gentleman or man and wire. 18 N. 19th. (16)-M3 lx IN PRIVATE family, furnished rooma for one or two. with or without board. Tel, Harney 3689. XMO Capitol ave. (15) 341 Tx FINE large, cool room, modern; private fumltv rMinnihla ttafarnnnM rAntllrfltot Tel. Douglas 40b I. (16 S5 7x NICE cool room; everything modern. US N. ISta Bt Phone Harney 146& (15) M 808 8301 DOUGLAS Bt, xoodem rooms; gentle men, (is) mjoo jyi PLEASANT south room, private family. new nouse, wanting distance: rererenoea. Address F 691. care Bee. (15) 998 Jyix ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1916 Cap itol Ave. (15) 9S3 JyiT ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, tn new. modern house; bath on every floor; all convenience; Walking distance. Bea Frank Squire, cars Hayden Bros. (16) MW NICELY furnished rooma. 624 South SOU m. - (16) ssi Jylx FURNISHED rooms, eaay walking di tano from down town. 14ng Harney Bt VERY pleasant rooms, modern detached house, private family, cioae in, very rea sonable, MIS Cass. TtL Red 6H57. (16) M734 Jy ELBO A NTX.Y furnished rooms with all conveniences. 1919 Burt St (15-870 JTy2Sx BEAUTIFULLY furnished southeast room. private family; half block from Hans com park; very desirable neighborhood. 'Phone Uamey 1348. (16) MU5Jy FURNISHED room In strictly modem house, walking distance, private family. 621 B. Mth Ave. (16) 11$ 6x Untarnished Room. SUITS of unfurnished rooms for rnt, first floor, modrn. 2408 Cass. Call after Sun day. (16)-832 FOUR unfurnished rooms, modem, close in; $20. Douglas 4886, (15) 119 lx Henawkeealagr xtaonas. ROOMS, 1180 North 17th St OO 4 FOR RENT Three-room, modern fist 2911 Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Olobe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam Bt (16)-I7tt LARQH, modern rooms, single or together, gas stove. 2206 N. Uth Bt OO-UT tx I ROOMS with aloove - for light house keeping; strictly modern. $071 Harney st 0 121 lx THREE rooms, first floor. 17X1 Jackson. (16) Mill tx raralsket Haaeee i a Flats. IN DUNDEE-. . 10 rooms, all modem and completely fur nished, 1 block from car, for 1 or I month, $40 per month. BEMIS, Phone, Douglas 6367 Paxton block, (1S-M741 I ROOM 8, good location, no children, $30. Address D s4L oars of Bea. Q6-s7 Jy$ Heatses an Cottagee. OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, more store H. H. goods; storehouse 1130-24 N. 19th. Offlos 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 165a, 04)-171 ROOMS, modem except furnace. 810 8k Sst TeL Harney $7 Ok (lu Mill Ti nTTSF.Sl In ' P'rts of the erty. Tl UU UO0. f. Davis Co Bee Bid The 0$W7t WE DO expert plana moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Bohmolle A lueller Piano Co., 1H1-UU Farnam. (IS) 174 HOUSES g "mSt'ip& (15V-171 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel Doug las $94. (16)-M068 161 N. BSD ST. l-room strictly modem, brand new, tftS. O Keefe Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (JO-MSiO FOR RENT Largs store room, 16th. an4 Vinton Bts. C M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. 06) WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 196. Office, 1711 Webster St (15)-477 FOR RENT 8-room, all modem house, $2$V 4227 Harney St Inquire 307 B, 17th St. ow-en A FINELY furnished, srrlotly modern 6 room cottage for rent, 663 B. 97th St. TeL Webster 704. , OS M83 NINE-ROOM house with barn, modern. 1021 Park Ave. Haraey-efT. 06)-dl FLAT, full modern, six rooms beside bath and private halli newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; best flats In north part of city; walking distance; reference required. Call, Investigate this; $26. . BEMIS, Paxton Block, Q6 Mfifi4 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. 06) 173 FOR RENT Neat (-room oottage at $4th and Dewey Ave. $16 per month. be Garvin Bros., lftth and Farnam Sts. (16)-0 Jyl FOR RENT A good ten-room, all modem house; choloe location, close In, $40 per month. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14io Phone. Douglas 297. (16 MiaO jy FOR RENT 6 rooms, modem, except beat! water paid. Iu8 No: 22d Bt: $18.00. riion Harney 8760. (16) M923 Stx FOR RENT -room modem cottage, ex cept furnace, $20.00. Inquire $710 Decatur, or 'phone Webster 271L (16) hLs&t 7-ROOM suite In the Uintah apartment house. John C Barnard, 411 N. Y. Life Bldg. Qi m Honee s4 Cottages Conttnnetf. SIX -ROOM house, modern In every respect. 2727 Cuming St (li M.'oS FOR RENT-1617 8. 26th; 8-room modem between Hanscom Park and 84th Bt oar; furnace, barn, paved street; 830. F. C. Parsons, 8boS Hamilton. Harney 1436. (1B)-M2S Hemls Park Dlst, new 8-r., all mod.. .$35 00 Walnut Hill, 8-r. barn, paved St U fa Near Ames Ave., S-r. new fur. bath.. 22 bO Sherman Ave., S-r., mod. lawn, laundry.iu.00 O' KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone. D. tax 06) Mlua 3 Nw complete 8-room modern home near Bemis park. Bee this house at once If you want It. O'KKEFH (REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone. D. tltl (16) M 162 3 FOR RENT 7-rcom house, modem except furnace, In complete repair, new plumb ing, cemented cellar and laundry; rent reduced to $22.6u. Apply at M N. ma Bt.. or 90S N. Y. Ylfe Bldg. (16)-MH FOR RENT Five-room modem house, -4011 N. 86tb Bt.; this Is easy walking distance. Inquire C. W. Bllxt on premises or at Fliat National bank. (16 MA7 1 Pntldlnas. THE entire building formerly occupied tv the Dally Neas, 44x feet, 3 atorlea ant basement. McCague Investment Co., 1: Iudge St 06W-9 ! 1X11 HARNEY BT.-4 floors and basemen 83x120 feet; suitable for wboleaai. M 0t lavastaoeiU Ca 14 Deos St . 4-Ue i V A 9 ( e.