TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE ?A 1W7. 8 MONDAY'S SALE AT BRMWEIS WILL OPEN WITH EVERY DEPARTMENT STOCKED WITH NEW SEASONABLE MERCHANTS A MOST UNUSUAL OFFER f mMwWikii mntirnnfHM- mf iimii'iiMinrr rn-iiai-iiiwiii'i iiiiiriH i.'. m mMmiin'nimiMm' hftmini m'mS'm i'TiTm Amim&'k, M w s. i -v Trn TF lf?T Trv IffrTTT "S W Art ft ii 31 8 A Magnificent Line PRINCE CHAP Wash Jacket Suits ON SALE Prince Chnp wash jacket suits, made a of heavy rep., two folds on also Japanese sleeve jacket suits lace trimmed, made to sell at $15, at. . j y'M"lll;llw'Wlwlw 11 1 m n; i, inji mni w.j)Mwiw '.wmcnunn; w 1 1 p. lufrnK 'J jacket, is g98 Lingerie Dresses 2 1 r i 8 I fem b ii w -- , 1 SPECIAL of 8 soft It J Summer Dresses Colored figured swIbs on white ground. In two pieces, lace Inserting T50 special for. Monday Wish Skirts White, linen and rep with large and email tucks, ' Cluster pleated effects, at 11.98, $2.50 and up to. . Skirt Special, $4.98 es., Panamas, Sicilians and nov thB worth from a Oft 0 V $10 T In princess or 2-piece, made mull, lace, embroidery and (TKQQ insertion and medalion uZrij trimmed, $17.50 values, at. U White serge fnnce lhap Jackets With black velvet collar, single and double breasted, made to sell at $10 Monday. 4,38 self folds. y50 Dainty Summer Suits & Dresses From the manufacturer's sample lines. made to sell at $85, m ert each, choice, at. 16 Shirt Waist Suits New crisp, cool shirt waists suits, in plain and fancy lawns, percales and cambrics, made In the jumper and fancy waist effects at 2.98, 3.98. 4.98 up to 9.9S Brandeis Store WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THE 4TH OF JULY MILIiMY SALE $5. $10 and $15 Pattern Hats Bought from a leading 5th Ave., N. Y. importer at a great sacrifice Never were such fine high grade hats offered at this price. Many of tho lot are real imported French mUUncry; others exact copies of the most expensive models not a hat in tho en tire lot but that was made to sell at from $10 to $16, every one Is daintily trimmed in the most becoming fashion Monday they will all go at one special price 250 . 0 AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF SILKS Our New York buyer Just expressed us a fine lot of genuine Rajah Nouveaute, the ex treme and most talked of silk fabric in Europe and America this season. They consist of checks and barred patterns In various size Btripes, checks, etc. USk TV g stunning combinations of leather browns, Copenhagen blues, new 11 lC greens, champagnes, navies in medium and light effects are re tailed everywhere at $1.50 yard, but owing to the very low figures at which the purchase was made, we offer these elegant silks Monday, at, yard mm. 1 I - V, .. . 4 r A A , I -i nnln , In a n.atln vnnna 4 DC rVUlorUB ttUUUl l,vuu Jttiua ciiuri Dnuii ui iw.iiha, m t p,T7i.Ljr uu,? flnC Of small ana meaium patterns, uoia, rings aim geometrical eiiecitt uii col ors for quick clearance Monday all go on bargain square, yard BLACK SILK TAFFETAS Our Black Taffeta Silks are always a matter of Importance we buy black taffeta fetas In such large quantities and having taken advantage of the low prices before the large advance In black Taffetas, you can buy black reliable Taffetas Monday at one third off the regular prices. '23' 25 pieces Tresca Freres France, celebrated Taf feta, 27 inches wide, worth $1.25 yard at, yard and Cle, Lyons, 87ic 9K iiIapm TrAapii PVprpa flnrl CAf. T.vnnfl. France, finest dressmakers' 1 A Taffetas, guaranteed by the 11 1U makers, 36 inches wide, i 1 worth tl.6.0 vd.. Monday, vil 'i r.) a i i ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES 59 ON SALE MONDAY AT LESS THAN HALF PR ICE 22 and 42 inch fine batiste, nainsook and swiss, all over embroideries, in elegant Jnghsli eyelet, neat open Japanese and shadow effects, inserted Val. lace, stripes, etc., all aW LI I C choice, new designs values actually worth up to $1.25 yard on bargain square, at, yard t . . . FINE WIDE EMBROIEDRIES 16 to 27 inch fine Swiss, r.n;n(o,,' and cambric embroideries, f4i't ings, flouncings, also corset i-ovi'i embroideries, wide bands and ir sertions in an endless varievy oi verv effective desiems .3' bier bar gain squares worth up to 85c, at, yard 15c, 25c and 39c I 'Fine Swiss and Nainsook! hixtra fine hand loom embroidery edgings, in narrow and medium widths, also insertions and bead ings in very dainty baby designs, Fi'ench hand work effects, val ues actually worth up to 35o yd.J big bargain square, at, yard lie, 10c and I5c NEW BASEMENT u al Bargain Sale Monday 3ic Quired this fine sheer sum- is in our show windows plaiilw told from the bolt A. A Monday over 500 pieces 1 for this sale tZi at 1 b :sv 2 yd 19c LINEN FINISHED SUITINGS 7U 19c linen finished suiting at 7V2C yard white grounds with black and colored dots, checks, plaids and stripes, 36 inches wide, woven like butchers' linen, a splendid cloth for stylish hot , weather suits and skirts 7JL 2 c yd Racine Stocking Feot fea't Throw Yonr Gotd Hose Away Because The Fed arc Won Oat Stocking r.-:i-.!;;JV Feci pair for 25c mm heavy (Great iarpiis Ii House Feraishings WATER COOLERS Four gallon size, made of extra tin, band- . i galvanized lined, fj oharrnal filled. 1 nickeled . plated faucet, regular $2.75; special House Paint Tile Like House Paint $2.19 The celebrated American brand, 16 handsome col ors, dries quickly and wears well per gallon, at A varnish stain for floors, wood or wicker furniture, linoleum or oil cloth, In fact every thing from cellar to garret 98c Vt gallon. .91-35 1 gallon. . .S2.G0 Vt plnt...25o 1 pint. . . .40c 1 quart. . .76c Come and get sample free. P OOXaJrnAM, made of xir heavy tin, Just what you need for this time of the year for training and cleaning fruits and vegetables; regular price lfio; special lOo Toe Oreiua rrNMt, the genuine White Moun-. tain, full 2 quarts size, triple mo tion, with white oedar r tubs; lal spec 91.98 LLJl Our Brandels brand of mixed house paints, pre pared ready for use, none better made, 30 colors to select from, per gallon, at 1.30 CARFXT BEATBS Made of flexible coppored steel wire just the thing for boating rugs and carpets, regular 12o, at 3o rox.Diiio niowuro BOaBO Made of white bass wood, cun be adjusted , to differ ent heights and when not in use ran be fold ed flat, 98a value special 790 CLOTR1I TOTS Kxtra long, for this siectal occa sion six doscn Xor.....0o Nuff said TOB 9AM Made of extra heavy galvanized Iron; special at. each , .810 BOUT BTSAnrXB With masher made of retlnned wire, a practical article for strain ing and mashing r e g e t ables and fruits, a kitchen necessity, at. .lao Consisting of Four Pleoes Towel By, Hoap IMsh, Tumbler Holder and Tooth Brush Rack -all highly nickel plated. These articles are attached to a white enameled tils like, stent beet frame, exactly like out; ,peolal. set. 690 Tnirm i urn 'nfnifiiVi i sMf " siji T.'T swrj IBIOX JTJ1CB XX TBiOTOB Mads of extra heavy glaaa, per- , '.'rated bottom, fits vtfT tumbler; syrial, fto' 8 LINEN SPECIALS MONDAY $1.00 quality nercerized napkins, dozen, 59 30c heavy ere m treble damask, yard, 15j $1.60 hemmed U linen pattern table cloths, each 08 30c all linen tmiorted iuck towels, eacl, 10c unbleachef Turklah towels, each.. ..5 10c hemmed uick towels, earh . 5 20c bleached TurnW.toweK e.ich. .j.hj j 10c hemsttfi 'J orawnwotk Jap 'V.isa, .( at ki ....-5 I ,1&if Lfintlc cTtton diaper, bolt. at 65c DOc hemstl ' rt9 ana squares, with drawn w.cea 05 35c plain rjj dreM llnen, 36 Inches wide. $1.00 OOA TOBH aisde of extra heavy twist ed wire, heavily re tlnned, special, at 3o XY Paper TMGJtEMEST SHE EVER HELD in wall . 1 A s-.,. fi I A Al It is c-r iasi blvu el tort ai uio OAS STOTZS Two-burner; tMs Is a strictly high grade stove, made with sawed blue flame burners, extra strong and well made frame, rugular Xi.bO, special B1.9 hardwood TICK Solid adle ateeU ...4o WDTDOW ICUtI AdjustabK hard wood frames, covered with beat qual ity wire screen cloth, 21 Inches high, ran be extended to II inches; while they last, at lo vwn wxxsnr TOAJTBWTha genuine Wilson; Leasts t pieces of bread at once, can be used on gas, gasoline or oil stova; spoL-lal. . .ale OOXZ BCBZW (like cut) can be carried In your pock et with safety 3c 2'. O VVWU BUM Biljiislnlilii (-arm hardwood; when rot In uee can be folded up to bung flat aaulnst the wall, regular l&c, special. . . 18u immirmwrTnifi r 4 II. M 1. This is the ftfgam ,Vent all paper seoru 1 Don't Ml I closo of the M miss this si t L in room iota iur nu mze i i Xtemu", f 5 t $a S1.50 Robin Lot ICE BHBTB PHU1 steel blade, hardwood handle, at, each Bo CUBTAIK ITBITOXIIB Adjustable, made of baBS wood, full slsa exll, with sUtlonery nickel plated pins that will not rust; special, each X UIIU liui" - v. - aly on to 1 1.50 Room lv 'Odd rtls of Bide walls, ceili'j-, borderL all grades, perfi 11. ... 2j NumerouU patterns, regular stock, or -A I Al -i? 1K OK 1 it r T saie m ai rt-'iueiioii ui co. c:i nun ou' SEE TkiE GRE-Mr BTteB -T AT X ' X AT MmW . M w J. r j" W BWJ fVZJ A al - .asB. . tj - - w . W f r a JTArArAt-K v r i srm"niHBiiirBi j Otvrw ikwtt nk ri r p 1 1 ' ISSTrK " nK' h "lr5 wlf Jpsil I I remarkable I BSra-iO i l-fegBiryaaHUM rAPRICS tJ.tKarWW?& .,xV.Sft'r ie.:WA.i lti.0 .A. ail I I k. - B rBl - AV - r i A I " Br -A SB wl 1 P V - Bf K i&v-- J asii Fabrics V V d Display Now American Printing Co. to display and sell the ha and the West. 60,000 yards of these beautU Vady for you inspection. DVB This is the Greatest Display of American Wash Fabrics Ever Shown in the Entire West. An Assortment of Patterns and Colors that Make Them Suitable for Almost Everything in the Dress Line. j. 1 K I9! i i i Al