J , 0 TUY) OMAHA RTTXDAT BEE: .TUNT, r.O. 1007. 1- July ClolhitiQ Clearance Extraordinary si I fnr-er o Omaha's Pare Food y I) 2 ..ho. Center -sV. y , i (i ) ( Fourth of July Delicacies I (J 8 FOR THAT PICNIC US PACK YOUR BASKET 'WITH LET Salads, Cold Roast Beef and Chicken. Cold Tongues and Hams, Fancy Sausages, Olives, Pickles and Condiments Chutneys and Sauws, Sardines, bonoleBS and truffled, Cakes and Pastries, Rye Bread, etc. Mineral Waters, Beers and Wln s, Clpars, etc;., and last, but not least, The New Idea In Canned Soups, Entrees, Vegetables, etc., or HOT MEALB WITHOUT A FIRE Ready prepttred soups, entrees, vegeta bles; etc. Served hot instantly without using a match. Just the thing $ on a long automobile ride, or picnic. Just the thing at home these hot n days, when you do not want a fire. Just punch a hole In the can, pour In a HttJe cold water, then the carbide get hot and in 5 minutes you've got a hot soup, entree or vegetable. i R In fact we can serve you with all of the very best of the world's . i products, to eat. drink and aiuoke. Phone Douglas 647. Private ex change connects all departments. onrfircy & So. j MEMl Do you know that your failure to instruct your wives, daughters, sisters and mothers in the correct way to step off a car exposes them to danger? "Take hold of hand-hold with left hand and face direction the car is moving." Assist us in preventing accidents. Omaha & Council Bluffs Slrect Railway Co. ioe omforf for Men "After brlns; on your ft all day, what rrt of your body Is It that needs tltn most rent? Tour font, of course. We lmve a line of shoes and oxfords that are rrmde for lh com fort requirements of the man with tired feet. HERE'S SOLID COMFORT- These shoes anil oxfords coma In stronir, durable leather made on lnste that Insure comfort. Try a ralr of these comfort brlngers and your foot aches and pain wiU disappear S3.50, 34, $5 $6 00 Grand July Special WING MACHINE SALE Commencing Monday Morning, July 1st, Continuing for One Week. We Will Sell A regular $68 Machine for $40.00 A regular $65 Machine for $35.50 A regular $45 Machine for $25.50 A regular $30 Machine for $18.50 "We have a number of slightly used machines of various makes which we will Bell at greatly reduced prices. If you ever contem plate purchasing a sew ing machine, it will pay you to avail yourself of this opportunity. Second hand machines from $3 up. Machines sold for either cash or easy payments, $2 down and $2 per month. EVERYTHING TOR THE SEWING MACHINE Machines Repaired Machines to Rent llayden Bros. Sewing Machine Dept. uuvu LAb SIKttT ENTRANCE, ' Brexel Shoe Co. 141) Farnam SI. Albany Dentists Boom 12, Bushman Block. '"Entrance, 115 S. 16th Street. Set of Teeth $2.00 What la the use) of paying other dentist" high prices when we can do the work painlessly and charge no more than the dentist colleges do? Expert Dentists do the work. FOR SALE OR RESIT aeld M.d.l roldlng Cot., C.mp Bl.k.., Mammocks, Flag., Lsrge mam earns Chairs, Poroh Chairs ana ttass. At tori- ALL KlNDS..Tg TS"ALL SIZKS Camp out If you can; if you must stay at home get I an AWNING Ask u fop prices. Hi OMAHA TENT AND AWHIKG CO. Jtione DouaUs ft3 i i llth and Harney fr Highest Qualities THK RILIARLK STORK Best Values Price is Only an Item I'll- rr-mrS a- ummm BTonlsgs Vntil 10 to 3. 10. BttBdmys (qua? jy riparr 4 y I 1322Fal-iiam5t. I A Fourth July Outing Cannot Be Enjoyed Without One of Our SOFT SHIRTS At $1.00. S1.50 or $2.00 Summer Underwear In All Quali ties, 50S $1 00. $1 50 ri lararnat nnd in out nomsleta atork ran t found at otir claca onbr tK beet made at pricea "way below others. Wa ImDort onr own Flra Crcltra fro s (mre 10 get now ana iretn ajooaa. wo utk w Here are a few (pools 1 goods on aatio la our noroc China, no you are always (mre to get now am buy early tnis aeaaon. China Fire Crackers, H In a package, So a package. Tiger Fire Crackers, M In a paokaara. a paok- lS-ball Romiui Camdlaa, 4o each, 49 a doceo. It-bail Roman Caadlaa, lo eaoh. for loo; 60o a doson. S5-ball Roman Candlea, 6e aaoh,. for tlo, Oa a 40eo. Balloona, to. To, lie, loo. Lantern, 4a Bo, o aaoh. . Bpeolal rata lo quantities for bam parUaa. Ne order too large or small for ua to nil. or frelrht oolv. Send ua your order. Bpe. ling. iei ua nguro wiTn yuu. iow srmr to maix, okdebb oe tovb okdib nr BAUT 0 XBStrBS S&OOOV AnBVTXOV Sc a. Daokaaa, Baby rira Craokera, S50 In ac, vo a paoaaga. J-lnctj Safutos, 1 In a bos, 4o atoox. bail Roman Candles, lo aaok. ll-ball Roman Candiea, So eaon. ja-ball RomaB Canalea, to aaolK 3a a doaen. Every thing elaa tn propovtloa. 1M1 orders wiu b aant by xpr cl(U attention to Wetilwir Fire Worka for celebrat BFBOXAXi attxitt: Jog. F. Bit OMAHA 322 S. 16th Street 9 coupon TMa eoupon Is fol Cor fet puroaaaa or jnra trad with tdo purobaaa of Works. Void after July i. ltet Cut out -tihi aoapasi a4 to witn you. rr it " lOth AJND 1 HOWARD Omaha's Oreatest Bargains On Dis play la Out Windows. Dollar Sa'ed to Two Dollara Xarnad. Bee Onr Windows. Summer Dresses Keep your summer d rentes looking now cy naving mam ary cieanea. Price $1.50 to $2.00 We make a specialty of cleanlag ladles' flna dreetes. All work guaran teed. The Pantorium 'Phone Douglas 963, for a wagon. "Oood Cleanera" 1513 Jonea St. A WATCH On Your Vacation Cheaper than you ran afford to go without one. Gold filled, warranted tO years, with genuine Elgin move ment, axtra thin modal, open or hunt ing caae, la any site naught, twelve or a! x teen. Rvery walcu fully guar anteed a genuine Klgln. VOT some movement you don't know anything about S12.00 C. D. Brown Co. lfth and farnam Btreeta 0 SATISFYIflG DEUTlSTRY ir..rv ODaratlon performed In this of- flra U a aaunpto of our work. At our low rrtcea there would be no proHl In ono iraa patlente. We will ati.fy you eioiy time In order to gain your future patron- "li Sir "or" $5.00 ) TAFTS DEVTAL ROOMS " The American Eagle Will Scream On Thursday Nexl Ara your .lines In condition to en Joy a comfortable I'ourth? ran't very well have iriuch pliutajra un)eat your feet are well taken care of. We'vw everythlas that'a iool and eay In footwear for men. women ami children 0frd Tl-s of nil aorta Pumps. Sllppera, Can vat fchoe lit great variety 1 $2.00 (o $5.00 It'a up to you to say which style you prtfer. FRY SHOE CO. TBI IIOIII 16th and Douglas Streets. 1 W o n SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Yla ERIE RAILROAD To CHAUTAUQUA LAKE . New York. July 5th and ?Stb Good SO laya, at $14 ftbJ ass Apply to Ticket Agenta or H. C. HOI.AHUil). - Ballway Escaanga, Chicago. Our Great Bargain Giving Carnival Still Going On We Must Unload Now and Not Later Tt mattera now whether you want millinery, shooa or men's furnishing, Everything la new this season and wo carry nothing but fashion's latest. Wo have been buying them direct from the men who made them, and they are going out to the people at the moat ruinous pricea you ever saw. It la a sale of such stupendous values that competition and customers are over-awed ft our daring. The blggeBt Interest that money ever drew la now held out to you In these grand values. Thle la a eale of Bales, a tearing away from old moss back methods and trampling under feet all former procedure and is of vital Interest to every man. woman and child in this part of Nebraska. Again we aHy UOMB TO THE SaSATEST MXX.X.XKXBY, alEB'B I-troNISHXHQK- AJD (HOB SALE ITEB HELD IB THB WORLD. MONDAY '1'KE STORE Will. BB CROWDED WITH NEW BABCraXBS. SPAOB Will HOT A.IO.OW US TO QUOTH FBJOSS. where; $7.50 and When it comes to buying clothing: or anything else in fact, THE QUALITY IS THE IMPORTANT FEATURE. 1 Cheap Clothes are not al- ' ways good clothes, but when v & vou can buv GOOD Clothes iVA Rt cheap clothes prices, why - n nf 9 Tr iroT-tr rmrmont. nffprri our JULY SALE is fully standard in quality, workmanship .an.d style only the price is greatly reduced for quick clearance. Tho most particular can be suited to perfec tion in our showing , y cf MEN'S SUITS . Men's suits worth $15 to $25, nil hand tailored' garments, manufactured by the world's best makers of ready-to-wenr suits all tho newest shades, styles and pat-, terns; salo prices, $12.50 . and 15.00 Men's suits, worth to $18, newest fabrics and styles, su perior in workmanship and: quality to any offered else- S10.00 a; SUMMER OUTING SUITS Perfect two-pice suits in unliniited assortment at, $r.o0, $10, $12.50 and 15.00 Children's Wash Suits All new styles at 35c up to ......2.50 Children's Wool Suits, worth to $5, every imaginable style and color at $1.93 and 2.95 m HMDENS' HRSI BAILEV (SL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOH PA.TpN BLOCK Cornpr 10th and Farnaiu Streets. Best equipped Dental office in the middle west. Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Trlcoa. Porcelain fillings, Just like the tooth. T E1IPOS1TI M mm a 'JU1 - V 1 v. . r t " '4 Ofhco noura. t OO to 30 a. a.. 12 00 to t. It) p. ui. TelephoiiB Harney LSI. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL as 10 Maaoa Street, Oaiaha, b. If. L. Bamaii lottl, 1. V. 8 . lputy tilala and t'Uy Veterinarian, food lnaiiet-ior, Cwt tfurgeun. lJ. O. Scott, l. V. 8., rloa liilal Huraeon. C Oa Li -PATENTS tnat PROTECT 1 1. ice km( e o. TtCT- lmi)i.l 1 The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTER. ' RY. On account of the Jamestown Exposition afford one of the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic4Seaboard that has been offered the traveling public in many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits to Niagara Falls Lake Champlain The St. Lawrsncg Hudson River Trip Adirondack The Gatskills Berkshire Kills Chautauqua Atlantic City Hew York City Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by the Chicago & North-Western Ry. with trains of all lines east. For rates, tickets and full information apply to TICKET OFFICES I40M40S Farnam Strsat OMAHA. I'EB. Jamestown Exposition VIA Illinois Ge ntral Railroad The low rata excursion tlcxats on aala account of tha Jamestown Exposition afford touo?era at nearly all points east of Chicago, Including: DETROIT BOSTON NIAGARA FALLS PHILADELPHIA BUFFALO WASHINGTON TORONTO , RALTIMORK HONTRKAL IXIISVILI.B NEW YORK CITY CINCINNATI Lake ataamer trip; alao 81 Lawraace and Hudson Hrar trips la- cluded. Direct eonaectlona 1 Chlrago with trains' of all Unas. Ratas, tickets and detailed Information at City Ticket Office. ltOi Farnam St.. or write Samuel North District rasseagw Agent, Omaha, Neb. FOLLOW THE FLAG and Tirawel" ROUND TRIPOi Ilot Bprings, Ark., daily . $23.05 Jamestown Eiposition, dailjr.,. $35.00 St. Louis, Mo., daily...... ... ....,.$18.50 Canadian Point, daily . . . . r. . Oxe fare phaa $2.00 llomeeeekers1 lot and 3rd Tuesdays, summer months Very Low Bate New England point, July 9, 13. 22, 23, one far plua $2,00 BoHten, Maes., July 26 to 28 ... : $33.75 Philadelphia, Pa, July 1L, 12 and 13.... $32.75 Saratoga, N. Y., July 3 to 6 . , . .$31.35 Many other points, low round trip rates For detail information and literature communicate with Wabash City Ticket Office 16th and Firnarn Streets. OMAHA, NEB. HARRY . MOORRR, OL A. P, DM Wabash R. R. if J'- 1317 PoafU V aTTCT'W ft V " "- '' """nil I: J