THE . OMAHA SUNDAY BEEi DUNE 30. 1907. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR HAI.FS (Continued! REAL ESTATE CITT PROPF.RTT FXR LB. (Continued! REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKHTT FOR I1LB (Continued.) 1 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKHTT FOR SALS. (Continued) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPF.RI V FOR SALK. (Continued.) f.M ESTATE REAL ESTATE riTT PRIirKHI V roll SAI.Ht (Continued.) CITT PIOPERTT FOR AI.IS ICon tin uad.) GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 756 WEST FARNAM HOMES 18,Ono for 00 Davenport Bt., new In 9 laiga rootni and reception hall. ex cellent attic: large south front lot, 107x130 ft.; hot water heat. good cemented base ment with laundry, large rlstern; asphalt paved street. . .. , $7 .000 Practically new 7-room house, on Slut Ave. near Turner park, all modern and strictly up-to-date-. Very attractive living room with beam ceiling; corner lot, paving all paid; possession on short notice. ....... . ,. , UO-IS N. met Ave., 7 roomi, all modern, splendid neighborhood, asphalt paved itreet, lot 60x1.16 ft. DUNDEE HOMES 0oft4imii California Ft.. Dundee. This houae la brand new, baa 9 rooms, aU mod ern, hot water heating plant. osk finish, cement sidewalk; lot 60x135 ft,; adjacent lot can be. purchased at reaaonable pi Ice. HOMES IN VARIOUS PARTS OF OMAHA 8f,4O0 for two 6-room houses, near 22d and Capitol Ave., located on large, lot, 100x135 ft.; one house all modern; other all modern except furnace; rental r per month. IB Wirt for northeast corner 20th and Rmmet St., In Kountze Hace, 8-room all modern square house, built In l; quarter-sawed oak finish and floors; solid bronse hardware, combination fixtures, furnace heat; splendid corner lot, 74x184 ft; on paved street and boulevard. Room to build two more houses If desired. House, Just re cently painted and in good repair. Immediate possession. Key at our office. $.18nO for 25KS Pratt St., 6 large rooms and reception hnll; new In lflOS; Just newly decorated; all modern; lot 46x134 ft. Ownr going Into business in eastern atate reason for selling. . , . fct.SO for 41 8. Vlh St.. 8-room all modern house, oak finish In floors, gcod fur nare In basement. Walking distance. . K1.7IX) for Prstt St., brand new home, Just cempleted. all modern, hot water heating Plant, full basement, six large rooms, good altlc, fine shade trees, near 24th street car line. t aw for 2710 Bristol Pt., well built H-rnnm. 2-story, all modern house, hot water paved street, fall south front kt. 60X1S2 ft. It alone aaally worth $l.f Very easy terms. Will rent for $36 per month. Owner lives on premises and will ba glad to show vou property at any time. Can Wabster ISM. fS.Onu for lt?ll California, St.. atreet recently paved, house la full two stories and Is Mx.18 ft: S rooms finished on first floor; second floor unfinished; would easily make four mora room a. R.ftjO for 4t22 Tcard St., large 8-room houee, (food fumaos and acetylene gaa light ing plant: larae shade trees anl plenty of fruit, also bam on premises. fs.o'O for 2f0B Bristol St., T-room house., all modem, paved street, lot 44x138 ft. $3.6o0 for ZiH Davenport St.', t-room house, modern except furnace, good neigh borhood. EXCELLENT CLOSE IN LOTS , JA.nnn for southwest corner of 25th and Chicago Sts., lot fifix68 ft. $2,500 for 6fix44 ft., west front on 22d St., between California and Webster Sts. 82.600 for ROxlSZ ft., north front on California, between 23d and 2nth Sts. ll.Ttrt East front lot on 25th St., near Casa, 42xfl8 ft. 11,600 for MrW ft., west front, on 21st St.. between California and Webster Sts. Iton't forget the cheap lota In Patrick Place. Sea our special ad. CHEAP LOTS ON S. 16TH ST. II 100 for 40xl4 ft., west front, on 16th Bt., ICS feat south of Williams St. Term are-half cash, balance at I per cant. INVESTMENTS $11,000 for double 10-room flat and three cottages, Not. IKS, 1464 and 1466 8. 17th It, ard 1710 and 1712 Hickory St.; yearly rental II. 32a 12.200 2721 and 2723 Sprague Bt., two good 6-room cottages, olty water, gas, etc.: tawly painted and In good condition; routing for 124 per month. Will sell separately. BUSINESS INVESTMENT Wall constructed 8-story brick and flat building, on 8. 16th St., near Jackson St., ilso smsll cottage on 17th St., which must ba sold with the property. G8 ft. front tge on 16th Bt. and 33 ft frontage on 17th St Would easily pay 10 per cent gross. June 80, VXH. (19) $500 CASH for a new 6-room cottage, only S blocka from Harney St. car; elegant, full, south front lot, barn, chicken house, shade and mall fruit. Price, $1,600. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas the. (19- X20 acres of exoellent farm land north raat of Alliance, $16 per acre; splendid Vol). Will trade for Omaha properly and assume Incumbrance. O. C. Carlberg, 611 N. T. Ufa Bldg. 09) CHOICE LOTS Full Cor. lot, B. and K. front, paved Bt., I Blk. to car line; only $600. South and aaat front on grade 24th and Webstar Ave. (Just N. of Fort St.), $600. Full 60-foot south front lot, 8-ft., I Blka. to 80th St. car; only $265. We maka easy terma on all miles If tiecessary. We can show you what you want. We can sell what you have, got, and We would Ilka to write; your INSUR ANCE, TOO. J. W. RASP CO. 1 , ' 436 Paxton Blk. 09) KENWOOD r ' LOTS $1 A WEEK I have two lota In Kenwood, 3GS and 269, hat I will sell for tao cash and $1 a week $160 each six blocks from new car Una. E. t PLATZ, $330 Manderson St. (19)-268 30 FINE lot, with acre of ground attached, on Florence boulevard. Inquire Alfred King, 2509 Oust St. (19) 149 80s A Pair of Snaps 'A eix-room cottage, partly modern, good re pair, within walking distance; must be sold at once, owner going to Europe. The lot is 40x120 and can be bought for $1,550.00 if taken at once one-half cash, balance easy terms. A six-room cottage, city water, sewer and gas, good repair, new brick walk, east front lot, a nice home at 26th and Corby; price $1,750.00. If you want these you will have to hurry for they will sell readily at prices quoted. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. Doug. 5108. 836 N Y. Life Bldg. F. F. Osborn, Mgr. City Dept. NEW nousE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 31ST AND DAVENPORT Jtst completed, a house of T rooms and racuptlon hall; haa preased brick founda tion, large high callar, first floor finished In oak, oak floors, veatlbule entrance; Id floor haa four good Bleed bed rooms and bath, narrow quarter-aawed hard pine flooring, nice sightly lot, elegant view up the boulevard, paved street, cament walk all around tha house; It will pay you to lake a look at thia house and sea us about rma and price. Hastings & Heyden, C04 Farnam St. Bet Building. (19) $5,000 Modern, $-room home, brand new, on 36th Ave. and Poppleton, aaat front; lot 46x 13S. Permanent walks In and paving or dered. A very attractive property. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. rirat Floor K. T. U let Doug. 1711. "If It's a bargain, they have It." 0 M157 . NICE home or 10 par oent rnvestment, No 66 & $7t h. $3,750. cash. Saa O. E. Klapp, tU Park Ava. 0 $U Xix A LIBERAL ooaunlaalon to any paraun m&lo or fwnala, that will produce a aura n.ulrk buyer for my residence, 3M6 Antes a.vw umena, iso. -uwauir. OD-U7 f FARNAM DISTRICT $3,noo for a 2-story frame, all modern house ot 7 rooms, full east-front lot, variety of fruit and shade, good barn and other out buildings. Can make any reaaonable terma to the right party. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglaa 5S5. (19)- IIOME OR INVESTMENT rooms, entirely modern, electric lights, furnace, elegant woodwork, east front; lot Ilea nice and sightly; two blocks from car line, within two miles from postofllce; $2,500, $500 cash, balance same aa rent. Entirely new. . , , '" C. G. Carlberg, Ml N. T. Ufa Bldg. (19) 4 CHOICE LOTS 40x70 feet each, very cholca location, near 10th and Manderson St. $400 each or $1,600 for tha four; Just the fiace to tuiia some cottages for a home or n vestment. Let ua show you these at once. J. W. RASP CO. Douglas 1663. 43S Paxton Blk. (19) i THREE-STORY BRICK On Farnam St., near 12th St.; rent for per montn; snap, $12,600. F. D. WEAD, 1624 DOUGLAS ST. (19) 313 30 Trackage, Close In On 15th and Pierca Sts., 132 x2M ft., handy for any kind of wholesale or factory, while it Is very convenient to all parts of Omaha and South Omaha. Berka & Co.. 93$ N. T. Lift. Phone Douglaa 7497. 09) !) VACANT LOTS $! Cor. 43d and Corby, 60x120. lino 4th and Military Ave., 80x130. iwi-ziiti ana eniriey, &0xM7. $460 3Sth and Pacific, 47x166. $o giith Ave. and Casa, 40x120. $sno iStn Ave and California. S0xl6V li.aio tt Ave. and Webster, 42x160. $iS00 3lh and Davenport, 100x177. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Doug. 1781 If it's a bargain, they have it LOOK1NO FOR A GENUIKK BAH.QAIV? If so. here It la: Ixt a. block 70. and lot 1. block ". South Omaha, situated on cor ners JUh and L. Sta. and Sfc'h and L Sts. Five houses on each lot. Income about IM month. Price for all. I1&.0O0 cash. Need the money, hence the sacrifice. Pays 1S per cent on the Investment. Apply Oerard Brandenburg, Loa Angelea, Cat. fl- BEAUTIFUL BELVEDERE. Half acre for aale. Bargain. Improved. Kacea Miller park and car line. W. A. HANSEN, uth and Re dick Ave. fl9 J1 Jrtg 19 New Houses Now Being Built in Kountze Place Are Every on for a borne, that ia one of the best reasons why rou should make your home In this beautiful addition. There is no more desirable location to be found In the city of Omaha, reached by three of the beBt car lines, the Dodge, Sherman Avenue and North 24th street The Florence Boulevard runs through the middle of the addition; only 15 minutes ride to the business dis trict. Select your lot now and start your new home and hare it completed before winter. "We make terms J,4 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. OUR PRICES Lots on Pinkney, between 16th and 24th, $700 to 1750. txits on Emmet, between 16th and 24th, $850 to $9.00. Lots on Lothrop, between 16th and 24th $750 to $950. Lots on Spencer, between 16th and 24th, $950 to $$1,050. Lots on Spencer, between 16th and 24th, $950 to $1,150. Lots on Locust, between 16th and 24th, $950. Coiners a trifle higher. Office open Monday evenings until 8:30. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 Farnam St. $5,500 RENTS FOR $720 On 32d. near Pacific, two 9-room, all mod ern nats. owner wants offer, la leaving city. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. Phone Douglaa 685. (IP) NORTH 24TH STREET 7-room, all modern dwelling, large porch. corner lot; lot 63x128; excellent location, C. G. Carlberg, 9U N. T. Ufa Bldg. (1!) WHERE SHALL I BUY OR BUILD? Hundreds of ceonle are asklna this auna- tion. They are In earnest about it. They nave a given amount of money to Invest. They want real values, nrvperty with a future; they expect to build a modern houe, therefore must have publto lmprove menta In the atreet rather than in the seller'a eye. It must bo accessible by rapid transit from the business district. BOULEVARD PARK meets every require ment and MOREL BOULEVARD PARK Is beautiful for aitaation. sightly, yet level, overlooking the Missouri valley. Bprague street divides It and In the cast and west .thoroughfare connecting 20th St. Boulevard, with the prODOsed new boule vard and speedway around Cut-Off lake, umana s only lake resort, growing In populsrity daily. BOULEVARD PARK Is , accessible by direct car, without trans- ter a uvminute ride from the heart of city. You can buy a lot one block or four om icar. 1'rtces are very reasonable, 0 to $600 for a lot with city water, sewer. gas, electric light, cement walk, trees and shrubbery; these Improvements go with the lot. Take Sherman Ave. car to Sprague St.. walk through the addition; see for yourself the class of improvements, tne modern nouses building, 'ineres some thing doing In BOULEVARD PARK. Dwellings Large and Small NICE 5-R00M COTTAGE 1 East front, on srood street, only two blocks from Kountze Place and 21th strpct car; vestibule, parlor, 2 bed rooms, bath, kitchen, closets $2,100. 6-ROOM MODERN Oak finish first floor. Geortrla nine finish second, hig basement, good furnace, brand new; Immediate possession $3,600. 8-ROOM MODERN Parlor, dlntna- room, vestibule In rir balance finish hard pine; corner lot; only block from car; built last year; nice place for home $3,800. 6-ROOM DWELLING Built for home: living rooma nnlah4 cypresa, full basement; east front on boule vard; only half block from car $3,400. 5-R00M DWELLING Sipping rooma on accond floor? m.i on 20th St. boulevard; nice shade, perma nent walks, barn; for quick sale, $1,700. Any size dwelling anywhere. Shimer & Chase Co. Realdental, Commercial, Industrial Sites. 10 Farnam Street. Orange Front. 'Phote Douglas 8S67. FIELD CLUB LOTS Only a few of these very desirable lots now remain unsold. We made an ex tremely low price, good until July lat. Wa have concluded to extend the time for these bargains for another week, during which time we expect to close them out. If you have been hesitating, do ao no longer, for thla la absolutely the best opportunity you will have to secure a superior lot for a very modest price. They are located on loth Ave., between Poppleton and Wool- worth, and on 3Gth street between Pop pleton and W'oolworth. SEE THEM TO MORROW. CONSIDER THE IMPROVE MENTS THAT ARE BEING MADE IN THAT IMMEDIATE LOCALITY AND CALL US UP. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 898. R. C. PETERS & CO., ZX So. 17th Et., Bee Bldg. 09) $2.00 Per Week I can sell the following cheap lots, IS down, balance $2 per week. Good title; abstract furnished. Evtry lot a bargain: IN BKNSON .$ia IN DUNDEK 600 17TIC NEAR MANDERSON..... . 475 40TH AND BROWNE 126 STH AND I, SOTTH OMAHA..... 175 47TH AND ERSKIN.Q. 100 48TII AND CCMINQ 2S loTH AND CA1A FOUNT A 660 44TH AND PODOB ... 600 48TH AND CHICAGO....... 600 W. L SELBY 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 1510. (I9i M276 I THREE cottages of three rooms each and summer kitchen, on Mapla St., near Suth: rent for 1-1 per month; have city water lor an. w.w. F. D. WEAD, 1614 DOUGLAS ST. (!) Il 39 IS PER CENT. A brick block of throe slures and O rooma on a leading business atreet, rented for a morin. mci tifi.uuo; nail cash. balance lour iwrs per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Boom 1. New York Life Bldg. U-M Be Building. (19) 50x127 $750 South frontage on Seward, near 83d, only block from car line; new home neighbor hood. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. Phone Douglaa 68a. 09)- A SQUARE HOUSE A SQUARE DExYL A SQUARE FRICE 8 rooma and eleuant recention hall, latest plumbing, fine gas fixtures, slightly ter raced lot, permanent cement walk, paved street. A big bargain at $3,100; located on Sherman Ave. near Kountze place. C. G. Carlberg, 611 N. T. Life Bldg. (19) W. H. GATES Room 617. New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. $1,800 Five-room cottage, 25th, nnrt Bristol, water and sewer, lot 32x 182, pared street; paving paid for. $2,200 Six-room two-story house at 8219 North 26th St., three rooms down and three upstairs; stairway to a floored attic; new up-to-date bath room, gas fixtures, a well arranged house, lot 86x130, all fenced, with fruit and shade trees. MUST BE SOLD THIS COMING WEEK. $2.100 Six-room cottage, 2119 Ma ple St., modern except furnace, lot BOx 122, a nice home, on paved street. NOW VACANT. $2,700 Six-room new two-story house, modern except furnace. Just north of Bemts park; barn and a well built house, lot 60x127; fruit land shade trees. 1 $3,000 Six-room modern cottage, at 2716 Frankliu, a very nice up-to-date home, in good order, lot 60x127, on paved street; shade and fruit trees; paring all paid for. $3,700 Six-room new modern house, on Maple St., near 20th, on lot 40x122; paved street: an Ideal home. ON EASY PAYMENTS, $4,000 Elght-room modern house, costing $7,000, including large barn, on 22d, near Grant; corner lot 86x135, a well built house, needing some re pairs. $4,600 Nine-room modern house and barn, at 1915 Spencer, lot 60x124, on paved street $4,500 THAT EIGHT-ROOM MOD ERN HOUSE AT 2122 WIRT ST.. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS, size of house 24x45, in good order; nice large cellar, with a separate room for fur nace; stairway to floored attic; large barn, with separate carriage room; south front lot 60x124; shade trees; cement steps and brick walks; paved street. 7000 Ten-room modern house, on 18th and Binney, steam heat and everything Inside of the best; corner lot 74x124: paving on two sides. Terms, $500 cash. Eight-room new modern house in Bemis park district for $3,600. (19)- DUNDEE 1660 each for a few of tha beat north and south front lota on Underwood Ave. Thla lncludea cement side walk, city water, eta. Lota, blocka and atreeta are to uniform and established grades, with trees In street. Do not forget that Dundee haa water, gaa and electric light, furnished by the same compajilee that serve Omaha, also that the West Farnam Dundee car runs to Dundee every eight minutea. GEORGE ft' CO. lfiOl Farnam Street. (19) $4,500 New and strictly modern, 7-room house on 24th Ave, near S.L Mary's Ave. Paved atreet Terma, 11,00 cash, 1300 annually at ( per cent. We will ba (lad to ahow thia property to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO First Floor N. T. U Tel. Doug. 17S1. "If It a a bargain, they have it." , (13)-M167 f $3,000 HOME FOR $4,250 If sold Immediately. Very desirable houee, modern In every respect, with full lot, oa care line. Houae cost over $4,000 and lot la worth 11.000. Bult for a home. Occupied by ewner. Special reason for selling. J. H. DUMONT & SON t N. T. Ufa Bldg. fla NEW BARGAINS On Capitol Ave., wast of high school, T-room new two story house, with 4 rooms on tlrst floor, rooms and bath on second, full siie basement, best of furnsce. South front lot 60x1.15. This Is in excellent neighborhood, owner leaving city and must sacrifice; cannot be dupllcsted for rrlce asked, $.1.30O. tnOO cash, balance monthly payments. In the same neighborhood as above, 8-room cottage, three bed roorhs, parlor. dining room, kitchen and bath, on full south front lot; hard pine finish and In excellent condi tion. Price. $2,300. On Poppleton near new 24th St.. car, 8-roftm and hall, all modern house, has hall, parlor, back parlor, den, dining room, kitchen on first floor and three large bed rooms, lsrge closets and bath room on second. This Is a corner lot with paving on both sides, all paid for. Bar gain at $4,500. We have a new house .tint completed two blocks from Kountze Place; southeast front: corner lot; 7 rooms, all modioli with reception hall, open stairway, parlor, dining room, den and Kitchen with large pantry and rear atairway on first floor, and very large bed rooma, with large closets and bath room on second floor; full slr cemented floor base ment, best of furnace. All wood work and floors weathiv oak stained. combination brush brass electric light and gas fixtures. This Is a com plete house throughout and all readv for occupancy and a bargain at $3,700. VACANT w's have a big bargain In vacant ground less than a hlock from new street rail way car barn site. Bee us for particulars. South front on Fowler Ave., near Florence Boulevard, 50x 1X1, permanent walks, water, sewer and gas. Price, 70. casv terms. Kowler Ave., will be paved this summer, which will make It one of the nicest streets In the north end. South front on Spencer near 26th Ave., $500, easy terms. North front on Fort near Florence Boulevard, 60x122, $350, easy terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & Co., Tel. Douglas 1064. 1320 Farnam St. (1)- 40x120 $500 26th and Blondo, one of the prettiest east. front lots In this neighborhood; everytntng In except paving. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. Phone Douglaa 685. (19) CARLBERG 'S SUB-DIVISION Blondo St between 2flth and 17th Bts. South front, lota 36 feet, $.r60. North front, lots, 88 feet, 1500. Above prices Include per manent cement wnlks and lots brought to Erade. Only a few left. Five modern ouaea In course of construction. Street will be paved thla summer. Walking dis tance. Easy terms: tfA cash and balance 110 monthly. Practically .same prlcea and terma prevailing on lota sold . three mllei lurtner out. iou can t coma near impli cating aa close In. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. (M) NEAR BEMIS PARK Neat 4-room cottage, nearly new, city water and gaa, corner lot at 86th and Parker Bts. A bargain at ti.sou. can mane erms to ault. Also a fine south and east front Cor. lot near above for only WS0. J. W. RASP CO. Douglas 1663. 43S Paxton Blk. Near 16th and Caatellar Sts. east front 66x140 ft., large 8 room house, modern except furnace, $3,600. Near 10th and Bancroft fits., large lot, beautiful ahade trees, K-room house in good re pair, $2,200. Near 23d and Oak St, new 6-room house, very well built, with two lots, one block to new 24th Bt. car, $2,600. Near 11th and Homer Bts.. 7-room house, full lot, pity water and cistern, close to 13th St. car, only $1,900. Near 16th and Center Sts., 6 room house with water and sewer; easy walk to business center; reduced to $2,000. Business property In Bhee ley's leased for 6 years at $400 a year, offered for sale t $2,000. BERKA & CO., Phone Douglaa 7497. 83$ N. T.-Llfe. (19) WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 3512 DODGE STREET An elegant new modern eight-room houae. finished on the first floor with the best of oak. Large living room with ornamental brick mantel. Heated wtth perfect HOT WATER SYSTEM. A very attractive ar rangement of rooms. The house Is open to day for Inspection. Price reduced to $6,250 R. C. PETERS & CO., 220 So. 17th St., Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 888. 0) $9000.00 WIlXi BUY two good modern l-room houses, good barn; shade trees and shrubs: in Hanscom Place; greund luvg 140. ML 6 T Bi BOLD QUICK. M. J. KENNARD ft CO., SOt-10 Brown Blk. (1-M274 1 THE best t-room bouse In the olty for the money; close in; IS minutes' walk from P. O. ob Dodae St.: a naat lawn, with Plenty of fruit; thla Is a bargain ; price. 81.600 cash. Ltu room n i . a. Mat. ftao ma a. U-MMS Bargains $l,no will buy a store building and cottage at 1416 South 13th St. $l,ff0 will buy modern house and lot 42x1.13 at 262 Bristol St. , $;,ono will buy house, lot and large bam at :uj tirant bu $7,000 will buy full corner lot on North 17th St., near the postofllce. This Is Just the place for flats. S,5rtO will buy cornpr lot POxHO. only three blocks from the court house. $i,ttf will buy one of these beautiful acre lots in West Omaha Addition. $8,000 will buy three stores and three flats on North 16th Bt. Ranted for ti2 a month. Bargalna In all parta of the city. Thomas Brennan Room L New York Life Building. 'Phone Douglaa 1J64. 03)- The Byron Reed Company 'Phone Doug. 237. 212 S. 14th St. $700 i Buys a 60xln0 feet, east front lot, two blocks from Hanscom Park. O. K. aa to grade. ; $050 Buys a choice building lot on Sherwood ave., near 16th. Elegant ahade trees. Only half block to car. $1,800 Buys 6-room cottage, 21st St, Clark St. and Grace St. between $3,250 For the two lots at aouthwest corner of 21st and Clark Sts., 132x140 feet. Double bouse on part of lot. Koom for three or four cottages. This Is dirt cheap. $3,900 -room, all modern house, near Crelghton college. Fine lot, shade trees, etc, 1915 CAPITOL AVE. This ti a 9-room. all modern house. Ixrt la 68 feet front on Capitol Ave. One of tne beat locations In the city, $7,000. Call on us If you want to buy a lot or houae and lot. we nave a large list, Q.8 MODERN BEJCBON HOME. Seven rooma, basement, bath and tollat complete, city water, electrlo lights. Half diock rrom car. .uoi niga ana level, com. raandlng beautiful View. Built In Novenv ber for home and Is first-class through' out. F. S. TRUX.LTN OER, OWNER. Phone; Benson 1261. OS) M104 SO NEAT cottage and M acre, barn, chicken house, on West Leavenworth, all for ti.uuu. Beautiful acre tracts and lots In the West xeavenwortn and Dundee district at rea aonable prices and terms. B. ARION LEWIS. Acre Specialist, 934 New York Ufe Bldgi t-none narney suy. U) M264 6 SNAP IN COTTAGE Of five rooma with gaa, water and aewer; corner lot,, near urant, Jl.ioo. F. D. WEAD, 1624 DOUGIAS ST. (1 81a 30 BEST new 8-room house, modern with or wltnout rurnace ror .,w: rorced to sell quickly. Tel. after 7 p. m. Webster 1K8. n)-Wy8J FOR SALK 6-room cottage, owner leaving city, win sen at a aacrince. io North 40th South Omaha, Tel, 171. (1J)-M 148 FOR S ALB North half lot 9. block t. Jsttera addition. South Omaha; large house on 80th St., half block south ot Armour's, $L800i Address W fx, Bee. (19) 313 80 COAL AND TIMBER LANDS Exceptional In location and price. Large and small tracts. Full particulars on addressing frank foster, tun iumoanc Ave., Chi cago. 111. O9)-200 80s BUFFALO. BUFFAl-O. BUFFALO. Five thouaand dollars buya two hundred foot frontaga, improved ; vacant; will pay big In five 7 ear a. Herbert B. Gould, Buffalo, M. I. U Z36 8ux FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben. eon, three blocks rrom oar, suitable for planting or for improvement; an oppor tunity tor soma one. lee. Addreaa, O 439. UIJ-iBIt LOOK AT THIS All modern. 6-room cotrace. 8411 Lafavatta Ave. xseuua raix. -none tiarney mk. u. mo A SNAP 8-ROOM MODERN HOME Plastered Attic S blocka from 24th BL car. South front. Lot 60x188. paved street. 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 24 Poppleton Ave. 1) M984 1 DEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres (1)-218 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooma, brand new, strictly modern. $4,000. O Keefe Keal Kslate Co., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. (UU MW7 FOR BENT 10-room modern house, as: Jones St. Telephone ewner for keys. nsusier mow BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully altuated lota, 40HT7 feet eacn, west from on oouievam, two blocki to on grade; corner. $Mo; Inside, tiwv. Must oe sola oy owner at once. Mot l.a fayette Ave. (Ul-MM 3 of tMm: quick service. 'Phone ror prtcts. u uarantee A tv- atract Co.. Patterson blk. fborie Red K47. 1I-Il Jy8 rOR BALE House. 8 rooms, modern i rapt furnace, 2o7 Cuming St. Prioe, $2,u0. fcsr terma , JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank. Ula, aj4 Donglea. " " o)-au $3,2JO Pujm a comparatlTeIy pew and fully modem t-room house In west Omaha, situate on the southwest comer of JMh and Jackson 8ts. This bouse was built two years ago and cost something over $.V,000. The street In front of the property Is In process of paving and tha neighborhood is handsome and growing, W. B. Meikle, 205 Ramge Bldg. (i r so GOOD 8-room house, all modern except furnace, fine shade and fruit trees; will sell for less than cost If old at once. Inquire at the place, 1748. Xlh St U9)-.M!o IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Western Home Fulld ers. rooma 23 and 3, Neb. Nat. llanlt Bldg., for prices and terma. (IB) 219 REAL ESTATE fr-ARM AND HANOI LAND FOR lAXH ('BIllS. SOUTHERN Manltoha. near Morris, three quarter section of tbo choicest dry, elesn prsliie lund; deep hla. k loam; can all ba cultivated; good locality. Norris Is lo cated In one of ti e richest farming dis tricts in Manitoba, the laud being well adapted for wheat grnwtna. The owner, not being a farmer, needsMha money for business, hence a great bargain. For particulars address tloorge O. Pophara, Box Mi!, Winnipeg, Manitoba. t20)-l Jyx Colorado. I IIAVH a well Improved stock ranch. near here, with soo acres nay lann, plenty of water and outside range, to sell. Will give time on part. Will take some et:un1 ard bred mares or fillies, or will trarta for land or city property. Chaa. Ml' hiiffey, Loveland, Col. IK. V. No, 3. CXM-440 30X Idaho. ONE MILLION ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND In the upper Snake river valley, Idaho. Tha cheapest irrigates lann ana inn iroi abundant supply of water on the entire continent. Three beet sugar factorlea In the valley. An ideal fruit country; an un surpassed climate; no aero wei.her, no destructive storms, no grain pes'.s. THfil NBXT BIO CITY. IDAHO FALL, IDAHO. It is destined to become the greatest railroad center and the largest city In the state. For full partlculara ad dress the Idaho Falls Development Com pany. IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. (20) Iowa. TtARGAIV. 160-ACREJ well Unproved farm only 6 mile from town in Anair coumy, ., i" per acre. Address At 698, Omaha Bee. (2oa-aa so Kansas. WANTED Awenta to repreaent us 111 the aale ot our .anss miiu. v i no ii tlculara. Globe Land and Investment Col Omaha, Neb. o-2a WE HAVE lands, Improved and Unlm- f roved, in central and eastern riaiisM hat we can sell you from $20 to n0 per acre. These lands are No. L Will con sider good city property or merchandise. Write us for full Information, with de scription of what you have to offer J. W. 8TINE ft CO.. 1028 O St., Lincoln, Neb. (20) 928 Jyl Jdleeonri. NORTH Missouri Improved farms, all al and prices; also siccus or rnrciiiiuie for sale. Send for list. F. P. Hitohoook, Eagleville, Mo. (All Ilebraakau IMPROVED farms In eaatern Nebraska, Sarpy and uougiaa oounues. a. ton, Gretna. Neb. C20)-215 Tins IS A SNAP w. hiv. three sections of sood land 1 mllea from North Platte, Lincoln Co., that we can soil at $8.75 per acre if taken in the next 16 daya. This land la well worth $6.00 per acre, but the owner la In a pinch and must have money! cash, balance time. , , See ua for bargatna m oneap KELLY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Block. 2u)M!t 3 A GOOD farm, well Improved, 90 mllea weet of Omaha, for aale on easy tern.s, 6 per oent interest, u laKen m umi . Address Y-244, Be 7 (20j-aii FIRST-CIiASS Nebraska farms and ranahes lor nomas or luvtiuiituu (J) uJ7 IMPROVED and unimproved farms In Dunay couniy. ieorsi, u v u. ,... county. Kansaa, from $w upl good land; three to ten mllea to county eeat; main line Burlington; write me what you want, I'll tell you what I've got. WILL C. ISRAEL. Benkelman, Jyfi, FOR SALE OR EKCHANGB Several fine . nnniiai Wublnrton and Sarpy counties; also several aectlona of good western Nebraska land at a bargain. Mc Menemy ft Riker, 4u Bee tildg. Tel. Douglaa 512. (3w-a4t $0 North Dakota. 10,200 ACRES of land in Mercer rflnntr. North Dakota, as a wnoie or in amno for sale on easy terms. H. E. Skinner, 1018 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis. Sowth DaVota. MAKE MONEY Buy a farm In Beadle county. 8. TK Another big crop ia daily raising aiuaa. A fortune is yours If you buy now. Write for map. D. E. McMONIE. Huron. 8. D. t20)-MlM M FOR SALE) OR TRADE 80 acres Of SS good land aa tbere is in yw.. "-v under a high atate of cultivation! im provements good. Not over 2H mile from, market. Can sell reasonable and taka in $S,000 or $10,000 worth of up-to-date hard ware. For particulars aJJreas J. J. McCaughey. Aberdeen. S. D-, FOR BALE 820 acres; well Improved; only four mllea from Brentford, in BplnK county, South Dakota. For prioe and terms write L. O. Vhig. Aberdeen B D. (201 M 178 I FOR SALE OH TRADE 480 acres. SALE OR TKAuri- m'"U W. from Westport, Brown county, Souta uta. I'nder a high state of cultlva-l f Fine buildings, good flowing well and L mllea Tiakot tion, . . . . iuaa w.r naxliciuar u dress J. J. McCaughey. Aberdeen. H, U, 0)0 Ml 70 Texas. We own and offer for sale 25,000 a fires of first-class farming land situated In nj Texas Psnhandle. Surface smooth SjkJ gently rolling; soil a nark chocolate loam with clay eub-soll every inch a steam plo proposition. Sheet water at from to Jo feet. Since January lBth we bave re tailed nearly IuO.OiiO acrr-s; average reaU price, $12.0 per acre. We have our owa hotel fully equipped, together wftn auto mobiles. If taken within the next fifteen daya we will Include the entire eouJp ment with the land at i bargain figure. TEXAS AND SOUTHWEST COLONIZA TION CO. Third Street and Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis, Minnesota. (2u M34J Jy CATHOLIC COLONY-In the Texas Pan handle; 10 mlle northeaat of Amarllio and 3 mllea from panhanrlle City, we have 26. 000 aores the most desirable laud In north west Texas, offered exclusively to Caih olio eel tit re, on ruoet favorable b-rme. We own this land. No agents. Write direct for full purticulara. The Southwest Calholic Colonisation Co., Roulu ld5, tttsltt mets Bldg., IV kin. 111. iXU PUT your monthly savings into Texas real estate. It will double your money. Farms sold on monthly payment, Bog 2Mi Sag Antonio. Tsxaa. Aij-i ea Bt r