THE OMAHA SUNDAY BITE: TUNE 30. JP07. if HELP WANTED MALE Airnd mm4 jlilfimfn 4 oil an erf. , SALESMEN WASTKD-Knr the most prsc. Ileal and popular Imp of nfllce specialties nn thi market; universal demand, splen did opportunity for Bond men T 8 ( oopr, Burlinartnn, la. (i 98 x WANTED Young rtian. experienced travet tnax salesman, territory your vicinity, to call on drug and general atnre trad'; cs tahliehed house; exceptionally good line. Stat , experience and line handled. Replle confidential. Box Rni, Chicago. (1')-1S8 TX SALESMEN 2w to 9nrt per cent rroflt well. In pec1alty every oierchant and business man wants: aulck CBfib salea; unlimited quail Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. m 197 MAKE $15 dally Belling our new high-grade fountain hath brush; blggeat. and beet season right now; ll per cent profit; eel la at sight. Don't delay. Knickerbocker Bale Co.. Chicago. (9i-l6 80x WANTED Salesman to handle fine sta tlonery proportion 'a a aide line; refer ence, confidential. Dept. No. , Box 423, Davenport, la. ()-196 80x SALKSMEN to aell a large line of souvenir postcard a aide line; big compilation : prompt settlements. National Postcard .. Chicago. iy-m aox WANT a man that haa an offloe or dek room that la capable of repreaentlng a manufacturing company and atart out salesmen lor western territory. Give full particular In first letter. Pabent Novelty Co. , Pulton. III. (9)-207 30 ' BOA P agenta making $W weekly selling our wonderful $1 SO aoap and toilet article com btnationa with valuable premluma for Joe. Crew managers wanted. Buy direct of manufacturer. Profitable vacation work for students; experience unnecessary. Davla Soap Work. B Union Park Ct., CThlcago. (8)-193 30x A LEW MEN Do you wish to eubatltute a live line for one that I hard and un- Ktifltable? If eo, addres B Hlenrt. 10 andolph St., Chicago. (9)-l9 80x WANTED Salesman experienced In any line to sell general trade In Nebraska: liberal commissions, with 1 weekly ad vance. On salesman earned 11,289.21 during the last three months; bis first work. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. ( 204 SOx 8A I . FX M EN Rig money and pleaaant business, selling on honor, new depart ment, to retailers; very profitable and de sirable; nothing like it ever before of fered; experience unnecessary; natural qualifications win. Only those who can irlve beat of reference need apply. Give age, preaent and previous business. Wtl met, ll Randolph Bt., Chicago. (t)-4 30x WR start you selling diamonds; don't fail getting our liberal offer; IS daily sum. carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. Mention paper. ( 238 30 AI.KBMAN wanted; aell retail trade; your locality, $66 per month and expensce to atart, or commission. Experience unnec essary. HBRMINGBEJJ CIGAR CO., To ledo. O. (91-234 30x SPECIAL AGENTS WANTED Honest hustlers to sell high-class mining and in dustrial stock; exclusive agency and lib eral contract. General Securities Co., 224 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. (91229 30x WANTEDA salesman of ability to rep resent us exclusively In Nebraska with our large and first class line of calendars, advertising specialties and druggists' labels and boxes Our line la so complete that every business concern In each and every town and city can be solicited; our good are first class and priced right: our company was organised In 1KJ-2 and la well and favorably known throughout the country. Capitalised for 1200,000. Com mlsalon 2 and 26 per rent. A man of ability and willing to work steadily can make from $50 to ll"0 per week. Good man only wanted. Enclose thia adver tisement with application. Addres Sale Manager. Merchants' Publishing Co., Kalamasoo. Mich. (9) 163 30x SALESMAN for Nehraaka; experienced traveling man preferred; line staple for general trade; position permanent; $30 weekly advance, with commission. Saw yer, Leslie Co., Detroit. llch. t)-l SO -'i - WATJTED-General parents to handle new 7-sested 45 H. P. aiitomobtlea; exclusive territory; 100 per cent profit; splendid op portunliv. Pullman M. V. Co., frog Fisher Bldg., Chicago. (ft) 167 30x A COMMISSION hlr- epo..Ti, to produce heart failure (or traveling men with golden lonauea and i....i,Ml:rd routes. Address Side Line, Box i. Cincinnati. O. (9-lt8 30x GENERAL agent wanted for thia territory; $10 to $50 per day can be made by hust ler, live up-to-date men and women; no Investment; references must be good: my stereoscopic outfit, "A Trip Around the World," retails for $3.00, can be sold uv agents at $1.M. Agents make 75c nn every sale; general agent make 25c and up ward on every sot. Give references and territory dealred. Sample set will be ent you for fiOr, money refunded If not satisfactory. General agency, N. Kawln, 2X0 Fifth Ave., Chicago. (Si 319 30x Boya. WANTED At once several amart, Intelli gent boya. not under 15, to run cash. See Mr. Culver, Main Floor, The Bennett Company. (9 MllSJyl Clerical Offle. STENOGRAPHER Wanted by railroad Co. $. STENOGRAPHER and GENERAL OF FICE MAN Excellent future for right man. $00. OFFICE MAN Mechanically inclined. Night work. $da. STOCK MAN Must have experience In Im plement buslne. $70. BOOK KEEPER and STENOGRAPHER Wanted by wholesale house. Must be expert bookkeeper and fairly good on typewriter. $. sTENOGRAPHE'RS Several calls for young men at $50. CO-OPERATIVE REFtRENCB CO 404-0 N. Y. life Bldg. Omaha. (91-326 30 WANTED Experienced stenographer, good appearance. Able to take any kind of dictation. Good salary. Address 0-f'., car of Bee. (91257 3ux WANTED A young man of pleasing ad dress, who la a competent and experi enced bookkeeper, for a poattion where It 1 necessary to meet people in office and make himself agreeable. Please ad ' dreaa In own handwriting, giving 'phone number, age and bookkeeping experi ence, alao references. Addretts F t2, car Bee. (9I-M27S 3 WANTED A young, man for filing clerk In a fire Insurance' office. Apply In own handwriting, giving age. experience and alary expected. Addresa C 623, care Bee. laj M13u 2x ractery ! Trade. OKT OUT OF THE WET! Job wen't be o easy to get next year. W can uae 500 machinlaia. Highest wages; steady employment guaran teed. Transportation advanced to machinists hav ing first-class references. K'e positively make no charge lit any way, manner, ehape or form for securing job for machinists. iddresa with referencas. the National Metal Trades Association. Cincinnati, Ohio. i9l M916 Jysx POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. T. V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. L.. Omaha. 159 RANTED Watchmaker; give age. ex perience and aalary wanted. Ad.lrets a 41, Be. (9 1 "W 28 WANTEJ 15 moldera, houa and railroad work; steady employment, berry Foun dry, St. Joseph, Mo. 8i Must 30 VRINTKR Wanted t once to take charae of country office. Will pay good aalary to Ilia rlaht party. The Plait Valley News. Bridgeport, Neb. 9-M J 29 2N 6 HAMPER. CUTTER and other help wanted. Regent Shoe Mfg. Co., Lincoln. Neb. (9)-Mti6 k . MEN and boya wanted to leara plumbing or bricklaying tradea; pays $5 to $1 day; poaltlon secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School, St. Louis. U). : catalogue. (9) Ms; T YOU want better aalary or money mak ing bualness. learn show card and sign writing by Miller mall method, In a few weeka for few dollars snd earn $40 to $.10 weekly; terms easy; catalogue free. Mil ler Co 11 eg. Delaware Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. (9) HELP WANTED MALE Farturr and Tradea oatlnaed. WANTED 4 meulders, I maker; union t; open ahop; wil' aitin cen tract for one year. fc.ns dt Orr, K9 Bisk St., Ienver, Colo. () I17 FlRKT-CL.iSS barber wanted, f 12 a week; f per cent over J JO. T. J. Satterlee, Bonne, la. 9)-M7. jy 2x WANTED Barber, immediately; mint be a No. 1 workman; no boorer and a man that will stick. Psv, $13 and one-half over $21. 'Phone at once. Fred T. Phillip. I.Mars, la ( M918 JyJx WANTBf Car carpenter. Rip track men. Truckmen. No trouble. New ahop Just atartlng operation. Apply oy letter to the Crawford Locomotive and Cr Work, Btreator, 111. (9I-M998 J5 MEN learn plumbing. Western Plumbing Trad School, lftf Tremont, Denver, Colo. Write for catalogue. () T1NNKR experienced In furnace and gen eral shop work; steady jod; gooa wage, llartman & I'ullock, York, Neb. (HI-M210 WANTED Two gray Iron floor moulders; only first-class nonunion men need apply. Address Rainier Foundry Co., Seattle, Wash. ( PRINTING FOREMEN WANTED-Pres room and comnoeinr room foremen; good Job at fair wages; foremen leaving our employ to enter business for themselves; have been with us for year. State sal ary wanted and experience first letter. Jlorton Printing Co., Nebraska City. Neb. ()-M2-'6 lx Mlscellaaeaas 25 MEN for warehouse work at Webster Street Freight Depot. H. 8 Jayncs. Aat. ()-M74 Jy4 WANTED Pchool teaclier ana student to travel during vacation months; work p easant and profitable. Addres H 701, Bee office. (; M54 WANTED Energetic young man with lit tle morev to manage branch office in east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying bualnss. Addres 504 Obervatory BUlg., De Molne. Ia. ()-Mal Jytx STRIKE Stryker. Men' Shoe. lth. Board of Trade Bldg. 12 South (9) M9 WANTED Two lunch counter men for Wyoming; free transportation. Call 71S So. th St. (9)-M691jylx WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, aged IS to 35, for firemen and braketnen on lean ing railroads: experience unnecessary. Firemen earn tlOO.OO rer month, become engineer, earn. 1200.00; brakeman earn 175 00, become conductors, earn $150 00. rn nr write at once for nartlcular. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 620 X Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. (9)-89S .Iy8 WANTED At once. brlKht young man, high school graduate preferred, ,to learn fine art huainess. picture framing, etc.; must furnish reference. See Mr. Harry Chaim, 2d floor. The Bennett Company. ANYONR out of work can make bin money aelllne our household specialties, c . Adam Co.. ltl Howard. MJ51 JySx MEN WANTED TOR THE UNITED States navy. Self respecting young Americans are reeded to make the United States navy the for lta size In the world. The lazy and trifling and weak need not annlv. We want the Kun pointer of teady nerve, who can make their shots count, gun crews that can lire the sixty ton sun three times per minute or the eight ton gun ten or twelve times per mlnuts; we want the machinists, foremen, electri cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren tices, cooks, bandsmen necessary to keep our battle ships and their crew of 800 men In the finest possible condition. The navy's chief oblect ia to prevent war, but If w have war we will need our best men In the fleet to match the men of other na tions. W must have trained Americans of abiltv and stout heart behind the gun and at the throttle. Four to five months at training atatlnna. Modern ships and methods of training. All recruit not transferred te Norfolk, Va. Writ or apply to Navy Recruiting Station, podoftlca building, Omaha. Lincoln, Hastings, Sioux City and News Arcade, Uei Molne. (9) 400 30 WANTED Man wltl aome experience in traveling capable of earning high salary: bond required. Address, with stamp and reference. S 617 care Bee. W 4i A CA9ETAKER wanted to represent our sanitarium, lxick Box 177, Kansas city, Kas.; reference given and expected. 9 M41 SOX WANTED Two table waiter at once; $25 ner month, board and room. Bon Ton Rnkery and Restaurant Box 163. Red Cloud. Neb. (9)-M130 30x - M WANTED At once, five cement finlsheri. capable of handling a crew. Addres or call on P. F. Connelly. 127 W. 9th St. Sioux Falls. S. D. (9) 397 WANTED Three reliable men for work by real estate company. Incorporated In Iowa and Nebraska; experience unneces sary, but references and small cash de posit reouired: exceptional opportunity for right kind of men. Apply early. 316 Ramge Blk.. Omaha. (9) 928 STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute. 110$ Farnam. (91-MS27 WANTED An experienced, competent man to set up furniture. Apply People store, lhth and Farnam. (91 a WANTED Experienced collector. Call Palace Clothing Co.. 14th and Douglas. (91987 WANTED A good, steady, strong, sober. single, iniddlo-ased man of good habit i and discipline, to attend to an invalid, drive single horse and do light porter work about house during spare hour. A good home to rlRht party. Inquire from 10:30 a. m. to !:0O p. ni. at No. 818 South It'th street. (91 M105 lx WANTED Gentleman as marker and sorter In laundry. Apply Garrett Laun dry, 1164 N. ldtll Bt. (9) 942 29 CIVIL service exsminstlons will soon be held In every stle; full information and oueatlona recently used by the commis sion free Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. D. C. (9- W ANTED Team drivers. $12 00 per week; men to work in yard. 30c per hour, Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory. (9) 262 1 OLD-ESTABLISHED noue of 26 years' standing, manufacturing staple line of good in constant daily uae. wants good man to manage branch business; salary. $1,800 per year and all expenses, payable monthly; also extra commissions, which should amount to more than the aalary. Applicant must furnish good referencea and $1,000 cash, which Is satisfactorily se. cured. Address Manufacturer, P. O. Box 81, St. Louis, Mo. (9 176 SOx HUSTLERS everywhere; $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circular, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Outdoor Ad. Co.. Chicago. (T Jr SOx WANTED Man and wife to work on farm. J. K. Smith, Seneca, Kan. (9i-M2 x WANTED A man to N, South Omaha. plow. Well. 40th (91-226 S WANTED Railway mail clerks; $18 weekly; examination soon: extensive edu cation unnt century : preparation free until appoint! d. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. (9) 166 SOx I GOOD PA Y Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvasalng. Addres National Distributing Bureau, luo Oakland Bank Hlits . Chicago. 111. (91169 SOx WANTED Get a good polllon In the west; my plan tells bow to get It. Write for particulara. John Stafford. 2421 V I lunry Ave., Loa Angeles, Cal. 9)- HIGH grade positions for consideration at The Keystone thia week. 1 expect atenographer for out of town. i$ experienced road aalesmen. ; combination atenographer and bookkeeper. , . n wm,. )u. ,.i uiuj men are positions waiting for them. Keystone Surety and Ref. Agt. (Inc.) Suiie to Bee Bldg. Phone Doug 3.K. ()-20 SO WANTED For night ahlfl. 90 men for sawera. nailers and handling lumber, etc. One engineer.- OMAHA BOX CO., East Omaha. (9 1 Ml 40 I WANTED At once, two young men bouae to lions advertising solicitors, of neat ap pearance, for city and to travel. Straight salarv, $50 per month, subject to ad xamemetil. Thia la not an agency or faking buslne. Grafters and curiosity aeekcra need not apply. Call afier 4 p m. Monday. 2103 I '01151a t9i $42 SO HELP WANTED MALE Mia p I Imm mmm(' 1 a ntft . WANTED-A young man wrn understands operating etcrpMiin ann mm ins, pn-mie machine, to shii m . i,...r....i i. work th1a summer. Good wereei Addree at once. A. B. C. fttock 1 ar rmion, South Omaha, "i-ii I WANT Four experienced faat ytmng bane ball players, team en route to oonw-. Salary and expense, atale particulars. Reference. Harnum a i io n i nun Club, Windsor hotel, itmana. , ( fll-J" ! LIVE STOCK FOR, SALE Hanw mm Vea,cl. RUN A BOUTS, carriage ajid harness at ?reaUy rediicea priw. A rth Co.. B. W. cor. loth and Jones St.. 4.AA INI Rl'BBER tired road wagon, vv. A. Stone, Ml Lincoln Ave. wuneu X"J","-. W1A, V iv m iww TWO good, torpy driving hores; also In gle and double harness, runabouts, top buggies ana urrir. ..""'" "'e,'" , horse, gooa '" St able. 11-t6 FOR pony buggies, runabout, trap, cart and names ee jiHimmi-i-'iiiui'i S. W. corner 10tM' and Jones St. out HARNKBS, Saddles, Trunk. trveim Daga; aome gooa mritim. "" v.... nlsh Co., 1210 Farnam St, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A DELIV ERY WAGON CHEAP tv, unthiirn Wntnn Co. of Toledo offer for sale eleven wagons that were shipped to thi locality for samples, and rather than go to the expense of ahipplng back to Toledo. WIL1-. SEIL, THEM AT COST. Thee wagon are In flrst-clH condition. are brand new and are guaranteed to n first-class In every particular. We will sell for cash only, as-we want to make quick aalea and have made the ritlClO to move them quicklv. They can be aeon at A. J. Simpson & Son Co.' Repository, 1407 Dodge Bt.. oniana. Come early, as they will go quick at the price that haa been put on them. All pricea maraea in juhiii nsuir.. THE M1LBUKN WAGON CO., Toledo, Ohio. W. P. RIDEOUT, Representative. til) M108 HORSES bought and old; livery en I boarding a specialty. nayer uougias Bt. Stables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114 Douglas Bt. Tel. D. 1M. (1D-780 3y2 WE are not selling out at coat, but we ar oiling driving wagon, buggies. urne and atanhope cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns Co., 714 S. 10th St.. Omaha. Oil 73 ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very epeed, weighing J.ioo lbs.; one good black pacing mare, weighing 1.050 lb.; one span good bay -year-old driving mares; on span brown pacers, 6 year old; one d-year-old iron gray lngle driver, very gentle and toppy; one good 1,176-lh. chest nut orrel uirey hoise. These horses re all good, sound, well broke horse ranging In prices from $80 to $1H0 each. AIo have eeveral good low-priced driver ranging from $40 to $75. Written guar antee with every horse. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 No. Kith Bt. ll)-Mi)B8 FOR SALE Yearling Jack and Sphinx mare, bred to Gregory the Great. Box 1877, Le Mars, Iowa. (1D-M224 JySx FOR SALE Good cheap work hnre. UD 639 29x Phone Dougla-8f)8. HAVING bought an automobile, will sell my new physician driving outfit at a sacrifice. Dr. Morsman. 616 N. Y. Llf. (11) 99 Jy4x FINE family horse, perfectly gentle; alo good buggy and names, call at Jack aon'a barn, 28th and Harney. (li M161 t FOR, SALEt Nice gentle drlvintr mare. iron n. asm Ave, uvp-m; Foaitry aaa Cccs. WHEAT, $1.46 hundred. Wagner. 871 N. 16th. (Ill M76K GOV'T book free. Model Squab Co.. (ID M 407 Jyl Omaha. I I PURE blood Rhode Island R?d cocks. $2.00 each, lr taken at once. Martin, 802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1803. til) MSB1 BIG mongrel hen unprofitable In city; get white leghorns, heaviest lasers; hen at a bargain. Lundstrom, Itith and Caldwell. (1D-M6S4 Jy lx SQUAB raising beats chickens; lea work. time, room; big pront. small investment; gov't book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11) m Six Cow. Bird, Dog, and Pet. WHITE pit bull terrier, 9 month old; good pedigree. Hamilton, Plattsmouth, Neb. (ID M954Jy 4x FRENCH toy llk poodle puppies: perfect beauties. 1M uooge Bt. iiu-uuii wx GOOD young cow for sale. S2d (11)- and Fort -M134 6x Omaha Ave. FOR SALE Orange Angora kittens. Healthy. Splendid pedigree. Thoroughly house broken. Mrs. Wm. Murray. Co lumbus, Neb. (ID- M1K1 2x FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies; perfect beauties. 116 Dodge Bt. (11) 840 7x LOST AND FOUND LOST Tuesday morning, about 8 mile wast of Omaha, on Center atreet road, pocketbook containing Jewelry and small clianKe. Reward of $1000. New Home Bakery, 24th and Lake. (12) M108 30x UDRT Gold veil pin with Initial L M. C, on Farnam between 17th and With. Re ward. 1710 Farnam St (12-Mlo9 x FOUND J. Hanson, furniture repairer. Webster 8296. the 1612 upholsterer and N. 24th. 'Phone (12)-M583 Jy-2 LOBT Diamond ring, in Kountze Place or downtown between 16th and 16th on Far nam. Liberal reward for return to 'Jul Emmet Bt. (12) 638 29 REWARD $250 Believing the Martin flat was aet afire, 1 will pay $?50.00 reward for the arrest and conviction of party who set said building afire. M. T. Martin. (121266 80 LOST Wednesday evening, between . 2t"th and Chicsgo and 23d and Cuming, a lady s sllvrr watch with ribbon fob. Return to 823 N. 23U St. and receive good reward. (12) MM9 30 IjOST A ladies' gold watch, with leather fob, Orlle engraved on esse; $10.00 re wsrd If returned to Mr. Gordon. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 394. (13) 127 Jy! LD6T 10 ke. t brass keys. In bunch. Re turn to 1S Caldwell Bt. Reward. (121123 SOx LOST Lady' ilver watch with Mexican fob. near !9th St. and Woolwortli Ave Reward return to Hazel 'lrk. 291$ Wool north Ave. 112 317 30 LOST At or near Hansrnm park. Thura day, lady's diamond brooch liberal re ward If returned to 614 North 23d St. 'Phone Douglaa 6:162. d'.'t Mill lx MEDICAL BEST nerv bracer for men, "Oray' Nerv Food Pill," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnel! Drug Co., Ouiaaa. (13) Hi MJtS. OARDELS, private confinement home; table cared for. 8724 N. ZMh St. TeL Web. 1450. (13)-M92$ JySx RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from buaineas. QUICK CURE RUP TL'RE CO.. over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13i M425 Jyl ANY poor girl tn need of a friend call or write to ih matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at li$24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. 12-Mlu0 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women, to years' practlre In confinement fnfli e. 114 N. 16U. rMldenoe, ttA Charles. Omaha. tl3)L7 MEDICAL (Conilnoeil. i 5"REE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical collene, 14th and Liav enpoit Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment mipervtsej by college professor. Phone Doug. 117. Call answered day or nlKht (111 U PH. HTTTCniNSON, speeinllM of and children. Office, 2206 Cuming. Douglas Sis7. MONEY TO LOAN BALAHY AND CHATTRl.f. JUNE 19 THE MONTH OF ROSES. But Is not rosy with all of us. If you are suffering with the het In your last winter clothing and haven't got the rrica to buy the "coolest In town," don't let that worry you. Call on ua and we will buy them for you. NO OTHER WAY I a almple or cheap as our wav. Tou get the money the same day you apply. You get It confidentially. You get your payment rpread out thin over a whole year if you want It. You gat a large rebate It you pay up before that time. WE ABE YOt'R BANKERS. WB ARE RELIABLE. WE ARE HERE FIFTEEN YEAR9. WE HAVB NO STAIRS TO CLIMB WE ARB ON THE FIRST FLOOR. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 BOARD OF TRADE HLDO. 14)-17l Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advance private money on chattel or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked lor at small cost. Open evenings till 7. U4 160 CHATTE1 salary and etorage receipt loans. oley Loan Co., 1014 farnam ct. (Hj-162 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, piano, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates, ferfect privacy; Immediate attention; any erms wanted; payment suspended when Rick or out of work. 14 Karbach Blk.. 209 8. 16th Bt. (14) 183 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time Is here. If you need money to ee you through that good time you have promised jourself this aummer, come to ua. Our peclal low rates for v- eattam money are still In effect; you can ret the money quickly, privately and con fidentially on your salary, household goods, planus, etc. Low rates; easy term. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, S08 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411. (14) MRSO FURNITURE, live atock, salary loans. Duff 5resn Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (141165 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOTLB and others, without security; easy pay ments. Office in 63 principal cltie. Tol ititD, room 714. New York Life Bldg. (14) 161 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1.101 Douglas. (141 164 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phons Douylaf 745. yn!5 OFFERED FOR RENT Boaralac Room. VIENNA hotel; private dining room; cafa (16)-1I7 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (16)-1 MOST convenient and pleasant location; de airable room. Call before locating. The Pratt, 2U2-212 Bo. 25th St. Private x change Douglas 3138. 115) M5S3 2209 FARNAM, room and board. (16) 673 Jyll NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without board; nice location. 1823 Wirt St. (15) M950 Jy4x LARGE south front room with board; mod ern house; beautiful lawn; most conven ient location; references. 123 So. 25th ave. (15) M689 jy lx DESIRABLE room; first class board; pri vate family. 218 S. 25th St. (15) M730 Jy2x ROOM 8 AND BOARD First class accom modations; under new management. 71$ 8. 2lh Bt. (15) M12 Jy3 EXCELLENT, cool furnished rooms with all modern conveniences; table board If required. Meals, 15c. "The Boston," 107 South 17th. (1L)-M9t lx WANTK'D Young man to board and room In nice private family, where there are no children. 537 & 26th Ave. (10)-M138 2x ELEGANT room for summer; has outtdrie entrance, south front, In one of the best location in city; large, beautiful lawn; private tamily. 5tT7 Park Ave. I (15) 277 lx ROOMS with breakfast privileges, modern. walking distance. 116 N. aui. uenllemen preferred. (16) 620 JyU Bwralaheel Itoaime. NICE newly furntsbed room; tance. 220 N. 23d St. walKlng dls-(16)-914 FOR RENT One rarge southeast room, electric lu:lit and all conveniences. 317 B. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 3837. (16)-60 NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or man and wife; also other rooms. 211 N. 19th. (16)-22 Jylx FURNISHED room for single gentleman In a family of two; house new, modern, references. Address J 661, care of Bee. (15) M518 29 PAR1XDR Suitable for permanent couple, nice and cool and very nicely furnished, modern home, nice shady lawn; also light housekeeping rooms. 2318 Douglas. (16)-M009 29X HOUSEKEEPING 1712 Jackson St. and sleeping rooms. (16 M642 2Bx 138 8. 26TH St., fine front room In fin local ity: suitable for one, two or three gentle men. (16) M643 29x $ ELEGANT furriished room to good parlies; all modern. 220 N. 23d. (15)-6S3 NICELY furnished room. In private family, where there are no children. 537 S. 25th Ave. (16)M1S7 2x FURNISHED rooms; gents preferred. 191 Chicago. (16) M139 6x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, easy walking distance from down town, large veranda, pleasant location. 'Phone Doug la 4&18. (16) MlaO x FOR RENT Large front room with al cove, water In room, large closet. 634 S. 28th, Hanscom Park district. Tel. Harney 624. (15) M270 FOR RKNT-Room near corner 26th Ave. and Dewey, new house, electric light, bath, strictly modern. Call phone D.Mig las 346. (16) M322 6x 1-AKiiH. front room, with alcove, modern, private family; three block frpm court house. 70 a 18th Bt. Tel. Reof 4738. (1S)-S28 2x E09 SO. 25TH modern. ST. Furnished front room, (151-298 30x LARGE south front room with alcove; also other room. 27'C Farnam fit. (15) M'8 6x TWO nice cool room, first floor, g-ond place for gentleman or man and wife 21 N. 19th. (15i-M323 2x IN PRIVATE family, furnished rooms for one or two. with or without board Tel. Harney S6S. 2Ao) Cspltol ave. (15) S41 7x FINE large, cool room, modern; private famllv; reasonable. Referencea required. Tel. Douglas 4C61. (15) S.t9 7x NICE cool room; everything modern. 120 N. 26th St. Phone Harney 1453. (15)-M3T3 ( 2301 DOUGLAS Bt., men. modern rooms: gentle-(16)-M300 JyU PLEASANT south room, prlvste family, new house, walking distance; references. Address F 691. care Bee. (15) 9U3 Jy4x $10 PER MONTH A nice clean room for gentleman. 316 N. 26th St. Phone Red )b8 Go) 84 SOx ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Cap itol Ave. (151-93 Jy2. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, in new. modern house; bath on every floor; all conveniences; walking diatance. See Frank Squire, car Hayden Bros (16) M977 OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rnimi Issfd. NI'-KLY St. furnished r'ms. 6-'4 So iir.i- ! lt It 2tl H Jylx FURNISHED room. esy wlk1ng dis tance Irom down town. 2' Harney St. (15-MR;'3 jylx NEATNESS a speclMty: nicely furnlahej room for gentleman In new modern house; walking distance; small family, adults: rent res suns ble. 316 No. 2Mh St. 'Plum Red S163. (18)-7 28x VERY rleasant rooms, modern detached house, private family, close in. very rea sonable. 2019 Cass. Tel. ll"d M57. (16I-MT.14 Jy2 ELEGANTLY conveniences. furnished room with all 1M9 Burt St. (ISl S70 Jv2fx BEAUTIFULLY furnished southeast room, private family; half block from Hans coiu park: very desirable neighborhood. Thone Harney 1348. (ifi M115 Jya FURNISHED room In strictly modern housn, walking distance, private family. 521 8. 24th Ave. (lfil 116 5x I'Btarnlahea Rooms. BU1TE of unfurnished rooms for tent, first floor, modern. 240S Cass. Call after Sun day. (15)-J33 FOUR unfurnished room, In; $20. Douglas 4366. modem, close 1151119 lx llonakerplng Itlami, ROOMS, 1120 North 17th St. (151-443 FOR RENT Three-room, modern flat, 2911 Dougla. ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far nam St. (16) 170 LARGE furnished front room, with or without light housekeeping. Corner 24th and CumtnK. over drug store. (15)-940 29x LARGE, modern rooms, single or together, gas stoves. 2206 N. lstli St. (15)-117 Rx 206 8. 25TH AVE Three rooms; light housekeeping: modern. (16i M947 3ox 2 ROOMS with alcove Tor liRht house keeping; strictly modern. 2578 Harney St. (1R)-121 lx THREE room, first floor. 1712 Jackson. (15) M312 3x Famished llonses and Flat. IN DUNDEE. 10 rooms, all modern and completely fur nished, 1 block from car, for 2 or 3 month, $40 per month. B1.J115, Phone, Douglas 585. Paxton block. (15I-M741 FOR RENT 103 S. 25th Ave., 7 rooms, strictly modern, almost new. nicely furnished, Including piano. Will for three months beginning July 1, Good reference required. George & Co., 11 Farnam St. (15)-82 30 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. I have a very fine and hand somely furnished house of 0 rooms. In an attractive and convenient district for rent. W. B. MFIKLE, 2o6 Ramge Building. (15) 877 $0 t ROOMS, good location, no children, $30. Address D 641, care of Bee. (15 1873 Jy?x FINELY furnished 8-room house for July and August, Farnam district; references. Phone Harney 1049. 416) 25 30x Honses and Cottages. OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, move, tore H. H. goods; atorehouse 1120-4 N. 19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15 171 6 ROOMS, modern except furnace. 830 S. 21st. Tel. Harney 706. (15)-M411 TinTISlVS In all rait of the city. The iIUUoJiiO0 F. Davi Co.. Bee Blrlg. C16)-176 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest & rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller A luelier Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16)-174 HOUSES ? all parts of the city. R. ers & Co. Bee BU1. (16) 172 HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded. cheap freight rate. Moving na ioraxe. Expreasmen Delivery Co.. Tel Doug las S94. (15)-M662 FOR RENT Three new modern 7-room houses; built of hollow concrete block. THE O. F. DAVIS CO., 508 Bee Bldg. (15) M715 30 1519 N. 83D ST. -ronm strictly modern, bnna new. $85. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 TC. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M970 FOR RENT Large store room, 16th and Vinton Sts. C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton block. (16)-360 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 146. Office, 1713 Webster St. (15)-177 FOR RENT 9-room modern house. 22H Seward. Call Red 4558. (15)-M973 SO WE HAVE a new 8-room house on car line, complete with combination fixtures, furnace. Will be rented reasonably to first-class tenant. Call at office. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M963 30 83d St., new 8-room all mod., near Bemls Park. $35. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2162. (15)-M4$1 $0 819 N. 42d, 8-r, mod. barn, $32.60. 3614 Grand Ave., 6-r.. fur.. bsth , $22.50. 3302 Sherman Ave., 6-r. mod.. $30. O Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, Doug. 2162. (15) M900 30 9-room, all modern house, 2210 Seward St. Inquire Tel. Red 4658. (lf-M54 30 FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house, 128. 4227 Harney SU Inquire $07 8. 171 h Bt. (16) 671 A FINELY furnished, strictly modern -room cottage for rent. 563 S. 27th Bt Tel. Webster 704. (15)-M482 NINK-ROOM house with barn, modern. 1021 Park Ave. Harney-647. (16) 119 FLAT, full modern, six rooms beside bath and private hall: newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; best flats In north part of city; walking distance; reference required. Call, Investigate, this; $26. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (15) M564 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16 1 -1.3 FOR RENT Neat 6-room cottage at 34th and Dewey Ave. $15 per month. See Garvin Bros., 16th and Farnam Hts. (16)-980 Jyl FOR RENT A good ten-room, all modern house; choice location, cloae in, $40 per month. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 So. 14th. Phone. Douglaa 297. (16)-M720 Jy 6 FOR RENT 5 room, modern, except heat; water paid. I808 No. X'd St.; $18 00. Phone Harney 2;bi- (15e-M922 25X RENT 1214 Webster St.. detached houae, 7 rooms, modern, gas, bath, laundry, cis tern, furnace, grate, lawn, front and back anade; $40.oo. 902 N. Y. Life. (16)-M91 SOx HOUSES FOR RENT. 9f N. I7tlt Ave., 25 room modern, $60. 2554 Harney, 9 rooms, modern. 837.50. 4X17 Harney, 8 rooms, modern, $1. 4224 Douglaa, 7 rooms, bath, $22. 5u7 So. .Mill, 6-room cottage. $15. 2210 Ijingdnn Court, 6-room houae. $16. 9 Martha St., $ looms. $3. So. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam St '15i-M'.t7 30 FOR RENT -room modern cottage, ex cept furnace l.u i. Imiulre 2V1' Decatur, or 'phone VVehtter 2711. J1M--M3'f 7- r. modern, $25. 8- r. modern. 427 50. TURRELL & CO.. Room It, Patterson Bldg., 17th and Farnam (15 MU8 d 7-ROOM ault house. Jonn Bid the Uintah Barnard, 411 apartment N T Mr OFFERED FOR RENT FIXKST IN OMAHA ;;.t22 Harney, a choice house In a choice district. Beautiful hall with seat; parlor with ass log and mantel; Dutch dining room finished In weather. d oak; four large bedrooms on second floor; fine sanitary h.itli room with tile floor, medicine cab inet, linen closet; finished In white ensniel; mstd room on third floor with hot and cold water. Entire house decorated with choice patterns and finished with the flnrst kiii and electric fixture. Shades fur piHlied for entire house. Fine Itttlit. cemented basement, vegetable room, laundry and servants' toilet. House, faces south on paved street and Is exactly as represented above. Call and let us lake you out. PAYNE. HOSTWH K ei CO., '1 N. Y. L. U5i 8IX-RIV1M house, modern In every respct. 2727 Cuming Bt. UM M73S HOI SKS HOUSESHOUSES lea S. 17th, all mullein except lirat. wiil paper throughout - $1S. 1412 N. 17th. 3 rooms, city water-$1"). 1751 1eavenworth, 6 rooms, all modern ex cept heat, close In $25. ftfS S 38th, 10 rooms, all modern, line shape -$IO. l4 Farnam, 11 rooms, strictly modem thmttRhniit. ad.lolnlng Turner Park $ We have several choice furnished houes for rent during the summer months. Call and s-e ns. PAYNK. HOST WICK CO., 1 N. Y. Life. (15 FOR RENT The modern hrlck flat. 521 S. 29th St. Will rent S, 4 or 6 rooms, to suit tenant. tanre. In fine repair snd walking dls- S. A. 501 N. Y. Broad well LIFE BLDG. (151-262 30 PjO S. 31s St.. 6-r., modern. $27. 4102 N. 2th Ave., 6-r. entire. t, To see complete list (all at office. Hastings i Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (15) FOR RENT-1517 S. 26th; 8-room modern between Hanscom Park and 241 ti St. car; furnace, barn, paved street; $: F. C. TarsonH, SfroK Hamilton. Harney 2436 U6)-M229 Bemls l ark Iiist., new 8-r., all mod. . $:t" i Walnut Hill. 8-r. barn, paved St ST. 50 Near Ames Ave., 6-r. new fur. bsth.. 22 50 Sherman Ave., 6-r., mod. lawn, laundry .30.00 O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone. D 2112. (15) M152 2 New complete R-room modern home near Bemls park. See this house at once if you want It. o'KEKFE 'REAL ESTATE CO., 10C1 N. Y. Ufe, Phono. D. 21o2. (15)-Mlo2 2 FOR RENT 9-room modern rinuse and barn, large lot and shade, 621 Park Ave., W. 7-rooni modern house. T213 Park Ave., $32.50. 2 rooms In Iaviie IthlK . $20. JOHN W RllHBINS. Ii2 FARNAM ST. (151- I"OR RENT 7-room modern house. 110 S. 35th St. Hamilton, 62; Bee Bldg. (151-321 30 8 r. modern house. 2629 Seward.... 6 r. modern flat, 1617 Kurt Rrlek store A- has.. 1320 N. 24th St. Rrlck store & has., 1517 Burt St. 3-story and brick basement, with electric elevator, 1207 Howard 1207 Howard .$2250 20.00 25.00 22.50 1.17.60 137.50 F. D. WEAD. 1524 DOUGLAS ST (15) M814 30 FOR Rl",NT 7-room house, modern except furnace, in complete repair, new plumb Ing. cemented cellar and laundry: rent reduced to $22.60. Apply at 607 N. 19tft (15) M3"4 St.. or 903 N. Y. Ylfe Bldg. FOR RENT (Five-room modern house. 408 N. 2fith St.; this Is easy walking distance. Inquire C. W. Rllxt on premises or at Find National bank. (I01 M307 2 TWO large unfurnished room; second floor: two closets; city water and sewer; coal Bhed; no children, $7. 2K'l No. 26th St. (15)-337-30 FOR RENT Modern house, 8 bath. 2110 I.ako St. rooms and 416) 2i9 SO Balldlnc. THE entire building formerly occupied hy the Daily News, 44x30 feet, 8 stories and basement. McCague Investment Co., 160C Iodge St. (15)-179 Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and basement brick build ing at 916 Farnam St. Apply at Business office of The Bee. (16)-M380 1318 HARNEY ST. a floor and basement, 83x1.0 fret; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St. (16)-17$ Office. FOR RENT Desk room 1ft flee office, olty hall building. 417 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. UU 134 DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnam. (15-62 CHOICE OFFICES It I very aeldom that good outside apace In a well appointed office building 1 available. At the present time we have a beautiful suit of two rooms on the fifth floor, with east and south light, a large vault, which makea this a mo desirable apace during either eummer or winter. Room No. 646 is now vacant and I 14x19, with a good-lzed vault; ha eaat light. A new hard-wood floor waa recently put In thia room. Everybody In Omaha knowa the location of the Bee building; 11 la central, close to the city hall and county court house There are several hundred people who pend more time here than In their home and any one of them will testify as to the care they receive here. For further particular call THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17TH AND FARNAM. (16i 44 D FLOOR, well lighted; use. 1213 Farnam. elegant for efflc (15)-S1 tare. FOR RENT The beat located corner tor in Omaha. Farnam and 16th Sts., Board ef Trade Bldg. See P. H. Phllbln. SchllU Hotel. (16)-U1 FOR RENT, $10.00. Large store room with good basement, ?49 So 16th Bt , $1509. C. M. BACHMANN. 4.' Paxton Blk. (16e-M71$ 8TORK ROOM. IK. N. Ulh Bt.. $30. HELM IS. 'Phone Douglaa 585. ravtoa Blk. (IS 1--444 Very desirable atore room. x1$0 feet, on Farnam St . heat furnished. Can he lad for about three )ears, $T5 per 1110. Also Sd floor of good aultantlal brick building. 4OX120 feet Thia room baa pa. enger and freight eleva'or; $ 8 per month. UF-'Rf.K 45 CO, m Fatiam Bt June 4 un 05 0i OFFERED FOR RENT Utorea Con tlnae-a. ::::::0 ( a-'l" N. 24th SI., with hous" 1i4 N. 41h. new brick 1'. S l.Mh. p.irt store .. JOHN N. FREN7.F.R. Opp OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. ANCHOR nd iron 5c per toot. 2Mb N. fendnK; Kth St. wire fenrlntj lei Red si 4. U6) -181 Farnllare. ID-HAND furniture houjihl snd sold: bnsl. pes on the square, '(osenberg. formerlj with Chicago Furniture Co. ! S. V'th, D. 6885. ili M.'70 Jy27 FOR SALE -The furniture of a 7-roota nioili'in cnttaae. close in Three roonn rented at" present for $.'' per mo. Rev sonahie if taken at once. Address D 'o Bee. (16i-M!Vt Jv4 FURNITURE, rugs, kitchen utensils. utensils, ga4 almost nee-7 :fM Mundeei (IS-M Si) stove, saddle, ny nets, etc., must be sold Immediately, son. Pianos, Organs, Mnsteal laalraiuenta, SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS Cottage upright, used only 1 year $ q Klmhall, upright, large slr.e 0 Singer, uprlKht, walnut case log ("bickering, upriKht, parlor alze 123 Vose & Sons, tine tone 16$ Easy payments of $.1 to $5 per month. KC'UMOLLKK & MUKLLKR, 1311-1.113 Farnam St. 'Phone Iong 1625. (1i -Mw ' FOR SALE All piano unsold In Ron nett's since the lire have been removed to 403 S. If 15th St., where everyone will Kurdless of price. Come and be sold regardless of ti get one at your own price. (1$) MS79 I I'IUGIIT Kimlnill piano. In flue condi tion, UK.. (inner leaving city. 1819 Davenport St. (16) M323 6x Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALIC New and secondhand billiard ami pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, liruna wii k-Balke-Collendar, 40., d. luth St. (!6-183 Typewriter aid Sewing; Blackinea. TYPEWRITER SAIJi All machines tsker in eichanae will be cloned mil at unheard prices. Block. Typewriter r.xcnanRe, mi raxton jU6)-My71 FOR SA1.R fllgh-grade 2d-hand type, writer: good condition; a bargain at $64. Call room Bee Bldg. (18) 671 ONE Remington typewriter, No. , n gvd condition, for sale cheap. Call at Re Office. (li 4tfflx FOR SALE A Trl-( 'hrome Smith Premier typewriter. Altnosi new. will sell at m bargain. L. D. Gager, Avoca, la. (16) -M678 Jyl JUKI FINE Pinlth-rrcniler typewriter, with, tin cover and board. $40. 541 J'axlnn Blk. (16) M1.T3 li Bllseellaneoas. WF. CARRY a complete line of all the leading periodicals published. Foreign publication a specialty. Hlrthday, wed ding and souvenir post cards. Subscrip tions received for all periodical pub lished. Mall order will recrlv prompt attention. SCHULZE RLATTERT. Newsdealer and Stationers, ill 8. llith St. 16) MB4 Jy4 SEND u your mall order for ol rural freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16)--J91 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. bet mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug -o. (16)-192 HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale and retail, tnerman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M417 GAS, ELECTRIC COMBINATION FIXTURES fcpeclal low prices during June to reduca atock: order now; good delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRAN DEN CO, Telephone Douglas 681. $13 B. 16th St. bIgcijtTn" price to"" reduce stock 150 Tribune for $38. 169 Dayton for $40. $50 E'mtJema for $38. 1-5 Colonial for $20. Second-hand one for $8 and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCILER, IO Capitol Ave. (1)-M640 Jyl HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE. 10 YEARS OLD, $1 PER GALLON. CACKLE Y BROS., OPPOiJITi. P. O. qa 341 Jyl8 AWNINGS They're not expensive Csll Doug. 83 and our representative will rail. Omaha Tent and Annlng Co. (16) 193 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $1$ orders; catalogue free. BHEKAiAN k M CONNELL DRUG CO., Omaha. Neb. (1S)-M41 FOR SALE Second-hand sieam boiler for heating. Inquire 216 N. 22d St. (16) M563 29x $200 NATI-fNAL cash register for sale for $125 cash, total adder and print every ale, good as new; will not aell for less. Addres K-562. Bee. 16)-M54l Jylx BOILERH FOR SAI.E Three horizontal 96-horse-power return tubular hollers. Rule man make (Cleveland), each with 6J four Inch flues 18 feet long, complete. Them boiler now being operated undur l'O Uj. f.reasure; will be taken out eaily In July 0 make room for larger capacity Iwljer. The Willow Springs Distillery. 4th and Pierce. U6 11976 30 HALLS' S safe, new. fd-hand. 181J Farnam. (laj-194 FOR SALE Flrat-clai store fixrure. Showcase, etc. Glnbe Land and InvemU ment Co., 182$ Farnam St., Omaha. Nek. (16)-19 FEW bargain In 2d-nani aoda fountain a, monthly payment. Derlght, 1418 Farnam. (14j-l WANTED Everybody to tiM the beat method In the woild for catching files; no poison, never in tha way; directions for making for vour own use for 25 cent silver Address K. Bo nton, 6 E. I'lco, Los Angeles, Cal. 06) AUTOMOBILE lampa; two pair for sale cheap. Omaha Silver Co.. 814 South 13th, Bt. (ii-211 For Kii!e at a Bargain. One medium alngle safe One Barnes' nine-awing lathe. One Jareckl seven pipe Slid bolt maoha One A prentice drill. fine blower. On ernery wheel stand. Two anvils. One aet of blacksmith tenia Two hlackanilth vise Two n.ach vlecs It of machinery tools. Four beneli's 1818 HOWARD FT. (RASFMPNTV 0)-W4 9X FOR SALE Kodak. 4,16 film. EtlimM, TeUl'hene Douglas Hl after f tn. (,Lo-4T DJ ( ' if I p I 1 I