HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE SO. 1007. Tiie Omaha Sunday Der OMAHA, StNDAT, JUNE So, 1907. JUDGMENTS MONO othrr rinds of the year must Abe counted Captain "Buck'" Franck of the Omaha team. When hu was playing short with Colorado diiiiiS a f' W season j ago he was let-Km.ed a good mechanical player, but w.ts not credited, with possessing any espe cial qualities Of leadeishlp. Even his ex perience on the coant failed to disclose tbut peculiar capacity which now marks him. He was looked upon aa a good ball player, steady and reliable, both. In the field and K V. - A . . 1 ui,i, I. . . , little more. When Kourk decided to make I hlm captain of the tram It waa something of an experiment. Dolan had been tested, and so had aonrilng. Hoth men had filled the bill well, but nrlther wanted the tr epnniilblllty, su It remained for Franc k us the other veteran to take charge of the youngsters. To say he haa made good but nil I dly expresses the local admiration for his qualities, lie has more than made good, he has shown himself to be possessed of the rarest of Judgment and a leader of ball players equal to the beat. Ills gener alship Is such as has pulled Omaha through many a tough game already, and keepa hla opponent continually on the watch. He I a close student of the game, knows all Its angles, and above all knows what his own men and what the other fellow's men can do. This Is shown by his record. He leads the loaguo In run getting, Is almost at the top as a sacrifice hitter and aa a base run ner, and has shown his quality as a fielder and better. Iiut It's In strategy he excels, and under his tutelage the Omaha team la rapidly developing a working knowledge of the "Inside" game that will make It the terror of the league before July Is ended. With the skill and ability of Rourko and Franck " combined, It will be a source of wonder If Omaha finishes very fur from the top this season. Coach Courtney la leading the move to have the course at 1'oughkeepslo cut from four to three miles, arguing that the strain of the last mile Is such as nearly always permanently Injures the oarsmen who take part In the race. Aa Courtney's crews have held first place at their mercy for many a day, his voice ought to have weight In the council to which the proposed reform will be submitted. If anything of merit Is found In his objection to the distance. It should be made shorter. The prime object of college sport Is to develop the bodies of the youth of our land, and If a four-mile race Is too great a distance to be safely rowed, no hesitancy should -be shown In cutting It to three or even two. Norman Hapgood In Collier' preached quite, an Interesting sermon on the general topic of trying to win, regardless of the ' distance. It Is good doctrine, not only for amateurs, but professionals. The ono greatest objection to professional snort, baseball always left with a suspicion that tho result was agreed upon before the Contest was started. A a rule amateurs may be depended upon at all times to do their level best, but this la not true of the professionals, and It ha hurt all the branches of sport except one, and even base ball, aa wa pointed out In thla column recently, haa suffered from the player who loafs. Central control for college base ball Is now demanded, for the purpose of deter mining which team la really champion. As It standa the title goes to a team than which at least three are reckoned the stronger, but have never had the opportunity of a real test. Championships won by elimination are not always th moat satisfactory kind. One of the home roosters want to know If Papa Bill doesn't want Jack Thomas on first. If that home roaster will look at the batting and fielding records of the Western league for the season he will soon see the answer. Dolan Is playing a game that Thomn never could equal. The race In the Western league Is stllf one of the prettiest In the country, with six teams as possible pennant winners. Dee Moines, Omaha, Lincoln and Denver have been making a warm struggle for six week now, with prospect of continuing It In definitely. Effort are being made to revive bicycle racing In the east, but In the west the sport eeiiis to be as dead as the dodo. Omaha, whore a regiment of speed merchant once hod Its headquarters, ha hardly a rider outside tho messenger corp. The American eagle I greatly concerned In that "championship" fight on July 4. Burns Is from Canada and Squire from Australia. And Yankee Doodle Is still Arm In tho belief that Jeff Could lick both In one ring. Louis Flecher, who la ever faithful, pro poses to have a motor-cycle race meet on the Fourth. One thing about Louie that always made the old gang love htm Is hla optimistic enthusiasm. Prospective campers should remember that it I a long way to the drug store nnd should not neglect the medicine case. In no event should the Jug be overlooked. Kimpson' win at Hinsdale Is all the more popular beer, use ho didn't figure in the calculation of tho wise ones, most of whom could see nobody but Anderson. Talk about luck! Lincoln and Omaha found Denver In the very finest of fettle, sn.l In- Moines gets a patchcd-UD team of Teddy Hears. The east Is Just discovering that Frank 3tch la some wrestler. It took 'em about '.bat long to get on to Farmer Burns, too. AKsln lias a youngster given the vet--ans a blow st the game that wa aup lmmiJ to be deslxnrd for persons above 40. That briglit red spot? That' Omaha's lew place on the hoot mon map. Kddla Sprague'a Judgment la also vin dicated. v y s. iimscn & co. KANSAS CITY. MO. O A. Sampson. Oen'l Sale Agt, Omaha. Hipp L MOTOR BUSINESS IS BOOMING Wanner Weather Result in Large Increase of Sales. STORZ GETS TWO-TON TRUCK One mt It NoTrllln la Donble Rear Tim Which Are Inppowd to Stop Skidding; u Slip pery Pavement. The automobile, business Is booming In Omaha during th warm weather and all tho dealera have their hands full tn band ling now cara, demonstrating and hustling with the factory to get cars shipped. Bcv- " m," ' r ' " Z ' 11 purchasers. A car load of Stanley was shipped to the Kimball company, all of which are already Bold. Th warm weather has given an lmpetua to the motor business and every garage la pushed to the utmost to care for the regular pat rons and the large army of people who rent automobiles. John Llonlxrger, manager of the Klm- I ball Automobile company, left Friday for Bpringlieiii, Mass., wnere no win prepare O. W. Wattles' new car for n extenslvo trip through the New England states. With Mr. IJonberger a chauffeur Mr. and Mrs. Wattlea and Dr. and Mra. Seavy will make a si weeks' tour and If everything runs smoothly may extend the trip to Omaha. Mr. Wattlea haa a new "little six" and Is anticipating considerable pleasure from his trip. Two "little six's," those of Louis Met and 15. I. Cudahy, arrived last week, mak ing seven of these cars which have already been delivered of a total of ten sold. That the demand In the country Is for the bet ter class of cars when they can be ob tained was shown last week when Louis Henfllng of Bellwood, Keb bought a four cylinder limousine and with his wife drove It home. The car was a $3,600 beauty nnd with Its polished body should attract con siderable attention as It Journey through the state. . J. J. Derlght Is at an eastern factory, arranging for the delivery of 1008 ears. Be fore leaving last week he received for the Btnn Brewing company a large ton truck for delivery purposes. It Is a beauty and has several novelties, one of which la a double tire on the rear wheel. Thl la sup posed to stop skidding on the slippery pavements. The truck haa two vertlcle cylinders, cast separately, five and one eighth Inches bore by Ave Inches stroke. Aa these trucks are being perfected more and more each year they are being rapidly pressed Into service. BnM Wagon at Drnle. A recent Issue Of the Round-Up of Brule, Neb., says: The unsuspecting cltlsen of Brule ob served a bright red streak hiking ahead of a cloud of dust coming along on the 'd "Mormon Trail" road. This bright and i rtiiiuiiiM eu'vi irwjivra liBru mill out- Ul these locoed buggies with the ponies undor cover In front and two young fellows In red leather clothes. As they swing Into town, Ike Anderson opens up his corral and weves them In. No good thing gets away from Ike, and here he has Brule's nrsi automobile wnere everybody bas a chance to get In touck with the sport of the effete east. Ike acta none too aoon, for thl afore mentioned cloud of dust turns Into old Dug Hltchens' herd of shorthorns, led by a big, busy bull, which usually hangs out In the east pasture of the old S-Bar Ranch. Being somewhat curious, they break through the barb-wire fence to get a close look at this funny red wagon. The bunch breaks up when the buggv gets out of sight and begins to do business with the grnss on the edge of town. These two young fellows that floats In, after checking a bad cough In the buggy, show credentials for being from New Tork, also Cleveland Auto club one prov ing up F. L. Work and the other C. J. Maxaon. They say the hot-box thev are riding In Is an Oldsmoblle flying roadster, and they are on the way to 'Frisco. Fur thermore, tbey have the tooting push of forty horses all tied Into four Iron cans about big enough to carry day' supply of llcker for a henlthy man. It's right all rlght-for Mr. Work In vited us to place ourself on the oft sest then he winds 4f up and took us out to Bob Tucker's place and hack. We will say right here anything, anyone says about this brand of canned horse goes with us we believe we know. About the time we get caught up with our breath fhy getting back to town) Dug Hltchens hikes Into the game blood In eye and two guns that acta nervous. Dug he wants to know "who nays for the busted bsrb-wlre fence Who pays for shooing the herd home? To say nothing of the weight the steers worked off coming to town" considerable pow-wow ensues. We finally argues with Dug that con sidering these parties bring fame to Brule they should have the best our beautiful city haa to offer. Ouraelf with Ike con vlncea him nd adinarn with rrnr distin guished visitors to the "Bud Bush." Long will the memory of thla day remain with ouraelf and Brule. Th Automobile World. Berkeley, Cal., haa a young, but pushing club. E. A. Nordstrom purchased a Stanley runabout thla week. The Federal Bureau of Public Roads Is pushing Its Inquiry Into dust-laying devlcea. Wilmington, Del., now has three commer cial firms using horseless delivery vehlelea A. H. Fetters placed his order for Feb ruary 1 delivery of a 1908 forty horse-power runabout. Wlldwood, N. J., ha caught th fever and that seaside resort will hav a series of race July 4. Over 31UO.0O0 wa spent In preparing th roads for the kisr' cup race, and yet a fatality occurred. In 1U06 Italy Imported about 00 car, val ued, approximately, at fc!,0u0,0u0, and ex ported 700, worth Sl.TSO.OGO. George B. Darr of Lexington, Neb., bought and drove home a thirty-five horse power touring car last week. Randolph county, Ind., 1 spending $465,000 on roads, or about 315 for every man, wo man and child In th county. Charles Harding bought a 14.000 touring car. It Is a handsome dark green color, with French finish black leather. ' The automobile and th straight road are bosom friend. Danger comes with th curve. Therefore, th curve must go. New Yorker hav fallen In line with th 24-hour race idea and will hold one at tli Brighton Beach track, August I and 10. Th Minneapolis Auto club Is adidng to It reputation for energy by raising $10,000 for road Improvements In its city and vicinity. Determlred to keep th pac set by mod ern cities, Hartford. Conn., haa purchased a runabout for the use of Fir Chief Krug. New Jersey motorist are so pleased with their reoent three-day endurance run that they hav decided to make It an annual event. The Motor club of Harrlsburg, Pa, which recently held a successful two-day' en durance run, will hav a litll-cllmbing con test July 4. The Automobile club of Philadelphia ha decided to compile and disseminate Infor mation regarding motoring routes In tli Krystone slat. Elated by the success of th Sport Hill cnmoing contest, lb Automooue ciuo or Bridgeport, Conn., ha announced a aeoond Corneal for Labor day. Toledo, O.. ha cut the speed limit down to ten miles an hour and baa organised a corps of motorcycle policemen to see that the ordinance Is obeyed. A stock company composed of Mexicans and Americans rial established a line of autobuses between Clndad Porflrlo Dlaa, Mexico, and Eagle Pass, Tar. Th proposed hiil-ciimbing contest at Galea Mill, Cleveland, was abandoned, ow ing 10 tn strenuous oDjections mad by resident In th immediate vicinity. Mra Edward Kennard, the English nov- cllsl, I an ardent devotee of the auto and a member of th new club of society women neadeu by th duchess of Sutherland. D. C. Eldredge, Omaha; J. W. Elwood, Omaha; S. A. Chorpenlng, Coxad, Neb.; J. C. Powell. Exlra, la., and Dr. A. W. Fees, Blair, Neb., bought touring car thl week. ii airy wiikins. tne proud owner of a evanty hore-iower apovdaay runabout. Is taking some long evening tours, and h aoeen t have to take anyone's dust either. A summer automobile ahow from July 1 to July 17 will be held at Oatand. on of th finest seashore resorts In Km"-, ,;. Fvory notable European make will he repreented. A western manufacturer ha Just turned mat Ih. era A ntn. frmrttA mnturvrld fur J feminine use that has tx-en built In the I'nlted Ptates. They are largely used tn Prance. Neal Brown, the newly-elected president of the Wisconsin Automobile association, has mapped out a vigorous cnisade for road Improvements and the squelching of rock less drivers. Suits have been filed by the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers auainst four more manufacturers of motor cars, who have questioned the validity of tne Seltlen patent. Strawlng the roads Is a custom that finds Considerable favor on the Pacific slope, the farmers turning out on a p-cltled day and strewing the roads with straw to Improve vehicle tralllo. The Automobile club of California and the 8an pranclsco Automobile Dealers' as sociation have Joined hands In fighting for th opening of the tine driveways of Uolden Uate park to motorists. A five-mile race for motor cars driven by women 1 a feature of a program of event planned by the Automobile club of fianta Rosa, Cal., for July 3 and 4. A handsome trophy Is to be awarded. The steepest and most dangerous grade In th White Mountains, Tug-of-War Hill In Crawford Notch, will be lowered and mads safe for motorist at the expense of the stats of New Hampshire. There were fifteen starters In the Mos-cow-8t. Petersburg road race, the tirst event of the kind ever held In Russia. The winner covered the 5o0 miles at an average rate of more than forty-five miles an hour. To better facilitate the passage of au tomobiles over the border a Buftalo custuin house broker has arranged a plan of bond ing cars sent Into Canada, obviating the J deposit and Sparing owner much Juluy. The American Motor Car Manufacturers' association and the New York Automobile Trad association are working together to obtain cermlsslon for gasoline cars to en ter the railroad and steamship piers of New York. A favorite trick employed by instructor at th Young Men christian association automobile school in New York la to "queer" the cara ao they will not run, and let the students discover and remedy th defect. Having decided upon an earlier show, the promoter of tho Madison Square Garden exhibition have persuaded the decorator-ln-chlef to substitute a fall setting for the Bwiss winter seen that won such fuvor last year. Baron Pierre de Crawhe. the well-known Belgian motorist, has undertaken tho tank of organizlrig an International contest that will attract all nations, and upon a good circuit that will eliminate the Jealousies of rival nationalities. To ret rid of the toll roads which sur round Grand Rapids, Mich., Is the aim of the local club, which also has ottered a re ward for the arrest of person who thfow glass, nails or other tire-puncturing rub Dish In tho streets. So pleased wa General Kurokl with hi rides In American automobiles in several Cities which he visited during his recent tour that he announced his Intention of ex porting several to use In the Japanese army maneuvers in the all. The dates for the national meet of the Federation of the American Motorcyclist at Providence, R. I., have been tlnally changed to August 1, 2, 3 and 4. This will result In starting the endurance contest from New York on July 30. Instead of using a horse to mow his lawn. Colonel Webb Hayes of Freemont, O., hauls a 86-tnch mower around with his two-cylinder runabout, which also Is utll Ued to pull a two-horse road scraper and a two-norse wagon tor nauiiug ruooian, etc. Demonstrating cara will be barred from the side streets surrounding Madison Square garden. New York, during next falls show of the licensed manufacturers, and there will be a section of th show devoted to motorcycles. Throuarh the courtesy of the Quaker City Motor club a large number of automobiles will be placed at the disposal of the host of visiting Elks, who will hold their annual convention and reunion In Philadelphia the week beginning July 15. The king of Slain, who developed a pas sion for autoinobiling during his visits to England, la determined to make th Siamese take a more modern view of the motor car, and will take back with him several cars of the finest type. In the hope of curbing midnight speeding along the North Shore drives In Chicago, the directors of the Chicago Automobile Club have offerod a reward of $10u for In formation which will lead to the conviction of the participants In such races. In answer to an argument against the high price of some makes of cars a man ufacturer says: "Cars are much like clothes: th difference between those that vuu pay more for and the cheaper oues ' omos out In the wearing of them, In on day recently King Alfonso pur chased four more automobiles to add to hi already long list. One was a military wagon, another a largo car to hold his escort when he goes on Journeys and tho other two town cars for the use of his court. Prank Ogden, a wealthy manufacturer of Madison, Wis., who has Just returned from a long motor trip In the Bouthwext say land agents employ motors la Texas In novel fashion. When they meet wire fences they lower th wires and ride over and onward. A London magistrate dlsuharand Miss Elsie box, an American, who was accused oy a coroner jury of manslaughter be cause her car, while going less than Ai miles an hour, had skidded into a wirnn. from which a man wa knocked and fatally Injured. By appealing every Case to the hlirlipr oourts, except where the tine seems justifi able, the lawyers employed by the Wor cester (Mass.) Automobile club have suc ceeded In putting a crimp In the fee-grafi- Ing eohemea of constables ami vttv m.?. Istrate. ' ' I.sst year Franc lniDorted maohlna tools. for th use of automobile builders to the value Of $836,o00, of which more than one fourth cam from the United Stales. Jio cenlly a company was organized at Paris with a capital of ll,U8,Uvu to manufacture such tools. When the motor cannot be started In tha usual way, owing to the loss or disability i of the starting gear, Inject a little gasollnu iiiruugn ine pei cocas or spam plug open- Ings. After waiting a moment or two try the aparker, and a good start can generally b obtained. After (oeiimentlna. R. W. Waiin chairman of the Royal Automobile Club of Ureal Britain, haa announced that alcohol can be made from peat at a cost oi nut Ovr tlx cents a gallon, and of uch quality tumi ik win nut. uverneai lue engine, as gasoline does. To demonstrate that autoinohllea run aately and Quietly, the members of the Oeneva iN. y.) Automobile club. Invited a numcer of repressive buJlnes. n en to be their gueu on a recent club run lng at Oeneva. apeed- Aa a re.ult of an lvtltln. alx prominent business men anfi woman, aided by a camera, Boston s Uoo,j (government association has obtain-, i weighty evidence to aesjst It in palgn for the betterment of ih i7V. i7 pioiaoi street. To keep the children from becoming i,..t or mixed up tli New York Mot.,r cluu and Long Island Automobile club tip.! i-.a. ored ribbon and tags to the arm of the r nearly 2.0v0 mti guest on the orphans' day run to Coney Island, and the scliei tme wuraru uxa a cuarm According to latrat available statistics there are mor car In New Tork stats alone than In all Franc. It Is estimated that the total number of macbiues ln franc Is 4u.UA of which 32,uutf are regis tered. The total number registered ln New York state to date la 41.000. W. P. Daggett, who claims to he the oldest rural mail carrier In the country, counting the number of year employed, wa one of th first to employ an aui'j for delivery purpose. He says the cost of horse and buggy and of an automobile ar about the atne, ranging trom w i per month. To avoid th trouble occasioned by the authorities of Glen Echo, MJ., who persist in arresting ambassadors and leaser fur sign diplomats from Washington who vio late tne spaed laws, but whose person ar sacred In International law, the govern ment mar close to traffic the famous Con duit road. Although Mayor Reybum, of Philadel phia, vetoed the ordinance tn grant mo tor "bus franchises, which councils passed desplt th opposition of street railway Interest, on of th motor 'bus companies intends beginning business ln July, relying on an omnibus law passed before th da of automobiles. In discussing the question Of allowing women to drive automobiles, to which the English press devotes much space, the Ixindnn World gravely says that, although th chsuffsnse meets with favor ln many quarters, one with th smallest preten sions to good looks would be a common dsnger to husbands and sons. The Automobile club of Buffalo la organ izing a vigilance committee to assist the police In running down violators of the speed law anj tne other driver who en danger the live of ledeatrlana through reck leasnea. They will have power to make arrests, and a campaign against dan gerous driving. will be vonJuclcd. - - a. v.. & mr jmr mm ,r f fs 11:00 ill Mrs M - II II i ii i I w sp auw . itui'i a. i im i n w mm pros, m 1 , iSr J J, SIMPSON A GREAT GOLFER Omaha Country Club Professional Now Heads the List. YOUNGSTER, WITH A GREAT DRIVE HI Work Since onitiiK Here Marked Htlu mm Amonsr the Host and He Was Well Backed to Win. Robert Flmpson, golf expert at the Omaha Country club, won tho western open championship Thursday and Friday by playing some remarkable golf at Hins dale, where the tournament was held. When the report came across the wires that It had taken him an 84 to make the 18 holes on the opening forenoon, some of his Omaha admirers lost hope and still when he ranged eighth at the end of the first day there was little hope of him getting first and money was wagered he would not finish one-two-three, Simpson showed his stamina when he went out the second day and made 73 and a 74, almost perfect golf. He beat a splendid field of players and deserves all the credit bestowed upon him for his up hill game. In the mlnda of those who hav been watching his game of late It wa almost foregone conclusion he would make a good showing at Hinsdale, judging rrom the class of golf he haa been playing since coming to Omaha, At first his short gamo wae bad, but with practice that Improved, and aa he alwaya waa a magnificent driver hla game reached a el age, which wa a marvel. So much did h Improve that during the last month he ha been dally making scores of 73, 74 and 75, on th Country club course of 6.100 yards, which la the same length as the Hinsdale course, Because the Country club course ha high I grass around the course, which makes It a trifle slow, it waa almost a cinch that If PW tnat eou ln 78 M COU11 , do the same thing at Hinsdale and It waa . figured that 800 should win the tournament, ai....'. ,b. v. rnmtr ii,h ..... ; different from that of most professional . golfers from the fart that ns nas an as- ' slstant to do the mechanical work required. : which give him ample time to play more i . . .. , .v.. ,na lo 'ncoura8 """J,, l" i cUin- A" "Jo'ca In hla remarkable suc cess. Last year Simpson was at Memphis and . . i . V. . n V , ttma n of ( -..,., - ",".. nivflrsiuc, viinaau. no id a r,u"o being about 27 years of age and ha plenty of confidence In himself to carry him through a hard tournament. He also has the physique required for th arduous work of hard play. CONTROL FOR COLLEGE BASE BALL Need for More Compact Organisation Than Mow Exists. NEW YORK. June 29. With the college base ball season at an end, the need of some kind of Intercollegiate association to govern this form of sport la atrongly emphasised. This year, above all others, haa proved that to determine the college championship there ahould be an organi zation composed of the big colleges. In all of the minor sports, Including basket ball, hockey, gymnastics, fencing, swim ming, track and field athletics and lacrosse, the colleges have organized, and th respec tive championships are decided beyond a doubt; but In college base ball this 1 not th case. A couple of year ago Captain Tilt, a Columbia pitcher, made a start In the right direction, but his efforts cam to naught, for there seemed little inter est ln his plan to form a league of col lege base ball teams. Now we find Prince ton claiming the championship and Yals acknowledging that th Tigers ar champ ions; tow Yale can do thl la certainly not in 3:00 P. M. A game of Golf or a visit to tho 6:00 P. M. Dinner and Omaha's Favorite to aid :00 P. M. Fireworks for the old and young alike P. M. A bottle nerves and aid eleep after a strenuous day. The next morning you will arise with a clear head, fullly rested and prepared to vote 'Omaha's Favorite" one of the necessary enjoyments one of your Fourth of July celebration. Brewed end Dottled by for "Omaha's Favorite" Beer The Beer of Absolute Purity plain to many. Princeton has a Just claim to first honors In the so-called "Big Four." But there are team that have played better ball than the member of th "Big Four," and they are Cornell and Brown. Without any college base ball organization, th follower of the sport must revert to comparative score, whatever may be said against them. Here we find that Cornell ranks better than Princeton, aa doe also lirown. Cornell and Brown are ao nearly on a par that the only satisfactory way to determtne which 1 the better would be to play a series. Deshon and Tift are both grand pitchers. There I little to choose between the two team In field ing, but It 1 believed that Cornell I a little stronger In th batting department. Cornell has met few defeats, and most of these game have required extra Innings to decide them. Unfortunately, the usual two game with Princeton were not scheduled this year. Had they been, Cornell, It Is believed, would be able to claim the championship without any doubt. Aa It la, Cornell, Brown and Prlncton must be ranked In that order, with the difference aeparatlng the first two In finitely small In fact, too small for com plete satisfaction. Cornell has forged to the front rank In athletes with remark able big at rides In th last few years. The Ithacana are almost supreme on the water, th track and field teams wan tli Inter collegiate championship In 1906 and . 190)1, and now Corfncll has JuHt claim to rank with any college In th country. The "Big Four" la a thing of the past. It I to be hoped that before the season of 190b draw around a college baae ball league will hav been formed and that next year the championship may be decided not by comparative scores, but by competition. DENVER SOD JONAH TO OMAHA ew Grounds Knork On Several of the Itonrke Family. "That grass diamond at Denver was " 1 "M l,n at Pa Bourke' Smoke House after the re- I lurn OI lI umana team irom us recent . . ". " " DC0-"" uu.r '"I i hard jolts because of the roughness and I got a beautiful black ye. Graham also hi,i a HaA an., v.u tv. i,rvin - of tn new sod. I don t like to make ex- cuse and am not going to, aa wa won five out of eleven gamea played while away, but the team waa pretty badly ahot up on that trip. Austin Is suffering from a lam leg from the collision he had with Zalusky at the home plate In the game at Vinton street park before we left. Zalusky i Is In the hospital from that crash. Austin must hav splintered a bone, for he has a running sore which doe not seem to want to heal. We left McNeeley at home a he wa out of shape, but think he will he able to return to the game again. Bandera has alao been on the alck list, but he Is rounding to all right and we should go to winning again." MOTORCYCLE RACE FOR FOURTH Ilia Ran Planned Oat on Dodge Street br luteal Club. I The Oiraha Motor Cycl club will give j S ten-mile handicap road race July 4 be ginning at 10: SO sharp on Dodge street, five miles out and five miles back start and fli.ish to be on Forty-eighth and Dodge. A good Hat of piitea will be awarded to the winner, 'J first prise, 115 second prise. $10 third, $5 fourth. The machines are all In good trim and no doubt some very good time will be made. Diamond with Ills four-cylinder Itelglum and Fleitcber with hla two cylinder end about fifteen single cylinder machines will compete. Borne of th distant- will be covered at th rate of aevDty-flve miles per hour. Watchmen will be placed at road crossings to avoid accident, the rac will run in th morning on account of light traffic, every on that wants to se fast speed will hav an opportunity to witness same U th weather permits. 7:30 A. M. 0:00 A. M. A few bottles of "Oma ha's Favorite" lker to start tho day right. 10:00 A. M. Shoot off Firo Crackers with your owu and all your neighbors' children. 12:30 A. M. Lunch and Omaha's Favorite to quiet the nerves after the exciting morning. of "Omaha's Favorite" as a niybf rewHif it,, TU7TT YTTDTTfr A TLJ709P (.kinds ol Celebrated Talbot Keels C1Aln HV.Z. p A w aau Other makes 20c, 50c, up to .... e.-u T .nnnil JOintea uaiuuuu u " -- an AA up to 9?' Jointed Steel Poles, up from 3-.7i Landlnf Nta, Minnow r'alls, Golf Hooks-All fo" a n n.Ia.Trnut and Bas Flln. you tried the celebrated JAMISON WEEDLCSS CASTING BAIT irreateat killer ever w for Ba., Pickerel or Pike. Have told hundreds already this spring. min Camp Cots and Stoves. Townsend Gun Co. 1814 PA ft NAM 6TREET Trusses and We sell Trusses and Suspsnsorlss and all kinds of Rubber Goods Trasses, $IM0 to 95.60 each. 25c to 91.50 each Suspensories , with or without lee streps. Writs for Rubber Ooods Cstolof us. Sherman & McCconneli Drug Cor. 16th and Dodge Bta. Onialia, ERIE Railroad Company Announces that stop-overs will bo permitted at all stations to holders of JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION TICKETS both going and returning. No change of oars on the Erie, Chicago to New York. Apply to your local ticket agent, or, H. G. Holabird A, G. P. A., C0B Railway Ex change, Chicago. fi program l j? fcr the 1 FOURTH 2 OF JULY? X Arise and breakfast. Parks. digestion. O - i w wjw w v.a Fishing tackle ffl-SO AA PnlS. 7 GC. 11.00. $l,o0, Suspensories Co. Neb. Owl Drug Company Cor. 16th and Harney 8 La.