THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 30, 1907. ,When Jhe Call of he Wild Lures Man From Cify Life 1o Camp Fare v ! I i aw. "a '." - - -. " - .-'.. .(". . - i 'At' , ' - ; , . ' i'i i I -::i'. ;.. ,i v-v- v AM iy .'4' ' , i '''i?-; -vi - i . ' f'V . ' ii iii i i m ii in iiimiiii i - - i "i Hum, ii m i ii b i .'77::: jm'jm 7:v---s t-lTiW Of CAMP ON XJiiJ 3VJUMJNq mqm.ixna r : '7.v.- - ,-7' iTj W . koRNlNO'B CATCH OF BASS AT iAkEOOOEBIO ON THE NORTHWEflTERN. x out days at a time. ' In many places in of the mountains and higher up one can furnishing gnine women and yoiuis mn a Wyoming coal may be picked off tike ground get a crack once in a while at a deer or chance to lake a complete rent, while other and used for fuel, and besides there is a bear. Bass Hulling also abounds In Utah camps arc Just the opposite, us they are plenty of wood. ' and two and three pounders can be caught for the man who likes the outdoor life Can anyone imagine a grander camping In abundance in several places. and works harder while on his vacation trip than one which could be taken through The climate? That Is what all look to than he ever thinks of working at his Tellowstone park. Four people in a light when In search of a place for a camping regular occupation. The hunting camp la wagon with two good horses could have the trip. Whal more exhilarating climate can a pluce where the tired hunter returns In time of their lives In making a trip through be Imagined than in the mountains? One the evening and after a rnc i ij2Ki t ' m w, t ' 1 1 t ,v-r-"77: Ait 1 ,r BTILIi FIBH3NO IN STAR LAKB pN THH MILWAUKKK. UftRPI turn im It tn irt th wood? DlolllnaT thn dlrahL. onnrN whr flhr -I Just lugged a pall of water." men or even those who simply desire the thls reat natural park. For the real lovers can feel the lighter air and It makes hlra a few other things Is Willi CAMP ON BEAR IAKE ON THBJ BLTtLINGTON. , at aiwoclatlon life and work and are al- bottle sweet plukles .. ai oi game ana aiiBndel C. M Mavne for- 2 l"4llt t)llves .. ng to "take to way el1 attended. - . Mayne, xor bottles Woroestershlre Sauce.. Ifow often are these expressions outdoor life may sojourn during the sum heard on camping trips taken by mer months away from the heat and glare the city youths. They do not of the city pavements. necessarily signify that anyone. Is lasy, but v when the caros of city life are thrown away Plssss Nmi Abvst Omaks. and a number of men and boys take to the Campers do not have to go fur from wilds for a camping trip all responsibility Omaha to ftnd a splendid spot to pitch a of the wilderness life this would be an tingle to the tips of his toes. It is not the hay" for the night after a pipe of Ideal trip. Now and then some other tour- too warm nor yet too cold and If in the peace and a few stories. These are the lsts might be met with but in the main It mountains one Imagines he Is too warm he times when women would be an encum- would be truly wild. needs only to glance at the snow capped tips brance and when they are not wanted only One Man's Kperlence merly or umana, ana bi present secretary j Bauon vinegar and Jug... of the Young Men s Christian association JS bars W. W. soap.. at Lincoln. Just broko camp with his boys ors ivory soap. at King's lake, spoken of above In refer- 8 cakes ShdoIIo 9 dozen bexea niKiclirs short distance away. The altitudes around. At other camps, framed more for ' l" wm "V . rSouna p" V Doys ox some Ul UIV r.mcupni UIIUIIUIC Ul uvsou . m-nm jmu vary to satiety all numan wants ana tena to rem una ret-reaiiun, ine women are ajways ---- -- - - o boxs bluinr A lone camper told of his experience In fol' some of the deseases which would welcome, for they can be rellad upon to 'Jn cnp nil , L .hi Zu.t Sdoun clothespins wilds for a can.plng trip all responsibility Omaha to And a splendid spot to pitch a a ion camper to.a or nis experience in " " " " "a th"T,,. and all enjoyed the sport to the fullest in vel .w onions is thrown aside and the mere thought of tent where flah may be caught and all the the wild, at the First Congregational shorten life elsewhere The though of one got up a Mttle better m.aj than the regular c y " 8" He was the snow of these trips through the mountains Is camp cooks. iiDtna record man of the government for Colorado, exhileratlng. The fact that camping means The boys' department of the Toung Men's r,Ci, !,,. ,, ,Vlun nv othAP ,h.t 60 pounds new potatoes uatea His method of traveling would not be en- "n abundance of fresh air with all Its ac christian association has taken up the "m" OmLha Hlal. school cadets each i 5,Ue8Jf"r M;,V: Zrn Joyed by most.of those who seek the out- c.ranying good Js one of the leading ,dca of camping to a large extent all over J"6 Jt ,yLT hM blench. 1 -'f ..U.. I "I I m ii. s ...ii , . i a i . m i i i . i liiHiniaiiiiinta nrhlnh inAfm (hni In f H 1 M 1. . nnj .. . . I . . 1 1 . n 1 n . U .. H' 1 . .. J . . ... . i I routine latHir Is a burden. Men with all delicacies of the season obtained. King s cnurcn iasi winter. the energy In the world likf to feel they lake, near Klkhorn, has been the cami have abandoned ail cares and do not need place of iruuiy parties for years. Situated a . t. v... .tk.. t i AM i ..4Uin. -... In & 1 1 1 f 1 a nnnk tn a vMn1 rt tha TTllfhorn -. . ... .J... , .... i hi. i.w. i. -iit., Ku door life, and still he did it for his health Inducements which Induces those In cities the country, and especially In Omaha. The dictate. trees' and fish may be bad la abundance and ,la he foun1 greatest enjoyment In to take "to the woods" during the summer boys' department hus two camps at Honey Were v.r mnln,t Lloyd and Kev. Percy Bllver ,,fe ln n, iTl Ho " traveled as "eason In search of recreation. c.eek. One Is in progress now with about were you ever camping r . . . lin-nt as nnsMihle and hi nnlv lnireiim of twenty-five youngsters In attendance and It Is one of the greatest pleasures known. ,.r.i v.r. .-,. any kind coneisted of a pocketful of raisins. Lakes of Wlioonain. as many older hoys will go there shortly cf!. n,."nl OI could be lm.aln.rf. for did not .11 th. neiai.: How would yoif like to live on raisins for But aI1 th. H,,urements of nature are not to "P""'1 8"'"al week at the same camp. capacity. 4 packages Shredded Wheat . . A camp of which many of the homes of pounds butter custom of the commandant to take the 1 J .) .bS .61 Aj 1.50 .35 1U .10 M .15 .61 3.20 .Mi .80 1.45 Ml .55 6 IS 4.1J .40 .7S .60 connected with camo 1HM so that unless coJd imagined, for did not all neigh- "ow w"um you lo "VB ra connected with camp ltfa, so that unless Mr . ' ... ,.,.,. " A a couple of weeks? He said he au th. work Is divided among th. camper. It ."1''' this diet with the berries he co, ts sure to fall heavily on someone's shoul- n"m.Ion. -ImpI for th. seeds, and did from the sides of the mountains. He car gment-d ,,, , ,h. m,.ntni. of the wt fSnme R-v- AstP" an,! K1 Oorson, one of tha could pick very entclng sts exist elsewhere, and "el'o1 attendance offlcers, are ln charge none are more harming than the lakes "f th8 caml' m . . . , . . . , . -M not th. hovi hftVA aJl thn mAlrina thv wra oera. A can pmg party .noma oe org.n.sea &ple to carry, and all for nothing? The boy. rted no extra Bering, hut slept under th. of WlBronatn. where the flah simply lie in a. thoroughly as an army and then every- "' ' ""Ji " inm insooy. ranonv of heaven ... ..... i. - - .w. ? t ... ... . -I would co from Omaha ln carryalls, which op,n canoPy or leaven. walt to ,natrh the hook of the man or inn, win nut auiwiu miiu .11 win auu - . happily. wouiu urivc alter tneui st in. expiration Antl.-in.tlon 1. on. of th. re.t nleaa- of "l. aUotted time. All the boy. Were I .h a Present Paradise woman who is bold enough to cast Into their waters." These resorts have all the In an Association Camp. The Young Men's Christian association fsienwood and tha year before at Mis- camp Is now one of the many features of . valley. The place of holding 1. left 1 bottle ('live Oil ft ..II W. .. boys of the cadet battalion to some nearby pounds Breakfast baoon" town which has a suitable camping ground b pounds salt sid. pork., and for a week pitch a camp where the lried beef K.,v. .r crlvi. a t.l. f roJ m.tdnor llf 6 P""U Candle. Itlgld rules a. to time of rising and going Total ...71H7 to bed are enforced and th. boy. hav. This is less than lo per peraoa pr month.' to tlo guard duty, Just a. ln the regular About th. only talng. that wr nevoed in service, and the camp of th. cadet. 1. th. two m.ntha, beside, th abor. list, voted a great training for the youth, of weT- eg5, milk, butter and bsaad. the school. The ramp this year was held Wbat tm Wsur tn Ms When camping tn tit. mountain, first, last and all tb. time, wear your old clothe. A large rarlsty of clothing la not essential for a oamping trip to tha moun tains, but there ar. a few thing. Chat ar. liidlapeiuiable. The appended list, while by bo means perfeot will auggeat sm. of - . n i , . . -t ' " ,,. . " 1 1 ' P5 I.ITPC ll"vro ' ""ij - 11 UI1 III. W1UI U1LI.UIO 1U 1 1W . I B'JOU , rs know a list of material to b. get Is tom" . , 1 f V " stream, which flow down from the Waratch from Omaha over the Milwaukee or North- forward to them a. the happiest experl- wlth plenly o( provis0na provided by on.'. th n0" article, to put to rour ntlrely too long and would fill twle. th. c-uaht at Maaawa. mount..,nB for apeckled and salmon trout, western, and many there be who take the ence of the entire year. The surrounding. own inQU8try from the clear water, know- trunk: transportation facilities Uiat the oamper. wklch aJ n" "inltlcnt beating and ruek. darken the sky In the .prlng and trip each year for the sport of fighting are attractive. Uie sport, clean and manly ng that n trouble, from the outside world Men On. or tw bustoMS suIU of strong wer. planning on. The trouble with most ood wlmmlng be.ohes. Many of th. fa during the summer month, one the black basa. the musky or the pike in and the association boy. return renewed can reaoh you t0 tn. calmneall of tha' n.ult"and'Vf T t blc'ycie ?3t- wi campers Is that they take entirely too many cmi,r" have so, fallen tn lov. with th mav en the banka of the clear crystal the cool waters that lie und.r the shadows In bodily health as well as In the best of .co,,. suit. ( medium-weight undrww;' two trap, along giving altogether too many "ul"" "l" f""'""1 stream, and watch the fish as they lazily of the Wisconsin woods. spirus. i no loung Mens cnrisuan as so- ngtii-weigtii. ugni-coiore nannei ourtsi things to look after and too much work MUH or ralBer conagea, nave been dart to and fro. Grouse and quail are There are camps and there are camps, elation camps are now recognised all over ereoted and here many move their families plentiful along the benches on th. aide. Borne camps are framed with the idea of the country a. one of th. essential feature, for th umnier months. i li'sr.tiur u ii ii rnrthur o u . ti rcat. . v. a i. . . v. - i it. ... .. v. nt nw flKKoemiion KorK to iii u K lire me.KiLnL . ... j, . I - a l j . ure. of a camping trip. For weeks and 'gunners of this section find it necessary to the comfort of civilization, so that any for the boys and to develop ln them a After aU ,aid of C8niplng;, wluU is more weeks the merry campers meet to lay their ' "em ,n " . travel to pursue their pastime of hunting who do not care to rougli .It In camp may desire for healthy diversion as well as to rMlIuI lhan t0 De caml)ed ln a ..eluded plans and to arrange for everything that cMo-.r. nJ Ih7h.. 7. "me' Hunte" and campers are often the have the shelter of a roof, with a good bed develop a good physiuue. The boys live )0t , th. mountains, beside some beau Is to b. taken along. A. fast a. a happy " " " " " hl " ,h ame P"80" and the follower, of the rod and all that sort of thing, and still get all In tents, throw aside all cares and have ufll, trout ,tre4un Dr some quiet lake, far thought come, to on of the camper. It Is ,.,":, " , , ti 5, and gun can find plenty of enjoyment in the pleasure that lies in the sport of fish- the tunes of their lives. These camps are from tba care, of th, hutsy world mm. out on cnr. ajid th. first thlnf th. camn- wo""", contingent or uie party can run TT,h wh.t nir mnrt th.n .iiinnin. h. ti ii... aiun c,n ra.,.h.H so .uecessful that inanv of the boys look . i . n around the camp Cost of tauiit S.. piles. On a latir M-. Everything 1. lovely for th camper, when th weather I. tin, but when th winds blow and the rain come, down tn Several faiuiUe. ' camped around th Omaha Rod and Qua club ground, last yar, and many mor ar. planning for thi. season, aome having moved out already. This 1. located for accessibility even better R srti, 1rrents and aoaks everything ln cao.n, ... . . . . . , 1. not so Jovely. Th. city chap. usl th- of 0mlha ,f wouM tJ being provided with ynbrallu and but tak, , to jo u the ,ak, ul.ex. and .verything o kp himself dry .M f(jr tnalve. th. which when out-of-doors and to being housed hm llr,n. th. i..t .. o.t of the !. 1. not ud to cr.wlin, bungalow, line. family reunion into awl clotlie. Which hav. been located lh. WMt lde of cut.Qff i... Jame. Sim. and Mis. Ann Harrt. wer q married June 34, 1S47. at Dodgevlllc. Wis. Lira of the Wild.' Both Mr. 81ms and his bride were born In ' one heavy blue flannel shirt; one sweater t plenty of socks, th. kind you always weari The list of .upplle. and their respeotlv. medium-weight ovarcoat; two pair Mout . , ' . siiees; one pair hip rubber boot, or wader prices, given below, is a verbatim copy of a for flal.imj; couple of old "oft hat.; on bill of goods purchased in Denver for a rteut leather beit; en. pair aums o party of eight going to Wagon Wheal Oap leather legg In.; plenty of h andkronis ) V. .. L. . bandaiuia hHndkarohlef for th mokl for a two months outing, where furthur niachlntosh or waterproof eoat. (not abso. sui.Dlles could be secured without Incon- lutelv nsceseary) but convenient: on nsUr EV. AND MRS. JAMES BIMS Bluffs from Wisconsin. Although on the late years h has preached but occasion- venlence, from time to time as needed. fy f,'lv ( (mw J2S'-Ur celebrated Monday, June II. the retired list Mr. Sim. for seven year, had ally. Thi. is given here a. an example of what Vomn'-i complete golf or blaycl ult sixtieth annlversity of their wej- charge of the Epworth Methodit church Mr. and Mrs. Sims are both more than Is required and Its probable coat. For an extra skirt, dark or heavy, walking or ding, at their home. avenue, Council Bluffs, Sixty Years of Wedded Life Their Record , 813 Park ln the western part of that city and for SO year, of age, but ar. still hearty and smaller parties and less period of time th. kcycl length; two pair uuhavr-old . Ia., Willi n yar h oflluUUJ aX CO. Cti atUv nuuX ima Uaai f-i iitht ly. quantities can be reduced proportionately, weight wrweaj- JwtfW a ?i 0'h. price, quoted hr. are generally th. wrap; a oemmon shawl or blanket for Just where the water dripped through the tenL Water ha. a meu way of dripping through the Uuit at Just the spot wher. it Many resident, of Omaha like to camp Cornwall. England, he on August (, 123, win do th. moat harm,. After on. of thus. th. wild, of th. mountain, of Wyoming and h. on March 1, IS Mr. Dims cam nights when everything la and out of the and Colorado, and they do not let a .urn- to America In 144 and hi. future wlf camp ia soaked, when no dry wood can be mer pass without taking on. of thes ex- followed two year, later. It wa. rot until found with whloh to start a fire to dry out tens, trip. Into th. very heart of na- seven years after his marriage that Mr. the clothes, then Is wlwu the patieac. of ture, often seeking .pots where the foot Blm. entered the ministry, the novice I. taxed. Evan the commissary 0f man baa nevr trod. Qoiiur to Colorado To Mr. and Mr.. Sim. ten children wer 1 not proof from th ravage, of th rain, or Wyoming on th Burlington or th born, nvw of whom are .till living, Thar The bread and cracker, .mi sugar and Union Pacific many Jumping off plaoe. are Jacob 81ms. Mra Mary A. Bainbrldge, verytning else 1. aoakod and what oan tae may be found where oooipast camping out- Mia. Jennt. Sim. and Mia. May Slnoa, all novlte cook prepare for breakfast? tils will be furnished, with a guide, and a of Council Bluff.; Mr.. Sunn Hamilton, Western peopl. know mor. about oamp delightful trip, equalled by non anywhere of Minneapolla; Mr.. Cora Ball of Mont- Ufe than th. eastern, a. Tb. broad ex- elm In th w.rU. taken at snail expeaae. ford, Wis ; and Mra J. M. SylveaUr o. -vmnse of tli western prabie and th What aoer beautiful than some of tb. Washington. 1. C, Tber. ar twelve Uv- inoLntalu. beyond furnish ideal camping trout streams of Wyoming? And thes ar bag grsndctindren. gjwunda AU ar familiar with th oamp not fished to death, so that even a novice It was In 1B4 that Mr. Mm. Joined th oehe described by th. Virginian whan, can catch fish. They ar loaded with Wisconsin confsreoc of th Mathodist with hi. bride, he piloted hi taut beatd Can brook trout and rainbow trout, wbteh Church. Later th. Wlsconsla conference Hie trout .tream In tb. mountain. Tber hav been increased by frequent planting, was divided and Mr. Blm. became a mm- ar rhouaands of plaoe. Jut as pretty and by th. fish commission of Wyomtog and. bar of th. West WlKonsln conferonce, a acoeasibl. for campes. as that desorthed Colorado. . wbieh memberahlp h rtUl retain. Mr. and by ttu VlrglnlaiL Several of th. railroads People tn Wyoming know all about camp Mr.. Sims .pent thirty-six year, la Wis- leading out of Omaha prepare special liter, life. Th aheap herder, camp out ail th. oonaln, during which time Mr. film, held a ,ature on Ui camping place along their tun, and the owners,' when making th number of pastorates. About eighteen year. IOb. ad pn4 ooiunderabi. money tn ex- round, erf aula a c,mptof outfit ad gta. axo Mr. and Msg, 6 Una cats to CeunUl 7 Ii V-'-. . "!v 1 , . V ' "i V77 1.00 average ln Ienver, Colorado Spring, J'utblo, Salt Lalui City and towns contigu ous to camping gruuiuia: 4 bricks chetse.... ,......, 4 sacks salt t pounds xpeorn 10 pounds gliigersnaps ........ Ss7 pounds soda erst it rs. ..... It pounds Vanilla Water. .. 4 packages bromangelon . 1 gallons maple s rup 1 case condensed oieaui , k cans wlute cut rrlea 8 cans pears M cans peaches 4 tans grapes 1 dozen cans corn 1 dozen cans tomatoes 1 dozen cans French peaa. ... i cans wax beans 6 cans succotash 6 cans baked beans 4 cans Flat salmon dozen boxes sardines 1ft) pounds flour 1 sack white ineai 1 box baking powder 10U pounds Kugar So pounds Navy beans shawl use; a sort felt hat; a wide-brimmed straw bat; a heavy veil; two or three plr gloves; one pair extra heavy gtoves: several eating flannel shirt waist. , ... one leather belt; band kerchief a, hosiery " neokwear, etc., a suits th. Individual fancy; also take a atv k of camphor to. la case of chapped Up and on aocuunt of th , ,T: bright son a pair of blue, .rooked or color , i. .jiectacles often add. to on1, comfort. Lon't forget your wmg bag. Musing of a Cynic L7l .60 140 4.6 1.(6 14 Envy a woman if you would mak hr W happy. ! Bom men be forgotten. .do Flattery I. the ability to pay eoxnpli- .ho ments Instead of bills. ion" t even hav t be dead to l.i .76 luu 1 HO Borne men are .elf-made, and It tak. careful that hi. foot doesn't dip. I lov. to be up with the e.rly Wrd. I Ilk It served about 2 a. m.. with a cold bottle. , l yi Ws ar. often accused of not listening to l.unda rice , .so reason when w really hav na reason to hey. j. h. snrat irrta. in ma 1 pound Japan tea f) pounds coftee (grouudl. 4 packaaes black peifier . Ilalf pint lmnn K&iract. Jialf pint Vanilla lixlract. 1 diahea muaUrd .... .75 liatan. - ' Marriage 1. a aerlou. problem to a girl. L" 7S 1her ar many peopl she doesn't til! 1 "lis know wbUir to tntrtt e not. hVw Terll .A. JO Xlmeav ' -w.