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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY UEK: SATURDAY, J1TXE 2, 1907. H You Don't Need Cash Don't go shabby on the Fourth just because you can't ppare the money for a new suit. We will sell you on Jnst Belect what you desire and pay in small weekly or monthly pay ments. When purchasing don't fail to bring coupon below. We are the only nouso giving this liberal offer. SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S OUTING SUITS FOR THE FOURTH The fabrics in our two-piece suits are known for their good wearing qualities. The styles are the swell est, trimmings the very best and prices are reason- able-; $18, $15, 4 $12.50, $10, $7.50 and Shoes Men's Oxfords la the latest toe and leathers, $3.60 and $2.50 Hats That straw Is ready for you to put on. Prices are right, 2.60 to 50c Furnishings For the latest in Furnishings come to us. We have what you want. ne Dollar FreeS Bring in this coupon and we will allow you one dollar on a purchase of $10.00 or over. Name OYER FOURTEEN THOUSAND T. M. C. A. Fond Creeps Gradually Toward the Desired End. HUSTLERS WORK THEIR HARDEST J Open Evenings Till 8 O'clock. Saturday Till 10 ( CLOTHING COMPAAY vy COKJ4a& DOUGLAS J 8 Hur la Being Subscribed at tbe Rate f AboDt FIT Tho li Dollars Pr Day. Previously acknowledged . $10,00 Citizen's committee.... If) Young- Men's committee .V Boys' committee 6W Grand total H,13 The following amounts indicate the re ports submitted by the captains or the teams of the young; men's snd boys' com mittees, and the standing of the teams: Young men s committee, L. l. Alltonen, general chairman: June 28. Totals. 2S 814 iui 11 A D. M. Newman I U J. H. Franklin C A. W. Miller D-H. Kleeer B-C. EL Brry F Grant Cleveland O Martin Sulaniian H-Il Ring I Harry fcsyrne J Harry A. Stone 143 384 60 M 20 13 12 102 26 170 Carl tl,2t Nasi. ...I 27 Totals Boys' committee. chairman: Brown Chester Arnold.... Yellow Wlllard Talbot Black-Klbert Wade 108 Bed Fred McConnell 21 Ureen Slgard Lsrmon 13 Blue Herbert Arnstlen 87 Lavender James Nome 6 White Donald CampboU 89 Pink George Siurarman T6 Purple Lyle Roberts 223 142 86 63 SS.U0 general 127 154 44 90 1:8 86 90 115 248 1977 HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS Have you made arrangements for your Summer Vacation? The Oaliwood Park Co. Clear Lake, la. Can furnish you Hotel, Cottage or Tent House ac commodation. We are the nearest resort to Omaha with direct line (G G. W.) and cieap return ra'es all summer. Totals -.686 The following subscriptions for S000 and over have been received: 0. W. Wattles 41.000 Charles Metx i,o0 1. W. Carpenter.... il l.ouo Crane company 50 Caen 600 Independent Telephone company 6u0 Tick by tick and dollar by dollar moves the huge clock on the Toung Men's Chrla tia i association building, which marks the successful efforts of the different commit tees engaged In the work of raising the funds necessary to make it possible to de dicate the new Young Men's Christian as sociation building without a debt attached to it. The reports for the first three days have betm about on a par, that is about 86,000 each day so the total at the end sf the third day is 814.123, the amount reported Friday being $4,116. Two large subscriptions were received Friday, one of 8500 from the new Inde pendent Telephone company and another of 1600 from a party not desiring publicity. Considerable strife Is being worked up be tween different teams of the boys and young men's committees. Enthusiasm increases as It become mors and more apparent that the task of raising the money will be successful and It is In deed an Inspiring sight to visit the noon day lunch In the Young Men's Chlrstlan as sociation building and see the vim of the young men and to hear the cheers as tils reports of each committee are read. Lot In Idaho Donated. The Canyon Construction company of Caldwell, Idaho, has donated to the Young Men's Christian association, through H. D. Neely of the Equitable Life, a town lot in Its new town of Homedale. Idaho, on the Snake river and directly opposite the government reclamation project, where a reservoir Is now being built by the United States government. The lot In question will be reserved from the general sale and offered to the highest bidder. September 1. 1907, bids will be opened by .a committee consisting of John C. Rice, president Cald well Banking and Trust company, the mayor of Caldwell and Rev. Mr. Springer. The highest bidder will get the lot and the entire proceeds forwarded to the Young Men's Christian association of Omaha. The lots are listed at from 8100 to $400; size, 26x120. CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL Amarlean and Kuropeen Plan Finest Hotel en the Great Lakes Da the edge of town, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks 1 -1 tjj.u: . to l Ayiir j'js on two sides, while Shaded parks complete If.. . iff. city is but 10 minutes rids from the nearby station. Many families make tbts tbelr permanent boms. There is always a cool breeis la warmest weather. iSOlargeoutsldo rooms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet of bread veranda. The table Is always the best. TourUu and transient guests Dad It a delightful place to stop eo route snd rest. Address for handsomely Illustrated Booklet, giving full particu lar. Manager, Chlcaso Beach Hitel, Slat Blvd. and Lake Shore, Chicago. Ttvke Your Family to "Beautiful Bcllevue FOR THE SVMMER Only 40 Ml nuts from Omaha After business hours leave the hot city. Pleasant rooms good board. Toe most dellg-Mful summer resort la Neb. $5 to $7 per week. Jons 20 to Sept.7 L J T1U( ll11asra AUUmi wsjiiapjri. A0itvvuw VViicag, 'Phoa 17MI 8. Omaha. liellevutt, Neb. Stratford Hotel (Iwroesan Plant Chicago. Illa.v ua-fcr-w t " vr Offers yea refuted, quiet and alegaat ao eoamoSutloat. Located comet el city's two Anusl boulevards. M ts convenient to entire business Muter and close to bt thaatrue and shopptag district, llS Cams, 150 private baths; luxurious writ s' and reception rooms; woodwork Suaboaaay throughout! brass nods and all uuudurn eom Aorta I telephone la every room, boautilul dining rooms tbe beet of evarytniug at moeurate prkwa. fkalisa ao4 Jackson Birds, Chicaso Are You Going to St. Louts? Tbs Holsl Hamilton Is a delightful plaoe la the Boat Resident bectloa and away f rem tbs noise and smoke; wuera easy eocesa. Transient 4 vol Kate: 11 tc 18.04 per day. t-uro- poaa list-. special Kates by the wmH. Watte for Booklet. Address W. If. WIl 1.1 AMBON. Manag.r. rusi muTavu. it. a v u susTKam Totma ov un scxoBTiaAW r".-iS MANITOU far tjiixturr service excluslrelv. makes three trips weekly to OhaJl.vela, Barbos tnrinri. sir Tlnr. Vetosk.v and Saaok Inao Island, connection with all ateamshtp Lines for Lake Superior, eastern ana Ltna tlan nolnts. Inoulre about our week-end trips specially arranged for Business and professional Men. tllTM OKIOAOO AM rOLLOWH oa. 11 :30 a, m. Wed. p. m r rt. :30 p. us. MASTITOtT rrBAKSXiy OOaarAJrT rrtCI a BOtlS. Bsaa sad I. Mister tv, Calcsse Ladles' $4 and 8S shoes and Oxfords. small slses, Saturday 2&c. Benson & Thorne, 1617 Douglas street. CRISIS IN HEALTH OFFICE Depleted Pnnda Necessitate Discharge of Every Sanitary Inspector of the City. There Is a crisis In the affairs of the Board of Health of Omaha and unless taxpayers come to the relief of the city there may be a general suspension of work. Friday morning Dr. Connell, health commissioner, made some calculations and as a result every sanitary Inspector will be dismissed Saturday and the veterinarian and meat inspector face enforced vacation for the last two months of the year. The balance In the hands of the treas urer for the use of the health department, July 1, will be 84.5S2, and of this amount about 81G0 will be Immediately expended for drugs and hospital work already or dered. After a reduction In salaries of 880 a month has beon made by the dis charge of the Inspectors there will remain A fixed charge on the office of 85.230 for the balance of the year, showing a deficit on the face of the account of 86& for the year and this does not Include sny expend iture for drugs or hospital attendance, ex penses which certainly will come upon the office. This estlmste Is based on the expendi ture of 80 per cent of the tax levy for the year and the only hope of preventing a deficit Is through a larger collection of taxes, which will swell the funds beyond the legal amount In sight. A natural law of trade explains our ability TO SAVE YOU MONEY A rule of trade as old as commerce itself fixes a store's ability to name lower prices according aa the qnalit7 of mer chandise it handles is greater than that of its competitors. It is a fact acknowledged generally by the Furniture Warld that the llnriman Instlttu tlon Is the largest buyers of Homefurnlshings on earth. Being the largest buyers it naturally follows that we secure lower prices than any other concern in the business. It's no wonder we undersell no wonder the people of Omaha look to us as the economical homefurnishing supply cen ter. We want you to profit by our many advantages step in and let us show you how extremely low our prices aro, how great savings will really be. CREDIT TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE Special Iron A ftCI Bed No. 1 nt J J Extra elaborate Iron Bed, very fancy design, large tubing and ornamented Joints. Enamel baked on, finished In any color dfslred, Including the very attractive Vernis Martin finish. The above price represents a saving to you of one-thlnl. artman's Saturday Special Bread Tray - - - 10c This Bread Tray ts of large slr.e, measuring 12x8 H In. It Is made of heavy nickeled ware and extra heavily plated. It Is of the same ware ae the many other articles which we are offering Just now In our Saturday Pales. It matches the balance of the set perfectly, being of the same beau tiful finish and closely resembles purs silver. In fact but few of your neighbors would know that these trays were not silver plated unless thoy were so informed. The design of this tray Is very beautiful, having the word "Bread" handsomely engraved In the center, together with a fancy wheat design. These trays will be placed on sale tomorrow at 1 o'clock. 22 Stores Throughout the U. S. Special Iron P TP Bed No. 2 DSD These Beds are of Hartmsn's exclusive design, made with largu tubing, Joints and post ornaments. They are extra heavily enameled and may be had In any color desired. This Is a bargain be yond duplication eltwiuhnre in Omaha "r7 ....wC-v.-. &., : S II 11 i-nusaauv w .. ' -"VT f JW.i kUA' .,vaw. t I I II If If El U kl TRADf HARK KHV' ' ...... i-"T'....wt.w: &.,: S3S tension Table J m M An Extension Table value of unusual charac ter. Made of selected solid oak, square top, five large legs of handsome pattern, of moat durable construction throughout. DOG ' KIDNAPER TIPS HAND Fellow Waa Tries to Get Maaey froaa Pun's Owaer is Arreatea. A kidnaping case In which a very small curly white dog was the victim held for ransom, came to light In the police court Friday morning. Mrs. K B. Flood of 2010 Cuming street has a dog, which she prises hlgbly and which disappeared from home last week. 8he offered a reward (or Its return and It came back. Several days age It disappeared again and not long afterward James Jones of SR3 Chicago street, she alleged, came to her home and asked If she wsnted the dog back, flhs asked how be knew she had lost a dog and how he knew that the dog he had found was the right one, Jones Is said to have replied that he had read sbout her losing the dog In the paper and he was sure he had the right one because this dog had a very peculiar kink In his tall and her's was Identified In the same wsy. Jones then suggested mildly that be thought 110 was about the proper reward and be would sue that the dog was brought back If that was deposited In a handy plaoe. Mrs. Flood called the police and Jones was arrested. In police court Friday morning, the lost canine was produced and. with much wagging of tall, was returned to Its right ful owner. Jones was held under a charge of petit larceny. Maxurum A Co LBTTk'R BPSCIAXJurra, ANOTHER FEE IN QUESTION Validity of CbarglBs; (or Coattna sacei l' ia tha Vinson baler Caae. The validity of charging a fee of 60 cents for continuances by the county Judge has been raised In the Vlnsonhaler case before Judge Bears. From the earliest history of the county these fees have been charged every time a case was con tlnued from month to month. In Judge Vlnsonhaler's suit they amount to 700 of the 113,000 charged up against him. The question has been raised as to whether or not Judge Vlnsonhaler had a legal light to charge these fees. If he did not ths county can have no claim against him for them and he would be released from liability to the amount of 1700. The ques tion will be argued when the hearing of the case begins again July 1. Practical Folding Go-Cart. New. J C Novel andPracttcal Design ' This Is unquestionably one of the strongest, lightest and most practical Close-Folding Oo-Carts on the market. It is Co.. the merit of which cart Is well known throughout America. This Cart is made with a tubular steel frame and has metal gearings of great strength and durability. The cart folds up very compactly, ..111 .1 J 111..... 1 . n .. V. - Weathered 0a. library 1A7C .able, Spanish leather loylUlLz. This table Is of artistic mission design. Made of solid oak, weathered oak finish, long spacious drawers, roomy shelf. Top Is covered with genuine Spanish leather. taken on the street car and other places where the ordinary Go-Cart would be too Cumbersome. We are offering the above Go-Cart at an extra special price this week, and know you cannot equal the bargain elsewhere no matter where you look. We also carry a full line of Knox, Foyer, Fulton and Ferris Folding Oo-Csrts. )I,MIMU.H.UJIU).. JU. ... I. II KiM .sua Hsrtmsn's Imperial Monarch C 7 C Brussels Uuif, tiie Itxlj lett Us I J Look where you will you can't find the equal of this rug value In Omaha. The "Hartman Imperial Monarch" Brussels Kug Is a specially made rug of superior excellence. It Is made without miter seams, a point worthy of consideration. The materials are of that durable sort that Insure greatest possible wearing quality. They are made of worsted, aniline dyed and are fully guaranteed. All Our Energies Aro Centered on Giving You Host Values. Hartman's Special Combination Kitchen Table America's m Largest Home Furnishers' 26.75 13.25 Refrigerator Special It is strongly constructed, .of great durability and most economical. It is iineo wiin galvanised iron, has metal shelves, patent drip cup and other improved features. $9 55 It rT 7.7S W I c L Hartman's .Special Btiffet Made of seleoted quarter-sawed oak, beuutlfully leaded glass doors, I large drawers, one lined for silver ware, hundsomely ornamented with carvings, large bevel edge French flate mirror, most dependable con-ruction. Large Comfortable Reed Rocker Special $295 Seamless Wilton Velvel Kiirs The size of this rug Is 12x9 feet. It Is absolutely seamless woven in one piece. It has extra high pile is soft and luxu rious. The pattern Is a new one Just re ceived from the weaver, the colorings are soft, d'lrirble and most pleasing. Our bargains are the cross cut to more business. "Feather your nest I4I4-I4I6-I4I8 DOUGLAS ST Bsrlman' Pslenl Feldlnn hrclinlng Co-Csrt, Bicycle Tubing, "Special Price 2' This Go-fart Is one of the strongest and most durante made. It la constructed of heavy bicycle tubing, has pat ent reclining back, green en ameled gears, large steel wheejs with heavy rubber tires. Just notice price quoted above. uak, RltlWipS'" AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA CUPID WINS0UT AT LAST Canple Remarries After 81a Team ef Separation by Deeree of Dtvorcu. After being dlvoroe'V six years, Andrew S3. W'alkup and Jessie A. Walkup have de elded to try life together again and have secured a ltoense to remarry. They were married December 11. 188S, when both were very young, and In May, 1901, Mrs. Walkup secured a decree of divorce on grounds of Donsupport. Ths court granted her $2,000 alimony and the custody of the ft-year-old daughter, Marie, and In the following year Mr. Walkup began proceedings to have the decree altered so that he could hare the care of tbe child. The case was hotly eon. tested. Packers Have Nothing to Say on the Controveriy Over Cattle WOMEN'S CLUBS ELECT 0FFICEBS Rebbera Get Hundred Dollara from Saloon Till Swift and Company Organise Benefit Association for Employee. The South Omaha packers had nothing to say yesterday of the controversy with the commission men, and Indirectly with the shippers of live stock and the breeders. All of them Intimated that their arguments had been presented at the first and that their position was too clearly defined to need further comment. All expressed the same determination to maintain the rule as they had originally laid It down. There was no change In the conditions of the South Omaha market In any of Its features. There was a light run of cows, as usual, and these were sold In the same way aa formerly. The commission men note no change. More tel egrams arrived yesterday from the Ne braska bankers In support of the position taken by the commission men, and the sen timent is thought to be practically unani mous. Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. The state convention of the Federation of Colored Women's Clubs finished Us ses sions with a large meeting at the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple last night Ths election of officers took place In the afternoon at Allan chapel. Mrs. Adah Lwls of South Omaha was re-elected pres ident, Mrs. Sarah MoWllllams of Lincoln was elected vice president and Miss Lulu Wheeler of Omaha, second vice presldwit; secretary, Mabel Oalbraith of IJncoln; as sistant, Mrs. Amanda lilngham of Omaha; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Lulu Roun tree of Omaha; treasurer, Mrs. Anna lieilell of Lincoln; state organizer, Mrs. Francis Slsrnes of South Omaha; chaplain, Mrs. Amelia Hrowder of South Omaha. The Installation of officers occupied part of the evening Session. Ths principal fea turs of the evening was the remarks of Miss Anna Vandersee of Lincoln, a gradu ate of Booker T. Washington's school at Tuskegee, Ala Her remarks were modest and cultured to a degree. She told of the nature of the work attempted along the various lines by the great organizer In a way which commanded much attention and respect. A recitation by Miss Stella Tri bune, "The Vendettl," elicited enthusiastic applause. During the afternoon session at the chapel several papers of merit were reed. Mrs. Elisabeth Jelts of Omaha read one, "What Can I Do?" which was considered so meri torious that It was ordered published. Benefit Association for Employee. Swift and Company have Instituted a Packing House Employes Benefit associa tion which Is to go Into effect July 1. They are the first packers In ths United Stales to organise such an Institution. There Is to be no Increase of assessments on ac count of age, but the premium rate Is fixed by the class of benefit entered. There are eight classes, fixed by the average salary of ths employe. The following Is quoted from the pub lished articles Issued by ths company re lating to the nsture of the project: All contributing employes become mem bers of the association and these are di vided into eight classes, according to their weekly earnings. The earnings govern the amount of weekly contributions, and, of course, of the resultant benefits. For In stance, classes 1 to I .Inclusive, are com posed of employes who eurn 11 J 50 a week or less. Their weekly contribution will be 15, 2D, 80 and J cents, respectively. For this small contribution they will receive In the first class a weekly sick and acci dent benefit of $3; a death benefit of f'JOO; In case of total loss of sight of one eye, loss of one hand at the wrist, or one foot at the ankle, $J. and double that amount if both eyes, both hands or both feet are destroyed. An employe In the fifth class will receive a weekly benefit of 14; in esse of death ISO; the same in esse of the loss of sn eye, hand or foot, and 11. W0 where both eyes, hands or feet are destroyed. ''lam i Includes members earning over 113 W per week and not over till; class 1, over 118 and not over H0. and class 8, over $.10. An employe earning over t30 per u&e-k contributes 11 weekly; he receives a weekly sick benefit of lift; a death bene fit of 11.1,011. and ll.frX) and U,i, respec tively, for the loss of sttsht or limbs as cited Additional death benefits are al lowed by the payment of 6 cents each week for cu h t-'O, providing the aggregate Is not greater than three timua the death benefit of the claae the employe enters. I'stng the first class to Illustrate, the sick baosflt ef ft a wuea will ewuUuue fifty-tsrs n rl Jamestown Exposition Illinois Central Railroad The low rat excursion tickets on sals account of the a meet own Exposition afford stopovers at nearly all polaU sast of Chloafo. Including: DETROIT BOSTON NIAGARA FALLS PHILADELPHIA BUFFALO WASHINGTON TORONTO BALTIMORE MONTREAL LOCISVILLH KBW YORK OITT CINCINNATI Lak steamer trips; also 8t Lawrence and Hudson river trips In truded. Direct connections In Chicago with trains of all lines. Rates, tteksts and detailed Information at City Ticket Office, 1463 Farnsm St., or write Samuel North District Peesengvr Agent, Omaha, Neb. weeks, and If sickness continues ss long, a weekly benefit of 11.60 per week will continue fifty-two weeks longer. The acci dent benefit of U a week will continue for 104 weeks if disability continues that long, and Includes In addition a reasonable bill for surgery. The general affaire of the association are under the control of an advisory committee. Laurence A. Carton, treasurer of Bwtfl and Company, is ex-offlrlo its chairman, bsven members of the committee are ap points annually by Ixiuls V. Bwlft, as f resident of Swift and Company. Among hose thus sppulnted are Charles O. Young, genural superintendent; Frank S. Hay ward, office mammer. seven other employes, rup- s el tbs esewistwn, wis from each plant, complete the advisory committee. This year all of the commit tee, except the cl. airman, are appointed by Mr. Bwlft. Next year and annually thereafter thu seven members last men tioned will be elected hy members of the aHsoelatlon In the respective plants, frank Htout. foreman of the boiler shop, la the Chlcugo r presentative this year. Msile City UomIp. Glynn Transfer Co. Tel. So. Omaha Sei. Perry Mr TV Wheeler has returned from a vHH to Chicago. H C. Hlchmond made one of his frequent visits to the metropolis yesterday. The Presbyterian King's Daughters wtt serve Ice vruain at HlgliWid s"u tmilgtilu