Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    TUP. nfylT TiVTT.V HIT. C(TTM)luv if'VM- ...
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r wf
Extraordinary Sale
Jk A New York Manufacturer's
... . -
Sample Line of
On Sale Saturday
At One-Third Their Value
C' "ako&z :k :5 , w s w :k : as
Special Sale in Jewelry Department 8 $
We bought sixty-five extremely stylish
high grade summer suits from a New
York manufacturer, to cheap that you
can buy $35 to $50 silk voile, foulard,
veiling and novelty stripe summer suits
at $16.60.
There are all colors, materials and styles
this will be a sale of more
than ordinary Importance.
They Mill all be Bold at
one price
.is ana styles
Gent's Watch
17 Jewel adjusted
American Waltham
movement In Ger
man silver,
dust proof
17-Jewel adjusted American
movement, fitted with 20-
year gold filled
! 1
5 cases, at
55 Just received, latest styles in
ij Royal Belts
$15 PATTERN HATS, $2.50
A Loading Now York Importer's
Entire Stock of
This will be one of the greatest sales of
High Class Millinery ever held In the city.
Seldom Is the opportunity offered to secure
such bargains as this sale offers.
Beautifully trimmed hats In an unlimited
array of styles and color effects. Every
one the season's smartest effects, many
original models and copies of the most
expensive French Millinery. These hats
nave Deen admired by thous- f (
ands who have seen the dis- llDU
play In our front show win
dowSaturday they will all
, go in one lot In Millinery
Department, at
ladies' Watches
Ladles' O size, five
year, gold filled
cases, 7 Jewel Amer
ican move
ment, at
The Keiser
60 dozen ladles' wash belts,
finest embroidered belts ever
Bhown in Omaha, always re
tail at $1.00,
On Front Bargain Square
1,000 Indies' side and back
8 it
combs, plain and a. r 35
fancy styles, at.J.VV-J.IV K M
Worth up to $5, your tT 1 if
choice, at. .. .1. :JI 0
3 i,
From the Big New Yark Manufacturers
Samples Bought a Great Sacrifice Will Be Sold at the Most
Unusual Low Prices
We place on sale Saturday the entire line of samples of Wash
Skirts. They come in linens, reps, piques, ducks, and fine muslins,
etc., some of the samples are slightly mussed from show room use
and many are in perfect condition.
$1 Duck and
White Linen
$2 colored Duck
and white Llf
en SklrU
$3 white Linen
and Rep.
$4 and $5 white
Linen and Rep
Children's dresses. In good colored
washable materials, percales,
ginghams, lawns,
Shirt Waists, worth up to $3.00,
In all colors and good Clfi
washable materials rOC
Choice of 55 silk dresses, jumper
suits and Jacket Suits, made of
plain and striped taffetas, em
broidered jumpers, 10
Your choice of 90 fine, dainty,
summery, lingerie, two piece col
ored lawn dresses, princess lin
gerie, made of soft lawn, lace
Insertions and medallions, Q
trimmed, worth $10, at. . D
Sample Shirt Waist Suits, (JQ
worth up to $6.00, at. . . St JO
The Greatest Sale of Wall Paper
SI r
This is the bargain event in Wall Paper.
paper season. Don't miss this sale.
Charming Summer
A most unusual variety of becoming
summer hats, trimmed with beautiful
ostrich plumes, etc., lace haU. one of
mC yuuuiar styles, trimC
rned with dainty flowers and
ribbons, a very special value.
In Basement Bargain
Untrlmmed leghorn hats in big assort
ment of shapes, just the hat,
for garden wear or may be
trimmed up for child's use,
I t is our last great effort at the close oT the w
Remnants In room lots for any
sized room, worth from $1.23 to
$0.00 per room, only, per
room lot
25c to 1.50
1 1 fill!
Odd rolls of sidewalls, ceilings. Numerous patterns, regular
borders, all grades. i stock, on sale at a reduction
Fo11 ,...2C I of 25, 35 and 50.
Itaise Fnndshin
1. 7.. - -
$3 "Opera"
$4 "Opera'
for .
Jacket wash suits, worth f AO
up to $6, at... ......... I0
"Opera" Brand WaList
I 50
$6 "Opera" Waists '
for , . . ,
$10 "Opera" Walsta '
h"at'K s CelehralPfl
make, rotnovrs
eyes without crus
SPICS CABITTET, lift tlie pine apple
ma d e of harrl- euch US'
wood, - with lfht
drawers, extra
strong and dir
able 490
the uhrie..".Ji
For atralnlng and maflhlnff
all kinds of fruits and veK
ctablrs; as potato masher
has no equal 19o
STOVES, 2-burner
sheet Hteel - frame,
patent cleaner
valve; special, at
ICS PICK Solid steel
blude, hardwood handle,
each , Bo
& $19$ fl el-vw--p.vt
1 1 mI .SRi
1 IP
WET S'e have
about 25 cabinets
left of the latest
make and style
which we, re
rlpnrlng- out to
make room for
more seasonable
roods, marked In plain fl
uresst 2i discount.
summer use on gaa, guiolins
or oil stoves, made of extra
heavy white metal, nlrkrl
plated, at B3o
on gas, gasoline or oil
stove, made of best qual
ity refined sheet steel,
at 8.1.83
OO-0AX.TS and Baby
t'arrlages, most complete
line In Omalm. fainouH
11 ey wood Bros, and
Wakefield Co's make!"
at tl.79 to (50.00
m it
Basemen' y' ft
Old Store S &
u u &
if fef?! if
if h o I
il it . i
- Mahogany finish, has ?9 3
.'"' two shelves and 6x12 Q ig
mirror door 79 IK
At Stationery Department
Tissue Paper with Flag and Shield design, roll 15c.
TlBsue Paper Streamers, red, white and blue, 5c.
Paper Garlands, with flag pendants, red, white and blue, at 25c
and 15c.
Diuner Favors, patriotic designs, 5c.
Lunch Sets .comprising table cloth, napkins and doilies, flag de
signs, per set, 25c.
Paper Napkins, patriotic designs, per dozen, 5c. Plain 10c 100.
Waxed Paper for lunches, 24 sheets for 5c.
Flng Outfits, comprising two stands and 12 flags, sot 25c.
Bells, folding style, red, white and blue, 25c, 10c and JUc
Paper Flags, per dozen 15c.
Post Cards, with patriotic and flag designs, 5c and 24c
Chinese Lanterns, all sizes, at 75c down to 5c.
Also Tally Cards, Plate Cards, etc.
China. 1
steel cutter; speciil
tor Saturday o
Made of best quality
Manilla tissue, lariire
roll, 6 rolls, for 100
Great SaJe Saturday
Big lot of Haviland & Co. samples that wo l)ouilit for a more J
song, and a large stock of high grade hand deroratod china, af
we place on sale Saturday at exactly half regular prices rtr
the stock consists of Tankards, Vases, Punch Howls, K
Sugars and Creamers, Chop Plates, Fruit Plates, Trays, f
Salad Bwls, etc., absolutely the best goods we have ever
offered at sale prices. J?
LOT 2 Big stock of fancy Glass Vases, values up to fiOe f!
assorted sizes and colors, imitation Tiffany glass; this sale 9.
we carry a very
1 a r g e and com
plete line, all
styles and grades,
at prices f rom
91.90 op.
with lower shelf,
top alze 18x15, fin
ished In llpht oak;
special Saturday
at 4 He
U Ji
lab Women Have Picnic at Bellerue
and Fort Crook.
pm Hur I.anekroaa for l.adlra' Day
Occailoat I'onttuacrf CntertalnluK,
DrlBKlaa; Borne of Smartest Par
! ties at CIm of Week.
rhursday almost a repetition of
tial numher of luncheons being; given.
ong the larger parties was that flven
Mrs. Will 1'axton Jr., who entertained
Mrs. J. C. Kenyon. Her (Wests
re Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. J. K. Bummers,
Ward Burgess, Mrs. Mary W'llklns,
-s. Charles T. Kountse, Mrs. du Hols.
,-a. Joseph Darker Jr., Mrs. Arthur Rem
,fton, Miss Ida Sharp and Miss Mildred
fJrs. John B nrsdy entertained four
(n guests In honor of Mrs. Smith of
nturky, gvlest of Mrs. W. H. MrCord.
,4rs. Oeoige Pdln'er had eight ruests.
,lr. Luther' Irake gave a dinner at the
iuntry club Tluirsdar evening In honor
Mill de' t'lBtue of Oranada. Spain.
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bro
il, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low, Dr. and
For Vacation
WsUts 6Sc to (COO.
Corsets from 1.00 up.
Silk lisle Hose, siircial 3 Sc.
Jewel Bags su4 Wash
Pelt3 and fielt B irUles.
Handkerchief?, Pnrs and
Welnlander & Smith
317 So-tli 10th St.
vfrs. J. K. Summers, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8.
Westbrook, Mrs. Voss. MIks de Cistue,
Miss liessie Yates. Miss Marie Mohles,
Miss Mae Hamilton, Dr. Urldgi-s, Mr. Earl
Gannett, Mr. Prank Hamilton. Mrs. B. M.
Fairfield and Mr. C. Bpens
Miss Flora WtbMer was hostess at a
charming luncheon Friday. The table had
an elaborate centerpiece of pansles and
the plate cards were Cuban scenes. Cov
ers were laid for; Mine lionise do Cistue,
Miss Stella Hamilton, Miks Mae Hamilton,
Miss Millard, Mlis Bessie Yates, Miss Mable
IiQlconibe, Miss Webster. Mrs. W. J. C.
Kenyon. Mrs. Voss, Madame Borglum and
Mrs. Leonard Everett of Council Bluffs.
Mrs. E. H. Brrftgue entertained at lunch
eon Friday at lier home In honor of her
guest, Mrs Haskell of Cltlcugo. Yellow
and White daisies made an attractive cen
terpiece and the plate cards were decor
ated with the same Mowers. At the table
were: Mrs. Haskell, Miss Margaret Wood.
Miss Cranmer of T'onver. Miss Bessie Brady.
Miss Ada Klrker.riTill, Miss Mc.ry Iee Me
Shane, Miss Jennne WakeftVId, Miss Ella
Mae Brown, Mrs. John L. Kennedy, Mrs.
W. T. Burns and Mrs. Louis Nash.
The Current Topic department of the
Omaha Women's club gave a picnic at
Bellevue Friday, when members of the en
tire club were Invited. About 1C3 accepted
and went on a tirllghtful Jnunt. They met
at 10 o'clock at Twenty-fourth and N
streets In South On-aha end went direct
to Bellevne college, where they had lunch
eon at 1 o'cloi k. Following Ijiu-henn an
Informal prora:n was given with Mis.
C. W. Hayes, leader of the Current Topic
department, in charge. Mrs. Mary G. An
drews, Mrs. J. B. Bummers. Mrs. C. W.
Hayes and Mrs. C. R. Clover gave very
Interesting five-minute talks. Miss Blanch
j Bofenson and Mrs. C. D. Cameron sang
jfolni and Mrs. W. If. Chains gave a reci
tation. Following the program the party
' Xvcnt to Fort Cuxik, where they enjoyed
lrpectlnr; tlie fort and wutchlng the drill.
I Miss Lottlo A. Yutes and Mr Frederick
I C. Haynes were r.-nrrl'-d Wednesday even
! 'ng at 8 o'clock Jt the home of Mr. und
I Mrs. Jerorre A. MtHe, at S12 North Forty
I second street. The house was decorated
i with snillax. pIMc ceo'ihs and rink ros. s.
The ceremony was ptrtormcd in the parlor
under a canopy of asparagus tVrn and
Itev. Clyde Clay C'.'Srl orliiuted. Mr.
I Percy Haller played the Lohengr'n wed
ding march and there wire uo nitendants.
'I ho bride wore a l" uttful gown of wh:te
last meeting of the season of thi O. C. C.
luncheon club Friday afternoon at her
home. The guestwere seated at one larga
table which had a centerpiece of loxburg-,
so effective In the different Khades of blue.
Bed roses and ferns were placed In the
other rooms. High five was the game of
the afternoon. Those present were: Mrs.
Frank Adams, Mrs. W, E. Palmatler, Mrs.
W. A. Shropshire, Mrs. Spangler, Mrs.
Charles Oration. Mis. F. F. Porter, Mis.
Horton. Mrs. Charles Craig. Mrs. Has
brourk, Mrs. John Bryai:s. Mrs. Joseph
Zlpsel, Mrs. Howard Ochiltree and Mrs.
William Trayrior.
I'l'annt Party,
Complimentary to Mrs Jack Coburn of
St. Louis. Mrs. Charles Marley gAve u
novel progressive peanut party Thursday
afternoon. UIuhs bowls were placed In the
The American flag played an important
part In the decorations, which were very
tastefully arranged. Miss Elsie Mengedoht
contributed several musical numbers and
various games aided In making up a very
pleasant afternoon's entertainment
Prospective rieaaures.
Mrs. John L. Kennedy will give a dinner
at the Country club Saturday evening In
honor of Miss Stone of Plttsburjj, Pa., who
Is the guest of Mrs. Connlngham at Fort
Omaha. Covers will be laid for twelve.
Mrs. J. E. Summers will give a luncheon
at the Country club Monday In honor of
Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon, who will leave
shortly to reside In Chicago.
( uiut and bo Gossip,
Miss Eloise Wood, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Wood, who has been spending
without proper breath control. Here li
one of the old Italian secrets which many
singers of today wholly lack, because they
are unwilling to give the necessary time
for the full development of breathing
power and control. Phrasing, tone, reson
ance, expression, all depend upon respira
tion, and In my opinion musical students,
even when too young to be allowed the
free use of the voice, should be thoroughly
taugrt the principles of breathing."
center of the table and each one present Ule laHt ye,,r ln Bllin Bt the Conservatory
was given a hat pin and a paper bag, one of MuslC I'" touring for the lat
with which to fish the peanuts and the two we,"ks In Franco and England with
other to deposit them In after securing Mr"- Nathan Merrlam and Miss Metrlum.
thuin. At the close of the afternoon the The party sailed from Southampton, Eng
nuts were counted and it was found that land. Friday, for home. Mis Wood will
Mrs. 8. Q. Urlswold has succeeded In sloP enroute and visit friends ln Boston,
capturing the greatest number, for which arriving in Omaha the latter part of July,
the first prlxe was awarded, and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble, who have
Elmer Cunley was Riven a consolation been spending the last two weeks In Call
prise. Those present were: Mrs. 8. O. fornia, will return home the early part of
(Jriswold. Mrs. EJmer Conley, Mrs. Joseph next week.
Foli-ur. Mrs. John O. Yelser, Mrs. Russell ; Mr. F. X. Dellone retarned Thursday
McKelvey, Mrs. W. F Heller, Mrs. Frank from a few months visit with his uaugh
0..o.l, II, Mrs. Thomas Kelly. Mrs. W.-C. iter. Miss Loretto Dellor.e. whd has been
liyiiie. .wis. ueorge von urmin, Mrs
James F. Kolby oni Miss Ruth Byrne.
lurm i-iune lleunloa. ; mi., currl Il,,h,.rl ,n viil L.u. c,
i - ' -
New Wrap Are Plctnrrsqne and IV
net I ah and Some Are Ex
travagantly Elaborate,
The thin summer frock has had but little
chance to flaunt its beauties during June,
but in Paris and In London, where the
social season Is at Its hclfjht, women have
been wearing the filmy, diaphanous frocks
; harpist of the Minneapolis Symphony or
chestra for the last four ears.
Mrs. Orrln B. Whipple entertained the j for chlrair.. n,i niii-r Kt-m n..mi.
North Platte club Thursday afternoon at Ml9g Kate McHugh left Thursday for
her home. The rooms were fragrant with okobojl.
fin uiiu mine ruses arm me same comm
nation of flowers formed the centerpiece
for the dining room taliie. The afternoon
was spent in needle work. Those present
were: Mrs. I. H. Arey, Mrs. Uoorge 8
Wcinsand. Mrs. F. W. Drew, Mrs. Charles
Frees. Mrs. Arthur W. Baldwin. Mrs
Helba oa Ureathia.
"I cannot too forcibly insist." says Mm a.
Melba In the Century, "that the mere pos
session of a lovely voice is only the basis
of vocal art. Nature occasionally startles
.'.. ui ititi uruuiKHi iv ui ner kitls. out no
Frederwv Mr. i,-r..,b .....n t... .. . . C season are un tnat mere is or the
- . ...v. wini BLuvitrui iims any nam 10 exoeci ro
the early models of this type from artist
makers 'ere by no meuns cheap, these
models have been taken tip by the manu
facturers and copied at prices exceedingly
In white, ecru, biscuit and kindred tones
in' defiance of temperaturo and consoling
thmselves with the thought that the wraps
I ne
ft !
w I ea
Henna ri.oeieikr und Mrs. Whipple. This
club only mm once a month and for their
July meeting they will give a picnic July
4 at Han scorn park, when the hunlju:idn of
the members will be Invited.
Small Affairs.
Mrs. John Pearson gave an Informal
party Thursday arternoon in honor of
Mihs IKm tiiy Hultin of Walioo.
Mrs. John baitln gae u matinee nartv
of white roses and I Thursday afternoon at the Doyd. followed
same flowers In her I by supper at Florenec.
One of the enjoyable events of the past
week was the kenslni;ton given hv Mrs.
A. L. Brooks at her residence SS10 Lake
street to the members of the Ohio g'.rvet
'aymyili.Kiuu club V edntcay aUvruoon.
alenciennea lace and I
rs. Haynes have gone I
I n if trip and will be at j
1' at MO Georgia ave- j
Troul entertained u.e
by inspiration, any more than an athlete
may expect to win a race because he is
nuturally fleet of foot.
"Methods of breathing, 'attack' and the
use of the registers, must ull be perfectly
understood by the sueci ssful singer, who
should likewise be complete master of all
details relating to the structure and use
of those parts above the voice box. and
be convinced of the necessity of a per
fectly controlled chest expansion in the
production of tone.
"For perfect singing, correct breathing,
strange as It may sound, la even more es
sential than a beautiful vol. e. No matter
fcow exiUlslte the vocal organ may he. its
beaut caauwt b adequately demonstrated
8in I most chic and becoming.
It is hard to keep away from the sub
ject of those wraps. Bhort or long, volum
inous or closely clinging, simple or elabor
ate, they are nil picturesque and croquet
tisn. Some of them, of course, are beyond
the calculations of tho average woman and
represent extravagant expenditure en
tailed by elaborate and exquisite hand em
broideries or superb laces, but on the whole
the fashionable wraps of the summer hav.)
their possibilities for tne woman of mod
erate means.
The enveloping capes of chiffon broad
cloth unlined or lined with supple satin
and endowed with individuality by clever
variations or cut and draping are as
practical as the are lovely, and Ihougij
hroldery and all In srlf-tono save for tha
gulmpe and the inevitable under fdoovr
was another exouislte gnw n noticed In the
fame party with the costume just de
pcrlhed. Tussor is Immensely popular, hut It must
he hand embroidered ln ef-tne t be
truly chie, nnd hand embroidery Is, of
course, dlHtresslnRly expensive. A touch of
such embroidery embellishes about every
smart frock, but there Is u vast difference
between tho tussor frock heavily embroid
ered on skirt and bodice or cout and the
little frock with more modest bits of em
broidery Introduced Into its trimmings.
To Get More Strength
from Your Food,
such wraps will be found eminently useful
throughout the summer, and Parisians
fancy darker and more vivid tones as well.
the casslt browns, old red, raspberry, tho
modish green tones, etc.
More pretentious, but very attractive,
are the braided and embroidered chasuble
coats, the less new, but still admored Jap
anese cloaks, and the many odd and pl'iuant
forms of the lonely fitting redlngote which
appears in cloth, silk, linen and even mous
sellne handsomely embroidered is soutache
or perhaps trimmed only In big passemen
terie ornaments, pendant and fashenltigs.
One of the best dressed women In New
York appeared ot dinner In a fashionable
restaurant last week wearing a nialxe cotr
marquisette mode with a slight suggestion
of the empire lines in its shortened waist
The long, full skirt, falling In graceful
lines, was weighted down by a deep bund
of self-colored soutache embroidery ex
quisite In design and beautifully executed,
the tine braid being set on edge. The body
crossed In simple surplice folds into an
empire girdle, but bad the wide kimono
sleeve effect.
Sleeves and surplice were trimmed In
braiding, as was the girdle; the gulmpe and
under sleeves were of beautiful lace. There
was an elegant simplicity aliout the costly
frock, whUh was the perfection of taste,
and for relief to the soft monotone coloring
was one of tha large high crowned hats of
which we iiae spoken ln black crlii. with
superb white plumes.
oyster white tussor heavy with era-
i super
'HEN ths BowbIs ars flllac
with tir.dijje.3ted food wt
may be a great deal wors
V- off than if we were hall
Because food that stays too ldng lr
the Bowels d-cavs there, Just as" If il
Stayed too long in the open air.
. Well, when food decays in tho Bowels,
through delayed and overdue action, what
The millions of little Suction Pumps
that line the Bowels and Intestines then draw
Poison from the decayed Food, Instead o.
tho Nourishment they were Intended tc
Th!s Poison gets Into the blood and. In
time, spreads all over the body, unless ths
Cause of Constipation is promptly removed.
That cause of Constipation Is Weak, or
Lazy Bowel Muscles.
When your Bowel-Muscles grow flabby
they need Exercise to strengthen them, not
"Physic" to pamper them.
There's only one kind of Artificial 'E
ercise for the Bowel-Muscl .s.
Its name is "CASCARETS," and its
price Is Ten Cents a box.
So, If you want the same natural action
that a six mile walk in the country woulc
fMve you, (without the weariness) take one
Cascaret at a time, with Intervals between.
Ull you reach the exact condition you desire.
One Cascaret at a time will properly
cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tonguu.
Don't fall to carrjr the VeM Pocket
Cascaret Box with you constantly
All Druggists sell them over ten million
boxes a year.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
madaonly by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet
tamped "CCU- il