Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1907. 13 I) i CRAB AND PRODUCE MARKET Market Very Feveriih and Subject to Extremely Wide Fluctuation!. SELLING PRESSURE AT CLOSE W: July. TtfT. II (1V OATS To N4.V4 tl.: ir4Yibe, $104; Dec-em - arrlve, 4Ir, June, 41c. OH K .ri il 4 i RKKT I unlit-Kali- arlnnl f ro Hrpnrta tanned neae Among Traders, with "qnfnl II t-H-t Ion cnr I lose front Hear Hnlea. OMAHA. June J8. 1$07. The market opened firm and very active, but mihjec t tip moves either way according to buying or selling order. Repoit from j'Mnoia anil Hie nnrthweet i sna.lian prov inces wei atrinil bullish ami complain of Tint dry weather were received. Wheat opened strung at closing prices yesterday, but grew ver erratic, moving up and town on any orders for buying or celling. The Wows' held strongly bullish on dry weather report from the north west Julv what opened at m6Hc bid and rloscd nt 86'V t ,1,1 with stgnlllcant selling ly bear at the close. Corn opened Mead) and about unchanged and ommlsslon house were the bent buy- i"rs. The trade was actlce and table firm. July eorti opened at 4c bid and closed at 48c bid. Oat opened strong and higher on re port of the appesrance of the real south ern green bug In Nebraska fields, which Induced heavy buying. July oats opened II llo bid and closed at 41 V bid. Primary wheat receipt were 441.000 bush il and shipment 317.0UO bushels, against receipt last year of 21W.floi bushel and shlpnn-nis of BLOW bushel Corn receipts Here fi24,oon bushels and shipment 1. "94. 000 bushels, against receipts last jear of 717 000 bushels and shipment of 481.U0O bushels. I'learHtiie were 88.000 bushel of corn. I.OOD buslii 1 of oats and wheat and floui equal to 81.000 bushels. Liverpool dosed 'tjd to lVad higher on wheat and unchanged to ijd higher on corn. rteaboard reported 144.100 bushel of wheat and 80,000 bushel of corn for export Argentina wheat .shipments this ween ere 1.712.000 bushels, as compared to l.iBii. i bushel last year. Corn shipments were l,8w),M0 liushils. as compared to 2.787,000 biiabels last year. f.ocnl range of options: Articles Open : High. Low. I Close. Ysy. 48 B 47', B 414 B Mnotatlnne of Ike Day no Yarloa Commodities. N EW T'lRK. June - FLOPR-Receipts. i m bhl ; export. 11.892 bbls Market firm, with quiet trade; Minnesota pat ent. , r4(f,45; Minnesota bilker. $8 7$ 4 1.", winter patent. $4Sj50e. winter straight. 24.36ieM.fi0. winter extra. U.OOO 150; winter low grades. 12 stsffj .4" Rye flour, dull; fair to good. 14 7346.00. choice to far. . . $6. toff 5.4fi. CI4RNMFAL Steady , flue white and yel low, si. an; coarse. II 17B1 . kiln dried. No 2 western. 80, f. o. b. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Preparations for July Battlement Sendi Call Money Up. Wheat I July. ..I 8f,Hrt' 3cpt ...J H1M: orti I July...i 48 Bl Sept. . 47SB; uiii I July ...I 414B Sept. . 34,B II hid. 80 B, 8CVBl KfVsH 88-B 87s4Bl KiB I I I 48B, 48 Bl 48 B 47 47HB 47HB' I I I 42 B 41-.BI ttftBI ?,tH 36SB a6HB Omnha nh Price. WHEAT No. 2 bard. 8700r; No. 3 hard. MQ7c; No. 4 hard. 7884c; No. 3 spring. Ml". CORN No. 2, 4V; So. 3. 48c; No. 4. 4t'.$p47c; No. I vellow, tMic; No. 3 white. 48I-.C. uATS No. 3 mixed. 41(tr41Vc; No. 3 white, 4l'VB43r; No. 4 white. 41941Vkc. HTB-No. 2, 76c; No 8, 74c. Inriot Receipt. Wheat Chicago 22 Minneapolis 311 innalia 9 J luluth 49 tt vt :o , RTB Steady New York. JA HEAT-Retelpt. 31.600 bu ; exports. 21. M bu ; sale, 3.300.000 bu. futures. Hp"' market Arm; No i red. 11.004 In elevator; 10, 2 red, tj.nJVi, f- o. b. afloat; No. 1 I northern Dulttth. ti ll. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 1 rS. f. o. b. afloat. Kol I lowing Thursday big advance wheat WM ; very nervous today and In the afternoon ' advanced sharply on further bullish crop , news, coupled with active covering orders I This wa followed by a partial reaction under realizing, the market closing 14c lower to ,c net advance. July, tl 02'dl 04. closing at $1.0?i4; September, ILM.0l ! closing at $1.05. December, tl.04418l.O8ii. I closing at ll.irrv I CORN-Reeelpt. 84.926 bu.; exports. 2.382 I bu. ; sales, lo.uuo bu, futun- and M.000 bu. i spot. Spot market barely steady; No. 2, 83Hc In elevator and 62Hc, f o. b.. afloat; No. 2 white. '.:' and No. 2 yellow. 63c. f. 10. b., alloat ijptlon market was unlet and 1 easier, closing c net lower; July. 1fl S2c. closing ut 61c; September closed at kiS- December. HIV Mav, Sic. O A TB Receipts, 5o.50fl bu. ; exports. 10.000 ; bu. Spot market steadv, mixed oats. 26 to 32 lbs . 49Hc, natural white. 30 to 16 lbs.. 60fcfrtc; clipped white. M to 40 lb.. MUG PSJB, FEKP Rasy dlli:gs. 122.50. HA V-Steady choice. 31.20. HOPS Quiet, raclflc coast lie; 1906 crop. flc. HlDEa-Julet , Central Amerlcs Bogota, 23 c. L1CA THER Quiet ; acid, 25 3 27 He. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 114 "0 15.00; mess. 9.5Oj10.e0; beef hams, S24.0n'o' IS 00. pnrket, 31100912.00. Cut meats, steady; pti'kled bellies, $11.2S314 00; pickled hams, h2.0bf912.t6. Lard, quiet; western prime. $R.7.ViS .8.',; refilled. Arm; compound. HJTVM 9.12V; continent tO.80; Bouth America, $10 15. F'ork, steady; famllv. $18.50Q'19.on: h 'rt clears. $17.(HKil.00, mess. $17.6018.2:,. TALLOW Barely steady; city ($200 per pkg.i, ;e; country (pkg. froei, tiViVH-'. R1CB- Steady; domestic, lair o extra, 34 4j7c: .lapati. nominal. BI'TTER- Market quiet; weBtern Imita tion creamery firsts, 21c. CHEESE-Firm; new state full cream, colored and white, small best. 12Hc; same large, 12V , state, large and small, fair to good, U3llc. EQOS Firm, state. Pennsylvania and nearby firsts, brown and mixed extra. i!k-. POILTRY Live dull, spring chickens, 20c: fowls. 14c; turkeys. 11c; dressed. Ir- 1 rfteillnr: wester, rtrollers. '''Idr'ki ; turkevs. lOtftMc; fowls, H6'13Hc. spring shipping mld- to bran. $21 .00 75iQ85c ; good 19t'4i crop, 22Hc; LARGE DISTRIBUTIONS MONDAY Mearlr Two Hsindred Millions Will B Paid In Dividend nnd Mark of t Will Be Itelnveated In Htortta. NEW YORK. June .The call money ! market was further disturbed today by : preparations for the July settlements. 1 lxians made at the Stock exchange today, however, carry over until Monday On Monday will begin the distribution of divi dend and Interest to h amount p ' proximately $UB.0O0.fw) ' Such wag the COUr e I OX reasoning which prompted the pu.niilt : of the early operations In stocks today, un 1 til the failure of the New York City bond onenng turew a damoer on eni uislssm is expected that much of this $18S.noo.OOo will find Its wgy back Into stocks for reinvest ment. It Is expected, also, that the money market will subside Into easier conditions soon after the turn of the month. The de pendence for success of the present move ment In stocks on the outcome of event s expected I quite generally assumed. On . the side of the money market outcome, It is quite usual for the month end requirements I to be reflected in the New York money mar ket for some time. The rise In call money rates today also was accepted as one cause i for the absence of gold engagements for ex port i all loans touched 12 per cent today I "hnt may happen when the call loan rs,te sulfides again Is an lm,riint The week s reports of the great foreign banks showed a weakened portion, which "J1' necessitate further recuperation, with these banks, however, the response to the relaxation following settlement pe riods Is always very prompt. The down ward tendency of discounts in London In dicates the expectation of easier condition at an early period. No uneasiness was ap parent abroad today over the approach of the settlements, which have been looked forward to as critical periods both at Paris and Berlin London reported an appreci able growth of confidence amongst Invest ors and a demand for American securities was reported there for continental account 7. nrm- lotai sales 1 nitea States changed on call. BTt I,nF of pr,ce" on ,h New York Stock exchange was as follows: 8ala ket hardened suddenly and closed firm Japan m perl at As of 1904 closed at W PARIS. June Prices on the Bourse were firm on the New York advices. Rus sian lanperlal 4s were not quoted. Russian bonds of 1904 closed at 483 BERLIN. June S. Prices on the Bourse today somewhat improved. REPORT or THE 1 r It . m . HOI'IE Transactions of the Associated Banks for the Week. NEW YORK. June 28. -Bradstreet s hank clearing report for the week ending June 27 shows an aggregate of $2.4o6.iol.0n as against $2,589.1.000 last week snd ft.Kf. OI8.000 in the corresponding week Isst year. Canadian clearings for the week total. $7.. 6J,000. as against $83 ni one last week and $69,204.0011 in the same week last following Is a list of the cities. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipt of Cattle Lightest of Week aad Market Very Dull. the year. The CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. bond par value, were un- Corn. 348 41 Oat 146 ii WF.ATHKH 1 THE l.H U BELT Fnlr and II If A OO f.RAIN AND PROVISIONS : intiiri'N of the I'rlrea on Bom f I 1 CHICAOOi June 28. market closed eay todi Trndlns and Clnslna rd of Trade. The local wheat rket closed aaaf toduy liecausc of liberal 1 1 illslnR sales, the September delivery showlltf a net loss of He Corn wus un- Hinged. Oats were He lower. Provisions WCM ti shade to 57Sc lower. Following- yesterday's sensational advance 1 any traders were eager to sell wheat nt the opening today In order to secure profits. Pit tradns also sold freely because of the improved weather for harvest In the Kiuitliwest. This caused moderate weakness early In the day. The market, however, 1 haCaiaft steady because of reports of dry WeatheT In tile spring wheat terri tory. During the latter part of the ses sion g sharp rally took place, prices ad : ncl'ig about 2c above the low point of the day This rally was brought about by the ri port of the two well known experts, who .."tin:. ted I hat the crops In Kansas. MIs ni Oklahoma and Texas will be only .11 pT cent of the yield of last year. The Ii irkot weakened again In the flnal half hour on renewed proflt-tnklng and closed easy. September opened unchanged to c lower ut WVxc to 91k-, sold off to 98c and then advanced to $1.00. The close was at Clearances of wheat and flour were e.,UHl to 78.400 bushels. Exports for the us shown bv Hradtreet's. were equal in bushels Primary receipts were Tekamah. 000 huslmls. against t$V.000 bushels ror II same day last year Minneapolis, Du luth and f'hleago reported receipts of 32 rmra, against i7 cars lust week and 222 ears a year ago. Small primary receipts and liberal ship ments caused a firm tone in the corn mar ket. Commission houses and cash Inter est were buying well nil day. Crop news 1- again of a b tlllnh 1 harocter The mar ket closed steady. September opened tin 1 hanged to "sc lower at 63V e0- ad vanced to 54V and closed at 64c. Local receipt were 348 enrs. with 68 cars of con tract grade. Oat were Inclined to be weak for the crester part of the day because of sell In by local longs. The market was quite Arm at the opening because of liberal ex ports at New York. September oats ooen.d IvffVc higher at 38fti38V. oll off n irmrr for Hatarday Is the Prediction. OMAHA, June 28. 1907. A slight but general rise In temperature Is shown In all sections except the western Canadian provinces, where it I slightly cooler. IJght ruins have fallen In the southern states since the preceding report 1 and light and scattered showers occurred ! In the Missouri valley during Thursday forenoon. The weather Is fair In the lake region, central valleys and west and will ' continue fair in this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with warm, r tonight. I Omaha record of temperature and pre Iclpltatlon, compared with the corresponding , day of the last three years: 1907 1908 1905. 1W4. Minimum temperature ... 82 73 57 80 Precipitation 00 00 .08 .00 j Normal temperature for today. 75 degrees Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 8.29 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1916. 1.54 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1905, 6.0 inches. L. A. WEI-SH, Iocal Forecaster. Corn nnd Wli-: Ilralni) Bnllrtln. For the twenty-four hours rndlng at t a. in., 75th meridian time, Friday, June 38, 1907: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp.- Rain Mar Mln fall Stations. Max Mln. Ashland. Neb 77 68 Auburn. Neb 78 67 Columbus. Neb... 77 67 Falrbury. Neb. .. 80 5 Fairmont. Neb... 78 66 Od. Island, Neb.. 7 68 Hartlngton. Neb. 80 68 Hastings, Neb .78 67 Oakdale. Neb 78 66 Omaha. Neb ... 74 62 Tekamah. Neb... 78 57 Alia, la 77 54 Carroll. In 78 52 Clarlnda. In 84 51 Sibley, la. 7$ 60 .00 Sioux City. la... 78 58 .01 Minimum temperature for' period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES T .06 .00 .10 .11 .30 .00 .52 T T no .00 T Sky. Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max Mln. Inches. Chicago, 111 25 78 5 T Columbus. 0 18 7 M .00 Des Moines, la. .. 14 76 54 T Indianapolis. Ind. It 78 18 .00 Kansas City. Mo.. 20 TO 80 .01 Louisville, Ky 18 8t 82 M Minneapolis. Minn. 28 80 56 .01 Omaha, Neb 18 TO 68 .ft St. Iuls. Mo 12 TO 68 T The weather is slightly warmer to 'SltflTV and closed st 3,c. UOgsV re- celt, t were 146 car. Ti nting In provisions was light becadso of liberal receipts of live bogs In the west. At the close September pork wss a shade 1 lower at $1C32V. Iard was down 6c at M 'i2i. Ribs were 5$r7V lower at $8 77H llfj. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 31 car; corn. 392 cars; oats, 119 cars; hoga. 1 0OA head The leading futures ranged as follows- Articles. I Open. I Hlfh.l Low. Closa l Tm'r Wheat throughout the corn and wheat region and 'light and scattered showers occurred within I the last twenty-four hours In all except the Chicago and Indianapolis districts. L. A. WELSH, l.ocsl Forecaster. 94V-3I, 98yttw j 1 01 SW' 1 01 V MM 1 00 ; 94 98 I I 63Ui' !63V'. 62VUS ,53w! I37V8V.I 1 04V 1 00V 53 V 64V 52T 6T4! mi 9HH 1 mu 53H! 64 63HI 53 V ii3 r,2irjs 634 tn 1 ns 63S 64 62 634 16 95 18 .", 42Vi VlTMUs $9 S 41 I 40S; I I 16 07HI 16 6 I 16 36 I 16 20 ! 4241 $7 4l I 48 $7 Oh 16 06 I It 06 16 32H 16 35 .1 July Sept. Dec. Corn Jul) .Sept. 1 iec May '".'ats Rlba July Sept. Let May Pork July Sept. l.ard July Sept. Oct July Oct. Sept. 'No. t Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3 70IJ 4 0n. winter straights. $$.453 70: spring pat ents $4.6tsS6 '), spring straight. $3 1&44 25. 1 ikers. $lloca.5ii. . J WHEAT- No. 2 spring. $l.oo1.0t; No. t, V 1 101; No. 2 red. wec. '1 1 iRN No. 2. 64c; No. 2 yellow, 64c. TS -No. t. 42V. No. t white. 434J44V i:it;-No. 2, 4c II AH LEY Good feeding, fair to choice n nlttng. 70t73c SEEDS Flax, No. 1 northwestern, tX-HW 1'iiiiie timothy, $4 75 Clover, contract grade, $10 U. i'Ktil lBloNS Sbort ribs, aldeg (loose). W 5o4j 70 Mess pork, per bhl., $10 0016 10 I.ard per 100 lbs . $K77H Short clear sides thuxed). $8 67r4.12V 1: - I- olilpnieni t. I.oala fieneral Market. ST. IXlt'IS, June 28. -WHEAT-Lower; track No. 2 cash red. 94V: No. 2 hard, Wuttk-: July. 94c; September. 0c. CORN Finn; track No. t cash, 52V; July, 61V; September. 68c, No. 2 white, 63 $63V. OATS-Steady; track No. I cash. 44c; July. 43c . September. 37V; No. 2 white, 48c. RYF Firm. 86c FLOCK- -yulet . red wlntt patents, $4.ISA 4.80; extra fancy and straight, $3 7f04.2', clear, $2.90tj3 50. SEED Timothy, steady; $3.oOj4.00. I 75 06 06 8 60 t Ja 8 82V t 80 1 9 06 I 9 0. 8 S 72V 8 s2Vi t TO I trW 9 ot ; t mi 8 72' 8 nv t 80 I 9 02V,1 9 OTVfi 8 66 1 s T2H 8 80 I 8 87 9 07V, '.. 02, Mi 8 771 t 16 SEED-Timothy, steady; t COKNMEAL-Bteady. $2.70. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 90C5c. HAY -Steady; timothy, $u; .".'u).50. prai rie, $10 001$.60. IRON COTTON TIE8-tl 09. BAGGING 11 V HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS - Pork. ateady; Jobbing. $16.30. Iard, lower, prime steam. $8 32V,. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. $9 50; clear ribs. $9.50. short clears. $5 37V, I Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. $10.S7V, 1 clear rlba. $10.17V,; short clears. $10.26. POCLTRY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs. 164J17V: turkeys. 12c; ducks. 8c; I geese. &c Adimi Ripren Amalsarostsd neper . . . Amfr Cr and reundrr do prd Amer Cotton Oil .'. do pfd Amr Kiprns Amr 11 1. a i,v, 1 Amer lee Amer. Unseed On.......! dn pfd Amer LorrmotlTe do pfd Amer. Smelting A Rar do pfd Amer. Sugar Reflnlnf Amer Tobarco pfd otft Anaconda Mining Ce . . AtchlWMl do pfd Atlantic Total Una Baltimore A Ohio do pfd hrooklrn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Pa ttle antral of New Jeraer. I'datapeak A Ohio I'hlrago (rraat Weatarn Thloam a Nortkweatem C, M. A St. Paul i'hlrago Term A Trana do pfd C", e., r. A gt. Uiula r-olr,do Mal snd Iron Colorado A Southarn.... do ltt pfd do zd pfd rontolldatad Oa, Corn Products do pfd Delaware A Hudaon... Del., bark A Western. Denver a Rio Grande.. I do pfd Dlitlllara' Securities ... Erie do ! pfd do 2d pfd Cenfril Electric Illlruila Central International Paper . da pfd Inter Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K c. Southern do pfd Louliellle A Naahvlllt. . . . Mr, lean Central Minneapolis A Bt. Ioula M . St. P. A Bault Sta. M. do pfd Mlsaourl Paclflj . M . Kanaaa A Taiaa do pfd National Lead N R. R of Mexico pfd . . New York Central N. Y.. Ontario A Western. Norfolk A Western do pfd No-th Asierlcao Pacini- Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa Pitta., c , c, A t boui Prrased steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace car lleaillSB do 1st pfd do Id pfd 1 Republic Steal do pfd Rock Ialsnd Cs do pfd Rubber fioode pfd St. L A San Fran. Id pfd St bnule Southweetern do pfd Southern Pacific do pld Boulhern Railway do pfd Tennessee Coal and Iron . Teaas A Pacl6e Tol.. St. L. A Wsrtsi-n . i do pfd t'nlon Paiinc do pfd l 8. Bxprese f 8 Really t s Rubber do pfd V s. atesl do pfd 1 Vlrslnla-Carollna Chemical I do pfd Wabaah do pft Welle-rarsn Espreaa Westlnfhouaa Electric ... Western t'nlon Wheeling A lake Brl ... Wisconsin Central do pfd Northern PnclBc Central Leather do pfd ' Hloss-Shsfrleld ' Ureal Nonkern pfd Intarborough Metropolitan do pfd Ex-dlvldand Total aalea for the day. High Low. Close Sd.noo 4.100 4144 4 10 SIS llH ltt 7V, II M 31 0 14 74 in M 3S00 to 67a 7? 101 71.100 lit UTI4 11714 im tors mu lomt on 112s inn 121 K IIS 144 P, .0 11 17 7 21.1t liV n 9--S 100 94 H MV4 1S WO H ,8 Mu 4.000 MV, K MK -ill 11" H 4.000 171 I71 '7144 400 175 176 175 7. MO 1444 ,4 84 1.100 11 lOVs 1044 4 100 147 lit m 11.800 1344 1SSM, liti 7 It 400 44 U 4.709 IPs 8l3 2.100 X li ii im t mu 400 4714 444 47 1.400 1J0 nt lit 10A 1744 1744 17 10O lt 7t 71 SO 170 170 lt 2J0 m 441 444 MO 24H 1444 34 T 1.000 7 96 44 1.400 :r, t n 100 51 It 4744 900 1744 97 400 :, 139 119 500 140 1M44 S 100 IS II II 500 800 70 1.100 700 300 4rn 600 1.400 3.000 400 1.400 1.400 1.8O0 ioo Son SK 400 1,500 II 39 574 114 20 : lot'.t 187 77 44 H. l lit'' 3714 76 " 2 12tH r. 17 MH 15 47 111 30 43 1971, 135 74 134 44 II 11144 S6W 74 25 120 91 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia RI. I-. ,ik ' I Pittburf San Francisco .. Baltimore Kansas City . Cincinnati New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Detroit Ixtulsvllle Los Angeles Omaha Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul I Providence I Buffalo I Indianapolis j Denver 1 Fort Worth Richmond Albany Washington Salt Lake City ... Portland, Ore Columbus, O I St Joseph Memphis Siivannah Atlanta ' Spokane I Toledo I Tacoma Nashville Rochester Hartford Peoria Des Moines Norfolk New Haven Grand Kaplds Dayton Portland. Me 1 Sioux City j Springfield. Mass . Evansvllle Birmingham I Syracuse 1 Augusta. i!a Mobile Worcester Knosville Wilmington, Del . Charleston. 8. C... Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fla . Wlohlta Wllkesbarre Pavenport Little Rock Wheeling Fall River Kalamasoo ' Topeka ; Springfield. Ill .... I Helena 1 Fort Wayne, Ind I New Bedford I Lexington 1 Youngstown Krle Macon Akron Rock ford , Cedar Rapids Chester Blnghamton , Fargo Lowell I Canton. O I Blooming-ton ! South Bend ! Qulncy Springfield, O S'uux Falls - Mansfield, O i Fremont, Neb Decatur. Ill Jacksonville. Ill .. 1 Lincoln ' (Oakland. Cal .... t Houston tdalveston 18.4 900 36 111.100 '.0C 103 300 790 7.500 900 too 300 300 1.TO0 500 1.800 1.000 40 r : n 44 36 63 0 111 t4s 71 in 24 81 46 is 70 61 71 111 1944 19 70 IS 70 1 34 u 1; 114 42 I "4 136 76 S3H 64 8044 ' 49H 111 36 14 70 fl 18 14 87 164 104 SO? 80 iH 41 81 41 6 35 10 51 79 b,MM.tN tS7.017.otti ItMWOOi 141.135.000 6.514.0.0i uMi.m 8o.-329.Oi0l t8.837.000i 27.8&4.0O0; 2S.fl(.O"0l 16,63.xJ0 20.013.011)1 17.066. 0li 11.1Ti2.0uI 11.832,0(10 10. 450.IIHO 10,607.000 11 1 10.360.00Ui 28 3 10,307,000 S.Rl.CSsl K. 16t.000 7.8ft. 000 6.62S.00O 8.148.00O! 7.444.O0OI 6.417.0001 7.038.O001 5.507,OX) 6.862.0(IO J.561.000. t.t(43,lW 4.U84.O00 fi.127.000 4.127.O0O) 6.294,000 a.b2;.ouoi 3.10i.fl00l 3.138,000, 2. 021.000 2.575.0001 2,S26."00l 2,182.000 2.58O.0OX 1.760,000, 1.787.0fl 2,267,iHi 1. 932.OO0I 1.779, 00O 2.344.0001 1.091.000' 986.0001 i.i.ono! 1,776.0OO 1.667.C00 1.416.000 1.122.0I.O 1.2MI.0(X)! 1.437.000 1,141100 1.090.000, H8.0001 1.106.000 1.213.000 625,000 1.010.000 955.1X10 774.000) r)66.0ii 746,000' . 849.W 500.000: 756.0001 752. 00OI 648.000 857.000 . 748.000 1 519.000 6fl0.0fHV 439.IXKI1 474.000 437,000 625.0001 416,000 463.000 SH.OiiO! 6W.O11O 417.0fO' 4u-..,i 256,000 . 277.00OI 20G.0001 1.041.000! 2.221.CO0I 22.723,0001 1O.640.00OI HOGS MAKE A VERY GOOD OATH Very I Ighl Raa of keep and la mix aad Nothing Doing on the Mar ket For Ike Week r em -Five t eats Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. June 28. 1107 It ti 17. 2i t.t : 2 IT -i.ll. ll.t . I.61. lt.o) . It. 71. 16.1 t.oi it. 8 t.o to 3 $6 7 59 S, 18.71 33 5( 1.1 17.51 67.2! e.oi . 19.4 19 0 18.3) 17. 2 6 9, 49 4 27.5 25 $ 9.0 16 3 32.3 19 1 22 0i 39 6! a.i s.i 43.2 21.0 17 5 12.01 19.7 30 0 I 6.8 1.5 5.7 28.1 10.4 17 4 It 6 "ill 3.2 Receipts wer. U4MU6. lloga. tniuiai Mouuay 4. art OtUvial Tuesuay 8.14f L ihcial Wednesday 4,il 14 ywi Otncial rnursday ti U.296 Urnclal Friday 726 I0.1OO BiK-ep. 8,141 . l.lrtn ,7 1,400 appear to want them, either there were not enough In their opinion to bother with. 01 they did not Ilk the kind. Whatever may have been the reason the fact remains that they did not try to buy them and they wera ihipped on Tha market all thl week has been lightly supplied and yet receipts have been con siderably tetter thtvn a year sgo The trade has been rather dull nnd uninter esting as usual at this season of the year and prices hne had downward tend ency 35 western yearling 1 iin 41.11 l.ivr. a-rot'K . 80 800 M 4 II H t etgrt msrkets were generally Hrt receipts s sbsde lighter, c losed steady, net iinchHiigt d higher Sale were report I Including July at 5 leu 6. 20c; 1'ecemLcr at $ its b.Ml& ;5. Spot cofTee . No. t Santo. Tj Cordova. Hi Uc. nub Mild steady and The market to 10 point f 3i.'i bag. Sept. ml, 1 1 . March tt No. 7 R 1, coffee dull, 4M41I 44 lllll K Mr: 3UHKKT4. tattle lendy l.lgtbt lloas iron a Sheen Dall. CH1CAOO. June it. CATTLE Hecclptu about 1.000 head, market sternly, common to prime st I r, t4 Atjj .' ,0j 1 o $3S6-ir4.76; hellets s.1 H u.. .ii. OVI lis. c- l ' . rani-s, oyelbn. stockers and tf ' iid ' CALIFORNIA HOOS Receipts about P. bend, mnr- $116 ket light, hogs strong, twavy hogs we:tk; CALIFORNIA good to prime heavy. $606.!; medium to I CALTVuHN 1A good heavy. $6 snfjtlHO; butcher weight. 12.25. I ;Ti6 .10; good to prime mixed. $5.v:. . M 1 liarht mixed. If.9;4ii in. packing. $ 2-'ii.. . Hfli rli, $8 50416 06. selected. $6 .ismjei 15 . bulk of . 1 ... at u.-ctu no BHKF.P AND lAMBS- Receipts about 6AO head; market dull; sheep. $4i4rTV25. yearlings. t6.6iMfV3ii; lambs. $6 76'ii7.. 1 on, mil, n nf Trade and 4 not n t Inn na taple and I'aar) Proriuee. rcOrtS -Per dog., 14c. BUTTBR Packing mock. 16y; choice to famy dairy, ltttroc; creamery. 21s2c. i.l); I'tH'I. TRY Spring 1 hlckens. 24si; 1 ben. 9ltV, rooster. 6, , turke), Uc; ducks. hV. geese. 6c. TRTXA8 W ATKRMELt N8 Kach, sc, 4Tc and 60c FRUITS PEACHES rsr bog. PLUMS Per crala, APRICOTS Par tt tt crate. CAI.IFi RN1 A shout 1 1 U.406 U.117 00.8 Five days this week ... .16,907 62,466 Same oays last week 4M.M4 banie nays 2 wasal ago. Ai.tu4 W, 188 Same nays 1 weeks ago. .2.o2 62,14 tMine days 4 weeks ago. .U,44)7 42.84, Same dav lal roar 1 ..! 1 lie lOllOWintJ tuule show the leceipm o came, hogs and sheep at South umaiia fur the year 10 date, compared Willi last year: 1907. 1906. Inc. uc. Cattle 6ts,4i6 4.2.146 96,110 Hogs 1,289,381 1,430,241 llii.sM Wneep 8U,tl 758,440 6J.691 I'll. I.L.. 11, , T t It price of hog it South omaha for the laat j food quality , grass-fed beef lower. KVIIH Mat a u.l, I. M l-", nil'. I.'S,,'-II ..,,1-.-. - stesdy at 123J13c ter lb. Date. I 1107 lltOt iltOo 104 I190t 110l.1901. i refrigerator beef firm at 9tf9H Kj ' itsl.i4sio.tav.siis .ei tomorrow. 981 cattle and 6. Km quart. I olHi 6 ttl I 4 791 6 03 6 . 2V. 6 36 6 U, I 6 001 June 11... June 12... June it... June 14.. . June 15... June It... June 17... June 18... June 19... June a i June 21. .s June 22... June 23... June M... June 26... June 26... June 27. . . June 28. . . I 7 6 41 I lti 4 2 t 071 6 74 t W 5 U 4 M 5 914, b j8 6 9 V I 9tH. 6 BHtl I Hi I I 0 'Ml i 5 WV 6 M 6 IV 6 381 6 22 6 20 0 291 6 6 3'i ii 28: 8 .12 5 lt 6 16, 6 101 6 13 7 36 5 91 1 121 i M 7 16; 6 84 7 tl 6 M 6 tl 7 24 7 221 6 8$ 7 26 6 89 i, 93 4 42, 6 It 4 Ml 02 I o. . i 4 Wl 5 97 it 91 7 m 6 00, 6 M 6 HI H 6 ;i 7 t a 6 07 I 841 lit 6 8i 6 1&1 5 06, 5 78 7 4I li HI 5 12 5 K, i ,9, 5 93 5 16, 5 5"1 7 6b I OH 5 28 I Til 7 III I P 6 82-1,, li 41, 6 32 i 5 14, 5 66; 7 54 5 91 S 44 o 30 U II - I 6 26 6 29 47.1 . 2.9 . 23.5' 21.6 8I.61. .2. 21.8 . 4.. 1.4! 19 f. 9.31 31 8 32.21 46.0 5.3!. 20.2 47.8 19.0i 40.4 6.1 53. 3' 6.0 1.4 6.0 00.3 6.4 6.9 18 6 8 14.8 7.3 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha fl.7504i.OO $6.806 96 Chicago 1.754) 26 5.564110 Kansas City i.lAttti 36 4.b0(u 92W St. Loul 1.5v4.90 6.604J6U6 Sioux City 3.O04I6 66 6.6t4.R0 The offli ial number of ears of stock brought In today by each road was: 'Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Mrs C. M 6V St P 2 6 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific System. 4 C. A N. W. (east) C. A N. W. (west).... 9 C. St. P.. M. 0 2 C, B. A Q (east). ...11 C. B. & Q. (west) 1 C. R. 1 & V. (east).... C, R. L A P. (west).... Illinois Central Chicago Qt. Western. 2 S3 4 20 6 44 t 9 30 9 3 8 3 110 New ork l.lse Stock Market. NEW TURK. June 28. -BEEVES- Re ceipts 1.815 head, dry-fed steers steady; others slow and iodise lower, bulls almost nominal; oows very dull and 26c lower; bologna cows not wanted. Steers. H-tOtj 6.10; no prime dry-fed here, bulls. $3.40; cows. $1 4hm4 Dressed beef steady for l.lver-caltle dressed weight; Kxports r of beef CALVES Receipt, 418 head; reals firm to 6c hlg-her; buttermilks nominally firm. Veals. 7.094jB.fMi a few tops at $8.7600; throw out. $6.00; dressed calves firm; city dressed beef 7HST12c; country dressed, ttl 'mOOS -Receipt. 1.246 head , market steady. Heavy and medium cows, $6.564ri.V aJHEEP AND IAMB8-Recelpts, 7.3 head; sheep dull, very few wanted; IstnbH opened slow and 154j26c lower, closed firm, With better reeling. Sheep, $3.t3'4.50; lamb. $7,0047.66. St. funis Live stock Market. BT. LOCIB. June 28.- CATTLE-'Receipts, 1,300 head. Including 2.560 Texans, market 10c lower. Nstive shipping and export steers. I5.3r6.90. dressed beef and butcher steer, $6.t56.60; teers under l.Oi'O pound. $4 40ri4.50; tockers and feeders. $3.00i4.s6; cows and heifers. $2 86r30; ranners, $1.50 4--36; bull. $S.oo(ifi.iifl; calves. $4.009.00; Texas and Indian "t-ers. $2.60iS.7t; cows nnd heifers. slSOfSSTS. HOOS--Receipts. 1..000 head; market 6c lower. Pigs and lights. $5 56'd05; packer. $6.75(6600; butchers and best heavy, $5.90 ew.oo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 head; market veak. Native muttons. $3 76'i( 6.90; lambs. 13 J7.8; cull and bucks. $2.75 (&3.00; stockers, $3 iXsfffi. 96. tok Martoet. CATTLE Re Total receipts. The disposition of the day s receipts wan as follows, each buyer purcnawing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company. Cudahy racking Co. Armour A Company. Omaha Pkg. Co., K. Cudahy Pkg. Co.. K. 55 99 88 16 .226 Hogs. Sheep. 1,420 ,dlo 829 4.617 8wlft and Company, Bt. J. 63 i.oDman fc Co Hill & Son F P. Lewis Huston & Co Sol Degan T. B. inghram Lehmer Bros Other buyers Totals 22 6 1 4 19 6 2 71 .704 37 416 9,901 493 CANADA. Montreal . Toronto . . . , Winnipeg Ottawa .. , Vancouver Halifax I Quebec Hamilton ... Bt. John, N. : lxindon, Ont Victoria. B Calgary ... jEdmontnn . B. C. C... ". 272.000, 22.427.O0O" 10.548.0001 !, 607.000! 3.666.000 l,258,00ol U96.00O' 1.714.000' 1,261.0001 l.ltl.OOOl 1.2f00O! 1.180.0001 HUK.irn 6.9 103 21.9 71.0 1.3 4.1 21 9! 21.3 24.9 62 0 36.0 CATTLE There were only aboui a dozen cars of cattle on sale this morning, which j wa not enough to make a decent killing for one packing house. The demand for 1 cattle during the last two or three days 00. 1 1 has not been so urgent that anyone was 7.1 anxious to buy and carry over to next j week. Hence there was very little demand I and it wus hard work to get any one to I look at the cattle. Those who did try to I buy, being mindful of the fact that the cattle would have to be carried over, wanted them enough lower to pay for carrying over It was In fact Just like a Saturday, when there are not enough cattlo to make a market. 1 his would apply to all kinds, cows and heifers asvell as to beef steers. The market has been going down hill rapidly this week and is now right at 25c lower than a ... it ago Outside of the very best cattle, the market Is right at 60c lower than the high time the early part of ;.i-1 week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Kansas City I le KAN8AS CITY. Jun rulhln 1 ."Jin head market steady. Choice export and dressed J beef steers. $6.90(8.i; fair to good. $4,251 MOi western-fed steers. $4.0047,6 25; stockers and feeder. $3.256.CO; southern steers. $3 50 4i4 90; southern cows. $2.26t3.oO, native cows. t2.2&84tl: native heifers. $3.754?6.20; bulls, $2.766.00; calve. $4 00(36.00. ttx-sOJI Rer.clDtn. 6.700 head; market teady. Top. $5.96. hulk of sales, $5.R745T ' 6 92H: heavy. $6 82'-,li5.87'4; packers. $5.85Q' , 6.9ZH; light, to. si :.; pig". ao.-ivv..i. aup-s-ri Nn i.amus -Racalat. head; market steady. LanTti. lfi.2Mrf.Bn-, ewes and voarlings. $5.00(36.00; Texas clipped veatllngs, $6.764jt00; Texas clipped sheep. $4.764)6.J5; stockers and feeders, $3.2Bt4M. St. Joseph I, Ire tock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 28 -CATTLE Receipt. 771 head: market steady. Na tive. t4 507.00; cows and heifers, $2 25i 6 60; stockers snd feeders. $3. 50 -I 50 HOGS Receipts. 9,414 head; market un- changed. Top. $5.05. bulk of sales, $5 82V, tf 9244. I SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.517 head; market leady. Umhs, $6.604T7 00; j yearlings, tfi 75g.25. Slanx tStr Ltva Stork Market. ; SIOI'X CITY, la.. June 28. -(Special. ) ' CATTLE Receipts, 300; market steady; ' boeves, t4.7S8 65; cows, hulls nnd mixed. $3 0005.00; stockers and feeders, $3.5Oii4.40; CHKRR11.S Per bog of K lb . black or white, tt rO3.00. PlNI'.Al'l'l KS Florida. 4 site. I2.;k per crate. 42 site. $100 per crate, 16 six, $4.00 per crate; .10 lxe. $4 00 per crate. STRAWBERRIES--Home grown, 14-qt. cases, $:.50tj 3 On TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS- IJmonleta. 300 size, $6 75t7.00; 38o slxe. $76n; other brand. 60c less. BANANAS -- l'er medium -slxed bunch. $2.004i2i.S; .lumbrw-a, $2 604150 ORANQES Mediterranean Sweeta. - fancy, 160 site, $4.00. 176, 200, 214 and ; 250 sizes, $4.50; 94. 126 and 388 sites. IS.uO, extra fancy, 26c more per bog; St, Michael. 176, 200, 216 and 250 sixes. I $4 75. 1 24 and 150 sixes, $4 oO; Valencia, 1 60. 94 and lit sties, $4.26- 126. ltO. 1T4, I 2i and Z14 sle. t4 :54j.0O , DATES Kauaway to; aayeia, 6c; hal- lowls, 5c; new stuffed walnut dates, t-lb. . box, $1 00 OLD VBURTAHLIB. TOTATOES -Per bu.. tic. NAVY BEAN'S Per bu . No. i. $1,009 2.10, No t. tl 104!. 00. NEW VEGETABLES, NEW PEPPERS Per 4-bushel Orata. 1300 to $3.50; per bushel box, $1.00, POTATOES-Per Tiu . tl 50 ASPAHA(rS tic per dog. bunehee. BEANS New wax and string, per bu. box or basket, t 00. BEETS. Tl'RNIPS and CARROTS Pt-r doz. bunches. 264) 35c. PIEPLANT Per do, bunches, tOc. Cl'( -MBEHS-Per do,, 754c. TOM A l t lES -Texas, fancy, 20-lb. crate, lecttll.OO. ONION'S Oreen onlong. per dox, 20o. CABBAOE -California, I4te. LEAF LETTUCE-, lot-nous, per dog, heads, 26c. PA RSLE Y Hot - house, per doz. bunches, 40c, Radishes Par do, bunche. bom grown, 20c- BEEF CUTS. No 1 rib. 14c. Na 1 rib, 11c; No. t rib, 10c: No 1 loin. 1 , V . No. 2 lout. UVc No. I I, loin, 12Wc; No. 1 chuck, 7c; No. I cnuek. 4Vc; No. 3 chuck, 4vc; No. 1 round, 84c: No. t round, 8V4c; No. t round. 8c. No 1 plate, 3't . No. 2 plate. 3o: No t plate, te. MISi HLUNEOU8 COFFEE- Itoaated, No. Sh. 26c per lb.; No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. K. 19c ror lb.: No. western markets South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City ... St. Joseph St. Loul Chicago , Totals '.Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings INot Included In totals because romparl- I tons are incomplete. Mew York Money Market. NEW YORK. June. 28 - MONBV On call strong and higher, Gyi2 per cent, ruling rate, 74, per cent; cloalng bid. 10 per cent; No. 1... i... if.,, 4... Tt... 0... As. .1000 M0 . 948 . .1011 .. 945 . 941 ..100 . 991 119H ! offered at 12 . 4 800 10 1 100 it's 49 Vi .179.300 IS9V, 1144 800 K t5 WO 54 66 . l.nno 38 17 109 100 99. 411 400 K44 U i.t(io n us . 1.909 i i" ii" ii" ton It 24V, 806 iti' lti' 400 ii it 100 14 114 10 41 40 . I. too noil ins too zi4 tt oo 91H 9S lfl I74 474a . 14.000 113U 110 . 1.100 141 14H MOO 41 44 89 M 149 h 49H ism u lo r ! 44 I M ! 994, : tjMt 1 101 1 I 14 :u 148 11H IIW II 127S K 11 130 1S4 p, r cent. lime mans dull sixty days. it per cent; ' per cent, six months, 791.700 eharee Boston toeka anl Bonds. BOSTON. June .-ClI loans, iV6 per cenc time loans. 6434 per cent. Official eloains or ces on siockk aou uum Alrhlaon ad) do BUTTER Stead) EGGS- Steady, 120 Flour, bbl. WTheat. bu Com. bu Oat, bu creamery. 20V,4j4Hc. Receipt. Shipments 7.000 4.400 13.000 12.000 68.000 88.000 66.0141 46.000 Flour, bbls W heat, bu Cora, bu ., oms. bu ... Hurley, bu . Rye. bu ltt . Homo . 416 400 :t. '.I- . . 16.600 . . 5.000 on il Produce exchange today ter maik t was sle idy ; ere tme dairies, 17U21C. Egg, steady; at Incluilrd. ltti'llVku; firsts, 14c. Ch !11H4. 10.900 V ysi 874.006 lis .01 11.600 16400 the but- S. ;o,4424 mark. cass Stead , Kansas City lirala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 21 -WHEAT-July. 8c September. 11V; December, ftttc; cash No. 3 hard. Iltjlic; No. t. eaVtjtiftV, No. t red. lltYKc; No. 1. 8J0c. CORN July, 4tSc. Beptemlwr, 4t4c, De ember, 46c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 504e. No. 1. 60c; No. t white, 61c; No. 3. 50J61c. OATS No. t white. 6Vt)46c; No. i mixed. 44ioj4)46c. RYE-Steady; 77'tflSc. v HAY -Steady; timothy, $16.rKXB16.00; choice prelne. $lo 764111.36. BOOS-Market Vc lower, extra fancy, 164c; llrst. 134fc-; econd. 9Hc. Current receipt, case Included. HVc. case re turned, lc less. BUTTER -Creamery, 22c; packing. 16Wc. Receipt Shipment , Mas. Central 4s ... Atchlsos s pM BoatoD A Albanr Boatsa AH Boston Derated fiiehburg f4 M l anlrmi N. Y , HAH Union Peclfte Am Pneu Tube -Am Sugar 4o pfd Am Tel A Tel... Am Wooles do ill Dora. Iron A Rdlsoa glee 111 - -Haas Rleetrlc do pld Mass Oaa failed Fruit United 8ho Marh do pfd V. I. Steal do pfd Adretiture Allouei Amalgamated Atlantic Asked tt Blnaham - 7 Tal A Hcla . fi Centennial 9044 Copper Range ... 34Dalr Weat Ill Franklin 110 Oranbr 114 Isle Rorala 110 Haas. Mining .... WeMtckigan Id Mosaek 1I74 Mont Cost A 0.. SsO!4 Dominion HU Osceola 114 Parrot 1" Quinrr Hit Shannon 90 Tamarack II Trlnltr 111 United Copsar 14 U. I Mining . U. I. Oil . n rtti 14 Victnrts 10 Wlnont 14 Wolvertn M'a North Butt M44 Bun. Coal Use i Nasada 45 Cal A Arlaana. ti Art son U Ex-divldend ill 110 tl . n 1! 1444 110 10 . 14a . 1144 . 84 I M 111 14 llll tTH no t . . 41 . 49 14 Hit .. 7 .. 'it 1644 II 111 .. It I and steady I ninety days, ' ,V per cent. 1'HIMrJ MKH( I il,r. paper, t4tSn Per 'VtBRLsINO EXCHANGE weak, with ac tual business In bunkers' bill at tivw.inr l s..fK. for deinnnd and at $1 s:ii,i 1 -wtt'. Busted rates, $4.o4 and $4 -. '-t . commercial bills. $4m SILVER-Bar, 67c. Mexican dollars, 52c. BUNDS Government steady; railroad Arm. Closing quotations on bonds today were a follows: 104Vi Japan s. td series .104 do IHe. -tfs 102 do Id serlca 0t do ta loots L A N unl. 4s. ... 1001aMnhat a t 4a l!8'Ma. Central tt lid's do lat tno 71 'Minn A It 1. 4a In M . K. A T. 4a,.... ana, M , K A T 4. tt do Ml 96 n R. of M e. 4l ll N Y 0. gn. sv. II jt, J (' gan S 11 Northern Parlle Is .102 do Is SlOi'Norfolk A W e. 4a 71 Or. S L rfg. 4a 61 Pann 144a 100 Readlnt gan. 4a L I I. H. c . TtVSt LAS F. fg 44 St. L. 8 W ron 4a 84'a Seaboard A t 4a . Southern Pacllr 4. . . 170 .. 101 .. 940 810 . . 410 . . 740 .1170 .1131) 1015 719 .1190 ..106U Pr 3 60 4 26 4 40 4 99 4 90 I no f. 11 I 10 I 1 71 I 21 1 BO I 69 1 71 2 71 3 00 I tl I 35 I 31 8 40 I 69 No. to.... $..., 10... 11.... 41.... n.... 7... cows. 1- AT. .1213 .1370 . 973 .1141 UT0 .1211 .1370 rt reg. V I. ret. In do coupon V 8. 1. rg. do coupon I I. old 4a do coupon U. 8 new 4a, do coupon Am. Ton. 4a... do 4a Aohlaon gan. 4 do ad) 4a. .. Atlantic C. L. B. A O. 4s do lHa Brk R T ct 4s central of O. la do lat Inc do Id Ine do 3d lnc i'hes A n ma. .. ciiicago A A IVss ruin a ts n D 1 Sl d I do col. la OCO. A Bt. I. g 4 I 1. 4 Colo. Ind la Colo Mid 4 Cols. A Is. 4a Cub Is D. A R O. 4a... I .at Btsee is Erie prior lien 4i do gan. 4s Hork Valley 444 Japan 4a Bid "Offered A. 19 do 1st 4a ctfi. . . ... 444 Southern Rr 5s 144 Tai A P lata . . .101 T . It. L A W. 4 . 9l4tUalon ParlSr 4t ... 81 V t. Steel 3d 4 . a t4Vk Wabaah lata .... ...II Weatern Md 4s 104 W A L . 4 99 Wla Central 4a M 8 91 II 1944 94 tl 91 444 244 HVs ltt 191 70 52U ... 84 7 (a 110 4S 7lfc 714 71 444 IV. I"1! ' M B 3 . 410 .. n . 475 .1190 161 1145 .1180 .. Ill . tt .. 110 .. 170 HEIFERS 1 00 1 HULL. lnoo 1040 102C 1114 . . an .1119 ,.in$ . .1001 . 973 .1090 .1300 .1400 Pr 1 Si 5 i 10 6 40 1 It 5 95 I 00 I 10 I 14 I 71 4 00 4 no 4 W 4 II 4 35 4 It 4 40 4 40 4 40 1, 14V per lb , No. 21. 1 :''-. per lb rilH-I.-KI-' !( k KwIm.v Id.- Ilmheres, including OK) southerns; 14. . Young Americas, 18c. nuts cauiornia wainutr no. i, son hell. 12c; No. 1. soft ahell, 16n; braxlla. li.Vk71sc, pecans, lts&ttc; lllberts. 12Vkc pea nut, raw. 7Hc; roasted, S'Ac; Csllfornla al mond a, 1714c; cocoanuta. $6 00 pr 100. HIDES AND lALIV Qreen tailed. No. 1, 84c; No. 1 7c; bull hides, 6c; gieen bides. No. 1. 7e; No. t, tc; horse, $1,509 t.bO; sheep pelt. ),Br. Tallow. No. L Cc; No. L SUc. Wool. 164322c CANNED GOODS Co; ,,, tandrd. west- 1 onf) ' ern' li6&66c. Tomatoes, fancy, t-pound isns, ei.w. ,,shu,iii, ,-jiuunu vans, il. it. Pineapples, graied. 2-pound, K 'ip 130: sliced,; fancy Hawaiian, 14A ilb., tl.76. Gallon apples, $3 California prlejts. $2.00. Tears, t. ... 1 - v Boachea, (1 - 411. L. C. peache. $. m.50. Alaska ealmoii. red, $1.20; fancy Chinook, flat. $2.10; fancy sockey. flat, $1.96. Sardines, quarter loll, II.K; three-quarters mustard. $2 71. Bweet potatoes, $1,1041 26. Sauer kraut, 0c. , Bumpkins, 80c4jl.OO. Lima beans. 2-lb.. 75o tiJl. 'S Soaked peas, 2-lb., 60c; fancy, $1.:;. 1.46. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIHTS-Prun-a tre somewhat unsettled by freer offerings '. from second hands, who secto desirous of j moving supplies of Immediate grades, Quo ; tations range from 6 to lc for California ' fruit and fruri r-Vc tor Oregon. Peachea ' are slightly easier, with fancy yellow quoted at 13Uc. Raisins are firm; three ; pro 1471 loose Muscatels are quoted at 9o; four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins, Stfllc. FISH Pickerel, dressed, 10c; pike, dressed, 15c; white fish, dressed, winter caught, l.V3'15c; fresh, 16c; trout. 124J15.-; halibut, 11c; salmon, 14c; catfish. 17c; her ring, dressed, 8c; crapples, round, 44jc; crapples, large, fancy. 15c; black' bass. 26c; melts, sweet and fine, 13c; eel, -. blue fish, 15c, red snapper, 12c. roe shad, per pair, lo&S'K-; freg legs, v Si'iJHOc ; Inhstors, green. 14 OnO I Per in.. Jic; lonster. Doueu, per id. sue; mackerel, Spanish, per lb.. 16c; mnekereL native, 184335c per lb.; fresh green turtle pieat, tec per lb.; dressed buffalo, Sc; bull heads, 12c; white perch, 7c; white bass, lie. HA 1 Choice upland, per ton. 112.00; me dium. $11 00; No. 1 bottom. $8.00; off grades, $4.0u550. Ry straw. 17 cnlve nnd vearllng. $,'! t :T. HOGS- -Receipt 7.00"; market 5c lower, selling at $;.iCifi.8fi: bulk. $6.72446.77. Stork In Sight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal yesterday Cattle. Hoars. Sheep 725 ... 200 ...1,800 . .. 771 ...3.300 ...2,000 10.7IO 7.000 6.700 9.434 6.000 19,010 1..100 1.237 l,tm ! 1 6.000 .8.296 5S.H31 23.2717 I 75 3 10 I to 4 00 4 16 4 11 c I 00 t 60 t SO 1 1 1 1 1 ALVES. t t 1 I . .I4n . . 1120 . . 1440 . .2000 ..1410 110 MS ISO 111 4 10 4 SO 4 7i 4 II 4 IS 5 60 I 0 I 90 4 21 Vool Market. BOSTON. June 28.-W(X)L The Cnmmer- rial Bulletin of Boston, basing Its report on 1 statistics gathered for the government, win I say tomorrow of the wool market: Re ceipts are Increasing and the Interest In 1 market developments Is greater. 8ales are , ; still small, but the prospect point to a ! more active movement when aupplles are ! larger and selections better. Stimulated I by high prices In the west, old territory : , wool is being picked up here with more 1 freedom. Pair transactions. In unwashed 1 delaine to arrive are reported at SOc. Terrl 1 tory wool are selling on the scoured bp.als , of 664J4SC for fine and fine medium. New Texas wool sold at 23-J24C for eight month' ' nnd t7828c for twelve months.' There Is I more Inquiry for B super at 441348c and C 1 super at SWtfS&r. rore'gn advices are strong, with an upward teno.-ncy on ravniiuei London. Shipments of wool from Boston to Juhe 27. Inclusive, 131.306.060 lbs., against lit j07,4n lbs. last year. Receipts. 125.442.:W1 lb., against 124.343.538 lbs. last year. BT LOCI8, June 28.-WOOL-Market steady; medium grades, combing and cloth ing UUmWU . UK'1' fiT"1- 21214-; heavy fine, lHJ17c; tub washed, 804J7c. Metal Market. vriHK. June M. MKT ALB The 6 SO STOCK EKS AND FEEDERS 901 J 70 34 1... 777 4 46 HOGS-The market opened 244c higher and active at the advance. Quite a few of the hog old as much a 5c higher. The big bulk changed hands early In the morning. After the mor urgent order were filled the trade lowed up some and the later market wa neither o active nor strong, tt was nevertheless a very aat lsfactory market A large proportion of the hogs sold at $ vi,,, with a top at $6 96 It will be remembered that moat of the hogs yesterday went at $6.8036.8t. Representative sales Oils and Knsln. NEW York, June 2. OILS Firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, nominal; ci lnw, 59Vc asked. Petroleum, firm; refined New York. $3.46; Philadelphia and Balti more, $8.40; In bulk. $4.96. Turpentine, steady at iv.'4 ,H":v ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $4.5r4.&i. SAVANNAH, da., June 28.-OIL Turpen tine, firm at ...!. ROSIN Firm; quotations: A. B, C, $3 "S (&4.00; D. $4 20; E, $4 .56Hi4 61); F, $4.7r()4.85; O. $4.Mtl.0; ti. $4.54ji :.(.; 1. $6.iij 10; K. $5.26; M, $5,804)5 50; N, $5.5049,5 56; W G, $6.ik) 4f..Sii: W W, $6.75V8.00 OIL CITY, Pa.. June 26 -OII-Credlt bal ances, $1.78. Runs, 181,943 bids., average, 145.453 bid. Shipments, 147,404 bbls., aver age. 169.881 bbls. 8a?nr nntl Molasses. NEW YORK. June 28. Sl'GAR Raw, firm; fa;r refining, 3.37r; centrifugal, 96 test, . molasses sugar, 3.124c; relln.-d Steady; No. 6. 4. One; No. 7. 4.i6i-; No. 8. 4.50c; No. I, 4.4c; No. 10, 4.85c; No. 11, 4.10c; No. 12. 4.26c; No. IS, 4.20c, No. 14. 4.15c. Confectioner A. 4.80c; mould A, 6 35c; cut loaf. 6 70c; crushed, 5 70c; pow dered. 6.10e; granulated, 5.00c; cubes. 6.25c. NFAV ORLEANS. La , June 28 -8rGAR-' Quiet ; open kettle, centrifugal, 3V4a37Oi centrifugal yellow, S(U44isc; seconds, J-iy SHc. MOLASSES Quiet ; n w syrup. 3rvaS4c. v-1,' vv t ,'.,..i..r, market wa biaher. with spot clo Ing at 192 10. an advance of 1 IDs, and futures at 182 10k. or 10a hlgliT. The lo cal market wa dull, with epot quoted at $4- -3.A 43 :. Copper wa higher In the Eng llh market, with spo! closing 2 higher at 1 991 .miroai Z ; Higher; No I northern. tl.ikWi I B: No locally HMJ msrs, e",,,,n. . uui. w,v. n.ontji. ,0. H, ,,teinbcr. Ili'oOSM.,- bid. Milwaukee (.mln Market. MII.WAI'KEE, June 28 - WHEAT Ko. . , 14.. It. 46 16 14 9 74 London Closing Stocks. LONDON. June 28 Clolng quotation on Wheat, bu. Corn, bu . . Oat, bu. .. tO.OII) .4 . 8.000 93.100 17.00H 12.000 New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. June 2. -Cloalng quotation on mining itock Adam Cos l.iieroool l.raln aad Provlslone. LIVERPOOL June tt- WHBIAT-Spot. firm; No. t red western winter. 7; No. 1 California. 7a ,,l. rut urea. firm. July. 7 1. Septemler. 7 jd CORN Spot, firm. He dried, Is Id; old northern. 6a Id; future, quiet: July, nomi nal; September, is lid. HOB6V-AI London (pacific coast) tedy. : l0tlt 10a. Uulatk tirala Market. DIHTH Minn.. June -WHKATV o 1 northern, tlttt,, No. t aortbern. Kansas City option ranged as follow; Article. I Open.; Hlgh. Low. Close Wheat September IVce mber Corn September Receinber B bid I I 96V, I Alice aires Uruiiawlek Co Comalock Tunnel Cdb Cal and Vs. sorn SMear Iroei Sllrar LcalTlll Cob a It It a .149 tM . I I. Hi I, h;ef Ontario Oyhlr Potoal avag Ilerra Nevada Inall Hopes Standarl . I .400 17 .11 91 tl ti ill follows Its M K A Trias 4 11-14 N. Y Central. ... 11 Norfolk A W . . II do pfd ... Ont A Weatern a SW Pennsylvania 114' Ran.' Mines ... 1144 Reading 11 Southern Rjr l?l' do pfd 24 Southern Parllc 17 Union Pactlc 7144 do pfd 24 K, I' S Steal 4 60 pfd 19 Wabaah 1914 do pfd 1434s dpanlah 4a 117 SILVER Steady; 10 16-16d per ounce MiNEY--4VCr4 per cent. The rate of discount on the open market for short bills Is S per cent; for three month bill. t4 per oent. tocli were a Consols, money do account Anaconda Atchlnos do s( I re O . . Casadls Pacific t 1. 4$ oil Western C . II A St 4?al Icll rs o" a do pfl gne do lat pt do Id pfd Grand Trunk llllaoia Central L. A Naahvllle 4'4 .11746 7444 M 1144 9 : . to l4 is It H44 10!, . 14 II 1444 17... i! 44... a... u.. 47.. 10.. u m 4 111. 41 . 56.. It in 60 14 . 13.. 71.. 44 A I 175 314 m . U4 141 214 m .12 IS r in 171 .Mt 171 111 tit 195 .174 . 104 ..111 ..M .113 ...111 241 Ml nt rt tit 8b ioo rt, 1 10 I 90 i ) I 8 6 10 i 60 1 10 1 90 1 10 I 10 i 90 1 10 I 1 Ba 5 MH 1 IPs 5 ' Its 6 H 5 9241 II '4 5 Hi's 5 K I tt I t.1 I 1144 i l!Vs r, ns i 1244 fm 49 4IHtrV, 4HtV, 44. 444 44'i fhlladelubla Prodarr Market. PHILADKLPHIA. June 91 BITTER Steady fair demand; extra western cream cry, official price. V; treet price. 244a'. extra nearby prim, ftc. KOtiS Steady. fair demand. western Arst. free case. 17c at mark. I'HIlaB- Kiriner, New York full cream 1144 foreign Financial. LONDON. June 28 .- Money wa In creased demand In the market today for various calls and month-end requirement DIcounta were weak. The transaction on the stock exchange were not extcnatve. but cheerfulness prevailed. Investor picking up gilt-edged securities quietly, while the prospects of easier money Induced dealers to mark up limitations In anticipation of a broadening of business in the near future Americans received good local and conti nental as well a professional aupport In the forenoon, which put quotation above parity The receipt of the New York uprnlng price , mined s period ot quietude Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. Jun 28 Today's state !"" I ment of the tieasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the tl&ti.uOO.dOn gold reserve show: Available caib balance tX4.046.67t. gold coin and bulll.m. $74 H43.att . gold certificates. $74.687. Sb Hlasespolls drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 28-FLOl'R Plrt rktent. $t 154.(686. second patents. $6 Ouft 10 first clears. $$6647(3 66. second deal. U 76433 l)RAN -'n bulk. Itt ofMrU VIHB.IT Jul, tlos',. tieiiien.lmr. $1 Otk; no. 1 hard. $1 . , . No. 1 rrth-rn. $1 044,; 44 Ill . . 5 K144 ti Hi ... 5 1144 121 375 .. i M44 61 t$4 80 I 84 44 tM tfi IH It 171 10 1 If II tM 10 I 16 tt M7 110 I M Tl 140 10 5 15 M til IM 47 117 IM IN fi.... 144 20) I M M . Ill M I tt 4. . Ml 10 i II M 171 M 5 U 7 40 I M tt tM ... I M Tl Ml M I 14 II M9 ... 4 41 41 M4 IM 4 M fi. ... MT 111 I M it. Ml 40 4 M M IM M I I II . Mt II H Ml 9 I M a Mt in tt 149 IK II 244 IM 6 M T MT IM 5 M M MT M I M Tl ..MT M I M ... 14 90 I M 47 Ml M I M and than Nw York bought walk, the mar, I No t iiminem, $1 o-", No. $ northern. rtSajC No. 71.. M . . TO. . 44 42 11 M. . 61 64 Tt.. Tl. . 44 . 41. II 44 40 71... 74 11... II U . 50 . T 41 47 M. . H, 41.. Tl TO M tl fi.. M . Tl.. tl 44 T 74 74 n.. 41 Tl.. M IT.. 91 M. M 71 Tl.. 1 U M K T. Tt Tt. 41 r AS. 211 281 tM 111 .179 .164 Ml 241 .142 US 117 119 ..tot JO IM at 234 IM nt 140 ..Ml 131 144 MO .114 jn .' M0 109 Mi 241 ...Ml 149 Mt lit MO IH m IM .149 ni .147 M4 111 231 . H4 . ...111 111 .194 ...144 tlT 111 IM ..HI SM ltt 111 IM M II St. ill M to M itn io M in Ml in so IM 1 M M ISO IM 40 4 14" 41 IM M i lu IM 40 M H HaCatF There wa practically k.i her today. Only four car sorted In and they were Oregon For some reason or other packer did not Pr. I 9t i n 5 M I M i M I M 5 IS 1 w I M 5 M i M I H i M ;b n 1 91 I M 1 M I 6 8744 i 744 S 9TI4 1744 1744 I 17 4t 5 1744 5 r t I I7V4 I n I 9744 I 1744 1 7H i 9744 5 174, i 4744 5 174 5 1744 I M i M I M I M i M I 90 i M I M t 90 i M 1 M I M i 90 1 I in 1 5 90 i 9244 5 9T44 i M no mar were re- .,i,i, tail, ,n more or less .Minted st ta.Ofvsiil.oC: electrolytic ItlMtl :t26. and caatlng at $R.00t"U.at7 Lead wa unchanged at $5 7O6.80 In the local mar kit, but advanced 6s to ?n In Iondon 8pelter was unchanged at 74 6s In 1in- dun end tn aoawi so iiiianj 1,,... - .v,. . In the English market, with standard , foundry quoted at 60S luo anq levrnsno , warrants at 60s 144d. I-ociilly the market 1 was unchanged, with No 1 foundry nortn- 1 . . en e, ...... ar a o ....... I 1 em qutdeii at s.;.uiin. iu nu northern at $24 00 26 00 Southern Iron con tinue nominal. 1.RA D-8teady. IO BK. spener. ien.iijr, $6.354y.37Hc 11AH1.EV id "ii 74c. CORN Higher; No tember, 64c. Peoria PEORIA. U.. t OS'S,,- bid Weak; No. 2, 76Vtk'; sample. 3 cash, &3iiD34kC, tiep- 4. mln Market. June 28 -CORN-Bteady; No. 3 yellow and No. 3, &3c; No. 4, 62c; no grade. 47fMmc. OATS Higher; No. 2, 4&ir-46c; No. 3 whit. 444v'(j46c; No. 4 white. 43'fl'4374c. RYE Nominal; No. 2. 8A8t)a. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralta. NKW YORK. June 08 -EVAPOOt ATKU APPLES-Market hoWr-d no change or freah feature Fancy are quoted at 64e: choice. Be; prime. VW'te Pr to fair. IgMg CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI ITS-Prunes are (lulet on spot, but holders are con- 1 fldent owlnsj to flrmnea on the coat. Ouotatlon rant from 44kc to l2Vc for Cal ifornia fruit and from SHc to c for Oregon the outside price beintr, for 8f to 40. Aprl ots are unchanged, with choice quoted at tic etr choice, tic; fancy, 234J284-. Peaches are dall. with choice quoted at 11V4H1V extra choice. i:v-fl12.c; fancy. 1345f13Hc; ex tra fancy. 141VHHc Ralaln are firm, with looae Muscatel quoted at 8il0c; seeded retains at Ttyltc. and Ixindon layers at tl 64tri.66. Cotton Market. New York cotton quotations, furnished by Ixgan A Bryan. 112 Board ot Trade build ing' Open. High. Low. Close September 114 1166 1140 1163 October 1M7 1170 11M 1170 December 1U6 117$ 1164 1170 ST. LOT'IS, June ZI.-tOTTON Quiet ; mlddlne. 12xC Sales, none, receipts none; Toledo fterd Marksi' TOLEDO. June 28 -SEEDS -Clover. cTI. t'j 36; October. $.42H; Iiecember and March. , $- Timothy, $2 35, alslke, $8. 00. Bank ( learlnua. OMAHA, Julie 28 -Bank clearing for to day war $1.782.i2 44 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,638,923.74. lawyefTand witness clash T. J. tke Vulaii Hurls Inkstand at Head of Mi. A. tiordoaa la I oiirt. At the cloe of a heated controversy In Judge Sutton' court room Thursday morn ing Attorney T. J. Nolan of South Omaha hurled an Ink stand at the head of W. A. Gordon, president of the Expressman De livery company. The missile missed the mark and made a deep dent In the wall on the other side of the room. The trouble occurred after Judge Sutton had left the bench and gone to bt private office. Gordon wa In court in anawer to gar nishment proceedings In the Roller divorce suit Holler's salary bad been garnlshaed hlpments. 684 hales; stock. 18.610 bales. , b Mr, Koller and Gordon as president of NKW (JKI.KA.-NU. I,. June sr. - , ,, n, -la. JL nrm- sale 1 -.11 " ...... " - Ti IN Hunt msik'-l cli.aed bales Low ordinary, 7TAc, nominal, or dlnary. tc, nominal; good ordinary. W 3-14c, nominal, low mlddlng. 11 7-b;. middling, We; good middling. 134c nom Inal; middling fair, 14c. nominal; fair, 164c. nominal. Receipt. 717 bale; (lock. 61,801 bales. l olrr HarL. I NEW YORK, June te-f()KFKB-Market for ootfee futures opened ateady at un changed price to an advance of 6 p4itnl. and ruled generally ateady. with trading a littl more active than recently on report that the Rothschild would furnish the loan of tl6.OUO.OuO to Ihe Brasillan government for uae by tha slate of Sao Paulo in con nection with the valorlsallua aclieme. r ui wa attorney for Mr Koller. While Gor don wa on the stand some feeling devel oped between him and Nolan and when the Judge left the room both of them Indulged In some loud talk. When they tried to "get together" Bailiff Fields parted them N ilan, however, picked up the heavy glass ink well that stood on the table and be fore Fields oould stop him bad thrown It at Gordon. The bailiff ucceelod finally In separating them and sending: them away without further trouble. An attempt wa made to keep the matter from becoming public, but il leaked out Friday usoiulngy