Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
12 TUB OMAITA DAILY BEEi TITURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1907. Better Silk Bargains Than Ever Before in Our Great Sale of Givernaud Silks 1 M M ; 2 i u H M M 2 M a Sale of Ladies Waists THE FAMOUS "OPERA" BRAND LINGERIE SHIRT WAISTS AT ONE-HALF PRICE Thursday we wiU continue the most wonderful cala of high grade Lingerie Waists ever held in the west. The lot was ttoo large to be disposed of in one day's Belling, and for Thursday we have -sweetened up all the lots with fresh,, crisp, dainty "Opera" Waists, so if you didn't attend the sale Wed nesday, don't fail to avail yourself of this wonderful opportunity. $3.00 "Opera" Waists, will be sold for ; $4.00 "Opera" Waists will be sold for. .. . . . 198 mi I $6.50 "Opera" Waists will be sold for $9.00 "Opera" Waists will be sold for .2? 3LS LADIES' WASH SUITS SPECIAL TOR THURSDAY ' Ladies' nicely tailored Wash Suits, in eton, prince 58 chap and coat effects, worth up to $5, Thursday I lingerie: dresses ,Beautlfnl two-piece and Prin cess lingerie dresses, made in dainty summery effects, worth up to $12.50, at 6.98 SKIRT SPECIAL From our recent big skirt pur chase, hundreds of nobby walking skirts, all styles and colors, worth up Oft to $8 00, at -JO LADIES' AND MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Ladles' and men's all pure linen handkerchiefs, Swiss and embroidered scalloped edge, with all widths of hemstitching, ladles hand embroidered Initial handkerchlfs, all letters, worth up to JOo, at, each 8c Sale of TURN OVER COLLARS on BARGAIN SQUARE New lot of turnover and stock collars of fine 91 , embroidery and Uce, taffeta silk embroidered; JqQ"& JjC AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN IN HIGH GRADE MIDSUMMER MILLINERY Thursday we will offer an unusual bargains in midsummer hats, charm ing lace hats, trimmed with ostrioh plumes, also with delicate flowers and ribbons. They are the most becoming, styles for the C summer months tVinoo W have always sold at $10 special price Thursday 5 ) 90.60 KATB TOM 91-00 Thes are all oholce style, very pretty uu trimming, remarkable value for, W3 1.00 JTXOB UID1I KATS TTn trimmed leghorn hats, suitable for garden wear.vor may A. be trimmed for child's hat..WO SHECIAL. NOTION BARGAIN 8O0 Oraaa Silk Hon Supporter Special Thursday. 25c i!tBRASil& AT SWEETLAND Our famous Venetian brand, the kind with trm bitter sweet coating and those delicious mellow cream centers, all flavors, the regular 40o kind, lb 20c ff MUSIC AT HALF PRICE S1 lL THURSDAY Ca Yon Keen a Secret T Under the Tropical Moon.. Moonbeams and Dreams of You. Same Old Starry Flag. Awakening of Dlrds (reverie). Good-Dye Anna Laurie (new). Happy Sammy (new rag). Jane Cable (new two-step). Vanity Fair; Cinderella (Powell). If the World Only Knew. 0 SUMMER WANTS in Hard wure and Houscfurnishing Department s 1 iiswrvr a Gag Stoves and Plates $1.25 to $16.00 American brand Our American brand . paint that covers, pre pared ready for ue. 98c Gal. Baby Carriages and folding and re clining Go-Carts, We carry an im mense Una of the famous Hey wood Broa. and Wakefield Co'a. good to select from at' prices ranting- from f50 down to $1.7. Brandels Paint Beet Quality, regular 11.60 special, $1.10 gallon. immonso Clearing Sale WALL PAPER Watch Friday evening's paper for list of greatest wall paper bargains ever offered New Building, 3rd Floor. 4J a mi rao Courtney's Coffees The best to m, Vsed by the beet At per lb. up from lto to 48c Our own roasting-. Include a poun4 of our Ankola Java and Mocha with your neat order. Its I60 per pound and you get pounds for a dollar and It's the beat coffee for the monvy old In the U. 8. A. Dot Meals U'ltboot a Fire Ready prepared soups, entrees. vere- tables, etc, serred hot instantly with out using a match. Just a little cold water. Just the thing on a long auto mobile ride or plcnlo. Just the thing at home these hot days when you do not want a fire. You Just puncture the edge of the can, pour In some cold water; In minutes you've got a hot soup. Entree or vegetable. Liquor Department Wa will continue oar free wins offer the balance of this week. Re member we give a 6O0 bottle of Cali fornia wins free with each purchase of $1.00 or more of our own bottling. Apricot, peaoh, blackberry, etc., at per bottle , 750 California Port or Bherry, per gallon, $L.M Maryland Rye (4 full quarts) for 93 Atherfcon Rye, per gallon Jug..aa.TS Cedar Brook Bourbon (formerly Mis Briar's) per gallon jug 93.7s (p.cartacy & Co Private Kxofcaase eenaeeta all asata 17th and Douglas Bta, Seaglae Mf ,a .iraravfl 1 -vara twiv TBemvanrrm The Secret of... Fitting Shoes It la as much an art a making them. Tour foot is Individual dif fers from every other In shape and else In sensitiveness and Insteps To fit your foot with a last whlcn protects It with an upper which Is nog without being tight Is a Drezel requirement of their salesmen. Ws have special lines of stylish footwear for young people and those who prefer a smart looking shoe in summer. PRICES: $3, $3,50 and $4.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnia SI. - I I Ml rhamSt I ga; 1322 Fa Pyjamas or Sleeping Suits Specially made for comfort dur ing hot weather as a lounging suit. $1.00. $1.50. $2.00 Our made-to-measure shirts are the best. MM SKHRTS $10 and $7.50 Skirts lor $3.48 Beautiful chiffon panama, in plain colors and fancy stripes; all are this season's best sell ing styles. Some are trimmed in wide bias folds, others strapped in taffeta,. all Z48 are high tailored garments-it's your chance 11 Bennett's Big Grocery Headquarters for the Best Always Diamond S Preserves, large jar Double Granulated Sugar Stamps Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2 lbs. . 48c And 30 Green Trading Stamps Teas, B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English Break fast, lb 48c And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Vegetables, can, at 10c And 30 Green Trading Stamps Red Snapper Relish, bottle, at 25c And 80 Green Trading Stamps Red Snapper Sauce, bottle, at 25o And 20 Green Trading Stamps 28c And 30 Green Trading Stamps Pickles, assorted, 3 bottles for 25c And 10 Green Trading Stamps Egg-O-See, 4 pkgs 25c Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle 18c And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Three Star Corn, 3 cans 25c And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Booth Sweet Potatoes, can, , at 10c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. 9. bars Diamond C Soap 25c 1 on i 1 .. . I R T QW shoes are the vogue. And cer tainly daintier, prettier shoes never graced the feet of exacting, fashionable femi ninity than this season's "Dorothy Dodd" Oxford Ties and Pumps. We wish you to see these new styles. You have the choice of Glazed Kid, Gun Metal and Patent Leathers with every pair moderately priced : Three-fifty and Three Dollars. A fev styles at Two-fifty SOLE REPRESENTATIVES i i E i I R R IB t H R II Albany Dentists sVoea la, srnshman Block. Entrance, lis B. lth Street. Wc Pull Your Teeth For 25c But we reserve the privilege of keeping the pain our selves. Thousands say we pull teeth absolutely without pain. Albany Dentists Opaa BTealara VatU 10. 10 to a. aaaare I..J I Cn You Afford To invrU your clients Into an ottlce which is not apace wltli v tho present times T Tou know your own feelings wtea obliged to go In an office building where you have to wait for the elevator and then crowd In wlthnore people than tbe elavator ear can accommodate, te be let off In a dark, unkempt hallway and hare to hunt around la the dark for the party wanted. The Bee Building Offers you space which la In every way desirable. The halls are endless and well lighted, and the rooms are all plainly numbered, the even numbers outside and odd numbers on tho court The elevators are roomy and run with regularity. If you are considering locating a new office or contem plate a move we would be pleased to hare you call and let us how you around the building. We make no extra charge fo lectiio light nor Janitor serrloo. JThc Bee Building Co. -- ' Apply Business) Office Bee. Unmatched Bargains Opp$rtunltles In our Pre-lnventory Clearance Sale ttll THE RELJABLK TRB Thousands of Dollars worth of Merchandise Greatly Underprked Stylish Suits at About Half Over 1100,000 worth of women's Int. Quick action Is necessary and Th Ileautlful WasU Suits, worth to $2 5.00, In lingerie, fine Persian lawns, opera batistes, mulls, etc, in all most popu lar styles and daintiest new designs, trimmed with fine tucks, laces. Inser tions and embroideries, most delight ful bargain ever offered at C'f C choice $ LJ Dainty Woah DrcAses, in magnificent assortment of materials and styles, plain white or colors, worth to 120.00 In one great lot at Cf1 choice 4Xl 2CO WshIi Drosses, all beautiful new designs In lawns. Swisses and mulls, worth $7.60 to $10.00, In t QC Thursday's sale at, choice. . . 925.00 Silk Shirt Waist Suit $12.50 A splendid assortment of silk suits made of Oivernaud's beat taffetas, in checks, stripes and plain colors, skirts made extra full, beautiful jO Cf) new design, $26.00 values. .Isil $8.50 French Voile Skirts $5.00 A splendid assortment of handsome de signs pleated and trimmed with folds and bands of taffeta, remarkable bar gains at $5.00 Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts; spec ial Thursday $3.95 $4.00 Jap and Net Waists, to clone at V.,.. $1.50 garments to be disposed of before July ursday's prices certainly insure 1L ' m $7.60 and $10.00 Lingerie Waists, to close Thursday at ........ .$5.00 Children's $2.O0 Wash Drreft, la Thursday's sale at .50 Children's $5.00 Jackets and Coats, Thursday $1.05 Extra Specials for Thursday 0:80 A. M. One case bleached Muslin, 10c grade, only 10 yards to a cus tomer, at, yard 5 FORENOON ONLY Apron Checks, 7 He quality. .. .34 Dress Ginghams, 12 He quality... 5 40-ln. Lawns, 12 He quality . . . .7M 19c India Llnons 9H 16c Bath Towels 7tt Several other sales during the day. From 8 Till 9 A. M. Women's 75c Dressing Sacques 25 From 8:80 Till 9:80 A. M. Women's $1.60 Wrappers 79$ 2 P. M. One case of heavy Sheeting, unbleached, regular 8 Ho grade at, a yard ....4 AFTEKXOON ONLY Remnants of fine white goods, worth up to 19c, at .5 Huckaback Towels, 19c values. 7Ht 69c Bed Spreads 49 16c Wash Goods 7H 26c Silk Mull, plain and fancy, .10 From O Till 10 A. M. Women's $4.00 Wash Suits ..$1.50 From 9:80 Till 10:80 A. M. Women's Lawn Kimonos 10 Hardware, Paints and Housefurnishing Dept 2 OCT 10e Extension Curtain Rods, each 5c Coat Hangers, wire or wooden, two for 60 Vegetable Brushes, new and white, two for ....... 'i. 5r 6c package Carpet Tacks, large full count, two for -57 10c white wood Chopping Bowls, only 5 10c best quality screen door Hinges and Springs, two for 5 10c boxes Shlnola Shoe Polish for. 5 10c Dover Egg Beaters, only ....5 10c Ice Picks, one day only . . . 5 Brass Picture Hooks, one day only, per dozen 5 Coat and Hat Hooks, one day only, per dozen 5C7 LAST CUT PRICE SALE ON PAINTS Screen Door Enamel, Bath Tub Enamel, Varnish Stains, Wall Paper Cleaner, etc., etc., one day only, per can , . ; 107 $1.65 quality oak brand House Paint, all colors, ready mixed, one day sale, per gallon $1.25 Noxall brand, guaranteed three years, only C)S Extra No. 1 Furniture Varnish, large quart cans J8 Fancy Painted Screen Doors, each 05 $3.95 Lawn Mowers, 1 day only.. 2. 50 One gallon Sprinklers, only.... J5 Buy Your Groceries, Meats, Crackers, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Hayden's It means a savins; of S5 to 50 per cent nn your housekeeping expenses. 21 lbs. pure cane Oranulated Sugar 1 00 12 bars best family Laundry Soap ....25c The best Corn Meal, per sack 10c Emr-O-See Toasted Corn Flakes, pkg., 60 The best crUp Ginger Snaps, per lb 5o The beet Soda Crackers, per lb do Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can le Malta Vita, per pkg 6c Bromang-elon, Jellyeon or Jsll-O, pkg. .7 He 14-os. cans Condensed Cream 9c 1-lb. pkg. best Corn Starch 4c 1-lb. pkjr. best Cold Water Starch 4c Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 16o The best Tea Sittings, per lb 12tte Fancy combination blend Tea for Ice ta purposes, per lb 85c Batter and Obsess Sale Prloss Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb ISo Choice Creamery Butter, per lb 23c FMnnv rrMlnnrv Ttiittoi. n Ik pRnnv full rrAam r't.Aoai. wn- IK Fancy Brick or Llmberger Cheese ,,1T Sap Sago Cheese, each ... ,,,7 Neufchatel Cheese, each rrssb Veg-etabls and Fruit Prices 1 heads fresh Ieaf Lettuce , , Fancy Marrowfat Peas, per quart 6 bunches fancy white or red Radishes. 2 bunohes fresh Asparagus 6 bunches fresh Pie Plant Fresh Spinach, per pock ............. K hunches fresh Onions Fancy Itlpe Tomatoes, per lb 8 bunches fresh Beets ,,.........,. TrBA PlIPllTnhlir, a.nh Quart boxes Goosberrlcs Quart boxes Blackberries Large fancy Lemons, per dosen The big Mason Jar special sale to continued Thursday. Bo 15a Ho US .60 .50 ..60 60 .50 .4a ,00 .54 .60 0O 10a ISO be W HAYDENS' EM Before You Go leave your watch with us a few days and have It In or der when you go for vacation. Do not put It off until you are ready to start. LOOK FOR THE NAM 12 S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street DR. BRADBURY, Dontlet, SSJ 1000 PAR NAM ST.. OMAHA. Phone Oottiiae 1780 Extracting . .... ..Me SfTT? W make a specialty. Porefclala Pills. .$1 up I ' .V'J-' .'" , . v ' metal and roofletts Crowna ..... $VJLBO Bp VyiS - ' platoav Paiide work la Bridge Werk.fa.SO of JJfjy& all opevatiuia. Work PUtwi $2.00 w -CJ I I 1 j gvarntee4 10 rears. J Jamestown Exposition Illinois Central Railroad Th low rate excursion t irk At An vu sale s uuti iuv alBUlvSvOWssI Exposition afford stoporers at nearly all points east of CMcmo. Including: IKTKOIT NIAGAUA FALLS IllTFALO TORONTO MONTREAL NEW YOItK CTTY BOSTON PHILADFT.PTTIA. WAKHIXtiTO-M BALTIMOHB LOL'ISVILIH CINCINNATI clndtd teamer tr,p,; lB0 8t- Laurence and Hudson river trips la. Direct connecUons In Chlcaso with trains of all lines 140?to SL";i!r,to Inf0rmtl0n " Clt Ticket Office. Samuel North District Pasaenjer Agent, Omaha, Neb. v r Bee Want Ads Produce Results i1