Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
AdTorlleeraents for the want-nd
Mluua will be taken natll 11 n. for
th.e mlaf edition and nntll 9 n. as.
'for tike Morning: and Snnday editions.
ftana mast accompany all ordera for
rant-e)sW and no advertisement will
Ve accepted for lean ttaaa 10 centa for
tna flrst Insertion.
Hates apply to either The Dally or
listsf Ilee.
Always eoant six words to a line.
Combinations at Initials or Slumbers
Count as one word.
Insertion, per line, 10 eenta. Two or
More consecutive Insertions, per line,
rents. Each Insertion made on odd
flays, 10 eenta per line, 8)1.00 per line
per month.
Death and Funeral Notices, Cards of
Thanks and Lodge Notices, T cents
per Una for one edition, morning or
erven Ins; 8 cents a line for each ad
ditional edition. Bandar, 10 cents a
line. No ad taken for less than 84
Advertisement Is Inserted under any
ae of the classifications given below,
ft will he chnraed at the following
rates t Om Insertion, 4 cents per Unci
three to six consecutive Insertions, 8
cents per line each Insertion I seven
ar more consecutive Insertions, 3
cents per line each Insertion I 50
Cents per line per month.
Except Agents, Solicitors and
Cows, Birds, Don aad Pets.
Horses and Vehicles.
'Poultry and Egi.
Plnnos, Organs and Musical Instru
ments. Typewriters and Sewing Machines.
Furnished Rooms.
Unfurnished Rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms.
Board Ins; and Rooms.
Want-ads for The Bea mar be left
at anr of the following dm stores
one Is "your corner druggist" tbey
are all branch afBces of The Bee aad
your ad will be Inserted Just as
promptly and on the same rates as at
the main office In The Bee Building,
le-renteenth aad Farnam streets I
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranck. 8. A.. 1402 a 10th Bt.
Becht I"harmacy, 730 8. Kith St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave,
Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Sts.'
Clifton Hill Pharmacy.. 238 Military Ave.
Conte, J. B., $lset Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Cermak. Bmll, 1264-8 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler. F. H., Vft Ieavenworth.
Foster A Arnoldl, 813 N. 25th St.
Dreytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and take.
Green's Fharmary, corner Park Ave. and
Greenoturh, G. A., 105 S. 10th St.
Oreenough, G. A., loth and Hickory.
Hayden, Wm. C. 2D20 Farnam St.
Hanscom Park Phar. 1501 8. 28th Are.
Hoist, John, 24 North 16th Bt.
Huff, A. L., 2S24 Leavenworth St- -
King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. Mth.
Patrick Drue Co., 1624 N. 24th St.
lAthrop. Chas. B.. 1824 N. 24th St.
Peyton, L. EL, Mth and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Ames Ave.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drug- Store, 16th and
Chicago. ,
. Behsefer, August, 3631 N. 16th St.
Schmidt, J. H , 4th and Cuming Sts.
Storm Pharmacy, lth and Martha Sts.
. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts.
Wirth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
BANKSMMrs. W. T., aged 32 years.
Funeral to be held at 318 North Twentieth
Crest, Lincoln, Neb., Thursday, June 27, at
a. m.
Mrs. T. F. Barry and family desire to
thank everyone, especially ths Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers and Ameri
can Order of United Workmen lodges, for
tbsir generous sympathy and kindly offices
lo their sudden bereavement of husband
and father.
We desire to thank all our friends and
neighbors for their kindness and sympathy
shown us; also for ths many floral offer
ings, during our late bereavement In the
loss of our dear husband and father. Mrs.
Frank Suchy and children.
Births T. W. Squire. Swedish hospital,
girl; George Shanon, 324 South. Tenth street,
boy; Adolph Klein, Twenty. fourth an A
Street, boy: P. L. Muff, U26 South Twelfth
trest. girl; Barnard White, 1414 North
JBth, boy; William Cilnchard, 2876 Dorcas,
fcoy; John Foral. 1411 Pierce street, boy;
Siulph O. Baasett, 1266 Bouth Sixth street,
girl; Ed Bwobods, 1266 Bouth Fifteenth
street, boy.
Deaths William McNealr, County hos
pital, aged 43; Mary A. Connor, immanuel
hospital, aged, t; C. Louis Steck, 1008
North Sixteenth street, aged 44; Ehrlech W.
Sohlrmers, Bt. Joseph's hospital, aged 66.
Ths following mart-lags licenses havs been
Name and Residence. Age
James Bulln, Plattsmouth. Neb a
Jillnnls Mockenhaupt, Plattsmouth, Neb. 20
Wise M. Collier, Sterling. Colo 25
.Amelia L. Btett, StromsLurg, Neb 24
Albert V. Harmon. Omaha M
A-Ilia Hall. Omaha 23
Edward A. Kroh, Btella. Neb...' 88
Clara Cowel, Auburn, Neb . u
Charles F. Kaushert. Omaha 25
Mathilda M. Marsh, Omaha
Wllber A. Beahm.i Fort Worth, Tex 25
Adlle B. Ryan, Omaha u
Charles O. Crawford, Benson 22
Beatrice C. Hoffman, Benson H
Hiram L. Webb, Beatrice jj
Mrs. Cora B. Carner, New York City.... S3
Fred C. Haynes, Omaha a
Lottie A. Yates, Omaha 8)
Arthur O. Teager, Elk ton, a D 26
Elsie L. Warthen. Omaha j
Herman Raap, Benson , 82
Laura Stulir, Benson ju
Benjamin F. Billings, Omaha 21
Frances Davles, Omaha rt, ig
William J. Bellner, Omaha SP
Esther W. tlrich, Omaha is
Arthur F. Lorance, Omaha 24
Mary Btndoluy, Omaha ij
William Jackson, Omaha 8"
Odessa Dennis, South Omaha 2
John J. Meaeham, Kansas City, Mo.... 81
Maude Keys. Omaha J5
Bmlth E. Douglas, Omaha., 2S
anna Luclle Berg, Kaukaima. Wis 24
Frank H. Tway. Omaha 26
Louise 8kaar, Mlnnaapolta 2S
Blrke O. Com forth, Omaha
Beda Crulckshank, Omaha... u
John C. Goodwin, Newcastle, Ind. ........ 83
Georgia M. Kanuard, Omaha 26
John F. Russell, Omaha l
Kaihryn 1L Moorhead, Omaha 21
Frank O. Ouetafaon, Aurora, Neb 2
Anna R. Johnson, Omaha.. xt
J)vtd C. Boott Omaha ,
Clare A-Neisoo, Omaha. a
Arthur L, Hicks, Omaha....... 24
Clara Johnson. Otueha , lj
THTfl CTTT CARBAGW CO., office 4th, and
, Laaranwarth lju. TaL Douglas liv7.
Read lioylcs' Ad Next Bundsy.
Catstogue free. H. B. BO ILLS. Pre
Omaha, Neb. MIT
Administrator's Sale
Estnbllshed contracting and bulrilng busi
ness of the Isto Sam 1 Dresher must be sold
to clear up the estate. ,
Building Is equipped with all ntaohlnery
for doing large buslne and much work Is
on hand. Equipment Includes 10 h. p. elec
tric motor, saws, planer and all machinery
for conducting this kind of business. Build
ing Is toxin it., 2 stories, and there Is a
2-year lease;
To anyone desiring to step Into a good
established business here Is a rare oppor
tunity. Easy terms to right party.
1516 Farnam St., Omaha.
(I) MSOS 27
SIGN PA1NTINO S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas.
- a) io6
FOR SALEr A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In
vestment Co., Farnam Bt. ()4 107
8KND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. DER1GHT, 1818 Farnam. W) 11
FOJt SALB OR TRADE-Four-cyllnder
touring car, good as new. C. K. Wllklna,
Lewey hotel. (i) 3i7
1906 BUICK, two-cylinder, 22 H. P. tour
ing car, overhauling and painted 8tj60.00
1IX6 CAD I LAC, 19 H. I. touring car, fine
shape ....$j.00
1906 KAALBLER, 18 H. P., almost new,
several extras Included X.00
1906 KNOX touring car, air cooled.... KO0 00
16 OLDS, with top, -JO 1L P 870000
lit RBO, 16 H P., used very little 8750.00"
1U6 FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder,
detachable tonncau 8676.00
1906 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton
neau, 14 H. P 8409.00
1906 STEVBN8-DURYEA, two-cylinder,
and looks like new, with top 2660.00
RAMBLER K., detachable tonneau. Just
repainted and overhauled 8660.00
Write for full description.
H. E. KREDR1C3CSON, 15th and Cap. Ave.
. c E3
FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex
player. What have you 7 Address H-K76,
Bee. (8) 108
EXCHANGES If you have city property
stocks of goods, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com-
filete list. We have properties and lands
n all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list Is free. Send for It at once.
Globe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far
nam St., Omaha. Neb. (3 UO
120 ACRES S miles from Schell City. Ver
non county. Mo.; 80 acres under cultiva
tion; good building. Price, 850 per acre;
Incumbrance 84000. Will exchange for
foneral merchandise. Globe Land and
nvestment Co., 1822 Farnam St., OmaHa,
(3) 1UB
GOOD stock of gen. mdse. In and Iowa
town of 2,500. Will trade for clear cheap
land. Globe Land and Invest. Co. 1322
Farnam. (8) M483
WIUTE Acme Real Eetat" Co., Cherokee,
la, 'Have farms and wild lands, etc., for
clear town property and merchandise.
(3) M820 Jyl6x
FOR SALE Electric light plant. In good
county seat town In central Iowa;
88,600.00; part cash; plant paying; good
reason for selling. Inquire 306 Me
Cague Bldg., Omaha, Neb,
(4) M375 28x
Sell and exchange farms, city property,
merchandise and chattels. Try them.
, . (4) MS77 Je27x
Are You Looking for a Farm,
Home, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif
ference whether you -want a 8100 building
lot or a 3600,000 tract of coal or timber
land, you should not buy or trade before
seeing a copy of the Real Estate World.
It contains a large list of property and
merchandise stocks for sale and ex
change, and reaches several thousand
readers each Issue, and la the best adver
tising medium to reach the real estate
buyers, homeseekers and traders that you
can advertise In.
Write your name and address on a
postal card, mall It today, and we will
send you the Journal for two months on
trial free. Address the Real Estate World.
Suit 6J0 Good Block, Des Moines, la.
(4) 131
FOR quick sale results list your property
with C. J. Canan, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) M828 Jy4
HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or trsded
quickly. Pardee & Braum, the hustlers,
830 Neville Blk. (4) M544 JylJ
WANTED A party to' buy out a first
class stock of furniture In the best town
on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for
selling. Wisner Furniture Co., Wtsner,
Neb. . (4) 119
WANTED To trade for stock of goods;
have a good farm. Address Y-246, Bee,
' (4)-117
HILDRETH & LOWMAN can sell your
business quick. We have buyers waiting
for you with money. 610 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) M63S
SAFE Omaha corporation wants an office
man who will Invest 31,000 or more In
paying business; money safe and secured;
will be returned on demand; 36 a week
salary for beginning; must be able to dic
tate correspondence and make good gen
erally. Please do not answer unless you
can qualify. For Interview address In
confidence B-664. cars Bee. (4) M248 27
GOOD, well established mercantile busi
ness; good, well located lumber yard and
section of fine timber land. B. I Dart,
Yampa, Colo. (4) M246 27x
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; 34 to 86
received for shoeing and 84 to 38 for set
ting tires. Address Y-129, Bee. (4) 112
FOR SALE Rooming hous
& Lowman. 610 Bee Bldg.
See Hlldreth
(4) M581
FOR SALE Good, clean stock merchan
dise of about 816.000 In splendid country
town of 8o0; large territory to draw from;
doing a good business. Part cash, part
time If desired. Address Y-237, cars flee.
(4) M6K6
MUST SELL Too much other business;
new Stock novelty goods: a money maker;
good town; low rent; Invoice about 800.
William Sas. Dexter, la. (41-M676 Jylx
A 8TEREOPTICQN and moving-picture
outfit, complete for traveling purpose, for
sale very cheap. Call at H. C. Oleson,
10u6 Howard St., after o'clock. .
(4) M681 27x
22-ROOM boarding house; a snap; good
mining camp; 31,100 cah takes It; come
quick. Address Edward Menkel. George
town, Colo., Gen. Del. (4 M14 Jy3x
UNWILLING I came Into possession of 60
barrels of good (?) whisky; I don't drink
so I would like to trade It for land; no
equities or anything but clear land; South
Dakota land preferred. Address D S'JT,
cars Bee. (4-M927 28
established twenty years, good location;
owner wants a rest; city,
doing well; wants to go to California.
built two years, tine condition, cost 19 000 to
duplicate. If taken before July 3, 86 260
To get IN or OUT of ANY KIND oif BUS.
822 New York Life. Douglas Eli?.
. 4)-M 87
sells or exchanges everything, land, city
property, merchandise and automobiles.
13 Iouglas block. (4 M7s Jy8
FOR BALE Stock of livery stsble and feed
shed, dutng good business in live town
of faaj Inhabitants; excellent location;
five-year Wae; chrae for cash, if taken
at once. John A. Dowell, I Kalb, 111.
(4-MJ4 STx
DoiVt Forget That You Can Telephone
your want ads direct to The Deo, Douglas 238, and pay
for the advertisement when you call for the answers.
Do You Wish to Make a Change T
If you have a farm, home, business or
property that you want to sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(14) VT543 Jyl2
pendent." Write for particulars, Itelta,
Colo. (4) M92S Jy3x
MARKET for sal or rent; have other
business. 16.12 Pearl St., Boulder, Colo.
(4) MM0 tax
FOR BALEMThe best paying business in
northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro
ceries, queensware and notions; will be
sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y
211, Bee. h-Mb'2
TO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, rail on or write hi O. Gangestad,
403 Bee Bldg. (4) 117
ENERGETIC partner wanted In live, pay
ing real estate business. Address Y dZ,
care Bee.
(4) M966 Jylx
FOR SALE Dry goods, millinery and
show store, located In one of the best
northers Colorado cities: this Is a well
established business with best of trade
' connections, good, clean stock, fine op
portunity for good business. Further par
ticulars Lock Box 462, Loveland, Colo.
I (4) M609 SOX
WANT a second hand automobile- havs
some land to trade. Address Y 243, Bee.
BUSINESS chance; "Miners' Scrap Book,"
free to you six months, if you write us
. that you like Square Deal Mining. The
C. 9. Mitchell Co., Spokane, Wash.
(4) M913 JyCx
WANTED-Bright young man to take
active Interest In department store, doing
large business In good eastern Nebraska
town. Must have net less than 83,000 to
Invest. Address Y 46, care of Omaha Bee.
(4) MS21 J2
IF YOU want to got In business see us
without fall. Investment Dept., Western
Ref. & Bond Ass n. 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(4 427
PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing
good contract and retail trade; Invoice
about 81.SO0; a snap; good town of 6,00.
Address Box 643, Ballda, Colo.
(4) M744 Jy8x
FOR SALE A cigar and stationery busi
ness, with living rooms, clearing J?no per
month. Inquire of J. V. LlnetheacL 1605
Evans Ave., Pueblo, Colo. (4) M585 27x
The greatest bargain In Colorado, new
stock clothing, furnishings and shoes;
done 828,000 last year; first year In nusl
ness; must sell at once on account of
other business. Address Palace Clothing
Co., Longmont, Colo. (4) M658 80x
FOR , RENT Store building. 80x24, with
basement under of same slse; fine chance
for furniture or dry goods store. In town
of about 1,000 population In easter Ne
braska. Address Y 39. care Bee.
(4) M560 27
TO BUY or sell any business or real estate
quick write or see Hlldreth & Lowman, 510
Bee Bldg. (4M680
A WELL established, good paying dry
goods and millinery business In small
town, southeast Kansas; no competition;
fine thing for business woman; owner
must sell on account of health. Address
box 64, Hallowell, Kan. (4) M199 2Sx
FOR SALB Clean hardware stock at a
liberal discount. Address G 559, care Bee.
(4)MJ73 28X
THREE-CHAIR barber shop complete for
sale cheap If taken before July 10. Write
Box 601, Canton, S. D. (4) M383 Sax
SOUTH DAKOTA Now is your oppor
tunity to buy the only steam laundry In
the best city In South Dakota. Cheap.
If Interested call or write M. C. Felker,
Chamberlain, B. D. (4) M413 2Sx
ARCADE slot machines, shooting gallery,
electric piano; compute outfit. W. Dlef
endorff. R. R. 6. Box 26, Leavenworth,
Kan. (4) M336 2Hx
LUMBER YARD for sale. Enquire of N.
iuncan, r-awnee city, rxeD.
(41-M22S Jyfix
IF YOU have a business to trade for a
farm, see
935 New York Life Building.
(4) M62S 29X
808 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb. (4) HI
Hk n bp,,- etaoleeee
YOUNG MAN wanted with $1,000 to Invest in
Specialty Mfg. Co.; good seller; take
charge branch office; salary guaranteed.
Address Mfgr., Box 23, Des Moines, la.
, (4) M226 27x
Furnished rooming house for sale, 10 rooms,
full of roomers, within 4 blocks of 16th
and Ktornam 8400 cash. Address K 679,
care Bee. (4)-671
JRUO stores for salo everywhere. F. V.
L'nUat "JV7 .T V 1 I e . , i ...
ui.i.wL, ivi x, 1,11a, uuittii. lj till
FOR SALE Newspaper and printing of
fice in western Iowa. Jacobaon A Co..
935 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4-69 Jylx
SALOON for sale. 713 N. 16th St.. Omaha,
(4) 748 Jy9x
T. E. BRADY, Probate Att'y. 509 Roe Bldg
(5) M608 Jyl7
C. L. BTAUB, 604H 8. Eighteenth St.
(6 M608 Jyl4x
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1918 Farnam.
Carpet Cteaalaar.
JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes w'.ndows,
floors pollbhed. Tel. Douglas 2X.
(5) M994 J28
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
(5 121
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor.
1008 N. 21st St., Bouth Omalia. (6 676
Civil Enfinteri ,
(5) 120
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368. C6 la
M DOWELL Dressmaking School. Far.
(5)-HMf; JyU
BAILEY MACJL &4 fir. Paxton. D. VS.
(6) Mi
KOTE1RA A CO., Uu Jackson. Doug. 1007.
THE SCHLITZ, European. 16th A Harney.
HESS & BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
(5) 130
I HENDERSON, 1519 Far. Tel. D. 1253.
(5) 131
J. II. BATH, 163 Harney. Tel. Doug. !W0.
(5 132
I neorporators.
MQR. Incorporating Co., 428 N. Y. TJfe.
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing. 8-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367.
Mnsle and Langoagea,
QITAN CAMBIANO, Instructor In Spanish
and Italian languages. Tel Douglas 1112.
(5)-M:4 Jylx
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 14.
(5) 136
Rr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. -Tel. Doug. 6370.
(6S-M401 Jy2l
Odea Supplies.
FILING cabinets, films and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup-
nes or all kinds. Anchor fubllshtng Co.,
m Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 6562.
(5) M671 Jyl4
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported Una.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 A Cap. Ave.
(6) 139
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6380.
(6) IS
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and Job printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Far
nam St. Tel. Douglas 6562. (5) M424 Jyl
ACORN Press, qualtt Ptg.. 1218 Harney St
(6)-963 Jyl8
600 BUSINESS cards, 81; 10,000 printed en
velopes, good stock, for 810; other work
at same rates.- Get estimates and see
our samples of work. Call at room 33
U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug
las 4608. (5) 961 Jyl6
Flamblngr and Heating,
T. F. BALFH, plumbing, gas and electric
fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743.
(6)-M706 JullO
LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty.
118 N. 16th Bt. TeL Douglas 1477.
5 306 Je28
C. B. TRUESELL. 115 South 16th St.
(6) 1ST
French artletlo photographs. 210 S. 14th St.
.'. : ) M8
Bales, afters, kite.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty or nre escapes, shutters, doors ana
safes. G. Andrsen. Prop., 102 8. 10th Bt.
hoe Repairing.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class
wora. u3)s i.BPHOi.Ave, mono nea 1
' ' (5)-344
, .fl.i. .
Bchoql ftyppiiea.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard,
II ; (6 MbBXjylf
MORRIS-Chlcago Practical Tailor for
ladles' and gent's new work; repairing.
llvered. 70S 8. 27th St. Tel. Red 6S14.
Violin Making.
ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and
supplies, by c. L. Heakett, r. 647 KBme Hik.
(6)-)674 Jyl2
Wall Paper Cleaning.
WORK guaranteed. ,,Csll Douglas 5J.
(5) 142
DON'T fall to call on me at Douglas 87.
(5) 143
The Leading Palmist of Omaha
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 113 8. lttth Bt., Opp. Boston Store.
116) 128
Clerical and Ofnce.
WANTED An office girl. Garrett Laun
dry, 11&4 N. 16ln BU (7) 670 26
WANTED Lady stenographer and to as
sist In bookkeeping. Mantel-Newman
Cigar Co., 1107 Farnum Bt.
(7) M781 27x
WANTED At once, 'young lady for office
work. Must write good hand and be
quick and accurate' In figures. Give ref
erence and experience In first letter. O
V& Bee. (7 M717 28x
Factory and Trades.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Com
pany, 1024 Farnam Bt. (7)-r-14?
BT. . (7)-M4
WANTED Machine girls. City Btsam
Laundry, 211 8. 11th Bt. 17) 146
LADIES, our catalogue explains how we
teach halrdresslng, manicuring, facial
massage, etc.. In few weeks, mailed free,
Moler College, Chicago, 111.
(7) M381 27x
Honsekeplag aad Demestle.
WANTED In July. so eook; two la
family; permanent place and good wagss.
102 S. 31th. Tel. Harney 1138. (7) M4
HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no
objection to children. Canadian offics,
Uth and Dodge. (7) 14
WANTED Elderly respectable woman for
housework on farm; small family; per
manent situation. Box 4, F. R. R. No. 1,
Tetter, la. (71-M387 2Sx
WANTED A girl for general Housework.
Mrs. R. B. Tubbs, 646 Willow
Council Bluffs, la. (7) bit tlx
WANTED-Competent girl. 8 In family;
good place, easy work. 2969 Farnam St.
(7) M208 28
WAITRESSES wanted for Omaha Union
station restaurant, 830 per month and
board. Call at reataurant. Union station.
Tenth and Marcy. (7) 266 tlx
WANTED Girl to do second work and
assist with Children. SZlf Burt Ft.
y (7) 433 28
GIRL wanted for general housework. 263
fierce hi.; small (amliy, good wages.
(7) M 30
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages; expected to go to Calhoun
for t or 8 weeks; 'phone Harney 20(4.
(7-M63 T.x
WANTED Competent laundress by ths
day er week. Mrs. John N. Baldwin,
2211 Bt. Mary's Ave.
(D-M680 17
CHAMBERMAID and pantry woman
wanted for Wyoming; fro transportation.
Call at 716 Bo. Wh Bt. . (7 Musi Jylx
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 1444 Mandersoa BL Telephone
Web. 820J 0-M 27
I 111 at "' 'j WiT
Factory and Trades Continued.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. M. C. Colo, llilO Ixicunt St.
Tel. Webster 15. (7) 09S 27x
WANTED Competent girl for gonernl
housework, three In family, 86.W. 3901
Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2iii3.
(7)-7O0 Jyl
WANTED Competent servant girl or
woman to go to Lake OkoboJI, all ex
penses paid and good wages. Fine place
for the summer.
Care of Carpenter Paper Co.
WANTED Good Udy cook, 840.00. Phoenix
Hotel, Sanborn, Iowa. (7) M94
lift gins iororfsrong, grvod wages.
sieauy worn, bsvi mm
aaTen worth St.
(7) 872 28
WANTED Girl for general h6usework.
Two in family. Meet waged, Mrs. Anna
V. Metcalf, U34 8. 10th. (7)-71 28
WANTED Good oook. Excellent plane for
right party. Good wages. Address EH42,
care Bee. (7) 867 27
LADIES and girls to work, steady or part
time at home stamping Thous Jess, l.M
to $2.00 doien. Room 606 I'axton block
(7)-M677 27
WANTED Three waitresses; must be able
to do arm work; 836 per month, room and
board. Apply P. O. Box 1X86, Butte,
Mojit. (7 M997 30
STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ
ment, register McCartney Institute, 18')l
farnam. () M628
VV ANTED Two stenographers, $50; one
sienograpner, o0, and one experienced
"Phone Doug. 4911. 4-6 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7S80 16
WANTED! Lady to demonstrate the Man-
nair grower; noerai salary lo rigni
party. Dr. Minerva James. 2024 Daven
port. Tel. Douglas 66K6. (7S-MB33
Agents, Solicitors and talesmen.
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best selling proposition ever of.
fered; big value for your customer, big
firoflt for you. Write today for partlcu
ars and territory. E. K. McClellan, (08
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834
WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew
of solicitors; prnfer one who has had ex
perience In selling to farmers; permanent
position; good Income. Address O 847,
Bee office. (9) 810
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg.
WANTED A solicitor and collector: salary
will be paid to competent man after the
first month. Union Loan and Investment
Co., 310 Bee Bldg (9) 267 July 21
WANTED several first class ladles' Shirt
waist salesmen having established trade
In Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
Nebraska, Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory. Address Y 232, care of Bee.
(9)-M686 28
WANTED General agents to handle new 7
seated 45 H. P. automobiles; exclusive ter
ritory; 100 per cent prollt; splendid oppor
tunity. Pullman M. V. Co., 503 Fisher
Bldg.. Chicago. . (9)-M91S 27x
WANTED Gentleman, learn honorable
money making profession, command 840
weekly home or traveling: you sell noth
ing. VX E. Lawrence, 2013 Wallace St.,
Philadelphia. . () M929 27x
Factory and Trade.
Jobs won't be so easy to get next year.
We can use 600 machinists.
Highest wages; steady employment guaran
teed. Transportation advanced to machinists hay
ing lirst-class references.
We positively make no charge In any way,
manner, shape or form for securing Jobs
for machinists.
Address with references,
The National Metal Trades Association,
Cincinnati, Ohio. (9) Mi16 Jy8x
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L-. Omaha.
(3). 160
PRINTING foreman wanted; press room
and composing room foreman wanted.
Good Job at fair wages. Foremen leav
ing our employ to unter business for
themselves; have been with us for years.
State salary wanted and experience flrrt
letter. Morton Printing Co., Nebraska
City, Neb. (9) 710 26
WANTED Men to learn barber trade at
once; wonderful demand for barbers; top
wages now; few weeks completes; tools
given; can earn some money from start.
Send for particulars, Moler barber Col
lege, 1116 Farnam St. (9 M3S2 27x
WANTED First-class shoemaker, good
wages and steady employment to good
workman. Address M Dietrich, Mason
City, la. (9 M384 2ttx
WANTED Three barbers; wages while
learning. Orr's Barber College, Peoria,
111. iflj t)X
WANTED 1,000 customers for Jar vis
1877 brandy. Call at any saloon.
(9) M46I
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
or bricklaying trades; pays $6 to 88 day;
position secured after three months' In
struction. Coyne School, St. Louis, Ml.
F;-ee catalogue. ( M176
WANTED 4 moulders, I core makers;
union wages; open shop; wit" sign con
tract for one year. Ens A Orr, 1739 Bisks
St., Denver, Colo. ( 117
WANTED Good moulder and sash and
door nian at onoe. P. H. Wind's planing
mill, Council Bluffs, la. Best wages to
the right man.
8M20l x
FIRST-CLASS barber wanted, $12 a week;
60 per cent over $Ju. T. J. Batteries, Boone,
I- (9) MU6 Jy 2x
WANTED Barber, Immediately; must be a
No. 1 workman; no boosor and a man that
will stick. Pay, $13 and one-half over $41.
'Phone at onoe. Fred T. Phillips, LeMars,
la. ( M918 Jyex
States navy. Belf respecting young
Americans ars needed to make ths United
Stales navy the best for Its size In ths
world. The lasy and trifling and weak need
not apply. We want the gun pointers of
steady nerves, who can maks their shots
coant, gun crsws that can fire the sixty
ton gun three times per minute or the eight
ton gun ten or twelve times per mlnuta;
we want the machinists, foremen, electri
cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren
tices, cooks, bandsmen necessary to keen
our battle ships and their crews of 800 men
in the finest possible condition. Ths navy's
chief objeot is to prevent war, but If we
havs war we will need our best men In
the fleet to match the men of other na
tions. We munt have trained Americans
of abllty and stout hearts behind ths gun
and at tne throttle. Four to five months
at training stations. Modern ships and
methods of training. All recruits now
transferred t Norfolk, Va. Write or apply
to Navy Recruiting Stations, postotflce
building. Omaha, Lincoln. Hastings, Bloux
City and News Arcade, Des Moines.
() 400 80
WANTED School teachers and students ts
trsvel during vacation months; work
p sassnt and profitable. Address H 267,
Bee office. ( Ml
WANTED Energetic young man with Ut
ile money to manage branch office In east
ern Nebraska. Exoellent opening tor right
man wanting permanent paying buslniaa
Address 64 Observatory bids , Des
kolnss. Ia. 9)-UM.Jyx
STRIKE Btryker. Men's Shoes. TI3 South
11 h. Board of Trads Bldg. (9 M9n4
M Isrel la neons Con tinned.
WANTED An experienced soda dispenser
W. 8. Bslduflf. IbX) Farnam St. (9 M248
10 as, lor nremen and hrakemen on lead
ing railroads: extertonre unneceRnurv.
Firemen earn lit no per month, become
er.Kinefraj earn, s-ii)u: brakeman earn
ITSQO, become conductors, earn 21RO.0O.
Call or write at once for particulars. Na-
nonni nauway i raining Ara n , 60 X.
Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9)-9$ Jy5
WANTEDTwo lunch counter men for
Wyoming; free transportation. Call 715
ho. nn hi. (9-MMlJylx
WANTED Experienced creamery man to
run separator and pasteurising station.
Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 112 Fsrnsm.
() M6SS 27
VANTED At once, bright rouni man
high school graduate preferred, to learn
fine arts business, picture framing, etc.;
must furnish reference. See Mr. Harry
Chalm. 2d floor. The Bennett Company.
ANYONE out of work can make big money
selling our household specialties, c. F.
Adams (.., 1611 Howard. () M751 Jy6x
MARRIED man for farm. A. Hoape, 1511
uougias. (9) 170
WANTED Man wltl some experience In
bond required. Address, with stamp and
references, a 617 care Bee. () 947
WANTBI Drug clerk In small town,
good salary. Address Chappell Drug Co.,
Chapptll. Neb. (9)-Mi42 27x
MAN for general work and care of horses.
Apply week days only after t p. m. f2
So. 40th St (9) M398
WANTED experienced porter, apply at
once. Palace Clothing Co., 14th and
Lsougias. (9) M71S jy
EXPERIENCED driver for furniture wa
gon; permanent position. Apply 10th and
r amum, ueeDe ft Kunyon, furniture Co.
. (9) M721 27
A CASETAKER wanted to represent our
sanitarium. Lock Box 277, Kansas City,
Kas.; reference given and expected.
(9 M641 80x
WANTED Two table waiters at once; 828
per month, board and room. Bon Ton
Bakery and Restaurant Box 163. Red
Cloud. Neb. (9)-M130 80x
WANTED At once, five cement ftnlsheri,
capable of handling a crew. Address or
call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th St.,
Bloux Falls, 8. D. (9) 387
AN OLD-LINE eastern life Insurance com
pany of the highest standing desires a
manager for Nebraska. Applicants who
are good personal writers and have been
successful In agencies and handling sub
agents will please address, with refer
ences, Y-58, care Omaha Bee, Omaha,
Neb. (9) M665
WANTED Three reliable men for work by
real estate company, Incorporated, In
Iowa and Nebraska; experience unneces
sary, but references and small cash de
posit required; exceptional opportunity
for right kind of men. Apply early, 315
Ramge Blk., Omaha. (3) 928
STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ
ment, register McCartney Institute, 1802
Farnam. (9) M627
WANTED An experienced, competent
man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples
store, 16th and Farnam. (9) 884
SHIPPING clerk acquainted In city, $50 to
start. Write, giving 'phone number.
Address F609, care Bee. (9J 879 26
HEAD LAUNDRYMAN and laundry girls
wanted at Paxton Hotel laundry,
rtO) M890 27
llorses sal Vehicles.
RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at
greatly reduced prices. Johnson dt Dan
forth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts.
RUBBER tired road wagon. W. A. Stone,
803 Lincoln Ave. Council Bluffs.
' (10r Ml8
TWO rood, toppy driving horses: also sin
gla and double harness, runabouts, top
buggies and suriies, for one or two
horses, good as new. Harney Street
maoie. Ul) 164
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts
ana harness see Johnson-Danforth Co.,
u. w. corner lutn ana Jones sts.
ai 8oi
HARNESS, Bsddles, Trunks, traveling
cags; some gooa Bargains. Airrea cor
blsh & Co., 1210 Farnam Bt
JT'ST received, two carloads work horses,
single wagon horses and drivers. Omaha
Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 No. 16th
Bt. 011 M664 27
HORSES bought and sold; 11 very am!
boarding a specialty. Myers' Douglas
Bt. Stables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1111
uouglas bt. Tel. U. 1QU. (11) 730 Jyl
WE are' not selling out at cost, but ws ars
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
nrra west or tnicago. Holmes-Adklnt
Co., 714 & 10th Bt, Omaha. Ole-47
ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very
speeay, weigning l.iuu ins.; one good Diaok
pacing mare, weighing 1,050 lbs.; ons span
good bay e-year-old driving mares; one
span brown pacers, 6 years old; one -year-old
Iron gray single driver, very
gentle and toppy; one good 1,175-lb. chest
nut sorrel surrey hoise. These horses
are all good, sound, well broke horses
ranging In prices from 30 to $160 each.
Also have several good low-priced drivers
ranging from $40 to $76. Written guar
antee with every horse. Cash or time.
Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414
No. 16th St. (11) M668
FOR SALE Yearling Jack and Sphinx
mare, bred to Gregory the Great. Box
1377, Le Mars, Iowa. (11) M224 Jy6x
FOR SALE Good cheap work horse.
'Phono Douglas-6398. 01) 639 29x
Poaitry ana Cgga,
WHEAT, $1.65 hundred. Wagner, 801 N. 16th.
tiu M(M
GOV'T book free. Model Bqusb Co.,
Omaha. (11) M407 Jyl
PURE blood Rhode Island Red cocks,
$2.08 each, If taken at once. Martin,
2802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1803.
(11) M99I
BIG mongrel hens unprofitable In city; get
white lemtmrna h,, lavAra .-, ... . . .
bargain. Lundstrom, 26th and Caldwell.
(11-M6!4 Jy lx
Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pels.
FOR BALE Fox terrier pups. 972 N. Uth
oi. lit) AallO ill
PEDIGREED Angora kittens, 86 and $10.
v-rowioro, mioxville, la.
m M3l 2x
FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies: perfect
mwu.l. ,1119 lWUf DL Li A? HOI KX
FOR SALE Two fresh cows. Call at 1124
abih ovenue. (Hi yua yjx
FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and
furniture repairer. 1612 N. 24th. 'Phone
Webster IM. (12) M688 Jytf
LOST One bay horse, weight 1,160 pounds,
blind in both eyes; $10 reward fur return
of same. $12 Pleroe Bt (12) 4572 26
LOST Past Matron's Eastern Star r.ln
.Name and address on ths back. Return
iu ai. nm.ii, im r et Bouin Omaha.
newaro. (12) 702 27
LOST Gold watch, with Initial fob, be
tween n . nai Ave. and 18th and Burt.
Howard If returned to 124 N. 21st Ave.
(12i MW1 28
BFBT nervs bracer for men, "Gray's Nsrra
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Bnerrnan 4V
MoConnsl! Drug Co.. Omaha. (U) U
RUPTURE CURED No knife no reten
tion from business. QUICK CURB RUP
TURE CO. over a W. Cor. 14th and
Deuglas. Omaha. (U)-M426 Jyl
ANY poor girl in need of a friend eatl
er writs to ths matron of ths eaivattea
Army Horns for Women at $434 N. bin
bt, Omaha, MaW OO-Mltt)
FREE medical and surgical treatment hi
Crrlghton Medical college, 14lh and Dav
enport Hts.; Fporlal attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'I'hone Doug. 1167.
Calls answered day or night UA H
MJtS. OARDEL8, private confinement
home; babies cared for. 8724 N. 2th Bt
Tel. Web. 1460. (Ui-MRl Jy6x
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
80 years' practice In confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 8421 Charles, Omsha.
1 3 e-157
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money sams day asked for at small cost.
Open, evenings till 7. U4 180
CHATTEK salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St.
. Qiwa
But Is not rosy with all of vs. If yo
are suffering with the heat In your last
winter s clothing and haven't got the prioe
to buy the "coolest In town," don't let that
worry you. Call on us and we Will buy
them for you.
NO OTHER WAT is aa simple or cheap
as our way. You get the money the same
day you apply. You get It confidentially.
ou t your payments spread out thfa
over a whole year if you want It You
fhattlmerBe rbU " 70U ' Up bfor
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horsea,
etc.. in any amount; less than half rates,
perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
nCk.Kro.ul ot work m Karbacu Blk., X
"th Bt- (14J-i
Vacation time Is here. If you nsed
money to see you through that good time
- . r - - - -....... ..... .ins ummer
come to us. Our special low rates for va-
onuii in.. nnj am stin in erred; vou ran
ret the money quickly, privately and con-
nnnntlaJlv nn vnnr I ...l.u
. j i iiuuiviiuni auoas.
pianos, etc. Low rates; easy terms.
808 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 141L
14) MRS0
FKRi,JTt:R' "'l lry " loans.
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
(14 16
and others, without eoourlty; easy pay
ments. Offices In 68 principal cities. Tol
man. room 711 New York Life Bldg.
, (i4 in
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. acoom.
modatlng; all business confidential. 1S01
Douglas. (14-14
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. (23 Paxton Blk. 'Phono
Douglas 745. C14)-1M
ttoardfng and IVoonas. ,
VIENNA hotel; private dining roomst cafe.
(16) 1M
DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam.
MOST convenient and pleasant location: de.
k1?.1 .r,' CU before locating. The
Pftt. 202-212 Bo. 26th Bt Private -change
Douglas 8138. (J5J M&bJ
I20B FARNAM, rooms and board.
U-678 JyU
FIRST-CLASS board In Private family; sjl
modern conveniences. 8469 Harney 8t
til) M374 28x
LARGE south front room with board; mod
ern house; beautiful lawn; most conven
ient location; references. 128 Bo. 86th
v- Ot) M6S9 Jy lx
DESIRABLE- room;' first ' class board: pri
vate family. 218 8. iHih St. '
OS) M730 Jy2x
ROMS AND BOARD First class accom
modations; under new management 71
H. ain Bt (16 MSU2 Jy
Fnrniened ltosnas.
NICE newly furnished rooms; walking dls.
tanoe. 230 N. 23d St 06-tli
FOR RENT-One Urge southeast room.
BeL ilhtn.,7n,Ca11 conveniences. 81?
B. 26th 8t. Tel. Douglas 8SJ7.
NICE ROOMS-Oood place for young rasa
tf .n'J1 nd w,fi J other rooma 811
K- 1tn- lt)n Jyla
8yiTE8. newly papered and ' furnished,
double rooms, with gas tights and stores!
607 a 13tb. Tel. Douglas 8614. m
OSV-T38 Mx
A PLEASANT south front room, for ren
tlemen. at 8208 Douglas Bt '
06) M 408 28
FURNISHED room for stngta gentleman
In a family of two; house new, modern,
references. Address J 641. care of Bee.
(1-MH8 2
PARLOR Suitable for permanent couple,
nice and cool and very nicely furnished,
modern home, nice shady lawn; also light
housekeeping rooms. 2811 Douglas.
(16-M80$ tax
FOW RENT Nicely furnished modern .
room cottage In Stanford Circle for I
months call 8618 Bouth Thirteenth Bt
, . OD-U682 X7
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room,
1712 Jackson Bt oi) M843 JBx
128 8. UTH St, fins front room In fins local.
Ity; suitable for one, two or three gen tie
mgn- - CUT) MU tag
t ELEGANT , furnished rooms to good
parties; all modern. 230 N. 234.
. o-n
ROOMS with breakfast prtvilogea, medsra.
preferred. Qa)-a JyU
t301 DOUGLAS ST, modern rooms; gso
Uemen. (1 M881 23m
rUllNffiHED rooms, easy walking dls
tanoe from down town. m Harney Bt
Os-JdtSt Jylx
NEATNESS a specialty: nicely furnished
room for gentleman m new modern house;
walking distance; small family, adults;
ST.' J7S"on''l,ie- B No- &th H- "Phone
Itd ua- 06)-97 28x
VERY pleasant rooms, modern detached
house, private family, close In. very rea
sonable, lull Cass. Tel Red 6J67
OtT-M74 Jyl
WANTED A congenial young man for a
room mats; must be temperate. Address
. L Boa. Q6V-M742 8tx
FOR RENT-rurniahed room strictly mod
orn. 4i4 a 84th Bt. . flA-a74 Sx
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with an
conveniences. 1919 Burt Bt
(16) 170 Jy26x
Patnvntsnod ItoonM.
IF YOU want good modern rooms, close
In and at special rates, see those at 2678
H,""-Ptng atoojama.
ROOMS, 1120 North 17th Bt fit) 448
FOR RENT Three-room, modern flat. 211
Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable.
O lobs Land and Investment Co.. For.
n,m Bt 16)-17
ELEGANTLY furnishsd or unfurnished
i7a un00 i?r "ht housekeeping 314.
-18 NO. 23d 8j. 06) MtKO 28
Kornloaed Honors and flats.
10 rooms, all modern and completely fur
nlshed. 1 block from car, for 8 or I montha,
$9 per month.
Phone, Douglas Its. Paxton block.
. (1M741
FOR RENT 10$ 8. 26th Are.. 1 rooms,
strlotly modern. almost new, nicely
furnished. Including piano. Will Ira s
for three months beginning July V Oood
reference roqulrod. Osotgo Co., I4