,THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2C, 1007. 11 J f' it J OFFERED FOR RENT Mouses and (nriairi-4'onttnucd. FOR RENT I.arga store room. 16th and Vinton St. C. M. Hachmann, 437 1'axtnn block. 16 30 FOUR-ROOM. 1M1 N. 24th St.. 114 00; -room modern, 127 60 ; 7-ronm modern, tafi.OOt TurTell & I-.; 17th and Tarnani. ' (it) 71 WB MOVE PIANOS Haggard Viin and Storage Co. Tel. DoBglas 14M. OfTic, 1T13 We em tor SL Q6-1T7 close in. Rt8 South flth Bt.. 10-R, all modern, choice . district,, walking distance. Only 140. PATMR, BOSTWICK C, 01 N. Y. Ufa. (15)-701 36 CENTRAL, 4-room corner 33d St. flat. 220 N. (15-M3n2 . BEAUTIFUL, NINE ROOM All modern flat, oak finish, polished floors, elegantly decorated, Thla flat la In Omaha's beet locality and rents for $u4. References required. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, . First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. (15)-M8ol 28 FOR BENT 7-room house, modern, wK7 .furnace. 711 N. fflth Ave., $26. Apply at 07 N. lth Bt. (16) M662 FOR RENT 8-room, all modern hotisa, $28. 4227 Harney St. lnqulra 107 a. 17th Bt. (14) G71 A FINELY furnished, strictly modern 4 room collates for rent, 662 8. 27th Bt. Tel. Webstsr 704. (16) M483 NINE-ROOM ' house .with barn, modern. Ill a 16th St. Tel. Douglas 783. (! Ill FLAT, full modern, si rooms beside bath and private hall; newly done up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; bent flats In north part of city; walking distance; reference required. Call, investigate this; 126. - ----- - BEMIS, Paxton Block. (15) M664 HOUSES- Insurance. RingwaJt, Barker Blk. (16-176 8IX-ROOM cottage for rent, 824 N. 24th St. . Inquire 2407 Chicago Bt. (15) 711 2rfx SIX-ROOM house, modern In every respect. .1727 Cuming bt. (16) M7M FOR RENT A good ten-room, all modern house; choice location, close In, 140 per monin.. jn Myron Heed uc.-ziz nn. 14th. Phone. Douglas 297. (15)-M720 Jy t FOR rooms, city water, 1T.23 No. Dtth Bt., 410 00. Ir-e store room with good basement, 249 So. 16th St., $16.00. C. M. RACHMANN, ' ',' . 436 Paxton Blk. ;. ' "." ' , , . (16)-M71 '' Buildings. ' THE entire building formerly occupied bv the Dally. News, 44x30 feet, I stories and basement. MoCagua Investment Co., 1500 Dodge Bt. . . (16) 171 llli HARNEY BT. S floors and basement, 11x130 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mo Cagua Investment Co., 1508 Dodge Bt. m ' ' : (15) ITS FOR RENT Large floor and basement suitable for sample room, manufacturing ar storage. 1115-17 Farnam St. (1R MST0 ; Wholesale. District BUILDING: - For Rent . v ... J The four-story and basement brick build ing at SIS Farnam St. Armly at Business office' of The Bee. ... f- l ; .. ....... , FOR BENT I v ,m hall , bulldlm ,. ' ' . Omekt. Apt " Wt M380 opices. . , 'Desk room In Wee offlee-. elty building. 417 N. tSth fit . South Apply to manager. (lb) im t DESK room on first floor at lllj Farnam. : - - (In) fl3 ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office - use. 3it Farnam. (16) SSI It Is very seldom that good outside space In a well - appointed office building la avallnble. At, the present time we have ' a beafltlful Suite of two rooms -n the ' Bfth floor: with east and' south light, a ' large vault, which makes this a most desirable space during sit her summer or '': winter., Boom No. M Is now vacant and Is 14x19, 'With a good-atsed vault; has east light. " A new hard-wood floor was recently put In thlsvroom. We have small office on the east side of the building which can be rented to you on good terms. " Everybody In Omaha knows the location of " the Bee building; It Is central, close to ' the city hall and county court house. There are . several hundred people who ' spend more time he re than In their homes ' '' and any one' of : them will testify as to ' the care they receive here. For further particulars call THE BEE BUILDING : : co. 1TTH AND FARNAM. (15) 434 tor a. '.. FOR RENT The best located corner store , In Omaha. Farnam and 16th H's., Board of Trade Blig. JSoa t 11. Fbllbtn, Schtlts . Motel. (16)-U1 STORE ROOM, 110 N. 18th 'Phone 'Douglas tss. U. 130. Paxton Blk. (IS I 444 OFFERED FOR SALE . . rlaa-. . ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing le par foot. M N. 17tn Hi. Tel. Rd 814. . ' U)-l .i- Faraltara. (WE carry the highest grades of ' second hand furniture. Bonis Herns worth seeing. , ' prk-es right and also we can sav you 40o on the dollar and it would pay you to sea us before pou buy. Chicago Fur niture Co., ItU Dodge. Doug. 4VS7. ' U all TO ELEGANT library table, morris chair . Mission style; oak buffet, parlor settee, ' ate, a bargain. HM Dewey Ave. a)-M237 tTx FOR BALK Furniture I rooms, all new. at a sacrifice; i can-rent house. at a ss or I floe; party leaving city: buyer AQdress P 54, cars Bee. (ID MI74 28 FOR SALE 1 piano, 1 good oak sideboard. 1 dresser. 1 child's bed. 182 So. 31st St. (14 190 26s i i , - - - WHEN yau writ to adrertlsera, ra member It takea but a few scratcnee ot ths pea ' to slate that you saw the ad. la The Ua, Tr writ ere Hseklsss. TYPEWRITER 8 ALE-All machines taken to) e&cliange will be closed out at unheard prices, ,'ly p writer tclian, 641 Paxton block,; U6)-q FOR BALE High-grade id-hand type writer; guod cuuditli-n; a "bargain at l:A Call rooni Bea Bldg. q-s71 ONE Remington typewriter. No. , In good .condition, for sale cheap. Call at Res yOtTU-s. .U4i Sa rr." FOR BALE A Tfl -Chroma Smith premier lvpTlter. AlmoFt raw. Will sell al Ala. L 1A wager, awm. is. i 1 W- - CHOICE; OFFICES OFFERED FOR SALE t,ntinued ) Pianos, Or Masteal Instruments. Clearance Sale OF 'STANDARD UPRIGHT PIANOS. Every one a perfect Instrument; Soma little used.' Kimball, ebony case, $100.00. Checkering, rosewood esse, $176 00. One almost new walnut upright, $148.04. One $7jQ Knabe Parlor Grand, good as new, $360.00. One $700 Hallet A Cumston Parlor Grand only $126.00. Many other uprights, $TA00, $75.00, $9000 and up. Square pianos and organs. $10.00 and up. $60c to $1.00 weekly payment Schmoller & Mueller 1313 Farnam 8L Tel. Doug. 162S. (10-MSS3 FOR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben nett's since the fire have been removed to 40$ 8. 15th St., where everyone will be sold regardless of price. Come and get one at your own price. (1$) M879 Pool aad Billiard Tablea. FOR SALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-Wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407, 8. 10th Bt. (!6-lfB Miscellaneous. WE CARRT a complete line of all ths leading periodicals published. Foreign publications a specialty. Birthday, wed ding and souvenir post cards. Subscrip tions received for all perlodlcale pub lished. Mail ordera will receive prompt attention. 8CHULZE BLATTERT. Newsdealers and Stationers, 111 8. lfith St (16)-M824 Jy4 ' BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK triO Tribunes for V. (60 Dayton for $40. rJ Emblems for $3g. A Colonial for $20. Second-hand ones for SS and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCIIER, 1C2S Capitol Ave. (16)-M64 Jyl GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES spclal low prices during June to reduce stock; oraer now; goea delivered wnen ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO- Telephone Douglas 681. 313 S. 16th St. (16J-U7 HALLS'S safes, new. Id-hand. ISIS P-arnnm. (16J-IS4 FOR SALE First-class store flxturess, showcases, etc. Globs Land and Invest ment Co., 182S Farnam St., Omaha. Neb, (16)-18 FEW bargain In Zd-nand soda fountalna, monthly payment. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. (IS) 190 BEND ua your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on S10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (IS) J81 8HERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-192 HOME-MADE GRAPH WINE, 10 YEARS OLD, 1 PER GALLON. CACKLE V BROS.. OPPOSITE P. O. (19-841 Jylt AWNINGS They're not expensive. . Call Doug. 8S3 and our representative will call. . Omaha- Tent and Awning Oo. - (14W193 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $19 - orders; catalogue free. BHKHMAN & M CONNELL DRUG CO., Omaha, Neb, (14)-M416 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. (18)-M417 BLACK SOIL Telephone 237L (18) ZOS IS I FOR BALE Second-hand steam boiler for heating. Inquire 216 N. 22d SL (16) M5M 2Sx $a NATIONAL cash register for Bale for 1 cash; total adder and prints every rule, good as new; will not sell for less. Address K 66, Bee. (16) M541 29x FOR SALE s-room furnished flat one half Mock from postofllce, $660.00. Ad dress P!M care of Bee. (lti) M714 27 x PATENTS lAUSON ft CO -Book free. Bee Bldg. (17)-19i D. O. BARNELI Vpaiem euornrr enu rn axton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. '"bI'Jii china designer, PERSONAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 2U S. Uth St. Tel. Doup. 25k (18-1W OMAHA Stammerers" Institute. Ramga Bldg. ' (II) 1W SEWING machines, rented, any make, 76c per week or $2 par month. Second-hand machines for sale. $6 and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. . (110 iuj SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prlcea. Send for free catalogue. Myers Llllon Drug Co., Omaha. (1$) 197 ti a n Ml""!'! P treatment and bath. M MAUiNlljll Bmltn, ut n. 16th, 3d fl me. oor. (II) 1M PLEATING BSrr1, Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink Ing only 6c per yard Send for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., -19 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas ISM. "v- l;-ls THE SALVATION ARMY solicits ess toff clothing; In ract, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. Uth St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phono Doug. 41 and wagon will call. (lb 611 M A 5Q A CiV. Swedish movement. Room AJAoOAUIj l la Farnam Bt. (18) M39I JULY 4, Olathe, Kaa., can use circle swing, ocean wave, merry-go-round. etc. Ad dress at Olathe, J. All. Evans. (U)-M234 27x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. S66X (U)-364 BENNETT'S piano department has been removed to 401 S. 16th St.. where ail fire pianoa are being sold for a fraction of their real value. (ID MI7I INFORMATION Is wanted concerning a young man 'named John Davis of Lin coln, Neb., on account of tne very serious ' Illness of his sinter, who desires greatly to see him. Address M. C. Gere. 849 D St., Lincoln. Neb. (ID 61594 2x TT1P. FI TTF. Massage and Bath: inrj TiLiiirj ua op,r,tor; , ex- iei ladv orierator: room 200. Barker Blk., 15th and garnam Sts. (18) 609 SOX, WIDOWER, middle age, good looking, wants I he acquantance of widow or maid, i good looking and refined with meana; Pro testant. Address X 231, care Bee. (18)-M28x A FAIR, sweet satlt) skin secured using Satin skin cresm and face powder. 26c (18) YOI NO LADY teaching French and Ger man, wishes for position as governess or vonipaiilon, 704 8o. 17th St. (18) M71S 2x WOl'I.D liks to correspond with a nice young lady with object of matrimony; am Just aa ordinary sort of person, of good chsraoter. with good health and a fairly good position. If this suits you, piMtas write. Don t start any trilling. Address E , Be (il M74I "Sell your a WW PERSONAL (Continued.) BABT BOY for adoption. Mrs. Julia Tay lor, Oen'l Delivery, Omaha, Neb. (18) 468 2x REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. RU8SEL1. M KITRICK CO., 432 Ramse i9 a3 W. H. TURRELL, 18 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1128. (W-204 SEARS, (21 N. T. Life. Tel. Red 9K7. U9 308 PAYNE INV. CO., 1st fir. 1781. N. T. L. Dour. (19) aoe R. C. PETER8 CO., Bee Bldg. (19) 209 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, ins First Nafl bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 723. (19 207 GEORGE ISO! Farnam. COMPANT. Tel. Douglas TM. (1) los U W. Bt'NNELL A CO., 2 N. Y. Life. Douglas Blit. (1 RM C(Tl PBOPBHTV FOR S A LB. Near Hanscom Park We want an offer on a full east front lot, two blocks from the park. Owner asks 1700. What will you give for It? 140x132 feet, Bouthweet corner 21st and Clark Sts., , 2-story double house on part ' of lot. Good corner for cot tages. $3,250. 1915 Capitol Ave., 9-roora all modern house; full lot; choice close lu locatloa. $7,000. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 212 South Fourteenth Street. (19) 703 27 OWNERS We are hustlers and keep property on the go. List your houses or vacant prop erty with us and If your price Is right we will Immediately put It upon the mar ket and will push It for you. Give us a call and we will convince you that we mean business. Benjamin Real Estate Co., 'Phone Doug. 7332. S26-6 Neville Blk. (19) M732 27 WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE PRICE $3,800.00 New 8-room house, finished In fir; gas grate, oak mantle, nickel plumbing, fur nace, combination fixtures, living rooms I newiy ijaiwrra; run ceuar, waiKS ana soa- utu jra. ii pncea rigni win lane a va cant lot or small cottage as part payment. C. P. TRAVER, 'PHONE RED 4721. U24 FARNAM ST. (19)-M73! 24 FOR SALE House. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 2S07 Cuming Bt. Price, $2,300. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK, City Savings Bank. 16th and Douglas. (19) 211 BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully situated lota. 40x117 feet each, west front on boulevard, two blocks to car, on grade; corner. $K00: Inside. 1700. Must be sold by owner at once. 3404 I.h- fayette Ave. (19)-M30t THE best 4-room house In the city for the money; clone In; 16 minutes' walk from P. O. on Dodge St.; a neat lawn, with plenty of fruit; this Is a bargain; price. I2.S00. $1,600 cash. Call room 21 V. H. Nat. bank bldg. (19) M249 80 AViatrootQ of title; quick service. 'Phone AUSllttU8 ror prires. Quarantea Ab stract Co.. Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 247. n9)-7 Jyl BEMIS PARK DISTRICT t rooms, brand new, strictly modern. $4,000. O'Keefs Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Lift Bldg. (19J M977 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST rr CH.1 E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. 09)-211 IS PER CENT. A brick block of three stores and 12 rooms on a leading buslnesa street; rented for $216 a month. Price $14,000; half cash, balance four years at 6 ner cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (19)-ss 24TII AVE. AND IIARNEY Very attractive T-room modern house, built two years, desirably located on paved street. Price, $1,600. Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Fl N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. "If It's a bargain, they have it" (19)-117 26 I IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay ou to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 22 and 23, Nek. Nat. Bank Bldg., for prices and tsnns. (II) U0 WHEN you writ to adverfsers remember It takes but n extra stroke or two ot the pen to mention tba fact that you saw the aa la ThS'Be LIST your property with the Westers Home Builders, rma. 22-21 Nebraska NatL Bank Bldg. (19) 714 FOR SALE (-room cottage, owner leaving city, will sell at a sacrifice. 109 North 40th South Omaha, Tel, 371. (1)-M 141 LOOK AT THIS All modern, 4-room cottage, 1412 Lafsvette Ave. Bcmia Park. 'Phone Harney lta. (19)-I4f FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 2621 Jones Bt. Tslsphone owner for keys. Webster lUa ' (19) -447 FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car. suitable for planting or for Improvement; an oppor tunity lor some one. tea. Address. G 423, U9)-S34x "If it's a Bargain, . They Have It." 4146 F.rsklne, I rooms. $1.60. 9624 Seward. rooms. $2,160. 716 8. 2Mb St.. 7 rooms, $2,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st FI.. N. Y. L Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. 09-tll BE8T new 8-room house, modem with or without furnac for $2,450; forced to sell gulekly. Tel. after - I p. m. Webster 164. 19i MJ FOR SALE North half lot 9. block J. Jot ter's addition. South Omaha; larga house on h Sc. half block south of Armour ; 91.9JU. A4drea W stg. Be. - 19)-M7J9 M farm or business" REAL ESTATE' FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SAI.B Kaaaaa. WANTED Afcients to represent us In ths sale of our Kaneas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20)-214 WE HAVE lands. Improved and unlm- r roved, In central and eastern Kansas hat we can sell you from $20 to Sf0 per acre. These lands are No. I. Will con sider good city property or merchandise. Write us for full information, with de scription of what you have to offer. J. W. STINR ft CO.. 102 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. (20) -92 Jylx t Nebraska. FARM FOR BALE. A good 100-acre farm, near Sidney, Neb., for sale; well Improved; 75 acres In cul tivation; 47 acres In crops, fenced and cross-fenced with good well and windmill. Price, S1.)0 on good terms. Inquire of Herman Bprlnger, Sidney, Neb. The owner will pay railroad and other expenses. To purchaser: A snap for the man who Is looking for a home. First here first served. Mermen Bprlnser, Sidney, Neb. OnVe over First National bank. (2t M412 2Xx NEBRASKA RELINQUISH MENT FOR SALE 640 acres Improved and fenced; on ac count of sickness In family owner will sell or trade for Omaha property. GEORGE ft CO., ltiOl Farnam St. (20)-M722 28 GOOD farm, well Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms. 6 per cent Interest, If taken In next 80 days. Address Y-244. Bus. (20jtl( IMPROVED farms l esstern Nebraska. Sarpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over, ton, Gretna, Neb. (20)-215 FIRST-C1.A8S Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemls, Omaha. (20) M97 loath Dakota. MAKE MONEY Buy farm In Heart le county. S. D. Another big crop Is dally raising values.. A fortune Is yours ir you buy now, Write for map. D E. McMUNlEn, Huron, S. D. l20)--M158 Jyl REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22J-217 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. (22) 218 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay, i nomas ctreuuan, noom i, r. i. Life. (221210 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. (22) 229 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefa R. E. CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bids. (22) 221 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-224 $600 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROB., 1604 FARNAM (221222 WANTED City loan R. C. Peters ft Co. LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 506 First National Bank BUg. (22) 226 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to buy home, modern, seven rooms, $100 down, $100 quarterly In ad vance. Price not to exceed $2,000. Address L680 Bea office. ' (23) M679 2S WANTED-tTQ buy CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foya Co., 213 B. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. BUYERS FURNISHED IN 4S HOURS Investment Dept. Western Ref. ft Bond Asa'n Inc.. Culta 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (25) 114 WANTED- l-room house, nesr car line, not over 0-566, oare Bee. South Omaha, $3,00. Address (251432 WANTED Ticket, Denver or further west; must be cheap. Address S 685, lee. (tf) Mi37 ex WANTED An Intelligent bulldog and a Boston terrier, act quickly. Address N 6S3, care Bee. (2E)-M719 2HX WANTED A light-weight tennis racket In good condition; will buy If satisfactory. Apply to room 324 Her Grand, not later than 6.D0 p. m. tonight. (26)-M743 2x WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room and board In vicinity of 26th and Sprague. Address O 57. care jjM (26) 647 80x MANT wife and two children (12 and 6), want ROOMS WITH BOARD, vicinity ltith and Locust Sts. ' L. R. Vorco, Blnney St. 'Phone Webster 1000. resi dence; Webster 400, office. (361-661 30x WANTED by young man room In private family, walking distance. Address W68U care of Bee. (26) M712 28x WANTED SITUATION FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute, 1102 Farnm1; (27) M6!9 WANTED Position as landscaper, to take care of yards, lawns and flowers, by gen tleman who can give best of references. Address 4621 Military Avs. Tel. Webster (2T) 175 fc WANTED Position bv young man sa book keeper and general orflce assistant in lumber business. Eight years' experience. Address, A. D. CAMERON. Chester, Neb. (27)-M2 27 YOl'NO man with road experience ueslres city sales work. Address Y 69, care of Bei. (27)-M5 2Sx YOl'NG man wlshss to do working or flg udnr evenings. Address M 681. care Be. (27)-M6S4 27 FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute, 1802 Farnam. (27) M630 EXPERIENCED ,bokkeeper wants good position-. Best of references. Call Douglas 6864. 27)-74 27x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster, Cheyenne. Wyo., June 22. 19ii7. Sealed propossls. in triplicate, will be received st this office until lo:3o a. m . mountain time) July 22. IjoT, at which I time tbey will be opened in public, for furnishing all material and labor required for the construction complete, as per spec!- fixations on file In this oftlee. a garbage crematory at Fort D. A. Hu.ll. ' Wyo , Blank forms of proposals may be obtained at this office on application. Speiitieations and drawings may be Inspected at this of fice and at tha office of the cnlef quarter master department of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb . and chief quartermaster department of Colorado. Denver. Colo. The govern ment reserves the right to reject any and all blda or parts of bids. Envelopes con taining propoaala should be Indorsed "Pro posals for Garbage Crematory, Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo.," and addressed Ca plain V. K. Hart. quartermaster. Called States army constructing quartermaster, Chsyenn. Wyo. J24-26-M 27Jyl9-2v City people want to move to th country, country people to move to the city. Dee want ads reach both city and country people, x t GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUAUTF.RM ASTKR'8 OFFICE, Omaha. NVbriiska. June 26, 19HT. Oealed nmtvi;il in lrlr.ll.. at ai,l,4,. In lha itaiial conditions, will be received here until 11 win receiA-pii ncre unui u i . central stajjrtsrd time. July ' W ! o clock a. rr 2S, l:i, for Klevator in Commissary Storehouse al I yuarterr neuter s lept, Omaha, Nehraka. run inmrmatlnn rurnlsncd on application to this office, where plans and spcclflcatlons may be seen. Envelopes containing propos als to be marked "Proposals fur Kloctrtc Freight Elevator." and addressed to Msjor THOMAS BWOBE, (Jiiratermsster, Army Building. Omaha, Nebraska. J25-36-27-2S-Jy2S-24 LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSAL FOR LAYING WATER MAINS Sealed proposals will be receive! by the tltv clerk of the city of Randolph, Nebraska, 'at hla office until the 22d day of July, 1H07, at 8 clock nislilna and lavlna of t. m.. for tne rur- 6.000 feet of 4-lnch east water niulns and 1.520 of ft-Inch met water mains with six 4-lnch double norr.le Ore hydrarts for 2Vlnoh Mrs hose together with all n-x'fsary fittlnits for all mains and livdrants. Bids to Include the dig ging of all ditches at least five feet below the established grade of said city, and not less than five feet below the surface of the street st any .place. Bids to include all connections and extras as shown by the plans and specifications on tile at the of fice of the said city clerk. One-half of the contract price for the laying and furnish ing said mains as above to be paid In cssh and the hnlant- to be paid in wnrrants drawn on the general fund of said city. All bids must he aecoflipanled by a certi fied check eutial to 1(1 ner cent of the amount Md. s a guarantee that If the bid,, . . hum Is sccepted the bidder will enter Into nn. th many fine residences now bulll trnct to perform and carry out the bid. The city reserves the right to relect any or nil bids. E. S. MAILUARD, City Clerk. J21d24t RAILWAY TIME CARD t'IflON STATION lOth AND MAIiCY. I'sles Pacific. Leave. Overland Limited ......a 8:66 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 1:60 pm Colo, ft Calif. Ex a 8:50 pm California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:66 pm Colorado Special all :66 pm Arrive, a 9:49 pm a 6:06 pm a 9:30 am a 6:60 pm a 9:11 pm a 6 .60 am North Platte Local a 7:42 am i a 8:16 pm i n 6:16 pm Beatrice 'Local b 7:42 am Chicago A Nortfc estern. Chicago Daylight a 7:0$ am St. Paul-M apoll Exp.. a 7:60 am Chicago Lccal al 1:30 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 7:60 am Chicago Passenger a 4:80 pm Chicago Special a 6.00 pm St. Paul-M'polls Lmtd..a s:28 pm Los Angeles Limited... .a 9:30 pm all :54 pm alO'OO pm a 8:21 pm a 3:28 pm a 9:30 am a 9 30 an) a 7:49 am Bl2:36 pm a 1:21 am a 1:29 am a 9:20 am a 1:36 pm a, 7:06 am a 9:31 am al0:36 am a10:36 am a 6:06 pm a 6:06 pm b 6:08 pm bl2:M pm al2.36 pm a 8.30 am all:16 pm Overland Limited ... Fast Mall Slonx City Local Fast Mall Twin City Limited... Overlsnl Limited ... .al0:00 pm .a 1:60 pm .a 8:28 pm .a 8:38 pm Norfolk-Bonesleel a 7:40 am Llncoln-Chadron b'7:40 am Deadwood-Llncoln a 3:00 pm Casper-Shoshonl a 3:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 8:00 pm Fremont-Albion ,..b 6:02 pm Los Angeles Limited... 9:60 pm Wabnsh. St Louts Express a 6:50 pm St. Louis Local (from . Council Bluffs) a 9:30 am Rtnherrv I .oral (from Council 'Bluffs) b SK pmbl0:ll am Chicago, Rock Islaad Jt PaelBe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2:45 am all:30 p Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Pes Moines Pass a 4:00 pm a 12:30 pm Iowa Local all:40 am b 9:61 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). a 4:60 pm a 1:26 pm Chicago Flyer a 1:00 pro a 8:35 am WEST. Rocky Mounts'-. Lmtd..all-4 pm a 2:3 am Colo, ft Cal. Express... a 1:36 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. ft Texas Express..a 4:40 pm a 2:46 pm Lincoln St Falrburv Pasaa 8:46 amal0:16 am Missouri raclflc. K. C. ft St. L. Exp a 9:00 am a :ES am K. C. & St. L. Exp all:15 pm a 6:36 pm Nebraska Local a t.Ow pm all: 40 am Chicago, llilnsnlut A St. Panl. Chi. ft Colo. Special... 7:02 am '1 11 pm Calif. & Oregon Kxp... 6:63 pm Overland Limited 9:58 pm Chicago Great Welters. 4:26 pm 8:37 am St. Paul ft Minneapolis.. 1:30 pm 7:10 am 11:60 pm 4:00 am 11 :60 pm 3:30 pm St. Paul & Minneapolis. Chicago Limited Chicago Express Chicago Express 7 -41 am 1:40 pm 7:46 am 1:30 pm Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 1:48 pm Minn, ft Bt. Paul Exp...b 7:20 am a 8:56 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 1:30 am Minn, ft Bt. Paul Liutd.a I.JO pm a :30 am BURLINGTON 9TA, Darlington. -iota MASOX. Leave. Arrive, .a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm a 4:19 pm .a 9:30 pm a 6:46 am Denver ft California. Northwest Special..,. Black Hills Northwest Express.. Nebraska points... Nebraska Express. Lincoln Fnt Mall. Lincoln Lcxal ...a !:00 am a :10 pm ..a 9:06 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Local Louisville ft f itium in.D i:id pm oio:zo am Bellevue-Ple'.tsmouta ,.l l:l pm a 7:46 am Plattsmouth-Iowa b 9:10 am Bellevue-Plattsmoum b 1:36 pm a 6:46 am Denver Limited all:56 pm Chicago Special a 7:00 am all 46 pm Ciiicago Express a 4:30 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Flyer a t:M pm a 8:30 am Iowa Local a 9:15 am all :30 am St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm all:30 atr Kansas City ft Ht. Joe..alO:46 pm a .:&) air Kansas City ft St. Joe.. a 9:15 am a 6:19 pm Kansas C'Hy ft SL Joe.. a 4:46 pm WdBSTER STA 15TII ft WEBSTEH Chicago, "t. Paul, Omaha. Twin C;ty Passenger.. Sioux City Passenger.. Emerson Local Emerson Local Missouri Pacific. Local via Weeping Water Falls City Local Mis lis Leave. Arrive. .b ff:36 am b 9:10 pm a 2:00 pm all:20 am b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am .0 1:46 am c 6:60 pm .a 9:06 am a 6:36 pm' .a 1:60 pm all:20 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Pally xcept Saturday o Sunday only. Dally except Morday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Wrench Ldne Compajfnl Cihirala TraruatlanHtfut Gigantic, Eltganl, Fast Ltvlathsns JVebu yorH.T'aru 6 "Days LA rROVESCE, new twin screw fiver, paweo. ger elevator, gymnttium. roof rsfe. This snd tne other Twin Screw Strsmers havedslly newspap ers. orchrMr). wirrleu system snd mtiny other innovation! oo board, both fur safety a-deo-iifort X.a Ton rains Jul 4 La provnc July 11 La Brstag-a , ....Jnly 18 La Savole .....July 85 I,a Tooraln Aug. 1 La Lorraine Aig. 8 '.t.i African' man-of-war ntnclull&e. Cots- puy's rrtihui4 tr.im, Havrc-falra. IVk Buura. ' wkrra eoaraotcat eosuaciloos ar ada for all u!iit i cwntiuent. ,,.,., , n i '"'"". r"'"i .on " ,u" tn'or,uoa " tVw T"Tm r.rn.u, ft.: J. B- Far- soldi. Ib'l Farnam St . Lu:a Nrtaa, rara Ftrat Na tional bank: W. O. Da!4aa. tall Farsam CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPREia" Lin 4f th Atlantlo QUEJSEO TO UVLKtvu. LESS THAJB lOUB DATS AT lla. Empresses tail July 12, 26: Aug. 9. 23; Lgrpt. 6. 20. First Cabin $80 up. Serto id ( at, in $ up; i nira uiass izs.it. vrru for psrticulars. O. X. Bsnjamla, ClraL Agent, Tel. Harrison 1111. iii bu. CUrk SL. Chicago, DARK WORLD MUST MOVE ON District is Being Crowded Back by Legitimate Business. REALTY DEALS POINT TO FACT Frank Crawford anal Jobs Haskell Bay Lot at Mnth and Capitol Aveaae for lavestmeat Pnrpoeee. Real estate men beheve the existence of the recent proscribed district is a matter of n-v-nk ,i.'n. i iuvu .,,.--.,. , short time; that It will be bodily relegated v'ry oan rwh"' torr.vr erty made and Incubating tend toward this conviction. Frank Crawford, attorney, and John Haskell have bought the large lot at the northeast corner of Ninth street and Cap itol avenue from Harrison A Morton for I. IW. The lot. In the heart of the pro scribed district, Is occupied by two small fame houses and a small store. It Is now on the western edge of the new wholesale district and has become very valuable on account of Its trackage facilities. The prop erty wss bought as sn Investment by Mr. Crawford and Mr. Haskell. Harrison ft Morton also have sold a va cant lot on Florence boulevard, opposite the residence of Rome Miller, fof George T. Morton to William Mumaugh. who con templates building a modern residence on the lot this season. Peters Bnllds Faar Hoaaes. Four more houses will be erected by R. C, Peters ft Co. near Thlrty-flfth street and Woolworth avenue this summer. Several houses were built In that vicinity last year by the realty company and the plana for the new group of residences are now In course of preparation by F. A. Hehnlnger. The new houses will form a valuable addl- near the Field club and will cost from $3,600 to $4,000 each. Contracts hsve been let to Jonas Prlni for the construction of a two-story frame residence to cost $7,600 for Jay E. White, president of the German Mutual Fire In surance company, at 117 South Thlrty-sec-Ohd street. Excavating for the new resi dence, which will be completely modern In every respect, have been begun and the building will be ready for occupancy next September. Flans havt been completed and bids will be taken Immediately by F. A. Hennlnger, architect, for the construction of a new residence at Forty-first and Davenport streets for Dr. F. E. Coulter, who now re sides at 1821 Lake streets. Tha new resi dence will be completely modern and will cost about 14,000. Mr. Hennlnger Is also preparing plans and specifications for a new residence to cost about $7,600 for Dr. C. A. Hull, which will be erected on a lot adjoining that of Dr. Coulter. More Small Homes Going; l'p, Contracts have been' let to J. C. Hub bard, contractor, for tha construction of a frame cottage to cost about $2,500 for Dr. J. C. Whlnnery at 2930 North Thirtieth street. . Plans for the cottage were pre pared by J. B. Mason, architect, who has also awarded the contract for building a frame cottage for Mrs. Frank Santer at Tenth and Dorcas streets to W. H. Pen noyer for $2,500. A. Theodore has sold his two-story framo residence at 2408 Poppleton avenue for $3,260 to T. J. Mullen. Wno will occupy the residence for a home, a he has sold his former residence st 2538 Davenport street through Garvin Bros, for about $3,500. E. W. Bexten Is having plans drawn by J. B. Mason, architect, for the construc tion of a two-story frame house at 2569 Manderson street, which will cost about $4,000. Bid have been taken for the con struction work and the contract will be awarded within a few days. The vacant lot ,at 1912 Cuming street, which has a frontage of twenty-two feet on Cuming street, has been sold by Robin son ft Wolf to I. Herwlti, harness maker, for $1,600, and the buyer will erect a two-story brick harness shop on the property this summer. Robinson ft Wolf have also sold the cottsge at 1813 Burt street for the Byron Reed company to A. Slegel for $2,600. The property was bought for a home. ROWDEN ROASTS NEW LAW Pallnro of Child to Get Permit Angers the Soperlntendent of the City Hall. The child labor law roused the Indigna tion of D. C. Rowden, superintendent of the city hall, Tuesday morning. Mr. Row den accompanied a small boy to the office of the superintendent of education and re quested that a perjnlt to work be Issued to the boy. When It was learned that the ...",..?. "a i ami"8e of th youn PP,tcnt wa u" than a 8:00 Dm! 14 "years the permit was refused and then Mr. Rowden expressed himself: ,.nf .,, ,.w. lhat or 811 rl lnat w " . acted, tnts Deals ine nana, ny, i ve known this boy for years. His mother Is alone but for htm and has to work to make their living. She Is employed In a store and Lir two years the boy has done! the housework, sweeping floors, washing dishes and everything that a housekeeper has to do. Then h attended school and seldom missed a day, doing the work be fore and after school. His mother cannot coma home to her meals and at noon he would get hi own lunch and go back to school. Now he Is old enough to mak a little monev to heln hla mother and a fool lawmaker steps in and says he must loaf I ... v . . h. . place of helping her. It's a mighty poor law." Taking his protege with him, Mr. Row dsn want from th room, protesting against th law. SCHOOL POPULATION CHANGES Census Show Ztcsng la Figures, Ms it lag It Difficult to Forecast Result. A realignment of th school population It forecasted In the partial reports of school enumerators so far received by th secre tary of th school board. In some wards It Is not essy to account for th chang and until reports ar complete it will be difficult to determine whether there will be an increase over last year enumeration. As far as received the report shows: l!l lane Third ward (complete) 7ti4 6T7 North district. Fifth ward 1.K44 1,3;J South district. Fifth ward 9T7 t'SHt district. Sixth ward 1.211 Weat district. Sixth ward 1.74 East district. Eleventh ward 664 l.VW i.oin I.sTh 7S CUPID AND MORRILL ARE OUT Marrlasr License Clerk Reslgra Office to Lngnae In Private llnsl Dan Cupid arid Harry Morrill have fallen out; their , friendship Is at an end. Mr. Morrill says th little cherub has been holding out on hlm"of late and he refuse to be double-crossed, so he simply quits to prevent further friction. Harry B. Morrill, marriage license clerk In the county Judge's office, has resigned, his resignation to tak effect July 1. He will go Into bustnas for himself a pro prietor of tb Hairy B. Morrill company, advertising and lisdo noveiii-s, with oftl. at 1 Harney street. He will he nncct-ed-d as Hi nipc rlcik by Cl.arlrs K. Furuy, w no Is at present a stctiographiT In tl;c county Judge's office. Mr. Morrill was appointed licsse elcrk by Jude VlnsotiliHlcr at the In-glnnlng ot his first term In January. 1M, and hss ht-14 the position ever since. UNIFORM SYSTEM OF RECORDS Jim Method of Railroad Ircoaatlna Will ;n Into I.ffect First of Nril Month. Notice hss been received by the railroad! that July 1. Is the date set for the going Into cfTect of a uniform system of account ing for all railroads. This has entailed an cndlesf amount of work on the railroads. The Interstate Commerce commission wss suthorixed under the rste law to requlrs the railrosds to Install a uniform system of sccoiintlng. The commission, under tlm law, first devised a uniform system and then Set the date for putting It Into efTei t. A system wns adopted which would fill all the requirements of the law and at the same time satisfy In some degree the rail roads. There Is yet one provision of the rate bill which will not become effective until May 1, next year. That Is the provision which affects many of the' roads as It requires them to divest themselves of the owner ship of coal mines and timber lands. Another new law In which the railroad are greatly Interested does not become ef fective until March 4, 1908. Is the act limit ing ths number of hours railroad em ployes msy be worked. Congress gave ths roads one yesr to readjust their buslnesa to the new legislation, The new denatured alcohol law goes Into effect on September 1, this year. Thla Is the legislation that authorises th es tablishment of centrsl denaturing bonded warehouses other than those at distiller ies. The Internal revenue bureau Is now preparing rules and regulations under tha new law, and It Is the hope and expectation of the government that the manufacture f denatured alcohol may take a spurt when the new legislation becomes effective. I p to this time the results under the dena tured alcohol law have been disappointing. HAND THAT FEEDS IS BITTEN Woman Reported to Law Because She Refuse to Satisfy Drinkers' Appetite. Mrs. Helena Hondak, living at 207 North Ninth street, has managed to get Intd se rious trouble with Uncle Ssm through kindly undertaking to assuage the thirst of a bunch' of South Omaha friends with beer Sunday at the price of two bottles for a quarter. According to the wltaessea appearing against her, she sold tha young men wltb unpronounceable names any. where from four to a dosen bottles and then declined to furnish them any more of the nectar of Ganibrlnus. Whereupon the young men went straight away and told the revenue officers about It and so Mrs. Hondak was arrested Monday - and locked up for selling beer without first ob taining a government license. She wag given a hearing before United States Com missioner Anderson Tuesday morning, wltfi the four young men witnesses' appearing against her. Mrs. Hondak was defended by Attorney Louis Bcrka. After hearing the evidence Judge Ander son concluded that the case was on worthy of th consideration of tha grand Jury and so he placed Mrs. Hondak under bonds for her appearance before the fed eral grand Jury. ' TELEGRAM CONTRACT STICKS Terras on Rack of Blank Held hy Jndare Bstelle to Be Rlndlngr. The contract on the back of a telegraph blank waa held to be binding on the sender of the message by Judge Estelle Tuesday, when he dismissed the suit of A. p. Mar riott against the Western Union Telegraph company for $473.23. Marriott claims the company failed to deliver a message from his cattle broker In Chicago to him In Evarta, 8. D., notify ing him the cattle market was strong. Falling to get the message, he did not ship the cattle to Chicago, but sent them to Sioux City. In the suit he Is trying to hold the telegraph company responsible for the difference In the price he got and the amount ha would have received had he shipped to Chicago. Judge Estelle held the contract on tha telegram agreeing the company was i not liable for damages unless a written claim was presented within sixty days was valid and, as such a claim had not been filed with the company within ths time limit; Marriott could not recover. He directed a verdict for the defendant. The case was an appeal from county court, where th telegraph company also won. PARDON ATTORNEY BUSINESS Kew Industry Springs l'p, Evidently, from Record In Office of , Comptroller. From notations on official paper from the police court now on file In th office of the comptroller It seems that a new Industry hss opened In Omaha, -that pardon attorney. In checking the commitment from th city Jail the deputy comptroller noticed m.arks had been made on them where no marks were expected. He examined closer and found they were apparently reoord made by the clerk or some other person at the police station and recorded that !fla-laln nttnrneva had received faea run ning from $5 to $16 for securing pardon from the mayor for the persona mentions! In th commitments. This rather surprised th official, as la each case where a man Is pardoned with out paying the costs of the case he ha to make oath before a notary publlo to th effect that he Is Indigent and ha no means of paying costs. In mahy cases th cost do not amount to as much as th fees said to have been paid to lawyer for securing; th release of the prisoner. IDEA OF PARADE GIVEN UP People of Han Francisco Inclined to Regard General Fnnalon'a R s roarks as I'njnst. BAN FRANCISCO, June 28 The Fourth of July committee, after a two hours' ses sion last evening, drsfted a reply to Oen ral Funston, tn which the latter Inti mation that United States troops would not be safe from Insult In the street of Ban Francisco waa repudiated and th general' offer of troops-declined because the Idea of a parade hrx been abandoned. The reply covered both the original let ter from General Funston dated Juns IT and a later communication sent yesterday In which the general explained at greater length his reasons for advising against th parading of troop. U declared that the expression, "aa yet unwhlpped mob," was Intended to apply to a certain lawleaa ele ment In the community and not to th committee. He closed by offering troop for a parade on July 4 with the statement that It waa up to ths people of San Fran cisco to desl wltb any disorder that may occur. The committee. In Its reply, stated that It did not take th general expres sion as a personal Insult, but stigmatised as unjust the accusation that United State troops would be unsafe la Fraacloco's iUmIa