10 THE OMAILtY DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, .TTTNE 2fi. 1H07. Want - ads AdTrrllarmfiiK for the want-ad talnmna will be takes ntll 13 m. fo the evening edition antll a. aa. foe the nornlt.tr aad Baaday edltloae. Caeh mat aceoaapaay all orders for waat-ada mm mm advartlaeseaat will (he Brat Insertion. Ratea apply either The Dally anday Bee. Always eeaat els wards llae. ComblHlIni of lalllala ar aaaabera ennui aa one ward. CASH HATES FOR WAWT-ADS. nEIHLAR CLASSIFICATIONS.. One Inaertloa, per llae, 14 eeata. Tw at (nnre consecatlve laeertlone, pee line. renta. Each laeertlaa Bands mm ma nn, lO eeata per llae. f 1J F "" per month. CASH HATES FOR WOTICFS. Death and Faaeral Wotleee. Carda of Thanks aad Lodge Notices, T eeata pew line (or on edition, aaoraln or Teniae 8 eeata a llaa (or oaeh ad. ditlonal edltloa. Bandar, JO eeata a llae. Mo ad taken (or loaa tbaa 80 vents. i FECIAL CLAJilFlCATIOWS It advertisement la Inearled andee aay me o( the laaetneatlona alven below, tt will be ehara;ed at the following rate I One Inaertloa. 4 eenta petllnei three to als coneeentlve Inaertlona, 8 enta per Una each Inaertloal aoen r more coneeentlve laaertloaa, 8 centa per line eaek Inaertloal IH eenta per line per month. BARTER AND HXCHAHGB. IH MSF.SS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FKMAI.B. HELP WANTED MAI.B. Except Agents, Solloltore aad Saleamea. OFFERED FOR 8AIRl Cowi, Blrda, Do(i aad Pet a. Iloraea aad Vehicles. Poaltry aad Eggs. Faraltaro. Planoa, Organs aad atnaleal I atramenta. Typewriter aad Sowla Maealaee. OFFERED FOR RBHTl Farnlahed Roams. Unfnralehed Rooma. Housekeeping Rooma. Boardlaar aad Rooma. WANTED TO BIT. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want-ada to Ttaa Be mar at any- ( the fallowing dm stoma one la "roar eomer draaarlat" tbss- re all branch offlcea ( The Bee aad oar ad will bo laaerted Joat aa promptly aad oa tbe aamo ratea aa at the main ofBce la Tbe Bea Balldlac, Seventeeath aad Far nam atreetel Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnara. Beranck, 8. A.. 1402 H. 10th St. Becht'e Pharmacy, "20 & 16th St. Ilenaon'e Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy. S3d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2814 Sherman Ava. Caughlin, C. K.. 6th and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Aya. Conte, J. B., II t Ave. and Farnara. Crlssey Pharmacy, 84th and Lake. Cermak, EniU. 1264-6 8. lath St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Killer, F. H.. 2802 Leavenworth. -Foater A Arnjldl. 813 N. 2Gth 8t rreytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. lorence Drug Co., Florenoe, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ava. and Pacific Ureauough. G. A., 106 8. 10th 8L Greenough. O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Win. C, M20 Farnam St. Hantcom Park Phar.. 161 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 634 North 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 3924 Leavenworth St King. H. 8.. 38 Farnam St. i Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 124 N. 4th St. Lathrop. Chaa. K., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 14th and Amea Ave. 8chaefer-s Cut Price Drug Store, 18th aad Chicago. Schaefer,August.:2631 N. lth St. . Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cumin Sta Storm Pharmacy, Mth and Martha Sta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta DEATH A.ND FINER A L NOTICES BURNS Dorothy. June 24, 1907, age 13 yeara, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr a. Joseph Burn. 3024 Cass street. Funeral from residence Wednesday, June 36, at I o'clock p. m. Friends In vited. Interment at Forest Lawn oum lerr' ... -tfJl BPROULL Mary, aged 81 yeara. died at A Grand Island, Neb., Sunday, June 28. Funeral from residence of her daughter. Mrs. William Foran, 1007 South Thtrty- ? fourth street, Wednesday, at 3:80 a. m.. to t. Peter's church, Twenty-eighth and .eaven worth at 9:00 a. in.. Interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Friends Invited. Ixia Angeles, Cal.; Syraouae. N. T., and Jersey City, N. J., papers please copy. C4RH OF THANKS. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy extended to ua during the recent Illness and bereavement of our daughter and sis ter MnUI VI TW... XA- . ... , "" JDotaon, Roy and Harry Douon, Mr. and . .1. OJIJIUI. BIRTHS A1D DEATHS. Births John Bouma, 1417 South Four teenth street, girl; Boy Cahow, 1712 North O-wenty-einhth atreet. girl; C. IJ. Hutchl- Hi South Twenty-slxth atreet. alrl; Carr Waadln, 1 Miami street, boy! H B Noy.-r I23 North Twentieth street, boyi J;an Kobberechta, 1011 Capitol avenue, .buy -4,hBrlea Bh.rldan. 4o3 Bancroft atreet, boy JUnothy Slndelur. 1J09 South Third street boy and girl; ham Salerna, 7a Pierce street, Deatha-Baby Masdln. 8819 Miami atreet; J-nNuld' Tenlh and M""n atreets ged W) years; Frank Suchy. 2526 South Nineteenth Btreet, aired 65 jears: Charles B. Brush 4o North Isixteent streeT, aBo3 19 years; Ingoborg Jens.-n. Sue'soutb. Forty, ighth atreet. aed 64 years; Dorothy Burns. u4 Caea street, aged U years. MARRIAGES LICEK8ES. lsTued'll0Wln nuirrl,i"e "cense have been Name and Roaldence. a Carl Sialuner. Jr.. Omaha u Martha Kroll, Omaha S Michael Uarrett, South Omaha.... '. M Catherine Newton, South Omaha...!!.!! 21 Kdde GrafTord, South Omaha ' 24 ImU Ualuney, South Omaha !.!!!!! IK Warren A. Dennis. St. Paul. Mhin. .. . . . . 37 Clara C. Van Urnian. Omaha a Hairy Mitchell. Council BlufTs. Ia . 24 Bella Edmonds Allwlne, Omaha !. a Will Browne. Salt Lake, Utah ' 10 Edith J. MoCune, Omaha 2, Harry L. Bryant, Council Bluffa, la.....! 22 rankle O Hearald. Council Bluffa. Ia 28 Jeaae B. Bummers, Harve, Mont: 80 Surah Mackay, Harve Mont 26 Lewis T. Foreman. Omaha 68 Ida Virgin, Omaha 43 Oacar Lleben. Omaha . t Franoea Shields, Omaha " 3 William Olsan. Omaha 44 Anna Kahontsk, Omaha Albert B. Peclnvosky, Valley Falls, Kan. 18 Fi ancesM. Jandaut hJJmaha 88 ANNOUNCEMENTS Administrator's Sile Kkiabllshed contracting and building basi. fieas of the lata tam'l Dreaher must be sold o clear up the aetata Building la equipped with all anacataery for doing Urge bualneas and muuh work la on hand. bV)uipment Includes lob n eleo trio motor, aawa. planer and ah machinery for conducting thla kind of bwsineaa. Build lug ia 60x40 ft.. . 3 atorlee. end there Is a 1-year leaae. To anyone desiring to step Into a good established business bare Is a tara Oiuor tunity. taay lernia to right party. A. V. DREBHKftr Administrator, Uls Farnam MC. Omaha. , 1 U MI08 tl , HON PAINnnNO 8. H. Caie, lata Doudaa. tl-lol ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.! THE CITT OARBAOB3 CO.. efTlce 4th and Leavenworth Eta. Tel. Doujlas 1387. q 1Q4. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALK A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In vestment Co., U22 Farnam St. 2 1 BEND for our lint of second-hand automo biles. DKRJGHT, ISIS Varnam. U 104 FOR SALE OR TRADB-Four-ryllndet touring car, good aa new. C. E. Wllklna, Dewey hotel. (2) 77 1908 BL'ICK. two-cylinder, 22 H. P. tour Ing car, ovorhaulled and painted. .. .JtioO.OO 1906 CA1HLAC, 10 H. P. touring car, fine shape 8636.00 l!J6 RAMBLER, 18 H. P., almost new, several extras Included !).() lt KNOX touring car, air cooled SftiOOO Vm OLDS, with top, 30 H. P 7i0.00 l!fl RKO, IS H. P., used very little. . 8750.00 tfa FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder, detachable tonneau 8476.00 1906 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 II. P... 3400 00 1908 STEVENS-DURTKA, two-cylinder, and looks like new, with top 8850 00 RAMBLER K., detachable tonneau, Jut repainted and overhauled 8660.00 Write for full description. H. E. FREDRICKBON, lath and Cap. Ava (2)-l BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE! Piano and simplex player. What have yout Address H-CTS, Bee. (3) 108 EXCHANOES--If you hare city property, stocks of gjoda, farm land or property of any kind to exchango, write for our corn, plete list. We have properties and lands in all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free. Send for It at once. Olobe Land and Investment Co., 1822 Far bam St., Omaha, Neb. (J 110 120 ACRES 6 miles from Schell City, Ver non county. Mo.; W acres under cultiva tion; good building. Price, per acre; Incumbrance 82.0UO Will exchange for feneral merchandise. Olobe Land and nveetment Co., 1831 Farnam St., Omaha. (3) 109 GOOD stock of gen. . mdse; In an Iowa town of 2.600. Will trade for clear cheap lend. Olobe Land and Invest Co., 1822 Farnam. C3 M483 WRITE3 Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee, la. Have farms and wild lands, etc.. for clear town property and merchandise. (3)-MS.'0 Jyl6x FOR SALE Electric light plant, In good county seat town In central Iowa; 38,600.00; part caeh; plant paying; good reason for selling. Inquire 808 Mc Cague Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 4) M376 28x WANTED TO TRADE Nearly new two story modern 7-room house on car line for a 6 or 8-room cottage. Ad dress C 640 Bee. . 00 M 144-25X BUSINESS CHANCES TOWNSEND REALTY CO., Modale. Ia. Sell and exchango farms, city property, merchandise and chattels. Try them. (4) M977 Je27x Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any knid anywhereT It makes no dif ference whether you want a $100 building lot or a 8500,000 tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trade before seeing a copy of the Real Estate World. it contains a large not of property ana merchandise stocks for sale and ex ohange, and rear es - several thousand rearirrs each issue, and Is the best adver- Using medium to (reach the real estate buyers, homesoeker and traders that you can advertise in. i and address on a Write your nam postal card, mall It today, and we will send you the journal for two months on trial free. Addrens the Real Estate World, Suite 620 Good Block, Dea Moines, la. (l)-431 For quick sale results Hat your property with C. J. Canan, 701 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. (4)-M828 Jy4 BUSINESS CHANCES Homea, lands, etc.. bought, aold or traded quickly. Pardee di Braum, the hustlers, 830 Neville Blk. (41-M644 Jyll WANTED A party to buy out a first class stock of furniture In the best town on the Elkborn valley; best of reason for selling Wlaner Furniture Co., Win ner, Neb (4) 118 WANTED--To trade for stock of R-oods; Have a good farm. Address Y-245, Bee. (4) 11T HlI.nnETH A LOWMAN can sell your bualneas quick. We have buyers waiting for you with money. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) M6S8 SAFE Omaha corporation wants an office man who will Invest $1,000 or more In pay ing business; money safe and secured; will be returned on demand; $26 a week salary for beginning; must be able to dic tate correspondence, and make good gen erally; please do not answer unless you can qualify. For Interview address In confidence, B 664, care Bee. (4) M348 27 ROOMING HOUSES. Bargain, 16 rooms, extra good location, full of first-class roomers, owner leaving Omaha; price $460. Have others from $200 to $3,000. GANGESTAD, 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-M744 28 GOOD, well established mercantile busi ness; good, well located lumber yard and section of fine timber land. B. L. Dart. Yampa. Colo. (4)-M246 27x FOR SALE First class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to $ received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address Y 129. Bee. (4)-112 FOR SALE Rooming house. See Htldreth at Lowman. 610 Bee Blag. (4 M681 FOR SALK Good, clean stock merchan dise of about 316.000 In splendid country town of lm; large territory to draw from; doing a good business, part cash, part time if desired. Address. Y 837, care Bee. (4)-M MUST SKI.L Too much other business, new atock novelty goods; a money maker; rood town, low rent; Invoice about $&i0. Wm. Sas, Dexter, Ia. 4)-M578 Jyl A STEREOPT1CON and moving ploture outfit. Complete for traveling purpose, for sale very cheap. Call at H. C Oleson, 1608 Howard St., after ( o'clock. (4) MtlSl 2Tx MARKET for sale or rent have other buulneta. 1632 Pearl St., Boulder, Colo. (4) M520 2x FOR SALE-Stock of livery stable and feed shed, doing aood business in live town of 9,000 Inhabitants; excellent location; live-year lease; cheap for cash. If taken at once. John A. DowdelL De Kalb, 111. I (4) Mia 27 x SAlvFTTne Pylng buslneea Jn I N. K. Nebraska, stock of groceries I queenawere and notions: will be oi I cheap. Answer quick. Address Y ItL 1 B (4)M87I TO BUT or sell any business or real ee- LVfa'iiHU r wr,t B- a Ungtd. m I4 Blaff. (V 117 NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.-Buya sells or exchanges everything, land, city property, merchandise and automobiles. 13 Douglas block. (t)-M798 July I Do You Wish to Make a Change t If you havs a farm. home, business or f"F.Mvr wat iuu want 10 aell or a- ohange, write us. GLubE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO Omaha, Nab. ' , 04-Mi4S JyU KN ERG OTIC partner wanted In live, pay tn real estate business. Address Y 63, CJ (U-alMo Jy2a FOR SALJODrV mnnAm . ehow store, located In one of the boat northern Colorado cities; this Is a well aatubllahaMt l,i ial nh,, m. 1 1 V. . . . - " " -v ui iraue connections, ood, clean atock, flne op portunity for good business. Further par tlculara Lock Box 4C4 Loveland. Colo! (4 Mtl69 3ux WANT a aacond band automobile; have Soma land to trade. Addreaa Y 2-a. bee. t4-lU SI'BINrsa chance; "Miners Bcrap Book " free to you six montlia. If you writs us that yeu like Square Deal Mintnr. The C K. atlteheU Co epokaaa. Wash. (4 Mti8 Jytx Your "right" u 1 BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 MX'AdUK BUILDING, 16TH AND DO DOB STS. (4)-&33 WANTED Bright young man to take active Interest in department store, doing large business In good eastern Nebraska town. Must have not leaa than $3,000 to Invest. Address Y 48, care of Omaha Bee. (4) M6J1 J2 IF YOU want to get In business see us without fall. Investment Dept., Western Kef. dc Bond Aaa'n, 721-722 N. V. Life Bids;. (4) 427 PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing goo a contract and retail trade; invoice about $1,600; a anap; good town of 6,000. Address Box 643, Sallda, Colo. (4) MT44 JySx FOR SALE A cigar and stationery bual neas, witn living rooms, clearing per month. Inquire of J. V. Lelthead. 1606 Evana Ave.. Pueblo, Colo. (4 M586 37x CLOTHING STORE FOR SALE The greatest bargain In Colorado, new atock clothing, furnishings and shots; done JiS.OOO last year; first year In busi ness; must sell at once on account of other business. Address Palace Clothing Co., Longmont, Colo. (4 M668 30x FOR RENT Store building. 80x24. with basement tinder or same else; fine chance for furniture or dry goods store. In town of about 1,000 population In eastern Ne braska. Address Y 89. cars Bee. (4)-M680 27 TO BUY or sell any business or real estate quick write or sea Wlldreth ac Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. 4) M6S0 A WELL established, good paying dry goods and millinery buslnean in small town, southeast Kansas; no competition; fine thing for business woman; owner must sell on account of health. Address box 64, Hallowell, Kan. (4) MJM 28x FOR SALE Clean hardware stock at a liberal discount. Address G K.9, oir Bee. (4)-MS73 28X THREK-chalr barber shop complete for sale cneap it taxnn ceiore July 10. Write Box 601. Canton, 8. ). (4) M333 2Sx SOUTH DAKOTA Now Is your oppor tunity to Duy t lie only steam laundry In the best city In South Dakota. C'he-iu. If Interested call or writs, M. C. Felker, Chamberlain, 8. D. (4 M413 28x ARCADE slot machines, shooting gallery. endorff, K. R. 6, Box 26, Leavenworth, Kan. (4) M3S6 28x LUMBER YARD for sale. Enquire of N. Duncan, Pawnee City, Neb. (4)-M223 Jy6x IF YOU have a business to " trade for a farm, see JACOBPON A CO.. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) M623 29x ROBERT C. DRUSKTJOW & CO.. STOCK BROKERS. 809 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (4) 111 YOUNG MAN wanted with $1,000 to Invest In Specialty Mfg. Co.; good seller; take charge branch office; salary guaranteed. Address Mfgr., Box 23, Des Moines. I a. (4) M226 27x SNAP. Furnished rooming houne for sale, 10 rooms, iuu or roomers, witnin 4 blocks or 16th and Farnam $400 cash. Address K-679, care Bee. (4) 671 DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. xvuiesL, ivi n. x. jue. umana. .) no FOR SALE Newspaper and printing of- ,..T3 ill nraiciu 1UWH. JUCOOBOn Gt VJO.. 9S6 N. Y. Life Bid. (4)-699 Jylx ENGINE company rated "K. A." by Bi-ad- eireei s seeas renaDie agent in Omaha, who will Invest $6,000 on suitable assurance. Address Y 88, care Bee. (4) M726 26 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Attly. 609 Bee Bldg. W 12-Jy-17. Arcbltecta, C. L. ETAUB, 604Vs 8. Eighteenth street to MtXJS Jyl4x Carpet Clean lag;. SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 1919 Farnam. (6) 114 JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes windows. uuuia yuupuou. avi. wuKiva tax. s U994 JeZS Cbtropodtat. DR. ROY. R. 3. 1606 Farnam 8t Doug. 6497. Caatraetors, AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor. 1003 N. 21st St., South Omaha. (6)-67S Civil Baa-laeera. " M EATHRON V JAMIESON. 808 N. T. L. (6) 120 Creamertea. DAVID COLB CREAMERY CO., successor u eeaincs v,reaiuery L.O., umana. 46) 123 Draaaaaaklagr. IN FAMILIES Miaa Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368 (6-128 M'DOWELL Dressmaking- School, 1123 Far. (6 M8K7 Jyl7 Deatlsta. BAILEY MACH. 8d fir. Paxton. D. 1088. (6)-T3o Eaa-ravlna. KOTERA tk CO., 1606 Jaekson. Doug. 2007. (6 Florists. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (6)-13ft U, HENDERSON, 161 Farn. Tel. D. 1268. (6 131 J. H. BATH. 1(23 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. 46-'a3 Itetela. THIS BCHLITZ. European, ISth 4c Harney. (6) 133 laearaorators. MER. Incorporating Co.. 0 H. T. L (6 131 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. . STILLING Watch, elovk. Jewelry repairing. 2 3 Paxtoa Blk. Tel. D. 6-U6 stasia aad Laaaasgas. OUAN CAMBIANO. instructor la Bpan. Ish and Italian languagea Tel. Douglas UiX (6 M964 Jy7x Ostaaaatby. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. TeL D. laH, (6 138 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. ,Tel. Doug. 6370. (6 M401 Jya OBet apaltoa. FILING cabinets. Alms and ledgers, loose leaf devtcea and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinda. Anchor Publishing Co.. U22 Farnam St, Tel Doug. 6661. 0 M71 Jyl4 ITtaitBg. BEFORE placing yeur 1108 calendar order, don't fall to aea aur lant Imported line. Lyngatad t Jorva, pruuera. 14 t Cap. Ava U-43 may bo among th Des subscribers him unless you advertise in the Dee. BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Prlatlaa-- "ontlnaed. JENNINGS Printing- Co. Tel. Douglas 6m (6 188 ACORN Press. tiuallt Ptg.. 1218 Harney St HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job prlntlnc; no job too large or small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1823 Far Bam St. Tel Douglas 6682. (B)-M424 Jyl 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; 10.900 printed en velopes, gooa stock, for $10; otner wor at same rates. Get estimates snd sea our samples of work. Call at room 83 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug las 4608. 5) 981 Jyl Plambln aad Ueatlac T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electrle fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. lb) M706 JullO LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. Ill, . -. D. ... , , A-i. luwk Bb iei. ivouKiaa nil. ' (6-306 Je28 Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 16th St. (6)-U7 French & artistic photographs. 210 a 14th St. (6)-M989 Safes, Shutters, bite. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes s spe cialty of fire escspes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (5)-140 Shoe Repalrlaa;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class woik. 161SVi Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994 (6J-344 School Bappllea. OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard. - id j aiavMyii Tailoring;, a MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for males ana gents new won; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 709 a 27th St. Tel. Red 691 6. (5)-44 Vlolla Making?. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and supplies, by U. u. Heskett, r. 64i Kamne hik. (6)-674 Jyl2 Wall Paper Cleaning;. WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 653. t&) 14J DON'T fall to call on me at Douglas 876. (6i 143 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. rariors U3 a. lbtli St., opp. Boston Store. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and OfBce. WANTED An office girt. Garrett Laun dry, 1154 N. ltb St. (7) 670 26 WAITED Lady stenographer and to as sist in . DfionKeeping. Mantol-JNewman Cigar Co,, VUfl Farnam St. ' a) M731 27x WANTED At once, young lady for office work. Must write good hand and be quick and accurate In figures. Give ref erence and experience In first letter. O m Bee. (7) M717 28x Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgees Shirt Com pany, 2024 Farnam St.. (7) 147 WANTED HAND IRONER8, AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDilY. 1611 JACKSON ST. (7)-M874 WANTED Machine girls. Launujry, 211 S. 11th St. City Steam (7) 148 LADIES, our catalogue explains how we teach hairdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, etc.. In few weeks, malletf free. Moler College, Chicago, 111. - (7 M381 37x Hooaekiplag and Daaaaatlo. WANTED In July, ooa cook; two In family; permanent place and good wagea. 102 8. 21th. TeL Harney 1138. (7) M384 HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no objection to children. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (7) 148 WANTED Elderly respectable woman' for housework on farm; small farnllv; per manent situation. Box 4, F. It. R. No. 1, Yetter, Ia, (7) MS87 28x WANTED Girl for general housework, gooa nome, ail pierce Bt. Phone Doug. ftl'lO. (7)-MP61 26x WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. R. B. Tubba, 646 Willow avenue. Council Bluffa, la. (7 M228 27x WANTED Competent girl, 3 In family; good place, easy work. 969 Farnam St. t7)-M203 28 WAITRESSES wanted for Omaha Union station restaurant, $30 per month and board. Call at restaurant, Union station. Tenth and Marcy. (7J 256 27x WANTED Girl to do second work and assist with children. 8216 Burt St. (7) 433 28 GIRL wanted for general housework. 2tW3 Pierce St.; small family, good wages. (7)-06 80 WANTED Girl for" general housework. 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1436. (7) 667 COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages; expected to go to Calhoun for 8 or 8 weeks; 'phone Harney 2064. (7) M6S3 27x WANTED Competent laundress by the day or week. Mrs. John N. Baldwin, 2211 St. Mary's Ave. (D-M6S0 27 CHAMBERMAID and pantry woman wanted for Wyoming; free transportation Call at 71a So. 9th St. (7 Mti92 Jylx WANTED Competent girl for general housework. M. C. Cole, 1626 Locust Ht. Tel. Webster lC9ii. 0 698 27x WANTED Competent girl for general housework, three in family. $6.00. &(01 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2663. (7)-700 Jyl WANTED Competent servant tfrl or woman to go to Lake OkoboJI, all ex penses paid and good wages. Fine place for the summer. J. K. CARPENTER. Cars of Carpenter Paper Co. (7) MT23 28 WANTED Good lady cook, $40.00. Phoenix Hotel, Sanborn. Iowa. (7) M9H4 WANTED: COMPETENT girl for general houaework. Apply 2444 Manderson St. Telephone Web. 3307. (7) 708 27 M laeellaaenaa. WANTED At once, 3 stenographers, $fO; stenographer and aaalstanl bookkeeper, $t" and many others WKSTERN REF. A BOND AH3 N (IN-3 ), 721-8 N. Y. Life Bldg (7J M74U 28 WE want the following AT ONCE: 1 atenographer, muat be good; 1 expert stenographer for July 1. KEYSTONE SURETY REF. AOTS. Suite 4o4 Bee Bldg. 'Phone I) 834. (7-M738 26 WANTED Three waltreasea; muat be ab'c to do arm work; s6 per month, room and board. Apply p. O. Box U&i. Butte, Moot. (7-M7 W 1 thn you can't rach g Isn't it worth trying? 0 HELP WANTED FEMALE M lacellaneoas I'ontlnaed, WANTED Lady to sing Illustrated songs and play piano; at once; good salary. C. D. Throckmorton, Mapleton, Ia. C7 M'i2 26x LADIES and girls to work, steady or part time at home atamplng Thous Jess, $1.60 to $2.00 dozen. Room 608 Paxton block (7)-MtT77 27 STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute, 180$ Farnam. (7) M628 HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Sollcitore aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling propoaltion ever of fered; big value for your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. K. McClellan. 60S Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 191-834 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience in selling to farmers; permanent position; good Income. Address O 847, Bue office. () 810 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who have had experience selling viows, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 60S, Bee Bid. (9)-338 WANTED A solicitor and collector; salary will be paid to competent man after the nrst month. Union Loan and investment Co., 310 Bee Bldg I9j 267 July 21 WANTED several first class ladles' shirt waist salesmen having established trade in Olilo, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory. Address Y 232, care of Bee, (9) M686 28 WANTED Three salesmen for our new county, township and railroad surveys of Nebraska. The surveys are a splendid compilation of facts, fltrurfs and drawings and or wonderful value, counties and towns are fully Indexed and population of each Is given. Railroads plainly shown and distance between all stations also shown. Congressional districts outlined. numbered and population given. Other features too numerous to mention. A splendid opportunity for energetic men. Band, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. (9MM728 26 $26 PER week and traveling expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chi cago. (9) M77 26x Factory and Tirade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L,, Omaha. (). 166 PRINTING foreman wanted; press room and composing room foreman wanted. Good Job at fair wages. Foremen leav ing our employ to enter business for themselves; have been with us for years. State salary wanted and experience tlrst letter. Morton Printing Co., Nebraska City, Neb. (9)-71o 26 WANTED .Men to learn barber trade at once; wonderful demand for barbers; top wages now; few weeks completes; tools given; can earn some money from start. Send for particulars, Moler Barber Col lege, 1116 Farnam St. (9) M382 27 X WANTED First-class shoemaker, good wages and steudy employment to good workman. Address M Dietrich, Mason City, Ia. (9J-MX84 2Xx WANTED Three barbers; wages while learning. Orr's Barber College, Peoria, 111. tflj M390 2&X WANTED 1,000 customers for Jar vis' 1877 brandy. Call at any saloon. v (9) M459 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; pays $6 to $8 day; position secured after three months' In struction. Coyne School, St. Louis, Ma. F.-ee catalogue. (9) M376 WANTED 4 moulders, 3 core makers; union wages; open shop; wll' sign con tract for one year. Ens & Orr, 1738 Blake St., Denver, Colo. (9) M917 WANTED Good moulder and sash and door man at once. P. H. Wind's planing mill, Council Bluffs, Ia. Best wages to the rlfiht man. ' (8)-M201 28x GAS fitters wanted by Beatrice Gas and Power company. (9) 617 26 FIRST-CLASS barber wanted, $12 a week; 60 per cent over $30. T. J. Sattcrlee, Boone, Ia. (9)-M7 Jy 2x Mlseellaueoas MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED Statea navy. Self respecting young Americans are needud to make the United Statea navy the best for Its size in the world. The lazy and trifling and weak need not apply. We want the gun pointers of steady nerves, who can make their shots coant, gun crews that can fire the sixty ton gun three times per minute or the eight ton gun ten or twelve times per mlnutj; we want the machinists, foremen, electri cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren tices, cooks, bandsmen necessary to keep our battle ships and their crews of 600 men In the finest possible condition. The navy's chief ob.iect is to prevent war, but If we have war we will need our best men In the fleet to match the men of other na tions. We must havu trained Americans of abllty and stout hearts behind the gun and at tie throttle. Four to five months at training stations. Modern ships and methods of training. All recruits now transferred to Norfolk, Va. Write or apply to Navy Recruiting Stations, post office building. Ontalw, Lincoln, Hastings, Sioux City and News Arcade, Des Moines. (8)-400 30 PLENTY of hls-h grade positions for com- fietent bookkeepers, stenographers, cler cal men and salesmen. WESTERN KEK. BOND ABS'N (INC.), TO.-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9-M739 26 WE need the following at once: Two good stenographers, two young men for office work, very bright future; hotel night clerk, one young man for city work, very bright prospects. KEYSTONE Sl'HETY St REF, AGT. INC. Suite 4-4 Bee bldg, Phone S36D. (9)-M765 28 WANTED School teachera anfl students to travel during vacation months; work peasant and profitable. Address H 207, Baa office. (9) M648 WANTED Energetic young man with lit tle money to manage branch office In east ern Nebraska. Excellent opening for light man wanting permanent, paying Business. Address out uuservaiory Hldg Des Moines, la. (9)-M61 Jylx STRIKE Stryker. Men's Shoes. :Tt2 South 16th. Board of Trade Bldg. () M9K8 WANTED An experienced soda dispenser. W. S. Balduff. 1U0 Farnam Bt. 19) M248 WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN, aged 18 to 86, for firemen and brakemen on lead ing railroads;, experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $1(X00 per month, become engineers, earn. litOOo; brakeman earn $75 00, become conductors, earn $160.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training t'n., 630 X, Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. Wr-im Jy6 WANTED Two lunch counter men for Wyoming; free transportation. Call 716 So. 9th St. (9) M691jylx WANTED Experienced creamery man to run separator and pasteurising station. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1H1 3 Farnam. 9 M4K8 27 WANTED At once, bright young man. high achool graduate preferred, to learn fine arta business, picture framing, etc.; must furnish reference. See Mr. Harry Chalm, 2d floor. The Bennett Company. ANYONE out of work can make big money Belling our houaehold specialties. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. 18) M761 Jyx WANTFD Man wltl some experience la traveling capable of earning high salary: bond requlrd. Address, with stamp and references. 8 617 care Bea. 49) 847 MARRIED man for farm. A- Hoepe, I'll Duutflaa. 19 ITS HELP WANTED MALE Rllarellaaeoas Tamtlaaed. WANTTnr Irua clerk In small town, good salary. Address Chappell Drug Co., Chapprll. Neb. (9) M42 27x MAN for general work and care of horses. Apply we-k days only after 6 p. m. f.02 So. 40th St, t9) M39S WANTED experienced porter, apply at once, Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Douglas. i M718 Jy2 MEN To distribute samples, tack signs, $?o weekly, steady, no canvassing. OLI VER, Monroe Bldg., Chicago. l9)-M724 26x EXPERIENCED driver for furniture wa gon; permanent position. Apply 10th and Farnam, Beebe & Runyon, Furniture Co. 9r-M721 27 MEN-To distribute samples, tack signs. IJO weeklv, steady, no canvassing. Oliver, Monroe Bldg., Chicago. t9 M724 2t;x A CASETAKEH wanted to represent our sanitarium. Lock Box 277. Kansaa City, Kas.; reference given and expected. (9) Mt.41 SOX WANTED Two table waiters at once; $25 Der month, board and room. Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant. Box lfil. Red uiotid, Men. m laisu iux -4 WANTED At once, five cement flnlahen, capable of handling a crew. Address or call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, S. D. (9) 397 AN OLD-LINE eastern life Insurance com pany of the highest standing desires a manager for Nebraska. Applicants who are good personal writers and hnve been successful In sgenclea and handling sub- agents will please address, with refer ences, Y-6S, care Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. (9)-M666 WANTED Three reliable men for work by real estate company, Incorporated In Iowa and Nebraska; experience unneces sary, but references and small cash de posit required: excentlonal onoortunitr , for right kind of men. Apply early, 316 ttamge bik., Omaha. (9) 923 STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute. 1802 Farnam. (9) M627 HELP WANTED MALE AND KKMAl.H. HEAD LAUNDRYMAN and laundry girls wanted at paxton Hotel laundry. (10) M690 27 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iloraea and Vehlctae. RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at ? really reduced prices. Johnson & Dan orth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (U 161 RUBBER tired road wagon. W. A. Stone, 803 Lincoln Ave. Oounoll Bluffs. (10)-M103 TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin gle and double harness, runabouts, top buggies and surries, for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stable. (11) 164 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts ana narness sea jonnson-Dantortn Co., 8. W. corner 10th and Jones Sta (11 801 HARNESS. Saddles, Trunks, traveling bags; some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish & Co., 1210 Farnam Bt, OD-MS37 JUST received, two carloads work horses, single wagon horses and drivers. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 No. lfith St. (11) M664 27 HORSES bought and sold; livery and boarding a specialty. Myers' Douglas fit. Stables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1114 Douglas Bt. Tel. D. 1033. (11) 730 Jy2 WE are not selling out at cost, but wa are selling driving wagons, buggies, surrie and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns Co., 714 S. 10th St.. Omaha. (Ui 7S ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very speedy, weighing 1,100 lbs.; one good black pacing mare, weighing 1,060 lba; one span good bay 6-year-old driving mares; one span brown pacers, 6 years old; one 6-year-old Iron gray single driver, very gentle and toppy; one good 1,175-lb. chest nut sorrel surrey hoise. Thse horses are all good, sound, well broke horses ranging In prices from $40 to $160 each. Also have several good low-priced drivers ranging from 840 to $76. Written guar antee with every horse. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 No. 16th St. (11) MG63 FOR SALE Yearling Jack and Sphinx male, bred to Gregory the Great. Box 1377, Le Mars, Iowa. (11) M224 Jy6x FOR SALE Good cheap work horse. 'Phone Douglaa-6398. (11) 639 29x Poultry ana Cm Km. WHEAT, $1.65 hundred. Wagner. 801 N. ltb. (1U-M768 GOV'T book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11) M407 Jyl 8 PURE blood Rhode Island Red cocks, $2.00 each. If taken at once. Martin, 2802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 1803. (11) M991 BIG mongrel hens unprofitable In city; get white leghorns, heaviest layers; hens at a bargain. Lundstrom, 26th and Caldwell. (1D-M684 Jy lx Cows, Blrda, Doga aad Peta. FOR SALE Fox terrier pups. 973 N. ISth St. (If) M380 2$ PEDIGREED Angora kittens. $6 and $10. Will Crawford, Knoxville, Ia. QD-M391 2Sx FRENCH toy silk poodle puppies; perfect beauties. 1816 Dodge St. (Ill M501 39 x FOR SALE Two fresh cows. Call at 1124 Ames avenue. (11) 709 27 x LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1612 N. 24th. 'Phone Webster &ii. (12) M6S3 Jy22 LOST One bay horse, weight 1.160 rjounds. blind In both eyes; $10 reward for return of same. 912 Pierce St. (13) 72 26 LOST Past Matron's Eastern Star Bin Name and address on the back. Return to Klla M. Hall. 2)06 N Bt,, South Omaha. Reward. (12) 702 37 8TRAYED Spaniel; brown with white spot on breast; leather collar; tag No. 16. Return to 2631 N. 19th street. Liberal reward. (12) 708 2Sx MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Grays Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman 4b McConnell Drug CO., Umana (13) 166 MBS. GARDELS, private confinement home; bablea cared lor. 814 in. 28th Be . TeL Web. 1460. (13)-M923 Jy6x ANY poor . girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home fur Women at KC4 N. 24tb bt.. Omaha, PseO. (U) M10 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement caaea; all treatment aupervtaed by collage profeaaora 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. Ul U8 RUPTURK CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RL'P TI.RE CO., over 8. W. Cor. ltth and Douglas, Omaha. (13) M4J6 Jyl DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 80 years' practice In oonflneinenta. Office, 614 N. lth; residence. Ma Charles, Omaha. (13-157 4 MONEY TO LOAN ALAH AND CHATTEL. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattela or sal ary; easy to get; no rea tepe. you get money same day asked for at email cost. Open evenings till I. U4 180 DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONEY loaned on furniture, aalary, planoa, hnreea etc.. In any amount; leas than half rataa. perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment auapended shall sick or out of work. U4 Karbach Blk.. an) 8. 16lb St. (14i IU CHATTEU aalary and storage receipt l . al.. T , n t l'.r.i. in U , ii4-i MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels rentlaaed. JI NK IS THE MONTH OF ROSES. V But Is not rosy with all of us. Ifvoif re suffering with the heat In your iasf Inter s clothing and haven't get the prlef i buy the "coolest In town." don't let that to worry you. Call on ua and we will buy them for you. NO OTHER WAY Is aa simple or cheap aa our way. You get the monev the same day you apply. Yon get It confidentially You get your payments spread out thin over a whole year If you want It. You get a large rebate If you pay up before that time. WE ARE YOUR BANK BBS. WK ARE RELIABLE. WR ARK HKKF. FIFTEEN TEARS WE HAVE- NO STAIRS TO fUMll' WE ARE ON THE FIRST FIA.KJR, OMAHA MOIITflAflM Ijuv ---------- "''.. w1( 118 BOARD OF TRADE BLIKJ. (14)-17 4. A VACATION SmMEHTinw vacation lime is here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised yourself this summer come to us. Our special low rates for va. cation money are still in effect; you ran get the money quickly, privately and con fldentlally on your salary, household goods, planoa, etc. Low rates; easy terms RELIABLE CREDI-f " 808 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. lfll. U4)- MttO FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-1 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH and others, without security; essy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man. room 714. New York Life Bldg. (14)-11 . . .v w-nriiHuio, accom rnodatlng; all business confidential. 1801 Douglas. (ID 14 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THBI PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or OFFERED FOR RENT Board Ins aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; rafa (16) 18T DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16; 168 M08T convenient and pleasant location- de. slrable rooms. Call before locating. The Pratt, 202-213 8o. 25th St. Private -x" change Douglas 8138, (16) M683 t30O FARNAM. rooms and board. (16-673 Jyll FIR8T-CLA88 board Jn private fsmtly; all modern conveniences. 2469 Harney St (.18) M374 38x LARGE south front room with board; mod ern house; beautiful lawn; most conven ient location; references. 123 So. 26th ve- , (16) Mtin9 Jy lx DESIRABLE room; first class boarc? pri vate family. 218 S. i8th St. ' (15)-M730 Jy2x Fnralahed Itooroa. " NICB newly furnished rooms; warning dla. tance. 320 N. 23d St. (lfi)-4 FOR KENT One large southeast room, electric right and all conveniences. Ill 8. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 8S37. (15) 600 NICE ROOMS Good place for young mea or man snd wife; also other rooma HI N. 19th. (16) 822 Jylx SUITES, newly papered and " furnished. double rooms. with gas lights and stoves. fc'7 8. 13th. Tel. Dougla C614. (16)-733 26X A PLEASANT south front room, for gen tlemen, at 2208 Douglas St. C5)-M408 28 T WO large front rooms, strictly modern, Hanscom Park district; two first class boarding houses within two blocks. 'Phone Harney 3280. (16) M684 26x FURNISHED room for single gentleman In a family of two; house new, modern, references. Address J 661, caro of Bee. (16)-M618 29 PARLOR Suitable for permanent 'couple, nice and cool and Very nicely furnished, modern home, nice shady lawn; also light housekeeping room. 2818 Douglas. (16)-M808 9x KdHT-Nicely furnished modern room cottsge in Stanford Circle for I months call 2618 South Thirteenth St. (16) M682 27 HOUSEKEEPING and slwptng rooma 1712 Jackson St. (16)-MB42 2x 128 8. 25TH St., fins front room In flne local ity; suitable for one, two or three gentlemen- (16) M643 t)x I ELEGANT furnished rooms to good parties; all modern. 220 N. 23d. (15)-66I ROOMS with breakfast prlvllegee, modern walking distance, 116 N. ifith. Gentlemen preferred. (16) 620 Jyll J801 DOUGLAS ST., modern rooms; gerw no; jusii isx 116) ooard PLEASANT rooma with toard. 8016 Pacific St., Hanscom park cars pass door; 'phone Harney 1189. (16)-el7 25 PLEASANT, modern room. In convenient lULMiiwi, icuimuio. D4I eouin z.in Ava, (16)-20 86 TWO furnished rooms for light houae- aeeping, wun gaa. Z3io Farnam. (16V-M686 2 FURNISHED rooms, easy walking dis tance from down town. 2406 Harney St. (16)-M6Sa Jylx NEATNESS a specialty: nicely furnished room for gentleman In new modern house; walking distance; small family, adults; , rent reasonable. 816 No. 26th St. 'Phone Red 6163. (16) 97 2Sx VERY pleasant rooms, modern detached house, private family, close In, very rea sonable. 2019 Case. Tel. Red MS7. (16)-M7S4 Jyl WANTED A congenial young man for a room mate; must be temperate. Address L 666 Bea. (14-M742 28x HonavKeepiagr Keona ROOMS, 1120 North 17th Bt. 06) 441 FOR RENT Three-room, modem flat, 2911 Douglas, ground floor; rent reasonable. Globe Land and Inveatment Co., 1822 Far. nam St, (16) 170 ELEGANTLY furnlahed or unfurnished cool rooms for light housekeeping. $18. 218 No. 23d St. r-O6)-MG60 28 IN DUNDEE. 10 rooms, all modern and completely fur nlahed, 1 block from car, for I or 3 montha, $40 per month. BEMI8, Phone, Douglas 686. Paxton block. (15)-M741 Hoaaea aad lot tears. OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, mora, atore H. H. goods; storehouse' 1130-24 19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. Uit (15)-!" r -ROOM house, modem except furnauvs $22.60. 830 B. 21st. Tel. Harney I7ni. (16)-M4U FOR RENT About July 1, pleasant . home, 7 rooms, modern; see owner. 2644 Manderson bt. (16) 66S 26x CENTRAL 4-room corner flat, 230 North 33d St. (U)-M303 a HOUSES J" "J,1 Part of cU'- Th O F. Da via Co.. Bee Bldg. Q--i74 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest Brlcea. Tel. Douglas io2o. Hchmollsr 4b lueller Piano .:o.. 131l-iai3 Farnam. (J6)-174 HOUSES g ftJth'L (16) 173 HOUBfJHOLD roods racked, forwarded rheap freight ratea. Moving and storage. Expieaamrn's- Delivery Co.. Tel Doug. ' 94. (U) M6U FOR RENT Three new modem 7-room. ", euui oi nmiow concrete block. THE O. F. DAVIS CO., UK Bee Bldg. (161-M7U 30 ins Xf vrr an -room strictly modern, brani new. tja O Keel Heal JUtale Oa, lwul H X. Um sua ... C--U.e .