The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXX VI I NO. 7. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1907 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. OPERATORS STAY OUT San Francisco Telegrapher! Pay No Attention to Ultimatum. OFFICIALS BUST AT WIEE3 Claim by Companiei that Work ii Well in Hand. ONLY HALF HOUR BEHIND All Business, However, it Accepted Snbject to Delay. APPEAL MADE TO BOOSEYELT rmKril Receive Message from Washington Union Asking for Investigation of Telegraph SAN FRANCISCO. June 2S.-Tha situation !n the telegrapher' strike remalna un changed with everything peaceful around the jnaln office of tha companies and work proceeding aa though no tie up of the. wires waa In existence. Tha formal notice of the Western Union and PoaUU Telegraph companlea to their striking operator to return to work ye terday waa Ignored by the men, aa waa expected. None returned to work and the chief operators and offlclnla of both com panlea ware busy working at the keya themselves. Tha company officials said that tha retinal of the men to return sev ered finally the bond heretofore existing. Superintendent i May of the Wostern Union, declared that his company waa en gaging men, but would not say how many. J He said they were coming from all direc tions and that normal conditions would prevail soon. The officials of both com panies claim thoy are within a half hour of the work all the time. The government business was being handled, aald Mr. Btorer, without any delay at all. Although messages nre being handled with reasonable promptness so far, the companies refuse to take them exoept sub ject to Indefinite delay, owing to the fear of Interference with the wtroa. General Superintendent Btorer - of the Postal Telegraph company aald today that the strike situation waa unchanged. Quite a number of operators were at work and business la being handled without serious delay. "Conditions In our . office are better 'to day than at any time since the strike be gan," said Superintendent A. II. May of the Western Union Telegraph : company, today. "We are handling an Increased volume of business and have added to the number of our operators. The outlook la very encouraging." At Appeal to Roosevelt. OYSTER BAT, June 26. President Roose velt today received a message from the Central Labor union at Washington, asking .him to. eauae an investigation to be made to ascertain whether the telegraph com panies have violated the ' Sherman anti trust law by conspiracy In restraint of trade. . The president has as yet ordered no Investigation, nor has he given indica tion Of Ills probable action In this matter. No other labor organisation than that at Washington has as yet Joined In the ap peal to the president, although It Is said similar ' action will be taken by all the leading labor organisations In the United States. - Offer to Arbitrate. NEW TORK, June 26. The executive committee of the Commercial Telegraphers' union today offered to submit their griev ances against the Postal Telegraph com pany to arbitration. Complaint waa also made that the company had not fulfilled tta agreements with lta men In Chicago. Local telegraphers reported business for Paclflo coast points to from thirty to forty eight hours behind, with the exception of Ban Francisco proper. It Is said that little or no business Is being attempted with San Francisco on account of the strike there. . The walkout there, however, has practically paralysed business with other oast points, rendering conditions worse than at San Francisco Itself. HILL HAS HI SEYE ON COAST Indications la California Point to Ef forts to Secure Terminals In that State. 'BAN FRANCISCO. June .-That James J. Hill has not abandoned his plans for extending his gigantic railway system to the California water line Is again being evidenced in the movements of several par ties of surveyors which are now operating In northern California and weetern Ne vada, ' Within the last few weeks repre sentatives of the Hill lines have been tn this city and Los Angeles In connection with the lktest development In Hill's Cali fornia terminal project The latter is a survey for a line from a point In Hum boldt bay to Oaselle, a dlstanoe of 160 miles, and from the latter point It Is con tsmplated to build a line eastward to Win nemucca, Nev. The survey of the route between Oaselle and Wlnnemucca has been partially made. ' MANY OFFICERS ARRESTED Sixty la Hon t hern Military District at Rnsala Reported to Be Held Prisoners. LONDON, June 28. A dispatch to a news agency from Odessa says U Is au thorite tlvely reported that sixty officers of the southern military district, several of them connected with the Odessa garrison, have arrested, Kaleer Makes Big to Jane. KBIU June .-When the kaiser visited the Japaneee cruisers Tsusuba and Chltoee Curing the regretta here, he addressed the crew of the former warship, saying In English:. "I trust and hope that tha Japa neee and Oerman navies will always work together aa good friends and comrades, and that their ensign will always, be side by side tor the matntatnance of the peace and order of the world." White Wlsss en Strike. NEW TORK. June K. Aa a "protest agsinsi ius aouon 01 me aepartment or ftclavia la laying off eoioe of their fellow workers, employee of the strawt clean ing department In Manhattan and Bronx boroughs went on a strike today. The men on strike are cart drivers, sweepers and dump men. 11 nas been the custom ti the street cleaning department to -ui dawn the regular working loros' during lite summer uionms. unaer tnis system same men who have been rr uLarlr em ployed through the winter at 12-4o per day were put on nm saira list ana are al lowed li W a day when tkey work. The inkers want all the lita retained at Cava """ ravie 01 wage SUMMARY OF THE BEE Wednesday, June 86, 10OT. 1907 June 1907 uh won rut wto rNu ' ni si 5 3 4 10 II I 8 15 22 2 0 5 0 12 13 i 20 ' Vv 7 14 21 16 17 18 21 2b 28 29 TBI T FORECAST FOR NEb. Vvi"alr and warmer. Temperature at Omaha y Hour. Dcg Hour. 6 a. m. w 1 p. m. a. m 65 2 p. m. m N6 3 p. m .1 t a. m 5 4 p. m 72 a. m 5 p. m :.. 72 1" a. m W fir., rn , 73 U a. m 67 7 p. m 72 U m 67 8 111 7o 9 p. m 60 DOMESTIC. State department at Washington ex plains that effort to pacify the Japanese lay behind offer of services of District Attorney Devlin In suit against people of San Francisco by restaurant men. Page 1 Airship in charge of Lincoln Beachey, which successfully sailed over New York city, fouled on spire marking shaHow water In East River and aeronaut was nearly drowned Page 1 Sioux Falls wins first ruling of Judge Garland In its rate war suit with the St. Paul road over alleged discriminations with Sioux City. Page 1 Supreme court of Oklahoma throws out Injunction suit that would rent rain sub mission of new constitution and election will now be called. Page 1 Higher court tn Indiana rules that state has right to regulate liquor tratflo. Page 1 Harry Orchard was recalled yesterday by the defense to lay the foundaHjn of Impeachment of his testimony which was later begun by the testimony of witnesses who had seen Orchard In Colorado. Tags 1 Death comes to Italian occupants of ten ement In collapse of building. Page S Officials of the San Francisco telegraph companies assert that they are behind in their work only half an hour, while east ern telegraphers say It is almost impos sible to work with San Francisco. Page 1 Former Judge Loving goes on witness stand at Houston, Va., to tell detaI7s of his murder of Thomas Estes, who mis treated his daughter. ' The daughter later tells the story. I'age 1 Severe electrical storm in Nelrranka, Iowa and Missouri on Monday night did damage to life and property. I'oge 1 poKSiav. Mark Twain given notable banquet by the Pllgrlma in London, unusual attention being paid him. Page 1 War between Salvador and Guatemala seems certain according to advices re ceived at Washington . Pege 1 Government of France will not yield In Its purpose to treat wine growers who re belled with severity. ' Pge 1 Official confirmation of the destruction of crew -xf- ninoty man of the steamer Santiago received V t Pe 1 BTZBBABXA. Ansley man. whose cattle are assessed In both Logan and Custer counties, asks the State Board of Assessment to help him out. Page 3. X.OCAX.. w Postmasters of Nebraska and Iowa hold lively convention at the Crelghton College of Law. Pe 1. Railroads are busy preparing for the Installation of the uniform aystem of ac counting In compliance with the new rate law effective July 1. Page 3. Prominent business men lend their voice and means to the promotion of the Toung Men's Christian association building fund balance of $90,000. Pege 7 Marc Klaw of Klaw it Erlanger, an nounces he has about closed deal for lot on which, to build 11,000,000 theater. ( Page 7. Purchases of real estate In the pro scribed district indicate that the early removal of that district Is inevitable. Page a. Interstate Commerce commission an nounces that railroads may make reduc tion In or special rates for United States army and navy troops. Page ft. Society Mesdames N. B. and P. TI. Up dike give luncheon which Is consj-juous among affairs of Tuesday. Page Chicago and Cleveland capital has been enlisted to complete the Omaha, Beatrice and Lincoln Interurban railway. Page a. BtOTBatllsTTS OP OCEAH STEAMSHIPS. Port. ArrlT.d Sall.d. BREMEN Barbaroaa Mala. HASUil'RO ' luuarla. CHRISTIANS'NDC. F. Tlatcra.... RflTTEHUAa "'Bwrn Clita 41 NapoJl.. Laura Hamburg K. P. Wllhalm... Ionian Caledonia Canopte Antonio Lopai.,, Finland HAPLJ5.3 .... PLYMOUTH MONTREAL OL.A900W .. BOSTON .... BARCELONA pOVER LONIKJN .... OIBRAI.TAB Mlanabaka FTtneaan Iran. BR1ATOL, Monmouth WARNING FROM BLACK HAND Wealthy Italian Receives Notice that He Will Be Killed and Buried by July S. NEW YORK. June 26. Members of the "Black Hand" society who recently at tempted to murder James Morroney and his family by placing dynamtte In the kitchen stove of his home at Mount Vernon have now set the date for his murder unless he gives them $1,000. Morroney received his last notice through the mall Monday. The letter, which was postmarked New York, had a skull and crOBsbones at the head and read: "Unless you leave 11.000 where we told you to, you'll be killed and burled In the New Rochelle' cemetery by July 6." The message was signed "Black Hand." After the algnature waa drawn a coffin. Morroney Is the proprietor of the Wig wam hotel at Mount Vernon. He la wealthy and the democratic Italian leader In that section. The police have arranged to guard Morroney night and day. CREW OF NINETY PERISHED Only One Passeasjer on Wrecked teavaaer tantlasje One U Ul cer Sol Borvtvor. SANTIAGO, Chile, June ftWt is officially announced by the Pacific Steam Navigation company that only one passenger was aboard the Santiago, wrecked In a heavy squall fifty miles 'north of Corral, and he was drowned. The only survivor was the fourth officer. All the rest of the crew, numbering ninety and Including twelve EAgliah officers, are aald to have perished. Only one boat waa launched and It waa daehed to pfecea oa the rous after drifting for several days. JUDGE LOVING TAKES STAND Virginian Testifies to Impulses that Made Him Murderer. TOOK SHOTGUN TO KILL ESTES With Revelation of Daughter's Con fession trains Him On, He Had No Mercy Story of Hie Crime. HOU8TON. Va. June 26.-When the trial of Former Judge Loving, charged with the murder of Theodore Estes, ad journed yfsterday, the defendant had begun to relate a conversation with his brother-in-law, Harry Sneed, who told him of the alleged drugging of his daughter which led to the killing, when the attorneys for the prosecution objected on the grounds that Judge Loving's statement would be hear say evidence. After lengthy arguments today, this objection was -overruled, thus scoring an Incidental victory for the de fense and the Judge related tile details of the story He told how his daughter had admitted that after making her drunk, Estes had taken advantage of her while they were driving together. "This revelation came to me as a thun derbolt from a clear sky. I loved my daughter ' and no power on earth could have restrained my hands." said Judge Loving. The witness here began to weep. Continuing Loving said: "In this condition of mind I went out Intending to put that man to death. I got my shotgun and drove alone to Lov tngston, but found Estes was at Oak Rldpo. I went to Oak Ridge, where I learned Estes was In a car at the station. I then turned my horse to a livery sta ble, got out of the buggy and loaded my gun. I saw Estes In the car with two negroes and waved them aside and said to Estes: 'You are the young man who takes ladles driving and drugs and rulnr them?' I heard no reply and when he made a motion as to leave the car I shot him. I then surrendered, to the sheriff." The witness. In reply to questions, stated that for two months prior to the killing he had not drank any whisky. He re lated his struggle with the hltky habit and how It had Injured him, even to the extent of separating him from his wife. Harry Bneed, who lives on the Oak Ridge farm and who Is assistant manager of the estate of Thomas F. Ryan of New York, was the next witness. He related that on the morning of the tragedy he told Judge Loving that he had been sent for to see Miss Loving and found her In a drunken unconscious condition. He also testified about his meeting Miss Loving ami Kates In a buggy. SIOUX FALLS WINS. POINT Judge Onrlond Overrules Demurrer of St. Paul ttosd In Freight . War Suit. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., June 26. Judge Garland of the United State court, today overruled a demurrer of the St. Paul Rail road company In connection with the freight rate war between Sioux City, la., and Sioux Falls. The suit waa lnstltilted by Sioux Falls Jobbers to prevent the rail road from putting Into effect rte old freight tariff between Chicago and Mil waukee and Sioux City and Sioux Falls, which would raise the present rte to Sioux Falls to an average of 104 per cent of the rate from Chicago and Mil waukee to Sioux City. The demurrer urged that the matter could only he deter mined by the Interstate Commerce com mission. The railroad company must now show cause July 6 why It should not be restrained from putting the old rate Into effect. AERONAUT NEARLY DROWNED After Sncceasfnl FIlRtat Over Sky scrapers of w York, He Drops Into River. NEW YORK, June 25. A big cigar-shaped airship In charge of Lincoln Beachey, sailed across the bay from St at en Island, today, circled above Brooklyn, swept over East river and alighted gently In the midst of a crowd numbering thousands In Battery park. A. few moments later the operator aet the machine In motion again, and the ship rose to an altitude of about 500 feet and started northward over the sky scrapers of Manhattan island. Mr. Beachey then sent his airship over the Bast river toward Long Island sound. In somo manner he collided with a spindle which marks a ledge at the sunken mead ows, his airship was badly damaged, and he was thrown into the water. He was rescued by a boatman much exhausted. TWO NEW BANKSJN NEW YORK National Institutions Will Bo Estab lished In Gotham, One In Uptown District. NEW YORK. Junv 28. Two national banks. It Is announced today, are In pro cess of formation here. One of them, the Sherman National bank, has about com pleted lta organization plans but the other bank, which will be located In the Forty second street district and will be known as the Bryant Park bank, will not begin business until some time In the fall. The Sherman National bank Is being organised by Edwin C. Smith, former governor of Vermont, who will become president of the new bank. A lease has been taken of the quarters In the Astor court build ing at Thirty-fourth street and Astor court. HADLEY DISMISSES HIS SUITS Keeps His Part of Agreement with Railroads of Missouri In Circuit Court. ST. LOUIS, June 26. It became known today that Attorney General Hadley yes terday dismissed sixteen suits Instituted In the circuit court recently against eight Missouri railroads to enforce the 2-cent fare rate and minimum freight rate laws. Dismissal' of the . suits waa due to the agreement by the railroads li obey the 2 cent law for ninety days and to the suits now pending in Kansas City involving the maximum freight rate law. WAR IN CENTRAL AMERICA Washington Receives New of Prob able Hostilities Between Sal vador and Guatemala. WASHINGTON, June 2E.-The State de partraent today received a cablegram from the American minister at Guatemala City stating that the situation In Salvador la disquieting and that Guatemala and Sal vador are aemiliig troop to the frontlet. JAPAN IS 0N AGGRESSIVE Takes Action In Mnnehnrln that Will . Force China to Outline Policy. MUKDEN, June 26. Without waiting for an announcement of the policy of the new Manchurlan administration, Japan on the ground of defense of her treaty rights has begun a program apparently directed toward forcing action by China. It Is reported that the Peking government al ready has asktd to reopen negotiations toward reaching an agreement in the tim ber dispute. All Manchurlan Industries on the Yalu river are In a state of suspense on this account. General Knjlma, military head of the timber bureau Is levying on one-fourth of all timber. Owing to the fact that 10,000 unoccupied lumber men are now In Antung. disorder Is feared. General KoJIma today Issued a proclama tion Intended to relieve the situation. China's default In the negotiations and Its support of a large timber company In de fiance of Japanese protests has rendered void the plan of KoJIma for stopping Chinese timber operations, which he holds to be illegal. China's course since May has exposed her to coercion and the al teration of the Japanese Manchurlan policy from compromise to force. DOES NOT SEEM A LEADER M. Albert Dene-rlhed by Newspaper Man as I nlmnreaalrr ( harar ter Hot Attractive. NEW YORK. June 25. Marcelln Albert, the French, peasantwho has sprung Into prominence as the leader of- the wine growers' movement in southern France, is thus described by a Herald correspondent, who saw him at Nnrbonne Monday: 'At first view not a very impressive fig ure Is this 'savior' of the vine. He Is a typical peasant, of medium height and spare figure, with toll-hardened hands, sun burnt face, aquiline nose, prominent cheek bones and the dark eyes, black hair and coal black beard characteristic of these children of the south. "When It vis possible to hear his voice there is nothing very attractive in the timbre. On the contrary, It is somewhat harsh and decidedly unmusical and he ap pears to have little of that facile 'gab' which one expects to find In a popular leader. "Astuteness, mother wit and steadfant ncps, all these he has, but of the attractive factors of voice, manner or personality, in which the power of most demagogues re side, I find not a trace. "From whatever cause Marcelln Albert's popularity may be derived, that it exists Is unquestlonablo." ' MINISTERS VISIT THE HAGUE Deputation from Christian Churches Ask that Conference May Insure Peace. THE HAGUE, June 2 The president of the peace conference, M. Nelldoff, today re ceived a deputation from Christian churches throughout the world, headed by the Rev. William Freemantle, dean of Rlpon, who presented .- address urging the conference to ensure (teece. Justice and humanity. The address was signed by all the leading churchmen of Great Britain ex cept the Catholics, who refused to partici pate even Indirectly In a conference to which the pope was not Invited, Nine American Catholic bishops signed the ad dress. M. Nelldoff cordially thanked the depu tation for the Interest taken In the work of the conference, to which, he said, the address would be communicated, adding that everyone earnestly desired the success of Its work. The proposition which France presented to the second committee (land war) has not yet been definitely drafted. It will merely express the wish that a declaration of war be compulsory before the opening of hos tilities. CARLOS THRONE IN DANGER Cuslons Attitude of Government In Portnaal Slowly Arousing? the People. LONDON, June 25. A correspondent of the Tribune says In a letter mailed from Llebon June 19 that King Carlos' throne Is In Imminent danger of being swept away by the rush of a great democratic wave, swollen suddenly to dangerous proportions by the act of despotism which he permitted on May L The people do not forget, the correspondent says, that lat year the king condemned Premier Rlbelros' attempt to dissolve the Cortes and they contrast this attitude toward a conservative pramier with the curious, Illogical license he has given to Premier France. The general feeling of the country Is one of advanced liberalism and a reetitlon of autocratic bungling can only have one result today In Portugal, the writer suys, namely, the deposition of the king and the establish ment of a republic. LISBON, June 25. The government as the result of the political agitation has closed the republican clubs. GOVERNMENT WILL NOT YIELD Proposes to Fight for Continued Im prisonment of Wine Growers In Franco. PARIS, June 25. The cabinet has decided to oppose the motion of the socialists to be Introduced In the Chamber of Deputiea to day in favor of the provisional liberation of all the persons arrested In connection with the wine growers' disturbances In the south of France. EARTHSHOCK AT CARACAS Slight Tremor Las tins; Three Second Wae Felt tn South Amer ica Friday. CARACAS, June 22. via Wllemstad, Island of Curacoa. June 25. A strong e&rthahotk j lasting three seconds waa felt in the fed ' eral districts at 1:15 a. m. yeaterduy. No ; daiuage was done. Venesuelan Cabinet Resigns. CARACAS, VenexueUi. June 22. Via Wll emstad. Island of Curacoa. June 26. The cabinet resigned today owing to' the action of congress tn condemning the policy of I the minister of finance. The heads of the departments are transacting the govern ment business. Alfonso Pleased wlth Golf. MADRID. June 25.-Klng Alfonso Is tak ing the greatest Interest In golf during bis sojourn at La Granja. He has given two sets of clubs te tho cadets of tha military college so that they may learn tha game. Brasll Guarantee Loan. RIO PE JANEIRO, June 26.-The Brasil ia n Chamber of Deputiea has approved the guarantee ot the Sa Pauii coffee loaa of lifcowo. NASBYS FROM TWO STATES Nebraska and Iowa Postmasters Meet with Washing-ton Officials. PALMER WANTS TIME IN THE FALL Thinks Close of the Fiscal Year Is Too Buey a Season for Such Conventions to Be Held. The fourth annual convention of the Ne braska Association of Postmasters con vened In the assembly hall of Crelghton College of Law at 11 a. m. Tuesday with' about 100 members of the association present, and a large sprinkling of Iowa postmasters. Many women postmasters from Nebraska and Iowa are also attend ing the convention. President II. E Talmer called the meet ing to order and delivered a brief introduc tory address, outlining the program for the convention and read, several letters from department officials. In which they ex pressed their regret at being unable to at tend the convention at this time. A letter was also read from Senator Dolllver of Iowa, stating that owing to engagements In Oklahoma Just at this time he could not be In Omaha. "However," said President Palmer, "I am pleased to announce that T. E. Bush noil, assistant superintendent of the salary and allowance division, and George L. Van Dyke, field superintendent In the first as sistant postmaster general's office, are in the city and will be presont during the con vention, not only to talk to us, but to an swer any questions the postmasters may have to propound to them. Wrona Sermon for Convention. "I want to take this occasion to say that I believe that It Is the wrong time of the year for a postmasters' convention and hope that this convention may take steps to hold future conventions at a later date, somewhere about September L The last of June being the close of the fiscal year, is an extremely busy period with the Postofflce department, and auch being the case, It Is difficult to secure representatives from the general postofflce department to attend these meetings." A question box was placed on the secre tary's desk in which all questions pertain ing to postofflce work may be placed , by the postmasters and answers to them will be given by competent authority. Including Messrs. Bushnell and Van Dyke. Captain Palmer Invited the members of the convention to visit the Omaha post office at noon to see the letter carriers pre pare to start out' on the noon deliveries and to make a tour of the Omaha office. Some Prominent Delegates. Among the prominent Iowa postmasters present are G. L. Robb of Albla, John Meyer of Allen, E. O. Beaublosson of Whiting. W. R. Pre wltt of Onawa, H. E. Deater of Shenandoah, J. T. Hcjan of Cherokee, I. Hossler of Battle Creek, J. H. Wegersew of Alta, Lucy B. Smith of Sioux Rapids, W. J. Scott of Ida Grove. Prominent among the Nebraska post master already here are M. A.' Brown of Kearney, Ed R. Slser of Lincoln, Lew Shelley 0 Falrbury, Karl Kramer of Co lumbus and Clayton Kellom of Franklin. It Is expected fully 9P0 postmaster will be In attendance during the convention. The change In railroad schedule delayed the arrival of a large number In time to at tend the opening session Tuesday forenoon. One hundred and seventy-five Nebraska postmasters had registered up to T p. m. Tuesday and about fifty-five Iowa post masters. The features of the afternoon session were addresses by Superintendent Bushnell of Washington and of Field Superintendent Van Dyke. Both will speak again Wednes day forenoon. "We have assurances," said Secretary Cook, "that at least 200 postmasters will take In the Ak-Sar-Ben Wednesday even ing, and they are looking forward to the event with great enthusiasm." Shy at Palmer's Box. The postmasters are a little Inclined to shy at Captain Palmer question box as It look too much like a contribution box. However, Mr. Palmer positively assured the postmasters that only questions would be received on deposit and the postmaster took a little more kindly to It. At the opening of the afternoon session President Palmer took occasion to show that virtue will in time receive Us own re ward. He cited a trio of Instance in the cases of M. A, Brown, Lew Shelley and Clayton Kellom, who were for many year residents and boosters for Beatrice, but while residents there never received any reward but Ingratitude. But when they moved away from Beatrice, Brown to Kear ney, Shelley to Falrbury and Kellom to Franklin, each was rewarded with a post office, which position he is now holding. "The attendance at this meeting is much larger than that of last year," said he, "and we have every assurance of bollevlng that more of the 1,600 postmasters of Iowa and the 900 of Nebraska are coming." E. T. Bushnell Speaks. Superintendent of Salaries and Allowance E. T. Bushnell of Washington waa then Introduced and spoke briefly. Most of the afternoon waa devoted to asking questions of Mr. Bushnell, to which he responded. He said: "My mission here la to bring you greet ings from the postmaster general. Ho wished me to say to you that ha regretted extremely be could not be here today. These convention meet with hi heartiest ap proval and he la satisfied that such meet ing are productive of much good. Both the postmaster and the department are ben efited by these conventions. But you post masters must not think you are the only onea who have trouble. The department has its troubles with congress and appro priations, and it must retrench accord ingly. Congress frequently believes the calls for additional appropriations for the benefit and extension of the service are vis ionary and the appropriations are reduced ! accordingly. The service is growing so rap I Idly we cannot easily estimate for service tor a year aneaa ana in a great many In stances must do It quarterly. "The recent law providing for the gradu ated Increase of salaries for clerks -end carrier I far reaching 1n It effect. The sympathies of the public ha been largely with the carrier, but yt a higher grade of ability I needed with the clerk than with carrier. The responsibilities ' of the clerks are greater." Ed Starr Makes a Talk. Vice-President E. R. Blser of Lincoln, followed Mr. Bushnell. He said: "A post master we belong to a great business sys tem, one of the greatest In the world. We are proud of the fact that we are agents of the government in this great work. I believe In organisation in politics, religion, business and tn the postofflce." President Palmer then announced that 'Continued pa gootd Pag- LIGHTNING'S EFFECT DEADLY Severe Electrical Conditions Prevail In Ion a and Missouri, Deaths Reaoltlua-. HAMBURG, la., June 26. (Special Tele gram.) Last evening Cnl Notson, a farmer living about eight miles east of Hamburg, v.'ps struck by lightning and Instantly killed. He was In company with his three sens and Joe Hydlnger. The bolt struck a barn In which they had taken refuge from the storm, setting It on fire. The itorm waa one of the worst of the season and much hall fell. ATLANTIC, la., June 25. (9peclal.)-Thta aectlon of the state has been visited by several severe and destructive thunder storms the last week, ltst evening one of the most severe electrical storms of the season passed over this part of tho county. Rain In torrents, mixed with hall, did some damage to crops. On Sundsy morning there was a high wind and Saturday even ing still another, and some damage wa done by lightning. West of town a barn waa struck by lightning and, together with Ms entire contents, waa entirely consumed. In tho barn at the time of the accident were two young boys, but both escaped uninjured. The heavy rains have washed out some of the corn and done other dam age to crop. YORK. Neb.. June 3.-(Spcdal.) The rain and wind storm last night did con siderable damage. It Is believed that the hardest part of the storm was In York. Large trees were broken and many blown down In the west part of York. It Is said the greatest damage wa done In Nor'h York where the water main are not ex tended. Many windmills In use were blown down. Many feared that hall would ac company the storm, but no report of dam age has come In. The telegraph and tele phone companies suffered considerably, as nearly all of the wires are down and over 60 per cent of the telephone are not In Use. YANKTON, 8. D., June 25. (Special.) Another heavy rain here has played the mischief with almost every bridge In town. washed out many county bridge and made roads almost Impassable. Corn, already very backward, has received another set back and It seems Impossible for It to ma ture now. UTICA. Neb., June 26. (Ppeclal.)-The worst windstorm that has occurred In this community for year happened last even In gabout 7 o'clock. The storm came up In a hurry and the wind was terrific from the very start. It took the tops off of small buildings In a great many places over the city, blew over and broke off large trees and about twenty windmills were felled to tho ground. The most damage was done to the Hurlburt elevator In this city, which had the back roof of the elevator entirely blown off and scattered It In the streets, the damage being about 1600. The large wooden awning In front of the furniture store of J. W. Carpenter was also blown down. Oscar Ragan's damage to hi place and comcribs north of the pity waa about I2VI. The storm did great damage to crops. GENEVA. Neb., June 26. (Special.) Another heavy rain fell last night, com ing with a fearful wind from the north west, a repetition of the strtrm of Saturday night only from another quarter. The tree lost more branches, the corn was well fiat, tened, some, hall fell, but pot evere In Ge neva. There was severe thunder and light ning. The achoolhouse room that was smashed by Saturday's storm was only partially repalder and the building 1s In bad condition for occupancy by the Junior normal pupils. The heavy wind played havoc with windmills, comcribs and other outbuildings. FREMONT, Neb., June 25. (Special.) A sharp hailstorm occurred here last evening, the hailstones being very large, some as ,b!g as hen' egg. Fortunately there was no wind and no damage ha been reported. It wa more severe northwest of the city. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 25. Much dam age was done In St. Joseph and vicinity by a violent rain and electrical storm last night Lightning struck the residence of John V. Dewey and shocked eight member of the family. Mr. Dewey Is In a critical condition. REASON OF AID TO JAPANESE Government Explains Why District Attorney Devlin Will Take Part In Suit. WASHINGTON. June 26.-Some com ment having been excited by the instruc tion to United States District Attorney Devlin to assist the proprietor of the Japanese establishments In San Francisco In the prosecution of their suits for dam ages sustained through the mobbing of their place. It 1 explained by aome of the official that this rather anarnalou Unking of the national government with a private plaintiff la brought about through a desire by this government to redeeirt Its pledge, to the effect that the Japaneso lri America shall enjoy all the rights guaranteed to them by treaty. The necessity of resorting to this course of action is deprecated, and It Is said that the outcome will be an appeal to con gress, probably at the next aeaalon, to provide by law for the removal from tate to federal courts of all Issues In volving the treaty right of resident alien. Mr. Olney, when secretary of tate In President Cleveland' second ad ministration, being much troubled with Incident Involving attack by mob on Italian and Chinese, sought legislation on this line from congress, but the time wa inopportune, and the opposition from the state right people wa strong enough to thwart hi desire. It Is believed now, however, that the time la ripe for such legislation and an effort will be made to obtain It, WILL VOTE ON CONSTITUTION Oklahoma Supreme Court Dissolve Injunction Issued to Prevent Election In State. OUTHRIB, Okl., June 25. The Okla homa supreme court this afternoon dis solved the Injunction Issued by District Judge Pancoast restraining the constitu tional convention from submitting to a vote of the people the constitution drawn for the proposed new state of Oklahoma. The convention doubtless will now be called together Immediately and a new date for tlte election set. Boy Gets Off with Light Fine. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., June 26. (Special Tetegram.)-Leonard Hadlln, a boy aged 14 or 16. who recently was Indicted by a United States grand Jury at Pierre on the charge of having taken from the post office at Vermilion a letter addressed to another, today appeared before Judge Carland 'end entered a plea of guilty. Owing to extenuating circumstances, the evtrimo youth of the defendant and tho further fact that nn uncle residing In Ne braska haa agreed to care for the boy tn the future. Judge Carland imposed a mini mum fine, which was paid and tba boy went LI wa rejolcinaa ORCHARD UNDER FIRE Defense in Haywood Trial Lays Foun dation for Impeachment, 6TAE WITNESS IS RECALLED Denies that He Made Threats Ag-ainit Steunenberff. SEVERAL CONTRADICT STATEMENT Evidence that Murderer Blamed Victim for Financial Losses. ORCHARD IN CRIPPLE CREEK Witnesses Say He Held Many Confer ences with Detectives of Mine Owners and Railroad Company, BOISE. Idaho, June 85 The first direct testimony In defense of William D. Hay wood waa offered today, and It was chiefly directed toward showing that Harry Or chard, blaming Frank Etcuenberg for the loss of his Interest in the Hercules mine, had threatened to huve reveng by killing hlin, and that the conduct of Orchard and K. C. Sterling, both before the Indepen dence explosion, when they were frequently seen together and afterward, when Ster ling called off a bloodhound that was fol lowing Orchard a trail. Justified the Infer enco that the Mine Owner Inspired the crime. The calling of the first witness for the defense was preceded by a further examin ation of Orchard to permit the defense to complete Its formal Impeaching questions. These questions were nearly all In con nection with the claim that Orchard killed Steuenberg because of an alleged grudge growing out of the sale ot his Interest In the Hercules mine. Orchard, who cam into court under protection of the same flying squadron of guards that always act a his escort, maintained hi old calmness and spoke In the ylow-pltched soft tone. He again denied that he ever threatened to kill Steuenberg because ot the Hercules mine and again asserted that he sold his Interest In the mtne two years before the trouble that drove him out of northern Idaho. Two witnesses called later In the day swore that Orchard did threaten to kill Steuenberg because of the Hercules matter and the defense has pre pared the way for uch testimony from a dosen more witnesses. The two heard today were F. R, Read, once of Cripple Creek and now of Ooldfleld, Nev., and the other Charles A. Sullivan, formerly ot Cripple Creek and now a watchman In the Brown hotel In Denver. Orchard Made Threat, Redd aald he heard Orchard make the tatement and threat In the miners' hall In Cripple Crock, and Sullivan awore that while he and Orchard were fellow boarders at John Neville's place! In Cripple Creek, Orchard repeatedly said that but for Bteuncnberg he would be a rich man and that he Intended to kill him. The cross examination showed that both were mem bers of the Western Federation ot Miners, and that Sullivan was a friend of Haywood, Moyer and many of the union leader at Cripple Creek. Dr. I. L McOee, a mining broker of the Couer D'Alenes, another impeaching wit ness, swqre that Orchard told him In 1904, at Wallace, Idaho, that he was a "spotter" for a detective agency. Orchard denied this conversation; denied that he was In Idaho at any time In 1904. Several witnesses, principally women who kept lodging houses at Cripple Creek, Jo cated Orchard at various conference with Sterling, the detective for the Mine Own ers' association, prior to the Independence explosion, and there waa a further show. Ing a to meeting between Orchard and D. C. Scott, the detective for the Florence A Cripple Creek, railway. Another wit ness told of the effort to locate the men guilty of the Independence station outrage by starting a bloodhound from the chair rung used In pulling off the mine explosion. He aald tho dog took the road to Colorado Spring, the one over which Orchard fled In the night, and that when he reported to Sterling he got order to call the dog off. Sterling said he know who blew up the station, and later said that 8teve Adams had done so. The state fought the admission of the bloodhound story and also opposed the ad mission of evidence eoverlng general fea tures of the Colorado labor law, but In both Instances the court ruled with IM defense. Effort to Impeach Orchard. SAN FRANCISCO, June 25.-The taking of deposition in this city In an effort to Impeach the story of Harry Orchard at the Boise trial that he placed a bomb In front ot F. W. Bradley' door In Washington street near Leavenworth wa begun yester day. W. N. Llnforth, who owned the build ing and secured a $10,000 Judgment against the gas company for damages caused by the explosion, was the principal wltneaa. Lln forth stated In hi testimony that gaa leaks were found later and that before the explo sion gas waa amelled for om time. His testimony w corroborated In this detail by Mrs. Plchard and Miss Cummlng, who occupied on of the flats. Llnforth testi fied that from the room where the leakage occurred gaa could find It way all througU the house. OFFERS TO DIE FOR BROTHER Negro Preacher In Alabama Request that He SaflTrr for Man Who la Murderer. MONTGOMERY. Ala.. June S6. John Bee man, a negro preacher, applied to be ; allowed to die on the gallows tor hi j brother David, the date of execution being : July 26. The preacher says he will go ' to heaven and his brother, being a bad man, might not. Hi sacrifice would have ' a tendency to convert hi brother and both would thua get to heaven. TBe offer I of the negro ha caused a wava of sym pathy for both, and a petition IS being I circulated asking the governor to com j mute the sentence. STATE'S RIGHT OF CONTROL Indiana Supreme Court Reverse Heeent Liquor Decision af Jeaaa Christian. INDIANAPOLIS. June 5.The Indiana supreme court held tojlay that the Eta'e bus t lie right to reiulute traffic In liquors, j A decision by Judge Christian ot Ham ilton county is reversed. The lower court held that the saloon 1 an evil stats feas no right to llcsae kk si i i I i f