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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1907)
THE OMATTA DAHiY BEEi '.TUESfUY, JUNE If), 1907. CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sipu of weftknm Apparent from Cloie of Saturday. BULLS' BIO HOLDINGS THE CAUSE Varla Markets An irons? on Grn rati Contlanaar of Wet and Unfavorable Wnlkrr Conditions. OMAHA, June 24, Market showed signs of aknp this morning from Saturday's clou, sttriouted to local bulls selling heavy holdings. For eign markets were strung on contlnuence of wet and unfavorable weather both la the United Kingdom and Uerniany. Wheal opened weaker under heavy selling try local bulls, and commission houses were also good sellers. Borne bad reports are coming In and under, present conditions rust la looked for. July wheat opened at 6io, asked, and closed at 86c, bid. Corn wi lower on continued warm, growing weather and weakness' In other grain market a Trade was moderate, ca bles firm and shipments liberal. July corn opened at 48o. bid, and closed at 4T'vc, bid. Oats opened weaker and lower on heavy rolling. Later prices held better on dam ,s reports from Illinois and Ohio. July oats opened at 4140, aaked, and closed at lja, bid. Primary wheat receipts were 709,000 bush Sls and Shipments 4o,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 417. OuO bushels and shipments of 1S8.O0O bushels. Corn receipts were 1.G04.0U0 bushels and shipments 1.2u4. 000 bushels, against receipt last year of (64.000 buat.ela and shipments of 611,040 bushel. Clearances were 294,000 bushels of corn and 80,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 4u6,000 bushels. Liverpool closed Hd to ltd higher on wheat and lHd to IHd higher on corn. Total world a visible supply of wheat, de crease, 47,009,000 bushels; corn. Increased ,87,000 bushels and oats decreased 8.4b9,0u0 bushels. World's shipments of wheat this week 14, 1 1,000 bushels, as compared this week last year of 8.137,000 bushela World's shipments ot corn this week 7.871,000 bushels, as compared this week last year ot I,00t,0u0 bushels. Local rang of onions: by the New York produce, was as follows: Wheat, 47.l4l.noo bu.; decrease, 1 Vi"ii bu. Corn, .74l,tn) bu.; Incesun, Sx.OtO bu. Oats. 8 M9.0t bu.; Increase, 448,- WO bu. Rye, 6.,2.0ug bu.; Increase, Hn.oflO bu. parley, 7.i'0 bu.; decrease, (,000 bu. NEW TOItK G KMC HAL MARKET on Varlons NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Articles. Open. Htgh.j Low. Close. Bat y. Wheat I July .. Sept. .. Corn July .. Bept. . Oats July .. Sept. . 86HA 8SA 8PHB 87fcA 67B 87HA 87B M b 48 i 47T4A mn 47HA 47B 47fcA 470 41A 41IB 41HA 41B $6A B 86WA 86B 87B 48 n 47SU 41 HO 36B f i A asked. B bid. Vmska Caen Frlee. WTTKA1V No. 1 hard. 86&9c: No. I hard, UfWci No. 4 hard, 70tjoc; No. spring. COKN No. t, 4814c; No. 1 47H4o; no trade. 43r44c: No. 8 yellow. 48 Vu; No. 8 hllo UUn. OATS No. I mixed, 41ff4c; No. 8 white, VpUo; No. 4 whits, . 41H4Z4ci standard, fiyO-No. t, 78c; No. 8, 76c, CHICAGO OHAI.N AND PROVISIONS Venture of the Trading? sad Closlng ' Prices an Board of Trade. rwiPAflft lune 24. All the local grain markets were weak today because of lib eral selling by longs. At the close Sep. ember wheat was off 4?7o. oats town lfcalVic. corn wss Tio lower and arnvlalnna were from. 2V,tfi6o to 10c higher The wheat market opened firm because It an advance of more than Id at Liver pool and becauae ot a decrease of 4,2O0,0"O bu. In the amount of breadstuff on ocean fiaasage. The strength, however, was short Ived. A sharp break In the price of oats caused lively selling by pit traders. The fear of a general strike of telegraph opera tors also weakened prices. The weather conditions In this country and Canada wero favorable for the new crop and this wss ' a bearish Influence. The olose was weak, with prices close to the lowest olnt of the day. September opened Utilise to WQ Ho, JjWher at J&HAf V". ; declined, to Kc and closed at 04V:. Clearances- of wheat and flour were euual to 4O6.500 bu. Primary receipts were 703,000 bu., as against 417.000 for the same tiay lasi year, Minneapolis lmliith ajut Chleaa-o renorted. receluts ol 49 cars, as against 618 last weak and 434 a year ago. Large primary receipts and favorable weather for the new erop bad a depressing effect on the born market, sentiment being bearish nearly all day. The slump In oats waa an Influential factor In weakening values. A leadlna Ions' was the principal seller, while offerings were taken chiefly by cash houses. The close was weak. Sep tember opened a shade lower to He higher .at bttkUtoo to Ktthc, declined to D2o and closed at C23ja. .Jocal receipts were TJ58 cars, With 2J6 of contract grade. A 2u decline In the July delivery was the feature of the oats market. The slump wss due to free selling by large holders. The break In the July option forced down the prices of other months more than lot The market closed weak. September opened fctjrwe lower to Ho higher at 3io to 394?p lirtio, sold off to 81 io. where It closed. July ranged between 48o and 40c and closed at 3SkC Local receipts were 128 cars. The provisions market was firm all day because of buying by local packers.. At the close September pork wss up 10c at $16.00. lard was up 8WAi6c at $B.6&.trrtt and ribs were to higher at IH.TI. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars; corn, 722 cars) oats, 126 cars; bogs, 18,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: ((notation of the bar Commodities. NEW TORK. June 84. FI.OUR-Recelp. 23..S.H bills.; exports. 14.648 bbls.; dull sn.l about steady ;' Minnesota patents, IS; Minnesota bakers, $3.uir4.1.ii winter om enta, M.soiift.ou; winter straights 14 $1 I'll 4 45; wirier extras, t&uirtiX&O; winter low gradrs, i.i!j3.40. hye flour, dull; fair to good, 84.7M7'.00; choice to fancv, 88.101(6.40, COH.NMEAt-flteady; fine white and yel low, l au; coarse, sl.17wl.19; kiln dried, 83.2XWJ.M). RYK Dull; No. 1 western. 88c, f. o. b.. New York. WH EAT- Receipts. 111,700 bu.; exports, 181,278 bu.; sales, 8,i5".O00 bu. futures. Sp' t, easy; No. red, 87c, elevator, and W'c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Lniluth, 81.07, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 81011i. t. o. b., Bftnat. Another good ex port trade, coupled wltlv bullish foreign news, gave wheat one or two strong up turns todsy, outside of which the market appeared rather heavy on favorable west ern crop news, and at the clone waa Hfl 4C net lower. July, 99 7-16cfWl 01, closed at SWHc; September, tl-OuaxTl . 1-1, closed at 810 14: December, 81.0! la-UI.04ViO, closed at 81.01 lfv-lft. CORN Receipts, lGo.Bin bu.: exports. & bu.; sales, 176.000 bu. spot. Spot, easy: No. z. elevator, ana szc, r. o. p., afloat; No. 2 white, Mc; No. 1 yellow, tBHo, o. b., afloat. The option market was ithout transactions, closing: u.(jvtc net lower. July and Boptember both closed at SI He and December at tfje. OATS-Jlecelpts. 121.5(10 bu. ; exports, W.Tr, bu. Bnot. steady; mixed oats. 'iA to 32 lbs.. Clc; natural white, to 88 lbs., tlttti&Vfcc; clliped white. 3 to 40 lbs.. R2(ji65Ve.. FEEDfcteady ; spring bran, 8ii.l0; mid dlings, 8210. HAY Hteadr: shlDDtng. Tbfmc: good to choice, tl.2nral.25. HOI'S Uulet: Pacific coast. 1908 crop. 89 11c; 196 crop, Jf8o. HIDKS Uulet: Central America. TSMicX Bosxito. 2814 0. 1fjAi HtK (juiet: acid, zsia zic. PFinV16!flK9 DuF mtnmAv mllv 114 00 1714 50; mess. t8.50i?10.oO; beef hams. t34.0f5 2100. Cut meats, steady, pickled bell lea. 11 614c; pickled hams, 12180. Lard, firm; western nrlme. t8.erni4.i0: refined, aulet: compound.tH.87H 12V. Pork, steady; fam ily, tl8.5Otfm.0O; short clears, tn.00lt.00; mess. tl7.5fil8.2ft. TALLOW Dull: city (8100 per PKg.h He; country (pkgs. free), l48Hc RICR 8tesdy: domestic, fair to extra. ti 7c; Japan, nominal. DUTTEB-eteadyi creamery. Z4HVsct oi- flolal prices, creamery, common to extra. lU'y:4c; renovated, common to extra, 2oCc; western factory, common to firsts, 17 tilVc; western imitation creamery, firsts, 24) 4 21c. CHEES13 Firm; new state full cream, Colorado and white, small best, 12c; same, large, llo; soma, large and small, fair to good. 10'AdIllHc; same. Inferior, 7H3Hc KUU irregular; state, fennsyivania ana nearby fancy selected white, 20c; same, choice, 184719c; same, brown and mixed ex tra, lglSc; firsts to extra firsts, ltiVa 17c; western firsts, 15SifUlc; official price, firsU, "i4. . ft ) i j lth i uressea. sxeaay: western broilers. 20f23c: turkeys, 10ai4c; fowls, 11 U130. WEATHER IX THE GHAIIV BELT Showers Probably Followed by Fair for Tuesday. OMAHA, Nob.. June 14, 1007. Showers were general throughout the Missouri valley Saturday nlsht. but no V donation worthy of note has occurred In the valley or west to the mountains within the past twenty-four hours. . Rains have fallen In the Mississippi and Ohio valleys. the lake region, and throughout the eastern and southern states slnoe Sunday morning, and are falling In the extreme upper Mis souri valley and northwest this morning. The weather Is cooler In the northwest, and will be cooler In this vicinity tonight. With showers tonight, probably followed by fair Tuesday.. Omaha record of temperature and preclp ltatlon compared with the corresponding day of the rjaat three years: : 1907 1906 1906 1904 Minimum temperature ... 74 68 88 64 Precipitation 00 .07 .00 .84 , Normal temperature for tedsy, T4 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 0.88 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1906, t.E3 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1906, 4.48 inches. . i. a. wrJLoti, . Local Forecaster, Corn and Wk'al Region Bulletin. For the twenty-four hours ending at ! a. rn.. 7ou msnoian lime, oionaay, jurie n. 1807: OMAHA DIBTRICT. Temp. Raln StsM'ons. Max. Mln. fall. Ashland. Neb...,. 97 - 60 Foreign Demand for Gold the Only Factor in Market. MORE SHIPMENTS TO PARIS Traders Awaiting Completion of Month End Settlements at Home ndA broad Some Railway Issoes Higher. NEW YORK. June 24-What has come to be more or les vaguely known as the "foreign situation'' was the only factor of Importance In today's msrket. Oold to the amount of f3.60o.u90 was engnsed for shipment to Paris tomorrow, making a total outflow to that center on the present move ment of over t21,UiG.tiu0, a Hum well In ex cess of all estimatea. In all probability additional engagements to London as well as to Paris will be announced in the course of the week as It Is understood that the bank of England will continue Its offer of "special facilities" to attract the yellow metal to Its vaults. There was little news bearing on conditions abroad though pri vate advices were hardly encouraging. It Is apprehended that the London settlements, Inch begin tomorrow, may be attended by some strain on local financial resources and similar trouble seems to be feared at erlln In connection with the mid year sbursements there. Cables from the Oertnsn caoltal also expressed fear of a rash In the steel and iron Industry, this being traceable to the recent depreciation going on In the shares of iron and furn aces companies of Perlln, Hamburg, Frank fort ana other Industrial centers. Rank- ng Interests with Paris connections re ported the situation In the wine producing provinces as still critical. To add to these various adverse Influences abroad there was another sharp decline In copper metal in tne ionaon market. On the local stock market there were : frequent periods of utter stagnation and j the only stocks that showed even slight activity were I'nlon Pacific. Reading and maigamated Copper. These more tlmn divided the bulk of the titty's buslnips which manifested some slight activity In the final dealings and closed at the best prices of the day. Participants In the late pwarq movement Includec Rock Island nd the Hill Issues. At no time during the ay was there any Dressure to sell, and throughout the tone was one of quiet strength. Te unprecedented sum of 81S3.- 000.000 Is to be disbursed In interest and dividend payments during the coming month. The payments are usually an ticipated by Investors who seek the most attractive channels of Investment. Thus far the demand has been larselv limited to the various short term notes Issued In he early months of the year, but It Is expected that this vast amount of Idle capital will soon find a partial outlet in bonds and stocks of the better class. iocal monetary conditions were without material change for call loans but a fur- iner stmoninr of time accomodations was reported. This tendency Is likely to be more pronounced later In the week esne- clally as there is a general disposition to accept last Saturdays bank statement with some reservations. The day's crop news wss distinctly favorable, and rail road returns with scarcely an exception report gains In net earnings. Apparently there Is no diminution In the activity of the domestic demand for Iron. Pittsburg ana otner centers are worklna- at full capsHty snd prices show no weakness. iramc managers of the western railroads are practically a unit in declaring thut usiness Is fully up to exDectationa. but halt IS admitted bv officials of the rnaHa operating east of Chicago. Bonds were unchanged. Total sales par value, $71 4. 000. The renip of m-to n Miss Vam Trtvlr Stock exchange ..was as follows: . B.1M Ul-K 1 f I .... ... in. wn ......... AnudsamaWd Corner Mr, car and Koundr 49 Did Am. Cotton Oil do sfd Ainer. giprasi Am.r. Hid Laathar pfd Astar. los Amr. Llnasad Oil 4a sfd Amsr. loeomotlT pra of quiet in iTe south of F"!. trice. The In- I tiouncrmcut mad. by the KoNntan minister of homier that no loan will be Issued lefore the end of the year assisted In the general recovery of prices. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at ii-li. Husslan bonds of 1804 closed at 4fC I New York Aloney Market. NEW YORK, June 84. M O N KY On On call, steady: .V8f per cent; rullnr rate. t 3V per cent; closing r1d, 3 per cent; of fered at s per cent. 1 une loans ex'remely dull: sixty flays, 4 per cent: ninety days, IWiiV per cent; six months, per cent. I'KIMU MEKCANTILK PAV Elt fiH SSyii" per cent- B TEH LI NO EXCHANGE Pull, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at t4.S72St? 4 K730 for denisnd and at M.KEMKM for sixty day bills; jxtd rates, 84 hlVtH": commercial bills, tt s'V SILVEI-Bar. 67c: Mexican dollars, &24c. IiONPft Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds loTsy wjrs ss fol'ows: V. 8. ref. la res ...1iMUjJipn U, Id eerie.. y do crpon l'5 do ctfa Si" b'. s. ts. res 1'H 4 do id wrtas ", do coupon 1W4 do 4a M V. i. old 4. rs....IK'b. N. ual. U i"i n"i 'Mannat. c. tola a Art Idea. I Open.j High. I Low. Close. I Sat'y. Wheat-4 91H WHfl'H M IHHT I I I July 92HU9a 9C Dec, I87fctj 7W Wrts .8V July tSH Bpt. &S4(U ' bi Uuc UViau , U I U U I elw uly" T 45-1 ' 46 i " 43 i 4sJ 46 Beut. 3St-S!ti,3U(h 874k 38410 BVVi 88 SSTt; 3IH. HUm 4iV 40 40 41 16 60 M78 16 60 U 70 60 l&mL 1 67V4 16 87 Id 00 15 JW 70 170 8 65 8 6?Ht62H t 8 90 t 8--T, 8 rrw 8 t IVm W 8iHl 8 90 tmk liW 6 77Vi I 65 I TZW 1 70 8 86 I 8 07W Auburn. Neb... Columbus, Neb... 86 Kalroury, iNeo.... w Fairmont, Neb... (W Or. Island, Neb.. 89 Hartlngton, Neb. 88 , Hastings. Neb.... 88 Oakdale, Neb 89 Omaha, Neb M Tekamah, Neb... 88 Alta, la..... tt Carroll, la 89 Clarlnda, la 87 Plbley, la 88 Stoux City, la... 86 Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. no. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Central.- Stations. Max. Mln. Chicago, IU Columbus, O. .. Des Moines, la Indianapolis, lr Kansas City, li Louisville, Ky. 63 64 66 66 63 64 61 74 68 65 60 A4 64 68 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00. .00 .78 .00 .00 .00 for Fv. Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt- cloudy Clear Clear pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Rain. Inches. Omaha, Neb BL Louis, . MO... Deci May Bept. Bept, Oct. 8pt. Oct. t 60 t mi ( Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOrPv-Steady: winter patents, 83.70 1.00; winter straights, t&4i(1.70: spring pat ents, t4.lioi76.tU; spring straights, U-luUti; bskers, 83 fi.60. WHEAT No. 1 spring, 88cSSl.Q2; No. t. j1.01; 'No. I red. BOSyWu. CORN No. X B24i6ao; No. I yellow, S3.' OATn No. t. 48o; No. t white, 446a. HIE No. 8, 84c - . P.AKLEY Fair to choice malting, 704i"4c. riMX 8REDN0. 1 northweatern. tL26. Bl'lED Prim timothy, 14.75; clover, con tract grades, f 15. a6. PROVISIONA-Short rtlis sides OooseV bJ.45io8.otit; mess pork, per bbl., tlfi.TSrrj 15. 7K. Lard, per 100 bbls., tb.t4- Short clear sides fcoxed), tS.rVkijt.iaSi. Whisky, basis of high wines, tl.31. . . . Receltta Shipments. IP'Tur. bbte. 18.4H) 41. ao VheaL bu, .87.0u0 147.40 t'nrn, bu. W7.K10 917.4-1) Outs, bu. 1S3I0 119.70 Rye. bu. 4.dO 1 OO Barley, bu 14.3H0 Zl.t'iO On the Produce exchange today t- it ' ter market was firm; creameries !9SCic; lalrlea, 17fjiic. hfifn, steady; at inark, tasee Included. 18Mriu14; firsts, 13-; prime Irsta, 14c Cheese, steady) imiiHc. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 84 -WHEAT e-Sirsdy; No. 1 northern, 81.0:g'l 03; No. J Vorthern. HKfitl.01: beptemher, IMIto asked HYE Steady; No. 1. 7H-Wo. JHAIiLEY Weakv No. t. 76c; sample. 64 OATS Lower; standard, 45Hfi46o fcORN-Weak; No. I cash. 63140; Bopt. Feorln Market. PEORIA, June 4.-CORN-I'nchargl: Co. s yruow. W'4"1ci r0. a, iVo; No. 1 c; no grade, 474Ac. OATS Lower; No. 9 white, No. t hit. 4:i -6c: No. 4 whits, tfiswc RYD Nominal; No. V i4jisic. WUlBKY tl . Phlladelahla Pr4ut Market. PHILADELPHIA, June U-EOOS-Mar-t steady, fair demand, weatsrn firsts, free laaes. 17c at mark. CHEESE Firm, fair demand; New Tork hill creams. Ufrialftto. Vtstblo eely ot Grata. NEW TORK, June 84. The visible supply ti grain featurday, June H as ooupUed 84 . t4 44 .84 17 0 64 .84 14 84 66 .( 12 90 46 .$ 11 86 A .03 It 90 66 .80 90 82 fs .10 16 88 64 .04 12 s6 68 .13 seasonable Temtratures continued throughout the corn and wheat region dur ing the last twenty-four hours. Moderately heavy rains occurred in ail antnois. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Carlet Heeelpts, Wheat. Corn, Oat t 768 let 4333 11 28 64 Chicago Mtnneahills Omaha Duluth Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June 84. WHEAT July, 8&tyo; September, 87c; December, nso; casn iso. x naro, &.r.'.c; ino. , su-wci ro red ic: No. 8. 8oWiSttAc. CORN July, 49Vc; September, 48Hc; De cember, 404)c; cash: No. 1 mixed, file; No. fjoW-: No. 1 white. 62c: No. 8. OATS No. i white, 47o; No, 1 mixed, 45rf46c. LXlUtJ Firm; extra fancy. 16c; firsts, 14o seconds. 10c; current receipts, cases in chilled. 1VC. HA Y Steady ; choice timothy,1 tlti.6ttijn6.0O; choice t.ralrle. f 10.7oiaJll.25. ft UTTER Creamery, 2uc; packing, ltc EtKiH 14C. It Y E Steady. 77Q2c. Recelpta Shipments. Wheat, bu. 7ti"v 84, OuO Corn. bu. -. 4tl.ouO , ' ' ib.vit Oats, bu 9.000 . ' 7,000 Kansas City Closing Prices: Articles. I Opeo.) Htgh.f LOW. Close. Wheat July..., Beut.... Corn Julv.... Sept.... ...j9Vffli .... teSiU'V ;49,tf! 4:i WW ' 35 85HA isSj -1 era 4 " 49 48V. if,, 4S, 4V.3 A asked. B bid. 8 sellers. BT. tratk St. Leu Is General Market LOU18. June 2l.-WllKAl-Lower -o. x red 4-aati, raw. ro. z nara. Wi-nftc: July. WVtc: Beutembor. WHfiWW. CORN Lower; trsck- No. I cah, UW kc; July, tiVtU6l4ic; September, blo; No. FUlR-Jteady: red winter patents, f4.4(4.'0; extra fsncy and straight, tt.To aai; clean. K BEi:i Timothy, steadv; tS.0u4itO0. ClRNMEAL Sleady; ! 70. BRAN Weak; sucked, east track. 9&ia7c. HAY Lull; timothy, filjjj.w; prairie. iv it w. IKON COTTON TIES -Jl. 06. BAIK71NO llltt, HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Poik.. , higher; - jobbing, fill 10. Itrd, steady; prime steem. tt.X lry salt meals, steady: boxed extra short sv Jii 1. clean rits, f.s;s4: snort clean Bacon, steady: boxd extra short. Itu a; Clear nos. iiu.zu; snort, clears, fU).12w. Pori.TKY Firm: chickens. Pit; springs. inrseT. ais'aa, oe; rueaa, sc. blTTTKR Strgdy; creamery, bqt.'Ha. LXiOS 18c. Recelfts. Shipment Flour, bbls l.ioi t.ou) Wheat, bUv ,,..l.,.M,...Cl.vis - 43.S Corn, bo. - 181.4 lie ft Oats, bu. M. 1A.OO0 HuuO do coupon V. 8. naw 4a, reg do eoapon Am Tob. 4a ..... do Aa Athlaon rn. 4a.. 1I0 ad). 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. B. A O. 4a do IWa Ilrs R. T. c. tnti-ml of Oa. 8a. ...1?H !'. Cnlral 4 .. do lat Inc to ... 7HMlnn. A Rt. L. 4a.. M ...ICi M . K A T. 4a..,. 44 ... "i do Ma S ... N N. K of M. c. 4a.... 111 ... M N. Y. C. I'n. It ... HN. 1. C. fed. l:S ...91 No. laclAc 4s l'O 4a. do Sa 70 ,W N. ft WMt. 4a Hit do lrt Ino aOn!. 8. L rfs. 4a. Wvt ilo Id Ine 11 Penn. e. ma M do Id Ine .' n.dln in. 4a Ths. ft O. 4Wa lHPt. L. AV 1 M e Ba lm t'hlcaf o ft A. a. Mvj u L ft 8. F. ff . 4a C, B. ft . B. 4 ... 4,8t. I.. 6. W. c. 4a. 71 C, R. 1. ft P. 4a.. Civ, Saaboard A. L. 4a ... 7114 rlo col. Sa I 3o. Tactile 4a ct'C. A St. U 4. 7H 1o lat 4s ctfa Vi Colo. Ind. r. aer. A. M Sn'itharn Rr Sa losv, Tnlo. Mid. 4a 9VTt. ft P. IMa IU1 Cnlo. ft 80. 4 f"(iT., St. L. ft W. 4a. 75 Cul 5a 102V) t'nion Pacific 4a lifl4j n ft R. Q. 4a Httl'. S. Bteel 2d fit.... M4 Hint. Sen. Oa MV4 Wabash la .... Eria prior lien 4.... H Wcaters Md. 4a.. do fn. 4a 7 W. A I,. E. 4 Hock. Vsl. 4a....l0J Wla. Central 4. Ih' -In . t Bid. Offered. 7 7H to M Boston storks and Rnndl. BOSTON, June 24. Call losns, 4fTfi per cent; time loans, fn. per cent. Official cloning prices on bonds were as follows: .. 83,400 it 100 81 too 'ioi 87V 81 T 67" Aaier. fnwIUns ft IUf . sfd Asur. 8usu Rr....". ... ceo pfd ctfa Klalng Co... eat iln.,.. Amar. Tobacco pfd ctfa anaranoa Klalng Co Aacauaoo 4 pfd Atlaollo Coaat Ba,ltlmor ft Ohio do pfd Brooklys Rapid Trmnalt.... Caoadisa Psclflo CastraJ of Naw Jeraay Cbaaspeak ft Ohio Chlono Great Waatarn Chloaio ft North wcaiarn... O.. at. ft Bt. Paul Cklosfo Tarm. ft Trans..., e pra C. & A it. Ixral Colorado Pud and Iran.... Colorado ft toutbarn da lat pfd do Id cfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Products do srd tailawar ft nudum Del., Lack, ft Weatern.... Dan Tar ft Rlo Oraod do pfd MatilUrs ftacurltla Ert 1st pra do id pfd , Oanaral Elaatrio Hocklnf Vall.r Illinois Central Intarnatlosal Paper do pfd International Pump do pfd '. Iowa Cratral do pfd K. O. Boutbarn do SM Loulrrlll ft NaahTllla.... Un loan Oantral Mlaa. ft 81. Louis M.. it. T. ft Bault ata X. da am Mlaasurl Pacific M . Kansas ft Tax do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Malic pfd.... Nsw York Central N. Y . Ont. ft Western.... Norfolk ft Wastaro do pfd North Amaiioaa Pad no Mall Pannaylranta Paopla' s Oas Pitta., c . u. ft Bt. MUIS. Praeaad itaet Car to pfd Pullman Palac Car Ratdlns do lat pro do Id pfd Sapublle Stl do pfd Bock lalsnd , Co do pfd Rubber Good pfd St. L ft San Fran 81. L. Bouthwawarn do of SoutKam Pacloo do pfd Boutham BallwsJL do pfd Tannaaaa Coal sad Iron.. Tcaaa ft Paclic Tol.. St. U ft waawrs.... do pfd Unloo PmclSa da pfd r. i. Bipeaas V. B. Raalir C. B. Rubbar da pfd U. g Biaal do pfd Vlrslnla-Carollna Cham teat do pld Wabaak. do pfd Wall-Faro Bipr Waatliitkouaa Kiactrl Wealarn I'nloS Whaalinf ft Lak Erl.... Wlacooaln Caotral do pld Northern Paclfla Ootral LSatktr do pfd floaa-Sbaflleld Oraat Northnl pfd lnterboroufb klatropollua.. do pfd Total aalat for th day, 4.100 114V, VMI lOtiH 100 11V 409 t 8.400 4 1,600 100 IIH 115 81 40 1 7t4 & IIS lav, 4VJ 47 10 10t4 IK) 11 41, 119H 14 (344 74 42V4 1,000 M 3H 8,00 HH 1,000 16b H7V4 1,00 S! l 10U t"0 141 1414 SUP roik W4 wsa 41 H K 170 14144 4O0 rj 1.SJ0 4 100 111 100 1UV4 ' 7144 liO 6S o II 100 . (I 'ioo lit" 1254 Ui 1 IB 8214 60 44 11TV4 .... la .... HI 1S314 12V4 4W 4444 1U tfl 71H 2 tl4 M 134" 100 1174 117 4' 100 J14 1744 18T4 100 U1V8 111V4 43 3 800 T8 400 73 H T!4j 1"4 1,400 111 400 1444 8.100 114 11114 80.400 101 400 i.XlO two I1V4 tO'4 Mlk id pfd. 400 a 1.400 1.40 400 t.4u- - KO 40 mi 4WV. IS44 71H en V4 7 138 II 10 14 68 174 1 J lult 1 43 187 734 414 .... o .... 414 1104 ill.. 14)4 MH4 .... '14 .... 70 .... 41 ti 1144 40 S M4 M 15 1M 40 74 13 HI JOS 43V. f 114 14 64 14 AUhlann adj. do 4a Mci. Ontral 4a... Atrhlann do fd Pnaton A Albany. Roeloo ft Malna Boston EleTated Fltchbori pfd Mai. Central N. T , N. H. ft Tnlon Pacific ... Am. Pnau. Tuba. Am. Busar do pfd Am. Tel. ft Tel Am. Woolen .... do pfd Rdlaon Rlec. 111. Maas. Electrlo . do pfd Mann. Oaa Inlled Fruit ... United Eho Macb... 41 do pfd ..... IT. 8. Steal... do pfd Advantitr ... Allouez Amalgamated Atlutlo ir4 Hlnitham 134 i llcla wv 7 Centennial IS wv4Coipr Ranfa 174 S24 Paly Watt IS 114 Franklin II 10 Oranhr 110 113 lole Royale 11 .2-1 Maaa. Mmlnf 4 l'HMIchlraa 11 H..1"H Mohawk 744 1..1H Mont. C. ft C .... e-iOM Dominion 43 .... 11114 nacwila lit ,...1!l Parrot 1 ....loiH tlulnry If 24. t44 Shannon U .... 1 Tamarack 101 ....105 Trinity 114 .... ISHl'nItcd Copper 01 .... 64 V. g. Mining 47, .... 61 IV B. Oil ;4 .10!'V4 t'Uh 6044 Victoria 1 27 Winona 7 l?H'''olirlna 1."I 7H North Dntt 17 14 Rntte Coalition I3U, 4 Nerada 124 lltCal. A Aliiona 164 114 Aria. Commercial.... 8154 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Slow, with Prioet Mostly Lower. HOGS GO TEN TO FIFTEEN L0WEE Sheep Lambs la Liberal llecelpt for Tbls fteasen of the Year at All Palais -Yaleea Test lo Fifteen Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, June 84. 1807. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoss, Sheep 8.V5 I7t a 5.57S 8 478 6.29 6.I08 I.Sfu 8.101 l.KU t.64 4.1' 1,618 Oftlc.lal Monday 8.018 Same day last week 8,061 Same day 8 weeks ago.. 3 874 Hume day 8 weeks ago.. 8.53 Same day 4 weeks ago. . 8.C60 Same day last year 8.210 The following; taole snows the receipts ol cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year le dale, compared with last year: 1807. 1906. Inc. le. battle 664,69 4M.361 &S.328 Hogs 1,248,83.1 LITS.fUO 13&,2 Slieep 818,887 74l,4 63,743 CATTLK QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corn-fed steers 8 loH .70 Oood to fair corn-fed steers f.i5n lo Common to fair steers i.iMii-W 1 . J . . 1 lr .4t It VIUW IO CnOICe COW! -J.aXrO. W jy.- aW(fl t V heifer...... j J fR " viwu iu rnuica Bigcarri iiou iwuria Fair to good stockcrs and feeders.. 4 Ai4S0 Common to fair Blockers 8.0tf4.20 Hulls, stags, etc.. 8 lMio.10 Veal calves 8.00-87.00 .The following tahle shows the av.rsgo price of hoas at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: c - .. TO.. M.. r I 414 an 6 41-4 t.4 to I '!' t7 ... I i: .141 ... 8 at4 14 . 1. 41. 44. .18 14 lt .116 110 40 I lf4 in 1 i 44 4 44 611 KKP Receipts rf sheep this mcrnlnt were quite liberal, there belnaj a total of sixteen cars reported In when the market opened, of this number eight cars were Idaho and Oreon greasers, the remainder consisting of odds snd end of fed stuff, and a little of everything etrepllng really choice killers. At the s:une time that the receipts here were so liberal for this sesson of the year Chicago also reported a larte run, with the market flpenlnfr wesk. This msde th Out look rather discouraging and buyers started out counting values right at the outset. The result was a very slow and dull market with prices generally lOtfiic lower. It waa later In the morning than tiaim! when a clearance was made, but practi cally everything was sold In the end No. av. 81 western buck and e-nats.... Ul 9 western yearling culls 71 M western ewe 31 !3 western ewes, culls ff' SI western ewes , ln! 77 Ore iron wethers .....110 fjfi4 Oreson yearling 7 S5 native sprlnv lnmb So 89 western yearllntr 78 T western ewes, culls 74 Ti western ewe ! 28 western bucks W 8 western wethers 18 89 western lnmhs 0 S2 western ewes S8 western ycsrllngs tT"4: light fins, tlTTOVic; heavy flno, lr.fl l.c; tub wahed, atti!7o. onint wiioi.Ksai.fs MAniCR-re. , (andltlos ef Trade aadl t)aeatleae o Staple ana Fancy Prodaca. EaOP-ir doi, 14c. I1UTTKR- lacking stock. lV4c; choice 14 ancr dairy, IHljVi: creamery, SlSUo, IJVK t'OUL,THyeprlng chickena, 80cf oc; turkeys, uc Dete. I 1907. 190.l06.l904.1903.190i.180l. June 11. ,. JillaO 12... June 13... June 14... June 18... June 18... June 17... June 18... June 19... June 80... June 81... June ti... June 23... June 24... 8 OTV 6 MH 8 844 1H 6 7Sl 6 89 8 "l 8 88i 6 o 8 30 391 1 4 79 I 81 36 6 18 4 72 6 13 4 84 6 11l 4 M 6 22) 4 88 6 .'l 4 9-' 4 931 8 li 6 15) E 00 & mi 5 0 5 904. 32 t 13 t 07 So 5 16 a otii 031 8 00 8 07 S 99 7 861 8 91 7 fi i 89 7 36 7 81 6 84 e 8i d 87 a 6 88 5 97 7 Ml I 02 1 7 24' 1 o 7 23 6 4 t 88 S 84 8 7IS 6 20) 5 12 6 67 7 43 6 13 7 43 SO OreRon ewes n Orenn wethers 84 Oregon Ismhs, yearllnps. .. 9t .. 70 .. PI .. K7 .. !7 ..104 .. 8 Pr 8 78 8 w S 00 3 011 8 so 8 5 fS "S fl Tfl ft 'TR i ?S 4 715 3 00 5 7S R 7T. 4 7R 6 r.o s is r 11 s is 8 S" 8 28 CHICAGO 1.1 vk rroiit mahkkt Cattle Stead 8 83 8 90 8 IC 8 89 7 49i 7 tfl) 8 83 London Closlme; Storks, ' IjONDON. June 24. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Conaol. money 8S M., K. ft Taxaa. do account 88 13-14 N. T. Central.... Anaconda 11 Norfolk ft W Athlaon D944 do pfd do pfd M Ont. ft Weatara.. Italtlmnr A Ohio... 94 Pannaylranla .... Canadian Paclflo 17144 Hand Mine ... 114 Reading ... 104 Southern Rr .... ...119 do pfd ... i Bn. Pacific ....... ... V4 Union PaclSo .... ... 74 do pfd ... tr,V. k. Steal ... 67a do pfd ...IS Wabaah ... 874 do pfd ...140 Bpsalah 4 ...ust PTIVFTR Bar, steady; Sid per ounce. MONEY 81 3 per cept. . The rate of tilHcount In the onen market for shori bills Is 8 15-lftrtM per cent; of three months' bills, 8 18-1&84 per cent. Cbea. ft Ohio.. Chlrato O. W... c. m. s Bt. r. DeBeera IX ft R. O do pfd Erla do lat pfd do td pfd Orand Trunk.... Illlnola Central . Loulayllla t N . .. HH ..114 .. 744 .. 14 .. IS .. 414 .. t.4 .. 614 .. IS4 .. 41 .. 14 ..1S5H .. 84 .. M4 .. 444 .. II .. 14 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha a2.2f'4i.8i 88.806.98 Kansas City 2.yU.I5 8 v4t.02i Chicago 1.7fyuv7.oO 6.6vv4.Iik St. Louis l.SO'nA.90 6.6O'it.10 Bloux City 8.6Vttti.50 6.;oaC.85 The oUlclal number of cars" of slock brought In today bv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'rs. C M. St. P. Ry 6 Wabash 8 Mo. Pac. Ry 12 Union Pacific System 16 C & N. W. Ry. (E.) 3 C. & N. W. Ry. (V.) 24 C, Bt. P. M. 4 O. Ry. 19 C, U. Q. (East).... 8 C, B A Q. (West).., 44 C. It. 1. 44 P. Ry (E.) 1 C. R. I. A P. Ry. (W) 28 Illinois Central Chicago Great West'n 9 Total Receipts 162 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Company. 4M 820 139 swiii ana company ob 1,4.1 Cudahy Packing Company 417 1,040 Aj-mour & Company 0.0 1,8j0 V anaant & Co 1 8 Carey ok Benton 100 Lobman St Co 123 Hill & Son - 112 F. P. Lewis 17 Huston & Co 25 Sol Degan tH J. B. Hoot A Co 75 LB. Inghram 1 hmer llroa 14 United Dressed Beef Co. 29 Other buyers 293 .... -560 IS 11 3 82 1 8 2 1.. 25 1 'i !'. i 3 1 92 16 "I Hons Teat Cents Lower Shrew Slow. C1I1CAOO, June 24-CATTl.E-Recelpts. ebout 24,000 head; market steady; common to prime steer. 4.iVu7 .00: cows, 3.&.if 4.75; heifers, 8o.OU4jO.lio; bulls, 3.U '; calves, 8a.oofa0.iii; stockuia and feeders. 8;tAH(;.oo. HotiS-Receipts about 47.000 head; mnr ket loc lower; nood to prime heavy, l.vyff 6.00; medium to good hea-y, Li..i;; butchers' weights, to 9ufu4xCi; good to prime mixed, t6.8uiiu.t'i; light lulxedj t0."vy.0&;, 226f(ii.K.; pigs. t5;W; lecled, .UK(i.i..; bulk of !. to 90Jl.00 HHKEP AMJ I.AMWtl Recoipls about IS.wiO head: market stciitl but slow; sheep, t4.fVo4i.taj; yearlings, 8V1.1AK414l.70; lambs, t8.OOluf.1O. New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, June 24. Receipts, beeves, 8,173 head; steers In fair demand and mar ket steadv; bulla, slow to 26o lower; cows, demoralised; medium to common cows, 20c lower; steers, 8i.!u".-"0; bulls, t3.0"4l4.M; cows, tl-!g4.10. Exports tomorrow, 9uu cuttle and S.oiX) quarters of beef CALVES Receipts. 4.7BS head; veals, uo higher; buttermilks, firm to 60c higher; veala, 36.0iKy7.76: few choice at tSOO; throw outs. M.UkiM.To; buttermilks, t3.waH.l', dressed calves, hlghsr; city dressed, b'tf llui per pound: country dressed, luluvc. 6HEEP AND LA MH8- Receipts, 8.7,6 head; sheep market firm to iiic higher: lambs full 81.00, higher; common to good sheep, 3.o0'u6.00; culls. 82.oma'3.00; lambs, t7.2fy.O0. . , , HOG a Receipts, 10,312 head; market lower for all weights, quoted at 8 DOwi.00, Kansas City Live (4tock Market. 1.-AKD1!) CITY. Mo.. June 24. OA TTL El- bens. fru-lOo; roosters. ducks, 10c; geese. Sc. FRVITS. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per boa, 8118. CALIFORNIA PLCM54 Per crate, $4.25. CALIFORNIA APRICOTS Per orute, IJ IS. CALIFORNIA CHERRIKS-Per boa ef about 8 lh, blsrk. ti26; while, Uto PINEAl PLKS-Klorltla. 48 also. M 74 ref crute, 42 else, $3 00 per crate: 38 sise, 83..) per crate; 3o le, $3.00 per crste. PTIIAWUKHKIEU Home grown, 14-o.t rases, t2. 60 44 3.00. THOP1CAT, FRUITS. T.EMONtJLliuonlerSj 300 alz. $4.78; 800 bIzh. t' '. other brands, SOo less. PA N A K AS - Per niedltim-slfed bunctt, f2t'a2 2S, .Tumloes, t2 8KUtn0i ltANKM Mediterranean Swoetft fancy, 160 site, to0; lid. 200, 218 and 2W slze-, $4.5; 98. 124 and 28 sites, f3 60; extra fancy, 28c more per box; St Ml.hseK 176. 200, 218 nnd 250 slrua, 4 75; 126 and 160 Blze. 84.80; Valencia, 80. 98 and 112 sites, 14.26; 128. 160, 178, 200 i.n.l :16 Bites, t4.7S. DATES-Kauaway, 6V; sayers, 80; hal. Inwl. 6c; new atuffeil walnut dates, $-11 box, tl.00. SEEK CUTS. No. 1 rib, 14o; No. 1 rib, lie; No. $ rib, 10c; No. 1 loin. 17Hc; No. 8 loin. 18ot No. t. loin, ISijc; No. 1 chuck. 7c; No. 1 cnuck, 8Sc; No. 8 chuck, 6',c; No. 1 round, 8icj No 2 round. (iS,c; No. 3 round, 8c; No. 1 plate. 3c; No. 2 pints. 3o: No. 8 plate. So. OLD VF.UFTAULEB. POTATO FS-Per hu . Mo. NAVY 11EANS Per bu. No. 1, $1009 2.10; No. 2. 11.90(2.00. NEW VEGKTAP.LK8. 1'OTATOEiJ Per bu.. $L10. ASTARAOl'S JSc per dot. hunches, I1EAN8 New wax and string, per H bu box or basket, tl.00. BEETS. TL'RNIPS and CARROTS-PM dot. bunches. 45j4to. PIEPLANT Per dot. bunches, 10a V('I'MHER.-Per dot.. ftKiia TOM ATOKS Texaa fancy. 80-lb. crate, 90c ii 11 00. ONIONS California, per crate, about SB lbs., $2.50; yellow Texas, per crate, $2.38; gr-en onions, per dos., 20a. CAPIIAOK California, 840. LEAF LETTUCE alot-houso, per dea heads, 26c. PARSLEY Hot-house, per do, bunches, 40o. RADISHES Per dot. bunches, home grown, !0c MISCELLANEOUS COFFKH-Roasted, No. . Mc per Ib. No. 30. 21c per lb ; No. 86. lfo per lb. No. 80, 14Sc per lb,; No. 21. 12Vc per lb. CHICKS H-Hlo.-k Swiss, 19u; llmberger, 14c;iYoung Americas, I60. IUTS California walnut No. I, of$ Shell. 12c; No. 1, soft ST.ell. l(le; braslla, 1pU,11So; peoana IWo: filberts. UHc; pea nuts, raw, 7Mo; roasted, B'ec; Callforula al mond. 17Sc; cocoanuts $6.00 per 100, HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen talUd, No 1, 844c; No. 8. 7c; bull hides, 8c; green hides. No. 1. 7o; No. 2, to; horse, tl.tud 8.W; sheep pel's. 8-VSJl.Ja Tallow, No. C 4Hc; No 2. 31o. Wool. 16S?2e CANNED GOODS Co: m standard, west ern, 66bM. Tomatoes, fancy, 8-poun4 cans, 51.4b; standard, 8-pound cans, 8124. Pineapples grated. J-pound. t2.2t"i 30; sliced, tl.6fqa.38; fancy Hawsllnn, lbs., tl 75. Gallon apples, $3 28 California apricots, fi uo- ' ears, i. t'cacnes. , Hew York.Mlnlns ttocka. NEW TORK, June 24, Cluslng quotations UII Iilllbliil Biuisa wiriv; Adama Conaol. Alio Ureses Hmnaw1ck Con.... Comstock Tunnel., Con. Cal. and Va. Horn Silver Iron Pllver LaadTllla Con 10 ..169 .. 80 .. HO .. so .. 0 ..140 .324 .. 8 Little Chief.... Ontario Ophlr Potoat ttavma , Sierra Nevada Small Hop... Standard ...... .. 4 ,.3M .J70 ... 14 .. 44 .. II .. 40 ..too Treaaory Statement. WASHINGTON, June 24.-Today" state ment of the treaaury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3150.010.000 gold reserve, shows: Available caah balances, tXS.fcl.S23; gold coin and bullion. $78,017.- 000; gold certlllcatea. $66,819,860. Hank of Germaay Statement, BERLIN. June 24. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows tne following cnanges: Cash In nana, in' creased 13,600,000 marks; treasury notes, In' creased 640,000 marks; other securities. In creased 6.080.000 marks; notes In clrcula tlon, increased 13,000,000 marks. Dank Clearings. OMAHA, June 24. Bank clearings for too ay were l,93i,6e&.0 and for the corres ponding date last year, tl.843.1'80.87. 4444 II to4 41 tin 4714 76 1114 1U4 n4 1H4 0 .... 1ST .... K 814 87 4 44 too r4 s 494 K4u0 1US4 1(14 1M .... Iu6 1.104 lo.O"0 1.1 J 4 81 74 8744 422 47 .... 101 too II II 124 )U0 ll$ 4V4 83 i 14S14 110 784 1t 71 10 :::: :::: Va lt34 1H 1' M 114 414 31 4 0 1264 '4 12 4 U4 144 144 luO 44 4a 4m 140.409 soaraa Forelata Pineaelal. , LONDON, June 84. Money was in fair demand and In good aupply in the market todav. Dlacounts were quiet. The Bank of England secured the bulk of the gold. $i,2ji.'i0, avallublo at one-eighth advance. Trading on the Stock exchange allowed an Improving tendency; consols benefiting by sinking fund pure liases, while the tone gen erally strengthened on the cessation of trouble In the south of France and the Ami nes of price In Pari, which most affected foreigners. Americans at the opening Were quoted at above parity on the better crop newa, and the New York bank statement being more favorable than expected, but business was meaner on the forenoon. The New York advices received In the after noon, though showing steadiness, failed to silmulat- activity. Prices har.laned frac tion ally and closed steady, with trading dull. Japaeeae Imperial 6 of 1IM closed at I021. BERLIN, 'June $4. Price In all depart ments on the Bourse today were strong. Canadian Paclrie closed lughar. PAltla, June 84. The tone on (he Bourse ttxUy waa cliserful, due td tbe cwuUuuauce Metal Market NEW YORK. June 24. METALS The London tin market was Ss higher at 187 16s for spot, but futures were fie lower at 179 6s. Locally the market was dull but a shade higher at t42.8Oa-43.60. Cornier had further break In the London market with spot closing at 94. and futures at 89 los. a decline of 1 6s and 1, respectively. The local mantei was auii Din nominally lower with lake quoted at $28.00i&C4.00; electrolytic at t22.00rt42l2o, and casting at $21.0021.26. Lead was higher at 20 6s in the London market, but was easier locally with spot quoted at $5.70fe6.80. Spelter was unchanged at 26 7a Sd In London, but declined to t'i.35iii.46 locally. Iron waa unchanged In the English market with Standard foundry quoted at 66s and Cleveland warrants at 66s 3d. Locally, the market was unchanged with No. 1 foundry, northern, quoted at 324.SiKj'2n.7); No. 3 foundry, northern, at 824.00fa25.00; southern grades are nominal so far as the local market Is concerned, prloes being held too high to compote with the northern grades. BT. LOUIS. Mo., June 14. METALS ouu at Bpeiter weak at $6.3U ColTee Market NEW YORK, June $4. -COFFEE Market for coffee futures opened sArady at un changed Prlcea to a decline of five nninta. which was about In line with the showing oi ma curopean maraets. it was reported that the Rraxtllan conaresa had anthnriiwl the federal government to guarantee the kian of $16,000,000 for the gtate of Sao Paulo, but this evidently had no effect on the maraei wnicn ruled very quiet and closod dull, net unchanged to five points lower. Bales were reported of 9.760 baga Including Juiy at 6.20c: Autruet. i.l&iirvao,-- ..!..,,, M o.; uororier, 6.IW0; December, $.26c; Jan I44 I uary, B.Soc; May, 6.40. Spot cc-ffee oulet. No. t"4 1 7, Rlo, 6c; No. 4. Santos, 1. Mild coffee 47 J I -oruova, sirjiuo. Soaar and Mol NEW YORK, June 24.-STJQAR-Raw firm; fair refining. $.21i;i3.25c: cmlrifnd M test, $iK5.76c; molasses sugar, 8.9a3.6iic' refined ateady; No. , 4.8O0: No. 7 4.fc' No. 8, 4.60c; No. 9, 4.46o; No. 10, 4.$6c No' 11, 4.30c; No. 12. I tc; No. 13. 4.20o; No. 14 I 15o. Confectioners A. 4.80o; mould A $.35c; cut loaf, i.7oc; crushed, 6.70c; pow dered, 6.10c; granulated, 6.jc; cuhee NEW ORLEANS. June iiHirni o Steady; open kettle centrifugal, 8.ooCu? 30ko; centrifugal yellow, 8.0oJic4.00o: seconds, z in4as.0OiC. MOLABSK6 Quiet ; new syrup, 8034o. M la nea noils Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 84.-FLOUR First patents, $4 tba.06; second patents. $4 b04j-4.9: first cleaa... $16xif.; ond cleara, $17ta3 85. KHAN In bulk, $1$ BOftjMS 7. WH EAT J uly, 87Hc; Beiitember, kWA 96Sc; No. 1 hard, tl.uoSiil.ouS; No. 1 north ern, 9Wi0yc; No. 8 northern, $7H6W7Wi: No. $ northern, $44Joc Total 1802 8,183 3.301 CATTLE; Receipts were not very large this morning for a Monday, and ot the number reported In twenty-seven cars were through stuff not offered for sale at this point. The market as a whole was very slow and dull and the forenoon was well advanced before anything of consequence waa aone. Packers were very bearish in their views and were bidding generally HK&'lSc lower right at the outset. The oomplalnt on part of the buyers Is that the medium to pretty air kinds or cattle, such a have been selling from $6.00 have not been killing out satisfactorily. In consequence buyers were specially bearish this morning on that kind, ana while some of the best cattle were not so much lower, anything of this de scription was fully KK16c lower than last iTiaay. Cowa and heifers were very slow salo at weak prices. The fight between packers ana commission men Is still on at tnis point, atad In consequence the packers were not Duying anything, un the other nana, the demand on the part of butchers and Independent packers was very limited. St. Joseph Is the only market that has so far betrayed the Interest of the country by ac cepting the terms of sale dictated by peck ers. All the other markets are still In sisting that cows and heifers shall be sold the same as formerly, making the ecalos tne civimng line. There were more stockers and feeders In sight this morning than for the last two weeks or more. As prices on that kind of cattle have been very high buyers took ad vantage of the more liberal receipts to take off a little, making the trade slow and anywhere steady to lOHjlfic lower on the less attractive kinds. BEEF STEERS. No. At . Pr. No. 1 400 4 40 a Receipts, 10.000 head. Including Auuo souiu- 1 tl.7Wf2.40; L. C. peaches. $3mV(c2.oO, Aluska erns; market steady, cnoice expun jiu j ,Hmon, red, l.2v; rancy cninooK, net, 13.10; dressed beef steers, $0.i.'nUn.7t, fair lo ,good, 1 fancy soc.keye, flat.otl 98. Surdities, quarter $4 Mruti.16; western fed steors, 4.s.u'; n. $3.26; three-quarters mustard. $178. bweot potatoes, ai.iuiui . eauer traut, sua. Pumpkins, 90cl.00. Lima beans, 8-lb.. Too (itl.2&. Soaked peas. 2-lb., 0o; fancy, $1,269 L46. CALIFORNIA PRIFD FRTTITS Prune 4 re somewhat unsettled by frear offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tailors range from 6 to So- for California fruit and from 6V4'tT3o for Oregon. Peaches ar slightly easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 13V4c. Ralslna are firm; three crown loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c four-crown. 10c; seeded raisins, 94jUo. FISH Pickerel, dressed.- lOo; pike. dreiised, 15c; white Dsn, dressed, winter fresh, IBc; trout, Usaa&o; 1,132 i stockers and feeders. tS.zVuo. 00; southern 879 native cows, t2.26'4.40; native heifers, Ail 5.10; bulls, 83.tnKq-4.7o; calves, ..uuiuu.i.i. HOQ3 RecolptB, 8.400 head; market oignoc lower. Top, $0.95; bulk of sales, $Yff7Vo-8o; heavy, $6.86(iK..9o; packers, $&.."xiiO.K; lights, $5.iyar..96; pigs $r..o.vti5 50. k..H' niorlat ir.w.- lower, lxuubs, tT.ouai I 7.40; ewe and yearlings, $3.26'4i4i 00; Texas clipped yearlings, t..oi(il.&0; Texas clipped slieup, to.oiKUU, o; lea ewes, f iuiiu - St. Lou la Live Stoek Market. - A. a raerial V tT . . . 8 . 4 1 ff taM Ra ,.i.t'a iin head'.' Including 2,600 Texan.; ! halibut, 11c; Balmon. irtr; catfish, 17c; her- ' . . . ... v . i .t,iin t-tnar ilreflKen. an: era market steady to weak. NaUve shipping ring, dressed. So; ci apples, round, frfijoj ir... 86 ,tVMKL$0; dres.ed f.eof , crapple. large fancy. b ack bass Iftc i 14.. 1.. 44. 714 4 6 T75 4 74 10M) I 04 .1070 8 00 4 41 8 00 1. ltSO I 04 8 lunS 8 00 17.. 8.. 8.. 81.. 1.. 4.. 17.. 10.. t . 41.. !.. 41.. n.. 15.. II 4 00 408 8 It 440 4 18 414 4 IB 971 8 M 178 4 44 1141 4 10 1014 I 14 , 1004 i 40 tin t k , 1077 3 TO lit 8 78 1141 8 I!M 8 48 till 4 44 It...... 94 10 1 Et 15 1 II I 49 61 It II It 14 34 TO 84 tl II . I. ft 1621 cows. At. Pr. ..1070 8 Si ..10M 6 HJ ..! I o i n ..1S7 tOO ..1JM3 TO ..UM 4 00 ..1115 4 0 ..151 4 OS ..1367 I V4 ..ltM I 19 ..nm 4 to .144 4 14 ..irrs io ..1477 4 10 ..Wl 4 14 ..1M 4 14 ..U.'t H ..vm t is ..1114 4 16 ..1110 4 80 ..! 4 64 4 40 and butcher steers,' $6 106.76; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4.00u-l.70; stocKers anu ere, $3.004i-t.K.; cows and heifers, $iS6 J) 5:80; canners, $1.6oa2.26; bulls. $8.0fy6.rt; calves. $4.00(0 10.00; Texas and Indian Bleiers, tl764i6.76; cows and heifers, $1.8014)8. 5. HUOS Receuas, 6,M head: - market 60 lower. Ilgs and light. $5 .WtnUO; packeis, $5.70410.06; butchers and best lieavy, $.! feBHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,600 heud; market weak. Native muttons. tAo5 4i5.Kti; lambs, $.l.0uHf7.0; culls and bucks, t2-60i3.6o; stockers, $3.0Uil4.oO. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo, June 24.-CATTL10 Reccpts, 8,404 head; market steady. Na tives, $4,00(ii7.0O; cows and heifers, fXtPii 6.26; stockers and feeders, $3.tVo4.6o. HOGS-Mieoeipts, 6.iX2 head; market, frif l(io lower. Top. $0.00; bulk of sales. $5.oS SHEDP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.18$ head; market weak. Lamhs, ko(.00; yearlinKS, $fi.76'ttC.2f.; wethers, $1 40i.76; ewes, $4.756.26. ' lonx City Live Stock Market. mntrx- CITY. la. June 24. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLW Receipts, 800 head; mar ket steadv; beeves, $5.00!5.oO; cows, bulls mnA mliad 13 .75116.00: Blockers and feeders. it.Oi't a; calves and yearlings, tl.wsiH.-HlXiS-Recelpt. 3.600 head; market oc lower; selling at $5.7iu6.8i; bulk, $6 i64)6-80. Stock In "laht. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterduy: Liverpool jrnln Market. LIVERPOOL, June 4.-WHKAT-8pot steady; No. I red western winter, Cs KVd' No. 1 California, 6s lid; futures steady: July. 7s fed; September. 7s l"; December, nominal. CORN-Spot Aim; Ilea dried, 6s Id; old northern. 6a td; futures Quiet: July is BHd; September. 4s, llVid. HOPS At London (Pacliio coast) Quiet, 3 lostj'fS 6a. Dalatk Grain Market. pn.IITH, Minn.. June k-WHUT-No. 1. northern. - 9No; No. t, northern. Wlfcc; July, tic; September, teSc; Docaiutier, tvSc UATS-On Uaok, Cai JviUd, Ite. t ) I It 1 m im 4 7M Id) 8 !1t I 04 1 ll4 I 40 II...... 714 I 10 HEIFERS. If 136 I S3 .1 8 1430 t 40 )0 1 , 40 I 44 8 14 HI 8 44 1 4 711 4 14 J 1 44 4 84 J BULLS. 81 1M7 t 0 1 1 1110 I M 1 ) I W 1 ao 1 ...UM I 40 . 1 ... CALVES. til t m t 1M 4 00 1 10 IM I STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 124 I 40 it 4:1 4 tJ , 47t I 44 41 (71 4 M 421 4 44 19 64 4 14 410 4 a HOGS Hogs sold 617100 lower today and the market waa not very active at the de cline. The hogs sold largely at tn.8rVij6.8S, with a top at $5 96. It will be remembered that on Saturday the bulk of all hogs brought $6.87-tufi.9n4. with a top of $J.U6. Everything was sold before 11 o clock, the close oeing very nine airrereni. I::::" 4.. I-. 1.. 1.. 7.. 61.. I It 410 I 40 t 13 AS 1 1020 8 T5 1 ...10 ISO 8 laO 4 W ..rat 4 ts .. 710 4 W ..loco 4 to . .l'" 4 SO .. 461 6 14 ...140 4 09 ...1)10 4 tl ...lf.4J t to ...1410 4 40 ...1410 4 44 ... 1T 00 ... iO 4 00 lf 4 40 4,018 .... !-0 ....10KII) .... 8.404 4,600 ..1.24,000 8.178 3,500 8.4H0 6.2H2 6,000 47,000 3,320 8,000 . 4.18 4. ouO 18,000 ....44.722 78.357 88,908 South Omaha ... bioux City Kansas City .... Bt. Joseph ...... St. Louis Chicago Total Cotton Market. NEW TORK. June 24. COTTON Ptmt closed firm; middling uplands, 13c; middling gulf. 13.:5c. Sales, 6,800 bales. New York cotton quotations furnished by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade build ing: Open. High. Low. Close. smelts, sweet and fine, 13o; eel, 14a; blue fish. loc; rea snspper, iin: roe ansa, per pair, iOtidOc; frog leas. 80340c: lobsters, green, per lb., !7o: lobster, boiled, per lb. 80o mackerel, Spanlah, per lb., 18c; mackerel. Dative, ihiqwo per id.; rresn green turtle meat. Ilia per lb ; dressed buffalo. Ho; bull heads, lie; white perch, 7c white bass, 160, HAT Choice upland, per ton, $12.00; me dium, $1LOO; No. 1 bottom, 19-00; off grades, t40o4j.60. Rye straw, te Ma At. Bb. Pr. No. At. ih. Pr 14 t1 ... 4 to . .ar ... 5 a?4 M lit ... t fl 47 ! IS 8 424 44 lot 40 4 T74 l tS ... 1421 44 421 140 I 774 tt I 40 114 44 tvj ... 1 774 74 141 90 4 124 15 Ik7 10 4 774 r7 1 140 11 t tVt ... 8TT4 T4 4 140 a !( it 124 ... irrtf m s t i n4 II Ill ... 1 774 44 l ... I 124 M r ... 8 774 to 7t ... c 114 ti rt ... i rri it 2i to 1 17 4 4 JW ... I 10 41 t6T M 4 114 44 fc-4 ... t 10 l.'.l tuO I 124 4 174 ... I M 41 t7 40 4 44 44 140 t l 71 tit ... I It II. K ... 8 10 7 141 84 6 46 7 I t ... 4 10 44 4l ao I 16 11 tt ... t 40 71 4 120 t at ts I--4 40 I 40 80 tio a) III at I4 40 t 10 ,fl ... t tt II 14 120 IN 44 471 140 I If M ri 11 I 10 44 tfl ... I tt 44 874 ... t BO 77 2 M I IS 46 1 40 I 10 Tt., 144 14 4 16 14 4" ) 8 m td 440 KO I tt 4t tat 804 f 84 M 14 IS 44. Kit 41 4 k M ln M III 4 rt to 4 40 ' 4 4 110 I at It f0 lt t DO tl 2-7 40 I tt 44 1-4 110 8 M Tl lrt ... I B4 M n4 lav I DO Tl tn 44 8 84 44 1.1 SO 4 10 tt 121 IA I 174 tl 1:1 to tt" t tt Ut 4(7 4 tl Iff 14 I 174 70 XI M 4 474 ti trt 4 4 H-4 74 lit 40 4 174 1 4-4 to I H4 8 If 4 ... I to U U4 80 I Vut 8. i-4 40 t 88 September 1104 11! 1108 1127 October -. 1126 114 112$ 1145 December 1130 116 1138 1148 ST. LOUIS, June 24. COTTON Quiet middling, 1214c; sulss, none; receipts, 76 boles; shipments, 476 bales; stuck, 21.847 NEW ORLEANS, Jtine 24. COTTON Spot market closed firm; sales, 1.8u0 bales; low ordinary, 7e, nominal; ordinary, 840, nominal; good ordinary, 10 l-16c, nominal; low middling, 116-16c; middling, 1314c; good middling, 1340, nominal; middling fair, 1440, nominal; fair, 15c, nominal; receipts, 6ss bales; stock, 70,839 bales. LIVERPOOL, June 24. COTTON Spot market dull; prices, 8 point lower; Ameri can middling, fulr, 8.01.1; good middling, 7.4?d; middling, 896d; low middling, 6.59)1; good ordinary, 6.h0d; ordinary, 14,2nd. The sales of the day wore 6,uu0 bales, of which 2i0 were for speculation and export and in cluded 6,700 bales American. Receipts, l.OuO bales. Including v0 bales American. Evaporated Apples avad Dried Krnlts. NBW TORK, June 24. EVAPORATED APPLIES Market unchanged; fancy are ?uuted at 8Wc; choice at 6c; prime at 7VW and poor to fair at ttilo. DRIE DFRUITS-Prunfca are firm, with quotatlona ranging from 4o to 1240 for California fruit and from 644a to 10a for Oregon. Apricots are quiet but firm, wlttl choice quoted at 21c, extra choice at 2"3o and fancy at 227123c. Peaches ar firm but unchanged, with cholc quoted at 11 VtrtP 12c.; extra choice at UWal!c; fancy at 13 413Vic and extra fancy at 14 -H"- Ralslna are nrm, Dotn as to spot end futures, though demand Is quiet for the time be ing. Loose muscatel are quoted at loc; seeded raisins at 7'43'lio, and London layers at tl.uuyl 65. Oils and. Hoaln. NEW YORK, June 24- OIL Firm: prime crude, f. o. b. mills, nominal; yellow, tVOc. Petroleum, firm; refined New Tork, $8.46; l-r.uaoeipnia and Baltimore, 33.40; in bulk. $4 96. TurponUiie, quiet, tVuMeo. ROSIN Steady strained, common to good. $4.6t'i)4.60. SAVANNAH. Oa, June $4 OIL Turpen tine. firm. 87&67ie. ROSIN1 Firm; sales. T.4H; receipts, 1.788; shipments, 4.639; stock. 49,224. Quote: ABC, tVI.lt6.S4.06; D, $4-$Vif4.t6; E, 34.60r(P.0; F, $444.90; O. 48urv4.W; H, t4 .; I. 6.00; K. tf.24; M. $5.60; N. $5.706.86; WO. $5 86; WW. $6 96. OIL CITT, Pa., June 24 -OII-Credlt bal ances, 81.78; runs, 167.816; average, 134.036: shipments, IttS.Uel; average, 160,8ui. Wool Market. BT. IjOIIS. Mo.. June 24 W1LWm W tuedluw tioUaa, couioUul tutd clulUlug, Klgln Batter llarkrl, ELGIN, I1L. June 24. BUTTER Market firm at 21 He The output for the week was 1.000,700 pounds. BY RAIL TO YOSEMITE Steel Moguls Chase the it ace Oa of Katnons California Itesort, A generation has passed since the pack trains wore superseded by the stages as means of carrying tourists to th even than fatuous Tosemlte valley. Thousands of en thuslastto sightseers from all parts of the world have used the facilities thus provided. The dust and heat of the Ran Joaquin sum mer, the aridity of the plains and tower foothills, the Jolting, which finds an ache for every musols of the traveler not inured lo staglngv-these were some times griev ous to bear, but the unique attractions of the rockbound valley drew. In spite of these, and became more popular every year. There were those who had visions of a railway to th park Une; but (he canyon of the Merced, which offered the only practicable grade, was so narrow and tortuous, with walls so proclpltloua and adamantine, that its use for such a purpose was regarded by most 1 a very remote possibility. The seemingly Impossible feat is actually accomplished. The Yoaemlte Valley railroad la now in actual operation. Already tour tats have made the journey from Merced te the Sentinel hotel between the rising ansj the Betting of one sun, with nearly two hours to spare at each end. With the In auguration of the regular schedule the time actually spent tn the Journey easily falls below sewn hours. . Compared with the old schedule this will mean a saving of twenty four hours each way two more days for sightseeing rn the valley and its immedi ate environs. Add to this the reduction in traveling expense to slightly more than hulf that of former years, and the further fact that the ride will be restful, rather than ex hausting, and part of the significance ot the change win be apparent. The railroad I 88 miles In length from Merced to E3 Portal, and its approximate cost was $4,000,000. Eighteen hundred men were employed for a year and a half upon tt. It rises gradually from an elevation of a few hundred feet at Merced to 1.800 feet at El PortaL There are no very heavy grade or very sharp curves. Two trains will run each way every day, both trains going having daylight schedules In order that the beauties of the trip up the Merced may be tost to the traveler, Ban Fran cIboo Calt Vse oa 111 Telephone. The latest annual report of the American ( Telephone company dleuloeee some Interest ing facts. There are 7.107,836 telephones In operation In this country, or one for every ten or twelve persona. Th average toll and exchange connections (or laet year waa 6.445.000,000 or about sixty-four telephone calls for every man, woman and child in. the United State. Of course, very many calls are for pleas ure or sociability, but tb great majority more than half, probably are for business purpose. A generation ago the thing waa unknown. Today It la indispensable. W may be open to all manner of exciting inferences from the amazing figure of the report, but In tb last analysis It merely means that Ajnartoans love to talk. Metornaan Fatally Mart. NORTH ATTLEBORO, Mass., June $4.-' Motonuan Jame Harding was fatally and nine others more or Ihs seriously hurt, today In a collUlon bet ecu two electric' cars, one of U.em well filled will) psa gers. The accident happened on a curve between North AA.Uuoro tui4 AtUebuea) CatiiUa