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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1907)
JSl Tirn""OMATTAv DAILY . DEE! TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1007. 4 . U n Y4 11 U (1 U 1 0 n n ri n n p ri 11 11 M BR ANDEIS BIGGEST SALEM arload if ne BOUGHT AT GREAT SACRIFICE ON SALE TUESDAY An immense throng attended the great rug sale Mon day. Hundreds of elegant highest grade rugs of every de scription were 6old at the most remarkable bargains. But this great rug stock consisted of an entire closely packed carload and hundreds of new patterns and greater bargains than ever will go on salo Tuesday morning. $2.1 noora Hlze liugs for $12.08 Hundreds of the highest-class Ax mlnster, velvet and Brussels rugs, 9x12 size In the richest colorings and the newest Oriental, geometrical and floral patterns i9fi such elegant rugs as these would be classed as big bargains anywhere else for $25 Tuesday your choice at AsCst $18 and $20 Hug for $9.08 Fine large Brussels splendid rugs for parlors, living rooms, etc., elze 9x12 in beautiful floral gr and oriental patterns would be excellent values at f 18 ' IM , and $20 Monday, at tJ We win sell 9x12 ingrain Art We will sell all the $3.60 Ax- Bqusren, all sizes, your choice on Tuesday. ) QO for ... Z.JO minster Rugs from this purchase all the newest IOC patterns, at . . No One Can Positively Afford to Miss This Sale ri M ri ri m it M n u n n n w Great Silk Sale , Bought from Patterson, N. J., Silk Manufacturer at Less Than 50c on the Dollar 15,000 yards of the newest dress silks, consisting of spot proof foulards, fancy taffetas and Loulsenes for the popular Jumper ana snirt waist suits, we nave never oiierea such great values at the time when silks were so much In demand not a yard worth less than 69c, some as high as 89o all go on special bargain squares, Tuesday, yard .. B n p n M n w u n ii n n ri u n n n ti n p u p M t! 11 H eej H IJEMBROIDKRIES a VERY SPECIAL VALUES IN THESE LOTS H Medium and wide cambric edges in neat eyelet designs P dainty Swiss and nainsook edges and insertions, narrow ti gj.and, medium widths, per yard , P H Sr. 7ln and 1ft.r 0 P P P P P P P P P P P P II P P P P H P P P P ANNOUNCEMENT We wish every woman in Omaha to vUit our notion depart ment, to know and appreciate the Immense assortment of notion Items we carry and to note the unusual low prices we ask. We are making special effort to secure your patronage In this depart ment and have everything in notions. We are never "Just out." Every day, beginning tomorrow, we will offer a special bargain In something you will readily appreciate. DRESS SHIELDS Tomorrow we will sell "Klelnert's" lace edge shirt waist fl 1 dress shields, a regular 6e shield, at, per pair ,. I2C B 4 BIG BASEMENT BARGAINS p p p p p p p p ! er7 fmG grade soft finish long cloth the regular 19c grade, at, per 7l yard gC Fine and sheer India linons they are the regular 25o grade, at, per yard lUC A KNITTED SWEATER OR A CAP FREE WITH TEDDY DEARS TUESDAY 40-inch White Victoria lawns, in long factory lengths, worth 15c off the bolt, sale prioe, Zi per yard J CC White and plain colored voiles foe waists, children's wear, etc. not one yard worth less than lw factory lengths, yard ....4 . P U P P P P P 5ic p EVERY CHILD tfl P P P P P P P P P P SHOULD HAVE A TEDDY BEAR We sell the genuine kind with real bear voices, every one war ranted to keep their shape 75c to $2.50 OMAHA OMAHA LET US put your watch In order. Tou will need correct time while away on your vacation. Leave It with ua a few days, so that we may properly adjust It before you go. No better watchmakers than ours. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY Jeweler IBM Douglas Street. Jamestown Exposition TU Illinois Central Railroad The low rate excursion ticket on sale account of the Jamastow fnohSfiS "" t nearly all point, aaat of Chico! DtrntoiT BOSTON 2FALLS PHILADELPHIA, toronto washington ' kw yokk city cwojIsaS eluded. Stm,r trlB,: Bt- Lrce and Hodsoa Hra" trlaa In Direct connections la Chicago with trains of all 1'ivn Samuel North District Passenger Agent, Onuha, Neb Barefoot! THE SURE CURE FOR TIRED FEET. About the most popular thing this season. The most pool and comfortable thing you could wear. Every pair made of' genuine welt soles and there are no nails to hurt the feet uppers in Russia Calf, colors black and tan. Child's sizes 5 to 8. . .$1.10 Child's sizes 9 to 11. .$1.35 Misses' sizes 12 to 2. $1.50 Boys' sizes 2 to 6 $2.00 Women's sizes 3 to 6. $2.00 Every pair built on honor and built to wear. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. A good thing can't be kept down. Some of the most prominent peo ple of Omaha are buying the COLD STORAGE since they are finding out what It is. We sell them at a cut price for cash or on small monthly payments. 7 i'i'p r Mr. Hurd can always be found in the experimenting room, experi menting how to make a better re frigerator. He has done that for forty years, and that is why he became famous as a refrigerator builder. The Stoetzel Stove Co. 714 South leth. Albany Dentists aoom 18, Boahmaa Block. Entrance, 116 8. 16th Street. WE SAVE YOU MONEY Because we make dental Col lege prices. For Instance. TEETH.... $2.00 Each set fitted by an expert Dentist and fully guaranteed. Everything else at Dental Col lege prices. Albany Dentists Open STealag-s Until 10. Rundajra 10 to 3. won DE POSITORS NEED NOT WAIT The woman teller gives you immediate attention even dur ing the busiest hours. Open from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. WOMEN'S BANKING ROOM FIRST NATIONAL BANK is provided with a separate re ception room, to the left, just be fore entering the main banking room, which insures privacy to its customers. . Any woman may open an ac count for any amount. First National Bank OMAHA, NEB. OMAHA WKATHKIt FORECAST Tuesday: Fair. rf 0) C h' . hi Clf if (C r l r lt Ml IIU IiU II SMfOKToiSDffi Fine Waists for 49c 1400 Fine Lawn Waists, handsomely trimmed in Val. lace and em- TCl) broidery. While they last, only vZr Sample Sale oi Muslin Underwear 59c 78c Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemise, Skirts and Drawer for I Men's Furnishings 50 dozen Men's Fine Hose, in black and fancy; some nice drop stitch men's hose, in latest colors and effects, worth up to 35c; choice for Tues- f Q day only .1 vj Men's Straw Hals A lot of Men's Fine Straw Hats, in soft roll brims, The Cuban Panama, the nearest imitation to a gen uine Panama; worth from $2.00 to $2.50; 4 4A choice .JLsxJ IN CROCKERY SECTION I r in . rx i MEALS "SUCTION HtOt MOUTH NO RUBBER RING. JXNITAHY SELF SEALING m TIGHT N0M0UL0 N0L0SS rKWTS. MtTj tre. jcaico roatvt. KtWmNG rtM NATURAL FLMOt & The Housewife's Friend We can supply these in pints, quarts, half gallons. Ball Bros.' Jars in all sized. Jelly Tumblers. RUBBER RINGS Double Green Trading Stamps L Ml Mm 1 Lb: Bennett's Big Grocery Leaders In Fresh, New Table Products at Prices to Suit the Million. Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 2G And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. TEAS B. ' j'.' apan. Oolong, Gunpowder, En- glish Breakfast, pound 38 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Spices Ten Green Trading Stamps with each can. Best We Have Corn, 2 cans. . . . 25 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pears, in syrup, large can 15 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bot. .lg And 30 Green Trading Stamps. 4 pkga. Egg-o-See Bunny Side Tomato Soup, can. . 10? Ana five ureen Trading stamps. Gillette's Washing Crystal 12 pkga. 10 Worcester Table Salt, 2 sacks: 10 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle. 25 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grapa Juice, quart bottle 504 And Sixty Green Trading Stamps. Bayle's Cider Vlngear, pint bottle 10J And Five Green Trading Stamps. GRANULATED SUGAR Doable Gree n Trading btamps. in to Biff Lie Mi Sill! .W!:HKWsrtmKm;iKi;K!FKKK The largest and moat complete stock can be found at our place Fire Crackers from China, so you are always sure to get new and only the best made at prices way below others. We import our own fresh goods. We urge people to buy early this season. Here are a few special goods on sale in our tore: China Fire Crackeri. 64 In a package, So a pMkara. Tiger Fire Crackers, 44 in a package, 3o a Sftckiiffe. Baby FTr Crackers 350 in a package, 4o a package. 2-Inch Salutes, 10 in a box, 4o a bos. S-balt Roman Candles, le each. iu oau noman uandles, ao each. 12-ball Roman Candles, 3o each I 35o a doten. iS-ball Roman Candles, 4o eaoki 40o a dozen. 20-hall Roman Candles, Bo aoh.! foi SBoj 6O0 a dozen. 25-ball Roman Candles, So eaoh S tot flu Mfiry,hJn 'i? PPorfon- No order too large or small' for us to 5.,Mau1i-,er'..w' .r f1 ony- Bend u. your vauw., UWV.tll KlLCIIllUn L 11 IllRl inv H P. WClfUm f i : 1..I1..I wiU you. Let us Ogure JOS. F. BIL2, omaha. 822 South Sixteen tit Street. DR. BRADBURY, Dontiot, I'Jrg. 1I PARNAM eT OtUHA. M. 1706 . ... AZ. -Jt . 7ZZZv'"ii r' W. make a apUit, crowns . . o-.92.BO ny Bridge Wark.&0 ns Piatt C2.00 ail oparaAlott. Work gnaranued 10 raara. Find a Customer af7 thing 70a haw tell U wmntsd ky omUdy tf ptic aa4 joattrr art ricnt A Want Ad wQ SATISFYING DENTISTRY Every operation performed In this of fice la a aample of our work. At our low prices there would be no profit In one time patients. We will aatlzfy you every time in order to gain your future patronage. Gold Bridge Work, per tooth TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1617 Doaglas St. $5.00 Sale of Givcrnnud Silks Continues Tuesday in Our Busy Silk Department. Special Safe of Hart, Schaflner O Marx Suits, Wednesday. 111 ar n Attend Oar Prelnventorf Clearance Boys Clothing Grand Lace Sale Continues So immense and varied nro I.Iia linps nfffirpd in tliia Ralo Mint a few dajs' sale will ecarcely make an impression. Several new lots are Drougnt lorward for Tuesday's selling. 50c Laces at Yard iy2c Fine point peril bands and edges, worth 15o to 35e yard; fine Appliques, worth 20o to 35c a yard; wide Venice edges, worth up to 50c a yard, all go at one Tl price Tuesday, per yard I JQ C Women's Skirts at Less Than Half Price An immense stock of regular and extra sizes in all the newest style ideas and materials must be closed at orico. Entire Stock Divided into Five Lots for Tuesday: lXT 1 Wash Skirts Over 400 in this lot to select from, also 160 wool skirts, all new styles, best bargains ever known, at, choice 08 LOT 3 Skirts In fine serges, panamas, pretty check, stripe and plaid materials about 200 .misses' skirts included In this lot, made to sell at 16.00 choice Tuesday $2.00 liOT 8 Skirts In fine voiles, silks, chiffon, Pan amas and Melrose cloths. In checks, stripes and fancy mixtures, made to sell at 18.00 choice. Tuesday $3.00 LOT 4 Handsome Skirts In French voiles, taf fetas, fine panamas and fancy mixed materials, all sizes, 22 to 38, length 38 to 46 made to sell at $10.00 choice, Tuesday $4.00 LOT 6 Regular $18 Skirt In fine silks,, Ault man vollac, French panamas, etc.. trimmed with straps of same materials marvelous bargains choice, Tuesday . . . . i $0.00 All these lota Include both regular and extra sixes. We would reqnest aU who can do so to buy In the forenoon to avoid overcrowding in the after noon honrs. Men's and Ladies' Furnishings The rarest kind of bargains in nil kind nf TTnit TTnrioitiraoi. In our Pre-Inventory Clearance Tuesday. Ladies' Union Suite, worth up to $2.60, sua ana lisie, lace nmmed, colors or white; sale price , 08t Ladles' Jersey Knit Union Salts, worth up uj j uo; iu i wo iois Tuesday, at ....40 rd 25 Ladies' Vests, low neck and sleeveless, worth up to 25c; at 16c, U2 He 10c ftnd 5t Ladies' Lisle rants, lace trimmed, at, pair ....., , 40 Men's Gauze Underwear, worth to t8o, at 4 9c, 39o and 25 Men's Shirts and Drawers, In fine silk and lisle, white, pink . or blue, at $2.00, $1.50 and Qg Men's Union Sulfa, extra fine quality, special bargains at, garment, $2.00, $1.50, 98c and . , .75 Men's Shirt, worth to $1.00, in mad ras, percales, chambrays or fellk. and mohair bosoms, with soft collar or collar bands, at 47f Extra Specials for Tuesday AT 0:80 A. M. One case of 19o Turkish Towels, extra large and extra heavy, at, each. .Og A. F. C. Dress Olngbams. fine stripes. fuU pieces, at, yard.. . . ... . . . .Kg 7 Vie Apron Checks Sttc Amoakeag Apron Olngbams. per yard, 5 lOo Bleached Muslin QMt AT 2 P. M. One case Bleached Sheeting, regulai 27c goods, not over 10 yards' to a customer, at, a yard ......... American Indigo blues, 7 Vic grade, 5 American Indigo blues, in short lengths, at, yard ..2K 16o Batiste. ,10- 12c Batiste. .7V4g 10c Batiste... 5S 7 Vio BatlBte.2K No dealers sold at these prices. W HMDENS' SM n n nr SlA llVll "EXPOSITIOW The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY. On account of the Jamestown Exposition afford one of the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered . the traveling pub ic in many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits to Niagara Falls Chautauqua Lake Chamolaln Atlantic City Tha St. Lawrence Hew York City Hudson River Trip Adirondack; The Catskilis Berkshire Hills Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by the Chicago & North'Western Ry. with trains of all lines, east For rates, tickets and full iafonaattaa apply to TICKET OFFICES 40M403 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEB. ONE P,U8 FOR WAY ROUND FARE ..r TRIP ffldfl Spring Li J I Burin' I Ml mL '9 ne, July. August and September. ,!V.VXf Ownr d by U. S. Govcrnmont Summer ,-.e Best Time for Treatment. Reduced Hotel Ratea, TICKETS GOOD FOR 80 DAYS. COOL MOUNTAIN CLIMATE. Tot Ihunl laformatlsa. Ailments trtd. and TllustraUd Book, addrasa. UUREAU OK INFORMATION. Hot Springs. Ark ant.. Wt KdUl Bs and srransemrnts. aJdrcua manager of tha following hotels: Arlington. Great Northern, Majeatlo. Moody. Milwaukee, Navarre, New Wav. erly. Pullman. Rocaafellow, fit. Oiarle. Wtukuha, The Kddy. Brockawajr, Gardner, Oliaey, Jetferaon, Knickerbocker, New Llndell. Oliver, Oaark. Proeton, hlchmond and Wret. 100 other hotels, at prices la rech of all. for tickets etc. call on or aidreea: A. K- Rows, tt P. A., C. H L p, Uit Parnam Dt., Omaha, Neb T. P. Uodf r. P. T. A, Me. Pmo. Rr lilt iaxBan u Onmha. Ne. I H I II mil I l mi i Mlln.l