Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Hnnnea and Cttn-e--Cntlnnd.
1 i??T.RAI 4-room corner flat. 220 N.
d (ISj-MlMi
An modern flat, oak finish, polished floors,
.frlegantly decorated. Thl Tat la In
Omaha beat locality and rents for $65.
References required.
First Floor N. Y. I,. Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 1781.
OM-MfU 28
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern, with
lomict, 211 N. 28th Ava., $J6. Apply at
607 N. 19th St. (15)-M662
FOR RENT-l-room, all modern house, J28.
7 Harney St. inquire Iu7 8. 17th St.
. (16) 671
A. FINELY furnished, strictly modrn 6
roora cottage for rent, 6t4 S. 27th Bt. Tel.
w cosier vot. (16) Ma
NINE-tvOOM house with barn, modem.
Ill 8. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 783.
06) -tit
FLAT, fall modern, six rooms beside bath
and private hall; newly dons up; gas
range, etc.; entire building being put In
perfect order; bent flats In north part of
city; walking distance; reference required.
Call, Investigate this: f.
BEMIS, Paxton Flock.
. (16) M564-
HOUSES. insurance. Ring -alt. Barker Blk.
THE entire building formerly ocnupled by
the Ijaily News. 44x.l0 feet, I stories and
basement MoCagu Investment Co., 15o
todg Bt. 06 17
131$ IfARNET ST.S floors and basement.
MxlJO feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc
Cagua Investment Co., 1506 Dodge Bt.
(IE) 17s
FOR RENT-Second floor, $3x104, suitable
for lodge rooms or manufacturing pur
poses. I'alaoa Clothing Co., 14th and
Douglas. (l M636
FOR RENT targe floor and basement
ultahle for sample room, manufacturing
or storage. 1119-17 Farnam St.
(15) M970
FOR RENT Desk room In T?ea office, city
hall building. 417 N. 2:th Bt.. South
Omaha. Apply to manager. (It) 134
DESK room on first floor at 1312 Farnam.
, (15)-fi82
tt FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for offloa
uce. 1212 Farnam. (15)-!1
U la rsry seldom that good outside space
In a well appointed office building Is
available. . At the present time we have
a beautiful suite of two rooms on the
fifth floor, with east and south light, a
large vault, which makes this a most
dsslrsble space during either summer or
Room No. 846 Is now vacant and Is 14x19,
( with a cood-elxed vault: has east light.
i A new hard-wood floor was recently put
1 In this room.
1 We have a small office on the east side of
the building which can be rented to you
on good terms.
Everybody In Omaha knows the location of
the Bee building; It is central, close to
the city hall and county court house.
There are several hundred people who
spend more time here than In their homes
and any one of them will testify as to
the care they receive here,
Vor further particulars call
7 ' rn
1 . r: v.- ... ,u.WW..... . t 4.1 .
FOR RENT The best located comer store
In Omaha. Farnam and 18th Hts.. Board
of Trade Bldg. Sea P. H. Phltbln, Sohllti
Hotel. (15) lsl
STORE ROOM. 1103 N. 18th St., 120.
'Phone Douglas 686. Paxton BIk.
(16) 444
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing
6c per foot. 305 N. 17th Bt. Tal. Red ii
(14) UU
WE carry the highest grades of second
hand furniture. Boms Kerns worth seeing.
Prices right and also we can save you
4uo on the dollar and It would payVou
to see us before pou buy. Chicago rui
nlturs Co.. 1413 Dodge. Doug. 4787.
UO-&12 J28
PARTIES leaving town at once ; woull
sell cheap, three large cases suitable for
curios or books, tins La ayette Ave.
ELEGANT library table, morris chair
Mission style; osk buffet, parlor settee,
,A h.rBDln i . al immmv A u
J " , (16)-M237 27x
FOR BAI.H Furniture t rooms, all new,
at a sacrifice: Dartv leaving city; buye
can rent house. Address P 66. cars Bee
U) AUVt Iix
FOR SALE 1 piano, 1 good oak sideboard,
1 dresser, 1 child s bed. Ira Ho. 31 nt St
list ltw 2DX
FURNITURE and household goods of 6-
room cottage, with piano If desired. 4234
Patrick Ave. (16) 43 24
rVRNITl'RE for sale, Including bookcase.
china closet, tables, chairs and beds. 1423
M. 17th. (16)-M670 26x
Pool Md. Billiard Table.
rOR SAl.E New and secondhand billiard
and pool tables. W lesd the world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruna-Wlck-Balke-Collendar.
40f, 8. loth Bt.
riaaas, Orgisi, Mnaleal lulrintatt.
Clearance Sale
Every one a perfect instrument; some little
' Kimball,' ebony case, $100. 0Q.
- ' Chlckerlng, rosewood case. $138.09-"
A On almost new walnut upright, $148.00.
1 On $750 Knab Parlor Grand, good as
ew, $350.00.
On $700 Hallet ft pumston Parlor Grand
mly $126.00.
Many other, uprights, $30 00. .$75 00, $90.00
nd up. r-
Squar piano and organs. $10.04 and up.
$60o to $1.00 weekly paymenta
Sch'moller & Mueller
1111 rarnam St. Tel. Doug. 124
J (1D-M8SJ
$"OR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben
nett's since the fire have been removed
to 403 S. Hth St., where everyone will
' be sold regardless of price. Come and
f et one at yoar own prlc. (It) M87t
Trtwnrltera ssl lewlsg Machlae.
fT PEWRITKR SALB-AI1 machines taken
In exchange will b closed out at unheard
prices. Typewriter Exchange, 641 Paxton
Block. U6)-M71
rOR SALE High-grade Id-hand type
writer; good condition; bargain at $A
Call room Bee Bldg. (1-471
NE Remington typewriter. No. t. In good
oondiilvn, for sal cheap. Call at Bee
One. MM9i
R SAI.K A Trl-Chrom Smith Premier
typewriter. Al'itost new. Will sell at a
bargain. L. P Uager, Avoca. Ia. -
... viw-M: ji
M larrllaBVes.
WE CA RUT a complete line of all the
leading periodicals published. Foreign
publication a specialty. Blrthdsv. wed
ding and souvenir poet cards. Subscrip
tions received for all periodicals pub
lished. Mail orders win recrave prompt
Newsdealers and Stationers, ill 8. 13th KL
(ls) M124 Jy4
is Tribunes for .
11 Dsyton for Mo.
M Emblems for 111.
12 Colonial for
Second-hand ones for W and trp.
lt2 Capitol Ava.
(lO-WO Jyl
pecial low prices during June to reduce
stock; order now; good delivered when
Telephone Douglas 81.
S3 8. 15th Bt.
(16J U7
HALLS' B safes, new. Id-hand. 1S18 F-armim.
FINE upright piano, 1116.00; Singer sewing
machine, uu; large Brussels rug.;
lawn mower, $1.50, etc. Party leaving for
Texas. No dealers need apply. 415 N.
23a Bt. (1 M141 25
FOR SALE First-class store fixtures,,
showcases, etc. Globe Land and Invest
ment Co., 1822 Farnam Bt, Omaha. Neh.
U) 18
FEW bargain In M-nand soda fountains.
monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam.
(16) ISO
SEND us your mall orders for drugs;
rreignt pain on llo lots. Myers-union
DruH Co., Omaha. (16-J91
paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
(16) m
(18) 841 Jyl6
AWNINGS-They"re not expensive. Call
uoue. 6W ana our representative will call.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (16) 13
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10
orders; catalogue rree.
Umaiia, iseo.
HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and
retail. Blierman MoConnell Drug Co.
BLACK SOIL Telephone 237L
(16)-M3 25X
FOR SALE Second-hand steam boiler for
heating. Inquire 21 N. Z2d St.
0-M563 29x
2) NATIONAL cash register for sale for
1126 cash; total adder and prints every
rule, good as new; will not sell for loss.
Address K fid. Bee. 06) M541 29x
LARSON ft CO -HooK free. Bee Bldg.
(17) 1)
D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma-
china designer, paxton uiu. Tel. Kea an.
(17)-613 Jyll
CITT STEAM LAUNDRT Shirts pressed.
noi iruueu, v w .
(18) 13
OMAHA Stammerer' Institute. Ramge
SEWING machines, rented, any make, 75o
per week or $2 per month. Second-hand
machines for sale. $6 and up. Nebraska
Cycle Co., l&th aod Harney. (18) io3
A COMPLEXION satin smooth and fair
given by batin SKin powuer. four unis.
OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers
pure flour paste, uv ruining, leieynune
Douglas l&O. (18)
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
rices, neno ror tree catalogue, rayera.
illlon Drug Co., Omaha. (1S)-17
WANTED Will furnish free attractions of
all kinds tor fairs and picnics on short
notice. Prof. Winterrlnger. Harllngton,
Kab. (U) M129 2bx
t A nTVrrrr treatment and bath. Mme.
Smith, 118 N. 16th, 2d floor.
(IS) 19.
Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink.
Ing only 6c per yard. Send for price list
and samples.
10 Douglas Block. Tel, Douglas 1936.
THE SALVATION ARMT solicits csst-off
clothing; In fact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114
K. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the
worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41V and
wagon will call. (lb) 611-
Xf A RS A OF. Swedish movement Room
JULY 4, Olathe, Kas., can use circle swing,
ocean wave, merry-go-round, eto. Ad
dress at Olathe, J. All. Evans.
(18I-M234 27x.
Dr. King. 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 355.
BENNETT'S piano department has been
removed to 40$ S. lDth Kt., wliie ail
fire pianos are being sold for a fraction
of their real value. (1) M87J
young mn named John Davis of Lin
coln. Neb., on account of the very serious
Illness of his sister, who desires greHtly
to see him. Address M. C. Qer. 84 D
St., Lincoln. Neb. (1) M594 26x
TTTF. FT TTF. Mr and Batf
1U1J a.Laxaj pert lady operator;
h: ex
pert lady operator: room
200, Barker Blk., 16th and Farnam Sts.
(l&)-66 30x
BABY BOY for adoption. Mrs. Julia Tay
lor, Gen'l Delivery, Omaha, Neb.
(18I-46S 26x
WIDOWER, middle age, good looking,
wants the acquantanc of widow or maid,
good looking and refined wltb means; Pro
tectant. Address Y 231, car Be.
(18)-MC87 X
DR. Q. W. RANDOLPH, noted specialist of
the voice. Is at 303 No. 6th St., St. Joseph,
Mo., curing hundreds In 1 to 3 days; many
at a distance are cured by mall for a
trine. (18) Mi 25x
(19 303
W. H. TURRELU 14 Patterson Blk. Doug.
11. (IS) 304
BEARS. 631 N. Y. Lit. Tel. Red X7.
(19 J6
PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st fir. N. Y. L. Dour.
17fl. (13-2u
R. C. PETERS ft CO.. Be Dldg. (1) 30
ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 2" First Nat'l
bank bldg. 'Phone Doug. 773. (19) 207
1401 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 7M
(19) 3u$
L W. BUNNELL ft CO.. K3 N. Y. Llf.
Douglas 6140. (1 16
FOR SALE House. 6 rooms, modern ex
cept furnac. 2W7 Cuming bu Plic,
U.i. Kv term
City Savings Bank, Utn and Douglas.
gmvm 'iinmuai
"Sell your
crrr PHnniTT roa balk.
Hot water heat, open plumbing, I rooms,
good laundry, fine barn, trees and shrubs.
Party wants to sell quick. Don't watt to
telephone, but come and are us and let
us tell you the balance.
M. J. Kennard & Co.,
(1JV-421 24
Two beautifully situated lots, 40x127 feet
each, west front on boulevard, two blocks
to car. on grade; corner. JMW; Inside, t;oo.
Must be sold by owner at once. S404 La
fayette Ave. (19) M30t
THE best S-room house In the city for the
money; close In; 15 minutes' walk from
P. O. on Dodge St.; a neat lawn, with
plenty of fruit; this is a bargain; price,
2,!0, tl.600 cash. Call room 41 IT. 8.
Nat. bank bldg. (19) M24 30
FARNAM, close to 40th, very best situa
tion for business and flats. 1 or 2 lots.
Need money. Will sell cheap. "Phone
Douglas 6&L (19) M383 28
AVisfrnrtQ ot title; quick service. 'Phone for pr)PM Guarantee Ab
stract Co.. Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 2S47.
n)-7M Jyl
I rooms, brand now, strictly modern. $4,004.
O Keefe Real Ectata Co., 1001 N. T. Lit
Bldg. (19 M977
A brick block of three stores and 83 rooms
on a leading business street; rented for
$215 a month. Price $16,000; half cash,
balance four years at 6 vrr cent.
Room 1, New York Life Bids.
Very attractive 7-room modern house,
built two years deslrubly located on paved
street. Price. $4,600. Easy terms.
1st Fl., N. Y. L. Bld.
Tel. Doug. 1781.
"If it's a bargain, they have It."
$2G0 CASH, balance monthly for 6-room
new cottage; modern except furnaca;
cemented cellar under entire house;
permant walks. All complete waslking
distance from postofflco. Price, U,3u).
O. C. Olsen, 101 S. 16th St., main floor.
(19)-M51$ 26
IF YOU are thinking of building It will
pay you to see the Western Home Build
ers, rooms 22 and 23, Neb. Nat. Bank
Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) 210
STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest.
You are protected by a $10,000 bond aKalnst
loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit
when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614
Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (19)
LIST your property with the Western
Home Builders, rma, II-2J Nebraska Natl.
Bank Bldg. (1) 714
FOR SALE 6-room cottage, owner leaving
city, will sell at a sacrifice. 106 North
40th South Omaha. Tal, 871.
(1)-M 14$
All modern, 6 -room ootrage, 3413 Lafayette
Ave. Bemts Park. 'Phone Harney (466.
FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 2526
Jones St. Telephone owner for keys.
Webster 1866.
I fl)-7
FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben
son, three blocks from car, suitable tor
rlantlng or for Improvement; an oppor
unlty for some one. Address. O 423,
tea, (19) -234 x
"If it's a Bargain,
They Have It."
4146 Ersklne, 6 rooms, $1,650.
8M4 Seward, 6 rooms, $2,150.
716 8. 28th St., 7 rooms. $2,808.
1st Fl., N. Y. L Bldg.
Tel. Doug. 1781.
(1-B( M
BEST new t-room house, modern with or
without furnace for $2,450; forced to sell
niiiikly. Tel. alter 7 p. m. Webster
185GL (19) M982
WANTED Ajents to represent us In th
sale of our Kansas lands. rite for par
ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co ,
Omaha. Neb. i20)-214
WE HAVE lands. Improved and unlm-
f roved, in central and eastern Kansas
hat we can sell you from $0 to $a0 per
acre. These lands ars No. 1. Will con
sider good city property or merchandise.
Write u for full Information, with de
scription of what you have to otter,
J. W. STINE ft CO..
1026 O St., Lincoln, Nob.
(20) -324 Jylg
A GOOD farm, well Improved. 24 miles wast
of Omaha, for sale on easy terms s per
cant Interest. If taken ia next 30 davs.
Address Y-244. Be. (?))-tl6
A good) laacr farm, near Sidney, Neb.,
for sal; well Improved; 76 acres in cul
tivation; 47 acres In crops, fenced and
cross-fenced irlth good well and windmill.
Price, $1,800 on good terms. Inquire of
Herman Springer, Sidney, Neb. Th owner
will pay railroad and other expenses. To
purchaser: A snap for the man who Is
looking for a home. First here first served.
Herman Springer, Sidney, Neb. Offlve
over First National bank. (20) M413 28x
HAVE you $'j0O Do you want a fruit farm
36 miles from Omaha? Writ Route 3. Box
11, Arlington, Neb. (20) Ml) 26
IMPROVED farms l eastern Nebrsska,
Sarpy and Douglas aouoties. B. J. Over,
ton, Gretna, Neb. (30) 315
FIR3T-CLtA83 Nebraska farms and ranch
for homes or Investment. Bemis, Omaha.
oath Dakota.
Buy a farm In Beadle county, 8. D.
Another big crop is daily raising valuea
A fortune Is yours If you buy now.
Writ for map.
Huron, S. D. " 30)-M158 Jyl
I90M ACRES choice level Texas prairie.
$4 .bt per acre; $1.60 cash. Well located.
Water plentiful. Box 42. Sibley. Ia.
(30) M227 36x
WANTED to buy home, modern, seven
rooms, $luO down, $. qusrt. rly In ad
vance, i'rlce not to exceed $3,0U).
address LvM B oftu.
y)-M67 if
farm or business0
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
fc.erOOO TO LOAN on business and resi
dence property In Omaha; lowest rstcs;
do delay. Thomas Bretiaan. Room 1. N. Y.
Life. (2Z)-ttt
WANTED Cttv losns and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith ft Co., 1&0 Farnam Bt.
LOANS ea Improved Omaha property.
O Keefa R. E. CO.. 1001 N. T. Life Hid?.
(O 221
LOWEST RATES Bemts. Paxton Rlcclt.
(JD 04
$500 TO f,eo TO LOAN at lowest rates;
no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARMaII
WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co.
(22) 5
LOANS en Improved city property. W. H.
Thomas, 505 First National Bank Bldg
(22 2T6
CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.,
313 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 13.1.
(36) C7
Investment Dept. Western Ref. & Hond
Ass n Inc.. Cults 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg.
125) 114
WANTED 8-room house. South Omaha,
near car line, not over J3,RW. Address
0-56S. care Bee. (36 (432
WANTED To rent a furnished cottage
or flat; references exchanged. Address
Room K. Her Qrsnd hotel. (2UI-031 24x
WANTED Room and board In vicinity of
2th and Bprague. Address O 67ti, care
Be. (26) 647 30x
MAN, wife and two children (12 and 6),
want RUUJis wnn uiiaivu, vicinity
16th and Locust' Sts. L. R. Vofce, 2.4
Rlnney St. 'Phone Webster l'0. resi
dence; Webster 405, office. (25-661 80x
FOR student help see McCartney Insti
tute. 1802 Farnam. (27) M419
WANTED Position as landscaper, to tskd
f vanli lawns and flowers, bv gen
tleman who can give best of references.
Address 4S21 Military Ave. Tel. Webster
2MB. (21) 175 24x
WANTED Position by young man as book
keeper and general office assistant In
lumber business. Eight years' experience.
Chester, Neb.
(27) M229 27x
WHEN you write to adverfser remember
it takes but tin extra stroke or two of
th pen to mention th fact that you saw
the ad In Th Bee
TOUNO man with road experience Jeslres
city sales work. Address Y 6D, care ot
Be. . (27)-M5S6 29x
WANTED Position as miller or stone
dresser. Address Bog 126, Midland hotel.
:t.i (27) M63tt 26x -
TOUNO man wishes to do working or fig
uring' evenings. Address M 681, caro Bee.
: y CT MM 27x
FOR student help see McCartney Insti
tute, 1802 Farnam. . .-(27) M630
Annld M. Lewis to Mabel Colirrave,
west 28 feet lot t, bkick 1, Patrick's
add i $ 1,400
Charles A. Dunham and wife to Peter
N. Nelson, lot 7, block 4, Cottage
park 1.S00
John E. Mahannah to Oeorge Parks,
part nw sw4 34-16-13 200
W. L. Wlnkleman and wife to William
P. Current, lot 15, block H, Saun
ders ft Htmebaugh's add 1,600
Martin L. Whltaker and wife to J.
Herbert McMillan, lot 4, block 162.
South Omaha 25
John D. Belts t al to John W
Young, lota 1 and 2, block L Pad
dock Place 7.600
John C. Havemeyer and wife to Alice
G. Millie, lot 24, block 4, Creighton
Heights 1,200
Harvey J. Grove end wlf to Mildred
Fltxel, lots 24, 26 and 26, block 1,
Grove add 600
Jan W. Russell and husband to Wil
liam Redgwick. south 38 feet lot 1,
block 2, Shull's 2d add 1.600
Robert H. Landeryou and wife to
same, part lots and 10, block 1,
Mvers, Richards A Tllden's add.... 1
C. Geortre Carlberg and wife to Peter
J. Dennlson and wife, lot 5, block 2,
Carlberg'a sub. 600
Francis A. Brown and wife to Charles
L. Saunders, lot 10, block 1, Saun
ders & Hlmebaugh'k add 60
Gustavo A. SandelT and wife to Sarah
E. Moore. nH sub. lot 2, tax lot
(4. In 10-16-13 ,2M
Adelaide H. Congdon to Helen C.
O'Brien, east 60 feet lot 7, block 2,
Capitol Hill 3.100
Arthur East to Hannah Heavey, lot
li, block 34, Albright's Choice 1,009
Margaret J. Prentice and husband' to
Marie Zadlna, wtt lot 14, block 4,
Dupont Place 1,000
Payne, Bnstwlck ft Co. to James E.
Almy, lot 16, block 3, Wise ft Par-
melee's add 1,000
The Provident Life and Trust com
nanv of Philadelphia to James Cam
eron, sV west 76 feet lot 12, block 4,
Horbach's 2d
Paul Penllnger and wife to Peter
t'ecquer, lot 12, block 6, Corrlgan
Continental Trust company to Samuel
8. Lanyon, e4 lot I, block B. Shlnn's
quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyo., June 22,
19Cri. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will
be received at this office until 10:30 a. m.,
(mountain time) July 22, 1M7. at which
time they will b opened in public, for
furnishing all material and labor required
for th construction complete, as per speci
fications on file In this uttice. a garbage
crematory at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.
Blank forms of proposals may be obtained
at this office on application. Specifications
and drawings me y be inspected at this of
fice and at the office of th cnlef quarter
master department of th Missouri, Omaha,
Neb., and chief quartermaster department
Of Colorado. Denver. Colo. The govern
ment reserves the right to reject any and
all bids or parts of bids. Envelopes con
taining proposals should be indorsed "Pro
posals for Garbag-e Crematory. Fort D. A.
Rusafl, Wyo.," and addressed Captain
V. K. Hart, quartermaster. lTnted
State armv. constructing imartermHster,
Cheyenne. Wyo. J24-26-26-27Jyl9-20
Omaha, Nebraska, June 26, 1907 Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, subject to the uual
conditions, will be received here until I
o'clock a. m., central standard time. July
35. 1!7, for Installing an Electric Freight
Elevator la Commissary Storehouse at
Quartermaster's Depot, Omaha, Nebraska
Full Information furnished on annllcailon
to this office, where plans and srx-clflcations
may be seen. Envelopes containing rropos
als to be marked "Proposals for Electric
Frelshl Klevstor." and addressed to Major
THOMAS 8WOBB. Quretermaster, Army
Building. Omaha. Nebraska
J26-28-17-28-Jy 23-34
Quartermaster's Office. Omaha. Nebraska.
May 17. 1S07. Sealed proposals In dupllcste
will be received her until 10 a. m.. June
$, 1907. and then opened, for furnishing sts
tlonery. U. 8. reserve the rlirht to reject
any or all bids, or parts thereof. Copies of
Vronosals furnished on sprltcstion to Major
HUM AS 8WOBE, Quartermaster.
U '- 2J 1 -X-14- M
City people want to move to the
country, country people to move
to the city. Dee want ads reach
both city and country people, t :
Scaled proposals will be received at th
office of the AUantlc Northern ft Southern
Railway company. Atlantic. Ia., until noon
ot July I, IWi, fur the grading of seven
teen miles of rtjad bed, between Atlantic
and Klmhallton, Ia., asgrfgating approxi
mately 2fi,iKw cubic yards.
The work will be let In six sections and
separate and Independent bids will be re
ceived on each section, a follows;
Section No. 1. five miles., about 36,000
cubic yards.
section No. z. rive miles, aoout ao.wii
cubic yards.
Bection No. 3, five miles, atrout so.wo
culi'c yanls.
Bection No. 4. two miles, about 46,000
cubic yards.
Section No. 6. one mile, about 45.000
cubic yards.
Section No. 6. two miles, about 60,000
cultlc yards.
Plans and specifications may be seen at
the office of the company, Atlantic, Ia.
Kids must be accompanied by certified
check of one hundred dollars ($103) for
each section bid upon, as a guarantee that
the contract will be entered Into in case it
is awarded.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Atlantic Northern ft Southern Railway
By Engineering Construction and Securi
ties company. Engineers nnd contractors,
MAINS healed proposals will be receive!
bv the cltv clerk of the city of Randolph,
Nebraska, "at his office until the 22d day of
Julv. I'.i7. at 8 o'clock p. in., for the fur
nishing and laying of 6.lw feet of 4-Inch
cast water mains and 1.60 of 6-Inch ca.t
water mains with six 4-Inch double nox,19
fir hydrants for 2-lnch fire hose together
with all necessary fittings for all mains
and hydrants Hlds to Intitule the dig
ging of all ditches st least five feet below
the established grade of said city, nnd not
less than five feet below the surfsce of thfl
street at any placo. Bids to Include all
connections and extras as shown by the
plans and specifications on Die at the of
fice of the suld cily clerk. One-hnlf of the
contract price for the laying and furnish
ing said mains as above to be paid In cash
and the balance to be paid In warrants
drawn on the general fund of said city.
All bids must be accompanied by a certi
fied check! to 10 ner cent of the
nmount bid, as a frunrantee that If the bid
Is accepted the bidder will enter Into con
tract to perform and carry out the bid.'
The city reserves the right to relect anv
or Hll bids. E. S. MAILLIARD, City Clerk.
Unlaw Pactflc.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 8:66 am a 9:40 pm
The China and Japan
Fast Mall a 3:60 pm a 6:00 pm
Col. & Calif. Ex a 8:60 pm a 9:30 am
California ft Ore. Ex... a 4.00 pm a 6:60 pm
Ios Angeles Limited... .al2:65 pm a 9:16 pm
Colorado Special all:66 pm a 6:5(t am
North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 6:1 pm
Beatrice Local b 7:43 am b 6:16 pm
Chicago ft Northwestern.
Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am all:84 pm
St. Paul-M'apolis Exp.. a 7:60 am a!0:00 pm
Chicago Local all :30 am a 3:28 pm
Stoux City Passenger.. .a 7:60 am a 8:28 pm
Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm a 9:30 am
Chicago Special a 4:00 pm a 9:30 am
St. Paul-M'polls Lmtd..a 4:28 pm a 7:44 am
Los Angele Limited... .a 9:30 pm al2:36 pm
Overland Limited a 10:00 pm a 8:23 am
Fast Mail a 8:29 am
Sioux City Local a 1:60 pm a 9:20 am
Fast Mall a 8:3fl pm
Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm a 7:08 am
Overland Limited a 8:38 pm A :31 am
Norfolk-Monesteel a 7:40 am 10:36 am
Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am al0:36 am
Deadwood-Llncoln a 3:00 pm a 6:06 pm
Casper-Shnshonl a 3:00 pm a 6:06 pm
Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm b 6:06 pm
Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm bl!:60 pm
I.OS Angeles Limited. ..a 9:60 pm all. 36 pm
6t Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 1:30 am
EL Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 9:80 am aU:16 pm
Stanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 60 pmbl0:16 am
Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific.
Chicago Limited a 2:45 am all:30 ptr.
Iowa Ixcal a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Pass a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Local all:40 am b 9:65 pm
Chicago (Kastern Ex.). a 4:60 pm a 1:26 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pin a 1:36 am
Rocky Mountain Lmtd..s!l-4! pm a !:SS am
Colo, ft Cal. Express. ..a 1:35 pm a 4:40 pm
Okl. ft Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 3:46 pm
Lincoln & Falrburv Pass.a 8:45 amal0:16 am
MtMonrt Paclne.
K. C. ft St. L. Exp a 9:00 am a 6:55 am
K. C. ft St. L. Exp all:15 pro a 6:85 pm
Nebraska I-ocal !pm all:40 am
Chicago, Milwaukee ft. at. Paal.
Chi. ft Colo. Special... 7:03 am 11:46 pm
Calif, ft Oregon Exp... 6:68 pm pm
Overland Limited 9:68 pm 3:37 am
Chicago Great Western.
St. Paul ft Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm 7:19 am
Bt Paul ft Minneapolis.. J 'At am 11:60 pm
Chicago Limited 6:40 pm 4:00 am
Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pin
Chicago Express - 3:30 pm 3:10 pm
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express ..a 7:20 am a 3:48 pm
Minn. & St. Paul Exp...b 7:20 am a 8:66 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 6:30 am
Minn, ft St. Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm a 8:30 am
Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm
Northwest Spoclal a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4.10 pm
Northwest Express a 3:0 pm
Nebraska points a !:'." ant
Nebraska Express a 9:05 am
Lincoln Fast Alall b 1:45 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local. .'
Louisville ft P-altsm'th.b 3:10 pm
Bellevue-Plat'rr.out!s ..a 8:1 pm
plattsmouth-Iowa b 9:10 am
Denver Limited all:65 pm
Chicago Special a 7:00 am
Clilcaito Express a 4:30 pm
Chicago Flyer a :'M pm
Iowa Local a 9:16 am
Bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm
Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:46 pm
Kansas City ft 6L Jo. .a 9:15 am
Kansas City ft St. Joe.. a 4:46 pm
a 4:10 pro
a 4:10 pm
a 4:10 pm
a 6:45 am
6:10 p:n
a 8:10 pro
a12:0l pm
a 9:06 am
a 6:00 pm
bl0:20 am
a 7:46 ant
b 1:35 pm
a 6.45 a n
all:45 pm
a $:56 pm
a 8:30 am
all :30 Hut
all:30 arr
a t.-vj air
a 6:10 put
Chlran-o, t. Paal, Minneapolis ft
Leave. Arrlv.
Twin City Passenger.. -b 6 'JO am b 9:10 pm
Ploux City Passenger. ..a 2:00 pm all:?0 am
Emerson Local b 6:4S pm b 9:10 am
Emerson Lea! ...-C 8:46 am C 6:60 pin
Missouri Paclfle.
Local via Weeping
Water a 8:05 am a 6:30 pm
Falls City Local a 3:50 pm all:20 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday c Sunday only. Dally
except Morday.
Indian Name on Treasury Wnrraats.
When Assistant Subtreasurer Thomas J.
Akins reached his office In the St. lxiuls
federal building on morning recently a
butch of warrants sent to the subtreasurv
to be cashed was on his desk. Mr. Akins'
eye hapiened to catch the name on the
tti ut warrant and he gav a start and took
another look to make sure that his eyes
were not deceiving him. The warrant had
! been issued to Mr. Billy Mule. Mr. Akins
at first thought that there hud been mime
tuletske. The warrant had been cashed,
however, and Mr. Billy Mule's signature
was on the back.
Mr. Akin to the nxt warrant.
It had been input d to Mr. Has No Shirt.
Mr. Has No Hliirt had indorsed the war
rant and It had been cashed. Next came
Mr. Straight A'raxy, followed by Messrs
Big Baby. Skunk, Matches, Noise, Bug,
Calf's Head. Hear Going Up Hill, Standing
Twenty. LlrTerty.t Tails, Lift I Turtle, Mad
Hull, Plenty Horse and Mules, Turkey Leg,
Short Women. Lean Woman, Bear Louis
and Dirty Fc.
Mr. Akins was mystified for a few mo
ments, until he went to the bottom of the
besp and found a memorandum to (he
effect that the wsrrsnts were Issued to
Arapahoe and Clieyenne Indians by
Chart E. Schell at Darlington. Okl., for
rental of ground and eUiax com ssalona
M. Lout Itcoubli
Mora Money (or Them and Carriers
Firit of July.
New ferhedaUa la Salaries Made bv
(act aaa Will Affect Tboa
aanda of Esaployea Over
Cssstrr. '
The Omaha postofflce officials are busily
eng&fed In arranging th schedules of pro
motions and changes In the salaries of the
clerks and carriers which becomes effective
Under the new law.
About 115 clerks will be affected by th
salary changes In th Omaha office and
125 carriers. The clerks and carriers In
offices of th first and second class will be
divide le.n .i. t h. .d. !
th salary will b $fi00; second grade. $00; !
third grade, $300; fourth grade, tl.fOO; fifth
grade, $1,100; sixth grade, $1,200.
Oh the first day of th month clerks
and carriers at first-class offices will bo
promoted successively to th fifth grade,
and clerks and carriers st second class of
fices will be promoted successively to the
fourth grade. Th announcement of these
promotions will-be made from th Postofflce
department at Washington, which ts now
going over the reports submitted by th
postmaster regarding the efficiency and
faithfulness of the clerks and carriers. Any
clerk will be eligible for transfer to tho
service of carrlerr-and carrier to clerk.
F.Tr Carrier nets Boost.
Every carrier who June 30 is regularly
employed at a salary ot $X per year will
be promoted to the fourth grade at $1,000
per year, provided there Is submitted at
the Postofflce department evidence of faith
fulness and efficiency.
Substitutes may be employed for clerks
and carriers at th rate of 30 cents an hour
and a substitute becomes eligible for ap
pointment to the first grade.
Rural carriers who cover what Is known
as a full rout will receive $900 per yesr
Instead of $?:.
Employes In the railway mall service are
classified and nearly everybody In this
branch of the service will receive an In
crease of $100 per year.
The compensation paid to the railroads
for carrying tho malls Is to be readjusted
and the pay considerably reduced.
Additional work Is Imposed upon the post
masters In the matter of keeping a record
of the weight of each Class of mall. This
record Is to be kept dally for six months,
beginning July 1, and Involves an Infinity
of detailed work.
Weather Prophet tnlek to Perceive
Cornlag Storms or Chanae
in Weather.
The difficulties experienced by accredited
weather sharps In oesling with weather"
this year lends timely Interest to the
claims of animals, a set forth by the
Chicago Chronicle:
Do you have . any animals about your
home? If you live In the country no
doubt you do; If In the city perhaps you
possess a pet Cat or parrot or canary.
Well, watch them for a tow minutes; most
animals and birds are good barometers.
Perhaps If you live In an apartment
house your neighbor possesses a Tabby.
"I w!"h to go out walking," you mur
mur politely. "May I watch your cat a
few minutes? Such a pretty little kitty!"
While you sit watching the soft-eyed
kitten your friend will regard you with
perplexity and some amusement. But you
so the cat washing her face energetically.
You go to your room and get an umbrella.
Your friend goes out walking without ob
serving her bat and she gets wet.
When you return horn you can tell her
that If she will notice the cat before going
out eh need not fear th weather.
Before a rainstorm the cat nearly al
ways washes her face. Why Some claim
that th atmosphere excite the elec'rlclty
In the cat' fur, irritating her, and to
overcome th tingling sensation she sets
to washing herself.
Or, If ther Is no cat In the house, a
maiden lady next door may posses a
loquacious parrot. If the bird sits and
makes a sort of hissing nols you may be
stir ther will be rain before night.
If you have an aquarium of goldfish
you may observe that they will become
unusually active some sunny afternoon.
They will dart about In the water and
flap their little tails. This Is a sign of
On seldom need fear getting wet If he
live In th country. Horse, cows, sheep,
hogs, dogs, peacock all evlnc certain
peculiarities before a storm.
Suppose you ar master of a Sky terrier
or any other dog. No doubt you have often
seen him burying bones, yet you never took
notice of th fact that he did this shortly
before It rained.
In the days when man wandered through
the forests a savage creature, clothed prin
cipally with sunshln and smiles, he took
little care of the dog. It required all the
efforts of the tribal ancestor to take rare
ot himself. So th dog had to be on tho
lookout for " a rlny day."
Dugs In those days lived mostly on fowl.
Now In rainy weather fowls are hard to
catch. So the early pet of man caught
game before the rain began and burled It,
so he should not die of hunger In case th
storm continued.
This Instinct still remain with the dogs.
Horses become uneasy a a storm ap-
proachea. They fidget and neigh Impatiently
j In their stalls.
A th sky become overcast asses bray
I and show their asinine defiance of the In
evitable. Before a storm cow II down.
Some day you may walk Into a field and
see a flock of sheep In a corner with their
backs turned to the northwest. If yott
wait long enough you will see a wind blow
up from that direction.
At other times the sheep run and bound
over the field, rearing on their hind feet
a If they were fighting Imaginary foes.
This Indicate a disturbance of th atmos
phere and the approsch of a brisk storm.
Hogs, as would be typical of them, grunt
before It rains. , '
When Hons eat ravenously circus trainer
know there Is going to be had weather.
Then they take particular precautions In
fastening th pol and rope of circus tent.
Birds, also, evince feeling of discomfort
before Inclement weather. Swallow fly
I low, rooks caw discordantly and peacocks
and guinea hens cry constantly. Water
fowl, before a rain, mak a bee-line for a
lake or river.
The weather ha a noticeable effect on
j fish of all kinds. Fishermen will tell you
that trout become electrified with energy
i before a storm. A If In Joyful anticipation
of a feajt, shark disport playfully about
hip before a hurricane arises.
Persons living near rivers or stream can
gauge the weather by the croak of frogs.
A the weather becomes warm and dry or
wet and disagreeable the frog's croak
varies, ascending and descending th seal
of sound Ilk a barometer.
Fine IMsrrtsslnatlon,
Th most popular man In a Nevada town
got Into difficulty with a disreputable
tough for a long time the terror of the
place and proceeded to "do him up" In a
manner entirely satisfactory to th com
munity at large. It becoming accessary,
however, t vindicate lb saajeety of the
law, the offender was brought up for trial
on the rhsrsc of with Intent t
kill. When the Jury lind been out oftout
two minutes they returned.
"Well, gentlemen of the Jury," aaked the
Judge In a familiar, offhand way, "what
have you to say?"
"If It plese the court." responded th
forerosn, "we, the Jury, find thst the prls.
oner Is not guilty of strlkln' with Intent
to kill, but simply to paralyse; an' h don
It. "-Philadelphia Ledger.
Eiien of the New ar-o
Btaeh Less The a Official
The pension roll and Us expense to tht
nation have begun to decrease, notwUh"
standing the service pension act of th
Inst congress, which temporarily added less
than $l&.0iyvco0 to the expenditure.
Officials of the pension bureau In Wast
Ington. legislators and other Interested ll
,np new .Iaw " expressing surprise a!
th remarkably small number of old notdlert
applying for pensions under It who have noi
been drawing pensions previously. So smell
Is the number that the Inw will prov
far less expensive than was expected at
the time of Its passage. Commissioner
Warner believes that of the money appro
priated for the coming year there will be
a bale nee turned back Into the treasury,
and that he will need less money each yea
The service pension law, which was sp
provrd In February, provided that any per
son who had served ninety days in th
army or navy In th civil war and had
received an honorable discharge should,
when he reached th age of f2, receive a
pension of $12 a month; at 70. $15 a month,
and 7R or over, $M a month. It becama
effective Immediately on Its passage, and
the pensions are to be paid from the dut
of the approval of the papers filed. Tha
filing of papers whs Immediately invited.
They have come In rapidly, and have been
as rapidly approved. To provide for new
or Increased pensions until the end of th
fiscal year $I,0O0,Ou0 was appropriated, and
Is being used.
Up to date 8.18,000 applications under th
new schedule have been filed, and probably
half of them have been approved, and tha
work of placing the names on the new roll
is going forward at th rate of 3,000 a day.
Of those so far filed, SH per cent are of
veterans who have been drawing penslong
at a rate lower than that provided by tha
new law. There are great number who
have drawn 88 a month (the lowet rate)
and who will go Into a higher c)ats, de
pending on age. There are many In tha
$8 and $10 classes, while there are some la
higher classea, who get the advance be
cause of great age. All these are rapidly
filing their papers and will get an advance
of about $3 a month on an average The
remainder are able-bodied vetereans who
hav never applied for a pension before, or
whose applications have been refused. The
smallnesa of the number embraced In this)
IV P" cent is a great' surprise to th
pension officials and goes to show that
practically all the civil war veterans hava
been drawing pension already from die- "
ability and other cause.
At the time the law was drafted It wag
estimated that It would cost approximately
$16,000,000. If all the applications so far
mad wer to be granted, the Increase
would amount to some $2,000,0(0 less than
that figure. It la held that practically all
the application are in already, that a
certain per cent will be rejected, and that,
aa a result, tha sjiu included fox this new
portion of the service In the allowance will
by no means bo exhausted. Of the special
appropriation of $1,000,000 to defray the ex
pens until the end of the fiscal year. Com
miaaloneTj Warner feela confident of saving
a considerable portion. New York Tribune.
Measures Adopted to Untlstr th.
Ever-Increaalnar Demand for
Every morning from a little room of
great white house on the eastern shore
of tho Nile, at Assouan, is clicked by tele
graph the question, "How much watrT"
The answer comes, so many thousand gal.
Ion more, or s many thousand galloni
less. A button la pressed, tbe water whlck
flows under the Iron bridge st Cairo )
Increased or dlmlnshed some ten day
later In accordance with the telegraph!,
answer, and the Intervening valley be
tween Assouan and Cain, nas a little more
or a little less water on It surface. Th
man at the button may bring Joy or sorrow
to thousands of little farms It 1 all ao
oordlng to th message he receives.
From the great white house there ex
tend across tho rrver a granite wall or
dam 150 feet high. Half way up this wall,
and stretching It entire length, a line 4
shutter opens or closes by a pressure of
the button. In the winter month a huge
lake expands to the southward, which ha
every appearance of being a flood, for, In
certain place, th top of palm tree are
discernible above Its surface, and the sum
mit of inundated ruin apparently mark
the sites of sunken eltle. A the day
go by, and Cairo demands more and more
water, the palm trees and the ruin eent
to rise from their watery beds, until. In
June and early' In July, the river flow
freely with all it historic Indolence).
Still the cry for water I Insatiable, an
now the 16 feet of granite wall will be
lengthened by twenty-three feet, which
will double the power of the man at th
button, and after that no more palms or
ruin will unfold themselves. th hot
months come, from th surface of th lake.
The palm tree will not be missed, but what
Lff th ruin? That la th trtbut of tha
past which modern agricultural Egypt w
called upon to pay.
Just south of th granite wall It tha
Island which hold the amphiblou roln.
Twenty-three feet of granite now stand
between It and oblivion. It I named
Phllae, and I th burial plac of Oslrta.
A temple of fourteen column rise on ita
astern bank, and on It western Is tha
great Temple of Ills, begun by Ptolem$T
Phlladelphua and added to by the Romas)
emperors. Its front Is in the form of fc
cronylon. before which Is an expansive
court bounded by two galleres, the column
sides of which skirt the shore for 360 feet.
Behind the propylon are many hall and
chambers of curious and fantastic design.
Th whelming waters of the winter month
hav already began their work. Floor
have unken. columns fsllen, and wall
crumbled. Th twenty-three additional
feet of grnlte will complete the work of
devastation. Phils and Its ruin win
never again feel the sun of Egypt.
It was thought thai th grani wsl
across the Nile at Assouan, 150 feet high,
would provide perpetual Irrigation for tha
desert to the north. That wa a mistake.
But will the twenty-three additional feet
to th ummlt of the wall, which will for
ever bury Phllae, complete the work! Will
the n.n at the button in the great whit
house ever have the power that Joseph
had to direct. Increase, or diminish th
flow of th river? Joseph had no Assouan
dam, and no shutters to manipulate by
the pressure of a button. In what, there
fore, did hi power to make Egypt peren
nially fertile consist? New York Times.
If you have anything to trade advertise
It In the Fur Rxchaug cvlutuna of Tkv
Be Want A4 pa