Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1907, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Attorney for W. D. Haywood Outline!
Theory of Defenie
Conspiracy on Part of Mine Owners
ii Alleged.
Eayi Be Killed Steunenberg Oat of
Desire for Vengeance.
Hopes by Swearing; Falsely Against
Defendants at Instance of
Plakertoas to Secure
noiSE, June 34. A great crowd gathered
thl morning In the room where W. D. Hay.
wood la on trial, to hear the speech of
Clarence g. barrow, denning tha purposes
of the defense In combatting tha evldenco
put In by the state.
Tha formalities of opening the session at
n end, Mr. Darrow at once took up hla
Place directly In front of the twelve solsmn
vlsaged men In the Jury dot and began In
the alow, mellow drawl characteristic of
him to atata the theory and plan of the
defense to be offered for hla client.
Mr. Darrow reminded the Jurors of tho
Instructions given them by the court that
they are to keep their minds entirely open
a to the guilt or Innorense of tha accused
man until all the evidence from both aides
has been Introduced.
"You have listened to the theory and the
ivldenee of the state," Mr. Darrow pro
ceeded. "Mr. Hawley has covered a wide
ground In hla opening for the state and we
will have to meet him step by step. The
defendant here la charged nominally with
the murder of former Governor Steunen
berg. There had to be some nominal
charge. But the state has told you the
case rests upon a giant conspiracy of which
the defendant, among others, la a part.
"The state's attorney has told you the
murder of Governor Bteunenberg was but
an Incident. They have told you the West
ern Federation of Miners was an organisa
tion to commit murder, to control pollttca.
' to hire lawyers and other criminal things.
Birth of tho Federation.
"Part of this Is true; part of It Is not
true. It Is true there Is a labor organisa
tion known as the Western Federation of
Mlnera. It la true the Western Federation
of Miner has spent money for lawyers. It
was unfortunate, but most people have to
employ lawyera at aomc time or another.
This organisation waa really born Ifi 1891-
1893, light down In a cell beneath this court
room, where Ed Boyce, the first president.
waa a prisoner and where now the three
men charged with this murder are await
ing the Judgment of this Jury. To start
Orrt wrthtHey -hired 1nwyar,nnd they hired
the best they could. They hired Mr. Haw
ley. now the leading counsel for the state.
Mr Hawley laid out the plon of their or
ganisation for them; he advised them he
was the godfather of the Western Federa
tion of Miners and the men who formed
the organisation thought It waa an Inno
cent undertaking. ' Mr. Hawley waa their
flrat attorney and continued as their at
torney for a long time. If there was any
thing criminal In their appropriating money
for a lawyer the miners Aid not know It.
"The Western Federation of Miners Is an
Industrial, not a murderous organization."
Work of tho Federation.
The Western Federation of Mlnera did
all It could to pass the eight hour law In
Colorado. Utah and Montana. It tried to
elect friendly United States senators. It
tried to elect Mr. Hawley, but unfortun
ately failed."
Mr. Darrow went on to say that there
was no claim that the Western Federation
of Mlnera waa an organisation of angels.
"Angels do not work In the mines," de
clared the attorney, "they are the mine
Mr. Darrow wont on at length to outline
the organisation of the Western Federa
tion of Miners. He declared It was noth
ing but a beneficial association, trying to
uplift He class. It was not until ten years
after the organisation of the union that
either Haywood or Moyer took office In It.
"We are not hero to apologise for any
thing the Western Federation of Miners
lias done." declared Mr. Darrow. It haa
been a fighting organisation from the first
and If It dies It will die a fighting organisa
tion. It haa had a troubloua career; It has
been opposed by every device of the mine
owners, but It haa prospered. Before the
Western Federation of Miners came Into
existence the miners had to work from
twelve to fourteen hours a day. When they
ranted food they had to boy tt at the
tompany atorea. When they were Injured
they were taken to the company hospitals.
Whero there waa little difficulty getUng a
statement releasing" the company from all
tamagu, i
"The condition are vastly different to
lay. The Butte union alone haa produced
more than $1,000,000 to the widow and or
phans' of Its members this during tha time
ahla alleged criminal conspiracy existed."
Opposition to Union.
Mr. Darrow went at some length to show
The trouble and opposition the union haa
' lad alnoa Ita Inception. In eome oommunl
Ilea, he declared, the president of the or
ganisation when ha went to visit the miners
waa refused both board and lodging by the
mining companies.
4 "Arrests have oome thick and fast," ths
M attorney continued. "Some of the charges
V pro purely imaginary and In ninety-nine
laaea out of a hundred tho men have not
ran been given the grace of a trial. As
looa as tha Western Federation of Mlnera
. stta born tha mine ownera went about to
destroy It and as the chief means of de
It ruction they hired the Plnkerton detec
tive agency, with one McPartland at its
head. We will enow you that thia agency
haa been buay aleuthlng, following, work
ing and lying to get these men. We will
show that they have hired detectives and
placed them in poettlona of responsibility
as spies, secret art as and presidents of local
unions; that these hired men eonetantly
advised the miners to strike and when a
strike waa on they counseled violence, dy
namite and murder. They did It at Tellur
ic; ther did It at Cripple Creek and many
Other places.
risktrleas Chief Paotor.
Wo will ahow that, the Plnkertea de
talve ageacy haa been a chief faotor In
this case from the very beginning. They
havo organised themselves Into a band to
spread calumny lagatnst the Western Fed
eration of Miners. We will show that in
one caae, where a cage fell beoauac of de
fective machinery and alxtoea men were
allied. It wee laid to the Western Feder-
aPoatloved on Seoood Pag.
Tuesday, June 85, 10T.
1907 June 1907
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Clarence 8. Darrow makes opening state
ment for the defense In Haywood trial,
giving a scathing arraignment, of the
state's evidence. Pago 1
Three tornadoes visit Medicine Lodge.
Kan., In one night, killing one and injur
ing many. Tornado visits Kalamazoo, kill
ing one. Page 1
San Francisco telegraph companies re
fuse to recognize the operators as a body
and insist that they are handling mes
aagea with little trouble. Psf 1
Louis Blaas will have his trial next In
San Francisco. Page 1
King Charlea of Portugal refuses to
adopt repressive acts advised by Premier
France with respect to rioters. Pace 1
Many mllllona to be distributed in divi
dends by big corporations In July, the
record exceeding any July In history.
Pago 1
James Van Carter, supposed to have
been killed In Wyoming, reported safs on
a ranch In Utah. Page 1
Supreme court orders William Campion,
twice pardoned by Governor Ulckey, sent
to Jail until he paya flno of Seward county
court. Page 3
Trial of "Cotton Leak" Holmes haa been
resumed at Washington. Page 1
Former Judge W. H. Loving of Huston,
Vs., la being tried on charge of murder,
hla defense being the "unwritten law."
Page 1
Mutinous troops of the French regi
ment that sympathised with the wine
growers have been ordered to the high
Alps. Page 1
Premier Campboll-Bannerman proposed
resolution limiting the power of the House
of Lords with respect to legislation.
Page 1
Dan Ri Hanna, recently divorced, was
married at Cleveland. Page 1
Former Judge Franklin Ferrla has been
appointed to take testimony in the Stand
ard Oil case at St. Paul. Pags 1
Japanese proprietors of the Horseshoa
restaurant In San Francisco will sue the
city for damages caused during tho riot.
Page 1
" Awditora t railroads tall comHnlaslonera
they cannot file reports .as demanded by
the new law, but will do so as far as able
with tho Information In their possession.
Secretary of State Junkln refuses to sign
any more university arrants unlens vouch
ers are filed. Referee Lindsay commences
taking of testimony In case In which
Union Pacific aeeks to know how Board
of Assessment arrived at the valuation
of that company. Pardon Issued to Wil
liam Campion of Seward not good. Dr.
Wilson of Tablo Rock appointed Inspector
of Board of Health. Page 3
Aa result of St. Joseph Live Stock ex
changeSs adoption of the post-mortem In
spection rule large consignments of cattle
from territory heretofore exclusively held
by St. Joseph come to South Omaha,
Pago 1
Between the dog muszle and dollar gas
Mayor Dan 1 man finds himself hard pressed
to exercise hia Initiative and referendum
for the latter. Pae 3
Young Men's Christian association fires
first regular gun In the campaign for
f 90,000 to wipe out balance of debt on Its
new building. Page 7
Postofflce officials are engaged in pre
paring for the general advance of salaries
to all the clerka and letter -carriers on
July 1 under new regulation. Pago 11
Body of Tom Heron, the switchman
drowned In Cut-Oft lake Sunday, Is re
covered. Page T
City officials have strenuous time try
ing to arrive at common ground In fram
ing the ordinance to regulate milk dealers.
Page a
Society Season when hostess make
complaint at failure or Irregularity of
guests In responding to Invitations.
Page 5
Contract for a substation for the Inde
pendent Telephone company at Twenty
fourth and Cuming streets Is let.
'age T
Nrt. Arrival. Balled.
HAVRE ....
POVEH ....
..Tanlaiaa Oarthaaanla .... Provssee ...
...Mount Tempi..
UOVIU-B OsMoola .
NAP1.BS Ultorla ....
. Sutootfara.
.. Purnaaala.
I alavonla.
Honor that St. Loots Firms Have lu
Contemplation Organisation
of Big Trust.
ST. LOUIS. June 84. A meeting Is being
held this afternoon behind closed doors In
the office of Attorney E. C. Crow, former
state attorney general, attended by repre
sentatives of a number of breweries. The
purpose of the meeting can only be con-
j lectured pending a statement, but a wen
defined rumor Is current that an IS.OOO.OOO
' brewery combination la being effected,
j James 8. Bratley of Toledo, O.. Is here and
I It is stated he la a moving factor In torm
I ng the consolidation of nine St. Louis
Dee Molars Man Killed.
CRE8TON. Ia., June U (8petial Tele
gram.) Charlea W. Bartholomew of Des
Moines, a teamster, visiting at Afton. was
accidentally killed In a runaway south of
Afton last evening. . He and a companion
were returning to the city driving recklessly.
The wagon struck a fence post and both
were hurled out. Bartholomew's neck waa
broken. His companion was uninjured.
This Is the third sudden death at Afton In
a week. Bartholomew was M years old
and had been recently divorced at Dee
Mar Sliver Pwrrhaaod.
WASHINGTON. June 14. The treasury
department today purchased 100,000 ounoea of
silver for delivery at Now Orleans at
17 M cec la. per fine euut
Eereral Killed and Many Injured at
Medicine Lodge.
Tornadoes, Accompanied by Hail, Do
Heavy- Damage One Maa and
Valuable Horace Killed
at Kalamaaoo.
MEDICINE LODGE, Kan., June 14.
Three distinct tornadoes struck Medicine
Lodge late last night, destroying twenty
five houses In the northern part of the
town. Six persons, were Injured seriously
and one le missing. As far as known no
lives were lost.
Several persons are reported Injured and
much damage done to property In the path
of the tornadoes In the surrounding coun
try. The missing at Medicine Lodge:
Mrs. Bell, an aged woman.
Injured at Medicine Lodge:
Mrs. May I Lyle, Internally; may die.
J. R. McCoy, arm broken.
Mrs. J. R. McCoy, ribs Druken, skull In
jured. Miss Mary Griffith. Internally.
Mrs. Morris, arm broken.
Mr. and Mra. J. Saury, bruised.
Three Storms In One Klaht.
The first tornado struck Medicine Lodge,
which has a population of about 1,000 per
sons, shortly after 7 o'clock Sunday even
ing, destroying telephone and telegraph
wires, which ahut off communication with
the outside and causing other damage.
Later two other tornadufes struck, com
pleting the damage done by the first. The
third storm appeared shortly before mid
night. All three came from the north
west and were accompanied by a terrific
fall of rain and hall, which damaged
The greater part of the damage sustained
In Medicine Lodge was In the northern
part of the town. The residence of United
States Senator Chester I. Long was
slightly damaged. The Long family es
caped uninjured. The residence of Ralph
Faxon, Senator Long's secretary, was de
molished, but the family escaped. Other
property damaged Includes the gypsum
mill and the Santa Fe roundhouse. Mrs.
Lyle was the most seriously Injured.
While seeking shelter she was blown Into
a tree, from which she waa rescued In an
unconscious condition.
One Death at Kalamaaoo.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., June 2. Three
valuable race horses and a man were killed
by a tornado which struck Recreation
park this morning at 2:20 o'clock. William
Wlodmayes, aged 39 years, was found dead
two hours after the storm had passed.
He was killed by coming In contact with
a telephone wire. The tornado came up
without an Instant's warning and lifted
a long row of stalls, carrying them over
the fence.
Bojr Bopposed to Bo Dead Bald to Bo
Wotklsg on Ranch
M.: la Vtah. ...
BVANSTON, ' Wyo., June 24.-(Bpeclal
Telegram.) Regarding the Fort Brldgcr
mystery, the following telegram has been
received by Sheriff Jones of this city:
LTNN, Utah., June 2.1. Jameo Van A.
Carter Is alive and working on a ranch
three miles from here. (Blgned) S.. K.
Roberts Is a brother of Mrs. Carter, the
boy's mother. Young Carter has been
missing since May 26, and was believed to
have been murdered. His horso, with sad
dle was found the morning after he wus
missing. Hundreds of men have been
searching and the county officers have
been to great trouble and expense on his
account. People here are at a loaa to ac
count for his strange conduct It Is now
thought that he rode the horso to Carter
Station and there turned him loose, know
ing that the animal would return to the
ranch and then took the train for- Utah.
Proprietor of Horseshoe RrMairant
In San Francisco la to
Sao City.
WASHINGTON, June 24.-Accordlng to
private advices received here today tha
I proprietor of the Horse Shoe restaurant,
which was attacked during the recent anti
Japanese riots In San Francisco will to
morrow enter suit In the state courts of
California against the city of San Francisco
to recover damages done the restaurant
property. Distrlot Attorney Devlin, a tele
gram from Pan Francisco soya, will repre
sent the Japnneae plaintiff in the action. It
.was stated at the Department of Justice to
day that some time ago Mr. Devlin was
instructed to offer his services In case suits
were entered.
Justice of Peaeo Links Hint to
Divorced Wife of Hotel Clerk
at Cleveland.
CLEVTTLAND. O., June M. Dan R.
Hanna, son of the late Senator M. A.
Hanna. waa this afternoon married to Miss
I Mary Stuart, at the residence of the bride's
i mother In this city. The ceremony was
! performed by a Justice of the peaoe. The
' only witnesses were the bride's mother and
one or two other persons. Mr. Hanna has
: been married twice before, a divorce having
: been obtained by each of his former wives,
i The bride Is the divorced wife of Frank
! Skelly, formerly a hotel clerk here. She
had resumed her maiden name.
Appointed to Preside at H carina la
St. Paal Standard Oil
ST. PAUL. June . Judges Sanborn,
Vandeventer and Adams In the United
States circuit court today appointed Former
Judge Franklin Ferris of St. Louis, 'exam
iner to take testimony In the case of the
United Btatea against the Standard Oil
company. The taking of testimony will
begin July IS.
Banala Succeeds Kaan.
OYSTER BAT, L. I.. June S4 President
Roosevelt today appointed Michael E. I tan
nin, a business man of New York city, a
member of the Board of Indian Commis
sioners to succeed Dr. Maurlre Francis
Kgan who resigned to accept a diplomat lo
Ivoat. No emolument Is attached. The pres
dent today appointed the following post
masters: Howard L. Rann, Munch ter,
la : William L. Cront. Townsend, Mont.,
ana Henry Jones, Stlsbe, Tex.
Yale Alanant Meet.
KEW HAVEN. Conn.. June S4.-At a
meeting of the alumni advisory board of
Yale. F. N. Judson of m. Louis, wao re
elected chairman. A number of Important
matters were fully discussed and reports to
the corporations were em4 upooand ur-
Carlos Waddlng-toa Oen fief ore Court
on Charge of Killing; Senor
BRUSSELS, June 14.-The trial of Carlos
Wartdlngton, 16-year-old son of Bcnor Luis
Waddlngton, former charge d'affaires of
Chill at Brussels, on tha charge of mur
dering Senor Balmaceda, secretary of tho
Chilian legation, February 24 last, opened
this morning. Tho court was crowded with
society people and diplomats.
Balmaceda waa engaged to be married to
the daughter of Senor Waddlngton. The
murder was committed on tha evening of
the official engagement dinner. A few days
before the tragedy Balmaceda requested
the Waddingtons to postpone the wedding
ceremony, and on the morning of February
24 he called upon Mrs. Waddlngton and an
nouced his declaration to withdraw from
the marriage altogether. He admitted. It Is
charged, that he had behaved Improperly
towards Mlsa Waddlngton, but accused the
young woman of having misbehaved before
he met her. Later when young Carlos
Waddlngton found his mother prostrated as
a result of the Interview with Balmaceda
he drove to the homo of the latter, who
was his personal friend, and, after a quar
rel, shot and killed him.
The contention of the Balmsceda family
Is that the Waddingtons had tried to force
the marriage upon the young aecretary of
legation and that upon his refusal to marry
they resolved to get rid of him. The Wad
dingtons submit as Justification for Carlos'
act that Balmaceda had refused to redress
the wrong he had done Miss Waddlngton.
Politicians Still Using 'Frisco Inci
dent as Weapon to Attack
TOKIO. June 24. Public excitement
over the American Question haa almost
passed away, but the agitation Is still
going on. It Is mostly the work of poli
ticians of the opposition who are employ
ing the question as a weapon of attack
upon the ministry.
The progressives and a coterie of poli
ticians called the Daldo olub will llkoly
Join hands In a combination attack on the
ministry over the American question,
their principal aim being to thereby
strengthen their respective positions in
h. Mmin election of local assemblies
and also in the general election of next
ear. Their principal watchword is tne
diplomatic lmpotency of the Salnojl cabi
net, which has resulted, they say, in
suffering to compatriots in America and
In inability to receive treatment worthy
the eubjecte of a first-class power.
It Is difficult to foretell how far they
in stlrrlnc the. public, but
whatever attempta are made in the way
of agitation, actual hostilities wun tne
United States are not even dreamed of.
The war talk In some of the American
press le totally Ignored here.
Chambers of Commerce at Toklo Will
Appeal to American. Busi
ness Men.
TOKIO, June 24. An tnormnl meeting
was held this morning by the delegates
from the chambers of commerce of Toklo,
Kobe, Kyoto and Yokohoma. A resolution
waa drafted Indicating the grave danger
facing the commercial relations of the
United States and Japan owing to the anti
Japanese sentiment on the Paclfto coast.
The necessity of resorting to speedy meas
ures to remove this obstacle to the develop
ment of trade relationship was pointed out.
At the next meeting to be held within a
few days the resolution will be given offi
cial form and then wired to the principal
chambers of commerce In the United States
asking their co-operation.
Practical Banishment for French Sol
diers Who Assisted Wine
Growers' Riot.
BKZTEU. France, June Si. The mutinous
soldiers of the Seventeenth Infantry have
Wn transferred from Agde without
notice. Three other regiments quietly
marched Into that town toaay, surroumicu
the barracks and escorted the mutineers
of the Seventeenth to a train In which
they were locked. The destination 01 me
kenf secret, but is belloved to
be Brlancon, In the department of Hautes
Alpes. fsr from the scene oi meir in
Coast Steamer Santiago Ooeo Down
Near Corral In a Heavy
SANTIAGO. Chill. June ?4.-The Pacific
Steam Navigation company's coasting
steamer Santiago, a vessel of 1,36 tons,
trading between Panama and the south
coast of South America, has been wrecked
In a heavy squall, fifty miles north of
Corral. One passenger and one officer are
known to have been saved. The remain
der of the passengers and crew are re
ported to have perished. '
Premier Campbell-Bannermaa Moved
Desolation Before Fallest
Iloaso of Session.
IXVNDON, June 24. Premier Campbell
Bannerman today moved his resolution
curtailing the power of the House of Lords
bofore the fullest house of the session. The
galleries alao were orowded, thoae present
In that part of the Houae of Commons In
cluding many people peers.
Befaaed to Consent to Severe Meat.
area with Riot Organism
In Portogal.
LISBON, June 24. King Charlns has re
fused to consent to the severe measures
proposed by Premier France against the
alleged organizers of the rioting of June 11
It Is anticipated that his majesty'a disap
proval will hasten the resignation of the
I premier.
I Mikado Distributes Decorations.
PARIS, June 24. President Fullleres was
, notified by telegraph this morning that the
emperor of Japan had conferred upon him
the Order of the Chrysanthemum In oele
bratlon of the signing of the Franco-Japan-;
eae agreement regarding the far fca.nL An
other Japanese order has been conferred
on Foreign Minister Pln hon.
Will tislt The ilaajae.
KIEL, Germany, June 24. Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Caruegie started for The Hague
at t o'clock this morning. Emperor Wil
liam during the day vlsltad the ArjoDthis
eraU'S Ul Uc Vatorex
Beceives Heavy Consignments as Be
cult of Latter's Action.
o Break In Either Hide to the Con- i
troveray at Yards or Honses
In Ronlh Omaha le
The only apparent change In the busi
ness of the South Omaha packers Monday
In relation to the post-mortem Inspection
fight was the receipt of heavy consign
ments of cattle from territory heretofore
exclusively St. Joseph's. This was at
tributed wholly and directly to the action
of the Live Stock exchange at St. Joe In
breaking away from exchangee In thie
and other cities and adopting the post
mortem inspection for dairy rows.
General Manager Murphy made good his
declaration of Sunday to Tho Bee that tho
Cuclahy Packing company has not broken
the agreement of the packers and decided
to Ignore the past-mortem rule. Hia buy
ers are continuing to operate under that
rule. Jn this respect no change whatever
was noted Monday at South Omaha.
Karly trains Monday morning and espe
cially that of the Burlington, contained
many consignments of stock from territory
heretofore dominated by St. Joseph. The
public Is fully alive to the situation, say
the commission men, and will not patronise
any packing center which will compromise
on this Issue. Hence the shipments from
other southeastern sccttotia of the state
and southwestern Iowa, making a striking
novelty in the South Omaha market. It Is
anticipated still larger consignments will
be on hand with the opening of another
All sides at the exchange say they will
fight out the battle to a finish and that
the present time Is aa opportune as any
for making the trial.
Cnuatar Stands Pat.
"So far aa the Cudahy Packing, com
pany at South Omaha Is concerned It will
buy she cattle and other cattle Monday
under the same regulations aa It bought
Saturday and It haa not there or else
where, so far as we are authorized, made
any change In Its position on this matter
of post-mortem Inspection of dairy cows.
We have not broken away from the other
packers. We stand by the agreement."
This statement wns made to The Bee
last night by M. R. Murphy, general man
ager of the Cudnhy Packing company at
South Omaha with reference to the story
from Kansas City to the effect that that
company would buy cattle at the Kawvllle
yards Monday morning subject to the old
conditions, regardless of the post-mortem
"We might agree to such a compromise
as was effected at St. Joseph," added Mr.
"The exchanges and commission men In
other cities condemn the action at St. Joe
as a betrayal of their Interests by the
exchange there," he waa reminded.
"Betrayal howT" he asked.. "It'a not a
betrayal." -
When it was suggested the commission
men took the view that If they gave In
on the rule as to dairy cows It would be
only a matter of time until they would
be forced to yield with reference to other
cattle, Mr. Murphy said:
"They have no right to assume any
such thing."
Asked what effect the controversy was
having on the market, Mr. Murphy said
It was making It decidedly Irregular and
"It Is hard for anyone to tell Just where
we are 'at.' I think the result In South
Omaha will be some such compromise as
was effected at St. Joe."
Unwritten Law to Be Defense In
Caae that la Attracting
Wlda Attention.
HOUSTON. Va.. June 24. The trial of
former Judge Loving of Nelson county, for
the murder of Theodore Estes, son of Sher-
Iff M. K. Estes of Nelson county, began In
the circuit court here today. Judge Will
lam R. Barksdale will preside. Both the
prosecution and the defense announced
their readiness for the trial. The trial
promises to eclipse In sensational Interest
the McCaue and the Strother-Bywaters
case In Culpepper. It will put to test sgatn
the much talked of "unwritten law."
Judge Loving, armed with a double-barrelled
shotgun, Instantly killed Estes while
he was unloading a car of fertiliser In Oak
Ridge on April 22. The ahootlng was the
sequel to a buggy ride taken on the even
ing prior to the homicide by Estes with
MIms Elizabeth living, the 19-year-old
daughter of Judge Loving. The girl, when
v. 1. l-An,- YiaA haan ilrlnlclntr nnd It
I uiuuiii. - --
Is alleged that her escort had been mol
! treating her. Acting under the Impulse that
his daughter had been drugged and as
saulted, Judge Loving Immediately went In
search of Eetea. After the shooting he
"I ahot to kill. Every drop of blood In
my body called for vengeance. I would
have gone a hundred mtlea to kill him."
Fourteen Supervisors Who Confessed
to Receiving Bribes Will Be
Put on Trial.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 24. IxjuIs Glass,
vice president of the Pacific States Tele
phone and Telegraph company, will be the
next man under grand Jury Indictment
brought to trial In the graft cases. Tomor
row It Is likely that the work of Impanel
ing a Jury to try him on a charge of hav
ing bribed the supervisors will begin.
The fourteen supervisors who have con
fessed to having received bribes from the
telephone company will be Important wit
nesses In the Glasa case and the trial will
afford the first opportunity the supervisors
will have had of confessing their Doodling
to the public. When they previously con
fessed it was within the secret precincts of
the grund Jury room. In pasbtng on tha
motion of Olass, which la being argued to
day, to set aside the Indictments against
him Judge Iawlor will also consider the
testimony taken and the argumenta to be
preaented as applying with equal force to
the rases of the Indicted officials of the
United Rallroadj company and to Theodoro
V. Halsey, the outside man of the telephone
Harder Hesalt of Jealousy.
PITTSBURG. Juns 24 Joseph Motoovlek.
Ba"d years, s coal miner. shot and
killed his wife todav at their hone in
Sygan, a mining town near Ki1devi. Pa ,
and then ended his own life oy firing a bul
let Into his own heart. The only witness
to the tragedy was ths t-year-old son of
the woman, who was found crying In ter
ror bxslrte the body of his mother. The
child was turned over to the care of neigh
bors. Jealousy Is aaslgnad aa Lba aauaa
lit tfcs d, , . .
Jury Returns Verdict Aantnst Former
Police Coarl Merit on Seven
Lee Grler, former clerk of police CMirt,
was found guilty by a Jury in criminal
court yesterday afternoon on seven counts
charging misappropriation of lines and
court costs collected by him and not
turned Into the city treasury. The Jury
recomnif ml.vl leniency. The maximum pen
alty attached to the offense Is six months
In the county Jail and a fine of H.'"C0. At
torney John O. Yelser announced he
would appeal the case to the supreme
court on the grounds the Information did
not state a crime.
The Jury went out a few minutes after
1J o'clock and returned with the verdict
at 8:). Orier was remanded to the cus
tody of the sheriff, but wns Inter n leased
on his old bond, which will be sudlchnt
until the motion for a new trial Is argued.
Grler went on the witness Btand In
his own behalf Monday morning
and offered as a defense to tho
charge of misappropriation of funds ss
police court clerk, testimony to the effect
he had never received the money for which
he had signed receipts and which he had not
turned in. Ha said it frequently happened
that circumstances surrounding a particu
lar case would Justify his Issuing a release
from Jail without actually receiving the
money. In other cases he sal.l ho would
Issue a receipt upon a guarantee from
some business man that the money would
be paid or upon a check. In many cases
the guarantee would not be made good or
the check would be turned down at tho
bank. He said he turned over all tho money
he actually received.
Much of Grler's testimony on this point
was ruled out Dy the court after aome
heated passages between the court and At
torney John O. Yelser for Grler.
"I was not drunk the day I went to sleep
In court," said Grler In answer to a ques
tion from his attorney. "I had had no
sleep three nights In succession, owing to
the worry of this esse. That day I went to
my sister's for lunch and came back to
the court room and went to sleep from ex
haustion." Arguments In the case were very short,
taking up less than an hour. Deputy County
Attorney Mngney opened and closed for the
state and John O. Yelser made the plea for
the defense. The case ,went to the Jury
shortly after noon.
Fred Carlson Entombed and Body
Recovered After Hard Work
by Companions.
Fred Carlson of Twenty-second and
Pierce Btreets was killed Monday afternoon
about 2:80. by the caving In of a sewer
ditch In which he waa digging. The ditch
was In tho rear of 602 South Sixteenth
street. It was being dug In a corner be
tween two old buildings, where the dirt
had been filled In and waa very loose.
His companlona, Peter Rasmussen of 479
South Fifty-first street, and Peter Jorgen
sen, the gang foreman, were working some
distance away. At 2:20, when the cave-in
occurred. It was seen by George Gtwlts, a
boy living near, who ran to an excavation
on Sixteenth street where Ous Carlson was
working and called for help. Carlson ran
to the hole and began digging for tho
burled man, but was himself caught up
to the hips In the second cave-In. Laborers
were called In from the street and for
three hours a force of men worked steadily.
As fust as the hole was enlarged It caved
In afresh and the diggers were compelled
to go slowly to avoid striking the burled
man with their shovels. Coroner Brailey
was on the scene when the body was
finally taken out at 5:20, and took charge
Of It. The hole was twelve feet deep.
Joseph Jensen, tho contractor, and N. J.
Gold, a laborer of 2&32 Capitol avenue, were
digging at the bottom when the body was
Carlson was married but had no chil
dren. He was working for Peter D. Her,
who owns the property on which the ac
cident occurred.
Becomes Senior Assistant General
Paasengrer Agent of Union Pacific,
W. S. Baslnger, Junior.
A second promotion Within a short time
has come to W. H. Murray of the Union
Pacific. A short time ago he was promoted
from the position of chief clork In the pas
senger department to tthe newly created
position of assistant general passenger
agent. When Gerrit Fort resigned June 1,
to go with the New York Central a va
cancy was left In the position of first as
sistant general passenger agent, and Mon
day afternoon E. L. Lomax, general pas
senger agent announced that position had
been given to Mr.. Murray.
Readers of The Bee will not be surprised
at this announcement, ss they learned upon
Mr. Fort's resignation that Mr. Murray, In
all probability, would be given the place.
William S. Baslnger has been appointed
assistant general passenger agent to suc
ceed Mr. Murray. Mr. Baslnger entered the
service of the Union Pacific railroad In
1891 as clerk In the office of the general
agent at Kansas City, and In 1887 was made
general freight and passenger agent of the
Leavenworth, Kansas V Western railroad.
In 1906 he was appointed trainmaster of the
eastern district of the Kansas division at
Kansas City, from which position he comes
to Oamhn. Mr. Baslnger Is a young man
of experience and ability, a hard worker
and his many friends, which his long ser
vice with the Union Pacific has made him,
predict a successful career for him.
Annual Picnic of Association Will Re
Held In Haascom Park
Juno 2T.
At a meeting of the committee of the
whole of the Douglas county association
of Nebraska pioneers, the program com
mittee reported, and the report was
odopted. naming June 27 as the dste for
pioneer picnic at Hanscom park. All the
members of the association, with the fam
ilies and all old solders from Douglas and
adjoining counties, are Invited to Join In
the picnic and festivities. A large recep
tion committee will be on the grounds to
extend a warm wulcome to all.
A request Is made by ths committee on
arrangements that all be at the park at 10
o'clock with their lunch baskets filled,
lemonade and Ice water will be furnished
free. Tables will be arranged and luncheon
partaken between 12 and I o'clock. In case
of rain the plcnlo will he postponed until
called again by the committee.
The program consists of an address of
welcome by Mayor Dahlman, and resjionstt
on behalf of ths pioneers bv Juge Le
liitelle. Goverror Blu ldon Is down for on
srinrcss. and also B. K. B. Kennedy, presi
dent of the association. Short talka will
ba made by Judge Doana, Judge Wakeloy,
sx-Oovernor Cniucta, and Dr. Goorgo 1
MUlea '
Telegraph Companies Again Eefuse t
Negotiate with Order.
Officials Say All Business is Handled
Postal Employes May Forfeit Allow
ance for Long Service
Westbound Cars Reported to Con
tain Strikebreakers Are ot
Filled with Tele
graphers. SAN FRANCISCO, June St. No word
indicating un rally settlement of the local
telegraphers' strike came from the New
York head otllce of the Western Union
and Postal companies yesterday. Offleiula
of both companies In thia city say thoy
have been instructed to have no dealings
with the telegraphers' union looking to
ward a settlement, but that former em
ployes will be received as Individuals.
Unless the striking operators of the Pos
tal company here and In Oakland return to
work this morning the company says they
will be looked upon aa discharged em
ployes and their places will bo considered
filled, according to the orders which have
been received from First Vice President
and General Manager Nally of New York.
A new phase of the strike as It uftects
the Postal men who are out Ilea In tho
fact that after this morning they will lose
standing In entitling them to pensions .f
90 per cent of their salaries after fifteen
years, in case of being incapacitated for
work. The pension, which amounts to I1W
a year at first, is increased at the rate of
S per cent each year for ten years. In
case the strikers from the Postal company
return after this morning they will be
considered new employes and will have no
time to their credit.
Members of the Telegraphera' union
stated yesterday that they had Instructed
an operator at Sparks, Nev., to ascertain
whether It was true that two carlouds of
telegraphers were bound westward on an
overland train to take the placee of the
local strikers. The operator reported that
ho had learned from the conductor of the
train that the cars In question did not con
tain operators.
General Superintendent Storer of the
Postal Telegraph company said today there
was not a message half an hour old In
the office and the company waa satisfied
with the situation. ,
Superintendent May of the Western Union
said business was disposed of today quite
promptly. He anticipates a steady Increase
la the office force until all the men re
quired are at work..
Rov. Frederick T. Rouse of Wisconsin,
to Be Called to Consrrcaa
tlonal Church.
Rev. Frederick T. Rouse of Appleton,
Wis., will be called to the pastorate of the
First Congregational church of Omaha, for
merly under the charge of Rev. H. C. Her
ring. Uev. Mr. Rouse was In the city by
Invitation Sunday. June 16, and preached
both morning ; and evening at the First
Congregational' church. He proved to be a
powerful speaker with up-to-date Ideas, but
a firm grounding in the sound theology of
Universal satisfaction was expressed by
the members of the congregation, both with
his preaching and with his personality. A
meeting has been called for Wednesdsy
evening, at which It Is expected the formal
call will be extended. It Is understood It
will be accepted.
Dr. C. C. Clark Takes Stand to Idesw
tlfy Letter Written by New
York Broker.
WASHINGTON. June 24. The trial of
Edwin S. Uolmea, former associate statis
tician of the Department of Agriculture, on
the charge of divulging the secret Infor
mation of the Department, waa resumed In
the criminal court today with Dr. C. C
Clark, present associate statistician, on the
stand. He Identified a letter written by
I Cotton Broker T. H. I'rine of New York.
: to tho department in June, 1905, making
I Inquiry concerning the cotton crop reut
! for that month.
Disbursement for Coming; Month
tlmated to Ba a Record
Breaker for Bummer.
NEW YORK, June 84. The July divi
dend disbursement this year by various
corporations will reach a grand total of
fl82,K81,S49. This la S1!.G73,67S gTeator than
the aggregate of last year and eclipses tho
total of sny previous July In history.
Intevurban Mileage Books.
BOONS, la.. June 24. (Special. ) It Is
stated that the lnterurban railway com
panies ef Iowa have practically perfected
an agreement to Issue Interchangeable
mileage books good on all electric lines In
the state. The details of the agreement
have not been announced but It la under
stood, that an organization will be Con
ducted the same as the Western Passen
ger association which acted as a clearing
house for the Interchangeable credential
bonks that have been Issued for years by
western roada The object of the move
ment la said to be to advertlss eleetrlo
lines in vsrtous psrts of ths state ami
also to promote business. Traveling men
who cover the entire state would thus Le
enabled to buy a new mileage book and
get a rate of one and one-half cents per
mile over electric lines on many points
Instead of paying two rente on the steam
rosds. There sre several electric rail
ways In operation now. Among them are
the Polk electric linos out of Dec Motnea,
the Fort Dodge, Boone and Des Moines
line, the Cednr Rapids and Iowa City, the
Clinton 4 Davenport line and the Water
loo, Cedar Falls aV Vaverly Una.
Extra Pay on babuaartaea.
WASHINGTON, June KBeeWles tho SS
per month extra payment owed them for
the service, men serving on the submarine
bouts hereafter will recelvo SI
pay for each Cay (lining any part of which
, time they are submerged in a submarine
j torpedo boat while undr water. Thia
I extra pay, however, la hut to exceed fit la
I any on snantha
i f