Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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OflT-s IS Sewtt
tv1s, drug.
Btockert sells carpets.
Pumps. J. Zoller M r. Co.
Kd Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Fine engravings at Lcffert'.
. Pee Schmidt' elegant iifw photo.
I-ewls Cutler, funeral director, 'phone fl.
Wondrlng Undertaking company. Tel. t39,
Btorag houscgooda. Inquire 333 B w y.
Fishing tackle fit for nulling, I3lg selec
tion. Petersen & Schoenlng.
Itatnmocka from 76c to 10.00. Great va
riety. Petersen ScJioenlng.
Comfort porch chairs. More comfortable
than a hammock. See lu W. Keller, luj
Bouth Main street.
OLA88KH are a poaitlve help and a per
manant pleasure If nttea ny Dr. W. W.
Magarell, Optomotrlat. 10 Pearl atreet.
II. V. liattey, olerk of the dlatrlct court,
went to Shelby, la., yesterday to attend
the funeral of hi uncle, Captain Cooper,
who had been a resident of that place for
thirty year.
Joseph Hosteln of St., Mich., who
la mentally deranged and who left hi
borne May I while on parole from the In
ana aaylum. waa picked up by the police
of thla city last evening- and will be held
waiting the arrival of the aherlff from St.
Joaeph, Mich.
Abe Smith of Bassett, Neb., la In the
City to take hla inn, Arthur A. Smith,
adjudged Insane hy the local board of com
missioners, to the state aaylum at Norfolk,
Neb. Sheriff Marsh of Rock county, Ne-
DraMKa, is expected here to asmst Mr.
Smith In taking; his son to Norfolk.
Bluff City Lodge No. 71 and Excelsior
Lodge No. 2,9. A. F. and A. M., will meet
at the lodge room at 9:46 this morning for
the purpose of attending service at the
First Congregational church In celebra
tion of St. John's Day. All visiting Ma
sons are requested to Join In this service.
Otto Hanson, who died a few days ago
at St. Bernard's hospital, was buried yes
terday afternoon In Walnut Hill cemetery,
his wife, who arrived here yesterday morn
ing from Lost Cabin, Wyo., being present.
Hanson, who was a rancher, was thrown
from horse and paralysed. He lingered
U the hospital for thirteen months.
C. H. Johnson, the man nf many names,
who stands charged with mortgaging a liv
ery rig he hired In Omaha to A. A. Clark
of this City, took a change of venue yes
terday from the court of Justice Cooper
to that of Justice Greene, where he will
have a preliminary hearing next Tuesday
afternoon. In the meantime Johnson Is be
hind the bars of the county Jail.
Among the effects of a negro vagrant
arrested by the police a few days ago was
bunch of keys bearing the name and
address of C. 1&. Price of Chicago. The
keys were sent to the chief of police In
Chicago and yesterday came an acknowl
edgment of their receipt from Mr. Price,
who, In his letter to Chief Richmond, said
he had lost them about two years, but
how or where he did not know.
The controversy between J. C. Hollen
beck, the house mover, and the Independ
ent Hnd Nebraska Telephone companies
was amicably settled yeHterday at a con
ference of attorneys representing both
sides. The telephone companies agreed to
move their wires and cables Monday morn
ing so that Hollenbeck can move the
building now obstructing Sixth avenue and
Ninth street along the route originally
Attention I
Do not break your back to sweep the
dust Into a dust pan. Get an E. Z. dust
pan. We give one free to every lady cus
tomer at 103 So. Main. D. W. Keller. The
House Furnishing Store.
If you appreciate good work, let us con
tract for painting ' your house. We get
the boat help we can find, then we took
after the work to see that It Is done right.
If you rather do It yourself we can sup
ply you with Borwlck's Pure Mixed Paint.
Do tun painting now, It Is the beet time.
T. O. Borwlck, 211 South Mala.
Mast rale Tuesday Moraine;.
What promises to be one of the leading
vents in musical circle In this olty la
the musloale to be given Tuesday, morn
ing at the residence of Mrs. Emmet Tin
ley on Willow avenue under the direction
of Mrs. Robert Mullls and under the aus
pices of the Woman's auxiliary of 8t Paul'
Episcopal churoh. The following excellent
program has been arranged:
Duet Serenade Dellbea
Miss Phoebe Judson, Mrs. Robert Mullls.
a "Alleraulen" Rlohard Strauss
b "Arlso" Dellbes
Miss Price.
"Auf FUlgeln Des Gasauges"
b "Iaasmloh Detn Auge Kuesenn"
c "Der Schwur" Bohm
Miss Schneider.
Morgentraum 'Cello Borge
Mr. Charles Tulleys.
"Love Is a Bubble"
b "My Lover He Comes on the Skee"..
Mrs. Frank Slabaugh.
a "Fruhllnganacht" Schuman
b "Alt Deutscher Llebesrelm"
Miss Schneider.
"Open Thy Blue Eyes" Massenet
b "Oil. Let Night Bpeak of Me..Chadwlok
o "April Blossoms'' Oough-Lelter
Mrs. Kenworthy and Miss Le Feber, Ao-
Teach the boy to swim by using patent
water wings; will hold a person 350 lbs.
In weight; absolutely safe; only SOo.
Petersen Schoenlng Co. )
Ha for of Council Bluff. Ia., ha the best
aaaortniout of building material In the mid
dle west
Maurrlaara Licenses.
License to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and residence. Age.
I. J. McSweeney, Emporia, Kas. 31
Kathryn Pawelskl, Neola, la 22
Lout Schrodt. Council Bluffs - 48
Cordelia Nicholson. Council Bluffs 19
John J. Fltsstmraona, Neola, la. SO
Rachel B. Shea. Neola. Ia.. 28
Laurlts Selburg, Council Bluffs 'li4
Julia K. Nelson, Council Bluffs 19
L. C. Stoddard. Council Bluffs W
Margaret Kunts, Council Bluff 24
hell Bark, rtlrhory.
In stove wood length, $1.60 a rick. Brlden
stein Smith, 1401 S. 6th. Both 'phone 131
Boo our sliding settee for porch or lawn,
Byeolal offer. Petersen Schoenlng.
Bay tho Jewel gas or gasoline stove.
They are tho safest, Petersen at Schoenlng.
Purity and Goodness
Tboso two qualities are embod
ied ia our "Sanitary" Ice Cream.
Pure, beoauao it U made of pure
Cream and the hluhebt grades of
flavorings. Good, because our ex- Q
We make, any flavor you want
and deliver any Quantity any place
la the city.
BO 8. Main. 1'lujuo 381
Council Bluffs, la.
City Scavengers
F Horse and o tl hau oJ tree of cha ge.
oi ' . ui. manure and all ruu
.!, clean vaults and ceaipoola. All
work Oune is guaisnieea.
CaJla promptly attended to.
I, fl, lilt Y IV 1 F.4 lift
St. Tel. 4A.
Three Complete the Course and Will
Eeceive Diplomas.
Exercises Will Demonstrate the Great
Advancement Made la Heeent
Years la Instructing- These
The closing exercises of the Iowa
School for the Deaf will be held Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Insti
tution, at which time diplomas will be
awarded to three graduates. The mem
bers of the graduating class of 1907 are:
Laura Mennlng of Sanborn, O'Brien
county; Ralph Edmond Carpenter of
Marlon, Linn county; Hubert Beck West
of Fairfield, Jefferson county. For a
motto the class has adopted "Not for Self,
but Others;" for the class tree, the syca
more; the class flower, the American
Beauty rose, and for the claaa colors,
rose and white. An Invitation to attend
the graduating exercises has been ex
tended by Superintendent H. W. Rothort
to the cltlxens of Council Bluffs. The
exercises are particularly Interesting, as
they demonstrate the great advancement
that has been made In recent years In the
methods of teaching children who have
been deprived of the Senses of speech and
hearing, but many of whom now leave
school able to express themselves In words
and able to understand what Is said to
them from the motion of the speaker's
This is the complete program;
Kev. Marcus P. McClure.
Salutatory and Essay Klg Corn.,...,
Laura Mennlng.
School Work toral)
Beginning Class Leora Carver, Teacher.
Rev. James O'May.
Exercise In Dactylology
Pupils of Second and Third Grades
Margaret 11. Watklns, Teacher.
Pantomime Gathering and Eating
Madeline Little Clara L. Flnlay,
Essay Irrigation
Ralph Edmond Carpenter.
School Work Oral
First Orade Pupils Josephine Ben
nett, Teacher..
Sign Song America
Ninth Grade Pupils.
John W. Jones, M. A., Superintendent
of Ohio School for the Deaf.
Class Poem
Graduating Class.
Essay and Valedictory Small Begin
nings Hubert Beck West.
Address and Presentation of Diploma
Member of State Board of Control.
Benediction , ,,
Lost Clght neatored.
To many people who have listened In
time to the advice of a careful, scientific
optician. When your eye first begin to
trouble you I the time to act Correct
fitting glasses I the only thing that will
keep your eye young. Neglect your eye
how and poor vision or lost sight will be
yours as age cornea upon you. Listen to
the drat warning. Consult an optician at
once. No charge made. Leffert, Careful
Opticians, Broadway,
Petersen & Bchoentng sell matting.
Ramor He Will Not Be oa Haod to
Try Liquor Cases.
Ha John Brown, the saloon crusader
from Cuba, Kan., folded hla tent and like
the nomad Arab of ancient lore quietly
slipped away to seek pasture new or will
he be on hand Monday morning when the
first of his many liquor Injunction suits
I called in the district court? Rumor hath
It that Mr. Brown has vacated the field
which he entered so mysteriously several
month ago. In any case a sign "To Rent"
adorn the little office on Pearl street
whloh Mr. Brown occupied, the little red
curtain has been taken from the glass
door and the one ohalr, little desk and
equally diminutive wood stove, not to men
tion the Iowa code, whloh alone constituted
the Kansan's law library, have disappeared.
Attorney Crawford, who represented Mr.
Brown In the contempt proceeding, says
that while Mr. Brown has left the city, he
doe hot know whether he Intend to re
turn and prosecute the saloon Injunction
suits. Mr. Crawford states he ha nothing
to do with these suit and haa not been
retained by Brown to appear for him In
Some of the saloon men against whom
Brown brought suit are wearing smiles
which apparently mean more than they are
willing to admit while others say they
hope the crusader from Kansas will,
like the Immortal John Brown' oul "keep
marching on," never to return.
County Attorney Hess expressed sur
prise when told that Brown had vacated
his office and left the city. He said he
knew nothing of any "arrangement" hav
ing been reached between the saloonmtn
and Brown.
In his answer filed In . the contempt pro
ceedings Brown claimed to be a resident
and cltlien of Council Bluffs.
Judge Thornell has notified the attorney
Interested that he will come to Council
Bluffs July 22 to try the first batch of
suit Involving the assessment of the stock
of the Portland Gold Mining company for
taxation In Pottawattamie county. Harl
A Tlnley of this city have been retained
to assist County Attorney Hess, while the
Portland company and Jame F. Bum,
former president of the corporation, will
be represented ty Congressman Walter I.
Smith and Saender Stuart of thl city,
Tyon & Dine and Former Governor
Thomas of Denver and A. F. Chlnn of
Colorado Springs. One of the questions at
Issue is that of the legality of the transfer
of the Iowa Incorporation of the Portland
company to the Wyoming corpor.tton
wh'ch was formed after the authorities
of Pottawatttmle county decided to assess
the stouk oKthe company.
Judge Thornell had before him In the
district court here yesterday the suit
k..,.M h. County Attorney Hess at the
Instance of the supervisor, of Pottawat
tamie county to require H. V. Battey. clerk
of tho dlstr.ct court, to make an account
ing of the a month allowed him during
196 and 1 for extra clerk hire and to
recover into mo county
paid him In excess of that which he had
paid out for this purpone. At Its January
session In 1JS the Board of Supervisors, by
resolution, placed Mr. Battey's salary at
13,2'), rj lowing him M a year out of the
probate fee and W a month fir extra
clerk hire. Mr. Battey drew this H0 a
month for twenty months, when a contro
versy arose between him and certain mem
bers of the board, and Mr. Battey declined
to claim this W a month until the matter
had been aettled by the court. Mr. Battey,
In court yesterday, shewed that he hnd paid
out over 1700 for extra clerk hire during
the period and also took the position that
under tho resolution adopted by tho board
he was not required to make any showing
ts to the expenditure of this allowonce for
clerk hire. Evidence was Introduced to
show that his predecessor In office had been
allowed and had drawn $4on a year for extra
clerical help. It was also shown by Mr.
Iiattey that he and his two deputies had
been obliged to work nights and Sundays
to ket p up the work of the office. In his
answer Mr. Battey claims the $40 for t!
four months of 196 which he declined to
draw pending the determination of the con
troversy by the court. The Board of Super
visors at Its January session this year, by
resolution, allowed a salary of $50 a month
for a clerk In Mr. r.attey'a ofllee In addi
tion to the regular deputies, of whom there
are two In this office and one at Avoca.
Judge Thornell took the case under advisement.
George W. Kline, It So. Main street
"Phone Ind. 710, black. Bell 543.
PRIETORS. Bee office removed to 16 Scott street, op
posite Nebraska Telephone oulldlng.
My beautiful home, No. 100 Park avenue.
Is for sale. Inquire on premises Tuesday
and Thursday. W. Runyan.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO. Night. L 698.
Five N arses Graduate.
The complete program for the commence
ment exercises of the Jennie Edmundson
Memorial Hospital Training School for
Nurses, which will be held Thursday aft
ernoon at the hospital building Instead
of in the auditorium of the high school
building as previously stated, was an
nounced yesterday. The graduating exer
cises will begin at S o'clock and a recep
tion will be held from 4 to 5 o'clock. The
following five nurse, who have completed
their course, will receive diplomas:
Florence Richards, Carson, la.; Carrie B.
Simmons, Columbus, Neb.; Kathaleen C.
Klrsch, Sherman, Tex.; Elisabeth Swingle,
Walnut, la.
This Is the program:
Rev. O. O. Smith.
Song "The Nightingale Sons". ...By Nevln
Mrs. B. A. Bnook.
Report of School
D. Hlva Mills, Principal of Training School.
A. P. Hanchett, M. D.
Bong "De gefangene Amsel"..By K. Kroff
Miss Schneider.
Miss LeFeber, Accompanist.
D. Macroe, sr., M. P.
Presentation of Diplomas
D. Jackson, M. I)., Chairman Hospital
Present nt Ion of Pins
Rhoda M. Sprague, President of Association
Violin Duet
Mlna Gertrude Klntc, Mr. Olen Reeder.
Rev. M. P. McClure.
8. M. Williamson, bicycles, sewing ma
chines, Edison phonograph, record. Re
pairing machine and bicycles a specialty.
17 South Main street Council Bluff, la.
Ice cream flavored with pure vanilla,
something that will please you. Purity
Candy Kitchen, Mo Broadway.
Office Space tor Heat.
Only half block from Broadway, oppo
site Nebraska Telephone building. Heat
and light furnished. Omaha Bee office, 18
Scott street.
Our wagons are all over town; stop on
when you want fee. The Council Bluff
Coal and Ice company,
W. W. Dtokerson, S3! WestBroadway,
Council Bluffs, la., doe all kind of On
watch repairing.
Weddings the Principal Create of
Miss Helen Runyan Is home from Vassar
college and Miss Edith Runyan Is also
home from Chicago, where she has been
engaged In klndorgarten work.
Mrs. R H. Ott and nephew, Willis Mucel,
have gone to Portland, and om there will
go to Son Francisco, where i.iey will spend
the summer with Mrs. Ott's parents.
Miss Panste Morehouse has returned
home from the I'nlverslty of Chicago,
having completed the four-year course, and
will spend the summer vacation with her
Miss Ruth Harl, daughter of Mr. Charles
M. Harl of Oakland avenue. Is home from
Chicago, where she la a student In the
musical department of the Northwestern
Mrs. C. Landcaster, 830 Tenth avenue,
lift Saturday for a trip to Colorado, from
which place he will go to Marta, Kas.,
where she will remain for some time.
Mr. W. N. Clifford and daughter, Mar
garet, left Friday for Chicago, where they
will spend the summer with relatives while
Superintendent Clifford Is east on lecture
aad Institute work.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkins entertained at
dinner Hunday evening In honor of Mr.
O. W. Smith of I -os Angeles, Cel., at their
home, KM Fast Washington avenue. Cov
ers were laid for twelve.
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Bellinger are home
from New York, where they -vent for
their wedding trip after their marriage In
Lexington, Ky. While In New York Dr.
Bellinger took a post graduate course In
Mrs. M. A. Matxirer, t!0 Olen avenue. Is
home from Beatrice, Neb., where she at
tended the wedding of hr niece. Miss
Charlotte P. Smith, and Mr. John U An-
oerson. paying teller of the First National
bank of that city.
The members of Lady Marv Hive No.
W", Iadles of Modern Maccabees of the
world, entertained Friday evening at their
hall after the regular buRlnens meeting, at
which there was a large attendance. The
evening was spent at cards and dancing
until a late hour.
Mrs. McCully and M1f Miller of Omaha
entertained at a prettily appointed lunch
eon Thursday evening at the Her Orand, In
honor of Mlf-s Opal Uoodnian of this city.
Covers were laid for twelve. After lunch
eon the g.iests were entertained at a box
jrty at the Boyd.
Word has hem received here of the msr-
rlsge of Mr. PhilBp I.uctus Pryor of this
city to miss urace KUpp of Stanton, Neb.
The wedding took place at the home of
tlie bride's parents In the presence of a
large nuniDer 01 Irtenus ana relatives. Mr.
and Mrs. Pryor will make their home In
this city.
Mrs. W. F. Sapp arrived home yesterday
from I os Angeles, t'al.. where she spent
the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
w. w. Iioomls, formerly of this city.
While away Mrs. Kapp visited fr'ends at
a number of places on the Faclfic coat
and returns home much Improved In health
from her sojourn In California.
The woman auxiliary of St. Paul'
church will entertain at their annual musl
cale Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs.
Fmmet Tlnley, Willow avenue. Mrs.
Robert Mullls has charge of th ;mgram,
which promisee to be a most enjoyable one.
Mlfts Schneider of Vienna, who Is the guest
of Mrs. II. B. Jennings, will render two
vocal number.
Mrs. Minnie Akers of this city was united
In marriage Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
to Mr. C. A. Cooper of Humboldt. Neh.
who Is a prominent elevator and live stock The ceremony was performed by
Itev. A. E. Griffith, presiding elder of the
Methodist church, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs W. S. Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper
left after the ceremony for a month's
trip to Colorado points. Vpon their return
they will make their home at Humboldt,
SpeelaJ Preeee.
On carpets, rugs, linoleum, otlcloth and
matting, window shades and lace curtains.
D. W. Keller, loj Bouth Main street.
If you have a pair of shoe that you
arant repaired right, bring thein to th
Duncan Shoo Co., 23 S. Main.
Speeiai .
On refrigerators Icicle. Bowen and North
ern Light. Oo-carts. 13 and up. D. W. Kel
ler, 1H Bouth Main street.
Purity means absolute cleanliness.
It means freedom from germs. Even the air
in our cooling rooms is filtered. And every bottle
of Schlitz beer is sterilized after it is sealed.
It means an aged beer aged for months, until
it cannot cause biliousness.
Without those precautions, no beer can be healthful.
And who would
Ask for the Brewery Bottling.
Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlits.
To avoid being imposed uon, see Uiat the cork or crown is
at iViack Milwaukee
Probably Would Have Killed Him Bat
for Interference of Police.
Chicago Officers la Dea Moines After
John A. Cox, Promoter of Inter
arbaa from Council Bluffs
Across the State.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DE8 MOINES, June 23. (Special.) With
a hunk of hairy flesh hanging Horn his belt
and gayly decorated with war paint and
feathers, a wild man caught a boy by the
hair and was brandishing his knife ready
to scalp the youth when the police arrived
and rescued the lad. A man passing the
public library noticed the man dragging
the boy down to the river. He ran to the
police station, but a short distance away,
and secured the police. As the police ar
rived the boy, by superhuman strength,
Induced from being frightened, managed to
escape the grasp of the majjmau and
ducked under the bridge. The police sur
rounded the man and dragged him to the
police station. The man uttered demonical
yells and attempted continually to dance
a war dance.. ' He was Identified as a
recluse, who has been living for some years
In a hut nn the Raccoon river In what Is
known as Goodwin's park. The hairy mass j
at his belt was Identified by the city physi
cian as a piece of dog hide wlilch seemed
to be about the only damage the would-be
Indian had thus far done In his insane
orgy. This morning at about 10 o'clock
he crept upon a crowd of boys along the
river In front of the city library. The boys
became frightened and ran, but he man
aged to catch one of them. The boy
escaped and his Identity could not be
Captain Brown a Candidate.
Information reaching this city from Leon
is to the effect that Captain D. Brown of
I Leon, In Decatur county, will be a candi
date for the senate In the fifth district,
which comprises the counties of Decatur,
Ringgold and I'nlon. This district Is now
represented by Senator Btookey, whose term
will expire before the next session of the
lrgUlalure. It Is not known what Senator
Stookey's Intentions are, but the Impres
sion Is that he wul be a candidate for re
election. Johnson on Trial.
W. H. Johnson, a trooper of the Eleventh
cavalry, waa on trial today In justice
court, charged with the murder of Trooper
Keeley. He entered a plea of Self-defense,
and was represented In court by Judge J.
M. Parsons of this city.
Second Cavalry Coming.
The third squadron rf the Second I'nlted
States cavalry will reach Fort Des llolnes
Wednesday. The aquadron reached Mason
m i ' .1 xi m n 1 j
"ml 1-.. . t . .vaiir 1 f- s jrr?
--t -m , r ' '
V xK"! l'' j ja."" 7 1
wisiwiiislA-ia 1 I
t, Sf 4 and 6-Hor.e Svsnara
Ask Your Dealer for "Helder"
Evener. or Write Us
fi. ct aU kuide of X'in, laoam, Be,
Purity there is
important in peer,
nearly so expensive.
City, marching overland from Fort Snelllng
last night, and will remain there over Sun
day. With the squadron are eight officers.
The other squadron of the regiment will
reach the fort later.
Officer After Cox.
Detective Ferrell of the Chicago police de
partment 1 In Des Moines to secure John
A. Cox, the Council Bluffs-Elkader Inter
urban promoter, who haa been Indicted by
the Cook county grand jury. He claims
that Cox took a note for $000 to get cashed
for his associates, but did not return with
the change. Cox claim that he held th
note a security. Cox will resist the requi
sition. Examine Boone Next.
A. D. Sheets, chief of the department of
municipal account inspection in the office
of Auditor Carroll, will go to Boone Mon
day to make an Inspection of the account
of that city. Pennel and Moore are now
examining the account of Burlington,
which will be completed shortly.
Waata a Fife Corps. 1
John Simpson, ecretary of the Iowa)
Department of Agriculture, la searching for
a fife corps. He wants one of the thirty
or more pieces to make music at the state
fair for Old Soldier's Day. He has been
hunting for one for two year without suc
cess. Governor Caiumlna Home.
Governor Cummins Is home from hi trip
east to Pittsburg and other cltle In Penn
sylvania, near his former home. He reached
here thla morning and spent almost the
entlro day In executive council meeting
letting the contract for the completion of
the historical building.
Sentenced for ferjory.
Louis Westerman waa today sentenced by
Judge Brennan of the district court to a
four years' term at Fort Madison for per
jury. Westerman is accused of swearing
that his wlfo was a nonresident of the
state when she had only gone to Pennsyl
vania for a visit. He siarted divorce pro
ceedings and she heard of It and returned.
Fonrth-CIass Postmasters.
Fourth class postmasters of the De
Moines district will meet at the court
house In this city next Tuesday, June 20.
The district comprises the countle of
Greene, Boone, Story, Marshall, Poweshiek,
Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Adair, Madi
son, Warren, Marlon, Clark, Union, King
gold and Decatur. Ono or more of the
postofllce Inspectors will meet with them.
MePheraon Here July O.
Judge McPherson of the federal court
has notified Clerk McArthur that he will
be in Dn Moines July 9 for the purpose
of approving the quarterly accounts. It
Is possible that at that time he will give
his decision In the case of the Agar Pack
ing company against the Rock Island rail
road, and may also act on the petition of
Sorenson and Hanson for a new triul on
the chargs of robbing the Berwick post
One Salt Is Settled After Being In
Court 1'oar Years.
ATLANTIC, Ia June 23 (Ppeclal.)
A rasr that has been iangvng fire In th
local court since the year 19u3 was set
tled out of court yesterday. In 1900
John Peterson was killed by the cars, and
his administrator, H. C. Peterson, who
sued the railroad company for SIO.OAQ.
received a verdict for Is. 000. Judge
Thornell granted the company a new trial
In 1903 and the case has been continued
and postponed since then until It settle
ment yesterday.
The City of Atlantic was made de
fendant In two suits for damages yester
day. Mrs. A. C. Day, who fell on a de
fective sidewalk in March, and offered at
one tim to settle fur $100, claim since
the refusal of the city to settle that she
baa been Injured lermancutLv, aad. As-
nothing else half
ina notning eise
mands $5,000 damages, while her husband
aaka $2,000 more for loss of her services.
Judge Green before adjourning the apo
dal session of court ordered some admin
istrators, whose estates have been held
open for the last ten year, to come Into
court before September 23 and make final
settlement or be subject to a fine of f 100.
New Iowa Professor.
IOWA CITY, la.. June 22 -8peclal.)-Dr.
J. N. Pearce, who has been an In
structor In chemistry In Northwestern
university for several years past, ha boon
elected to an assistant professorship In
the University of Iowa and will assume
his duties next fall. Dr. Pearce will have
charge of the work In physical and electro
chemistry, which he Is especially well
qualified to handle.
Iowa News Notes,
CEDAR RAPIDS The police In this city
Friday arrested William Maher and Will
iam Osborn, both of Iowa City, and both
confessed to committing seventeen burg
laries during the past throe months. They
are wanted In six different cities.
IDA GROVE The Rebekahs of Ida
county held a county convention at Bat
tic Creek Friday, with a large attendance.
A feature was the address of the state
r resident, Mrs. Cora E. Chapln of West
'nlon, la. The Ida Grove and Galva lodges
gave special work.
IDA GROVE Upon opening the Healed
bids for the construction of the proposed
sanitary sewer system for Ida Grove, It
was found that the lowest of the aeven bids
was submitted by R. C Ilel.ahunt of Cedar
Rapids, whose bid was I'.'O.fitrt.'S. The next
lowest bid was by Smith & Son of Indlan
ola, and was almost tl.flOQ higher.
DALLAS CENTER Mr. Elisabeth Fnell.
aged 102 year and 11 month, the oldest
The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the
On account of the Jamestown Exposition
afford one of the finest opportunities to visit
the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered
the traveling public in many years.
Special routings and side trips provide for visits to
Kiagara Falls Chautauqua
Lako Champlaln Atlantic City
Tho St. Lawrence Hew York City
Hudson River Trip Boston
The Catskiils
Berkshire Hills
and various seaside and mountain resorts .
Direct connections are made in Chicago by the
Chicago & North-Western Ry. with trains
of all lines east.
so q
drink beer
that was
Phone Douglas pi8
Schlitz Brewing Co. of Neb.
719 So. 9th St., Omaha
woman In Iowa, died at her daughter
home late Wedneaday evening. Mrs. SneV
was born at Fleet Edge, England, Augusv
6. 1804. She married In England and cam
with her family to America In 10. She
had lived In Dallas Center for many years.
Three children survive.
ATLANTIC The dog poisoner I at
work In Atlantic again, and, as la usual
In such cases, just th dogs everybody
wants killed are the ones to escape, whllo
Inoffensive house pets foil victims to the
Poison. F. M. Nebee lost a pretty little
house dog by strychnine and Frank
Rhody'a pet went the seme route. Re
wards have been offored for the apprehen
sion of the prisoner.
ATLANTIC Pete Keelan, day baggage
man at the Rock Island depot here. Is laid
tin and going on crutches aa the result
of a serious accident. He waa loading
some trunks on a big truck, when one of
them fell off and struck his foot, crush
ing two of his toes almost to a jelly. C
H. Hendrlx of near Orlswold was seri
ously Injured by being kicked In th
stomach hy a horse. It was thought at
first he could not recover, but he will be
able to get around soon.
ATLANTIC Mike Johnson, who wa
working In a well near Masaena, came
near losing his life Friday by the action
of damp and foul gasea In the well where
he was working. He went Into the woll
and nothing was thought of It until hi
companions fulled to receive any reply
from several calls to him, when one of
the other men volunteered to go down
and see what wss the matter. Abe Wright,
who went Into the well after him, found
Johnson unconscious at the bottom. He
managed to got a rope around him, whon
he, too, almost lost conselousness from
the effects of the gasea In the well. They
were both hauled to the top, Johnson,
supposed to be dead, and Wright, almost
overcome, but both were revived.
Lawn mower and refrigerator at Peter-
ten Si Schoenlng.
rates, tickets and full Informatioa
U0I-K0I Farnsm Strssi