G ' TTTR OMATTA' KTTXDAY T.EE: XTNT, IX 1007. 0 White ' Canvas Oxfords Cool sumirMiT footwear. Inv tlons point to a season of white in footwear for women. We have H White Oxfords In Glbaon Ties, Blmher, Oxfords and Pumps, in CanvaB, Sea laland Cotton, In turned and welt soles, covered, white, Cuban and plain leather heels. ' Priced from $1.75 to $3.50 Genuine Buckskin at ..-$5.00 Full line Misses : and Children's White Canvas from'H to 51.75 Widths AA to E. . Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. ta tit a 11 1 aaa Ii kth B ' GIFTS FOR THE BRIDE Whether you ar father, mother or nlmply a friend of some, prospective June bride It matters not, you will find It convenient and satlsfactery making your purchae with us. We cn phow you an assortment compris ing the most expensive gifts of solid liver In handsome cases, to be hand somely marked, an well as tha sim plest cut (class dlHh at moderate ex pense. Our line of bridal (rifts la varied and we cater to the discrim inating tauten. Gifts suitable for ushers or bridesmaids are also to h found In new and varied designs In scarf pins, brooch pins, eta C. B. Brown Co. (Successors to Brown and Borshettn) : lth and Farnam Street jyii in iviiiii.iiii a & ANNOUNCEMENT OF A GREAT WAIST SALE NEXT WEDNESDAY Brandeis wish to announce that thevti v otvuicu cui ivans 00.1x11 luiii o til jji ua stock of the celebrated "OPERA WAISTS" The highest grade Lingerie Waists Made. Ranging in value from $3.00 up to $20.00. On sole Wednesday, June 26, AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. We being the largest users of these famous Opera Waists west of Chicago, it was only natural they accepted our offer on the entire lot, which was about 33 1-3 on the dollar. Some of the lots are now being exhibited in our 16th Street window. Ifrmember the date Wednesday, June 26. There will be none reserved, all will be on sale. Oxfords are Ripe ! Oxfords are making their appear ance everywhere. The man who en joys foot comfort will get Ms fet inside a pair as soon aa ha possibly can. The styles are vary handsome this year. Some of the new ideas are par ticularly so. ' CHOICE LZATHIB1 COKBSCT BTTI.S $3.60. 94.00 to fS.OO Same old price song, we know, but not the same old Oxfords not by any means: u s me quality that couuta, not the prices. FRY SHOE CO. III ItOlBI 16th and Douglas Streets. hiiilut GAK1N i322FafnamSt. Shirts... Made to Measure ...That Fit Can insure deliveries in a weelWr 10 daya Como Now JOCV. 112 AM Next Wed- n esday Nov S . Wednesday B R A C E L T S A MODERN ARTISTIC BRACELET Is Certainly an Attractive and In dispensable Summer Ornament Nothing could be prettier or more acceptable aa a PRESENT. We can otter you a Very Utrnc and varied selection trom tn very latest models. This week we will sell bracelets at the following EACiifTION A1.LY IMW tKLCiSri: JNeliicrsuie 14-kaiat Oolu billed, puUu, reguiar price CO ryr $6.00, our price pt i O Netliersole 14-karat Cold Filled, chased, regular 1 "I price $5.60, our price Norma, 14-karat Gold filled Locket, regular prlcu A 0 5.7&. our price tpl.tdmd Minerva 14-karat Gold Filled Locket, regular price CC f7 $6.76, our price V",u Cameo, 14-karat Gold Filled, latest fad, regular OK Of; price 17.00, our price Child Bracelet. 14-karat Gold Filled, adjustable, reg- CO A A ular price S.IB, eur price p. ' The fire In our stor. while a loss to us. has actually been a benefit to our customers. The old stock having been dis posed of, we had to buy an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, and making so LARGE A PURCHASE a little out of season, en abled us to get especially low prices, of which our customers now reap the benefit Remember, this week, unprecedented low prices. AT THE SIGN OP THE CROWN. ' " " WA Omaha's Pure Food Center LOOKERS AROUND ARE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE OOTCTYR.S nrp mprplv urnsnopt.ivfi bnvers rr crnd I I advertisements. If the lookers don't want some- ' I ItViinrr fnr Vionmpl vn flinv'11 toll llifur fripnrls nf lis. , aa nig S a vu v Jl " v a v J v aa aa. a v . v m. w.j and that will do just as well. We are not afr,aid to have our stock inspected, and that carefully, too. There's no fraud hidden under fair appearances in the store. You may depend absolutely upon anything we sell you, or upon the adjustment of any mistakes. Our Vegetables and Fruits are displayed upon the in side, free from dust and dirt of the street, ifave you con sidered how muclu more sanitary and cleanly our Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, etc. are by being so displayed. Phone Douglas 647 Trlvate Exchange Connects All Departments. ourtney & So, 17th and Douglas Sts. 115 S. 16th Street. Opposite the Boston Store. bj ere H r Km I 1 The Perfect Been Commcvnds Attention Beoauso of lt purity, 'healthfulne and unsur passed flavor. Tha lady with a case of GOLD TOP Is al ways prepared for unexpected guests, for what could be more welcome than a glass of cool sparKllng foam-creasted Gold Top. We will send a case to your home. Omaha H adquartera. HUGO F. B1LZ, 14th and Douglas, Tel. Doug. 1641. Co. Bluffs Headquarters. L.EK MITCHKLU 101S Main Street, Tel. JetterBrewingCo. , .. , ..., ji,i;hi in. . n . iiiiiii asiii BAILEY & MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16th and Farnani Streets. Best equipped Dental office in the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. nnnni? A EXPOSITION HIM II II T,u No- 8 ,outh 0m,ha 1013 Maln 8t'"t, Tel-801 J HI 1 f II I I i mvntwaBBBkrmimmmfwrmNt ft Wsi'v iMasgaag I'ifii 1 1 i1' "r'ff. ! n The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & NORTU-VESTERM RY. On account of the Jamestown Exposition . . afford one of the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered the traveling public in many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits to Niagara Falls Chautauqua Lake Chamolaln Atlantic Gity The St. Lawrence New York City Hudson River Trip Adirondack The Catski'.ls Berkshire Kills Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore Business Boosters ' ! V Ofty the Want 14 Column ( XL Be Railroad Company Announces' that stop-overs will be permitted at all stations to holders of, JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION TICKETS both going and returning. No change of cars on the Erie, Chicago to New York. Apply to your local ticket agent, or, H. C. Holabird, A. G. P. A.. bB3 Railway Ex. change, Chicago. and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by the Chicago & North-Western Ry. with trains of all lines east. For rates, tickets and full Information apply to TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Straat OMAHA, NEB. FAFT I TEETH fir t i W Bak " la I TMth iflvtl thmt look Ba'"rI '1 youw ill I II suoatfc prrfeetlr aU ferl J IF couifortablr. W extract teeth Painlessly with V1TLAIZED' AIR. SET OF TEETH.... $3.00 and up TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS ill XteulM fiu TIA CAMPBELL'S SOIL CULTURE MAS UAL Telli all about Dry Farm, in. 13.50 fcv Mail. Droulb bauiiihail; lrriga tiuo reaulu ineraaasd; farmiiif (or tit saml ftriil rririon to mat B1Q JI CROPS and sura prtifit ' '. 1 1 doi mtltii what Um --"'mmt rainfall. THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM of Bciontifio Boil Cultura is now reoocniaad as tha fouulatioa ff all dry (arminc aad it is maa ids thouaasda rich oa cheap land. Uuaineaa Men, Bankers, Real Eatata Own are and lealera. and irrifittioD Farm era, all ara intcraated. CorreepoaoeiKa Conns in Soil Culture rewiy in the Fall. Free circulars or 10c for boil Culture Almanac worth II. A.euta I CAMPBELL SOIL CULTURE CO . Wuu4 lllij auiic 14. JLintUa, k Two large office suites will be available, one July 1st and the other August 1st One is a corner suite on the fifth floor, consisting of a large -room, a small waiting room and a commodious vault. The windows of the large room face both Farnam and Seventeenth streets. It is .29x20 feet. This is a remarkably handsome room finished in quartersawed oak and hardwood floor. The other suite is divided into a good size waiting room, a fine private office and a cashier's office. The latter can be ' changed to another private office. Another private office may be included with this suite If desired. The vault in connection with these offices is one of the largest in the building. The one Important thing in a good office building is service satisfy yourself by asking any tenant about the Jalntor or elevator, heat, light and other service in The Boo Building IL XV. BAKER. Superintendent ROOM 5 Second Day of Semi-Annual Clearance SeeLarge i nnmfTl Sene argc Ad on . if Ad on Last Page UlUtAU liirLbliVid Last Page Illustrated K HEtiAstLK stnb Illustrated Section V , i i $fon Grand Lace and Embroidery Sale The Greatest Clearance Sale of Laces and Embroideries ever held In Omaha begins Monday morning. 60e LACKS ON SALE AT 7V4 An immense lot of Laces, consisting oB very tine Point Peril Bands and Edges, worth 15c to 8Bo yard, fine plain, appliques, worth 20c to 36c yard, and wide Venlse Edges, worth to 60c yard; all at one price, Monday, to close, yard 7 T11HEK SPECIAL EMBROIDERY BARGAINS. 36o Corset Cover Embroideries, yard, tor 10 H $2.00 Allover Embroideries, yard. OS 25c Embroideries and Edges, yd.JQ SPECIAL HALE OF PEARL BUTTONS Lot 1 Pearl Buttons, worth 8c doi., at 1 Lot 2 Pearl Buttons, worth 5c doi., at 2H'. Lot S Pearl Buttons, worth 10c dor., t 5 Lot 4 Pearl Buttons, worth 20c dox. t I Special Clearance of Summer Underwear Undergarment bargains surpassing any ever offered In the city; pretty stylos and high quality priced for quick clearance. Take advantage of this exceptional oppor tunity. Muslin Skirts, worth to $2.50, in two lots to close out, at 08 and $1.50 Chemise, worth to $2.00, on sale in 3 lots 'at 0860 and 25 Corset Covers and Drawers, daintily trim med; worth to $1.00; In three lots Mon day at 40-30 and SS' Men's Union Suits, In silk and lisle, fine lisle and Egyptian cotton, values to $3.00 pre-inventory clearance price, $1.98, $1.50, 88c and 75 Men's Sterling and Lewis Knit Union Suits Regular values to $6.00; in this sale, 3-98 and : $2.08 Men's Shirts and Drawers, worth to $1.00, In fine lisle and balbrlggan, at 49c, 39o and 25 Men's Dress and Negligee Shirts, In all latest styles, soft collars or collar bands; almost unlimited variety; worth to $3.00, at $1.60, 98c and 50 M HMDENS' Is the tlmo to make your CALIFORNIA TRIP THERE AND BACK One way through Portland $12.50 extra. Tick ets on sale every day to July 5, 1907. Tick ets good in either Pullman Palace or Tourist Sleeping Cars. By taking a tourist sleeper, paaaengers can materially reduce the cost of a California tour without sacrificing the slightest degree of comfort. Tourist Sleeping Cars run dally to California VIA rnmn pacific For reservation and all Information Inquire at CITY TICICET OFFICE, 1324 FARN AM ST. 'Phone Douglas 334. s 8 Jamestown Exposition VIA Illinois Central Railroad The low rate excursion tickets en sale account of the Jamestown Exposition afford stopover at nearly all points east of Chicago, Including: DETROIT BOaTOX NIAGARA FALLS lH CTjA D ETHTA BUFFALO WASHINGTON TORONTO BAXTLMOKK MONTREAL LOCL8VILIJ0 NEW YORK COT ClSCKXNATl Lake tenmer trlp alae St. Usmu aa Vtttfaon rlrer trrns la. elude. Direct connections In Cnfcage with trains of all Unas, Rats, ticket and detailed Information at City Ticket Of nee. 1401 Paranja Bt. or write . Samuel North District Paaacator Agaat, Omaha, Neb.