ruE Omaha Sunday Bee PART VI. WA!!T AD SECTION PAGES 1 TO 6. THE OMAHA BEE Best & West VOL. XXXVII NO. 1. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1907. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. J BUSINESS CHANCES ' (Continued. Want - ads Want-ads fo The Pre wiay be ' at any of tlia follovrlasr drag; aiores on s r(lr orntr drnsjglst" they are all branch Aires at lite Itf and roar ad will be laaerted last a promptly and on the oaaie ratea aa at the main oWIco la The Bes Balldluir. seventeenth and Farnam atreetai Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beianck.3. A., 14t2 8. 10th St. Becht's Phsrmsey, " S. 16th. St Benson's Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. pemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming, itiake's Pharmacy. 2M Sherman Ava. Caughlln, C. R.. 6th and Pierre St a. Clifton Hill Pharmaoy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., lat Ave. and Farnam. Crlsssy Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Ormtk, KmlU 12o4 8. lath Bt. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2S02 Leavenworth. Foaler dt Arnoldl. SIS N. 26th St. Freytag, John J., 114 N. 14th St. Florence Drug- Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Paolfio. Oreenough, O. A., If 8. 10th St. Oreenough. O. A., loth and Hickory. Haysen, Wm, C, f70 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar 1601 8. 28ta Ave, Hoist, John, 624 North 16th St. Huff. A. L.. 224 Leavenworth St King, H. H., 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1614 N. 24th St. Lethrop. Cha. E.. 134 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. El., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefei-s Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and Chicane. Schaefer, August. 231 N. 18th St. Schmidt J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, lth and Martha Sta. Walnut HIM Pharmacy, 40th and Cumin. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bt. Wirth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AI FINER A L NOTICES CANON-Thomas W.. June 21, 1W. aired 19 yeara, eldeat son of Mr. and Mra. . W. Canon. Funeral Sunday, June 23, at I p. m., from Bralley aV Dorrance'a chapel. Twentieth nd Cumin afreet. Interment Forest Lawn. Frlenda Invited. LODGB NOTICES. 4ttenttoa, Locomotlr Kaarlaoerol Division 183, you are requested to at '.end the funeral of Brother Thomas F. Barry to be held Sunday, 2 p. m., from evidence, 2012 North Twenty-first street, ;o Sacred Heart church, Twenty-second nd Blnney atreet. Signed John GLYNN. Chief Engineer. Attention, Mem Were ef Alpha Camp, W. O. W. The funeral of Sov. C. L. Steck will take since Sunday, June 23, at 2 p. m. from the family residence, long North Sixteenth. Members of other camps and visitors in the city Invited to attend. CHARLJCS UN ITT, Clerk. Attention, A. O. V. W. All membera of Patten lodge No. 178, are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Thomaa F. Barry, to be held from the late family residence, 2012 North Twenty-first, Sunday, June 23, at 2 p. m. Inter ment at St. Mary's cemetery, South Omaha. All degree teams and members of slater lodges Invited. GEORGE MUELLER, M. W. J. O. M'LKAN, Rec. Attention, Brother Eagles. All brother Eagles are earnestly re quested to attend the funeral of Thomaa Canon, eldest aon Of our worthy secretary, t, W. Canon, which will occur at Bralley k Dorrance chapel, 823 N. 20th -St., Sunday afternoon, June 23, at 2 o'clock p. in. W. W. DODGE. Worthy President. CARD OF THANKS. For the aympathy and kindness shown its In the loss of our dear husband and father and for the many beautirul floral oneringj, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the kind neighbors and friends, also to the Drelbus Candy company employes, Hoff man ft Gentleman and the lower yard em- floyes of the Union Paclflo, and hope In heir hour of affliction we may comfort them as they did us. Mrs. Charlea Hourlgan Stella Hourlpan, Rose Hourlgan, Joseph Hourlgan, William Hourlgan, Mr. and Mrs. L. Neustyom, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Haley, Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor. The- family of the late C. P. Swan wiah to sxpress their sincere thanks and apprecia tion for the kind remembrances and sym pathy of all their frlenda during their be reavement. They will regret It if they can not reach all of them personally. ANNOUNCEMENTS DEWEY DOING AND BOYLES On memorable May day a few years ago Dewey said to the captain of his flag ship, "Grldlty, fire when you're ready." Grldley fired when he was ready and Orldley was ready to fire at the sight time. TO BE READY Is- the thought. To be mitv at the rlsht time. The right time to Ve ready to take up a Stenography. Book keeping or Telegraphy position Is when the fauiand for blenographera, Boekkeepers and Telegraphers is greatest. The dumand Is greatest when after the usual summer dullness business houses aad, railroads again bustle with activity. If you will enter the BOYLES COLLEGE SUMMER TERM now you will be a qualified Stenographer, Bookkeeper er Telegrapher Just at the time Stenographers, Bookkeepers or Telegraphers are most needed. Another thought along this line that is of utmost Importance to the young man or young woman who is aetermineo. to mage tils or her knowledge of Stenography, Bookkeeping or Telegraphy a stepping tone to greater things Is the fact that ail employers snow msi me yuuug iitii or young woman with grit and determination and power of self-denial sufficient te take up a summer ceurse and thus forsake the Idle Joys of summer loafing will make an employe to whom nothing Is too difficult to whom every responsibility can safely be trusted and to whom success Is almost sure to come. The moment an employer knows that his young man or young woman has had the wisdom to take a summer course that employer marks that young maa or young woman employe for promotion. W hy not come In and talk with ua about this, or at least send for our free cata logue? , BOYLES COLLEGE, II. B. Boyles, President OMAHA, NEB. (D 639 S3 TAKE NOTICE. ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AT JEFFER SON, IOWA. X will sell my interest In the Jefferson Electric Light plant In Jefferson, Is., at public sale, at front door of said riant, to the highest bidder, on June 27, 97. at t.'M o'clock p m. on said day, consisting of controlling stock. $T. Including a note and mortgase of l-'.Soo. For particulars address boa U$. St James, Ui a a Administrator's Sale Established contracting and building busi ness of the ale Pam'l Dresher muat be aold to char up the estate. Building la equipped with all machinery for doing large business and much work ia on hand. Kqulpment includes 10 h. p. elec tric motor, mil, planer and all machinery for conducting this kind of business. Build ing la 5oxii0 ft., 2 atoriea, and there la a $-year lease. To anyone desiring to step Into a good established business here ia a rare oppor tunity. Easy terms to right party. A. V. DRESHEK, Administrator, 151s Farnam St., Omaha. (D-M9o 27 TAKE NOTICE. The Fort Dodge. Clay Works at Fort Dodge, Ia., one of the best and largest brick and tile factories In the state of Inwa, will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder on June 29. 1907. at 2:30 p. m., at the public park In the city of Fort Dodge. The plant consists of II acres of clay land within the city limits, and all nec essary machinery to operate, the plant, such as a 200-horsopower Atlas engine, two large boilers, a small engine (o pull clay with, about 100 cars, steam pumps, etc., all In good running order. Two rallroada running through the yards, with switch conecttons with all railroads running Into the city. For particulars address Fort Dodge Clay Works, Fort Dodge. Ia, (i 490 23 THE CITY GARBAGE CO, office 4th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas 1387. (1-104. 6IGN PAINTINGt-S. H. Cole, 1202 Douglas. 'U 105 AUTOMOBILES 1906 BnCK, two-cylinder, 22 H. P. tour ing car, overhauled and painted J6.iO.00 1906 CADI LAC, 10 H. P. touring car, fine ahape $525 00 1906 RAMBLER, IS H. P., almost new. several extras Included IstuO.OO V KNOX touring car. air cooled itiOOOO 1906 OLDS, with top, 20 H. P $7n0.0i) 19o REO. 16 H. P., used very little. .$750.00 1905 FRANKLIN, with top. four-cylinder, detachable tonneau 1676 00 1906 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 H. P $400.00 1906 8TEVENB-DURYEA, two-cylinder, and 'eoks like new, with top 1650.00 RAMBLER K., detachable tonneau, lust repainted and overhauled $650.00 Write for full description. H. E. FREDRICKSON. 16th and Cap. Ave. (2) 398 FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In vestment Co., 1822 Farnam St. (2) 107 SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT, 1818 Varnam. (D 106 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four-cylinder touring cat, good as new. C. E. Wilklns, Dewey hotel. (2) 307 STANLEY steamer, speedy roadster, model H-4 runabout, almost new. H. E. Frederlikson. . (2) S75 22 FOR SALE Electric automobile. 8. B Richmond, 118 Farnam St. (2V-M868 22 x BARTER AND EXCHANGE What Have You For Trade? ISO acres, Improved, Custer Co., Neb., for sal or trade. 640 acres, Lincoln co., Neb., for sale or trade. 240 acres Merrick co., Neb., will trade for city property or stock or goorts. 40 acres. Gage co.. Neb., will trade for cheap land. 4M1 acres, Hamilton co., Kan., for sale or trade. 160 acres, Hamilton co., Kan., for sale or trade. 80 acres Norman CO.. Minn., will trade for city property or 40 acres In Iowa or Neb . 120 acres, Improved Wayne co., Iowa, will trad or cheap land. 8 acres Hamilton oo., Neb., for sale or trade. 640 acres school land, Wheeler Co., Neb., for aale or trade, $2.50 per acre. i quarter sections near O NellL Nab., for saie or iraue. I-room . house In Omaha, will trade for land or' stock of goods. e-room house in Omaha to trade for land. Flint-class newspaper and Job printing office; will trade for western land or drug BtOCK. Noland & Graham, 1G14 Harney St., Omaha, () U 23 Flats "and residence property Inside of walking distance, good rental property, to trade ror land or merchandise. Ranch In North Dakota of 8,280 acres. well Improved, to trade for income olty property at $35,000. improved ranch or l.rv acres in west ern Nebraska to trade ror income prop erty or merchandise at $16,000. Hotel and furniture in good western Iowa town to trade for land or merchan dlse. Many other good deals for exchange, List your properly with ua for quick aale or exchange. RANDALL REALTY CO. Phone Douglas lali. fcJO Bee Building. (3) uu Z3X EXCHANGES If you have city property, tocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exohango, write for our com. plots list. We have properties and lands in an parte or the country to eionance. Our list is free. Send far It . at onoe. Globe Land and Investment Ce., 1822 r r ' nam t., umana. Neb. W us 120 ACRES 6 miles from Schell City, Ver ' nen county Mo.; 80 acres under culUva tlon: good building. Price. Iu0 car aore Incumbrance 12.000 Will exchange for general merchandise. Globe Land and Investment Oo., Hit Farnam St., Omaha. W iw FOR EXCHANGE Piano and simplex player. What have your Address H-.i.n, eee. t GOOD stock of gen. mdse. In an Iowa town of 2,600. Will trade for elear cheap land. Globe Land and Invest. Co.. 18 Farnain. tf)-M4U FOR SALE OR TRADE. Finest brick and tile plant In the state of Iowa. Including 80 acres of land adjoining the city of Cherokee, la. Plant cost ovar $40.ow. MATTER-THADEN CO., 27 U. B. bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. u au a EXCHANGE 3, 120-acre ranch, Neb., for farm ar rentals. 9 sections Texas, for flats. 4 sections Kansas, for hardware. ' 60 general stocks for land. $4.64 printing plant; must get out The Swapper, oallna, Kan. (3) MS47 SSx WILL SELL or trsde my beautiful home in Brackettvllle, Texas, health resort Call 242 Ersklne or Tel. Webster ?t7. (3)-M193 23x COMPLETE equipment for steam laundry of $250 per week rapacity, to exchange for teurlng car. or value. What have yeu? Box 733. Osawatomle. Kaa. (3) M909 22x WRITE Acme Real Estate Co., Cherokee, Ia. Have farms and wild lands, etc., far clear town property and merchandise. ($) M&20 Jyl6x WANT to trade a relinquishment of a 640- acre homestead ror a grocery or mase. atock or city property. Address A-670, Omaha Bee. (3)-61 23 WANT TO EXCHANGE FOR MERCHAN DISE, 120 ACRES Atchison Co., Mo.; 110 acres In cultivation, lo acres timber, fair house and barn, fenced and oress fenced. No better corn, wheat, alfalfa land In N. W. Mo. Price $7t per acre. Eno. $2,006. J. R. ADKINS, Fwom 4, First National Bank Bldg., Council Blur. (JV-M300 2Jx RELINQUISHMENTS of nomesteada for aale or trade. Writs E. G. Gangestad. 4oS Bee Bldg. (3) Milt U ROOMING house business to trsde tor stock of general mdse. or grocery. Gangestad, 401 Bee Bldg.- ($) M41( 23 FOR SALE Electric light plant, la good county seat town In central Iowa; $$.600 00; part rash: plant paying; good reason for selling. Inquire 30$ Mc Casus '" "'" !.. ) MJ76 21s BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) WANTED TO TRADE Nearly two story modern 7-ronm house on car line for a 5 or 6-room cottage. Ad dress C 640 Bee. (3)-M 144-25X GROCERY stock to trade for Omaha prop erty. Address B-571, Omaha Bee. (31-662 23 THREE-STORY btlck In county-seat, town of Iowa; good repair; well located; will exchnnge for good farm land. Address N. 60.'., Bee. (3)-619 23 BUSINESS CHANCES Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer will carry a 26-word classified ad. Into a million homes one time- Boston Herald, Omaha Bee, Phlla. No. American, Buffalo courier, Svracuse Herald, Roch. D. & Chron.. Pittsburg Dispatch, Providence Telegram, New Haven Leader, Cleve. Plain Dealer, St Ix)ula Globe-Dem., Des M. R. & leader. Washington Post. Denver Kepuoucan. Mil. Free Prens. San Fran. Chronicle. Cincinnati Enquirer. Atlanta Constitution, Minneapolis Tribune, Pallas News, letrolt Ftee Press, Chicago inter wean. Indianapolis News, Kansas City Journal, THIS L.1ST A TK1AU RUDOLPH GUENTHEK, 108 FULTON ST.. NEW TORK. Write for combination offers magazine lists. W INVESTOR'S OPPORTUNITY. The Security Trust, certificates of deposit pay l per cent monthly, write us. ine Security Trust, 16 State St., Boston, Mass. (4) -457 23x Rodman Co., 33d St. and Rth Ave., Cam bridge Building. New York, will finance meritorious propositions where large capital Is required in the United States or Canada; money loaned on securities; mining, electrlo and steam railroads; manufacturing plants. Correspondence Invited. (D 458 23x NEW YORK real estate and Its money making opportunities explained In our Illustrated booklet. Mailed free. J. D. Hnnck Realty Co., 3S3 Jay St., Brooklvnt N. Y. (4) 4H5 23x HELP WANTED Mofflt, the new North Dakota Lakeshore town; two railroads; has all kinds of labor chances and busi ness openings. "Secor," Buffalo Center, Ia. t (4) 469 23k FOR SALE Cheap, a good Coal and feed puires. call at 1520 Madison Ave., Omaha. M) M600 26 IF YOU have a business to trade for a farm, see , JACOBSON & CO.. 936 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4) M623 29x FOR SALE Two' mills manufacturing cot ton warp broadcloths for shirt and skirt trade; both mills run by water power. No agents need apply. Charles Rey nolds, Middletown, Conn. (41633 23x For quick sale results list your property with v. j. tantn, 701 N. x. Lite Bldg., umana, (4 M828 Jy4 DOCTOR wanted, at once. Good location. Address Erlck Drug store. Erick, Okl. (4) J83 24 x BUSINESS CHANCES Homes, lands, etc., nought, sold or traded quickly, paraes a Braum, the hustlers, 330 Neville Blk. (4) M644 Jyll v ANTED A party to buy out a first- class atock of furniture In the best town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reason for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co.. Wis- ner, Neb. 141 u A PROFITABLE Investment la offered by an . old established and well known dermatologlcal Institute to establish a branch In Omaha; a physician la pre ferred, but a man with good general business experience will be considered. Do not reply unless able to Inveat money In the business. Address P 669, care Bee. (4) 111 22x CAPITAL supplied to promote worthy en terprises, increase established business or develop good mining property. W. A. Kerr, N. Y. Life Bldg. (4.1-698 23 AMBITIOUS wage-earners and savings bank depositors everywhere desiring to legitimately Improve their financial con dition ahould write for particulars. In dustrial Finance Co., L36 Broadway, New York. (4) 456 23 X WANTED To trade for stock of goods; Have a food farm. Address Y-245, B59. () 117 HILDRETH at LOWMAN can sell your business quick. We have buyers watting for you with money. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) M63( ARE YOU looking for a buslnessT See L. W. Bunnell A Co. about any of these: Grocery stocks, lunch rnsnii, general mer chandise, hardware stores, Implements, furniture stock, barber shop, bakery and confectionery, planing mill, livery and feedb arn, and other kinds of business chances. &22 N. Y. Life. Douglas 61 4. (4)-M88S tl roil SALE Millinery stack In goed town of $,609; good country trade; old estab lished ntore; reasons for selling, sickness. Address Lock Box 7S5, Madison. 8. D. (4 90s 22x SAFE Omaha corporation wants an office man who will Inveat $1,000 or more In pay ing business; money safe - and secured; will be returned on demand; $26 a week salary for beginning; must be able to dic tate correspondence, and make good gen erally; please do not answer unless you can qualify. For Interview address In confidence, B 664. care Bee. (4) M248 27 GOOD, well established mercantile busi ness; good, well located lumber yard and section of fine timber land. B. L. Dart, Yampa, Colo. (4 MI46 $7x FOR SALS First class blacksmith and wsgen work business, with tools; $4 to $6 received for shoeing and $4 to $$ for set ting Ursa. . Address Y 129, Bee. (4)-112 FOR SALE-Old established millinery business In Nebraska: invoice ahnnt $1,609; population 1,900. Address Y. 44, cars Bee. (4) M131 26x MUST BE SOLD. Furniture of a 7-room. steam-heated flat; rent $21. Prloe for quick aale, $200. W. 8, FRANK. $31 Neville Blk. 'Phone Doug. $000. (4J-420 21 FOR SALE Rooming house. Sea Htldreth Lowraan. 610 Bee Blag. (4) Moll WANTED Experienced business man to manage branch office. Salary $1,900 yearly and commission. Unquestionable refer ences and Investment of $l,(i0 required. Caateria Co., 1231 Wabash Ave., Chicago. (4) 177 23x WANTBEs-iManage- for branch Automo bile salesroom; responsible man with first class reference; position pays $4.0uo per year. 95.0U0 In cash required; money secured. High class machines at mod erate prlcea. Automobile, S3u F1rit Na tional Bank Bldg., Chicago. (4140 23 x MARKET for sale or rent have ' ether business. 1632 Pearl St. Boulder, Colo. (4J-M520 29x ENGINE company rated "K-A" by Brad street seeks reliable agent In Omaha, who will Invest $6,000 on suitable assurance. Address Y $8, cars of. Bee. (4 4OT 23 OWNER will sell complete coal mine. In operation at Brookfleld. Mo.; 30-Inch vein; steam hoist; can work 26 men or more; loc al demand for all coal mined. Price. $2, 90S cash, er will lease It to re sponsible parties; may trade for real es tate. Reason, have other business. Will be at Millard hotel today only. Address later Albert Johnson, Mstropols Hotel, Bt Joseph. Mo. (4 609 3lx I AM now presenting sa Investment which will psy you $j6 per month during lsoj and succeeding years for each $142.60 In vested now, or $160 payable In four monthly Installments. Closest Investiga tion courted. Write today. E. E. Beala 94 Tacuma Bldg., Chicago, III. (4)-MS34 24x FOR BALE Stock of livery stable and feed shed, doing good business In live town of 9.0CO Inhabitants; excellent location; five-year lease; cheap for cash, If taken at ones. John A. Dowdell, Do Kalb, IlL (t-kira r.x FOR SAI E The best paying business In N. E. Nebraska, stock of groceries, queensware and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y 211, Bee. (4)-M873 TO BUT or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write E G. Gangestad, 40$ Bee Bldg. 117 WE INCORPORATE STOCK COMPANIES CHOICE LOCAL STOCK. M ANUFACT URING IN VESTM RNT8. QiE MERCANTILE INCOR PORATING COMPANY, 42-426 N. Y. Life Bui. Phone Doug. 652. 14) AIM, jeZj Do You Wish to Muke a Change 1 If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (14)-M."43 Jyl2 TO BUY or sell any business or real estate quick write or see lllldrelh & Uwimn, 610 Bee Bldg. (4) M5i0 TOWNSEND REALTY CO., Modale. la. Sell and exchange farms, city property, merchandise 2nd chattels. Try them. (4)-M977 Jo27x NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.-Buys, sells or exchanges everything, land, city property, merchandise and automobiles, 63 Douglas block. (4) M7b6 July3 ENERGETIC pp.rtner wanted In live, pay ing real estate business. Address Y 63, care Bee. (4)-M965 Jy2x DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. M) 115 WANT a second hand automobile; have seme land to trade. Address Y 243. Hee. . (41-118 FOR SALE The best bnkery and confec tionery business in Yankton; largest soda fountain In the city; ice cream and sirtall grocery stock In connection. Address Box 305, Yankton, S. D. (4)-M3S7 2J FOR RENT- Store building. 80x24, with basement under of same size; fine chance for furniture or, dry goods store, In town of about 1,010 population In eastern Ne braska, Address Y 39. care Bee. n (4) M580 27 BUSINESS chance; "Miners' Bcrap Book," free to you six months, if you write us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. lb. Mitchell Co., Spokane. Wash. (4) M913 Jy6x WANTED Gentleman of means to assist a middle aged, refined vivacious Woman to place a business that spells fortune if brought before the public. G 661, care Bee. (4)-S14 22x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS. CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 MCAGUE BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE STS. (4)-S3$ Are You Looking fora Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It mnkes no dif ference whether you want a 100 building lot or a $500,000 tract of coal or timber land, vnu should not buy or trade before lu, n a rnnv nT the item icstate v orm. It contains a large list of property and merchandise stocks for sale and ex chanae. and reaches several thousand readers each IsHUe. and Is the best adver tising medium to rcach the real estate buyers, homc!eekers and'traders that you can advertise In. Write vour name and address on a postal card, mall It today, and we will send vou the journal for two months on trial free. Address the Heal estate worm Suite 620 Good Block, Des Moines, Ia. (0431 IF YOU want to get In business see us without fall. Investment Dept., Western Ref. A Bond Ass n. 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (41427 GOOD business Investment opportunities to offer. Business openings Investigated for cJtents. W. A. Kerr, N. Y. Life Bldg. (4)-699 23 HAVE YOU a mechanical turn of mind? If vou have, we can get you the best money maker In the city. Only one of its kind. See HILDRETH A LOWMAN, 610 Bee Building. (4) WANTED Bright ypung man to take active Intercut In department store, doing large business In good eastern Nebraska town. Must have not lesB than $3,000 to Invest. Address Y 46, care of Omaha Bee. (4) M521 Jl SACRIFICE. Owner has other business. $Ti50 Stationery, newa, cigars, confectionery and notions. This will pay for Itself In 6 months. N. FENGER, 626 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red $217. 4 HIGH - salaries, goad wages, splendid business openings; fine locations In the great west. My Instructions tell how to 5et them. John Stafford, 2421 V.. Downey .ve., Los Angeles, Cal. (4) FOR SALE Our fine general merchandise business, at a bargain for cash; strictly 41ns stock; Invoice about $16,000; annual cash sales $40,000. Will sell all or part on time If properly secured. Sheexly & Reed, Mankato, Kan. (4 PATENT fcECUKBTD OR FEE RE TURNED Illustrated guide book and list of Inventions wanted, free to any ad dress. Patents secured by us adverttaed free in World's Progress; sample copy free. Evans, Wllkens ft Co., lii V SU, Washington, D. C. (4) YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings aocount with J. L. Bran- dels Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas Sta Assets over Jtoo.otw. ( CHANCE in a life time. Fins stock of general merchandise will be aold at a sacrifice if sold at once, as I have to go east. Stock Is complets and Is located In one of the best towns in Nebraska. Address Y 32, cars of Beo. (4 600 23 CANDYand les cream business; 6,800 town. also two fountains, freezers. engine, liubard oven, A. Jaseph, IeMara, Ia, V (4 M506 26X YOUR chance for a fortune. Writs Im mediately. Nevada Goldflelds Co., 1166 First National bank, Chicago, 111. (4 430 23x DO YOIT need capital to extend or start buslnessT If so, writs me today, t-x- ceptKmal facilities for placing slocks or bonds quickly. Everett Dufour. corpor ation attorney, Le Droit Bldg.. Washing ton, D. C. (4) 461 23 x COBALT market letter free. All th latest news from this famous ramp. In vestors guide. Write for It. E. M Cai roll A Co., 90 Wall street. New York. (4) 162 23x WANTED Old. Inactive, defaulted and un quotable bonds and stocks.. Unsaleable securities In estatea. both good and bud. purchased. K. M. Smyth. Room 4C3 Produce Exchange. New York. Estab lished twenty yeara. (41463 23x FREE to Investors. Beautiful blrdseye map of the famous Death valley gold country (new) showing location of the great mines, etc. Edition limited Write today. E. Oscar Hart 160 Nassu St.. New York. (4) 454 23x FOR BALE Furniture, fixtures and lease of high grads boarding house; best propo sition In the west; satisfactory arrange ments ran be made aa to payments. Ad dress H 677, cars Bee. (4 664 23 x GROCERY snd niest business for sale, do ing a good business. Call and see 2?27 Bicadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. W U. Smith. (4) Ml3 23x PA'.NT snd wall pane? aore for sale: doing good contract and retail trade; Invoice about $1.6oi; a snap: good town 01 uuu. Address Box 643. Sallds, Colo. (4 M744 Jylx WANTED Psrtner for good paying busi ness, must have $400 to luUU. Apnlv Room . 123, Midland hotel, 4 MltCl 23. FOR SALE A cigar and stationery busi ness, with living rooms, clesrlng $200 per month. Inquire of J. V. Lelthesd, 1S06 Evans Ave., Pueblo. Colo. (4)-M5s6 27m. FOR SALE Rooming house. 14 rooms; good business place; cloae In. Address N 667, care Bee. (4) M975 S4x A WELL established, good paying dry goods and millinery business in small town, southeast Kansns; no competition: fine thing for business woman; owner must sell on sccount of health. Address box 54. Hallowell. Kan. (41-M199 28x FOR SALE Clean hardware stock at a liberal discount. Address G M. csre Bee. (4I-M373 2fcx THREE-chnlr barber shop complete for sale cheap If takon before July 10. write Box 601, Canton. 8. 1. (4t M3sS 2x ROBERT C. DRUSEDOW & CO, STOCK BROKERS. SO New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) 111 SOUTH DAKOTA Now Is your oppor tunity to buy the only steam laundry In the best city In South Dakota. Cheip. If Interested call or write, M. C. Felkor, Chamberlain, 8. D. (4) M413 ARCADE slot machines, shooting gallery, , , i . i . . . .i . , i i . i endorff, K. II. 6, Box 26, Leavenworth, Kan. (4i M3S6 28x FVR SALE Millinery stock, fixtures, fur niture; stock very low; must sell; town or l.KiO; no competition; fine parlors and lo cation. Address Y 45, care Hee. 4 M3S6 25 FURNITURE, 30 rooms snd dinlngroom complete. Full of roomers. Paying busi ness. Apply. 107 South 17th St. (4) M231 23x LUMBER YARD for sale. Enquire of N. Duncan, Pawnee City, Neb. 4)-M23 Jy6x BY THE OWNER A fine 60-room hotel, perrectiy equipped; I mint, own end have always run this hotel; cost $53,000; will sell for half on easy teems and without Interest; might lease; don't reply unless you have $5,000 cash. H. L. Rice, owner, Fremont hotel, Florence, Colo. 4)-Mri70 24x YOUNG MAN wanted with $1,000 to Invest In Specialty Mfg. Co.; good seller; take change branch office; salary guaranteed. Address Mfgr., Box 23, Des Moines, I a. (41 M226 27x INVESTIGATE THESE OFFERINGS: St. Joe Mining and Milling Co. shares, 3oo. Bear Creek Angora Goat Co. shares. $60. American Oyster Industry shares, $5. " Nevnda Pearl. 25c. Manhattan Gold Crest. 10c. Chanute Brick & Tile Co., $1. Only meritor ous stocks handled by this office W. A. KERR, Investment Banker. N. Y. Life Bldg. (4-697 23 ROOMING TIOUSEa-Wrlte or see Ganije- itad. 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-563 23 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Alt'y, 609 Bee Bldg. (5)-U3-Jy-17. Architects. C. L. STAUB, 604V4 8- Eighteenth street (6)-M608 J14X Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (6)-134 JOHNSON cleans carpets, washes windows; ttoors polished. Tel. Douglas 2299. t (6 M994 Je2t Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1606 Farnam St Doug. 6497. (6) 121 Contractors. AUGUST KROTFT, building contractor. liio m. in ou rooiu ivo, soutn umana. (6-4f7 Civil Ena-lneers. M'EATHRON A JAMIESON. 306 N. ' Y. Ia (6) 120 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Bcatrlca creamery Co., Omaha. (5)-122 Drciimakisf. IN FAMILIES-Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney lbs (t 1Z8 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far. , (6) M9s7 Jyl7 Dentists. BAILEY A MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 10SS. (6)-13 Electrolysis. MISS ALLENDER, 423 N. T. Life Bldg. (6)-M52 J 22 Kaarravlns;. KOTERA sV CO., 1606 Jackson. Doug. 2007, (5W29 Florists. HESS at 8WOBODA, 1416 Farmam. (0-139 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Fan. Tel. D. 1263. ( 131 1. H. BATH. 162$ Harney. TsL Doug. 9000. (W-'B Hotels. THE 8CHLITZ. European, 16th ft Harney, (5 133 Ualrdreaslagc. HAIRDRESBING. 26c and $6o: shampoo. 60c: dry. 76c: egg. 76c; Marcel waving. 76c; Marcel teuch, 60o; massage, fiOo. Soalp treatment special rates per month. F. M. Bchadell, IkJ Douglas. (6-Mi4 23 laosrtsiaton, HER. Incorporating Co.. 42 N. Y. L. (6-U4 Jewelers aad Wateksu N. . STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. V.7. (W- un Masle and LansrnagM. OUAN CAMBIANO. instructor In Span leh and Italian - language Tel. Douglas 1U1 w-mim Jyix Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., (U N. T. L Tsl. D. 1664. lj las Dr. Bo waer, ovar 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6870. (5J-M401 Jya Obbfo applies. FILING cabinets, films and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of ail kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 1822 Farnam St Tel Doug. 6561 C6 Uo71 Jyl4 FrtatlasT. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tsl. Douglas Sffl. (61118 BEFORE placing your 19j calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported Una. Lyngstad Jorvs, prinlara. 1 At Cap. Ave. U 139 HIGH GRADE imitation typewritten let ters anu Job printing: no Job loo large or srasi: Anchor Publishing Co., 122 Far nam St Tel Douglas u&tC. (t)-M424 Jyl ACORN Press, quality Ptg., 1218 Harney Bt (6-62 Jyl 600 BUSINESS cards. $1; 10 000 printed en velopes, good stock, for llu; other work at same rates Get estlmstes and see our aarnpiea of work. Call at room 33 U. S. Nal 1 Bank Bids, or 'phone Doug las iMfc lfi)-Wl J14 Plaaakla aad Beating. T. F. BALFR, plumbing, gss and electrlo fixtures. 107 Howard. Tel. Doug 743. 6)-M706 JullO LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. us M. latn st. Tel. uougias m. (5) 306 Jc2 C. B. TRU8SELL, 116 South 16th St. (5 vm French St artistic photographs. 210 S. 14th St. l6 MM Safes, Shatters, Kto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escspes, shutters, doors snq safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. (5J-140 School Supplies. OMAHA School Surply Co., 1621 Howard. (6 M'JSSJvl. &hoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. llVj Copiiol Ave. 'Phone Red H (b-244 BtOT CTtOrAfte JTflVP3STORED Hughes. Stove Rep. OIUVIjO Works. Tel. Doug 7155. () lit Tailoring;. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gont'a new work; repairing, cleaning snd dying Called "foi and de livered. 709 8. 27th St Tel. Red 6.116. (5)-44 Vtolla Making. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and supplies, by C. L. Heskett, r. 647 Ramise Blk. . (5)-674 Jyl3 Wall Paper Cleaning;, WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 6531). (5) 142 DON'T fall to call 4n me at Douglas 87. (6) 143 CLAIRVOYANTS Madame Buddha The Renowned Palmist Clairvoyant artd Trance Medium. Parlors at 113 South Kith St., upstairs. Mine. Buddha By Her Remarkable Psychic Powers Tells Your Past, Present Events. Foretells Your Future Career. What vou would like to know and what you ought to know to be successful in your dally affairs. When You Should Adventure. and how to win success and friends. Mine. Buddha Informs you of all the conditions that surround you immediately. All Business Strictly Confidential. Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee ac cepted. Parlors 113 South 16th St, up stairs. Engagements by 'phone, Douglas 469C See display sign ouslde. (6) 673 is HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Office girl, one with some knowledge or typewriting prererre.i; wages $6.00 per week to start with. Ad dress M 66, Bee.' (7) 960 23x Factory sad Trade. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Com pany, I02 irarnam bt. to ii WANTED-HAND IRONERS, AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUN1AKX, 1611 JACKSON ST. ' (7 M74 r WANTED Machine glrla. Laundry, 211 S. 11th St City Stem O) 14 LADIES, our catalogue explains how we teach halrdresstng, manicuring, facial massage, etc., In few weeks, mailed free. Moler College, Chicago, 111. (7) M381 27x Honsekealaa- aad Doaaeatlo. WANTED Tn July, ooa csok; two In family; permanent place and good wages. 102 S. 31th. Tel. Harney 113. (7J-M3S4 HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no objection to children. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. (7) 149 WANTED Elderly respectable woman for heuaework on farm: small family; per manent situation. Box 4, F. R. R. No. 1, Yetter, Ia, (D-M387 28x WANTED Good cook; steady position and good wages to competent party. Apply at 324 Famara. (7) M372 ZSx WANTED Cook and second girl, 2 In family; reference required. Apply 832 So. 37th St (7 M370 24 GIRL for boarding house; good wages. Call Doug. 67U6. (7C-M200 23 x WANTED A girl for general housswork. Mra. R. B. Tubbs, 646 Willow avenue, Council Bluffs, la. (7) W1M 27x WANTED Girl for general housework In family. Mrs. M. B. Kennard. 1718 Doug las. CD Ml! 22 WANTED Good lady cook. $40.09. Phoenix Hotel. Sanborn, Iowa. (7) M9M WANTED A good cook. Mrs. J. S. Wslt gell. 124 8. 10th St 'Phone Douglas 221. (f)-66S WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 tn family. Phone Harney 2113. 4W1 Dav enport. (7 Mb3 a WANTED Competent girl. in family; good plaoo, easy work. 2959 Farnam St. (7-Mj(U 2 Girl for general housework, goed wages, Mra Robblns. 126 North 3$th Ave (7)-95S-X3x WANTED A nurse girl. Apply to Mrs. F. W. Lake, 2207 Dodge St (7-204 22 x WANTED Girl for general housework. 3126 Chicago Bt (7 253 23 WAITRESSES wanted for Omaha Union station restaurant, $30 per month and board. Call at restaurant. Union station. Tenth and Marcy. (7J-266 27 X WANTED Girl Jo do second work nd assist with children. $21 Burt St. (71433 28 WANTED Neat housemaid. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, 37tb and Dewey Ave. (7) 4! 24 WANTED Experienced girl for guneral housework; good wages; amall family. Mrs. B. H. Roblaon. Tel. D 691 2518 Capitol Avs (7l (24 24x GIRL for plain cooking In family of four where other girl Is kept. 6BS South 29th St., between Leavenworth end t"cl 'n. 7 Miil3 Si EXPERIENCED waitresses at the Union station restaurant. (7) COOK and Waitress wsnted. Small first class hotel for first of August. Joe Aleck, Crclghton, Neb. (7) M585 24x If you have anything to trade advertise It In the For Exchange columns of The Boa Wast Ad vaies, MUrrtlaneua. WE WANT several first class bookkeeper. stenographers and office clerks to fill reoiiablo position at once. Call o WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASS'N. INC. 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7K-CS 23 WANTED Three waitresses; must be able to do arm work; $.56 per month, room and board. Apply P. O. Box 13S4, Butte, Mont. (7)-M7 0 WE HAVE for consideration this week sev eral good positions for expert Stenogra phers. 2 Rill Clerks, and for competent people. There la no need of them being out of employment. All lady applicants will be Interviewed bv our lady manager. KEYSTONE SURETY REF. AGT. (Ino.), Suite 404 lice Bldg. Phone D S3. Omaha. Neb. (7) N 23 LADIES and girls to work steady or part time at home stamping transfers; $150 to $2 doien. Room 606 Paxton blk. (7J M246 23 4 EXPERIENCED stenographers. $40 to $rt&. 2 expert bookkeepers. $06 and $80. And numerous others. WriSTEJiN IU.K. & HND. ASS'N, INC, 721-2 N. Y. Ufe Bldg (7) M407 23 GIRLS WANTED to work by the week at King-Graham Mfg. Co., 11th nd Jack aon. Beiuls Bag Bldg., second lloor. (7) Js WANTED Lady to act as ssststant In tha house furnishing department in a hard ware store In eastern South Dakota; state experience and wages expected. Address Y-36, care Omaha Bee. (7) M667 34X LA.DY sewers to make up shields at home; $10 per loo: can make two an hour: work sent prepaid to reliable women; send reply envelope for full Information to Universal -Romedv Co., Desk 11. Walnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. jft-Wt 23 x WANTED ladles to make aprons; $3.60 per dox. No cost to get Job. Transporta tion paid on materials. Stamped ad dressed envelope, American Apron Co 45118 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. ( 1478 23 WOMEN'S Domestic Guild, 1302 Farnam. Downstairs maid, $'. Housemaid, $. ' Housemaid, two in family, $5. Cook, $6. Child's nurse, $5. Glrla for Kfneral housework, $5 to $7. (7) M571 24 WANTED Young women In book dept Must have some knowledge of, or expe rlonce In selling books. Apply to E. J. Brewster, Book Dept., J. L. Brandies & Sons. (7I-M616 2ft STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute, 1803 Farna m. (7 M628 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesman. AGENTS wanted o drive through tha country; best selling proposition evsr of fered; big value for your customer, , big profit for you. Write today for particu lars and territory. E. B, McClellan, tW Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. W 33 WANTED A good hustler In every town to sell our perfect water filters, retail ing from $1.60 to $8.00; 100 per cent profit to asents, exclusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Seneca. Mo. (9)-M73 22x WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience In aelllng to farmers; permanent position; good Income. Addreaa O 347, face office. (9310 SOLICITORS wanted; porter those who have had experience aelllng viewa, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 408, Beo jjljg WANTED A solicitor and collector; salary will be paid to competent man after tha first month. Union Loan and Investment Co.. 310 Bee Bldg (9)-267 July 21 WANTEl-ilve salesmen, side line sou venir postal cards; liberal commission. Bchleuder Paper Co., Austin, Minn. (9) 499 23 SALESMEN wanted to sell to grocers, druggists and confectioners; $100 par month and expenses. California Cider and Extract Co. St Louis, Mo. (9) 993 23x AGENTS Either sex to demonstrate and sell a new practical $10 typewriter. Splen did proposition. Act quick. New Ameri can Mfg. Co., 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. (9)-436 23x WANTED Traveling men to sell ell side line, 20 per cent commission. Radium Shoulder Brace to gent's furnishing, dry goods and drug trade. Only two samples. Good sellor. Write today. Illinois Sus pender Co., 161. Market St., Chicago. (9) 498 ttx A COMMISSION big enough to produca heart failure for traveling men with golden tongues and established routes. Address Side Line, box 663, Cincinnati. O, (9)-602 23x SALESMEN wanted for the best invest ment proposition In existence. We con duct a continuous town building business, establishing new towns In the west; our flan provides valuable property for the ndlvldual benefit of Investors, besides aa Interest In all towns established by us, giving at least five times as much for money Invested as ordinary propositions afford: all classes of people Invest with us. Permanent business and good pay for capable men, to represent us every where. The Union Town Company. Ouy mon, Okl. (9 603 23 SALESMEN Experienced glove salesmen wanted to sell the "Pries" line of gloves) to the trade In North and South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin. Michigan. Illinois, Ne braska, Minnesota. A No. 1 men wanted. Best of references required. H. W. Prloa Co., Rockford, 111. (9) WANTED Salesmen for Japanese Meers chaum and Japanese advertising pipes. Two good paying side lines. Commission Japanese Novelty Co., Bt. Louis, Mi. (TH REPRESENTATIVE WANTED To sell lots In the new city of Banquets, Nuecea .county. Texas, on the Texaa-Mexloan railway. The best proposition of the kind that has ever been offered to the public; located in the gulf cost country, the Cali fornia of the south. ' Also have screaga property for aale. Liberal commissions snd free transportation tn representatives. Prefer representatives who have had ex perience In this line. Write for full par ticulars. Texas-Mexican Development Co., Room No. 16 Bluntzer Bldg., Corpus Christ!, Tex. (91604 23 SELL "Eureka Door-Knob Bell." Entirely new, replaces rerular door-knob In door; bronre metal. Write F. B. Black Co.. Station A Kansas City, Mo. (9) 601 23 SALESMAN for Nebraska. Experienced traveling man preferred; line staple for general trade. position permanent. $30 weeklv advance with commissions. Saw-' yer. Leslie & Co., Detroit, Mich (9) 18$ 33 IN SIX weeks we educate you in salesman ship, secure you position aa traveling SHlesman with responsible firm. Address The Bradstreet System, Rochester N Y (9-61 23x EXCLUSIVE territory to district manag er": liberal contract to write our w earners' combination hesltb and accident certificate. Address World Accident Aso clatlon, 602 W. O. W. Bldg , Omaha. Neb. ' (9)- 8AI.EUMFN WANTED Men who possess selling ability can get the most fnr It by . representing us for the sale of our poput lar policies of accident and health Insur ance: experience not essential: exclusive territory and active co-operation given to hustlers) excellent openings snd liberal terms for avents, collectors and district managers. Address at once, Dot. 10, Continental Casually Company, Chicago, '" (9) SALESMEN who contemplate making change write ua for particulars One salesman earned $526. two others $.fA each first three weeks in Mav. McAllister Coman Co., 3Ce Dearborn St., Chics go. (3 ta Sty I