Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1907, HOME SECTION, Page 5, Image 26

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How the Working
Class Enjoys Noon Hour in Parks of a Great City
EW TORK. June K.-Out of a
lofty building n.-ar Washington
Eouare rusned a young girl who
j, if did not ftnn until she reached an
Italian mitt filer at tha
"It's my turn to-lay. hurry up, now," aha
aid. "Two banana for Fadlt, two, no,
lr-mme see, three apple, two oranses-ani
ay, how many of thoso cherries fnr five
rents.' Not on yrir lif . tht silngy lirtla
hg. Olmtno two sppl.-s. Hurry, now. for
th" glrla will foon h down."
Blie turned to r,,; towaid the hulMlng.
f Alrr-.-idv th- advsnra guard f the army of
. winkers .,k! bKun to ai'r"r . Tli" n.ion
.... 11.11 na blown and th: wa-. hal.
themselves with none of the assurance of
the others. The bnrh they chose wag In
th- during (nn. tnit they did not appear to
mind it. One of them fat nlhbling a piece
of hread alternately with a hunk of hard
looking cheese. The other two talked softly
Tin- girl, who were now Scattered alt
through the tark, were hatless. The Ital
ians, who were numerour.. wore long blurk
apron over the skills, which did not I an
heljw them In the modlali pleat, Ilka th
skirts of the American and other tills
the main drive. Occasionally a salutation
called from a passing wapnn evoked a
scornful or a cordial answer, a the aprx-av-ance
of the awaln happened to sugcet.
The Impression of careless, happy enjoy,
ment of the sunlight and the fresh air ws
Imparted to the whole park by the look of
the gtrls. They were not boisterous, a!
though an occasional laugh or cry would
attract intention to two that had ventured
on a foot race.
"Vou'll need the strength you re wasting
there before S o'clock:" called out one of
('it.'- "' ...',; ' . . v I . v K : U 3r . V. - V'- '?
wnose curl hair proclaimed them ' the ohl.-r girl who was s.ated on a Lnch. 1 ' ' ' f ' f- F'U If,; '.-. I h ; ; L - , U V i ;" ; ' i ' I ' V'v ) ! , I ' V .
from anothei race. The dvesses of th "Vou'd better cut all that ,.ut!" h -K v t 4 t f ' Lji -.ill' t 'V . 1 1" t 1 I 4 ' ' - ! V i V - v1'- " V.'A' I'Z ' 'v 5 ; . ' ' "j
'i 'Ul'ai s.intr-se ver? free from any They did. and that seemed the tenJcnc ll. -'A. 'V '. ' ' Jw ' lV "' ' 0 -TV- '.V" I f- '' ' ' ' ' '' ' V ' a
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hottr of frvh a ard i.-i-hl:.- i n
thorn. It was to i-avo for tin- ti
the park that t!io rnttrl r c.unn In aro
to b'ly v.hat nho..: supple: n-nt their inn. h.
Tl.o little 8i"Ui Katlur.-d to await the
provision:! and t'l-vt the ftvj k!:1 n.o. c I
In a body up FlfCi avenun, t t:-.u
ariuare. They wnl'e'-l !irf:;y, for t 'l.-- n li -r
factories In the ne'-hborhood wcri- e -untying
and the bervhes, s'.ndy at ml'd-y.
re limited. The street sorn U'.Vd v ! ) j
entrer, hurryln.7 rrowd th.jt c.t:i frn-.i t'm
hV:h buildlnss to ti e south of the si -i. -!;.
to the wst at far over as Itrondway ml
north from University rince, where the
girls alt all day at the machine.
There I no thought of their work. how.
ever, as they ru.i out to meot tho light
nd olr at tho lunch hour. The flv that
had taken th proraut'on to buy the'r
fruit In advanfc foiid a cnch aal n '.lol
there. Out of papr pa'laes camo : n I
nd anndwluhes, ciil-e and crnckora. Th.-r-j
was room fnr a'l but o'ii of them on t'-.-j
bench. The other perched on tho iron
"Eomebidy Just came oi, of the mayor's
house," sold cne of ther.i, pointing It t' l
north aide of the square. "It was a lad,
Every head was turned to look at th
house they all kncY so well. Theae ctrls
were New Yorkers and their eonverstt'nri
was carried on In tha New Yorkcsa of their
class. It waa the new girl that came yes
terday, the outing of the social rluh the
next week, the had temper of the foreman
and similar subjects that occupied their
"Look at the guinea there." one of them
aid as three dark-eyed girls came ra'.her
timidly to a bench and sat down. "They
11 work In Oppenhelm's up on University
place." ,
The three glrla, pale faced and black
haired, moved rather clumsily and carried
otire has lt counterpart only In Union
nd to a less degree In Madison Square.
The girls who are employed uptown are
In the sewing rooms of the fashionable
dressmaker. They exhibit the same
desire to get out Into the sunlight. Those
that are Vvlthln reach of Kryant park
gather there, although they are not nearly
ao numerous as their sisters who fill the
henche In Washington Square.
The other do not content themselves
with standing on the avenue In . the dis
consolate faahlon of the men. They are
scattered along the avenue within the
neighborhood of their place of employ
ment, staring frequently Into tha shop
window with surprising Interest In view
of the fact that their time Is spent In mak
ing Just sueh articles.
Here much of the chatter Is French.
There are some few Irish women, but they
are growing carcer every year, while
there Is rarely to be found a sewing girl
of native hlrth. The Italians are usually
employed only In running tho nmchlnos,
although there are now some In the up
town sewing rooms and the number grow
ever larger.
A group of these glrla laughing on a
bench In tho park through their half hour
of recess seta the thoughts of the observer
to wondering how they pass the same time
In winter. Nobody takes the same apparent
pleasure In the spring that they do in tha
small opportunity they get.
Employe of the telephone companies
and other business concerns that have
many girls are not compelled to tako their
diversion In the street. The roofs of the
buildings are turned over to them. There
It Is possible to enjoy a degree of exclu
slveness that the girls on the park benches
could never attain. It Is posslhln to skip
the rope, and one could not do that In
Washington Square over the age of C.
attempt t the up-to-dateness of the others.
Although some of the girls bowed, and
many of them came from the aame fac
tories, they did not mingle.' Every race
kept to Itself.
Two and two they marched along the
asphalt path after they had, finished their
rather meagre luncheon, and gathered on
the marble aide of the empty fountain In
the middle of the square, perched there to
be nearer th vehicle that passed along
of all the girl. They wanted o keep stni
and enjoy tha result without any mora
effort than the walk to the square and
Before th clock on the church gets
around to the half hour there Is a flutter
nd the little group rreparea to move. By
the time the clock la at the half hour there
Is not white shirt waist to he seen and
th park will for the next twenty-four
hour b free, from the visitor.
The effort to matte the best of the brief
recess for luncheon served to transform
almost every part of New York. Only
the women appear to have a good time
out of It and make It a period of recratlon.
The sad looking men who have gradually
occupied the sidewalks' from Astor place
uptown until they are now aa far up as the
forties on Fifth avenue take their freedom
from labor Just a seriously as they ever
did. Standing on the sidewalks they smoke
nd talk with trie subdued sadness of their
race, are content to occupy tho avenue
until It gets too sunny and then mov
around Into the side streets but no further
than Is abBolutely necessary.
The move of the manufacturer of
women's dress uptown has so fnr brought
few of the sewing girls up to that region.
The Industries In which they are employed
In large numbers linger down town and the
dally outing to be witnessed In Washington
I'V.vV t?J,fi''.'K"v-
V. ; '.AT 0 '
o rSf -.tTfitf AV
Complexion Cream
1 Cleanses, softens, purifies, whit-
1 eaa and beautifies the &kin.
, Soap and water only cleanse
i Mroe. Tale gar: A littto Almond
lUoaaom Complexion Cream should
I b applied every time the face
od hand are washed. It ro-
kuosreg tb doit, aoot, grime, mat
aa aranae from the Interstice
of the gkiu and make the surface
niooth m velvet.
A dally neoeaalty at horn and abroad,
a treasure when traveling by land and
wwisr. rrowci ma sxin from cutting
winds, burning ravs of ttia sun and every
injurious ausui ms imnt. Prarenta
and cure abnormal r4nra of the nose
or any pari or in r.uie. also ohaDDlna.
Charing, cold sore fever bllstsr and all
the greatest
o th firs
Irritation af tha aUln. It I
known soaclfto lor hums- th.-
put quUker than anything soothes,
nsala and nravants scars and ..nn.itninn
JndlspanslbU for Vie of Infant and every
rnsmbar of the household. An txqulsit
natural bautlflr. A gratsful application
artsr anavuig. Excellent for maasnga pur
pots, aim Tal Almond Blossom Coav
VWaioo Craain la now aold In tw alaaa.
Activity of Sicily's Two Volcanoes
fe-' . ' " WITH; ETNA SAS BACKGFtOtfNO ZM1TTHG ' 1 '
J:' V..;fV X - U. Xk ': -v: ; I
ftSrOMB. June U.-Prof. Riooo. dl- ' t "'X'''' W ' ' ' -V "'. : V-"--;' ' r - I'
I I rector of th Catania observa- -.-J - . V -'-c l-.-::'.' -'i'V A;ZjS - ''.'.''', I
lory, lurnisne in iuuowina in- ilk t -.. :-. . ... rs.-i ... , . i
?'-.: ;.' ; . I'S" r ' .-.'-yfcw V--. .! .-'-',:', I
r? '- '' ' l' " -'""' .'T'a.-y3b!,"i ?i'-''LZT?' ,?
imys" jwyi'.iiiuiijiiiiiwi iff A
Old Dutch
does all kinds of cleaning:
Windows, Enamel and Porcelain Tubs,
Painted and Burlap Walls, Glassware
und Cutlery.
Wood Floor, Marble, Painted and
Unpainted Woodwork, Stone, Cement
and Mosaic Floors, and Tiling.
Pots, Kettles and Pans, all kinds of
Cooking Utensils j boilers, Sinks and
Flat Irons.
Door Knobs, Railings, Faucets and
Pipes, and all smooth
metal surfaces.
Lmnr. SiftiHf
torn Can, at
C racers')
r.lQc hr FacKtng Co.
Santa Omaha, Nab.
Our printing is neat clean-cut has style
makes a good impression at one: we satisfy
every customer.
If we promts a certain type a crtan stock
a certain design a certain price a certain if
Hvry our promise 1 kept. No Job too umall
none too large.
Everything Needed lor the Olflce
Farnam and 10th St., Omaha
. Telephone Douglaa S4S.
Mall order fill. Ba4 for oatalofaa.
45c and 89c
Omaha. Cor. II lb and Douglaa 8ta and
Jlth anil Chicago Sis.; South Omana, N.
W, Cor. 14th ji4 N St.; CoancU bluffs,
U Aa aaa Main St.
4JTS n
formation about the rt-eent erup
tive activity of th two vol-
canoes. Etna and Stromboll.
After the great eruption of US6 Etna waa
allent up to 1S32. It la true that In 1D91 th
rolrano emitted a dense column of
followed by a downfall of ashes, but this
wa due to a landslip extending over 400
inoter on the northwest elg of th cen
tral crater.
In 1K1 Etna became active, smoke nd
ashes were emitted and in th bottom' of
the erter a portion of the' mountain col.
lapsed, with tha result that scartae. lap
Ill and atonea were throvrn ' to a great
height, but fell back Into the rrater. thus
producing what I generally known aa an
ntercrateroua eruotinn. Maanwhlle sev
ers 1 shocks of earthquake wars felt In
termittently until sorts e again began ta
b eruptad U ronalderable quantities. The
eruption lasted for over six month and
wa continued In the year following, but
eo th whole th lava emitted tild not
produce any damage, aa It fell back inside
th erater. '
Th recent eruption I caaracterla-d by
th absence of lava, a wall aa by Us In
termittent nature, and It la not likely to
continue and much lea to Increase. Very
probably It will be limited to partial and
mall eruption Inside th crater prevoged
by th appearance of fumaral. .
Aa regard cHromboli, Prof. Rlcco'a re
port la mora detailed.
Stromboll ta ea an laland belonging to
a group of aeven volcanlo Island to th
north of Sicily, facing the continent. This
Island I about three miles In length and
two mile broad, and It highest altitude,
a peak which 1 probably the crater of an
old volcano, i about l.lrX) fet.
The active crater of the volcano la about
430 feet below tha highest peak, and tt 1
surrounded to tha south and east by a
blgh ledge of rock which In case of erup
tion protect th Inhabited part of the
taland. Two large masses of agglomerated
lava from former eruption on each side
of the crater slop down to th sea, and In
case of eruption lead th lava lurrant ta
the ea, preventing It from spreading over
the Island.
Then natural protection render th
laland habitable and almoat Immune from
th effect of eruption. Tba aoll la purely
volcanic and composed of hi salt, lava,
scoriae, lapilll and ashes. The Island I
very fertile and covered with vegetation
notwithstanding tha scarcity of water.
The vapors emitted from the volcano ara
naturally condensed and convarted Into
water which runa Into a spring known
a th Bchicclola.
Stromboll ta In continual activity and
ha been ao from time Immemorial, so
much so that to the ancients this volcano
served th purpose of a natural llght
houa in tha navigation between Blclly and
Magna Orecla and the Campania. During
the Middle Age the island wa used aa a
penal aettlement where convicts were aent
Inatead of being executed.
The volcano has been studied diligently
alnca 1&9 and a record has been kept of
the different phasea of It activity. Gen
erally eruption happen In the following
Th volcano begins to show Its activity
by loud detonations and explosions. Bub- I
sequently a sound like that of steam es
caping from a boiler la heard and the
crater Is covered with amoke.
Th dark mas of material resembling
coke which covers the whole crater begin
to crack, showing th Incandescent lava
underneath. Thla In turn swells up and
bolls as it were, until portion of it to
gether with scoriae and lapilll are hurled
to a great altitude.
At present the eruptive apparatus of
Stromboll Is formed of various small
craters in which the nature of the erup
tion differs. Some of them emit only
smoke, others throw out lapilll and ashes
while other are seen to contain molten
lava without any outward sign of erup
tlun. Thla characterUtic of Stromboll
how that all eruptive materials, solid,
liquid and aeriform, have been specialised
to different crater.
Owing to the situation of the Island,
generally speaking all the materials eject
ed from the volcano reach the aea without
producing any damage, and even th
scoriae and lapilll fall inside th two
ledgea. Lately the explosion accompany,
ing eruption have been very Intense and
resemble the Crlng of heavy artillery.
Although the volcano 1 continually ac
tive It ha period of repos and tha longer
these ar the more Intenae 1 th activity
that follows them; still the eruptions have
been called paroxysm of harmless anger.
Mora dangerous than the eruptions are the
earthquakes, but these fortunately ar
very rare.
"tjair Ls
and Travel"
. ,
Hot Springs, Ark., daily. . . .
Jamestown Exposition, daily.'....
St. Louis, Mo., dairy.
Canadian Point, daily One faro plus $2.00
Homeseokem' 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, summer months
Very Low Rate
New England poutta, July 9, 13, 22, 23, one fare plus $2.00
Boston, Mass., July 25 to 28 $33.75
Philadelphia, Pa, July 11, 12 and 13.. $32.75
Saratoga, N. July 3to6 $31.35
Many other points, low round trip roles
For detail information and literature communicate with
Wabaoh City Ticket Office
16th and Firium Street.. OMAHA. KE8.
a A. P. D Wabash It. R.
I Wabaoh
I 16th Mi