Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    he Omaha Sunday
A Ppr for th Horn
Best S. West
New Meeting Place for Delegate! to
Conferences is Projected.
Icarcely Enough Space at Hais Tea
Bosch for All Delegates.
Suitable Quarters This Year on East
Side of Binnehof.
fracture Gives Feeling of Solidity
and Strength Massive Archi
tecture Lends Repose
Colors Are Perfect.
TUB HAGUE, Juno -.-(Special. )-The
eyes of the civilised world have for some
time been fixed on The Hague, the scene
of the Hague Peace Confernce. Hence the
place of the assembly Is of unusual In
terest Just at the present time.
The new palace of peace In which the
representatives of the world's powers are
to conduct their deliberations In ths future
has not yet been built. The old meeting
place of the last conference, the "Huls
ten Bosch" near The Hague was not
found entirely convenient for so large a
gathering. There was hardly enough room
for all the representatives In the great
hall and the various committee rooms In
which the multifarious details of the work
of the conference had to be discussed
were located In the Dlnnenhof, a mile
and a half away, on the south bank of
the Vyver In The Hague. This naturally
Involved some loss of time and for the
conference of this summer more comniodl'
ous and suitable quarters were found on
the east side of the courtyard of the
Dlnnenhof Itself, where the old committee
rooms are once more at the service of the
Most Interesting Building.
The building Is perhaps the most Inter
esting In all Holland In more ways than
one. The gable at the west end with Its
rose window like that of a cathedral rises
between two cylindrical fortress towers
on which thu flat tracery of the main
facade Is repeated and their pointed tur
rets pierce Into the air above the topmost
carving of the central roof. Between
them and beneath the rose window Is a
flight of stone steps with a small Gothic
porch supported upon pillars which give
the relief of their white coloring against
the russet of the brickwork of the main
structure. The high pitched roof with the
dormer windows on the northern side has
all of the appearance, familiar In such
structures, as the Market Hall of Bruges
or the great town hall of Flanders. But
this Is, however, more severely Gothlo In
its character. Its strong, square buttresses
end In round pinnacles at the line of the
machicolations which defend ths fortress
palace of Count Florts and the larger
windows beneath -them are Inset beneath
round arches In the thickness of the ma
sonry. Within the feeling of solidity and
strength, of absolute fitness for Its varied
purposes of splendor or defense, of pom
pous ceremonial or of proud security, bo
comes yet more accentuated. The. western
porch opens straight Into the Knights
Hall, and this Is the vast and nobly-proportioned
apartment which entertains the
conference. The span of Its vault Is the
Urgent known to exist and the great roof
of open hammerbeams swings clear across
from one wall to the other without any
central lines of pillars to support It. The
thrust Is received by massive columns of
fossil marble set straight and close against
the sides on bases of hewn granite, and
the lower part of the walls Is covered In
oak-panelling enriched with Gothic carving.
Magnificent Color Scheme.
In such a setting tbe scheme of docora
tlon Is on a large and dignified scale and
magnificently has It been carried out by
the local authorities responsible In this In
stance. The coloring Is rich but substan
tial and Is chiefly obtained by the lavish
use of gorgeous eastern tapestries and rugs
Upon the floor and walls In sombre but
magnificent tints of crimsons, blues and
folds; and the enormous floor space avail
able has enabled the architect to arrange
with convenience and even beauty, for the
seating of two hundred and fifty represen
tatives from nearly fifty nations.
A strange romance at Tpres has Just cul
minated In the marriage of a convict who
Is undergoing life imprisonment In the lo
cal prison, to the daughter of the gaoler.
The gaoler's daughter was In the habit of
taking food to the convict and an attach
ment was formed which resulted In the
ronvtct asking permission of the gaoler to
marry the girl. The girl admitted her love
for the prisoner and at last the gaoler con
sented. The convict was taken to the town
hall In a covered wagon escorted by four
gendarmes who acted as witnesses. After
the civil ceremony the bride and groom
were driven back to the prison wtth the
jttnflarmes and the religious ceremony was
Performed tn the prison chapel after which
he convict returned to his cell. The resi
dents of Tpres are now circulating a pe
tition which will be presented to the au
thorities asking that the convict be par
toned. British-German. Rivalry.
The statement of Herr Ballln, managing
director of the Hamburg-American Steam
ship line that the superiority of the British
ver the German mercantile marine existed
en paper only and that the British ships
were mostly second hand tramps con
struoted of the cheapest material and
steaming only at the slowest speed has un
doubtedly caused a great deal of Interest
ksre. It Is said that the statement of Herr
Ballln Is hardly accurate. However, the
Herman ships do have some advantages.
h Is perhaps fair to stste that the British
pend the most money on the straight
away work but that the Germans spend
the most money on the finishings and fur
Ishjngs. Then the German government
helps tn many Instances the German ship
ping lines by a grant of preferential rail
way rates en the state-owned railways.
The agent of a German shipping line In
Holland, for Instance, ran quote a lower
through rate to New fork than the agent
f a British line because the German agent
H the advantage of low rates through
Safe Blower Makes Concession.
HERMANN. Mo., June tl.-Gcorge
WiM-rten, alleged to be a safe blower, is
(ytng here from a bullet wound and Ed
hard Freeman, his alleged partner, was ar
rested today. The p.illce stute thnt Frew
man hss confessed that he shot Woerten
and said that he had served a term in the
Lansing, Kan., penitentiary for robbery
and had committed robberies in and near
Ixuvar. Weerten sullenly refuse to tulle
Sunday, Jane 21. lOT.
1907 JUNE 1907
un mom rvt wet tnii rei ssi
? T S i
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 10 II 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
24 28 26 27 28 29
thunderstorms and warmer.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
u a. m ...
i a. m....
7 a. ni ...
8 a. in....
'. a. m....
10 a. m....
11 a. in....
U m ,
.... ti7
.... GS
.... tiH
.... 70
.... 71
.... 71
.... 77
.... RO
1 p. m...
2 p. m...
2 p. m...
4 p. m...
6 p. m...
6 p. m...
7 p. m...
.... 80
.... 82
.... S3
.... M
.... S3
.... f.t
.... ti
Report from Chicago that heads of
great railway systems have agreed not to
light tho 2-cent fare law, but to put It In
effect over the United States. X, Page 8
Packers win their fight against the
commission men at St.v Joseph, and post
mortem Inspection rule with Inspectors
paid by packers and commission men will
go Into effect- Z, age 1
Telegraph operators standing out at
tan Francisco, but the companies are Im
porting men to All their positions.
X. Page 1
M. E. Ingalls, former president of tho
Big Four railroad, declares that the rail
road men are feeling better at the out
look than formerly. X, Page 1
Italian, crazed by drinking vermouth,
kills man and Injures woman on through
Rock Island train near Selden, Kan.
X, Page 4
Small tornado does damage in southern
Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
X, Page I
Miners' Federation adopts amendment
that provides for referendum vote before
declaring a strike. X, Page 1
French chamber patiscs wine frauds bill.
X, Page 1
Hastings banks decline to pay S per
cent Interest on state funds as demanded
by the state treasurer. I, Fag 3
In the Home Section of this number
will be found Buster Brown; the Busy
Bees' Own Page; Work of a News Pho
tographer; What the Women In North
Africa Wear; Orchestra Formed by a
Woman; For the Small Girl's First Frock;
Noon Hour In the Parks of a Great City;
Sicily's Two Volcanoes; Fluffy Ruffles.
Biz Pages
In the Magazine Section of this number
will be found a short biography of Aarzm
Roblson Hoel, who was the first sheriff
of Douglas county after Nebraska became
a state; Plans for President's Long Va
cation; Notes on Singers Abroad; Fea
ture of the Omaha Toung Men's -Christian
Association Building; Second Gener
ation of .Omaha High School) Romantlo
Capers of Cupid; Chat About Plays and
Flayers; Musical Note and Comment;
What Marlowe and Sothern Say of Lon
don; Task of the Benedictines. Six Page
Co-operative flat Is suggested as a rem
edy for condition of folks with limited
means who cannot go out far to live.
Plan may be tried In Omaha. XX, Page B
Omaha real estate dealers compare lo
cal conditions with those found In north
west and express greater faith In Omaha.
XX, Page 6
Young Men's Christian association en
ters formally upon final campaign for
balance of ISO, 000 to liquidate debt on
new building. I. Pse S
James L. Paxton la appointed general
manager o fthe South Omaha Stock Yards
company to succeed W. J. C. Kenyon.
X, Page S
Crowd of boys, girls and their parents
appear at School Superintendent David
son's office early Saturday to secure work
under new child labor law. XX, Page 8
Omaha Commercial club Is advised that
Western Passenger association has abol
ished all merchants' excursion rates.
XX, Page 6
Hassla Sappresaes Many Newspapers
and Imposes Fines Without
Utvlag Explanation.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 22. The gov
ernment's repressive campaign against the
the dissolution of Parliament and the new
electoral law continues vigorously. Dl
patches from many cities report that pa
pers have been fined from $500 up to $3,000.
The radical papers have been suppressed
entirely and their editors In several In
stances have fled, among them being M.
Gorskolf. who was a member of Parlla-
ment from Yellzavetgrad. The fines In-
filoted at Moscow yesterday amounted to
$7,100. Such representative organs as the
Russkaya Vledomostl and the Russkoe
Blovo were fined without explanation.
A special dispatch from Teheran, Persia,
ays the situation In the northern part of I
Azerbaijan province Is becoming serious. !
The bandit chief. Msrtui Khulll Khan, as- 1
slsted by Kurds. Is waging war on the
DoDUlace and destroying villages. Constant
fighting la taking place In the city of Maku,
13 miles from Tabrls. Two companies of .
p.r.iin troona with six field guns are be-
lng dispatched to Maku rrom Tabriz.
Presrk Chamber ot Deputies Pruc-
tleally rnaulnteue in Hrmev-
lng Growers' Grievances.
PARIS, June 21. The Chamber of Depn-
ties today passed practically unanimously
all, the clauses of the wine frauds bill pre
vlously adopted separately, thus enabling
ths government to put the measure into i
Immediate effect end remove the principal
grievance ot the wine growers. The re- j
malnder of the clauses of the bill will be
taken up without delay. I
Ad DFX France, June 22. Six hundred '
men of the Seventeenth lnfsntry. who !
mutlned yesterday and marched to Bezlers
under arms, returned
to their barracks
here this morning.
Jffvrtos Brumuark,
KANSAS CITY. June 2X Jefferson Brum
back, a pioneer lawyer of Kansas City, died
this morning at a sanitarium at Excelsior
Springs, near here, aged T years. He was
a brigadier general In the union army In
the civil war. He leaves two sons In Kan
sas City, Hermann Brumback. Judge of
dlvlstoo No. S of the circuit court, god
Frank T. Brumbaok. an attorney
Confidence Men Are Making Most of
Rich American Tourists.
Many Travel Like Princes, Stealings
Banning in Big Figures.
Steal March on Englishmen and Will ;
Control Their Supply.
Chicago Pnckers Expect,
sources sit Command, to Ih.
This Important Step In the
European Campaign.
LONDON. June 22. (Special.) The ad
vice of Scotland Yard Is, "Don't on your
life talk to strangers; this town Is packed
with "bunco steerers" who are after your
This also Is tn substance the good ad
vice which Americans are giving their
countrymen newly arrived In London for
the season. The advice appears to be s
very necessary warning against the wiles
of the International confidence tricksters
known to Americans as "bunco steerers"
who are now flocking In shoals to London.
This year, apparently because a record
year In travel la expected, these swell mobs
men have rushed to London by hundreds,
and over a dozen expert gangs are known
to be at work. Already the London police
have received many complaints from con
fiding Americans who have trusted well
dressed strangers and have lost their val
uables In consequence. "These confidence
trick men are the aristocracy of the crim
inal classes," said a Scotland yard official
In an Interview upon this subject. "There
are so many 'crooks' In the world and
they are so daring; so different In their
methods of operation; so difficult to bring
to book. They travel like princes and
many of them succeed In stealing more
than the Income of a cabinet minister.
"This year they are up to all manner of
new tricks, for they are always up to date
and ready to play any part to fit In with
the season's arrangements. Many of them
pretend to be multi-millionaires or even
English aristocrats.
Take Victims Off Gnard.
"Their mainstay, however, Is the old. old
trick of Inspiring confidence, getting their
wealthy victim off his guard and then
robbing him of all they can lay hands on.
They are very hard to catch, for often
the person robbed refuses to prosecute for
fear that the news of his folly will reach
his friends at home. It annoys the Amer-
Icans to let others know that any one has
got the better of him In this way even
by a' trick.
"They begin their tricks directly the liner
on which they engage saloon berths leaves
New York. In the ' smoking rooms they
play cards with accomplices until they
have Induced others to take a hand and
then they start to make their passage
money. On their arrival In London the
confidence men usually engage rooms at
the best hotels where they and their meth
ods are unknown. Here dressing Immacu
lately and living on the fat of the land
they await their opportunities and make
the most of them when they do come.
"When a homesick American Is met In
London by a well groomed, prosperous and
a rr utile countryman, wno Dy a strange
chance knows the 'old home well,' he Is
naturally taken off his guard at once. It la
not long after this that on some pretext
or other the American Is Induced to show
his valuables or money, and the rest is
easy for his new found friend.
"The chief stock in trade of these rogues
Is the art of inspiring confidence. One man
who posed as a member of a millionaire
New Tom lamny soia a siring oi vaiuaoie Pather Btephens wss lodged In Derry Jail
horses only a few days ago to a new ar- an(, wM trled and ,entenced at Letter
rival who was anxious to shine as the kenny by a Bpeclally constituted "crimes
owner of the stocky The only flaw In the , court.. wlth Father McFadden. His im
barcatn from the point of view of the pur- i. j ..
I chaser was that after the confidence man
had vanished U was discovered that the
horses belonged to another and a respect
able American."
Swift Invades douth America.
An Important contract which It Is be
lieved will have a far-reaching effect on
the meat trade of London has Just been
signed between the Arm of Swifts of Chl-
cago and La Plata Cold Storage company
of Buenos Ayres. Tho purchase is re-
garded as an attempt on the part of the ;
packer, to obtain control of the
meat ,upp,y of Arsentlna-by the way one
of the chief providers of chesp beef for
London along Independent lines.
The American Beef trust has for some
years been endeavoring to obtain control
of the British meat surply In the same way
as It has captured the trade tn the United
States. Although tt has even obtained con
tro, ot a number of stalls In the great
Smlthfleld market, still It has not been
quite successful In London owing to the
number of countries from which chilled
nd frozen meats are shipped to London.
The moment the Chicago packers at-
tempted to force up the prices in the Eng-
,tllh markets tt appeared as though fresh
surPitee were poured tn from the markets
f other countries, among them Argentina,
Argentina Is now ssld to be the chief
source of supply of the cheaper grades of
frozen beef. Emissaries of the Chicago
nseklns Interests have for some time been '
working In Argentina ana tneir ravoranie
! reports Induced the trust to make an at-
, tempt to enter the market. By controlling
, the American and the Argentina markets .
there wlU be but little question about the j
lability ot the Chicago packers to control
even the markets of Great Britain.
I Smoke Problem Being Studied, ,
There are many Instances In the history :
j of mechanics and chemistry of two sclen- !
tints working towards the same end with
, corresponding results yet unknown to each
other. Aa an Instance there Is the well
known case of Hsrvey In America and Ellis
and Tresalder of Brown's works In Sheffield
evolving the system of carburlslng and
chilling armor plates. Now there Is an
eaually Important case as the result of the
research which has long been In progress I
In order to make coal smokeless when con- j
sumed. Much has beenpromlsed tor coallu j
and there are those who believe that this
fuel when used for factories and households
In London and other large towns will solve
the problem of smoke If not also of fog.
But It Is equally Interesting to learn that
some Glasgow chemists have been working
In the same direction with like success and
arrangements are now well advanced by
the Glasgow company towards the construc
tion of works In tha coal district of the
(Continued on Sixth Fa-J
German Cmvernr Finds This Rest Way
to ICronomlif Time Number
Is lllank.
PF.RMN, June 22. (Special.) The Ger
man emperor has found a way of econ
omising his time In the use of the tele
phone, though it Is doubtful whether It
could be used with good effort by others.
When he rings up any of his ministers or
officers he does not make a reply to the
customary question, "who are you?" but
assumes that he will be recognized by his
! . . . "
variably the case. It Is also said
, tha'
are times when he prefers to
.V "v. - .1 -1 II .-1-
, .ough why ho has often had a
Sr, of discussing the most Important
' 'vcta In this way when time does not
. j.n to have been of the greatest 1m
vov jrtance It Is difficult to explain. But It
Is known that hunting friends and com
manding generals far away In tho prov
inces often hear the diaphragm vibrating
to the familiar Imperial tones, but Ma
majesty employs the Instrument most con
stantly for conversations with the empress.
When they ajre separated from one an
other, which is frequently the case, not a
day is allowed to pass without his discuss
ing family matters over the wire. Llko a
business man unexpectedly detained In tho
city the German emperor always apprises
her by this means whenever anything oc
curs to delay tho return homo at the ap
pointed hour. NeedlvsE to say tho curious
or the Importunate would, however, search
In vain for the emperor's number tn the
ttlephone book nor Can It be obtained
through calling up the Information bureau
of the telephone department.
Kaiser Wllhelm llns Found In Famous
Prince a False Adviser
at Lust.
VIENNA, June 22. (Speclal. According
to the stories told here but strictly sup
pressed In Germany, the German Emporor
has severed his long friendship with Prince
Philip Eulenburg. who was for many years
the leader at the German court because
the latter had been a spiritualist. In many
quarters of Austria the story has even
been told that the trouble between Fzance
and Germany over Morocco was caused by
the fact that the Kaiser listened to Prince
Eulenburg and Prince Eulenburg llsteid
j p08ed tQ Prnnce Prnce Kl,,enmJrg.8 los
of the Imperial favor Is regarded as an.
event of great national Importance In con
sequence of the Influence exercised by this
strange aristocrat on the affairs of state.
His relations with the emperor have been
of the most intimate nature.
The downfall of Prince Eulenburg was
brought about by Herr Maximillon Harden
and It Is openly asserted that when tho his
tory of the present reign Is written chron-
j Iclers will regard Prince Eulenburg as a
i dangerous and Irresponsible adviser to the
crown. He frequently exercised far greater
I Influence than the German chancellor hlm-
; eelf.
As recently as last November, It Is de
clared, he was the leader of a court In
trigue to oust Prince Buelow from office.
The plot failod, however.
Splendid Specimen of Irish Prleet
Whoso Death Will Do Greatly
DUBLIN, June 22. (Special.) The Bev.
Daniel V. Stephens, D. D., Ardara, County
Donegal, whose death will be lamented by
the Irish race throughout the world by
whom he was known and beloved by his
sufferings and achievements tn the cause
of Fatherland was a splendid specimen of
the Irish priest who was prepared to face
almost everything for his flock. Father
Stephens, twenty yeurs ago was Cathollo
curate of Falcarragh, and with Father Mc
Fadden of Gweedore In the same district,
now the Very Rev. Canon McFadden, P.
P., of Olentlcs, very quickly became the
subject of the attentions of the authorities
because he endeavored to shield the people
of the parish.
, hlp and prlvatlonB undoubtedly weakened
the constitution of Father Stephens, al
though unavailing to break his spirit. He
came out of prison with shattered health,
however, as was plainly evidenced by his
features as well as his somewhat ema
ciated frame. He was a most pleasing and
I taking platform speaker. His features were
; refined and pleasing, and his actions and
manner created great enthusiasm wherever
he went
liaronesa C'ederstrom Tells Some
tho Methods She Employs to
Retain Health.
STOCKHOLM. June 23. (8peclal.) An In
teresting Interview with Madame Pattl,
(Baroness Cederstrom), has Just been pub
lished here. She was not only proud ot
the fact that she Is M years of age, but
she told some of the secrets of the manner
In which she maintained her good health
up to sixty-four. She said:
"UP t0 40 J" of a 1 myself
I Bt nothing and ate and lived aa I chose.
j Aftcy forty however, I took to a com-
i parauveiy sine way oi living. Dine men
I hve eaten no red meat and have drunk
only white wine and soda. When I feel
weak a glass ar champagne picks me up.
I never touch spirits or liquors. My
aiei consists oi ngm 100a ana wnue mesi, j
chiefly sweetbreads, sheeps brains, fowl I
and vegetables. I always sleep with the j
window open wide In summer and partly
open In the winter so aa not to get the
cold air straight In my face. I never get !
to bed early harly ever 12:30 or I o'clock,
A severe hygiene and an elaborate toilet
before bed are absolutely necessary to any
woman who does not want to get fat.
That Is my only secret of good health." i
Andrew Carnegie Declares the Task
of Right Disbursement la
Moat Difficult.
GLASGOW June r Brini vr- .
drew Carnegte In returning thanks for the
freedom of Abergavenny which was con- J
ferred on him not long ago, confessed that
it was difficult to distribute money so that 1
It would not do more harm than good. I
The true use of money h - help those
who neip inemieives. ne
see men and women like LucVn
their heads above water, rejei
ining use cnariiy ana aeter- I
In themselves, but some -f Ardlnance
from accident or othe-n -r ine city
coun -
Mrin lit ttr.Mli I. f-
stances, and asslatr
serves t e UUe f '
reason of
DP. m
Cows Will Be Sold Subject to Post
Mortera Examination.
Matter Arranged at Conference Held
in Chicago Tuesday.
lJNSr.LU.tt3 U
Stock "Marked Diseased to Be Taken
Subject to Examination.
Members of the Live Stock El
change Say They Will Not
Make Any Conces
sions. ST. JOSEPH, June 22. Arrangements are
being made at the South St. Joseph stock
yards to place Inspectors at cattle scales
Monday morning, who will be retained at
the expense of the Live Stock exchange
and the packers. This Is the result of a
conference In Chicago Thursday between
representatives of the St. Joseph exchange
and the packers who have plants here. It
was agreed that the commission men no
longer shall refuse to market cows, the
sale of which was discontinued at all mar
kets, following the orders of the packers
requiring the seller to stand the loss In
postmortem examination.
The commission men are to sell subject
to postmortem dairy cows, canners and
milch cows. The Inspectors are to examine
and designate diseased cattle and such
cattle are to be taken subject to post
mortem examination. The Kansas City
live stock commission men sent a delega
tion to St. Joseph to protest against the
ratification of this agreement, but it was
Not Mettled In Omaha.
"We wish you would make It plain that
this controversy Is not settled so far as
South Omaha Is concerned," said an official
of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange,
speaking authoritatively for that organiza
tion. "We also wish yon would make It
plain that cattlemen should keep back their
stock at this time; don't flood the market.
The reasons are obvious. They should heed
this warning: Don't flood the market now
with oattle.
"As to the ruling to which St. Joe has
a reed, we say simply this: We cannot
sell anything subject to post mortem ex
amination. That Is our position now. It
wns our position at the outset. It will con
tinue ttt be our position. We shall not re
cede fiipm t. The settlement at St. Joe
has and can have no effect upon us In any
way whatever. That cannot be made too
Thousands of Head Are Dying and
cxirrsiisaiios or Knurs Herd
1st Threatened.
CHEYENNE XVyo., June 22. (Special.)
Unless some remedy for the effects of a
new kind of parwslte fly Is discovered, the
sheep Industry li central Wyoming and
possibly of the entXre west, may be exter
minated, v
Stute Veterinarian (W. F. Pftaeglng and
Dr. Lowell Clark, agents in charge of this
district for the bureau' of animal Industry,
have Just completed a preliminary Invest!
gatlon of the ravages ai.vd character of this
fly, and their report Is alarming. Several
thousand head of sheep In Natrona county
died from no known cans, and It was In
investigating their death -that the new
menace to the sheep Industry was discov
ered. It has now been studied sufficiently
to permit a statement of Its lllte and effects.
This fly deposits, during the- months of
July, August and September, fcggs In the
nasal passages and cavities of sNeep. These
eggs develop Into larvae, which, at the end
of ten months, drop from the noetrtls and
become files, thus completing the circle of
development. The presence of tha larvae
tn the nasal cavities causes Inflammation,
which In turn produces an acute mirvous
disorder and death.
Some method of exterminating the larvae
before Inflammation seta In Is now sought,
and the veterinarians who have studied the
problem hope to attain success before ttie
SDread of the files invn th- .nti.. .v -
j raising district of the west. Stomachs and
other parts of sheep killed by the files are
now being analyzed by the Wyoming state
chem-st. In order that dat, covering " the
rrrti of the larvae on the entire system
may be available.
Copper Mountain District Has
Future, Says Mayor Kinney.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. June 22.-(Spec1al.)-Mayor
James F. Kinney of Thermopolls,
who Is In Cheyenne, says the Burlington's
extension south from Worland Is expected
to reach Thermopolls early In October and
thereafter will be pushed southward
through the Copper mountain mining dis
trict. The Copper mountain district, Mr.
Kinney predicts, will before long become
a rival of the Nevada gold fields. Prospec
tors are arriving there by scores and new
strikes are reported s'most dally. Already
there are half a dozen producing mines,
with several million dollars worth of ore In
sight. Tho advent of the Burlington will
glve the 0,trlct its first railway and will
re,uit in the ores of the district going
rthward to Monana smelters.
Mr. Kinney confirms the report that Sena-
tor Clark of Montana recently offered
$i,fj00,000 In cash for the Wllltams-Luman
mine and that the owners of the property,
a Buffalo, Wyo., syndicate, laughed a( the
offer. The Willlams-Luman vein is eighty
feet wide at the surface, slightly wider at
S0 feet and averages $0 per cent copper,
$4.(0 to the ton In gold and 14. 25 In silver.
Miners' Federation Provides Plan for
Buhmtsslon of Vote Before
Calling Out Men.
T.F WFR Inn The rnnVMitlnn ftf
the Western Federation of Miners today
practically agreed upon a constitutional
m.nrtmn nrvirti for a referendum vm.
by any local up" ore a strike Is called
and requiring
vote tn the alfirtn
Sf. I'nder the pres-
Ve ordere
of Its
U and
lve b
red by any
their ac-
board. An
Hbltlng unions
t from iuJ
ths i Flo.
Former President of Rlsr Fnnr Hays
They Can Vnrd Off Nerv
ousness Now.
CHICAGO. June 22-"W!ut do I think of
the rsllrond sltuntlon?" demanded M K.
InKBlls. former president of the BU Four,
repenting the question. Th rnllromls nre
looking up. The reason Is that the rail
road people have flnnlly gotten ro that
they can wske up In the morning and think
Of President Roosevelt without having
nervous dyspepsia or stape fright, and that
helps a good deal."
Mr. Ingalls Is spending a few rt'tys with
his son, Georgo Ingnlls, general freight
traffic mai.sger of the New York Central
lines west of Buffalo. Yesterday he visited
many railroad officials and discussed with
them the general situation. "It was this
way," continued Mr. Ingalls, "for some
time the railroad men were nfrnld tho
president was going to swallow the rail
roads or confiscate them. Now thry are
beginning to find that It Is not quite so
bad as this and a more healthy condition
Is the result."
"What do yon think of the president's
plan for the regulation of railroads as
outlined In his recent speech at Indian
apolis?" "How can we Judge It t He talked both
ways. Evidently, when he thought of
Harrlman he let a little vltrol flow out of
his pen. and when he forgot him his dispo
sition toward the railroads gref real
sweet. So you see you can take that
speech both ways If you are a rillroad
man, but one thing Is evident, and that Is
that the railroads have to obey the law.
And this will be good for them."
"Do you see any hard times headed this
way?" he was asked.
"Can't say that I do, but there will be a
general slackening up of business every
where. This will not hurt the railroads,
however, a they have got more than they
can take care of now."
Chief of Police Dlnan Itrfnsrs to Rec
ognise Acting Mayor Galla
gher's signature.
BAN FRANCISCO, June 82. From his
executive cell In the county Jail Mayor
Schmltz returned to the Board of Super
visors last evening the municipal budget
and a message vetoing the appropriation
of $720,000 for the reconstruction of the
Geary atreft road. Schmltz, beside oppos
ing the appropriation for the Geary street
railway, also objected to the levy of a
special tax of 20 cents to raise revenue for
the city government. Acting Mayor Gal
lagher said last night that Schmltz' right
to pass upon the budget was not questioned
by the board.
The first actual clash between Chief of
Police Dlnan and acting Mayor Gallagher
came yesterday, when Dlnan flat-footedly
refused to recognize Gallagher's signature
as that of the mayor of San Francisco.
The signature was on a flght permit Issued
to the Central Athletic club for a series of
six four-round boxing bouts to be held In
Dreamland rink last evening and before
Dlnan would allow the doors to open to the
crowd the promoters of the show had to
bring to him a permit signed by Eugene E.
The application of Schmlti for a writ of
i.ihii enraiis and ball was taken under
I aavsemcnt by the Judges of the appellate
court yesterday. Not until Monday will
the Judge decide whether or not It will
give hearing to the application.
Cables to Ban Hnlrndor Concerning
Imprisonment of Two Americana
In that Country.
WASHINGTON, June 22. The state de-
1 partment today cabled an Inquiry to Amerl-
can minister at San Salvador, Merry, re
specting the reasons for the Imprisonment
In that capital of George and Edward
Molssant, who are reported to be Ameri
can citizens. It Is said they were origin
ally from California, but have for many
years engaged In business tn San Salvador,
being connected with one of the principal
banks of that country and having other
large Interests In the country. The press
reports say that the Molssants have be-
l come active In the politics of San Salvador
and were connected with the recent revolu
tionary attack on Acajutla. On the other
hand, it is Intimated that their refusal to
submit to that Latin-American Institution
known as the "forced loan" Is the couse of
their persecution. If they are not native,
but naturalized citizens of America, they
may have lost that citizenship under the
provisions of an act of the last congress.
Portion of Southern Indian Territory
and Oklnhomn Visited by
Destrnetlve Wind.
( OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla.. June 22 A
tornado of small proportions passed over a
portion of Southern Indian Territory and
Oklahoma early today, doing more or less
damage to property. Three persons are re
porfVd Injured: J. L. Benson, near Junc
tion, Okla., serious and Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Catt, . ten miles west of Lawton. Near
Walteg several farm houses were demol
ished ewd one man, whose name has not
been learned. Is reported missing. At Dun
can a heavy rain accompanied the wind and
did much damage, washing out 00 feet of
Rock Island track.
Report from Princeton Shows Former
President on Way Toward
PRINCETON, N. J., June 22.-Former
President Cleveland, who Is 111, continues to
Relief Coirps Appointees.
IOWA .FALI.8. I v. June 22.-i8peclal.V-Mrs.
F.stella E. Plonper, the newly elected
department president1 of the Woman's Re
lief Corps of Iowa hits announced the ap
pointment of the following department of
ficers which Include some of the best
known workers of the order In this state.
The new appointments are aa follows:
Secretary, Mrs. Clara Carpenter, Iowa
Falls; Inspector, Rsy M. Hanchett. Wav
erly; counsellor, Addle E. t'nar.gut, Daven
port; Inspection and Insinuation officer.
Amanda Swick. Boone; patriotic Instructor,
Flora E. Pond. OBkaloosa; editor and press
correspondent, Sarah A. Vlndsor, Des
Moines; chief of staff, Belle (T. Snn. Fort
Dodge; third member of t"c advisory
board of the Memorial university, Fredrlca
Phllpot, Cedar Falls.
New Iowa Professor.
IOWA CITY, la., June IS (Mpecial.)
Dr. J. N. Peeroe, who has been an In
structor In chemistry In Northwestern
university for several years past, hm been
electtd to an anststunt professors! up In
the I'nlverslty of Iowa and will assume
his duties next fall. Dr. Pearce will have
rharge of the work In physical and eleutro
chemistry, which be la aeceolally wwll
Qualified to handle.
Little Change in Telegraphers' Striki
Situation in 'Frisco.
Companies Say They Have One-Third
Force at Work.
Neither Western Union Nor Post&
Will Treat with Organization
Statement from Ogden that Two Car
loads of Men from Kasteru
Cities Passed Through
OGDEN, June 22. Two carloads of .eleg
raphers from Baltimore and Philadelphia)
In - charge of six Pinkerton detectives,
passed through Ogden today on their way
to San Francisco. They are to take th
places of the striking operators of San
Francisco. Members of tho party said
the strike In San Francisco had been an
ticipated. SAN FRANCISCO. June 21 The situa
tion here tn connection with the strike ol
the telegraphers Is quiet. In all about 200
men are nut on a conservative estimate,
and the service Is now maintained In ths
offices of both companies by officials, In
cluding chief operators and wire chiefs,
together with one or two men and women
who havo remained loyal.
General Superintendent Frank Jaynes of
the Western Union Is accredited with the
statement that the company hoped to be
running fairly well In another week, when
outside operators were expected to arrive
to fill the plr.ces of the strikers. It was
learned last night that fifteen operators
for the Western Union were on their way
to San Francisco from the east and had
passed through Rawlins, Wyo. It Is be
lieved the company has had these men In
reserve In anticipation of tho strike, snd
that it has arranged for others to follow
them. Superintendent Jaynes has refused
to make any definite admissions about the
strike breaking operators tho company In
tends to Import.
As to whether the strike shall be ordered
to extend to other cities remains to be de
termined. The PoBtol and Western Union
officials Insist they will hold no conference
with the officials of the union. If they re
main obdurate the telegraphers In other
cities may be called out, thus tlelng up all
the commercial telegraph business of the
Advent of Cnhlnet Offleprs.
The three cabinet officers who are com
ing to Sun Francisco are not. It Is said,
expected to settle tho present strike, ac
cording to the conciliation committee. That
body announced yesterday that the pres
ence of the three secretaries would not bo
used as a means of bringing about Indus
trial peace, but simply for the purpose of
education and obtaining their views on the
general relations between capital and
labor. It Is hoped that the local strikes
will be settled before the peace conference
takes place.
The places of the striking car men are
fast being filled and according to the
United Railroad officials there are not
enough Jobs left now to go around among
them, even If they were willing to return
to work. The company now has 1,000 men
In its employ and this number is being
augmented at the rate of thirty or forty
a day.
Companies Make Headway.
Superintendent A. H. May of the Western
Union company said this morning that
the situation had Improved somewhat and
In fact was better than had been expected.
Between fifty and sixty operators were at
work nearly one-third of the usual foroe
and considerable business was being han
dled. Applications for employment were
coming In and a speedy Increase In the
number of men at work was expected.
All former employes requesting reinstate
ment will be dealt with aa Individuals, the
company absolutely refusing to recognise
the union tn any manner. Referring to
statements made yesterday by President
Small Of the Telegraphers' union, Mr. May
Tha assertion that we have refused to
treat with our own employes Is absolutely
untrue. We have always and always will
give their claims full consideration. Neither
has the company rejieutejly refused re
quests for increased wages, ss Mr. Small
states. No request for an increase has
reached me. I may add that In many cases
we hsvs raised salaries, in some Instances
above the rate demanded by the union.
General Superintendent W. L. Storer of
the Postal Telegraph company said:
We are tiding over the trouble very well,
considering the circumstances. Nearly oner
third of our former office force Is on duty
and business Is being handled, of course,
subject to delay. As yet few applications
for positions have renched me, but thess
may be expected by Monday. The outlook
Is encouraging.
All the private wires to brokers' offices
were out of commission and the wires to
the Merchants' exchange, the Mining ex
change and the San Francisco Stock and
Bond exchange were not working. Tho
strike had no effect on prices of any of
the exchanges.
Strikers Plan Campaign.
OAKLAND, Col., June 22. -The strik
ing commercial telegraph operators of
San FrancUco and Oakland met today at
the union headquarters In Oakland to plsn
a campaign. The proceedings were the
appointment of executive committees and
the assignment of pickets to the various
telegraph offices affecffd by the strike.
The officers of the' union received many
telegrams from various sister unions tn
other parts of the country Indorsing the
stand taken by the local union and
promising aid in any form needed.
It Is reported among the union moo.
that a sympathetlo strike has been de
clared by the operators in southern
Nevada, but this has not been vsrlfiel.
The local operators are unanimous in their
assertions that the outcome cf the strike
will be favorable to thsrn. Ths enter
tainment committee Is arranging for nu
merous social affairs to be held la th
near future and plans have already been
completed for disbursing strike beritflls In
the members.
The following committees were up
pointed at the meeting this morning:
Financial committee, A. W. Copp, chair
man; press committee. National President
Samuel J. Hmail. chairman; li ket com
mittee, D. Allen, chairman; untf rtulnm nt
committee. 1.1 1 u. Dot Yoeli, ch-tlrinun;
lookout and reception committee, W. W.
McCandllsh, chairman.
Keneukautp Without News.
NEW. Q1U, June Z Input Pxeelde-t