Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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0ur Grca Semi-Annual Pre-Iriventory Sale Begins Saturday'
VTEVER in our Business History have we been in a po-
1 sition to offer vou in our sDrinu clearance such de-
lightful bargains as during the next 10 days. Peculiar
weather conditions have been responsible for the over
stocking by many prominent manufacturers. Cash did
the work and wo own tbe merchandise cheaper than ever before.
Men's TJndcrwar
In fins balbrlg
gan and gauze
worth to 75c gar
ment, at
25c 39c
Men'a hlrta, all
clean new goods,
worth to 75c
nap Saturday -
Men' and Ladies
Bom, blacks, tana
and fancies ,
worth to 36c pr..
M n'a Rockf ord
Bote, heavy qual
ity, worth 10c pr.
Saturday a t,
Pre-lnvenlory Clearance Wen's Furnishings
"t Phenomenal
THE next 10 days offerings at Hayden's will certainly
be a surprise to Omaha people for notwithstanding a
tremendous increase in sales bargains have been so
plentiful and purchases so extensive that our stock is en
tirely too large for inventory. AU we ask is investigation of these remark
able bargain Iterings. All goods are marked for this sale without re
gard to real worth.
Bargain for Saturday that Will tnsnre banner bu-i
ne. The most critical will appreciate the superiority of
these special offerings. They're simply, unmatchable.
Men's tl.SO Bhlrts at 8o All newest patterns and atylea for
Spring and summer, all clean, new merchandise, perfect la
very particular,
ample hlrts In almost unlimited variety, fine madraa, per
cales, cham bray , allk or 'mohair bosoma, etc, with aoft col
lara or collar band valuea to 11.60, pre-lnventory clearance
price ?
Xew Valbrtggaa Underwear, worth to 75c garment, all aamples
In all sixes and oolora, aale price .....30
Kra'i Combination Bulla, regular $1.60 values, clearing aale
price Saturday O80
Men'a Fancy Snapenaers, fine Hale web, calfskin atrapa, reg
ular 60c value, at Bo
50o Bilk Toox-ln-hand Tloe, new ahadee, about S00 doaen to
elect f mm, great anap at, aala price Boo
Men'a Bummer Underwear, worth to 60c, all alzea, plain and
fancv colore, apeclal sale price 880
Men'a Boss, worth to 2 So, In blacks, tana
prioe ju. . -
Hen's roll Feskloned Xoaa, Taney
larly to 60c,, at
and fancies, eale
, ll)ko
embroidered, worth regu-
Turtle' diait
Vests, values to
1 5c, many alllc
taped prlcee
5c, 10c
Lad tea
Covera and Draw
era, prettily trlm-
med, worth to
760, at
Silk Bargains
Monday, June 24
An $18,000.00 purchase of fine
Dress Silks secured from Qiver
naud Bros., 71 Qreen' street,
New York, at a great bargain,
will be placed on sale Monday
at wonderful saving prices.
See 16th Window
Watch Sunday Ad for Prices
Pre-lnventory Clearance Ladies' Furnishings
Quantity, variety and prioe combine in tola aala to make It beyona eomparteon tne greev
st bargain event of the soaaon. Toa'U find Jua what yon want at mack lies taaa yon expect
te may. Be these Batmraay specials i
aWWil BUB U1VTVB, w IV II uvul'iv
In laoe arm
double fin- I
2 valu9.
tone; Bilk Olovee
erret'.te. all hi
ger tlpa, regular
finger tip, black, white or
gray a, valuea to 13. at $1.80
Townee Broa.' Tamoua BUk
I Olovee, every pair guaran
teed, come In all new shades,
at 12. CO and Sfl.SB
Skort Bilk Olovee, In all colore
at. pair euo
Irfnf lisle Olovee, In black
and gray, at So
91.60 ilsle Olovee, In black,
white or grays, tale price Sao
Bhort title Olevee, In all col
ore at lie, 26c and 600
fcadlea' Kid Olovee, II and It
button lengths, black, white
and all colors, on note at
tl .60. t3.9S, lid and B1.S0
Waves' and Children's Para-
. sols, trimmed with lace, cm
broldertea and ruffla. worth
to 11.00. at lie and 4o
X.e4tsa' Vnderwear Specials
MoaUn Bklrva, worth to $7 SI.
all aamplea. elaborately trim
med. In S lots Saturday at
tl M. $11 end B3.S0
Tina Mnalln Skirts, worth to
5, unmatchable berani. At
l8c and l.BO
Oowna, worth to $2, great as
sortment of pretty style,
sale prices, 8o, 75o and 800
Corset Covera and Drawera,
worth double tho prlcos, Kst
urday et 25c, t9n and . .BOo
Z-adlea' Vnlon Suite, In lisle or
fine cottnn. at 25c and . .BOo
Xrikdlee' Veata, low neck, short
sleeves, splendid bargains et
10c. IIHc lc and a Bo
Ladles' Hosiery Specials
' Mc allorer lare or embroid
ered Hose, in al colors,
clears nre sale price . . . .(tfe
8Bn end Boo All over Xaoa or
Vmbroldered JTosa, ell ord
ers. sle price 26o and . .BBa
ZrftdlAe' lo Hose, In hlsck or
white, laca or embroidered,
sale price I9tt,e
Cb'ldren's heavy ribbed Hp.
tKn values, at IBs
Children's Ail ever Z,aoe Wnse,
ltr values. In black or white
ell sites, at pair .1110
8,"lc Fancy Rnch
liiK, Saturday,
box . , . .
1 Fancy Leather
llclta, only
ft lUbbona, plain
and fancy, yard,
at . . .
15c Fancy Hand
kerchiefs, apeclal,
at 50
2 0c Handkcr
chiefs, pur linen
Munltn Sklrta and
Gowns, made ex
tra full, nicely
trimmed, worth
to f 1.60, at
Special Shoe Sale Saturday
1,200 pain
M e n'a fine
Shoes and Ox
fords from a
wall known
Boston factory
and some west
ern goods at
less than regu-
an tar pn
JijC j These shoes
ana uxioraa
Include all
leathers and
made ' up to
suit the moat
(-! nir i
75C I Ta,ued upV ,4, Saturday, $2.50 and $1.08
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' satin calf laco
to 11.76, at ...A $1.18
Tennis Blncher, Just the thing for the boys to play In,
t V Y 1V
V "X. a. v
shoes, worth up
Tonths' Brown
1.600 pairs Ladles' and Mlseos' White Canvas Gibson Ties, worth up to
$1.48, at 08
Misses' and Child's Patent Leather Blucher Oxfords, worth up to $125.
at 86c and ; 75
Children's Strap Sandals, In patent and kid, worth up to $1.00, at 7Co
and ' 49
Bhlnola Outfit, complete, 16c single boxes , .50
n, r i . . - tti.i mw rrt A nHH.- hmw,V e4 KA C -S MIO
' ( women vswuisw iu uimuu hot uu r umimi vi." .uv ')i,uo
Women's Vlcl Kid Oxfords and Tan Sailor Tlea and Oxfords, regular
, $1.60 values, on sale Saturday .......................... 98
Agents tor the STETSON and CROBSETT shoes for Men and the
G ROVER and QUEEN QUALITY shoes for Women.
It your feet are tender, by all means wear a Grover shoe or oxford
and your feet with have ABSOLUTE COMFORT. .
Pre-lnventory Clearance of Ready-to-Wear Garments
Assortment beyond question the greatest ever offered. Peculiar weather conditions during the
sprinar season have offered us unprecedented opportunities in bargain getting, and garments are
r .s i .x.a i.rT 1 Fine union linen Skirts,
regard to actual value, thous
ands of them below regular
cost of materials. If you
have summer garments to
buy now is the time cf times.
2,000 Wash Suits In linens,
lawns) Swisses, lingeries,
mulls , madras, organdies,
batistes, etc., every imagin
able style; trimmed with
laces, embroidery insertion
and tucks, made to eell up
to $7.50; all in one great lot
Saturday at, choice $2.98
Stylish Waists Less Than Half
$4 Jap and Net Waists, on sal
at $1.50
$6 Waists In fine lingerie and
lawns, handsomely embroidered,
In Saturday's sale $2.98
Walking: and Dress Skirt An
immense purchase of over 1,700
Sklrta just received from our
New York buyer. Must be dis
posed of before Inventory. In
order to do so will offer then In
four great lots Saturday Your
money back if you are not per
fectly satisfied with your put"
l' '
Corsets Corsets
Groceries, Vegetables, Butter, Cheese,
Meats and Crackers.
Bayden'a prices discount all
competition for blaheat quality,
f ranheat aooda, largest stock and
lowest prtoes.
21 lbs. best pure Granulated
Rn-a $1.00
It bara beat family, Laundry Soap
fer &o
The best white or yellow
meal, per sck
Efff-O-See Toasted Corn
per p
The best Soda Cracker, lb
The beat crisp Olarer Snapa. lb. 60
Jello, per pk tte
$-lb. can Baked Beana, 8auer
Kraut, Applee. Golden Pumrkln
r Homley, por can 'eo
Larae bottle fanoy plckloe, as
sorted kinds Vc
Lara bottles flna Tomate Catsup
reanut Butter, per Jar to
Worcester Sauce, bottle (Ho
Fancy, plain or stuffed Olives, per
bottle .te
Fancy Rio Coffee, per lb. . ..HHo
Fancy Santos Coffee, par lb. ..Ho
Fancy Marlcalbo Blend Coffee, per
lb 17Hc
Porto Rice Blend Coffee, lb. . .luc
The best Tea Blfttngs, lb II Vie
Fancy Bieakfast Fired or Sun
Dried Japan Tea, per lb S5c
Fancy Oolonp. Gunpowder, Eng
lish Breakfast or Ceylon Tea.
per lb (So
Buffer and Ciee$e. Safe Prices.
Choice Country Butter, per lb. He
Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb... lie
Choice Creamery Butter, lb. . .iSo
Fancy Creamery Butter, lb...tto
Fancy full cream Cheese, la... 16a
Fancy New Tork white Cheese,
per lb 18o
Fancy full cream Brick Cheese,
per lb 18c
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits.
Omaha's Greatest Uarket,
1 bunohes fresh Asparagus . .
fresh yplnach, per peek....
bunches fresh Radishes....
bunches fresh Radishes ..
6 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce .
Fancy Marrowfat or Early
Peas, per quart
Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb
6 bunahes fresh Turnips ...
t bunches fresh Parsley . . . .
Large Cucumbers, each
2 heads Cauliflower
6 buncbos fresh Unions
Quart boies Blackberries . ,
Quart boxes Gooseberries , ,
. . .40
. . .60
. . .6c
. . .60
. .10o
Lemons. lemons. Lemons.
Largo Juicy Lemons, per dos.. .lla
Sale of Rubber Goods
No one should be without a serviceable
water bottle or fountain syringe at Satur
day's special sale prices. Quick reduction of
6tock the motive. Special bargains the result.
J-qt. Syringe, Saturday 490
S-qt. Water Bottle and
Syringe 880
4-qt. Combination Water
Bottle and Syringe at l.OS
1-ot. Seamless Water Hot
tie 8o
l-qt. 6eamless Water Bot
tle 91.10
t-qt. Combination Water
bottle and Syringe. .$1.07
4-qt. cloth lined Water Bot
tle $1.39
8-qt. Hot Water Bottlea 69o
l-qt. Hot Water Bottlea 83 o
8-pt. Hot Water Bottlea 89o
Xabber Olovee, special bar
gain at, pair, hie, 09c, 8o
Z.arge can Gold Valnt, good
quality, apeclal 13o
Caatlle Soap, per bar....4o
Pears' Unscented Uoap.loa
rnir 12. E0 values,, au Siaes,
tor ladles and mtBses, choice,
at 05a?
jX)T a White duck and linen
Skirts, also panamas, worth to
$5, clearing sale prices $1.95
IXT 8 Fine Skirts in chiffon,
panamas, mohairs, voiles, sicll
lians and fancy mlaed fabrics,
regular $7.60 values, to close,
quickly at, choice $3.05
IOT 4 Handsqme 8Mrts In
French voile, silk, elegant Pan
amas, etc.. regular value to
$12.60. Inventory clearance price
for $5.00
Children's Dresses In al
most unlimited assortment
of style and material sus
pender, jumper, Buster
Brown,, French dress and
many other Btyles, all col
ors and patterns, worth to
$2.50; to close quickly, in
one great lot at, choice, per
garment 5UC
From 7:80 T1U 8 P. M. Lawn
Kimonos at 15c
From 8:80 TiU 9 A. M. $2.00
Wash Skirts at 89
From 8:45 Till 0:45 A. M. $2.00
Heatherbloom Underskirts, 79
From 9 TIU 9:80 A. M. $160
Wrappers for 70t
Don't Miss This Sale Saturday
We carry all kinds of Washing Machines.
Juet unloaded two caia of the O. K.
brand, Saturday, worth $.I5 g-a.79
New American Rotary Wheel, worth 'JJjj
26c slno Washboards. 26c Parlor Brooms,
26o Mope, 25c Clotheslines, all go on
aale Saturday for o
Nossles and Couplings free Saturday with
.Rubber Hose at, per foot, 7 Vic, l'c,
Vko and ;",a
Large, medium and small galvanised Tuoa
regular price 75o, 86c and 5o Satur
day. 49c. 69c and 9o
40c Granite Dlshpana, only 8S0
16,000 rolls fine Toilet Paper, pure tissue,
1,000 sheets weigh one pound, worth
12HC Saturday, 1 for BBo
6c rolls Toilet Paper, only 1V0
81 Ironing Boards, with atand, Saturday,
for o
Large, medium and small best quality
willow clothes baskets, worth 80c, JIo
and 21, Saturday, 69c, 79a and fifro
Customers living out of the city can
take advantage of this ssle bv writing ti
us on Saturday or Sunday. Wa guarantee
every article aa represented.
tAn assortment of br makes
and newest models second to
none In the country. Styles per
fectly adapted to all figures are
shown. Your every want can
be readily supplied and at low
est prices.
Too Taps Olrdlea, In fancy blue
or pink atrlpea, hoaa auppoTter
attached, sale price 39o
$100 Ooraeta, In fine batiste,
long hip models, heavy lisle
hose supporters attached, snap
at 69a
ea "The too" Self-Reducing
Corset, Ideal for stout figures,
has, relief strap and hose sup
porters, beat on the market
at $3.00
BOc Handker
chiefs, fancy embroidered,
91 Fancy Elastic
Hclts, special
at i 49
BOc Fancy White)
Delta, special
at 49ft
25c Fancy White
Belts, special
at 15s
85c Hurtling, oa
aale at, yd.,
Book Bargains
26o Novels . .
60c Novels . .5
$1.00 Copyright
Books at . .394
Bicycle Cards, at,
deck 134
Paris Green ! 32c lb
Semi-Annual Clearance
Hundreds of Stylish Trimmid Hats, pretty designs from
our work rooms, several special purchases from lead
tng Millinery houses. All must be closed before In
ventory July ist.
We will offer Saturday
values up to $5, in one
great lot, at choice
Almost Unlimited Variety for Selec
tion. The Greatest Millinery
Bargains Ever Shown
Duck Hats in all the new I Many Children's Trimmed
shapes, at 50c to $2 Hats shown at $t
Sale of Decorated China
Fland decorated China Chop Trays, an Immense sample Una of finest
ware srenred at a special bargain, every piece beautifully hand decor
ated and worth from H2.60 up to 85, sale prices f 1.98, 81.75, 81.25
and e.: 98ft
100-plece Austrian China Dinner Seta,
prettily decorated, splendid bar
gain at if.SS
Decorated Plates, Cupa and Saucers,
on sale, each Bo
lQO-pleoe Seml-Poreelaln Dinner Beta
with best French gold transfer dec
oration; aale prioe SS.U
Handled Custards and clherbeisi
sperlal 8 for 10o
Xoa Tea Fltckers 100
Will of Mn. Mary Creighton May
Settle Controveriy. (
Legateee of the Coaat Believe Tkey
nave Discovered How Ho
WssM Interpret Mooted
In the administration of the estate of
airs. Mary Lucretla Cretghton, widow of
Edward Crelghton, legatees under the John
A. Crelghton will believe they have found
an Indication aa to how Count Crelghton
Interpreted the disputed thirteenth clause
C his will. ,
This clause relates to tho distribution of
the estate In excess of the specific bequests
and aa the excess will amount to about
Ive times as much as the sum of the apect-
flc bequests the Interpretation of the clause
Is of vital Importance. It Is this clause
upon which the threatened fight in the
courts between the heirs at law and the
beneficiaries Is based.
The Important bearing of the Mary
Crelghton will upon the Interpretation of
the -Count Creltrhton will Is due to the
fact this "residuary clause" is practically
the same In both wills. This added to the
fact that both wills were drawn by the
late James M. Woolworth and that John A.
Crelghton waa one of the three executors
of the Mary Crelghton will Is taken as'
evidence that Count Crelghton would In
terpret both clauses the same way. The
administration of the Mary Crelghton
estate appeara to favor the interpretation
given clause 18 by the benedclurlea as
against the Interpretation of the heirs at
Wording; of Mooted Clause.
Clause 13 In Count Crelghton's will is aa
I hereby give, devise and bequeath all the
rest, residue and remainder of the estate,
real and personnel, of which may die
alt-zed and possessed to the legatees snd
btne fit-lakes' hereinbefore mentioned, each
of them to tkke and have the proportion of
Special for Satur
day Evening
Saturday Evening From 6 Till 9 We
will offer for Pale DINING CHAIRS
like cut made of rock elm, finished in
Golden Oak, with brace arm saddle
wood seat, double stretch
ers all around, each
Miller, Slcwartfi Beaton
41M5-17 Soulo 16th Street
auch remainder aa the bequest herein made
to him or her bears to the whole of my
The corresponding clause In the Mary
Lucretla Crelghton will Is as follows:
And, las'ly, as to the rest, residue and
remainder of my estate, of what kind and
nature soever, I give and bequeath the
rawie unto the several leuatees hereinbe
fore mentioned, to be divided among them,
each taking such share or proportion there
of as his or her legacy hears to my whole
The similarity In the wording of the two
clauses is taken as an indication that
Count Crelghton Intended to divide the
residue of his estate In the same manner
as the estate of Mary Lucretla Crelghton
waa divided.
Two Opposlna Coateatloas
The beneficiaries under the will take the
position it was Count Crelghton's Inten
tion to divide all of his property among
the legatees named In the will, leaving no
undivided excess to go to the heirs at law.
The heirs at law, on-the other hand, con
tend that the beneficiaries are to receive
from the excess of the estate over and
above the speclfle bequ its, only such pro
portion as their specific bequest bears to
the whole estate. If this Is true the en
tire excess of the estate will not be d s
tributed, but a very large part of it will
remain to descend to the heirs at law.
In the administration of the Mary Lj
cretla Crelghton estate by John A. Crelgh
ton, Herman Kountaa and James Crelsh
ton, the entire es.ate was divided amrn;
the beneficiaries In amounts proportionate
to the amounts of their tpeclfc le.uert:.
It la considered certain that Coun
Crelghton's Interpretation of the will cf
Mrs. Crelghton will be pleaded by ttv.
beneficiaries when the fl?ht In eourt comes
up over the construction to bj given to
his own bequests.
Flllolao Voter HegUterlea.
MANILA, June Zl. The registration of
Filipino voters began today. While com
plete returns are not available, reports In
dicate that the total registration will be
heavy. No reports of disorder have been
received. The American residents are gen
erally registering also.
Carl Hess Is the only American candidate
for the assembly. Ha haa been nominated
from Manila. The reglatralloa will son
tinuo four days
County Board of Equalization Takes
Adjournment Until July 1.
Board Increases ex-Senator's Assess
ment to Include Money Ho Had
on Deposit In Bank
. Asrlt 1.
The County Board of Equalization fin
ished the work of equalising taxes at 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon and adjourned
until July 1. Adjournments will be taken
from time to time until the State Board
acts in August, after which the levy will
be made.
As a result of the protest of D. C. Pat
terson against the assessment of ex-Senator
J. 11. Millard, the board raised Mr.
Millard's assessment f&OCO, to include
money which he said he had In the bank
April 1. Senator Millard did not oppose
this raise. The demand that Senator Mil
lard be taxed on stock In the Omaha &
Council I: luffs Railway and Bridge com
pany was denied on the grounds that the
corporation had already been taxed on its
Nebraska property. Mr. Patterson may
appeal to the district court.
The assessmert of the Bennett depart
ment store was Increased from $122,X)0 to
$175.0(10, on account of the establishment of
a drygoods and clothing department since
last year.
The board reduced the assesment of 135,
000 on the Independent Elevator company
from $.QD0 to flO.ulu, on a ahowlng that
the grain in the elevator was In atorage
and did not belong to the company.
Legal QaesOon Raised.
Except to raUe the legal question
whether or not the stock of the Omaha
& Council Bluffs Railroad and Bridge
company ran be assessed In the hands of
Omaha stockholders, the hearing of the
protest of D. C. Patterson against the
assessment of ex-Senator J. H. Millard did
not bring out anything startling. Senator
Millard said he held too shares of stock In
this corporation, but he did not believe It
waa assessable U hint because ths Omaha
A Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany which leased all the property belong
ings to the corporation paid all the taxes.
Mr. Patterson Insisted that In addition
to the taxea on the property the stock
holders should be assessed on their stock
held In this state as most of the property
Is on the Iowa side. Senator Millard esti
mated the stock to be worth 00 on the dol
lar. It earns 4 per cent dividends. County
Assessor Keed said the street railway
company Is now taxed on a Io0,000 valua
tion for the west side of the bridge.
In reply to a question Senator Millard
said he had about ttf.OOO in the Omaha Na
tional bank, buWhls was more than cov
ered by a demand note due the bank from
Feellnsr Between Men.
The Inquiry also developed there Is some
feeling between Senator Millard and Mr.
Patterson, growing out of a dispute over
a business matter In which both are In
terested. Senator Millard refused tip an
swer a question put to him directly by
Mr. Patterson.
"This man wants to annoy me," he aald
to the members of the board. "He has a
grudge against me and la not actuated by
public spirit In making this protest. Un
less required to do so I will refuse to an
swer his questions, but I will give the
board any Information It wants and will
answer (any questions put to me by the
The questions were put by the members
of the board, and at the close of the in
quiry the board took the matter under
The protest of Clay, Robinson Co. of
South Omaha against flxli.g their assess
ment at te.uOO was formally dismissed by
the board Friday. The action was taken
once before, but In order to give the com
pany a chance to appeal to the courts a
new hearli.g waa held and a record made
from which appeal to the higher courts
can be taken.
Time for Moving; lias Come and Ur,
Connell Gets Out Ills
The health commlsaloner la making prep
aratlons for his annual campaign against
weeds, which will be formally opened
July L
As the department la aomewhat cramped
for money this year the work cannot be
done as the commissioner desires and for
that reason a greater effort will be made
to cause property owners to cut weeds
where they are undesirable.' It Is the
hope of the commissioner next year to
be In position to do the work, with less
trouble to himself, but at probably more
expense to property owners who disre
gard notices to cut weeds. He deslrea au
thority to cut the weeds when one notice la
disregarded and have the coat of tha work
assessed as a special tax against tha prop
erty on which the weeds atand.
This year he cannot do thla, aa ha doea
not have the money necessary to employ
the force, ao hla only recourse la to serve
notices and then cause the arrest of per
sons who fall to obey ordera.
The weed cutting campaign will be ron
tlnued until property owners 'or frost lay
level all of the weeds In tha streets,
alleys and vacant lots In tha city.
Tho Cost of l.lvtnat.
"And who are those suave gentlemen
yonder, button-hollhg members? .
"They? They are the burglars' lobby."
"What have burglars to ask of a legisla
ture ?"
"They are trying to get the limit of petty
larceny raised from t'- to t&OO, In view of
the greatly increased cost of living."1 Nsw
York World.
Commences Monday Moraine
Valuea unknown to all.
Bas Want Ada fur Business Boosters.
e nn
Through the blood, diseases are carried from one generation to another
Parents transmit them to their chilren, and bo it goes on down the family lino
lor years and years unless the taint is removed from the blood. Especially is
this true of Scrofula, for it is a disease that is "bred in the bone," and unleaa
the blood is purified and every trace of the trouble removed the miserable dis
ease will finally undermine the entire health and wreck the life of its victim
The usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands or tumors about the neck"
which often burst and become discharging ulcers, weak eyes, Catarrh of tha
uead and throat, skm diseases, etc The trouble being so firmly intrenched Irs
the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling, or hip disease
while a waxy, pallid appearance of the slin, loss of strength and energy and
often lung affections, show that the disease is entirely destroying the brieht red
corpuscles and rich, nutritive qualities of the blood. Scrofula being g consti
tutional disease one affecting the entire circulation, must be treated with a
remedy that builds up and strengthen every part of the gystem, which has ao
;2ng,t, C? elthe?trenSthand nourishment it should have received from
he blood. 6 S. S. is the best of all blood purifiers and the greatest of all
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destroys all germs, taints and poisons, gives strength, richness and vigor to the
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out in life with a clean, pure blood supply, which is their rightful inheritance.
S. 3. b. while thorough, is gentle in its action, and the healing vegetable inuredi
f nts which compose it build up every part of the s vstem. Dook on the blood
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