THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1007. A i f) IV" IVn TlDAHfrr II DITT Snap and Undertone of Strength Are Hot There." COEN, OATS AST) WHEAT BETTER "-"Ma All Urala fthow lmproit. neat ai Mare Aeaarlngr Hop f llarveallnaj Lars Crops. OMA.HA. June 20, )M. Thi market does not ihnw the snort urn) undertone of strength it did at the opening rcaterday. Winter wheat reports continue to show Improvement and corn and oat "Jt. h mora assuring. Wheat opened higher on higher cable, put with heavy selling on the advance and light buying power did not hold Its strength. Jul v wheat opened at 86c bid and cloaed R&V bid. ' Com opened strong and en aome bull report reports and higher cahlea advanced, ahowing good strength. Little trading waa done and the demand was also light. July corn opened at 47T4o bid and cloned 4Rc bm, . Oata wore strong and held well, owing to heavy damage and reporta from Indiana and Illinois, where aamplea ahowed were yellow and aome damage dona to atalka. July oata opened at 4ic bid and cload at V- bld Primary wheat' receipts were 409.010 bush els and shipments 84.i) bushels, against receipts last year of 211,000 bushels and ship ments of 206,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 850.000 bushels and uhlpmenta 734.IW bushels, against receipt! Ian year of 634,000 bushels and shipments of bushels. Clearances Were A.1,000 buahela of corn and bushels r,f osts. and wheat and flour equal to 226,000 bushela. Liverpool cloned d to Id higher on wheat and ")4f?Hd higher en corn. Seaboard reported 200,000 bushels of wheat and W.0O) bushel, of corn for export. Local range of optional Arttolee. Open. Hlgh. Low. CIose. Yes'y. Wheat Jury... Sept... Corn July... m a 47B 4-f.A 7A 41SA 87V4B, 37tB 4. B 47771 Sept... uata July.. Sept . '41ST1 8SB S6HB A asked. Omakt Can Prleaa. WHEAT No, 2 hard 6W43OTV: No. No. Sard. 81firSc; No. 4 hard, 72&eoe; iprlng. 82S7c. OORN No. I. 4Sc; trade, 4.Va4c; No. No. 4. VfN7V: no 3 yellow, 4Bo; No. I wiuie, v. . OATS No. 8 mixed, 4Hc No. 8 white, RTHVNo. S. Tto; No. 72tv Itorlot Haeeipta. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago w P xv,b 474R 40 Tt 41 VP 8w,Br . 16 469 88 .138 . U 66 14 Minneapolis Omaha ......... ., Duluth CHICAGO GRAIN AND PflOVllIONS Featarwa at the Trading aa Cloning Prloea on Board of Trace. CHICAGO, June 80. Heavy selling by longi and a weakening effect today on the local wheat market, prices declining more than lo from the. highest point of the day. At the close the September delivery was HV lower. Corn was off V- - Oata were a shade higher. Provisions ware down 2Vto 12H516c. The wheat market opened strong because of an advance of Id at Liverpool. Liberal sales by leading longs, however, soon started prices downward. Favorable weathe :n this countr for the growing crop was the chief reason for the selling. During the remainder of the day the mar ket fluctuated nervously, but bearish senti ment seemed to predominate and every ad vance brought out Increased selling. News from the southwest was of a bullish char acter, there - being many reports of small crops. From the northwest came fresh re ports of Injury in Dakota by green bugs ,'jsnd wire worms. The market cloned steady. Beptamber opened vaV to VrSo higher at 96V to 9rV. sold oft to 94V and closed at 4Hiv OIpmea r wheat and fl oar-, wfero Tdiia4o-eaefiwuhtW lrTmwry receipts were 4i,000 bushels, agnlnst -111.. 000 bushels on the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 269 cara against 816 last week and 19 cara a year ago. Firm cables and small local receipts strengthened the corn market early In the day but lMer jsrleee declined In sympathy with wheat Crop news from Illinois was favorable to the bulls, the majority of the reports declaring that the crone are very backward. The market closed steady. September opened Wie higher , at P4 to 64S.C sold off to MHc. and cloaed at 66HO. Ical receipts were 459 cars with 128 cars of contract grade. , There was an active general demand for pats all flay Yid the market withstood heavy selling by longs. Reports of damage by the green bug In Indiana, Illinois and I I were numerous and strengthened tho market. Prices declined in sympathy with wheat but rallied again and -dosed Arm HfP-mber opened a shad to 4541 higher to 874e. Final ouotatlons were at 88o Local receipts were a cara. Provisions were quiet and easy Tor the Tester part of the day. Pork advanced shorts, but soon eased ofT. At the close Bentember pork was down iwnte 15.76. Ird was down tc at txVi tiJ were So lower at t M - S,S0-.. Blb" lnSV.tLTZ2P'' ,or "'""rrow: Wheel W.TeaT"' ear,: aU' 98 The leading futures ranged aa fotlowai Artlclea. Open. Hlgh.f Low. aoee.Tsfy. Wheat July fiept. Ieo. July Bept. Ieo. Oats July Bept. Po. May Pork July Bept July. Sept (ct. tth July Sept. 64Sil 4H-Tli S8 18 TO 1 W 65 80 70 No. 1 LnKj-J stralchta. 83.2W4.15: bakl ts 1 so. No. 8, JSR c: N- T'llow. Rio. AKutr-Falr to choice malting. 70 BEFJTV-Flar, No. northweatern 81 so Un- Clover, ntt ( 7Vft.6?S. Mean pork, per bl.l ".SO. Lard, per vy lh V c . ides (boxdr IS-rVSTijuT - ort Clear following were the of flour and grain: "'l"'""Jl Receipts. Shlpmenfe. Flour. . bbht I Wheat, btt. s Corn. bu. .., ' Oata. bu. , v. bu. ... Barley, bu. ...,11.000 2"0 ... S.10 is am I 6.ra.600 g i 141.000 T.ooi) 136. 4.200 18.700 on .he r-roduce' exchanae today the h.n 14o. ineeae. ateady. lUieiHio. liver I O ' Grain Market. MVERPOOI Sr001: JU"? . -WHEAT- pot. i rA ,w'"'rB winter steady, 6a uij 1 CsHf..rna. firm, , ip .. ' f. "ft 1 So. 1 tteafly- July. 6a llfcd: COUN-4W. firm: lira dried. 6s Ili1- o 1 w t a-yaju, Pearla Ovala Market. wSVwTSra455S: 25i RTSJ-Nomlnal, No. 1 8oir WH18KT-On tha basis of $1 ai MlBBMSoHa Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS Minn , June FLOtR klrst atenta, $4..nS.0f.: second oatenta (4 t-.rU0: first dears, $3 06.,ia.tA; second Cleara U1fitX. u VnN In bulk 815.t1V7i. """'X ' , , ' : ntr. 04 ,c: K ,. 1 LaiJ. 8l.V No. I uwrthern. c; Nj. t I I SSI SH! 624k 11 lanlWtTiJ SHU fftsVokl otil I IS TO I IK SO I IK tn I .r l IDA IM tth 8 so nnu KHil IM 8801 188 f 7U tfnU IKS I 1 70 8 66 8 86 8 87H ! n"n'le,n' frTSc; No. t northern, 4-ac. IVF.W YORK (iEIEHA I, MARK 1ST Quotations of the Day on Vartoaa Commodltlea. NEW TOKK, Jane jn.FIOVIl-Re-ceiptn. S2.-, bbls.; exports, 61 bbls.; market steady but quiet; Minnesota patentn, t" "fi6 40; winter straights, $4 304.45; Minnesota bakers,- 88.884. 16; winter extras, 81 008 60; winter pntents. $4 JO'S 5 00; winter low grades, 82 0 J . . flour, quiet; fair lo good, 14.7!1j r uo: choice to fancy, IS. 1005.40. COKXMEAl, Bteadv: fine white and vel low, $1 3; coarse, 81.1751.19; kiln dried. RTB-niill; No. f. PufTalo. t western, nominal, c. WHEAT Receipts. 121 40f bu.: exports. 82.Z6 bu.; sales, 8,ft).0iO bu. futures. Bpof market eny; No. 2 red. 9HC elevator: No. 2 red, 9T"Sc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northorn, rmiiith, 81.ASV, f. o. b. afloat: No 2 hard winter, ll.fCH f. o. b. aflnat. Ifulls ad vanced wheat several times today, but were unable to hold any Improvement ow ing to persistent bear pressure and fine weather conditions In the belt. There was bug damare news from the northwest and reduced Kansas estimstes. but sentiment was largely bearish, and the market closed MCHc net lowr. July, IWcTfJl ni' closed 11 .OO'i; September. MScfltl 01, closed, 81."07.; December. 11.02 31034. closed. 8U'2V4. CORN Receipts. 3l,R60 bu.: exports, 84. K14 bu.j spot market steady: No. 2, 63c. elevator, and fiUn. f. o. b. afloat; NO. 2 white, 6.TV and No. 2 yellow. SH, f. o. b. afloat. Option market was without trans actions,- closing net unchanged. July cionea bivn September, tec; uecember, 6d&,c. OATS Receipts, flo.Ono hti.; spot market firm: mixed oats, 2ftTM2 lbs., '61c; natural white. Xi0R Ihs .. 61Hc&62c; dipped white, IfrfUft th tTK.rjLit- HAT-Ptendy: shipping, 75fec; good to Choice. II. 2651.30. ' noif Easy; state common to choice, ir. 14)1; 190R. 4Vi5o. pacific eoaet lo. 8rt?11c:.lB.c, . , HirES Rasy; Central AmeHea, 22V4c; Borota. 2 3 He I. RATHER Oulet: aold. 5S?97Ue. PROVISIONS Peef. steady; family, 114 00 r'M ou; mess, r W"."': beer hams, IM.nrrl a00; packet. 811.0Ogll.R0; city extra India int'-n, ;.t."fi-jj.iv. tu meats, nuiei; Mcklcd helllen, f 11.S5'5114.00; pickled hams, l2 0irr12 7S. Tjrd. easy. Western prime, frrim.TO; refined barely steady; con tinent, fiVfO: South America, 8W.36: com pound. (onTO.2s. Pork, steady: family, I18.G0W19.OO; short clear, 817-00618.00; mess, St l 7 SO'1.86. TALLOW-3ulet: city (82 por pkg.), Cc: country (pkga. free). 6Wii8Ho. - RICE Steady; domestic fair to extra, 814 7c; Japan, nominal. BITTER Hteady; street price, extra creamery, 2'AV8C4c; official, creamery com mon to extra. Jfcfi28e: renovated, common to extra, W20c; wreatern factory, com mon to firsts, 17ff19e; western Imitation creamery, firsts, Kf21c. CHEEPE Steady; new state full cream, colored and white; large and small, best, UHc; fair to good, llHtijUo; inferior, 7143 tks. BOOS Firm, ' state, Pennsylvania and nearby, brown and mixed extras, lfdifl MK i firsts to extra, first, l4fSn7'4o; western firsts, 16VVQ10c; official price 164c; seconds, 14S15e. POULTRY Live, weak; spring chickens, 18c; fowla, 19e; turkevs, lie. Dressed, Ir regular; western broilers, 2O02SC; turkeys, 10(8 Uc; fowls, 114Pl3o. WEATHER IN TII15 GRAIN BELT Fair Probably Friday la (ha Prophet's Fsrseut, OMAHA, Jtine , 1807. Temperaturea are higher In the upper lake region, upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and are slightly higher generally throughout the west. No Important change In temperature has occurred in the east or south since the preceding report Showera occurred within the last twenty four hours In the extreme upper valleys, take region and eastern states and rain Is falling in the middle Mississippi valley this morning. Increasing cloudiness Is shown In the Missouri valley and west, but gen erally fair weather prevails west of the Mississippi river Into the mountains. The weather will probably continue fair In thla vicinity tonight and Friday, with wanner tonight. . . : ; Omaha record of temperature and ttre- clpltatlon compared with the corresponding aay oi uie uisi mreo years: mr ions ivu Mlnlmutrt temperature.... 69 66 M 68 PreatDttadon . .00 . .00 . T no Ifwrwexi empeattVe for lod ayv 1 d-grVea.' uenciency in precipitation alnoa March 1, 6.98 Inchea. Deficiency correanondlna- neriod In isoa 1.87 Inches. Deficiency corresDondlnc nertod in loot 4.01 Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Torn and Win's! Region Bulletin. , ' For the twenty-four hour ending at 8 a. m , 76th meridian time, Thursday, June 20, 19071 . OMAHA DISTRICT. TemD. Raln- praiions. ; Max. Mm. fall. Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Ashland, Neb. 64 it 63 68 . 68 60 64 67 . 84 88 a 47 60 48 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .6o .00 .00 .00 .00 Auburn, Ner Columbus, Neb... Falrbury, Neb.... Fairmont, Neb... Or. Island, Neb.. Hartington, Neb. Hastings, Neb..., Oakdale, Neb Omaha, Neb tTekamah, Neb.. Alta. Ja. Carroll, la Clatinda, la Plbley. fa eioux City, la. S3 Minimum temnerature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. , fNot Included In averagea DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. ' Rain. Max. Min. Inchea. 80 60 .08 84 ' O .08 78 60 .00 8 , .41 .78 68 .04 85 64 .01 " 61 .01! S2 64 .00 82 . 64 .08 ' Central. Stations. Chicago, 111 26 Columbue. O. 18 lies Moines, la.... 14 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Kansas City, Mo.. 21 I-oulsvtlle. y t Minneapolis. Minn. 27 Omaha, Neb....... 15 Bt.. Louis, Mo...., 12 No Important change In temnaratur hm occurred in th corn and wheat region within tba last twenty-four houra. Tem peratures continue slightly below the nor mal In the southwest portion of the corn belt Showers occurred In "'all except the Omaha and Des Moines districts. I A. WELSH. Local Forecaater. St. I.oala General Market. ST. IXUIS, June 30. -WHEAT-Weak; track. No. 2 red. cash, 8123c: No I hard, WH'iU6cs July, tiic; September, 91T4e.- , t;ORFlrm.: ,rok- No' 1 c"'h- 63flfi3i-; July, 6rc; September, 62H62Hc; No. i White. 63'!6.'!HC. ' OATS Jlrny trark, No. 1 cash, 4NJM5i4c; July. 44c; September, 37Vc; No. 8 white. 4Sc K1X31 R-8teay; red winter patents, 14.40 4 70; extrn fancy and straight 83.7034.20; clear." S2.8f:l. BE ED Timothy, steadv. tri.orv34.00. CORNMEA I Steady, $170. BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, 85c9 81.06. HAT ftronger; ' timothy, 817.OTiSKn.00: prairie. $11 .CO.,714. 00. ' 8HON COTTON TIES-8109. PAOOINO imc HEMP TVVINf 10c. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady: lohblnr. $16.80. lrd. lower; prime steamed. 8S.22VL Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra short .37H; clear rlba $rv,; short cleara. 83. . Hacon. steady: boxed extea shorts. 8.0.26: clesr rt1n HlO: short clears, lianw POt'LTRT Firm: rblckena 10c: anrlnra lftfT'lfiUx-: turkeya 12c; ducks, 8c: geeso, lo. m n KKr steady; creamery, 20ifl1!Sc. I EQGS-Steady. at 12c. Keceipte. Shipments. , 9 X) 10.000 . Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels M.00O 22 000 1 Corn, bushels 123 orJ 9P.Oiirt Oats, busliels ........... Ki.KijO 60,000! Kansas City Orala sad ProTlaioss. KANSAS CITY June 80 -WHK AT-Julv, 8c; September. K7Hc: December, WHc; cash No 2 hard, 87ic; No. .8, aoVrijWc; No. I rd. 1: j'inv. OORN-July, 4!,c; September. 4c; D c;mer. 4tJc; cah No. $ mixed. KHle: No. 8 49,i60c; No. 8 white. 62ji2Wi; No. 8. 61VrC. ATS-Na 8, 45-l8Sc: No. I mixed, 43H Ct44c. RVF-Stadv. nfjHic. FOO Steady: extra fancy. 15Hc; flrata, llty?: seconds, 10r; current receipts, cases Included. Tic; rases returned, lo leaa; south ern epgs. le off. II AY Pfsrtv: timothy, $l0Aftt80: prai rie. 81- 7W11 SI. PUTTKR Creamery, tar: packing, Ifte. Receipts Shipments. Wheat. bunbla 44 000 TT.n' Corn, btinhels SI.OiO dl.Cns) Oata, bushels T.Ou) H.ojO Patlladrlphla . Froflap Market. PHILADKU'HIA. June St. BVTTKR 8t ady; extra w. atern -reamrv. aiuiitic riu.- rlrra. weurn fir sis. fiae raa-a. l.'e at nmrn rH EKtllO-rnill; New York full cream. 11 4j1j. according to ouallty. " SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Transactions it Lowest Sine Last Summer. TOI0N PACIFIC RISES AND FALLS Money Conditions Are Regarded na th Ileal Restraining Condition on tho Market Closing; Prleea Lowest. NEW TORK. June 0.-malI as waa the aggregate transactions In stocks today the figures falling to the lowest total since last summer, the narrowness and torpidity of the market are but Inadequately conceived from that. Reading and Union Pacltlo ab sorbed a large preponderance of the total dealings. Moreover much of the business was transacted in the first hour, after which the activity dwindled to a point of Idleness, mere waa an en 00 us 01 oroKers to the race track to witness a favorite racing event. During the afternoon the record of transactions ran down to a few feet of tape from the ticket for each hour. A alight demonstration In I'nion Pacitlc during the first hour carried It up over a point This constituted whatever Interest there was to the market. Roadlng directors yesterday In adjourn ing without acting on the dividend came In for most of the languid discussion of the day. Official Intimation that the regular divi dend would be paid in August did not pre vent a revival of assertions of possible In crease in the dividend rate. The adjourn ment yesterday was alleged to be due to tho contention of a minority for an In crease In the dividend rate. Money condi tions continued to occupy -attention and were retarded as the real restraining in fluence In the market. Exporters of gold admitted that they had In contemplation additional shipments to Paris on Saturday. Today's statement of sub-treasury opera tions ahowed a gain In cash by that insti tution since the last bank statement of 84.9i6.oil0. This includes the payments for the gold shipped abroad. As the surplus reserves for the banks stood on last Satur day at $4.514,tf, the sub-treasury require ment alrnady has been sufficient to prac tically exhaust them. The New York money market Is still re ceiving a balance of receipts on the In terior currency movement but this item Is believed to miike a small offset to the above showing. Reports of all three of the great foreign banks came to hand today. The Rank of Franco showed a gain In gold holdings of nearly $,Ou,flO0l, and a loan contraction of over 8S,0(iu,ooi). The Bank of England Increased its bullion holdings $3, &AI.UU0. hut Its loan account haa expanded. The Imperial Bank of Germany gained only $l,lw5,000 In cash and effected a loan reduction of $2,825,000. which ts but slight recuperation toward the expected strain on that Institution of the semi-annual settle ments. Liquidation for Paris account was reported In London today, and the political disturbances In the south of France were given the responsibility for this. Foreign exchange In this market waa well sustained at the gold export. An unfavorable Im pression on holders of copper securities was caused by admissions of the prospect of a reduction In the price of copper to break the deadlock now existing between buyersand sellers In the trade. The state ment by the Iron Age of weak conditions In the Iron market and steel market Is a nilnor factor In the heavy and lethargic tone of the speculation. Favorable weather for the growing crops was reported, and the market had nothing to contend with from that aide. The only expert explana tion of the Union Paclflo advance was a report tf a stock market pool In that stock. The advance was lost during trie iTf"!1 t,l?e la,,.t rr,c,e" of th9 y showed email declines In the majority. Bonds w-ere steady. Total sales par value STiaooo. i nited States bonds were unchanged on call. tlone on the Now Tork Stock exchange: ,.. falsa High. Low. Close. 116 11,910 MS 11 (si 00 4tH 0 - .... 1 H4 .... - 15 ' 220 .... 1K"4 100 el ti n, '4 TOO 44 ten H 1"! I.r 111 115 US l"0- K IM li4 300 12-H4 u 120 ! 1.600 (4V, HK IVO tt 1814 Mi v. 2"4 100 4 0 H t'l tl 100 85 84 04 BdO 53U, M . Jjv too laS 14 1hU 170 4.C04 81i i; V4 t'"0 10 10 10 ICO lt4 14J Ml ii 410 lti 12A44 UM4 Anul. Copper Anr. Car and Foundry.... So pM A mar. Gotten Oil do pf Amir. Expmia Amr. Hid A Lthtr ptd iMr, Ira Atner. Untoti oil do ptd Amr. Locomotive do pfd . Smaltlng A Rat.... 40 pfd r...... Amer. fngar lUfinlng Amir. Tobacco pfd ctfa.... Anaoosda ftilntan n AtchUon do pfd Atl.r.tlo Cout Line Baltimore aV Oblo do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt Canadian Pacific Cntral of New Jaraey....s. Cnnapaalta A Ohio Chicago Oraat Waatani Chicago A Northwcatarn... -. M. Bt. Paul hlcago Tarra. Trans.... 11 6.1 t 82 M 42 116 14 71 14.1 441 24 TO 42 81 66 te 1S 78 116 II 70 it 69 17 H 63 110 11 41 9 127 ' 7S II 61 6 46 110 ! ': 70 66 81 li a 66 II S7 IS" rs lf. 11 . 4S 61 J 61 76 111 17 61 117 2 27 4 192 U 115 66 It 8 22 S7 2i 1 t 12 27U 142 77 10 II M US 11 C. C. C. A Bt, LouSf Colorado Fuel and Iruo Ifto fniu qu Colorado aV Boutharn tw S2? 2274 do lat pfd B84 do II pfd HMO 45U. i!,J. Consolidated Oaa Corn products do ofd Palawaro A fludaon IW 1UH ISA Mi Dal., Lark. A Waatitrn Danror A Rio Orando OX) do pfd too natulan' Sacurltlaa 2rn Brie X (' 11 sit 71 H 41 tl MY, do lat pfd luO do Id Bid Oaneral Eloetrto, as-rtghts 100 131 111 Hocking valley Illinois Central inn Urn IMvj International Papar 300 1SH lilt do pfd International Pump , ; .... do sfd ...,.... .... .... .... Iowa Ceatral do pfd ,. K. C. foutkora 100 8444 8414 dO Bid Lout er 1 11a A Naahvllla .... ' .... Matlcao Central .... .... .... MIbd. St. Loula U., St. p. 4 tault 6 la. M da pfd Mlaaourt Pad Sc. ai-dlv... l.f tt'i T!i li.. Kanaaa A Tout ' 12 tf do pfd 20) M 13 '4 National Lead N. It. R of Mexico pfd.... H. T. Central 8.109 111, N. T . Ont a Waatora..., i0 84 tioi n Norfolk A Weatara do pfd North American Paolflo Mall , Pennarlvmnla Peopla'a Oaa Pltu.. C. C. A 81 V .S-0 luO nt. 4 Ml Praaard Steel Car do ofd ' Pullman Palaas Car Reading 45.600 101 911 do lat prd do Id pfd t'O JfO tuO l.rtno !. 100 to m 1 44 tin SO t' 1 M 41 11 Republic Btaal do Dfd Bork Ialand Co do pfd Bt. L. 41 Saa Fran. Id pfd. Bt. Loula sooth waatern...! do r Southern Pacific 1.400 10 JfiO 4(0 7 111 17 41 75 ' 111 H 1' lu do pfd gouthera Railway do pfd Tenneaae Coal and Iron.... Toiaa Pacific Tel., Bt. L. A Waatara.... 100 16 'ino 49 4li 4I.7' 13 1)1 luO a4 44 do sfd Union Paclfts do pfn - tj. 8. Eipreao U. 8. Baallr U. 8. Rubbar 10 I0O 114 61 114 14 do pfd t. 8. Steal do pfd Vlrglula-Carollna Chomlcal l.ion I.4U0 It S2 ; 103 " 12 83 do pld 1O0 101 100 1? MO Cl Wabaah do pfd Wella-Pargo E'preaa Weellnahouae Blactrlo .... Weetern I'nion. ai-dlT Wheeling Lake Erie Wlacooaln Central da pld Northern Paaina Central Laather do pfd Grent Northern pfd I H0 118 fto i: lfi II 1.40 121 12 Sloee-lhenieta lnteruocuugh Metropolitan A r.tA 65 It 44 Tutal aalaa lor tba dar. 173.100 shares. New York MlalaaT Stocks. - NEW TORK. June 20. Closing quotatlona on mining etocka were: I Adams Cos. ! Llttla Chlat T .Alice .....40a. Ontario lit te 10 Oohlr 170 Itrunawlck Cos 44 Potoal , 10 Comatock Taanal .... 14 Savage 84 Coo. l al. and ,V.... 40 Blarra Nevada ....... r flora Bllw i Small Hopes 10 Iron Bller ,... .. Standard 12a Lendetlla Coa i Oflered. Bank of Oerataay Statesarat. BERI4IN. June JO. The weekly statement of the Imperial bank of Germany shown tha following changes: Caah In band increased f,43ViO marks, treasury notsa Increased , 1 o-uno maru, other aecuntiea aecrea-d t A'l.utO marks, notes In circulation de creased &,u,tAa) raarka. Trnaaary Btateaaeat. WASHINGTON. June 80 TViday'a atatn tnent of the treasury balances In Die ten. oral fund exclusive of the I1j0,uj,vm guld rem-rve shown: Available caeh bnlatice, $.X'.l.lflo: gnld coin and bullion, 8M,0t.iO7 gold certificates, 8-ii,3I.e,fl!i0 New York Maaer Market. NEW YORK. Juns 80. MONBY On call firm. 2Hti.i per cent: ruling rste, 8V per cesnt; closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at 44 per cent. Time loans dull and strong; alxty days, 4,744 per cent; ninety days 4W pwr cent; six months. 64 per cent PRIMH MKRCANT1LE PAPER eiT Per cent. BTERLINO FXCHANOE Steady with actuRl businenn In bankers' bills at $4 S.WS 4.8340 for demand and at $4 KSJ6 for alxty ay bills; posted rstes. 84 4Vj and 84 88' commercial bills, 84 v,4lM ' E8ILVER-Bar. 67c; Mexican dollara, llONDS Oovernment and railroad ateady. a "ti . luf,ttlon on Ooncin tot y wjre V. 8. ref. 8a, r-g do coupon P. 8. la. reg do soupon tl. I. eld 4s, rag do coupon ...... V. B. new 4a, reg do coupon .... Am. Tob. 4s , do 4a , Ati-hlaon gen. 4a.. ...lS4apaa Sa, M nnrles... 8H4 ,...lif. do 4a. ctfi tiu ...Hl4 do id a.rie .. Vf do 4 n ..liojL. A N. ant. 4e 9 ..1oot,Man. a. gold 4,.. m ...1t4Mi. Cant.-al 4 ..il2- do let luc ... Jl Minn. A St. L. 4s. . 44 ...10fiM . K. T. 4a Kl ... 'H do Id 4ta ... 4 N. H. M s. a 4. M ... ISItN. T. C. gen. Ia.. fj ... N. ). C. gen. Js....UtSH ...: Northorn Pad He 4s. .100 ... do la TO 00 an). 4a Atlantl C. L. 4s. B. O. 4 do la Dr. It. T. rr. 4a. Cant, of On. fa... do lat ino do Id Inn do 2d Inn .lOinl'N. w. con. 4.... 44 .. 4'Ora. f. U rfg. 4a. M . 70 apenn. ct. I f t W Pending gen. 4a rt Chen. A o. 44a u 1. s. e. tt.uo 'Lhlcano a a awe . uut, t. a. m e . - - - " u. es b. r . 1 m. oe C, R. I A P. 41.. It Senboard A. L. 4s.... 71 ne7?r. ell, MBo. Pacific 4n M CC A Bt. L. . 4a do lat 4. ctt 1 ij ". ,n4f?- - H". Southern Br In.. ..104 v.w. ee Wi-Tii. el F lata 11'.. Colo. A Bo St. t. a w. 4a. 7 Cuon I l R. O. 4a.... nint. Baca, (ta Erie prior lien 4s lOturnlon Pacific 4a. .101 I U. B. Bteet id 6s. ! Wabaah lata M Wet. M4. 4a .. W ..log .. 71 .. ) .. 41 oo gen W. A L. B. 4n... Valley 4a....l04 wis. Central 4n! Offered.' "Bid.' noston Storks and Doada. . .BOS'rpN. June 2a-CaJl loans, 4(ffi per cent; time loans, 6S per cent. Official Atchison adj M Bingham 11 7 Cal. A HarU 7W oo 4a , Met. ('antral 4 Atchlaon ( t entanniel zo . MU Conner Datie ... . n do pfd . 34jPel7 Went Ill, rrnnklln .1 Ornnhr .111- I1e Rorale 120 Man. Mining ... leuuii., 16 Honton A Albany. .... 11 121 15 42 ..... 12 .... 71 .... I .... 41 121 11 .....11! ....Tt .... lt .... 4i .... 44 .... 10 ..... 10 :::: ? ....if .... n .... i .... 12 ....164 .... 88 "Ronton A Main. Poeton Elevated , Fllchburg pld . men. centra vi v ....... , -. ... ... n. at n.ivi Mohawk Lnlon Pacific 111 Mont. Coal A C. Am. Pnau. Tuba .... 7 Old Dominion ... Am. Sugar llHOrola do ptd ,..m r.rro, Am. lei. A Tel..,.. lMQulnoy Am. Woolen u Shannon 'i 1. Tamarack Edlaon Elan. Ill ft, trinity . , .. Maaa. Elactrlo 16 . - t'liltod Coppor .. P'J 65 V. 9. Mining.... Maea. Oaa ssu it a oil vnitcd Fruit ::.ioirt.h . .!:::::::: rmted Shoe Meeh.. 44 Victoria ? P" 17 Winona V. 8. Steal Iit4 Wolverine 7 North Butt I Dun Coalition . 41 Nevada lOal. A Artnona. 11 Aria. Com do DM Advamure Allouea n AmalaametjkA Atlantic Asked. Bid. London Cloainar Htncka. LONDON, June 20,-Closing quotatlona on Btorkn weret - - r'tn.... Consols. moner....3 6-11 M..' K A T.... ... M ...114 ... 74 ... ... M 41 do account ..ea i-ia. t. untral..., ... llNortolk A W.... ... 40 do pfd ... Ont. A Weetern ... Pennar1vanla .... ...178 Band Minn ... 14 Reading ... 104 Southern Rr .... ...1? do pfd ... 238outhm Pacific ... 2S Union PeiHAA Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd B. A Ohio Canadian Pacific Chee. A Ohio.,.. Chlcano O. W H 11 42 .... 77 C. M. A Bt. P. DeBeera D. A R. O do ofd ... 76 do Pfd II Brl ... 2!B. B. Steel. .......... 6.1 do lat pfd do iA nrrf . ... ?i no pro. 100 ... 48 Wabaah 18U, ... 27 do pfd 84 ...140 Spanlea 4 M Orand Trunk ... Illlnoia Central L. A N.h a-aweiwi-tfy, pr ceui. Th ft rutm nf H I ms t H ,. , for short bills Is 8 I&-I634 per cent; of three months' bills, 816-1&S4 per cent. Fore Urn Financial. LONTOK. .Tuna 01 r.,- j , , , - ........ j r. a. urarcr and in Increanrl ilnmuti.l .1 n c. - .... calls. DlscounU were firm. Trading on the "Luv ucvBiupea. a more cneerful tone, ant4 an Improving tendency on the Idea that money will be cheaper at the end of the fiscal year. Foreigners and kafflra sagged on Paris selling, due to uneasiness regarding the wine growers' troubles. Jap anese Imperial 6s of ISM closed at 102. Amer, leans, thouah oulet. Item n.m o f Mn parity despite the heavy gold engagementa . i a'" iiiarao cioeea quiet and steady. PAR13. June 20 rrVte, vena, am k. t today was affected by the events In the south of France. Prices were heavy throughout. Russian Imperial 4o were not quoted. Russian bonds of 1904 closed at 4S3.00. BERLIN June 20. Prlcee on the Bourse today were weaker upon the Iron Age's market report and the reports of the action to be taken by the United States Interstate Commerce commission against the Ham burg American line, Bank of England statement. LONDON, June. 20. The weekly state ment of the Hank of I?ngland shows the following changes: Total reserve increased 630,000, circulation decreased 18,000: bul lion Increased. 604.rrj, Other securities In creased 4rt.0(1, other deposits Increased S,Oii0, public deposits increased 1,084,000, notes reserve lnoreased 575,000, government securities unchanged. Proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week la 47.30 per cent, aa compared with 46.86 per cent last week. aBnk Clearlnca, OMAHA, June in. Bank clerlnga for today were 81,873,713.42. and for the cor responding date last year 81,854.658.68. Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass., June 30. WOOL Re cent large sales in imported fine wools has Increased the volume of business In the local market, although trading along domestic lines continues quiet. There have been some arrivals of spring Texas stock, but the Arizona new wool la about all taken. Recent heavy sales In quarter blood fleeces haa exhausted the stock of fleece woola and dealers are awaiting tha arrival of the new clip for quotations. Oregnna sre bringing 2274c. Idaho wools are moving freely at 1818o lor clothing and lfj21c for staple. Wyoming clips are selling at 19&210, and there continues to he considerable business in Montana et ?og2;c. There were but few local quo tations and business In fine grades la stagnant. There have been a few trans fers In territorial wool. The new Texas wool has been selling at 28 240 for a few lou The Australian wool market is active as far as fine lines are con cerned, with most of the sales at 43 gits. Among domestic quotations are the fol lowing: Missouri, three-el ghths-blood, 81 S 3Se: quarter-bloods, 803 81o. Texas fine 12 months 25327c; line 6 to 8 months, 2S(S24c: fine fall. 2021e. California northern. 28 27c; northern average. 24 2fic: middle county, 21Ti3e: southern if. 18c; fall northern. Iil8c: fail south ern. 1516c. Oregon extra No. 1 staple. 28f24c; eastern No. 1 clothing. "0821c eastern average, 17l 18o; valley No 1 76 tf!7e. Texas, scoured basis. flue ' 13 months. 70tff72e: fine, 6 to 8 months 5i?re. California, scoured basis, north ern, 66ir 6c; middle county, ( 6K0: southern. 67f HSc; fall free, 67f?B8e- fall unt-i 'ivt, uu toe Oregon, scoured basis. ' enhtern. No. 1 staple, 70ti'77c; extra Ni i 1 clothing. 61S70c: eastern average. f81 70c; vslley No. 1. 60-3 "c; valley No 2 ' BSgSfc; valley No. S, Sli6 52e. Territory' ! scoured basis, fine staple, 70(fr72'i rlne : medium staple. 8t(70c.; fine clothing 69' f70c; fine medium clothing. 6i6lic j Pulled, scoured lasls, extra, 46c; extra 68 I ; 72c; fine A. 5f462e; A supers, eiQBSc- I P. supers. 4S'?J47 " '1 ST. I.Ot'19, Mo.. June 20.-WOOL- ' Steady; medium grades, combine; and clothing. J6V-tac; light fine, 2i-nVso" I heavy fine, lW.ijc; tub washed, 3v&47o. j Metal Market. NKW TORK. June 20. The London tit market waa somewhat Irregular with spot closing a little higher atll88.'an1 futures lower at f8 its. Locally tho nVJoL X'.l d,n- wl,h "I1 quoted at nit. copper waa lower In the London market, with spot clnalng at fT 16s a decline of 11 it. while futures w-re fl lower at lf2 los. Icallv the mark-t was dull, but there were rumors of sales at lower prices, and prices were nornl.i B'lv lower, with l.-k. at $23 60024 50 elertrolytlc at $21.15 ft 28.00, and casting' IV-tiVh; V ""'hanged $5 ;..Bj,R5 In the local market, but de clined 10s to 120 6n In Indon. Spelter was unchanged at 34 10s In London, aod at $8 407 0 locally. Iron waa lowsr In the Engllnh market, with standard foun dry quoted at Ms Id. and Cleveland war ranta at tin 4Hd Locally the market was unchanged- No. 1 foundry northn la quoted at $;K 00f 5; Nf , foun,jrv northern at ?t 501 , 7$; No. 1 nouthern and No. 1 southern soft, nominal 9T. LOUIS, June 10. MKTALS Ial ?r?n at l5 46e ?H. rpeiter, ateady, ai 6 31 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steeri Are Slow to Ten Cents Lower. COWS VESY HASD TO DISPOSE 01 Hogs Active at a Decline of Tsi and a Half Cents Fed Fbeep ana Laaaba Steady, Wenteraa Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. June 20. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ."61 4.7ti9 l.lw? Official Tuesday 8.6T2 7.0J0 8.0H4 Official Wednesday 4,780 15,605 2,036 Official lhurday 8.700 U&tv e.buO Four days thla week.. 16,108 41.804 3.JSS Game dayt last week....l7.Kf 40.672 S.rti Same days 8 weeks ago.. 36. 4H1 44.750 1S.Si5 Bama days 8 weeks ago..l0, 35.4 11. Same day 4 weeks ago.. 21, 178 50.161 17.844 Same days last year. . . .16,278 00.804 4,08 The following taole shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to data, compared with last year: 1907. If1 Inc. Deo. Cattle 6,07S 463.958 8,114 Hogs 1.230.SSS 1,34MS. 117,888 Bheep 8o.6t 747,173 69.387 CATTLK QUOTATIONS. Good to Oholce corn-fed steers 86.10nj4i.itj Good to fair corn-fed ateera 6.6vu.00 Common to fair ateera 4.u5.50 Good to choice cows 4.2.'-36.1'5 Fair to good cows and heifers 8.5o,a4.25 Good to choice stockers nd feeders 4.60t6.i5 Fair to good atocksrs and feeders.. 4 :V,i4 60 Common to fair atocksra 3 004 20 Pulls, stags, etc ; 3 256.10 Veal calves S.ftjr7.00 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tha laat several day a, with oomparlaona; Date. 1907. 106.1. 11904. 11903. 1802.101. Juna 8.. June 8.. June 10.. June 11.. June 12.. 07H f 04 6 01; I 52141 I 7 6 7 f S7I "n i 6 89 t 20 6 17 6 20 4 801 T8 7 21 7 2 8 M 7 36 B 91 7 33 t S3 7 86 3 M 7 81 I 81 6 87 7 24 7 33 6 83 7 26 6 99 7 43 6 98 8 13 6 30 701 6 no 4 761 6 Oil 4 79: t 03 f 00 t 07 f sr.i ! 81 t 28 S 18 June 18.. I lft 4 72 June 14.. June IS.. June 16.. June 17.. June 18.. June 18.. June 20. 5 131 4 84 14 6 8f t 31 R 19 t 22 4 82 s w 8 or 6 6 97 4 8SJ 8 91 6 rA 6 20t 4 92 i 6 39 ,! 6 88 5 19 4 93 6 K D tt-"4! Q W 0 IK! ' I 9 t t 90441 8 6 16 8 06K 83 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES, Cattle. ...33.66ir6.58 ... 8.001.90 ... 1.75'di.75 ... 1.B04M.78 ... 8.2MM.85 Hoga. $6.75f.08 6.9t5.S2H 6.906.25 6. 80(36.86 of stock Omaha Kansas City Chlcagi ....... Bt Louis Sioux City The official number of cars hrAimht In todav bv each road waa: Cattla Hogs. Bhsep. HVa, C, M. 6V St. P. Ry... 8 6.... Wabash 1 .. Mo. Pac. Ry 6 IT. P. System 19 44 6 13 CAN. W., east .... 3 .. S C. N. W., west ... 66 69 1 C, Bt. P., M. ek O.... 24 14 C, li. St Q., east ... 14 C. B. Q.. west ... 34 63 i C, It. I. A P.. east.. 8 8 C , R. L A P., west. 3 2 Illinois Central 3 .. Chicago Great W'n... 4 .. .. Total receipts 170 210 U 20) The disposition of the day s receipts was i ts follows, eacn Duyer purcnasing me num ber of head Indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Company.. 738 23S0 G. H. Hammond Company. 102 3779 727 Cudahy Packing Company. .S 4t28 418 Armour Si Company 4X8 4432 SKI Cudahy Packing Co.. K. C. pi Swift and Company. K. C. 36 Lnbman A Company 36 Hill Son 40 F. P. Lewis 11 Huston St Company 18 Klngnan Sl Company L. Wolf 11 Sol Degan 23 J. B. Root & Company.... 95 T. 3. Inghram 2 Lehmer Bros 22 United Dressed B. Co 64 168 Total 3827 14787 1956 CATTLE Recelpta of cattle tnis morning numbered 168 cara. aa against 146 cars a week ago. In other words. It waa a liberal run for a Thursday. At the aame time re porta from eastern points have Indicated that medium to common kinda of cattle have been working downward. Under the Influence of liberal recelpta the market on beef ateera thla morning was slow and anywhere from weak to lOo lower. It waa a difficult matter to get ateady prleea even for the very best cattle. A large proportion of the sales looked fully 10c lower than yesterday. Aa a matter of course the decline was the most pro nounced and the trade tha slowest on the common and medium grades, such aa coma Into competition with Texae cattle. The market on cowa and heifers waa ex tremely alow and dull. In fact the trade, such as it was, could hardly be dlgntfled by the term market. There were very few buyers in the field and their wants were extremely limited. It waa therefore a dif ficult matter for sellers to unload the few head on sale. As usual of late the supply of feeders was extremely light and the market firm on the few cattle offered. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. It... 14... II... 11... 13... II... At. J Trn 1011 ii 1IA4 1178 mto N. Av. .1864 1291 isnt .1164 11 ll .11"0 1156 rr. 1 1 4 16 4 11 8 11 I 16 4 84) 4 10 4 26 I 24 4 30 IM I 1(1 I K I 40 I 44 4 60 4 60 I 66 6 65 4 16 I tl I 44 I 40 I 44 I 60 I 14 t 60 I TO i T6 $ Ti 4 80 I 40 I 40 I 44 I 60 I 06 4 06 I 16 19 14.. n.. 10.. 44.. II.. 44.. II. 17. li m II lorn 11 104 It It T 11 11(8 60 23., 1101 4 1114 10 II 16 II II... 64 64 41 44 .1 12ti .1417 .1411 .1161 .16:1 .1411 .1616 .1124 ll., .111 14... un K40 1164 1S-.-I to... 41... 10... !... 14... 11... II... 8... I... 4... X3... I... 1 .. t... 3... 8... 1... to... I... I... I... ... 1... I. .. II . . t... I... ..1141 ..1144 ..1061 COWS. n r4 ......1100 ...... 471 :o IIM 1UM 1366 14 110 ICTI 1224 W4 Hi") 14S0 ) mo T36 V06 844 ...... 804 8' 4 171 lao 147 120 I 46 8 00 I 04 8 06 I II I 24 ....lotrj ,...1140 ...1166 I 14 I 48 I 44 4 00 4 04 4 0u 4 00 4 10 4 40 4 IS 4 64 4 66 4 16 I (i I 04 oo 1141 1170 1UM ltivO . 411 no 1064 1T6I) 64 1470 16DS 1400 1410 I 16 I 64 I 60 I 60 BULLS. 8 76 I.. I 16 I 46 I 66 4 60 4 46 4 i HEIFERS. I 40 II 4 44 - 11 4 10 CALVES. TO 4 40 4 60 1.. I.. T. . I . 10.. 1.. I M I I Tl I 00 4 l4 4 00 I:::::: 140 , 1U 1 1 160 ISO 10 t K I 10 4 60 I 60 6 Tl t 00 8.. 1.. 1 110 I Ct STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 IM 4 44 10 I6 4 TO 10 641 4 64 HOGS Hogs aold mostly 2Vo lower this morning and in some cases possibly to lower. The trade waa active at the decline, ao that practically everything in sight; that is, over 200 loads, was sold before 11 o'clock. A eonnlderaole proportion of all the hots in sight sold inside the range. $6.U&S.&, with a top at $606. It will be remembered that yesterday the bulk of the hogs brought 5.9iQ6.96, with a top at $6.10. Considering that It was a lower market, the trade as a whole was in very satis factory condition that la, packera wanted the hogs and there waa a fair amount of life and simp to the movement. Representative sales: H: At. 12 Ill I St-I ik. Pr. No. Av. Bb. Pr. ... I Tl 61 251 86 I m 40 I v 40 4 ki 4 40 160 I list II M ... I 14 V I " Tl .211 ... i 10 ... I 12 40 atl 10 a 10 10 I 66 17 1.1 1U IN 0 I li 14 Ill ... 10 04 I 46 II lit ... M 40 I 66 76 kit 40 I 24 $ 46 41 114 Ml I ... t 46 12 !- ... $ ... I 14 61 241 10 I .1 ... I 14 . 14..,. ,...1.1 40 4 11-4 100 I 66 II HI o lit ID I li Tl Ill 110 $ iw 114 I 16 44 XII 40 I ll ... I is l iti no I irta ... 6 48 44 24 w 4 Us, 144 Tl 21 ... I 1 ItO I ll4 It ill .... , lev I I7H 14 til ... $ 16 . . I 7S i 10 ... I IS 14 I 174 II ;, m IN 0 ITt til 4l lib I M ... I rv .. 141 140 I 44 ... I l-v, it IM It 111 -- I 70 21 10 m 4 I r-, 11 $11 M 16 10 I 87V4 41 1,1 lie 5 .-.In "4 Ill ... n 14" Tl ate ... M 40 I 44 76 Ill SO M J I K-l 71 ri4 M I 14 ... $ 6v 14 lat ... 6 84 44.. TT.. II.. 44.. ...III ,.,.8t4 ....118 ....131 ....194 ...Ino ....246 ...,W0 ....111 ...i'll 41 41 41 14 e4 48 40 U .... 70 40 til ..241 ..til ..101 . . . a,i .14 ..11 ..rti .871 ..81 64 1 4 64 . 64.. II.. 41 . 54.. IT.. 64 J4 40 V 44 iol It. ..141 ti.. 68.. ST.. TO. . ,.1't ,.t?l IU I I 161 6 W I M I W I M I I W I so I 40 I Tl Ill I 46 I ti I ; I 47 I 1 1.' t 47 I M t 44 Tl 1.4 12., .1(4 .... I6 I 216 .... 14 IV) u.. u.. 61.. 4.. 70.. 41 64.. II. 74., .210 241 141 looked 14 40 SHEEr1-Although It looked aome time ago aa If the supply of fed sheep and lambs in this territory waa exhausted, they still oome straggling In so that there is a moderate run each day. The demand con tinues very fair and everything desirable aold very quickly this morning at good, steady prices. Oood Mexican ewes aold as high as 86.80, with good westerns at li.75. Uood weatern shorn lambs sold up to 37.00. Among the receipts were a few cars of vary common or undesirable atuff, such aa Is usually railed "tripe ' on the market. Sheep and lambs of this aort were hard to sell. There were three additional cara of Idaho grass wethers, the same aa were here yes terday and the day before. As noted yes terday, the feeling among buyers Is that the market started out must too high and that prices will have to come down. Tney were accordingly bearish this morning and It was late before the three cats changed hands. In the end, however, they sold lower. IteDresentntlv e.nla- Av. ...114 ...128 ... r'i ....90 ... M ... 9 ... 81 IT. 6 TS f 73 6 75 6 90 6 50 7 01 7 03 24 western 61 western ewes . bucks ewes ewes lambs lain lis lambs 2i4 western 824 Mexican 84 western M western 82 western CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady- bnt Slow Hoara Five tents Lower. CHICAGO, June 20. CATTLE Receipts, 6.5(a) head; market steady but slow: Com mon to prime steers 8-4.kQ :.t1; cows, 63.26 4.75; heifers, 3.0igVoo; bulls, 33.4tiif6.00: calve, 33.004jej.50; stockers and feeders, 83.00 66.00. tiOGB-Recolpta, 2X000 head; market 60 lower, (rood to prime heavy, 6.221; medium to good heavy. 3n.l7V e.12vf ftJ.lo; butcher weights. 36.17ta?m.25; light mixed, 86.2tKa25; packers, 365t'l6 15: pigs, 35.6i-tgH5.2ri; selected, ft;.2.V(i6.30; bulk of sales, AlMiV80. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 94W0 head; market stesdy but alow. Saeep, (j.16 U.8D; lambs, 86.0iitf8.00. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. IOUIS. Mo., June 20. CATTLE Recelpta. 4,000 head, Including K.nOO Tex ana; market steady. Native slilpMtig end export steers, $a.23tg6.76; dressed be-f and butcher steers, 4.95iS5.75; steers under 1,000 pounds. 14.404.76; rtockera and feeders, 83.00(34.86; cows and heif ers, 32.86f 5.30; cannera, 81.60'U 2.35; bulls, 13 760446; calves, 34.00 a 1 1.00; Texas and Indian steers, 11.75 6.76; oowi and heifers, tl.SOfrt.OO. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market lower. Pigs and lights, 15.90 4; 6 2b; pack ers, 35.90 B. 22 V; butchers and best heavy. 6.16(?f.2S. PHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,200 head; market 10c higher. Native muttons, 32.60Q 6.90; lambs, )4.00 7.65; culls anj bucka, $3.00i&6.60; atockers, tt.O0Cf4.76. If err York Live Stock Market. . NEW TORK, June 20. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,771 head; nothing doing today. Feeling steady for best grades. Exports today, 18 cattle and 4,600 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 15 head; no demand for the stock and reeling weak. Dressed calves barely steady. City dressed veals 7H to llo per pound; country dressed, 6 to loc; dressed buttermilks. 5 to 6c SHEEP AND LAM BSr Receipts, 4.396 head. Sheep almost nominal; lambs very dull and 26 to 85c lowerj aome sales 6c lower. 8heep. 84 .006. 26; lambs, good to nr ma cn 'T...- ifi. 1 . , . . . . V.v nei rt tnriau no -K .n t HOGS-Receipts, 4.011 head; all for the slaughterers. No sales on live Weights nominally ateady at 36.60Sf.76. , . ' St. Joseph Live. Stock Market. ST JOSEPH. Mo., June 20. CATTLE Receipts, 1.707 head; market slow, to 10c Lowr' .Vi'f' $4.60 J. 00; cows and vf'Sf-a M-eo-2S; stockers and feeders, $3.604.60. siPin sT"U''elpi. nM1 had: market Top-,10: bulk of SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. ,"!1 head; market steady. Lambs, $6.60i& yearlings, $6.76(fi6.25. .. Stock In Slant. Receipts of live stock at tha six principal weetern markets yesterday: , ,. . " 'Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Bputh Omaha 8,700 14.500 2,500 Sioux City TiiO 4 sco Kanyaa City T.OOO 16.500 St. Joseph 1,707 13,987 St. Loula 4,000 6ooo Chicago ; 21,000 Total .23,607 76,487 17,331 Cotton Market. KRW VflRIf T i rt a M Crt.T.rt-K CI . closed quiet; middling upland, 12.ic; mid dling gulf, 13.10c: sales, none. ' ' New ' York cotton quotations, furnished by Logan 4x Bryan, 2 Board of Trade bulld- ing: September upen. iiign, low. Close. ...1128 11.12 llffl rm ...1142 1144 1130 1136 tictoner December .1110 1146 11.15 1140 NEW ORLBANS. La Snot. mnrll.l 1-lni.rl , June 20. COTTON quiet and steady low ordinary, 73c; nominal; ordinary. 8,o, nominal; gooa ordinary, 10 1-lSc, nominal, low middling, 11 8-16c; middling. 12c; good middling. l.THio, nominal; middling fair, 14N,e, nominal; fair 16V, nominal. Bales, 626 bales; receipts, 82 bales; stock. 63,R?7 bales. ST. LOUIS. Mo., June 20. COTTON Quiet; middling. 12c. Sales, 1 bale.; re ceipts, 1.14 bales; shipments, 366 bales; stock, 23.24J. LIVERPOOL. June 20,-COTTON-Spot, Hull; prices, six polnta lower; Amerlaan. middling fair, 8.20d; good middling, 7.6d; middling. 7.10d; low middling, 6.74d; good ordinary, 6d; ordinary. 6.60d. The sales of the day were 6.000 bales, of which 00 were for speculation and export, and included 4.S00 Americans. Recelpta, 22,000 bales. In cluding, 17,9uO American. Oils and Itoala, NEW TdRK, June 20-OIL8-Cotton-aeed Arm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, nominal; prime yellow, 68V- Petroleum firm; refined. New Tork. 88 45; Philadel phia and Baltimore, n bulk, $4.86. Tur pentine, quiet, OOrftfiOV. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. $4 56rr4.66. SAVANNAH. Oa, June 20. OIL-Tarpen-.fl.r-m" R71477V. Receipts, l,6o; sales. 1.179: shipments. 1' . ROPIN-Flrm. Quote-"' A. B. C 33 85 4 10; D, $4.Vfr4 36; R. $4 6&!M.75; F, $4 74 I! O, $4 .7Rff.W; If. $l.80.l: l tS.rVrTiil 10 K. $5,204(6.26: M. 8f,2fiyfiKfl- Kr Mtu: W G. $6.lnJt(j6.!)0; W W. $5.96tft.00. Snarar and Molnnaes. Kr7V TORIC June 20.-BfGAR-Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3.20c; centrifugal. 96 teat, 8.70c; molasses sugar. 2.96c: refined quiet; No, 8, 4.0fic; No. 7. 4K5c; No. 8 4 6oo: E.kB-; (Lir,c- No- U- 430c:'no: Yt 4.26c; No 13. . No. 14. 4.16e; eonfec tinners A. 460c; mould A, 6 35o; out losf. 6.70c; crushed, 6.i0c; powdered, 6.10et aran ulated. 6.doc; cubes 6.26c. NfCW ORLEANS, June W.-St'OAR-Bteadyf open kettle, centrifugal. SVva.l'tc centrifugal yellow, 8Ttj4V4c; seconds, 4 MOIASSES-Qulef, new ayrup, SOg34c. CotTee klarkel. NEW TORK, June 20-rCOFFF,E-.Market for cofTee futures opened ateady at un changed prlcee. Btinlm as was practical! v at a standstill early, but became more active later, and prices eased off under scattering liquidation, selling bv Importers nnd larr Brazilian receipts. The close was barelv steadv. at n net ttnA x,m iw imjiiih, rHien werei hnen Including June 6 2M7S)c: St-tenhT cember at 5 2C!i6Soc; March at 5.2V- and reported of 22 .noft at 6 8Sc- July at ! at t.zry-fiyjiic; D Januarv at 6 Mav at K.40c. Snot corree oulet: No. 7 Rio Oi'r-. Vn i c. .. As 7V- Jl'ltl coffee dull; Cordova, 8 124c llank of Prnse Utatement, PARIS. June 20. The weekly statement of the Bnnk of France shows the follow ing chances: . Noti-a In circulation, de t i.-ard 37,726.000 francs, treaeury depos l I'wi-ensed 43.925 000 frnncn, general deposits Increased 2.880,000 francs, eol n hnnd ln-rt-ned i'.i.O.iit ilfiO francs, el'-er In hand Increaaed l.25.000 franca, i dln rounted decreaned 30.SSO.000 franca ad vances Increased 4.900,000 francs Mllwaskr drain Market. MILWAVKEH. June 20 WHEAT Pend; No 1 northern. 1 1.01 H tl 1 02 Vi ; No. 2 northern, 99c4t1.01; September, RYE Steady; No. 1, 877Mo. BARLEV Steady; No. 2, 760, aamplo. 61 it 75c. . tvrt,r. No 0Mh iicmp.. September, 63 He. Polulk firata Market. . DI'Ll'TH. Minn, June 20. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 9$Vc; No. 2 northern f""; T"'" 9sc; September, 98c; Iceiu ber, 9c OAlb To arrive, 43 Vic; Juna 43a .. 4 ...(. ,. M6 ...8l ...t-'l OMAHA WIIOI K4t,ltl MARKHTS, t'andltlon of Trade aad Qnotatloaa oa Staple aad Fancy Prod ore. FOGS -Per dot , 14c. P-l'TTKR Packing stock. lc: eholoa t fancy dairy, lVoc; creamery, LIVE l'OL'L'l HT-lieua. loc; rooalera, $ fe7c; turkejs, 12c, duckn 10c; geese, to. FRUITS CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per boa $1.75. CALIFORNIA PLUMS Per crate, $8 28 CALIFORNIA APRICOTS Per crata, $2 26. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per bo oi about 8 Ihs;, black, $2.00; white, $2 00. PINEAPPLES-Florida. 4S sine. $1.76 pet crate, 42 site. $3 00 per crate; t slse. $1(4 per crate. 30 slxe, $3 60 per crate. STRAWKERRIKS Hume grown, J4-4jt cases, $2.60 y 8 00. TROPICAL FRUITS. IJCMONS Umonlera, . slse, 86.00; 368 slse, $460- other branda. 60c lass. BANANAS Per medtum-slsed bunoh, $2.t'u'2 A; Jumbors. $2 6(83.&0. OKANtlES Mediterranean Sweeta fancy. 160 slse, $4.00; llf, 100, lit an.j 260 nixes, $4.l; 86, 126 and 288 sixes, $3.60; extra fancy, S6c more per box; St, Mluhaels, 176, 200, 218 and 250' sites, $4.76; 126 and 160 alses, 84.60; Valencies, 80. 98 and 112 sites, $4.26 126, 160, 114, 200 and 216 alses, $4.76. DATES Kidinay 6c; nayern, 6o; hal lo in, 6c; new stuffed walnut datea, 8-1 la, box, $1.00. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 rib. 14c; No. 1 rib, 11c; No. 3 rib, 10c; No. 1 loin, 17Hc; No. I loin, 13ot No, 3, loin, 13V; No. 1 chuck, 7c; No. 1 chuck, Ho; No. 8 chuck, oj No. 1 round, 8ci No. 2 round. 8c; No. 8 round, 8c; No. I plate, 3Ho; No. 8 plate. 8t; No. 3 plate, 3c OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu.. Mo. NAVV BEANS -Per bu., No, 1, $2,004? 2.10; No. 2, $1.9002.00. NEW VKGETABTjES. POTATOES Per bu., $1.00, ASPARAGUS 86o per dot. bunches. BEANS New wax and string, per H bu. box or basket, $1.00. BEETS. TURNIPS and CAR ROTS Pes' dot. bunches. 454it0c. FIE PL ANT Per dot. bunches, 10a CUCUMBERS Per dot., 5066o. TOMATOES Texas, fancy. 10-lb. crata, fO. -ii $100. . ON lONc California, per crate, about 48 lbs., $260; yellow Texas, per orate. tiSb- green onions, per flos., 20e. CABBAGE California, 3o. LEAF LETTUCE Hot-houso, per don. heads, 25c. PARSLET Hot-house, per dog. bunchsa 40c. RADISHES Per dot. bunchva, hotnf grown, 20c. MISCELLANEOUS COFFKK-Roanted. No. 85, 20 per b.$ ii. av, 4tu per it.; io. nr, xvc per 10.: no, 20, 14V per lb CMBE8K- Bl ! No. 31. 12V per lb. Block Bwlsa. ISo: lunberarea lac: i oung n me ricna, tuo. NUTS California walnuts Kn. , ' w,f shell, 12c; No. 1, soft shell, lie; Bras I la lH91c; pecans, liMf-o; filberts. 12Hc; pea. nuts, rsw, 7Vi roasted, S'fc; California ah tnonds, 17Vic; cocoanuts, $G 00 per 100, HIDES AND TALLOW Green laltad. l- u. a, pi-, f u. a, eDj UUII niuea, OCJ lo; green e, 1I.50J v. No. t nmea co. i. ic; no, z, oc; norse. 1.64); sheep pelts, rVC;i.?r, Tallow, (He: No. 2. 8c. Wool. 16CT22C CANNED GOODS Coin, standard, wast ern, 5Ai6o. Tumstoes, - fancy, 3-pound cana, !.4; standard, 3-pound cans, 11. 2t. Pineapples, grated, 2-pound, 82.2lJ 130; sliced, tl.76tri.36; fancy Hawaiian. 17 lbs., $1.75. Gallon apples, $3 26 California apricots. $100, Pears. $1.762.60 Poaches. $1.775.2.40; L, C. peachea, $2.0tKiJ0. Alaska salmon, red, $1.20; fancy Chinook,, flat, $2.10; fancy aockeye, flat, $1.96. Sardines, quarter oil, 33.26; three-quarters mustard, 82.75. Bweet potatoes, 31. lOttfl. 26. Sauer kraut. 90e. . Pumpkins, 8&cT1.00. Lima beans. 2-lb., 75o ttV-Jt. Soaked peaa, 3-lb., 80c; fancy, fX.2tJ CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune re aomewhat unsettled by freer offsringa from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grads. Quo tat ions range from I to h for California fruit and from &Siijo for Oregon. Peachea are slightly easier, with fancy yellows quoted at 13V- Raisins are firm; three crown loose Muscateta are quoted at 9ci four-crown, 10c; seeded retains, 9U011O. FISH Pickerel, dressed. 10c; pike, dressed, 15c; white fish, dressed, winter caught, 13ai6c; fresh. 16c; trout, 12ojl6oj halibut, 1)3; salmon, 16c; catfish, 17c; hsr ring, dressed, 8c; crannies, round, 6Q9c orapples, large, fancy, 15c; black baas, 26c smelts, aweet and fine, 13c; eel, 18c; blue fish, 16c; red snapper, 12c: foe shad, per pair, 40760c; frog legs, 8k840c: lobsters, green, per lb., 27c; lobster, boiled, per lb. 80c; mackerel, Spanish, per lb.. 16c; mackerel, native, 185o per' lb.; fresh green turtle meat, 2Eo per lb.; dressed buffalo, 8c; bull heads, 12c: white perch, 7e; white bass, l&o, HAX Choice upland, per ton. 811.60: me dium, $10.60- No. 1 bottom, 38.00: off gradea, $4.0066.50. Rye Btraw. $7 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lOth AND MAItCT Union Pacltlo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:66 am a 3:40 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 8:60 pm a I 00 pna Colo. St Calif. Ex a 3:60 pm a 9:80 ant California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm a 6:60 pm Los Angeles Limited.. ,.al2:55 pm a 8:16 pm Colorado Special all:66 pm a 6:60 am North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 1:15 pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am b 6:16 pm Chicago et Narthwaatara. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am a11:B4 pm St. Paul-M'apolla Exp..a 7 :60 am a!0:00 pm Chicago Lccal a1 1:30 am a 8:28 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 7:60 am a 8:28 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm a 8:30 am Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 6:80 am Bt. Paul-M'polia Lmtd..a 8:28 pm a 7:4 am Loa Angeles Limited. ...a 9:80 pm al2:86 pm Overland Limited al0:00 pm a 8:2A am Fast Mall a 3:29 am Sioux City Local. ...... .a 3:60 pm a 6:20 am Fast Mall a 3:36 pm Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited a 8:38 pm a 9:31 am Norfolk-Boneateel ......a 7:40 am alO 86 am Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am al0:36 am Deadwood-Llncoln .....a 8.00 pm a 8.-06 pm Casper-Shoshoni a 3:00 pm a 6:06 pm Hastings-Superior ...... .b 3:00 pm b 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion b $ 02 pm bl2:60 pm Los Angeles Limited... a 8:60 pm all. 36 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 6:30 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 3:80 am all:l pm Stanberry Local (from Council BluiTa) b 6:00 pmb!0:lf ant Chicago, ltock Inlaaa at I'nolflu. RA ST. Chicago Limited a 2:46 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am Des Moines Pass a 4:00 pm Iowa Local all:40 am all:80 pm a 4:30 ptn al2:30 pm t :& pin Chicago t Eastern Etc.). a 4:60 pm Chicago Flyer a 3:00 pm WEST. Rocky Mounts! Lmtd..all4 pm a 1:26 pm a 3 Jl am 3 33 am Mio. fic tai. express... a i: pm a 4:40 pm OKI. St Texas Exuress..a 4:40 pm a i:6 pm Lincoln A Falrbury Paaa.a 8.46 am a U): 16 am Mlsaonrl Paclflo. K. C. ft Bt. L. Exp a 8:09 am 66 am K. C. & St. L. Exp all IS pm a I: Nebraska 7 ical .'...a'.Ovpm all: Chicago, Milwaukee at at. Paal. 86 pm 1:40 am Chi ft Colo. Special..,' 7:08 am 11:48 pm Calif, ft Oregon Exp... 6:66 pm J:26 pm Overland Limited 9:C pm 8:87 ana Chicago Great Western. . St. Paul A Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm 7:10 am Bt. Paul ft Minneapolis.. t-4t am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited 6:40 pro 8:04 am Chicago Express ........ 1 46 am 11:68 pm Chic it o K Hirers 3:80 pm ' IM Bin Illinois Central, Chicago Express a 7:20 am Minn, ft St. Paul Exp.- W 7:2) am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn, ft St. Psul Lratd.a 8. JO pm :48 pm 66 pm 30 am 0 am a 6 A3 DC It LI NOT OX HVA-10th t MASOiV. Barllajitoa. Leave. Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm Nnrthwent Special a 4:10 pm Black Unit a 4 10 pm Northwest Express a 8.3u pm Nebraska point ...a $.00 am Nebraska Exprsns a 8:06 am Lincoln FaM ,dail b 1.46 pm Lincoln Local , Lincoln Local Louisville ft Plattam'th.b 8:10 pm Bellovue-pla'.'src.o-jth ..a 8:le pm Plattsmouth-lowa b 8:10 am Btllevua-l'lattamouui Denver LlmlUd all 66 pm Chicago Sjttdal a 7:0o am Chlcaein I.xpresa...,...a 4:30 pm Chicago Flyer a 3:30 pm Iowa Local ..a 3.16 am 8t. Louts Express. a 4:46 pm Ksnaaa t'lly ft Ht. Joe..al0:46 pin Kansas City ft St. Joe. .a 6:15 am Ksnaaa City ft lit. Joe. .a i ti pm Arrlva a 4:10 pm a 4:18 pm a 4:10 pm a 6:46 m a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm ai2:0i pin a 8:06 am a 8:00 pm bl0:20 at a T:4 am VlMpm a 6:46 am all -.44 pm a 3 66 pm a 8 80 am ail.30 am ail 10 am a 130 am a 3:10 pm WaSBSTEB ITA ISTII A WRBSTER Cklraa-a, t. Paal, Mlaaeaoolto a Omaha. Leave. .b jo am a I 00 pm b 6 46 jim .o 6.46 am Arrive, b 9:10 pm all:20 am b 9 10 am 0 $.60 pm Twin c;ty Passenger. Rioui City Psssenger. Emerson Ixcnl Fniers'in lcal ... .... Mlasanrl Parlflr, Lee4l via Weeping s ater Fall City Local .a 8 06 am a $.60 pm a 6 :2 pm all:a am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. 'Daily except Saturday bunday tiuiy. J inij except Xlvi.dity.