Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Office, IS Seott
favia, drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Pumps. J. Zoller Mer. Co.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Fine engraving at Leffert's.
8 Schmidt's elegant new photos.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phona 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 539,
Storage, housegoods. Inquire 333 B w .
Fishing tackle fit for flailing. Big selec
tlon. f'eterecn & Bchoenlng.
Comfort porch chair. More comfortable
than a hammock. Bee li. W. Keller, 10J
South Main it reel.
For rent, six-room house, 723 Sixth Ave.
Play aquare with Hater, tha lumberman,
and he will save you money.
Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet In spe
cial communication tonight for work In
the second decree.
Mrs. F. Glen of Puoblo. Colo., Is visiting
her parenta, Mr. and Mr. Beecroft, xi
South First street
C. E. Bowman, charged with the theft of
n overcoat belonging to fellow guoat at
tha Metropolitan hotel, was discharged yes
terday for want of prosecution.
T. E. Smith and Nellie Blanch Smith of
lilncoln. Neb., who had been divorced and
had decided to try tt aver again, cama to
Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon, se-
Jured a marriage license and had Rev.
lenry De Long perform the ceremony.
C. E. Price, cashier of tho Commercial
National bank: C E. Walters, publisher of
tha Confidential Banker, and l. 11.
Bloomer, stockholder of the First National
bank, are attending the annual convention
of the Iowa State Bankers' association at
Thomas Iwls, agi-d 76 years, died yes
terday morning at Bt. Bernard's hospital.
He was one of the tlrst settlers of Neola.
and had been a resident there for thirty
nine years. The body will be taken to
Neola. and the funeral held there this
morning from St. Patrick's church.
Articles of Incorporation of the Kontl
nental Kompound company were filed for
record yesterday. The Incorporators are
M. C. Qoodwln, B. P. Wilson and Oeorgre
M. Burns, and the capital stock Is placed
fit IIO.OUO. The company will manufacture
Iv stock remedies and Its principal place
vi uuBiiieas win oe in council niurrs.
C. A. CooDer of Humholdt. Nrh.. nd I
Mrs. Minnie M. Akers of this city, wers
SAKE pl'
church, performing the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper left for a month's trip to
Colorado, after which they will go to Hum- ;
boldt to make their home, and where Mr.
Cooper Is engaged In the grain and live
ttock business.
Artificial Ere.
$1,000 worth on display In our east win
flow. We make a speclaly of fitting them.
Pr. W. W. Magarell, optometrist, 10 Pearl
Ofllce Kpace tor Rent.
Only half block from Broadway, oppo
site Nebraska Telephone, building. . Heat
and light furnished. Omaha Bee office, 15
cott street,
City Scavengers
Horses and cattle hau'ed free of cha g
Uarhage, asnes, manure and all rub
bish; clean vaults and ceaspool. All
work don la guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended to.
U A. Phone 1129 Y Pell Red till
Union Paelsto.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 8:68 am a M0 pm
The China and Japan
Fast Mall a 3:60 pm a 5:00 pm
Colo. & Calif. Ex a 3:60 pm a 9:30 am
California & Oro. Ex, ..a 4:00 pm a 6:60 pm
Colorado Special all :65 pm a 6:60 am
North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 8:16 pm
-I'"''" UB U,l"n!
Chicago Daylight a 7:05 am atl:S4 pm
St. Paul-M'apolla Exp.. a 7:50 am al0:00 pm
Chicago Local a! 1:30 am a 3.28 pm
Sioux City Passenger... a 7:G0 am 1 1:!8 pm
'V.I.. . nKA-.nA k .-OA A A. OA I
v 'in c B " wtrim-, u i.ou um m v.ou Mill ,
Chicago Special a :00 pm a S0 am I
Et. paul-M'polls l,mm..a :3 pra a 7:40 am:
Los Angeles Limited. ...a :30 pm al2:DR pm
FMtr,MallUralte1 aW;MPra 2 S3 I'm j
fiimix ritv lLocai. "... 'a i M nm t m m I
fSS-ffl Yimui .i o.'m J ? '
Twin City Limited a pm a 7:06 am
Overlan J Limited a 8:38 pm a 8:81 am ,
Morront-Monesteei a t:u am aio:ss am
Lincoln-Chadron b 7:40 am al0: am
feadwood-I.lncoln a 8:oo pm a 5:06 pm i
1-00 rtm a fi'Ofi nm '
Los Angel Limited..
St. Louis Exnress
,b 8:00 pm b 8:08 pm
b (:02 pm bl5:60 pm
.a 8:60 pm al2:36 pm
a 8:30 pm a 8:80 am
Et. Louis Local (from
Councll Blurts) a 8:30 am all:18pm
Etanberry Ixcal (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pmhl0:15 am
Caxlcaaro, Rock Island A Pnclflo.
Chicago Limited a :45 am all: SO pr
towa locai
J SSam pm 1
.a 4:00 pm a in : jo pro i
Des Moines Faaa .a 4:00 pm aU:30 pm
Iowa Local all:40 am b 8:66 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.). a 4:60 pm a 1:26 pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:00 pm a 8:36 am
Rocky Mounted. Lrr!td..s!!-40 pm a I:3S am
Colo. A Cal. Express. ..a 1:38 pm a 4:40 pm
Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 1:46 pm
Uncnln A Falrhury ass.a 8:48 amau):U am
Missouri Paveifla.
K. C. A St. L. Exp a 00 am a 8:68 am
K. C. A Bt. L- Exp all 15 pm a 6:36. pm
Nebraaka I .oral a 2:00 pm all:40 am
tblcaaa, Milwaukee at. Pnul.
Chi. A Colo. Special... 7:02 am U:46 pm
l aiir. c uregon cxp... o:m pm
Overland Limited 8:58 pm
Chicago Great Western.
J:26 pm
8:37 am
PC Paul A Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm
7:10 am
11:50 pm
:00 am
11:60 pin
3:80 pm
Bt. Paul A Minneapolis.
Chicago Limited
Chicago ICxpreaa
Chicago Express
J 4i am
6:40 pin
7:46 am
8:30 pm
Illinois Central. '
Chicago Express a T:20 am a 8:48 pm
Minn. & Bt. Paul Exp...b 7:20 am a 8:68 pm
. Chicago Limited a 8:U0 pm a 8 34 am
Minn. -A St. Paul Lnitd.a 8 30 pm a 8 30 am
Leave. Arrlv.
Penver A California. ...a 4:10 pm 4:10 pra
Northwest 6pecial ..a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pin
black HUls a 410 pro a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express a 8:30 pm a 8:46 am
Nebraska points a 6:00 am a 4:10 p.n
Nebraska Express a 8.06 am a 610 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:45 pm al2:i'l pm
Lincoln Local a 8:06 am
Lincoln Local
Loulavtlle A laitam'th.b 3:10 pm
Pellvvue-Pla'tmcvta ..a um
a 7:45 am'
b 1 :3S pro '
a :4i am
all:46 pm I
Istlsniouth-low a ......U810 am
fcrllavue-Plat Umuum ..
irnvsr Limited all 56 pm
hlcago Bpooial a 7:0 am
lilcago Kxprsas a 4:30 pm a I X pm
hW-ago Flyer. a 8:30 pra a 8 30 a:n
vta Local a 816 am an a n
fct. Louis Express. a 4:46 pra all:30anr
Kansas ''ity A tit. Joe..al0 46 pin a 6:3u air.
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 6:16 am 6:10 pia
Kansas City A 81 Jo.. a 4:46 piu
Chicago, at. Pnul, . Minneapolis A
Leave. -, Arrlv.
Twin Ciy Passenger. ..b S6 am b 8:10 pra
Sioux City Paaaenger... 1:00 pm ell 'JO m
Kmeiaon IJvai
,.b 6:48 pm b 6:10 am
lAneraon Local
.o 8:46 am e 6:60 pia
HUwarl Pad.
Local via (V.ecplng
rails City Local
.a 8 08 am a 6:30 pra
. 8:60. pm all:) aia
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
soept Saturday O huoday wlf. I telly
aa6 Hondas
St. Tel. 48.
R. 0. Sterens Under Arrest, Charged
With the Crime.
Maintains Ills Innocence and Inatsta
lie Can Praf It Mad on Cloth
Inn; Lead to Arrest of
the Accused.
R. O. Stevens, a linotype machinist, was
arrested after midnight Monday by the
police, charged with attempting to crim
inally assault Christina Christ Inson, the
ll-y?ar-old daughter of C. J. Chrlstensen,
168 Ridge street. Stevens was positively
Identified by the little girl as her assail
ant and was held under 11,000 bond for his
preliminary hearing, which has been set
for thla morning.
The little girl was on her way borne with
a pall of milk about 8:30 o'clock Monday
evening and had reached the Intersection
of Oak street and Broadway when aha no
ticed a man leaning against a fence ahead
of her. Being of a nervous temperament
tho child stepped out into the street to
avoid passing the man. As she did so the
fellow followed her. Little Christina
started to run but the man soon overtook
her and seized her In his arms. To pre
vent her crying out the fellow placed his
hand over the child's mouth. Picking her
up In his arms the fellow carried her to
wards Indian creek, the bank of which he
descended and waded throush the mud and
water up to his waist. Each time the
child attempted to acream, the fellow
pressed his hand on her throat until sh
For half an hour, according to the child's
story, the fellow carried or dragged her
from place to place along the creek banka
until both were covered with mud. On
crossing the creek, the brute made the
child take off her shoes and stockings
while he started to remove part of her
A. her captor stooped to
P'rlc up something h had dropped, th
child seized the opportunity to clamber up
(h(1 v.nk and make h.r ..-... Reaching
Broadway she ran to a nearby house, but
before she could arouse the occupants she
noticed the fellow coming after her again.
She eucceeded In reaching the realdence of
Chris Jacobsen. where she ran screaming
to the back door. Mrs. Jacobsen heard th
child and opening the door caught her Just
as she was about to fall In a swoon from
By the time the police were notified and
the neighborhood aroused, the little girl's
assailant had made his escape.
Stevens Call at Station.
Stevens, the man under arrest, had been
In the habit of dropping Into the city
Jail at lunch time at night to visit Jailer
Sloano. Monday night about 10:30 o'clock
he appeared at tho city Jail with his
clothes plastered with mud to the waist.
In explanation of his condition Stevens
staged he had been drinking too much and
hod fallen down the bank of the creek
somewhere but exactly where he did not
know. Jailer Sloan remarked that "they
were looking for a man supposed to b
covered with mud who had attempted to
assault a llttl girt. ,
"I guess you arn't after me," aid Stev
ens, as he atarted away from th Jail with
tho remark that he thought ; h had best
go home and to bed. Hearing from Jailer
Sloano of Stevens' condition. Detective Weir
went to No. 537 Fifth avenue, where Stev
ens rooms, and plaoed him under arrest.
Weir made Stevens put on tha wet and
mud covered clothes and then took him
to police headquarters, where shortly af-
tor ne was positively Identified by th
little a-lrl as her assailant. As she rec-
little girl as her assailant.
ognlsed the man the child became so
frightened that she would have fallen had
not her father caught her.
Stevens denied that he had had any-
- , , , a . , , .
thing to do with the child and claimed
not remember anvthlng of '
that he did
.v.. i i aviahV Mi.nflAv eve. I
nine. had been drlaklng heavily
riurinr th efterrmon and earlier part of
thB evening. In telling her story to the
,, . ,,, , .. . , . .
P lule Christina stated she smelt
llauor on tne man s Dream
Btevens Is employed as night linotype
..... , ,K
macninisi in ino tuiuifunniB iwm v.,
New Nonpareil company, but Monday
was his night off. He came to Council
Bluffs, May 8 from St. Louis. He has
a number of acquaintances among the
prlntera of the city who are loath to be-
nevo htm guilty of the offense charged.
Btevens was arralgnod before Judge
Snyder In police court yesterday morning
and tha hearing set for thla morning, to
aive the state time to prepare its caae.
Counsel for Stevens declared they were
.... . . . , . 4 . . ,
Willing to go to inai at one u mcy wuom
be able to disprove the charge against
the prisoner. The llttl girl's shoes and
atocklngs were found on th bank of th
oreek at th place where she said her
captor compelled her to remove them.
C. J. Chrlstensen, th father of th
little girl, was formerly member of the i
police department, having served as Jailer
and also patrol driver. When the report
of the attempted assault became known a
number of men searched th creek, armed
with shot guns and had the child's as
sailant been caught. It Is likely summary
Justice would have been tneted out to him.
The police secured last evening additional
evidence against Stevens. Several persons
who had seen him In the vicinity of where
the assault on the little Chrlstensen girl i
was attempted, called at the city Jail and
Identified Btevens as the man they had
seen and with whom some of them had
Attention! One E. Z. dust pan free to
very lady customer' at 103 South Main
street, tha house furnishing store. D. W.
Be office removed to 16 Scott atreet, op
posite Nebraaka Telephone building.
Marriage Licensee.
Licenses to wed were Issued vesterdAV
! th wlng:
Name and residence.
O. A. Cooper, Humboldt, Neb
Minnie M. Akers, Council BlufTs
Wnltrr E. Baker. Omaha
Sadl A. Zoller. Council Bluffs
... 54
T. II Smith. Lincoln, Neb
Nellie Blanche Smith, Lincoln, Neb..
Ic cream flavored with pure vanilla,
something that will please you. Purity
Candy Kitchen, 644 Broadway.
Buy th Jewel gaa or gasolln stoves.
They ar the safest. Petersen A Bchoenlng.
Off for Firemen's Tournament.
Mambers Sargent and. Zurmuehlen of th
Boar of Fir and Folic Commissioners
went to Sioux City last evening to attend
the Ioa Stat Firemen's tournament, They
wer ao-ompanied by Fred Johnson, chief
clerk at Oi postofflce, who Is enjoying hi
annual vsVatlon. Messrs. Sargent and Zur
muehlen tok with them two handaom
floral eellara praaanUd by Herman Broth
ra, the florla a, wtifch th Bluffs charru,oa,
team. Jack and Jim, will wear In the parade
at tha tournament today.
Fetersen A 8choenlng sell matting.
Bee our sliding settee for porch or lawn.
Special offers. Petersen & Schoenlng.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to Th Bee
June 18 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Emma Leulalnger to I,eonard D. Ieut
singrr, west 45 feet of lot 17, In block
15. Mill Add. to Council Bluffs.
Iowa, w. d $ 3.500
Ida A. Wlneland. et al.. to Christiana
Bunge. lot 10 and south of lot 11,
In block 3R. In the town of Avoca.
Iowa, w. d
Susan A. Waterbury, et al., to N. B.
Whltsltt, lot 14, In block 2. In the
town of Avoca, Iowa, w. d
John Hutchlnas and wife- to Wm. J.
O'Nell, north Vi of lot 1, In block
2, in Ktihank's Second Add. to Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa, w. d
Fred L. Bnrton to Miss Frankle
O' Harold, lot 8, In blnck 8, In Beer's
subdivision of Council Bluffs, Iowa,
w. d
Annie Swanson and husband to Ella
Adams, lots 9 and 10. In block 143. In
O. P. of Crescent Oily. Iowa, w. d...
L. A. Casper and wife to Percy Ellis, '
lot 7, In blnck 32, In Mullln's subdi
vision to Council Bluffs. Iowa, w. d.
Charles T. Officer and wife to Waltpr '
NIcolalsen, lots 11 and 12, In block 16,
In Highland Place, an addition to
Council Bluffs, Iowa, w. d
Isaao Olllnsky and wife to W. Jardine
Jr., west H of lot 4. In block 9. of
Everett's Add. to Council Bluffs,
Iowa, w. d
Iowa Townslte Oo. to Nicholas
Yochum, lot 14, In block 6, town of
Bent ley, Iowa, w. d
Samuel R. Curtis, et al.. to John W.
Blevers, lots 8. 9 and 10 and south H
of lot 11, In block 3 of the town of
Avoca, Iowa, q. c. d 1
11 transfers, total $10,928
W. W. Dlckerson, 832 West Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la., doe all kinds of fine
watch repairing.
Upholster In a;.
George W. Kline, 19 So. Main street
Phones Ind. 710. black. Bell 548.
Matters In District Conrt.
Judge Wheeler of the district court yes
terday denied the petition of the defend
ants to have the liquor Injunction pro
ceedings brought by C. W. Atwood, O. H.
Scott and other directors of the Council
Bluffs Fish and Game Protective associa
tion against tha Interstate Amusement com
pany, the street railway company and th
Lake Manawa management transferred to
the United States court.
Counsel for the defense admitted that if
the action waa merely to enforce the po
lice regulations of the state the jurisdiction
was In tho district court, but the petitioners
had raised another point by alleging that
the Interstate Amusement company was
formed within the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway company as a means by
which the street railway company could
avoid liability; that this inner corporation
was a fraud, and counsel contended that
this was a cause of action to be determined
in the United States court, as the atreet
railway company waa a nonresident cor
poration. Judge Wheeler took the position that the
allegations referred to by counsel for the
defense should not enter into the case
apd that It did not change the action so
far as the Jurisdiction of his court waa
The hearing on the application of the
petitioners for a temporary Injunction re
straining the sale of liquor within the en
closure at the lake was continued until
Thursday at the request of counsel for the
defendants. . .
New Pletnre MoaJdlugs.
We are Just in receipt of another large
shipment of the much-wanted rosewood,
walnut and mahogany mouldings fash
ion's favorites. Come In and let us have
th pleasure of showing them to you. C.
B. Alexander, 833 Broadway.
SnectaU fmii,
On carpets, rugs, linoleum, oilcloth and
matting, window shades and lace curtains.
D. W. Keller, 108 South Main street.
Trouble Over House Movlnar.
It has developed that there was a hitch
In the settlement of the controversy be-
tween J- Hollenbeck, the house mover,
an1 the telephone companies as to the re-
"val of wires and cable, to permit Hol-
lenbeck to remove part of the old Woman's
Christian association hospital at Sixth avo-
nue and Ninth street. Yesterday City
Solicitor Kimball, acting under the lnstruo-
ttons of the city council, brought man
dam us proceedings In the district court to
compel Hollenbeck to remove the house oft
the street and the Independent and
Nebraska Telephone companies to tempo
rarily remove their cables and wires to
permit him to do ao.
After citing the fact that the ordinances
granting the two telephone companies their
franchises requires that they remove their
cables, wires and posts when necessary to
permit the moving of buildings, etc., upon
twenty-four hours' notice, the petition asks
the court to order Hollenbeck to remove
the building off the public streets and to
determine the direction of the route which
it shall be necessary to move the house
over; to Issue an order of mandamus re
quiring the telephone companies to remove
their wires and cables along the line of
the route found necessary by the court.
also to determine at whose cost the
removal aald wires and cables shall be
don. I
Shell Bark Hickory.
In stov wood length, 8160 a rick. Brlden
teln A Smith. 1401 S. 6th. Both -phonea 1S2.
School for Deaf Commencement. (
Th annual commencement exercises of i
the Iowa School for the Deaf will be held
Thursday afternoon, June 27. at the In-
atltutlon. The preliminary announcements j
give the following as the program:
Invocation. Rev. Marcus P. McClure.
Salutatory and assay, "King Corn,"
Laura Manning. ',
School work (oral), beginning class; Leora ,
Carver, teacher.
iilitivM Rev. James O'Mav.
Exercise' In dactylology, pupils of second
end third grades; Miss Margaret H. Wat
kins, teacher.
Pantomime, "Gathering and Eating
Fruit," Madeline Little; Clara L. Ftnlay.
Essay, "Irrigation," Ralph Edmond Car
penter. Fonool work (oral), first grade pupils: Jo
sephine Benett, teacher.
Sla-n song. "America." ninth grade pupils.
Address. John W. Jones. M. A., superin
tendent Ohio School for the Deaf.
Class poem, graduating class.
Essay and valedictory. "Small Begin
nings." Hubert Beck West.
Address and presentation of diplomas,
member of State Board of Control.
8. M. Williamson, btcyciea. sewing ma
chines, Edison phonographs, records. Re
pairing machines and btcyciea a specialty.
17 South Main street. Council Bluffs, Ia.
Green's Wife Relents.
Bert N. Qreen, the "feather renovator
man," who was rearrested Monday even
ing on a charge preferred by hla wife after
hla friends had put up a cash bond for tJ")
for hla release on the charge of fraud In
connection with the feather renovating dual,
obtained hla liberty yesterday morning.
Ills wtf called ha see Oraen at the county
Jail and after talking matter over,
j hastened with ha three small ohlldxen to
the court of Justice Greene, whero she
dismissed the complaint charging him with
Illicit relations with another woman.
Yesterday morning Sheriff Canning was
notified by telephone that Oreen was wanted
at Rovkport. Mo., for selling liquor con
trary to law and 'Skipping a 11.000 bond.
The authorities have also learned that
Qreen Is wanted In Nebraska for Jumping
board bill. He will be tried here on the
fraud charge first, providing he does not
forfeit the S2no cash bond before the au
thorities will surrender him to any other
On refrigerators Icicle, Bowen and North
em Light. Oo-earts, 12 and up. D. W. Kel
ler, 103 South Main street.
PRIETORS. B. O. Tucker Drowned.
Word was received yesterday of the death
by drowning at Neosho, Mo., of B. O.
Tucker, a former well known photographer
of this city. Word of Mr. Tucker's death
was contained In a telegram to Frank El
gan, with the Nebraska Telephone com
pany, from O. W. Stlgleman, formerly of
this city, and also a photographer. Th
telegram gave no particulars, merely stat
ing "B. O. Tucker drowned at Neosho, Mo.,
Sunday." Mr. Tucker, after disposing of
his two galleries In this city, went to Ne
osho last summer, where he bought a fruit
farm. He was a member of tha Council
Bluffs lodge of Elks. Concordia lodge of
Knights of Pythlns of this city, and was
at one time a member of the local tent.
Knights of the Maccabees and local camp
of the Woodmen of the World.
Moore Dlee of Injuries.
, Earl R. Moore, the young man who waa
brought to Mercy hospital Monday after
norm suffering from a fractured skull, the
result of being struck by the beam of a
crane on which he was working on the
Wabash grade, near Mtneela, succumbed
yesterday morning to his Injuries. He wa
17 years of age, and the son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Moore of Laclede, Mo., who
arrived In the city yesterday and took tha
body home with them last evening.
N. 1 Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, t, 698.
Lawn mowers and refrigerators at Peter
sen St Schoenlng.
Preparing for Street Pair.
The Street Fair and Carnival company la
actively preparing for the big show the
first week In September. This year's car
nival Is to be known as the "Good Roads
Pair," and Tuesday, the second day of
the carnival, will , be known as "Good
Roads" day. The management hopes to
secure Secretary of Agriculture Wilson aa
the principal speaker on that day. A
number of applications for booths have
already been received, and It la the Inten
tion of the management to make this
year's street fair and carnival th great
est and grandest of all.
My beautiful home. No. 109 Park avenue,
is for sale. Inqulr on premises Tuesday
and Thursday. W. Runyan.
Johnson In Trouble Again.
George Johnson, who served sixty days
recently in the county Jail for obtaining
money, board and lodging, eto., from Land
lord Dobson of th Metropolitan hotel on
fraudulent pretenses,. Is In trouble again.
Last week he called upon Al Clark, the
loan broker,' ail 'WecOred '15 on bay
horse' and rubber' tired buggy which he
claimed to own. Monday h returned and
asked for a further loan of $18. Investi
gation by Mr. Clark led to the filing of
a co.nplalnt against Johnson in the court
of Justice Green. Johnson was arrested
yesterday afternoon In Omaha. The horse
and buggy is said to be the property of
the Palace livery stables In Omaha.
Our wagons are all over town; stop one
when you want Ice. The Council Bluffs
Coal and Ice company.
Burglar ArresteA nt Work.
BOONE!, Ia., June 19. (Special Telegram.)
Numerous robberies were committed here
yesterday. Last night a man, giving his
name aa "Billy" Williams, was arrested
as he was leaving a house through a win
dow. Iowa. News Notes.
CRE9TON The Union countv normal
opened at the high school building Mon
day morning with an enrollment ol aoout
one hundred and fifty, and will contlnuo
during the coming week. President Sliel
ton of Simpson College will lecture be
fore the Institute each day, and a corps
of fine Instructors are In charge of the
CRESTON The district convention of
the Epworth league opened In this city
today with several hundred delegates from
all over southwestern Iowa present. It
will continue for two days, during which
time the regular work of the convention
will be attended to, and a number of In
teresting addresses. In addition, given by
prominent speakers and lecturers of the
MOf'NT VERNON Joy and enthusiasm
at Cornell knew no bounds. For some
years a troublesome debt has been growing,
which originated with the purchase of Ash
rark for sthletlc purposes, and of the
Godell farm, which waa purchased to en
large the campus. The debt has been
added to by current expenses. Including the
remodeling of the Science hall a year ago,
until It had reached the sum of 124,0C1.
The trustees at their meeting of 1906 re
solved that this debt must be wined out.
Subscriptions began to be received and at
10 o'clock Saturday evening the last dollar
of the debt hd been subscribed.
CRESTON Where Is Harry Robinson?
Is a mystery which Is perplexing friends
and relatives of the boy, and nearly eras
ing his parents. He Is a fourteen-year-old
boy who lived several miles north of this
city, on the farm of his parents, and
until recently seemed contented and happv
and has never had any reason to be
otherwise, as he h had a aoort home and
a grnd many privilegea. On the evenlnr
of Mav 80th he vanished and nothing more
has been seen or heard of him. although
every effort has been made to trace him.
The only clue that his parenta have to rn
on. Is the statements made by several of
his rrienris to whom b had confided en
ambition to go west and be a cow-puncher
or a miner.
VILLISCA Early yesterday Messrs. Red
mond. Arnett and Clark started In a
touring car from Chicago, a waarer having
been made that they could reach Denver
In ten dnvs. Surrlsv while going up a
hill near Robert Hvde's, six m'les south
m of V'lltsra. a part of the tire flew off
striking Mr. Arnett on the forehead, mak
ing a K-ah whlcn reoolred the aid ft a
eurreon to fix. They then went on s"'t
one mile when one tire burst, ratis'n them
to hv off rna'". Vfe Oek Crenn
were nnt iMr to furnish a wheel, so thev
ont to Des Mtn-s for one. wh'ch car"
Mrnlav mnr"lnr e4 afr a nlrhf nv
thrt,. n-re n1i! nroreed to Cornell Rbn
wb-re thev w'll eton for a hnroib ver
lrrtVnv and trpnlrlng of their machine.
SlOl'X CITV Reports of flood damage
are coming In from various directions.
Northeastern Nebraska sterns to have suf
fered most. The Omaha railroad lost half
a mile of track In I'onca and 150 feet be
tween Ponta and Newcastle. The town of
ponca was flooded within thirty minutes'
time. South and Aoway creeks spread out
ovi-r s mile wide, delving more than fifty
families from the lower town to the high,
where other families card for them. Three
miles from Ponca the Walheck school house
floated ten rods and then unset against
some trees. It Is one of the largest rural
schools In the county. Bridges ar out
everywhere and telephone connections Is
obstructed. Considerable live stock has
befn drowned In the stock yards here. Re
ports of high water In the upper Floyd
are agitating the people In the bottoms In
Sioux City, where in 1! twenty-flv per
sons were drowned. Th Big Sioux river
wss over Its banks befor th tremendous
downpour of yeeterday and eastern South
Dakota la being Ufiaa4 aorknialy by tb
ise fiLlEFJ! FOOT
' Viio
i?XvV '
"In Pinch,
Um Allen's Foot-Ens,"
What the
Th distinguished Engllih
AA?a invreairnis Pnneoie lor
nvredirnta mitie lor
r "1 a .J
Impalpable, with a llppery. velrety feeling to th tonch. It, moreover, contain an aetlteptle.
of testlmonlala In farour of thla
U to other iihyslclans. By Its
Fold Viy all Pruarrfsts everywhere for 25 cents. For FREE Trial ratftaae. also Free Remrile of tha
City Stirred Up Over Election to
Change Plan of Government.
Congressman Hull Going Out Over His
District Looking Over Political
Fences Primary Law
Make It Necessary.
(From a Staff. Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. June 19. (Special.) Tills
city Is In a state bordering on hysteria be
cause of the election to take place Thurs
day on the question of the adoption of a
commission (form of government to super
sede the executtve-legislatlve-Judlclal form.
Every effort has been made by all Inter
est to fight the question to a finish. The
opponents of the plan have money gotten
from some aource with which thoy are
fighting the Idea. The proponents of the
commission plan have plenty of money, for
the business Interests of the city generally
are for the plan and they have shelled out
liberally. An assessment of 85 was made
on each of the committee of 800 which Is
conducting the campaign for the bill. This
raised 81.600 which, however, does not begin
to pay the expenses. Business men, many
of them, have given 8100 donations and
many even larger amounts. No general or
state election has excited greater Interest
In De Moines than haa this election.
Following the efforts of Alderman Ham
ery yesterday to prove that the city coun
cil waa attempting to steal the election and
defeat the plan by" manipulation of th
registration books there are complaints to
day that the city clerk has refused or
failed to deliver to the election Judges all
th books and supplies belonging to them.
It is claimed that the poll book for the
third precinct of the Fourth ward is miss
ing entirely and there are allegations that
it has been stolen by the opponents of the
commission plan. Today the Civic League
met and voted a reward of 8600 for the ar
rest and conviction of persons guilty of
election frauds and the committee of 800
covered it with a reward of the same
amount for the same purpose.
Congressman Hull has thus far refused
to openly declare his stand in the matter
and maintains that it Is not necessary for
him to take a stand as his Interests are not
Involved. However, by maneuvers of the
business men who are advocating the
change he has been placed In the attitude
of opposing the commission plan. Con
gressman Hull today Issued a statement
through the Dally Capital to the effect that
he did not consider It as his place to at
tempt to Influence the election by stating
his position in the matter.
Suit Over Hotel Bill.
City Clerk Poorman today sent a circular
letter to the clerks and Judges of election
ordering them to make the corrections In
the registration books, the letter being sent
on the order of the city council. Not con
tent with this the Civic League, through
Its president, I. B. Tone, brought a manda
mua proceeding In the district court to se
cure an order compelling the city officials
to correct th lists. The proceedings were
held at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Klnsr Edward's Horses.
Horses raised by King Edward will be
exhibited this year at the. Iowa state fair.
The horses were brought over lsst year and
were shown at the exhibitions at Toronto
and at the International. They were bough
by Robert Burgess of Winona, Illinois, and
will be shown this year at the state fair.
They are shire horses. There will also be
shown the flne string of hackneys which
hav captured so many prlzea at the New
York exhibitions. They are owned now by
Fred Pabst.
Sunday School Management.
At the convention of the Christian Church
of Iowa here It Is decided to change th
management of the state Sunday school
work. The position of state secretary will
be abolished and the work will be looked
after by the several evangelists who will
be kept lh th field. Thla will mean con
siderable of a change In the methods.
The personal friend and business asso
ciate of John W. Gates was arrested in
this city and spent last night In the city
Jail on the charge of beating a hotel keeper.
Tha man arrested Is F. Vincent Lewis of
Chicago, promoter of a 8100,000 denatured al
coholic plant. He waa arrested on com
plaint of the Savery hotel and spent tha
night with drunks and bums. This morn
ing he furnished bond and wired to ex
Scnator Wm. Mason and Attorney Charles
E. Burroughs of Chicago. He will, he says,
start suit against the Savery. He claims
that h offered a check for 8M0 In payment
for his bosrd bill of f3l but the clerk
threatened to hold th check till morning
nd lie withdrew It.
RoimloBf In Gum.
H. R. Wright, state food and dairy com
missioner, hss discovered that a low grade
of soapstonc Is being used as an adulterant
In chewing gum. While not attempting to
pasa upon the ethics and propriety of gum
chewing aa either a pastime or an occupa
tion, the commissioner will Insist that the
manufacturers make It pure or label It.
Hull to 1 1slt Seventh.
As soon aa the election on the commission
plan of government Is held In this city Con
gressman J. A. T. Hull will take a trip
over the Seventh congressional district.
Heretofore It lias not always been neceiiary
for congressmen to look after the vhole
of their districts. In the Seventh, par
ticularly. If th congressman could carry
Polk and on other county h had a' ma
jority of th delegates In the convention.
Hereafter, unUr th primary election law.
A powder to be shaken into the shoe. Your feet feel swollen,
nervous, hot and get tirod easily. If you have aching, smarting
feet, try Alien s Foot-Ease. It rests the feet and makes new or
tight shoes easy ; always use it to Break in New Shoes. It cures
swollen, hot, sweating feet, blisters, ingrowing nails and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives Beet
and Comfort We have over thirty thounand testimonials. Try
it tO'day. Sold by all Druggists everywhere 25 cents. Don't
accept any substitute for Allen's Foot-Ease. Trial package
FREE.1 Addreas, Allen S. Olmsted, Le ltoy, N. Y. European
Branch Office, Peterborough, England.
W ARlIWaT' ucce8a brings imitations. Scores of
w W mfkll m.V XM worthless imitations are sometimes
offered for sale. Insist upon having Allen's Foot-Ease, The
Original powder for the feet Twelve years before the public
Annual sales over two million packages. Do not accept
spurious substitutes claimed to be "just as good." .
IGmomDeri Allen's Foot-Ease is sold only in 25 cent packages
bearing yellow label with our trade mark and facsimile signature
iou tan wear smaller
"OniB flte Seeing yonr advertisement In a magaslne. I bought a package of ALt.lPfS
FOOT-EASR. Am qiiite fleshy and heavy oo my feet, and no one can telilinw I stiflrred.
When I tel I yoo that I wear a No. I shoe, and waa compelled to get a No. 6 houiw shoe
and even then cotiiri hard!, set them on in th morning, yon will not wonder that I anflVred.
Since ning ALLEN'S FOOT-R A 8 B I have been able to pnt on the N. Rahoea in the morn
ing, and the pain haa al I ceaaed, I (hall nae more ALI.KNH rOOT-KASK, but feel thit my
feet are cared. Words cannot express my thank to yoo." Mrs. M.J. Lewis, Marion. Miss.
London Lancet says about Allen's
medical authority, th Lend on Uvat, aara:
treatine the leet. i n nowtler IS
ironiuig unin iu
wder Is well adapttd for th
nowder." tt hu wnn Its w.v intn thnnuA r hnmaa.
gennlns merit 1 1 has become a standard remedy In the treatment of Nervous dlaorders.
Not Accent An Subttltut lor ALLEN'S F00T-EA8E.
OOBN-PAD, a new Invention, address Allen
It Is necessary to get more votes of the
people than any one else, and at least 86
per cent of the total cast. Vnder this plan
It become necessary for congressmen to
travel everywhere In their districts to look
up votes and repair fences. During the
summer this may be expected of the con
gressmen In every district In the state.
Mrs. I. add In Sioux City.
Mrs. Scott M. Ladd was not arrested
today as expected because she is in Bloux
City, for which place ahe left some time
yesterday. She is wanted for disturbing
the peace In connection with the religious
meetings held in the south part of the
Week's Commencement Festivities
Are Held With Due Ceremony. '
TABOR, Ia., June 19. (Speclal.)-The Ta
bor college Jubilee haa opened with a fair
attendance. The senior class gave some
amusing stunts, and an excellent farewell
address waa given by Miss Steven at
Adams hall Saturday evening. The other
classes also were largely and loudly In
evidence, the freshmen exploding a fine
exhibit of fireworks.
Sunday President Ellis delivered the bac
calaureate address to a full house, man'
old friends and alumni of the college being
present. Prof. Walter Wright of Olivet
college, Michigan, gave a missionary ad
dress Sunday evening. Monday afternoon
the lnterclass oratorical contest was held.
Royal Barnes of the Junior class winning
the 823 Harris prise as the best orator. He
will represent the college at the state con
test. Willard Wyant of the freshmen class
was second. Miss Myrtle of the sophomore
class secured the 810 prise in her class and
Mtss Bessie Wlnchell the Junior class prise
of 810.
Monday evening a large audience assem
bled on the campus to witness Shakes
peare's "Midsummer Night' Dream," as
rendered by the Phi Kappa Literary so
ciety. Today was historical day, with flag rais
ing and other Interesting events. The reg
ular college trustees' meeting waa held
Litigation Over Assessments.
LOOAN, Ia., June 19. (Special.) Papers
have been filed with the clerk of the Har
rison county district court by which the
Incorporated town of Logan and W. H.
Johnson, mayor, bring suit against A. B.
Hosbrook, Jonathan Holeton and M. Mur
ray, members of the Board of Supervisors
of Harrison county, and O. W. Atkins,
auditor, calling into question a resolution
passed by them on May 18 in whloh they
struck from the assessment books of Lo
gan the moneya and credits of William
Brayton in tho sum of 68.140 on account
of a double assessment. The plaintiffs
claim that Brayton appeared before the
town council while that body was sitting
aa a board of equalisation and that his
plea to have his assessment stricken from
the books waa turned down at that time.
They also claim that the twenty days pro
vided by law for an appeal to the county
board had elapsed. James' Robinson of
Magnolia sues Louis Freymuller, assessor,
and U. W. Atklna, auditor, the grievance
being that tha assessor for Magnolia town
ship assessed his real estate at 87.024 and
bis personal" property at I1C4 and then added
100 per cent on account of Robinson' hav
ing refused to list said property with him
as required by law.
Bee Want Ads always bring result.
A Strong Tonic
A Body Builder
A Blood Purifier
A Grett Alterative
At f A Doctor's Medici
lcohol w.8.4.:.1!1
A Doctor's
inois Central Railroad
The low rate excursion tickets on gale account of the Jamestown
Exposition afford stopovers at nearly all points east of Chicago,
Lake steamer trips; also St. Lawrence and Hudson river trips In
cluded. Direct connections in Chicago with trains of all lines.
- Rates, tickets and detailed Information at City Ticket Office,
1402 Fdrnam St.. or write
Samuol North
District PsMaenfer Agent, Omaha, Neb.
aisrioeea In ALt.FVS FOOT.
purpona Intended alnce It Is tcr snd
wm sbys rereirva um
hi ana rthvalrlan rernmmendui
S. Olrested, Le Roy, N. K.
Probability Woman's Fate Will lie la
Hands of Jury Thla
FLANDREATJ, 8. D., June 19. (Spe
cial.) The summing up arguments In th
Kaufmann murder case had not been
concluded this evening when court took
an adjournment until 9 o'clock Wednes
day morning. Oeorge Rice of counsel for
the defense followed States' Attorney
Orr of Minnehaha county, and State's At
torney Blcwltt o Moody county for tha
state had not concluded when court ad
journed for the day and will complete hi
remarks tomorrow morning. It Is under
stood he wU be followed by Judge Frank
Alkens for the defense and that Qoorgo
B. Egan will then make the closing argu
ment for the state. It la thought It will
be well toward evening tomorrow before
the arguments are concluded, tho chargo
of Judge Smith made to the Jury and tho
case finally turned over to the Jury for
action by that body. There 1 a possibil
ity that the case may reach the Jury nc
8 or 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, but
this now appears somewhat doubtful, but
that it will be turned over to the Jury
by the close of the afternoon session 1
reasonably certain.
Throughout the afternoon session hun
dreds of people crowded their way into
the court room for the purpose of listen
ing to the arguments. Those making th
summing-up arguments ore going over th
testimony very thoroughly and ar bit
terly attacking the testimony of the prin
cipal witnesses, especially the star wit
nesses on each side represented by Peter
Erlckson for the state and Dr. W. A. Ger
main for the defenae. Oeoraa Rica for
th defenae. In hi argument tbl after-,
noon, minutely pointed out the Incon
sistencies In tha testimony of Erlckson)
as offered at tha preliminary examination
ft Mrs TTniifmftnn a. VMr in A.nr1 oa
given by him at th trial of .the case.
Attorney Blewltt in his argument for
th stat somewhat bitterly assailed th
testimony of Dr. Germain, the object of
each side being to weaken, if possible, with
the Jury, the effect of the testimony given
by the star witnesses on each side of this
now famous caae.
Extraordinary precautions are being;
taken with the Jury. Under the instruc
tions of Judge Smith they are not per
mitted to even discuss the case among
themselves pending the turning of tha
case over to them for final adjustment.
The strain has been a severe on on th
Jury, a the member have, since th com
mencement of the trial, virtually been
prisoners but the health of the Jurymen
is being protected ao far a possible by
the officers In charge of them, giving then
exercise by walks about th town in a
body, during which they are constantly
under th eys and in charge of bailiff
who do not permit anyone to even ex
change the usual civilities with th Jury
Fred fchroeder Killed by Fall froaa
Machine Driven by J. J.
Hill's Son.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. June 19 While riding;
in an automobile driven by Walter Hill, eon
of James J. Hill, Fred Schroeder, a livery
man, was killed this evening by falling out
of the machine, the wheels of which ran
over his head. It Is thought Schroeder
was attacked with apoplexy.
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
Without Alcohol
T. O. AyarC.,
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